The Spiritual Science of Essential Yoga

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Note from the Editor








Chapter 1

PREPARATORy MuDRAS AND MANTRAS Introduction I. Activation of the heart chakra II. Awakening the Divine Power within III. Activation of the throat chakra IV. Activation of the 3rd eye V. Activation of the crown chakra

Chapter 2

JyOTI – MEDITATION OF PuRIFICATION By THE LIGHT Introduction I. Concentration on the flame II. Opening of the lotus in the heart III. Purification of the hands IV. Purification of the feet V. Purification of the eyes VI. Purification of the nose VII. Purification of the tongue VIII. Purification of the ears IX. Purification of the medulla oblongata or the rachidian bulb X. Purification of the spinal column XI. Purification of the brain XII. Expansion of the LIGHT and formation of the crown XIII. Expansion of the LIGHT, inside and outside of the body


Chapter 3

TONGLEN – BuDDHIST MEDITATIVE TECHNIQuE Introduction Step 1: The Purification Step 2: The Healing


Chapter 4

DHIKR – SuFI MEDITATIVE PRACTICE Introduction I. Heartbeat to the Rhythm of ALLAH II. Dhikr Purifiers III. Healing Dhikr IV. Dhikr-I-E-Ma’Iyat




Chapter 5

ACTIVE GOD-WALK MEDITATION Introduction Phase I: Slow mantric tempo Phase II: Moderate mantric tempo Phase III: Accelerated mantric tempo Three Phases at a Glance

Chapter 6

REVERENCE AND WORSHIP FOR THE DIFFERENT STAGES Introduction Part I: Sunrise Part II: Noon Part III: Sunset or Twilight Part IV: Midnight or Night-time Preparation

Chapter 7

THE JAPA-DHyANA KyRIE ELEISON Introduction 1. Recitation of the Japa-Mantra 2. Recitation of the Christian version of the Gayatri 3. Recitation of the Japa-Dhyana Kyrie Eleison

Chapter 8

PuRIFICATION OF NEGATIVE QuALITIES Introduction Step I: Liberating the consciousness from negative qualities (the emptying) Step II: Dispersing the negative energy (the dispersion mantra) Step III: Sealing-off negative qualities (the sealing-off mantra) Table: Purification of 31 negative qualities


Chapter 9

DyNAMIC MuDRAS OF ETERNAL BENEDICTIONS Introduction Dynamic Mudra I Dynamic Mudra II Dynamic Mudra III Dynamic Mudra IV





Chapter 10 yOGIC MEDITATION Introduction I. Spiritual cure for the aura II. Three HAMSA meditations for the heart chakra III. The KARAM SHAMBAVI meditation, Phases I and II IV. Meditation for change





f oreword For centuries, man has searched for ways to break through the barriers that have been delaying his spiritual evolution. He has traveled to the Orient as well as the Occident hoping to find the right keys that would unlock his true divine nature. During this quest, he finally discovered that the body is a ‘sacred temple’ and the keys have always resided within. Man is starting to realize that his physical body is a receptacle of energy that can be used for his own transformation. He is an altar on which all of his accumulated impurities, since his first incarnations must be consumed and transformed into subtle energies, which will one day, help him to attain enlightenment. The physical body is an alchemist’s cup, an indispensable tool without which nothing can be accomplished. The Science of Essential Yoga contains the necessary keys to help the serious seeker on the path overcome obstacles. These exercises, or asanas (positions) permit the practitioner to contact his Higher Self, and to direct the energy circulating around and within himself effectively. Each of these proposed exercises are accompanied by a mantra or dhikr, increasing its efficacy. Those who have had the privilege to practise these exercises, (myself included), have realized that a certain synergy occurs, and this synergy will, in the long run, produce important changes perceived not only in the physical, but also on emotional and mental levels. Energy, as subtle as it is, transforms man, and these Meditative Techniques and Mantric Invocation are living proof of this. These techniques may seem innocuous, yet they have a very powerful cleansing effect on the various bodies that encompass all individuals. The secret lies in the assiduous practice of these Meditative Techniques and Mantric Invocation. Through the intermediary of this book, Sri Adi Dadi helps us to discover and connect with our divine nature and through this, gives us an opportunity for profound and true inner change. But he cannot do it for us. It is our responsibility to undertake such a process and to pursue it to the end. Man never stops complaining that daily living takes all of his time, but how can he one day liberate himself, if he does not make the effort to consciously participate in his own transformation. Bhai Bibi Mataji


Dynamic muDraS



EtErnal BEnEDictionS

introduction Dynamic mudra i

1. Preparatory stage: Steps 1 to 8 2. Stage of physical ritual: Steps 1 to 10

Dynamic mudra ii Steps 1 to 5

Dynamic mudra iii Steps 1 to 4

Dynamic mudra iV Steps 1 to 4


Dynamic muDraS


EtErnal BEnEDictionS


in this millennium man will initiate an important new world religion on earth, the “rEligion of light�. its integrative, universal approach will attract many and be recognized by all the spiritual, religious and esoteric traditions. By magnetizing the light within ourselves and our surroundings, we can help accelerate the emergence of this new world religion of light and love.

Dynamic muDraS of EtErnal BEnEDictionS are practical exercises which assist in accumulating the light within. this light will help us to develop our creative power, and in turn, will guide us to gain a better control of our emotions and to promote healing in various parts of our body, as well as support in the healing of others.

Performing these exercises as a group is more powerful than individually. the synchronization of the movements performed with concentration increases their kinetic potential. for each repeated movement, a greater descent of light occurs, which attracts certain devas or angels whose role is to help humanity.

the brIdge to god Is buIlt upon lIght beIng attracted to love. e.K.


Dynamic muDra i

the goal of this exercise is to help us find a balance between heaven and earth, and between the various aspects of our being. Performing this exercise on a regular basis (3 or more times a day) will help improve our health. We cannot deny the form, our body is a channel for spirit to descend into matter. taking responsibility for our health should be an integral part of our spiritual path, a sign of respect towards the Divine.

the body is similar to a building of which we are prisoners. Each window opens to a narrow and limited vision of the world. this exercise allows us to expand this vision and to observe, analyze and understand ourselves completely. By increasing our vibratory frequency, we can experience an expansion of consciousness, and become more aware of our infinite reality.

this exercise is divided into two main stages: Preparatory stage — it is important to create an inner calm and to detach yourself from earthly preoccupations. the time allotted is left to your own discretion, approximately 1 to 3 minutes. Stage of physical ritual — specific movements performed require an awareness and support of the body. these movements should be performed slowly.


Dynamic muDraS


EtErnal BEnEDictionS

Preparatory stage Body position Standing with your eyes closed and feet together; the arms are placed along the length of the body, fingers pointing towards the earth, to receive its energy. the head is straight, to receive the energy from above (fig.1). the body is thus comparable to a lightning rod, an empty vessel that permits the energy to flow freely.

Procedure Step i

to begin, imagine yourself as someone who has descended from the heavens or higher spheres, and is temporarily rooted on this planet called earth, itself suspended in space. Visualize yourself as a flower or a tree, rooted in the earth from your feet to your knees, with your head as branches and leaves stretched out into space. have we not all dreamt of exploring beyond the physical realm?

1 let the body become “yin”, “feminine” within. relax and let go, from the inside out. create an expansion of your body, from left to right, and from front to back, an expansion extending into the horizon. See yourself as the only person in the entire universe.


Step ii

Step iii

Step iV

Step V Step Vi

Step Vii

Step Viii


on the inevitable journey back to the Source, an extraordinary process is put into action. We begin to analyze and discover ourselves... we evolve. this step inspires a feeling of respect for the spiritual path that we have undertaken, and the unveiling and greater comprehension of our true innate nature.

in this step, we create a mental state that reflects the Divine. the consciousness bathes in a tranquil state of being. With a vision that is clear and calm, and with an attitude that is humble and respectful, become pure in thought and humility.

one becomes “emptiness”, Shunyata, empty of all thoughts.

through an act of will, project your mind into space and become the quality of this space. Become “the infinite-i”. Experience your infinity.

once you become “space”, return to your body, and let it be filled with the infinitude of this “space”.

thus filled with infinity, the body is immortalized.

you haVE attainED

thiS contEmPlatiVE StatE, ProcEED With thE StagE of PhySical ritual.


Dynamic muDraS


EtErnal BEnEDictionS

in a meditative state, stand with your eyes opened or closed, with your feet together and your arms resting on each side of the body (fig. 1, page 133). focus your attention on your little fingers. it may be of interest that in the chinese tradition, the little finger represents the “finger of Spirit”, the “highest one”. it is also the finger of the heart meridian in acupuncture. the little fingers initiate the movement of raising your hands parallel to the ground, palms facing the earth.

2 always under the impulse of the little fingers, raise your hands 10 to 15 degrees, and bring them lightly forward (fig. 2). your palms still facing the earth, slowly execute an up and down movement, 3 times. (fig. 3)


Each movement produces an effect of blessing the earth. Without words or thoughts, simply feel this benediction. Become conscious of a tingling sensation in your palms. it is the earth’s energy penetrating your palms.


Stage of physical ritual Step i

Step ii

raise your hands to the front of your body, at the level of your abdomen, and imagine holding a giant ball of energy between them (fig. 4a). this “ball of energy” is a gift from the earth that you have just blessed. increase its potential power, by lightly squeezing the ball 3 times. (fig. 4b)


4b 5

Step iii

Step iV

Place your hands under the “ball of energy” (fig. 5), and bring it closer to you by resting your elbows by your side, while turning your palms towards the sky. then offer this energy, derived from the blessing of the earth, to the heavens above. Stretch your arms forward and extend your hands towards the sky (fig. 6) in a gesture of offering. you could also imagine that you are offering your personality to your soul.

6 there is an exchange as a result of this offering. you harvest the benediction from the heavens between your hands, which is felt primarily by the inner middle finger of each hand.


Dynamic muDraS


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Slowly direct this blessing to the level of the 3rd eye by touching it 3 times with the middle fingers (fig. 7). you may also direct this blessing without touching the 3rd eye, by feeling a vibration generated in this region by the pranavic sound om.

Step V

7 8

9 filled with the energy of the 3rd eye, slowly open your arms on both sides of your body, forming a cross, the palms are turned upward. (fig. 8) always with the impulse of the little fingers, turn your palms towards the earth (fig. 9). this gesture affirms your relationship between “heaven-spirit” and “earth-matter”, confirming your own relationship with the earth. next, turn your palms towards the heavens, your place of origin, where you are inevitably destined to return.

Step Vi

Step Vii and Step Viii

Slowly raise your arms to summon the heavens (fig.10). feel the energy awakened by this movement. Join your open hands above your head in namaskar to salute the Divine within.

10 Step iX

With your hands still joined in namaskar, descend to the heart level (fig. 12), the center of the human body, symbolizing the heart of the universe. at this level, acknowledge the two unified hearts (universal and human) by feeling the energy generated through 3 silent repetitions of the dhikr: ya ma’iy ya ma’iy ya hu


Slowly descend your hands joined in namaskar to the 3rd eye, which at this point represents the “astral body”, the middle path, the effort put forth on the Path (fig. 11). in a sense, you pay tribute to the Path, which helps you to “see”.



Dynamic muDraS


EtErnal BEnEDictionS

Bow your head in respect to the Divine

Step X



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