Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles- Winter 2021

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WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 1

Table of Contents Executive Director Thoughts by David Lentz.......................4 Houser’s Happenings by Jim Houser...................................6 Feature Story: Mitch-Hill Dairy & Creamery......................11 Meet the PA Junior Holstein Officers.................................16 National Convention Thank You.........................................18 Craftsman Corner...............................................................19 2021 National Convention Sale Highlights.........................21 2021 Nittany Lion Fall Classic Sale Highlights.....................25 2022 Convention Breeders Forum Information.................26 2022 PA Holstein Convention Tentative Schedule..............27 All-Pennsylvania Awards....................................................32-38 PA Championship Show Results.........................................42-44 PA Fall Show Results...........................................................49 National Convention Member Contributers......................51 Directors List......................................................................54

Pennsylvania Holstein Association

November 20, 2021 at 10:00am- Frisky-Acres Complete Dispersal Strasburg, PA December 16, 2021 at 10:30am- Pennsylvania Holstein Association Board of Directors Meeting PHA Office, State College, PA February 4-6, 2022- Pennsylvania Holstein Association State Convention (Adult & Junior) Radisson, Reading, PA

On the Cover: Coming to the Barn by Sue Sellers WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 2

What a whirlwind the past few months have been! It barely feels like the National Convention is passed, and here we are again! Time sure is a funny thing. I’ve never attended the National Convention before, so I didn’t have anything to compare this one to, but I can say it was very well done! I enjoyed it greatly, met some wonderful people, put faces to people I’d only talked to on the phone, and had a wonderful time! It feels like yesterday, and years ago at the same time. I had the grandest time visiting with the Mitchell family of Mitch-Hill Dairy and Creamery, of Venus, PA. It was a bit of a group expedition, as my husband, Cody, and my cousin, Gladys, both went along, because like me, they both have an interest in the different ways farms are diversifying. We talked with the family for nearly two hours, they were courteous and willing, giving freely of time and answering any and all questions we had. They showed us around their fascinating container creamery and shared the history and journey that has led them to this point. It was quite the enjoyable experience. Be sure to check out their story on page 11; I hope it’s half as informative and enjoyable to read as it was to write! And so, for now, I’d like to wish all the readers a good rest of fall and Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas (I can’t believe I just typed that!), and a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year! May we all be blessed and encouraged, and I hope and pray good things are to come. ~Rose Morian, Editor

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Mark & Mary Jane Leid | 214 Sensinig Rd. | Ephrata PA 17522 | 717-445-6548 WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 3

We Did It! Congratulations PA Holstein Members! Despite the rocky start, 2021 has turned out

to be a wonderful year for the Pennsylvania Holstein Association and its members. The National Holstein Convention was supposed take place in Lancaster last June but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.. Starting in January, the Convention Chairs, Diane and Reid Hoover, Junior Convention Chairs, Irene and Jimmy Osborne, and myself began meeting weekly via Zoom with Holstein USA staff to devise a plan to safely hold the National Convention. Our planning was going smoothly until Holstein USA staff put a wrench in our plans in late February. After a meeting with the Holstein USA Board of Directors, though, we were granted permission to proceed with the Convention in late June. Under the leadership of the Hoovers and Osbornes, our committee members put plans in place in record time. The results were fantastic! PA Holstein members welcomed nearly 900 registered guests to Lancaster. The tours were well attended and appreciated, the sale was a rousing success with an average of nearly $14,000 and a gross of nearly $1.4 million. The Junior Welcome Mixer was popular with both youth and adults, whether they were participating in the first judging contest at a National Convention or dancing in the herd’s exercise lot. The hospitality of our members was exemplary. Family Fun Night was also a favorite with Convention goers, as people from coast to coast enjoyed their time at Cherry Crest Adventure Farm and Strasburg Railroad. Thank you to the Hoovers, Osbornes, committee chairs, committee members, and every member that lent a helping hand! Like the 2020 National Convention, our 2021 State Convention was also postponed. This cancellation meant our


By David Lentz, PHA Executive Director

junior contests were to be cancelled as well. The Youth and Junior Executive Committees, along with Amanda Mitcheltree (Youth & Events Coordinator), came up with a plan to have two Junior contest days: one was set in February for the DJM and Scholarship interviews and the speech contest, and another date was set mid-March for dairy bowl and dairy jeopardy. Both events were appreciated by our Juniors and their leaders. Our PA Juniors that succeeded in our junior contest days went on to have impressive showings at the National Convention. Madison Weaver, Elizabeth Stoltzfus, and Kendall Jenkins were National DJM Semi-Finalists, and F. Hayden Weaver and Elizabeth Lentz were National YDJM Finalists. Kristen Houser won the Intermediate Dairy Jeopardy contest while Elizabeth Lentz finished second. Way to go Juniors, leaders, and Amanda for making our treasured Junior contests happen! At the beginning of the year, we feared our show program might remain dormant due to the pandemic, but our show committee prevailed. Chairman, Tim Seipt, and PHA Show Coordinator, Jennifer Hill, found a suitable facility in Centre Hall, changed the date to May 1, and put on a competitive and well-attended Spring Show. After moving the date to May 1st, we conducted a well-attended and competitive Spring Show. Furthermore, PHA was able to hold five of the usual six regional shows, as well as the Fall Show in conjunction with the Eastern National Show at the All-American. PA Holstein Association’s adult and junior membership roles are full of people with great resolve and the drive to succeed. THANK YOU members, and leaders of the Association, both on the local and state levels for persevering this year. We did it!!!

Dairy farmers work with American Dairy Association North East to keep milk and dairy foods front and center in schools meals and to prevent the encroachment of plant-based alternatives in nearly 14,000 schools across the six-state region.

Building Sales & Trust

Giving Students What they Want Increases Sales! • Increasing breakfast and lunch participation sells more milk • Training cafeteria personnel to keep milk cold • Recipe ideas to expand use of milk, cheese and yogurt in school meals

When Students Trust Dairy Farmers they Consume More Dairy Products! Classroom Education Curriculum – To more than 125,000 teachers Virtual Farm Tours – Students visit farms virtually with live Q&A Adopt a Cow – Support of Center for Dairy Excellence’s virtual year-long classroom experience

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 4

More than


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60% of milk sold in schools is flavored!


Penn Dell Doorman Reason VG-88 LIFE 1456D 108850M 3.7% 4064F 2.8% 3034P

Penn Dell Kingroyal Rae VG-88

2-03 363D 30470M 3.8% 1173F 3.2% 964P

Rae stole the show at the Centre County Grange Fair, winning supreme champion and helping Penn Dell Farm take home some banners!

This August, we were fortunate enough to celebrate the 87th birthday of our original farm owner, Jay Houser. We enjoyed a big party to celebrate a loving husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, uncle, brother, and a wonderful friend of so many. Here is to another year of laughs and memories to be made, we all love you!


278 Orndorf Road, Spring Mills, Pa 16875 Centre County Jim’s Cell: 814-880-3493

RHA - 29,258M PBR - 49 Years The Houser farm is located at 470 Immel Road,WINTER Spring2021 MilPA ls,Holstein Pa 168Profiles 75. W5 e have bulls for sale and always welcome visitors.

PA Holstein Profiles

The Official Publication Of Pennsylvania Holstein Association (USPS 437|ISSN: 08878498)

Volume 39 No. 2 WINTER 2021

“The Pennsylavnia Holstein Profiles is published two times a year, May/June and Nov/ Dec by the Pennsylvania Holstein Association 839 Benner Pike, State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-234-0364 Yearly subscription price is: U.S.-$15, Canada- $20 The Profiles subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address please be sure to give us both the old and new address. Printed in the United States by: Modern Litho 6009 Stertzer Road, Jefferson City, MO 65101 Address all communications to: PA Holstein Profiles Rose Morian 12028 Sperry Rd, Atlantic, PA 16111 Call or text at (814)282-3371 Postmaster: Send address changes to Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles 839 Benner Pike State College, PA 16801 Editor & Advertising Manager Rose Morian Executive Director David Lentz Officers James Houser, President Buck Cessna, Vice President Jeff Ansell, Treasurer

SUMMER 2022 Deadline APRIL 22, 2021

Please have whatever information you would like placed in your ad on hand/included in communications. If you cannot provide pictures for the ad, PA Holstein is not responsible for any reprint fees that may be charged in obtaining photos; these fees will be added to your invoice. CONTENT/COPY: Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles has a policy to accept paid advertising unless its content may be construed as defamatory, invasive of the privacy of others, fraudulent, obscene, or otherwise unlawful. In submitting copy, the advertiser represents and warrants that its content falls obeys said rules and is in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws. Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising or submitted written material at any time. The material produced is done with the highest integrity however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions.

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 6

It has truly been a

privilege and an honor to serve as the 20202022 Pennsylvania Holstein Association President. The last two years have been a learning experience for me, but being surrounded by great people on the executive committee and our employees, it has made me a better person. It has been fun and challenging serving on numerous committees, but I could not have asked for a better two years. I would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who worked endlessly to put on a wonderful National Convention. We had an outstanding turnout with smiles lining the hallways. The tours, contests, meals, and events were all a big hit, and provided some great time to meet new friends and catch up with old ones. Congratulations to all of the juniors who represented Pennsylvania so wonderfully, we could not be more proud. It has been decided that we will be starting a reserve fund with the leftover money from the National Convention. This money will be used for any necessary means in the future, hoping to ensure our Association will last for many generations. This summer, we had an outstanding turnout with all of the regional shows. Congratulations to all of the exhibitors who prepared and showed some outstanding cows that represented the Holstein breed well. Thank you to Jennifer

Hill who worked hard to prepare for and help these shows to run smoothly. Unfortunately, Jennifer has decided to pursue other endeavors and will be resigning from her position as Show Coordinator. If you have an interest in this position please feel free to contact me. The recent Nittany Lion Fall Classic Sale was another large success for our Association this year. Thank you to all of the volunteers who prepared and took care of the large group of animals, along with everyone who helped to have the sale run so smoothly. The Dairy Science Club did a terrific job yet again, and our Association is extremely appreciative. This upcoming year, we will experience our first joint junior and adult State Convention since 1988 and it will be held in Reading. We are looking forward to meeting in person again after our missed convention in 2021. Thank you to our Southeast region for hosting, I am excited to see what you have in store for us. I have enjoyed my time as President, and look forward to continuing to support the Pennsylvania Holstein Association for the following years. Thank you for all of your support and assistance during this time. God bless this Association, all of the wonderful members, and God bless the Holstein cow.

Saxton Hill Sweet Lady P Ex 92, Ex 96 M.S. 4:08 365, 32,150, 1085F, 938P. 6,00 267 Days, 28710, 996F, 806P RIP 3099 Beans Cove Rd │ Clearville, PA 15535 814-767-9698 │ Buck’s Cell 814-494-9493 WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 7

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 8

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 9

Borderview Denver Chloe � On service to Unix for a 2022 Milking Yearling � General thank you to all four show crews � Thank you to Madison & Scott Fisher for leading Chloe It was a sweet show year and we owe gratitude to our two angels in heaven watching over us, Stanley and Caleb. And finally, thank you to my partners, Dayspring Holsteins. Chloe is owned by Vickie Roudabush and Becky, Brian & Jonathan McGee!

Chloe Photo © Cybil Fisher | Ad Design © Sara Horst

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 10

The Mitchell Family, Left to right: Lance, Farryn, Caine, Freya, Gayle, and Quinn

Dream in Progress Hard work and family effort has made a lifelong dream a reality for the Mitchell family -By Rose Morian

property was beside Lance’s parents, and finally, everything fell into place. very person has a dream; ask any child what they dream Lance and Gayle started milking in 1995 in a double-three pit of being one day and they always have an answer. Often these parlor that was built in 1972. They raised three children on the dreams change as we grow, and unfortunately sometimes they farm, Chase, Quinn, and Caine, who are all three graduates of are beaten into submission or squelched to the point that we Penn State University. While Chase and his family (wife, Virginia hardly remember what they were. But, when you foster a dream and children Romy and Griffin) have made a home in Kennett and don’t give up, even when nothing seems to be happening, Square, PA where he works at Walmoore Holsteins, Caine and when you keep pursuing that dream, good things start to Quinn are still involved at Mitch-Hill. The boys worked at the happen, in you as well as around you. That’s how the Mitchell Penn State Dairy Barns and were active in the Dairy Science Club family, owners and operators of Mitch-Hill Dairy and Creamery and Quinn was an intern at Berkey Creamery and in Venus, PA are living their dreams as they a member of the Dairy Foods Judging Team. Quinn After close to 15 years of come to fruition. graduated with a Food Science major to prepare her ups, downs, and almost, Lance and Gayle Mitchell knew from the for the start of their own creamery. Caine worked as beginning that they wanted to bottle their the Mitchell Family found a route truck driver for a few year and then stepped own milk, but the road would turn out to a new path through which away to focus on the creamery. Nearly a decade be even longer than they expected. After to pursue their dream. passed until the creamery finally got started. “That’s graduating from Penn State University, how close we were at that time.” Gayle explained. Lance went to work at a 500-cow dairy on the east coast. It was Much like with purchasing a farm, they got close several times, a learning experience, and helped shape the dream farm Lance before it would fall through, leaving them to take the knowledge wanted to pursue. While he enjoyed the experience, “I knew gleaned and start over. that a big herd was not for me,” Lance explained. He and Gayle After close to 15 years of ups, downs, and almost, the Mitchell also knew they wanted to move closer to home near family to family found a new path through which to pursue their dream. raise their children. Hours and hours of time were spent around Don’s Dairy Supply, of South Kortright, NY, had a prototype for veteran farmers’ kitchen tables, discussing the sale of farms in a fully functional creamery housed within a shipping container. the area. Yet, every time they felt they were getting somewhere, The Mitchell family saw pictures of the prototype container, the proposition would fall through and leave them to begin and the gears in their mind started turning. Then something again. Still, they didn’t give up. It would prove to be good training extraordinary happened; much like when the farmer sought for their future pursuit of creating their own milk market. Finally, Lance and Gayle out, the local bank contacted them. The bank a local farmer who knew they were looking for a farm to begin knew they had been pursuing their dream of bottling milk for their journey, called them. This time, he came to their kitchen years, “They came alongside us and said, ‘how can we make table, and they sat around it and talked the deal over. The


WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 11

this happen?’” Lance explained, “Small business helping small business.” A grant was also awarded them, which helped pay for the container and appealed to the bank. For many, it can be difficult to take that step for a loan not knowing how the business will turn out, but Lance smiled and explained his logic, “Money is just a tool, you pick it up and use it.” About three months after seeing the container creamery prototype, Gayle called Don’s Dairy Supply to order a shipping container creamery of their own. By this time, Don’s Dairy Supply had a wait list, as it takes some time to outfit the shipping containers. Each Most inspectors are good shipping container is custom people that don’t want you built, and the Mitchells worked with Don’s Dairy to get in trouble. Supply to get theirs just right, specifying where they wanted doors, windows, and even the outside color of the container, and collaborating on equipment, and layout. This container was the first one with the cooler located inside to store the products once they’re packaged, truly making it a “one-stop-shop”. It also features a 100-gallon pasteurizer on wheels to make it convenient for when they move up to a larger one. When Don’s Dairy Supply finished the container, they loaded it on a semi-trailer and it was hauled down to the farm. A crane lifted it off the trailer and placed it next to the milk house. An old bulk tank was placed on top over a couple added support beams to hold the coolant water that circulates through a pipe cooler to help bring the milk down to 40 degrees once it’s been pasteurized. The Mitchell family then added on to the barn, an enclosed lean-to to cover the container and protect the bulk tank housed on top. Gayle had always wanted a store front, and after 15 years of waiting, she had a pretty good idea of what she wanted to see. Lance knew what he wanted in the creamery, and worked with the construction crew to make Gayle’s storefront dream a reality. As he said, trusting your vision to someone else in construction can sometimes lead to tearing something apart and redoing it. Together they worked to make sure the permanent reality matched the vision they had in mind for both the creamery and the storefront. The Mitchell family also relied on the expertise from the Center for Dairy Excellence, as well as their USDA inspector, when it came to the finer details of owning and operating a creamery. Labeling became more of an issue than they expected, as Gayle explained that the regulations cover the spectrum, from specifying “Milk” be the largest print to prohibiting some wording, such as “Farm Fresh” and “Classic.” The labeling process started with them coming up with a label, their USDA inspector looking over it and pointing out any flaws they may have, then he would pass it along up to the powers that be to approve it or send it back for changes. Once the container was set and ready to go, the USDA inspector had to give it the passing grade. Then, in January of 2021, Mitch-Hill Dairy and Creamery bottled their first batch of milk. It takes four hours per batch, and flavored milk has a slightly different process than white because of the added sugars in the flavoring. The Mitchell family said they usually bottle two days a week, about 10 percent of their total milk production right now, and one of those days they have it worked out in shifts to run three batches. “Laborious, that’s

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 12

the word you’re looking for,” is what Caine said when asked what the cleaning process looks like for the creamery. After processing, each union gets torn apart and cleaned, each pipe has the pipe brush run through it, and the utmost precautions are taken to make sure every piece of the creamery is sanitary. The record keeping is similarly extensive; keeping charts tracking the pasteurization of every batch of milk, as well as tracking inventory, orders, and more. The USDA inspector comes every quarter, checking to make sure the temperature gauges are correct and everything is in order. They have a good working relationship with the inspector, as Lance explained, “Most inspectors are good people that don’t want you to get in trouble.” When asked what changes have had to be implemented because of how the creamery affects the farm, the answers were severalfold. As Gayle pointed out, there is no way to add hours to the day, and the farm is still the farm. Adding on top of that, Gayle, Quinn, and Caine all currently have jobs off the farm. Also, in addition to selling milk from their small store, their milk is carried in nearly a dozen local stores. Gayle said that they used to take two half-days a week to deliver, going in opposite directions each day, but they are condensing that into one full day. Another change they made was hiring high school kids to help with milkings, giving them milking help from outside the family for the first time since they started farming. They also reduced their herd size, milking only 45 cows now. They explained that they tried to staff the store consistently for set hours, but have given up and now also employ the honor system for when they’re unable to have someone in the

The inside of the creamery, showing the bottler and capper on the left, as well as the pasteurizer vat at the end, and sinks on the opposite wall. The cooler is located behind the camera.

store. This has been met with very positive results. “We’ve had people come up the drive at 11 at night,” Gayle said, “that’s a sale we wouldn’t have had otherwise… We have people sometimes say they’re a little short and will catch us later, and they’re always good for it, or sometimes they’ll pay ahead.” It’s this amicable attitude that has helped make Mitch-Hill a success. When asked what their favorite Gayle’s response was immediate, heartfelt, or most rewarding part of the process to date is, Gayle was quick and potent, to answer it’s when people realize how good milk tastes. She takes samples with her to farmers markets and local festivities, and she loves opening the eyes of people to how good milk can be. It’s a way to bring good attention to the dairy industry and promote the product that has been demeaned and devalued through fad diets and flawed data. Gayle said in January she will be taking milk to the school where she teaches, and she’s excited to have the kids try it. Caine said that his favorite part is that he and Quinn talked about the creamery their family would be starting for all those years, and now they can talk about the creamery that is a reality. As the interview ended, they shared advice they would give to others looking to diversify. Gayle’s response was immediate, heartfelt, and potent, “Don’t give up.” Lance added, “Keep leaning forward.” He went on to explain that no matter what setbacks you may encounter, don’t let it stop you or push you back too far, keep leaning into the process and eventually something will give. Lance and Gayle told the story of getting their delivery truck. Lance walked into the house one day and Gayle told him she had put a bid in on a truck she thought would work for deliveries. Two days later, she told him her bid had won. Next she mentioned the truck was in Arkansas. They arranged to have the truck hauled home and it showed up around 10:00 on Thanksgiving evening. They have been using it ever since. The Mitchell family’s faith has perhaps been the driving force in the whole endeavor, and they believe they are in the

‘Don’t give up!’

position they are now due to God’s blessing and perfect timing. They are also grateful for the help and support from others: the neighbor that helps with crops, and Gayle’s parents, who took over going to farmers markets when Gayle went back to teaching school this fall. They also said Don’s Dairy Supply kept an eye on their Facebook page, and actually did a shout-out to them. “It was really neat to know they cared about us and were watching our progress,” Lance said, noting the personal connection and relationship they built through the process of designing the container. Another small business helping small business. Mitch-Hill Dairy and Creamery may be young, but there is a promising future ahead for this family and their business. Their combination of love for the farm and each other, and passion for the creamery implies no end in sight, and Caine’s two young daughters, Farryn and Freya, will grow up knowing the farm and the creamery. While they only bottle milk right now, they have ideas and plans to start with other products in the near future. 2020 may be remembered around the world for the pandemic, but in this family, it will be remembered as the year their dreams became a reality. If you’re ever in the area of Venus, be sure to stop by Mitch-Hill dairy and meet the Mitchell family, try some of their milk, and check out their creamery, I can guarantee it’s worth the stop. u

Right: A bottle of Mitch-Hill milk in front of the coveyor belt on the capper. The caps travel up the belt at a steep angle to ensure they load in the capper correctly. When applied to the bottle, the capper turns until it reaches a specific torque pressure and stops, making sure every bottle is capped properly and uniformly. (Photo courtesy of Mitch-Hill Dairy & Some of the many labels the Mitchell family has in stock waiting to Creamery) be applied to future products. The bottles are currently labeled by hand, one at a time. One future purchase will be an applicator to improve labeling efficiency. WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 13

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 14

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 15

Meet Our PA Junior Holstein Officers Rachel Foster

President Greetings from Huntingdon County! I am the 20-year-old daughter of Amy and John A. Foster III of Petersburg. I am currently attending Juniata College majoring in biochemistry on a pre-medicine track with minors in communications and medical humanities and chief of our college’s emergency medical service. Outside of school, I volunteer with my local emergency services as an EMT and a firefighter. My passions for the dairy industry started with my first membership to the Junior Holstein Association in 2000 where I have been a member of the Huntingdon Junior Holstein Club as well as served on the Pennsylvania Junior Holstein Executive Committee. Through the Association I have been able to participate in many activities, contests, and shows. Growing up on my family’s dairy farm has instilled lifelong lessons in responsibility, work ethics and drive. I plan to continue my passions for the industry on my family’s farm and continue the legacy for generations to come breeding quality holstein cattle.

Kristen Houser

Vice President My name is Kristen Houser and I am the 18-year-old daughter of Jim and Teresa Houser of Spring Mills. My dairy farm involvement began at a young age when I was feeding calves on my family dairy farm, and has evolved into assisting in managing the dairy herd in recent years. I am an active member of the Centre County 4-H Dairy Club, Centre Hall 4-H Ag Club, and the Penns Valley FFA, teaching me leadership and giving me the ability to promote the agriculture industry. After recently graduating from Penns Valley High School, I have been employed as a Licensed Independent Health and Life Insurance Agent in the state of Pennsylvania, working to provide health and financial solutions for those around me. My PA Junior Holstein Association involvement began 11 years ago, and during that time I have enjoyed competing in many of the Junior contests and designing ads for the Profiles. While my time on the Junior Executive Committee will soon come to a close, I have enjoyed voicing my opinion in order to make positive changes for the next generation of youth who will get to enjoy this beloved Association.

Allie Champluvier Secretary

Hi, I’m Allie Champluvier. I am the 18-year-old daughter of Jessica and Paul Kaltenbach and Bryan Champluvier. I am a senior at Keystone High School, where I am a captain on the varsity cheer team and a softball team member. After graduation, I plan to attend college and get a degree in agriculture. In my free time, I love spending time with cows. I have shown cattle at the county, state, and national levels! I am currently serving as the Clarion-Venango Dairy Princess! Through Junior Holstein, I am the Scrapbook and Digital Scrapbook Officer.

Jay Bratton

Treasurer Hello, my name is Jay Bratton. I reside in the rolling hills of central Pennsylvania in Perry County. I live on my family’s farm, Bratton View Farms. I help take care of the calves and large heifers and I also milk for a dairy farm up the road. I am involved in showing cattle at the county, state, and national level. I have been very involved in the Holstein Association with public speaking, dairy bowl, and jeopardy. I have a true passion for the dairy cow and the dairy industry!

Page Commissioned by

LOCUST-R IDGE HOLSTEINS Donald C. Krall 200 Flintville Road • Lebanon, PA 17042 • 717-507-2662 • WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 16

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 17

THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED TO MAKE THE 2020+1 NATIONAL HOLSTEIN CONVENTION A GREAT SUCCESS!!!! Your hard work, hours of time, friendly cooperation, and financial support made it possible to highlight PA’s role in “Leading the Holstein Vision.” It was a pleasure to work with all of you on this project. Reid and Diane Hoover Jim and Irene Osborne David Lentz

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 18

ad © dryhouse imagery 717.437.5846

Artist, June Kocher 814-692-8118.

Craftsman Corner

June Kocher has made a name for herself painting slates, milk cans, windows, and about anything else paint can be applied to. This fall she was given the opportunity to paint the milk cans awarded to the Supreme Champions of the Premier National Junior Show. June and her family milk a herd of 205, mostly registered Holsteins with a few Jerseys and Brown Swiss, in Pennsylvania Furnace. 1.) What got you interested in your craft at the beginning? 4.) What keeps you doing this and how can people find you? I’ve been drawing and painting for as long as I can remember. I took art lessons as a kid for many years. While a student at Penn State in the 1980’s, I was the only person to ever be enrolled in Dairy Production and Art at the same time!

2.) How did you get started?

Since I grew up surrounded by cows, that is what I loved to draw and paint the most. I dreamed of owning a horse when I was a kid so I enjoyed drawing them too; I never did get a horse though! It was almost as if, if I could dream it, I would draw or paint it! My dad attributed my artistic ability to me being left handed; I was always using the creative side of my brain!!

Recently I was asked to paint the Supreme awards for the Premier National Junior Show in Harrisburg: 2 milk cans. I painted a 6 pane window for Michael Yoder and a milk can for Matt Engel. I have painted many show winning cows on slates, and I’ve painted milk cans for Liddleholme. Facebook has helped me to get my painting projects out there. I am usually contacted on messenger, by phone, 814-692-8118 or email:

3.) What is your connection/history with dairy/ag?

I am a dairy farmer. We are located next to PSU in Centre County where we milk. I find time to paint in between my morning and evening barn chores. You could say finding time to paint is easier some days than others! The closer I get to Christmas, the busier I get! Lately, I have been pretty busy painting year round. I love making people happy when I paint. The Good Lord blessed me with this awesome talent so I am trying to use it to the best of my ability! If I can’t own an All-American cow of my own, I can always paint her!!!

Craftsman Corner is designed to draw attention to those in ag that offer a unique set of skills or service. If you know a craftman involved in ag that should be featured in Craftsman Corner, please send their name and contact info to the editor (see page 6). WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 19

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 20

National Convention Sale Highlights

by David J Lentz, PHA Executive Secretary

The 2021 National Holstein Convention Sale took place Thursday evening, June 24th at the West Lampeter Fairgrounds in Lancaster, PA. The sale featured both live lots and genomic lots that sold in absentia that were Leading the Holstein Vision. The sale averaged $13,723 on 101 lots with a $1,386,050 total gross. The sale was managed by the PA Holstein Association, under the leadership of sale co-chairs Randy Wolfe and Michael P. Yoder. The sale team included Rick VerBeek and Scott Culbertson, who coordinated the Visionary Genomic lineup. Daniel Brandt provided highlights of the pedigrees for the genomic lots. Chris Hill and Tim Abbott auctioneered. The outstanding sale staff included Nick Raggi, Chad Ryan, Michael Heath, Bob Landis, Kevin Jorgensen, Graisson Schmidt, Bill Rauen, Matt Hawbaker and David J. Lentz. Cattle preparation was led by Evan Creek and included Mikey Barton, Madison Fisher, Tim Natzke, Tylor Smith, Corey Popp, Bobby Nagel, Jordan Stookey, Ted Dechow, and Brooke Carey. Pre-sale photos/videos were produced largely by Mikey Barton and Brooke Carey. Sale tent and ring setup was coordinated by Aaron Cornman, Michael P. Yoder, Randy Wolfe, and Michelle Cornman. Junior Holstein members presented the sale cattle on sale night; this group included Taylor Wolfe, Matt Boop, Daniel Kitchen, Madison Weaver, Lizzie Stoltzfus, Sara Haag, and Natalie Yoder. Greg Norris was the multi-media coordinator; producing and presenting a slide show as each lot sold. The catalog was designed by De-Lite Graphics. PA Holstein staff of Tracy Wellar, Jennifer Hill, and Amanda Mitcheltree clerked. Dr. Larry Samples VMD, and Dr. James Shissler conducted health assessments on sale cattle. The Sale Chairs and PA Holstein Association are eternally grateful to the sponsors, consignors, bidders, and buyers for their support in making this Sale a success! Top Sellers Lot 7G – $80,000 – IVF Session from Winstar Heroic 6428-ET +3007 GTPI +924NM$ +980CM$ Consignor: Winstar Genetics, ID Buyer: Select Sires, OH Lot 3G – $77,500 – Shannon Try Me 1046-ET +2991 GTPI & +905CM$ Consignor: Shannon Hutterian Brethern, SD Buyer: De Novo Genetics, WI Lot 2G – $55,000 – Sheland Parfect Daybreak-ET 3/21 Parfect at +3008 GTPI Consignor: Sheland Farms, NY Buyer: Semex Alliance, ON Lot 35G – $55,000 – Pen-Col G 6116-ET 4/21 Gameday at +3017 GTPI +912NM$ Consignor: Pen-Col Farms, PA Buyer: De Novo Genetics, WI Lot 11G $47,000 – IVF Session from Richmond-FD LGC Barbara +908NM$ and +2980 GTPI Consignor: Richmond Farms Dairy, NY Buyer: Peak Genetics, WI Lot 1G – $46,000 – Penn-England Lehigh 18019-ET 2/21 Faneca at +3012 GTPI Consignor: Penn England Farms, PA Buyer: De Novo Genetics, WI Lot 27G – $46,000 – IVF Session from Pine-Tree Bigdata-ET +2906 GTPI from the Dellia family. Consignor: Fit Genetics, KY Buyer: Peak Genetics, WI Lot 13G – $45,000 – IVF Session from Cherry-Lily Legacy 7491-ET +3035 GTPI Consignor: Marshman, NY & Hembury, PA Buyer: Peak Genetics, WI Lot 26G – $44,000 – IVF Session from Vatland Taos Lexy 5537-ET +2968 GTPI Consignor: Josh Vatland, MN Buyer: ST Genetics, TX Lot 36G – $40,000 – Hollerman Bullseye 2331-ET 4/21 Bullseye at +3003 GTPI Consignor: Shawn Hollermann, MN Buyer: Peter Cipponeri, CA

Six more lots sold over $23,000 Top Type Sellers Lot 35 – $17,500 – Oakfield US Legit-Red-ET 12/20 Unstopabull out of Rosedale Lucky-Rose-Red EX-94 2E Consignor: Oakfield Corners, NY Buyer: Glamourview, MD Lot 8 – $13,000 – Windy-Knoll-View Phirey-Red EX-92 94-MS Reserve Grand Champion at 2021 Northeast All-Breeds R&W Show Consignor: Liddleholme, NY Buyer: Daniel Olson, WI Lot 47 – $12,000 – Whitehead-RA Doormn Allstar 1st winter yearling & Reserve Junior Champion at the 2021 Southern Spring National Show Consignor: Taylor Whitehead, MO Buyer: Graisson & Mandy Schmidt and Tyler Dickerhoof, CA Lot D – $11,000 – First choice of March, 2022 females by King Doc x Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal Consignor: Budjon & Vail, WI Buyer: Ross Rissnen, WI Lot 13 - $10,200 – Oakfield Dempsey Fabulous-ET 12-20 Dempsey x Oakfield Solom Footloose-ET EX-94 Consignor: Jonathan & Alicia Lamb Buyer: Winright & Jaquemet, ON Lot I - $9,600 – First Choice of March, 2022 females by Delta Lambda x Ruann Doorman Jean-55162-ET EX-95 Consignor: Ruann Dairy, CA Buyer: Lauren Vincent & Maddox Brothers, WI Lot 1 – $9,000 – Brook-Corner D Burgundy-ET 9/20 Doorman out of Ms Blexys Bounty EX-92, next dam is EX-97 Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn, Supreme Champion at World Dairy Expo in 2017. Consignor: Brook-Corner Holsteins, PA Buyer: Richard Jordan, ID & Chris & Jennifer Hill, MD Sale Highlights: 34 genomic lots averaged $27,793 53 live lots averaged $6,692 14 choice lots averaged $6,171

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 21

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 22

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 23

Woodedge Jordy T a s t y k a k e (EX-91-EX-92-MS at 3-02) Jordy x VG Doorman x EX-93 Redburst x EX-95 Talent Tilly 3rd Jr 3-Yr-Old, 2021 Central PA Championship Show

Due in June to sexed Admiral  On flush program this Fall Daughters by: Summer Yearling Sidekick  Red June Analyst Maternal Sister by Doc (VG-85) was 2nd Summer Jr 2-Yr-Old, Central PA Championship Show 

Woodedge D-Back N e t f l i x -ET (EX-90-EX-91-MS at 3-11) Diamondback x EX-90 Laramee Daughters by: Expander (VG 2-Yr-Old), Doc, Alligator, Warrior-Red A Choice of sexed semen Warrior-Red/Moovin pregnancies due December 2021 and March 2022 will be sold at the 2022 PA State Convention Sale.

Woodedge Farm

Dustin & Mindi Kauffman  Rod & Gloria Kauffman 7950 E Back Mtn Road  Reedsville, PA 17084 Mifflin County  Inquiries & Visitors Welcome Dustin: 717-250-6077  Like us on Facebook

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 24

Tastykake Photo © Damrow | Ad Design © Sara Horst

2021 Nittany Lion Fall Classic 10-30-21,

Penn State University

The 38th Annual Nittany Lion Fall Classic sale was held Saturday, October 30th at the Snider Ag Arena. The sale was run by members of the PSU Dairy Science Club, led by Sale Chair, Greg Norris and Assistant Chair, Ryan Allen, along with PHA. The sale co-managers appreciate the effort of the sale staff; Chris Hill, auctioneer, bid takers, Nick Raggi, Eric Smith, Thad Sturgeon, Matt Zimmerman, and Taylor Wolfe. The sale management would like to thank David Reynolds (Holstein USA Field Rep) and Erica Davis of Cowbuyer, the sponsors, consignors, buyers, and bidders who helped to make this sale a huge success! 104 lots sold, averaging $2,365 for a gross of $241,200. The average on 95 full lots was $2428 with a gross of $230,675. 7 embryo lots average $390/ embryo. $9,500 - Pine-Tree 8177 Conw 8997-ET, a 2976 GTPI, 974 NM$ Conway daughter, consigned by Pine-Tree Holsteins of Marshallville, OH, topped the sale, selling to ST Genetics. $8,700- IVF Session from Pine-Tree 7019 Bigal 604-ET, a +1064 NM$ Big Al daughter was second high seller. She was also consigned by Pine-Tree Holsteins and was purchased by Hembury Farms of Muncy, PA. $7,300 – Pennwood Unix Snowfall VG-87, a second calf Sr-2 year old. Consigned by Elizabeth Stoltzfus of Berlin, PA, bought by Tom DeGroot and Steven Nelson of Rosedale, British Columbia, Canada and Wykoff, MN.

High Sellers

$7,000 – Lake-Effect Justadream-Red, spring yearling from Lake-Effect Justright EX-92, due in March to Analyst. Consigned by Jeff and Gayle Benedict of Waynesboro, PA, she was purchased by Dixie Lucabaugh of Glenville, PA. $6,700 – Oakfield Moovin Lila-Red, a December Moovin out of Rosedale Lucky-Rose EX-94. She was consigned by Oakfield Corners Dairy of Batavia, NY and bought by Allison & Yann Bossel of Kemptville, ON. 6 more lots sold for over $4,000, and 12 additional lots sold for over $3,000.

Sale Staff

Himmel-Valley Pep Mojito RC VG-86 Owned by: Dyllan Himmelberger EX-91 G W Atwood x VG-85 Bolton x VG-86 Talent x VG-88 Primetime x Flip Mojito’s fifth dam was Dyllan’s first junior project. Himmel-Valley is proud to witness this family’s development and looks forward to Mojito’s future influence, especially her June 2021 Awesome-Red daughter. 1st Milking Yearling, 2021 Southeast Championship Show 1st and B&O Milking Yearling and HM Intermediate Champion, 2021 PA Fall Show 1st and B&O Milking Yearling, 2021 Eastern Fall National Holstein Show Thanks to everyone who helped get Mojito ready for the shows! Also at Himmel-Valley 3 Generations from the Penn-Gate Finesse family. Himmel-Valley Brewmaster Fortress VG-85 2-Yr-Old Dam: Himmel-Valley Windbrook Fantasy EX-90 (plan to IVF) Grandam: Himmel-Valley Chelios Fajita EX-92 EX-92 Durham x EX-92 Remarker x EX-95 Skychief Finesse Mojito Photo © Cybil Fisher | Ad Design © Sara Horst

(717) 376-7856

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 25

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 26

2022 Pennsylvania Holstein Convention Friday, February 4 – Sunday, February 6, 2022 Tentative Schedule of Events - Ticket forms will be publicized on December 1st.

Thursday, February 3

Saturday, February 5 7:00 am

Registration & dairy bar open

Friday, February 4

Extemporaneous Speech Contests

3:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Executive Committee Meeting

9:00 a.m.

Registration opens

8:00 am – 4:00 pm

10:00 am

Hospitality/Dairy Bar opens

8:30 am – 11:30 am Dairy Bowl – Junior Division

Resolutions Committee Meeting 8:30 am – 4:00 pm Man on the Street Interview Contest 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Board of Directors & 108th 9:00am – 11:30 am Breeders Forum Annual Meeting 10:00 am

11:00 am

Dairy Jeopardy Contest Starts

11:30am – 1:00pm

Lunch w/ speaker from the panel

11:30 am

Prepared Public Speaking Contest

1:00pm – 4:30pm

Breeders Tours

1:00pm – 4:30pm

Junior Fun Day Tours/Activities

1:30 pm – 4:30 pm Distinguished Junior Member Interviews 2:00pm-4:00pm

Two junior workshops (calf dissection & dairy promotion)

3:00 pm

Folding Display & Photo Contest

4:00 pm

Jr. Executive Meeting

5:00 pm

Dairy Bowl Seeding Test

5:30-6:30 pm

Pennsylvania Junior Holstein Annual Meeting

7:15-9:00 pm

Convention Banquet - Adult awards & Jr Speech winners, Art, etc.

9:00 pm

Jr Fun Auction

12:45 pm – 3:30 pm Dairy Bowl – Senior Division 4:30 pm

Dairy Bowl Finals

6:30-7:30 pm

Pre-Sale Meal


Convention Sale

9:00 pm – 12:45 am Dance

Sunday, February 6


Awards Breakfast (for all) and PBR & PGH adult Presentations

Attention for Convention!! Adult award nominations are currently open, applications are available on the website: All junior contests, rules, and entry forms are published on the PA Holstein website. Please check for new contests, as the Junior Executive Committee works hard to provide contests that appeal to and equip other young people in endeavors they may have interest in and help develop skills.

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 27

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 28

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 29

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 30

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 31

Spring Calf

All-Pennsylvania Winners

All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Pease Movin Camouflage Tyler Soden, Susquehanna

Reserve All-Pennsylvania Windy Knoll View Pesky Reese Burdette, Mercersburg

Partial Page Sponsorship: Kitch-Vue Holsteins and Red & Whites Ring photos provided by owners, taken by Cowsmopolitan & Dairy Agenda Today

HM All-Pennsylvania Windy-Knoll-View Popstar-ET Brinkley Burdette, Mercersburg

Winter Calf

All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Pease Altitude Ahoy-ET Madison Soden, Susquehanna

Reserve All-Pennsylvania MS Signature Dempsey Lydia Abby Pavolko, Albion

HM All-Pennsylvania Heart & Soul JK Lady Gaga-ET Luke Tannis, Nazareth

Fall Calf

All-Pennsylvania Borderview Denver Chloe-ET Vickie Roudabush, Brian & Becky McGee, Martinsburg WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 32

Reserve All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Tatoo Foliage Tyler Soden, Susquehanna

HM All-Pennsylvania MS Campbell-Run OCD Misty Campbell Run & Oakfield Corners Dairy , Ford City


Summer Yearling

Page Sponsorship: Precision Hoof Care | Matt Nolt 3043 Church Rd. Mifflinburg, PA 17844 570-966-5064 | 570-217-7109

No Photo Available

All-Pennsylvania Heart & Soul Undeniably Right Jessica Nolt & Jackson Cloninger, Millmont

Reserve All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Pease Solomon Audi-ET Denise Pease, Susquehanna

HM All-Pennsylvania Wa-Del Dback Beatitude-ET Jeffrey Benedict, Waynesboro

Reserve All-Pennsylvania Champ View Jazz It Up-Red Ellie Widerman, Gettysburg

HM All-Pennsylvania Windy-Knoll-View Peperoni Reese Burdette, Mercersburg

Spring Yearling

All-Pennsylvania Brook-Corner BS Mstr April Boyd Schaufelberger, Brad & Amy Hoover, Lebanon

Winter Yearling

No Photo Available

All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Gchip Eleanor Madison Soden, Susquehanna

Reserve All-Pennsylvania Tal-View Tatoo Pistol Ethan Copenhaver, Lebanon

HM All-Pennsylvania Duckett Impression Lily Sam McWilliams, Somerset WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 33

Fall Yearling

All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Dback Flynn Tyler Soden, Susquehanna

Page Sponsorship: Franklin County Holstein Club

Reserve All-Pennsylvania O-C-E-C DRMN Money-ET Schuler Farm LLC, Fleetwood

HM All-Pennsylvania App-Sham Denver Dixie Bret & Shelby Keister, Townville

Reserve All-Pennsylvania MS Brook-Corner DB Diamonds Brook Corner, Lebanon

HM All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas D Arriverderchi-ET Madison Soden, Susquehanna

Yearling in Milk

All-Pennsylvania Himmel-Valley Pep-R Mojito Dyllan Himmelburger, Jonestown

Summer Jr 2 yr old

All-Pennsylvania Show-Mar Tatoo Rock-TW Dylan Brantner, Oxford WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 34

Reserve All-Pennsylvania Kestone Backflip Jester Keystone Farm, Easton

HM All-Pennsylvania Klinedell Christi-Red-ET Klinedell Farm, Myerstown

Page Sponsorship: Huntingdon County Holstein Club

Junior 2 yr old

No Photo Available

All-Pennsylvania Peachey Saturn Teacup Laurel Run Farm, Petersburg

Reserve All-Pennsylvania Janey Doorman Balue Adam Vance, Alverton

HM All-Pennsylvania Heart & Soul JK Diamond Girl Madison Weaver, Ephrata

Senior 2 yr old

All-Pennsylvania Borderview Rap Princess-ET Douglas & Jenifer Boop, Millmont

Reserve All-Pennsylvania MS Campbell-Run Hez Kora Sarah Campbell & Evan Creek, Ford City

HM All-Pennsylvania Brook-Corner HO Wanelle-ET Brook-Corner, Lebanon

Junior 3 yr old

All-Pennsylvania Keystone Solomon Addison Keystone Farm & Tim Seipt, Easton

Reserve All-Pennsylvania Landis-MRK Jacoby Dilly-D Landis, Kline, McCracken, Myerstown

HM All-Pennsylvania Walk-Le Atwood Brandy Cody Walker, Thomasville WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 35

Senior 3 yr old

All-Pennsylvania JL Hollybrooks Doorman Road Jimmy Harris, Perkasie

Page Sponsorship: Centre Clinton County Holstein Club

Reserve All-Pennsylvania Walk-Le Landon Priscilla Conner Walker, Thomasville

HM All-Pennsylvania Oakfield Gold Luck-ET Garth & Melissa Campbell, Gratz

Reserve All-Pennsylvania McWilliams Ammo P Susan Clyde & Charlene McWilliams, Somerset

HM All-Pennsylvania Peachey Airlift Tulsa Laurel Run Farm, Petersburg

4 year old

All-Pennsylvania Sweet-Peas Gchip Alex-ET Denise Pease, Susquehanna

5 yr old

All-Pennsylvania Milbro 1983 GW Atwood Sam McWilliams & Ben Miller, Somerset WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 36

Reserve All-Pennsylvania Hanalee G Chip Marley-ET Klinedell Farm, Myerstown

HM All-Pennsylvania Heart & Soul Gold In The Ring Douglas Boop, Millmont

Page Sponsorship: Lebanon County Holstein Club

6 years & over

All-Pennsylvania Saxton Hill Sweet Lady PO Cessna Brothers, Clearville

Reserve All-Pennsylvania Heart & Soul Sammy Ricki Hayden Weaver, Ephrata

HM All-Pennsylvania E-Lap Dude Pearl Landon Fairman, Dubois

150,000 LB Cow

All-Pennsylvania Brook-Corner Atwood Woozy Brook-Corner LLC, Lebanon

Reserve All-Pennsylvania Walk-Le Alexander Elise Walk-Le Farm LLC, Thomasville

Junior Best 3 Females

All-Pennsylvania Reserve All-Pennsylvania HM All-Pennsylvania

No Photo Available

Senior Best 3 Females

All-Pennsylvania Reserve All-Pennsylvania HM All-Pennsylvania

Produce of Dam

All-Pennsylvania HM All-Pennsylvania 150,000lb Cow Reserve All-Pennsylvania Show-Mar Gingersnap 1304-ET Reserve All-Pennsylvania HM All-Pennsylvania Wesley Brantner, Oxford HM All-Pennsylvania

HM All-Pennsylvania MS Apple All In-ET Lloyd & Denise Pease, Susquehanna

Sweet-Peas, Susquehanna Windy-Knoll-View, Mercersburg Walk-Le Farms LLC, Thomasville

Walk-Le Farms, Thomasville Brook Corner, Lebanon Laurel-Run Farm, Petersburg

Brook Corner Atwood Woozy BKV Atwood Abbie-ET Lake-Effect Justright-Red Gaige Reality Was Rght Walk Le Jacoby Justine

Brook Corner Sweet-Peas Jeff & Gayle Benedict Alex Empet Walk-Le Farm LLC

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 37

Dam & Daughter All-Pennsylvania - Brook Corner, Lebanon Brook Corner Atwood Woozy & Brook Corner HO Wanelle

Full Service Dairy Supply New & Used Dairy Equipment Farm Service & Supply Delivery For Barn & Creamery Over 39 Years Expertise

Reserve All-Pennsylvania- Sara Pickett, Rockwood MS Pennwood Dur Mint Chip-ET & Pickett Denver Monroe HM All-Pennsylvania - Sam McWilliams, Somerset McWilliams Damion Grace & McWilliams Dan Graham HM All-Pennsylvania - Molly Cessna, Clearville C-Cove Solomon Amelia & C-Cove Delta Lambda Ash HM All-Pennsylvania - Keystone Farms, Easton Keystone Atwood Ashley & Keystone Solomon Addison HM All-Pennsylania - Jeff & Gayle Benedict,Waynesboro Lake-Effect Justright-Red & Lake-Effect A Justly-Red

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 38

349 Roses Brook Rd. South Kortright, NY 13842

(607) 538-9464

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 39

Farm Favorites Rainyday Doc Ada

VG86 2 year old PTAT +3.45 UDC+2.13 King Doc x Fairmont Doorman Apricot Ex-90 x VT-PondView Gold April EX-93 x La-Foster Gibson Allure EX-92 x MD-Delight Durham Atlee-ET EX-92) Coming in 2nd lactation and looks great! Daughter: RAINYDAY MOOVIN ANGEL +3.17 PTAT Daughter: RAINYDAY TROPIC ABIGAIL +3.13 PTAT

ad © dryhouse imagery 717.437.5846

Kulp-Dale LD Ruby-Red-ET

EX-90 Ladd x Kelp-Dale Advent Renn-P-Red Ex-90 x Golden-Oaks RMN Rae2-Red-ET EX90 x Golden-Oaks Perk Rae-Red-ET EX-90 x Scientific Beauty Rae-ET) Has a Polled 4th calf VG-88 Awesome that looks promising to go Ex in Dec. 2 yr old Jordy x Awesome x Ruby High producing fat and protein family

Rainyday Goldsun Mary

EX-93 4th calf Goldsun x Rocklan Laurin Maxine-ET VG-88 x Rocklan Matag-ET EX-93 x Ladyholm-R ML Missy EX-94 x Golden-Oaks Mark Marion-ET EX-92 x Ogden Hanover Sex Prudence-ET EX-91 x Dreamstreet Rorae Pocohontis EX-93 x Sher-Mar Highmark Hiawatha EX-94 x Sher-Mar Lee Mitzi EX-91 x Sher-Mar Mingo Mimi EX-90) 11 Generations VG or EX She has a 2nd calf Kingboy currently scored VG-87

Benton Dusk Rosa Ruby-ET EX-90 Dusk x Astrahoe LJ Rosa Russian Ex-91 x Pinehurst Royal Rosa) Unscored 3rd calf Airlift Kenosha x Airlift x Ruby

Rainyday Holsteins WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 40

John and Sylvia Lapp Jr. 15866 St. Rt. 44 Allenwood, PA 17810 UNION COUNTY

When I was a young girl, I dreamed of farming with my Daddy, Paul Witter. Unfortunately, life took a different turn and Dad decided to exit the dairy industry. And so, when I was 24 years old, we sold our cows and transitioned to crop farming. I went on to earn my CNA and worked in home care and at a local nursing home. I enjoyed working with the elderly and my coworkers, but after five years, I knew it wasn’t something I envisioned long term. I had children to raise and a schedule that did not accommodate quality family time. I obtained by CDL and drove school bus for four years, but again, I knew this wasn’t the job for me. I then found a job working on a dairy farm in Greencastle, PA and knew it was where I needed to be. Once a farmer, always a farmer and so this is our story… you could say it is written in the stars. DarView Farms is in Greencastle, PA. We farm 500 acres and milk a mixed herd of 150-180 cows with 90% registered. We also raise replacements and breeding bulls. We are a working family of six. Glenn and Mike Daugherty own the farm. Glenn does all the manure hauling, cleaning, and most field work. Mike does the feeding and animal care. Along with my three children, Contessa (16), Levi (14) and Brylee (8), we do the milking and calf care. My oldest son is 19 and no longer lives at home. If you ask any of my kids, they will share how much they value farm life. Throughout their experiences, they have learned that anything you want in life doesn’t come without blood, sweat and tears. Four years ago, Mike introduced my children to showing and we’ve been enjoying local shows ever since. My children even pushed me back into the show ring. I haven’t shown cows since I was 17 but I will say, I sure did miss it. Contessa shows Brown Swiss and Milking Shorthorn, Levi shows Brown Swiss and Jerseys, Brylee shows Ayrshires and Jerseys and I show Holstein, Brown Swiss and Ayrshires. It’s so nice to connect with my children and do something we all love. Dairy farming is not easy by any means. It’s one of the most challenging careers. But at the end of the day, every day is worth it. Please thank a farmer every chance you get.

- Paula Andrews, DarView Farms Photos © Fisher | Ad Design © Sara Horst

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 41

PA Holstein Championship Shows 2021

Photos provided by PHA Staff, Debbie Cornman, & Cowsmopolitan

Western Championship Show | July 24th, 2021| Judge: Nathan Thomas, N Lewisburg, OH | 152 Head Shown YOUTH SHOW

Junior Champion: Show-Mar Upgrade Longmire Owner: Wesley Brantner Reserve Junior Champion: DKH Dempsey Poppi Owner: Kelli Wyles

Intermediate & Grand Champion: Plum Line Zipadeedooda-Red Owner: Brooke Carey Reserve Intermediate & Grand Champion: Show-Mar Tattoo Rock Owner: Dylan Brantner

Senior Champion: Simpsons Sanchez Shea Owner: Jenna Simpson Reserve Senior Champion: Uber Holm Try to Defy Me Owner: Colton Uber


Junior Champion: App-Sham Addison Ally Owner: Bret & Shelby Keister Reserve Junior Champion: Show-Mar Upgrade Longmire Owner: Wesley Brantner

Intermediate & Grand Champion: Oakfield Gold Luck Owner: Garth and Melissa Campbell Reserve Intermediate & Grand Champion: MS Campbell Run Hez Kora Owner: Evan Creek & Sarah Campbell

Senior Champion: McWilliams Ammo P Susan Owner: Clyde & Charlene McWilliams Reserve Senior Champion: Milbro 1983 GW Atwood Owner: Sam McWilliams Overall Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor of Heifer Show: Show-Mar Holsteins Overall Premier Exhibitor: McWilliams family

Northern Tier Championship Show | July 29th, 2021 |Judge: Joe Nash, Lydonville, NY |82 Head Shown YOUTH SHOW

Junior Champion: Sweet Peas Altitude Ahoy Owner: Madison Soden Reserve Junior Champion: Kozy Kountry Strawberry Wine Owner: Victoria Clark WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 42

Intermediate Champion: Sa-Dawn Solomon Holly-ET Owner: Tyler Soden Reserve Intermediate Champion: MS Opportunity Amanda-Red Owner: Madison Soden

Senior & Grand Champion: Ms Bittersweet Bearcat Owner: Emory & Gavin Bewley, Ella & Clair Hlvaty Reserve Senior & Grand Champion: Windy Brae Hefty Janet Owner: Emory Bewley

Northern Tier Championship Show Continued OPEN SHOW

Junior Champion: Sweet Peas Altitude Ahoy Owner: Madison Soden Reserve Junior Champion: Sweet Peas Dback Farrah Owner: Madison Soden

Intermediate Champion: Sa-Dawn Solomon Holly-ET Owner: Tyler Soden Reserve Intermediate Champion: MS Opportunity Amanda-Red Owner: Madison Soden

Senior & Grand Champion: Ms Bittersweet Bearcat Owner: Emory & Gavin Bewley, Ella & Clair Hlvaty Reserve Senior & Grand Champion: Windy Brae Hefty Janet Owner: Emory Bewley

Central Championship Show | July 30th, 2021 | Judge: Pat Lundy, Granville, NY | 101 Head Shown YOUTH SHOW

Junior Champion: Frederickacres Drmn 1359 Owner: Mason Benfer Reserve Junior Champion: Pennwood Sikic Dragonfly-ET Owner: Claire Stoltzfus

Intermediate Champion: Pennwood Solomon Luxury Owner: Kaitlyn Stolzfus Reserve Intermediate Champion: Ms Runway Ready to Run Owner: Madison & Hayden Weaver

Senior & Grand Champion: Heart and Soul Sammy Riki Owner: Hayden Weaver Reserve Senior & Grand Champion: Pennwood Crush Tuffing Owner: Elizabeth Stolzfus


Junior Champion: Winright Tattoo Everest Owner: Taylor Smith Reserve Junior Champion: Heart & Soul Undeniably Right Owner: Jessica Nolt & Jackson Cloninger

Intermediate Champion: BorderView Rap Princess Owner: Doug & Jen Boop Reserve Intermediate Champion: Garay Red Diamond Red-ET Owner: Landree & Dakota Fraley Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor: Laurel Run Holsteins Heifer Show Premier Breeder: Heart & Soul Holsteins Heifer Show Premier Exhibitor: Smith Oak

Senior & Grand Champion:Cherry Lor Ladd Ripple-Red Owner: Cael Hembury Reserve Senior & Grand Champion: Saxton Hill Sweet Lady-PO Owner: Cessna Brothers

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 43

South Central Championship Show |August 5th, 2021 |Judge Justin Kaufman |60 Head Shown YOUTH SHOW

Junior Champion: Reyncrest WKV Pans-ET Owner: Addison Harshman Reserve Junior Champion: Champ-View Jazz it Up Owner: Ellie Widerman

Intermediate & Grand Champion: Walk-Le Atwood Brandy Owner: Cody Walker Reserve Intermediate & Grand Champion: Walk-Le Landon Priscilla Owner: Connor Walker

Senior Champion: Kul-Wave Defiant Kinky Owner: Analise Stover Reserve Senior Champion: Walk-Le Jacoby Justine Owner: Connor Walker


Senior Champion: Lake-Effect JustRight-Red Owner: Daniel Benedict Reserve Senior Champion: Spungold Dback Clair Owner: Dale & Deanna Bendig

Junior Champion: Reyncrest WKV Pans-ET Owner: Addison Harshman Reserve Junior Champion: Coredale Jordy Ivory-Red Owner: Corey Thompson

Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Walk-Le Farm

Grand Champion: Spungold-HC Jordy Rose-Red Owner: Dale & Deanna Bendig Reserve Grand Champion: Lake Effect JustRight-Red Owner: Daniel Benedict

Southeast Championship Show | August 10th, 2021 | Judge: Josh Sanders | 85 Head Shown YOUTH SHOW

Intermediate & Reserve Grand Champion: Coredale Beemer Itawamba Owner: Madison Weaver Reserve Intermediate Champion: WSC Diamondback Monica Owner: Hayden Weaver

Junior Champion: Tal-Vie Tatoo Pistol Owner: Ethan Copenhaver Reserve Junior Champion: Welk Acres Dman Kacie-ET Owner: Jarett Welk WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 44

Senior & Grand Champion: E-Lap Dude Pearl Owner: Landon Fairman Reserve Senior Champion: Moonshine Crush Steel Owner: Shay Miller

Southeast Championship Show Continued OPEN SHOW Intermediate Champion: Brook Corner Tat Breezy ET Owner: Brook-Corner Reserve Intermediate Champion: Landis-MRK Jacoby Dilly-D Owner: Bob Landis, Jason Kline & L. McCraken

Junior Champion: Windy Knoll View Pantech Owner: Klinedell Farms Reserve Junior Champion: Tal-View Tatoo Pistol Owner: Ethan Copenhaver

Premier Breeder: Keystone Farm Premier Exhibitor: Klinedell Farms

Senior & Grand Champion: Keystone Atwood Ashley Owner: Keystone Farm & Tim Seipt Reserve Senior & Grand Champion: Brook-Corner Atwood Woozy Owner: Brook Corner

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 45

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 46 Photos © Kathy Debruin | Halle Photo Reversed | Ad Design © Sara Horst

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 47

Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor of the Pa Fall Show and All-American Thanks to everyone that helped make this all possible at home and at the shows! Reserve All-Pa Senior 3 year old

Walk-Le Landon Priscilla EX-91 2-02 305D 30112M 4.2% 1250F 3.0% 908P 3-07 150D 18650M 3.8% 706F 2.9% 550P First class winning milk cow for Walk-Le and pulled out for Intermediate champion both days at All-American

Reserve All-Pa 150,000 lb.

Walk-Le Alexander Winnie EX-93 2E 8-08 97D 14386M 3.5% 505F 2.6% 385P Lifetime to Date: 235,522M 2100F 1569P

Honorable Mention All-Pa Junior 3 year old

Walk-Le Atwood Brandy-Et 1-11 359D 31880M 4.5% 1429F 3.2% 1024P 3-01 188D 24856M 4.2% 1041F 3.2% 786P 2nd Dam herd favorite Walk-Le Damion Bella EX-94 4E, full sister to Walk-Le Atwood Becca who was sold as bred heifer and went on to be Reserve Junior Champion of the PA and MD Spring Shows in 2017

Walk-Le Farm LLC. Leroy & Brenda Walker And Family 6898 Oak Lane TWINTER hom2021 asvPAiHolstein lle,PProfiles a 48 17364

Congrats Dad & Greg on Snider County 3.0 Championship!

Farm: 717-259-0251 Herd Manager Brad: 717-324-7363 Visitors Welcome


Pennsylvania Fall Show September 21st & 22nd, 2021

Judge Lynn Harbaugh, Marion, WI 142 Head Shown

Junior Champion: Tal-View Tatoo Pistol Owner: Ethan Copenhaver Reserve Junior Champion: BorderView Denver Chloe Owner: Brian & Becky McGee & Vickie Roudabush

Intermediate & Reserve Grand Champion: Pineland Tatoo Poutine Owner: Jacalyn Bortner Reserve Champion: Windy Knoll View Paquiet Owner: Windy Knoll View Farm (Not Pictured)

Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Walk-Le Farm

Premier Breeder & Exhibitor of the Heifer Show: Windy Knoll View Farm

Jr Champions

Senior & Grand Champion: Heart & Soul Sammy Ricki Owner: Hayden Weaver Reserve Senior Champion: Windy Knoll Poser Owner: Windy Knoll View Farm Honorable Mention Grand Champion & Best Owned and Bred of Show: Windy Knoll View Paquiet Owner: Windy Knoll View Farm

Grand Champions

Breeder and Exhibitor

Thank you to our sponsors for the PA Fall Show!!!

Beaver-Lawrence Holstein Association Bedford County Holstein Association Berks County Holstein Association Brook Corner Holsteins Campbell Run Farm Cargill Nutrition Cessna Brothers Dairy One Cooperative Inc Dale and Deanna Bendig Dr. Barry and Diane England

Evergreen Farms Inc Farmshine c/o Dieter Krieg George and Diane Cashell Huntingdon County Holstein Association James and Teresa Houser Keystone Farm Lancaster Farming Larry and Annette Tobin Lira Gold Animal Health Products- Paul Miller Loren L. and Helen M. Zimmerman

Mark Hershey Feeds Meyers Brothers Dairy Penn Dell Farms Premier Select Sire Power Inc Showease Inc Singing Brook Farms Walk Le Farm Windy Knoll View

Caleb McGee Memorial Fund – PA Fall Championship Youth Show September 20th, 2021

Judge Pierre Boulet, Quebec Canada 126 Head Shown

Junior Champion: Peace and Plenty Sdkick Jubtoit Owner: Ella Hlavaty Reserve Junior Champion: Show-Mar Upgrade Longmire Owner: Wesley Brantner

Junior Champions Blair County Dairy Promotion Harry C. Roudabush J.W. Pierdomenico

Intermediate Champion: Pineland Tatoo Poutine Owner: Jacalyn Bortner Reserve Intermediate Champion: Fanasyland Airlift Joey Owner: Danica Roads

Senior & Grand Champion: Heart & Soul Sammy Ricki Owner: Hayden Weaver Reserve Senior & Grand Champion: E-Lap Dude Pearl Owner: Landon Fairman

Best Bred & Owned: Pennwood Crush Tuffing Owner: Elizabeth Stoltzfus (Not Pictured)

Intermediate Champions

Thank you to our sponsors! Vickie Roudabush Crawford County Jr. Holstein Club Charles and Lisa Norris

Senior and Grand Champions Chris and Jennifer Hill Duane Cole Bruce and Laura Heilinger

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 49





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WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 50

2021 National Holstein Convention Member Contributions

Beginning in the year 2016, members of the PA Holstein Association were given the opportunity to contribute to the 2020 National Holstein Convention at the time of their membership renewals. Many of our members took advantage of that throughout the years leading up to the convention that was eventually held in 2021. Thank you to all who were so generous with their hard-earned dollars. Below is an alphabetical listing of our members who contributed. Jeffrey & Nicole Ansell Harry H. Bachman David Bair David Baker Gary Bechtel Ben S. Beiler Dale & Deanna Bendig Amos Benedict Kenneth & Jane Benner Jay & Amy Bomgardner Bridgette Bortner James C. Bortner Bowman Bros. Thomas A. Boyer Edward & Rhoda Brake Keith Breese Anne R. Brocket Brookville Farms LLC Kevin & Gerarda Burleigh Conrad & Rebecca Carlsen Paul & Nadine Cashell Castlemont Farms LLC R.W. VMD & Ellen Cloninger Jacob Conley Joseph Conley Frank Connelly Ronald & Candice Cooney John & Helen Cope Creedin Cornman Michelle Cornman John M. Couch Paul L. Courter Harold & Sherry Courtney Galen W. Crouse Aron W. Crowell Crystal Spring Farms, Inc. Roderick & Janelle Davis Harold & Ginny Davis Brian G. Deal Keith & Debbie Decker Richard A. Deputy Brian D. Derr Myron Diller Leland Eberly Wilson L. Eberly Bert Edmands Dr. Barry & Diane England Barry M. England, Jr. Frederick & Cynthia England Foxmont – J Mervin Fox Buck M. Gates Dustin Gates

Daniel & Linda Geissinger Delton Good Brandon & Andrea Grumbine Stephen & Greta Halahan Sean Hallowell Delvin Halteman Chris S. & Curtis S. Hamilton Dean E. Hartman Matthew R. Hauck Joshua Heacock Dale L. & Neal E. Hershey Glenn C. Hershey Karl, Tanya, & JT Hertzler Dale E. & Coleen Hindman Michael & Melissa Hix Bryant & Holly Hlavaty Chad & Ashley Hoover Reid & Diane Hoover Willard & Rachel Horning Justin Horst Donald M. Hostetter Richard E. Hostetter Jay Houser Joseph R. Itle Dean & Rebecca Jackson Dean & Melinda Johnson Thomas Kelly Isaac D. King Randy & Pat Kitchen Jennifer & Westley Koller Joel Krall Arlan C. Krick Jay E. Landis Robert E. Landis Daphne Ann Lang James S. Lantz Jonathan B. Lantz, Jr. Amos L. Lapp Samuel S. Lapp Jeryl Lehman Mark & Mary Jane Leid Robert R. Lentz Harold Locke Ty R. & Tracy L. Long Christy Hindman Lyle Brian B. Martin Carl L. Martin Duane R. Martin Eugene L. Martin Jesse L. Martin Lavern Martin David & Rachel Maulfair Clyde & Charlene McWilliams

Katie McWilliams Meyers Bros. Dairy Ken, Jesse, & Randall Miller Joel & Sara Mills Samuel F. Minor Mark & Helen Mishler Michelle Morian Robert E. Morris Jeffery & Kristy Morse Phares Z. Musser Musser-Ridge Farm Mylie L. Myers William & Kimberly Neal William & Lilly Ann Nichol Anthony M. Nicoletto Jolene M. Nicholetto Gary & Sallyane Oakes James & Irene Osborne John & Daniel Park Steven & Heidi Pavelski Melvin & Judy Peachey Melvin G. Peifer Robert & Jane Pepple Wayne Piper Plushanski Farm, Inc. David & Martha Pool Betsy Pownall Chris A. Reasy Benjamin Rhodes Dale E. Rice Dale & Fred Rice Joel & June Rose Vickie K. Roudabush Rynd-Home Farm Dennis G. Sattazahn Paul & Mary Sauder Sylvan Sauder Eugene & Carol Schurman Donald A. Seipt Donald V. & Geraldine Seipt Miranda Sellers Lisa Semmel Jeffrey & Cynthia Shaffer Tom E. Shatzer Carrie R. Shuman Richard & Debra Shuman Roy Simpson Jane Ann Smiley Brooks W. Smith Dennis J. Smith Nelson & Trina Smith Shawn M. Smoker Clarence Stauffer

Collin Stoltzfus Duane & Andrea Stoltzfus Gideon Stoltzfus Victor Stoltzfus Robert L. Storch Paul Swanson Teachers Pet Gregory Telesz James W. Temple Amanda Thompson Curt Thrush John & Marshall Trimble Shirley Thompson Trimmer Dennis & Karen Trout Constance & Scott Troutman Luke Troutman Troy Tire & Equip. Co. Two Top Holsteins LLC Daniel & Penny Ulmer Nathan Ulmer Cheryl, Scott & Rachel Ulrich Kenneth & Marilyn Umble S., S., C., & P. Vanco Dale & Paula Wack Keith C. Walters Andrew D. Wanner Wea-Land Farms Tammy & Fred Weaver Michael & Cynthia Weimer Thomas L. Weimer Leah Marie Weisel Mark & Kristina Welk Paul D. Welk Michael Wenger Wenger Farms LLC J. Craig & Susan E. Wicker David & Christine Williams Steven & Barbara Wilson Gordon Wood Robert M. Wood Steven & Christine Gitt Wood Corbin Wood Lee D. & Joanne Yoder Reba L. Yoder Chris Young Rosalie Zaginaylo Dale L. Zimmerman Danielle J. Zimmerman Glen S. Zimmerman John & Laurene Zimmerman Lamar Zimmerman Marcus J. Zook WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 51

- Vince Lombardi

Our youth have had an excellent year! They have ventured out to compete in 4H and FFA Dairy Knowledge Contests, and have been winners of both! Additionally, Kristen Houser was the winner of the 2021 National Holstein Intermediate Jeopardy Contest. These youth have persevered for numerous years, incurring many losses and challenges. However through their hard work, they have accomplished so much, and our association could not be more proud.

Congratulations to all of the Centre County Juniors who competed at the Grange Fair! It is awesome to watch the dedication they put into their animals pay off!

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 52

We are looking for a Centre County Resident to host our 2022 summer picnic. The host will receive a half page advertisement in the next issue! Contact Dr. Bob Cloninger at (814) 280-1801.

Sonnen Recharge Sov Pinata EX-95 2E 4-8 341d 25,461 4.5 1139F 3.2 815P 5-9 proj 27,975 5.1 1426F 3.1 867P Recharge x EX-91 Sovereign x VG-88 Leader

Sonnen Recharge SP Kinnelon EX-92 2E

5-2 365d 35,713 4.0 1413F 3.2 1149P LT 1576d 127,466 4.2 5400F 3.3 4202P Recharge x VG Sparrow x EX 92 Stardust EX-93 Daughter by Numero Uno

Sonnen Recharge ReDe Kippon EX-92 3-0 365d 26,806 4.3 1151F 3.4 905P Ex-93 Sister by Attic Recharge x VG ReDesign x VG-88 Lonestar

Sonnen NumeroUno R Palisade EX-92 2E

4-5 365d 39,512 4.0 1585F 3.1 1211P LT 1425d 131,560 3.9 5103F 3.1 4098P Numero Uno x EX-93 ReDesign Nearest Dams 93, 91, 92, 85, 94, 90, All homebred

Craigcrest Recharge is leaving his mark on us. At the last classification, 16 daughters averaged 88 points at an average age of 3-11, including 6 Excellents!

BAA 5/5/21 111.4

26 EX 33 VG 4 G+

Adam, Lisa & Cierra Sonnen PO Box 437, Millville, PA 17846 PH 570-458-4081 Cell 570-764-2710 EMAIL WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 53

Pennsylvania Holstein Association 2021 Officers and Directors 839 Benner Pike, State College PA 16801


Timothy Sturgeon, Past-President

748 Bates Rd. Fombell, PA 16123...............

Executive Committee

James Houser, President 278 Orndorf Rd. Spring Mills, PA 16875.....(814) 880-3493 Wayne Cessna, Vice President 3099 Beans Cove Rd. Clearville PA 15535...(814) 767-9698 Jeff Ansell, Treasurer 292 Leisie Rd. Renfrew, PA 16053...................(814) 327-2775


(724) 368-8429

Tim Seipt Glenn Brake John Wetmore Justin Kaufman Patricia Kitchen Tom Uber

405 Stouts Valley Rd. Easton, PA 18042 610-984-7912 7100 Renninger Rd. Mercersburg, PA 17236 717-860-4764 39 Happy Hollow Lane, Honesdale, PA 18431 (570) 253-5329 1683 Wills Church Rd. Berlin, PA 15530 (814) 442-7796 249 Welliver Rd. Danville, PA 17821 (570) 275-8216 3321 Rocky Glen Rd. Adamsville,PA 16110 (724) 932-5554

STAFF Executive Director: David Lentz (717) 329-9202 Office Coordinator: Tracy Wellar (814) 234-0364 Show Coordinator: Jenn Hill (301) 606-2269 Youth and Events Coordinator: Amanda Mitcheltree (724) 674-4291

State Directors JOSHUA SANDERS 670 MEHRING RD, LITTLESTOWN, PA 17340...................(732) 406-4949 SARAH CAMPBELL 1155 CAMPBELL RUN RD, FORD CITY, PA, 16226............. (724) 859-2850 ANDREW BECHTEL 147 BECHTEL LANE, MARTINSBURG, PA 16662............... (814) 793-2635 CHARLOTTE NATALI 2131 CENTENNIAL ROAD, BEDFORD, PA 15522.............. (814) 422-8569 BRENT SCHULER 1153 RICHMOND RD FLEETWOOD, PA 19522................ (484) 336-8238 748 BATES RD, FOMBELL, PA 16123................................ (724) 368-8429 WADE STURGEON JEFF JENKINS 818 JENKINS ROAD, COLUMBIA CROSS ROADS, PA 16914(570) 297-2823 JEAN KUMMER 310 WATTERS STATION RD, EVANS CITY, PA 16033.......... (215) 872-9662 JOSHUA GEISSINGER 2800 OLD BETHLEHEM PIKE, QUAKERTOWN,PA 18951...(215) 536-3296 ASHLEY HOOVER 601 CARROLL ROAD, PATTON, PA 16668......................... (814) 341-5664 148 MUSSER LANE, BELLEFONTE, PA 16823-...................(814) 280-5459 NATHAN ULMER JAMES ALBERS 1141 STATE ROAD, LINCOLN UNIVERSITYM, PA 19352.....(806)-268-0761 JANICE JURBALA 1933 STATE ROUTE 254, ORANGEVILLE, PA 17859.......... (570) 458-6388 DANIEL DICKEY 10145 CHURCH ROAD, ESPYVILLE, PA 16414................... (724) 927-2298 AARON CORNMAN 828 BALTIMORE PIKE, GARDNERS, PA 17324.................. (717) 448-1707 14210 OLD ROUTE 8 N., TITUSVILLE, PA 16354............... (814) 827-4386 JEFF JONES J. MICHAEL MILLER 6843 FISHING CREEK ROAD, HARRISBURG, PA 17112..... (717) 497-5275 2434 PITTSBURGH RD, SMOCK, PA 15480....................... (724) 677-2589 CLINTON ALLEN JUSTIN BURDETTE 8656 CORNER ROAD, MERCERSBURG PA 17236.............(717)-328-9078 TRAVIS COUCH 13683 GREENWOOD RD, HUNTINGDON, PA 16652........ (814) 599-0272 CHRISTY LYLE 1887 REITZ CROSSING RD, BROCKWAY, PA 15824........... (814) 371-6929 JOEL MILLS 650 JONESTOWN RD, THOMPSONTOWN, PA 17094....... (717) 535-9983 RICHARD MELLINGER 2212 FORRY RD, LANCASTER, PA 17601.......................... (717) 390-2855 GARY LENTZ 1179 GREBLE ROAD, LEBANON, PA 17046...................... (717) 933-4782 PAUL SEMMEL 3620 E*CELSIOR ROAD, SCHNECKSVILLE, PA 18078........ (610) 799-3489 PO BO* 437, MILLVILLE, PA 17846................................... (570) 458-4081 LISA SONNEN DAVID STRATTON 2572 EAST VALLEY ROAD, SMETHPORT, PA 16749.......... (814) 887-2244 1993 CLINTONVILLE RD, HARRISVILLE, PA 16038............ (724)-866-7196 MICHAEL UBER DUSTIN KAUFFMAN 7950 EAST BACK MOUNTAIN RD, REEDSVILLE, PA 17084(717) 250-6077 RANDY WOLFE 40 RIDGEVIEW COLONY, MILTON, PA 17847.................... (570) 713-4902 ADAM TANIS 202 CHERRY CT, NAZARETH, PA 18064.............................(484)-224-6892 IRENE OSBORNE 1021 PFOUTZ VALLEY ROAD, MILLERSTOWN, PA 17062..(717) 589-3015 439 PUSHERSIDING ROAD, ULYSSES, PA 16948................(814) 848-7262 MARK BACHMAN PO BO* 285, GRATZ, PA 17030-........................................(717) 365-3718 GARTH CAMPBELL CINDY SHAFFER 268 BRICK PLANT ROAD, BEAVERTOWN, PA 17813......... (570) 850-5074 DUANE STOLTZFUS 1689 SALCO ROAD, BERLIN, PA 15530............................. (814) 267-6711 DENISE PEASE 7073 SR 492, SUSQUEHANNA, PA 18847......................... (570) 756-2142 DENISE HARTRANFT 392 WEBSTER ROAD, COVINGTON, PA 16917................. (570) 549-2144 DOUGLAS BOOP 1070 RANCK RD, MILLMONT, PA 17845........................... (570) 713-5844 KEITH WALTERS 168 WALTERS ROAD, NEW ALE*ANDRIA, PA 15670....... (724) 468-5274 WAYNE SHERWOOD 619 SR 4015, MESHOPPEN, PA 18630..............................(570) 470-7016 BAILEY WINSLOW 4 EDGEMANT DRIVE, WARREN, PA 16365.........................(814)-730-1975 STEVE LINKOWSKI 223 MILLER ROAD, AVELLA, PA 15312..............................(412)-600-7277 JACKIE CHYLE COSGROVE 71 LAUREL DRIVE, HONESDALE, PA 18431..................(570)-229-2435 CHARLENE WALKER 6906 OAK LANE, THOMASVILLE, PA 17364.......................(717)-324-7363

Adams Armstrong/Indiana Blair Bedford Berks Beaver/Lawrence Bradford Butler Bucks Cambria Centre/Clinton Chester Columbia/Luzerne Crawford Cumberland Clarion/Venango Dauphin Fayette Franklin Huntingdon Jefferson Juniata Lancaster Lebanon Lehigh Lycoming McKean Mercer Mifflin Northumberland/Mountour Northampton Perry Potter Schuylkill Snyder Somerset Susquehanna Tioga Union Westmoreland Wyoming/Lackawanna Warren Washington Wayne York



1321 POLECAT HOLLOW ROAD, EAST FREEDOM, PA 16637(814)-239-2260

Holstein Association USA, Inc.

David Reynolds, Regional Sales Representative- Phone 717-321-4011 WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 54


WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 55

WINTER 2021 PA Holstein Profiles 56

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