Photoshop Templates and Clipping Masks Tutorial Guide by Paint the Moon

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ht e Templates Guide

for collages, cards, tags, etc.

Paint the Moon p h o t o s h o p™ a c t i o n s a n d t e x t u re s

© a l l

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d • p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

Usage Steps

This covers everything from downloading to placing your images and customizing your templates.


Download your templates. You will be directed to a page where you can click on the words "Click here" to immediately download your products after the payment goes through. You will also receive an e-mail at your payment address with the link in it.


Locate the downloaded file and open the folder. If it is not unzipped (if it still has the .zip extension at the end), unzip it. Most machines have pre-installed software that allows you to double click it to unzip. If you do not have unzipping software, you can download free software to do this online. A popular, highly rated FREE one are for the Mac is YemuZip. A popular, highly rated application for PC users is 7zip.


Follow instructions located on page four to use the templates.

First time template user?

click to see some tips, tricks and a short video showing how to use templates and some tips for getting the most out of your products

© a l l

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d • p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

Easy steps to place images You may want to resize the image to a smaller size (look at the the Image Size in File > Image Size for an idea of what size your image will need to be). You don’t need to do this, but doing this first makes it easier to resize the image in the template if you are working with a high res image. There are three ways of placing your images into the templates: 1. Drag the image onto the open template window. 2. You can also go to File > Place and navigate to your saved image file to place the photo in the template. 3. Or you can also select the image (Edit > Select All or command/control + A) then copy it (command/control + C) and then go back to your template and paste it {command/control + V). After your images are in your template document, position your photo(s) layer directly under the layer “Place Your Photo Under This Layer” according to where you want each image. Once you have dragged your image layer into the correct spot in your template this will “clip” your image to the image box. If it did not “clip” ... meaning, you can still see ALL of the image, even outside the image box area ... then see the page in the “Clipping Shortcuts” to “clip” the image (it’s easy - don’t worry!). Then come back to this step and continue. :) Now we will resize it to fit. Hit Command (Mac) or Control (PC) + T to Transform (resize). Grab the corner of the box while holding the shift key down and drag one of the four corners to resize as needed. When satisfied, hit return/enter. In Elements, you don’t need to hold the shift key down if you have “Constrain Proportions” checked at the top of your window while transforming. You may now use your move tool (press the letter V to select this tool) to move the photo around within the area to your liking. Repeat the steps above with additional images as needed. Note that some of the templates may not have a gray box to clip your image to, in which case you simply place your image under the layer as noted, no clipping required.

© a l l

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d • p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

What your layers will look like

Be sure to take a look at the video tutorial for storyboards and tempates to see templates in use Š a l l

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d •  p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

Clipping Mask Shortcuts - 2 Easy Ways to Clip! If, for some reason, your photo doesn’t automatically become clipped to the gray box layer when placed directly under the “Place Your Photo Under This Layer” layer, you can do one of the following, easy shortcuts to “clip” the photo to the box yourself. First make sure your photo layer is directly above the gray image box you want to place it into (as shown below). Either shortcut will work ... just choose which method you want, the both do the same thing (only do one).

Be sure to take a look at the video tutorial to see templates in use

© a l l

Note that most of the time your image will “clip” automatically with Paint the Moon templates and some don’t need clipping (if there are no gray box layers).

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d • p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

Hi. I’m Annie.

So nice to meet you!

I w a n t to th a n k you f or your sup p ort and b usiness. I truly ho p e y o u a r e t hr i l l ed w i t h y o ur Pa i nt t he M o o n pro d ucts . Y ou r s a ti s f a c tion is my numb er one p riority, and I t a k e p r i d e i n p r o v i d i ng ex c el l ent c us t o m er s er v i c e. I f yo u fin d, a fte r look i ng ov er the installation g uid e, troub l es ho o t i ng g ui d e a nd t ut o r i a l v i d eo s a v a i l a b l e, t ha t yo u a re s ti ll i n n e e d of assistanc e, p lease feel free to e-ma i l m e a t a nna b el l e@ p a i nt t hem o o a nd I ’ m m o r e t h a n h a ppy to h e lp. P l ea se u n der stan d th at du e to th e ov e r w h e l m i n g n u m be r of dow n l oads e v e r y day I a m unab l e to p ro v i d e assista n ce for fr ee pr odu ct dow n l oads , bu t I i n v i t e y ou t o v i s i t ou r s u ppor t s ecti on of the si te and look th r ou gh th e gu ides a n d vi de os f or as s i s t an c e . I w i l l n e e d to h a ve th e following information in ord er to g et y o u t a k en c a r e o f a s q ui c k a s p o s s i b l e: • Pa i nt th e Moon produc t you are using • Y o ur com pu te r’s operating system • Y o ur ve rs i on of Ph otoshop or Elements • W h a t e xa ctly you r i s sue is, or where in the installation p r o c es s y o u a r e r unni ng i nt o a hi c c up . T he m o r e de t a i le d i n f orm a ti on I g et up front, the b etter and faster I c a n g et y o u t a k en c a r e o f a nd s t a r t ed us i ng a nd e n j o y i n g you r n e w a ctions. T h a n k you !

© a l l

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d • p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

page 14

Finding what you need Paint the Moon Store

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shop hundreds of actions, textures, and templates to save you time and make your images look their very best ... love editing again - love your photos - come on, get happy!

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a wellspring of resources at your fingertips ... video tutorials covering installation methods, action basics, getting the most from your actions, general Photoshop/Elements tips and editing, texture use and much more!

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Tips and Basics Plus Install Video Tutorial for Photoshop

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Save time create art

Paint the Moon Photoshop™ actions transform your photos into art - saving time and making magic.

What are Photoshop™ actions? Most simply stated, Photoshop™ actions help you make your photos more awsome and do it much faster. The boring explanation is that they are a recording of all the commands and steps used to create an effect in Photoshop™ or Elements™. They can be replayed at the click of a button, saving you hours of time in editing as well as creating complex effects with ease. When using actions extensive Photoshop™ processing knowledge is no longer required to get professional, beautiful results and do it quickly so you can get back to doing what you love - taking photos. Watching your images transform before your eyes will have you whistling and singing while editing!

Actions can save you time and take a good (or even a ho-hum) image and turn it into a WOW image in seconds.

Paint the Moon offers Photoshop™ and Elements™ actions to help bring new life to your images and take

hours off of your editing time. Offering professional editing tools that help you do everything including professional retouching, essential workflow edits, and beautiful and unique artistic processing ... all at the click of a button. Paint the Moon actions work like magic to make processing amazingly quick and are a breeze to use. Paint the Moon actions are also highly “tweakable” to customize the results for just the right look to fit your image and your style. Many of them are batchable so you can process entire sessions with little interaction and breeze through hundreds of images easily. They help turn your photos into works of ART, taking your images to the next level! We also offer fine art and vintage textures to add a unique and high end look to your images. To help guide you through all steps of the editing process, Paint the Moon also has a wide variety of video tutorials available with new ones added regularly. Want to take them for a spin before making a purchase? We have beautiful free actions and textures to try before you buy! Be sure to also stop by our Facebook page for Exclusive free downloads and a supportive, inspiring and warm community of fellow photographers (

© a l l

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d • p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

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you rock.

My goal is to help you succeed in doing


ht e Templates Guide

what you love - making


for collages, cards, tags, etc. m a k e t o d a y

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Paint the Moon paint the moon p h o t o s h o p™ a c t i o n s a n d t e x t u re s p h o t o s h o p™ a c t i o n s a n d t e x t u re s

© a l l

p a i n t t h e m o o n p h o t o s h o p a c t i o n s r i g h t s r e s e r v e d • p a i n t t h e m o o n . n e t

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