1 minute read
Oh, How the Guardian Fell Tyler
Oh, how the Guardian fell.
Oh, how fate workers law waste to the sanctuary. Praise be the Guardian that was, Remain silent for the Beast it became. Watch it bare its teeth as it screeches at the stars around.
Gaze upon its gilded eye as it surveys the ponds and galaxies.
Oh, how the Guardian fell. Oh, how zeal enchains the once sacred Beast.
Remain silent for the joy it once had, Bow down to the chaos in its wake.
Behind its eye is a crimson ring, Atop the ring is its silver crown.
Oh, how madness reigns in these resting grounds, sanity uninvited.
Oh, how the Guardian fell, encaged by the dead’s ambitions.
Oh, how sad it is that its dreamers waste away.
Oh, how sad it is that nowhere else is safe.
Oh, how sad it is that the sanctuary be betrayed by its own protector.
Oh, how sad it is that the Beast cannot be saved.
Oh, how sad it is that the Guardian was doomed to fall.