Hi Key Clubbers! I cannot believe our year together is coming to an end. It has been an absolute honor to serve you all this year. Thank you for all the work you have put in towards making our world a better place. I am so thankful for all of you and cannot wait to see you at convention!
CONTENTS District Convention Information Contests and Awards Service Spotlight Running for District Board Mental Health Awareness
Winter Service Project Ideas District Editor
Libby Gianvito (814) 952-3169
Happy New Year Pennsylvania District! This is a time full of excitement and new beginnings. That being said, the new service year will begin in April this year- our District Convention is April 1st and 2nd, 2022 at the Penn Stater in State College Pennsylvania! I am beyond excited for this event- the chance for clubs across our District to gather and celebrate a fantastic service year.
I cannot believe my time on the District Board is coming to an end! I joined this Board as a freshman, it is all I’ve known throughout High School. I encourage anyone and everyone to run for District Office- the opportunities are endless. Over my years on this Board, I have travelled to Baltimore, Indianapolis, Orlando, and all across our state of Pennsylvania. I’ve met the best people, experienced moving presentations, and I’ve been able to see the impact that our student leaders can make on their homes, schools, and communities.
I wouldn't trade my time in Key Club for anything! Thank you all for making this service year one to remember. I cannot wait to see and meet as many of you as possible at the 2022 District Convention!
Yours in Service,
Preston Martz
Hello fellow Key Clubbers! I hope the start of your school year is going well. As the schoolwork starts to pile up please never forget your duties as a Key Clubber. I know sometimes it can be hard to manage everything but my advice is to invest in a planner! It has helped me so much with my organization between school, clubs, and sports.
This year will still be different than normal due to COVID, however, keep trying your best at everything no matter if it is in person or online. As a District we will keep you informed about any events whether they be in person or online so please keep looking at all of the social media pages.
Personally I have been working on the tracker which will be up on the website shortly and I have been working on my necessary newsletters. I hope all of you are also working hard, keep it up!
District Sec-Treas
Alexa Karlowicz
District Convention Overview
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d r a n D o e i vis L a c
Jes si
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It's almost time for the 2022 District Convention! To get properly excited, let's go over the details of Convention: This year’s DCON will be held on the 1st and the 2nd of April 2022 at the Penn Stater Hotel in State College, PA. Clubs will arrive either on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning and have the option to leave Saturday night or Sunday morning. Registration can be found on the DCON website, and please contact your Lieutenant Governor with any further questions regarding registration.
At DCON, there are so many fun things that happen! You get to interact with our District Board as they host workshop presentations on various topics that can help your Key Club flourish. During this convention, the current Lieutenant Governors retire and the newly elected ones are put into office. There is also the installation of the new Executive Board Members!
There will also be several general sessions, where you will hear from an incredible Keynote speaker, learn about the Kiwanis family, find out the winners of this year’s awards and contests, and much more! On Friday night, we will also be hosting icebreakers and a dance that gives you the opportunity to meet other Key Clubbers from all over the state. Lastly, your clubs have the opportunity to vote for the next year’s District Board and speak to the potential candidates.
This District Convention is all about celebrating all the hard work we did this year through our Key Clubs. It is also about getting to know the other clubs in this District and working together to make the world a better place through service. We are so excited to present this to you and your clubs and we can’t wait to see you there! Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the theme for this year’s DCON. The theme is…
Camera, Serve!
Fundraising for District Convention r i a w D i i T v i n s a i b
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Sh u
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District Convetion is a great opportunity for you to get more involved in Key Club. Not only will you meet Lieutenant Governors, but you will also get an opportunity to meet the Executive Board. The conference will be an amazing opportunity for you to build your Key Club contacts! If you’re able to attend, it’s sure to be a great resume builder for school and Key Club. After all, attending DCON will show your sheer dedication to the Key Club organization.
The price of DCON can be quite hefty. You can find cost options on the DCON website under the registration page. However, please don’t let this deter you! DCON is a unique opportunity and we want to make sure that participating in it is as equitable as possible. Therefore, we will make sure to give you a few ideas on how you can fundraise your DCON expenses.
Bake Sale Team up with your baking club or cooking classes at school and fundraise for your club’s expenses for DCON! This is also a great way to establish relationships with fellow clubs at your school, and can lead to future projects!
Car Wash Want to have some fun with your friends? If you’re in a warm area, hold a car wash and clean off that mud off of those cars. If you’re not in a warm area, clean up that dirty snow and make those cars squeaky clean.
Shoveling Snow As an active student, it might be a good idea to help around the house or shovel some snow as a club. This is a great way to make money, and it’s a great workout too!
I hope these tips helped, and I’m excited to meet you all at DCON!
- Shuban Tiwari
21-22 District Board Preston Martz Alexa Karlowicz Libby Gianvito Cara Munksgard Shuban Tiwari Amsu Yallalacheruvu Jessica Leonard Savannah Welder Gabby Rainey Alexis Hartland Jacob Craig Valerie Naylor Evan Grove Emily Dunn Stephanie Lewis Grace Tadajweski Nikki DeWald Sanjana Jacob Josh Kim Jeslyn Wu
District Governor District Secretary/Treasurer District Editor Division 1 Lt Gov Division 2 Lt Gov Division 3 Lt Gov Division 4 Lt Gov Division 5 Lt Gov Division 6 Lt Gov Division 7 Lt Gov Division 8 Lt Gov Division 10 Lt Gov Division 10 Lt Gov Division 11 Lt Gov Division 12 Lt Gov Division 14 Lt Gov Division 17 Lt Gov Division 18 Lt Gov Division 19 Lt Gov Division 20 Lt Gov
Convention Contests and Awards r o D l y i v a isi N e o i
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Va ler
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Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Valerie Naylor, I’m the Division 10 Lieutenant Governor, as well as chair of the Recognition committee. The 2022 District Convention is coming up, which means Awards and Contests! This year, we added the COVID Bounceback award. If your club was struggling with membership and service projects at the height of COVID but have been able to work your way through it and improve your club’s status, this award is for you!
Although the award forms are getting approved at the moment and have not been sent out, the submission deadline will be March 5 at 11:59 pm. Be sure to keep your eye out for information on our District’s social media and from your Lieutenant Governor. I can’t wait to see what your clubs have achieved this year!
Spotlight on Service D g i a i v r i s C i o b o
n 8
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Gettysburg Key Club The Gettysburg Key Club held an amazing fundraiser called the Mr. Valentine and Queen of Hearts Fundraiser. It was a court-style fundraiser where seniors teamed up to raise money for the American Heart Association. The team that raised the most money was crowned “Mr. Valentine and Queen of Hearts”.
Punxsutawney Key Club The Punxsutawney Key Club held a Teacher Appreciation Breakfast where Key Club members showed up early to cook homemade breakfast for their teachers and served it to them as they came into school. The teachers really enjoy this and it has become a yearly activity.
Montoursville Key Club The Montoursville Key Club gathered together in a local cemetery to show their appreciation towards veterans. They laid wreaths at the cemetery in their memory.
Upper Dublin Key Club The Upper Dublin Key Club planted trees in a local neighborhood that had recently been hit hard by a tornado. They worked to restore the area and offered a helping hand towards those who resided there.
Punxsutawney Key Club The Punxsutawney Key Club joined forces with The Yellow Tulip Project and planted a hope garden in their school courtyard.
Running for District Board D ivisi u W o n n y l
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District Governor The District Governor is the chief executive of his/her district and should appoint all standing committees, and should preside at the District Convention and all meetings of the board of trustees of the district. He/she should also attend the International Convention and all meetings of the International Council.
Secretary/Treasurer The Secretary/Treasurer keeps all records and bylaw amendments of the District Convention/Leadership Conference and submits to the proper officials and committees all communications from Key Club International. He/she also collects and tracks monthly club officer reports and monitor dues collections and devises a workable collections program in cooperation with the Executive Committee to ensure the efficient collection of District and International dues.
Bulletin Editor The Editor is to produce and distribute the District publication that includes the District, International, and Divisional information. He/she is are to regularly update the District website and social media.
Lieutenant Governor The Lieutenant Governors assist the District Governor in the work of the District within his/her respective division and should attend all conventions and all meetings of the Board of Trustees. He/she communicates with clubs in his/her division, publish a newsletter every month to their clubs with updated information from Key Club International, and work on committees to plan for the District Convention. Each Lieutenant Governor presides at all divisional meetings and shall hold a minimum of two such meetings during the term in office. One divisional meeting is held in January or February for the purpose of electing a successor to the office of Lieutenant Governor.
Interested in running for a position? If you are interested in running for a position and taking your leadership skills to the next level you should contact your club advisor, your District Governor, and the student who currently holds the position you are interested in.
Why should you run for a position? If you love serving and want to take it to the next level you should run for a position, as it brings you unlimited opportunities. Being a District officer will help you develop leadership skills and friendships that will last a lifetime. Taking on this position is not easy and takes a lot of time, a love for service, and above all, commitment. However, it is extremely worthwhile and you will gain unforgettable experiences from serving the Pennsylvania District.
Breaking the Mental Health Stigma
v i t o n a i E G d y it b b
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Winter can be a challenging time in terms of mental health. However, if you feel as though you are struggling, there is hope. Seasonal affective disorder is a depression that gets triggered by the changing of seasons, typically when the fall season begins. It can be caused by many things, however the most common causes are an internal clock change due different sunlight patterns, brain chemical imbalances, and vitamin D deficiency due to shorter sunlight exposure. SAD is more likely to affect people with pre-existing mental conditions such as anxiety or depression.
The symptoms of SAD range from a variety of things and differ on an individual basis. Some of these symptoms can include feeling sadness or hopelessness, anxiety, extreme fatigue, irritability, or loss of interest in activities you used to take part in. If you are experiencing these symptoms and feel as though you may be affected by SAD, you should talk to your healthcare provider or your therapist.
If you are struggling from seasonal affective disorder, it is very important to remember you are not alone. It is estimated that around 15 million adults residing in the United States experience some form of SAD. It also is more likely to affect younger people. If you are struggling from this, talking to your doctor or a mental health expert can help tremendously. They can help to point you in the right direction and give you personalized treatment based on your individual needs. There is no “one size fits all” solution for SAD, as it can effect everyone differently.
Although it is extremely important to speak to a professional based on your own needs, there are also many things you can do to relieve anxiety and boost happiness. Finding a stress-free hobby that you really enjoy is one really helpful option. It also it is a great idea to keep a daily journal where you can express your thoughts and feelings you experience every day on paper. I personally really enjoy going to the gym daily, and find it to be very stress relieving. Although these things may not be the only solutions for your problem, they certainly can help.
Lastly, if a friend or family member expresses to you that they may be experiencing some form of mental illness, it is extremely important to treat them with the utmost kindness and respect. Let them know that you are there to support them and are there to help every step of the way. It is also very important not to invalidate their feelings or compare your own struggles to theirs because everyone’s experience can be very different. Overall, it will tremendously help them if you show that you are a good listener and express to them that they will not be alone.
Here are some activities that can relieve stress and boost your happiness: Read your favorite book series Go on a walk or bike ride with your family or friends Keep a daily planner Send a kind message to someone you are thankful for Make plans with your friends Keep a journal with your personal goals and cross them off as you achieve them Try meditation Participate in more volunteer work Find a physical activity you enjoy
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
D e i v v i o s r i on G 10
Ev a
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We all know that winter is the season of giving. So, with holidays happening left and right, it is the perfect time for your Key Club chapter to get involved with a community service project. Here’s a look at some of the winter service projects that clubs have done this past year that can serve as inspiration for your chapter in this upcoming year! ear! -
Giving Tree A Giving Tree fundraiser is a perfect opportunity to get involved with your community right within the halls of your own school. If you are unsure of where to start, call a local children’s home and ask what donations they need before the holidays. For example, some places may prefer gift cards in certain dollar increments, while others may prefer physical gifts such as sports equipment, toys, and more. Once you’ve established the gifts you need, hang up a Christmas tree in your school and create mini ornaments with gifts listed on them. Then, advertise the fundraiser to your school, and have students take an ornament in exchange for bringing in a gift. Since you want to have all the gifts delivered before Christmas, make sure to get a jump start on this fundraiser as early as November.
Holiday Sorting and Shopping Once you’ve delivered gifts to a children’s home or local collection center, they need help sorting and distributing the gifts. At my chapter, South Western Key Club, we help our local service center, New Hope Ministries, over a period of two days. On the first day, Key Club members help the service center sort all the donations received over the holiday season. Then, on the second day, members help various families in the community “shop for free” so they can receive food, clothing, and toys for the holidays. Every children’s home and service center will have its own unique policies and operation schedule, so make sure to call them and ask if there is any way your club can help!
National Wreath Project and Wreaths Across America Every year in Gettysburg, volunteers get together to tie 13,000 bows on wreaths for the National Wreath Project. Each of these wreaths is then placed on the headstones of soldiers at the Soldiers' National Cemetery who lost their lives in battle. If you're not close to Gettysburg, that’s ok! Wreaths Across America conducts a similar service project at 2,500 cemeteries across the nation. To figure out how your club can help, make your way over to the Wreaths Across America website and find which location is closest to your club!
Depending on where your club is located, there may be even more service opportunities available. So, make sure to stay engaged with your community and always be on the lookout to give back during the most wonderful time of the year. -
Happy Holidays!
21-22 District Kiwanis Committee Bob Orlando Kevin Thomas Cathy Syzmanski Tessa Rhinehart John Mazurowski Ryan Hartman Matt Alecander Morgan Coolbaugh Becca Sanker Rick Sanker Howard Cohen
District Administrator Finance Administrator Zone 1 Administator Zone 1 Administrator Zone 2 Administrator Zone 3 Administrator Zone 4 Administrator Zone 5 Administrator Zone 6 Administrator Zone 6 Administrator Zone 7 Administrator
Publications Committee Libby Gianvito Jacob Craig Jeslyn Wu
Jessica Leonard Shuban Tiwari Evan Grove
Be sure to be on the lookout for the 2022 District Convention website! -