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How We Think
Responding to Diversity in Schools
A Theory of Goal-Oriented Behavior
An Inquiry-Based Approach
Alan H. Schoenfeld, University of California, Berkeley.
Susie Miles and Mel Ainscow, both University of Manchester, UK.
In How We Think, esteemed scholar and mathematician, Alan H. Schoenfeld, proposes a groundbreaking theory and model for how we think and act in the classroom and beyond. Based on thirty years of research on problem solving and teaching, Schoenfeld provides compelling evidence for a concrete approach that describes how teachers, and individuals more generally, navigate their way through in-the-moment decision-making in well-practiced domains. $59.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415878654 Publish September 2010, 328 pages Routledge Quantity Education
This book provides guidance for education practitioners on how to use an inquiry-based approach in responding to learner diversity. The book sets out to encourage innovation in schools, challenge existing assumptions and practices, and promote critical reflection. The contributing authors explain how to use a wide range of research methods, including visual methods that can be used to gather the views of children and young people. In addition, the book provides illustrative examples of innovative approaches to doing research with children, teachers and parents in schools. $56.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415575775 Quantity Publish September 2010, 208 pages Routledge Education
9 780415 878654
9 780415 575775
Supporting Inclusive Practice
Learning and Teaching Across Cultures in Higher Education
Gianna Knowles, University of Chichester, UK. Now fully updated to be in line with changes to education policy as well as the findings of the Rose report and the Every Child Matters strategy, Supporting Inclusive Practice encourages the ongoing practice of inclusion with discussions, guidance and advice on how to build an inclusive environment. Also helping you to promote children’s independence, emotional resilience and advice on working with families and professional agencies, this book is integral to all those training at university to work in the education sector, teachers and teaching assistants who are looking to truly achieve inclusive practice in their classroom. $62.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415578998 Publish September 2010, 192 pages Routledge Quantity Education
David Palfreyman, Zayed University, Dubai, and Dawn McBride, University of Lethbridge, Canada.
9 780230 279674
9 780415 990547
This book is intended for anyone who has an interest in intercultural aspects of learning and teaching in higher education. They may be interested in setting up intercultural contacts between students and others; or they may be engaging with issues of the modern global context such as internationalization of curriculum, global flows of students and educators and more inclusive admission policies. This book contains theoretical rationale, resources and examples to assist both teachers and administrators in understanding and tackling such situations. $53.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230279674 Publish September 2010, 282 pages Quantity Palgrave Macmillan Education
9 780415 578998
Parental Involvement and Academic Success
Teacher Preparation for Linguistically Diverse Classrooms
William H. Jeynes, California State University, Long Beach, US.
A Resource for Teacher Educators
Providing an objective assessment of the influence of parental involvement and what aspects of parental participation can best maximize the educational outcomes of students, this volume is structured to guide readers to a thorough understanding of the history, practice, theories, and impact of parental involvement. Cutting-edge research and meta-analyses offer vital insight into how different types of students benefit from parental engagement and what types of parental involvement help the most. $64.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415990547 Publish September 2010, 256 pages Routledge Quantity Education
This book is at the forefront in focusing exclusively on the preparation of mainstream classroom teachers for the growing number of students who speak native languages other than English. Meeting a pressing need among teacher educators left to figure out, largely by trial and error, how best to prepare non-specialist classroom teachers to work with ELLs, this book both contributes to the research base and provides practical information to help readers envision possibilities they can apply in their own settings. $72.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415997928 Publish September 2010, 256 pages Quantity Routledge Education
Tamara Lucas, Montclair State University.
9 780415 997928 1
September titles
Professional Titles A Counseling Primer
Bion Today
An Introduction to the Profession
Chris Mawson, British Psychoanalytical Society.
Mary Guindon, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, USA.
Bion Today explores how Bion’s work is used in contemporary settings; how his ideas have been applied at the level of the individual, the group and the organisation; and which phenomena have been made more comprehensible through the lenses of his concepts. The book introduces distinctive psychoanalytic contributions to show the ways in which distinguished analysts have explored and developed the ideas of Wilfred Bion. Bion Today will be a valuable resource for psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and all those who are interested in learning more about Bion’s thinking and his work. $64.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415570725 Publish September 2010, 352 pages Routledge Quantity Psychoanalysis
This introductory, professional orientation text is intended for use by beginning counseling students and can serve as a review for students at internship stage and those in early practice. It covers Standard One, Professional Identity, one of the eight core areas of the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) curriculum. The text quickly orients readers to who counselors (and counseling students) are, what counseling actually is, where and when it is practiced, and why people seek counseling help. $72.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415875356 Publish September 2010, 240 pages Routledge Quantity Counselling
9 780415 875356
9 780415 570725
Grief After Suicide
The First Year and the Rest of Your Life
Understanding the Consequences and Caring for the Survivors
Movement, Development, and Psychotherapeutic Change
John R. Jordan, Director, The Family Loss Project, Massachusetts, USA, and John L. McIntosh, Indiana University South Bend, Indiana, USA.
9 780415 993555
This edited volume addresses the need for an up-to-date, professionally oriented summary of the clinical and research literature on the impact of suicide bereavement on survivors. Topics covered include the impact of suicide on survivors, interventions to provide bereavement care for survivors, examples of promising support programs for survivors, and developing a research, clinical, and programmatic agenda for survivors over the next 5 years and beyond. $64.00 Hb, ISBN 9780415993555 Publish September 2010, 350 pages Quantity Routledge Counselling
Ruella Frank, New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, and Frances La Barre, Pace University.
9 780415 876407
Grieving Beyond Gender
Psychoanalysis and Motivational Systems
Understanding the Ways Men and Women Mourn, Revised Edition
Joseph D. Lichtenberg, Psychoanalytic Inquiry; Frank M. Lachmann, Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity; and James L. Fosshage, National Institute for the Psychotherapies, NYC.
Kenneth J. Doka, Graduate School of The College of New Rochelle, and Terry L. Martin, Hood College.
9 780415 995726
This book is a revision of Men Don’t Cry, Women Do: Transcending Gender Stereotypes of Grief. In this work, Doka and Martin elaborate on their conceptual model of “styles or patterns of grieving” - a model that has generated both research and acceptance since the publication of the first edition in 1999. In that book, as well as in this revision, Doka and Martin explore the different ways that individuals grieve, noting that gender is only one factor that affects an individual’s style or pattern of grief. $56.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415995726 Publish September 2010, 258 pages Quantity Routledge Counselling
9 780415 883238
Opening by placing motivational systems theory within a contemporary dynamic systems theory, the authors then respond to critics of motivational systems theory. They present revisions to their approach to the original five motivational systems, adding two more: an affiliative and a caregiving motivational system. The authors go on to suggest that motivational systems theory can help us understand how a continuity of self can be maintained despite near-constant fluctuations in interpersonal relations. $53.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415883238 Quantity Publish September 2010, 232 pages Routledge Psychoanalysis
Professional Development in Social Work
Nurturing Natures
Complex Issues in Practice
This book provides an indispensable account of current understandings of children’s emotional development. Integrating the latest research findings from areas such as attachment theory, neuroscience and developmental psychology, it weaves these into a readable and easy to digest text. It will leave the reader confident that they have grasped the important issues about psychological and social development. It provides a tour of the most significant influences on the developing child, always bearing in mind the family and social context. $69.95 Pb, ISBN 9781848720572 Publish September 2010, 272 pages Routledge Psychology
Graham Music, Tavistock Clinic in London.
Janet Seden, Sarah Matthews, Mick McCormick, and Alun Morgan, all The Open University, UK.
9 780415 553360
The authors demonstrate how observations of the fundamental movements of the infant, in interaction with the parents, can cue us to coconstructed experiences that might otherwise remain unelaborated absent language. Using the technique of foundational movement analysis - a careful deconstruction of the various elements at play in parent/child movement - it is possible to determine areas of potential misfit between parent and baby that interfere with optimal development. $48.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415876407 Quantity Publish September 2010, 192 pages Routledge Psychoanalysis
This volume considers not just what you need to know to practice, but how you develop in criticality and capability It examines new roles, identities and contexts, including some international perspectives and the impact of globalisation. Each chapter discusses the contexts of practice (such as law, policies and theories); the contributions made both by those who practice social work and those who use its services; and the capabilities and skills that social workers need to develop in order to deal with complexity in social work. $56.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415553360 Publish September 2010, 224 pages Quantity Routledge Counselling
9 781848 720572
September titles
Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles Small Places, Large Issues
Genome Duplication
An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
Melvin DePamphilis, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, USA, and Stephen D. Bell, Oxford University, UK.
Thomas Hylland Eriksen, University of Oslo.
Using model organisms from the three domains of life (Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya), Genome Duplication explains the principle molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and shows how the process is linked to cell division. This approache allows the book to give insight into how genome duplication evolved, and how its regulation is relevant to the understanding and treatment of human disease, especially cancer. $140.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415442060 Publish September 2010, 450 pages Garland Science Biology
This concise introduction to social and cultural anthropology has become a modern classic, revealing the rich global variation in social life and culture. The text provides a clear overview of anthropology, focusing on central topics such as kinship, ethnicity, ritual and political systems, offering a wealth of examples that demonstrate the enormous scope of anthropology and the importance of a comparative perspective. $49.95 Pb,ISBN 9780745330495 Publish September 2010, 376 pages Pluto Anthropology
9 780745 330495
9 781420 077636
9 780879 698669
9 780415 442060
Biology for Engineers
A Primer of Conservation Behavior
Arthur T. Johnson, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA.
Daniel T. Blumstein, University of California, Los Angeles, and Esteban Fernández-Juricic, Purdue University.
Intended as an introductory text on biology from an engineering perspective, this resource elaborates on concepts and technology with an emphasis on the utilization of living things. Rather than treating biology as a science requiring memorization of connections and classifications, the book explores its relevance as an application area for engineering analysis and design. The author takes a broad approach, encompassing everything from genetics and cellular structure to grand ecological systems. Except for a unique chapter on scaling, there are few equations and little quantitative analysis; because it is an introductory text, ideas and concepts are primary. $144.00 Hb, ISBN 9781420077636 Quantity Publish September 2010, 726 pages CRC Press Biochemistry
The goal of this primer is to nurture the development of biologists interested in using specific animal behavior conceptual and methodological tools to aid in solving biological conservation and wildlife management problems. This book is broadly aimed at biologists interested in or practicing conservation biology and wildlife management, including undergraduate and graduate students, conservation biologists, ecologists, wildlife managers, zoo personnel, animal behaviorists, and behavioral ecologists. $49.95 Pb, ISBN 9780878934010 Publish September 2010, 300 pages Sinauer Associates Quantity Biology
9 780878 934010
At the Helm
Cases in International Business
Leading Your Laboratory
Max Coulthard is Senior Lecturer, Monash University.
Kathy Barker, Rockefeller University.
Cases in International Business: Issues in Internationalisation consists of twenty current and ‘classic’ business cases from Australia and our region. Many have an international focus and look at expansion either from or into Australia. Some even look at ‘negative’ expansion. Each case is accompanied by review questions, to which solutions are available. $39.95 Pb, ISBN 9780734610775 Publish September 2010, 120 pages Tilde University Press Business
Since 2002, the first edition of this best-selling book has helped thousands of newly appointed principal investigators successfully transition to running their own labs. In the second edition of this book, Kathy Barker has substantially revised the text, offering PIs advice on adapting to the changes and challenges that the years have brought. New topics include collaboration contracts, performance evaluations, communicating with non-scientists, tips for succeeding on the tenure track, and professional development. With this book as a guide, any new or aspiring PI will be well-equipped to manage personnel, time, and institutional responsibilities with confidence. $94.00 Hb, ISBN 9780879698669 Quantity Publish September 2010, 372 pages Cold Spring Harbor Biology
Australian Author Quantity
9 780734 610775
Global Business
Fourth Edition
Positioning Ventures Ahead
Mark V. Lomolino, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Brett R. Riddle, University of Nevada; Robert J. Whittaker, University of Oxford; and James H. Brown, University of New Mexico.
Michael R. Czinkota and Ilkka A. Ronkainen, both Georgetown University.
Biogeography, first published in 1983, is one of the most comprehensive text and general reference books in the field. The Fourth Edition builds on the strengths of previous editions, combining evolutionary and ecological perspectives to show how Earth history, contemporary environments, and evolutionary and ecological processes have shaped species distributions and nearly all patterns of biodiversity. $130.00 Hb, ISBN 9780878934942 Publish September 2010, 560 pages Sinauer Associates Quantity Biology
9 780878 934942
9 780415 801942 September titles
Global Business: Positioning Ventures Ahead alerts every business to the new windows of opportunity open to those willing to explore global markets. Authors Czinkota and Ronkainen bring readers quickly up to speed on the essentials of international marketing, explaining all the strategic alternatives for going global-from exporting and licensing to distributorships and joint ventures. They illustrate how to present, promote, and price products and services to appeal to multiple world markets and how to strike back when world competitors move into one’s territory. $96.00 Hb, ISBN 9780415801942 Publish September 2010, 256 pages Quantity Routledge Business
Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles Contemporary Critical Criminology
Human Factors in Mining Equipment Design
Walter S. DeKeseredy, Ontario University Institute of Technology, Canada.
Tim Horberry and Robin Burgess-Limerick, both University of Queensland, and Lisa J. Steiner.
Written by an internationally renowned scholar, Contemporary Critical Criminology introduces the most up-to-date empirical, theoretical, and political contributions made by critical criminologists around the world. In its exploration of this material, the book also challenges the erroneous but widely held notion that the critical criminological project is restricted to mechanically applying theories to substantive topics, or to simple calling for radical political, economic, cultural, and social transformations. $56.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415556668 Publish September 2010, 216 pages Routledge Criminology
Australian Authors
9 780415 556668
9 781439 802311
The Promise of Restorative Justice
Mediations in the Construction Industry
New Approaches for Criminal Justice and Beyond
An International Review
John P. J. Dussich, California State University, Fresno, and Jill Schellenberg, Fresno Pacific University.
9 781588 267238
9 780415 473729
The increasing popularity of restorative justice has prompted new and varying applications of its core principles. This book highlights the ways that these new ideas now spark innovations both throughout the criminal justice system and in business, education, athletics, and the aftermath of ethnic conflict. They offer fresh approaches to addressing the problems of crime and other human conflicts in ways that productively incorporate the values of mutual respect, accountability, and ultimately reconciliation between offenders and victims. $88.00 Hb, ISBN 9781588267238 Publish September 2010, 290 pages Quantity Lynne Rienner Criminology
Penny Brooker and Suzanne Wilkinson. This book identifies the emerging international practices within construction mediation, and seeks solutions to the many legal and commercial challenges which they pose. It presents an international collection of reviews by experts, and allows a comparative commentary on the practice of construction mediation and the legal challenges facing its development. $144.00 Hb, ISBN 9780415471756 Publish September 2010, 208 pages Taylor and Francis Engineering Quantity
9 780415 471756
The Economics of Industrial Development
Soil Mechanics
John Weiss, University of Bradford, UK.
Graham Barnes is an independent consultant and researcher.
Principles and Practice
This book charts current trends in industrial development drawing on available statistics and explores different perspectives on the role the manufacturing industry can play. The book draws on simple concepts of economic theory but avoids a technical mathematical approach and should be accessible to a wide audience. It extends and updates the author’s earlier work on industrialisation published by Routledge (Industry in Developing Countries, 1990 and Industrialisation and Globalisation, 2002) and aims to present a comprehensive overview of these important contemporary issues. $112.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415473729 Publish Septmeber 2010, 240 pages Quantity Routledge Economics
Soil Mechanics provides civil engineering students with a clear understanding of the nature of soil and its behaviour, offering an insight into the application of principles to engineering solutions. In keeping with industry changes, this updated third edition now incorporates Eurocodes with worked examples to demonstrate the theory in use. $104.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230579804 Publish September 2010, 544 pages Palgrave Macmillan Engineering
9 780230 579804
Creating the Therapeutic Relationship in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Time-Dependent Behaviour of Concrete Structures Professor Gilbert, University of New South Wales, and Dr Ranzi, University of Sydney.
Judith Green, University of Cambridge. This book is an essential guide for counselling and psychotherapy students who want to explore the personal qualities and attitudes of the therapist, and to allow the client to engage in the therapeutic process with trust. The book will consider how students of counselling can develop these qualities and enhance their awareness of their attitudes to enable them to be fully present and emotionally available in their encounters with clients. $48.00 Pb, ISBN 9781844454631 Publish September 2010, 176 pages Learning Matters Education
Australian Authors
9 781844 454631
This book provides an easily accessible, user friendly resource that is practical and up to date. It can be used as a guidebook when searching for information about a specific Human Factors topic or it can be read from cover-to cover to gain a more complete understanding of Human Factors issues. Through coverage of topics such as equipment design, operations and maintenance, manual tasks, workstation design, physical environment, the book explores what human factors are all about and their critical importance to safety, health, and efficiency in the minerals industry. $135.00 Hb, ISBN 9781439802311 Quantity Publish September 2010, 228 pages CRC Press Engineering
9 780415 493840 September titles
Providing detailed information, this book helps engineers to rationally predict the time-varying deformation of concrete structures under typical in-service conditions. It gives analytical methods to help anticipate time-dependent cracking, the gradual change in tension stiffening with time, creep induced deformations and the load independent strains caused by shrinkage and temperature changes. The calculation procedures are illustrated with many worked examples. $150.00 Hb, ISBN 9780415493840 Publish September 2010, 352 pages Taylor and Francis Engineering Quantity
Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles Gender and Global Restructuring
Core Documents on International Law
Marianne H. Marchand, Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, Mexico, and Anne Sisson Runyan, University of Cincinnati, USA.
Karen Hulme is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Essex, UK, where she specialises in teaching and researching in Public International Law.
In this new edition of this best selling text, interdisciplinary feminist experts from around the world provide new analyses of the ongoing relationship between gender and neoliberal globalization under the new imperialism in the post-9/11 context. Providing a coherent and challenging approach to the issues of gender and the processes of globalization in the new millennium, this important text will be of interest to students and scholars of IPE, international relations, economics, development and gender studies. $73.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415776806 Quantity Publish September 2010, 288 pages Routledge Gender Studies
Compiled in response to student need, Core Documents on International Law is designed to provide the essential statutory material in an easily navigable format which is ideal for exam use. $36.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230281080 Publish September 2010, 424 pages Palgrave Macmillan Law
9 780230 281080
Sociocultural Intelligence
Core Statutes on Commercial and Consumer
A New Discipline in Intelligence Studies
Graham Stephenson taught Obligations, Remedies and Consumer Law for several years at the University of Central Lancashire, UK.
Kerry E. Patton, Henley Putnam University. The book offers an in-depth analysis and conceptualization of a much needed intelligence discipline, Sociocultural intelligence (SOCINT). Not only a tool for war fighting, SOCINT is needed for multiple uses, such as law enforcement operations and business. Written by an international expert, this unique book combines theoretical analysis with practical application to present and advocate for the systematic use of SOCINT to students and practitioners in intelligence studies, intelligence communities, and national security. $53.00 Pb, ISBN 9781441155313 Publish September 2010, 224 pages Continuum International Relations Quantity
9 781441 155313
Compiled in response to student need, Core Statutes on Commercial and Consumer Law is designed to provide the essential statutory material in an easily navigable format which is ideal for exam use. $36.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230280892 Publish September 2010, 424 pages Palgrave Macmillan Law
9 780230 280892
Core Treaties on European and International Human Rights
Evidence Fifth Edition
Rhona Smith is a Professor in the School of Law at Northumbria University, UK. She is also Visiting Professor in Human Rights at Peking University Law School, China.
P algrave M acmillan L aw M asters
Raymond N. Emson is a lawyer in the Government Legal Service specialising in the criminal law and the law of criminal evidence. He also contributes on a part-time basis to the teaching of Evidence at King’s College London, UK.
Compiled in response to student need, Core Treaties on European and International Human Rights is designed to provide essential materials in an easily navigable format at a value-for-money price. $36.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230281141 Publish September 2010, 384 pages Palgrave Macmillan Law
From DNA profiling to consideration of the accused’s previous conduct, the law of evidence is a fascinating amalgam of logic, common sense, philosophy and tactics. Evidence explains the fundamentals and looks at the principles behind it. $69.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230272682 Publish September 2010, 544 pages Palgrave Macmillan Law
9 780230 272682
9 780230 281141
Family Law
Construction Contract Law
Kate Standley teaches Family Law and Child Law at the University of Essex, UK.
The Essentials
This text provides a clear, comprehensive and engaging account of this rapidly developing subject. In addition to dealing with the intricacies of statute and case law, it deals with the wider social and policy issues, current family law debates and proposals for reform. It includes up-to-date coverage of the latest major developments. $55.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230251595 Publish September 2010, 520 pages Palgrave Macmillan Law
Covering the essentials of the subject, including how the law has developed, the reasoning behind key contract clauses and how contract law is applied in practice, this is an invaluable guide for students at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Thoroughly updated, it now includes amendments to the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act. $81.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230230446 Publish September 2010, 432 pages Palgrave Macmillan Law
John Adriaanse, South Bank University, London, UK.
9 780230 251595
9 780230 230446 September titles
P algrave M acmillan C ore L aw S tatutes
9 780415 776806
Sightings, Sites and Resistances
Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles
9 780415 462143
Text, Cases and Materials on Public Law and Human Rights
Ordinary Differential Equations
Third Edition
Charles E. Roberts, Jr.,Indiana State University.
Helen Fenwick and Gavin Phillipson, both Durham University, UK.
Ordinary Differential Equations: Applications, Models, and Computing emphasizes the use of computer software in teaching differential equations. Providing an even balance between theory, computer solution, and application, the text discusses the theorems and applications of the first-order initial value problem, including learning theory models, population growth models, epidemic models, and chemical reactions. It then examines the theory for n-th order linear differential equations and the Laplace transform and its properties, before addressing several linear differential equations with constant coefficients that arise in physical and electrical systems. $160.00 Hb, ISBN 9781439819081 Quantity Publish April 2010, 600 pages CRC Press Mathematics
Text, Cases and Materials on Public Law and Human Rights integrates a diverse and contemporary collection of cases and materials with an authoritative narrative commentary from two leading academics in the fields of public law and human rights. The text intersperses extracts from leading cases, academic commentary and parliamentary and governmental material to produce an all-encompassing student companion to constitutional, administrative and UK human rights law. $92.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415462143 Publish September 2010, 1200 pages Quantity Routledge Law
Applications, Models, and Computing
9 781439 819081
Corpus Linguistics in Literary Analysis
Global Terrorism and New Media
Jane Austen and Her Contemporaries
Philip Seib, University of Southern California, and Dana Janbek, Lasell College.
The Post Al-Qaeda Generation
Dr. Bettina Fischer-Starcke, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria.
Global Terrorism and New Media carefully examines the content of terrorist websites and extremist television programming to provide a comprehensive look at how terrorist groups use new media today. Based partly on a content analysis of discussion boards and forums, the authors share their findings on how terrorism 1.0 is migrating to 2.0 where the interactive nature of new media is used to build virtual organization and community. $67.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415779623 Publish September 2010, 176 pages Routledge Media Studies Quantity
Corpus Linguistics in Literary Analysis provides a theoretical introduction to corpus stylistics and also demonstrates its application by presenting corpus stylistic analyses of literary texts and corpora. The analyses demonstrate the impact of various features of text on literary meanings and how corpus tools can extract new critical angles. $70.00 Pb, ISBN 9781847064387 Publish September 2010, 240 pages Continuum Linguistics Quantity
9 781847 064387
9 780415 779623
Key Terms in Stylistics
The Media Handbook
Nina Nørgaard, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark; Beatrix Busse, University of Berne, Switzerland; and Rocío Montoro, University of Granada, Spain.
A Complete Guide to Advertising Media Selection, Planning, Research, and Buying
Key Terms in Stylistics provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of the field, along with sections that explain relevant terms, concepts and key thinkers listed from A to Z. The book comprises entries on different stylistic approaches to text, including feminist, cognitive, corpus and multimodal stylistics. There is coverage of key thinkers and their work as well as of central terms and concepts. It ends with a comprehensive bibliography of key texts. $44.95 Pb, ISBN 9780826419484 Publish September 2010, 256 pages Continuum Quantity Linguistics
This book provides an introduction to the complete media planning and buying process. Emphasizing basic media planning and buying calculations along with the practical realities of offering plan alternatives and evaluating the plan, this fourth edition reflects the critical changes in how media today are planned, bought, and sold. The author Helen Katz looks at the larger marketing, advertising, and media objectives, and follows with an exploration of major media categories. $56.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415873543 Publish September 2010, 214 pages Routledge Quantity Media Studies
9 780826 419484
9 780415 425230
Helen Katz is Senior Vice President and Director of Research for Starcom Mediavest Group.
9 780415 873543
Handbook for Classical Research
Media Writing
David M. Schaps, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
A Practical Introduction
The Handbook for Classical Research offers guidance to students needing to learn more about the different fields and subfields of classical research, and its methods and resources. Topics covered range from history and literature, lexicography and linguistics, epigraphy and palaeography, to archaeology and numismatics, and the study and reception of the classics. Guidance is given not only to read, for example, an archaeological or papyrological report, but also on how to find such sources when they are relevant to research. Concentrating on “how-to” topics, the Handbook for Classical Studies is a much needed resource for both teachers and students. $64.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415425230 Publish September 2010, 368 pages Quantity Routledge Literary Studies
Craig Batty, Bournemouth University, UK, and Sandra Cain, Southampton Solent University, UK. From copywriting to screenwriting and digital to print, this text examines a variety of media writing possibilities. With case studies to illustrate concepts, the book merges theory and practical tips giving students a critical vocabulary to use when discussing texts. It is an essential resource for journalism, media and creative-writing students. $48.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230218765 Publish September 2010, 296 pages Palgrave Macmillan Media Studies
9 780230 218765
September titles
Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles Television and New Media
Global Environmental Politics
Must-Click TV
Concepts, Theories and Case Studies
Jennifer Gillan, Bentley University.
Gabriela Kutting, Rutgers-Newark University, USA.
Television and New Media introduces students to the ways that new media technologies have transformed contemporary television production, distribution, and reception practices. Drawing upon recent examples including Lost, 24, and Heroes, this book closely examines the ways that television programming has changed with the influx of new media-transforming nearly every TV series into a franchise, whose on-air, online, and on-mobile elements are created simultaneously and held together through transmedia storytelling. $58.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415802383 Publish September 2010, 256 pages Routledge Media Studies
Global Environmental Politics is the perfect introduction to this increasingly significant area. The text combines an accessible introduction to the most important environmental theories and concepts with a series of detailed case studies of the most pressing environmental problems. This exciting new textbook is essential reading all students of environmental politics and will be of great interest to students of International Relations and Political Economy. $64.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415777940 Publish September 2010, 192 pages Routledge Politics Quantity
9 780415 802383
9 780415 777940
The Midwife-Mother Relationship
Parties and Politics in Contemporary Japan
Mavis Kirkham, Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Covering completely new topics areas, including the effects of emotional labour, poverty and health policy, the new edition of this ground-breaking text brings together classic and current research to establish key tenets for maternity care within hospital and home. It remains the definitive guide to the complex area of midwife-mother relations. $64.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230577367 Publish September 2010, 288 pages Palgrave Macmillan Midwifery
The Post-Koizumi Era Ronald J. Hrebenar, University of Utah.
9 780230 577367
9 781844 458424
9 780415 780513
9 781588 266538
Exploring the shifts in Japanese politics in the post-Koizumi era, this up-to-date study offers a comprehensive introduction to Japan’s current party system and political behavior. The authors assess the contours and implications of the new party politics, with particular attention to new coalitions, the decline of the left, and election finance. They also place the party system in the context of Japanese voting behavior and Japan’s electoral laws. Their arguably definitive analysis is essential reading for all students of Japanese politics. $35.00 Pb, ISBN 9781588266538 Publish September 2010, 220 pages Quantity Lynne Rienner Politics
Medicines Management in Adult Nursing
Political Islam
Elizabeth Lawson, and Dawn L. Hennefer, both University of Salford.
Frédéric Volpi, University of St Andrews.
A Critical Reader
Correct medicines management for adults is a crucial skill that adult nursing students must develop in order to provide safe care to their patients. This book specifically supports preregistration students in meeting the required competencies for medicines management needed to pass formal assessment and qualify as a adult nurse. It is clearly structured around the NMC Essential Skills Clusters for medicine management, covering legal aspects, drugs calculations, administration, storage, record-keeping, introductory pharmacology, patient communication and contextual issues in medication. $49.95 Pb, ISBN 9781844458424 Quantity Publish September 2010, 200 pages Learning Matters Nursing
This reader provides the student with an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the study of political Islam. Offering a clear route to the most influential literature in the field, the diverse range of viewpoints presented allows students to obtain a broad, enlightened, and cosmopolitan perspective on the most pressing questions of the post-9/11 era. This fascinating overview of political Islam will help students at all levels to appreciate its many manifestations and dimensions. $78.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415560283 Publish September 2010, 528 pages Routledge Politics Quantity
9 780415 560283
Explaining Terrorism
Politics in India
Causes, Processes and Consequences
Structure, Process and Policy
Martha Crenshaw, Stanford University.
Subrata K. Mitra, Heidelberg University, Germany.
This volume comprises some of the key essays on the causes, processes and consequences of terrorism by Professor Crenshaw, from 1972 to the present-day. From its beginnings in a small handful of analytical studies, the research field has expanded to thousands of entries, with an enormous spike following the 9/11 attacks. The field of terrorism studies is now impressive in terms of quantity, scope, and variety. Professor Crenshaw had studied terrorism since the late 1960s, well before it was topical, and this selection of her work represents the development of her thought over time. $64.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415780513 Publish September 2010, 288 pages Quantity Routledge Politics
Providing a comprehensive analysis of the broad spectrum of India’s politics, this undergraduate textbook explains the key features of politics in India in a comparative and accessible narrative, illustrated with relevant maps, life stories, statistics and opinion data. Familiar concepts of comparative politics are used to highlight the policy process, with a focus on anti-poverty measures, liberalisation of the economy, nuclearisation and relations with the United Stated and Asian neighbours such as Pakistan and China. $64.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415585897 Publish September 2010, 288 pages Routledge Politics Quantity
9 780415 585897
September titles
Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles The Public Policy Primer
Forensic Psychology
Managing the Policy Process
Adrian Scott is Research Fellow at the Sellenger Centre, Edith Cowan University, Australia.
Xun Wu and Scott A. Fritzen, both National University of Singapore; M. Ramesh, University of Hong Kong; and Michael Howlett, Simon Fraser University, Canada.
This introduction shows the reader how much forensic psychology informs us about every step of the criminal process. From biological, social and cognitive theories of crime to eyewitness testimony and the penal system, this is essential reading for students seeking a deeper understanding of the key topics. $24.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230249424 Publish September 2010, 208 pages Palgrave Macmillan Psychology
This short guide provides a concise and accessible overview of the entire policy cycle taking the reader through the various stages of agenda setting, policy formulation, decision making, policy implementation and policy evaluation. This book provides an introduction to the key policy functions, the challenges they entail, and how the challenges may be addressed by public officials. $50.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415780476 Publish September 2010, 128 pages Routledge Politics Quantity
9 780415 780476
Australian Author Quantity
9 780230 249424
Understanding Euroscepticism
Health Psychology
Cecile Leconte is Senior Lecturer in Political Science and Head of European Studies Department, Institut d’Etudes Politiques, de Lille, France. Her previous book won the Le Monde prize for academic research.
Karen Rodham is a Lecturer in Health Psychology at the University of Bath, UK.
This timely text provides a concise and readable assessment of the dynamics, character and consequences of opposition to European integration at all levels from elites and governments through parties and the media to voters and grass roots organizations. $69.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230228078 Publish September 2010, 320 pages Palgrave Macmillan Politics
9 780230 228078
9 780230 249455
Nick Lund is Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, and has also acted as a Consultant for a major exam board.
Allan McConnell, University of Strathclyde, UK. Success and failure is key to any consideration of public policy but there have been remarkably few attempts systematically to assess the various dimensions and complex nature of policy success. This important new text fills the gap by developing a systematic framework and offering an entirely new way of introducing students to policy analysis. $64.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230239753 Publish September 2010, 288 pages Palgrave Macmillan Politics
Covering the nature of human and animal intelligence, this compact and accessible text is the perfect aid for students who wish to delve deeper into the subject. The author presents a clear introduction to a broad range of key topics, including theories of learning, influences on intelligence, and test performance. $24.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230249448 Publish September 2010, 192 pages Palgrave Macmillan Psychology
9 780230 239753
9 780230 249448
Biological Rhythms, Sleep and Hypnosis
The Psychology of Addictive Behaviour
Sleep, Dreams and Hypnosis
Antony C. Moss is Senior Lecturer, and Kyle R. Dyer is Visiting Fellow, both in the Department of Psychology, London South Bank University, UK.
P algrave I nsights P sychology
Simon Green is Director of Undergraduate Studies and Senior Lecturer at Birkbeck University, UK, as well as a Chief Examiner in Psychology at AS and A2 for a major exam board.
This concise, clearly-written introduction will help cement students’ understanding of the different theories surrounding addictive behaviour. The authors examine both behavioural and substancerelated disorders, with chapters discussing biological, cognitive and moralistic perspectives, all organized around the key stages of addiction. $24.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230272224 Publish September 2010, 208 pages Palgrave Macmillan Psychology
Like food and water, sleep is essential for all. In this excellent study aid, the author look at the nature and purpose of sleeping and related disorders, dreaming and hypnosis. This clear and focused introduction provides a fantastic entry point for students seeking a deeper understanding of altered states of awareness. $24.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230252653 Publish September 2010, 200 pages Palgrave Macmillan Quantity Psychology
9 780230 252653
9 780230 272224 September titles
P sychology
Intelligence and Learning
Rethinking Public Policy
Understanding Policy Success
P algrave I nsights
This introduction to health psychology is an invaluable resource for students looking to go beyond the basics in their studies. It includes sections on the influences of health behaviour and approaches to health promotion, as well as providing an overview of key health issues such as stress and eating disorders. $24.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230249455 Publish September 2010, 224 pages Palgrave Macmillan Psychology
Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles The Psychology of Relationships
Leadership in Organizations
Julia Willerton is Associate Lecturer at the Open University, UK. She is a Senior Examiner for a major exam board and has co-authored successful AS-Level and A-Level textbooks.
John Storey, The Open University Business School. The beauty of this textbook lies in its role as an illustrative guide though the wilds of an elusive discipline. This second edition of Leadership in Organizations: Current Issues and Key Trends offers a balanced combination of theory and practice to provide an up-to-date account of this multi-faceted topic. Looking at the international and comparative aspects of leadership, Storey also discusses new modes of leadership that will be required to steer organizations to success in a recessive environment. $90.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415557061 Publish September 2010, 368 pages Routledge Psychology
This introduction focuses on the key aspects of human relationships including their development, maintenance and breakdown. Ideal for students who want a more rounded and detailed text on this area, the author discusses the role of evolution, individual differences and the effects of relationships on mental and physical health. $24.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230249417 Publish September 2010, 176 pages Palgrave Macmillan Psychology
9 780230 249417
Psychology of the Media
Psychoanalysis Outside the Clinic
David Giles is Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Winchester, UK. He is author of the textbook Media Psychology (2003) and his research work has generated a great deal of interest in the media, being featured in The Guardian, The Sunday Times and on BBC Radio 4.
Interventions in Psychosocial Studies Stephen Frosh, University of London, UK. Psychoanalytic theory offers an interesting insight into the study of culture and the arts. This unique book explains how clinical concepts inform and engage with key issues throughout the humanities and social sciences. Accessible and comprehensive, this is an important book for students and academics alike. $65.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230210325 Publish September 2010, 272 pages Palgrave Macmillan UK Psychology
P sychology
From body image to social networking, the media has a huge influence on how we view ourselves and others and this engaging text is ideal for students studying media psychology for the first time. With coverage of media violence, celebrity culture and online behaviour, this is a comprehensive introduction to an important subject. $24.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230249868 Publish September 2010, 240 pages Palgrave Macmillan Psychology Quantity
P algrave I nsights
9 780415 557061
9 780230 249868
9 780230 210325
Research Methods and Statistics
Statistics in Psychology
Ian Walker is Lecturer in Psychology and Director of Studies for Master of Research at the University of Bath, UK, and is co-author of Research with People (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).
Explanations without Equations Stephen Jones, University of the West of England, UK. A refreshing and much-needed introduction to statistics in psychology for students who ‘don’t get numbers’. Jones breaks from the traditional, numerical approaches, drawing on non-numerical examples and scenarios from both psychological literature and everyday life to explain key statistical concepts. This is an ideal companion to core textbooks. $29.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230247499 Publish September 2010, 256 pages Palgrave Macmillan Psychology
Whether it’s designing a study, conducting an experiment, or analyzing the results, research methods are an integral part of psychology. In this student-friendly introduction, Walker covers the different types of study, quantitative data, statistics and ethics. This book is the perfect tool to help build students’ confidence in this vital area. $24.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230249882 Publish September 2010, 240 pages Palgrave Macmillan Psychology
9 780230 249882
9 780230 247499
Sport Psychology
Advanced Social Work with Children and Families
David Tod is Lecturer of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Joanne Thatcher is Senior Lecturer of Sport Psychology, and Rachel Rahman is Lecturer in Psychology, all at Aberystwyth University, UK.
Christine Cocker, and Lucille Allain, both Middlesex University. Practice and legislation in child and family social work is always changing and has once again come under the spotlight. This text contextualises the bureaucratization and managerialism of modern social work whilst also covering the advanced and complex skills necessary for competent social work practice in this area. The recent introduction of a new framework for post qualifying social work practice provides an opportunity for the development of a robust text covering the basics at an advanced level. $62.00 Pb, ISBN 9781844453634 Publish September 2010, 176 pages Learning Matters Quantity Social Work
In this student-friendly introduction, the authors consider the psychological effects of sport on both the individual and the group. Topics covered include motivation, performance, mental health and leadership, offering a balanced and in-depth resource for students interested in learning more about sport psychology. $24.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230249875 Publish September 2010, 208 pages Palgrave Macmillan Psychology Quantity
9 780230 249875
9 781844 453634 September titles
Textbook terms apply to the following academic titles Applied Psychology for Social Work
Values and Ethics in Mental Health Practice
Ewan Ingleby, University of Teesside.
9 781844 453566
9 781844 456147
9 781844 456116
9 781844 453016
Psychology is an important part of the social work syllabus, usually studied as a separate module in the first year, but also integrated within the academic curriculum. This fully-updated second edition will help students understand the concepts of psychology and apply them to their own practice. It shows that, for social workers, it is important for psychology to be studied in the contexts of social care, as it offers potential explanations of complex aspects of human behaviour and development. An overview of the key psychological approaches is given and the author demonstrates how these can be applied to social work practice. $45.00 Pb, ISBN 9781844453566 Publish September 2010, 144 pages Learning Matters Quantity Social Work
Daisy Bogg, Bedfordshire and Luton Partnership Trust.
9 781844 453757
This book draws on both the historical context and contemporary research evidence to present the roles of Mental Health Social Work, AMHP and BIA, within an ethical framework. Codes of practice and statutory legal requirements, such as the Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act and the Human Rights Act, are all considered and linked to a competency based approach that will assist both those in training and those in practice to understand the dilemmas, complexities and conflicts that are evident in the practice environment. $62.00 Pb, ISBN 9781844453757 Publish September 2010, 176 pages Quantity Learning Matters Social Work
Counselling and Psychotherapy in Organisational Settings
Ethical Consumption
Ruth Roberts, and Judy Moore, both University of East Anglia.
Tania Lewis, La Trobe University, Melbourne, and Emily Potter, Deakin University, Melbourne.
This book draws upon the experience of counsellors active in their field and uses relevant examples of the potential pitfalls and rewards of counselling in diverse institutional settings. Counsellors are introduced to the regulatory, legislative, economic, social and cultural considerations relevant to the confidential work between counsellor and client and they are also encouraged to think beyond the therapy room to the institutional context of the encounter with the client while keeping professional identity and integrity at the forefront of their work. $48.00 Pb, ISBN 9781844456147 Publish September 2010, 176 pages Quantity Learning Matters Social Work
This collection of essays provides a range of critical tools for understanding the turn towards responsible or conscience consumption and, in the process, interrogates the notion that we can shop our way to a more ethical, sustainable future. Written by leading international scholars from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, Ethical Consumption makes a major contribution to the still fledgling field of ethical consumption studies. This collection is a must-read for anyone interested in the relationship between consumer culture and contemporary social life. $76.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415558259 Publish September 2010, 296 pages Quantity Routledge Sociology
A Critical Introduction
Australian Authors
9 780415 558259
Evidence Based Practice in Social Work
Understanding Drug Misuse
Ian Mathews and Karin Crawford, both University of Lincoln.
Jan Keene, University of Reading, UK.
Models of Care and Control
This book offers a critical approach to the debate concerning the reliability and validity of the evidence, research and knowledge that underpins professional social work practice. It critiques the notion of ‘evidence’ and argues that ‘knowledge’ is a much broader, more appropriate concept to consider. There is analysis of the different components and sources of this knowledge and an exploration of the often discordant interface between practice and knowledge. Finally, it supports the view that knowledge can be actively developed and tested by a range of people. $48.00 Pb, ISBN 9781844456116 Publish September 2010, 176 pages Quantity Learning Matters Social Work
Combining theory and research this clearly explains how each theoretical model contributes different types of solutions to ‘the drug problem’, whether it is treatment, harm minimization or social intervention. Using extracts from the author’s own research interviews with drug users, it also offers a real insight into user perspectives. $56.00 Pb, ISBN 9780230202436 Publish September 2010, 240 pages Palgrave Macmillan Sociology
9 780230 202436
Social Policy and Social Work
Making Sense of Sports
An Introduction
Ellis Cashmore, Staffordshire University.
Jo Cunningham and Steve Cunningham, both University of Central Lancashire.
Updated, revised and enhanced with new features, the fifth edition of Making Sense of Sports is the biggest and strongest yet. Ellis Cashmore’s unique multidisciplinary approach to the study of sports remains the only introduction to combine anthropology, biology, economics, history, philosophy, psychology and sociology with cultural and media studies to produce a distinct unbroken vision of the origins, development and current state of sports. $78.00 Pb, ISBN 9780415552219 Publish September 2010, 504 pages Routledge Sport Studies
An understanding of social policy is crucial for social workers as it underpins and shapes the legislative framework that they work within. From safeguarding service users and enabling them to improve their lives, to protecting the most vulnerable in society, social policy also has a vital role to play within social work education. It is important therefore for students to engage critically with social policy. This book introduces policy and shows how it has changed and evolved over time, how it reflects changes in society, and how it is applied to everyday practice. $48.00 Pb, ISBN 9781844453016 Publish September 2010, 168 pages Quantity Learning Matters Social Work
9 780415 552219
September titles