Presentation on Youth in SIDS

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Karuna Rana Antonio Palazuelos Prieto Youth Specialists,

SUMMARY 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

IntroducBon General Context Youth in SIDS Grassroots level Macro level / Advocacy Discussion

Where are the SIDS?

1.  MauriBus 2.  Seychelles 3.  Comoros 4.  Maldives 5.  Cape Verde 6.  Guinea Bissau 7.  São Tomé and Príncipe 8.  Singapore




How the youth is organized in the SIDS? §  Pacific Youth Council §  Caribbean Youth Council §  AIMS Youth (?)

How the youth is organized in the SIDS?


§  Cabo Verde -­‐  FCJ -­‐  Scouts -­‐  PONG’s

§  Guinea-­‐Bissau -­‐ CNJ -­‐ RENAJ -­‐ FNJP

§  São Tomé & Príncipe -­‐ CNJ -­‐ FONGS

How the youth is organized in the SIDS?



PoliVcal process §  In 1994 a meeBng in Barbados prepared a plan dealing with the special needs of Small Island Developing States – The Barbados Programme of AcBon (BPOA) §  In 2005 a 10 year review of the BPOA was held in MauriBus – the outcome was the MauriBus Strategy of ImplementaBon (MSI) §  In 2014 a 20 year review of the BPOA was hold in Apia §  Follow-­‐up by the UN Economic Commissions and UNS: Samoa Pathway

Timeline for Apia 2014 NaBonal reports due from all SIDS

Inter-­‐regional ConsultaBon in Barbados

Expert Mtgs



SIDS synthesis document


3 Regional synthesis documents Regional consultaBons in PAC, CAR & AIMS

Side events and civil society forum





Expert Mtgs GA appoints prep com

Conference Apia

Sustainable Development Adequate income

Clean Transport Healthy Forests

Clean water Good NutriBon

Clean Energy producBon

Gender Equality

Clean Industry

Clean Agriculture

Healthy Oceans Good Health

Healthy Woodlands AcBve Adequate poliBcal Housing parBcipaBon

Healthy Healthy Healthy Soils Mangroves Reefs OpportuniBes Good AcBve social Strong for youth EducaBon life family Healthy Healthy Healthy Wetlands Access to Grassland Livelihood Rivers Good jobs credit opportuniBes

Healthy Estuaries Adequate SanitaBon ConservaBon


Areas Economic Growth

What is SYAH? In April 2014, SYAH got registered under the provisions of the RegistraBon of AssociaBons Act of MauriBus

The SIDS Youth AIMS Hub (SYAH) is a recently founded youth-­‐led, inter-­‐ island NGO focused on advancing and implemenBng youth-­‐led sustainable development in the AtlanBc, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, and South China Sea (AIMS) region.

Our ObjecBves 1.  To provide a dedicated network that connects young people working for sustainable development in the AIMS region of Small Island Developing States (SIDS); 2.  To engage young people to play an acBve role in the sustainable development of their country, region and globally, thereby promoBng youth-­‐led sustainable development; 3.  To promote parVcipatory governance, inclusive of youth from marginalised and minority groups, and provide a plamorm for young people to acBvely engage in sustainable development policy-­‐and-­‐decision-­‐making processes naBonally, regionally and globally; 4.  To promote and support volunteerism amongst young people in the SIDS AIMS region; 5.  To promote and support research work done by youth in sustainable development areas; and 6.  To build sustainable partnerships with relevant stakeholders in achieving the objecBves of the AssociaBon.

The Birth of SYAH

#YouthinPolicy #SIDS2014 #Post2015Agenda

•  Sustainable development •  Youth development •  Social entrepreneurship




•  EducaBon & training •  Volunteerism •  Social entrepreneurship •  Other hands-­‐on environmental and social projects

Community Development

Our partnerships are mulV-­‐layered

Eg. SIDS Youth Network

Eg. AtlanBc Strategy

Eg. Global Shapers Port Louis Hub

Global Regional NaVonal

Grassroots §  InternaBonal Youth Day §  InternaBonal Volunteers Day §  Global Youth Service Day

Grassroots §  Climate Change Awareness

Grassroots §  Non Formal EducaBon

Grassroots §  Awareness campaigns

Grassroots §  Environmental EducaBon

Grassroots §  ParBcipaBon & Engagement

Grassroots §  ConservaBon and heritage

Grassroots §  Science EducaBon

Grassroots §  Volunteering for Environment

Grassroots §  Environmentally friendly income generaBng acBviBes

Grassroots §  Early Warning System Support


SYAH Regional Youth Workshop May, Ebene, MauriBus The objecVves of the workshop were: 1.  To review SYAH’s governance; 2.  To learn about the work of the Indian Ocean Commission, specifically projects related to biodiversity and renewable energy; and 3.  To prepare a 2-­‐year AcBon Plan for SYAH, focused on (a)  Seqng up NaBonal Commirees, led by a NaBonal Focal Point; (b)  Mobilising and engaging youth in IOC projects and in the preparaBons and youth advocacy leading up to the SIDS 2014 Conference and beyond.

ParBcipants from Seychelles, Comoros and MauriBus reviewing SYAH’s statute

SYAH Regional Youth Workshop May, Ebene, MauriBus

Youth parBcipants (represenBng Cape Verde, Comoros, Maldives, MauriBus (including Rodrigues island) and Seychelles) with Mrs. Hiroko Morita-­‐Lou, Chief, SIDS Unit, UN DESA

Winning entry in the Category 13 – 17 years old by Bhashnee Isnoo

Seeing Blue: InteracVve Dialogue on Oceans

ParBcipants at the mulV-­‐stakeholder round-­‐table InteracBve Dialogue on Oceans and a prize-­‐giving ceremony on 28 June 2014.

The dialogue enabled different stakeholders, including youth, to discuss and exchange ideas on exisBng and future measures to tackle ocean-­‐related issues.

The Sustainability Tour PHASE 1 (before Samoa Conference) ConducBng mini workshops with young people in high schools and universiBes in line with the InternaBonal Year of SIDS, on topics such as sustainable development in SIDS, the specificiBes and challenges of SIDS, the SIDS 2014 Conference, the Post-­‐2015 Development Agenda process and youth advocacy.

PHASE 2 (a`er Samoa Conference) Mini workshops with young people in high schools and universiBes on topics such as Renewable Energy and Biodiversity. SYAH Sustainability Tour session held with youth in MauriBus and Seychelles

Advocacy and Policy Dialogue

Seychelles youth with Mr. Jean-­‐Paul Adam, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Seychelles during the NaBonal Youth ConsultaBon organized in line with the SIDS 2014 Conference on 16 August 2014

Advocacy HE Minister of Youth, Employment and HR

Advocacy HE Prime Minister

Advocacy HE President of the Republic

Advocacy DeclaraBon of S. Vicente

Advocacy DeclaraBon of Mindelo

DECLARATION OF MINDELO "DECENT WORK FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT” Outcomes of the Conference “Agenda Post 2015 on Population and Youth Employment”


CooperaVon in InternaVonal Plaaorms Climate for Development in Africa Youth Plamorm

CooperaVon in InternaVonal Plaaorms

African UniversiBes on Youth and Development «In this University we are all exposed to a learning environment that values the sharing, and the caring for each other: a community of practices that devote a week to learn and learn to live together».

African University on Youth and Development The third edition of the African University on Youth and Development, organized by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, the Cape-Verdean Youth Federation and the Portuguese National Youth Council, with the support of the European Youth Forum and the PanAfrican Youth Union, took place from 15 to 21st May in Cape Verde. It brought together leaders of the main world youth movements with the aim of promoting youth participation in decision-making processes and elaborating cooperation policies for Global Development.

The main objectives of the AUYD were to create a political space where youth can affirm and receive recognition for their role in Euro-African co-operation, particularly in implementing the Strategic Partnership EU-Africa; to provide a space for raising awareness on development issues and global education, training, nonformal education and intercultural dialogue for youth leaders; and to facilitate the process of defining and implementing youth projects within the Euro-African cooperation and Global Youth cooperation and promoting youth policies.

AFRICA-EUROPE COOPERATION “The North-South Centre, the Portuguese National Youth Council together with a long list of partners that includes the European youth Forum, the Pan African Youth Union and ADYNE- African Diaspora Youth Network Europe are committed to continue enlarging and qualifying this space as a natural space to implement the outcomes of the Africa Europe Youth Summits. The Cape Verdean Youth Federation and the Cape Verdean authorities expressed the wish to continue to host this University in these Islands”, according to Marcos Andrade from the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe.

Obrigado, Merci, Thanks!!! Q & A

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