New pagoda placement test

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New Pagoda Placement Test July 2015 Pagoda has decided to consolidate its online/offline placement test for all programs and levels. This means students will receive a Pagoda Level (PL) which can be used to enter multiple programs instead of individual ones. pacom 7/1/2015

New Pagoda 2Placement Test Structure of Test

Changes to the current test

The multiple choice quiz is done outside of the test but the score will be added to the speaking score to make the final level.

There are 2 different sets of questions to choose from and you can ask additional questions.

The grading system and rubric is all online – there is no test paper – teachers will use a computer in the interview rooms.

Students who get the minimum speaking level for 200S will take a writing test for PIP.

All Pagoda levels are now the same and run from 1-9. (SLE 1 – Adv)

Test procedure

Students register online at and take the multiple choice grammar/vocab quiz

The result which is out of 60 is stored in the system under their name and ID.

New Pagoda 3Placement Test •

The student can then choose to take the speaking test online or come into the branch for a speaking test in person with a teacher.

The teacher will receive the student and log onto

Sign in with ID: pagoda_sle Password: 1111

The screen looks like this:

There will be a topic stand in the interview room, after the warm up ask students to choose a topic. The first two reading statements are only to be used for students who clearly have a very low level. Then continue on to use the second set of questions.

The questions are not shown to the student and they become progressively more difficult – for students who are clearly intermediate or above refer to the first set of questions.

You can use other questions from the current test or on the same topic if necessary.

It is very important for SLE/PIP purposes that you engage the student in conversation not just a question and answer session.

Grading the test 1. Underneath the questions you are asking there is a rubric for 6 different categories: a) Pronunciation b) Grammar c) Vocabulary d) comprehension e) Accuracy f) organization 2. Each category has a maximum of 6 points to award for a total score out of 36 3. This is the rubric you will see on the screen:

New Pagoda 4Placement Test

4. Click on the descriptor you think best fits your students and press save.

New Pagoda 5Placement Test Second set question Groups

New Pagoda 6Placement Test

New Pagoda 7Placement Test 5. Remember that rather than just running through the questions you should use them as a guide to having a conversation with the students and assess how well they do in the conversation. Use the questions from the current placement test to supplement where necessary. First Set question group

6. In the offline test it may not always be convenient or necessary to always start with the reading statements and low level questions if you feel the students have a higher level. During the warm up conversation if you feel the students are above an SLE 3 you should use the first set of questions to encourage more in depth conversation.

Work and Jobs. 1. What did you want to be when you were a child? 2. Which is more important to you job satisfaction or a good salary? Why? 3. What would be a dream job for you? Why? 4. What characteristics does a good team leader need? Why? 5. If you were to start your own business, what would you like it be and why?

New Pagoda 8Placement Test

7. Try to always use a standardized set of questions that increase in difficulty – if you create some of your own please write them down and keep them in the folder as alternatives for other teachers.

Academic Counselling 8. Just like the current placement test there will be differing class options available depending on the score the student receives. Students will also be able to take classes offered by Pagoda One and Talk Cool but you do not need to promote these, only academy programs. However remember that the multiple choice is also added to the score which can affect the levels.

The Speaking Score chart is as follows (program availability will depend on branch) Speaking Score (Out of 36)

SLE Level

Other Programs

10 – 12


PBA Prep

13 – 15



16 – 18



19 – 21


PBA 1 PIP 100F IELTS 6.5 Book Discussion Int

New Pagoda 9Placement Test Watch & Talk/Discovery 22 – 24


PBA 2 PIP 100S IELTS 7.0+ Book Discussion Int Watch & Talk/Discovery

25 – 27


PBA 2 PIP 200F Book Discussion Int Watch & Talk/Discovery

28 – 30


PBA 2 PIP 200S Book Discussion Adv Watch & Talk

31 – 33


PBA 3 PIP 300 Book Discussion Adv Watch & Talk

34 – 36


PBA Adv PIP Adv Book Discussion Adv Watch & Talk

Test Procedure Review

New Pagoda10Placement Test


Student comes into the interview room, spend a minute on general chit chat to make them feel comfortable and assess their basic level. Get their id or name and search for them in the system.


Ask them to choose a topic from the topic sheet.


If level is low begin with question set two and reading aloud. (4-6 mins)


If level is intermediate or above begin with questions set one. (4 – 6 mins)


Grade the online rubric, when finished press save.


Spend a minute counselling the student about possible courses.


Students who get 200S in speaking can take the PIP writing test.

Writing test


Students will have up to 30 minutes to complete a writing task based on their chosen topic and this will graded by an available interviewer according to the written rubric and appropriate level given. (200S – Advanced or College Writing Int/Adv) Level Comparison

Pagoda Academy

Pagoda One


Talk Cool 7

8 7
















New Pagoda11Placement Test







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