6 minute read
I continue to be amazed at how accurate the Bible remains on current and trending issues so many thousand years later.
ple have leaned on their own ing of matters of relationships, and finance and how the biblical seen as outdated still ring true.
of the Lord is the beginning of nd the knowledge of the Holy One nding” - Proverbs 9:10 Only God lity to say “nonsense” that result in and unattainable results. Spitting oesn't make blind people see, a nch cannot feed five thousand ter doesn’t turn to wine because d it in a wine jar and dead children e back to life because someone said they should.
anytime a human relinquishes gence and follows these illogical s amazing things happen. Stories istory and told for generations.
We often forget we are not on the same level with God. His words carry life, therefore obedience is life-giving and disobedience is lifetaking (not limited to death but the quality of life). So when he asks us to tithe, keep the Sabbath, fast, submit to our husbands, love our wives and be prepared to give our lives.
We dont make enough money to tithe, we dont have enough time or get enough sleep to have devotions, we can’t release the money-making opportunity on the Lord’s day (they pay time and a half! Or even double) and we need our energy throughout the day so we can’t fast.
He in no way expects our full understanding of the implications and far-reaching effects on generations beyond us or the impact on the quality of our immediate lives. He does know that our obedience will accurately measure our trust.
These reasons expose that we have missed the point entirely and unfortunately we will pay the price in running money down for the rest of our lives, disconnected families and illness.
He has put in safe guards in his Word that help us and equip us to be in the world but not of the world. Tithing help us have a healthy relationship with money, fasting fosters a healthy relationship with food, Sabbath safeguards us from overwork and the pride of work and time set aside to regularly meet with the Lord aids us in time management.
We think that Sabbath-keeping, fasting and regular prayer time are signs of the mature Christian and God is therefore especially pleased with those persons while he understands that I am struggling along and “doing my best”.
The wisdom of the world and its own understanding is in conflict to these things and so many of us as Christians excuse ourselves from these principles using the very same reasons that people who don’t know Jesus would use to defend their sin.
God never asked you to do these things because you have the capacity by yourself to do it. God never asks us to do anything we are independently capable of doing. Instead he asks that we commune with him and trust him to give us all that he already desires to give. That our homes are not filled with exhausted and disconnected parents fighting to secure a future for their children as if they even have the power to guarantee their children anything.
He calls us to find sweet rest in him, to sleep well at night regardless of what is before us knowing we have daily laid it in his hands, hands so much more powerful than our own.
He calls us to release the desire of selfsufficiency, knowing that our jobs do not supply all our needs but deeply understand that we have a provider. This way we protect our self from the traps of this world.

The enemy has had great success in destroying people, children, marriages and various relationships by having people believe they must make sacrifices to achieve their goals.
Time away from children (especially young children) so that we miss the chance to raise a righteous generation because we must provide for them.
One thing I have observed many of us fall prey to is somehow believing that ensuring our child’s material wealth is more important than their salvation and our sacrifices show it.
We spend time away from spouses as we strategically work our way up the ladder and the ministry of marriage is neglected.
We become emotional eaters and food becomes a crutch a means by which we survive hard times, it becomes an idol. We save our tithe for the overwhelming expenses, yet we fail to see they only increase. If God has said something, doing the opposite never yields rewards, though Satan likes to sell that it can.These guardrails protect us from a fall, an inevitable fall when we ignore the Word of the Lord
In the midst of your piling bills, extended wait on a prayer, strained marriage, hurt or workaholic tendencies is God inviting you to cash in on his promises of peace, rest and contentment. We have the secret to life in our hands.
The Holy Spirit shared an obvious yet profound revelation with me. I made a sacrifice to the Lord, I gave up something that I valued but I expected to no feel the impact of the loss. I expected that God would have seen my willingness to let it go and swoop in and bless me so that I didnt experience the feeling of the loss. So where was the sacrifice? When we give God the things that matter to us, when we withdraw from the things that displease the Lord, our flesh will feel it. The discomfort is normal. The discomfort can come from how we feel people see us to physical discomfort, whatever it is the daily walk with Christ is a continuous killing of our flesh.
Our lives continue to get more and more demanding, mental health challenges taking its toll on so many individuals. There is a better way.
What is it so hard to harness the power of these Kingdom principles? The quick answer is our flesh, it naturally opposes anything holy.
To walk with God requires trust in the uncomfortable. To trust God when it appears foolish and/or may draw unwanted attention or change people’s impression of us. It is an invitation to submit our will and intelligence and is the best expression of saying “God I give you my life”.
Every act of submission to God we will feel, it will be uncomfortable. I recently cried out to God about a matter in which I felt that i had boldly made a sacrifice and he had offered the comfort of his provision as promised.
Many of us struggle with satisfaction, peace , joy and overall contententment in life, as Christians this is a red flag. Treat it like your “check engine” light, something needs repair or replacement. If ignored will overtime have devastating effects.

As Christians, our striving should be towards making Christ the echo of our lives instead of making our names a legacy. That when people meet or hear of us that they would be reminded or introduced to Jesus instead of being impressed with us. We make known our desires to God (because he cares) and entrust them to the Lord but we preoccupy our present with his intended purposes, knowing he will exalt us in his perfect time. We daily submit our feelings and challenges and we walk through sacrifice with the desire to honour the Lord.
We are willing to be uncomfortable for our belief. His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness 2 Peter1:3
I don’t think I know anyone who feels that they have all they need. We will always feel there is something we need whether for the present moment or to secure us in the future. If we have God, he who has everything, then we do have all that we need because we trust his timing in releasing and withholding.
We tithe when we have little, we fast when we would do anything but fast, we pray when we feel God isnt listening or we have more pertinent tasks to address. We keep our priorities in check, not according to manmade deadlines and earthly circumstances. We declare in taking this stand of doing the inconvenient that we understand that we are powerless to give ourselves and people we love good things and so is any other human. We take a step of faith in knowing that God comes before every threatening storm and has the full capacity to uphold us in his righteous right hand as he told us. We recognize that we have a source that is not subject to the frailty of the economy.
We trust the supernatural benefits of obeying what seems to be requests only made to be hard and uncomfortable. We surrender the desire to be known to make Christ known and represent him well. We order our godly priorities to raise godly children, walk in purity, minister in our marriage and work at our jobs as worship unto God. We lay down our worldy wisdom for truth and life (even when we don’t understand it) not simply for our own benefit but for the generations beyond us. We recognize the frailty of the what the world holds dear and we save ourselves from the enemy’s trap to make us more like the world while we sit in church.