WAY GA Youth Leadership presentation

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2014 General Assembly – World Assembly of Youth

Antonio PALAZUELOS PRIETO International Adviser, Cape Verde NYC Steering Committee Member, African Network Youth Policy Experts palazuelos.prieto@gmail.com

Introduction (2')

1. Youth contributing to society (5')

  Youth participation through National Youth Councils

2. Youth transforming communities (5')

  The Communication for Development approach

3. Youth leading changes (5')

  Youths as Promoters of Intercultural Dialogue

Conclusions, Q & A (3’)

The Program

The Introduction

  Community level   Local Youth Associations   Youth Groups, Movements, Clubs   Civil Society youth organizations   Municipal Youth Councils   Youth Volunteer Corps   Grassroots Youth Networks and Commissions   Student Organizations

Youth contributing to society

  Country level   State and National Youth Councils   Nationwide Youth Organizations   Nationwide Youth Service Associations   National Youth Volunteers Corps   Federations of Youth Associations   Networks of Youth Organizations   Student and Youth Unions

Youth contributing to society

  International level   Federations of National Youth Councils   International Youth Organizations   Regional Youth Forums   Global Youth Movements and Alliances   Transnational Youth Networks   Youth Internationals   International Student and Youth Unions

Youth contributing to society



Federations of Youth Councils NGO’s National Youth Councils

Youth contributing to society

CSO’s Local

Community based Youth Organizations






United Nations

NATIONAL YOUTH COUNCILS   Representing all Youth Organizations in a country,

including formal and informal

○  Mapping of Youth Organizations

  Nexus between Governments and Youth Organizations ○  Advocacy and channelling role   Youth Policy monitoring and advising ○  National Youth Observatories   Youth Development and Capacity Building activities ○  Pool of Trainers Non Formal Education   Youth Research and Exchange Projects ○  Forums, meetings, conferences

Youth contributing to society

Youth contributing to society

  Stakeholders   Local ○  Municipal Governments, CSO, Youth Centres, Private Entities   National ○  Youth Ministries, NGO’s, Youth Institutes, Youth Agencies   International ○  INGO’s and Foundations, Development Partners, IGO’s: regional and global, United Nations

Youth contributing to society

Youth Policies: Enabling the environment for youth contribution to society   Main characteristics:

○  Participatory, knowledge and evidence-­‐based, inclusive, transversal,


  International Framework:

○  World Program of Action for Youth: 20th Anniversary ○  Regional Youth Charters: African, Iberoamerican, South Asian,

Portuguese Speaking Countries

  Regional and Global Initiatives:

○  Global Initiative on Youth Policies ○  African Network of Youth Policy Experts, Caribbean Youth Policy


  National youth policy:

○  Mainstreaming youth dimension in all relevant issues ○  Cross-­‐sectorial and inter-­‐ministerial integrated approach

Youth contributing to society

Youth contributing to society

Youth contributing to society

Youth transforming communities

The Communication for Development approach:

“Communication for development stresses the need to support two-­‐way communication systems that enable dialogue and that allow communities to speak out, express their aspirations and concerns and participate in the decisions that relate to their development.” Article 6 of the UN General Assembly Resolution 51/172, 1997

Youth transforming communities

The Communication for Development approach:

“…is a social process based on dialogue using a broad range of tools and methods. It is also about seeking change at different levels, including listening, building trust, sharing knowledge and skills, building policies, debating and learning for sustained and meaningful change.”

Rome Consensus, World Congress on Communication for Development, 2006

Youth transforming communities

The Communication for Development approach:

“As a practice seeks to provide a framework through which the most appropriate actions can be taken to empower communities and to make policy makers more accountable. Sometimes ICT for development may be the best approach, while at other times the most effective solution may simply involve bringing people together for discussion without the use of technology.” UNDP Oslo Governance Center, A glimpse at the UNDP’s practice, 2010

Youth transforming communities

The Communication for Development trainings provide youth leaders with instruments to tackle social problems and improve the life conditions in their communities. Through a Non Formal Education exercise they identify the problems that most concern them, analyze the behaviors that cause them and design a communication campaign to tackle them. Youth transforming communities

360º Communication

(Policies & Resource Mobilization)


National Political leaders

BEHAVIOR CHANGE YOUTH Parents, caregivers, families, schools, peers, friends, communities


Civil Society Organized networks

Donors, Private Sector

Local authorities

Partners -­‐ partnership building & capacity building

Policy makers & Planners

Youth transforming communities

C4D across all areas

  Strategic Planning: C4D Field Training

Strategic Planning Format of Communication for Development Interventions Campaign / Project Goal:


Region of geographic implementation:

Community level Primary Participant Group Individuals

Secondary Participant Group Family and relatives, friends, peers

Tertiary Participant Group Representatives of locally relevant institutions: religious leaders, traditional leaders, leaders of sociocultural and/or socioeconomic organizations

Individual practice

How these participants influence the behavior of the primary participant group

How these participants influence the behavior of the community through social norms

Meso Level

Macro Level

Service providers (public and NGO), local government, decentralized administration, development projects

Policy makers, representatives of national institutions

Capacities to deliver communication and services, norms and institutional practices, and efficiency

Policy framework

Youth transforming communities

PHASES: 1.  Participants & Behaviors Analysis 2.

Strategy Formulation & Implementation


Strategy Monitoring & Evaluation

Youth transforming communities


Youth transforming communities

  Youth setting the public agenda and

influencing authorities to change their policies:   Intercultural Forum on Democratic Citizenship and

Culture of Peace, UNESCO and Presidency of the Republic patronage   Youths as Promoters of Intercultural Understanding, UNAoC awarded project

Youth leading changes

Youth leading changes

Cabo Verde has advanced peacefully into a medium income country without any war or armed conflict since its independence, in 1975. It is a case study in Africa.

Youth leading changes

However, urban areas have experienced a growing inequality, violence, social exclusion and democratic deficit, particularly affecting young people.

Youth leading changes

Intercultural Dialogue Workshops to encourage cross-cultural understanding and tolerance among different communities and youth groups.

Youth leading changes

Awareness campaigns to promote Peace Education and Non Violence values in the schools, youth centers and community facilities.

Youth leading changes

Civic engagement sessions to foster active citizenship and young people’s commitment to contribute to their communities.

Youth leading changes

Non Formal Education activities and trainings to develop skills, build capacities and advance social integration through experiential learning.

Youth leading changes

Community service and conservation Work Camps to promote youth participation and involvement in decision-making, as change makers for Culture of Peace in society.

Youth leading changes

Youth Leadership and Advocacy seminars to consolidate their space in the democratic processes and move forward the youth development agenda.

Youth leading changes

The Declaration of S. Vicente on Youths as promoters of intercultural understanding: http://www.unoy.org/unoy/?p=7798

Youth leading changes

Global Youth Alliance on Democratic Citizenship and Culture of Peace - A network of youth organizations to advance World Peace and Democracy: www.facebook.com/GlobalYouthAlliance

Youth leading changes

Time for feedback from the audience!!!

Conclusions, Q & A

Speak out, this is your space! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

The End

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