Aussie Painting Contractor

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Issue 4, Holiday Edition / January 2012

Instant access to our TWO pricing and estimating guides

Quotation guide to assist you when quoting

Work Method Statement and Risk Assessment Guide

Personal service and phone advice

Web Listing for prospective customers to find you easily

Free targeted online marketing & advertising

Back-links to assist you in SEO rankings

Your own page on

Painter Help section if you are looking for work or looking for painters to help

If now is not the right time to subscribe we can still offer you a complimentary 1 page listing in our 'Find a Painter' section. Supply your details to obtain your complimentary page NOW! Make sure you include your address, phone number and current web site if you have one, if you don’t, use ours!

$49.97 is all you pay for one year’s subscription



Nigel Gorman

From the Editor 4 Members Consultant 4 Deputy Editor Caroline Miall

Business Principles Series Part 4: The Importance Maintaining Clear Documentation 6 How To Make YOUR Business Grow In The Future 8 Cash Flows Is King During Hard Times 9


Downtime Or Investment In Your Future – What’s Your Business Approach? 10

Belinda Ross

Member Profile Tim O'Farrell Painters 12

Caroline Miall

Protect Your Greatest Asset – Your Income 13

Jennie Gorman

How To Become A Really Successful Painter 14

Jim Baker

Construction Industry Sprains and Strains 16

Mel Holzworth

Harmonisation of Work Health & Safety Legislation 2012 Changes affecting you! 18

Nigel Gorman Rachel Adams Stephanie Gadd

Is Your Site A Mates In Construction Site? 20 Fun And Games Keep The Christmas Kilos At Bay 21 Prolong Life of Light Coloured Enamels 22 Colour is Great 23

Tamara Simon Tim O'Farrell

Painter Abroad... 24 The Lead Group 27 The Industry Idiot 28 Important Contacts 29

From the Editor Welcome to the final issue of Aussie Painting Contractor, marking the end of our inaugural year of Home Painters With 2011 soon to be a mere memory, (which some will be very grateful for!) the festive season is upon us again, and it’s time to reflect on the year gone by. It was a difficult year, starting with the most challenging of disastrous fires and flood for many Australians in January, and for many already battling the ongoing effects of the Global Financial Crisis. In reaction to adversity, though, I hope that it was a year of reassessing priorities and planning for a better future. And in spite of everything I hope that you’ve all had a good year, and have work waiting for you in 2012, after a well-deserved break. Now is the time to relax, appreciate our families and friends, and consider what the New Year may bring The Home Painters Info team is looking forward to the exciting year ahead. It has been an educational challenge getting started, and establishing a service that will be of value and relevance in the future. In the New Year we will be printing membership cards, and are currently talking with local suppliers about member benefits and have already established collaborations with business and government bodies. Keep checking in at out site to keep up to date and see what can be easily available to you as a member. Become a member in 2012. You won’t regret it! I would like to thank those who joined in November and just to inform you all we managed to raise $145 for Movember. From myself, my family and all our contributors for 2011, we wish you a safe, happy and memorable holiday, however you celebrate it, and a very prosperous new year. Nigel Gorman 0430399800

Members Consultant Hi and Merry Christmas to our Readers, Firstly, a huge welcome to all of our brand new Members! Thank you for your support of Home Painters Info. We trust that you will enjoy the ongoing information and benefits that we will offer our members. As mentioned before, we are the only known organisation in Australia who is offering this service to the Painting Industry. We have been experiencing enormous and exciting feedback regarding Home Painters Info and hope that 2012 continues to bring us new members from near and far. It truly is an exciting and unique venture we have begun. With the new legislation on Work Health and Safety Harmonisation coming into effect on the 1st January 2012, we hope that you appreciate the ongoing research that we are doing to enable you, the Painting Contractor, to stay across the changes within our industry. This free advice and communication is something that we are proud to be able to offer to you, to prove that we are truly dedicated to our vision. As with any organisation, we urge more contracting business’ to become members to enjoy the benefits we offer at Home Painters Info. Remember, for only $49.97 you will continue to receive our weekly updates, and notifications, in addition to the other benefits listed at Home Painters Info will prove to be of considerable benefit to the new contractors who have decided to jump from the frypan into the fire, and venture out on their own. Our tools are of enormous value and easy to put into practice. So, if you know of any Painter who is in the position of just starting out on their own, please feel free to pass on our website to them so that they may benefit from our information. I wish you a very Merry Christmas, and that you stay safe throughout the festive season. Hope to talk with you soon, Stephanie Gadd 0433 724 794

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Business Principles Series Part 4: The Importance Maintaining Clear Documentation

In any business, the ‘art’ of documentation and record management is an important facet to success, but one that is often overlooked, or allowed to become unwieldy and inefficient without the right systems in place. I say ‘art’ because it really is quite a skill to do it well, and maintain it properly, and certainly a task only perhaps a small few have a passion for doing. I mean, really, who relishes filing? And setting up clear functional systems, that anticipate all your company’s needs, can feel like an insurmountable task. This is probably why we are seeing so many professional organisers offering their services, but if you want to, you really can do this yourself easily enough, just ensure you put aside the time to do it properly. So here’s a couple of tips if you’ve lacked diligence in this area, or you’re a painter starting out: Start by creating files or folders for everything you need to keep; for accounting and tax, and health and safety purposes etc.. Then for any other printed material or documents often referred to, that you’d like to retrieve easily, which if you’re at all able to drive a computer, then these bits and pieces should be kept to a minimum; business proformas like quote guides, quotations, any other dealing with customers, and administration of advertising. There isn’t much we need to keep if we can find it on the net, or attached to your emails. The hard part for many is just the placing of the right document in the right place! Avoid the dreaded mountain of filing and do it as you go!! To operate as a painter, you need to issue, maintain and keep: Quotations and quoting guides: A precise professional looking quote explaining exactly what is to be done. What areas to paint, how many coats, what paint to use etc. Ask the customer to sign off on it, ensuring you are both on the ‘same page’, and that they’ve read it. It may be useful to hold onto the quotation guide as a primary record of the job. Contract and contract conditions: You must maintain contracts for any larger job, to protect your business. Ensure they are up to date and signed by both parties.

Home Painters Info is continually developing proformas and templates to streamline your operation. Join Home Painters Info for only $49.97 and receive instant access to our Quoting Guide, Two Estimating Guides and Work Method Statement. If you have suggestions for any other helpful forms, let us know and we will look at developing them. Also, go a step further in really optimising your business’ function, and taking advantage of a slow work week.

Follow the great advice of Tamara Simon on page 10.

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How To Make YOUR Business Grow In The Future

One of the things that many business owners find hard to achieve is working out their niche market and how to make their business grow in the direction they want. First it is critical to identify what it is that you want to achieve and whether it is what the marketplace is looking for! Sometimes this is harder than it sounds as we can become very blinded by our desire to go one way without realising it may not be what others are looking for to gain their own business growth. For many of my clients and myself, ‘MasterMinding’ has become a wonderful way to gain objective ideas from their peers as well as being made accountable to create what we desire. By being in a solid group, which meets on a regular basis, you can move forward much faster than without that support. It is important that you develop good relationships with the others in the group as this will move you and your business towards your goals. Mastering the skills of business networking and honing them will give you another opportunity to move toward your desired goals. Find your niche marketplace and develop the relationships with other businesses that you can support to achieve their desired outcomes. By doing this, as a result you will move closer to your outcomes. Social Media Marketing (SMM) has become essential in the business world of today. The Fortune 500 companies would not be there if it weren’t providing great benefits!! So, are you developing your skills and profile in this area too? Having a Mentor or Coach is also essential if you wish to move forward fast. This gives another dimension to looking at your business. Note that this is very different from being in a MasterMind group as the process is very different. MasterMind groups are not coaching sessions and/or networking or referral groups. Note that all the successful business entrepreneurs around the

world all have their own mentor or coach to take them to their next level. With a new year about to start, it is a great time to set your goals for 2012. Do you need help with goal setting? It is easy if you know how and doing this process will bring great benefits to you, if you learn how to determine what you want in your future and to bring it towards yourself. Connexions Unlimited offer all of the above services, like a one-stop shop. So let us know if you are interested in pursuing any of these great business building strategies mentioned here.

Jennie Gorman 0414 278 344

Cash Flows Is King During Hard Times

According to the most recent Bibby Small Business Barometer (, released in August, almost half of the 200 small businesses surveyed had customer payments run late in the past 12 months. Late payments can present a real problem, especially to small business, as they can affect the creditor's ability to meet their own payment obligations, resulting in cash flow difficulties. The Bibby research mirrors the June 2011 quarter analysis by Dunn & Bradstreet found that 'severely delinquent payments' (those overdue for 90 days or more) were almost 20 per cent higher than in the June 2010 quarter. Some of the solutions sought by small business include :  Get a good deposit at the onset and include this in your quote. Often the deposit may be equal to the cost of materials.  If the work you’re doing is for an existing client and it has been some time since you last did their work, you will need to update them of your new payment policies, otherwise your old policy may be assumed to be still in force by the customer.  If it is a large job, you may enter into instalments being paid during the job.  If you carry a high amount of debtors, enter into a cycle billing arrangement. Instead of running all your debtors from the 1st of the Month to the end of the month, split your debtors in half, run half on the 1st to the 30th and the other half from the 14th to the 15th of the next month. This effectively cuts your ledger in half, but your Software must allow this process. You will see that your credit card runs using cycle billing and not end of month.  Make sure your terms and conditions in your quote also include how you expect to be paid and what happens if this is broken.  Offer credit card payments. You may arrange with your Bank to become a merchant or use a wholesale offering where they charge you a fee to process your transaction & then pay it into your account. You can get a wireless EFTPOS machine which gives you an immediate result but the costs are high.  Offering early settlement discounts to encourage timely payment. We have adopted this approach in business and found it to be about 60% effective.  Charging interest on late payments, but this has to be known by your client before you start the job.  Don’t be shy in taking a debtor to court or even handing over the debt to a registered and good collection agency. Be aware though that once this happens, do not expect any further business from them. Have a chat to your accountant about your cash flows and margins. He should be able to help. Contact Mel Holzworth on 07 38082868 if you have any questions.

If you have any queries about your small business, please contact us at Holzworth Law & Associates at or (07) 3808 2868.

Downtime Or Investment In Your Future – What’s Your Business Approach? Do you utilise effectively utilise the ‘spare time’ within your business or if you have none, maybe the question is why not? Business Systems Specialist, Tamara Simon, has a few simple tips on how to invest in the future of your business. For the last twelve months, we’ve been bombarded through the media with the gloom and doom of the current global financial crisis (GFC) which has probably also been THE topic of most conversations with business associates, colleagues, staff, friends and family. And rightly so because both personally and professionally, we are facing a very different economic world to that of the last 5-10 years. For some businesses, this has caused a ‘slow down’ of work and commitments from clients. But we know it will turnaround – what is probably unclear is when. But the question is… are you using this opportunity to not only get ready for the new financial year but for when we turn the corner?

Because the GFC should be viewed as an opportunity as we all know it is harder to implement effective business systems when you are busy but it is a catch 22. Effective business systems free up time and increase profits through reducing costs and rework. But you have to invest the time to develop/amend your templates and processes, if only to ensure the information presented to clients is accurate and professional (no typos) – let alone how much systems help your staff. And the best time to do this is in the ‘slow period’ or downtime.

So rather than procrastinating, here’s some areas to Take Another Look at within your business systems: Fee Proposals  develop different proposal templates based on the type of projects you do  follow up warm/cold leads to generate work for future months now Financial Management  phone accountant to determine if upcoming purchases should be made in the current or next financial year  review current budget and develop 2011/2012 budget  ensure charge out rates include all business costs such as time for administration work (filing, invoicing) and any salary changes  update proposal templates with new fees (yours and consultants/suppliers)  ensure invoice templates have consistent wording and develop templates for the different types of payment eg deposit, progress and final  issue invoices when work is completed rather at the end of each month – collect deposit, progress and final payments  follow up outstanding invoices by offering payment plans/discounts to encourage payment – utilise debt collection agency as last resort Staff Management Set aside time to hold annual performance reviews with all staff using simple templates to  review performance  address outstanding issues/baggage  set/reaffirm expectations/goals  determine annual training to be undertaken to maintain industry currency/licensing – budget accordingly  gain feedback from staff on your performance Remember though to not only provide your staff with a copy of the agreed outcomes but to review them periodically over the upcoming year.

Emails/Files  handle paper/emails only once – use the principle Do it! Diarise it! Delegate it! Delete it!  declutter inbox and sent mail – move relevant information into folders/files  tidy up/shred unnecessary information in files  archive files in protective containers free from vermin/dust/water – clear plastic crates are useful  put copies of previous work that you would like to keep but don’t need in files in a display book to show to clients as samples of your work  make up files ready for July clients  prepare A-Z folders with monthly inserts ready for new financial year – a/c receivable and payable, bank statements  get filing up to date

So how will you reduce your rework and costs in 2011/2012?

For more information or help simplifying your business, call Tamara Simon from Take Another Look on 0438 262 727, email or go to

Desk/Office Space  set up trays/label shelves or space in the office for the ‘piles’ – so you can visually see what you need to action instead of continuously sorting through the one pile  Establish a process to visually see where your jobs are at which could be on a whiteboard or calendar, or using outlook or some form of tracking software  Tidy up the stationery cupboard – reorder monthly  Use a Bring Up Folder (1-31) to remind you of the work to be actioned each day including bills to be paid, tasks, clients to be followed up – saves you having to remember everything in your head.

Tamara Simon was a Queensland Finalist in the Telstra Business Women’s Awards. With extensive experience in over 10 industry sectors including building design, training, auditing and marketing, she is passionate about helping build profitable and sustainable service-based businesses.

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Member Profile Tim O'Farrell Painters I started my painting apprenticeship in Innisfail in North Queensland in 1967, and became a qualified Painter and Decorator in Cairns in the early 1970's. Much of my initial painting experience was in the domestic repaint market in Innisfail where old Queenslanders were the order of the day. I started my own painting business in Cairns in 1980, operating as a painting contractor on new and display homes, as well as unit and retail projects. After 15 years operating in Cairns, I moved to Brisbane and established my current business Tim O'Farrell Painters. In my 40-plus years of professional painting I have trained five apprentices two being my sons, both of whom are now fully qualified Painter and Decorators running their own successful business. My reputation has seen me involved in the restoration of old Queenslanders and Heritage Listed Homes. I work mainly in Brisbane's northern suburbs, however my work has taken me as far south as Maroubra Beach in Sydney's East. As a small business owner-operator in the painting industry I have learnt customer satisfaction is the most important thing, and I guarantee it by my hands-on approach to every job. I pride myself on providing the best painting services and use top quality available materials in every painting job to ensure the highest quality painting finishes every time. Painting Awards HIA Top Home of the Year 1993 (as painting contractor for winning project) Queensland Master Painters Awards for Excellence: "Domestic Repaint Over $6000" Year 2000 "Domestic Repaint Over $6000" Year 2002 Go and have a look at my website Or call me on 0418 184 879

Protect Your Greatest Asset – Your Income If you’re employed or self-employed, you should consider Income Protection insurance. What are the benefits? By using this strategy, you could: • Receive up to 75% of your pre-tax income if you are unable to work due to illness or injury, and • Meet your living expenses while you recover. How does this strategy work? Many people insure their home and contents, even their life. Yet, all too often, they don’t adequately protect what is potentially their greatest asset – their ability to earn an income. Think about it this way. If you are unable to work for an extended period due to illness or injury, how will you meet your mortgage repayments and other bills and expenses? Without an income, you could run down on your savings very quickly and face financial difficulty. Rather than putting your family’s lifestyle at risk, by taking out Income Protection insurance, you could receive a monthly benefit of up to 75% of your income to replace your lost earnings while you recover. Most Income Protection policies offer a range of waiting periods before you start receiving your insurance benefit (with options normally between 14 days and two years). You can also choose from a range of benefit payments periods, with maximum cover generally available up to age 65. A financial adviser can help you determine whether you need Income Protection insurance. They can also review your insurance needs over time to make sure you remain suitably covered. What is future earning capacity? If you’re in any doubt about the importance of protecting your income, the table below shows how much you could earn by the time you reach 65. For example, if you are currently 35 and earn $80,000pa, you could earn around $3.8 million before you turn 65. Isn’t that worth protecting? How much will you earn by age 65? Current income (pa) Age now 25 35 45 55 $40,000 $3,020,000 $1,900,000 $1,070,000 $460,000 $60,000 $4,520,000 $2,850,000 $1,610,000 $690,000 $80,000 $6,030,000 $3,810,000 $2,150,000 $920,000 $100,000 $7,540,000 $4,760,000 $2,690,000 $1,150,000 Assumptions: Income increases by 3%pa. No employment breaks. Figures rounded to nearest $10,000.

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How To Become A Really Successful Painter My name is Jim Baker. I have been a painter for 42 years and have run my own successful painting business in Brisbane for 27 years under the name of James W Decorating. At the Dulux National Conference in 2004 and 2006, I won the title of Dulux Accredited Painter of the Year for Queensland. I have also been a finalist in the Action Coach My Business Awards for Best Small Business in 2008, the Dulux Accredited Business Professional finalist in 2011 and the Micro Business Queensland Telstra Business Awards finalist also in 2011. When I was first in business, my main concern was to be cheaper than my competitors’ price. Experience has taught me that this is not what a client is looking for, which is the reason I wrote a book, “How To Become A Really Successful Painter”. If you are in business, or one day want to start up a business, then my book can help you. I can show you how, using a series of 8 easy steps, your business will be one jump ahead of your competitors and more profitable. It doesn’t matter if you want to be a one man operator or have 50 people working for you. The outcome is the same. Success for your business! What I have learnt through trial and error, attending seminars, observing how others run their business and being in the trade myself for 42 years, will be of huge benefit to you. I will show you how to:         

Advertise efficiently without spending a fortune. Get more exposure. Increase the number of your potential clients. Win the job even though you are the highest quote. Improve quote acceptances. Be more of a business person rather than ‘just a painter’. Make your quotes more appealing. Design graphs to help keep track of calls and clients. Get and keep that competitive edge over other painters. Just one small detail could mean either a Yes or a No on a job acceptance. By following even a few of my proven ideas, I assure you that you will have more success in winning a job over your competition. This is not done by lowering your prices. From feedback I receive from my clients, I am often the most expensive and I am usually booked 3 to 4 months in advance. My book has been thoroughly approved by Dulux, Master Painters, Be Constructive Qld. and TAFE teachers from various colleges around Australia. 1200 books are being given out by Dulux to every final stage painting apprentice and Post Trade graduates in Australia each year. It is also being used as a reference book by Dulux in New Zealand and a TAFE College in Fiji. If you are looking for improvements in your business, then “How To Become A Really Successful Painter” can really help you. A copy of my book is available by emailing your name and address to Regular retail price: $25.50 (inclusive of GST and postage).

Construction Industry Sprains and Strains

Harmonisation of Work Health & Safety Legislation 2012

Ready or not here it comes! Or not.

There will be some minor differences between jurisdictions, such as the name of the regulator and the court process used in health and safety law enforcement, but generally, health and safety standards will be the same across state and territory borders. This strategy is being implemented supposedly to streamline the different rules and regulations that currently apply across the country, making it simpler for businesses that operate in different parts of Australia to be compliant under a single set of laws.

On the 1st January 2012 the new National Work Health and Safety Act comes into practice. The harmonisation of the legislation across all states and territories will come into effect… or will it?

All nine workplace, health and safety regulators have been working together to ensure that all laws will be enforced constantly across the entire country. This is going to be supported by

Changes affecting you! Work health and safety harmonisation   

What is it? When is it being adopted? Who’s ready and who isn’t?

It seems that some states are ready to adopt the new national regulations however others aren’t as ready as expected. Back on the 11th of December 2009 the Workplace Relations Ministers Council endorsed the Model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act. All state and territory governments and the Commonwealth committed to nationally harmonise Work Health and Safety Laws by 2012.

1. A national compliance and enforcement policy 2. Standardised training for inspectors 3. Uniform training for health and safety representatives and entry permit holders

In 2009, the Commonwealth established Safe Work Australia (SWA) as an independent statutory authority to lead this process. Safe Work Australia is responsible for overseeing and developing the new system with assistance from the regulators from all states and territories, the commonwealth as well as union groups and employers. Once the model Act, regulations and codes of practice were finalised by SWA all states, territories and the commonwealth agreed to pass the same legislation and implement the new Work Health and Safety Harmonisation legislation.

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So what does that mean for you as a painter, or in fact anyone whose workplace is impacted by the new laws? Well, due to the fact that some states have requested an extension as they will not be ready to implement the new legislation as of the 1st

January 2012, it means that total harmonisation of this legislation has not been achieved as yet. To find out specifically how the current act in your home state has thus far been affected, please consult the individual WHS pages listed at the inside back contacts page. In short though you will need to be aware that in some states and territories, from the 1st January 2012, the following daily work practices may have been impacted by legislation changes: 

Working at Height Regulations (including height restrictions)

Working in Confined Spaces

Hazardous Manual Tasks

How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks

How to Manage and Control Asbestos in the Workplace

How to Safely Remove Asbestos

Labelling of Workplace Hazardous Chemicals

Managing Noise and Preventing Hearing Loss

How to Prevent Falls at Workplaces

Managing the Work Environment and Facilities

Preparation of Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Chemicals

Work Health and Safety Consultation, Co-operation and Co-ordination

These are just some of the changes that will impact on your work place, go to the Important Contacts in the back of the magazine and follow the link to your State or Territory. Page | 19

Is Your Site A Mates In Construction Site? Queensland Construction workers are six times more likely to die from suicide than from accidents at work. Young workers in the industry between 15 and 24 years of age are at much higher risk of suicide than young workers in other industries. In 2009, 3 out of 4 suicides in Australia were completed by men! Suicide in the Queensland Construction industry is a big problem and it is a problem we can only deal with if we deal if the whole of the industry do their bit to address it: unions, employer associations, workers and bosses. In Queensland, BERT led the way by establishing MATES in Construction. MATES in Construction exist for no other purpose than to help construction workers who are doing it tough. Unions are doing their bit by supporting the MIC model on sites, ensuring delegates are trained and by making contact with government for funding and support. The employer associations are also doing their bit by providing funding for some of the MIC projects. The next questions is whether your employer and your worksite is doing their bit? At they a MATES in Construction site? Do you have connectors on your site? Have you done General Awareness Training? MATES in Construction is working on more than 160 Queensland sites with over 15,000 workers participating. 1,100 Connectors are also on the sites acting as “MATES that can keep you safe while connecting you to help.” Sites can be accredited with MIC if all workers on site have participated in GAT training, 1 out of every 20 workers have been trained as a Connector and if there are access to a suicide first aid resource (eg. ASIST trained).

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A white MATES in Construction ‘MIC Compliant’ sign site entrances show if the site is MIC accredited and fully MIC compliant. MATES in Construction won the national LIFE Award for business and industry for a third year running this year. It is a proven program that has had a real positive impact on the Queensland industry. Recently the CFMEU and WACIRF in Western Australia decided to establish a MATES in Construction program in the west and the CFMEU and BIRST in South Australia is also working to establish MATES in Construction there. A fair question to ask your employer or the builder is: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? If you are not participating in MATES in Construction, what else are you doing to improve the mental health and wellbeing of your workforce? If you want MATES in Construction at your workplace, you can call 07 3833 1140 and talk to a field officer about looking after your site. It’s normal to have good times and bad times. If you are a family member of a construction worker who is having some dramas or you or your mate are doing it tough and need help, please see a Connector on site or contact the MATES in Construction, 24/7 helpline on 1300 MIC 111 (1300 642 111). For more information about MATES in Construction and its programs: P 07 3833 1140 E W The Zero Harm at Work Leadership Program Principal Sponsor

Fun And Games Keep The Christmas Kilos At Bay Cancer Council Queensland is challenging all Queenslanders this Christmas season to lace their sneakers, get the family together and start a new Christmas tradition to reduce their waistline and their risk of cancer and chronic disease! While the festive season is time to relax with loved ones, it’s also the perfect opportunity to re-focus on your eating habits and develop an exercise plan for the New Year. Cancer Council Queensland urges all Queenslanders to make the most of their hard-earned Christmas break by getting active and spending time with loved ones. This can be as simple as trading the couch for the cricket pitch or the afternoon nap for an afternoon bike ride or a family walk. Traditionally, Christmas leaves us all feeling a little guilty about over indulging in a bit too much ‘Christmas cheer’, so this year, avoid the guilt, cut your portion sizes and get your sneakers on for family fun and games!

Cancer Council Queensland has these tips for a more active festive season:        

Start the day with an early family walk, before 10am when it’s too hot. Take the cricket set to the beach and have a game by the water. Keep food and drinks out of site so you don’t feel the need to snack. Initiate a game of footy in the backyard after lunch. Set up an obstacle course for the kids around the backyard. Get the neighbours together and play a game of soccer in the local park. Maintain your regular physical activity routine where possible. Be realistic and don’t try to lose weight during Christmas, instead, aim to maintain your current weight.

Cancer Council Queensland is an independent, community-based charity. The achievements of Cancer Council Queensland are made possible by the generosity of Queenslanders. Page | 21

Prolong Life of Light Coloured Enamels Many painters and home owners are often unaware that applying white or light coloured enamel or alkyd paints in the present of a water-based paint, which is being applied at the same time, can adversely affect the colour of the alkyd paint. Yellowing, which occurs naturally with age, can also be accelerated by the use of some household cleaners. Enamel paints are based on vegetable oils and provide a very tough, hard wearing coating for interior surfaces. This toughness is achieved through the vegetable oil component reacting with oxygen in the air and drying or hardening. As a result of this drying process, white or pale coloured enamel paints have always tended to yellow with ageing, particularly in situations where there is poor lighting, e.g., sliding cavity doors, or inside or behind cupboards. The Australian Paint Manufacturers’ Federation recommends that if a white or a pale enamel is being used, the painter should avoid painting at times of high humidity or at very low temperatures (which adversely affect drying) and, for a period of two weeks after the application of the alkyd enamel, should:   

ensure maximum ventilation; avoid applying water-based paint in the vicinity of the new enamel work; and, avoid using household cleaners containing high levels of ammonia. (The ammonia content can usually be easily ascertained from the label on the cleaner.)

Alternatively, professional advice should be sought from local paint stockists about the use of one of the new water-based acrylic finishes which have a different drying mechanism to enamels and are not subject to the yellowing phenomenon.

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The technology of water-based paints has improved their performance and they are now a real alternative to the traditional solvent-based products. They are also lower in Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which is great for the environment.

Thanks to the Australian Paint Manufactures’ Federation mels.html

The voice of Australia’s paint and ink manufacturers.

Colour is Great - As long as we don’t go into sensory overload. Colour can define who we are, where we are, our personality and what we love. All this is great but it can be overdone. When it comes to colour in our homes, less is definitely more. I’m not saying don’t use it, absolutely go ahead, be my guest, be brave with the colours you choose, but understand this: the colours you choose will define you, you will be judged by the colours you choose, where you use them, and how much colour you use. We don’t mean to judge people, but it seems innate within our psyche that when people do things ‘outside the norm’ then, we are quick to question, wonder why and therefore judge their choices, and subsequently them. Let’s say for example you have three kids and you let them paint whatever colour they like in their bedroom… On the surface this seems a great plan, and genuinely it is, the kids can reflect who they are within those four walls, generally speaking it is the only place in the home where they can truly be themselves.

Kid 3, my favourite colour is Green, but I don’t want green walls. What? You say. Why not? Tell me what you do want… Kid 3, I want a green floor mat, a bedspread with a green leafy pattern, and a canvas or 2 with rainforest pictures for the walls. I am happy with the neutral colour in the rest of the house. I guess the critical thing to remember with painted walls is just that – its only paint and for less than $100 you can completely give any room an entire makeover over a weekend. That takes us to Feature Walls, and how many is too many, what colours are reasonable. It also takes us into the realm of Feature Walls v- soft furnishings. Feature walls, can be changed often and seasonally if you wish. It is easy to change a rooms décor from summer to winter, with the change of colour on a feature wall, and cushion covers that change with the season. Quite often we like brighter colours during the summer months, bright blues, citrus colours, red, purple, these can look great in cushions, and throws, but would I want them on a wall – why not, be brave, just do it, it’s only paint Quite often we enjoy more subdued colours during winter, we can use shades of blues, reds, purples, and more earthy shades of citrus, these too can look inspired – sometimes these shades can look awesome all year ‘round, somewhat less risky than full on brights.

Kid 1, my favourite colour is Blue so I want my room painted blue – you are thinking, blue thank goodness, blue is cool, calm, peaceful, let’s do blue. What kid 1 doesn’t tell you is that they want it midnight blue with black sheets, black rug, skull curtains – you are getting the picture, suddenly blue is not so cool! Kid 2, my favourite colour is Pink, I want Pink – musk pink walls, curtains, bedding, you are seeing it again. Pink on Pink everything. Suddenly, kid 2 can’t sleep, can’t rest, and suffers burn out.

Whatever you choose to do, make sure it fits with your furniture and general décor, make sure it fits with the style, design and age of your home. For extra clues on how to make colour work for you or your clients, call me. Happy painting! Belinda Ross Colour Transformations 07 3886 4488 0413 464 289 Page | 23

Painter Abroad... Stephanie Gadd Family circumstances have had me recently take a pilgrimage back to Denmark, the tiny land where I did my apprenticeship to become a Painter Decorator. It was a trip down memory lane for me and I enjoyed visiting the college where I did my training.

In addition to school, we work for painting contractors. On my very first day I found myself being taught how to hang wallpaper, and roll a wall, which I loved and continued to love right the way through.

In Denmark the apprenticeship takes 4 years. This includes 3 X 10 week blocks at school where we were given tasks to complete. Generally a small room about 2X 1½m2. The paint retailers are varied and mostly privately franchised. Farve Og Lak in Silkeborg have a large Paint and Paper retail outlet including all ranges of Paint, Hobby and a huge range of wallpapers and murals. They pride themselves on their wallpaper sales at

In the 10 weeks we are expected to strip the cabin down to bare, remove any wallpaper, sand and fill any cracks or damage. We then proceed to hang wallpaper, paint and gloss any door or architrave. We are, at the end of 10 weeks judged on a scale of 1-13 (13 being the highest score). During this time we are also required to attend various classes ranging from Workplace health and Safety, mathematics, colour matching, special effects and many other areas.

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If you look closely, you’ll see me in the picture below:

After my short sojourn to Denmark we headed over to London. On the obligatory visit to Buckingham Palace to take tourist pics, I introduced myself to a couple of chappies busy painting the black fence surrounding the Palace.

This trip has allowed me to compare firsthand the difference in painting conditions from Australia to Europe. In England and Denmark they would appear to use a lot more wallpaper both domestic and commercially. The painters are responsible for the plastering of walls in Denmark, something which I used to love and miss. It is a job which needs constant attention and atop the black iron fences, are pointed tips with Gold Leaf. I was informed that ‘each’ tip took about one booklet of ‘gold leaf’, and each booklet cost around £30 (approx. $46)…if you have seen the fence around Her Maj’s palace, you will know that that is a LOT of gold leaf! The painters work pretty much all year around with the upkeep of the palace, weather permitting.

Check out Aussie Painting Contractor next month; I will tell you about the fascinating conversation that I had with Painters at Roskilde Cathedral about the restoration of one of their Fresco Chapels

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LEAD TEST KITS Even low levels of lead are harmful Paint contractors, parents, renovators, child-care centre operators, teachers, landlords, agents, pet-owners: Find out if paint, dust, soil, drinking water, toy paint, plastics, ceramics, jewellery, and other items are safe for humans and pets. Buy a DIY-sampling / lab analysis lead kit The LEAD Group’s lead test kits are the only ones available in Australia for testing a wide variety of samples at a lab (which charges us a charity rate so you pay less). You take the samples, and send them to Sydney Analytical Labs. The lab analyses the samples, and we explain the results. See the factsheet for ideas about items and locations to test, and read why purchasers are so impressed with the kit and follow-up advice. Order online at OR print form at for mail order or fax OR phone 1800 626 086 with your credit card details.

Comprehensive Kit $250

Water Kit $85* Basic Kit $100

*The water test kit requires less lab work and a lot less interpretation that is why it costs less Prices include postage within Australia, handling, lab charge, results, interpretation & GST.

Four videos showing how to use the sampling kits are available on You Tube: Search for Lead Poisoning DIY Lead (Heavy Metal) by global lead group

The LEAD Group is a charity (ABN 25819463114 ) which aims to create a lead-safe world. Check out The LEAD Group’s website or donate at

The Lead Group

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The Industry Idiot

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