Winter 2020 PA Holstein Profiles

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Winter 2020

w o h S e l p o e P e h T t Le WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 1

COW FAMILIES MATTERI � Classification Highlights 2 New Excellents 6 New Very Goods FURIOUS LAzY 9-01 VEVEV EX-90 SHOTTLE l!ANAE 7-02 EEWE EX-90 Dam & Daughter SHOTTLE CHURCHILL 5-09 VG-87 VV+W

14 Generations of VG or EX from the Swampy-Hollow Elevation Sweet Family



....._ 14 Generations of VG or EX from the great cow family of Gorwood-D Roberta Rockman EX-94 3E BIC APPLE CANDY 5-05 VG-87 VVVVV (Granddtr of Welk-Shade TNT Connie EX-94 2E)


3-08 VG-85 +V++V 4th Dam: Windsor-Manor Rud Zip EX-9 54E




4-03 VG-85 ++VVV

Drink Whole Milk, Nature's Powerhouse Drink Visit � BREEDINC ACE BULLS AVAILABLE


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0) l1l C:

Sired By: Linjet Shottle Rex-PP Done Right Astrologer Mr America Stardust Kite DV Contender


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17522 1717. WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 2

The year 2020 will go down in history as a year we will not soon forget. As a Dairy Farmer and Holstein Breeder we would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Committee members, volunteers, sponsors, and exhibitors that made sure our membership had an opportunity to present their cattle at a PHA sanctioned show. Covid be damned we pulled together to get this done. We are proud to be PHA members.

3099 Beans Cove Rd │ Clearville. PA 15535 814-767-9698 │ Buck’s Cell 814-494-1848 WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 3


On the Cover: A class lineup at the Western Pa Championship Show

of Contents

Executive Director Thoughts by David Lentz.........................6 Houser’s Happenings by Jim Houser....................................8 FEATURE: Living Nativity by Andrea York Stoltzfus.............11 Jr Convention News............................................................12 Meet the New PHA Team...................................................14 Craftsman Corner...............................................................16 2021 National Convention Notes..................................17-18 Championship Show Results ........................................20-22 Nittany Lion Fall Classic Sale Report..................................28

Pennsylvania Holstein Association Calendar of Events

November 18- 10:30am PA Show Committee Meeting PHA Office State College, PA November 19- 10:30am PHA Executive Committee Meeting PHA Office State College, PA November 20- 10:30am Souteast Disrict Convention Planning Meeting, Crowne Plaza Reading, PA November 20 -7:00 pm York County Holstein Banquet York County 4-H Center, York, PA November 21- 7:00pm Mercer County All Dairy Banquet Knights of Columbus Greenville, PA

Greetings everyone!

December 3- 11:00am Milk & More sale Fisher’s Quality Dairy Sales Facility, Ronks, PA December 17- 10:30am Pennsylvania Holstein Association Board of Directors Meeting, PA Holstein Office, State College, PA February 5-7- 2021 PA Holstein Adult and Junior Conventions Crowne Plaza Hotel, Reading, PA March 25, 2021-PHA Spring Show, Location TBD June 19-24- 2021 National Holstein Convention Lancaster Marriott & Convention Center, Lancaster, PA September 18-21-2021 All-American Dairy Show Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg, PA

First off, I would like to wish Ken Raney and Debbie Cornman both the happiest retirement, they certainly deserve it. Both have given many years of tremendous service to PHA and will be dearly missed. Taking on the Pa Profiles was little intimidating; I certainly have some big shoes to fill. I hope all the Profiles readers will allow me a bit of slack as I learn all the ropes of being editor and as I get to know the members; I didn’t realize how many I didn’t know until starting this! You will undoubtably see some different things in the Pa Profiles, and some old things returning. The breeders directory was discontinued in the last issue but we’re hoping to bring it back. Please contact me if you would like to be included in the next issue. There may be some colors on the pages we are not used to seeing. I know breed pride can run pretty strong, but so many herds are mixed now, and the breeds are as different as the individual breeders, with a place for all. As the number of dairy people declines, we need each other now more than ever; we are stronger together. And so, while each individual may get along better with one breed of cow or another, a good cow person is willing to admire a good cow no matter her color, even if they are not inclined to own one themselves. I am so proud of PA Holstein for pulling off the Championship shows this year despite the trials and tribulations Covid provided. As dairy people we live day in and day out knowing anything could happen, yet we continue to live our lives. Covid was supposed to leave us cowering in fear, but all it did was show us a peak of the strength that lies within our community. My hope is for the Profiles to be something we all look forward to getting each issue. We want to showcase the cows we are so proud of, the human families that make them possible, and the life we live. Because we love to see good cows, but we also love seeing life. The Pennsylvania cow community is like a big family, and while we may only see each other once in a while, we can still celebrate with each other through the pages of the Profiles. I look forward to meeting in person as time goes on! ~Rose WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 4

Don’t get your T insel in a tangle!

Penn Dell Silver Tinsel

3-01A 365D 28185M 4.4% 1252F 3.4% 614P

Penn Minn Glen Tyson 3E-94 LIFE 2654D 219620M 4.5% 9777F 3.3% 7252P


278 Orndorf Road, Spring Mills, Pa 16875 Centre County Jim’s Cell: 814-880-3493

Tinsel is just like the stuff wrapped around the Christmas tree; bold, bright, and stands out. We are blessed to have such beautiful cows in our herd. We wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season, Thanksgiving through New Years, and look forward to a “normal” 2021. Penn Dell Farm is so grateful to have had three generations benefit from the service of Ken Raney. Thank you for your countless hours of service, we are so glad to have had the opportunity to work with you.

RHA - 29,258M PBR - 49 Years The Houser farm is located at

WINTER PAeHolstein 4702020 Imm l Road,Profiles Sprin5g Mills, Pa 16875. We have

bulls for sale and always welcome visitors.

Executive Directors Column Challenging Year Brings New Opportunities of Growth By David Lentz

Life is certainly full of change, but 2020 took change to a whole new level. Amid what was the final stages of planning the best National Holstein Convention to date, something called Covid-19 hit and stopped us in our tracks. Furthermore, we had big plans for an exciting transitional time to properly appreciate and recognize our Association’s long-time leader, Ken Raney, as he worked his way toward retirement on September 30th. Finally, it’s unfortunate that our PA Profiles editor for the past 16 years, Debbie Cornman missed her opportunity to complete the National Convention commemorative booklet before she retired. However, like farmers, your Association continues to find solutions to these challenges. When challenges force change, new opportunities can be discovered. The Pennsylvania Holstein Association seized several of these opportunities in 2020. We returned to the role of cattle location and procurement arena for Export Sales. As most members know, we own a 120acre farm in Middletown that serves as a federally certified quarantine facility for export and import of livestock. When the Association bought the Farm in the early 70’s, whole export orders were completed to countries like Hungary, Italy and France. This full-service export service provided a great stream of revenue for the Association and for our members over a 20 year span. From the late 90’s to 2019, your Association provided superb services of quarantine and cattle care to export partners while having little to do with the location of cattle for the shipments. As the pandemic shutdowns began in March, I worked with staff from one of our oldest export partners to select and test over 900 heifers from our members and other PA dairies. By May, 658 of those heifers qualified for the order and were sold to our export partner. We housed 355 of those heifers for several months. Hope WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 6

fully, this arrangement can potentially expand into helping other exporters find cattle while selling more heifers for our members. Ken and Debbie’s well-deserved retirements ushered in a new team of PA Holstein staff. I’m humbled and honored to become the Executive Director. The Association added three passionate individuals to our team. Amanda Mitcheltree is our new Youth & Events Coordinator, Jennifer Hill is our new Show Coordinator, and Rose Morian is our new PA Profiles editor. Amanda, Jennifer, and Rose each bring a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm for the Holstein industry to the table. Tracy Wellar, veteran Office Coordinator and Leslie Peters, veteran Office Secretary, will continue serving this Association with a positive and entertaining attitude. We are pumped about the potential this new team offers. Members should not hesitate to contact us with new ideas and improvements. Covid-19 caused us to look for different ways and locations to get things done. We successfully completed 6 regional shows, even if we had to relocate one of them. Relocation was also necessary in order to conduct the 37th Annual Nittany Lion Fall Classic Sale. We managed 2 dispersal sales and 2 Milk&More sales with excellent results, through it all. Thank you to every member that helped make these events happen. As 2020 winds down, your Association is planning several fantastic events for 2021. These include our first combined Adult & Junior Convention since 1988- the National Convention 2020 +1 in Lancaster-- and an exciting new event for our members in their 20’s and 30’s. We look forward to more involvement from our members when planning and participating in our activities. So, I challenge you to invest yourself in your local Holstein Association as well as the state Association. Afterall, it is the grassroots that make any organization stronger! Have a blessed day!

PA Holstein Profiles The Official Publication Of Pennsylvania Holstein Association (USPS 437|ISSN: 08878498)

Volume 38

No. 2


“The Pennsylavnia Holstein Profiles is published two times a year, May/ June and Nov/Dec by the Pennsylvania Holstein Association 839 Benner Pike, State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-234-0364 Yearly subscription price is: U.S.-$15, Canada- $20 The Profiles subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address pplease be sure to give us both the old and new address. Printed in the United States by: Modern Litho 6009 Stertzer Road, Jefferson City, MO 65101

Address all communications to:

PA Holstein Profiles Rose Morian 12028 Sperry Rd, Atlantic, PA 16111 Call or text at (814)282-3371

Postmaster: Send address changes to Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles 839 Benner Pike State College, PA 16801 Editor & Advertising Manager Rose Morian Executive Director David Lentz Officers James Houser Buck Cessna Jeff Ansell

President Vice President Treasurer

SUMMER 2021 Deadline April 20th, 2021

CONTENT/COPY: Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles has a policy to accept paid advertising unless its content may be construed as defamatory, invasive of the privacy of others, fraudulent, obscene, or otherwise unlawful. In submitting copy, the advertiser represents and warrants that its content falls obeys said rules and is in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws. Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising or submitted written material at any time. The material produced is done with the highest integrity however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions.

WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 7

Thankful; for the people, the friends, the opportunities, and the cows. As Thanksgiving is upon us, let us all take time to be thankful. 2020 has been a very “different� year, but there is so much to reflect on and be thankful for. After 36 years of outstanding leadership, our well loved CEO Ken Raney has retired. I am very thankful for the opportunity to have worked with Ken, and thankful my children had the chance to compete in so many Pa Holstein competitions because of Ken’s great management. In order to fill the vacancy left by the great Ken Raney, interviews were held. Thank you to all of the people who came out to support our Association. Our personnel committee had their hands full in deciding who was going to be our potential new hire. I am sending a big thank you to the committee for their countless hours spent reviewing resumes and holding interviews in order to get the best employees for Pennsylvania Holstein. David Lentz has stepped up to be our new CEO of Pennsylvania Holstein. He will continue his position of being the director of sales, as well as taking on a few new tasks. We would also like to welcome Amanda Mitcheltree as our youth and events coordinator, and Jennifer Hill as our show coordinator. I am thankful to have had such great people to interview, and I feel our association is in good hands for years to come. This year, we are also wishing a happy retirement to our Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles editor, Debbie Cornman. I am thankful for all her years of dedicated service as editor and as photographer of many of our events. She has done a great job and will be turning over the reins to our new editor, Rose Morian. Rose was a great candidate for WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 8

this position and we are looking forward to working with her on our magazine. Unfortunately, many county, state, and national shows were cancelled due to Covid. In spite of this, we were able to hold all of the regional shows, and had a great turn out for them. I am thankful for the strength of Pennsylvania Holstein to be able to hold such strong events for our members, and for all of the sponsors who so graciously supported us. February 5th through the 7th, the southeast region will be hosting us for the 2021 Pennsylvania Holstein Convention. Unlike in previous years, there will not be a separate junior and adult convention. We hope that this change will boost attendance and create an exciting atmosphere for everyone. I am thankful for being able to keep this convention in the plans, and look forward to seeing everyone there. After the cancellation of the 2020 National convention which was to be held in Lancaster, we are looking forward to holding this event in June 2021. We hope everyone will be able to come out and enjoy a week of farm tours, youth competitions, and lots of family friendly fun. This will be the last time Pennsylvania Holstein

Association will get the opportunity to host before Holstein USA takes over the National Conventions, so make your reservations and make this convention one to remember. At this time, youth and adult state membership fees are being collected for 2021 membership. Youth memberships are $20, and are required in order to show at any state shows or compete in any state events. The adult fee depends on your classified membership level. Paper applications are being accepted, along with internet applications using a credit card. This year, Pennsylvania Holstein made the decision to get a new logo. Be on the lookout to see the new emblem of our prized association. We received many designs from our members, and it was great to see the design talents within Pennsylvania Holstein. To wrap it up, 2020 has been a crazy year, but I am very thankful for the many opportunities Pennsylvania Holstein has given me, and for the ability to keep moving forward in a year where the odds seemed to be against us. I wish everyone a happy holiday season, and will forever be thankful for more than I can list.

WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 9

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Live Nativity becomes a Tradition

By Andrea Stoltzfus York

Photos by Dryhouse farm

As the holiday season approaches, stars appear on silos, and lights brighten fences and tractors as farm families share the holiday spirit. A nativity scene on the lawn or near the barn may take the place of summer flowers or fall pumpkins. The Yoder family at Dryhouse Holsteins, however, take the nativity scene a bit more seriously. Michael and Maria Yoder and their children – Natalie, Paul, Grant, and Cade – use their bank barn and fill it with animals and volunteers dressed in period clothing, to create a living nativity to spread the joy and message of the season. Michael said they first came up with the idea in 2016. They had used the barn to host church events and Halloween parties. “We also own many of the animals that are used in the nativity, so it dawned on me one day that we should try to combine these kinds of events,” he said. He suggested the idea to their church’s Sunday School class, bringing them on board to help serve food and be part of the cast. Their first live nativity was a onenight event, attracting 350 people to the farm. In 2019, they expanded the event to two nights, hosting 700 visitors to the farm. Michael’s entire family takes part in the event. Maria is in charge of the cookies, coffee and hot chocolate. The couple’s sons dress as shepherds and also help with the kids’ activities, while daughter Natalie portrays an angel from high atop the hay bales. From her perch, she keeps a headcount of visitors. Located in Mifflin County in central Pennsylvania, the live nativity attracts guests from across the region. “We have had people travel from over two hours away to see it,” Michael said. “It’s a great community event for friends and family to catch up during the Christmas season.”

goats, sheep, a pony and chickens. The Yoders create a large pen with a low fence, so kids can reach in and pet the animals. Friends dressed as shepherds roam with the animals and answer questions about them as well. “It’s a great opportunity for all ages,” he added. “Some people have asked why we don’t charge for the event – we are happy to give this gift to the community.” While the nativity symbolizes the traditional message of Christmas, Michael said the event has another benefit. “Our goal is to combine the true meaning of Christmas and also get people out to the farm and promote a positive image of agriculture,” he said. This year’s live nativity will also be held on two nights. “It’s become a tradition for families,” Michael said. “Hopefully it will make the Christmas season feel a bit normal this year.” This year’s live nativity at Dryhouse Farm will take place on Thursday, December 17th, and Friday, December 18th. from 5:30 to 8 p.m.

Dryhouse Farm has 200 milking head and 230 head of young stock. Michael works the day before the event to sweep the barn floor and spends the morning of the event hanging lights and setting up animal pens. In addition to the farm’s cattle, animal participants include a llama, donkey, WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 11

Jr Convention News! As we look to 2021, the Southeast District is looking forward to hosting all Holstein enthusiasts for the state convention to be held for both the junior and adult associations February 5-7 at the Crowne Plaza in Reading. The weekend will be filled with junior contests, recognition of award recipients, the convention sale, farm tours, as well as plenty of time to socialize with fellow Holstein friends. Due to current government restrictions and regulations, the Friday and Saturday night meals and events, as well as the Sunday morning awards breakfast will be held off site. All other events and activities will be held at the Crowne Plaza. County junior leaders should have received contest rules and entry forms and they can also be found on the website. A reminder to our adult membership that we are seeking nominations for the Hall of Fame, Pioneer, Distinguished Supporter, and Distinguished Young Breeder awards. Nomination forms and applications can be found on the website. Be on the lookout for more publicity regarding the convention in the weeks to come! Amanda K. Mitcheltree Youth and Events Coordinator 814-234-0364

WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 12

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WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 14


Your PA Holstein Team!!

As you know, our long-time Executive Director, Ken Raney has retired after 36 years of dedication to and making an impact for PA Holstein. We wish him well as he and Beth do more traveling and visiting with their precious Grandsons. On October 1st, the Pennsylvania Holstein Association entered a new era of staffing. Per David’s request that members get to know the personality of our new team, here’s the roster for the new PHA Team and a few fun facts about them. David J. Lentz—Executive Director Hometown: Lebanon, PA Current town: New Bloomfield, PA Previous job: Director of Sales for PHA from 2001-2020 What makes you smile the most: When my wife & daughter sing at Church or anytime in general. 3 things that you can’t live without: God, Food & Holsteins Must watch TV Show: The Goldbergs What did you want to do with your life at age 12: Breed a world renowned herd of Holsteins Song that you could listen to on Repeat: Baby got Back Define yourself in 3 words: Driven, Intense & Faithful Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving Best vacation ever: Universal Studios Favorite Band or Music Artist: Garth Brooks Best thing that happened to you in 2020: Got a new Job Tracy Wellar— Office Coordinator Hometown: Bellefonte, PA Current town: Bellefonte, PA What makes you smile the most: My grandchildren – Kalib (7) and Scarlett (4) and my Fur Grand dogs Gracie (8) and Harper (8) Best thing that happened to you in 2020 – With so many things not open this summer, my husband and I have found more time to just do things around the house and walk in our local parks most every evening. I have actually enjoyed the slower pace, one of the blessings for this trying time. Favorite Holiday: Valentine’s Day, because it is also our anniversary. 35 Years in 2021 Best vacation ever: Las Vegas 3 things that you can’t live without: Coffee, Ice Cream, Chocolate Must watch TV Show:Survivor/Big Brother Favorite Band or Music Artist: Little Big Town Song that you could listen to on Repeat: The Beer the Wine the Whiskey Define yourself in 3 words: Social, Comedian and a little OCD What did you want to do with your life at

age 12: Airline stewardess Previous job: PHA Office Manager 1990 – 2020 Jennifer Hill - Show Coordinator Hometown: Emmitsburg, MD Current Town: Thurmont, MD Other Concurrent Jobs: MD-Hillbrook Sales and Service and Assistant Herd Manager at Glad Ray Farm (Family Farm) Must watch TV: Survivor and Ozarks Favorite Band or Artist: Do not have one Song that you could listen to on repeat: Dont Stop Belivin by Journey and Your Love by The Outfield Define Yourself in Three Words: Direct, Conscientious, Dependable What did you want to do with your life at age 12: Be a Horse Trainer Favorite Holiday: 4th of July Best Vacation Ever: Every vacation is the best, all in what you make of it. What makes you smile most: My Jack Russell, Eve 3 Things you can’t live without: Pizza, Positivity, Sunshine Best Thing that happened to you in 2020: I was able to experience the Grand Canyon, via a rafting tour. 100 degree nights on a mesh cot under the vast stars in the middle of nowhere cannot be duplicated! Rose Morian-Editor, PA Holstein Profiles Hometown: Atlantic PA Current town: Atlantic, PA Other Concurrent Jobs: Writer, Farmers helper (I get to help with just about everything) at Mish-Ro Holsteins and Jerseys (family farm) What makes you smile the most: My husbands wit and our dogs Pepper (Boston Terrier) and Lucy (Boxer) 3 things that you can’t live without: our dogs, good books, and my pocket knife Must watch TV Show: When I moved five years ago we went a few years without tv channels, that kind of broke that habit; before that Elementary. What did you want to do with your life at age 12: Cowboy that moonlights as an international assassin (international intrigue, travel, the schedule, skills, anonymity, and of course, the pay… What’s

not to like?) Define yourself in 3 words: Independent, Loyal, Strong Favorite Holiday: 4th of July Best vacation ever: Auburn, IndianaClassic car capital of the world Best thing that happened to you in 2020: I got the opportunity to help set up an exhibit at the Philadelphia Flower Show- it was incredible experience seeing what goes into it and watching the designers vision come to life Amanda Mitcheltree — Youth & Events Coordinator Hometown: New Castle, PA Current town: Bedford, PA Previous job: Currently work for Purina Animal Nutrition as a dairy specialist and have since graduating from Virginia Tech in 2015 Must watch TV Show: Greys Anatomy Song that you could listen to on Repeat: Wagon Wheel – brings back great college memories! Define yourself in 3 words: Determined, Independent, Optimistic What did you want to do with your life at age 12: Be a teacher Favorite Holiday: Christmas Best vacation ever: Family cruise to the Caribbean What makes you smile the most: Spending time with family and friends 3 things that you can’t live without: Water, Ice cream, Family Best thing that happened to you in 2020: Joining the PHA staff! Leslie Peters -office assistant Hometown - Beech Creek, PA Favorite holiday- Christmas What makes me smile- family Define yourself in 3 words- respectful, loyal, giving

Four-Zag Hill Rosalie Zaginaylo 169 Knorrs Hill Rd Berwick, PA 18603 570-764-3621

WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 15


He checks the boxes!

The bulls that were bred to be cows

Combines Apple and Roxy bloodlines A2/A2 Beta Casein Homozygous Polled Rare aAa code: 546 Udder Specialist Calving Ease Strength and width Sexed semen

Rex-PP-Red Daughters

Call 1-855-955-2100 or visit WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 16

Craftsman Corner

Ginger Worx LLC is a custom CNC Plasma cutting business combining the finest elements of quality, durability, design, and function to bring each individual’s vision to life. Owned and operated by Joe Waddell of Cochranton, PA, Ginger Worx specializes in the fabrication of metal signage and custom parts, as well as being able to design the work to meet each specific ideal. The products can ship as-is, ready for paint, or can be powder coated for durability and a sleek finish. Wall art can also be back lit with color changing LEDs, creating a one-of-a-kind piece that will be the focal point of any room. Here is a look at the man behind the business and a little bit about Ginger Worx. 1.) What got you interested in your craft at the beginning? Working with my Grandpa Waddell and my dad around the farm building things, and working with my Grandpa Vanderstappen, who taught me wood carving. Design and creative work have always been strong interests of mine. In addition, I always enjoyed tearing things down to figure out how they work. This contributed to me earning my degree in mechanical engineering at West Virginia University. 2.) What is your connection/history with dairy/ag? I grew up on our family dairy farm. After graduating from WVU, I went to work for Case IH as a test engineer and then as a product specialist for high horsepower tractors before moving home to work for the family farm, Apple Shamrock Dairy Farms LLC. My role on the farm is repair work/fabrication, managing the grain facility, and operating equipment. 3.) how did you get started? I bought a CNC plasma table to use around the farm to fabricate parts and expanded into making custom pieces for others. In 2016, I formed Ginger Worx LLC and

further expanded this business. 4.) What keeps you doing this and how can people find you? I enjoy creating unique, one of a kind signage for people. From parts to personal signs, business signs to fire pits, I can bring your vision to life. To get started or to view my past projects, find me on facebook at

Craftsman Corner is designed to draw attention to those in ag that offer a unique set of skills or service.. If you know a craftman involved in ag that should be featured in Craftsman Corner, please send their name and contact info to the editor (see page 6). WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 17

s, ear Friend


ania’s is Pennsylv tein it , s r a e y al Hols After 26 the Nation ing t s o h o t n tur e be n! Plans ar Conventio r 2021 website u finalized, o lHolsteinConventio ilding. na bu 2021Natio d the excitement is n is online, a ith us in few days w ing, meeting a d n e p s , tour Plan to lunteering ew ones. o v r te s a c gn Lan , and makin old friends ing ign-up com s r e te n lu a vo Watch for rd soon. look forwa d n a t u p in e your in We welcom ith all the PA Holste w g in to work members. iane Reid and D e n Jim and Ire



June 19-24, 2021

Volunte ers Needed !!


FARM TOURS STRASBURG RAILROAD Pennsylvania’s Best Genetics offered for sale!


LANCASTER, PA WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 18


A full-page ad will get you on the map! We will have the Pennsylvania Map on a two-page spread to place your pin where you are located. The map would include your name, address, phone number, Facebook page, website. (i.e by corresponding number on the map) The map will also be put on the convention website and Facebook page Reserve your ad page today with Rose Morian, get a head start on your ad for the 2021 National Convention Booklet. THE COMMITTEES and THEIR CHAIRS for the 2020 NATIONAL HOLSTEIN CONVENTION: Chairman - Reid and Diane Hoover Youth Chairman - Dr. Jim and Irene Osborne Treasurer - Rosie Zaginaylo Secretary - Michelle Cornman Finance - Ken Umble Banquet - Jed and Sue Beshore Booklet - Debbie Cornman Commercial Exhibits - Keith and Debbie Decker Dairy Bar - Donna Werley and Karen Mohn Golf Outing - Jim Taranto Hospitality - Bob and Jane Pepple Host Day Tours- William and Lolly Lesher Family Night - Michael and Jill Ammon Non-Delegate program - Glenn and Karen Brake Pre-Convention Tours - Wayne and Dana Cessna Publicity- Jean Kummer Registration - Cindy Schaffer Sale - Michael Yoder and Randy Wolfe Transportation - David and Phoebe Bitler Social Media - Rebecca Shaw Pre-Sale Meal - Gary and Barbara Lentz/

JUNIOR CONVENTION COMMITTEES and CHAIRS: Jim & Irene Osborne - Jr Convention Chairs Jennifer Dickey and Kathy Klink - Jr. Registration Michelle Smith-Lentz - Jr. Welcome Night Pat Kitchen - DJM Luncheon Duane & Kathy Nolt - Host Day - Hershey Park Sara Horst - Publicity Mandy Arrowsmith - Workshops Meranda Sellers - Contest Coordinator Dr. Bob Cloninger - Dairy Bowl Luncheon Robyn Bechtel - Sale Night Jr. Activity Ben & Elizabeth Cashell - Jr. Awards Luncheon Joy Widerman, Josie Riser, Carol Nell - Farewell Event Duane and Andrea Stoltzfus - Wednesday Jr. Activity

SUPPORT THE NATIONAL CONVENTION – VOLUNTEER TODAY!!!!!! Contact Volunteer Chair Penny Ulmer 570-233-2897 or PHA office 814-234-0364. WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 19

WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 20

Championship Show Results

2020 Southeast PA Holstein Championship Show August 18, 2020 Lebanon Fairgrounds, Lebanon, PA Justin Kaufman, Judge 95 Head Shown

Best Animal Bred & Owned Schaufine Doc Blameless-Et Owner: Amy Hoover

YOUTH SHOW Junior Champion – Bulldog Dback Lizzy Owner: Jayden Reist Reserve Junior Champion – Locust-St Denver Audrey Owner: Megan Heagy

2020 Central PA Holstein Championship Show August 8,2020 120 Head Shown Centre County Grange Fairgrounds, Centre Hall, PA Michael Creek, Judge

Senior and Grand Champions Champion – Dream-On Goldsun Haya Owner: Natalie Grumbine Reserve Champion – Luck-E Crush Oakley Owner: Lauren Eslary

YOUTH SHOW Junior Champion – Heart & Soul Defiant Ribbon Owner: Luke Tanis Reserve Junior Champion – Cashells Chelios Levine Owner: Dakota and Landree Fraley

Best Animal Bred & Owned WSC Solomon Ink Owner: Madison Weaver OPEN SHOW Junior Champion – S-Pine-Lawn Artisan Ruth Owner: Schuler Farms LLC Reserve Junior Champion – Bulldog Dback Lizzy Owner: Jayden Reist

Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Brook-Corner Holsteins, Hoover Family

Heart & Soul Defiant Ribbon Intermediate Champion–Peachey Airlift Tulsa Owner: Tim & Tyler Peachey Reserve Intermediate Champion– C-Cove Cinderdoor Azra RC Owner: Molly Cessna

Intermediate Champion – C-Cove Cinderdoor Azra RC Owner: Molly Cessna Reserve Intermediate Champion – Cherry-Lor DBack Robin-Red Owner: Matthew Boop and Cael Hembury Senior Champion – Rokey Road Brokaw Dotti Owner: Justin Smith Reserve Senior Champion – Heart & Soul JK Dempsey Glitz Owner: Matthew Boop

Peachey Airlift Tulsa Senior Champion – Rokey Road Brokaw Dottie Owner: Justin Smith Reserve Senior Champion – Heart & Soul JK Dempsey Glitz Owner: Matthew Boop

Grand Champion-Rokey Road Brokaw Dottie Owner: Justin Smith Reserve Grand Champion – Heart & Soul JK Dempsey Glitz Owner: Matthew Boop Southeast Open Jr Champions Senior and Grand Champions Champion – Luck-E Diamond Allure-Et Owner: Dunn’s Pride Holsteins Reserve Champion – Luck-E Powerball Addict-Et Owners: Amy & Brad Hoover & Boyd Schaufelberger

Luck-E Diamond Allure-Et

Best Animal Bred & Owned C-Cove Cinderdoor Azra RC Owner: Molly Cessna OPEN SHOW Junior Champion–Heart & Soul Defiant Ribbon Owner: Luke Tanis Reserve Junior Champion–Crest-Lea Solomon Diamond Owners: Hawbaker, Pease, Borba

Rokey Road Brokaw Dottie Grand Champion– Rokey Road Brokaw Dottie Owner: Justin Smith Reserve Grand Champion–Heart & Soul JK Dempsey Glitz Owner: Matthew Boop

Lineup for Grand

WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 21

2020 Northeast PA Holstein Championship Show August 4, 2020 Alparon Park, Troy, PA Tyler Reynolds, Judge 94 Head Shown

Senior Champion-Pencroft Aftershock Tisha Owner: Chase & Alexis Cashell Reserve Senior Champion- Kevetla Epic Bananas-ET Owner: Shoresbrook Farm

YOUTH SHOW Junior Champion- Cashells Chelious Levine Owner: Landree & Dakota Fraley Reserve Junior Champion-Decker Diamondback Nickal Owner: Madox Decker Intermediate Champion-Gen-Rich Amaryllis-Red Owner: Sara & Anna Kennedy Reserve Intermediate Champion-She-Ken Dback Big Bang Owner: She-Ken Holsteins

Northeast Intermediate Champions Grand Champion-Pencroft Aftershock Tisha Owner: Chase & Alexis Cashell Reserve Grand Champion-Gen-Rich Amaryllis-Red Owner: Sara & Anna Kennedy

Senior Champion- JR-GW-Dwibet Gold Celeste-ET Owner: Shawnee Comstock Reserve Senior Champion-Leona-View Frizz Sour-Red Owner: Kendal Jenkins

OPEN SHOW Junior Champion – BV-CW Doorman Lexi-Ets Owner: Madison Soden Reserve Junior Champion – Sweet-Peas G Chip Eleanor Owner: Madison Soden

Northern Tier Open Jr Champs Senior and Grand Champion - Luck-E Awesome Jacuzzi-Red Owner: Ian Briechle Reserve Senior and Grand Champion – Ms Opportunity Amanda-Red-Et Owner: Madison Soden

Grand Champion-Gen-Rich Amaryllis-Red Owner: Sara & Anna Kennedy Reserve Grand Champion- JR-GW-Dwibet Gold Celeste-ET Owner: Shawnee Comstock OPEN SHOW Junior Champion- Cashells Un Cutie-Red-ET Owner: Conrad & Rebecca Carlsen Reserve Junior Champion-Cashells Chelious Levine Owner: Landree & Dakota Fraley

Northern Tier Open & Youth Champions

Pencroft Aftershock Tisha Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Mt.-Glen Holsteins, Jackson Family 2020 Northern Tier Championship Show July 30, 2020 Harford Fairgrounds, New Milford, PA Jason Lloyd, Judge 67 Head Shown

Cashells Un Cutie-Red-ET Intermediate Champion-Gen-Rich Amaryllis-Red Owner: Sara & Anna Kennedy Reserve Intermediate Champion-Esbern Adobe Nanna Nan Owner: Harold Courtney

YOUTH SHOW Junior Champion- BV-CW Doorman Lexi-Ets Owner: Madison Soden Reserve Junior Champion – Sweet-Peas G Chip Eleanor Owner: Madison Soden Senior and Grand Champions-Luck-E Awesome Jacuzzi-Red Owner: Ian Briechle Reserve Senior and Grand Champion – Ms Opportunity Amanda-Red-Et Owner: Madison Soden Best Animal Bred & Owned Josan Goldchhip MnC Owner: Emory Bewley

WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 22

Best Animal Bred & Owned Sweet-Peas Sol Ashley-ET Owner: Lloyd & Denise Pease Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Sweet Peas Holsteins, Lloyd & Denise Pease Family 2020 South-Central Championship Holstein Show August 6, 2020 South Mountain Fairgrounds, Arendsville, PA Michael Heath, Judge 73 Head Shown YOUTH SHOW Junior Champion–Walk-Le Wipeout Blackout Owner: Conner Walker Reserve Junior Champion –Walk-Le High Octane Jamaica Owner: Brianna Walker Senior and Grand Champion– Kul-Wave Defiant Finley Owner: Analise Stover Reserve Senior and Grand Champion – WalkLe Millenium Ivy Owner: Cody Walker

Best Bred and Owned Kul-Wave Defiant Finley Owner: Analise Stover OPEN SHOW Junior Champion – Walk-Le Wipeout Blackout Owner: Conner Walker Reserve Junior Champion – Windy-Knoll-View Pennies Owners: James & Nina Burdette

South Central Open Junior Champions

Intermediate Champion-Mases Manor Dback Luxury Owner: Makenna Mase Reserve Intermediate Champion- Show-Mar Crush Everyone Owner: Wesley Brantner

Intermediate Champion-Oakfield Gold LuckET Owner: Garth & Melissa Campbell Reserve Intermediate Champion- Mases Manor Dback Luxury Owner: Makenna Mase

Senior & Grand Champion-Goldenflo Armani Elude Owner: O. Claypool & S. Comstock Reserve Senior &Grand Chapion- Show-Mar Scrambled 1308 Owner: Dylan Branter OPEN SHOW Junior Champion-Plum-Line Zipadeedooda-Red Owner: Brooke Carey Reserve Junior Champion-Campbell-Run Gold Chip Adelita Owner: Sarah Campbell

Oaskfield Gold Luck-ET

Senior Champion- Oakfield Gold Chip Dare-ET Owner: Sarah Campbell & Evan Creek Reserve Senior Champion- Londondale Apjack Sally-Red Owner: Jordan London Grand Champion: Oakfield Gold Chip Dare-ET Owner: Sarah Campbell & Evan Creek Reserve Grand Champion- Oakfield Gold Luck-ET Owner: Garth & Melissa Campbell

Senior and Grand Champion- Spungold Dback Clair Owner: Dale & Deanna Bendig Reserve Senior and Grand Champion – WalkLe Alexander Elise Owner: Walk-Le Farm LLC

Plum-Line Zipadeedooda-Red

South Central Sr and Grand Champions

Oakfield Gold Chip Dare-ET

Best Bred and Owned- Spungold Dback Clair Owner: Dale & Deanna Bendig Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Walk-Le Holsteins LLC, Walker Family 2020 Western PA Holstein Championship Show July 18, 2020 Crawford County Fairgrounds, Meadville, PA 120 Head Shown Justin Burdette, Judge YOUTH SHOW Junior Champion- Plum-Line Zipadeedooda-Red Owner: Brooke Carey Reserve Junior Champion-Windy-Knoll-View Carnival Owner: Nolan Kummer

WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 23

WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 24

WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 25

WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 26

Join PA’s Largest Farmer Organization Today

So you can

It pays to be a member: Legislative Efforts | Ag Education | Developing Leaders | 717-761-2740

WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 27

37th Nittany Lion Fall Classic Sale

Top 5 Sellers 1. Lot 103-GRF MS Yasafuku F57 aka “Wendy Wu the Waygu” $9,700 Bred Heifer due 5-26-2021 w/ embryo US female Buyer: C&B Cattle Co. c/o Matty Boop, Millmont, PA Seller: Gala Rose Farms c/o Dr Ben Kenney, Batavia, NY

2.Lot 20- Big Guns VIP Vista-ET (Jersey) $6,100 June 2020 VIP x 93 Remake x Vanilla EX95 Buyer: Daniel van de Pol, Escalon, CA Seller: Big Guns Cattle Co., Claysburg, PA 3 Lot Q-IVF Session from Furnace-Hill Big Elsa-ET (GTPI +2913) Biggelo x BGP Slmdnk Iowa 4975 EWL-ET $5,150 Buyer: Barry & Diane England, Williamsburg, PA Seller: Joel Krall & Daryl Heistand, Lebanon, PA 4.Lot 25-Five #1 IVF Embryos from Knapps Kringle Tappy-ET (Guernsey) $4,875 American Pie x Tappy = Big-Time Showring Success Buyer: Edward Crossland Cumberland, MD Seller: Landree Fraley, Muncy, PA 5.Lot 3-Hilrose Jordy Almond-Red Summer Jr 2 for 2021 due 4-15-21 to Analyst-Red Buyer: R-Destiny Genetics, Arlington, MN Seller: Tim & Grace Gunkelman, Burbank, OH

WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 28


10-24-20 Reedsville, PA

Sale Statistics 3 more lots sold over $4,000 and 6 lots over $3,000 111 full lots grossed $222,860 for an average of $2,008 97 live & choice lots grossed $196,620 for an average of $2,027 91 live cattle lots grossed $182,845 for an average of $2,009 6 Choice lots grossed $13,775 for an average of $2,296 14 Embryo lots grossed $26,240 for an average of $417/embryo Sale Staff Sale Chairman: Taylor Wolfe Assistant: Greg Norris Auctioneer: Chris A. Hill Pedigrees: David J. Lentz Ringmen: Nick Raggi, Randy Wolfe, Thad Sturgeon & Eric Smith

Sale Staff: Eric Smith, David J. Lentz, Thad Sturgeon, Greg Norris, Taylor Wolfe, Nick Raggi, Randy Wolfe and Chris A. Hill

Management Team: Dominic Mattilio, Assistant Barn Manager; Lot 3; Greg Norris, Assistant Chair; Lot 20; Taylor Wolfe, Sale Chairman and Jordan Anderson, Barn Manager. Photo’s by Jordan Anderson

Centre Clinton Holstein Association

Congratulations to our Juniors! This year, our juniors placed:

- First in both Junior and Senior dairy bowl - Jordan Anderson was a state YDJM winner - Matthew Boop was a national DJM winner - Faith Wolfe placed first in the intermediate speech contest - Alyssa Brown placed second in the senior creative Folding Display contest Thank you to Dr. Bob for coaching our Juniors - Gracie Wolfe placed and teaching them to persevere through the third in Junior Jeopardy - Kristen and Kurtis difficult contests. The Centre Clinton Holstein Houser both had Association is extremely proud of the WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 29 production contest accomplishments of these outstanding youth! winners

We hosted 1,000 people during our 50 Year Anniversary Breakfast on the arm. Thank you to our employees, volunteers, friends, and the Center for Dairy Excellence for making our anniversary unforgettable!

Midas-Touch DM Chinks-ET EX-90 was Reserve Intermediate Champion of NY Tri-County Holstein Show. Owned with Jeff King

FarmWINTER PA Holstein Profiles 30 94 Lesher Rd. Bernville, PA 19506 (William) 484-230-3307


Olivia graduated Hamburg High School!

7707 Bernville Rd. Bernville, PA 19506 610-488-1281

Laura and Trenton Styczynski got engaged!

The Lesher Family

William, Lolly, Josh, Jaylene, Laura, & Olivia Lesher Photos Š Cybil Fisher, Ad Š Hanna Welk, Farm-Life Photography & Design

‘Make Milk MoMents’ Reminding Consumers to Choose Dairy During the Holidays

With nearly 80 percent of milk sold in retail stores – and with nearly 95 percent of all households buying milk – American Dairy Association North East’s retail programs are designed to create a positive shopping experience for consumers while building HAPPY trust in local, real dairy products.

enteR to

WIN! $500


This holiday season, a new in-store retail campaign – “Make Milk Moments” - is designed to reach moms, reminding them that milk is not only a nutritious beverage for their families, but a nostalgic ingredient of memorable moments.


ADA North East and county dairy princess and promotion teams along with a top group of social media influencers will CHOCOLATE MILK + WHIPPED CREAM + SMILES= MOMENTS promote a contest around Make Milk Moments – with in-store #MAKEMILKMOMENTS signage and social media outreach. From November 17, 2020 to January 3, 2021, participants can post a special “milk moment” on Twitter or Instagram highlighting how their family enjoys cow’s milk and include the hashtag #MakeMilkMoments and @AmericanDairyNE.

To learn more about the campaign, visit

WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 31

WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 32

Dairy Farm Coverage SPECIAL FARM PACKAGE 10® If you own a dairy farm you run the risk that disasters, such as a fire, windstorm or other catastrophic events, will interrupt your income. During that time you still have salaries, mortgage payments, utilities and other expenses to pay.



Loss of Farm Business Income – Designed to help keep your farm afloat during a recovery period,

A fire demolishes your milking barn or parlor and also destroys equipment that you were renting for use on the farm. You search, but are unable to find an alternative location to milk your cows so you are forced to immediately sell your herd. To make matters worse, at auction you receive substantially less than the fair market value of your herd prior to the fire.

this endorsement pays for the loss of farming income while your property is being restored, covering expenses while you are getting your dairy fully operating again.

• Are you prepared to stay in business without regular income from your dairy operation coming in? • Could your finances absorb a loss from selling your livestock unexpectedly or at a loss? • Do you know how you would be able to replace machinery that you were renting or borrowing? Specifically designed with dairy farmers in mind, our Farming and Business Income Loss, Livestock Loss of Value and Borrowed or Rented Farm Machinery endorsements are designed to keep your farm in business as you rebuild from a covered loss. EXPERIENCE, VERSATILITY and CONVENIENCE! Our SFP 10® policy combines personal, farm and business property and liability coverages - all under one policy. This simplifies your insurance protection. Dairy farms vary in size and scope, from the largest dairies to the smallest family farms, all having very different needs. The SFP 10® policy provides the flexibility to create a customized farm insurance package tailored to your needs. This ensures you’re getting what you want and not paying extra for insurance you don’t want.

Livestock Loss of Value – If you need to sell livestock due to the temporary interruption of your dairy operation, this endorsement allows American National to pay for the loss of market value. This unique and important coverage is not available from all carriers. Borrowed or Rented Farm Machinery – Ever rent or borrow machinery for a job on your dairy farm? In addition to providing coverage for your owned machinery, this endorsement will allow American National to cover farm machinery that you borrow or rent from others for use in your farming operation.


Proud Sponsor of the 2021 National Holstein Convention! 518.431.5125

Visit our web site at to request more information and to find an agent near you! American National is a group of companies writing a broad array of insurance products and services. Products and services may not be available in all states. Terms, conditions and eligibility requirements will apply. Property and casualty products may be issued by American National Property And Casualty Company, Springfield, Missouri; American National General Insurance Company, Springfield, Missouri; Pacific Property And Casualty Company (California); ANPAC Louisiana Insurance Company (Louisiana); American National Lloyds Insurance Company (Texas); American National County Mutual Insurance Company (Texas); Farm Family Casualty Insurance Company, Glenmont, New York; or United Farm Family Insurance Company, Glenmont, New York. Not all companies are licensed in all states. In New York, business is conducted by the above companies with a home office in Glenmont, New York. Each company has financial responsibility only for the products and services it issues. 17-026.177959.V2.12.2018

WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 33

Pennsylvania Holstein Association 2020 Officers and Directors 839 Benner Pike, State College PA 16801



748 BATES RD, FOMBELL, PA 16123...............

(724) 368-8429




STAFF Executive Director: David Lentz 589 Dix Hill Rd, New Bloomfield, PA 17068 717-329-9202 State Directors JOSHUA SANDERS 670 MEHRING RD, LITTLESTOWN, PA 17340...................(732) 406-4949 SARAH CAMPBELL 1155 CAMPBELL RUN RD, FORD CITY, PA, 16226............. (724) 859-2850 ANDREW BECHTEL 147 BECHTEL LANE, MARTINSBURG, PA 16662............... (814) 793-2635 CHARLOTTE NATALI 2131 CENTENNIAL ROAD, BEDFORD, PA 15522.............. (814) 422-8569 BRENT SCHULER 1153 RICHMOND RD FLEETWOOD, PA 19522................ (484) 336-8238 WADE STURGEON 748 BATES RD, FOMBELL, PA 16123................................ (724) 368-8429 JEFF JENKINS 818 JENKINS ROAD, COLUMBIA CROSS ROADS, PA 16914(570) 297-2823 JEAN KUMMER 310 WATTERS STATION RD, EVANS CITY, PA 16033.......... (215) 872-9662 JOSHUA GEISSINGER 2800 OLD BETHLEHEM PIKE, QUAKERTOWN, PA 18951...(215) 536-3296 ASHLEY HOOVER 601 CARROLL ROAD, PATTON, PA 16668......................... (814) 341-5664 NATHAN ULMER 148 MUSSER LANE, BELLEFONTE, PA 16823-...................(814) 280-5459 JANE PEPPLE 172 STREET ROAD, OXFORD, PA 19363............................(610) 932-3975 JANICE JURBALA 1933 STATE ROUTE 254, ORANGEVILLE, PA 17859.......... (570) 458-6388 DANIEL DICKEY 10145 CHURCH ROAD, ESPYVILLE, PA 16414................... (724) 927-2298 AARON CORNMAN 828 BALTIMORE PIKE, GARDNERS, PA 17324.................. (717) 448-1707 JEFF JONES 14210 OLD ROUTE 8 N., TITUSVILLE, PA 16354............... (814) 827-4386 J. MICHAEL MILLER 6843 FISHING CREEK ROAD, HARRISBURG, PA 17112..... (717) 497-5275 CLINTON ALLEN 2434 PITTSBURGH RD, SMOCK, PA 15480....................... (724) 677-2589 GLENN BRAKE 7100 RENNINGER RD, MERCERSBURG, PA 17236...........,(717)860-4764 TRAVIS COUCH 13683 GREENWOOD RD, HUNTINGDON, PA 16652........ (814) 599-0272 CHRISTY LYLE 1887 REITZ CROSSING RD, BROCKWAY, PA 15824........... (814) 371-6929 JOEL MILLS 650 JONESTOWN RD, THOMPSONTOWN, PA 17094....... (717) 535-9983 RICHARD MELLINGER 2212 FORRY RD, LANCASTER, PA 17601.......................... (717) 390-2855 GARY LENTZ 1179 GREBLE ROAD, LEBANON, PA 17046...................... (717) 933-4782 PAUL SEMMEL 3620 EXCELSIOR ROAD, SCHNECKSVILLE, PA 18078........ (610) 799-3489 LISA SONNEN PO BOX 437, MILLVILLE, PA 17846................................... (570) 458-4081 DAVID STRATTON 2572 EAST VALLEY ROAD, SMETHPORT, PA 16749.......... (814) 887-2244 MICHAEL UBER 1993 CLINTONVILLE RD, HARRISVILLE, PA 16038............ 724-866-7196 DUSTIN KAUFFMAN 7950 EAST BACK MOUNTAIN RD, REEDSVILLE, PA 17084(717) 250-6077 RANDY WOLFE 40 RIDGEVIEW COLONY, MILTON, PA 17847.................... (570) 713-4902 TIM SEIPT 405 STOUTS VALLEY RD, EASTON, PA 18042.....................(610) 984-7912 IRENE OSBORNE 1021 PFOUTZ VALLEY ROAD, MILLERSTOWN, PA 17062..(717) 589-3015 MARK BACHMAN 439 PUSHERSIDING ROAD, ULYSSES, PA 16948................(814) 848-7262 GARTH CAMPBELL PO BOX 285, GRATZ, PA 17030-........................................(717) 365-3718 CINDY SHAFFER 268 BRICK PLANT ROAD, BEAVERTOWN, PA 17813......... (570) 658-7776 DUANE STOLTZFUS 1689 SALCO ROAD, BERLIN, PA 15530............................. (814) 267-6711 DENISE PEASE 7073 SR 492, SUSQUEHANNA, PA 18847......................... (570) 756-2142 DENISE HARTRANFT 392 WEBSTER ROAD, COVINGTON, PA 16917................. (570) 549-2144 DOUGLAS BOOP 1070 RANCK RD, MILLMONT, PA 17845........................... (570) 713-5844 KEITH WALTERS 168 WALTERS ROAD, NEW ALEXANDRIA, PA 15670....... (724) 468-5274 WAYNE SHERWOOD 619 SR 4015, MESHOPPEN, PA 18630..............................(570) 470-7016 WILLARD HITCHCOCK 3364 OLD STATE ROAD, RUSSELL, PA 16345.................... (814) 757-8047 PATTY MCMURRAY 190 SEAL ROAD, EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330....................... (724) 239-2759 JOHN WETMORE 39 HAPPY HOLLOW LANE, HONESDALE, PA 18431.......... (570) 253-5329 DAPHNE LANG 6631 FAIR SCHOOL RD, GLEN ROCK, PA 17327................ (717) 235-5269

Adams Armstrong/Indiana Blair Bedford Berks Beaver/Lawrence Bradford Butler Bucks Cambria Centre/Clinton Chester Columbia/Luzerne Crawford Cumberland Clarion/Venango Dauphin Fayette Franklin Huntingdon Jefferson Juniata Lancaster Lebanon Lehigh Lycoming McKean Mercer Mifflin Northumberland/Mountour Northampton Perry Potter Schuylkill Snyder Somerset Susquehanna Tioga Union Westmoreland Wyoming/Lackawanna Warren Washington Wayne York



1321 POLECAT HOLLOW ROAD, EAST FREEDOM, PA 16637(814)-239-2260

Holstein Association USA, Inc.

David Reynolds, Regional Sales Representative- Phone 717-321-4011

WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 34


WINTER 2020 PA Holstein Profiles 35

MARCELLA photo © Lea Jordan. 08/20 CDCB-S/HA Genomic Evaluation. ®TPI is a registered trademark of Holstein Association USA.

WINTER PA Holstein Profiles 36

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