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Spotlight Artist
By Dylan Chavarria, Student Editor
For the poem in “Memoria Invisible 32” did you pre-write your poem, or was it written on the spot?
For these short poems, I usually write them on the spot which poses some challenges. For instance, the challenge of getting text that feels new, or surprising. In some of my Frontextos you’ll see some crossing-out of text, and blackouts, which are evidence of my thinking in the moment.
Who inspired your literary work? Novelists such as Henry Miller, Dostoyevsky, Clarice Lispector, Cristina Rivera Garza, and Juan Rulfo.
What is your favorite poem you’ve written?
I have not written my favorite poem. My favorite poem is always the one I am about to write.
What wisdom would you like to pass on to growing writers?
Thanks for the implication in this question that I am “wise,” but I also like to think of myself as someone who searches for wisdom in others. I am not sure this will help, but I’d suggest for aspiring writers to make cuts, to make cuts in their writing and in their lives. By this I mean, cut words out that are not doing anything for the poem/story. And cut people out of your life if they don’t bring light into it.