The Bluff Holiday 2018

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the bluff 2018


On the cover: Photography by Jade + Matthew Take Pictures




among almonds and elves

When the months end in “r,” you better believe

Experience a true Danish Julefrokost with

oysters will be on the table in the Lowcountry.

Bonjwing Lee.

Chef Nate Beriau and Jesse Rodriguez give us three oyster varieties with three wine pairings.

stealing kisses: a memoir of mistletoe


During the holidays, we like our sides starch-

kiss under the mistletoe again.

heavy and full of butter. Three Palmetto Bluff chefs give us their take on a perfect side for that turkey or ham.

a different kind of lowcountry boil

the Rahn family.


and made its way to our kitchen. Chef Saul

all in the details

Serrano and Conservancy Director Jay Walea face off: each cooking their own version of this

bringing the outside in. Adrienne Warner and

Lowcountry dish.

Jennifer Jukofsky of 501 South Studio at Court Atkins Group give us some tips and tricks.


history of hospitality

of bygone parties, epic spreads, and infamous cocktails at Palmetto Bluff.

blazing) fire with comfort in a cup—hot chocolate.


the art of giving We picked out gifts from our favorite Southern

a palmetto bluff holiday feast

artists and artisans for all the deserving

At Palmetto Bluff, we don’t skimp when it comes

characters in your life.

to savoring good food, enjoying fine libations, and embracing the decadence of the season. We planned a feast that brings together family


punch drunk The Hampson family knows how to get parties going. Theirs include choreographed song and

our favorite holiday songs Our team humored us and let us in on their

tradition and Lowcountry cuisine.


the final act Finish your holiday feast around a warm (or

From the Wilson era to today, discover stories


a tale of two pirlou, perloo, pilau This cook-off started in a New York City cab

At Palmetto Bluff, holiday decorating means


sides that steal the show

storied history. You’ll think twice before you

A fading Lowcountry tradition is preserved by


an oyster tasting menu

No one does Christmas better than the Danes.

Learn about this romantic plant’s messy and



favorite holiday songs.


calendar of events Preview what is happening in the coming months at Palmetto Bluff.

dance and a very special punch.

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publisher Courtney Hampson

editor Molly Clancy

designers Amanda Davis Heather Dumford Katie Gates Amy Scaggs

photogr aphers Bonjwing Lee Jade + Matthew Take Pictures

& f or t hos e w ho l ov e

t h i s s p ec i a l l owcou n t r y i dy l l


c r e at e d b y



Nate Beriau Molly Clancy Sarah Grubbs Courtney Hampson Jennifer Jukofsky Ray Lammers Bonjwing Lee Katie Moore Howson Kristen Van Neste Ellie O’Donoghue Jesse Rodriguez Saul Serrano Jay Walea Jay Walsh Adrienne Warner


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PA L M E T T O B L U F F R E A L E S TAT E C O M PA N Y 8 0 0 - 5 0 1 - 74 0 5



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P A L M E T T O B L U F F. C O M

julefrokost spread

Soy sauce-glazed turkey. Despite protests from my siblings

That’s because Scandinavians excel at Christmas. Not only do

and me, that’s what my parents served for Thanksgiving. Not only

they have the snowy, evergreen backdrop for it (and real reindeer!),

was the North American bird unfamiliar to them when they arrived as

but they’ve also preserved, to an astounding degree, longstanding

immigrants, but they also found its size obscene, its flavor off-putting

tradition and lore. In Denmark, there’s a uniformity to observance

to the Chinese palate, and its perennial dryness incomprehensible.

and celebration.

Giving it a good umami bath was their way of making it palatable. It was served with steamed white rice. Always.

In fact, while spending Christmas with my friend Mark Lundgaard Nielsen’s family in Denmark a couple of years ago, I marveled at

At the time, my parents’ earnest attempt to reconcile two very

how precisely the holiday unfolded not just within his household, but

different cultures was lost on us kids who just wanted the

throughout the country. As we circled the Christmas tree singing a

supermarket turkey dinner that all of our friends had. But now, as an

liturgy of carols, Mark’s younger, and very millennial, brother was

adult, I appreciate that my childhood Thanksgiving might have been

Snapchatting with his schoolmates who were doing exactly the same

the most American Thanksgiving of all, a melting pot of immigrant

thing with their families at exactly the same time.

flavors and American traditions. The Nielsens live in a quiet town on the tangled coastline of If Thanksgiving has a pretty standard script, Christmas, for those

southeastern Jutland, the Danish peninsula that juts out

who celebrate it in America, is a collection of ad-libs. Yuletide

from the top of Germany (which you can see across the

traditions differ wildly in the US, not just regionally, but by family.

sound from their backyard). It’s an unlikely place for an

When asked by my Danish friends how Americans celebrate

American to find himself, especially for Christmas. But this

Christmas, I struggled for an answer, which was perplexing to them.

was an invitation I couldn’t resist. H O L I D AY 2 0 1 8


Mark is the Michelin-starred chef of the celebrated restaurant Kong

I’m not sure all Danish families have cheese at julefrokost. But

Hans Kælder, a Danish institution of fine dining located in the cellar

unsurprisingly, the Nielsens did. There were soft cheeses and semi-

of the oldest building in Copenhagen. I fell in love with the restaurant

soft cheeses and aged ones too.

the first time I ate there in March of 2015, shortly after Mark became head chef. And my enthusiasm for his classical cooking and the

After nine hours of feasting, we finally arrived at the risalamande,

romantic glow in that sunken space, framed by ancient stone arches,

which I would venture to guess is a borrowed and bastardized version

has compelled me to return almost 20 times since. Over the course

of the French riz à l’amande, rice pudding with chopped, blanched

of nearly as many visits to Copenhagen, Mark and I have become

almonds. Served chilled, the Danish version is marvelously fluffy,

good friends. We have traveled around the world together, including

owing to a good amount of whipped cream that is folded in at the last

multiple hunting trips, and visited his family on the quiet waters of

minute, along with one whole blanched almond. Like the baby in king

the Flensborg Fjord.

cake, whoever finds it gets a prize.

When it comes to julefrokost, the traditional Danish “Christmas

I was less interested in the porridge and the almonds and fixated on

lunch,” the Nielsens don’t cut corners. They prepare every part of

the bowl of warm, stewed cherries served on the side. Actually, there

the elaborate, multi-wave feast from scratch. This year, Mark and his

were two bowls. Torben used red cherries; Mark used black cherries.

father, Torben, decided to cook alongside each other, each creating his own version of every dish. It was a dizzying amount of food.

This all-day feast on Christmas Eve was repeated on Christmas Day and again the day after that, with every dish served again, in the

There were herrings, both pickled and smoked; fried halibut; cured

same order. Some families repeat it a fourth day. To an American who

salmon; heaps of tiny fjord shrimp; and smoked eel. At least a dozen

pinches the calendar for vacation time, the pace and length of this

condiments including dill sauce, mayonnaise, lemons, pickles,

Danish holiday seemed irresponsible, reckless even.

mustards, piccalilli, fresh herbs, hard-boiled eggs, and even a sliced, fluffy egg custard royale. Of course, all of this was served with

But it didn’t take long for me to settle in and enjoy it. All the food

bread—both white bread and the dark, dense rye bread beloved by

and drink, I realized, distracted us from the handheld addictions of

Danes, paved with copious amounts of butter.

daily life and forced us into some good, old-fashioned family time. In between eating, there were breaks for gift-giving, board games, and

And that was just the seafood.

napping, all under the watchful eyes of the dozens of nisse around the house. These mischievous elves made it onto Danish shelves long

Following, there was charcuterie: mounds of cured meats, sausages,

before American ones.

and, my favorite, leverpostej. It’s a meaty liver pâté that’s baked and served warm, buried under a pile of crispy rashers of bacon.

After dinner, we would end up around the tree in a stupor, mesmerized by the flicker of tapers among the boughs. Yes, live flames on a

Then there were the hot meat courses. Usually, there’s fowl. We

Christmas tree. Imagine that.

had whole-roasted ducks. But the centerpiece was flæskesteg, a handsome log of pork loin sheathed in a thick, crispy coat of

All of this was wonderful and magical, and for all the same reasons,

crackling. It was served with cabbage and two types of potatoes—

so sadly foreign to me. Somewhere between that soy-sauced turkey

both skinned and steamed—one glazed in burnt sugar, the other

and adulthood, my holidays had become rushed, prepackaged

simply with brown gravy.

hurdles to clear before the next. And there, in a far-flung corner thousands of miles from my own, disarmed by too much food and


Throughout the meal, there was lots of schnapps—a high-octane

time, I realized it didn’t have to be that way. Even if I couldn’t tell my

brandy that Danes consume in frightening amounts—along with beer

Danish friends how Americans celebrate Christmas, I know how my

and wine. They say it helps with digestion.

family does. And what was missing was taking the time to enjoy it.

P A L M E T T O B L U F F. C O M

(clockwise from top right ) traditional danish risalamande , risalamande with

black cherries , family china , julefrokost

cheese spread , nielsen family tree

When it comes to julefrokost, the traditional Danish “Christmas lunch,� the Nielsens don’t cut corners. H O L I D AY 2 0 1 8


The way home.

PO Box 1928 | Bluffton, SC 29910 | (843) 247-5452 |


Written by: Kristen Van Neste Every December, my mother would hang a bundle of mistletoe from our

of the tree at up to 60 mph and sending the seeds flying up to 30 feet. The

living room doorway, and I was always keen on avoiding it. Grandma

seeds are covered in a sticky mucus (viscin), allowing them to adhere

never hesitated to grab my brother or me to plant a loud kiss on our cheek

to the pine needles and bark of surrounding trees, hardly inspiring the

when we passed under the mistletoe at our family Christmas party.

romance associated with mistletoe today.

Stealing a kiss under the mistletoe is a tradition with a lot of history.

Mistletoe’s natural history, as dramatic as exploding fruit may be, is

Mistletoe, the iconic matchmaker, creates space for a loving public display

outshined by its cultural significance. Its uncanny ability to remain green

of affection from your significant other or your adoring grandmother.

throughout the harsh European winters caught the eye of ancient peoples.

Before diving into the impact mistletoe has had on human history and

Thousands of years ago, the Druids of the British Isles used mistletoe in

culture, fi rst let’s uncover the natural history of this peculiar plant.

ritual sacrifices, in medicinal potions, and as a cure for ailments. Druids collected mistletoe during the summer and winter solstices to decorate their

Mistletoe grows on trees across Europe and the Americas. The

homes. Thousands of years later, this tradition became associated with the

most common species found in the South Carolina Lowcountry is

Christian holiday Christmas as a symbol of life and fertility.

Phoradendron serotinum—a name that translates from Greek as “thief of a tree with white fruit.” This name suits our mistletoe; this plant steals.

So why do we kiss under mistletoe? We can thank the Vikings for this

South Carolina’s mistletoe is a semiparasitic plant, meaning it produces

tradition. In Nordic mythology, Frigga’s son was killed by Loki, the

sugar through photosynthesis and extracts water and nutrients from its

god of mischief. However, Frigga revived her son under mistletoe and

host tree or shrub. The small yellow fall blooms are charming compared

declared that anyone who stands under the mistletoe tree deserves not

to the scourge of the white berries produced during winter. Mistletoe

only protection from death but also a kiss. The berries from the mistletoe

berries are an important food source for birds during the barren winter

were viewed as the tears of joy wept by Frigga, their goddess of love.

months. The sticky pulp in the berries remains intact when passing through the bird’s digestive tract, so it is common to see mistletoe

Plants play an important role in human history. Herbs and spices

growing out of tree branches decorated with bird droppings. The Anglo-

have long been renowned for their healing and medicinal purposes.

Saxon’s observed this phenomenon and rightfully chose the words,

Hardwoods are used to build the homes we live in. Mistletoe may lack the

“mistel” (dung) and “tan” (twig) to name this species.

medicinal renown of other well-known plants or the strength of hardwoods; however, it has woven itself into our

Throughout the forests of western North America, dwarf mistletoe plants

cultural history, celebrations, and holiday events.

parasitize conifers and cone-bearing trees and can be a serious pest. The

As traditions and myths have changed over

dwarf mistletoe, a relative of our familiar leafy mistletoe, forms large

time, this enduring species continues to bedeck

clumps of abnormal shoot growth on the side of pine trunks. Its fruit

doorways and transoms across the country and

swells and builds pressure as it ripens and matures, exploding off the side

around the world. í

Phoradendron Serot inum


P A L M E T T O B L U F F. C O M





very year on the Saturday before Thanksgiving,

The stalks are then squeezed through a roller mill to

the extended Rahn family gathers with friends,

extract the juice. “When Granddaddy started making cane

significant others, and a random acquaintance or

syrup, the mills were powered by donkeys or horses,” Shane

two around a massive cast-iron kettle watching cane juice

explains. “When we built our boiler shed, my family rigged

boil into syrup. Mike Rahn, head of the family and longtime

a truck engine to run the mill instead.” They calculated the

fixture at the Bluff, hauls up a huge pull-behind grill (it can

perfect gear ratio and torque required to pull the stalks

hold 60 chicken halves), everyone brings a dish, and the party

through the mill at the right speed.

kicks off a week of cooking, eating, visiting, and celebrating, capped by Thanksgiving and lots of college football.

After a bit of persuading, Mike’s son, Palmetto Bluff Conservancy Land Technician Shane Rahn, explained the nuances of this age-old family tradition and the technicalities


of their old-world method. “My granddaddy started it more than 75 years ago,” Shane says. “They shared the boiler shed with another family back then, but about 18 years ago, my

The extracted juice runs through a bed of pine straw and

dad, uncle, and granddaddy built our family’s boiler shed.”

hay to filter the larger bits of debris. Then it is pumped into a tank on the back of a tractor to be taken to the boiler shed

The Rahns grow their own sugarcane. It is planted a year in

and dumped into the kettle. I haven’t personally seen the

advance and usually harvested around Thanksgiving when

kettle, but I’ll take it from Jack Hitt of Garden & Gun when he

the cane is at its sugariest—before the first frost, which can

says, “There is no good English word for the simple beauty

ruin the crop. Early in the morning on the day of the boil, the

of this stunning object. It is pure cast iron and shaped like

family cuts the cane with special knives made for the task,

an outsized cereal bowl. You could wash a couple of children

selecting the best stalks and shucking them in the field.

in this thing or use it as a birdbath for pterodactyls.”

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The first boil takes about four and a half hours. “The pot’s

Another time, Shane dropped a pump into the tank of cane

gotta get warm,” Shane explains. Once the juice begins to

juice and had to fish it out. Something gets stuck. Someone

cook, the boil brings frothy suds to the surface that must

grumbles about white cane versus red cane and which is

be skimmed away. Constantly. For hours. At this point,

better. Shane doesn’t even particularly like cane syrup, as

everyone starts to be thankful for Mike’s grill and the

he somewhat reluctantly admits, but he is proud that he

bounty of BBQ chicken. Make no mistake though, this

gets to make it with his family. “A lot of people say it’s the

process is a science. The wood must be pine not oak. If the

best they’ve ever tasted.” The Rahns cherish this tradition.

fire is too hot, the syrup will burn. Too low, the bubbles

Everyone gets fed and goes home with a jug of pure,

won’t rise and bring the foam to the top. If it’s pulled too

homemade cane syrup. Throughout the year, it gets put on

early, the pot will crack. There are always a few people

anything and everything from grits to caramelized bacon.

who really know what they’re doing and enough amateurs to share the tasks. As Shane says, “The pot keeps cookin’ 2. STIR

and cookin’.” The syrup gets skimmed, the fire gets tended, beers get cracked, and the day winds on. Until it’s time to get the syrup off the boiler before it scorches.

When the bubbles turn copper and the syrup starts to thicken, the experts of the family test the syrup with a hydrometer that measures the density on a scale of one to 100. The sweet spot is right around 32 or 33. Once it hits the 3. SKIM


right thickness, the syrup gets scooped out into washtubs and filtered one last time before being bottled. The second pot only takes about two hours. Yes, they boil a second pot.

Sadly, this tradition is dying out. Even in a world where

At the end of the day, 60 gallons of juice produce about six

organic, farm-to-table food is reaching peak popularity,

gallons of syrup. Two boils get them around 12 gallons to

it’s a complicated, time-consuming process that requires

share between everyone.

the kind of care, preparation, and attention that is hard to come by today. These days, if someone is growing and



P A L M E T T O B L U F F. C O M

As with most family get-togethers, something always goes

processing cane, they’re typically doing it for profit. The

wrong. One year, Mike forgot the chicken (heaven forbid).

Rahns just do it for fun. 6

Stephen Scott young

Stepthen Scott Young

Moroccan Dress

22” x 15” Drybrush

Visit us at our new location: 40 Calhoun Street, Suite 201, Old Town Bluffton

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writ ten by:

mol ly cl a nc y j e n n i f e r j u kofsk y a dr i e n n e wa r n e r photogr aphy by:

ja de + m at t h e w ta k e pic t u r es



hen the idea of a holiday issue formed in

Bluff holiday. We also knew exactly who to call

our minds, we knew well in advance the best place

to help us bring it all together: our friends at 501

for a holiday party would be our Artist Cottage

South Studio at Court Atkins Group who designed

in Moreland Village. The cottage is a home for

the interior of the Artist Cottage. Designers

our Artists in Residence throughout the year,

Adrienne Warner and Jennifer Jukofsky weigh in

welcoming them as well as guests, friends, and

on the next few pages to help us create the setting

family. This welcoming atmosphere is exactly

for a Lowcountry celebration bringing in natural

how we wanted to set the stage for a Palmetto

elements from our shores and forests.

P A L M E T T O B L U F F. C O M

3 1







o us, holiday decorating should be thoughtful

and unique. Simple yet elevated touches create spaces that are warm, inviting, and inspired by the beauty of the Lowcountry. When decorating

a place setting to be thankful for

for the holiday season, don’t be afraid to mix it up. The use of personal, unique touches and fresh takes on holiday traditions will create a decidedly modern feel. Seasonal fruits and greenery create an organic and authentic ambience.

Adrienne Warner


medium oyster bowl from beatriz ball, $120


small oyster bowl from beatriz ball, $55


The Southerner's Cookbook from GARDEN & GUN, $38


oyster shells from grit & grace, $24 each


napkins (set of 4) from bloom & give, $45


placemats (set of 4) from bloom & give, $38

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modern natural 7


Red, green, and cream-colored books are festive without being over the top.


A cotton wreath with a red ribbon is a Lowcountry welcome for guests. Wreath by nicholas askew design, $150.


Black and white pine needles make for a subtle but festive wrapping paper. These are so pretty, we used them as dĂŠcor. Similar style: Pine Branch Forest Wrapping Paper at, 5 sheets for $15.


Mixing trees in different textures adds depth and interest without being over the top.


Pieces of pinewood stacked at different heights make use of a narrow mantel.








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organics & antiques 12

We sourced our table settings from some places close to our hearts. All family heirlooms, the plates are Publisher Courtney Hampson's great-great-aunt Mary's 100-yearold china and the crystal wine glasses are Editor Molly Clancy's grandmother's (affectionately called Baba).

13 4

Clip some magnolia leaves and grab some spare deer antlers (luckily, we have Conservancy Director Jay Walea around to supply us with plenty) to create a distinctively Lowcountry table.

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festive forest



Smaller trees add a seasonal touch to tabletops and shelves.


Natural details like acorns and garlands of pine make a formal tree feel relaxed and natural.



Flannel ribbon brings in warmth and softness. /


sing regular items in festive colors makes

for subtle holiday motifs. Decorating for the holidays doesn’t require a complete overhaul of your home. Mindful placement of winter décor can create a festive space that you will enjoy through the season.

Incorporating heirloom pieces throughout gives special meaning to the décor, in addition to bringing endearing and fond memories to mind. While we all want things to be done perfectly, it’s the people we’re with and the traditions we create that are truly special. . . . But a gorgeous backdrop doesn’t hurt!



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P A L M E T T O B L U F F. C O M

Jennifer Jukofsky

Start a holiday tradition you’ll cherish forever.

Come experience that special time of year when the Lowcountry lights up with joy to inspire a blissful holiday celebration your family will never forget. Capture the magic of the holidays at Montage Palmetto Bluff. (855) 774-1286

Mon tage Pa l m et

B E V E R LY H I L L S | D E E R VA L L E Y | K A PA L U A B AY | L A G U N A B E A C H PA L M E T T O B L U F F | L O S C A B O S H O L I D AY 2 0 1 8


w ritten by:

Courtney Hampson & Ellie O'Donoghue

Hospitality — the friendly reception and entertainment of guests,

Mr. Wilson liked socializing, he would sometimes sneak off to his

visitors, or strangers. For Southerners, it’s a way of life, a story told

private office, leaving Mrs. Wilson to do what she did best. One can

and retold that defines what it means to be Southern better than

only imagine the elegance and bounty of the meals served there,

geography ever could.

with the freshest of ingredients harvested from the surrounding waters and woods and the produce of Wilson’s extensive farms.

It is a story that continually changes, contradicts itself, and evolves to find new meanings. And at its heart? Food. John Egerton, the

In the 1950s, Union Camp Paper Company built a rustic but

much-beloved Southern food writer, once said, “As anyone who

charming hunting lodge overlooking the May River. In the long,

grew up on the food can attest, life without a little South in your

wood-paneled “Trophy Room,” sumptuous game dinners and

mouth at least once in a while is a bland and dreary prospect.”

feasts of local seafood were presented nightly. Prepared by lifelong Lowcountry cooks, an evening’s meal might include quail, venison,

The tradition of good food bringing people together around

boar, shrimp, crabs, and oysters—all harvested on the property or

a table goes back a long way at Palmetto Bluff. Shortly after the

from the adjacent waterways. As many as 28 guests would visit the

turn of the 20 th century, R.T. Wilson Jr. entertained lavishly in

14-bedroom lodge at one time.

his magnificent “Palmetto Lodge.” The Palmetto Bluff estate was designed with guests in mind with a gold-leafed ballroom and

In the modern South, such formality has given way to a more casual

plenty of space (and an office in a separate building for when Mr.

approach to food. But the food is always there. And it is front and

Wilson wanted to escape the revelry). Visitors arrived at the estate

center here. From afternoons spent “porching” and sipping sweet

by way of a Savannah Line steamship, the Atlantic Coast Line

tea (or something stronger), to crab cake socials that spill from the

Railroad, or the Seaboard Air Line train. The social pages of the

sidewalks into the Village streets, to oyster roasts where guests stand

New York Times listed the comings and goings of the New York

elbow to elbow at a common table partaking in the sweet bounty of

elite with frequent mention of individuals “leaving today to visit

our river and the enduring camaraderie that the tradition creates.

Mr. and Mrs. R.T. Wilson of Palmetto Bluff, S.C.” Guests would stay for weeks, enjoying Mrs. Wilson’s lavish parties. Though


P A L M E T T O B L U F F. C O M

At Palmetto Bluff, the tradition of hospitality is alive and well. (

19 0 0 the wilson era:

Centered around history, etiquette, gatherings, and Southern

The Party Queen, Mrs. Wilson

food, hospitality at Palmetto Bluff thrives. From the Wilson era to the Union Camp era and now present day, each period of

In 1902, Richard T. Wilson, a wealthy New York banker, purchased

the Bluff offers a multitude of tales that build its sense of place

Palmetto Bluff and began construction on a four-story grand mansion

and reinforce the dedication to welcoming friends, family, and

to be finished in 1910. His wife, Marion Wilson, was a New York

guests. With so many stories, we have highlighted some of the

socialite, her name always appearing in the newspapers for her lavish

most exciting anecdotes from each era that not only unveil the

parties with exclusive guests and epic entertainment. One newspaper

rich history of hospitality Palmetto Bluff has always offered, but

appearance in particular stands out with the headline “Mrs. R.T.

also the fun had while making it.

Wilson Summoned to Court.” After spending many winters at Palmetto Bluff, Mrs. Wilson decided to spend the winter of 1921 back home in New York City. During a snowstorm one winter night, Mrs. Wilson hosted an extravagant dinner party with live music. Her neighbors in the apartment below grew tired of her endless celebrations and called the police after objecting “to the sound of cello and violin after midnight.” When the policemen arrived and knocked on the door, the music quieted, and Mrs. Wilson opened the door. Being a prime example of a proper hostess, Mrs. Wilson famously invited the two policemen in to the party, stirring up gossip in the New York Times and giving a textbook example of how good hospitality should never falter.

the union camp era:

The Real Big Carol Palmetto Bluff ’s official food truck, Big Carol, is a staple at events and gatherings around the Bluff serving delectable culinary creations.

present day:

The true Big Carol, the inspiration behind the food truck name, was

The Story of Artillery Punch

the head chef of Union Camp in the 1990s. Big Carol was known by the guides and guests alike for her excellent and decadent Southern

Known as a deceitful and delicious brew, Montage Palmetto Bluff ’s

dishes and the “ best fried chicken in the world.” Not only was she

signature cocktail, Artillery Punch, has been part of Southern culture

known for her food, but also her kindness, making sure that both the

for more than two centuries. Brought to Palmetto Bluff by third-

guests and her guides were well-fed and satisfied. With a legacy of

generation Savannahian and Montage River House Manager, Ross

great food, hospitality, and dedication to her staff and guests, Big

Hardigan, the cocktail was based on his grandmother’s original recipe.

Carol defined what a true Southern-food experience should be.

She only gave it up after a lot of cajoling and a few glasses of wine. The origins of Artillery Punch come from the infamous Chatham Artillery Punch. The Chatham Artillery is one of the oldest military organizations on record in Georgia. In times of celebration, the ladies of the camp would make this punch, and officers of the artillery would sneak in and add a mix of spirits, resulting in a memorable brew with one heck of a kick. Taking an original recipe and putting a unique twist on it, Palmetto Bluff ’s Artillery Punch gives a nod to its historic past with a modern slant.


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Charleston • 843-243-0790 24

P A L M E T T O B L U F F. C O M

Palmetto Bluff • 843-815-3266


Written by: Molly Clancy

Photography by: Jade + Matthew Take Pictures

Flames licked the café lights above the firepit. This was no boy

that left a vague memory of warm feelings and contentedness.

scout-made, trial-and-error kind of fire. This was a ripping, Jay

Instead, it will live in all of our memories as the time we almost

Walea-constructed, five-alarm bonfire. With bellies full of two

incinerated our eyebrows trying to take a picture.

styles of Pirlou and hands warmed by mugs of hot chocolate, we had hoped for a quiet evening around a cozy fire. Instead, we

We hope the recipes and stories in the next few pages give

fled the Adirondack chairs for our lives, marveling at the speed

you the opportunity to make some memories yourself this

with which the blaze lit up and the astonishing heat it gave off.

holiday season. Maybe you institute a family oyster tasting

“It feels like we’re on the sun,” Chef Saul Serrano’s daughter

and it becomes a new tradition. Maybe it inspires a cook-off

said. It was truly a thing to behold.

between the two best chefs in the family. Or maybe it just adds some new dishes to your holiday party. We hope it brings you

It may have been a pleasant enough evening with a reasonably

together around the things that matter: family, friends,

sized fire rather than a Jay Walea masterpiece, probably one

food, and well-built fires. ×

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the recipe YIELD:


12–14 four-ounce servings

In a saucepan, combine water, sugar, cinnamon,

¾ cup water

cloves, and salt and bring to a boil. Reduce heat

¾ cup sugar

6-inch cinnamon stick

1 tsp cloves (whole)

Dash of salt

2 cups Zinfandel wine (chilled)

1 qt cranberry apple juice

P A L M E T T O B L U F F. C O M

and simmer 10 minutes. Strain the spices and chill the liquid. Combine chilled mixture with wine and cranberry apple juice. This recipe makes 12–14 four-ounce servings. If your family is anything like mine, quadruple the recipe.

kick it up a notch? Just because it’s a mulled wine doesn’t mean the cheapest red you can find will do. (Really, Mom, we can use a nicer bottle. And maybe ditch the box?) Try a Zinfandel from the Sonoma Coast, as these reds have a naturally sweet quality, use oak, but feature vanilla and spice tones.


This season will mark the 48 th appearance of my mom’s holiday punch at our family holiday party. This tradition was born of her newlywed

So, each year as the Christmas decorations came down from the attic, so did the songbooks. My sister, Sharon, and I would pore over the books to

need to create a cocktail that cost little and went far. Prior

make our selection for the “big show.” For years and years

to her generation, the men in her family sipped on beer and

(and decades before we were born), we placated Santa with

whiskey and the women fancied high balls and whiskey

musical mumblings of “Jingle Bells,” “O Christmas Tree,”

sours. As the new host of Christmas Eve Dinner, she

and “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.”

couldn’t afford the tastes of her forefathers and mothers. But one year it all changed. I presume her punch recipe has withstood the test of time because it is so simple to make, but more so because it is

Maybe it was the punch.

tradition. It is what we do. We make the punch. Maybe it was the festive green Jell-O mold decorated with So, when I asked Mom for the recipe (I’ve never made it),

maraschino cherries.

she chuckled and texted me a picture of her Better Homes and Garden Cook Book that she said “every bride received

Whatever it was, my great-uncle Al and great-aunt

in the 1960s and 70s.” Okay, so it isn’t a family recipe. But,

Madeleine upped the ante. That year, Santa didn’t just

we own it like it is. We make the punch.

get lyrics. He got a choreographed routine to the tune of “Away in the Manger” that would have put the Von Trapp

Growing up in our house, Christmas Eve was much

children to shame—hand gestures, fancy footwork, and a

anticipated. This was the day our entire family—

little miming to boot. Uncle Al and Aunt Madeleine stole

grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins—would gather to

the show and the competition was on.

celebrate. Each year, the festivities were hosted by a different family unit, but everyone came. Whether a 30-minute drive or a three-hour drive, you didn’t miss Christmas Eve.

After that year, it became each family unit’s mission to outsing and outdance the others. We added background music, dance steps, lip-synchs, and song parodies. This

The punch was necessary, you see, because Santa would

was serious business. And, it became a new tradition. One

visit our little celebration each Christmas Eve. And, in

that we still continue today since my “branch” of the

order to get your first gift, you had to sing for the big

family tree migrated south.

guy. This was especially fun when a new significant other was introduced to the family. There’s nothing better than

My branch will celebrate its 13 th Lowcountry

public humiliation to separate the wheat from the chaff,

Christmas this year. We will sing and we will

but we lost quite a few good prospects over the years.

drink punch. 6 H O L I D AY 2 0 1 8


What will be under your tree this holiday season? CREATING A NEW PERSPECTIVE IN PALMETTO BLUFF, KRA Architecture + Design 7 Johnston Way, Suite 2A + Bluffton, SC 29910 + 843-815-2021 +

Written by: Executive Chef Nate Beriau and Director of Wine Jesse Rodriguez Photography by: Jade + Matthew Take Pictures

H O L I D AY 2 0 1 8


May River

Mignonette Sauce

Snorting Hot

Horseradish Cocktail Sauce





May River Oysters

Beausoleil oysters have a clean, sweet, and light

Kumamoto oysters have a fruity and sweet

May River oysters taste clean and salty. These oysters

flavor profile. This makes them a great oyster for

flavor profile. These oysters were originally

are found only in the May River in South Carolina

anyone who has never tried an oyster before. They are

from Yatsushiro Bay in Kyushu, Japan, and

and are only harvested in months that end in “r”

an Atlantic oyster from the New Brunswick, Canada,

were first shipped to the United States in

(September, October, November, December). May

area. Their shells are consistently shaped due to how

1945. They are also known as “Kumies” and

River oyster shells are rounder and singular instead

they move against each other in the waves and tides

are grown in the Pacific Northwest today.

of being long and clustered. In order to maintain this

off the Atlantic coast. These oysters never touch the

Kumamoto oysters have distinct highly

shape, farmers check on the oysters periodically and

sea floor as they are farmed in floating trays.

sculptured, fluted shells with deep cups.

disrupt the cages to discourage clusters.


P A L M E T T O B L U F F. C O M

Pairing Oysters Written by: Director of Wine Jesse Rodriguez

Chef Nate says to keep it simple.

A classic brut champagne

Enjoy oysters in their purest form with just a little something to top them off.

works well with oysters. We like to use Jérôme Prévost La Closerie, Extra Brut, “Les Beguines.” This champagne is artistically crafted—the vintner makes under 3,000 bottles a year for the world.

Mignonette Sauce

Fortunately, we were able to secure

32 oz. red wine vinegar

Make sure the pepper is freshly

8 tsp fresh ground

ground. In a stainless steel bowl,

black pepper

combine the three ingredients.

8 tbsp shallots (minced)

Let sit for at least 1 day for flavors

24 bottles for Palmetto Bluff.

to develop.

Snorting Hot Horseradish Cocktail Sauce •

1 tbsp olive oil

Zest of ½ lime

2 tbsp shallots (chopped)

Zest of ½ lemon

1 tsp garlic (chopped)

1 jalapeño (minced)

3 tbsp honey

½ habanero (minced)

1 tbsp brown sugar

¼ cup fresh lime juice

½ cup champagne

Salt and pepper to taste


2 tbsp A.1. Steak Sauce

2½ diced ripe tomatoes

6 tbsp fresh horseradish

1 cup canned plum tomatoes (drain, strain

juice, and reserve liquid) •

½ cup tomato paste

For some outside-the-box thinking, try Ginga Shizuku Junmai Daiginjo, “Divine Droplets,”


Hokkaido, Japan. This is the Rolls

6 tbsp prepared

Royce of sake; it can only be made


up north in the Hokkaido prefect,

2 tbsp parsley (chopped)

where there is enough snow to build the igloos needed to make it. It is in these igloos that these “divine

In the olive oil, sauté the garlic and the shallots just until

A richer-style oyster

clear. Add honey, sugar, and champagne vinegar. Simmer

presentation works well with

droplets” will be extracted through

Chablis Premier Cru. We like

natural gravitational fl ow. In other

showcasing producers who

words, nothing is pressed. If nature

use oak like Laurent Tribut and

allows for the drops from the burlap

Rene Dauvissat. Oysters with

sacks to fl ow, then the sake will be

a rich, buttery fl avor work well

made. When utilizing luxury items

with a chardonnay crafted with

such as caviar and sabayon, this is

precision and tension of acidity.

the fan favorite.

to shiny syrup-like texture. Add the fresh and canned tomatoes and cook until water is cooking out. Add paste and reserved liquid from the canned tomatoes and simmer until thick, about 10 minutes. Let cool. Add all the rest of the ingredients and allow to marry for several hours.

Make this a white Christmas

Combining cutting-edge acoustic engineering and classic cabinet design, the Bowers & Wilkins 800 Series speakers are designed to play music the way the artist intended. To achieve the ultimate sound experience for your home, visit the professionals at Custom Audio Video.



While the protein often gets all the attention, for Southerners, the sides make the meal. For our chefs, these starches are the real showstoppers. Fruits of the season such as apple and pecan make these dishes fit for a table from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve.


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Not your typical potato side

Chef Jay's Potato Dumplings YIELD: 4 servings •

3 Idaho potatoes

Peel and boil potatoes until al dente. Grate

2 tbsp cornstarch

potatoes on a box grater into a medium bowl.

2 eggs

Add eggs, cornstarch, salt, chives, and parsley.

3 tbsp salt

Mix gently until all ingredients are incorporated.

½ cup flour

Slowly add flour and continue to mix until it forms

2 tbsp chives

a soft dough. The dough should not be tacky.

1 tbsp parsley (minced)

Form 4 uniform yule logs. Poach in salted water

2 caramelized onions (cook in 2 tbsp oil)

for 10 minutes. Remove, slice, and serve with caramelized onions on top and little bit of au jus from your holiday bird.


P A L M E T T O B L U F F. C O M

Chef Ray's Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Pecan Topping YIELD: 6 servings •

4 large sweet potatoes

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Lay the sweet

(peeled and cut into 1-inch cubes)

potatoes out in a single layer on a roasting

¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil

tray. Drizzle the oil, honey, cinnamon, salt,

¼ cup honey

and pepper over the potatoes. Roast for

2 tsp ground cinnamon

15−20 minutes in oven, the potatoes should

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

still have a good bite to them as they will go back in the oven with the topping. Transfer

Topping ingredients:

the potatoes to a casserole dish, prepare the

3 tbsp unsalted butter (softened slightly)

topping, and spread evenly over the potatoes.

½ cup brown sugar

Finish baking for about 15−20 minutes.

½ tsp cinnamon

1 cup pecans (chopped)

Decadence in a dish

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Chef Nate's Parmesan Risotto with Apple and Pomegranate YIELD: 4 servings •

5 cups vegetable stock

1 tbsp high-quality olive oil

6 tbsp butter

1 white onion finely chopped (dice should be smaller than rice)

1 cup green apple (diced and caramelized)

1½ cups Carnaroli or Acquerello risotto rice

1 cup Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese (grated)

Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

Seeds of 1 pomegranate

2 tbsp pumpkin seeds (toasted)

Sage leaves and radish slices to garnish

Bring the stock to a boil, then reduce to a slow simmer. Ladle a little stock into a small bowl. Melt 4 tablespoons of butter and olive oil in a large saucepan until foaming. Add the onion and gently cook for about 3 minutes, stirring frequently, until softened with no color. Add the rice. Stir until the grains start to swell and burst, then add a few ladelfuls of the stock. Stir over low heat until the stock is absorbed. Add the remaining stock, a few ladlefuls at a time, allowing the rice to absorb all the liquid before adding more, stirring constantly. After 20−25 minutes, the rice should be al dente and the risotto should be very creamy. At this point, adjust the seasoning if desired. Gently stir in about two-thirds of the grated Parmigiano-Reggiano and the apples then add the remaining butter. Transfer the risotto to a warmed serving bowl or platter and garnish with Too pretty to eat (almost)

pomegranate seeds, pumpkin seeds, sage leaves, and radish slices, then finish it with the remaining Parmigiano-Reggiano.

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A Tale of Two WRITTEN BY:




“IS THAT THE HUDSON RIVER?” Chef Saul Serrano asks. We’re piled into an SUV on the Williamsburg Bridge bound for lower Manhattan. It’s the East River out our window, not the Hudson. Conservancy Director Jay Walea starts taking pictures of the nearing skyline, and Saul, prompted by his mistake, tries to name the five boroughs, counting them off on his fingers. Neither had ever been to “the city” nor had they spent much time together. We found over the next few days, after hosting a whirlwind event for 30 New York media representatives and a crash course in speakeasies and New York slices, that a chef from California and a forestry manager from Georgia can have things in common, specifically a shared respect for Pirlou. Or Perloo. Or Pilau, depending on your family preference. And as we headed back to the airport 48 hours later, I quietly listened to these two newfound friends discussing their respective recipes for this dish, quintessential to the Lowcountry yet universally recognizable. I turned around and said, “This is going to be a story in The Bluff magazine one day.” Here it is.

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Nanny's Pilau WRITTEN BY:


Edna Kent Walea was a child of the Great Depression. When Edna

the hard work and dedication it took to run a household. She had seen

was 12 years old, her mother passed away. Being the youngest girl of

harder times in the past.

eight siblings—three girls and five boys—it quickly became Edna’s job to cook, clean, and tend the home every day. Although poor in most

Nanny was an amazing cook. She was the only person in our family

respects, Doc Kent, Edna’s father, believed in education and made sure

who would prepare the wild game and fish that Papa Pete, Daddy, and

his girls went to school. As for the boys, they were farmhands helping

I hunted and caught. At the end of every hunting season, Nanny would

to grub out a living from the ground and hunting the surrounding

prepare a huge wild game supper, and we would invite family and

countryside to harvest game to feed the large family.

friends to partake in the wild bounty harvested during that season.

Every morning, Edna was up before dawn lighting the wood stove

There are some foods born out of necessity, only to become a

and making breakfast. After her morning chores, it was off to school

culinary heirloom or delicacy later in life. Pilau or Perloo is one of

to further her education. The men would fend for themselves at

these dishes. It allowed Nanny to feed her large family when they

lunchtime, then Edna would come home from school and pick up

were poor. Later in life, it became a favorite for everyone in our

where she had left off, cleaning and preparing a large family supper.

family. Pilau is basically a meat protein mixed with rice to stretch it to feed more people. During her younger days, Nanny's Pilau

During these trying times, not many trips to the small town of

consisted of wild game or cuts of meat that were not appealing to

Millen, Georgia, were made. When Doc went into town, it was to

the upper class.

purchase the essentials to feed the family and operate the farm. They grew their own corn so they could grind it into grits at the

After Daddy and Aunt Sissy were grown and Papa Pete and Nanny

local grist mill. Doc would buy flour, sugar, and undesirable cuts of

were able to enjoy some of the finer things in life, Nanny’s Shrimp

meat like backbones and ox tails. One of the most important staples

Pilau was born. Shrimp is a true coastal delicacy that was not readily

was rice. A little bit of rice went a long way, and Edna knew how to

available back in Nanny’s early years and would have been too

make the most of this grain. Rice was served in at least two meals a

expensive for them to afford. Nanny prepared her Shrimp Pilau for

day in the Kent household, and Edna would add whatever meat she

the family every time we would get together. We would have Shrimp

could to the rice. Dishes like backbone and rice, squirrel and rice,

Pilau for family reunions, birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

and rabbit and rice were frequently on the menu, along with fresh

Many of the old church cookbooks from the Savannah area include

vegetables they grew in the garden.

Nanny’s Shrimp Pilau recipe—she was always willing to pass it along to whomever wanted to make it. There were no secret recipes with

Edna Kent Walea was my grandmother. Nanny, as all of her

Nanny; she enjoyed passing her knowledge of the culinary arts to

grandchildren called her, went on to marry Pete Walea, and they

family and friends whenever she had the opportunity. It all came

had two children, Jimmy (my Dad) and Sondra (Aunt Sissy). Nanny

back to education for her—a person who is not learning is stagnant

graduated with a teaching degree from Georgia Southern University.

and not achieving their full potential.

She taught for 32 years in the public school system. During this time, she raised her two children and her youngest brother. Papa Pete

My mouth is watering writing this article, and I don’t mind saying

worked shifts, so Nanny was tasked with all the duties of raising yet

my eyes are a bit misty as well. I do miss my Nanny, and I think about

another household. It was seldom easy, but Nanny was acclimated to

her every day. Here is her Shrimp Pilau recipe for you to try at home.

Pilau Perloo


Double Shrimp Pilau YIELD: A whole mess

8 slices bacon

2 cups onion

2 cups raw rice

½ cup bell pepper

4 cups water

2 tbsp Worcestershire

4 cups raw shrimp

3 tbsp flour

1 cup celery

1 block butter (cut up)

As far as directions, this recipe is more an art than a science. Nanny gave her recipes freely, but that's not to say they were exact. Cook the rice first, then fry up the bacon. Set it aside, or don’t. Sauté the holy trinity: celery, onion, bell pepper. Add the flour, butter, and Worcestershire. Let it simmer. Add the rice. Have a beer. Throw some beer in the pot. Add the shrimp last. Enjoy.

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Chef Saul’s Pirlou YIELD: 8 servings

½ cup unsalted butter

Juice of one lemon

1 head garlic

2 tbsp blackening spice

1 whole white onion

1 lb. smoked sausage

(rough chop) •

1 cup celery (rough chop)

1 cup green bell pepper

(rough chop) •

2 cups tomatoes (seeded and diced)

(rough chop)

6 cups chicken stock

4 bay leaves

18–20 little neck clams

1 tbsp thyme (fine chop)

18–20 fresh mussels

20 shrimp (16/20)

(scrubbed and

½ lb. lump crab meat


3 cups Carolina

1 cup parsley (chopped)

(cleaned and scrubbed)

Gold rice

Melt butter in a Dutch oven over medium heat, then add garlic, onion, celery, green bell pepper, bay leaves, and thyme. Sauté 7–10 minutes, constantly stirring with wooden spoon. Once vegetables are nice and translucent, add sausage until brown, which will take 7–8 minutes. Then, add rice—this is crucial to make sure the rice picks up the fat from the veggies and sausage. Once you get a nutty smell from the rice, add tomatoes, blackening spice, and chicken stock. Bring to a boil, reduce to low, and cover for about 15 minutes. Then, add clams and cook for 5 minutes. Add mussels and cook for another 3 minutes. Then, add the shrimp, stirring well to incorporate, and cook for about 7 more minutes. Remove from heat and let sit for about 10 minutes covered. Uncover and add crab. Finish with chopped parsley and fresh lemon juice. Please enjoy with a nice ice-cold beer.


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My Carolina Pi rlou



Growing up in Southern California, I was lucky to be exposed to a

perception of the South was wrong. I found out it was so much more

melting pot of cultures. My friends were of different ethnicities, and

than fried chicken, mac and cheese, and collard greens. (Although,

I was always curious about what they were having for dinner. I knew

those alone would have been just fine.)

it was different from my dinner. I enjoyed when my Korean friend made kimchi or my Salvadorian friend made homemade chorizo.

I wanted to know what our farmers were producing. I found corn

As I got older, my interest in food grew and the desire to try new

chow-chow, a lot of pickling, and a love for grits. (I also found you

things followed.

cannot tell a local they are doing it wrong.) When I discovered Pirlou, it was a game-changer for me. I hold this dish in high regard

Working in high-end kitchens, I found it was easy to make friends

because of its deep history. The South Carolina Lowcountry refers

who shared those interests. After the kitchen closed, we would eat

to the coastal plain extending from the Savannah River at the

late-night pho or ramen or stop at a taco truck. The true beauty of

Georgia state line northward to Pawleys Island and reaching about

being a chef is gathering with the kitchen family drinking a cold

80 miles inland. It is here that a creolized rice stew called “Pirlou”

beverage and eating food made by people who have mastered

created by the Gullahs (descendants of African slaves) has become

their craft.

a regional mainstay.

I love cooking, but I find that everyone has their own special

Wherever rice is prevalent, it becomes a backdrop or foil for other

secrets or their own family recipe. Grandma has that signature

ingredients. Louisiana has its jambalayas. Italy has risotto. Spain

recipe; she’ll write it down for you, but she won’t include that pinch

has paellas. Here in the Lowcountry, we are fortunate to have

of nutmeg. Years will go by trying to perfect it, until one day she

our Pirlou. Using simple ingredients such as Carolina Gold rice,

tells you, “It’s nutmeg.” That’s the day it all comes together.

shrimp, oysters, fish, crab, crawfish, and even sausage, I find myself cooking Pirlou for my family once a month just because

I don’t think there should be secrets in cooking. Moving to South

I feel inclined to keep the Lowcountry tradition alive. I want my

Carolina last year, I was excited to live in the South. I was very

daughter to tell her friends 10 years from today that she knows

enthusiastic about my surroundings and wanted to know where

what Pirlou is. I feel it is imperative to educate people on this dish

the locals ate. I did some digging around, and let me tell you, my

that goes back generations and is a part of our Lowcountry culture.



We Draw Life. 6 State of Mind Street, Suite 200 // Bluffton, SC 29910 //

The Final Act Après-ski or après a fabulous meal, Chef Ray’s Spiced Hot Chocolate is a decadent treat. Black peppercorns add a kick that spices up this comforting beverage. Honey and vanilla balance out the heat. And Valrhona pure caraïbe French chocolate makes it a true pleasure.

Chef Ray's Spiced Hot Chocolate YIELD: 12–14 four-ounce servings •

1 qt milk

⅓ cup sugar

2 tbsp honey

1 cinnamon stick

1 vanilla bean

10 black peppercorns (cracked)

Zest of 1 lemon

8 oz. Valrhona pure caraïbe or any good dark chocolate

¼ cup extra dark cocoa powder

Bring the milk, sugar, honey, and all spices to a boil. Steep for about 10 minutes. Cut the chocolate into small pieces. Remove the milk mixture from the stove and add the chocolate and cocoa powder. Mix with a stick blender for 30 seconds then strain. Pour. Drink. Repeat.

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e h t of



For us at the Bluff, gift-giving is nothing short of an art form. Selecting the perfect gift does more than check a name off a list—it colorfully expresses how we feel about those who make our spirits bright and just how well we really know them. The characters in our lives are not mass-produced and don’t belong in any one-size-fits-all box, so the gifts we give them should be equally as wild, wonder-filled, and full of warmth. We’ve curated our 2018 Holiday Gift Guide to reflect the passions, pastimes, and endearing peculiarities that make our loved ones so lovable. Full of items with uncommon intrigue made by some of our favorite Southern makers and new artists to watch, this is a list of gifts to remember for the characters you’ll never forget. (

for the sporting sort

1 . SM A RT C A L L Woodhaven The Legend Slate Turkey Call Heflin, Alabama - $95 For the hunter who likes to call the shots, here’s a call that won’t let them down.

From hunting and fishing to bird-watching, this special breed always keeps their eyes on the prize. Level up their aim game this holiday season.



2 . H E Y, GOOD LOOK IN ' Canon Image Stabilizer Binoculars Arlington, Virginia - $850 Whether they’re studying wildlife on the banks of the Bluff or eyeing a target, these stabilizing binoculars will keep them steady. 3. SHOOT FOR T H E MOON Satchel Gun Case Savannah, Georgia - $550 This leather gun case will keep your sharpshooter looking sharp.



4 . A CU T A BOV E Williams Knife Company Generation 1 Folding Knife John’s Island, South Carolina - $150 From the woods to the water, this handcrafted legacy knife is the go-to companion they’ll keep forever.

5. GOT TA FLY Oyster Bamboo Fly Rods Blue Ridge, Georgia - $2,390 Hand-engraved by Bill Oyster, these custom fly rods are the perfect catch for your fisherman. 6. WOOD V IBES ON LY We Took To The Woods Candle Greenville, South Carolina - $42 The Pines by the Sea candle will fi ll their home with a warmly familiar coastal pine tree scent. 7. PA DDL E U P, PA RT N E R Three Brothers Boards Blondie Paddleboard Daytona Beach, Florida - $1,350 From winding the May River to traversing uncharted destinations, just imagine the stories this handmade paddleboard will tell. 8. GET SOM E A IR Swurfer Charleston, South Carolina - $130+ They may have surfed the waters, but have they surfed the air? Combine surfi ng with swinging and send your explorer to new heights.

for the wild at heart

Whether they’re on the trail or reliving their discoveries through tall tales, every moment with them is an adventure. This holiday, find the way to their hearts with a road less traveled.






for the tribe and true 9.

They never meet a stranger. They keep the family history. And they never forget a birthday. Because family and community are everything, give them more than a little something.

10. 9. BOW WOW Savannah Jack's Custom Nautical Chart Pet Bed Savannah, Georgia - $75 When we say family, we mean the whole family. Customize these cozy dog beds with a meaningful nautical chart and send their fur baby sailing on sweet dreams. 10. SLICE OF LIFE Emily McCarthy Custom Cutting Board Savannah, Georgia - $75+ A one-of-a-kind monogrammed cutting board makes every family recipe even more personal.

11 .

11. GAME ON Matthias Kaupermann Signature Compact Cornhole Charleston, South Carolina - $995 Outside, inside, or on the go, these compact heirloom-quality cornhole boards are a crowd pleaser.

1 2 . BR E A K BR E A D Jery's Baskets Sweet Grass Traditional Bread Basket St. Helena, South Carolina - $170 For serving homemade treats with a piece of history, these sweetgrass baskets celebrate Gullah heritage and are each handwoven by artist Jery Bennett Taylor.

for the hosts with the most In true Lowcountry fashion, their doors are always open. This holiday, celebrate them by keeping the good food and good times rolling.


1 3.

14 .

1 5.

1 3. GOOD CH E E R S Bittermilk Jar Bar Charleston, South Carolina - $105 Perfect for their well-attended holiday parties, this bar in a jar makes sure every guest gets a taste of festive air. 14. EN VOGUE VIEWS Classic Palmetto Silk Scarf By Jessica O'Neill New Orleans, Louisiana - $250 This Italian-made scarf was painted by Louisiana artist Jessica O'Neill during her time in the Lowcountry, producing an elegant accessory that keeps the landscape with them.


1 5. DIG IN Sea Island Forge Oyster Knife Sea Island, Georgia - $100 From experienced shuckers to novices, these oyster knives will help their guests take in a signature taste of Lowcountry culture.










our marKeting team

Molly Clancy (left) Sarah Grubbs (left)

Courtney Hampson (right)

Ellie O’Donoghue (right)

Our Favorite Holiday Songs To help you build your holiday playlist, we asked our team for their favorite holiday songs. This list has everything—quiet, comforting tunes for sipping hot chocolate, fun party-starters from the 50s, and, inevitably, “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.” Thanks, Justin. In the process, we learned some new things about our coworkers and their unique personalities. Some have surprised, and some have inspired. At the end of the day, at least we know one thing: our holiday party is going to be jamming!

nate v.

Development: Frank Sinatra’s timeless

Jay W. Palmetto Bluff Conservancy: Well, I

husband theatrically sings along. Fun fact: He sang

version of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.”

have to say my favorite Christmas song is “O Holy

with the Atlanta Boys Choir as a youngster, though

I love that it calms things down during even the

Night.” I like this song because it’s pure, and it

the song does not represent his formal training.

busiest of holiday seasons and forces you to enjoy

automatically makes me think of cold winter nights

the moment.

seeing your breath and, most important, reminds

sHane r. Palmetto Bluff Conservancy: “Blue

me of who saved me.

Christmas” by Elvis. I grew up listening to my mom

saraH g. Marketing: “O Holy Night” because it

play Elvis, and that was her favorite Christmas song.

reminds me of Christmas as a little girl. On chilly

ellie o.

Carolina nights every December, we would listen to

is “Drummer Boy” by Justin Bieber. Don’t laugh

molly C. Marketing: I love “Mele Kalikimaka”

the choir. It’s a warm memory of my family.

until you listen to it! This is my go-to seasonal jam

by Bing Crosby because it combines classic,

because it puts a fun twist on a traditional tune.

Bing Crosby-style holiday cheer with dreams of

Finance: “Celebrate Me Home” by

Whenever I play the song, it puts a huge smile on

tropical vacations.

Kenny Loggins. This song has the ability to

everyone’s face, whether they are a Belieber or not.

Kim W.

Marketing: My favorite holiday song

david o.

transport me back in time and place to the

Justin H. Palmetto

President: Bruce Springsteen singing

Bluff Conservancy: For

“Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town.” You can hear

no particular reason, I love “Grandma Got Run

in the song that he and the band are having fun,

Jeff Q. Sales: My favorite Christmas song is “White

Over by a Reindeer.” It’s just fun. You can say that

which puts me in the mood for Christmas.

Christmas” by Bing Crosby. I love his smooth voice,

you don’t like it, but as for me and Grandpa...

memories of past holidays.

amanda C.

and the whistling is killer at the end. My parents were

Sales: “The 12 Days of Christmas.”

huge Bing fans, and I can remember hearing “White

Julie C. Contracts and Closings: Porky Pig’s

It’s a classic, and my four-year-old son plays it

Christmas” in our house when I was little.

“Blue Christmas.” It’s Porky Pig singing a carol.

constantly on his Kindle (year-round). He says,

What’s not to love?

“three friendships” instead of “three French hens.”

Courtney H. Marketing: Jay W. singing “Silent

My five-year-old daughter has even started joining

Night.” I had a rare opportunity to witness Jay

Jen W. Sales: One of my favorite Christmas songs

in on this daily Christmas cheer. Maybe I should

singing it at my first Palmetto Bluff holiday party

is “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” by Gayla

just leave our decorations up year-round too. Oh!

in 2005. I’ve only heard him sing it one time since.

Peevey. It isn’t Christmas until the song plays and my

And the eggnog. H O L I D AY 2 0 1 8


“The Nationals” Silver Award • 414+ LightHouse & Finalist Awards • Pinnacle Award Finalist & Merit Winner • Small Business of the Year • Numerous “Best Builder” awards


January 24


Join us for an acoustic concert in

March 10


The popular Palmetto Bluff Marathon,

the picturesque May River Chapel to

Half-Marathon, and 10K races return

brighten up winter days.

Sunday, March 10, 2019. Start in the heart of Wilson Village and travel along a



tree-shaded course hidden away among


the Palmetto Bluff Conservancy, a 501(c)(3)

an intricate maze of rivers, islands, and maritime forest. Race proceeds will benefit non-profit organization dedicated to the

Since the turn of the century,

preservation of the natural, historical, and

sportsmen and women have gathered

cultural resources of the Bluff .

at Palmetto Bluff to shoot elegant shotguns over the finest pointers, cast


lines into its salt and fresh waters, and ride its oak-lined trails on graceful steady mounts. Please join us for the second Field + Fire weekend, a celebration of our sporting life heritage.



Join us for an acoustic concert in the picturesque May River Chapel to welcome the start of spring.

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