YE AR 2011
African h t u o
«In this University we are all exposed to a learning environment that values the sharing, and the caring for each other: a community of practices that devote a week to learn and learn to live together».
African University on Youth and Development The third edition of the African University on Youth and Development, organized by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, the Cape-Verdean Youth Federation and the Portuguese National Youth Council, with the support of the European Youth Forum and the PanAfrican Youth Union, took place from 15 to 21st May in Cape Verde. It brought together leaders of the main world youth movements with the aim of promoting youth participation in decision-making processes and elaborating cooperation policies for Global Development.
The main objectives of the AUYD were to create a political space where youth can affirm and receive recognition for their role in Euro-African co-operation, particularly in implementing the Strategic Partnership EU-Africa; to provide a space for raising awareness on development issues and global education, training, nonformal education and intercultural dialogue for youth leaders; and to facilitate the process of defining and implementing youth projects within the Euro-African cooperation and Global Youth cooperation and promoting youth policies.
AFRICA-EUROPE COOPERATION “The North-South Centre, the Portuguese National Youth Council together with a long list of partners that includes the European youth Forum, the Pan African Youth Union and ADYNE- African Diaspora Youth Network Europe are committed to continue enlarging and qualifying this space as a natural space to implement the outcomes of the Africa Europe Youth Summits. The Cape Verdean Youth Federation and the Cape Verdean authorities expressed the wish to continue to host this University in these Islands”, according to Marcos Andrade from the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe.
“African University empowers Youth for decision-making participation” 3AUYD took place in the framework of the International Year of Youth “Dialogue and Mutual Understanding” declared by the United Nations General Assembly The University program consists implementation of the Strategic The 3rd AUYD is organized in of four parallel activities: Global Partnership EU-Africa. partnership with the Youth Work Training Course, This year the University will also Governments of Cape Verde Training for Trainers on Global act as an important moment for and Angola, the Pan-African Education, Monitoring Group the Global Youth Youth Union, the Meeting on Euro-African Youth Work and the European Youth Cooperation, and Cape-Verdean reflection on the “Youth leaders live Forum, the Youth Federation Meeting. International Year together and learn to Community of These activities take place in the on Youth and on co-develop training Portuguese activities” International Year of Youth the Decade of s p e a k i n g "Dialogue and mutual African Youth. countries, the understanding", proclaimed by Following a successful and Portuguese Institute for Aid the General Assembly of the inspiring first two editions of Development, the Youth in United Nations. In order to the University, a third edition Action Programme of the strengthen the role of the youth was held, this time, inviting European Commission and the in community development, a approximately 100 youth Joint Management Agreement Day f o r “African University leaders from Africa between EuropeAid and the V o l u n t e e r has been inspired by and Europe to Cape North-South Centre. Citizenship and Verde. Over the The African University has been the University of Social Action course of a week, inspired by and modeled after Youth and was b e Development and the the youth leaders the University of Youth and organized on lived together and Development: www.uyd.me, (in University of May 19th. learn to co-develop its 12th edition this year) Participation and This University is training activities; organised by the North-South Citizenship” a space created awareness of Centre and its partners in Spain in the follow-up of the Africa development issues and (since 2000) and the University Europe Youth Summits, held in political participation of youth of Participation and Citizenship: 2007 and 2010, to provide a in the context of Euro-African www.upc.org.uy, held in youth contribution to the co-operation. Uruguay (since 2004).
The African University on Youth and Development has been organized in Cape Verde since the first edition in 2009, marking the accession of Cape Verde as a member state of the North -South Centre of the Council of Europe. Cape Verde became the first subSaharan Member State of the Centre.
Global Youth Work Training Course
The aim of this training course is to strengthen the capacities of youth organisations and the ICMYO network by training active
From “Trains for Change” to “Circles of Knowledge” group exchange experience
How can we mobilise youth globally on the issues that matter? Participants on the Global Youth Work Training course spent an afternoon brainstorming on real actions that could effect change. Using drama, the six groups then shared their ideas.
To promote the Millennium reluctant to make way for a Development Goals, younger candidate. The idea, participants suggested “Trains explained the group, was to for Change”, a show that youth virtual tour of all “You can’t tell people to participation continents to means “having the act if they don’t know check progress spa c e to what they’re doing.” on the MDGs. As participate” JOB ORINA, KENYA Farid from beyond simply Azerbaijan said, having a vote. his group wanted to show that Concrete actions could mean “exchanging between building youth capacity; quotas; continents, spreading and better dissemination of information can somehow information. Rudo, who works contribute to change and for the Open Society progress”. The climate change Foundations, said her group also emphasised organisation wanted to develop awareness: “You can’t tell a youth-friendly version of the people to act if they don’t know African Youth Charter; Jaasiel what they’re doing”, said Job from Cape Verde suggested his (Kenya). The group’s mime country could think about drama highlighted three priority quotas for youth politicians in areas: talking to the same way as “It’s about finding people on a local is currently something that unites us level; gathering being discussed – then connect people, petitions to for women and provide space for mobilise people; politicians. dialogue”. and using media to After two more PAWEL PUSTELNIK, POLAND communicate. dramas on Also referring to gender equality the media, the group working and volunteerism, the session on youth participation closed with participants presented a short drama of a TV gathering in a “Circle of interview with politicians. Knowledge” around the earth, “Young people want change – an idea presented by the group are you ready for that on interreligious dialogue. The change?”, demanded the TV concept was simple – bring show’s host (Aka Rudo from the people together from all USA) to an ageing politician, backgrounds. “It’s about finding something that unites us [the knowledge we share] – then connect people, and provide space for dialogue”, said Pawel (Poland). “And the fact that we’re the youth means that we can communicate all the better, since we don’t have the same barriers.”
volunteers in the fields of advocacy, project management and international partnership. OBJECTIVES: - To increase participants’ understanding of each other and stimulate dialogue among them in order to reinforce cooperation among youth organisations with an interest in developing co-operation and actively strengthening global civil society. - To foster participants connection with Global Education and its methodologies. - To explore the role of advocacy at inter-regional, international and global levels by youth organisations and support participants to increase their competencies in this field. - To discuss the potential of international partnership and share successful strategies adopted by international youth organisations. -To introduce ICMYO and ensure a common level of understanding of ICMYO’s role and status. -To increase participants’ capacity as multipliers in youth organisations. - To explore possibilities of co -operation initiatives between youth organisations, particularly focussed on advocacy, partnership and project management. -To share expectations and achievements of the International Year of Volunteering +10, the International Year of Youth a n d e xp l o r e p o s s i b l e approaches of ICMYO towards the High Level Segment on Youth.
Teaching each other: Project management training Planning, advocacy, group leaders used practical organisations got together, and communication and monitoring activities – games of Chinese using demonstrations, radio & evaluation: four cornerstones whispers and musical statues – campaigns and interviews, of project management that to demonstrate succeeded in “The session was participants of the Global Youth how monitoring a blocking legal devised and Work course investigated on situation and measures against presented by the Day 3 of AUYD. But as often this evaluating it at a p r e g n a n t participants week, training isn’t delivered by given point can students’ school themselves.” one expert. Rather, the session help project attendance. was devised and presented by managers measure and improve the participants themselves. their work. The advocacy group Groups of experts – participants took their students through the who deal with those subjects in steps in preparing a campaign. their everyday Discussing people’s “Discussing people’s work – were experiences of experiences of formed to tackle advocacy, Cape advocacy, Cape each topic. On V e r d e a n , Verdean, Senegalese communication, Senegalese and and Mozambican the group tasked Mozambican participants all told of students with participants all told situations in their discussing four of situations in their countries.” areas: body countries where language, interpersonal pregnant girls were prevented communication, public relations, from continuing their and new technologies. For education. In the case of Cape monitoring and evaluation, Verde, civil society
Learning on the Atlantic Waters Job Orina, Kenya, Young Men Christian Association (YMCA)
My names are and distinct features of the Job Orina from Kenya. I am glad island country so were the to have participated in the 3 participants. They brought African Universities on youth forth, unique life experiences, and development, in Sal Cape cultures and skills. Verde from the 14th to 21st The university training program may 2011. I have a background aimed to introduce participants in disaster mitigation and to global development themes sustainable development and a like youth work and education. working passion in climate Using participatory and change. informative approaches the Many writers said that viewing participants were able to learn the world from the view of one more on the themes of the story could limit the readers’ university and areas of interest perspective of to euro-Africa the world. I “The participants were cooperation. The found truth in exposed to a multilinparticipants were their saying gual and multi-cultural exposed to a when I landed in environment that was multilingual and aimed at promoting Cape Verde, a multi-cultural appreciation of the varicountry with environment that ous diversities and great people was aimed at and beautiful situations that exist in p r o m o t i n g the world.” highlands. It has appreciation of the a relatively small population, various diversities and competitive economy, and situations that exist in the distinct culture all spread in the world. 10 beautiful islands. Their music I wish to most sincerely thank and foods are amongst the the North-South center for most distinct elements of their having given us the opportunity culture and needless to say is to gather together and learn in the dance style that a global environment. Special accompanies that music. thanks to Marcos and Alexandra It was in this environment that for their efforts that brought the 3rd university on African about great success for the youth and development was university, the training team; hosted. Sal one of the “biggest” Fernando, Kimhoan, Gerald and and beautiful islands, hosted Camellia, the Portugal national over 40 nationalities for one youth council, the European week. The participants in this youth forum, the cape Verdean university drawn from various youth federation, the Angolan countries with different culture government, the Cape Verdean devoted 6days to learn and government, the participants, share on youth work up from the hotel staff and everyone their villages, nations, regions else who played a part in to globally. Just like the unique making 3AUYD a success.
The University on Youth and Development (UYD) is a platform of trainings and meetings for youth organisations, jointly organised by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, the Spanish Government (INJUVE), the European Youth Forum (YFJ), the Spanish Youth Council (CJE), the LatinAmerican Youth Forum and other international youth organisations. Since its first edition in 2000, the University takes place once a year bringing together representatives of youth organisations and youth movements from all over the world who gather in the CEULAJ (Euro-LatinAmerican Youth Centre), Spain, to discuss, train and be trained as well as to take political action around the main issues on the global agenda. In 2011, the University on Youth and Development will be gathering for its 12th edition launching renewed hopes and aspirations, objectives and challenges for the partners, reinforcing this as the space and home of Global Youth Work and the Global Youth Movement. The UYD is composed of various activities (Seminars, Training Courses, Workshops) organised by more than 10 partners and will gather close to 300 young people from all over the world.
Learning outside the classroom The gentle melodies of a tradiincluding being nona very practical way how tional morna welcomed AUYD hierarchical, democratic, unequally the world’s resources participants to island life this participant-centered, and with are distributed. morning, most of them still personal experiences as a What do this year’s participants sleepy after many hours or even starting point. hope to learn this days of travel to Cape Verde. AUYD this year week? For Enock, “It is based on a The live music breaking up the brings together number of principles originally Kenyan speeches of the first morning two such courses: including being nonbut living in reflect the relaxed approach of global youth Amsterdam, hierarchical, the University. The emphasis on work training, advocacy skills will democratic, “informal” learning doesn’t just and training of participant-centered, be welcomed: refer to the curriculum. It’s also trainers, as well “we would like to and with personal evident in the way participants as hosting the convince potential experiences as a address one another, warmly monitoring group partners, and starting point.” welcoming new friends whose meeting on Africa policy-makers, of names they’ve forgotten; and in -Europe youth cooperation and the potential of youth and the the holiday atthe Cape Verdean importance of investing in mosphere that’s Youth Federation youth”. Marija from Serbia is “Participative and non inevitable when meeting. Today’s interested in learning about -formal learning – the you’re so close to activities are about project management, but also form of education that the sea and the getting to know one reckons she can learn a lot from AUYD is based on – sun of an island another, and others. Matej from Macedonia takes place outside nation. getting to know the (pictured) agrees: “Even where the classroom.” Even when on the context facing the youth sector is least beach, though, global youth work. developed, you can still learn this week is about learning. ParThe day was spent with ice something. Because it’s not just ticipative and non-formal learnbreakers and trust games; about learning about when ing – the form of education that learning about others and about something has worked - when AUYD is based on – takes place what defines their home something hasn’t worked, outside the classroom and is country; exploring what global there’s something to learn”. based on a number of principles citizenship means; and seeing in
ADYNE is a platform in the making, dedicated to the development of an official network that shall enable us to represent the interest of the African Diaspora Youth living in Europe and work on strategies to strengthen the development of a constructive dialogue between European and African societies OUR VISION A world where every African Diaspora youth in Europe can unite as global citizens and contribute to the sustainable development of both continents. OUR MISSION To be the network that connects organisations and individuals to collaborate and actively participate as global citizens to shape the lives of African Diaspora young people in Europe. OUR VALUES • Be youth led and youth driven, of responsible and inspirational citizens and leaders that exhibit courage and positive image of Africa and African Diaspora Youth in Europe • Aspire for positive change and excellence in everything that we do, working in mutual understanding and respect, in a learning and involving environment • Preserve as we promote African cultures and heritage and the knowledge that come from them to enrich the diversities that strengthen African Diaspora identity • Live and share the spirit of "Ubuntu" that recognise coexistence, humanity, servitude, belonging, accountability and respect towards others.
AIESEC involved in Global Youth Work in 107 countries
Small beginnings for big project ideas Bringing together youth leaders you want to ask?” from over 30 countries, the Noreen from Canada AUYD is a rare opportunity to introduced her group’s idea: a work face-to-face with network of book clubs to counterparts from around the promote literacy and love of world to develop international reading among girls. Volunteers projects. This was one of the would lead reading circles by tasks facing AUYD students. reading aloud, help young girls Rather than simply write their own stories, and brainstorming, though, share these stories with book participant groups were clubs in other countries. “It’s a required to present a feasible simple programme”, said project plan that detailed Noreen, “but we believe if we objectives, context, resources start small – even with just two and timeframe. One of the girls – it can grow and grow and challenges was grow”. the diversity of Other project ideas “One of the challenges group members’ included musical was the diversity of organisations education for group members’ and countries children using organisations and finding a project traditional countries.” that could be instruments; an implemented online youth COP locally in each person’s home to allow youth involvement in organisation was not always climate change debates; and obvious. And group work in networking to encourage youth general was not always easy; as participation across all areas. one participant commented, Marcos from the North-South “we are all used to being Centre of the Council of Europe leaders!” said his organisation would help Project ideas defined, each one develop project ideas further, was then presented to the for instance by integrating them entire group. The idea, into future Universities on explained Camelia, the session’s Youth and Development. facilitator, was to give “These Universities are spaces constructive feedback: “Imagine to bring forward processes that you are a funding organisation – come from within”. what kinds of questions would
What do you like most of the 3rd AUYD? The greatest impact of 3rd AUYD for me was networking with other large-scale INGYO’s by developing new projects and sharing with previous ones. Moreover, 3rd AUYD enriched my skills and knowledge in Global Youth Work. The most challenging and important feature of the TC was its Global scale and at the same time stress on adjusting global projects to local realities. What is your involvement in Global Youth Work? I’m involved in Global Youth Work through my work as Vice President at AIESEC in Azerbaijan. AIESEC Globally present in 107 countries aims to strengthen role of youth in the world and make them think globally and be agents of change in their society. What is AIESEC commitment in GYW? Present in over 107 countries and territories and with over 50,000 members, AIESEC is the world's largest youth-run organization. Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to participate in international internships, experience leadership and participate in a global learning environment. What makes AIESEC unique is the youth driven impactful experience that it offers to its members. AIESEC is run by young people for young people, enabling a strong experience to all its stakeholders. Farid Mammadov www.aiesec.org
Testimonials & Interviews “At the 3rd AUYD you can learn from everyone and gain solid interaction skills and ideas to partner with others on various projects”, Rose Wachuka, Kenya, Global Young Greens Why did you decide to participate in the 3AUYD? To represent the key thematic areas of my organization; to learn and interact with others at a global level; to share and develop projects with other participants using the training that I receive at the university. What are the main outcomes you take from your training in Global Youth Work to apply when you get back in Kenya? Follow up projects, Training materials, Project formulation and execution, Global interaction, Thinking global and acting local, Development ideas and materials, Contacts and partnerships, Loads of energy and inspiration to work globally. What do you think are the positive aspects of having training in a space as AUYD? Diverse expression, so you can learn from everyone and gain solid interaction skills and ideas to partner with others on various projects.
“There is a lot of learning from the African representatives about the work they are doing in environments that are most times challenging”, Rudo Moyo, USA, Youth Initiative-Open Society Foundations How is your organization international youth policy work. involved in Global Youth Work? In Africa, the program is The Youth Initiative program at working with the AU and other the Open Society Foundation stakeholders to promote the works to empower youth to popularization and realize their roles and domestication of the African responsibilities in their daily Youth Charter. lives, through capacity building Do you consider a partnership in various ways. The Youth with the AUYD interesting for Initiative has a Debate program your organization? that is largely operated by I definitely see some synergies International Debate Education that can be exploited. The Association (IDEA), a spin-off Youth Initiative sponsors organization of the Youth regional and global platforms of Initiative program exchange and learning, with the www.idebate.org . The program aim to build cohorts of youth also conducts global youth who are networked and trainings in new media, become partners in the global including, citizen journalism and work to promote good video editing, etc. The aim is to governance. Platforms such as professionalize the work of the AUYD are an opportunity to youth so that they become also learn from youth what active contributors, producers emerging issues they are and of information. The Youth innovative ways to harness, or Initiative also overcome them. has an individual “The Youth Initiative Like the AUYD the grants program aim is to fund youthYouth Initiative designed, youth-led in 10 countries views young worldwide. Its projects that promote people as a aim is to fund open society ideals.” resource that can youth-designed, be leveraged to youth-led projects that promote accelerate development open society ideals. In the worldwide. recent year, the Youth Initiative Do you consider important the program has also engaged in African dimension of this university? Yes I do consider it important. There is a lot of learning that can be imparted to the youth representing African organizations from countries that are likely under developed. There is also a lot of learning the European and others can learn from the African representatives about the work they are doing in environments that are most times challenging. Further information in: www.youthpolicy.org
The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens. To achieve this mission, the Foundations seek to shape public policies that assure greater fairness in political, legal, and economic systems and safeguard fundamental rights. On a local level, the Open Society Foundations implement a range of initiatives to advance justice, education, public health, and independent media. At the same time, we build alliances across borders and continents on issues such as corruption and freedom of information. The Foundations place a high priority on protecting and improving the lives of people in marginalized communities.
Green principles are generally known as “the four principles”: ecological sustainability social justice grassroots democracy peace But this is merely the tip of the iceberg- for a full understanding of what it means to be Green, one and all should read the Global Greens Charter which is endorsed by GYG.
ICMYO The International Coordination Meeting of Youth Organisations is a meeting of individual international youth organisations who come together to collaborate. The main objective of ICMYO is the strengthening of the cooperation of youth organisations at the regional and global levels in order to coordinate policy inputs to UN and other global youth policy processes.
GOALS: To share information about ongoing global youth issues and processes. Increase our access to UN and other international and intergovernmental institutions working/impacting on youth issues. To influence political processes and decisions of UN and other international and intergovernmental institutions working/impacting youth issues. To work together in our common thematic priorities. To exchange best practices. To become stronger and overcome individual limitations (financial, geographic…).
Cooperación entre la Universidad de Participación Ciudadana y la Universidad Africana de Juventud Fernando Traversa, formador de juventud e integrante del ICMYO, personaliza la vocación global de la Universidad Africana de Juventud y Desarrollo Parte del equipo de Fernando Traversa personaliza organización de la Universidad el compromiso de la de Participación Ciudadana y Universidad de Participación miembro del International Ciudadana del Uruguay de Coordination estrechar los lazos Meeting of «Tenemos mucho que de colaboración Y o u t h compartir con nuestros con su homóloga Organisations, compañeros africanos africana y reforzar F e r n a n d o el diálogo y quiero manifestar Traversa, se nuestro sincero apoyo afroamericano de m u e s t r a al proceso que se vive la juventud. Este comprometido contacto "es en África» con el proceso ve r da d er am e n te de empoderamiento de la importante, pues ambos juventud global organizada. continentes comparten muchos Su larga trayectoria en el problemas y soluciones y en un ámbito de la educación no futuro próximo sus pueblos van formal y el trabajo con la a jugar un papel decisivo en la juventud han sido decisivos evolución del mundo". para su compromiso con la "En Latinoamérica estamos ya plataforma da las universidades por la séptima edición y los de juventud y convertirse en frutos de la organización anual uno de sus dinamizadores más de estos encuentros han sido activos. Así en esta III UAJD ha numerosos, el impacto es colaborado como formador del bárbaro", -manifiestacurso "Global Youth Work" "tenemos mucho que compartir organizado por el Centro Nortecon nuestros compañeros Sur del Consejo de Europa en el africanos y quiero manifestar marco de la III UAJD. nuestro sincero apoyo al Como uno de los iniciadores de proceso que se vive en África, este modelo de universidades este es nuestro gran desafío plataforma de encuentros de la ahora". juventud en Iberoamérica,
La Universidad de Participación Ciudadana
La juventud Lationamericana y Africana cada vez más unida Nataly Andrés Salazar Ladino, Colombia, Red juvenil Territorio Sur, Foro Latinoamericano de Juventud (FLAJ). Cuál es la relación de la Uruguay, desde su primera entre los dos continentes hacia Federación Latinoamericana de edición, en 2004. Además de la construcción de una Juventud (FLAJ) con la UAJD? esto, apoya los encuentros, propuesta global de La FLAJ está generando esquemas de formación, transformación social, aproximaciones con la UAJD, plataformas y articulación para la construcción de líneas de concejos de «La cooperación surmetodológica, acción claras intercontinentales. j u v e n t u d sur debe ir hacia la intercambio de Es muy importante para el Foro nacionales y construcción de una experiencias, Latinoamericano de Juventud la regionales que propuesta global de empoderamiento posibilidad de generar acciones promuevan líneas juvenil y transformación conjuntas para los jóvenes de temáticas de desarrollo glocal ambos continentes, que desarrollo y educación global, y entre las diversas comunidades promuevan la unificación de los fomenta la incidencia en de jóvenes de América y África. criterios y las propuestas en políticas públicas y viabilidad de Estamos caminando en este temas de jóvenes las propuestas sentido poco a poco, pero de alrededor del locales. manera firme, con el propósito «Es muy importante mundo. Cómo definirías la de reforzar los lazos de para el FLAJ generar Qué trabajos Cooperación entre cooperación entre ambos acciones conjuntas promueve la FLAJ América Latina y continentes. Más información para los jóvenes de de Educación África? del espacio de construcción de ambos continents» Global? La cooperación suriniciativas hacia la plataforma Principalmente a sur debe empezar nacional de JuventudEs, de través de la Universidad de en el análisis de los conflictos y Colombia en: Participación Ciudadana, problemáticas territoriales www.juventudescolombia.org
Es un espacio privilegiado de encuentro, intercambio, formación y generación de acciones entre líderes de movimientos juveniles e instituciones dedicadas al trabajo con jóvenes en Iberoamérica. Apunta a fortalecer el campo de la ciudadanía y el activismo juvenil orientado al desarrollo. Habiendo surgido a comienzos del año 2004 por iniciativa del Foro Juvenil de Uruguay y la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes (ACJ) de Montevideo con apoyo de la Alianza Latinoamericana y del Caribe de ACJs/YMCA (ALCACJ) y el Consejo de la Juventud de España (CJE), se realiza cada año entre febrero y marzo. Fue inspirada en el modelo de la Universidad Juventud y Desarrollo que se realiza en Mollina-España. Son organizadores de la UPC: la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes de Montevideo (ACJ), la Alianza Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Asociaciones Cristianas de Jóvenes (ALCACJ), el Espacio Iberoamericano de la Juventud (EIJ), el Foro Latinoamericano de Juventudes (FLAJ) y el Instituto Nacional de la Juventud de Uruguay (INJU). Los socios y auspiciantes son : el Centro Norte Sur del Consejo de Europa (NSC), el Consejo de la Juventud de España (CJE), el Foro Europeo de la Juventud (YFJ), y la Organización Iberoamericana de la Juventud (OIJ).
Los resultados positivos de la Cooperación Interregional “La III UAJD me parece un excelente espacio para la integración e intercambio de realidades socials”, Soledad Garzón, Argentina, IMPACTO ONG.
Foro Latinoamericano de Juventud Es la coordinación continental de entidades juveniles no gubernamentales, organizadas en torno a plataformas nacionales y organizaciones juveniles internacionales que operan en el continente. Ttiene por finalidad constituirse en una instancia de representación, coordinación y cooperación de las organizaciones juveniles de Latinoamérica, para potenciar las capacidades de los jóvenes en defensa de los valores que les son comunes, como la democracia, la justicia, la libertad, el respeto por la autodeterminación de los pueblos, las condiciones dignas de vida, la defensa de los derechos humanos, la equidad social, la defensa de la vida y del medio ambiente, la solidaridad, así como la promoción de la identidad cultural latinoamericana". En este momento el FLAJ representa 18 entidades de juventud que trabajan en el continente ameriicano y comparten los principios y filosofía del Foro.
Qué has aprendido con tu unión de intereses por parte de participación en la IIIUAJD? los talleristas que concluye en la Esta es mi primera participación necesidad de conformar un en una Universidad de nuevo espacio con identidad Desarrollo, aquí propia para el «Estar situada en el he comprendido continente africano es un desarrollo de acabadamente a c t i v i d a d e s anhelo que muchos el concepto de tenemos y yo no era la sociales basadas c o o p e r a c i ó n excepción, así que allá e n e l interregional y voluntariado. Así, fui y encontré una los resultados esta organización cultura por demás positivos que interesante, un pueblo es el resultado de generan en los dispuesto a mostrar al la cooperación jóvenes. interregional en mundo sus tradiciones, Me parece un América Latina. su forma de vida y e x c e l e n t e darnos la bienvenida en Cómo se trabaja espacio para la la cuestión de la todo momento integración e Educación Global procurando que intercambio de volvamos a disfrutar de desde la ONG r e a l i d a d e s la tierra caboverdiana» Impacto? sociales. Lo cual Actualmente permite el desarrollo de los IMPACTO ONG se encuentra jóvenes como personas, como desarrollando un taller de voluntarios y como ciudadanos voluntariado, siendo este una de este mundo globalizado que adaptación del taller que diera nos encuentra hoy en día origen a nuestra creación. debiendo diagramar proyectos Dicho taller esta destinado a de integración para lograr el participantes de toda éxito de nuestras Latinoamerica que han sido organizaciones. preseleccionados por sus Cuál es el origen de la ONG perfiles de voluntarios. impacto? El taller se divide en tres etapas. La idea de conformar la ONG La primera se desarrolla a IMPACTO surge de la reunión través de una plataforma web, de 5 de sus miembros con 5 módulos de cursos onfundadores en la 6ª Universidad line. En una segunda instancia de Participación ciudadana que se realizan experiencias locales se realizo en Uruguay en el mes desarrollando cada uno de los de marzo 2009. Allí se llevo a voluntarios una acción concreta cabo un Taller de Voluntariado y en una tercera instancia el el cual fuera el origen de la cierre del taller en Argentina.
IMPACTO es una asociación educativa con proyección internacional, sin fines de lucro, no político partidaria, de carácter voluntaria, abierta a todos sin distinción de género, origen, raza, ideología ni creencia. Los principios de democracia, igualdad de oportunidades, transparencia de gestión, acceso a la información, inclusión e integración, entre otros; junto con los valores de libertad, justicia, solidaridad y equidad constituyen el marco de trabajo de IMPACTO. Su misión es "Promover y defender los derechos de los niños, adolescentes y jóvenes. Contribuyendo a mejorar su calidad de vida y el ejercicio pleno de su ciudadanía como miembro de una comunidad local, nacional e internacional."
«Notre objective est créer un réseau efficace grâce a l’utilisation des médiats et des rencontres» Abodoulay Diallo, Sénégal, International Falcon Movement
La perspective Africaine de la Education Global et de la Coopération de la Jeunesse Franck Sombo, Cote Ivoire, World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) / Fédération Universel des Associations Chrétiennes d’Étudiants (FUACE), Pour quoi est-ce que vous avec Au sortir de cette formation, je Jeunesse Mondiale. A travers décidé participer a l’UAJD? puis dire que j’ai tout d’abord notre implication à différents C’est une réelle opportunité été enrichi de notre diversité en niveaux, nous serions donc plus pour moi de prendre part à une tant que jeunes venus de tous à même de faire face aux pareille rencontre d’échanges et horizons. J’ai également problématiques globales: de formation. En réalité, en apprécié le sens d’initiative et la penser GLOBAL, agir LOCAL. venant à ce séminaire je détermination de chacun à D’où le concept GLOCAL. m’attendais à découvrir une œuvrer dans le sens du La Coopération Euro-Africaine université dans le sens commun pragmatisme pour un da Jeunesse est important du terme mais avec une changement pour ton orientation spécifique aux positif. Comme organisation? «La coopération besoins des jeunes africains, un participant le De nos jours, la globale n’est pas européens et du monde. Je suis relevait il y a trop prise de donc venu dans la perspective souvent eu de uniquement orientée conscience Nord-Sud; elle est de bénéficier d’une formation déclarations sans générale sur la surtout transversale» sur la gestion des projets application; nous nécessité d’une internationaux en rapport avec devons donc action collective les critères et modalités de montrer une est de plus en plus coopération des organismes autre voie en étant plus évidente. En ce qui concerne la européens. concrets. Mais pour FUACE, elle travaille depuis «J’ai également C’était également ê t r e p l u s toujours dans le renforcement apprécié le sens une occasion spécifique, je dirais des actions de la jeunesse d’initiative et la pour moi de que cette université estudiantine en particulier au détermination de partager mes chacun à œuvrer dans ouvre pour moi plan global et dans chaque pays expériences l’opportunité d’une et continent. Ainsi, elle œuvre à le sens du propres et celles pragmatisme pour un action concertée de la fois pour la coopération de m o n changement positif» la jeunesse en régionale dans chaque organisation en faveur des continent et pour la vue contribuer à problèmes qui les coopération globale entre l’enrichissement mutuel. concernent d’où qu’ils soient. continents. Mais en général, Quelles sont les conclusions Nous avons donc développé le cette relation n’est pas que vous tirez de cette concept de l’éducation globale uniquement orientée Nord-Sud. formation? et surtout du Travail de la Elle est surtout transversale.
Ce séminaire s’inscrit dans le cadre de la lutte pour atteindre l’humanité plus consciente sur l’avenir et la société. Il est fondé sur des valeurs comme la tolérance ; la justice social, la liberté, la dignité, la citoyenneté, la paix, la démocratie, l’égalité, l’humanisme, et surtout la solidarité. Les participants ont été encouragés à refléter sur ce qu’ils peuvent faire dans leur organisation, ils ont échangé les expériences et les approches par rapport à l’éducation global, partager, analyser les approches pédagogiques, développer des activités de partenariat et leur donner les moyens de contribuer à la réalisation des objectifs dans le cadre d’un réseau.
«La coopération entre les différentes cultures, les échanges d´expériences, partage d`informations sont les plus grands défis de l’UAJD» Cynthia Kongo Ntondele, Congo, Conseil National de la Jeunesse
L’éducation globale est développée au Congo? Oui, certaines organisations travaillent dans plusieurs domaines comme dans la prise en charge des enfants défavorisés ou la lutte contre le paludisme
Global Education Training for Trainers Course developed by the Portuguese Youth Council in partnership with the Youth Forum of the Portuguese Speaking Countries and the Southern Youth Councils of Europe under the Project “Crossing Euro-African with Global Youth Work”.
Portuguese NYC together with and build bridges to identify Youth Councils from Angola, common challenges, interests, Spain, Cape-Verde, Italy, Guinea to build a global agenda and of political representatives, 10 -Bissau, Catalonia, Mozambique, define a common strategic Global Education national Cyprus and Slovenia is vision. The priorities of the activities and a publication. The developing a long term project are: Cultural Diversity; publication will assure the cooperation project – Crossing Global issues affecting young results dissemination and it’s Euro-African with Global Youth people, such as expected to be a Work – aiming to: develop climate change, useful tool for “The phase in Cape intercultural dialogue and sustainable partners and Verde gathered cooperation; empower NYCs, d e v e l o p m e n t , educators involved in others working in youth organizations and youth migrations, and NYCs to reflect on the the youth field. leaders envisaging the the Millennium With this project, practices of Global development of a long term Development we hope to bring Education.” strategic vision of Europe-Africa Goals and closer different youth cooperation; bring Global Strengthening the Euro-African regional youth cooperation Education to NYCs’ educational dialogue, exchange and processes and actors. strategies as an important tool cooperation in the field of Activities are taking place in five for youth work, youth youth. This project includes phases; the third one was participation and youth policy three residential activities implemented in Cape Verde. development, as well as youth (Portugal, Cape Verde and This phase gathered educators organizations Spain) and, in involved in NYCs to reflect on capacity-building “This project includes b e t w e e n , the practices of Global and leadership participants are Education and to gain more three residential empowerm ent; expected to put competences regarding Global activities: Portugal, create a space for Cape Verde and Spain, into practice (at the Issues and Cooperation, so that sharing good It involves a total of 21 national level) the they can prepare trainings/ practices; outcomes of the consultations to be run in each participants.” empower young residential events. partner country. Participants educators, (competences It involves a total of 21 had the chance to reflect related with Non-Formal participants (one educator and together about their national Education, Global Education and one political representative projects and to share practices Global Youth Cooperation); from each partner – except and knowledge. In the end of strengthen NYCs’ role as Portugal), 3 trainers, 1 reporter, this training, team, project organisations of local, national 2 local organizers and one coordination and reporter came and global youth activism and person from the Secretariat of together to make an evaluation participation in decision making Portuguese NYC. As indirect meeting, based also in the concerning issues relevant to target group, we plan to reach results of evaluation made at youth and its contribution to around 200 youngsters that will the end of the training. A cooperation and development; participate in the national summary of this information bring together several youth activities. As main outputs we’ll was shared with partners. cooperation regional processes have a common global agenda
Educação global através das dinâmicas participativas A Educação no formal representa uma maniera intuitiva e eficaz de aprendizgem e troca de conhecimentos entre os jovens As dinâmicas participativas foram eliminados. participantes que perceberam o representam uma maneira Seguidamente foram lançados injusto desta situação no importante de adquirir os envelopes mundo actual. conhecimentos através de uma restantes para Outra dinámica «Os participantes experiência vivida directamente serem apanhados relacionada com a passaram a que permite fazer uma reflexão p e l o s consciência da representar uma profunda sobre uma questão c o n c o r r e n t e s . situação ideal através c i d a d a n i a concreta. Esta vez os que de figuras corporais responsável Numa das sessões conjuntas foi obtiveram cinco para terminarem com consistiu em cada realizada uma dinâmica sobre a ou menos foram uma composição do participante divisão dos recursos no mundo. eliminados. e x p r e s s a r mundo ideal» Disposta toda a gente em Seguidamente os corporalmente círculo, o p a r t i c i p a n t e s uma figura que representasse «As dinâmicas facilitador lançou partilharam as suas uma situação de opressão que participativas um número conclusões sobre a ele mesmo tivesse sofrido. representam uma superior de maneira importante actividade. Assim, Assim todo mundo reparou que envelopes de imediatamente saiu na vida todos sofremos de adquirir açúcar no chão à reflexão de que os situações que nos oprimem. A conhecimentos que de pessoas r e c u r s o s s ã o continuação da troca de através de uma na sala e pediu a limitados e tendem experiências, os participantes experiência vivida todos que a concentrar-se em passaram a representar uma directamente» apanhassem os uns poucos e outros situação ideal através de figuras mesmos. Uma ficam sem nada. O corporais para terminarem com vez feita a recolha, aqueles que debate foi enriquecido com as uma composição do mundo conseguiram dois ou menos contribuições de muitos ideal.
«Com esta III Universidade Africana de Juventude e Desenvolvimento reforçou o meu sentimento de ser sempre cidadão do mundo, agora cidadão global». Massangano Domingos, Angola, Conselho Nacional de Juventude Qual é a sua visão da IIIUAJD? Juventude e Desenvolvimento, são feitas globalmente sobre os Pensamos que a Universidade e e pensamos que as Jovens. um espaço de aprendizagem necessidades identificadas nas Qual e o envolvimento da CNJ contínua, intercâmbio realizações anteriores de Angola na UAJD? permanente, cooperação e contribuíram para que hoje Primeiro, o Governo de Angola solidariedade ate mesmo de pudéssemos ter e estar apoiou a III Universidade princípios que permite os presente nesta Africana de «A Universidade e um cidadãos a viver livremente e edição e os Juventude e espaço de gozar de sua liberdade parceiros Desenvolvimento aprendizagem contínua, incondicional e a participar nos envolvidos e o Conselho intercâmbio processos de tomadas de d e v e m Nacional de permanente, cooperação decisão de seus Países, Estados continuar a Juventude como e solidariedade» e Governos. sentir-se Plataforma A união de jovens oriundos de comprometidos com a causa de membro e Presidente do Fórum países europeus e africanos e de facilitar e permitir que a da Juventude da CPLP. Está outras partes do mundo serviu Juventude, um recurso responsabilizada em contribuir para melhorar os laços de estratégico para o de todas as formas para o amizade e conhecer mos as Desenvolvimento, esteja sucesso de qualquer acção em culturas de diferentes povos sempre presente nas discussões que este se presente, todavia cada a sua maneira e realidade, de seus problemas e encontrar sua envolvência reflecte-se não pelo que respeitamos e vamos em partilha as suas soluções. O sou nos Recursos Humanos que poder viver na diferença. Conselho Nacional de colocou a disposição da Esperamos que a abordagem Juventude de Angola está Universidade bem como na sobre Educação Global atinge a representado também com um Advocacia Política de médio ou longo prazo sua meta Formador (Kikas Manuel desenvolvimento e construção e vermos nossos esforços Machado) no Curso de de cidadãos globais, busca de recompensados com as Formação de Formadores em financiamento e na melhoria da mudanças de valores atitudes e Educação Global, e um cooperação de entre os comportamento de negativos participante (Victorino Matias) movimentos de juventude. para positivos, e por contribuir no Curso de GlobalYouth Work. Precisa-se devolver ao jovem para uma sociedade justa e com Queremos ainda referir que o aquilo que por natureza o desenvolvimento sustentável a espaço deve ser cada vez mais pertence: sua liberdade, sua todos os níveis. alargado e tornar cidadania participativa, sua «Precisa-se devolver Asseguramos que a Universidade responsabilização e seus ao jovem aquilo que vamos continuar mais aberta a d i r e i t o s q u e por natureza o a desenvolver outras redes de C o n s t i t u c i o n a l m e n te pertence: sua acções voltadas a Organizações de estabelecidos, bem como liberdade, sua abordagem da cidadania participativa, Jovens; quero que através da Carta Universal dos Educação Global sua responsabilização o Centro Norte-Sul Direitos Humanos. Em África a em Angola. do Conselho de Carta Africana da Juventude e e seus direitos» Como é que Europa analise um instrumento legal que surge esta parceria? esta sugestão. Pois, assim permite os Jovens africanos a A três anos que vimos estaremos cada vez mais juntos conhecer, cumprir e usufruir de participando deste Espaço que é a desenvolver actividades sobre seus Deveres, Direitos e a Universidade Africana de todas as abordagens que hoje Responsabilidades.
A perspectiva do Conselho Nacional de Juventude de Angola, enquanto instituição, é garantir e incentivar a participação activa e proactiva dos jovens e a todos os níveis, uma nova perspectiva juvenil começase a ser criada nos nossos países fruto não sou de outros esforços feitos localmente e a nível de África bem como com o estabelecimento e elaboração de projecto entre África e Europa, especificamente na abordagem de temas como Educação não formal e Educação Global, uma ferramenta fundamental para abertura das mentes dos adolescentes e jovens, para um a transformação de cidadão local e torna-lo num cidadão global, dai que esta Universidade contribui positivamente para o preenchimento de lacunas visíveis nas Organizações de jovens de África e de Europa, permitiu ultrapassar algumas barreiras pois sabemos que isso e um processo continuo e longo em que cada geração e chamada a estar presente e participar fazendo a sua parte.
«Estamos em processo de preparação da Conferencia de Jovens Africanos pela Paz e Empreendedorismo», Araujo Domingos Araujo, Moçambique, Conselho Nacional de Juventude Por que escolheste participar Moçambique já participou em preparação da Conferencia de nesta universidade? todas fases da Universidade e Jovens Africanos pela Paz e A nível pessoal, escolhi que está seriamente Empreendedorismo. participar nesta universidade empenhado em desenvolver Qual é o envolvimento do CNJ por seguintes motivações: projectos neste âmbito. Moçambique na III UAJD? Necessidade de colher Neste momento O Conselho experiencias em matérias está em curso o Nacional da «Moçambique está relacionadas a universidade, processo de Juventude de seriamente Desenvolvimento pessoal avaliação das Moçambique, empenhado em criar Capacitação em matéria e actividades sendo membro uma proposta para a educação Global e Não formal, e lançadas a assinante sempre realização da Intercâmbio. quando da esteve presente Universidade neste A Nível institucional, o CNJ de formação de n a s país» Moçambique é um dos formadores aos universidades e membros assinantes da níveis nacionais e locais. participa activamente na III iniciativa nisto e precisa: Estar Criamos uma proposta de Lei do UAJD, através de seus representado e Voluntariado foi representantes Jovens que «Criamos uma estreitar as submetido a estão sendo formados para dar proposta de Lei do relações com Assembleia da continuidade dos processos e Voluntariado foi outras instituições República, tendo sido projectos já lançados em submetido a Desenvolvimento discutido e aprovado Moçambique. Em caso de Assembleia da de capacidades por unanimidade. nascimento de novas ideias, em matérias de República, tendo Lançamos o processo serão criados novos projectos sido discutido e educação não da Revisão da política que deixam maior ênfase a aprovado por global, Colher nacional da Juventude Educação Global, a unanimidade» experiências de que já está na sua fase Interculturalidade e a outros membros conclusiva. Cooperação. em matérias de educação não Estamos num processo de Moçambique está seriamente formal, Cooperação e criação de formação ou capacitação de empenhado em criar uma novas parcerias ao nível global, líderes Juvenis em matéria de proposta para a realização da Partilhar as competências de participação em fóruns de Universidade neste país, pelo Moçambique e colher as de tomada de decisão a todos os que manifestamos a nossa total outros países para o níveis. disponibilidade e empenho em enriquecimento de futuros Estamos a capacitar caso de oportunidade de poder projectos na área de educação comunicadores de Rádios em acolher este evento. global. matéria de Direitos da Criação, Como é a situação da Educação Género e HIV/SIDA. cnjmoz.blogspot.com Global em Moçambique? Estamos em processo de
O CNJ de Moçambique tem como objectivos: a) Representar e defender os interesses das associações e organizações juvenis junto das instituições do Estado e Privadas; b) Promover a coordenação das actividades dos membros; c) Promover e manter a articulação entre o CNJ centralos, CPJ e os CDJ; d) Contribuir para o desenvolvimento do associativismo juvenil e para a consciencialização sobre a importância do associativismo juvenil na vida do País; e) Promover e coordenar iniciativas para a resolução dos problemas da juventude; f) Promover convívio entre associações ou organizações juvenis nacionais ou com estrangeiras; g) Tomar parte activa na abordagem dos assuntos da juventude e contribuir na redefinição das politicas; h) Definir programas de interesse para o desenvolvimento sóciocultural, intellectual, técnicocientífico dos jovens no âmbito da politica nacional da juventude; i) Promover a resolução pacifica dos diferendos entre as organizações juvenis; j) Mobilizar a comunidade nacional e internacional para o atendimento socioprofessional, bem como na busca de alternativas para resolução dos problemas dos jovens e criação de condições para o incentivo e desenvolvimento de iniciativas juvenis; k) Colaborar e incentivar as instituições do Estado e privadas em todas as acções que visem o combate a males de que enferma a juventude.
«Me voy convencida de que estamos en el camino de cambiar el mundo, porque otro mundo es posible», Sonia Cabrero del Amo, Consejo de la Juventud de España Tus expectativas han sido tenían que elaborar cumplidas en la III UAJD? manualmente (triangulos, Mis expectativas han sido cuadrados, círculos y barcos). El cumplidas de una manera muy banco valoraba la compra de los satisfactoria. En la III UAJD he productos según las medidas, encontrado gente magnífica, las formas y la calidad de la hemos creado un grupo de producción. Entre países no trabajo maravilloso en el que podían hablar, pero sí hemos podido profundizar comunicarse. Con esta dinámica acerca de la Educación Global y pretendíamos que las personas compartir buenas prácticas. participantes vivenciaran la Estoy encantada de haber realidad económica y participado en esta experiencia productiva de los diferentes que me ha países, teniendo en permitido cuenta que hay «Voy a incluir los compartir una países que cuentan conocimientos y semana con con muchos competencias gente de muy adquiridas en el TfT en recursos naturales diversos países pero no cuentan el día a día de mi y me voy organización Federación con tecnología y convencida de Mujeres Jóvenes, dando viceversa. que estamos en a conocer la Educación Cómo vas a aplicar el camino de los conocimientos Global» cambiar el adquiridos en la mundo, porque otro mundo es UAJD en tu actividad asociativa posible. habitual? En qué consiste la dinámica Del La idea es implementar en la 4ª Banco Global que fase del proyecto Formación de desarrollasteis durante la formadores en Educación formación? Global (TfT) una actividad sobre El taller era sobre educación Educación Global organizada para el desarrollo. La dinámica con el Consejo de Juventud de la llamamos Globaland, y España para difundir el consistía en un rolplay en el que concepto y visibilizar la representamos 5 países del importancia de la Educación mundo: Sudan, India, EEUU, Global a nivel estatal. Además Brasil y Alemania. En cada país considero voy a incluir los se contaba con recursos conocimientos y competencias naturales, que eran folios, adquiridas en el TfT en el día a tecnología que eran tijeras, día de mi organización lapiceros y rotuladores y dinero, Federación Mujeres Jóvenes, la moneda Global, según la dando a conocer la Educación realidad actual de cada país. Los Global y tal vez planteando una paisesdebía vender al Global formación de formadores sobre Bank diferentes productos que la citada temática.
El Consejo de la Juventud de España (CJE) es una plataforma de entidades juveniles, creada por ley en 1983 y formada por los Consejos de Juventud de las Comunidades Autónomas y organizaciones juveniles de ámbito estatal. Propiciar la participación de la juventud en el desarrollo político, social, económico y cultural de nuestro Estado en un entorno global es nuestro fin esencial, tal como recoge el artículo 48 de la Constitución Española. En la actualidad 76 entidades juveniles formamos parte de este proyecto común. Trabajamos por conseguir una plataforma plural que fomente la reflexión y el intercambio de ideas y experiencias entre las distintas sensibilidades e ideologías que configuran la realidad de las asociaciones juveniles de nuestro estado, así como para trasladar las propuestas, reivindicaciones y denuncias que surjan en el seno del CJE a la Administración, a los agentes sociales y a los medios de comunicación. Todo ello encaminado a dar respuesta a los problemas, inquietudes y aspiraciones de la juventud y a mejorar su calidad de vida. Nuestros valores son la participación democrática y plural, como medio para ejercer la plena ciudadanía en la sociedad, el compromiso social, la igualdad de oportunidades, el diálogo y el respeto a la diversidad en su más amplio sentido.
«Al llegar a Catalunya, intentaré iniciar un pequeño proyecto de formación para formadores», Julia Betrian Fatjó, España, Consejo de la Juventud de Catalunya
Por qué decidiste participar en formación para formadores que formación en la plataforma RAI la formación de formadores de tendrá como objetivo principal (Recursos de Animación Educación Global? el de hacer visible la potencia Intercultural) que trabaja y da Después de un tiempo de las bolsas de formadores en soporte, en la actualidad, a trabajando en actividades de los consejos nacionales. Por proyectos y personas que e d ucac ió n i nt e rc ul t ur al, supuesto, ya trabajan para la empezaba a entender los e x i s t e n «Los aprendizajes a transformación nivel informal han procesos de cambio que hacen experiencias muy social. resultado muy falta tanto a nivel de educación interesantes Cuáles consideras formal como no formal. relacionadas con enriquecedores y las las ventajas de conexiones tanto Básicamente, me pareció una los temas de encuadrar la experiencia bien planteada y educación global. emocionales como formación en la III profesionales han muy acorde con mis intereses Creo que es UAJD? profesionales y personales. En i m p o r t a n t e acontecido de una La primera ventaja manera natural y primer lugar, por la vivencia de aprovechar el es que la misma provechosa» trabajar en un contexto tan trabajo que formación es diferente y con participantes de muchas personas global. Los la misma diversidad y en están haciendo ya en Catalunya aprendizajes a nivel informal segundo lugar, por la temática y dar nuevas perspectivas, han resultado muy de la formación. innovar a nivel enriquecedores y las conexiones «Creo esencial seguir Cómo aplicarás la metodológico y tanto emocionales como y multiplicar el efecto formación recibida so breto do , profesionales han acontecido de esta formación en de vuelta en transmitir la de una manera natural y la plataforma RAI que Barcelona? importancia de provechosa. Ha habido un da soporte, en la Querría decir que, este nuevo esfuerzo por parte de la actualidad, a ante todo, la enfoque (que organización en contextualizar proyectos y personas sensación de puede parecer muy la formación tanto a nivel de que trabajan para la compromiso que amplio) a las instituciones y plataformas que transformación me ha generado instituciones forman parte de ella, como social» esta experiencia ya educativas y también del entorno inmediato es un logro en sí mismo. Por eso, políticas. que es Cabo Verde y la isla de al llegar a Catalunya, intentaré También creo esencial seguir y Sal. iniciar un pequeño proyecto de multiplicar el efecto de esta
El Consejo Nacional de la Juventud de Cataluña (CNJC) es la plataforma no gubernamental que reúne a 96 entidades juveniles de ámbito nacional y consejos locales de juventud. El CNJC es una entidad de derecho público de base asociativa con personalidad jurídica propia. Fundado en 1979, el CNJC promueve los intereses de la gente joven en la sociedad y ante los poderes públicos. Más de 175.000 jóvenes catalanes están asociados y participan en las entidades miembros del Consejo, ya sean asociaciones educativas (esplais y grupos scouts), sindicales de estudiantes y trabajadores, culturales y de intercambios, políticas, sociales especializadas, o consejos locales de juventud. El CNJC tiene como objetivos el fomento de la participación, la coordinación del asociacionismo juvenil y la interlocución con las administraciones públicas en materia de juventud. El Consejo Nacional de Juventud de Cataluña (CNJC) es miembro de pleno derecho del Foro Europeo de la Juventud (European Youth Forum) desde el año 1985.
«É possibile cooperare e condividere esperienze a livello globale applicando e adattando un'educazione che prepara i giovani a prendere completamente coscienza del proprio ruolo di cittadino del mondo», Francesca Panico, Italia, Forum Nazionale Giovani Cosa hai imparato dall'AYUD ? Come e la situazione in campo aperto di condivisioni, metodi Grazie al training for trainers ho di educazione globale in Italia? ed esperienze che includo avuto la possibilitá di conoscere I giovani sono in anche le istituzioni concretamente il lavoro di altri continua lotta a livello locale. «Tale progetto ha miei coetanei di altri continenti per i propri diritti Come e coinvolto il l'obiettivo di creare e come quest'ultimi siano soprattutto per FNG nel progetto una vera e propria davvero motivati nel migliorare le riforme Africa-Europe piattaforma il posto in cui vivono nel pieno governative che Cooperation? comunicativa rispetto delle culture e identitá impediscono loro Con un progetto sull'educazione territoriali altrui. Inoltre grazie di avere propri che prevede una globale ed essere all'AYUD ho capito che é spazi di f o rm a z io ne un punto di possib ile cooperare e condivisione. sull'educazione riferimento a livello condividere esperienze a livello Uno dei problemi globale per i nazionale» globale applicando e adattando piu grandi, poi, e membri stessi un'educazione che prepara i la questione dell'organizzazione; giovani a «Grazie al training r e l a t i v a tutto questo applicando i p r e n d e r e all'immigrazione (non principi e le metodologie for trainers ho completamente avuto la possibilitá ci sono regole atte a condivise e sperimentate coscienza del fornire accoglienza , durante questa terza fase: di conoscere proprio ruolo di concretamente il salute e lavoro, e training for trainers. Tale cittadino del lavoro di altri miei questo ovviamente progetto ha l'obiettivo di creare m o n d o , i n t a c c a a n c h e una vera e propria piattaforma coetanei di altri esplorando altre l ' a u t o c t o n o ) . comunicativa sull'educazione continenti» realtá territoriali, Nonostante tutto i globale ed essere un punto di informandosi e sviluppando giovani (gli acrobati del futuro) riferimento a livello nazionale. capacitá di ascolto e rispetto. lottano per creare un cantiere
Il Forum Nazionale dei Giovani, è l’unica piattaforma Nazionale di organizzazioni giovanili italiane, con più di 75 organizzazioni al suo interno, per una rappresentanza di circa 4 milioni di giovani. Il Manifesto del Forum è stato redatto nel gennaio del 2003 ma il Forum è nato ufficialmente il 26 febbraio 2004, dopo un percorso faticoso ma entusiasmante delle associazioni fondatrici. La volontà di coloro che hanno creduto in questo progetto sin dall’inizio è stata ed è di dare voce alle giovani generazioni creando un organismo di rappresentanza che potesse rinsaldare la rete di rapporti tra le associazioni giovanili ed essere promotore degli interessi giovanili presso Governo, Parlamento, le istituzioni sociali ed economiche e la società civile. La forza del Forum sta nella varietà delle sue associazioni, specchio delle modalità eterogenee dell’impegno civile dei giovani. Aderiscono al Forum associazioni studentesche, giovanili di partito, associazioni giovanili di categorie professionali e sindacali, associazioni impegnate nell’educazione non formale, associazioni di diverse fedi religiose, Forum regionali, associazioni sportive, e tante altre. Il Forum Nazionale dei Giovani è membro del Forum Europeo della Gioventù (European Youth Forum in sigla YFJ) che rappresenta gli interessi dei giovani europei presso le istituzioni internazionali.
Monitoring Group on Euro-African Youth Cooperation Meeting
Council of Europe, building bridges with the youth The Council of Europe´s Northrepresentatives who co-decide South Centre is the driving force on priorities for the youth behind the Universities on sector and make Youth and Development. The recommendations for future first edition took place in 2000 budgets and activities for young in Spain; in 2003, a University people. These proposals are on Citizenship Participation, then submitted to the following the original model, Committee of Ministers, the was launched for Latin America, Council of Europe's decisiontaking place in making body. “The Council of the first year in T h e c o Europe´s commitment Uruguay. management to youth goes beyond Most recently, consist of four these universities: it the African s t e e r i n g also sponsors training University on committees: the on global education for Youth and European Steering youth leaders and inDevelopment Committee for volves youth in deciwas created, Y o u t h sion making through a and this year (representatives of system of cocelebrates its Youth Ministries management.” third annual from the 47 edition, in Cape Verde. Its main Member States plus 2 aim is to strengthen youth Observers States of the Council cooperation between Africa and of Europe), the Advisory Council Europe. on Youth (made up of 30 The Council of Europe´s representatives from youth commitment to youth goes NGOs), the Joint Council on beyond these universities: it Youth (bringing together the also sponsors training on global Steering Committee and the education for youth leaders and Advisory Council), and the involves youth in decision Programming Committee on making through a system of coYouth (which establishes, management. The latter monitors and evaluates the consists of joint work between program implementation of the representatives from youth non European Youth Centres and of -governmental organisations the European Youth (NGOs) and youth government Foundation).
This Meeting is organised by North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, in the framework of the joint Management Agreement between the European Commission – EuropeAid Cooperation Office and the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe. This group was set up in February 2009 to observe and monitor the implementation of the Africa Europe Youth Activities inscribed in the Joint Management Agreement as well as the Euro African training Activities inscribed in the Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of Youth, to act as a think tank on Euro African youth Co-operation, and to guide the efforts on this Cooperation. Since then, the group holds bi-annual meetings which are facilitated by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe. It consists of representatives of the Pan African Youth Union, the European Youth Forum, the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe, the Steering Committee on Youth of the Council of Europe, the African Union Commission, and the European Commission, to this meeting a representative of ADYNE and a representative from ICMYO will also be invited. This will be the 4th Meeting of the Monitoring group.
«A UPJ tem um compromisso forte para com a Universidade Africana da Juventude e Desenvolvimento» Maquento Lopes, União Pan-africana da Juventude
Pan-African Youth Union: towards a global African Youth Network The Pan-African Youth Union contained in the African Youth new dynamism in organizing its (PYU) is a Charter, to serve as youth, this driving force that continental the interlocutor with has always pos itiv ely “Africa platform of youth undoubtedly needs other institutional contributed to every process of in Africa and a a new dynamism in partners of the African emancipation and development specialized agency youth, and to serve as of our societies”. organizing its of the African youth, this driving l e g i t i m a t e The PYU is made up of full Union, in which it representative body members, the coordinating force that has e n j o y s always positively and communication platforms of the National Youth consultative link for youth Associations (National Youth contributed to status. Currently every process of organizations at the Councils or similar structures), m a i n emancipation and regional and with one organisation per headquarters are development of our continental level. country admitted; and associate based on Active contribution of members - mainly regional societies.” K h a r to um , the African Union youth organisations, African Soudan. Commission y o u t h Created in 2003 in Windhoek, helped revitalise “Its statutes reflect the organisations, Namibia, the PYU´s main mission the PYU, leading y o u t h principles of the is to sensitize, inform and to the adoption organisations of African Youth mobilize youth across the of a new statute the Africa Charter.” continent, to contribute to the and the election Diaspora, and development and consolidation of new leading bodies. Its international youth of the democratic process in statutes reflect the principles of organisations with membership Africa, to ensure effective the African Youth Charter: in over 20 African countries. implementation of the principles “Africa undoubtedly needs a
A União Pan-africana da juventude fez-se presente nesta terceira edição da Universidade Africana da Juventude e Desenvolvimento através do seu secretário geral que participou no lançamento e na mesa redonda da abertura da formação em educação global. Nas suas intervenções manifestou que a UPJ constitui um parceiro consolidado da universidade. "Queremos que as UAJD tornem-se nuns verdadeiros catalisadores do diálogo com a juventude africana e estamos determinados a apoiar este processo e trabalhar com todos os Conselhos Nacionais da Juventude e organizações internacionais presentes na UPJ" defendeu Maquento Lopes. Em quanto aos próximos eventos organizados pela UPJ, o secretário geral destacou a celebração da Década africana da juventude e o Congresso Estatutário de eleição da nova Direcção da UPJ. Com o meu mandato, o apoio da UPJ a esta plataforma da juventude organizada que constitui a UAJD fica consolidado e com perspectivas de crescer em parcerias e actividades conjuntas" concluiu.
Independently established by youth organisations, the European Youth Forum is made up of more than 90 National Youth Councils and International NonGovernmental Youth Organisations, which are federations of youth organisations in themselves. It brings together tens of millions of young people from all over Europe, organised in order to represent their common interests. Representation, internal democracy, independence, openness and inclusion are among the main principles for the functioning of the European Youth Forum and its Member Organisations. Vision To be the voice of young people in Europe, where young people are equal citizens and are encouraged and supported to achieve their fullest potential as global citizens. Mission The European Youth Forum is an independent, democratic, youth-led platform, representing national youth councils and international youth organisations from across Europe. The Youth Forum works to empower young people to participate actively in society to improve their own lives, by representing and advocating their needs and interests and those of their organisations.
“The African University on Youth and Development is a leading reference in global education”, Rui Duarte, Portugal, European Youth Forum The European Youth Forum has ensure the future of this been one of the partners of the cooperation”, states Duarte. AUYD since the first edition in In this sense, the Forum is 2009 and it is committed to working to map youth supporting this organisations from initiative as a way Africa in order to “Our vision is, as a to foster youth connect them with platform, to ensure empowerment and the European ones, the future of the participation, as as a way to Africa-Europe well as the stimulate exchange cooperation.” dialogue between and cooperation on European and both sides of the African youth organisations. Mediterranean. “The African University on “We think the AUYD is well Youth and Development is a established in Cape Verde, but leading reference in global it has important challenges, education”, according to Rui such as the need to open itself Duarte, board member of the up to the whole continent, to European Youth Forum (EYF). reinforce the new geographical For the European Youth Forum, dimension of cooperation and being partners of this training to implement projects born space is in line with their here”. The EYF is committed to mission: to empower young strengthening the interregional people and provide them with dimension of the the tools for developing their AUYD, as well as full potential as global citizens. South-South The strategic partnership cooperation and between Europe and Africa in exchange with the youth field is gathering other regions. more and more stakeholders. “Our vision is, as a platform, to
African University celebrates a Volunteering and Citizenship Day This year´s AUYD coincides with two significant milestones in international volunteering: the International Year of Volunteers +10 and European Year of Volunteering 2011 2011 marks the tenth Youth Work Training (GYWT) celebrations. So far, the African anniversary of the International Course. “This is an important Union has opened a call for Year of Volunteers (IYV+10), step towards applications for launched in 2001 by the General ensuring the “In Cape Verde, many v o l u n t e e r Assembly of the United Nations. rig hts an d youth organisations projects to mark In Europe, 2011 is also European obligations of are getting involved IYV +10. with volunteer Year of Volunteering (EYV), volunteers.” In Cape Verde, another opportunity to For E Y F , activities throughout many youth the year with the celebrate. This year has been volunteer work organisations are designated a time to stimulate requires, as a support of the United getting involved Nations Volunteers volunteering in the world, work minimum, to be with volunteer programme.” towards a better recognition of undertaken for a c tiv it ie s volunteering, and to improve the benefit of throughout the the framework of volunteering others and for society as a year with the support of the as well as increase financial whole, to be unpaid (although United Nations Volunteers support. costs may be (UNV) programme, according to “At the end of this covered), to focus on Helmer Fortes, a local UNV and “At the end of this year, a European a non-profit cause and participant of the University year, a European Charter on the not to be used to (www.unv.org). Events such as Charter on the Rights of substitute paid fairs, awareness campaigns and Rights of Volunteers will be employment. community service actions are Volunteers will be published”, says According to Gerard scheduled every month, published.” Falko Mohrs, Gabore, trainer of the focusing on the Millennium board member of GYWT course, African Development Goals in the the European Youth Forum (EYF) youth organisations across the country. to the participants of the Global continent are also joining these www.worldvolunteerweb.org
Voluntariado cívico: una apuesta de la UAJD por el servicio a la comunidad La Federación caboverdiana de juventud organizó un programa conjunto de trabajo voluntario: el Día de acción social y ciudadanía Durante el trascurso de la III compartir y comportarse adolescencia (ICCA, en Universidad africana de constructivamente mediante portugués) donde pudieron juventud y desarrollo, los cantos, bailes y ejercicios conocer la situación real de los participantes tuvieron la físicos. jóvenes en oportunidad de interactuar con Otro grupo se «La comunidad local situación de acogió muy la comunidad local mediante la ocupó de las riesgo y cómo positivamente esta realización de varias actividades pinturas murales este proyecto de trabajo voluntario en la en las paredes de iniciativa y debería ser trabaja con ellos continuada por los ciudad de Santa María, isla de la escuela, que para apoyarlos y Sal. dejaron ver la voluntarios locales» formarlos. Las actividades de voluntariado diversidad cultural Seguidamente se desarrollaron durante un día y lingüística de los participantes este grupo se dividió en complete, el jueves 19 de mayo, de la UAJD y mostraron a los patrullas para sensibilizar en la en tres grupos paralelos, que niños y niñas algunas técnicas calle a la población local sobre tras la visita a la básicas de pintura. la prevención de enfermedades «Los diseños escuela primaria Estos diseños como el Dengue, la Malaria y el transmitieron Kim Barbosa transmitieron VIH/SIDA y del consumo de comenzaron su mensajes de unidad mensajes de unidad drogas. en la diversidad, trabajo. en la diversidad, La experiencia vivida fue intensa El primer grupo ciudadanía global y ciudadanía global y y en palabras de uno de sus animaron a los permaneció animaron a los organizadores, Artur Teixeira, jóvenes a luchar dentro de la jóvenes a luchar para de la Federación caboverdiana escuela para para que sus sueños que sus sueños se de juventud, “la comunidad se conviertan en trabajar con los conviertan en local acogió muy positivamente realidad» niños y niñas realidad. esta iniciativa y creen que m e d i a n t e dinámicas de educación no formal. Así, durante el recreo los estudiantes aprendieron a
El último grupo fue a visitar el centro de acogida infantil Nós Kaza, del Instituto caboverdiano para la infancia y
debería ser continuada por los voluntarios locales de manera regular”.
Emanuel Almeida, Federação Cabo-verdiana da Juventude, reafirma o compromisso de Cabo Verde para acolher a UAJD
Qual é a função da Federação organizadas em Cabo Verde. Social e Cidadania no quadro Cabo-verdiana da Juventude Qual é a representação caboda III UAJD? (FCJ) na UAJD? verdiana na III UAJD? Este dia foi organizado para A FCJ é a parceira na realização Nesta III universidade a FCJ está marcar ainda mais a realização da UAJD em cabo Verde. Esta representada por da Universidade iniciativa foi nos apresentada a l g u n s na ilha do Sal. Foi «Foi uma em 2008 pelo Centro Norte-Sul Presidentes de oportunidade para os um dia de e nos abraçamos este evento, Ligas, vários realizações fora participantes dos estando agora na III edição, voluntários da do espaço de quatro continentes sempre sediada em Cabo Verde. FCJ e alguns conhecerem mais de formação para Como é o funcionamento da membros da perto a realidade caboque se possa ter FCJ? Direcção. Temos um contacto mais verdiana» A FCJ é uma plataforma das representantes de perto com a organizações juvenis de Cabo das ilhas de população e a Verde. É o interlocutor das Santo Antão, São Vicente, comunidade salense. organizações Santiago e Sal. Como E não haja duvidas que foi um juvenis junto dos «O Dia de Acção este ano a dia diferente, para melhor, visto poderes públicos Social e Cidadania universidade acontece que conseguimos realizar varias e privados e foi organizado para no Sal, temos feito um actividades de cariz social e foi também junto dos marcar ainda mais convite especial aos uma oportunidade para os a realização da organismos e jovens da ilha pelo participantes dos quatro Universidade na organizações que participam por continentes conhecerem mais ilha do Sal» j u v e n i s volta de 15 de perto a realidade cabointernacionais. voluntários locais nas verdiana, mais concretamente a A FCJ representa a juventude formações da universidade e da ilha do Sal. associativa e é eleita pelas Ligas apoiando na logística e juvenis dos concelhos do país, organização. que pela sua vez, representam Por que é que decidiram as associações juvenis organizar um Dia de Acção
What is your overall impression of the activities at the Citizenship Day? It was an amazing opportunity to get out of our comfort zone to get to the local realities. I participated in the wall painting and it was indeed a great (fun!) activity. Gains and challenges? Gain: the intercultural exchange and learning avenue to learn more about each others cultures as well as an opportunity to contextualize what we have being learning throughout the week. Challenge: A challenge would be on how we go about ensuring that we make a positive impact on the lives of young people and involvement of the grassroots. As participant of the last editions of the AUYD, how do you see the evolution and consolidation of this event? I have had the opportunity to represent my organization in 2nd AUYD as well as this one and it has being an eyeopener and an avenue to learn, share and have fun. The University serves as a great opportunity for Global Youth Work and in strengthening and realizing the aspirations of the AfricaEurope Youth cooperation. It is indeed the best avenue to think global and act local. www.stuckonsatang.blogspot. com Satang Nabaneh, Gambia, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
Conversations with African Diaspora “Arriving in Europe calls you to be politically engaged”, Bernardo Gomes, originally from Guinea Bissau, currently based in Madrid, where he works as a prosthetist. He is a member of two migrant platforms in Europe, ADYNE and YM+. “We have a responsibility to our fellow youth”, Enock Maiyo, originally from Kenya, has been living in the Netherlands for the past five years where he works in corporate communications. He is active in several NGOs including ADYNE. Tell me about your identity. leaving my country opened up My definition of identity is my eyes to the challenges facing where you feel is home. For me, the youth. Challenges such as despite living in Europe, my access to basic information, let heart has always been in Africa. alone education. Some of the My identity is basically my youth back in Africa don’t even roots. know what their rights are – it’s How does being part of the that bad. diaspora influence your What is the role of the diaspora political activism? in Kenya, in Africa? I don’t like I think diaspora politics! I’m here youth have a “Leaving my on an advocacy responsibility country opened up level – I would towards youth back my eyes to the like to speak on in their countries. challenges facing behalf of youth of They’ve had the the youth.” my country, my opportunity to get continent, and out there and they my host country, and the owe it to their fellow youth that diaspora youth. I’m here to don’t have the same advance that and also to learn opportunities. from colleagues from all over What are your own ambitions? the world. I just graduated last year, and When I started working for an I’m currently working with international NGO, that’s when three organisations on projects I changed my career path to in Africa and Europe. I’m going youth work. This happened as a to keep doing that for the youth result of leaving my country. So – I’m not going to change….
Tell us about your identity. Europe feel more the need to I’ve been based in Europe for face problems they see in daily almost 20 years. I feel African life – their problems of being and I feel European - I have a part of a new community. sense of belonging in both What role can the diaspora places. I’m in the middle of both play in Guinea Bissau – and in cultures. Africa in general? How does being part of the The diaspora becomes another diaspora influence your sort of Africa, out of Africa. political activism? They’ve got knowledge and Coming from experience “The diaspora Africa was a from other becomes another sort challenge. When countries and of Africa, out of Africa: you arrive in they’re able to They’ve got knowledge Europe you face build bridges and experience from social problems b e t w e e n other countries and that call you into different they’re able to build participation, cultures. They bridges between p o l i t i c a l have a really different cultures.” engagement. important role [Africans] who have moved to to play – you cannot work Europe feel more this need to between continents without the be politically active [than d i a s p o r a . second generation migrants]. Even those born in Europe are The sense of loss is different. becoming more aware and are Those born in Europe might feel coming back to their countries African but their sense of to fill places in politics or in belonging is not the same, and healthcare, bringing knowledge their activism cannot be the and experience from Europe. sa m e a s o ur s. The work the diaspora are doing People who come from Africa is wonderful – empowering tend to be more active on Africans themselves. Africa’s issues that concern both development must come from continents. People born in the inside.
MARCO ANDRADE marcos.andrade@ coe.int CONCEPT , EDITION & PHOTOS : ANTONIO PALAZUELOS antonio.palazuelos@one.un.org 2011.