Palgrave Macmillan Australia June 2011 Professional & Academic Kit

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June 2011 Professional & Academic Titles

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100+ Ideas for Teaching Citizenship

Educational Therapy in Action

Ian Davies, University of York, UK

Behind and Beyond the Office Door

This book offers more than 100 ideas to inspire your lesson planning, engage students in lessons, carry out effective assessment and many other tips and activities to make life a bit easier for Citizenship Education teachers in both Secondary and Primary schools. 100+ Ideas for Teaching Citizenship includes more practical ideas for use in the classroom, whole school and community, and is an invaluable dip-in resource for teachers of Citizenship Education for students aged 5-19. $29.95 Pb, ISBN 9781441185280, NZRP$35.95 Publish June 2011, 224 pages Continuum Education


9 781441 185280

Dorothy Fink Ungerleider, educational therapist in private practice, USA.

9 780415 888851

Adventure Education


An Introduction

The Key to Teaching and Learning Online, Third Edition

Matt Berry and Chris Hodgson, both University of Chichester ,UK.

9 780415 571852

9 780415 583916

This book provides an in-depth look at what a little-known clinician, the educational therapist, does and how they do it. It goes behind the clinician’s door to illustrate the unusual and broad range of interventions that an educational therapist employs. This particular case study involves a young woman named Nora who had a severe but undiagnosed auditory processing disorder. This case discloses the problems, their causes, and the emotional toll that had to be considered when developing an effective educational/therapeutic plan for Nora. $52.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415888851, NZRP$66.00 Publish June 2011, 176 pages Routledge Quantity Education

Gilly Salmon, University of Leicester, UK.

Adventure Education (AE) is a form of experiential learning typically associated with activities involving risk, from cooperative games such as raft building to high adventure activities such as rock climbing. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the planning, delivery and evaluation of AE, with a strong emphasis on professional practice and delivery. Written by a team of leading Adventure Educators who can draw upon an extensive experience base, the book explores the most important strategies for teaching, learning and implementation in AE. $64.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415571852, NZRP$81.00 Publish June 2011, 272 pages Routledge Quantity Education

Professor Gilly Salmon has achieved continuity and illumination of the seminal five stage model, together with new research-based developments, in her much-awaited third edition of E-Moderating. Never content to offer superficial revisions or simple “solutions” against the pace of technological advances, the expanding interest and requirements for online learning, and the changes they have wrought, E-Moderating offers a richness of applied topics that will directly impact learners and teachers of all kinds. $67.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415881746, NZRP$85.00 Publish June 2011, 240 pages Routledge Education

9 780415 881746


Debates in Religious Education

Every Nursery Needs a Garden

L. Philip Barnes, King’s College London.

Ann Watts, Early Years Consultant, UK.

Debates in Religious Education explores the major issues all RE teachers encounter in their daily professional lives. It encourages critical reflection and aims to stimulate both novice and experienced teachers to think more deeply about their practice, and link research and evidence to what they have observed in schools. This accessible book tackles established and contemporary issues enabling you to reach informed judgements and argue your point of view with deeper theoretical knowledge and understanding. $53.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415583916, NZRP$67.00 Publish June 2011, 288 pages Routledge Education

A garden can be a magical place for young children and offers them rich and engaging learning experiences as they interact with a variety of plants and wildlife throughout the year. This book guides you through the process of creating a garden, however small, for young children. It looks at the impact a garden area can have on children’s overall development and the benefits of using natural materials as learning tools. The book is full of practical advice on how to design, develop resource and use a garden area.J $46.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415591317, NZRP$58.00 Publish June 2011, 160 pages Routledge Education


9 780415 591317 June titles 1


Professional Titles Exploring Well-Being in Schools

ICT for Teaching Assistants

A Guide to Making Children’s Lives More Fulfilling

Second Edition John Galloway and Hilary Norton, both Advisory Teachers for ICT/SEN and Inclusion.

John White, University of London, UK.

9 780415 603485

Can we teach others how to lead a fulfilling life? The notion of personal well-being has recently shot up the political and educational agendas, placing the child’s well-being at the heart of the school’s task. With his renowned talent for distilling the most complex of philosophical arguments into accessible laymen’s terms, John White addresses the maze of issues surrounding well-being, bringing clarity to this dissension and confusion. This accessible book expertly guides you through the conflicting perspectives on well-being found in the educational world. $49.95 Pb, ISBN 9780415603485, NZRP$64.00 Publish June 2011, 160 pages Routledge Quantity Education

The role of ICT in enhancing both teaching and learning in classrooms continues to develop, no more so than when in the hands of effective practitioners. This easy-to-use book outlines the many ways in which it can be used, both as a subject, and as a tool to support learning across the curriculum. Now fully updated to take into account innovations in ICT and the revised National Occupational Standards, ICT for Teaching Assistants looks at the impact of these changes. $46.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415583077, NZRP$58.00 Publish June 2011, 176 pages Routledge Education

Gaming the Past

Learning Futures

Using Video Games to Teach Secondary History

Education, Technology and Social Change

Jeremiah McCall, Secondary Teacher, USA.

Drawing on ten years of research into educational innovation and socio-technical change, working with educators, researchers, digital industries, students and policy-makers, this book questions taken-for-granted assumptions about the future of education. Arguing that we have been working with too narrow a vision of the future, Keri Facer makes a case for recognising the challenges that the next two decades may bring. This book describes the potential for these developments to impact critical aspects of education - including adult-child relationships, social justice, curriculum design, community relationships and learning ecologies. $46.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415581431, NZRP$58.00 Publish June 2011, 182 pages Routledge Quantity Education

Keri Facer, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.

As the games and learning field continues to grow in importance, Gaming the Past provides social studies teachers and teacher educators help in implementing this unique and engaging new pedagogy. This book focuses on specific examples to help social studies educators effectively use computer simulation games to teach critical thinking and historical analysis. Chapters cover the core parts of conceiving, planning, designing, and implementing simulation based lessons. $52.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415887601, NZRP$66.00 Publish June 2011, 204 pages Routledge Education

9 780415 887601

9 780415 597647


9 780415 581431

The Great Literacy Debate,

Literacy for All Students

A Critical Response to the Literacy Strategy and the Framework for English

An Instructional Framework for Closing the Gap

Andy Goodwyn and Carol Fuller, both University of Reading, UK.

Rebecca Powell, Georgetown College, USA, and Elizabeth C. Rightmyer, Independent Education/ Research Consultant.

The nature of literacy is an issue of global debate. When the National Literacy Strategy [NLS] was introduced into UK schools it was arguably the most ambitious educational reform programme in the world, and the controversy necessarily intensified. This book is the first definitive and objective review and evaluation of the impact of these literacy reforms. Whether you are a policy maker or classroom teacher, this book is an invaluable resource to anyone concerned about literacy. $57.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415597647, NZRP$72.00 Publish June 2011, 192 pages Routledge Quantity Education

9 780415 885874

Growing Up with Two Languages

Literacy for All Students discusses issues in multicultural literacy instruction within the context of various essential instructional components, and provides a protocol for observing features of literacy instruction for culturally and linguistically diverse students. It presents vignettes from real classrooms, written by elementary and middle school teachers, showing their victories and struggles as they attempt to implement a pedagogy that is culturally responsive within a climate of high stakes testing. $63.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415885874, NZRP$79.95 Publish June 2011, 272 pages Quantity Routledge Education

Meeting the Child in Steiner Kindergartens

A Practical Guide for the Bilingual Family, Third Edition

An Exploration of Beliefs, Values and Practices

Una Cunningham, Stockholm University, Sweden.

9 780415 598521


9 780415 583077

The lives of many families involve contact with more than one language and culture on a daily basis. This book is aimed at the many parents and professionals who feel uncertain about the best way to go about helping children gain maximum benefit from the multilingual situation. This bestselling guide is illustrated by glimpses of life from interviews with fifty families from all around the world. The trials and rewards of life with two languages and cultures are discussed in detail, and followed by practical advice on how to support the child’s linguistic development. $39.95 Pb, ISBN 9780415598521, NZRP$52.00 Publish June 2011, 176 pages Routledge Quantity Education

Rod Parker-Rees, University of Plymouth, UK.

9 780415 603928

June titles


The contributors to this book, who include both experienced Steiner educators and early childhood experts from other backgrounds, have worked together to explore and understand what is distinctive about Steiner kindergarten practice. They present a variety of perspectives on the ways in which kindergarten teachers’ practices, values and beliefs can help children to find and construct their own identities, through play and through engagement in the life of their community. $53.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415603928, NZRP$67.00 Publish June 2011, 140 pages Routledge Education Quantity

Professional Titles

9 781441 116222

On Critical Pedagogy

Staying Safe at School

Henry A. Giroux, McMaster University, Canada

Second Edition

This impassioned book starts with the crucial role of pedagogy in schools before extending the notion to the educational force of the wider culture. Giroux focuses on five crucial elements associated with critical pedagogy: an overview of the term as it applies to schooling and to larger cultural spheres; the increasingly empirical orientation of teaching; some of the major economic, social, and political forces undermining the promise of democratic schooling; the increasing attempts by both right wing and liberal interests to reduce schooling to training and students merely to customers; and the legacy of Paulo Freire as it issues a fundamental challenge to educators, public intellectuals, and others who believe in the promise of a radical democracy. $34.00 Pb, ISBN 9781441116222, NZRP$43.00 Publish June 2011, 192 pages Quantity Continuum Education

Chester L. Quarles, University of Mississippi, USA, and Tammy Quarles. Written by veteran law enforcement and family counseling professionals, the second edition of this guidebook shows students and parents how to stay safe at school. The book pinpoints personal safety issues of importance to all educators and explains how to analyze schools for security risks. It also includes proven methods for averting crime, improving school safety, and avoiding becoming a victim. Additional chapters explore teachers’ liability and rights and discuss the concept of emotional survival. $59.95 Pb, ISBN 9781439858288, NZRP$76.00 Publish June 2011, 138 pages Routledge Education

Rethinking Widening Participation in Higher Education

Supporting Deaf Children and Young People

The Role of Social Networks

Strategies for Intervention, Inclusion and Improvement

Alison Fuller and Brenda Johhnston, both University of Southampton, UK, and Sue Heath, University of Manchester, UK.

9 780415 575645

9 780805 860559

9 780415 601344


9 781439 858288

Previous work on widening participation in Higher Education has focused on why people choose to go to university but this vital new research has focused on looking at why people choose not to go. The book is also distinctive because it focuses on interview data generated from across the membership of inter-generational networks rather than on individuals in isolation, in order to explore how decision-making about educational participation is a socially embedded, rather than an individualised, process. $53.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415575645, NZRP$67.00 Publish June 2011, 192 pages Quantity Routledge Education

Derek Brinkley is a teacher at a School for the Deaf.

9 781441 153593

Supporting Deaf Children and Young People is a comprehensive guide to working with deaf students in a variety of educational settings. The book begins with an overview of current areas of controversy and difficulty within deaf education, before going on to offer an array of practical advice and strategies for supporting deaf individuals. The book also includes reviews and advice on aids and technology, as well as looking at the social and emotional side of being a deaf student today. $58.00 Pb, ISBN 9781441153593, NZRP$72.00 Publish June 2011, 176 pages Continuum Education Quantity

Science Learning and Instruction

Supporting Learning and Teaching

Taking Advantage of Technology to Promote Knowledge Integration

Second Edition

Marcia C. Linn, University of California, and BatSheva Eylon, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.

Supporting Teaching and Learning brings together theoretical perspectives, practical educational ideas and current academic debates to help students develop their knowledge and understanding of core educational issues. It explores the professional relationships necessary for quality learning and encourages the reader to reflect critically on their values, beliefs and assumptions about learning and teaching. Written by an author team from a range of educational backgrounds, the book focuses on the key issues that teaching teams face as they work together to support children and young people in their learning. $49.95 Pb, ISBN 9780415583565, NZRP$64.00 Publish June 2011, 224 pages Routledge Quantity Education

This book describes the knowledge integration approach to science teaching and learning and contrasts it with typical instruction that implements the absorption approach. It synthesizes a large body of literature on knowledge integration patterns and illustrates the advantages of knowledge integration. It clarifies how teachers can guide students to become independent learners and shows curriculum developers and designers how to take advantage of technology to promote inquiry and understanding of science. $59.95 Pb, ISBN 9780805860559, NZRP$76.00 Publish June 2011, 344 pages Routledge Quantity Education

Christine Bold, Liverpool John Moores University, UK.

9 780415 583565

Starting Drama Teaching

Teaching Global History

Third Edition

A Social Studies Approach

Mike Fleming, University of Durham, UK.

Alan J. Singer, Hofstra University, New York.

Starting Drama Teaching is a comprehensive guide to the teaching of drama schools. It looks at the aims and purposes of drama and provides an insight into the theoretical perspectives that underpin practice alongside practical activities, examples of lessons and approaches to planning. Written in an accessible style, the book addresses such practical issues as setting up role play, how to inject depth into group drama, working with text, teaching playwriting, as well as common problems that arise in the drama classroom and how to avoid them. $49.95 Pb, ISBN 9780415601344, NZRP$64.00 Publish June 2011, 200 pages Routledge Education

Teaching Global History challenges prospective and beginning social studies teachers to formulate their own views about what is important to know in global history and why. It explains how to organize the curriculum around broad social studies concepts and themes and student questions about humanity, history, and the contemporary world. All chapters include lesson ideas, a sample lesson plan with activity sheets, primary source documents, and helpful charts, graphs, photographs, and maps. $79.95 Pb, ISBN 9780415875493, NZRP$99.95 Publish June 2011, 240 pages Routledge Education


9 780415 875493 June titles



Professional Titles A Collaborative Approach to Eating Disorders

Schizophrenia The Final Frontier - A Festschrift for Robin M. Murray

June Alexander, writer and former newspaper editor, Australia, and Janet Treasure, Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Medical School, London.

Australian Author

9 780415 581462

While many aspects of eating disorders remain a mystery, there is growing evidence that collaboration is an essential element for treatment success. This book emphasises and explains the importance of family involvement as part of a unified team approach towards treatment and recovery. It draws on up-to-date evidence based research as well as case studies and clinical vignettes to illustrate the seriousness of eating disorders and the impact on both the sufferer and their loved ones. $57.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415581462, NZRP$72.00 Publish June 2011, 352 pages Routledge Quantity Psychology

Anthony S. David, Shitij Kapur, and Peter McGuffin, all King’s College, London.

9 781848 720770

Counseling 21st Century Students for Optimal College and Career Readiness

Avoiding Emotions, Living Emotions Antonino Ferro, Italian Psychoanalytic Society. Avoiding Emotions, Living Emotions explores the psychoanalytic encounter and examines how emotions are formed and experienced by both the patient and analyst. The author narrates key theoretical concepts through the presentation of clinical material from adult and child analysis and emphasises the importance of being able to foster these narrations. Offering new insights into how the mind works, topics of discussion include bion’s thinking and its fertilization: clinical implications; variations on transference and countertransference; and image and narration. $53.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415555036, NZRP$67.00 Publish June 2011, 208 pages Routledge Psychotherapy

Corine Fitzpatrick, Manhattan College, New York, and Kathleen Costantini, New York City Department of Education.

9 780415 876124

This book offers counselors an action-based curriculum that will meet the needs of the 21st century high school student, help to foster their growth and ambition, and engage them as constructivists in learning what they need to succeed beyond high school. It takes a comprehensive, developmental approach, focusing on 9th-12th grade students, rather than solely on those in 11th and 12th grade. $45.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415876124, NZRP$57.00 Publish June 2011, 192 pages Routledge Psychology Quantity

Bullying, Suicide, and Homicide Understanding, Assessing, and Preventing Threats to Self and Others for Victims of Bullying

Kirsten Asmussen, King’s College, UK.

9 780415 892070


9 780415 555036

The Evidence-based Parenting Practitioner’s Handbook

9 780415 609937

This is a unique project reflecting the contribution that Robin M. Murray has made to the field of psychiatry over the past 35 years, with a particular focus on the advances that have been made to the understanding and treatment of schizophrenia. International contributors have been brought together to pay tribute to Robin Murray’s work and explore the latest findings in the area. Sections cover neurodevelopment, neuroscience and pharmacology, neuroimaging, genetics, cognition, social psychiatry, and treatment. $67.00 Hb, ISBN 9781848720770, NZRP$84.00 Publish June 2011, 440 pages Psychology Press Quantity Psychology

The Evidence-based Parenting Practitioner’s Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the knowledge necessary to effectively deliver evidence-based parenting interventions within community and health settings. Using clear examples of how this knowledge can inform frontline work with parents, this practical handbook includes an overview of the policy context underpinning evidence-based parenting work in the US, UK, Australia and Norway, and a discussion of how a robust evidence base is established and the ways in which practitioners can access information about good-quality research. $49.95 Pb, ISBN 9780415609937, NZRP$64.00 Publish June 2011, 296 pages Routledge Quantity Psychology

Butch Losey. The main objective of this book is to provide a detailed understanding of the relationship between bullying, suicide, and homicide and to offer an assessment and response strategy that is useful for mental health professionals who work with children. It will help readers understand that bullying is not a part of childhood development, but rather an aberrant behavior that for the victim can lead to adverse decisions, such as suicide and homicide. $52.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415873475, NZRP$66.00 Publish June 2011, 160 pages Routledge Psychotherapy Quantity

9 780415 873475

The Problem of Emotions in Societies

Case Studies in Couples Therapy

Jonathan H. Turner, University of California, USA.

Theory-Based Approaches

Like any other valued resource, emotions are distributed unequally. Moreover, emotions are a generalized resource because they give people the confidence, or lack of confidence, to secure additional types of resources. Thus, this distribution of emotions roughly corresponds to the shares of others kinds of resources that members of various social classes possess. The goal of this new, unique Series is to offer readable, teachable “thinking frames” on today’s social problems and social issues by leading scholars, all in short 60 page or shorter formats. $14.95 Pb, ISBN 9780415892070, NZRP$19.95 Publish June 2011, 86 pages Routledge Psychology

Dr. David K. Carson and Dr. Montserrat CasadoKehoe, both Palm Beach Atlantic University, USA.


This up-to-date, highly readable, theory-based, and application oriented book fills a crucial void in literature on couple therapy. Few books in the couple therapy market bridge the gap between theory and practice, but Case Studies in Couples Therapy blends the best of all worlds: clinical applications with challenging and diverse couples that have been derived from the most influential theories and models in couples and family therapy, all written by highly experienced and respected voices in the field. $59.95 Pb, ISBN 9780415879439, NZRP$78.00 Publish June 2011, 428 pages Routledge Psychotherapy

9 780415 879439 June titles



Professional Titles Dramatherapy and Destructiveness

The Suffering Stranger

Creating the Evidence Base, Playing with Thanatos

Hermeneutics for Everyday Clinical Practice Donna M. Orange, Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, New York.

Ditty Dokter, Anglia Ruskin University; Pete Holloway, Roehampton University, UK; and Henri Seebohm, West London Mental Health Trust.

9 780415 558518

Dramatherapy uses the healing aspects of drama and theatre as part of the therapeutic process and is increasingly required to supply evidence of its effectiveness. This book aims to provide an evidence base for practice with destructive clients, and raise the profile of dramatherapy as a distinct therapeutic intervention in this field. Dramatherapy and Destructiveness discusses working with those suffering from conduct disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia and personality disorders. $53.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415558518, NZRP$67.00 Publish June 2011, 208 pages Quantity Routledge Psychotherapy

9 780415 874045

The Emotionally Focused Casebook

Why Things Matter

New Directions in Treating Couples

The Place of Values in Science, Psychoanalysis and Religion

James L. Furrow, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA; Susan M. Johnson, Ottawa Couple and Family Institute, Canada; and Brent Bradley, University of Houston-Clear Lake.

9 780415 998758

9 780415 893053

9 780415 876261

Utilizing the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer and the ethics of Emmanuel Lévinas, The Suffering Stranger invigorates the conversation between psychoanalysis and philosophy, demonstrating how each is informed by the other and how both are strengthened in unison. Orange turns her critical (and clinical) eye toward five major psychoanalytic thinkers, investigating the hermeneutic approach of each and engaging these innovative thinkers precisely as interpreters, as those who have seen the face and heard the voice of the other in an ethical manner. $45.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415874045, NZRP$58.00 Publish June 2011, 280 pages Routledge Quantity Psychotherapy

David M. Black, private practice, London.

There is currently no single resource that compiles the various applications to the many clinical populations being served by EFT today. This book fills that void as a substantive reference for clinicians, students, professors, and supervisors using and teaching EFT. Each chapter utilizes a hands-on case study approach with concrete guidelines and illustrations for the adaptation and application of EFT with specific treatment populations. $52.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415998758, NZRP$66.00 Publish June 2011, 414 pages Routledge Quantity Psychotherapy

In this book, David M. Black asks questions such as ‘why do we care?’ and ‘what gives our values power?’ using ideas from psychoanalysis and its adjacent sciences such as neuroscience and evolutionary biology in order to do so. Why Things Matter explores how the comparatively new scientific discipline of consciousness studies requires us to recognize that subjectivity is as irreducible a feature of the world as matter and energy. $53.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415493710, NZRP$67.00 Publish June 2011, 208 pages Routledge Psychotherapy Quantity

9 780415 493710

Lacanian Psychotherapy

With Culture in Mind

Theory and Practical Applications

Psychoanalytic Stories

Michael J. Miller, SUNY Upstate Medical University.

Muriel Dimen, New York University, USA.

The work of Jacques Lacan is associated more with literature and philosophy than mainstream American psychology, due in large part to the dense language he often employs in articulating his theory - often at the expense of clinical illustration. As a result, his contributions are frequently fascinating, but their utility in the therapeutic setting can be difficult to pinpoint. Lacanian Psychotherapy aims to fill in this clinical gap by presenting theoretical discussions in clear, accessible language and applying them to several chapter-length case studies, thereby demonstrating their clinical relevance. $45.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415893053, NZRP$57.00 Publish June 2011, 248 pages Routledge Quantity Psychotherapy

This is a new kind of anthology. More conversation than collection, it locates the psychic and the social in clinical moments illuminating the analyst’s struggle to grasp a patient’s internal life as voiced through individual political, social, and material contexts. Each chapter is a single detailed case vignette in which aspects of race, gender, sexual orientation, heritage, ethnicity - elements of the sociopolotical matrix of culture - are brought to the fore in the transference-countertransference dimension, demonstrating how they affect the analytic encounter. $53.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415884877, NZRP$66.00 Publish June 2011, 216 pages Routledge Psychotherapy

9 780415 884877


Restoration Therapy

World, Affectivity, Trauma

Understanding and Guiding Healing in Marriage and Family Therapy

Heidegger and Post-Cartesian Psychoanalysis

Terry D. Hargrave, Fuller Theological Seminary, and Franz Pfitzer.

Robert D. Stolorow, Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, USA .

Restoration Therapy introduces the reader to the essential elements of its namesake and from there guide clinicians to a systemic understanding of how certain forces lead to destructive cycles in relationships, which perpetuate more and more dysfunction among members. Clients and therapists both will understand issues more clearly, experience the impacts that emotion can have on the insight, and practice the process so more loving and trustworthy relationships can take hold in the intergenerational family. $53.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415876261, NZRP$66.00 Publish June 2011, 247 pages Routledge Quantity Psychotherapy

This is a phenomenological contextualism that illuminates worlds of emotional experience as they take form within relational contexts. After outlining the evolution and basic ideas of this framework, Stolorow shows both how post-Cartesian psychoanalysis finds enrichment and philosophical support in Heidegger’s analysis of human existence, and how Heidegger’s existential philosophy, in turn, can be enriched and expanded by an encounter with post-Cartesian psychoanalysis. $59.95 Pb, ISBN 9780415893442, NZRP$39.95 Publish June 2011, 136 pages Routledge Psychotherapy Quantity

9 780415 893442

June titles


Professional Titles The Aging Intellect

Performance Based Medicine

Douglas H. Powell, Harvard Medical School.

Creating the High Performance Network to Optimize Managed Care Relationships

The Aging Intellect is written for the large number of professionals, including social workers, nurses, retirement home administrators, doctors, psychologists, pastors and others, who oversee the well being of elderly women and men. It provides elder care workers with an array of suggestions (beyond exercising and eating right) that can improve, maintain or maximize the quality of their clients’ mental abilities for as long as possible. The Aging Intellect serves its purpose by addressing four major issues associated with age-related cognitive decline, each of which has a solid research footing and is within the reach of most seniors. $52.00 Hb, ISBN 9780415996853, NZRP$66.00 Publish June 2011, 312 pages Routledge Social Work Quantity

9 780415 996853

William J. DeMarco, DeMarco & Associates.

9 781439 812884

Working with Diversity in Youth and Community Work

Project Management for Healthcare David Shirley, Project Management Educator and Consultant.

Sangeeta Soni, University College Birmingham.

9 781844 452989

This book focuses on the nature of cross-cultural practice, an inevitable aspect of working as a Youth and Community Worker in multicultural Britain today. It enables students to understand how cross-cultural dynamics can set the tone of their relationships with their clients and helps them to understand how some processes in society and individual action can contribute to the marginalization of others. This book looks at the processes involved in the everyday relationships forged through practice and how these can inadvertently influence the dynamics of oppression through lack of self awareness or lack of awareness of others in society. $37.00 Pb, ISBN 9781844452989, NZRP$46.00 Publish June 2011, 160 pages Quantity Learning Matters Social Work

9 781439 819531

Serving People with Food Allergies

Dennis Averill, Unilever, USA.

Written for large food service corporations and hotel and restaurant chains to use when training their staff, this book contains information on cooking for and serving those with food allergies in basic terminology, making it suitable for household use as well. The author provides information on specialty products to enhance menu offerings and reduce liability issues. He also offers ideas on reviewing kitchen procedures to identify ways to prevent cross-contaminations. The book contains tools for cooks, managers, and chefs on creating and modifying recipes that meet the needs of people afflicted with multiple food allergies. $75.00 Hb, ISBN 9781439828045, NZRP$95.00 Publish June 2011, 192 pages CRC Press Quantity Healthcare

Kitchen Management and Menu Creation Joel Schaefe, Allergy Chefs, Inc., USA.


9 781439 857168

9 781439 828045

Patient Safety

Sustaining Lean in Healthcare

A Human Factors Approach

Developing and Engaging Physician Leadership

Sidney Dekker, Griffith University, Australia.

9 781439 852255

One way to make healthcare more efficient is to bring it into the discipline of project management. This book explores project management from the perspective of the healthcare environment. It is organized into three sections corresponding to the three major phases of a project: planning, executing, and controlling. Dissecting each phase, it examines the influences of healthcare on each phase. The planning section covers the tools and techniques required to successfully plan a project. The executing section explains how to use the project plan to achieve budget, schedule, and quality objectives. The control section covers project changes, milestones, and metrics. $99.95 Hb, ISBN 9781439819531, NZRP$129.95 Publish June 2011, 192 pages CRC Press Quantity Healthcare

Applying Lean Principles to Achieve Safe, Sustainable, and Profitable Operations A how-to manual on the integration of safety and environmental sustainability with Lean implementations, this reference provides Lean and TPM practitioners with a recipe to effectively achieve safety and sustainability excellence. Supplemented with practical, real-world advice, it presents proven methodology and tools for delivering safety and sustainability. $59.95 Pb, ISBN 9781439857168, NZRP$78.00 Publish June 2011, 216 pages Productivity Press Healthcare

Australian Author

Highlighting quality driven issues and the power behind pay for performance and value-based benefit designs, this book provides the knowledge to establish performance based structures, such as quality measurement, incentive payment structure, and incentive size, within an existing organization. Focusing on how to implement new designs and how to create strategies to measure performance and improve efficiency, it discusses how to create value and optimize payment and market share, and describes the trade off of systems and IT investments by providers and payers to gain incremental quality improvement. $99.95 Hb, ISBN 9781439812884, NZRP$129.95 Publish June 2011, 183 pages Quantity Productivity Press Healthcare

With coverage ranging from the influence of professional identity in medicine and problematic nature of “human error”, to the psychological and social features that characterize healthcare work, to the safety-critical aspects of interfaces and automation, this book spans the width of the human factors field and its importance for patient safety today. In addition, the book discusses topics such as accountability, just culture, and secondary victimization in the aftermath of adverse events and takes readers to the leading edge of human factors research today: complexity, systems thinking and resilience. $52.00 Pb, ISBN 9781439852255, NZRP$66.00 Publish June 2011, 272 pages CRC Press Quantity Healthcare

Michael Nelson, Presbyterian Medical Group, USA. A resource designed to provide the physician’s perspective of Lean, this book discusses how to engage physician leaders, apply standard methods for continuous deployment to new sites, and determine shared expectations for what success looks early in the process. The author includes a case study that may be used in setting shared expectations for success along with a framework for continuous deployment of Lean implementation over time and across multiple locations. $89.95 Pb, ISBN 9781439840276, NZRP$110.00 Publish June 2011, 136 pages CRC Press Healthcare

9 781439 840276

June titles



Professional Titles The Future of Lean Sigma Thinking in a Changing Business Environment

Preventing Workplace Bullying An Evidence-Based Guide for Managers and Employees

David Rogers, Danercon Ltd., UK.

9 781439 851029

9 781439 828861

9 781439 852460

Offering business practitioners updated methods of lean thinking, this text explores the potential of grafting newer concepts of production onto the solid foundations of lean principles. The author begins by covering the basics of Six Sigma and the Toyota production system. He then moves on to recent advances in process understanding. Through analyzing changing attitudes within the system, the book addresses ways in which new products are developed using lean thinking and gives examples on how e-commerce plays a role in the production. It also incorporates the green agenda into the concept of lean thinking. $59.95 Hb, ISBN 9781439851029, NZRP$76.00 Publish June 2011, 216 pages Productivity Press Quantity Business & Management

Carlo Caponecchia and Anne Wyatt, both University of New South Wales, Australia.

Australian Authors

9 780415 668811

Loss Control Auditing

The Protean Leader

A Guide for Conducting Fire, Safety, and Security Audits

Leading in Uncertain Times: The Power of Paradox

E. Scott Dunlap, American Society of Safety Engineers.

Nina Rosoff, social and behavioral scientist.

A comprehensive resource for those developing and executing a loss control audit program, this book comes at the material from three perspectives: workplace safety, physical security, and life safety and fire service. It includes core auditing issues that are addressed in the mainstream by loss control professionals and provides insight on the implementation of an auditing program within organizations. It illustrates audit scoring methodologies and presents sample audit formats for reader understanding and future use. $75.00 Pb, ISBN 9781439828861, NZRP$95.00 Publish June 2011, 252 pages CRC Press Quantity Business & Management

9 780415 875110

The Protean Leader identifies specific right actions that leaders need to take to address each paradox successfully as well as particular leadership capabilities underlying those behaviors. The seven paradoxes and their corresponding leadership actions and capabilities were first distilled from the author’s extensive experience working with leaders across a variety of business and public organizations. They were then validated and refined through in-depth interviews with 20 experienced leaders from diverse organizations and backgrounds. $52.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415875110, NZRP$66.00 Publish June 2011, 276 pages Routledge Quantity Business & Management

Managing Projects in Trouble

Green IT Strategies and Applications

Achieving Turnaround and Success

Using Environmental Intelligence

Ralph L. Kliem, PMP, Senior Project Manager, Fortune 500 Firm.

Bhuvan Unhelkar, Consultant, New South Wales, Australia.

This step-by-step guide explains how to turn a project from potential failure to surefire success. It draws on the author’s 25 years of experience to offer readers the practical tools needed. Using checklists and diagrams, it explains how to recognize the symptoms of troubled projectssupplying proven techniques to address problems. Readers will learn how to revisit a project’s vision and how to develop a new one by identifying the possible options and choosing the most appropriate. $99.95 Hb, ISBN 9781439852460, NZRP$129.95 Publish June 2011, 184 pages Taylor and Francis Business & Management

Based on extensive research, literature review, experimentation, and the author’s practical experience, this book demonstrates what environmental intelligence is, how it can be used towards a greener environment, and how IT should be targeted to help achieve this end. It demonstrates how environmentally responsible business strategies can be implemented in an organization through specific phases of diagnosis, planning, enactment and review. The sociopolitical challenges of environmentally responsible businesses are also discussed together with strategies to ameliorate them. $120.00 Hb, ISBN 9781439837801, NZRP$150.00 Publish June 2011, 552 pages CRC Press Quantity Information Technology

Australian Author


9 781439 837801

Practical Lean Accounting

Lean Management Principles for Information Technology

A Proven System for Measuring and Managing the Lean Enterprise, Second Edition

Gerhard J. Plenert, Infosys Technologies, Ltd., USA. After introducing the principles of lean,this handson resource discusses how to implement them in the IT environment. Specifically, the authors detail the measures that can be used to define a world class IT system and explain how components of an integrated IT system can be structured in accordance with lean. They review many of the major management challenges facing IT today, and provide solutions demonstrated through stories and examples of how lean IT improvements have led to improvement in both the private and government sectors. $120.00 Hb, ISBN 9781420078602, NZRP$150.00 Publish June 2011, 348 pages CRC Press Information Technology

Brian Maskell, Bruce Baggaley, and Lawrence Grasso, all Brian Maskell Associates, Inc.

9 781439 817162

In this practical guide, Carlo Caponecchia and Anne Wyatt explain how to identify workplace bullying and apply best practice to preventing and managing it. They outline what constitutes bullying at work, demystify some of the controversial issues, and discuss the various factors which influence workplace bullying. The responsibilities of management, and legal implications are outlined and supported with best practice guides for policies, complaints procedures and risk management systems. Options and resources for targets experiencing bullying are also explored. $34.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415668811, NZRP$43.00 Publish June 2011, 168 pages Quantity Routledge Business & Management

This book demonstrates the adjustments that must be made to accounting systems in service of companies implementing lean operations. The author uses a single case study to illustrate the lean accounting actions that need to occur with each stage of an organization’s transformation. In addition to recording lean activities, the financial methods taught also serve as tools to help map out and facilitate the transformation to lean. $89.95 Pb, ISBN 9781439817162, NZRP$110.00 Publish June 2011, 425 pages Productivity Press Business & Management Quantity

9 781420 078602

June titles



Professional Titles Integrating BREEAM Throughout the Design Process

Derrida for Architects

A Guide to Achieving Higher BREEAM and Code for Sustainable Homes Ratins (FB 28)

Looking afresh at the implications of Jacques Derrida’s thinking for architecture, this book simplifies his ideas in a clear, concise way. Derrida‘s treatment of key philosophical texts has been labelled as “deconstruction,” a term that resonates with architecture. Although his main focus is language, his thinking has been applied by architectural theorists widely. As well as a review of Derrida’s interaction with architecture, this book is also a careful consideration of the implications of his thinking, particularly on the way architecture is practiced. $37.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415591799, NZRP$46.00 Publish June 2011, 120 pages Routledge Architecture

Richard Coyne, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Virginia Cinquemani and Josephine Prior, BRE Global, UK. This BRE Trust Report provides practical information on how to achieve higher BREEAM and Code for Sustainable Homes ratings and improve the sustainability of assessed buildings. It will help all parties involved in a building's construction to streamline and integrate the environmental assessment process into day-to-day design practice. $80.00 Pb, ISBN 9781848061491, NZRP$100.00 Publish June 2011, 58 pages Taylor & Francis Urban Design Quantity

9 781848 061491

Short Stories

Glorious Visions

London in Two-and-a-half Dimensions

John Soane’s Spectacular Theatre

CJ Lim and Ed Liu, both Bartlett School of Planning, UK.

Helene Furján, University of Pennsylvania, UK.

Combining place and fiction in an imaginative interpretation of 12 sites in the city of London, CJ Lim and Ed Liu take familiar places, institutions, life styles and landmarks in the British capital and render them fantastic. The medium is an intersection of paper assemblages with short stories. Drawing on a wealth of literary symbolism from Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland to Dicken’s Tale of Two Cities and imbued with humour and irony, this book builds on London’s mix of extravagance and fictive tradition. $46.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415573580, NZRP$58.00 Publish June 2011, 240 pages Routledge Urban Design Quantity

9 780415 573580

9 780415 781589

9 780415 610292

Focusing on the house and museum and its considerable collections of architectural fragments, models, drawings folios and publications, this book is about 13 Lincoln’s Inn Fields in London, England, built in the early 1800s by the renowned eighteenth-century architect Sir John Soane. The book maps the influences, references, connections, extensions, and productions at play in Soane’s house-museum. This book examines the ways in which Soane enlisted light, shadow, color, fiction and narrative, vistas, spatial complexity, the fragment, and the mirror to produce a spectacular space. $69.95 Pb, ISBN 9780415781589, NZRP$87.00 Publish June 2011, 208 pages Routledge Quantity Architecture

Space, Place, Life


Learning from Place

Form and Performance in Digital Architecture

Brian Evans and Frank McDonald, both The Academy of Urbanism.

9 780415 614009


9 780415 591799

Space, Place, Life is the first is a series of books drawing on the expertise of the Academy of Urbanism. This book examines the concepts that are core to the academy; the way that urban space is designed, the quality place created by the buildings that enclose this space and the life that animates it. All great towns and cities across the world depend on these three fundamental aspects of urban life. The Academy of Urbanism brings together architects, urban designers planners, surveyors, economists academics and developers to better understand what makes successful urban places. $46.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415614009, NZRP$58.00 Publish June 2011, 152 pages Routledge Quantity Urban Design

Yasha Grobman, Israel Institute of Technology, and Eran Neuman, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

9 780415 583619

The computer “liberated’ architecture from the tyranny of the right angle and enabled the design and production of non-standard buildings, based on irregular geometry. Yet, the questions concerning the method of form expression in contemporary architecture, and its meaning, remain very much open. Performalism takes up this discussion, defines it and presents changes in form conception in architecture, followed by their repercussions. The book is supported by a wealth of case studies from some of the top firms across the globe. $92.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415583619, NZRP$110.00 Publish June 2011, 256 pages Routledge Quantity Architecture

The Art of Structures

Spatial Agency

Aurelio Muttoni, Structural Concrete Laboratory, Switzerland.

Other Ways of Doing Architecture

This book describes the complete panorama of supporting structures and their function by describing how loads are sustained and transmitted to the ground. With a minimum of mathematics, the reader is guided through the analysis of some of the world’s most famous designs and structures from a civil-engineering perspective. An intuitive approach is taken - the basics of equilibrium analysis are explained by visualizing the internal forces of specific structures with the aid of simple graphical tools. Ideal for anyone who needs an intuitive and practical approach to the design and appropriate sizing of load-bearing structures. $80.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415610292, NZRP$100.00 Publish June 2011, 280 pages Routledge Quantity Architecture

Nishat Awan and Tatjana Schneider, both University of Sheffield, UK, and Jeremy Till, University of Westminster, UK. This book offers the first comprehensive overview of alternative approaches to architectural practice. At a time when many commentators are noting that alternative and richer approaches to architectural practice are required if the profession is to flourish, this book provides multiple examples from across the globe of how this has been achieved and how it might be achieved in the future. This book offers the reader new approaches to architectural practice in a changing world. $58.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415571937, NZRP$72.00 Publish June 2011, 224 pages Routledge Architecture

9 780415 571937

June titles



Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles BIOS Instant Notes in Biochemistry

Communicating Across Cultures at Work

Fourth Edition David Hames and Nigel Hooper, both University of Leeds, UK.

Third Edition

BIOS Instant Notes in Biochemistry, Fourth Edition, is the perfect text for undergraduates looking for a concise introduction to the subject, or a study guide to use before examinations. Each topic begins with a summary of essential facts-an ideal revision checklist-followed by a description of the subject that focuses on core information, with clear, simple diagrams that are easy for students to understand and recall in essays and exams. $52.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415608459, NZRP$58.00 Publish June 2011, 467 pages Taylor and Francis Biochemistry

Examines intercultural communication in the workplace. Firmly grounded in theory, it offers practical suggestions on how people can develop cultural awareness and communication skills to enable greater understanding and appreciation of those from different backgrounds. Fully updated with the latest research, this makes an ideal core text. $89.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230283695, NZRP$111.00 Publish June 2011, 416 pages Palgrave Macmillan Communication Studies


9 780415 608459

9 780878 936205

Maureen Guirdham, Westminster University, UK.

An Introduction to Behavioral Endocrinology

Transnational Environmental Crime

Fourth Edition

Rob White, University of Tasmania, Australia.

Randy J. Nelson, Ohio State University Medical Center.

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to and overview of eco-global criminology. Eco-global criminology refers to a criminological approach that is informed by ecological considerations and by a critical analysis that is global in scale and perspective. Based upon eco-justice conceptions of harm, it focuses on transgressions against environments, non-human species and humans. This book argues that analysis of transnational environmental crime needs to incorporate different notions of harm, and that the overarching perspective of eco-global criminology provides the framework for this. $62.00 Pb, ISBN 9781843928027, NZRP$78.00 Publish June 2011, 216 pages Willan Publishing Quantity Criminology

Toward an Eco-global Criminology

This fourth edition retains all of the features of the bestselling prior editions, and provides an updated, integrated presentation of the study of hormonebehavior-brain interactions. The text explores the endocrine mechanisms that have evolved in both human and nonhuman animals to solve common problems in survival and reproduction. The text describes interactions among hormones, brain, and behavior from a historical perspective, emphasizing connections among key theories and tracing the emergence of important hypotheses. $124.95 Hb, ISBN 9780878936205, NZRP$140.00 Publish June 2011, 670 pages Sinauer Associates Quantity Biology

Australian Author

9 781843 928027

Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development

Regional and Local Economic Development

An Introduction

Cliff Hague, Heriot-Watt University, UK; Euan Hague, DePaul University, USA; and Carrie Breitbach, Chicago State University, USA.

Jay Mitra, University of Essex, UK.

9 780415 405164

Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development is unique in that it addresses the central factors in economic development entrepreneurship, innovation and organizational learning - as regional phenomena. This definitive text focuses on different types of organizations to illustrate the value of entrepreneurship and innovation both for businesses and for regional development. Establishing a firm link between entrepreneurship, innovation and economic regeneration, the book also examines the factors contributing to their success. $91.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415405164, NZRP$105.00 Publish June 2011, 368 pages Routledge Quantity Business

Containing over 70 case studies from developing and developed economies around the world, this book provides a broad introduction to regional and local economic development. It explores how government, private industry and individuals interact to achieve economic development. Discussion topics and associated readings consolidate understanding. $62.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230213838, NZRP$78.00 Publish June 2011, 352 pages Palgrave Macmillan Development Economics Quantity

9 780230 213838

Children’s Literature Studies


A Research Handbook

Second Edition

Kimberley Reynolds and M. O. Grenby, both Newcastle University, UK.

Michael L. Cain, Bowdoin College; William D. Bowman, University of Colorado; and Sally D. Hacker, Oregon State University.

Children’s literature is a rapidly expanding field of research which presents students and researchers with a number of practical and intellectual challenges. This research handbook is the first devoted to the specialist skills and complexities of studying children’s literature at university level. Bringing together the expertise of leading international scholars, it combines practical advice with in-depth discussion of critical approaches. $38.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230525542, NZRP$48.00 Publish June 2011, 248 pages Palgrave Macmillan Children’s Literature

9 780230 525542


9 780230 283695


The overarching goal for the new second edition of Ecology is to enhance how the book works as a learning tool for students and as a teaching tool for professors. Toward that end, the authors updated, replaced, or cut sections of the text as appropriate, and added several new pedagogical features. Roughly two-thirds of the second edition chapters include a major climate change example (many of which are new) and students are directed to additional content on the Companion Website. $135.00 Hb, ISBN 9780878934454, NZRP$150.00 Publish June 2011, 558 pages Sinauer Associates Ecology

9 780878 934454 June titles



Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles

New Zealand Author

The Microeconomics of Risk and Information

The Critical Practice of Film

A Two-dimensional Treatment

Elspeth Kydd, University of the West of England.

Richard Watt, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

The successful study of film combines criticism, theory and practice. This book covers all three areas and guides the student towards an engaged form of creative expression and an active role as reviewer and critic. Beautifully presented, this groundbreaking text offers all students an integrated understanding of film criticism and production. $53.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230229761, NZRP$66.00 Publish June 2011, 336 pages Palgrave Macmillan Film Studies

An Introduction

This text covers the basic essentials of unilateral decision making under risk and then extends this analysis to two transacting individuals with an informational asymmetry. It contains graphical and mathematical analyses to help students understand the concepts. The book slots in between intermediate and postgraduate microeconomics. $57.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230280809, NZRP$72.00 Publish June 2011, 240 pages Palgrave Macmillan Economics


9 780230 280809

Understanding Hydraulics

From IBM to MGM

Third Edition

Cinema at the Dawn of the Digital Age

Les Hamill, University of Plymouth, UK.

Andrew Utterson, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.

Updated throughout and featuring a new chapter on Sustainable Drainage Systems, this third edition is suitable for students from pre-degree through all undergraduate level courses as well as a reference tool for industry. There are numerous worked examples, self-test and revision questions to help students solve problems and avoid mistakes. $89.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230242753, NZRP$135.00 Publish June 2011, 656 pages Palgrave Macmillan Engineering


9 780230 242753

9 781429 240291

9 781844 573233

At once both timely and historically grounded, From IBM to MGM: Cinema at the Dawn of the Digital Age explores the history of cinema’s earliest encounters with computers, as filmmakers responded to the flurry of digital devices that emerged in the post-war decades. Capturing the fervour and fears, hysteria and hyperbole, technophilia and technophobia of a crucial period of digital revolution, film-makers in a range of contexts sought to respond to the computer as a new technology, one with profound significance for cinema and the wider world. $46.00 Pb, ISBN 9781844573233, NZRP$57.00 Publish June 2011, 184 pages Palgrave Macmillan Quantity Film Studies

Environmental Science

Understanding Film Theory

Foundations and Applications

Theoretical and Critical Perspectives

Andrew Friedland, Dartmouth College; Rick Relyea, University of Pittsburgh; and David Courard-Hauri, Drake University.

Christine Etherington-Wright and Ruth Doughty, both University of Portsmouth, UK.

Created for non-majors courses in environmental science, environmental studies, and environmental biology, this book emphasizes critical thinking and quantitative reasoning skills. Students learn how to analyze graphs, measure environmental impact on various scales, and use simple calculations to understand key concepts. With a solid understanding of science fundamentals and how the scientific method is applied, students are able to evaluate information objectively and draw their own conclusions. $125.00 Pb, ISBN 9781429240291, NZRP$139.00 Publish June 2011, 650 pages Bedford Freeman and Worth Quantity Environmental Science

Film theory is a notoriously difficult area to teach, partly because of its complexity but also because students are ill-equipped for the reading required by it. This book is an easy but comprehensive introduction to film theory. Using clever resources, it is the ideal entry point, enthusing and equipping students for study. $46.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230217119, NZRP$57.00 Publish June 2011, 336 pages Palgrave Macmillan Film Studies


9 780230 217119

Cinema and Colour

Deviant Globalization

The Saturated Image

Black Market Economy in the 21st Century

Paul Coates, University of Western Ontario, Canada.

Nils Gilman, Jesse Goldhammer and Steven Weber, all Monitor 360.

Cinema and Colour: The Saturated Image is a major new critical study of the use of colour in cinema. Using the dialectic of colour and monochrome as a starting point, Paul Coates explores the symbolic meanings that colour bears in different cultures, and engages with a range of critical approaches to filmic colour, building on the work of such theorists as Sergei Eisenstein, Rudolf Arnheim and Stanley Cavell. Coates’ focus is on films that deliberately exploit the rich multiplicity of cultural meanings and associations ascribed to colour. $41.00 Pb, ISBN 9781844573141, NZRP$51.00 Publish June 2011, 184 pages Palgrave Macmillan Film Studies

9 781844 573141


9 780230 229761


9 781441 178107 June titles


Through essays contributed by leading experts and scholars, Deviant Globalization argues that far from being marginal, illicit activities are a fundamental part of globalization. This unique book explains why understanding deviant globalization as a systemic and integral part of globalization is crucial for setting up policies that will maximize the benefits of globalization and minimize its ill effects. Going beyond the usual pro/con arguments about globalization, Deviant Globalization seeks to initiate a critical debate about the choices it presents to governments, firms, supra-national organizations, and individuals. $49.00 Pb, ISBN 9781441178107, NZRP$55.00 Publish June 2011, 320 pages Quantity Continuum Globalisation

Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles Globalization and the Nation State

BIOS Instant Notes in Immunology

Second Edition

Third Edition

Robert J. Holton, Trinity College, Ireland.

Peter Lydyard, Royal Free and University College Medical School, UK; Alex Whelan, Trinity College Dublin, UK; and Michael Fanger, Dartmouth Medical School, USA.

This new edition is a clear discussion of the debates and concepts defining globalization with a unique focus on the nation state. Updated with fresh examples and cutting-edge topics, from Apple’s latest technologies to human rights, this book is a fresh look at globalization for students and scholars alike. $55.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230274563, NZRP$69.00 Publish June 2011, 256 pages Palgrave Macmillan Globalisation


9 780230 274563

BIOS Instant Notes in Immunology, Third Edition, is the perfect text for undergraduates looking for a concise introduction to the subject, or a study guide to use before examinations. Each topic begins with a summary of essential facts - an ideal revision checklist - followed by a description of the subject that focuses on core information, with clear, simple diagrams that are easy for students to understand and recall in essays and exams. $52.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415607537, NZRP$58.00 Publish June 2011, 327 pages Taylor and Francis Immunology

A History of the World

Food Process Engineering Operations

From the 20th to the 21st Century, Third Edition

George D. Saravacos and Zacharias B. Maroulis.

J.A.S. Grenville, University of Birmingham.

9 780415 494373

With the onset of decolonization, the rise and fall of fascism and communism, the technological revolution and the rapidly increasing power of the United States, the world since 1900 has witnessed global change on an immense scale. This text provides a comprehensive survey of the key events and personalities of this period throughout the world. This latest edition covers the latest in historical research. Bringing the story up to date, J.A.S. Grenville includes a discussion of events such as the global competition for resources, Russia’s continuing collisions with the West and the shift in the balance power to Asia, Latin America and Africa. $73.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415494373, NZRP$81.00 Publish June 2011, 1008 pages Quantity Routledge History

9 781420 083538

Military Strategy

9 781441 186911

Current textbooks on food process engineering cover mainly the traditional unit operations of fluid flow and heat transfer, with less attention paid to mass transfer and important mechanical processing operations. This textbook provides needed balance with coverage of traditional unit operations, using updated engineering properties and data and simplified computer aided techniques. It discusses mechanical processing and novel food processes such as membrane separations and introduces elements of food packaging operations, and food process design. It examines the effects of each process on the quality, safety, and physical structure of food products. $127.00 Hb, ISBN 9781420083538, NZRP$161.00 Publish June 2011, 594 pages CRC Press Quantity Industrial Chemistry

The Politics and Technique of War

Conflict Management in Divided Societies

John Stone, King’s College, London, UK.

Theory and Practice

This is an introductory guide to strategy in the modern world. Military strategy can be understood as the process by which armed force is converted into intended political effects. As such, it constitutes one of the most important activities of the past two centuries. Nevertheless, strategy is an activity that remains little understood, and one that has rarely realized the hopes that have so frequently been invested in it. This book seeks to explain why this is the case through an engagement with strategic theory in the context of its historical and contemporary practice. $46.00 Pb, ISBN 9781441186911, NZRP$55.00 Publish June 2011, 224 pages Continuum History

Stefan Wolff and Christalla Yakinthou.


Australian Author

9 780415 563741

This is an ambitious and original textbook, which takes a multi-perspective approach to the study of conflict resolution in divided societies. It explains conflict resolution from the viewpoint of the political scientist, the constitutional architect, the activist, and the NGO and examines the philosophies underpinning constitutional design, the actors and processes involved, and the practicalities of the settlement process, combining conceptual and theoretical contributions with empirical case studies. In so doing, it provides a comprehensive global introduction to the study of conflict resolution in divided societies. $68.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415563741, NZRP$107.00 Publish June 2011, 336 pages Quantity Routledge International Relations

A Short History of Western Political Thought

International Migration

W. M. Spellman, University of North Carolina, USA.

In addressing the changing opportunities and challenges of international migration, and national and international responses, this volume has four hallmarks: It covers the most topical issues, including the impact on international migration of the global financial crisis; It considers current efforts to improve the governance of international migration, at the national, international and institutional levels; It adopts a global perspective, including substantial consideration of “SouthSouth” migration and the growing significance of Chinese migrations; It draws on the author’s extensive original empirical research with migrants and refugees around the world, and policy experience in the USA, Europe and Australia. $47.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415561563, NZRP$52.00 Publish June 2011, 192 pages Routledge Quantity International Relations

Khalid Koser.

A highly accessible narrative survey of political thought over the past two millenia. Exploring many key ideas in the Western tradition, it begins with the classic political thought of the ancient Greeks, moves through the medieval and early Christian views of politics, and concludes by exploring the modern re-interpretation of political life. $41.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230545595, NZRP$51.00 Publish June 2011, 200 pages Palgrave Macmillan History Australian Author

9 780230 545595


9 780415 607537


9 780415 561563 June titles


Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles Terrorism


A Critical Introduction

Siobhan Chapman, University of Liverpool, UK.

Richard Jackson, Aberystwyth University, UK; Lee Jarvis, Swansea University, UK; Jeroen Gunning, Durham University, UK; and Marie Breen Smith, University of Surrey, UK.

This student-friendly introduction to linguistic pragmatics explains all the major developments in core theoretical pragmatics and engages with the most recent debates in the field. Includes sections demonstrating how pragmatics can be applied to the study of literature, language acquisition and clinical linguistics. $55.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230221833, NZRP$69.00 Publish June 2011, 224 pages Palgrave Macmillan Linguistics

Terrorism has a long history but the devastating attacks of 9/11 transformed what had been seen as a relatively minor security issue into one of major global significance. This incisive new text provides an accessible and balanced assessment of political terror and its study and in the process rethinks many assumptions. $58.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230221185, NZRP$72.00 Publish June 2011, 352 pages Palgrave Macmillan International Relations Quantity

9 780230 221185


9 780230 221833

The US-EU Security Relationship

The Pragmatics Reader

The Tensions Between a European and a Global Agenda

Dawn Archer, University of Central Lancashire, UK, and Peter Grundy, Durham University.

Wyn Rees, University of Nottingham, UK. A wide-ranging assessment by a leading authority on contemporary US-EU security relations. This book systematically examines the development of the relationship since the Cold War and considers how global and European issues such as EU enlargement, international terrorism and the war on terror have affected security relations. $59.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230221857, NZRP$74.95 Publish June 2011, 248 pages Palgrave Macmillan International Relations


9 780230 221857

9 780415 546607

The Pragmatics Reader is the indispensable set of readings for all students studying Pragmatics at advanced undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Combining key classic texts with newer extracts covering current developments in contemporary Pragmatics, each reading has been carefully selected to both showcase the best thinking and latest research and also to reflect the international nature of the field. The book also features a general introduction, a glossary of key terms, and a conclusion that explores the relationship between pragmatic theory and practice before anticipating the future directions of the subject. $65.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415546607, NZRP$81.00 Publish June 2011, 530 pages Routledge Quantity Linguistics

Great Debates: Employment Law


Simon Honeyball, University of Exeter, UK.

Second Edition

An engaging introduction to some of the more advanced writing on employment law for a reader with a reasonable grasp of the basic legal principles, illuminated throughout with discussion of the specific issues which reveal the practical significance of different theoretical positions. $44.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230278400, NZRP$55.00 Publish June 2011, 224 pages Palgrave Macmillan Law

Kate Kearns, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. This introductory textbook assumes no prior knowledge and covers a wide range of core topics in formal semantics. Now thoroughly updated, the second edition features new chapters on semantic composition, type theory and the lambda calculus, as well as a revised discussion of Pragmatics and a variety of new exercises. $55.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230232303, NZRP$69.00 Publish June 2011, 288 pages Palgrave Macmillan Linguistics New Zealand Author


9 780230 278400

Legal Skills

Syntactic Theory

Lisa Cherkassky, Julia Cressey, Christopher Gale, Jessica Guth, Ilias Kapsis, Robin Lister, William Onzivu and Steve Rook, all Bradford University Law School, UK.

Second Edition Geoffrey Poole, Newcastle University, UK. Clear, practical and accessible, Syntactic Theory introduces students to theory building and evaluation through Government-Binding Theory. Now fully updated, this second edition features new chapters on the Minimalist Program, expanded chapters on Phrase Structure and Functional Categories and extensively revised end-of-chapter exercises. $58.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230243941, NZRP$72.00 Publish June 2011, 336 pages Palgrave Macmillan Linguistics

A comprehensive and accessible guide to the academic and practical skills needed in the study of law, including essential techniques for legal research, reasoning, writing, advocacy, negotiation, interviewing and advising. Also features an extensive section on career development. $58.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230230088, NZRP$72.00 Publish June 2011, 480 pages Palgrave Macmillan Law

9 780230 230088


9 780230 232303


9 780230 243941 June titles



Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles Applied Concept Mapping

The Media Studies Reader

Capturing, Analyzing, and Organizing Knowledge

Laurie Ouellette, University of Minnesota, USA The Media Studies Reader is a broad and accessible anthology that addresses the key topics, debates and theoretical perspectives associated with the interdisciplinary field of media studies. Emphasizing critical and cultural approaches, the collection provides an up-to-date survey of the major sub-areas of Media Studies including: 1) media and power, 2) media technologies, 3) media institutions, 4) advertising and commercialism, 5) signification and representation, 6) identity and self-fashioning, 7) audiences and social practices and 8) media and citizenship. $80.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415801256, NZRP$95.00 Publish July 2011, 592 pages Routledge Media Studies

Brian M. Moon, Perigean Technologies LLC, USA; Robert R. Hoffman, Joseph D. Novak and Alberto J. Cañas, all Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), USA.

9 781439 828601

Supported by business application case studies, this text offers an accessible introduction to the theory, methods, and application of Concept Mapping in business and government. The case studies illustrate applications across a range of industriesincluding engineering, product development, defense, and healthcare. The authors provide access to a free download of CmapTools to enable readers to create and share their own Concept Maps. $89.95 Hb, ISBN 9781439828601, NZRP$114.00 Publish June 2011, 280 pages CRC Press Quantity Management

Advanced Engineering Mathematics

Web 2.0

Fifth Edition

Sam Han, City University of New York.

K.A. Stroud, Coventry University, UK, and Dexter J. Booth, University of Huddersfield, UK.

Web 2.0 is a highly accessible introductory text examining all the crucial discussions and issues which surround the changing nature of the World Wide Web. It not only contextualises the Web 2.0 within the history of the Web, but also goes on to explore its position within the broader dispositif of emerging media technologies. The book uncovers the connections between diverse media technologies including mobile smart phones, handheld multimedia players, “netbooks” and electronic book readers such as the Amazon Kindle, all of which are made possible only by the Web 2.0. $43.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415780407, NZRP$54.00 Publish June 2011, 176 pages Routledge Media Studies

This bestselling textbook is a comprehensive course for undergraduate in engineering and science from 2nd year level onwards. Its highly successful technique-oriented approach guides the student through the development of each topic. There are hundreds of worked examples and exercises. $100.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230275485, NZRP$126.00 Publish June 2011, 1152 pages Palgrave Macmillan Mathematics


9 780230 275485


9 780415 780407

Engineering Mathematics through Applications

BIOS Instant Notes in Neuroscience

Second Edition

Alan Longstaff, Open University, UK.

Kuldeep Singh, University of Hertfordshire, UK.

BIOS Instant Notes in Neuroscience, Third Edition, is the perfect text for undergraduates looking for a concise introduction to the subject, or a study guide to use before examinations. Each topic begins with a summary of essential facts-an ideal revision checklist-followed by a description of the subject that focuses on core information, with clear, simple diagrams that are easy for students to understand and recall in essays and exams. $52.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415607698, NZRP$58.00 Publish June 2011, 360 pages Taylor and Francis Neuroscience

Third Edition

Comprehensive, student-friendly text for 1st year engineering degree and pre-degree courses. Teaches maths in a step-by-step fashion with hundreds of examples and exercises, the majority in an applied engineering context so that you see immediately the purpose of the maths. Includes calculator and mathematical software examples and exercises. $94.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230274792, NZRP$117.00 Publish June 2011, 968 pages Palgrave Macmillan Mathematics


9 780230 274792

9 780415 586832


9 780415 801256


9 780415 607698

After the Media

Drug Calculations for Nurses

Culture and Identity in the 21st Century

Context for Practice

Pete Bennett, University of Wolverhampton, UK; Alex Kendall, Birmingham City University, UK; and Julian McDougall, Newman University College, UK.

Kerri Wright, University of Greenwich, UK.

This provocative text considers the state of media and cultural studies today after the demolition of the traditional media paradigm, and engages with the new, active consumer culture. It uses cultural and technological change as a context for a more forensic exploration of the traditional dependence on the idea of ‘the media’ as one homogenous unit. It suggests that it would be liberating for students, teachers and academics to depart from such a model and shift the focus to people and how they create culture in this contemporary ‘mediascape’. $65.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415586832, NZRP$81.00 Publish June 2011, 264 pages Routledge Quantity Media Studies

This innovative text uses a ‘common sense’ approach to introduce students to real-life medication problems. Featuring a range of exercises and assessments and supported by an interactive companion website, this is the perfect handbook for anyone seeking to improve their numeracy skills for medication administration. $31.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230231610, NZRP$39.00 Publish June 2011, 224 pages Palgrave Macmillan Nursing

9 780230 231610

June titles



Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles

9 780857 254375

Health Promotion and Public Health for Nursing Students

Writing for Nursing and Midwifery Students

Daryl Evans, Dina Coutsaftiki and C. Patricia Fathers, all Middlesex University, UK.

Second Edition

The health service is changing to emphasise the need for public involvement and empowerment in their own health. The NMC have recognised this in their new standards for pre-registration nursing education, by increasing the knowledge and skills required in health promotion and public health. Student nurses therefore need preparation for practice which brings health promotion into the forefront of nursing care. This book takes an up to date approach to the theory and practice of health promotion and public health, grounded in essential knowledge. It aims to enable nursing students to become health promoting nurses of the future. $38.00 Pb, ISBN 9780857254375, NZRP$48.00 Publish June 2011, 168 pages Learning Matters Quantity Nursing

This book combines the theory and practice of academic writing for nursing and midwifery students. Helping students analyze the basics of academic writing, examining cognitive processes such as reflection and critical thinking, Writing for Nursing and Midwifery Students is an invaluable resource for students throughout their study programs. $32.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230285187, NZRP$39.95 Publish June 2011, 240 pages Palgrave Macmillan Nursing

Julio Gimenez, Middlesex University, UK.

Nursing and Mental Health Care

Digital Practices

An Introduction for all Fields of Practice

Aesthetic and Neuroesthetic Approaches to Performance and Technology

Steve Trenoweth, Terry Docherty, Joseph Franks and Reuben Pearce, all Thames Valley University, UK.

9 781844 454679

Improving mental health for all is increasingly important in nursing as more people suffer from mental health issues, ranging from stress through to diagnosed illnesses. It is crucial that all nurses are aware of mental health problems and the impact these have on patients, families and carers. This book gives a clear overview of mental health in nursing relevant for all fields of practice. It explains the core features of the mental health nursing field, and explores aspects of mental health that every nurse should understand in order to provide holistic care to their patients. $41.00 Pb, ISBN 9781844454679, NZRP$51.00 Publish June 2011, 184 pages Learning Matters Quantity Nursing

Susan Broadhurst, Brunel University, UK.

9 780230 293649

9 780230 231672

Performance and Technology

Developing Basic Skills, Third Edition

Practices of Virtual Embodiment and Interactivity Josephine Machon and Susan Broadhurst, both Brunel University, UK.

Written by highly experienced researchers and authors, this practical workbook demystifies the research process for nursing students and practitioners. Fully updated to incorporate recent technological developments, this new edition features a range of exercises to both challenge and support the budding nurse researcher. $38.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230231672, NZRP$48.00 Publish June 2011, 176 pages Palgrave Macmillan Nursing


9 780230 293656

Succeeding in Research Project Plans and Literature Reviews for Nursing Students This book is a practical, user friendly text designed specifically for those undertaking dissertations or research projects in the final year of nursing programmes. This book addresses the need for a clear and practical text to guide students from the initial stage of deciding on a research topic, completing a literature review and designing their research, through to choosing data collection and analysis methods, and finally writing up their project proposal or dissertation. $41.00 Pb, ISBN 9780857252647, NZRP$51.00 Publish June 2011, 184 pages Learning Matters Nursing Quantity

Now in paperback and with a new Preface, this collection of writings from international contributors who specialize in a diverse range of digital art and performance practices, surveys various aspects of performance and technology. The discussions interrogate the interaction between new technologies and performance practice. Furthermore, in an innovative way they link the sensuous contact that must exist between the physical and virtual, together with the resultant corporeal transformation. $46.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230293656, NZRP$57.00 Publish June 2011, 224 pages Palgrave Macmillan Quantity Performance Studies

Police Ethics and Values Allyson MacVean, University of Cumbria, and Jonathan Hughes, Keele University, UK. This book is aimed at students taking undergraduate programmes in policing and policerelated disciplines who need to have a clear and comprehensive understanding of police ethics and values, and how this is understood in policy and applied in an operational setting. It discusses the range, importance and complexity of ethical issues faced by law enforcement practitioners and policy makers, introduces the key concepts of ethics, professionalism and policing, and relates these to key themes within policing. $39.00 Pb, ISBN 9780857253859, NZRP$48.00 Publish June 2011, 160 pages Learning Matters Policing

Andrew Whittaker, London South Bank University, and Graham R. Williamson, University of Plymouth.

9 780857 252647

Digital Practices offers a description of a range of art and performance practices that have emerged within the context of a broad-based technological infiltration of all areas of human experience. They are integral to alternative and also to mainstream performance and culture, and demand perceptual strategies that can address the interface between the physical and the virtual. Susan Broadhurst explores the aesthetic theorisation of these practices and extends her analysis to include other approaches, including those offered by recent research into the emergent field of neuroesthetics. $46.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230293649, NZRP$57.00 Publish June 2011, 232 pages Palgrave Macmillan Quantity Performance Studies

Nursing Research in Action Philip Burnard, Cardiff University, Wales, UK; Paul Morrison and Heather Gluyas, both Murdoch University, Australia.

Australian Authors


9 780230 285187

9 780857 253859

June titles



Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles Policing and Psychology

Research Methods and Design in Psychology

Nicholas Blagden, University of Huddersfield, UK.

9 780857 254658

The influence of psychology has become increasingly important to many aspects of modern policing. This up to date text examines psychological theories of crime and criminal behaviour, investigative psychology and policing, how stereotypes and prejudice can impact on police work, and the psychological effect of crime on victims. There are clear links with central aspects of policing including equality, diversity and rights. Underpinned by reflective activities and case studies, the text encourages a critical understanding of psychology applied to policing and what this looks like in a practical sense. It combines established theories with exciting new developments in the area. $39.00 Pb, ISBN 9780857254658, NZRP$51.00 Publish June 2011, 160 pages Learning Matters Quantity Policing

Allen Goodwin, Paul Richardson and Emma Vine, all Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

9 780857 254696

The Political Economy of Development

Internal Racism A Psychoanalytic Approach to Race and Difference

The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research

M. Fakhry Davids, London Clinic of Psychoanalysis, UK.

Kate Bayliss, Ben Fine, and Elisa Van Waeyenberge.

9 780745 331034

9 780415 667135

Any student, academic or practitioner wanting to succeed in development studies, radical or mainstream, must understand the World Bank’s role and the evolution of its thinking and activities. This book provides tools for gaining this understanding and applies them across a range of topics. It brings together academics that specialise in different subject areas of development and reviews their findings in the context of the World Bank as knowledge bank, policy-maker and financial institution. $59.95 Pb, ISBN 9780745331034, NZRP$74.95 Publish June 2011, 320 pages Pluto Quantity Political Economy

An in-depth account of how racism operates in the mind, this book links vivid clinical observation with theory and research to present an original model of the psychology of racism. Covering key issues, from internal and institutional racism to the Stephen Lawrence case, the book illuminates key issues for practitioners from all approaches. $53.00 Pb, ISBN 9780333964576, NZRP$66.00 Publish June 2011, 272 pages Palgrave Macmillan Social Psychology


9 780333 964576

Rise of China

Attachment Across the Lifecourse

Beijing’s Strategies and Implications for the Asia Pacific

A Brief Introduction

Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao and Cheng-yi Lin, both Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

Written by a top commentator on attachment theory, this brief introduction neatly summarises the latest thinking and research on attachment from childhood through to adulthood. It offers an essential overview for a wide student and professional audience, including social workers, psychologists, counsellors and nurses. $36.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230293595, NZRP$45.00 Publish June 2011, 272 pages Palgrave Macmillan Social Work

Despite the growing internal social unrest and disparity of economic development, China is the third largest world economy and the second largest defense spender. Showing no clear signs of slowing down, China’s rise is seen as both an opportunity and a challenge by the major world powers. This book examines every aspect of Beijing’s strategies, ranging from political, economic and social challenges, to the Taiwan and Hong Kong issues, to the implications of these strategies in terms of China’s place within the Asia Pacific, and indeed within the world system. $56.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415667135, NZRP$68.00 Publish June 2011, 336 pages Quantity Routledge Politics

David Howe, University of East Anglia, UK.

9 780230 293595


Introduction to Sensation and Perception

Child Protection Practice

George Mather.

What happens when social workers leave their desks to carry out home visits? Harry Ferguson provides a rich and compelling insight into day-today child protecting practice. Capturing the sight, smell and feel of the home visit, he outlines the realities and complexities of face-to-face social work within this challenging field. $48.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230242838, NZRP$60.00 Publish June 2011, 240 pages Palgrave Macmillan Social Work

Harry Ferguson, University of Nottingham, UK.

The study of Sensation and Perception looks at how we acquire, process and interpret information about the outside world. By describing key ideas from first principles, this straightforward introduction provides easy access to the basic concepts in the subject and incorporates the most recent advances with useful historical background. The text takes a uniquely integrative approach, highlighting fundamental findings that apply across all the senses - including vision, hearing, touch, pain, balance, smell and taste - rather than considering each sense in isolation. $34.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415581813, NZRP$43.00 Publish June 2011, 208 pages Routledge Psychology

9 780415 581813

This accessible introductory text addresses the core knowledge domain of research methods. It provides concise coverage of the central concepts, techniques, problems and debates in this key area, while encouraging a critical approach and developing students’ higher level skills. Activities help readers build the underpinning generic critical thinking and transferable skills they need in order to become independent learners, and to meet the relevant requirements of their programme of study. The text provides core information on designing psychology research studies with key chapters on both quantitative and qualitative designs. $39.00 Pb, ISBN 9780857254696, NZRP$48.00 Publish June 2011, 192 pages Learning Matters Quantity Psychology


9 780230 242838 June titles



Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles Effective Counselling with Young People

In Foreign Fields The Politics of Experiences of Transnational Sport Migration

Hazel Reid and Jane Westergaard, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.

9 780857 252951

This book examines key theoretical counselling perspectives and applies these specifically to work with young people. It establishes how to build counselling relationships in order to support young people and enable them to achieve positive outcomes and to manage their lives effectively. It also identifies the key counselling skills needed to engage in purposeful, helping conversations. There are sections on understanding adolescent development, exploring person-centred principles and understanding and using motivational interviewing - all of which help to blend academic theory with the realities of practice. $41.00 Pb, ISBN 9780857252951, NZRP$49.00 Publish June 2011, 184 pages Learning Matters Quantity Social Work

Thomas F. Carter, University of Brighton, UK.

9 780745 330143

Effective Writing Skills for Social Work

White-Collar Crime The Abuse of Corporate and Government Power

Philip Musson, University of Lincoln. This concise text is written specifically to help students and practitioners hone their techniques and develop their skills when it comes to writing in a clear, accessible and, above all, rigorous manner. There are sections on good essay writing and how to construct an argument, referencing and plagiarism, and reflective and critical writing. More than just another study skills book, Effective Writing Skills for Social Work is focused on real, day-to-day practice issues and the complex academic demands faced by social work students. $31.00 Pb, ISBN 9780857254177, NZRP$39.00 Publish June 2011, 112 pages Learning Matters Social Work Quantity

9 780857 254177

Ronald J. Berger, University of WisconsinWhitewater.

9 781588 267658

Critical Thinking Skills

Working with Diversity and Difference, Third Edition

Developing Effective Analysis and Argument, Second Edition

Neil Thompson is a highly respected writer, teacher and adviser, with over 32 years’ experience in the people professions.

Stella Cottrell, University of Leeds, UK


9 780230 285293

Understanding Addiction Behaviours

Stella Cottrell, University of Leeds, UK. This best-selling planner is the complete selfmanagement tool for students. It contains everything students need to organize their information and time effectively, including study skills advice, diary pages, personal finance guidance, timetables, useful contacts and websites, spelling rules, notes pages, bookmark, plastic pocket and maps. $15.95 ISBN 9780230298262, NZRP$19.95 Publish June 2011, 224 pages Palgrave Macmillan Study Skills

G. Hussein Rassool, Intercultural Therapy Centre, Mauritius. Are you looking for a book that is about more than just drugs or alcohol misuse? This comprehensive text uniquely examines both pharmacological and non-pharmacological addictions. Highlighting the multi-professional nature of work in this area, it examines current theory and research, effects, assessment and intervention strategies available. $55.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230240193, NZRP$69.00 Publish June 2011, 288 pages Palgrave Macmillan Social Work


‘More analysis needed’ is a comment lecturers repeatedly have to write on their students’ work. Proceeding beyond this level of feedback is difficult when many students don’t understand what analysis is or how to integrate criticism into their work. With this in mind, Critical Thinking Skills has taken the seemingly baffling art of analysis and broken it down into easy to understand blocks, with clear explanations, good examples, and plenty of activities to develop understanding at each stage. It even applies the techniques to reading, note making and writing. $32.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230285293, NZRP$39.95 Publish June 2011, 296 pages Palgrave Macmillan Quantity Study Skills

The Palgrave Student Planner 2011-2012

Theoretical and Clinical Practice in Health and Social Care

9 780230 240193

When does cutting corners in pursuit of corporate profit become a crime? When should the misdeeds of government officials warrant a prison sentence? This lucid introduction to the notoriously complex problem of white-collar crime provides students with a set of tools for exploring the abuse of corporate and government power. It covers the gamut of corporate crimes and government malfeasance, and accessibly introduces theoretical concepts. It includes both classic case studies and contemporary examples, and documents the devastating impact of white-collar crime. $38.00 Pb, ISBN 9781588267658, NZRP$48.00 Publish June 2011, 260 pages Quantity Lynne Rienner Sociology

Promoting Equality

Highly anticipated, this third Edition of a trusted book provides health and social care readers with a lucid guide to the theory and practice of challenging discrimination. With all-new features to further embed links to practice, it emphasises the ever-increasing importance of promoting equality within the people professions. $48.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230223431, NZRP$60.00 Publish June 2011, 288 pages Palgrave Macmillan Social Work

9 780230 223431

In Foreign Fields examines the lives, decisions and challenges faced by transnational sport migrants those professionals working in the sports industry who cross borders as part of their professional lives. Despite a great deal of romance surrounding international celebrity athletes, the vast majority of transnational sport migrants - players, journalists, coaches, administrators and medical personnel toil far away from the limelight. Based on twelve years of ethnographic research conducted on three continents, Thomas F. Carter traces their lives, routes and experiences, documenting their travels and travails. $48.00 Pb, ISBN 9780745330143, NZRP$59.95 Publish June 2011, 248 pages Quantity Pluto Sociology

9 780230 298262 June titles



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