1 minute read

From the Editor

Hey Everyone,

Welcome to the 123rd edition of the Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine.

What a massive month this has been, with me training apprentices from North Qld to the Gold Coast, and of course our training facility in Salisbury. I saw and trained 38 students this month with them learning an array of new things.

We have found that with the shortage of painters throughout the country that we are getting an influx of people wanting to come into painting and decorating as a career pathway. Over the last month we have had 38 applications for people wanting to start their painting career journey with 22 currently in trials and 10 in the process of being signed up into their apprenticeship.

This has been a massive undertaking from Brina in the APN office. If you are considering getting an apprentice or looking for staff, reach out and contact us.

In March, we are involved in a Skilling for Work Program on the Gold Coast. We will have a couple of potential apprentices in a few months in the area looking at starting their career. I would like to welcome Matthew Christopher to the team for this project.


• Helen Kay

• Jim Baker

• Leo Babauta

• Marion Terrill

• Mark Humphery-Jenner

• Natasha Bradshaw

• Robert Bauman

• Sandra Price EDITOR

Nigel Gorman


J. Anne Delgado

Nigel Gorman nigel@aussiepaintersnetwork.com.au

07 3555 8010

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