Table of Contents
Executive Director Thoughts by David Lentz...........................4
Bucks Bull Sheet......................................................................6
Feature Story: Ripples in the Water, Bob Freyermuth...........13
Our Award Winning 4-H Judging Team..................................16
Craftsman Corner...................................................................21
2022 Nittany Lion Fall Classic Sale Report.............................24
Championship Show Highlights........................................30-33
Open All-Pennsylvania Awards.........................................44-49
Phil-Ru Complete Dispersal Report........................................52
Pennsylvania Hosltein Convention Announcement...............56
Pennsylvania Fall Show Results..............................................65
Directors List..........................................................................70
All-Glo Holsteins.............28-29
American Dairy Association62
Bednarski Farms....................2
Bell Valley............................25
Born To Show Sale .68
Bricker Farms......................17
Brook Corner Holsteins.........7
Burket Falls Farm. .16
Camp Run Farms.................42
C-Cove Holsteins.. .5
Center for Dairy Excellence.62
Curlydell Farm ....................35
Dan-J-Lan Holsteins & Scenic Gap Farm .59
Diamond Valley...................66
Diamond Valley & Wenger Farm .67
Dryhouse Farm 34
Elquest Holsteins .40
Glennview Farm..................58
Himmel-Valley Farm ...........52
Hollo-Home Farm .26
JoSan Farm .........................19
K-Ace Holsteins.....................6
Keystone Farm. .12
Kitch-Vue Farms..................21
Klinedell ..50
Ko-Klassic Holsteins .39
Kozy Kountry Farm..............57
Lady Luck Holsteins ............71
Laurel-Brook Farm ..............11
Laurel-Run Farm 39
Locust-Ridge Holsteins........18
Lonesome Farm ..................27
Luck-E Holsteins..................24
Martin-Dale Holsteins ........60
McWilliams Farm ...............69
Millwork Holsteins..............43
NoBull Sires LLC .53
Penn-Dell Holsteins...............3
Pickett Holsteins....................4
Select Sires..........................72
Shade Mountain Genetics...54
Shade Mountain Genetics & Jor-Ju Farms 63
Sonnen Holsteins .61
South Creek Acres...............50
Sunbrite Holsteins...............23
Sweet-Peas Holsteins.....36-37
Tobin Farms.........................10
Triple Hil Sires 10
Way-Har Farm ....................20
Weaver Show Cattle & Northkill Creek Farm 8-9
Whitling Acres.....................55
Zeiset Holsteins...................22
reetings from northwestern Pennsylvania! Harvest is done and quite a few are preparing for hunting season and the long winter months
I can hardly wait to see this issue in print and for you to find it in your mailbox! With each issue, I settle more and more into this job and enjoy getting to know each of you. That is probably my favorite part of the job. Your kindness and willingness to work with me to create such a great issue is overwhelming! Having the opportunity to offer assistance and see the vision of a
As I put this issue together, I reflected on the ebbs and flows of life. Over the last several months we have lost some amazing people in the Holstein business. We offer our condolences as the families navigate these losses. My life was also thrown a curve, as we laid my trusty sidekick, Pepper, to rest. She was the epitome of “mans best friend”. But while we grieve for departed family members, our pets or our best cow, we can also delight in all the joy that comes our way. New calves, seeds emerging from the soil, and the most precious gift of all… the next generation of Holstein enthusiasts. Be sure to check out some of them within the pages of
I wish you all a Thanksgiving of plenty, a Christmas overflowing with wonder and joy, and a New Year filled with promise.
QTD Marketing ...................38
Penn Dell Farm is saddened to announce the passing of Jay Houser on October 26th. Born in 1934 in Mifflin County, Jay grew up working with his dad under their prefix Neecarnio Holsteins, where he was taught the importance of hard work and respect for dairy cattle. In 1958, Jay and his father Howard moved to Spring Mills and bought Penn Dell Farm. Jay married the love of his life Mary, and together they had five children, seven grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. Throughout the years, Jay and Mary focused on breeding high-quality milk and type cows, while raising superior crops to provide the best for his bovine friends. Through their hard work, they received many PBR awards by placing young sires into AI and having many state and national production records. An active member of the Pennsylvania Holstein Association, Jay was the 1996-98 President, a 1998 Hall of Fame inductee, and a lifetime supporter. Outside of PHA, Jay had active roles in DHIA, Sire Power, 4H, Pa Farm Bureau, Centre County Crop Improvement Association, Centre/Clinton FSA Board, Centre County Extension, and his local church. Jay had traveled to countless state and national conventions, creating many friendships with people across the country. Being such an avid dairyman, Jay served as a Pa National director for six years, doing his own part to make many positive changes and advancements for his fellow farmers. In 2014, after the passing of Mary in 2006, Jay began to live out his retirement days with, as he would say, "his wonderful wife," Gladys Hartle Houser. Without Jay, Penn Dell Farm would not be where it is today. We thank everyone who has reached out out to us in support during this difficult time, Jay has made such an impact on so many peoples lives. We will miss his big smile and his "cackle" laugh, but know he is up there making sure those cows in Heaven are getting loved.
- 29,258M PBR - 50 Years
The Houser farm is located at 470 Immel Road, Spring Mills, Pa 16875. We have bulls for sale and always welcome visitors.
Jims Cell: (814) 880-3493
John 16:22 Jim and Teresa Houser Kristen and Kurtis 278 Orndorf Road, Spring Mills, Pa 16875
PA Holstein Profiles
The Official Publication Of Pennsylvania Holstein Association (USPS 437|ISSN: 08878498)
Volume 40 No. 2
“The Pennsylavnia Holstein Profiles is published two times a year, Summer and Winter, by the Pennsylvania Holstein Association
839 Benner Pike, State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-234-0364
Yearly subscription price is: U.S.-$15, Canada- $20 The Profiles subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address please be sure to give us both the old and new address.
Printed in the United States by: Modern Litho 6009 Stertzer Road, Jefferson City, MO 65101
Address all communications to: PA Holstein Profiles c/o Rose Morian 12028 Sperry Rd, Atlantic, PA 16111 Call or text at (814)282-3371
Postmaster: Send address changes to Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles 839 Benner Pike, State College, PA 16801
Editor & Advertising Manager: Rose Morian
Officers: Buck Cessna, President Pat Kitchen, Vice President Duane Stoltzfus, Treasurer
SUMMER 2023 Deadline April
21, 2022
Please have whatever information you would like placed in your ad available/included in communications. If you cannot provide pictures, PHA is not responsible for any reprint fees that may be charged in obtaining photos; these fees will be added to your invoice.
CONTENT/COPY: Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles has a policy to accept paid advertising unless its content may be construed as defamatory, invasive of the privacy of others, fraudulent, obscene, or otherwise unlawful. In submitting copy, the advertiser represents and warrants that its content falls obeys said rules and is in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws. Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising or submitted written material at any time. The material produced is done with the highest integrity however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions.
On the Cover: MS Plum-line Sidekick Layla
Executive Director: David Lentz
Pennsylvania delegates at National Holstein Convention
Photo by Michelle Morian
3099 Beans Cove Rd Clear ville, PA 15535 814-767-9698 Buck’s Cell 814-494-1848
As I start this writing, I am thinking about the change of seasons; we are leaving fall and entering, dare I say, winter. It has been one of the most colorful fall seasons I can remember, and the quality of pictures I have seen on social media is spectacular. I’m not sure which season to call the busy season; from spring planting to summer hay harvest, to fall seeding and harvest. Then comes the winter work with all the challenges that go with the weather and care of livestock. As dairy farmers we are unique, because every day brings a daily routine unlike any other way of life.
The summer seemed to get away from us fairly quickly this year; it was a busy time for us at C-Cove. Our daughter, Molly, finished her year of service as a state FFA officer. Dana and I, along with our son Tyler, attended the FFA State Convention where we witnessed Molly’s team on stage running the show. The professionalism on display by these young people is second to none!
In June, Dana and I took the opportunity to drive to the National Holstein Convention in South Dakota. Our copilot was none other than David J. Lentz, who was able to arrange some awesome tours at Triple-T Holsteins in Ohio and Farnear Holsteins in eastern Iowa. Both stops had three things in common: great facilities, great cows, and great people!
The Convention was a great success for the state of Pennsylvania. Our delegation led the passage of a couple resolutions to forward progress and hopefully bring added value
to the everyday breeders’ kind of cattle, and not just the top end on genomics and type. I am also very proud of our fellow breeder, John Burket, as he is our new National Vice President. Congratulations John!
After getting home from convention we got back into work mode and started making preparations for the summer and fall shows. I am pleasantly surprised at the number of entries at all of the Championship Shows despite the costs and everything it takes to attend. Congratulations to all the participants! This is one of the programs that keeps PHA strong and viable.
Dana and I also had the opportunity to attend a couple of summer picnics; both were what I would call a revitalization of the county club events. It was great to see a renewed interest in Holsteins activities!
It was so good to see numbers back to normal at the AllAmerican Dairy Show! What a great place for Pennsylvania breeders to showcase their cattle and renew the friendships that have developed over the years. I wasn’t able to attend World Dairy Expo this year, but I was able to watch a C-Cove bred animal walk the colored shavings in the Milking Yearling class. What a thrill it is to see your breeding program on display at the world’s greatest cow show!
As the winter months quickly approach, I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas! And I hope to see you all in February at the State Convention! -
Buck Cessna
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 6
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 10 525HO116 Windy-Knoll-View EP ED A complimentary match for today’s show-type bloodlines! Himmel-Valley Pep-R Mojito-Red (EX-91 @3-01) Pep-Red x EX-91 Atwood Bred & Owned by Dyllan Himmelberger, Lebanon PA Ist Milking Yearling and Best Bred & owned Southeast Championship Show 2021 1st Milking Yearling and pulled out for Intermediate Champion Eastern Fall National 2021 1st Milking Yearling and Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion PA Fall Show 2021 All-Pennsylavania Milking Yearling 5th Sr 2 Year Old Eastern Fall National 2022 2nd SR 2 Year Old PA Fall Show 2022 Call 1-855-955-2100 or visit The bulls that were bred to be cows Available in SEXED SEMEN
Left: The fiberglass cow in front of Maplesrow farm
Below: Bob and Barb Freyermouth All photos provided by the Freyermuth Family
Ripples in the Water
-By Rose Morian
but they used to be prominent enough to have christened the farm name: Maplesrow. The founder, Robert Freyermuth, mostly known as Bob, left an impact still remembered today, 33 years after his cows were milked on the farm for the last time, and 18 years after his death. Sometimes it’s not about how big of a splash you make in life, but how far the ripples extend through time. Bob made many ripples, so it’s not a surprise that in his home county of Crawford, his influence is still felt.
Bob’s father, Arden, was a contractor, and he taught his sons the trade which would suit them well over the years. After spending four years in Okinawa, Japan with the Army, Bob came home and began milking on a farm Arden bought. He was milking full time there when he married his wife, Barb, in November of 1955. In 1960, they would move their home to the place they named Maplesrow Farm. Barb was a city girl, yet she went to the barn and learned to help until their three daughters and one son started coming, and they took over her chores as they grew. When the kids began to get married and move out, Barb once again started helping in the barn. Elaine Duncan, a neighbor, recalled when they first moved into the neighborhood and began farming, Barb brought over pies to welcome them. “Barb was not really a cow person, but she was there when you needed her.” “What a nice person,” said their friend Jerry Donovan, “Barb was his ‘ride or die’ if there ever was one, before that was even a thing.” When Jerry asked her, years later after moving their home numerous times, if she wanted to move again, Barb said simply, “That’s my man; I’d follow him anywhere.”
Bob was passionate about Registered Holsteins, and began registering under the Maplesrow prefix in 1967, with the last cow to carry the prefix being registered in 1995. When his oldest two kids started showing in 4-H, he took his first steps in the open show ring at the county fair and fell in love with it. “I loved seeing him so happy for that week,” his daughter Carol said. “It was our favorite week of the year too, and it wasn’t about the midway or the rides, it was about the people and the other kids there, the people of Barn 4 became our family.” Carol remembered the week from her perspective as a kid; it was the one week out of the year when she and her siblings didn’t have to do their normal barn chores. Bob and Barb picked up the slack at home so that the kids could stay at the fair with their cows. “But he would be in at the fair 16-17 hours a day, too; he would go home to milk and come back to the fair, not leaving for the night until late, around one in the morning.”
This love of showing and devotion to improve led Bob to become involved at the county level in many different aspects. At the fair he worked on improving the show arena, was instrumental in creating the 4-H cheese auction, served on show committees, was a member of the fair dairy committee, and a 20 year member of the county Holstein Club. He was involved with the Irish Holiday and Northwest Breeders sales in Crawford County, and spent hours and many miles traveling with other committee members to select cattle for the sales. Bob also served on the county soil committee, Farm Credit, DHIA and extension boards, working on behalf of the farms and farmers in every aspect he could. At the state level he served as a Pennsylvania Holstein director for six years and on the executive committee for three.
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 13
How one man’s passion created a legacy worth leaving.
He was passionate; and it all started with the cow, the Holstein cow.
“ ”
Bob loved to show, and got excited to attend the Championship shows, no matter the distance. One friend recalled when Bob wanted to attend a Championship show and got together with another breeder who also wanted to attend. One of them saw an old cattle truck pulled way back in with weeds grown up around it and said to the other, “Do you think that old cattle truck in the hedgerow will run?” Neither was
The Freyermuth Cow
While the Donovan family was milking Bob's few remaining cows, and when he wasn’t showing, Bob was buying property and either building or remodeling homes or entire farms. In this way he was able to put the carpentry skills he had learned from his father to use as his “retirement.” He would then move to another home, start over, and sell the recently finished home, often owner financing for the buyer. Bob had also owner financed Maplesrow when he sold it, leaving the farm in pristine condition for the new owners. “He was a smart man,” Donovan said, “he would owner finance, which helped the buyer, and he made the money paid in interest.” The one thing he took with him from Maplesrow Farm was a life-sized fiberglass Holstein cow that had sat out front in the midst of a brick flowerbed. “When he ordered that cow from Nasco, they sent him a Jersey painted as a Holstein,” said Carol, “And he sent it back.” As a Holstein purist, Bob explained to someone at Nasco that the Jersey type cow would not do, even though it had been repainted black and white; the next cow they sent was, indeed, a Holstein.
recalled how he poured his knowledge and experience into the youth, being passionate in his vigor to pass on what he knew to help others learn and grow. When the county club was looking for people to work at their sales, Bob influenced the decision to have the Junior Holstein members clip, prep, and care for the sale cattle. He saw it as benefiting both the club and the youth, giving the kids the responsibility and environment to flourish.
“We didn’t realize how many people we had shared Grandpa and Grandma with,” his granddaughter Kelly said, recalling the hours spent hearing stories at the funeral home when he passed in 2004. “All the people came together for our family, not just Grandpa and Grandma.” She went on to say that even today, working around 45 minutes away from the community Bob and Barb lived in, and in a non-farming field of work, she talks with someone every week or two who knew and fondly remembers her grandparents.
Not only did Bob love and spend time and knowledge investing in the youth, but he was passionate about his cows. “He loved cattle and bred cattle for years,” Donovan said, “He had all these theories about breeding that he had developed over the years.” When Bob sold his herd and Maplesrow Farm in 1989 due to health issues, he took the few that he felt weren’t in condition to sell to the Donovan family’s Wind-Port Farm. There they were cared for over the next few years by Jerry and his wife, Debbie, as Bob continued to breed and show, as well as sell their progeny. He still loved attending the Championship shows across the state, and as he got older he would load up his cows and take Jerry and Debbie’s’ daughter, Amber (who was also passionate about showing), along to the shows. As is so often the case in showing, it was mutually beneficial, as it’s likely neither could have attended without the help of the other.
“She was the only thing like that around here,” Jerry Donovan said, and when the National Holstein Convention came to Pittsburgh in 1995, the people in charge asked to borrow the cow. She was to be the first thing people saw when they walked into the convention. Bob agreed to send the cow down provided she have a paint job first, in order to look her best, and an agreement was reached. She received her paint job and headed to Pittsburgh on a trailer.
After Bob and Barb moved twice and were preparing to move yet again in their “retirement,” they decided the cow should find a more suitable and permanent place. Still being very proactive on behalf of Holstein breeders and dairy farmers, Bob donated the cow to the Crawford County Dairy Committee. The cow was to be mounted on a trailer so that she could be pulled in parades, and also placed beside the milking parlor during fair week to attract fairgoers in to talk with the farmers and 4-H members as they milked. She has done exactly that ever since.
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 14
Dad was all about family,” Carol remembered, “Because, c’mon, family, farming, and faith-they go together.
“ ”
On January 6, 2010, the massive two-year-old coverall type barn on the fairgrounds collapsed under the heavy snowload and damaged the Freyermuth cow. Great care was taken as she was collected, put back together and repaired by MFG of Union City, and then painted by John Fuller, the body shop instructor at the Crawford County Vo-Tech. In 2022, the cow was removed from the trailer and placed on the roof of the milkhouse, overlooking the milking parlor and spectators. Beside her is the Maplesrow Farm sign, and a sign telling her story and the story of Bob and Barb Freyermuth.
A Lasting Impact
When talking about Bob, there were several character traits that came to the forefront again and again no matter who was talking. Family was mentioned often, as Bob valued his family above all else, yet treated and accepted many who were not related by blood as members of his family. This included neighbors and those he showed with. “Dad was all about family,” Carol said, “Because, c’mon, family, farming, and faiththey go together.” Elaine Duncan, who was also very involved with the fair as well as being a neighbor recalled, “Anytime we needed help, Bob was there.”
Integrity was another adjective used to describe Bob; a “straight shooter” and honest in his opinions, Bob was honest when selling his own cows, as well as when asked his opinion on a topic. And while there were times his honesty didn’t win him any favors, “You always knew where you stood with Bob,” Duncan said. There is an intrinsic value to that level of honesty, even when a person may not agree with the specific opinion, and a value to the person able to offer an opinion that may not be met with unanimous approval.
Perhaps more than anything, it is Bob’s generosity with his time and talents that is remembered the most. He willingly gave of himself and his time, answering questions, supporting the youth programs and the farm and fair programs whenever, and however he could. Donovan recalled a time when the high seller in the club sale was consigned by a club member; Bob donated the selectors’ commission to the Junior Holstein Club, reasoning that he hadn’t really done anything so he didn’t deserve the commission. When Bob passed in 2004, donations given in his name were used to create a perpetual fund that was not to be touched; the interest every year is used to sponsor the 4-H Supreme Champion award at the fair, presented in his name by a member of his family. This award should be able to continue as long as there is a 4-H show, without needing more funds contributed.
In 2007, Bob was awarded the Pennsylvania Holstein Association Pioneer Memorial Award, given posthumously to recognize an individual, not already in the Hall of Fame, for their contributions to the Holstein industry at the local, state and national level. This award is selected by a committee and given to one person per year. Bob certainly gave of himself to the people, community, and industry he cared about. “That’s why he did the things he did,” said Carol, “he was passionate; and it all started with the cow, the Holstein cow.” “Bob was a bright spot in our lives,” Donovan said, “We really loved both Bob and Barb.”
but he is. He didn’t live thinking about how people would remember him; he lived to make things better for others who shared his passion. He got involved at the local level to make improvements he saw needed to be made for the betterment of everyone. When the opportunity arose to serve at the state level, he carried that same passion with him. He was a friend and neighbor to many, driven to make a difference with the time given him. He had no idea how many his life would impact, or continue to impact years after his passing. One life, with one dedicated and supportive life partner, in one county in the corner of the state, has sent ripples through time and across lives: that is a legacy worth leaving.u
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 15
Bob was a bright spot in our lives, we really loved both Bob and Barb.
A special thank you to all my Pennsylvania friends, who supported my candidacy for Vice President of Holstein USA. I am truly honored to serve the greatest organization of our times. My agenda, will be your agenda. I'm confident there CAN and WILL be good days ahead in the Holstein business! Burket Falls Farm Dave Burket and Sons 1321 Polecat Rd, East Freedom, Pa 16637 814-239-2260 Polled Foundation Cow Burket-Falls Elevation Sophia EX-93 4E GMD DOM Life: 241,534 4.1% 10,022 The solid foundation of our Polled program Polled Holsteins: The Solution to your "Horny" Problems John
Our Award Winning 4-H Dairy Judging Team
The Pennsylvania 4-H dairy judging team brought home the top honors from the 100th National 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest at World Dairy Expo, held Oct. 2 in Madison, Wisconsin. The team members, Morgan Smoker (Mifflin), Sara Haag (Berks), Madelynn Hoffman (Lancaster) and Ellie Curtis (Warren) competed against teams from 20 other states. These ladies earned their spot on the team by being the top four individuals at the State Days competition held during the summer. All four team members ranked in the top 25 for individual placings at Madison (the “All-American Club”). The contest consists of placing one heifer and one cow class of Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, and Jersey breeds. After the placings are submitted ringside, there is a break for lunch followed by the preparation and presentation of the individuals oral reasons for five of their class placings to the judges. Sara placed first overall, first in Ayrshires, and fourth for Guernseys and oral reasons, Madelynn followed in second for overall placing, fifth in oral reasons and sixth in Holsteins. Morgan placed sixth overall and eighth in Brown Swiss, and Ellie placed twenty-second overall and fourth for Ayrshires. The team was first in Jerseys and second in oral reasons, Brown Swiss and Guernseys, third for Ayrshires, and fifth for Holsteins. By winning the competition, the team will represent the United States this summer at the International Dairy Judging Contest in Glasgow, Scotland.
Sara Haag
Hi, my name is Sara Haag. I am the 17-year-old daughter of Michael and Alicia Haag and have one sibling, my 15-year-old brother, Cody. Together we farm Mic-Ali farm, a 7th generation dairy farm in Berks County. I got my first Holstein when I was 2 years old, Ju-Vindale Champion Muffie, and have enjoyed showing Muffies offspring. I have been showing since I could walk and started at national shows when I was 9. I have received various awards including Bred and Owned Honorable Mention All-PA. I started dairy judging at the age of 9 and have enjoyed competing at the Penn State competitions throughout the years. Getting on the Penn State dairy judging team was a great accomplishment! I will forever be humble and grateful to have won the 4-H overall individual contest at Madison, Wisconsin along with my team placing first. Thank you to my coaches and everyone else who has given me judging advice along the way.
Morgan Smoker
Hi, my name is Morgan Smoker. I’m the 16-year-old daughter of Shawn and Danielle Smoker. I have two older sisters, Lauren (20) and Julia (18). We own and operate Hollo Home Farm in Belleville, where we milk 150 registered Holsteins and a few Jerseys. After high school I plan to take over my family’s farm. I started showing dairy when I was 3 years old and started judging at age 9. I’ve always enjoyed going to the Penn State Spring Judging Contest with my teammates from Mifflin County. My favorite thing about judging is evaluating the cows and placing them. I’m so grateful for this experience, getting to go to WDE has always been a dream of mine. I’m so proud of my team and my teammates and I want to thank my coaches and my parents for getting me involved and encouraging me. Lastly, thank you to all of my supporters.
Madelynn Hoffman
My name is Madelynn Hoffman, and I am the eighteen-year-old daughter of Curt and Psuche Hoffman. Our family resides on a small, robotic dairy farm in Lancaster County. I have been involved in dairy judging since I was young. From the start, dairy judging came naturally to me and I enjoyed it. I had several skilled coaches from my county and opportunities to develop my skills. I have come to appreciate dairy judging for teaching me how to analyze cows to develop and improve my show string. I show multiple dairy breeds, compete in dairy bowl competitions, and I am involved in FFA. Currently, I am a freshman at Cornell University studying Animal Science with an emphasis in both the pre-vet and dairy management concentrations. I aspire to go to veterinary school and specialize in genetics or reproduction. I am very honored to have been a part of the 2022 Winning 4-H Dairy Judging Team and grateful for those who have made it possible for me.
Ellie Curtis
My name is Ellie Curtis. I am the 16-year-old daughter of Chris and Maggie Curtis. I live on our small Jersey farm in Warren County with my parents and brother, John. I started 4-H and showing when I was 8. In 2021, I won Grand Champion at my county fair and the Pennsylvania State 4-H Show. In 2022, I won master showman at my fair. When I was younger, I loved sitting with my dad at cow shows and listening to him talk about the cows we were watching; that’s when I started getting interested in judging. When I was around 10 years old, my uncle Rod asked me if I wanted to go to a judging competition in Penn State. I was very excited; it was my first judging competition. Since then, I have gone to the Penn State Spring Judging Contest every year. I competed in the State Days contest for the first time in 2021 and placed fifth. This year I made the team to go to World Dairy Expo for the national contest! It was a great experience and I am thankful for the things I learned from my coach, Dr. Dechow, and for the memories I made with my team. In the future I hope to have a job somewhere in the dairy industry, maybe farming with my brother John. Thank you to everyone who has helped me to achieve this accomplishment; I can’t wait to see what my future holds!
Donald C. Krall 200 Flintville Road • Lebanon, PA 17042 • 717-507-2662 •
Page Commissioned by
L-R Ellie Curtis, Morgan Smoker, Madelynn Hoffman, Sara Haag, Coach Chad Dechow
2nd Year Pediatric Nurse
with Cella 1st Place 12,000 Farm Stock at Manor FFA Tractor Pull, 12th year operating Lesher Custom Harvesting Became Mr. & Mrs. Styczynski on June 3, 2022 The Lesher Family Chinks-Ptnrs Moovin Cella-ET VG 87, EX 90 MS Owned with Jeff King -3rd Place Summer Junior Two Year Old, Best Udder, Eastern National Holstein Show -Grand Champion Holstein Kutztown Fair Dam of Cella -Midas-Touch DM Chinks-ET raised to EX-94 Farm 94 Lesher Rd. Bernville, PA 19506 Market 7707 Bernville Rd. Bernville, PA 19506 (William) 484-230-3307 610-488-1281 Ad © Hanna Welk, Farm-Life Photography & Design Photos © Teresa Lynn Photography, Cybil Fisher Photography
William, Lolly, Josh, Jaylene, Laura, & Olivia Lesher
Overall Senior Showman at All American Showmanship Contest,
at Kutztown Fair
Craftsman Corner
Kyra Yoder has been working in graphic design and applications since high school. In August, Kyra became the proprietor of Stone Valley Prints, where she does graphic design, screen printing, embroidery and vinyl printing. She is married to Marcus Yoder of Heron Run Farm, and they have two daughters.
1.) What got you interested in your craft at the beginning?
In high school I designed a couple t-shirts, flyers, and the musical signage one year. From there, I went to Penn College for Graphic Design. I love designing and it’s very rewarding when the clients love and appreciate the finished product. I can do anything from a simple t-shirt to an entire brand for an individual or
2.) How did you get started?
I was laid off during Covid and started working from home with my Cricut. I designed t-shirts for family and friends, and wedding and baby shower invitations. After two years and a lot of praying, I purchased a screenprinting shop, clients, and equipment when the opportunity arose. I can now continue designing all the things I love, with the resources to do so much with those designs! I can screenprint and embroider on a plethora of items (clothes, bags, blankets, etc) and have a vinyl printer (essentially a very large Cricut), that prints on larger mediums like a normal printer.
Depending on the order size, embroidery normally takes a couple days. Screen printing is an extensive process. First, I make the design, or take a provided design and separate it like a puzzle into the different colors. Then I print ‘film’ of each color. Next, I get a screen ready, cleaned up and with emulsion so I can burn the design on the film into the screen. Next I have to line up all the different colored screens so they fit back together properly. Then I put ink on and push it through onto a shirt. It’s a multiple day process and can take hours just trying to line everything up perfectly to begin screen printing. Turn around time is about 2-3 weeks depending on the size of the job. I try to do a minimum of 12-18 shirts per order, unless I have a screen already made for that order.
3.) What is your connection/history with dairy/ag?
My husband Marcus is a fourth generation farmer, working with his family on Heron Run Farms in Huntingdon. The family knows a lot of farmers, many of whom I have been priveledged to work with on logos, shirts, hats, etc. Through this, I am getting to know my community better and love helping “brand” their farms. They’re helping me in my business, and in return I am helping them become more recognizable.
4.) What keeps you doing this and how can people find you?
I love branding/creating a logo for someone in hopes they’ll have it for a lot of years. I love seeing my work on trucks, shirts, hats, etc. I’m young in the business and very grateful and thankful for everyone who’s taught me and helped me along the way. I create products with the designs of others, but I especially love seeing my own designs come to life on the products I create. I also market shirts I have designed (The ‘Created with Purpose’ sweatshirt if anyone is interested!). Stone Valley Prints on Facebook, via phone 814.500.4180 or email at
Craftsman Corner is designed to draw attention to those in ag that offer a unique set of skills or service. If you know a craftman you’d like to see featured, please contact the editor.
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 21
PA The 39th annual Nittany Lion Fall Classic sale was a great success, grossing $332,675 on 112 lots for an average of $2,970. 10 lots garnered over $5,000. Cattle were sold to 11 states and 2 countries. Thanks to consignors, buyers, bidders, sales staff and sponsors!! $10,500 - IVF Sessions from Pine-Tree 8495 Parf 9236-ET | Lot A Donor is A2A2, GTPI +3088 +DPR Seller: Pine-Tree Dairy, Marshallville, OH Buyer: Barry & Diane England , Williamsburg, PA $9,250 - Pine-Tree 8571 EXPE 9386-ET | Lot 2 January 2022 Expectant GTPI +2974 A2A2 +1168NM Seller: Pine-Tree Dairy, Marshallville, OH Buyer: Barry & Diane England , Williamsburg, PA $8,900 – Big Guns Rev VI-ET (Jersey) | Lot 35 March 2022 Reviresco x 93 Remake x 95 Vanilla Seller: Big Guns Cattle Co., Claysburg, PA Buyer: Daniel van de Pol, Escalon, CA $7,700– Arethusa Colton Crayon-ET (Jersey) | Lot 32 March 2022 Colton x Arethusa Veronicas Comet EX-95 Seller: Abbott & Woodmansee, Enonsburg Falls, VT Buyer: Crestbrooke Farm, Fond du Lac, WI $7,700 - IVF Sessions from TTM Mendel Amber-ET | Lot B Donor is A2A2, Polled #74 GTPI Polled in Breed Seller: Mercuro Farms, Woodsboro, MD Buyer: Hembury Farms, Muncy, PA Sale Statistics: 6 lots over $6,000, 9 over $5,000, 16 over $4,000, and 24 lots over $3,000 112 full lots grossed $332,675 for an average of $2,970 99 live & choice lots grossed $301,675 for an average of $3,047 4 Choice lots grossed $16,200 for an average of $4,050 13 Embryo lots grossed $31,000 for an average of $484/embryo Sale Chairman: Ryan Allen Assistant: Katelyn Taylor Auctioneer: Chris A. Hill Pedigrees: David J. Lentz Sale Staff: Nick Raggi, Taylor Wolfe, Thad Sturgeon, Daniel Kitchen, & Eric Smith L-R: Paige Peiffer Sam Andersen Ollie Prout Katelyn Taylor Ryan Allen Emory Bewley Ashton Stiles (Kneeling:) Caroline Arrowsmith Kara Stultz
2022 Nittany Lion Fall Classic
Centre Hall,
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 27 Glamourview Chief Zahara Birthday: 3/7/22 Kimber did an exceptional job exhibiting Zahara throughout the past year, they are an amazing duo! Kimber Hough Congratulations on winning 1st place in the Junior Division Creative Poster in Sioux Falls, SD! 325 Sand Ridge Road, Howard, PA 16841 814-571-7729 (Ronnie's Cell Phone) 814-571-2860 (Trish's Cell Phone)
PA Holstein Championship Shows 2021
Southwest Championship Show | July 16th, 2022 | Judge: Brad Hoover | 100 Head Shown
Owner: Josie Smiley
Reserve Junior Champion: Pennwood Chief
Mint Medley
Owner: Cara Stoltzfus
HM Junior Champion: Pennwood Doc Dun Did it
Owner: Claire Stoltzfus
Owner: Sam McWilliams
Owner: Genetics Link & led by Justin Kaufman
HM Junior Champion: Bervalon Neon Tilly
Owner: Josie Smiley
Junior Champion: Ovaltop War RejoiceRed-ET
Owner: Emma Waddell
Reserve Junior Champion: Ta-Tobin
Backflip Ivanka
Owner: Cameron Harrington
Owner: Brooke Vance
Reserve Intermediate Champion: Pennwood Unix Lumineer
Owner: Kaitlyn Stoltzfus
HM Intermediate Champion: Pennwood Duplo Riot (Not pictured)
Owner: Caleb Stoltzfus
Owner: Quinn Dum
Reserve Senior & Grand Champion: Pennwood
Soloman Luxury-ET
Owner: Kaitlyn Stoltzfus
Intermediate & Reserve Grand Champion: All-Glo Drive Krumpet
Owner: Justin & Ashley Kaufman
Reserve Intermediate Champion: M-Riverview Gold Chip Andie
Owner: Katie McWilliams
Owner: Ashley Kaufman
Reserve Senior Champion: McWilliams Mario Taboo Owner: McWilliams
Premier Breeder: Ashley & Justin Kaufman
Premier Exhibitor: McWilliams Family
Intermediate & Reserve Grand Champion: Plum-Line Awesome Alyssa
Owner: John Carey
Reserve Intermediate Champion: Green-Broke Alliwant-RED-ET
Owner: Tristan Wilcox
Senior & Grand Champion: Oakfield Beemer Frisbee-ET
Owner: Nolan Kummer
Reserve Senior & HM Grand Champion: Show-Mar
Crush Everyone
Owner: Wesley Brantner (led by Emma Morrell)
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 30
Photos provided by PHA Staff, Debbie Cornman, Andrea Stoltzfus, Rachel Mead & Cowsmopolitan
Western Championship Show | July 23rd, 2022| Judge: Abe Light | 108 B&W Holstein, 34 R&W Head Shown
Champion: Bervalon Neon Tilly
Champion: Jannette Doorman
& Grand Champion: Ridge-Point Lotus
Champion: McWilliams Gold Run
Junior Champion: Mac-Mara Thunder
& Grand Champion: All-Glo Corvette Koop
Western Championship Show Continued
Junior Champion:Plum-Line Warr Zyra-Red-ET
Owner: Brooke Carey
Reserve Junior Champion: K-Ace Master DeeOwner: Bret & Shelby Keister
Intermediate & Grand Champion: Plum-Line Chili Pepper-RED
Owner: Brooke Carey (led by Pat Carey)
Reserve Intermediate Champion: Ms Campbell-Run DM Dior-ET
Owner: Sarah Campbell & Evan Creek
Senior & Reserve Grand Champion: App Sham Alxander Baby Spot
Owner: Josh Waddell
Reserve Senior & HM Grand Champion: Plum-Uber Solomon Liv Owner: Brooke Carey
HM Senior Champion: Rolling Spring Kesha Ester
Northern Tier Championship Show | July 28th, 2022 |Judge: Aaron Eaton | 100+ Head Shown
Owner: Madison Soden
Hazelnut-RED Owner: Tyler Soden HM Junior Champion: Curleydell Warior Summer-RED
Owner: Tyler Soden
Reserve Intermediate Champion: Sweet-Peas Solomon Audi-ET Owner: Madison Soden
Owner: Madison Soden
Reserve Junior Champion: Sweet-Peas Movin
Camouflage Owner: Tyler Soden
HM Junior Champion: Sweet-Peas Moo Hazlenut-Red Owner: Tyler Soden
Intermediate Champion: Sweet-Peas Solomon Adrift-ET
Owner: Tyler Soden
Reserve Intermediate Champion: Sweet-Peas Solomon Audi-ET
Owner: Madison Soden
Owner: Tyler Soden
Reserve Senior & Grand Champion: MS Bittersweet Bearcat
Owner: Emory & Gavin Bewley, Ella & Claire Hlvaty
Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Sweet-Peas Holsteins
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 31
Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Show-Mar Holsteins
Champion: Sweet-Peas Altitu Ailani-ET
Junior Champion: Sweet-Peas Moo
Grand Champion: MS Bittersweet Bearcat
Owner: Emory & Gavin Bewley, Ella & Clair Hlvaty
Champion: Sweet-Peas Altitu Ailani-ET
& Grand Champion: Sweet-Peas Solomon Adrift-ET
Junior Champion: Liddleholme Warrior Mya-ET
Owner: Tanner Davis
Reserve Junior Champion:
Sonnen Sidekick Recha Kadey
Owner: Landyn Paulhamus
Honorable Mention: Smith Oak Crush CeCe
Owner: Jack Smith
Junior Champion: Liddleholme Warrior Mya-ET
Owner: Tanner Davis
Reserve Junior Champion: Croteau Lesperron Unit
Owner: Daniel Kitchen
HM Junior Champion: Heart&Soul WB Lilly-ET
Owner: Doug & Jennifer Boop
Premier Breeder: Laurel Run Holsteins
Premier Exhibitor: Dryhouse Farm
Intermediate Champion: Cherry-Lor Warrior Lime-Red
Owner: Phillip Mccormick
Reserve Intermediate Champion: MS Runway Ready to Run
Owner: Hayden Weaver
Grand & Senior Champion: Saxton-Hill Sweet Lady-Po
Owner: Molly Cessna Reserve Grand & Senior Champion: Ridge-Point Lotus Lucious Owner: Quinn Dum
Intermediate Champion: Peachy Saturn Teacup
Owner: Laurel Run Farm
Reserve Intermediate Champion: Ms Smith Oak Unstpbll Fancy
Owner: William Smith
Honorable Mention: Heart&Soul Undeniably Right
Owner: Jessica Nolt & Jackson Cloninger (led by Matt Boop)
Grand & Senior Champion: Heart & Soul Sammy Ricky
Owner: Hayden Weaver
Reserve Grand & Senior Champion: Carldot Baustia Emma
Owner: Landree & Dakota Fraley
HM Grand Champion: Peachy Saturn Teacup Owner: Laurel Run Farm
Southeast Championship Show | August 9th, 2022 | Judge: Austin Schwartzbeck | 85 Entries
Junior Champion: MS Libation-Red
Owner: Hayden Weaver
Reserve Junior Champion: Welk-Crest Warrior Kimmy
Owner: Allyson Welk (led by Kyle Welk)
Honorable Mention: S-CreekAcres Sidekick Tuesday
Owner: Katelyn Taylor
Intermediate Champion: MCGK WSC GW Light ‘Em Up-ET
Owner: Hayden Weaver
Reserve Intermediate Champion: WSC Creek Rowdy
Owner: Hayden Weaver
Grand Champion: MCGK WSC GW Light ‘Em Up-ET
Owner: Hayden Weaver
Reserve Senior & Grand Champion: She-Ken DBack Big Bang
Owner: Anna Kennedy
Honorable Mention: WSE Creek Rowdy
Owner: Hayden Weaver
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 32
Central Championship Show | July 30th, 2022 | Judge: Tom Uber | 110 B&W Holsteins, 46 R&W Head Shown
Southeast Championship Show Continued
Owner: Keystone Farm
Honorable Mention: S-Pine-Lawn
Owner: Schuler Farms, LLC
Owner: Addison Harshman
Honorable Mention: Windy-Knoll-View Poprock-ET Owner: Brinkley Burdette
Owner: Brook Corner Holsteins
Reserve Intermediate Champion: Fantasyland
Artist Joey
Owner: Taylor Pool
Honorable Mention: Penn-Gra Luck Lavish Owner: Garth & Melissa Campbell
Owner: James Dunn
Owner: Brianna Walker (held by Connor Walker)
Reserve Intermediate Champion: Justa-Beauty Trix Danae-Red
Owner: Ben Cornman
HM Intermediate Champion: Walk-Le AppleCrisp Babe Owner: Brianna Walker
Reserve Intermediate Champion: Harts-Run By the Beach
Owner: Jocelyn Prazenica
HM Intermediate Champion: Walk-Le Doorman 2391
Owner: Brianna Walker
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 33
South Central Championship Show | August 11th, 2022 | Judge: Jenna Smith Lenhart | 66 Entries
Junior Champion: Justa-Beauty Tricia Esme
Ben Cornman
Junior Champion: Windy-Knoll-View
Champion: Walk-Le Doorman 2391
& Grand Champion: Walk-Le Dback Valentina
Owner: Cody Walker
Grand Champion: Walk-Le Doorman 2391
Owner: Brianna Walker
Champion: Spungold-G Altitude Spice-Red
Dale & Deanna Bendig, Esther Gieron
Junior Champion: Ricecrest Hanley Cherish
Jeff & Gayle Benedict
Mention: Lake-Effect JustCherry-RED
Owner: Daniel Benedict
Champion: Lake-Effect A JustlyRed-ET
Jeffrey Benedict
Champion: Crystal-Star Sol 1044-ET
Saige Ferguson
Grand Champion: Walk-Le Dback Valentina
Owner: Cody Walker
Breeder & Premier Exhibitor: Brook Corner Holsteins
Junior Champion: S-Pine-Lawn Warrior Vino
Schuler Farms, LLC
Junior Champion: Keystone Warrior
Select Chimney
Champion: Brook-Corner HO Wanelle
Champion: Luck E Diamond
Breeder & Exhibitor: Walk-Le Holsteins
Michael, Maria, Natalie, Paul, Grant and Cade Yoder | 53 Dryhouse Farm Ln, Belleville, PA 17004 717-437-5836 | MIFFLIN COUNTY 5E-93 Sire: Whitetail Valley Cooper Dam: Dry-House Geno 669 Daughters: 3E-91 Amateur 3E-92 Time VG-87 Lavaman VG-87 Escalade VG-86 Shamrock VG-85 Digger Many EX and VG cows from these 6 daughters In memory This fall we said goodbye to two favorites. We are thankful for the memories from each one and the many offspring they left behind. Dry-House Cooper 789 10/22/05-9/24/22 terra Rose Colt Gucci-ET 9/10/17-9/16-22 EX-93 Sire: Chilli Action Colton Dam: Lookout Reagan Glo, EX-92 Nominated JR AA in 2019 and 2020 both in milking form.
AYear to Remember Ridge-Point Lotus Lucious Excellent-90 EX-MS RC Lotus x 86 Absolute x 90 Atlantic Lydia x 94-3E C-Cove-NV Reflect Lexus ~ JR All-Pennsylvania 5YR Old ~ ~ HM All-Pennsylvania 5YR Old ~ -1st 5YR Old PNJS -1st 5YR Old PA JR Fall Championship Show -HM SR Champion PA JR Fall Championship Show Dan-J-Lan Chief Lakota Very Good-87 EX-MS 2YR Old Chief x 90 Doorman x 94-3E Atwood x 94-3E Milan ~ Reserve All-Pennsylvania Jr 2YR Old ~ -4th Jr 2 Eastern Fall National -Best Udder Jr 2 Eastern Fall National -3rd PA Fall Championship Show 2022 has been a big year to say the least. Special thanks to great friends, Jordan & Eric Horst, for allowing me to show Lucious this year, and to fantastic new friends, DJ Glick & Family, for having me get Lakota out to the shows. These two certainly made the year one to write home about. A big thank you also goes out to all my other clients and partners, as well as my parents for keeping things running at home when I am away. I appreciate you more than words can express. Other Notable Individuals VG-87 A2A2 3Yr Doorman Sandy - Reserve Jr All-PA Summer Jr 2 ‘21 x 94 Craigcrest Rejoices Sidney VG 2Yr Diamondback x 87 x 90 x 90 x 95 Kingsway Terrason Allie - Canadian Cow of the Year ‘16 3 Full Sisters to Hillmont Equation Carol EX-91 - Reserve Jr All-PA Sr 3 ‘18 9/21 A2A2 RC Talent x 94 Destry x 96 Tri-Day Ashlyn - All-American & All-Canadian 4Yr Old ‘01 12/21 Unix x 95 Kings-Ransom Mogul Cleo - Full Sister to 95 Mogul ‘Cleavage’ QTD Marketing “QualityTypeDelivered” Advertisements - Catalogs - Fitting - Consulting Quinn Thomas Dum Elliottsburg, Pennsylvania Ph: (717)-636-3965 Email:
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 42
at Crawford
At Canfield Fair NE-RU Tequilla SY Samantha Res. Grand Champ. at Lawrence
Fair HM - Grand. At Crawford Co. Fair Res. Grand at Canfield Fair Premier Breeder and Exhibitor at Lawrence Co. and Canfield Fairs Master Dairy Showman at Lawrence Co. Fair Reserve Showman at Show-Like-A-Pro Elsie Sturgeon
Camp-Run Hi-Octane Daisy Supreme Champ. of Youth Show at Lawrence Co. Fair
Grand Champ.
Co. Fair
- Int. Champ.
Farms The Sturgeon Family Wedding and Show Highlights Daisy and Sam (cows listed) are featured in the wedding photos above and to the left. Wade & Jenny! Congratulations 2022 Camp Run Farms Wade & Jenny Sturgeon 855 Bates Road, Fombell, PA 16123 724-333-5723 Tim & Kathy Sturgeon 748 Bates Road, Fombell, PA 16123 724-624-4679
Camp Run
All-Pennsylvania Ran Can Master Casino-ET Crosby & Grace Nell All-Pennsylvania Winners Spring Calf Reserve All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Pease Unstop Flipper Tyler Soden Winter Calf All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Altitu Alaini-ET Madison Soden Reserve All-Pennsylvania McWilliams Gold Run Sam McWilliams HM All-Pennsylvania S-Pine-Lawn Select Chimney Schuler Farm, LLC Fall Calf All-Pennsylvania Heart & Soul WB Lilly-ET Doug & Jennifer Boop Reserve All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Dback Brook Tyler Soden, HM All-Pennsylvania Bervalon Neon Tilly Josie Smiley Ring photos provided by owners, taken by Cowsmopolitan or Dairy Agenda Today HM All-Pennsylvania S-Pine Lawn Sidekick Jamocha Schuler Farms, LLC
Summer Yearling Reserve All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Moo Hazelnut-Red Tyler Soden HM All-Pennsylvania Keystone Warrior Javelin Keystone Farm Spring Yearling Reserve All-Pennsylvania Simpsons Geno Snickers Simpsons Holsteins Winter Yearling All-Pennsylvania S-Pine-Lawn Warrior Vino Schuler Farm, LLC Reserve All-Pennsylvania S-Creek-Acres Sdkick Tuesday Katelyn Taylor HM All-Pennsylvania Duckett Warrior Vero-ET Sam McWilliams & Katie Darnell All-Pennsylvania Ricecrest Hanley Cherish-ET Sam McWilliams All-Pennsylvania Liddleholme Warrior Mya-ET Tanner Davis Thank you Susquehanna County Junior Holstein Club for sponsoring this page! HM All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Moovin Camoflauge Tyler Soden
All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Tatoo Foliage Tyler Soden Fall Yearling Reserve All-Pennsylvania Millwork Select Kandy Korn Millwork Holsteins Yearling in Milk All-Pennsylvania C-Cove Delta-Lambda Panda Cessna Brothers Reserve All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Unstop Aleign Madison Soden HM All-Pennsylvania Walk-Le AppleCrisp Baby Brianna Walker Summer Jr 2 year old All-Pennsylvania All-Glo Drive Krumpet Justin & Ashley Kaufman HM All-Pennsylvania Reu-Hel Doorman Guchi-ET Alexa Davis HM All-Pennsylvania McWilliams Hypno Get Low Charlene McWilliams Reserve All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Soloman Audi-ET Madison Soden Thank you Precision Hoof Care | Matt Nolt for sponsoring this page! (Mifflinburg) (570) 966-5064 | (570) 217-7109
Junior 2 year old Reserve All-Pennsylvania Dan-J-Lan Chief Lakota DJ Glick HM All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Dback Alimoney Denise Peas HM All-Pennsylvania MS SMith Oak Unstopbll Fancy William Smith Senior 2 year old All-Pennsylvania Windy-Knoll-View Chainey James & Nina Burdette Reserve All-Pennsylvania Duckett Impression Lily Sam McWilliams All-Pennsylvania WSC Creek Rowdy RC Hayden Weaver No Photo Available Junior 3 year old All-Pennsylvania Peachey Saturn Teacup Laurel Run Farm Reserve All-Pennsylvania MS Runway Ready To Run Hayden Weaver HM All-Pennsylvania McWilliams Bubbagump Shrimp Sam McWilliams Thank you to our sponsor!! Glen Valley Farm: Your source of Wagyu genetics, Hubner Seeds, Redmond Minerals and King's Agri Seeds
All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Soloman Adrift-ET Tyler Soden Senior 3 year old Reserve All-Pennsylvania M-Riverview Gold Chip Andie Katie McWilliams 4 year old All-Pennsylvania Millwork Byway Kaden-ET Millwork Holsteins Reserve All-Pennsylvania Keystone Solomon Addison Keystone Farm/Tim Seipt HM All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Def Adda-ET Denise Pease 5 year old All-Pennsylvania All-Glo Corvette Koop Justin & Ashley Kaufman Reserve All-Pennsylvania Crystal-Star Sol 1044-ET Saige Ferguson HM All-Pennsylvania Ridge-Point Lotus Lucious Quinn Dum HM All-Pennsylvania Brook Corner Ho Wanelle-ET Brook Corner Holsteins HM All-Pennsylvania Carldot Bautista Emma Landree & Dakota Fraley
6 years & over Reserve All-Pennsylvania Sco-Li Mt Field Mogul Aggie Klinedell Farms HM All-Pennsylvania Peachey Airlift Puzzle Laurel Run Farms HM All-Pennsylvania Show-Mar Kit Kat Wesley Brantner 150,000 LB Cow All-Pennsylvania Walk-Le Alexander Elise Walk-Le Farm, LLC Reserve All-Pennsylvania MS Recharge Leafhopper Lloyd & Denise Pease All-Pennsylvania Luck-E Diamond Allure-ET James Dunn No Photo Available Reserve All-Pennsylvania Cherry-Lor Ladd Ripple-Red Cael Hembury Reserve All-Pennsylvania Show-Mar Scrambled 1308 Wesley Branter Dam & Daughter All-Pennsylvania - Millwork Holsteins Millwork Byway Kaden-ET & Millwork Select Kandy Korn Reserve All-Pennsylvania- Sara Pickett MS Pennwood Dur Mintchip-ET & Pickett Denver Monroe HM All-Pennsylvania - Anthony Hix KY-Blue WB Ava-ET & Sweet-Swing Tatoo Amazing Junior Best 3 Females All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Reserve All-Pennsylvania Schuler Farm LLC HM All-Pennsylvania James & Nina Burdette All-Pennsylvania Walk-Le Farms Reserve All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Holsteins HM All-Pennsylvania Laurel-Run Farm Senior Best 3 Females Produce of Dam All-Pennsylvania- Millwork Holsteins Millwork Kayla Reserve All-Pennsylvania- Sweet-Peas Holsteins BVK Atwood Abbie-ET HM All-Pennsylvania- Amelia Russel Cherry-Lor Abs Lilly-Red-ET No Photo Available
Phil-Ru Holsteins Complete Dispersal
9-10-22 Salisbury, PA
Phil and Ruth Beachy along with their numerous family members welcomed a large crowd of Holstein enthusiasts to their lovely farm for their herd’s finale. It was a truly blessed day! These are the highlights of the sale that grossed $205,250 with 94 full lots averaging $2,184/head.
$3,500 - T-Beachy Gage 120 | Lot 2
Dry cow from 3E-94 Bogart backed by the Roland Family
Buyer: Jason Baughman, Glencoe, PA
$3,500 - Phil-Ru Crown 198-Red-ET | Lot 49
First calf cow due May 2023 to Twilight-Red from the Planet Silk family
Buyer: Pine-Tree Dairy, Marshallville, OH
$3,400 – T-Beachy Delta 141 | Lot 86
VG-87 second calf cow milking 117# from the Ladys-Manor Jem family
Buyer: Scenic-Vista Holsteins, Grantsville, MD
$3,250– T-Beachy Dynamo 180-ET| Lot 61
Second calf cow due back April ’23 from the Oman Mirror-Ravena family
Buyer: Pine-Tree Dairy, Marshallville, OH
$3,100 - Phil-Ru Duke 222 | Lot 87
Bred Heifer due 2-23-23 to Provo from Lot 86
Buyer: Kenton Bender, Accident, MD.
Sale Statistics:
9 lots sold in excess $3,000
22 lots sold for $2,500
19 Lots over $2000.
59 milking and dry cows averaged $2,447
Bred heifers averaged $2,330.
Auctioneer: Chris A. Hill
Pedigrees: David J. Lentz
Sale Staff: Matt Zimmerman, Justin Kaufman, Eric Smith, & Eric Niswander
LovelyLucious Ridge-Point Lotus Luscious Excellent-90 EX-MS ~Lucious’s 2022 on the Tanbark~ ~Jr All-PA 5Yr Old ~HM All-PA 5Yr Old ~1st 5Yr Old PNJS ~HM Sr Champ PA JR Fall Show ~5th 5Yr Old Eastern Fall National ~1st 5Yr Old, Reserve Sr & Reserve Grand Champ Central PA Championship Jr Show ~2nd Open, 1st Jr 5Yr Old, Sr & Grand Champ Southwest PA Championship Jr Show Shade Mountain Genetics 1326 Oakland Road, Mifflintown PA 17059 717-320-3173 - 717-215-4455 Ad By: QTD Marketing Ringshots By:
CowsmopolitanLucious Professional photo By: Cybil Fisher
Whitling Acres Laurie, Stephan Sr, Adrian and Silas Whitling Cambridge Springs, PA 814-671-2747 CRAWFORD COUNTY ad © dryhouse imagery 717.437.5846 Mahlia Memories Coming to the showring in 2023! Silas and LLW Warriors Krome-Red LLW Warrior Mias Malhia-Red Warrior x Rev-Me-Up x Primus 3rd Red, 5th B&W • Western PA Championship Show 1st and Jr Champion, Crawford County Fair 1st and Jr Champion and Supreme Champion Heifer, Waterford Fair 6th Fall Calf, All-American R&W Dairy Show We also enjoyed success with LLW Warrior Cajun-Red Warrior x Diamondback X Absolute Reserve Jr Championn - Crawford County Fair
Pennsylvania Holstein Association State Convention
February 3-5, 2023 DoubleTree Hotel, Mars, PA
The Southwest District is looking forward to welcoming adults and juniors to Mars, PA on February 3-5 for the Pennsylvania Holstein Convention. The possibilities are endless in this area, just North of Pittsburgh; explore the city, enjoy many activities and options in the Cranberry Township area, have the opportunity to see great cows, and of course enjoy fellowship with Holstein breeders and enthusiasts.
Thursday, February 2nd
Schedule of Events
3:00pm – Executive Committee Meeting
Friday, February 3rd
9:00am – Northeast & Central District Caucus
10:00am – Resolutions Committee Meeting
11:00am – Board of Directors & 110th Annual Meeting
11:00am – Dairy Jeopardy contest
11:00am – Prepared Speech contest
1:00pm – DJM interviews
2:00pm – Junior activity
4:00pm – PA Junior Holstein Annual meeting
5:00pm – Dairy Bowl Seeding Test
6:30pm – Convention Banquet and Jr. Fun Auction
Saturday, February 4th
8:00am – Extemporaneous Speech contest
8:30am – Dairy Bowl contest
8:30am – On the Street contest
10:00am – Heinz History Center
10:00am – Farm tours
10:00am – Junior activity - Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park
1:00pm – Junior activity – Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park
4:30pm – Dairy Bowl finals
6:30pm – Presale meal
7:30pm – Convention sale
9:00pm – Dance
Sunday, February 5th
7:30am – Awards breakfast
**Schedule is tentative and subject to change.
For Our Juniors
We look forward to seeing your creativity and competitiveness in the numerous contest options: w Ad Design w Art Contest
tPainting t Sculpture/ 3D Design tSketch w Banner Design w Creative Folding Display tScientific tCreative w Dairy Bowl w Dairy Jeopardy w Distinguished Junior Member division awards w Extemporaneous Speech w Photo Contest
Divisions: tAnimal tPeople tLandscape/Scenery w Prepared Speech w Junior Breeder Awards tJunior Progressive Breeder Stars tMultiple "E" Recognition tBreeder of Excellent Cow awards t30,000LB Cow Awards tLifetime Production Award 150,000LB tLifetime Production Award 200,000LB wAnd many more!
We encourage you to try a contest you haven’t done before! All contest information is currently posted on Some contests have a change in the deadlines, so please read the contest information thoroughly.
Friday Night Banquet
We will be recognizing our adult award winners. All awards are due January 1, 2023 to the PHA office. Forms available on the PHA website.
Hallf of Fame
This award is presented annually to a member(s) of the Pennsylvania Holstein Association recognizing an individual or couple for their achievements and contributions to the Holstein Industry as well as involvement and leadership in other agricultural and community activities. This could be an individual(s) that is an accomplished Registered Holstein breeder or has significantly contributed in leadership and involvement to the PA Holstein Association, or both.
Distinguished Young Breeder Award
Awarded to a Pennsylvania and National Holstein Association member between the ages of 21-40 (as of December 31, 2023) who owns or has management responsibilities for a herd of cows (herdsman, partner, or member of an LLC). The herd must be on official DHIA test. The award is to recognize accomplishments of Young Holstein Breeders, encouraging them to establish goals that will aid in their management decisions to achieve higher profitability.
Pioneer Memorial Award
Awarded posthumously to recognize an individual, not already in the Pennsylvania Holstein Association Hall of Fame, for their contributions to the Holstein industry at the local, state and national levels. This award will be selected by the Hall of Fame Committee and awarded to no more than one person per year. Nominations can be made on behalf of former Pennsylvania Holstein members who worked for the improvement of the Holstein breed and its members in Pennsylvania.
Distinguished Supporter Award
The award will be presented annually to recognize an individual or company (not a current dairy farmer/producer) who through their efforts has supported and enhanced the work and goals of the Pennsylvania Holstein Association. An individual must be living at the time of the nomination.
For hotel reservations: Call the DoubleTree by Hilton, Mars, 724-776-6900, and reference PA Holstein for the best rates!
McCutchen Glenina
In 1990, my Dad and I formed a partnership until his death in 2005 using the Harlen prefix. At this time, I continued farming on my own using the Glennview prefix. All along, our goal was to breed solid cattle that can last a lifetime. Over these years, we have bred many “good ole” cows that have produced over 200,000 lbs lifetime, with the top two being:
DB&J Holsteins just recently classified; and what a day! 4 new Excellents 8 new VG 2 yr olds
Glennview Crush Gusty EX-91 at 3-07 Glennview Denver Rose EX-90 at 4-05 Glennview Mogul Rolanda EX-90 at 5-03
Glennview Buxton Ping EX-90 at 8-01
Herd Stats: 5 EX, 52 VG, 25 GP BAA 108.1
Ping EX-90 Lifetime: 218698M 7418F
5 Year PBR Award
Harlen Miklin Ann GP-82 Record: 311,706M 11784F 8524P Harlen CV Elmoya VG-88 Record:294,030M 10391F 8780P Elmoya’s dam, Harlen Leadmen Elmae VG-85 also made over 250,000M. Dairying has been a good lifestyle, but the time has come to close this chapter in life and say goodbye to the “good ole” cows. We have sold the herd to a young energetic couple who enjoys cows, and I believe will continue to breed the “good ole” cows. Dylan Brantner and Jenna Simpson (known as DB&J Holsteins LLC) have purchased the herd and are renting the facilities. The cows didn’t leave they just have a new owner, so keep an eye out for DB&J Holsteins in the future. the herd
Lifetime: 148625M 5569F 4647P Glennview Buxton
5877P 28,415M 1122F 902P
Glennview Farm Glenn and Lois Ranck Cochranville, PA Herd Average: Both of these
still in
Glenn's Cell: 484-645-7373
DJ & Thelma Glick Family Howard, PA(570)-295-6652 Scenic Gap Farm Pricestead Atwood Lila-ET EX-94 3E ~Lila, backed by an EX-94 Milan, is becoming quite the brood cow with 18 daughters to date with 10 more pregnancies coming by King Doc & Delta-Lambda. Lila is also the 2nd dam of Lakota, pictured above. Herd Totals: 14EX 35VG 10GP BAA 109.7 July Classification Highlights *NEW EX* Archrival Shirly 90 @3-05 Doorman Paige 90 @3-06 Jacoby Rose 90 @4-02 Doorman Lovely 90 @4-04 *Dam of Lakota, Full Sister to Lindor* Byway Wilma 90@4-07 Gold Chip Caroline 90@6-10 Bradnick Grizel 90@8-02 *EX’s Raised* Goldsun Lizzie 3E-94 Brady Glimmer 2E-92 Doorman Lindor MAX-92 94MS *Daughter of Lila, Full sister to Lovely* TheLovelyLakota Dan-J-Lan Chief Lakota VG-87 EX-MS @2-07 VVVVE Chief x 90 4YR Doorman x 94-3E Atwood Lila (Below) x 94-3E Milan x 87 Renegade ‘LAKOTA’ Lakota had a remarkable start to her show career as a cow *RESERVE ALL-PA JR 2* 4th Jr 2, Best Udder Eastern Fall Nat’l 2022 3rd Jr 2 PA Fall Show 2022 1st Jr 2, Best Udder Central PA Championship Show 2022 Lakota
Ad Design By: QTD
is due back in March to Perennial. Her Master march calf has the cut.
Chief eggs from Lakota’s dam are available
thanks to Jordan & Eric Horst for housing Lakota this summer and fall & Quinn Dum for getting Lakota out to the shows
Shottle Lanae EX-91 2-00 17,489lb 4.1%F 3.1%P 2-11 27,137lb 3.9%F 3.1%P 4-04 29,278lb 3.9%F 3.0%P 5-06 24,770lb 3.8%F 3.0%P 6-06 23,810lb 4.0%F 3.0%P 7-05 20,928lb 3.9%F 3.0%P 8-04 20,241lb 3.9%F 3.1%P 15 Generations Very Good or Excellent from the Swampy-Hollow Elevation Sweet family! 2-00 22,247lb 3.4%F 2.9%P 3-01 25,940lb 3.4%F 2.9%P 4-05 26,985lb 3.4%F 2.8%P 5-05 21,983lb 3.6%F 2.9%P 6-05 25,147lb 3.6%F 2.9%P 7-09 28,910lb 3.7%F 2.9%P 13 generations of Excellent from the Diamond-S Eve Corry family! ACME Chevy-Red VG-88 1-10 15,228lb 3.6%F 3.3%P 2-09 20,647lb 3.4%F 3.5%P 3-09 19,969lb 3.8%F 3.4%P 4-09 24,667lb 3.9%F 3.2%P 5-09 21,917lb 4.1%F 3.4%P 6-09 23,840lb 3.9%F 3.3%P 7-10 24,977lb 4.0%F 3.2%P 8 generations Very Good or Excellent from the Bur-Le-Acres Counsel Camay family! 2-00 20,999lb 3.6%F 3.0%P 3-00 21,992lb 3.6%F 3.0%P 4-00 24,550lb 3.3%F 3.0%P 5-00 24,169lb 3.3%F 3.0%P 6-01 30,523lb 3.5%F 3.0%P 7-05 20,386lb 3.3%F 3.0%P 6 generations of Very Good from the Cook-Farm Starbuck Flip family! Mark & Mary Jane Leid | 214 Sensinig Rd. | Ephrata PA 17522 | 717-445-6548 Martin-Dale Holsteins
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 61 SONNEN NUMERO UNO KINLEY EX-93 (EX-94 MS) 1-11 291d 18,663 4.1 760F 3.2 594P 2-10 365d 27,967 4.1 1138F 3.3 912P 4-01 365d 27,391 4.1 1120F 3.2 878P 5-04 304d 28,228 3.8 1068F 3.0 855P INC LTD 104,840 4.0 4215F 3.2 3333P KINLEY is sired by NUMERO UNO from an EX-92 2E (EX-93 MS) CRAIGCREST RECHARGE with 35,713 4.0 1413F 3.3 1149P. KINLEY has daughters by Brewmaster (VG), Sidekick & Black Ice. SONNEN SIDEKICK JACOT MOCHA VG-88 @ 2Y1M 1-11 PROJ 19,807 3.9 3.0 MOCHA is sired by SIDEKICK from a VG-86 JACOT with 26,404 4.4 1161F 3.0 799P Next Dams: VG, EX, VG, VG-86, VG-87 then HANOVERHILL STAR MAE EX-91, Next Dams: VG, EX-93, EX-91, VG-88 Bred & Owned by Cierra Sonnen BAA 5/17/22 112.0 29 EX 29 VG 2 G+ SONNEN ATTIC REDESIGN KIPPONA EX-94 2E (EX-94 MS) 2-1 328d 20,567 4.6 942F 3.4 693P 3-1 365d 27,880 4.7 1324F 3.5 963P 4-6 365d 28,273 4.3 1226F 3.4 957P 6-0 PROJ 32,276 4.3 1265F 3.1 1012P LTD 1506d 115,723 4.5 5218F 3.4 3879P SONNEN HOLSTEINS Adam, Lisa & Cierra Sonnen PO Box 437, Millville, PA 17846 PH 570-458-4081 Cell 570-764-2710 Email KIPPONA is sired by ATTIC from a VG REGANCREST DESIGN-ET with 26,402 4.5 1193F 3.3 879P. She has an EX-93 2E (EX-94 MS) sister by CRAIGCREST RECHARGE. KIPPONA has a daughter by FUEL.
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 62 Checkoff Power Partners Continue to Deliver Dairy-Centric Sales Results National dairy checkoff foodservice partners, specifically McDonald’s, Domino’s and Taco Bell, have delivered significant results since the start of our partnerships in 2008. Like what? Selling 2.2 billion more milk equivalent pounds of U.S. dairy annually! 315.472.9143 Did You Know? Thanks to Dairy Checkoff… • About 90% of beverages offered on McDonald’s McCafe line contain dairy, and products such as lattes are more than 70% milk. And they switched to butter from margarine in 2015. • Domino’s became the number one pizza company worldwide after changing its recipe focus to include more cheese — with annual sales at nearly $18 billion • Dairy checkoff scientists helped Taco Bell ramp up cheese-packed menu recipes, as well as developing a dairy-based coffee creamer. A RESOURCE FOR YOUR DAIRY Receive up to $1,500 Receive up to $3,500 Receive up to $3,500 717-346-0849 contact us today: BE THE FIRST TO KNOW ABOUT DAIRY INDUSTRY UPDATES: HEAR TRICKS OF THE TRADE FROM OTHER DAIRY FARMERS: newsletter podcast
Hopra S: Atwood D: Comestar Horizon Jasper EX-90 2E-CAN 6-07 2X 365D 32,669 4.2 1384F 3.0 972P *HM All-Canadian Jr 3Yr Old 2011* *Reserve All-Canadian Jr 2Yr Old 2010* 2D: Petitlac Horelie Lheros EX-91 2E-CAN 4-01 2X 365D 31,032 4.0 1243F 3.4 1063P Next Dams: VG-CAN Leader x VG-CAN Milan x EX-CAN Astro Jet x EX-CAN Mark Anthony ‘HOPRA’ has embryos available by: DOORMAN, CHIEF, UNIX, PARFECT, TANGO-RED & DYNASTY Inquiries Welcome to these or future matings Shade Mountain Genetics 1326 Oakland Road, Mifflintown PA 17059 Jordan Horst 717-320-3173 Eric Horst 717-215-4455 Jor-Ju Farms 241 Faust South Road, Bethel PA 19507 Justin Horst & Family 717-320-2945 Nominated All-American & All-Canadian Milking Yearling 2016 Ad Design By: QTD Marketing 3-06 2X 354D 32,071 4.3 1,380F 3.4 1,096P 8/22 +2.72 TYPE +9 CONFORMATION
Pennsylvania Fall Show
September 20th & 21st, 2022
Junior Champion & Best Bred & Owned Heifer: Kozy-Kountry Denver Spice
Owner: Presleigh Brace
Reserve Junior Champion: Windy-Knoll-View Colorado
Owner: Windy-Knoll-View
HM Junior Champion: Klinedell Denver Charlotte
Owner: Jared Kline
Grand Champio
Millwork Byway Kaden
Owner: Millwork Holstiens
Reserve Grand (Intermediate) Champion: MS Runway Ready To Run
Owner: Hayden Weaver HM Grand (Reserve Intermediate) Champion: M-Riverview Gold Chip Andie
Senior & Grand Champion: Millwork Byway Kaden
Owner: Millwork Holstiens
Reserve Senior Champion: Crystal-Star Sol 1044-ET
Owner: Saige Ferguson
Honorable Mention Senior Champion: Sco-Li Mt Field Mogul Aggie
Owner: Klinedell Farm
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 65
Photos by Lynde's, Blodgett, & PHA Staff
McWilliams Holsteins
a Taylor
Sweet Peas Holsteins, Lloyd & Denise Peas
MS Runway Ready to Run
Thank you to our sponsors for the PA Fall Show!!!
Judge: Chris Lahmers, OH| Associate Jenny Thomas, OH | 176 Head Shown
Judge: Tyler Reynolds, NY| Associate Jenny Thomas, OH | 149 Head Shown
Grand Champions
Intermediate Champions
Junior Champions
Grand Champions
Junior Champion Senior Champions
Pennsylvania Holstein Association 2021 Officers and Directors
839 Benner Pike, State College PA 16801 814-234-0364
Wayne Cessna, President 3099 Beans Cove Rd. Clearville PA 15535...(814) 767-9698
Patricia Kitchen, Vice President
249 Welliver Rd. Danville, PA 17821...........(570) 441-0949
Duane Stoltzfus, Treasurer 1689 Salco Road, Berlin PA 15530 ..............(814) 267-6711
James Houser, Past President
278 Orndorf Rd. Spring Mills, PA 16875.....(814) 880-3493
Executive Committee
Tim Seipt 405 Stouts Valley Rd. Easton, PA 18042 (610) 984-7912
Glenn Brake 7100 Renninger Rd. Mercersburg, PA 17236 (717) 860-4764
John Wetmore 39 Happy Hollow Lane, Honesdale, PA 18431 (570) 253-5329
Ashley Hoover 601 Carroll Road, Patton PA 16668 (814) 341-5664
Doug Boop 1070 Ranck Road. Millmont PA 17845 (570) 713-5844
Wade Sturgeon 748 Bates Rd. Fombell PA 16123 (724) 368-8429
Executive Director: David Lentz (717) 329-9202 Office Coordinator: Tracy Wellar (814) 234-0364 Show Coordinator: Laura Taylor (570) 560-0324
Youth and Events Coordinator: Amanda Mitcheltree (724) 674-4291
State Directors
JOSHUA SANDERS 670 MEHRING RD, LITTLESTOWN, PA 17340...................(732) 406-4949 Adams
SARAH CAMPBELL 1155 CAMPBELL RUN RD, FORD CITY, PA, 16226............. (724) 859-2850 Armstrong/Indiana
ANDREW BECHTEL 147 BECHTEL LANE, MARTINSBURG, PA 16662............... (814) 793-2635 Blair
CHARLOTTE NATALI 2131 CENTENNIAL ROAD, BEDFORD, PA 15522.............. (814) 422-8569 Bedford
BRENT SCHULER 1153 RICHMOND RD FLEETWOOD, PA 19522................ (484) 336-8238 Berks
WADE STURGEON 748 BATES RD, FOMBELL, PA 16123................................ (724) 368-8429 Beaver/Lawrence
KRISTY MORSE 10520 SOUTHSIDE RD. CANTON, PA 17724......................(315) 956-5655 Bradford
JEAN KUMMER 310 WATTERS STATION RD, EVANS CITY, PA 16033.......... (215) 872-9662 Butler
GRANT ITLE 517 VALEWOOD RD. LORETTO, PA 15940.........................(814) 886-7171 Cambria
NATHAN ULMER 148 MUSSER LANE, BELLEFONTE, PA 16823-...................(814) 280-5459 Centre/Clinton
GLENN RANCK 200 STREET ROAD, COCHRANVILLE, PA 19330.................(610)-998-0672 Chester
JANICE JURBALA 1933 STATE ROUTE 254, ORANGEVILLE, PA 17859.......... (570) 458-6388 Columbia/Luzerne
DANIEL DICKEY 10145 CHURCH ROAD, ESPYVILLE, PA 16414................... (724) 927-2298 Crawford
AARON CORNMAN 828 BALTIMORE PIKE, GARDNERS, PA 17324.................. (717) 448-1707 Cumberland
JEFF JONES 14210 OLD ROUTE 8 N., TITUSVILLE, PA 16354............... (814) 827-4386 Clarion/Venango
J. MICHAEL MILLER 6843 FISHING CREEK RD. HARRISBURG, PA 17112.......... (717) 497-5275 Dauphin
CLINTON ALLEN 2434 PITTSBURGH RD, SMOCK, PA 15480....................... (724) 677-2589 Fayette
JUSTIN BURDETTE 8656 CORNER RD, MERCERSBURG PA 17236...................(717)-328-9078 Franklin
TRAVIS COUCH 13683 GREENWOOD RD, HUNTINGDON, PA 16652........ (814) 599-0272 Huntingdon
CHRISTY LYLE 1887 REITZ CROSSING RD, BROCKWAY, PA 15824........... (814) 371-6929 Jefferson
JOEL MILLS 650 JONESTOWN RD, THOMPSONTOWN, PA 17094....... (717) 535-9983 Juniata
RICHARD MELLINGER 2212 FORRY RD, LANCASTER, PA 17601.......................... (717) 390-2855 Lancaster
GARY LENTZ 1179 GREBLE ROAD, LEBANON, PA 17046...................... (717) 933-4782 Lebanon
PAUL SEMMEL 3620 EXCELSIOR ROAD, SCHNECKSVILLE, PA 18078........ (610) 799-3489 Lehigh
ANDY MCCARTHY 23 RICHARD DRIVE, DALLAS, PA 18612............................(570) 428-2901 Lycoming
DAVID STRATTON 2572 EAST VALLEY ROAD, SMETHPORT, PA 16749.......... (814) 887-2244 McKean KELLY CLAYTON 1345 ENTERPRISE RD. GROVE CITY, PA 16127................. (724)-992-4659 Mercer
MICHAEL YODER 53 DRYHOUSE FARM LN. BELLEVILLE, PA 17004..............(717) 437-5846 Mifflin
RANDY WOLFE 40 RIDGEVIEW COLONY, MILTON, PA 17847.................... (570) 713-4902
ADAM TANIS 202 CHERRY CT, NAZARETH, PA 18064.............................(484)-224-6892
AMBER SMITH 50 GABEL RD. NEW PORT, PA 17074................................(717) 756-1427 Perry
MARK BACHMAN 439 PUSHERSIDING ROAD, ULYSSES, PA 16948................(814) 848-7262 Potter
GARTH CAMPBELL PO BOX 285, GRATZ, PA 17030-........................................(717) 365-3718 Schuylkill
CINDY SHAFFER 268 BRICK PLANT ROAD, BEAVERTOWN, PA 17813......... (570) 850-5074 Snyder
PAIGE SPORY 46111 SOMERSET PIKE, HOLLSOPPLE, PA 15935 (814) 270-5162 Somerset
DENISE PEASE 7073 SR 492, SUSQUEHANNA, PA 18847......................... (570) 756-2142 Susquehanna
DENISE HARTRANFT 392 WEBSTER ROAD, COVINGTON, PA 16917................. (570) 549-2144 Tioga
DOUGLAS BOOP 1070 RANCK RD, MILLMONT, PA 17845........................... (570) 713-5844 Union
KEITH WALTERS 168 WALTERS ROAD, NEW ALEXANDRIA, PA 15670....... (724) 468-5274
WAYNE SHERWOOD 619 SR 4015, MESHOPPEN, PA 18630..............................(570) 470-7016 Wyoming/Lackawanna
BAILEY WINSLOW 4 EDGEMANT DRIVE, WARREN, PA 16365.........................(814)-730-1975 Warren
STEVE LINKOWSKI 223 MILLER ROAD, AVELLA, PA 15312..............................(412)-600-7277 Washington
JACKIE CHYLE COSGROVE 71 LAUREL DRIVE, HONESDALE, PA 18431..................(570)-229-2435 Wayne
CHARLENE WALKER 6906 OAK LANE, THOMASVILLE, PA 17364.......................(717)-324-7363 York
Holstein Association USA, Inc.
David Reynolds, Regional Sales Representative- Phone 717-321-4011 email:
WINTER 2022 PA Holstein Profiles 70
PROVEN SIRES HHP$™ CFP%REL 7HO14454 LIONEL 1,167 25899 7HO14229 TAHITI 1,099 18699 7HO14451 BIG AL 1,087 15298 250HO14134 RENEGADE 1,037 14998 7HO14438 GODDARD 1,027 15798 7HO14436 BIG DOLLARS 990 13297 7HO14578 FOXCATCHER 974 12497 7HO14320 ALPHABET 964 17397 14HO14226 ROME 939 14799 7HO14545 JAMARCO 903 19195 *NxGEN ® sire. 08/22 CDCB/HA Genomic Data. ™Herd Health Profit Dollars and HHP$ are trademarks of Select Sires Inc. ®NxGEN and Your Success Our Passion. are registered trademarks of Select Sires Inc. 7 = Select Sires, 14 = Accelerated Genetics, 250 = GenerVations Healthy, longer-living cows return more money to the dairy and help you secure a more sustainable future. Leverage elite health and wellness sires that excel for components to boost the production and longevity of your herd. Contact your Select Sires representative today to build more profitability in your next generation! YOUNG SIRES HHP$CFP%REL 7HO15977 HAYK* 1,275 16079 7HO15913 KAHN* 1,223 19479 14HO16135 GAMECHANGER* 1,212 16479 7HO16071 SAHARA 1,198 14880 14HO15932 CUMULUS* 1,197 20279 7HO16133 GOLD CARD 1,191 16579 250HO15872 IBENDIGO* 1,190 16880 250HO16110 LETCHWORTH* 1,181 16879 7HO15245 PERPETUAL 1,181 21382 14HO15865 PERLE* 1,180 17179