4 minute read
By Lloylette Stewart- Russell, Self-Esteem Coach & Speaker
We were all created by God for a purpose. It’s not easy waking up every morning seeing others around you living meaningful lives or involve in something they are passionate about, this can become very frustrating to you.
not going to be all ups every day but knowing that God has a purpose for you will help drive you to through the down days.
God always have something in store for you and it is always something good. His intention is not for you to live in pain and regrets, it is
Let’s be real, even though you may not see or know your purpose, deep down you believe God has fashioned you uniquely. You just have to call on him and ask him to take you out of the darkness into the light so that your purpose can be fulfilled.
In life our purpose is the meaning of existence and not knowing this cause us to suffer.
We fall prey to the idea that our lives doesn’t matter and that we have no impact on this earth, but once we stay reading the word of God we will get the understanding that we matter and have purpose in more ways than one. At some point in your life you would have made plans for things you want to achieve in life but somehow they didn’t come through and now you are questioning what your purpose is.
Maybe he wants you to struggle a bit to get all those things or maybe he will allow you to achieve some of the things you desire but either way your purpose will be reveal through it all.
To you it may seem uncertain now because you are not where you want to be, but I implore you to appreciate it because every season serves a purpose.
In Proverbs 19v 21 it says “many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that will prevail, so no matter how much plans you have and they fail and think that you don’t have purpose God knows it all.
God wants to provide you with eternal happiness even through unpleasant situation, but you might not get it. You see the thing is, here on earth the experiences that you have faced in life comes with many lessons that will help you to better understand the purpose for your experiences.
Let’s say you have plans to graduate from college, get a job, get a house, car, married and then have children but it didn’t worked out that way. Now here is the thing, God wants you to achieve all those things but just in a different way.
It can be hard to accept that your plans have failed but the truth is God loves you infinitely he wants you to be happy and grow to learn that sometimes your purpose is to go through experiences that are painful in order to help others overcome what you have gone through.
Your experiences will help to bring joy, peace and help others to build resilience, so it is safe to say that your purpose was carefully designed as painful or harsh as it was for you to see and understand your purpose. God’s purpose gives direction and his purpose gives meaning to your roles and that become the way you fulfill your purpose.
Sometimes we are hooked on the wrong things. We sit around wish that we had different roles or the functions within the roles were different. Instead let us whatever roles we have now to live out God’s purpose for us right now. When we are connected to the source we will be better able to live in and understand our purpose because he has a ROYAL REALITY for us.

Here are some tips to learning God’s purpose for you:
1.Ask him – Don’t make demands about what you want from him, just ask him to reveal his purpose for you and that way you will build a relationship with him. It doesn’t mean you will get answers right away. It sometimes take a lot of waiting and asking his timing is different.
His kind laws have benefits for us. They are not meant to keep us away from happiness but rather to increase it. Do what God says and don’t justify or make excuses just do what he says. This is how you will understand the why.
4.Surrender Wholeheartedly – God knows what we need, and he wants to save us from ourselves, from dangers of society and from bad influences.
2.Listen to God – God as a lot to say to us and it is always important to the point where it will make a difference in our lives. We are going to search his words ever so often to find out want he wants to say. The more we read and ask for understanding then we know just what he is saying regarding our purpose in that small still voice of his. Good and bad things happen in our lives because of the choices we make and he will ultimately use them to work out his purpose in our lives.
When we obey him it leads to blessings and when we disobey him it leads to heartache and danger. When we give in to God it means that we trust fully in him no matter how difficult things maybe and what he ask of us is always for our best interest.
Living for God means we make a choose to commit to him, knowing his will for us and following it.
3. Be obedient to God – This means that we recognize that God has control over our lives and expect things of us and requires us to follow him.
If we make our life about growing in grace, knowledge and his word and serving others rather than ourselves then we will be living his divine purpose every day. Stay connected to the source that reveals your purpose.