District Board
JULY NEWSLETTER Libby Gianvito: District Editor
Hello District Board! I hope all of you have been enjoying your summer so far. If
yours has been anything like mine, then you are very busy! I know
firsthand how difficult it can be to delegate time towards Key Club in
the summer, but it is very important to stay on top of your work. If you are ever struggling with anything or
just need someone to talk to, I am here for you! I'm always just a call,
text, or email away.
- Libby
Summer Keystonian The Keystonian is a PA Key Club publication put together by myself and a group of Liuetenant Governors. Please make sure you are heavily promoting this to your clubs! You can find the link to it PHOTO BY MARTIN R. SMITH
on the home page of our website: www.pakeyclub.org.
Include the Keystonian in: Emails to your clubs Remind groups Division Instagrams Any other contact you are having with your clubs
ANY QUESTIONS? If you have any questions about the Keystonian or how you can be promoting it, please reach out to me!
Make sure you are
Don't forget to be
frequently contacting
filling out your
your clubs! Whether
Lieutenant Governor
it's through email,
reports every month!
text, call, etc, it is so
It is the easiest way
important that your
for Governor Preston
clubs are staying
to keep track of your
informed throughout
progress and know if
the summer.
you need help.
Remind your clubs to
Stay on top of your
fill out both the
newsletters! It is way
officer information
easier to get them
report and the
done ahead of time
summer club monthly
rather than have to
report (due on
rush to get them
September 5th).
finished last minute.
SLC Recap The 2nd Annual Summer Leadership Conference presented by Key Club International took place in Orlando, Florida from July 8th to 10th. Our Executive Board was very thankful for the opportunity to attend in person. For those of PHOTO BY MARTIN R. SMITH
you who attended virtually I hope you enjoyed the workshops, sessions, and speakers! If you attended virtually, let me know what your favorite parts were! Personally, I really enjoyed the "Facing your Villains" workshop and the opening session speaker, Alex Sheen.
Please make sure you are promoting the District's social media and website to your clubs!
Staying motivated! Something I think we can all agree on is that getting work done in the summer can be difficult. I have previously been in the same shoes as you all before so I know that it can be hard to stay motivated at times! If you find yourself struggling, here are a few things that can help.
1. Try to assess what is going on If you find your work becoming very hard to complete, take a step back to assess your problem. Maybe you are overworking yourself, or you need to delegate your time differently. If you can find the source of your problem, it becomes way easier to fix it!
2. Don't overwork yourself Have you ever heard the saying "don't bite off more than you can chew"? I know you all want to do everything you can to help your divisions and this organization, but it is important to remember not to overwork yourself. Remember, you have a whole team (aka the District Board) standing beside you, so if you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it!
3. Remind yourself why you are doing this One of the biggest things I did last year when I found myself unmotivated was remind myself what I was doing this for. I would remind myself that all the work I was doing went towards bettering my school, community, and even the world!
4. Take time for yourself Don't forget to leave some time for yourself to do the things that you enjoy. It is so important to take time away from your work to do things that you enjoy. This prevents burnout and will make you feel way more productive when you come back to your work!
5. Talk to someone Finally, one of the best things you can do is just talk to someone about how you are feeling. If you are feeling overwhelmed with your workload, reach out to your ZA and/or one of the Executive Board members! We will always be here to offer you support every step of the way! I have been in your shoes before, and although I may not understand exactly how you are feeling, I am always here for you!
Contact Us! Preston Martz District Governor governor@pakeyclub.org (814) 249-5046
Alexa Karlowicz District Sec-Treas sec-treas@pakeyclub.org (570) 690-9636
Libby Gianvito District Editor editor@pakeyclub.org (814) 952-3169