Cambodia Country Research Report

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journey to


an in depth country research report

paige cheshier fasm 420 - 01 . global sourcing . professor don levy

table of

Contents country overview

shipping and suppliers

History and Country Traits Importers and Exporters Economic Overview Economic Breakdown Socio Economic Stability

Shipping Resources Main Suppliers

political stability Relationship with U.S. Social Unrest Government Plans Risks and Benefits

steep analysis Social Technological Economic Environmental Political

transportation Land, Sea, & Air

trade agreements Agreements with U.S. Trade Partners

textile industry State of the Industry Leadtime of Production

conducting business Culture Business Etiquitte Negotiation Style

reference sources

country OVERVIEW

history and country traits Tucked away just shy of the Gulf of Thailand in Southeast Asia is the country of Cambodia which encompasses a total size area of 181,035 square kilometers. Situated with an estimated 15.7 million inhabitants, Cambodia lends itself to being number 69 on the Country Comparison chart when speaking to population on The World Factbook’s resource guide. When it comes to ethnicity, the majority of citizens identify as Khmer, which is also the name of the official language that is spoken by Cambodians. At this time, the median age in the country sits at 24.5 years old, with males being 23.8 years of age and females coming in at 25.2. Buddhism is the official religion within Cambodia as all but 4% of the population practice in that manor. Cambodia is sanctioned under a Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy. As a nation, one of their main national holidays is Independence Day which is celebrated on the ninth of November. This was instated as that is the day that Cambodia gained their independence from France and became their own entity. In Cambodia, 90% of the residents identify with the Khmer ethnicity while 5 % are Vietnamese and the rest are “other�. The currency supported in Cambodia is the Riel and 1 US Dollar is equivalent to that of 4,044 Cambodian Riel. When speaking to the education level of Cambodian citizens, the overall school life expectancy is 11 years, more specifically 12 years for males and 10 for females. As for literacy, 77% of people ages 15 and over can read and write, 85% being male and 71% female.

imports and exports Import Volume: $10.65 Billion (2015) Export Volume: $7.867 Billion (2015) GDP by Sector: Agriculture: 29% Industry: 28% Services: 44% Key Classifications and Major Imports: Agriculture: Rice, Rubber, Corn, Vegetables, Cashews, Silk, Fish Industries: Tourism, Garments, Construction, Rice Milling, Fishing, Wood and Wood Products, Rubber, Cement, Gem Mining, Textiles Main Export Countries: The top 10 countries that Cambodia exports to are: United States, Hong Kong, Singapore, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Japan, China, Belgium, and Spain Key Imported Commodities: Petroleum products, cigarettes, gold, construction materials, machinery, motor vehicles, pharmaceutical products Key Exported Commodities: Clothing, timber, rubber, rice, fish, tobacco, footwear

source: global edge

economic overview Even though Cambodia has experienced positive economic growth during the new millennium, its people still remain as some of the most impoverished in all of Asia. The World Factbook explains that “The tourism, garment, construction and real estate, and agriculture sectors accounted for the bulk of growth. Around 600,000 people, the majority of whom are women, are employed in the garment and footwear sector.” They go on to explain that “an additional 500,000 Cambodians are employed in the tourism sector, and a further 50,000 people in construction”. With that being noted, it is important to keep in mind that a prime set back among the impoverished citizens is the harmful diseases and infections that plague Cambodia. This is a cause for concern economically, as it is often the driving factor of why people become physically unable to work. As a result of falling below the poverty line, they are unable to move up in economic status, often handing the same results to their children and family members.

economic breakdown Industrial Production Growth Rate: 9.6% (2015) Labor Force: 7.974 Million (2013) Labor Force by Occupation: Agriculture: 49% Industry: 20% Services: 32% Unemployment Rate: 0.3% (2013) Main Industries: Agriculture, Industry, Services Population Below Poverty Line: 17.7% Budget Revenue: $3.334 Billion Budget Expenditures: $3.734 Billion Budget Deficit: -2.3% of GDP (2015), Country Comparison to the World: 86 Inflation Rate: 1.4% (2015), Country Comparison to the World: 79 Currency Exchange Rate: Riels (KHR) per US Dollar: 4,080.3 = $1

socio economic stability factors Minimum Wage in Apparel Industry: $128 (2015) Living Wage Calculation by Asia Floor Wage: $283 (2013) Currency Exchange Rate: Riels (KHR) per US Dollar: 4,080.3 = $1 Inflation Rate: 1.4% (2015), Country Comparison to the World: 79 Unemployment Rate: 0.3% (2013) Gross National Product (GNP): $54.17 Billion Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Dollars (2015) Inflation Rate: 1.4% (2015), Country Comparison to the World: 79 *Notable: According to CleanClothes.Org, “Cambodia garment workers have gained much media attention in their campaigns for a $177 minimum wage. Such campaigning has led to some commitment to change from leading brands”. How to Interpret the Graph: The purpose of this graph is to take a snapshot of a country’s economy in comparison to other economies. For example, Cambodia’s Exports rank is higher than 46.52% of the countries in the dataset. For Exports, FDI and GDP measures, a higher rank (closer to 100%) indicates a stronger economy. Conversely, for Unemployment and Inflation, a lower rank (closer to 0%) indicates a stronger economy.

source: global edge

political STABILITY

political stability factors cambodian government’s relationship with u.s. Currently, Cambodia has a working relationship with the United States however the two haven’t always been on good terms. In late 2012, President Obama became the first acting president to visit Cambodia on behalf of the United States. As it stands, the United States serves to be the largest single country buyer of goods that Cambodia exports, therefore being a key player in the stimulation of their economy. As Cambodia is country in which needs 30 to 40 percent of their funds to come from donations from other nations in order to run adequately, the United States has stepped up and been generous in supporting them as the need arises.

issues of social unrest Currently in Cambodia, the threat of sex trafficking is at the forefront of concern as it involves men, women, and children. In addition to sex trafficking, forced labor is also an issue within this country. The World Factbook explains that “Cambodian and ethnic Vietnamese women and girls are trafficked from rural areas to urban centers and tourist spots for sexual exploitation”. They go on to say that “Cambodian men are the main exploiters of child prostitutes, but men from other Asian countries, and the West travel to Cambodia for child sex tourism”.

future government plans The Cambodian government is currently seeking improvements regarding upgrades to their tier rating to help better enforce regulation standards when it comes to sex trafficking. They are currently at a Tier 2 Watch List and if the new plan that has been drawn up is implemented, it could provide much stricter rules and guidelines that would aim at eradicating this crisis all together.

risks and benefits In a Country Risk Assessment performed by Global Edge, Cambodia was ranked at high risk when it came to an overall country risk rating. This was due to the country having “A very uncertain political and economic outlook and a business environment with many troublesome weaknesses can have a significant impact on corporate payment behavior”. Global Edge also sited that the “corporate default probability is high” in Cambodia. When an additional risk assessment was conducted, this time focusing on Business Climate Rating, the results concluded to be very high risk. This was due to an unstable legal system in which makes enforcing debt collections difficult. Global Edge lists some of Cambodia’s weaknesses to be lack of skilled manpower, high poverty rate, underdeveloped electricity industry and transport networks, and being vulnerable to climatic uncertainties when it comes to agriculture. However, a prime strength for Cambodia that was listed is the flexible textile industry and tourism sector with strong potential. This strength is encouraging for Cambodia as the textile and apparel industry is one that they can grow and cultivate in order to raise their export income.

flag of cambodia


steep analysis social: demography, gender roles, ethnicity, culture, behaviors, beliefs, literacy, and language The population of Cambodia sits just shy of 16 million people, and their official nationality is Cambodian. There are approximately 2.6 children born to every woman in Cambodia and the life expectancy at birth is 64 years of age. It is estimated that the Cambodian population growth rate is at 1.58% as of 2015. The risk of contracting an infectious disease in Cambodia is very high according to the CIA World Factbook. Food or waterborne diseases which pose a notable threat include bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever. Airborne diseases include dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, and malaria. Additionally, Cambodia ranks number 49 in the world for people living with HIV/AIDS which equates to approximately 74,600 individuals. The yearly death toll from individuals who succumb to HIV/AIDS is 2,600 per year. A vast majority of the people of Cambodia identify ethnically with the Khmer group, coming in at 96%. The religious focus in Cambodia is on that of Buddhism with 97% of the population following that practice. The recognized language of Cambodia is Khmer with 96% of its inhabitants calling it their native tongue. 77% of the population above age 14 can read and write, with 85% being males and 71% being females. The total school life expectancy for a male in Cambodia is 12 years while a female is expected to be in school 10 years. Culturally, an important part of symbolism to the people of Cambodia is the ancient Khmer temple of Angkor Wat which is depicted on the national flag. This temple is seen as a large generator of monetary funds as it is a popular tourist destination due to its deep historical connection to the country and its majestic grandeur. The behaviors of the Cambodian people are ingrained in their daily life. Most struggle to survive and work rigorously at jobs in which are physically taxing. Meal time is one keystone of the Cambodian culture, as according to the Internet source Countries and their Cultures, “Meals are eaten in shifts according to status, with adult males and guests eating first and food preparers last�. Fish and rice are daily food staples for Cambodians, while a rice based porridge is a customary breakfast dish.

technological: innovations, adoption, application, business models, internet and cell phone usage Telephone: Fixed Lines: 440,000 Telephone: Mobile Cellular: 23.9 million - Country Comparison to the World:48 Internet Users: 831,700 - 5.4% of the Population Television Broadcast Stations: 9 Radio Station Broadcasts: AM Stations: 1 FM Stations: 50

economic: gdp, industries driving growth, funding, business cycles and unemployment Economically speaking, the majority of Cambodia’s citizens live on a very low income below the poverty line. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Cambodia at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is $50 billion dollars. Their GDP growth rate percentage on an annual basis is 7%. Per capita, the Purchasing Power Parity Gross Domestic Product is $3,263. All of this data positions Cambodia to be number 106 of 193 in the GDP Country Rank category. The current unemployment rate of Cambodia is 0.4%. An economic indicator of funding within Cambodia is inflation of consumer prices which is at an annual rate of 3.86%. When looking to a labor and employment breakdown, there are 8.6 million Cambodians currently employed within the working force, with 51% of those workers in agriculture. The next highest field of employment is the service industry at 30% followed by employment in industry at 19%. One of the strongest industries in which is driving growth is the manufacturing industry which has added a value of 16% to the GDP. According to the Global Edge information source, “the garment industry currently employs about 400,000 people and accounts for about 70% of Cambodia’s total exports”. In addition, other notable top industries within Cambodia include tourism, garments, construction, and rice milling.

environmental: air quality, water quality, arable land, climate change, resources, and weather issues The natural resources to Cambodia include oil and gas, timber, gemstones, iron ore, manganese, phosphates, and arable land. As far as land is concerned, 32% is agricultural space, 57% is forest, and 11% is used in another capacity. Within the agricultural land, 23% of it is arable land while 1% is dedicated to permanent crops and 9% to permanent pasture. Cambodia’s climate is quite tropical and rainy from May to November and dry from December to April. Temperatures in Cambodia have little variation from season to season, keeping a consistent environment which makes it conducive for growing agriculture. The biggest natural hazard weather concern that Cambodia faces is monsoon season and the rainstorms it brings between the months of June and November, and other than that the occasional drought has to be looked out for. The terrain in Cambodia is comprised of mostly low, flat plains with mountain ranges to the north and southwest. Cambodia has a total renewable water resource of 476.1 cubic kilometers. The freshwater withdrawal within the country totals to 2.18 cubic kilometers a year. Of that, 4% is dedicated to domestic use, 2% to

industrial, and 94% to agriculture. Per capita, this equates to be 160 cubic meters per year. Of the rural drinking water sources, 69% have been improved while the remaining 31% have not been. Like most Asian contraries, the air quality in Cambodia is quite poor. This is due to heavy smog and pollution caused by factories and transportation vehicles alike. The larger cities, such as the capitol of Phnom Penh, are hit the hardest as that is where tourists like to convene. These tourists seek the assistance of large busses while sightseeing which negatively contribute to the already dim air quality epidemic.

political: laws, regulations, elections, and power distribution The Cambodian government is established under a parliamentary constitutional monarchy and the capital of the country is located in Phnom Penh. There are 24 provinces within Cambodia and 1 municipality which is located in the capitol city. Cambodia is run by a civil law legal system. One regulation of Cambodia is that citizenship is not received at birth in the country, like it is traditionally in the United States. The Chief of State for Cambodia, King Norodom Sihamoni was elected in 2004 and the Prime Minister Hun Sen was instated in 1985. The next Senate and National Assembly election will be held in 2018. The army of defense in Cambodia is referred to as the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces which is comprised of the Royal Cambodian Army, the Royal Khmer Navy, and the Royal Cambodian Air Force in which 18 years of age is the legal qualification for enlisting.

cambodian currency

transportation in


transportation in cambodia land, sea, & air There are three key ports in Cambodia in which items are distributed by sea to their destinations. The main port in the country is Sihanoukville Port which is situated on the North end of the country alongside the Gulf of Siam. This port serves as the only deep water sea port in all of Cambodia and it can be accessed by land transportation by National Highway No. 4, giving easy access for goods to be brought from the factories to the vessels. This port is situated 540 nautical miles from Singapore making it a prime export port as items can be rerouted once they arrive to Singapore. Since this is the largest and most functional port in Cambodia, the government has taken responsibility and has begun refurbishment to it, ensuring it is functional enough to handle the imports and exports that are critical to the success of the Cambodian economy. When speaking to government involvement with the Sihanoukville Port, Business in Asia can be quoted to say that “As part of its program to upgrade transport infrastructure in Cambodia, the Asian Development Bank is funding some modest improvements at the port”. They go on to list renovations to the port which include a “new forklift truck for container movement, repair old jetty, replace fenders, replace navigating aids and allow for night navigation, improve container storage yard, and install area lighting to permit night working.” All of these improvements will aid in the longevity of the port and ensure that it remains functional in order to serve international freight companies. A secondary river port in which can be accessed through the river leading from the South China Sea through Vietnam. There are two docking ports at this location both of which accommodate large cargo vessels. The third and final port in Cambodia is the Koh Kong Port which is located adjacent to the border of Thailand. The Business in Asia resource website explains of this port that “vessels entering Cambodia from Singapore, Malaysia or Thailand call first at Paklong, on the Gulf of Siam about 15 km from the Thai border, for customs clearance and other formalities”. They go on to say that “Koh Kong is a small provincial capital with no road access to the rest of Cambodia. Road 43 can only be used (with difficulty) by motor cycles at present.” Due to this, the port would not be the first option used to export items from Cambodia due to its difficult accessibility. There are 16 airports in Cambodia, however only 6 of those are equipped with paved runways. When looking to the railway system, there is 642 km of track in which is used for transportation. Cambodia has 44,709 km of roadway with the great majority of that, 41,102km, being unpaved.

Sihanoukville Port in Cambodia

shipping and SUPPLIERS

shipping resources to the u.s. in jae garment co., ltd. Shipped From: Sihanoukville Port, Cambodia Foreign Port of Landing: Singapore, Singapore US Destination Port: New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey Quantity: 582 Containers Weight: 7,997 KG Arrival Date: 5.11.16 Full Container Transport Cost: Current Market Rate $13,339.44 *Estimated quoting cost per 40 FT container equaled to be $22.92

nasmi industry co., ltd. Shipped From: Phnom Penh, Cambodia Foreign Port of Landing: Singapore, Singapore US Destination Port: New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey Quantity: 104 Containers Weight: 1,457 KG Arrival Date: 5.11.16 Full Container Transport Cost: Current Market Rate $2,289.77 *Estimated quoting cost per 40 FT container equaled to be $23.13

max view textiles (cambodia) co., lt Shipped From: Sihanoukville Port, Cambodia Foreign Port of Landing: Singapore, Singapore US Destination Port: New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey Quantity: 853 Containers Weight: 3,628 KG Arrival Date: 5.9.16 Full Container Transport Cost: Current Market Rate $19,550.76 *Estimated quoting cost per 40 FT container equaled to be $22.92



Parent Company Location: Cheng Ping Kun, Taiwan Contact Information No.4, Road No.5, Sangkat Toul Sangke, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel : 023 361 209 ; Fax : 023 361 175 Number of Workers: 1,800 Number of Machines: 1,150

Parent Company Location: Kim Do Sam, Korea Contact Information No.68E0, Phum Toul Sangke, Khan Toulkok Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel : (855) 23 368 287 Number of Workers: 2,995 Number of Machines: 2,069



Parent Company Location: Lee Fung Tai, Hong Kong Contact Information Phum Chong Thnol, Khum Tuk Thlar, Russey Keo District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel : 023 368 388 ; Fax : 023 368 398 Number of Workers: 1,971 Number of Machines: 898

Parent Company Location: Neoy City, Hong Kong Contact Information No.650, NR No.2, Sangkat Chak Angre Krom, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel : (855) 23 428 175 Number of Workers: 1,350 Number of Machines: 1,002



Parent Company Location: Lee Tai Keath, Malaysia Contact Information Russian Blvd, Borei 100 Khnong, Sang kat Tek Thla, Khan Russeikeo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel : (855) 018 810 263 Number of Workers: 3,534 Number of Machines: 1,266

Parent Company Location: Sok Hong, Cambodia Contact Information Preah Monivong Blvd, Sangkat Tonlebasak, Khan Chamcarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel : (855) 23 362 393 Number of Workers: 1,288 Number of Machines: 1,577


cambodian trade agreements trade agreement with the u.s. According to the Office of the United States Trade Representative, “in 2006, the United States and Cambodia signed a bilateral Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA), creating a cooperative mechanism focused on deepening and expanding our bilateral trade and supporting Cambodia’s efforts to implement its WTO commitments and domestic reforms.” The premise of this signed agreement is to ensure that Cambodia is following World Trade Organization standards in addition to aiding domestic reforms. Additionally, a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) was introduced in 2012 between the two countries, however it has not yet been signed into action. As the United States serves to be Cambodia’s largest trading partner, this agreement benefits the country in a multitude of ways through supporting its economic growth and stability. More specifically, the agreement between the two nations benefits the apparel and textiles industry as it permits the production and subsequent trade which stimulates Cambodia’s economy in an industry which employees hundreds of thousands of workers.

trade partners

source: global edge

source: global edge

textile INDUSTRY

state of the textile and apparel industry The apparel industry in Cambodia accounts for $4,279,036 dollars of exported goods.Of that, $2787, 967 is from knit apparel while the other $1,491,069 of that is from non-knit apparel items. According to Global Edge, “the garment industry currently employs about 400,000 people and accounts for about 70% of Cambodia's total exports.” Additionally, Cambodia’s garment production ranks as a top industry within the country alongside tourism, construction, and rice milling. In 2014, manufacturing provided an added value of 16.23% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) within Cambodia. Merchandise accounts for 144.83% of the total trade Gross Domestic Product for the country. The garment industry accounted for approximately 650,000 jobs in 2014, and ranked at 16% of the country’s overall GDP. The percentage of garments that are produced and subsequently exported within Cambodia ranges from 70% to 80%. In 2013, the value of garments exported was just shy of $5 billion dollars. Several issues surrounding Cambodian factories and its workers include poor working conditions, short term employment contracts, and the fight for a higher minimum wage. Often times, one way that factories will skate around rules and regulations is to sign the employee to a short term contract. Due to this, many workers are not at one job long enough to gain eligibility for protection by the Trade Union. There are currently 559 documented factories in Cambodia, however some of those act as subsidiaries to larger companies across Asia. CleanClothes.Org explains that in addition to the known factories, “there are also ‘cottage factories,’ which are not formally registered and which subcontract to the formal sector during peak season”. The majority of factory production in Cambodia stems from CMT manufacturing, also known as Cut Make Trim. It is estimated that 60% of the garments produced in Cambodia come from CMT factories, while another 25% derive from Freight on Board, and an additional 15% come from subcontracting arrangements. Some of the top retail brands in which source and produce from Cambodia include H&M, Inditex, Nike, Gap Inc., Levi, Walmart, and Calvin Klein among others. In March of 2014, the garments and textiles sector of Cambodian exports totaled an estimated $445.73 million dollars. Of that total, $160.74 million was allocated to the United States which equates to 36%. When it comes to the import market, CleanClothes.Org explains that “since the garment industry in Cambodia is primarily a CMT industry, most raw materials and fabrics which are used in the industry are imported into the country.” As a result of this, in 2011, light rubberized knitted fabric made up 13.24% of Cambodia’s total imports, pile fabrics made up 2.21%, and other synthetic fabrics made up 2.9%.

leadtime of production The lead time of production in Cambodia can be contingent on a variety of different factors including but not limited to natural disasters, weather influence, work days, and national holidays. If a holiday falls on a weekend day, public sector businesses will often times not observe the holiday with the following Monday off while private sector businesses most likely will. A list of celebrated national holidays in Cambodia are as follows: National Holidays observed in Cambodia: Gregorian New Year: January 1 Khmer New Year April 13-16 Cambodian King’s birthday: May 13-15 Visak Bochea Day: May 20 Royal Plowing Ceremony: May 24 Ancestors Day September: 30 - October 2 Kings Coronation Day: October 29 Independence Day November: 9 Water Festival Ceremony: November 13-15 By legal standards, a typical Cambodian work week should consist of 48 hours of work per week, with an overtime extension of 60 hours a week, paid time. On average, Cambodian’s work 6 days a week, observing Sunday as their off day. Usually, workers are given one meal break which is unpaid time ranging from 30 minutes to one hour, however this is not enforced by labor laws. Night time work is defined by law to be set between the times of what American’s would consider 10:00pm to 5:00am, a seven hour shift. Additionally, there are certain months in which weather patterns become a factor in which affect lead time of production. The climate in Cambodia is tropical and as a result they experience a monsoon season that lasts from May to November. Following that, comes a dry season which is predicted to last from December to April. Furthermore, an imminent threat of natural hazards are expected from June to November as flooding can be a common problem as a result of monsoons.

conducting BUSINESS

conducting business in cambodia culture In the Cambodian culture, it is customary upon greeting someone to put one’s hands into a prayer pose and then bow before one another. This symbolizes respect and is to be used in business scenarios as well. As a general rule regarding cultural etiquette, the flaunting of feet is frowned upon as it is recognized to be the dirtiest part of someone’s body. Therefore, one must never show their feet, especially the soles, even when they’re adorned with shoes. When it comes to shoes, they must be removed before walking into someone’s home or a temple. Another cultural decree is to never touch another person, even a child, atop the head. Cambodians believe that the spirit animal inhabits within the head, therefore it is viewed to be the most valuable part of the body.

business etiquette Business etiquette differs from the United States in a variety of ways so it is important to know the proper decorum when engaging in professional relationships. For instance, in a business setting, when contact cards are exchanged between individuals, the recipient should accept the card and then embrace it between both hands, holding it securely in place between the palms. It is important to note that business cards should always be exchanged using only the right hand. It is critical that the card be treated with respect as that is reflective of the way you would treat the individual from whom you’ve received the card. Punctuality is held in high regard to the people of Cambodia, so it is important to always be on time as it is seen as a sign of respect.

negotiation style In a meeting scenario, it is customary to begin with relaxed conversations before divulging into the heavier business. When presenting a new idea in a meeting setting, it is best to express it in a reserved manor and wait for others to respond. Furthermore, it is important to remember not to be too forceful with words during a meeting as this can be viewed as highly offensive if one becomes pushy or boastful at any point. If at any point during a meeting someone disagrees with what has been presented or suggested, instead of voicing their concern, it is customary to just remain silent and have no response at all. One trait that might be difficult to navigate when dealing with someone in the Cambodian culture is that they generally communicate in a very indirect way, causing need for much interpretation on other’s behalf.

reference SOURCES

reference sources Cambodia | United States Trade Representative. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2016, from Facts, Cambodia Flag -- National Geographic. (n.d.). Retrieved May 13, 2016, from http://travel. International Ports in Cambodia. (n.d.). Retrieved May 10, 2016, from cambodia_ports.html Cambodia. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2016, from U.S. Relations With Cambodia. (2016). Retrieved May 13, 2016, from Award-Winning Culture Guides. (n.d.). Retrieved May 13, 2016, from global-etiquette/cambodia.html The World Factbook: Cambodia. (2016). Retrieved May 10, 2016, from the-world-factbook/geos/cb.html Working Hours and Overtime in Cambodia. (n.d.). Retrieved May 15, 2016, from labour-law/work-and-wages/work-hours-in-cambodia

Cambodia: Economy. (n.d.). Retrieved May 13, 2016, from economy Public Holidays in Cambodia in 2016. (n.d.). Retrieved May 15, 2016, from countries/cambodia/

coat of arms of kingdom of cambodia

journey to CAMBODIA

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