New placement test rubric 2015

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Placement Test Rubric 2015 Poin t




Grammatical Range




Student was able to comprehend and respond with natural ease like a native.

Student was very clear and almost native in tone and expression.

Student was able to use native level vocabulary and an impressive understanding of appropriate topics.

Students used most structures with natural ease and communicated to a high level.

Very few if any noticeable mistakes.

Speech is mostly effortless and smooth with natural (native) speed.


Student was able to comprehend and respond to all questions with ease and only short pauses.

Student was clear and easy to understand possibly with accent or occasional issue.

Student was able to call upon a wide range of vocabulary used appropriately for the topics without mistakes.

Student was able to express ideas with ease, occasional misuse of structures normally corrected without much hesitation.

Produces frequent error free sentences with occasional slip ups and ability to self-correct.

Speech is smooth and spoken to a very good level, it is less than native in structure and rhythm but completely understandable.


Student responded to all questions with occasional pauses to think.

Student was generally good with minor issues but this did not interfere with communication.

Student was able to use a broad range of vocabulary but with some inaccuracies.

Student was able to express their ideas and responds fairly well but made mistakes with tenses and complex structures.

Has good control of accurate sentences but may make frequent errors with more complex sentences.

Speech is smoother with occasional hesitation and confusion caused primarily by searching for certain words.


Student fairly grasped the questions but may have occasionally asked for clarification.

Student was slightly unclear in pronunciation at times but is generally fair to understand.

Student was able to use a satisfactory range of vocabulary but struggled to apply correctly or became repetitive.

Student was able to express ideas adequately but with many inconsistencies in sentence structure and verb tenses.

May make noticeable errors that cause some confusion. Able to be accurate with simple structures.

Speech hesitant and irregular but generally understandable. Sentences may be incomplete but student can continue.


Student had some difficulty understanding and needed additional information.

Student was difficult to understand clearly, quiet in speaking unclear in

Student had inadequate vocabulary to express his/her ideas properly which slowed down the responses.

Student had difficulty expressing ideas and became uncomfortable due to repeated

Some structures are accurate but errors predominate.

Speech is slow, stumbling or consists of short sentences or memorized

Placement Test Rubric 2015 pronunciation. 1


Student struggled to understand even simple questions

Student was unsure of how to say a word or was very quiet.

grammar mistakes. Student spoke in words only or answered yes or no.

Student did not demonstrate understanding of simple grammar.

Did not answer the questions

expressions. Errors distort meaning.

Simple words without sentences, frequent pauses.

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