Issue 6 March, 2012
Aussie Painting Contractor
Business Principals Part 6
Suicide in the Construction Industry
Take Control of Accounting
Are You Sure
That’s The Same Colour?
the Right Way
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Home Painters Info and Resene Paints are working together to make a more even playing field for all painters. We have partnered up to work out a fixed price schedule for Home Painters Info Members that will potentially save you thousands of dollars annually, as well as an unbeatable monthly special to be announced each month in Aussie Painting Contractor. Whether you are a one man band, or have a number of staff with a huge operation, this is a membership perk not to be ignored! Resene have provided the most competitive pricing structure I have seen in years. And the special for the month of March is Lumbersider All Purpose Acrylic. An interior/exterior 100% acrylic with Maximum durability in exposed conditions:
March Monthly Super Special of Lumbersider 15 litres for only $110.00 +GST, and 10 litres for only $80.00 + GST.
Editor Nigel Gorman Deputy Editor Caroline Miall Writers Belinda Ross Caroline Miall Deb Cross Jennie Gorman Jim Baker Mel Holzworth Nigel Gorman Stephanie Gadd Tamara Simon Tony Isgrove GRAPHIC DESIGNER Anne Delgado
Opinions and viewpoints expressed in Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or publisher or any Home Painters Info staff or related parties. The publisher, Home Painters Info and Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine personnel are not liable for any mistake, misprint or omission. All information contained in Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine is intended to inform and illustrate and should not be taken as financial, legal or accounting advice. You should seek professional advice before making any business related decisions. We are not liable for any losses you may incur directly or indirectly as a result of reading Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine. Reproduction of any material or contents of the magazine without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited
Page 7
Member Consultant
Page 8
Business Principals Part 6
Take Control of Accounting
Page 10
Tax Updates That May Affect Your Business
Page 11
Entitlements to ABNs to be Reviewed
Page 12
Get Organised!
Page 14
Have You Ever Wondered Why
You Are Networking?
Page 16
Member Profile : Bolic Painting Services
Page 23
Suicide in the Construction Industry
Page 26
Are You Sure That’s The Same Colour?
Page 28
Creating Fabulous Events using Theming.
Page 30
Disposal Of Paint the Right Way
Page 32
Industry Idiots
Page 33
Important Contacts
ADVERTISING / MEDIA KIT CONTACT WEBSITE Aussie Painting Contractor is published by: Home Painters Info Pty Ltd ABN 44 154 831 026
Hi everyone, It’s amazing how quickly the month has gone by, it seems like only yesterday that I was writing this column last month. The Aussie Painting Contractor eMagazine has exceeded all the expectations that we thought in less than 6 months. I would like to thank all the Members, Contributors as well as those that have given their support in getting us up and off the ground. Our Member benefits are growing with the membership cards being produced at the moment, and should be sent out within the next few weeks, so Members, keep an eye out for it. I would like to ask all our readers to support the people that are supporting us, so if you contact anyone from the Magazine please let them know you found them through Aussie Painting Contractor or Home Painters Info!
From the Editor Nigel Gorman 0430 399800
As a Member you will get special pricing through Resene Paints that could potentially save you thousands of dollars per year. For our Members Resene is offering a monthly special on top of their already great prices. When you work it you could be saving $10-$20 per drum of paint (have a think how many drums you buy a year..) you can save in excess of $5000 per year. Now would that help you at the end of the day?Would that help with the extra bills? Or just that long earned holiday? If you want a price comparison just call me. Happy Painting!
Would You Like To Advertise Your Products?
Well, after another eventful month, Home Painters Info is going gangbusters! I have spoken to quite a few Painters over the past few weeks, and have had very positive feedback regarding membership. I promise not to take up too much of your time when I call, it is more just to introduce myself and check that you are not missing any of our exciting or important info that we are sending out to you.
Members Consultant
I have really enjoyed speaking with fellow painters and getting a bit of a feel of what is currently happening in various areas around Australia in the industry. Remember, if you are thinking about starting your own business, you will find our tools for Estimating and Quoting invaluable. They are guides which you can adjust to suit your own business needs, as we are aware that prices vary from city to city, is why one of the Estimating Guides has been set up as a quantity rate. For only $49.97 annual membership we trust that you feel that you are getting more than you expected with Home Painters Info. If you haven’t yet joined, call us and enquire about our payment options.
Stephanie Gadd Membership Consultant 0433 724 794
Thank you for all of your great feedback and suggestions(keep them coming guys!). We are endeavouring to take on board as much as we can to improve our service to you.
With our growing membership base we are very excited to be a part of this rewarding industry, and are hoping that we are filling an information void to Painting Contractors Australia wide.
Email or Call Us : 0430 399800
Business Principles The Importance of Established Business Principals in Small Business Part 6 Take Control of Accounting This part of the series in Business Principles sees us getting down to the numbers and the nitty gritty. How you manage the accounting part of your business can directly determine your bottom line and ongoing viability. There’s a good reason why people pay accountants to handle this part – because it is necessarily complicated, legal and heavily involves your obligations as a business owner. Also, as someone who provides a service, employment for others, and tax dollars to their government, you are entitled to take advantage of the benefits of running a business; there are risks taken, and many hours invested. And so, no, it doesn’t hurt to have someone in your court who knows the Ins and Outs of small business to your greater benefit. Alternatively – or indeed in addition to – a worthy accountant, you need to put some thought into the technical support to your business relies on. A good accounting software system that keeps all your info current and produces relevant figures and info for you to work with is crucial. So if you’re starting out, or looking to review how you undertake this part of your business, there are a few questions to pose. Consider your options a) Can I do my accounts by myself? b) Should I do the inputting into a program that I can then pass onto someone with more skills? c) Do I need someone to do the whole lot and pay them to make sure it is correct? With these three basic options to consider, a bit of research is in order to determine what is best for your situation. Either way there may be no right or wrong way to run your accounts, it all comes down to what suits your needs. Remember that by using a professional they will be able to assist you to make sure you don’t miss out on any of the tax law changes that could potentially save you money that you are not even aware that you are entitled to. The costs associated could be easily recouped with the right accountant. Also whatever you spend with a professional is a tax deduction. I would recommend finding a professional that you can work with to assist in particular tomaintain your Taxation obligations. If this is the way forward for your business, then find an accountant you trust with a proven track record with similar kinds of businesses. Better they know your industry so they can understand how you operate. An opportunity to talk to fellow painters and you might just find the ideal support.
Find the right software for your business, and become competent at using it. If you’ve found that reliable accountant then seek out what they work with, and how it can provide reporting directly to them It should save a lot of time and money in the long term, despite the initial outlay for the software potentially costing you some dollars. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the program, then don’t be reluctant to take advantage of the phone assistance or online help (You’re paying for that in the cost of the package!). Look for online tutorials, short courses, even TAFE can help with basic training in these areas. Despite how you choose to sort out your accounting, one of the keys to continued success and streamlining is to Maintain it! Not many of us love to do this part, but a bit each day or week will help prevent you from having to wade through boxes of receipts and piles of invoices. Keeping on top of it may help it seem less tedious and overwhelming. Be honest with yourself and if you haven’t the time, or just know you won’t be organised, weigh up whether you need to pay someone to do this part too. Find out what you need to retain and keep everything you’ll need, where it can be retrieved! (taxation, insurance, etc). (see number 4 in this series Clear Documentation in the January Issue of the Aussie Painting Contractor.) Tackle this part of your business the right way and it will save you problems and money down the track. Find the appropriate assistance, technical support and don’t ignore the regular attention it needs, or you may be sorry later.
Tax Updates That May Affect Your Business Tax Incentive to Encourage Immunisation As part of a number of incentives to increase the immunisation rates of Australian children over time, the Government will require that families have their children fully immunised from 1 July 2012 to receive the $726 Family Tax Benefit Part A end-of-year supplement (per child). The supplement will now only be paid once a child is fully immunised at a new immunisation check point at one year of age, along with the existing check points at two and five years of age, meaning that eligible families will have an incentive of more than $2,100 (i.e., over the three immunisation check points of one, two and five years old) to ensure their children are fully immunised. From 1 July 2012, the new arrangements will replace the Maternity Immunisation Allowance (which currently provides a modest payment of $129 for families who meet immunisation requirements when their child is two and five years old). Families are already required to have their child fully immunised to receive Child Care Benefit and the Child Care Rebate. Existing exemptions will continue to be available for people who register as conscientious objectorsto immunisation. For further information see:
Entitlements to ABNs to be Reviewed The ATO has advised tax practitioners that, in order to improve the accuracy of data held in the Australian Business Register (ABR), the Registrar will be reviewing and cancelling any Australia business numbers (ABNs) where records indicate that clients are not carrying on an enterprise. The Registrar is focusing on individuals (sole traders) as they comprise almost 50% of the records on the register. If an ABN is cancelled, the ATO will send a letter providing the reason and their review rights, including the right to object against a decision by the Registrar to cancel their ABN. If they can show that they are entitled to have an ABN, their registration can be reinstated. The ATO also does not just issue an ABN on application as often as they once did; especially where they can determine that employers are making their staff become Contractors, when in fact they are employees. This is most evident in the building construction industry & road transport industry. If your employer insists you become a contractor and get an ABN when you consider you are an employee, you should contact Fair Work Australia and make a complaint. To find out if you’re entitled to an ABN according to the government guidelines, they have provided an online questionnaire. Go to The ABN Entitlement Tool:
Get Organised!
Work is possibly a bit slow at the moment, so are you using the current global financial crisis as an investment in the future of your business? Business Systems Specialist, Tamara Simon says now is a good time to get organised for when things pick up again.
For the last twelve months, we’ve been bombarded with media gloom and doom about the global economic crisis; and rightly so, because we are facing a very different economic world to that of the last 5–10 years. But the question is… are you using the downtime as an opportunity to get organised for when things pick up again? With new opportunities just around the corner, now is the perfect time to stop procrastinating and invest some time and money in your business systems. Tamara recommends these tips to get you organised in 2010/2011: Financial management • Review your current budget and develop budget. • Contact your accountant to determine if any upcoming purchases should be made now or next financial year. • Contact any external stakeholders including the consultants and suppliers to help determine your fees for the new financial year. Remember to not only provide your staff with a copy of the agreed outcomes, but to review them (staff) periodically over the upcoming year.
Staff management Set aside time to hold annual performance reviews with all staff to: • Review performance • Address outstanding issues • Set or reaffirm expectations and goals • Determine annual training needs • Gain feedback from staff on your performance. Proposals and invoicing • Update your business proposal templates with new fees and, if you haven’t already, develop different templates based on different types of projects you do. • Ensure invoice templates have consistent wording and develop templates for the different types of payment such as deposit, progress and final. • Ensure your charge out rates include all business costs such as time for administration work (filing, invoicing, etc.) and any salary changes. • Issue invoices once work is completed, rather at the end of each month – collect deposit, progress and final payments. • Follow up outstanding invoices by offering payment plans or discounts to encourage payment – utilise a debt collection agency as the last resort! • Follow up any leads to generate work for the upcoming months.
Emails and electronic files • Always handle emails once only – use the principle: Do it! Diarise it! Delegate it! Delete it! • Declutter your inbox and sent mail folders – move relevant information into folders, save to a file or delete. • Sort out your electronic folders into meaningful groups, and archive or delete any old information. Your desk and office space Start the new day, month and year fresh – make sure your desk and office space are tidy and organised: • Set up trays or label shelves in your office for ‘piles’ of paperwork. This will help you see exactly what you need to action, instead of continuously sorting through one large, unmanageable pile. • Get your filing up to date, and then make up new files and folders ready for the new financial year. • Shred old or unnecessary information – the ATO requires you to keep business records for five years after they are prepared, obtained or the transactions completed (whichever occurs later). • Archive files that you no longer need on hand in protective containers free from vermin, dust and water – clear plastic crates are useful. • Put copies of previous work that you would like to keep, but don’t need, in a display book to show to clients as samples of your work. • Establish a process so that you can visually see where your jobs are at, such as a whiteboard, calendar or, for the more computer savvy, outlook or a project tracking software program. • Tidy up your stationery cupboard and order any essential items on a monthly basis. • If you are not computer savvy, a good way to stay organised is to use a 1-31 expanding file to store your current tasks for the month – use it for your bills to be paid, tasks to action, etc. by filing each in the appropriate date of the current month. Each day check what items need to be actioned that day.
For more information or Help simplifying your business, Call Tamara Simon Take Another Look on 0438 262 727, Email : or Website :
Tamara Simon was a Queensland Finalist in the Telstra Business Women’s Awards. With extensive experience in over 10 industry sectors including building design, training, auditing and marketing, she is passionate about helping build profitable and sustainable service-based businesses.
This is a question I ask people quite often. I believe, if you are not aware of why you network, your outcome will not be what you are hoping and wishing to achieve. Is your reason to become a better networker for career building, developing a higher profile, earning more money/financial gain or to gain influence in your community, job or business network? This is an important question. If you understand why you are networking, you will find that you will have a clearer vision of what you want. By not understanding this and what you expect to gain, you will not move forward. Word-of-mouth marketing has been around forever and is a powerful way to build your business. I believe, done correctly, it is the best way to build the relationships and business you want for the future.
Have You Ever Wondered Why You Are Networking? One of the most important things to remember is that you need to be seen, become known and move into the marketplace that is appropriate to you, at your own pace, always keeping in mind why you are doing it. Attend one or two specific networking groups and become known as a ‘regular’. People then perceive you as stable, reliable and trustworthy will then do business with you. It is important you find your niche market, so the types of events you attend must be appropriate for your needs. Remember, that the people you are looking to do business with are looking for you too! Copyright © 2011 Jennie Gorman
If for you, networking becomes a natural way of life, it becomes the most successful way to do business. It is necessary for you to learn the basics if you wish to be successful though. It is all about relationship building. You will find that after a while you don’t even think about what you are doing. Networking should always be a win-win for all parties, so always repay appropriately favours extended to you. Remember, when you give a referral, notify the receiver and the person who is being referred so they are both on the same page. I find email the easiest and quickest way to do this. It is important to give information as to why you are referring the person so that both are aware of what has been passed on. This helps both sides to have more of an idea of the relationship with the referrer. Always make it clear what your relationship is with the person you are referring, for example, they are a client, a personal friend, someone I feel that you will have a synergy with, you have or haven’t done business with them etc. Phone : 0414 278 344
Resene Clinicalcote is a low odour, washable waterborne paint with antimicrobial silver for use on broadwall areas in building s such as hospitals, rest homes, medical centers and clinics.
For many people the word ‘hospital’ conjures up thought of drab, institution buildings. However this is not the case today as designers strive to create healthcare facilities and buildings that support wellness and uplift the spirits of patients and staff with the use of Resene Clinicalcote to enhance, protect, deodorize, and sanities. This is more true today than ever. Hospitals must be easy to clean and maintain so appropriate and durable finishes and materials need to be specified for each functional space. New anti-microbial silver paint coatings (Resene Clinicalcote) minimize bacterial contamination and cross-infection as well as providing a durable finish designed to withstand alcohol and glycol containing hospital cleaners and an enhanced appearance to aid in the healing process with comforting colours. These facilities provide care for non-acute and long term conditions. Most residents are aged and/or frail but not necessarily bed-ridden. As these are ‘homes’ to the patients they need to be sensitive and responsive to long term human needs and wellbeing, both in a physical and emotional sense. Studies have proven that certain colours help with calming anxiety, stress, accelerate healing and rehabilitation. With the expert knowledge of Resene’s dedicated staff, we are able to assist in the colour selection process with rendered images of the chosen/recommended colour schemes to ease the feeling of anxiety over treatment and unfamiliar process that contribute to stress.
Bolic Painting Services
Bolic Painting Services is a family owned business, run by painters with old fashioned values, possessing knowledge passed down from Father to Son. My name is Yasmin Bolic and I learned how to paint under the guidance of my Dad, Sam Bolic, whose been painting for over thirty years. Together, we offer quality service and workmanship for interior painting, exterior painting andlead paint removal. With many years’ experience to back us, we take a great deal of pride in our work. House repaints are our specialty, and our certification in Lead Paint Removal assures that we know what we are doing with a process that can pose serious health and environmental implications. Our procedures are of Australian Standard; utmost care is taken with removal of lead paint: 1. We seal all cracks and holes, taping up inside of windows, window frames, doors and door frames. 2. Ground sheeting is applied to catch lead dust and protect the working area. 3. Large tarps are hung from gutters to enclose sanded areas. 4. We use equipment with HEPA filter dust extractor. 5. Appropriate safety clothing is worn by painter along with goggles and respirator which meet health and safety regulations. 6. On completion of sanding all waste is collected into drums and sealed for disposal. 7. No unauthorised persons are to enter the site while work is taking place.
We are based in Belmont, but do work over the whole Brisbane area. Call us for a quote and we’ll be happy to discuss your job with you. Our membership with Home Painters Info has proven to be of huge value to our business, offering amazing support and guidance in getting things done better. For next to nothing, your business can gain a distinct advantage too. I highly recommend it!
We are located at: Belmont Qld 4153 Contact Us : Mobile : 0413 788 875 Email :
Protect Your Greatest Asset – Your Income If you’re employed or self-employed, you should consider Income Protection insurance. What are the benefits? By using this strategy, you could: • Receive up to 75% of your pre-tax income if you are unable to work due to illness or injury, and • Meet your living expenses while you recover. How does this strategy work? Many people insure their home and contents, even their life. Yet, all too often, they don’t adequately protect what is potentially their greatest asset, their ability to earn an income. Think about it this way. If you are unable to work for an extended period due to illness or injury, how will you meet your mortgage repayments and other bills and expenses? Without an income, you could run down on your savings very quickly and face financial difficulty. Rather than putting your family’s lifestyle at risk, by taking out Income Protection insurance, you could receive a monthly benefit of up to 75% of your income to replace your lost earnings while you recover. Most Income Protection policies offer a range of waiting periods before you start receiving your insurance benefit (with options normally between 14 days and two years).
You can also choose from a range of benefit payments periods, with maximum cover generally available up to age 65. A financial adviser can help you determine whether you need Income Protection insurance. They can also review your insurance needs over time to make sure you remain suitably covered. What is future earning capacity? If you’re in any doubt about the importance of protecting your income, the table below shows how much you could earn by the time you reach 65. For example, if you are currently 35 and earn $80,000pa, you could earn around $3.8 million before you turn 65. Isn’t that worth protecting?
How To Become A Really Successful Painter My name is Jim Baker. I have been a painter for 42 years and have run my own successful painting business in Brisbane for 27 years under the name of James W Decorating. At the Dulux National Conference in 2004 and 2006, I won the title of Dulux Accredited Painter of the Year for Queensland. I have also been a finalist in the Action Coach My Business Awards for Best Small Business in 2008, the Dulux Accredited Business Professional finalist in 2011 and the Micro Business Queensland Telstra Business Awards finalist also in 2011. When I was first in business, my main concern was to be cheaper than my competitors’ price. Experience has taught me that this is not what a client is looking for, which is the reason I wrote a book, “How To Become AReally Successful Painter”. If you are in business, or one day want to start up a business, then my book can help you. I can show you how, using a series of 8 easy steps, your business will be one jump ahead of your competitors and more profitable. It doesn’t matter if you want to be a one man operator or have 50 people working for you. The outcome is the same. Success for your business!
My book has been thoroughly approved by Dulux, Master Painters, Be Constructive Qld. and TAFE teachers from various colleges around Australia. 1200 books are being given out by Dulux to every final stage painting apprentice and Post Trade graduates in Australia each year. It is also being used as a reference book by Dulux in New Zealand and a TAFE College in Fiji. If you are looking for improvements in your business, then “How To Become AReally Successful Painter” can really help you. A copy of my book is available by emailing your name and address to Regular retail price: $25.50 (inclusive of GST and postage).
What I have learnt through trial and error, attending seminars, observing how others run their business and being in the trade myself for 42 years, will be of huge benefit to you. I will show you how to: • Advertise efficiently without spending a fortune. • Get more exposure. • Increase the number of your potential clients. • Win the job even though you are the highest quote. • Improve quote acceptances. • Be more of a business person rather than ‘just a painter’. • Make your quotes more appealing. • Design graphs to help keep track of calls and clients. • Get and keep that competitive edge over other painters. Just one small detail could mean either a Yes or a No on a job acceptance. By following even a few of my proven ideas, I assure you that you will have more success in winning a job over your competition. This is not done by lowering your prices. From feedback I receive from my clients, I am often the most expensive and I am usually booked 3 to 4 months in advance.
Grab a Copy Today!
How to help secure high Search Engine Rankings Achieving good google rankings isn’t so hard to do but it can be difficult working out where to start. We generally get interested in SEO marketing once we have created our website and decide we want to be on the first page of google for certain keyword phrases. There are a few key things to consider: Firstly, your domain name. Try not to change your URL or domain name unless you ABSOLUTLEY have to. The search engines give you a lot more credibility if your domain name has been used for a longer period of time. If you are changing your business name or creating your first website then you will need to anticipate that the search engines may take some time to pick up on your website. This can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. Next, using Keyword Phrases. It is very important that the phrases you target in your website text are relevant to your product and your target audience. Vague or inaccurate keywords will mean your site is less likely to come up under a google search for your product or service. The keyword phrases need to appear ‘naturally’ through out your website text. They can’t just be in a block as the search engines don’t like this. Try and increase the links to and from your website. To the search engines, links indicated that somebody has found your site useful and wants to tell other people about it. The more popular your site the higher your ranking. This could be done through reciprocal links on other related sites, facebook etc Most businesses find it easier to engage the services of an SEO marketing company. These companies work closely with you and your business website to improve your keyword phrases and increase your link building so that you have higher search engine rankings and an increase in traffic to your site. Good SEO work improves over time. You build upon good foundations and it will last longer and be stronger. This is generally a long term marketing stategy but one that will give your business good results.
Zebraweb can work with you to develop a good SEO marketing relationship and improve the rankings and traffic to your online business
Suicide in the Construction Industry ‘Whenever I am alone all I can think about is what a mess I am in. I keep seeing pictures of my lost son [suicide].’Tower crane operator Sometimes our body goes to work, while the mind stays with the issues really important to us. The above quote was from a site in Brisbane. The worker sought help through the MATES in Construction program. He was in deep distress and crisis, but as the bills still had to be paid, he went to work every day. A reasonable question to ask would be whether this man’s mental health and wellbeing could affect the physical safety of other workers on site. About suicide In Australia more than 2,000 people die from suicide every year. More than three out of four suicides are completed by men. It is estimated that up to 200,000 Australians attempt suicide every year. Studies have shown that 5 to 6% of the population (1 in 20 or over 1 million Australians) will consider suicide over a 12 month period . A study conducted in the Queensland commercial building and construction industry found that mortality rates from suicide were significantly higher than the already very high mortality rate from suicide in Australia generally. In fact a construction worker was 1.75 times more likely to die from suicide than an average Australian man. If the construction worker is between 15 and 24 years of age, the chances of dying from suicide was found to be more than two times higher than for other Australian men of a similar age .
To put these figures into context, a Queensland construction worker is six times more likely to die from suicide than a fatal accident on site, for young workers the likelihood is almost 10 times greater.
Ramsay, R.F. & Bagley, C. (1985).The prevalence of suicidal behaviours, attitudes and associated social experiences in an urban population.The Journal of Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviours, 15 (3), 151-167. Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention (2006) Suicide in Queensland’s Commercial Building and Construction Industry – An investigation of factors associated with suicide and its recommendations for the prevention of suicide. Griffith University. Brisbane
For more information about MATES in Construction contact: W E P 07 3833 1140 24/7 helpline 1300 MIC 111 (1300 642 111)
MIC is about ‘mates helping mates’ The Queensland construction industry developed MATES in Construction for the industry. In essence MATES in Construction is about ‘mates helping mates’ within an ‘industry helping industry’ framework. Since its launch in October 2008 the program has spread like wildfire throughout the industry.
General Awareness Training On a participating site an initial General Awareness Training (GAT) session is held for all workers. The site then conducts top-up sessions to ensure that 80% or more of all workers on site have done the GAT training. GAT takes about1 hour and discusses the issue of suicide, the signs of emotional distress and how to get help. Workers can ask for help at this point. We find that 3 to 5% Currently more than 160 sites are participating do ask for help. involving more than 17,000 workers. In late 2011 the program was also established in Perth Western During GAT or at anytime, workers can also nomAustralia with 1,500 workers now trained in sui- inate to become a “Connector.” On a participatcide awareness and prevention there. ing site 5% of workers are trained as Connectors, a mate who can keep you safe while connecting you Award winning to help. The MATES in Construction program has been awarded the prestigious national LIFE A study in Western Australia has shown that conAward(Business and Industry)3 years running in struction workers’ awareness of mental health is2009, 2010 and 2011 as the nation’s best workplace sues and suicide in particular is fairly low and based suicide prevention program. opinions often based on popular myths . Once implemented, the program works by having all The MIC Program workers keep an eye out for each other. Through The MIC Program is simple and easy to run in the GAT mental health issues are de-stigmatised and workplace and has proven to be extremely effective discussion is opened up. in raising awareness, improving help seeking and assisting workers in need . There are three parts to Connector Training the program. MIC’s aim is for every Queensland Connector training is run on site and takes 4 hours. construction site to be MIC accredited with the The site will ensure they have access to a suicide right mix of workers trained in suicide awareness first-aid resource (an ASSIST Worker). This may and prevention. Thethree trainingsessions that be a safety officer or first aid officer on site or the form the program below are about helping work- site may use MATES in Construction Field Officers look after their mates and ensuring they can ers as ASIST workers when required.Having Coneasily connect to high-quality help. nectors clearly visible on sites makes it easy for workers to act if they see behaviour that concerns them or if they are struggling themselves. Connectors are trained to keep the person safe and then connect them to a suicide first-aid resource.
ASIST suicide first-aid Suicide first-aid ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) training can be compared to ordinary CPR. It is not treatment or aimed at fixing the problem, but part of the initial and often lifesaving first response. It involves an assessment of the situation and an appropriate response to keep the person safe. Once safe the person is passed on to the MATES in Construction case manager who establishes a plan with the person at risk to deal with the underlying issues causing the crisis in the first place (social situations, loss, financial stress, mental illness).
Of the 17,000 participating workers, 1,300 went on to become Connectors and 250 of these have become ASSIST workers. As the network is decentralised it is impossible to estimate exactly how many workers have been helped by the program or even how many lives has been saved by these volunteers. What we do know is that more than 1,200 workers have received case management following this process. MATES in Construction connects two to three workers to help every day & itsField Officers intervene in a workers suicide plans once or twice per week Through the support of the industry, employers, workers, unions, industry funds and State Government there are families who still have a father today. It may be one or it may be 20 families, but it is worthwhile! MATES in Construction is a registered charity available to the industry at no charge.
Are You Sure That’s The Same Colour? Natural and artificial lighting make a HUGE difference to the colour in your home (and outside). Let’s take a look at why that is… Our sun is in the northern sky and travels east to west, this means that the rooms in the southern parts of your home will receive little of no direct sunlight, light yes, sun light no. This means that they will sit in shadow most of the time and will often appear a little darker than those rooms on the other sides of the home. Let’s move into a room on the north eastern side of your home, bright, especially in the morning, but try this – stand in the middle of the room and turn slowly around, you will notice that each wall looks a different hue of the same colour, depending upon how much natural light is it. The wall directly opposite the window for example will look quite bright and light. The wall under the window will be sitting in shadow so it will appear a little darker. It’s not of course, it’s exactly the same colour, it just looks different because of how the light is coming into the room. You can do this exercise in every room of the house. You can even do it outside… The outside of your home will appear different depending upon which aspect (direction) it faces. Quite often walls on the southern aspect will appear quite dark, and after many years they sometimes are, because there has been no direct sunlight, these walls will not have suffered fade. On the northern and western sides of your home, you will notice the colour looks once again lighter and brighter. Now, here’s an interesting TIP: When choosing colours for the exterior of your home ALWAYS do it outside. You will notice immediately you walk outside the difference, the colour almost drains out of the colour swatch you have. It is often advisable to use a shade or two darker than you originally thought on the outside of your home, in order to get the look you are really after. Outside colours are also affected by trees, and if you have neighbours close by then sometimes the colour of their home reflects on yours and appears to make the colour change. Be safe in the knowledge that this is not actually the case, it is merely an optical illusion. Now let’s go back inside and take a look at artificial lighting. Boy oh boy doesn’t that make a difference. There are so many different types of artificial lighting and subsequently colours thereof. Most commonly are two types of light globes, warm white, and daylight.
A warm white light globe will give you just what it says, a warm glow, this actually means it throws a soft yellow(ish) glow into your room and onto your furniture and walls, if you have a warm colour scheme it can work brilliantly. It is a softer light and seems to give the décor a soft edge. However, if you have a cool colour scheme it can appear to ‘throw the colours off a little’. This really means you will lose the crispness of the whites, and cool colours. The daylight globes are quite bright, will give you a truer sense of the colours in your décor, you may not need as many of these or use a dimmer switch in rooms where subtle light is required. Whites will look white, and you will see the ‘true’ colours of each item in the room and on the walls. Aside from your home, this is very noticeable in shops when you are trying to purchase clothes or linen and you are making attempts to match colours! In store it may look brilliant, when you get it home or even outside, you look and wonder what went so wrong! It’s quite disturbing, but don’t worry it’s not you, it’s the lighting… Take care and have fun with colour.
Belinda Ross
Colour Transformations 07 3886 4488 0413 464 289 Oh, and by the way, just know that your painter really hasn’t painted each wall or each room a different colour, just to confuse you… it’s just the lighting, at different times of the day and in different weather conditions, it will ALWAYS look a little different… enjoy!
We met way back in the late 80’s when we both had big hair and even bigger shoulder pads. We just clicked, and so began a friendship to span decades. Even back then we enjoyed decorating and food so its really not a big surprise that we have ended up here, doing something we love. So the years come and go - we each got married and had children and through those years we spent hours laughing, shared our joys, the inevitable tears and many, many celebrations. We share a passion for making these celebrations truly memorable. Luana has a natural flair for creating beautiful settings and themes. She has a remarkable eye for detail and settles for nothing short of perfection. Debra holds a postgraduate qualification in Events Management and Marketing and her talent lies in conceptualising and bringing the components together, no idea is too big! Together we have more than 20 years experience in Event Design and Management along with many happy clients. Call us on 07 3122 4963 - leave us a message if you get voicemail it means we are out Umbrella-ing but we will call you back as soon as we get back to the office.
Creating FABULOUS Events using Theming. So, you are hosting a celebration, be it a wedding, birthday or dinner party. Planning and pulling together a cohesive event can be challenging but I guarantee that if you give it a theme, it will come together a lot easier, have greater impact and make the planning a whole lot easier. When we talk about themes or theming we necessarily mean having a Hawaiian Luau or Bollywood theme, it can be as simple as a colour, cuisine style or even just a mood such as ‘relaxed’ or ‘sophisticated’. There is a logical sequence of steps to creating a themed event. This remains the same regardless of the type of event. Firstly you need to decide the mood or feeling you want to capture for your event. For celebrations such as weddings and milestone birthdays you want to capture personalities and reflect those. Don’t be limited to the ideas and images that the glossy magazines sell. They feature absolutely stunning weddings and if that is what you want go for it, but with some creativity and imagination you don’t have to spend $100 000 for a wedding. Some of the best weddings I have been involved with both personally and professionally are those that are ‘authentic’.
Theming your event will make choosing the elements such as linen, colours, flowers, cake and even food that much easier. Be sure to work with all of your suppliers to get that cohesive look.
Secondly you need to decide on a venue. There are lots of considerations when choosing a venue for an event. • A venue should fit the mood or theme you are creating….or vice-versa – the theme should fit the venue. If you have a place that you want to use, think about the mood/ambience/style of the venue – are they consistent with the theme you want? If not – you need to change either the venue or the theme. It will be easier and cheaper if you can build your theme around what the venue already has, rather than attempting to transform it. • A venue also needs to fit your event. Consider the venue capacity. A venue that holds 500 is great, if you have 500 people coming, but if you only have 200 it will look empty and lose its impact. An event in a room that is at capacity or close to it will have a better energy than a room that is half empty. • Consider whether a location is convenient to your guests. If the location is a bit out of the way is there accommodation available if guests decide to stay? It is accessible by taxi?
If you carry your collection of images with you to meet with suppliers, they will be able to get a greater feel for what you want. For the most part, industry professionals want to deliver or exceed your expectations, so being specific rather than vague really will eliminate potential disappointment. The theme of your event will be reflected in the design elements all coming together. An event doesn’t need a theme – but it really does make the planning easier and the overall impact consistent. Finally, if you are stuck for ideas or not sure how to bring it all together, that is where we come in. Visit our website for this and other articles and ideas. So, you are hosting a celebration, be it a wedding, birthday or dinner party, planning and pulling together a cohesive event can be challenging but I guarantee that if you give it a theme, it will come together a lot easier, have greater impact and make the planning a whole lot easier. When we talk about themes or theming we don’t necessarily mean having a Hawaiian Luau or Bollywood theme, it can be as simple as a colour, cuisine style or even just a mood such as ‘relaxed’ or ‘sophisticated’.
Disposal Of Paint the Right Way From APMF Water-based paints can be left to dry by removing the lid and allowing the left-over paint to dry.
When purchasing paint, remember to estimate the exact amount required for the job. Buy only what you need. Ask your retailer for assistance. Always be sure to read the label, which contains important information regarding the product. The best and easiest way to dispose of left over paint is to use it all up. Apply a second coat or touch up, as needed. Leftover paint can be given to someone else, who has a need for the product. Make sure that any product you “donate� is in its original container and has its label intact. Water-based paints can be left to dry by removing the lid and allowing the left-over paint to dry. This should be done in an area which is well away from children and animals. Allow the paint to dry completely. Most local Councils will allow the container to be disposed of in the weekly household trash. However, it is advisable to check first. Remember to leave the lid off, so that the refuse remover can see that the paint has hardened. Solvent-based paints require special disposal practices. They are also ignitable and present other hazards. These products must never be poured down storm drains, the household sink (especially if you have a septic tank), or on the ground. Solvent-based paints should be disposed of as a household hazardous waste. Many of the State Governments and local Councils provide a service to collect and properly dispose of waste household paint.
Thanks to the Australian Paint Manufactures
In Victoria, paint can be disposed of through the “Detox Your Home� program. Similar programs are available in other States including Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia. In NSW, the State Government provides assistance to local Councils to offer Household Chemical collection days, which also accept certain quantities of left-over domestic paint. If your local community does not undertake such programs, contact either your Local or State Government Environmental Protection Agency, for disposal guidance. Finally, paint thinners, turpentine, mineral spirits and solvents should never be poured down a drain for the storm sewer.
The Industry Idiots
Important Contacts Home Painters Info Ph. 0430 399 800 Australian Tax Office Business Ph. 13 72 26 / Personal Ph. 13 28 65 Award Rates Ph. 13 13 94 The Office of the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner Ph. 1800 003 338 Mates In Construction 1300 642 111
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