Epaper_24-10-11 ISB

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Hubco disclosed this

Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) through a notice on Thursday in accordance with Sections 96 and 131 of the Securities Act, 2015 and Rule 5 6 1 of the Rule Book of the PSX These agreements were initially scheduled to expire in March 2027 relating to Hubco s 1292 MW power generation project located at Mouza Kund Post office Gaddani, District Lasbella, Baluchistan This project achieved COD in 1996

We hereby inform you that upon the request of the Task Force constituted under the Prime Minister s Of-

fice, The Hub Power Company Limited, in the greater national interest, has initialled a Negotiated Settlement Agreement with regard to the accelerated expiry on October 1 2024 of its relevant agreements scheduled to expire in March 2027, relating to the Company s 1292 MW power generation project located at Mouza Kund, Post office Gaddani, District Lasbella, Baluchistan This project achieved COD in 1996 read Hubco s notice to the PSX

The company said that under the terms of the agreement, the Government of Pakistan (GOP) and Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA-G) have agreed to settle Hubco’s outstanding receivables up till October 1 2024 The company s board has agreed to the terms of the settlement and authorised the execution of a definitive agreement in respect thereof

The company said it shall accordingly keep the PSX informed in respect of material developments in this

regard, if any

This development follows the intervention of a government task force constituted under the Prime Minister ’s Office aiming to address and expedite the resolution of longstanding issues of the Independent Power Producers (IPPs)

On Wednesday, Hubco called an emergency board meeting to discuss the company’s Implementation Agreement Power Purchase Agreement Fuel Supply Agreement and the Guarantee which were scheduled to expire in March 2027 This was in response to the government s move to prematurely terminate their agreements

Earlier reports indicated that the government has already secured agreements for early termination with four IPPs including Atlas Power Saba Power Rousch Power and Lalpir Power, with HUBCO expected to follow soon The Task Force on Power Sector, which includes senior security officers legal experts and representatives from SECP PPIB CPPA-G and Nepra played a central role in these negotiations

While several IPPs, including HUBCO, initially resisted the termination of their Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) they eventually showed flexibility in the discussions

FBR, Customs empowered to confiscate vehicles used in transpor ting smuggled goods

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) and Pakistan Customs have been granted powers to confiscate vehicles and other conveyances used in transporting smuggled goods under a newly introduced amendment in law

The FBR said in a statement that in a decisive move to intensify the government’s ongoing anti-smuggling campaign Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif directed all relevant government bodies, particularly the FBR and Pakistan Customs, to take

stringent measures to combat smuggling across the country One of the key amendments reinforcing anti-smuggling efforts is the recent change to SRO 499(I)/2009, introduced via SRO 1619(I)/2024 which empowers authorities to confiscate vehicles and other conveyances used in transporting smuggled goods This is a significant shift from the previous regime under SRO 499(I)/2009, where offenders had the opportunity to recover seized vehicles by paying a redemption fine

The new measure intends to ensure that the tools used in smuggling operations are permanently removed

The FBR said that this amendment reflects the government s resolve to eradicate smuggling, which has long plagued the nation s economy, depriving it of critical revenue while encouraging the informal market This is one of the many steps being taken to eliminate smuggling and protect Pakistan s economy The Chairman FBR Rashid Mahmood Langrial has called for immediate action by the Customs officials and law enforcement agencies to enforce this amendment through coordinated efforts and ensure that all conveyances used in smuggling activities once apprehended are permanently removed from operations


Rs400 in local market

O L I O is not yet rampaging on the streets of Pakistan, but it is proving singularly resistant to eradication That is the goal set by the World Health Organization Pakistan and Afghanistan are the only two countries where infections take place, though there have been some cases in the Gaz Strip ever since the Israeli invasion has disrupted public health among other things Polio has been eliminated from everywhere else in the world, except Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria Nigeri reporter a fresh outbreak last year with more than 50 cases of infection by a wild strain of the poliovirus There should be equal concern in Pakistan for the wild poliovirus has been reported found all over the country Polio is a particularly persistent disease with the first cases in 25 years detected in the Gaza Strip, and the Israeli invaders have been cajoled into allowing the vaccination of 640,000 children Negotiations are now on for their re-vaccination

One of the most common solutions to the spread of polio is vaccination It is a viral disease, and thus cannot be treated Its ill-effects, which include crippling the patient, can only be mitigated Prevention is better than cure However, the story has been spread that the vaccine is harmful that it is a conspiracy against Muslims and because of this religious sentiment it has become necessary for vaccinators to be escorted by police protection With more than 200 polio team workers reported killed up to last year there is clearly strong resistance So far in Pakistan there has been nothing like the breakdown as in the Gaza, but the recent reporting of two more cases from Jacobabad, and one each from Malir and Dera Ismail Khan, are disturbing The present government brought back ex-Senator Ayesha Farooq Reza as PM s Focal Person on Polio Eradication, but that has apparently not been enough The Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination of the previous PML(N) government, Saira Afzal Tarar could not reach the National Assembly and the portfolio is held by the Prime Minister who is apparently not giving this serious problem enough attention Pakistan was the last country from which smallpox was eliminated in 1977 which was also the first victory by Mankind over a viral disease, achieved by mass vaccination It is now poised to be the last country to harbour polio Its elimination will require a redoubling of efforts

Dedicated to the legac y of late Hameed Nizami Arif Nizami (Late) Founding Editor

M A Niazi Editor Pakistan Today Babar Nizami Editor Profit

A new approach to Pak-US relations

A transac tional relationship

TH E Department of Political Science and International Relations organized a panel discussion on the US Presidential Elections 2024 and its implications for Pakistan at the University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore, on September 27 The panel discussion featured Pakistan’s Former Ambassador to the United States Sardar Masood Khan, Senior Journalist-cum-Political analyst Suhail Warraich Senior Journalist Fahad Hussain Professor of Practice at DPSIR Lt Gen Javed Hassan (Retd) and two Pakistani American Businessmen including Shahid Ahmed Khan and Tahir Javed as panelists

On the occasion, panelists shared their insights over the chequered history of Pak-US relations, available prospects with Pakistan for redefining its relations with the USA in the wake of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan growing Pak-China relationship in the backdrop of the Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), rising US-China rivalry in pursuit of global power and strategic partnership developing between India and the USA to counter China’s rise in the region In the panel discussion, many panelists were of the view that the results of the current presidential elections in the USA would not bring a drastic change in the US policy towards Asia; however Pakistan needed to be proactive in developing a multifaceted relationship with the USA for the attainment of its interests amidst changing regional and global political landscape

During the panel discussion panelists shared their reflections on the trajectory of Pak-US relations developed over around 77 years Much can be said about all those reflections but one reflection shared by Senior Journalist-cum-Political analyst Suhail Warraich stayed with me and pushed me into introspection over what he said in the context of Pak-US relations I wish I had asked him in person in a Q and A session over the point of his which put me in introspective mode but because of the shortage of time I could not ask I am zooming in on one point in his speech He said that the world in which we are living does not believe in morality, rather it s driven by You scratch my back and I will scratch yours In simple words, this world is driven by transactional relationships in which states pursue their interests If a state finds that

A joke with journalism

the relationship it’s developing with other states can help achieve its interests it goes ahead However if a state finds that the relationship it is becoming a part of can pose a threat to its interests it stays away from that relationship At the end of the day it s the convergence or divergence of interests that brings states together or keeps them apart respectively In the domain of International Relations, this perception that states are always driven by their interests in their relationship with other states is advocated by the Realist School of thought Though this is a selective understanding of state s behavior as many other theoretical streams in International Relations give us an inclusive understanding of states behaviour, yet for the time being let’s stick to the particular perception of world politics advocated by Realists and apply it to Pak-US relations to make sense whether both countries when they transacted with each other in different times attained what they were looking for in the transactional relationship with each other Pitching his perspective on Pak-US relations in the tone of Realists during the panel discussion, Warraich said that Pak-US relations across history have remained transactional This means both countries went into a relationship with each other in pursuit of their interests and when those interests converged we saw Pakistan and the USA working closely with each other and when those interests diverged, they started moving away His emphasis was on this point that fluctuations we have seen in Pak-US relations should not surprise us because this is the reality of the world in which interests prevail over everything

Thinking about what he said there is no denying the fact that Pak-US relations can provide perfect empirical evidence for what Realists are preaching in their theoretical framework about world politics, as the relationship has remained transactional However, the point I want to highlight is whether our foreign policy is aware of the truths prevalent in world politics The truth I am talking about here is the Realists truth The truth I am referring to is the truth that this world is not driven by morality rather it s driven by interests-laden transactional relationships I wonder if our foreign policy, especially in the case of Pak-US relations, is clear about the culture of transactional relationships prevalent in world politics I wonder if in our foreign policy we have experts sitting to make

The best way to develop a strategy is by engaging policy-making with academia so that a nuanced view can be taken of what happened in the past and a way of action can be developed so that mistakes of the past are not repeated This message seriously needs to get across to the ones occupying power corridors of foreign policy making in Pakistan

IN a hypothetical scenario, Amjad, an individual lacking formal literacy, seeks to educate himself by consuming news broadcasts Upon learning about the upcoming elections he intensively monitors various news channels to assess the competing political parties However he encounters a predominantly favorable portrayal of one specific party, which subsequently influences his decision to vote for it Once this party assumes power, Amjad


scape, he

have refrained


personal circumstances and his country According to Britannica journalism encompasses the processes of collecting preparing and disseminating news along with associated commentary and features across diverse media platforms This hypothetical scenario raises critical questions regarding the nature of journalism and the responsibilities of a journalist According to Britannica journalism involves the processes of collecting preparing and disseminating news along with related commentary and features across various media platforms Furthermore, a journalist has the obligation to meticulously gather information prior to writing about any subject This entails conducting multiple interviews visiting significant locations pertinent to the events in question and collecting comprehensive data Only after these thorough preparatory steps should the journalist begin to compose his or her report, ensuring adherence to all standard operating procedures (SOPs) By following these SOPs, a journalist can uphold fairness and integrity in his or her news reporting

Regrettably most of the Indian media and journalism appear to neglect the essential principles of the profession A significant number of Indian journalists do not adhere to the established codes of conduct, nor do they demonstrate concern for these guidelines Their reporting, inquiries and analyses often lack substantiation

and credibility A notable illustration of this is the interview with Prime Minister Narendra Modi prior to the elections, during which the anchors failed to pose a single incisive question, instead opting solely to commend him Moreover it is evident that a considerable portion of Indian media and journalists are not representing the interests of their constituents but rather aligning themselves with the government Their reporting, analyses, and research clearly reflect a perspective that favours the government’s agenda over that of the state Consequently instead of scrutinizing governmental incompetence they tend to portray the government as the champion of all initiatives and actions Many journalists appear to support the incumbent political party more than those individuals who genuinely represent the populace, a claim that can be substantiated through an examination of various debate programmes Additionally many Indian journalists exhibit biases not only in domestic matters but also in international affairs The reporting and analysis of prominent journalists often reveal a lack of impartiality and fairness For instance, Palki Sharma, a well-known figure in Indian journalism on the international stage, clearly demonstrates bias in her coverage of Pakistan China and other states perceived as adversaries of India Her news reporting presentation style and approach to interviews reflect a pronounced one-sidedness, which contradicts the ethical duty and responsibility of journalists to maintain objectivity Julian Assange serves as a notable counterexample illustrating the importance of neutrality in journalism Moreover many journalists make unsubstantiated statements without proper verification or research, which undermines their credibility They often make misleading claims without any apparent remorse A notable instance occurred when prominent Indian journalist Arnab Goswami disseminated false information regarding Pakistan s role in Afghanistan; even when confronted with evidence on live television he failed to issue an apology for his inaccuracies This incident exemplifies the tendency among a significant portion of Indian media and journalists to present erroneous information, thereby misleading the public and fostering a misguided perception of reality

Furthermore the propensity of certain Indian media outlets and their right-leaning journalists to involve India in virtually every situation represents a significant flaw in their reporting They often portray India as an essential player in various conflicts and peace negotiations, overlooking the reality that India is not yet considered a major global power Many journalists depict India as more influential than China and other prominent nations which indicates a lack of understanding of international dynamics Moreover countries such as Bangladesh and the Maldives have initiated campaigns to distance themselves from India, recognizing the latter ’s interference in their internal affairs and its use of their territories for military purposes This situation highlights the fact that India is losing influence in its neighboring regions while extremist journalists continue to present it as a formidable global power which is a worrisome misrepresentation Additionally, the Indian media often functions as an international outlet, emphasizing global issues while remaining largely oblivious to domestic concerns Journalists frequently fail to scrutinize government policies related to internal matters A salient example of this oversight is the neglect of farmers issues and their ongoing protests Therefore, it is imperative for media outlets that overlook such significant concerns to redirect their focus toward domestic issues as well

However it is inaccurate to assert that all media outlets and journalists exhibit bias ignorance or an exaggerated representation of their state s standing There are indeed journalists who are credible, honest, and whose analyses are grounded in thorough research and well-informed perspectives Notable figures such as Rajdeep Sardesai and Ravish Kumar exemplify professionalism and integrity in their reporting Similarly there are media outlets that deliver news in an unfiltered and straightforward manner Unfortunately, the majority of outlets and journalists do not demonstrate the necessary efficiency or commitment to their audience

The Indian journalism community bears a fundamental responsibility to uphold principles of authenticity impartiality and fidelity to the profession Failing to do so will not only undermine trust among international audiences, who already harbour significant scepticism, but will also erode confidence among the domestic populace Therefore, it is imperative for journalists to maintain professionalism and present news in a genuine and original manner

The writer can be reached at bilalkhankhattak10@gmail com

The Indian journalism community bears a fundamental responsibility to uphold principles of authenticity, impar tiality, and fidelity to the profession. Failing to do so will not only undermine trust among international audiences, who already harbour significant scepticism, but will also erode confidence among the domestic populace

Shaping Pakistan’s AI landscape

Pakistan’s coal mining crisis

BIlal Khan

The China, Pakistan and Russia alliances and India

AS I A offers a wide range of opportunities and options for global powers, making it a valuable resource Pakistan s strategically important location is a magnet for regional powers In the field of geopolitics ties are prone to change depending on the options at hand often resulting in substantial swings in power influence Russia, specifically, is realizing the possibility of becoming a dominant power in the region Although Pakistan and Russia have not historically had friendly relations, the current strategic circumstances have led to a favorable change that is advantageous for both Islamabad and Moscow Despite their prior enmity Pakistan and Russia are currently embracing the notion of constructing and enhancing their partnership The China-Pakistan-Russia triangle is becoming increasingly comprehensible as it becomes evident that all three nations are highly compatible with each other China Pakistan and Russia are all nuclear-armed nations Additionally China holds significant economic influence, while Russia boasts sophisticated military technology Pakistan, in return, provides the benefit of the Gwadar Port to augment its exports and imports The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has attracted substantial investment Moscow through its strategic alliance with Beijing membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS and its dedication to the One Belt, One Road” initiative and Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) can play a role in strengthening China-Russia cooperation and promoting multinational collaboration in the future Islamabad and Moscow maintain amicable relations with Beijing to further their national goals through regionalism and open diplomacy China wields economic power in the

former USSR region and is seen as a shareholder in CPEC However it is improbable that China will meddle in Pakistan-Russia relations because Russia is known for supplying energy to China s allies

Despite Russia’s efforts to foster a favourable connection with India, India remains cautious about Russia’s participation in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) due to the enduring conflicts between Delhi and Islamabad and its historical territorial disagreements with China Incorporating Russia into the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will alleviate global worries and India’s unwarranted unease regarding supposed Chinese threats Russia s participation in the CPEC project is driven by its own economic security and geopolitical objectives India, as an emerging force in South Asian regional geopolitics and the USA, as a global power, face a problem due to this circumstance India is apprehensive about the strengthening alliances between Pakistan China and Russia Conversely India is actively broadening its economic and commercial interactions with China and Russia, thereby strengthening its defensive capabilities The strategic placement of South Asia at the intersection of key global trade routes including the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea is of great significance The area plays a major role in the global economy with countries such as India and Bangladesh functioning as vital industrial centres and exporters of goods To accommodate its increasing population and thriving economy, South Asia acknowledges the crucial necessity of constructing extensive infrastructure Investing in contemporary transportation infrastructure such as highways railways and ports may efficiently promote both regional and world-

wide trade thereby promoting economic expansion creating job prospects and improving living standards Furthermore the presence of communication infrastructure, such as fast internet connectivity, can greatly enhance economic growth and promote social unity It enables inhabitants in the region to obtain information communicate and actively engage in the digital economy The implementation of renewable energy infrastructure such as solar and wind power has the potential to significantly decrease the region s dependence on fossil fuels, mitigate the negative impacts of climate change and foster sustainable economic growth The water management infrastructure that includes irrigation systems and water treatment plants has a crucial function in reducing water scarcity and improving the quality of water resources This, in turn, promotes agricultural production and sustainable development Tackling poverty and inequality is a top strategic objective for South Asia This goal can be accomplished by promoting equitable economic expansion guaranteeing access to essential services such as education healthcare and clean water and making significant expenditures in infrastructure advancement and employment generation It is crucial to improve governance and decrease corruption in order to build trust and promote societal unity This can be achieved by strengthening institutions advocating for the supremacy of the law and increasing public involvement in decision-making procedures In order to overcome the negative impact of political instability and conflict on economic development and security South Asia should prioritize initiatives aimed at promoting discussion reconciliation conflict prevention and resolution processes Additionally, defending human rights and the rule

of law throughout the region is crucial Developing the ability to withstand and recover from the impacts of climate change is an essential aspect of South Asia s long-term plan The region is highly susceptible to the detrimental effects of climate change which worsen poverty and inequality and impede economic progress Hence it is crucial to allocate resources towards sustainable infrastructure and adopt environmentally

There is a need to delve into the multifaceted dimensions of their alliance, exploring its implications on regional dynamics, the interplay with IndiaÊs security concerns and its significant ramifications on Afghanistan and beyond As these two nations navigate their shared interests amidst shifting global alliances, their strategic convergence promises to redefine the geopolitical landscape of South Asia in the era of multilateralism

‘ N e t a n y a h u w a n t s t o d r a g t h e U S i n t o a c o n f r o n t a t i

o n w i t h I r a n ’


national security is not a game to play

since the Second Intifada [2000-2005], it has been moving steadily to the right The current government, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, is the most right-wing xenophobic expansionist Islamophobic and racist in Israel s history Their ultimate goal is the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and the actual annexation of the West Bank The policy guidelines of this government state that the Jewish people have an exclusive right to sovereignty over the entire land of Israel, which includes the West Bank But I wouldn’t go so far as to say that Israel has ceased to be rational The Hamas attack on October 7 last year unhinged Israeli society Since then the Israeli public has been clamoring for revenge and revenge is not a policy Although Netanyahu is unpopular his policy of destruction in Gaza was popular, and so is his attack on Hezbollah in Lebanon

Q Netanyahu’s popularity has risen again A After the Hamas surprise attack on Israel Netanyahu s popularity was rock bottom: 80% of Israelis wanted him out of the way The Israeli army has failed to achieve its declared aims, which are the destruction of Hamas and the recovery of the hostages He assassinated Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas but then he has shifted the center of gravity to the northern front by attacking Hezbollah a key ally of Iran and assassinating its leader Hassan Nasrallah a symbol of Arab resistance to Israeli and American imperialism There is no question that Israel has scored a number of tactical successes, like the amazing pager and walkie-talkie attack It looks now as if Israel has gone on the offensive against all of [Hamas’s] allies and is doing very well That’s why Netanyahu s popularity has been rising But these are tactical successes: scoring victories and inflicting damage on Israel s enemies but they don t amount to a strategic achievement because Hamas is still there, still firing rockets, and Hezbollah is still there, and still offering resistance to Israeli ground forces

Q There are indeed tactical victories, but they are in the midst of a very broad strategy that has also struck in Iran Yemen and Syria What do you think is

intervention on Israel’s side to attack Iranian nuclear facilities Netanyahu is calling the shots and his aim in escalating is to drag the US into a confrontation with Iran with the aim of destroying Iranian nuclear facilities

Q How important is the role of the U S and the Western allies play in the current strategy of Israel?

A It is a paradox: Israel is totally dependent on the U S while on the other hand the U S has very little influence on Israeli politics American support for Israel is unconditional So the U S supplies arms money and diplomatic protection It gives Israel $3 8 billion a year in military credits During the war in Gaza, Congress voted another $14 billion and another $20 billion Secondly, it uses the veto in the Security Council to defeat resolutions that are not to Israel’s liking Netanyahu is deliberately trying to offend and humiliate Biden because he would like his friend Donald Trump to win the forthcoming U S election

Q This conflict did not start on October 7, 2023 Israel has won a lot of different wars in the last century, but it has not won peace On the contrary, the conflict is getting worse Why?

A This conflict began a century ago as a clash between two national movements: Zionism and Palestinian nationalism The Palestinian issue is the heart and core of the conflict And without a resolution to this issue, there will never be peace, security or stability in the Middle East Israel, since 1967 [the year of the Six-Day War], has had to choose between giving up territory for peace or keeping the land Israel through its actions has demonstrated time and again that with the Palestinians it prefers land to peace Israel does not have a peaceful solution to the conflict, it only uses military force There is an Israeli saying that if force doesn t work, use more force There is the broadest international consensus behind the two-state solution It has become fashionable to say that the two-state solution is dead because Israel killed it with settlements a security barrier and the annexation of East Jerusalem I would argue

that the two-state solution was never born No Israeli government since 1967 has offered a formula for a two-state solution that even the most moderate of Palestinian leaders would accept Secondly, no American government since 1967 has pushed Israel into a genuine two-state solution

Q I interviewed Mustafa Barghouti former Palestinian Minister of Information who advocates the one-state solution

A We must remember that Hamas is not a terrorist organization pure and simple It is a political party that adopted the parliamentary road to power In January 2006 it won an absolute majority in a fair and free election but Israel and its Western allies refused to recognize that government So Hamas tried a diplomatic route, but was not allowed to pursue it The PLO [Palestine Liberation Organization] signed the Oslo Accords with Israel; it gave up its claim to four-fifths 78% of historic Palestine in exchange for a Palestinian state on 22% of historic Palestine But that wasn t enough for Israel It kept expanding settlements As we speak Israel is still confiscating more land in the West Bank and carrying out ethnic cleansing I used to support the two-state solution, but it is an empty formula I now advocate the only democratic solution to this conflict, which is one state from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea with equal rights for all its citizens regardless of religion and ethnicity

Q What do you think of the restrained response from the region’s Arab neighbours?

A It is striking how silent the Arab states have been when Israel has been conducting genocide in Gaza ethnic cleansing in the West Bank and a massive military offensive in Lebanon Some of them have made peace treaties with Israel the Abraham Accords Netanyahu has always boasted that Israel can make peace with the Arab states without making concessions to the Palestinians, and these agreements vindicated him There is a collective Arab position in the conflict the Arab Peace Initiative which was adopted by the Arab League summit in Beirut in March 2002 And it offers Israel formal peace and normalization with all 22 members of the Arab League in return for an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, with a capital city in East Jerusalem This is the deal of the century You cannot ask for more than that Netanyahu has rejected it time and again The Abraham Accords were a retreat from this collective Arab position and a stab in the back to the Palestinians

Since the beginning of the war, the Americans have been communicating mostly through Gallant as their primar y channel instead of dealing direc tly with Netanyahu



Johnny Depp’s joke about Trump triggered S ecret S er vice response

ABIDOON NADEEM In 2017 Johnny Depp found himself under scrutiny by the U S Secret Service after making a controversial remark about then-President Donald Trump While attending a screening of his film The Libertine at the Glastonbury Festival Depp joked When was the

Chinese FM holds talks with Colombian, Singaporean counterpar ts

s Murillo said Taiwan is

component of China s territory and that Colombia will continue to adhere firmly to the one-China principle and support China s just position on the issue Chinese foreign minister holds talks with Singaporean counterpart Separately Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Vivian Balakrishnan minister of foreign affairs for Singapore in Beijing on Monday Wang also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said as two forces working for stability, China and Singapore need to strengthen strategic coordination and communication in the turbulent world

Noting that both China and Singapore have important domestic political agendas this year and are making steady progress toward their respective national development goals, Wang said the two sides have worked closely and learned from each other providing significant impetus for the development of their modernization


Pakistani Tech

Companies shine at

Pakistani companies exporting IT and IT-enabled services are participating in Singapore Tech Week for the first time under the banner of TechDestination Pakistan Muhammad Umair Nizam, Senior Vice Chairman of P@SHA, emphasized the importance of Singapore as a key market for Pakistan’s IT exports "This is our first participation in STW and we see tremendous potential for collaboration We aim to have an even larger presence in future editions he said Singapore s strategic role as a global technology hub makes it an important destination for

Securit y Papers hosts breast cancer awareness session

PSX Holds Gong Ceremony on Listing of Burj Clean Energy Modaraba

A gong ceremony was held at the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) to mark the listing of Burj Clean Energy Modaraba (“Burj Modaraba”) Burj Modaraba is the first green energy fund in accordance with Shariah principles to be listed on the Stock Exchange on the Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) Board of PSX The gong was struck by Mr Muneer Kamal, Chairman, Burj Modaraba; Mr Saad Zaman, Sponsor Director, Burj Modaraba; other Director(s) and top management of Burj Modaraba, amidst the presence of Mr Shahid Ali Habib CEO of Arif Habib Limited (Advisor to the Issue); Mr Nadeem Naqvi Acting CEO of Pakistan Stock Exchange and senior management of PSX The listing of Burj Modaraba marks a pivotal moment for Pakistan s capital markets and for sustainable energy investments As Pakistan s first green energy fund, Burj Modaraba serves as a bridge for clean energy project between developers and investors and fosters the growth of renewable energy initiatives across the country

Hospital & Health Network The event aimed to educate and empower female employees about the importance of breast health and early detection The session led by Dr Nazia Lodhi Breast & General Surgeon from Indus Hospital & Health Network provided valuable insights on breast cancer prevention detection, and treatment Participants were guided on the importance of self-examination and early detection, recognizing signs and symptoms, and understanding risk factors and prevention strategies

The doctor also discussed the latest screening and diagnostic techniques and navigated medical resources and support services available to those affected Female employees from Pakistan Security Printing Corporation (PSPC) also participated in the session to gain valuable knowledge about breast health The interactive session encouraged participants to ask questions and share concerns fostering a supportive environment By empowering employees with knowledge Security Papers Limited (SPL) aims to promote a culture of health and wellness, encouraging early detection and timely intervention


Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb ruled out the possibility of signing an energy debt restructuring agreement with China next week Speaking to journalists

minister said the government was undertaking various measures to ease the burden on the masses He also thanked Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir for his assistance in re-negotiating the agreements We will now look forward to working with remaining IPPs, he added The energy minister also mentioned the establishment of an Independent System and Market Operator (ISMO) which he termed a major win for his ministry After its operationalisation consumers will be able to buy electricity like shares, he said A day earlier, the Cabinet Committee on Energy (CCoE)

notification A provincial Home Department spokesperson explained that the restriction was introduced following requests from district administrations due to heightened security concerns The spokesperson warned that large public gatherings might be targeted by terrorists, necessitating the ban to protect citizens and maintain law and order The ban prohibits all political rallies, protests, sit-ins, and similar events in the designated cities during the three-day period Despite these restrictions PTI has signaled its intent to move forward with protests as scheduled with rallies planned for Multan and Sahiwal on October 11 Gujranwala and Sargodha on October 12, Dera Ghazi Khan on October 13, and Lahore and Faisalabad on October 14 PTI leaders have also hinted at the possibility of expanding the protests to a nationwide scale with potential demonstrations in Islamabad pending further discussions among the party s leadership

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Nawaz Sharif and Pakistan Peoples Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Thursday agreed to table the constitutional amendments in Parliament after further consultation deciding to determine timeline for the process in consultation with other political parties Nawaz Sharif and Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari developed the consensus during a meeting at the Punjab House to discuss Earlier former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif welcomed the PPP leader who called on him along with delegation The two leaders exchanged views on the country’s political situation and reached an agreement on constitutional amendments

Both Bilawal and Nawaz Sharif s discussion primarily focused on judicial reforms and constitutional amendments

From the PML-N Maryam Aurangzeb Rana Sanaullah Pervez Rashid Irfan Siddiqui and Ahsan Iqbal attended of the meeting while the PPP delegation included Yousaf Raza Gillani, Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, Khursheed Shah,

Wahab Murtaza Javed Abbasi Naveed Qamar and Palwasha Khan

It is to be noted that the ruling coalition striving hard to pass the Constitutional Amendment Package and had made an attempt which bore no fruit despite government s claims

According to an earlier working paper for the 26th Constitutional Amendment, one of the key proposals includes the establishment of a parallel Federal Constitutional Court alongside the Supreme Court

The Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court will serve for three years, with retirement set at 68 years of age Additionally, the amendment proposed that any member of parliament voting against party instructions will have their vote disregarded

The proposal also suggested that the authority to appoint the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court be transferred to the Prime Minister based on recommendations from an eight-member committee of the National Assembly

One of the most notable amendments includes changes to Article 48 of the Constitution, which would prevent any court, tri-

bunal or authority from inquiring into advice sent by the Prime Minister or Cabinet to the President

Meanwhile, an amendment to Article 63 would ensure that votes cast against party instructions will no longer be counted

Another major proposal in the working paper involves changes to Article 78, which advocates for the creation of the Federal Constitutional Court

Additionally, amendments to Article 175 suggest that judges of the High Courts and Sharia Courts will be appointed by a commission with the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court heading this commission The commission will consist of the two senior-most judges of the Constitutional Court the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the two senior-most Supreme Court judges

Further, the commission will include the Minister of Law, the Attorney General, a senior advocate, and two members each from the National Assembly and Senate For the appointment of judges to the Federal Constitutional Court the commission will no longer involve Supreme Court judges, instead consisting of three additional judges from the Constitutional Court

JUI-F chief holds key to approval of constitutional amendments: Raja


Secretary General Pakistan

Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Salman Akram Raja on Thursday emphasized the pivotal role of JUI-F

Chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman in the approval of any constitutional amendments describing his contribution as both “key and historical ”

Speaking to a private TV channel here senior jurist noted that Maulana Fazl, leveraging his extensive religious and political background, is positioned to counteract what he termed a “series of distortions” in the constitution

The PTI stalwart also expressed skepticism regarding the government s proposal to establish

a constitutional court, saying it was unlikely to be realized

He suggested that if constitutional cases begin to impact other legal matters a constitutional bench should be formed, akin to practices in India, without the need for a separate constitutional court

“We do not accept the Constitutional Court in any way ” Raja stated affirming that PTI s proposals would be incorporated into the draft prepared by Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUIF) once it is released for discussion Meanwhile, PTI leader Ali Muhammad Khan reiterated concerns over legislative practices arguing that the government is undermining the Parliament by imposing legislation without proper consensus We are confident our

members will not waver on constitutional amendments ” he asserted In contrast Pakistan People s Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari addressed journalists, indicating that the timeline for passing the proposed constitutional amendments is flexible on the PPP’s part

He projected that the amendments could be finalized by October 25 while emphasizing the importance of consensus among political parties, including the option for a conscience vote As negotiations continue, the political landscape remains dynamic with both PTI and PPP leaders positioning themselves strategically amid ongoing discussions about constitutional reforms

C apital prepares for SCO summit with heightened sec urity measures, public holidays


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