2021 Fauquier County Community Resource Guide

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Additional resources in English and Spanish can be found by calling PATH Community Link at

855-495-5465 This Guide can be viewed online at



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warrentonamazingsmile.com FRG 2021 10.7.20.indd 2

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Children’s Services ........................................................6 Education, Employment & Job Training......................... 8 Education.............................................................. 8 Employment & Job Training............................... .11 Libraries.........................................................................12 Emergency Services......................................................12 Foundation & Nonprofit Support................................. 14 Healthcare.................................................................... 14 Addiction, Counseling & Mental Health............. 14 Assisted Living..................................................... 20 Disability Services........................................................20 Free Medical Clinics............................................ 24 Home Health Providers....................................... 24 Hospice Providers............................................... 26 Hospital Services (Fauquier Health)..................... 27 Medical Equipment............................................. 30 Medicaid & Medicare Information...................... 30 Medical Services.................................................. 31 Nursing & Rehabilitation Facilities...................... 32 Urgent Care Services........................................... 32 Helplines & Hotlines..................................................... 32 Legal & Court Services.................................................. 33 Fauquier County Court Systems.......................... 34 Senior Services............................................................. 35 Social Services...................................................... 36 Clothing & Furniture............................................ 36 Domestic Violence & Abuse................................ 37 Human Trafficking ............................................... 38 Fauquier County Dept. of Social Services (DSS).................................................................... 38 Financial Assistance Programs............................ 40 Employment Services.......................................... 40 Financial & Tax Assistance................................... 40 Food Assistance.................................................. 42 Fuel & Utility Assistance...................................... 43 Housing: Emergency and Transitional................. 44 Home Repair & Improvement Assistance............ 44 Low Income Housing........................................... 45 Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services (RRCS).................................................................. 45 Transportation..............................................................48 Veterans’ Services........................................................48 En Español (Spanish)...................................................50 Index ..............................................................................61




A VALUABLE RESOURCE Welcome to the eleventh annual edition of the free Fauquier County Community Resource Guide. The Guide provides a directory of a wide range of the health and human services that provide a “safety net” for the citizens of our county. This free Guide, which includes a Spanish-language section, is available throughout the county at sites listed in this Guide. An online version is available at www.fauquierresources.com. Once again, we thank the Piedmont Publishing Group whose commitment to community service, expert professional production, and solicitation of ads for the Guide make it possible to provide this valuable resource at no cost to the community. The free listings in this Guide are for organizations providing health and human services. We also extend a big thank you to those organizations that purchase ads. PRODUCED BY THE PAR TNERSHIP FOR COMMUNITY RESOURCES AND PIEDMONT PUBLISHING GROUP The Partnership for Community Resources (PCR) is an THIS GUIDE BE VIEWED AT non-profit, informal group of staff andCAN volunteers fromONLINE numerous FAUQUIERRESOURCES.COM government, and for-profit human services agencies in and near Fauquier County.RESOURCES Our mission OF is “to raiseBY ADDITIONAL ALLstrengthen, TYPES CANsupport, BE FOUND PATHcollaboration AT 855-495-5465 public awareness,CALLING and enhance and communication between community-based organizations, churches, and government concerning the health and human service needs of our community.” For more information on PCR, email pcrfauquier@gmail. com or visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ groups/431307150403412/.

Neil Swanson Chair, Partnership for Community Resources

FAUQUIER COUNTY COMMUNITY RESOURCE GUIDE The free listings in this Guide are for organizations providing health and human services. Publisher: Piedmont Publishing Group, 70 Main St., Ste. #32, Warrenton, VA 20186 | Advertising: Jim Kelly, Jim@piedmontpub. com, 434-987-3542 | Listings: guidepcr@gmail.com | Online: fauquierresources.com Organizations submit listing information to Piedmont Publishing Group for inclusion in this annual guide. While reasonable care is taken with all material submitted, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to any such material, or for any mistakes or omissions. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. ©2020-2021 Rappahannock Media LLC.


Fauquier Resource Guide

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Get a copy of the 2021 Fauquier County Community Resource Guide here! It’s also available online at FauquierResources.com. Boys & Girls Club of Fauquier Brookside Nursing Home Chrysalis Counseling Community Touch Didlake District #25 Probation & Parole Families 4 Fauquier Fauquier Adult Court Services Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services Fauquier Chamber of Commerce Fauquier Community Food Bank Fauquier Community Thrift Store Fauquier County Health Department


Fauquier County Public Library Fauquier County Public Schools (Central School Complex) Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office - Michele Arft Fauquier Dept. Social Services Fauquier Family Shelter Fauquier Free Clinic Fauquier Hospital Community Outreach Fauquier Hospital Case Management Fauquier J&D court Fauquier Senior Center Fauquier FISH Fauquier Habitat for Humanity Lord Fairfax Community College

Marshall Community Center Mintbrook PATH Resource Center People Helping People Piedmont Dispute Resolution Center Piedmont Press & Graphics Piedmont Publishing Group Salvation Army Simple Comforts Warrenton Town Hall The Workplace Vint Hill Community Center Warrenton Community Center Warrenton Police Department Warrenton Visitors Center Warrenton Pregnancy Center


Restaurant-Style Dining

Complete Strength Training Machines

Activites In Motion Program

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SCIFIT UBE (upper body ergometer)


Comprehensive, Clinically Developed, Customized Recovery Programs 7 Day A Week Therapy Fast Track Ortho Recovery Program Unique Recovery Tools

602 Madison Rd, Culpeper, VA 22701 | (540) 825-2884

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4-H Clubs/Virginia Cooperative Extension 540-341-7950, ext 4 24 Pelham Street, Warrenton

https://fauquier.ext.vt.edu/programs.html Lenah Nguyen: lgeer@vt.edu The youth development education program of Virginia Cooperative Extension, 4-H is rich with learning experiences in which young people partner with caring adults and volunteers. Through 4-H, young people are encouraged to participate in a variety of activities that emphasize the development of leadership, citizenship, and life skills. Fauquier offers 4-H clubs that focus on livestock, horse, dog, robotics, and shooting education projects.

Boys & Girls Club of Fauquier 540-349-8890 169 Keith Street, Warrenton

www.bgcfauquier.org, info@bgcfauquier.org A comprehensive youth development program that serves 5 to 18 year olds at two locations during the school year (Keith St. Clubhouse in Warrenton and Cedar Lee Middle School in Bealeton). Summer programming is in the Warrenton Clubhouse only. Priority outcomes are healthy lifestyles, career and academic success, and good character and leadership. Outcomes are achieved through diverse, high-quality programming in STEM, high yield learning activities, career exploration, community service, health education, life skills training, and more.

Caring for Angels Childcare and Preschool 540-439-1244 10499 Jericho Road, Bealeton VA 22712

Visit our Facebook page: Caring for Angels Childcare Center https://www.communitytouchinc.org, feliciac@communitytouchinc.org We care for your little angels and teach them basic skills for the future. We are a place where children learn, grow, and have fun in a healthy, clean, and loving atmosphere. We provide skilled staff who care for a diverse group of children of all ages and economic backgrounds with an appreciation for all races and religious views. We are committed to providing an educational experience for every child.

Child Find Fauquier County Public Schools 540-422-7144

www.fcps1.org, cking1@fcps1.org Child Find is an ongoing process to locate and evaluate children ages 2 (by September 30th) to 21 who are suspected of having a disability and are in need of special education services. If your child is between the ages of 2 (by September 30th) and 5 years, and you have concerns about his/her development, you may call Fauquier County Public Schools at 540-422-7144 to request a free developmental screening. If your child currently attends Fauquier County Public Schools and you suspect your child may have a disability, please discuss your concerns with your child’s teacher. If your child is homeschooled or attends a private school within Fauquier County, contact the assistant principal of the school your child would attend if enrolled in Fauquier County Public Schools.

Families 4 Fauquier & Beyond

www.families4fauquier.com,Families4Fauquier@gmail.com Families 4 Fauquier & Beyond, Inc. is a nonprofit organization passionate about community involvement. We are dedicated to promoting community involvement by uniting and connecting local area families that care about helping to make a difference in Fauquier County and beyond. We are committed to strengthening and enriching the lives of children and families by offering ways to become good citizens and contribute to our community in positive and meaningful ways. We provide a community calendar, family activities, volunteering opportunities, family-friendly community service projects, summer camps listing, preschool directory, social and educational resources. To learn more about our projects and resources we offer, please visit our website or our Facebook or Instagram pages.


Fauquier Community Action Head Start Program 540-347-7000 430 East Shirley Avenue, Building C, Warrenton

www.fcacheadstart.org, pwashington@cwcap.org Fauquier Community Action Head Start program is a federally funded preschool program for income-eligible children, ages 3 to 5 years old, who reside in Fauquier County. We provide comprehensive services to enrolled children and their families which include health, nutrition, family services, social/emotional, and educational development.

Fauquier Community Child Care (FCCC) 540-347-6970 26 Ashby Street, Warrenton, VA

Fcccva.org, general@fcccva.org FCCC is a licensed, school-aged, non-profit, child care program that has been providing continuous high quality, accessible, and safe care for children in Fauquier County since 1991. The program, based in the county elementary schools, operates before and after school care during the school year in addition to several summer camp programs. Affordable rates, sliding scale tuition is available to income-eligible families, and subsidized payments are accepted.

Fauquier County Department of Social Services (DSS) 540-422-8400 320 Hospital Hill, Suite 11, Warrenton

See full Department of Social Services (DSS) listing in the Social Services section of this guide.

Fauquier Childcare Services 540-423-8718 P.O. Box 421, Bealeton

Lorraine Whitfield at Lorrainewhitfield7@gmail.com Fauquier Childcare Services provides resources and referrals to parents, families, and childcare providers. We promote professional quality support, resources, and technical assistance to providers in family childcare. We serve Fauquier, Culpeper, Orange, Prince William, and surrounding areas. Business training, technical assistance, and consulting are services also provided. FCS also provides parents referrals and information on childcare resources and coordinates with other agencies and provides CPR Training, MAT (Medical Administration Training), and more. Call or email for more information.

Fauquier FISH Baby Supplies 540-347-FISH 24 Pelham Street, Warrenton

http://fauquierfish.org, foodpantry@fauquierfish.org Fauquier FISH Food Pantry stocks diapers and wipes. A limited supply of formula is also available. Bring in your formula container or label. Hours: Summer, Tues & Sat 9:30 am – Noon, Thurs 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm; Winter, Tues & Sat 9:30 am – Noon, Thurs. 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm.

Fauquier FISH Book Bags & School Supplies Program 540-347-FISH

http://fauquierfish.org, bookbags@fauquierfish.org For children in need attending Fauquier County Public Schools. Register your children to receive a brand-new book bag and the school supplies based on your child’s grade. Registration forms are available each year beginning mid-May at Dept. of Social Services, Fauquier Community Food Bank & Thrift Store, and Fauquier FISH Food Pantry. The form is also available for download from our website.



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“I wish we had known about hospice sooner.”


Home is the most comfortable place of all, and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived in for decades, or an independent, skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or friend can contact us anytime, 24/7.

540.349.3970 | heartlandhospice.com/Warrenton © 2019 HCR Healthcare, LLC

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Fauquier FISH Kids in the Kitchen 540-347-FISH

http://fauquierfish.org, foodpantry@fauquierfish.org Kid-friendly fun and delicious snack and meal kits to take and fix at home and share with the whole family. It’s never too early to teach children about good food and good health. These delicious, affordable, and healthy meals that are easy to fix are aimed at getting kids into the kitchen and away from packaged, processed, and fast foods. Available once a month to registered food pantry households with kids ages 2- 17.

Fauquier FISH Weekend Power Pack Program 540-347-FISH

http://fauquierfish.org, weekendpowerpack@fauquierfish.org Eligible children receive a backpack of food to take home from school each Friday during the school year. Bags typically contain enough food to feed a family of four 3-meals per weekend day. Request information at school from the principal or guidance counselors on your child’s eligibility.

Fauquier Special Olympics

fauquierspecialolympics@gmail.com On Facebook at @fauquierspecialolympics See full listing under Disability Services - Sports & Recreation.

Fauquier Youth Orchestra 703-853-5899 102 Main Street, Warrenton

info@fauquieryouthorchestra.org, www.fauquieryouthorchestra.org The Fauquier County Youth Orchestra is a nonprofit organization offering the opportunity for local students of all levels to participate in learning and performing orchestra and band music. The FYO welcomes all music students in the Fauquier County region. Low tuition payments and no audition required! Weekly rehearsals are Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30 pm. Please contact us at info@fauquieryouthorchestra.org for more information.

Girls on the Run Piedmont Kathy Butler, Council Director 540-296-4687

www.gotrpiedmont.org, kathy.butler@girlsontherun.org Over a period of 10 weeks, girls in the 3rd through 5th grades participate in an after-school program like no other. The Girls on the Run lessons encourage positive emotional, social, mental and physical development. Heart & Sole is Girls on the Run’s program for middle school girls (grades 6th-8th). Heart & Sole creates a positive, structured space for middle school girls to learn about themselves, explore new ideas, cultivate empathy, strengthen connections and develop life skills that will help them as they move through adolescence and beyond.

Healthy Families Fauquier and Rappahannock 540-948-3916 ext. 440 98 Alexandria Pike, Suite 43, Warrenton HFSupervisor@skylinecap.org

Healthy Families is available to anyone who is expecting a child or who has a newborn and is interested in receiving information on parenting and community resources. Healthy Families is pleased to offer services free of charge to parents in Fauquier and Rappahannock counties.


Coach John Schlenker

www.fcsc.org/TOPSoccer, piedmontTOPsoccer@gmail.com See full listing Disability Services – Sports & Recreation.

Verdun Adventure Bound

540-937-4920 17044 Adventure Bound Trail, Rixeyville www.verdunadventurebound.org


Located over a lush 66 acres in the rolling hills of the Piedmont—Verdun Adventure Bound offers a pole-based high and low ropes challenge course, retreat center, Amphitheatre, pavilion, and pond. Verdun is a nonprofit facility focused on supporting and promoting the personal growth of youth and adults through experiential learning and is open and accessible to individuals of all abilities, boasting a six-element high ropes course designed specifically for participants with disabilities. The Verdun campus is the premier natural habitat for groups seeking team building in an outdoor educational and high-adventure environment. Verdun is available year-round for reservation by a variety of groups: public and independent schools grades 4 through 12; corporate organizations; church youth and adult groups, youth and adult retreats, civic groupings, scouting events (camping and jamborees), and all sports teams. The Anne Marie Sheridan Amphitheatre is an intimate outdoor venue perfect for music concerts, live theatre performances for children and adults, ceremonies, and services, all under the Virginia stars. No group or event is too minor—give us a call at our office today to schedule your next event!

Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) Fauquier County Public Schools 540-422-7144

www.fcps1.org, cking@fcps1.org Fauquier County Public Schools offers preschool at no cost for children who are four-years-old by September 30th and meet eligibility guidelines. Applications will be available January 15th at all elementary schools and are reviewed on an ongoing basis.

Young Life Fauquier County Lou Chiccehitto, Area Director 540-422-2095

www.fauquiercounty.younglife.org, lou.chicc@gmail.com We have Young Life clubs active in the communities surrounding all three high schools in the county: Fauquier High School, Liberty High School, and Kettle Run High School. High school clubs meet every Wednesday night during the school year. We also have a WyldLife club for the middle schools in the county. WyldLife meets two Saturdays every month. Capernaum, our Young Life for students with disabilities, meets one Saturday evening a month. For more information, contact Lou Chiccehitto at lou.chicc@gmail.com.



https://fauquier.ext.vt.edu/programs.html, Lenah Nguyen: lgeer@vt.edu


See full listing under Children’s Services.


Allegro Community School of the Arts


540-341-7950, ext 4 24 Pelham Street, Warrenton

540-349-5088 39 Culpeper St, Warrenton


www.allegrocsa.org, lachelle@allegrocsa.org Allegro is a nonprofit organization offering private and group instruction to students of all ages in music, theatre and dance. Allegro’s Music Academy for the Blind and its music therapy program assist those with disabilities. Levels of curriculum are developed to meet the needs of all our students. Instructional tracks include recreational, conservatory, and college tracks. The music therapy program is available in individual or group instruction and provides interventions focused on the whole child: social/emotional, cognitive, and physical development on all levels. The new Thrive program offers music-based programs to adults 55 and over including Dance for Parkinson’s Disease.

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We’re here when and where you need us Quality care close to home at Novant Health UVA Health System Our providers are always ready to deliver the safe, high-quality care you’ve come to expect from your community hospital. Thanks for trusting us to bring the best of health to you. Find a provider at NovantHealthUVA.org/HereForYou

Prince William Medical Center Haymarket Medical Center Culpeper Medical Center

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The Arc of North Central Virginia (The Arc of NCV)

Fauquier County Office of Virginia Cooperative Extension

http://www.arcofncv.org, info@arcofncv.org See full listing under Disability Services - Advocacy.

https://fauquier.ext.vt.edu/ Virginia Cooperative Extension puts university knowledge into the hands of people. We are credible experts and educators who provide information, education, and tools you can use every day to improve your life. Call the local office today to obtain information on agriculture, horticulture, 4-H programs, and other related fields.

571-399-5390 P.O. Box 3186, Warrenton

Autism Society of Northern Virginia 703-495-8444 10467 White Granite Drive, #324, Oakton

https://www.asnv.org, info@asnv.org See full listing under Disability Services - General Disability Resources.

Be The Change Foundation 540-222-7242

https://www.bethechangefoundation.us, bethechangefound@gmail.com Our mission is to empower women to see opportunities in the face of obstacles, build on those opportunities and overcome those obstacles, strengthen women by providing training, mentoring support, education, and resources such as small business enterprise loans, and inspire women to set a powerful example for future generations. To accomplish these goals, we offer a 12-week training class for women in Fauquier and surrounding counties who want to start a business or move to the next level in an existing business. All classes are conducted at the LFCC Campus in Warrenton. Interested? Visit the website and download the application!

Blue Ridge Tutor 540-675-1211

www.blueridgetutor.com, carolyn@blueridgetutor.com Blue Ridge Tutor is a reading specialist and academic coach. Reading problems either occur in decoding (the ability to read words) or comprehension (the ability to understand the meaning). As a reading specialist, I remediate both. Academic coaching becomes more significant in middle school. Just like learning a new sport, academic success requires learning the subskills of the process and then putting them together. Examples of sub-skills are writing skills, organizing time and paper, learning to support and communicate ideas, and math foundations.

Decoding Dyslexia Virginia - Fauquier/ Haymarket Chapter Lynda Bruni, DecodingDyslexia PWC.fauquier@gmail.com or lbruni18@gmail.com See full listing under Disability Services - Education.

540-341-7950 24 Pelham Street, Warrenton

Fauquier County Public Schools 540-422-7000 320 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

www.fcps1.org Fauquier County Public Schools, an innovative learning community, is committed to developing creative, confident, and knowledgeable citizens who are globally competitive by cultivating the potential of each learner. FCPS student population numbers about 11,000 students. FCPS includes 11 elementary schools, 5 middle schools, 3 high schools, and 1 alternative learning school.

Fauquier Education Farm (FEF) Jim Hankins, Executive Director

www.fauquiereducationfarm.org, fauquieredfarm@gmail.com FEF is a learning resource for students, farmers, gardeners, and anyone interested in learning how our food is grown. The FEF has a dual focus: FEF offers agricultural education and grows food for local food banks. Programs are conducted to serve existing farmers, beginning farmers, students, and residents of the community. This education component includes the Beginning Farmer Program, agricultural best practices demonstrations, seminar series, and field trips for school classes (public, private, and homeschool).

Fauquier Excellence in Education Foundation 703-909-8442

www.fauquiereie.org, info@fauquiereie.org We are a non-profit bridge between our community and Fauquier County Public Schools. We create, enrich, and expand educational opportunities for Fauquier County Public Schools, teachers, and students. We fund student programs that enhance educational and life experiences. We provide grants for teachers to participate in conferences, seminars, and cultural programs to further professional development and directly impact their classrooms. Programs include: Educator Grants, My First Book Club, Teacher of The Year, New Teacher Dinner, The Outdoor Lab and Environmental Studies Academy, STEM Summer Camps, Regional Science Fair, educational field trips, individual teacher and school needs, and more.

Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI)

Key To Reading & Writing LLC

https://www.vdbvi.org/ See full listing under Disability Services - General Disability.

www.keytoreading.com, info@KeyToReading.com Effective dyslexia therapy for age-appropriate independence in reading and writing. Academic Language Therapists have advanced specialized professional training in the effective Orton-Gillingham based Academic Language Therapy methodology which builds independence in ageappropriate reading and writing skills for students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and related disorders.

Toll-Free: 800-622-2155

Clifton Institute, Inc.

540-341-3651 6712 Blantyre Road, Warrenton

www.cliftoninstitute.org, info@cliftoninstitute.org We provide environmental education, carry out ecological research, and restore habitats for native plants and animals. Our 900-acre field station, permanently protected under conservation easement, provides a beautiful backdrop for all of our programs.

Fauquier Community Action Head Start Program 540-347-7000 430 East Shirley Avenue, Building C, Warrenton www.fcacheadstart.org, pwashington@cwcap.org See full listing under Children’s Services.


Academic Language Therapy for Reading and Writing Susan Louchen, M.S., CALT

Learning Starts Early

LearningStartsEarlyInc@gmail.com Learning Starts Early (LSE), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, is committed to preparing every preschool child in Fauquier County to meet challenges in kindergarten and beyond. Nearly 1 in 5 children entering kindergarten in Fauquier County do not meet the Virginia reading readiness benchmarks. Many never catch up. A substantial body of research suggests that high-quality preschool education can significantly improve the learning and development of all children, especially children from low-income families, those whose parents lack high school diplomas or are without homes. LSE provides material and financial resources to support children in public and private preschool programs.

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Literacy Volunteers of Fauquier County 540-422-8465 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 10, Warrenton

http://www.lvfc.net/, lvfc320@gmail.com LVFC offers adult basic education (ABE) and English (ESL) classes. Please refer to our website for further information concerning registration, volunteering or donating. PLEASE NOTE: LVFC is no longer accepting donations of computer equipment or peripherals.

Lord Fairfax Community College 6480 College Street, Warrenton

www.lfcc.edu, Michelle Cribbs, mcribbs@lfcc.edu Lord Fairfax Community College is an institution of higher education with four locations: Middletown, Warrenton, Luray-Page County, and Vint Hill, which serves eight localities in the Shenandoah Valley and northern Piedmont region. The College offers more than 75 associate degree and certificate programs and is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate degrees.

Lord Fairfax Community College Workforce Solutions

Professional Development and Continuing Education 540-868-7021

www.lfccworkforce.com, lfccworkforce@lfcc.edu Workforce Solutions and Continuing Education (WSCE) at Lord Fairfax Community College represents your local, reliable, and trusted partner for quality and relevant workforce training programs that meet the needs of employers and individuals in our community. WSCE offers instructional year-round programs at multiple locations, online, or even on-site at your organization through corporate training. Programs offered include business and professional development, computers and technology, healthcare and wellness, construction, industry, manufacturing, transportation, and much more. Fast-track career training, financial assistance, career coaching, and guaranteed job interviews available for some programs.

Mayflower Homeschoolers

www.mayflowerhomeschoolers.org, admin@mayflowerhomeschoolers.org Mayflower Homeschoolers is a Roman Catholic Independent Homeschool Support Group. It supports homeschoolers in Culpeper, Fauquier, Loudoun, Manassas, Manassas City, Prince William, Rappahannock, Stafford, and Warren Counties. Mayflower offers monthly clubs, PE, field trips; works of mercy, religious events, and moms’ nights; quarterly Feast Day parties, themed dances for teens, including a prom; two academic fairs, annual graduation and parent meeting, member support as needed, and monthly summer outings.

Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) 800-869-6782 / 703-923-0010 (Voice/TTY) 8003 Forbes Place, Suite 310, Springfield www.peatc.org, partners@peatc.org See full listing Disability Services – Advocacy.

Parent Resource Center

Fauquier County Public Schools 540-422-7116 430 East Shirley Avenue B-9, Warrenton

prc@fcps1.org See full listing under Disability Services - Education.

Pathways, Inc., Powering Your Path 540-422-0907 16413 Shadow Drive, Culpeper

www.poweringyourpath.org, margie@poweringyourpath.org Pathways, Inc. provides free services and resources to help empower women in the area. Our services include free individualized computer

skills and technology training, career coaching, including assistance with the job search, writing resumes, preparing for interviews, and self-marketing. Our service hours are Monday through Friday from noon until 7:00 p.m. Contact us to register for your free individualized sessions. Want to help? Donate or volunteer today. Pathways, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.

Piedmont Regional Adult and Career Education Programs 540-718-8243 6368 Flat Run Road, Locust Grove www.pracep.org

PRACEP serves any adult who is at least 18 years of age in the counties of Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock. We offer classes for GED® preparation and English classes for speakers of other languages. PRACEP’s goal is to prepare as many individuals as possible for post-secondary education and/or careers and provide English language classes for non-native speakers.

Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Fauquier County Public Schools

rcorpening@fcps1.org See full listing under Disability Services - Education.

Smart Cookie Reading LLC

Academic Language Therapy for Reading and Writing (703) 855-8133 www.smartcookiereading.com, Liz Gordon, M.Ed at liz@smartcookiereading.com See full listing under Disability Services - Education.

Verdun Adventure Bound

540-937-4920 17044 Adventure Bound Trail, Rixeyville Verdunadventurebound.org See full listing under Children’s Services.


703-361-4195 or Toll-Free: 866-361-4195 Opal Office: 540-904-4207 ex. 2014 10164 Marsh Road, Bealeton

www.didlake.org See full listing under Disability Services - Transition.

The Salvation Army Family Store 540-341-8385 62 Waterloo Street, Warrenton

The Salvation Army Family Store sells clothing, household items, and furniture at reasonable rates. Proceeds support local programs. Donations are accepted during business hours and donations may include clothing, household items, furniture, shoes, purses, and kitchen items. Pick-up is available for furniture, please call 540-341-8385 to schedule an appointment. Store hours are Monday through Friday, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Salvation Army Social Services office, located behind the store, is open on Monday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) Employment Services 540-829-7360 19006 Crossroad Parkway, Culpeper

www.vadars.org, jackie.kanupp@dars.virginia.gov See full listing Disability Services – Transition.

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Virginia Career Works Piedmont Division/ Culpeper Center 540-212-4570 210 Stevens Street, Suite 200, Culpeper

The Book Cellar (open Friday & Saturday only) John Barton Payne Building, 2 Courthouse Square, Warrenton Fauquier Library Summer Reading Program

https://vcwpiedmont.com, smorton@vcwpiedmont.com VCW offers services for job seekers, employers, and youth ages 16 to 24 who need assistance with training or finding employment. Hours: Monday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Tuesday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Annual program for children of all ages which encourages lifelong learning. Participants log the books they read, earn, and can attend weekly special events. Separate programs also held for adult readers. The program is free thanks to the generous support of The Friends of the Fauquier Library and community sponsors.


Fauquier Library Tax Assistance

Annual tax assistance is provided through a partnership with the Foundation for Tax Assistance. Call 540-422-8465 to schedule an appointment.

Fauquier County Public Libraries 540-422-8500

www.fauquierlibrary.org, books@fauquiercounty.gov Library cards are free to all county residents and individuals who work in the county. Library cards provide access to the traditional collection, as well as thousands of electronic and digital resources, including online newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, and business, legal and health resources. All branches provide free Wi-Fi access and free use of public desktop computers with Internet access and the latest Microsoft Office® software. Patrons may also check out filtered Wi-Fi hotspots to connect mobile devices (e.g. laptop, smartphones, tablets, etc.) to the Internet. The Virginiana Room, located in the Warrenton central library, has an extensive collection of materials focusing on state and local history and genealogical research. Storytimes, activities, and special events for children, teens, and adults are provided year-round at no charge at all locations, and book clubs and discussion groups are open to everyone. Volunteers are appreciated at the Friends of the Library Book Cellar. Individuals interested in volunteering may complete the applications which are available on the website. Friends of the Library operate the Book Cellar, a used book store offering books, DVDs, CDs and other materials. All proceeds help support library programs and events. Individuals interested in volunteering at the library or Book Cellar may complete an application on the library’s website.

Bealeton Branch Library 10877 Willow Drive North, Bealeton John Marshall Branch Library 4133 Rectortown Road, Marshall Warrenton Central Library 11 Winchester Street, Warrenton

National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled 888-657-7323

nls@loc.gov, www.loc.gov/nls/ See full listing under Disability Services - General Disability Resources.

EMERGENCY SERVICES: American Red Cross Central & Shenandoah Virginia

540-825-9291 or Disaster Assistance 855-891-7325 118 East Piedmont Street, Culpeper

www.redcross.org/virginia The American Red Cross provides programs such as disaster relief services, preparedness, health and safety training, service to the armed forces, blood collections, and volunteer services. The Red Cross also provides shelters, food, and emotional support. Plus, this organization supports and provides resources to military members, veterans, and their families with emergency communications. For 24/7 disaster assistance, call 855-891-7325. For 24/7 assistance for military members or families, please call 877-272-7337.

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Association) 800-621-3362

Fauquier County Department of Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Management 540-422-8800 62 Culpeper Street, Warrenton

Fauquier County Department of Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Management (DFREM) is dedicated to providing fire protection, emergency medical services, and related life safety functions.

Emergency: Call 911 Non Emergency Fire/Dispatch 540-347-1313 EMS Station 1: Warrenton 540-347-4873 Company 1: Warrenton VFC 540-347-0522 Company 2: Remington VFC & Rescue 540-439-8010 Company 3: Marshall VFC 540-364-2047 Company 4: The Plains VFC & Rescue 540-253-5809 Company 5: Upperville VFC 540-592-3371


Company 7: Catlett VFC & Rescue 540-788-9069 Company 8: Goldvein VFD 540-752-4772 Company 9: Marshall Volunteer Rescue Squad 540-364-2277 Company 10: New Baltimore VFC & Rescue 540-349-9004 Company 11: Orlean VFC & Rescue 540-364-1880 Company 13: Lois VFC 540-439-2120 Company 14: Remington VFC & Rescue 540-439-8010

Company 19: Warrenton Training Center 540-347-8307 Law Enforcement Contacts Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office 24/7 Non-Emergency 540-347-3300 78 W. Lee Street, Warrenton

State Police, Warrenton Headquarters 540-347-6425 455 East Shirley Avenue, Warrenton

Warrenton Police Department 24/7 Non-Emergency 540-347-1100 333 Carriage House Lane, Warrenton

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Fauquier County has many nonprofit organizations that serve community residents. Each entity relies on volunteers and financial support to provide an array of services and support to County residents. For more information on any of the nonprofit organizations in the area visit their website. To determine where you’d like to volunteer, contact PATH Resource Center at www.pathforyou.org.

BWell Today for Tomorrow/The Jacob Mark Blackwell and Andrea Saenz Memorial Fund

Bwelltoday.org, linda.s.blackwell@gmail.com BWell Today for Tomorrow enthusiastically provides grants and ancillary funding to organizations with programs that prevent at-risk lifestyle behaviors in adolescents, support mental health activities, and implement wellness in the everyday lives of the families we reach. This year we are supporting a number of programs that include at-risk lifestyle awareness, anti-trafficking education and awareness, outdoor education programs, and targeted mental health initiatives and selfesteem strategies. Additionally, we are supporting programs helping our frontline healthcare heroes and our thin blue line heroes. For additional information, please visit our website.

The Van Gils Law Firm, PLLC 540-351-0890 70 Main Street, #23, Warrenton

www.vangilslawfirm.com, office@vangilslawfirm.com The Van Gils Law Firm is a business and estate planning law firm in Warrenton. As part of its business services, the firm has experience organizing and protecting not-for-profit organizations by obtaining tax-exempt status, reviewing and drafting contracts, creating a human resource system, and protecting copyrights, service, and trademarks. Special rates for nonprofit organizations are provided. References from nonprofit organizations that are clients are available upon request.

Higher Public Relations & Writing Danica Low, Owner 540-680-8990

www.higher-writing.com, HigherPR@gmail.com Strategic communications, branding, website writing, brochure development, marketing, and strategic planning, media relations, article and press release writing, community relations and newsletters, social media management, referral marketing, and outreach - all focused on growth for non-profits and small businesses with a heart. 22 years of experience in IT, local government, ministry, fitness, non-profit, and healthcare. Experience in B2G, B2B, and consumer marketing. For folks in the community - ask about our resume writing services! How can Higher PR & Writing help you?

Northern Piedmont Community Foundation 540-349-0631 321 Walker Drive, Suite 303, Warrenton

www.npcf.org, jbwilson@npcf.org Northern Piedmont Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity that strengthens our communities through philanthropy and fund management. It serves the counties of Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, and Rappahannock with legacy giving by managing donations through donors and five community grants programs; by providing funding for scholarships and educational training; and facilitating the one-day giving campaign, Give Local Piedmont. The community foundation works with diverse groups by networking and seeking long-range solutions to community-wide problems.

PATH Foundation 540-680-4100

321 Walker Drive, Suite 301, Warrenton

www.pathforyou.org, info@pathforyou.org The PATH Foundation is a charitable grantmaking foundation with a mission to strengthen the health and vitality of the community. Since


its inception in late 2013, PATH has invested nearly $30,000,000 in Fauquier, Rappahannock, and northern Culpeper counties. With four core areas of focus – access to health, childhood wellness, mental health, and senior services – the PATH Foundation provides grants and programming for the benefit of the community. For more information, please visit our website.

PATH Resource Center

540-680-4146 321 Walker Drive, Suite 201, Warrenton

www.pathforyou.org/resource-center The PATH Resource Center is a friendly one-stop-shop for nonprofit organizations serving Fauquier, Rappahannock, and northern Culpeper Counties. The Resource Center offers training, consulting, and resources to ensure that local organizations have the tools they need to maximize their impact. It also offers free meeting space, connects volunteers to local organizations, and helps residents connect to resources through its Center for Nonprofit Excellence, PATH Community Link, and PATH Volunteer Hub.

Center for Nonprofit Excellence 540-680-4146

prc@thecne.org CNE is a nonprofit resource organization that serves nonprofit organizations across Virginia. While the main CNE office is in Charlottesville, the PATH Resource Center hosts two CNE staff members. These staff members provide workshops, technical assistance​, consultations​,​​and resources to area nonprofits on topics including governance, philanthropy, marketing, finance, community engagement, and professional development. Hours: Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

PATH Community Link 855-495-LINK (5465)

communitylink@pathforyou.org PATH Community Link is a call center that connects community members to resources and services provided locally, and in some cases, nationally. It’s a free and confidential service available to anyone in the community who is looking for local resources and connects them with agencies in Fauquier, Culpeper and Rappahannock Counties, in addition to some national resources. The call center accommodates both Spanish and English speakers and can receive requests by text, phone or email Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Translating and interpreting services are also available.

PATH Volunteer Hub 540-680-4148

www.letsvolunteer.org, volunteerhub@pathforyou.org The PATH Volunteer Hub supports resources for recruitment, retention, and management of volunteers to match the needs of nonprofits in the area. The Let’s Volunteer website offers nonprofits the ability to list specific opportunities and allows volunteers to search available positions based upon interests, skills and more. For more information, email us at volunteerhub@pathforyou.org.


ADDICTION, COUNSELING & MENTAL HEALTH This section provides information on addiction, counseling, and mental health services in the county and surrounding areas. Organizations providing addiction assistance are labeled with an asterisk (*).

Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse Peggy Doyle, PMH, CNS, BC 540-229-7713 70 Main Street, Suite 23, Warrenton

Pegdoyle17@gmail.com Peggy Doyle is an advanced practice psychiatric nurse offering private

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services. She has practiced in the mental health field for over 35 years and has been established in Warrenton for over eight years. Peggy sees adults, adolescents, and children. Her practice includes, but is not exclusive to, help for anxiety disorders, couples counseling, depression, bipolar disorder, ADD, domestic violence, oppositional disorder, and PTSD.

professional, compassionate

in home care

Anne Zewatsky, LCSW

703-772-9710 67 West Lee Street, Suite 202, Warrenton

anne.zewatsky@gmail.com Anne specializes in working with children, adolescents, families, and women. She incorporates a variety of modalities and techniques to address those dealing with anxiety, depression, and other emotional and behavioral difficulties. She utilizes a strength-based approach in her therapy and can provide Christian counseling for those seeking a faith-based perspective.

Carol Hawker, LPC, MEd

NOW HIRING RN’s. LPN’s, CNA’s, PCA’s & Occupational Therapist!

540-316-1106 17 Horner Street, Warrenton

www.carolhawkerlpc.com, cghawker@comcast.net Carol sees individuals and families and specializes in women’s issues, separation and divorce, parenting, stepfamily development, and bipolar disorder. Now offering virtual counseling sessions.

Carole M. Hertz, LPC, EdD

Mid-Atlantic Home Health is a licensed Medicare and Medicaid certified home health agency providing Skilled Nursing Care, Rehabilitation Services and Personal Care Aide. Commercial insurance, private pay and workman’s compensation insurance are accepted.

Complimentary evaluation by a registered nurse is offered to determine the appropriate level of care for every patient.

Each case is provided with a customized plan of care and supervision.



On-Call Services Carole Hertz provides a climate that24-Hour enables the clientPhysician to have the freedom and trust to explore whatever issues and events are causing HOME 24-Hour Physician On-Call Services 24-Hour Physician On-CallHEALTH Services Serving Fauquier and Surrounding Counties since 1985 the disturbance. A warm, non-judgemental, safe emotional environment 24-Hour Physician On-Call Services provides the basis for self-exploration and problem solving which should 540.347.4774 | 800.989.0055 enhance their lives. Psychotherapy and sometimes coaching may be intertwined to afford the best outcomes for each individual. Hertz 23 Winchester Street, Warrenton, VA 20186 specializes in adolescent, individual, and couples psychotherapy and 24-Hour Physician On-Call Services consultation.

24-Hour Physician On-Call 24-HourServices Physician On-Call Services 24-Hour Physician On-Call Services 24-Hour Physician On-Call 24-HourServices Physician On-Call Services 24-Hour Physician On-Call Services 24-Hour Physician On-Call Services

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Services & Sports Physicals OFFERING Lactation Lactation Services & Sports Physicals OFFERING Lactation Services & Sports Physicals OFFERING Lactation Services & Sports Physicals OFFERING Lactation Services & Sports Physicals

24-Hour Physician24-Hour On-Call Physician Services On-Call Services

Lactation Services &FAAP Sports Physicals Dennis Rustom, MD, FAAP • DianaRustom, Chalmeta, MD • Joshua Jakum, MD, MD FAAP OFFERING Dennis MD, • Diana Chalmeta, • Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP

ServicesLactation & Sports Physicals OFFERING Lactation Services & Sports Physicals OFFERING Services & Sports Lactation Physicals Services & Sports Physicals OFFERING Lactation OFFERING Dennis Rustom, MD, FAAP • Diana Chalmeta, MD Lactation Services & Sports Lactation Physicals Services & Sports Physicals OFFERING OFFERING Dennis Rustom, MD, FAAP • Diana Chalmeta, MD Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP •Katherine Debbie RN FNP-C Diana Chalmeta, •Hayes, Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP •MD Bovee, MD, FAAP Bovee, MD, FAAP • 20186 Debbie Hayes, RN FNP-C Dennis Rustom, MD, FAAP • Diana Dennis Chalmeta, Rustom, MD MD, • Joshua FAAP Jakum, • Diana MD, Chalmeta, FAAP •FAAP Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP •20186 Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP Dennis Rustom, MD, FAAP Diana Dennis Chalmeta, Rustom, MD MD, •Katherine Jakum, •Pointe Diana MD, Chalmeta, FAAP MD • Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP 20 Rock Pointe Lane •Joshua Warrenton, VA 20 Rock Lane •MD Warrenton, VA 20 Rock Pointe Lane •& Warrenton, VA 20186 20• Rock Pointe Lane • Warrenton, VA 20186 Lactation Services Sports Physicals OFFERING Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP • Candace Simpson, RN MSN, CPNP-PC Best Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP • Candace Simpson, RN MSN, CPNP-PC Best Best Best Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP • Debbie Katherine Hayes, Bovee, RN FNP-C MD, FAAP • Debbie Hayes, RN FNP-C Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP • Debbie Hayes, FNP-C Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP • Debbie Katherine Hayes, Bovee, RN FNP-C MD, FAAP • Debbie Hayes, RN FNP-C 20 Rock Pointe Lane • Warrenton, VA 20186 20 Rock Pointe Lane • Warrenton, 20186 PMHS 540.347.9900 •Hayes, www.piedmontpediatrics.com Lactation Services & Sports Physicals 540.347.9900 www.piedmontpediatrics.com Debbie RN FNP-C Joyce Apted, CPNP-PC, PMHS 540.347.9900 •••Hayes, www.piedmontpediatrics.com OFFERING Debbie RN FNP-C •www.piedmontpediatrics.com Joyce Apted, PhD, VA CPNP-PC, 540.347.9900 •PhD, Lactation Services Physicals OFFERING Best Joyce Apted, CPNP •Sports Candace Joyce Simpson, Apted, RN MSN, CPNP CPNP-PC • Candace Simpson, RN MSN, CPNP-PC DennisPhD, Rustom, MD,&FAAP •Best Diana Chalmeta, MD •PhD, Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP • Candace Joyce Simpson, Apted, RN PhD, MSN, CPNP CPNP-PC • Candace Simpson, RN MSN, CPNP-PC 24-Hour Physician On-Call Services Candace Simpson, CPNPC-PC, IBCLC 20 Rock Pointe Lane • Warrenton, 20186 540.347.9900 •RN www.piedmontpediatrics.com 20 Rock PointeVA Lane • Warrenton, VA 20186 540.347.9900 • www.piedmontpediatrics.com Services Sports Physicals OFFERING Lactation Services Sports Physicals DennisKatherine Rustom,Lactation MD, FAAP Diana MD& •RN Joshua Jakum,Best MD, & FAAP Bovee, MD,•OFFERING FAAP •Chalmeta, Debbie Hayes, FNP-C Candace Simpson, MSN, CPNPC-PC, IBCLC Candace Simpson, MSN, CPNPC-PC, IBCLC Best • RN Lactation Services & Sports Physicals OFFERING Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP •20 Debbie Hayes, RN FNP-C 540.347.9900 www.piedmontpediatrics.com Lactation Services & Sports Lactation Physicals Services & Sports Physicals 540.347.9900 • www.piedmontpediatrics.com OFFERING OFFERING Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP • Candace Simpson, RN MSN, CPNP-PC Dennis Rustom, MD, FAAP • Diana Chalmeta, MD 20 Rock Pointe Lane • Warrenton, Rock Pointe VA 20186 Lane • Warrenton, VA 20186 20 Rock Pointe Lane • Warrenton, 20 Rock Pointe VA 20186 Lane • Warrenton, VA 20186 Lactation Services Sports Physicals Dennis Rustom, MD,MD FAAP• •Joshua Diana Chalmeta, • Joshua OFFERING Dennis Rustom, MD,&Best FAAP • Diana Chalmeta, Jakum,MD MD, FAAPJakum, MD, FAAP 24-Hour Physician On-Call Services Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP • Candace Simpson, RNMD, MSN, CPNP-PC Best Best Best Bovee, FAAP • Debbie Hayes, RN FNP-C Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP •MD Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP Dennis Rustom, MD, FAAP • DianaDennis Chalmeta, Rustom, MD MD, • Joshua FAAP Jakum, • Diana MD, Chalmeta, FAAP Katherine • Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP Rustom, FAAP •Diana Diana MD •RN Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP •Chalmeta, Debbie FNP-C Rustom, FAAP • Diana MD •RN Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP Dennis Rustom, MD, FAAP •Dennis Diana Chalmeta, MDMD, • Joshua Jakum, MD,Chalmeta, FAAP Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP •Chalmeta, Debbie Hayes, FNP-C Dennis Rustom, MD, FAAP •Dennis MDMD, • Hayes, Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAPApted, • Debbie Hayes,CPNP RN FNP-C Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP • Debbie Hayes, RN FNP-C Katherine Bovee, FAAP • Debbie Hayes, RN FNP-C Joyce PhD, •MD, Candace Simpson, RN MSN, CPNP-PC Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP • Debbie Hayes, RN FNP-C Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP Candace Simpson, MSN, CPNP-PC Dennis MD, FAAP Dennis Rustom, MD, FAAP •• Diana Chalmeta, MDRN • Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP Rustom, Rustom, MD, FAAP • Diana Chalmeta, MD • Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP • Candace Simpson, RN MSN, CPNP-PC Apted, PhD, CPNP • Candace Simpson, RN MSN, CPNP-PC JoyceJoyce Apted, PhD, CPNP • Candace Simpson, RNDennis MSN, CPNP-PC Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP • Candace Simpson, RN MSN, CPNP-PC of


the W A R R E N T O N L I F E S T Y L E


of Lifestyle

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F A U Q U I E R Lifestyle


the W A R R E N T O N L I F E S T Y L E the W A R R E N T O N L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E






Dennis Rustom, MD, FAAP • Diana Chalmeta, MD • Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP Lifestyle Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP • Debbie Hayes,Lifestyle RN Lifestyle FNP-C Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP • Candace Simpson, RN MSN, CPNP-PC of of of the W A R R E N T O N L I F E S T Y L E



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the W A R R E N T O N L I F E S T Y L E

of Lifestyle




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540.347.9900 • www.piedmontpediatrics.com 540.347.9900 • www.piedmontpediatrics.com 540.347.9900 • www.piedmontpediatrics.com 540.347.9900 • www.piedmontpediatrics.com Lactation Services & Sports Physicals OFFERING Debbie Hayes, RN FNP-C • Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP-PC, PMHS Services & Sports Lactation Physicals Services & Sports Physicals OFFERING Lactation OFFERING Dennis Rustom, MD, FAAP • Diana Chalmeta, MD 540.347.9900 www.piedmontpediatrics.com Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP ••RN Candace Simpson, RNMD, MSN, CPNP-PC Candace Simpson, MSN, CPNPC-PC, IBCLC Best Katherine Bovee, FAAP • 20186 Debbie Hayes, RN FNP-C Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP •MD Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP Lifestyle Dennis Rustom, MD, Diana Dennis Chalmeta, Rustom, MD, FAAP Jakum, •Pointe Diana MD, Chalmeta, FAAP • Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP 540.347.9900 • www.piedmontpediatrics.com 20FAAP Rock Pointe Lane •MD Warrenton, 20 Rock Pointe VA 20186 Lane • Warrenton, VA 20186 20 Rock Lane • Warrenton, VA 20• Rock Pointe Lane •• Joshua Warrenton, VA 20186 Best Katherine Best Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP • Candace Simpson, RN MSN, CPNP-PC Best Best540.347.9900 Lifestyle Fauquier Resource Guide Bovee, MD, FAAP • Debbie Katherine Hayes, Bovee, RN FNP-C MD, FAAP • Debbie Hayes, RN FNP-C • www.piedmontpediatrics.com 540.347.9900 • www.piedmontpediatrics.com 20 Rock Pointe Lane • Warrenton, VA 20186 540.347.9900 •Hayes, www.piedmontpediatrics.com Debbie RN FNP-C • Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP-PC, PMHS 540.347.9900 • www.piedmontpediatrics.com Best Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP • Candace Joyce Simpson, Apted, RN PhD, MSN, CPNP CPNP-PC • Candace • Simpson, RNRock MSN, Pointe CPNP-PCLane • Warrenton, VA 20186 20 540.347.9900 www.piedmontpediatrics.com Candace Simpson, RN MSN, CPNPC-PC, IBCLC of

Rustom, MD, FAAP Diana MD •RN Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP 20 Rock Pointe Lane • Warrenton, VA 20186 Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP •Chalmeta, Debbie Hayes, FNP-C 20FAAP Rock•Dennis Pointe Lane • MD Warrenton, VA•20186 DennisLifestyle Rustom, MD, Diana Chalmeta, • Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP Joyce Apted, PhD, Simpson, RN MSN, CPNP-PC Best Best Lifestyle Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP • Debbie Katherine Hayes, Bovee, RN FNP-C MD, FAAP •www.piedmontpediatrics.com Debbie Hayes, RNCPNP FNP-C• Candace 20 Rock Pointe Lane Warrenton, VA 20186 540.347.9900 • www.piedmontpediatrics.com F A U Q MD, U I E R FAAP Katherine Bovee, •540.347.9900 Debbie Hayes, RN FNP-C Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP ••Debbie Hayes, RN FNP-C Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP •• Candace Simpson, RN MSN, CPNP-PC Best Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP • Candace Joyce Simpson, Apted, RN PhD, MSN, CPNP CPNP-PC • Candace Simpson, RN MSN, CPNP-PC Dennis Rustom, MD, FAAP • Diana MD • Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP Lifestyle F A• U Q U I E R Joyce Apted, PhD, CPNP Candace Simpson, RN MSN, CPNP-PC 20 Rock Pointe LaneChalmeta, • Warrenton, VA 20186 Lifestyle

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the W A R R E N T O N L I F E S T Y L E






the W A R R E N T O N L I F E S T Y L E




the W A R R E N T O N L I F E S T Y L E







F A U Q U I E R the W A R R E N T O N L I F E S T Y L E









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Celebrate Recovery*

Thursdays, 7-9 PM, 6398 Lee Hwy. Access Road, Warrenton Fridays, 7-9 PM, Bridge Community Church, 8776 James Madison Hwy

thelorax3@outlook.com, celebraterecovery.com, wallyandpat2@verizon.net Celebrate Recovery is a faith-based, 12-step program for all of us who have been tangled up with hurts that haunt our hearts, hang-ups that cause us pain, and habits that mess up our lives such as anger, food addiction, codependency, pornography, physical/sexual abuse, chemical dependency, depression, divorce, and many other life issues. This 27-year-old program is in over 35,000 churches/facilities worldwide where God’s healing power and freedom are available in this “forever family.” Our large group meetings begin at 7:00 pm, followed by men/ women’s safe/confidential open share at 8:00 pm, finishing up with fellowship and food at the cafe.

Center for Holistic Psychotherapy Anna Marie Askin-Evans, LPC, LMFT 540-347-3797 20 Ashby Street, Suite 105, Warrenton

annamarie@centerforholisticpsychotherapy.com The Center for Holistic Psychotherapy offers counseling to individuals, couples, and families who struggle with depression, anxiety, and relationship issues. We take a compassionate approach to counseling, helping our clients truly see that they have value. In addition to counseling, we also offer a variety of groups and workshops.

Childhelp Village

540-399-1926 23164 Dragoon Road, Lignum

cruble@childhelp.org, www.childhelpvirginia.org This psychiatric residential treatment facility in Culpeper provides a continuum of healing services for children ages 5 through 14 in a safe, structured environment. The Village also serves as a private day school and provides treatment for children and adolescents with mild to severe trauma or neglect, psychiatric disorders, and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Chrysalis Counseling Centers, Inc.* 540-347-0613 Corporate Office: 540-727-0770/

www.chrysaliscenters.com Chrysalis Counseling Centers provide clinical services in Northern and Central Virginia. We utilize specialized therapies and treatment modalities to meet the challenges individuals experience in their lives. Comprising highly qualified mental health professionals with extensive expertise in providing clinical services, we help create more fulfilling lives for children, adolescents, adults, and their families. Areas of expertise include anxiety, depression, trauma, mood disorders, substance abuse, anger management, bereavement, families in crisis, life transitions, marital conflicts, parenting, and other life challenges. Clinical services include outpatient, psychiatric, therapeutic day, in-home, mentoring, and other specialized treatment services. Call the office to learn more.

Clarity Counseling, LLC

Alicia Ayvas, LCSW, CEDS 571-318-9141 7150 Heritage Village Plaza, Unit 201, Gainesville

www.ClarityCounselingVA.com, Alicia Ayvas at aayvas@gmail.com Clarity is an outpatient treatment center committed to providing quality treatment to individuals, families, and groups in the Northern Virginia region. Clarity specializes in providing comprehensive and evidence-based treatment for eating disorder recovery and in dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). Clarity has therapists on staff Monday thru Friday and collaborates in-house with nutritionists that offer office hours on the weekend. Please call or visit the website for more information. (Virtual therapy also offered).

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Come As You Are (CAYA)* Addiction Support

www.cayacoalition.org, info@cayacoalition.org CAYA is a substance abuse prevention coalition to help anyone affected by substance use disorders. We connect people who are impacted by addiction to support, treatment resources and we collaborate with community organizations to support local prevention programs in Fauquier, Culpeper, and the surrounding counties.

Counseling and Forensic Services* Melissa Renner, LPC CSOTP 540-216-3641 28 Ashby Street, Suite 106, Warrenton

drhardenburg@cfsvirginia.com Counseling and Forensic Services, Inc. specializes in providing mental health and other services such as sex offender evaluations and groups for juveniles and adults, anger management, and substance abuse evaluations and group, individual, couples, and family therapy for many diverse problems. We take many insurances for individual treatment. All evaluations and groups are self-pay.

Denise Booth, LCSW

67 West Lee Street, Suite 202, Warrenton

denise.booth2@gmail.com Denise specializes in working with children, adolescents, young adults, and families to help improve relationships and communication patterns. She helps those who are dealing with depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and behavioral issues at home and school. She utilizes a strengths-based perspective, incorporating cognitive-behavioral techniques, family therapy, and expressive therapies such as art, play, and sand therapy.

Elaine Shea, LCSW*

540-349-9877 35 Horner Street, #210, Warrenton

www.elaineshealcsw.com Elaine provides individual, couples, and family therapy for adults. Her specialties include depressive and anxiety disorders; grief/loss; substance abuse; relationship issues; stress management; and mindful eating instruction. She is a Certified Addictions-Informed Professional. She is also the author of “The Mindful Eating Workbook: A Guide to Achieving and Maintaining a Healthy Weight.”

Fauquier CADRE*

540-347-2340 24 Pelham Street, Warrenton

www.fauquiercadre.org, fcadre@mindspring.com Fauquier CADRE, Inc. (Community Alliance for Drug Rehabilitation and Education) is a nonprofit organization established in 1989. CADRE’s mission is to reduce youth substance use in our community by delivering evidence-based prevention programs and providing information and education regarding local substance use resources.

Fauquier Free Clinic

540-347-0394 35 Rock Pointe Lane, Warrenton

www.fauquierfreeclinic.org, info@fauquierfreeclinic.org The Free Clinic provides comprehensive mental health support to our patients including counseling, telepsychiatry, and medication management. Emergency services are offered in partnership with the Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services Board. Patients are referred for mental health services by one of our Free Clinic clinicians. If you have any questions, please call 540-347-0394 and press 5 to reach the Mental Health Coordinator. For a complete list of services, see the Free Medical Clinics section.

Free To Be Coaching

Linda Swanson, MA, PCC 703-508-4774 / Neil Swanson, MA, PCC 703-509-5377 7180 Baldwin Ridge Road, Warrenton

www.freetobecoaching.com We each work separately with adults (both individually and in groups) to help them transform their experience from failure to success and from chaos toward order and calm. We work with anyone seeking to find a pathway to more depth, meaning, and productivity in their life. We are especially well-trained and experienced in helping those with ADHD challenges. We charge for our services but we offer FREE 30-minute introductory phone consultations.

Horse and Soul Counseling

540-220-1305 27195 Old Office Road, Culpeper

elitementoring@hotmail.com Elite Mentoring is a private agency located in Warrenton that is committed to providing individual and group mentoring services in the home, community, and office settings for children, youth, and adolescents. Elite Mentoring also provides assistance with social skills, life skills, listening skills, and employment preparation.

www.horseandsoulcounseling.com admin@horseandsoulcounseling.com Our clinicians here conduct traditional talk therapy and incorporate horses in the therapeutic process. Horses are sensitive animals that will create an experience that propels growth and healing. They will give you the opportunity to problem-solve through creating new experiences by engaging in external activities that cannot be accomplished during talk therapy. We specialize in working with individuals who have a mental health diagnosis such as anxiety, major depression, bipolar, post-traumatic stress disorder, autism, childhood disorders, and more. We also understand how trauma has significant impacts on you and/or your family and makes it difficult to function in many areas of your life.

Family Focus Counseling Services P.C.*

H.O.P.E Counseling Services of Virginia

www.familyfocusva.com, apjones1459@gmail.com Family Focus is licensed by the state of Virginia as an outpatient mental health and substance abuse counseling facility and has a certified Batterer Intervention Program. Family Focus offers a variety of services to meet the needs of adolescents, including individual, couples, family, and group counseling.

H.O.P.E. specializes in working with adults 18 and over for individual counseling and providing Christian counseling for those seeking a faithbased approach.

Elite Mentoring 540-680-0009

540-349-4537 170 West Shirley Ave, Suite 206, Warrenton

Families Overcoming Drug Addiction (FODA)*

www.myfodafamily.org, myfodafamily@gmail.com FODA is a support group that is open to families who have lost someone to addiction or whose lives have been thrown into chaos due to a family member’s addiction. If you or a family member in recovery want the support of others in the same situation, please consider joining one of our support groups. Contact Caroline at myfodafamily@ gmail.com for more information on meeting times.

Brandy Mehaffey, LPC 540-341-1033 92 Main Street, Suite 202 #5, Warrenton

Health Connect America*

540-399-9970 1300 Sunset Lane, Suite 3120, Culpeper

www.HealthConnectAmerica.com Health Connect America provides a variety of services for children, adolescents, and adults, including outpatient and substance abuse treatment.

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In Luck Counseling LLC*

Natalia La Maestra Lueck, LPC 703-997-6641 92 Main Street, Suite 201 #4-#5, Warrenton

www.inluckcounselingllc.com info@inluckcounselingllc.com Individual, couples, and family mental health counseling services for adolescents (13+) and adults in English and Spanish.

Jamie Austin, LPC*

540-661-9718 39 Garrett Street, Suite 103, Warrenton

jamieaustinlpc@gmail.com Jamie Austin is a Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in the treatment of children, adolescents, and adults who suffer from PTSD, depression, anxiety, trauma, sexually harmful behaviors, and addiction. Jamie provides both individual and family counseling services and accepts most major insurances.

Jane C. Probst Child and Family Counseling, PLLC 540-827-7395 317 S. West Street, Culpeper 39 Garrett Street, Warrenton

jcprobstmsw@gmail.com Our child and family counseling services provide a safe and respectful environment to meet the mental health needs of all family members.

Jessica Jacobs, LCSW, LLC

Individual and Family Therapist 703-282-8761 20 Ashby Street, Suite 109, Warrenton

www.jacobslcsw.com, jjacobs@jacobslcsw.com Jessica Jacobs, LCSW is an individual, family, and couples therapist who provides a safe and non-judgmental environment that fosters the working relationship and promotes trust. Sessions are tailored to the needs of each individual and family. Jessica strives to help her clients identify strengths and develop strategies towards change and improved functioning. She works with children, adolescents, and adults using a variety of therapeutic techniques to include interventions from evidencebased therapies.

Life Line Counseling Center*

George L. Swanberg LCSW, LSATP, MAC; Mary Lou Swanberg, CHPC 540-316-1510

lifeline4addiction.com, glswanberg@gmail.com, marylouswanberg@gmail.com Life Line Counseling Center offers online outpatient individual and group counseling to individuals and families dealing with substance abuse, anxiety, and trauma issues. Executive Director George Swanberg is a licensed master addictions counselor, licensed clinical social worker, and certified brain health coach by the Dr. Daniel Amen Institute. Certified high-performance coach, Mary Lou Swanberg, assists individuals with creating greater passion & purpose in all aspects of their lives, especially when undergoing life transitions.

Mental Health Association of Fauquier County* 540-341-8732 321 Walker Drive, Suite 302, Warrenton

www.fauquier-mha.org, mhafc1@gmail.com The Mental Health Association of Fauquier County is a nonprofit advocacy and action group offering information about mental health and addiction issues, and referral to local mental health and substance use resources for individuals and families in the community (see MHAFC website for a listing of local counseling resources). MHAFC collaborates with local schools and organizations on prevention, early identification and treatment for young people through the Youth and Family Initiative, and works with community partners to advocate


for and strengthen the delivery of mental health and substance use supports in this area.Â

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Piedmont 540-347-9104

www.namipiedmontva.org, weigelww@yahoo.com NAMI Piedmont Monthly Meeting: First Wednesday of each month from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. This is a meeting for both individuals living with a mental illness and their family members. It includes a presentation and support time. Support Group Meetings are the third Monday of each month. Connections for individuals living with a mental health challenge from 6:30-8:30 pm in - B and Family Support group for family members of individuals living with mental illness from 6:30 - 8:30 pm in - A. All NAMI meetings are confidential, free, and no registration is required.

National Counseling Group, Inc.* 540-825-0705 13230 Lovers Lane, Culpeper

www.ncgcommunity.com, stephanie.barbour@ncgcommunity.com National Counseling Group, Inc. is a Medicaid provider offering intensive in-home services (IIH), mental health support services (MHSS), and outpatient counseling to adults, children, youth, and families. Additional services include FAPT funded services such as parent coaching, therapeutic mentoring, and home-based counseling. National Counseling Group, Inc. services the counties of Culpeper, Fauquier, Rappahannock, Madison, and Orange.

Patrick Lee Gibbons, LPC, MMFT* 540-797-8424 32 Ashby Street, Suite 203, Warrenton

Patrick is an Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in Trauma Focused Therapy, addictions and faith-based support. He works with individuals, couples and families. Patrick also has a strong background in working with children and young adults on the Autism Spectrum.

Quit Now Virginia*

1-800-QUITNOW (800-784-8669) or 855-DEJELO-YA (855-335-3569) en Espanol

quitnow.net/virginia Tobacco and nicotine cessation support. Quit Now Virginia provides free, evidence-based, individualized counseling by highly trained and educated Quit Coaches. Quit Now has helped millions of people beat urges, manage withdrawal symptoms, and switch up habits to lead to a tobacco-free life.

Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services* 540-825-3100 15361 Bradford Road, Culpeper 340 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

www.rrcsb.org Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services provides a full range of mental health and addiction treatment in Fauquier and surrounding counties. See full listing in the Social Services section.

ReEmerge Child Therapy

Tenne Wordsworth, LCSW 540-491-4300 92 Main Street, Suite 202-6, Warrenton

www.reemergechildtherapy.com ReEmerge Child Therapy is a family and community based mental health provider focused on building individual resilience by strengthening family bonds. Wordsworth works with school-aged children with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges.

Sex, Drugs & God* 540-779-0088

Dan Obarski at dano@sexdrugsandgod.org SexDrugsAndGod.org

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Sex, Drugs & God (SDG) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping individuals struggling with addiction learn the skills necessary to effectively transition to a life of normalcy. SDG offers free peer recovery coaching, a proven solutions-driven approach, to those in Culpeper, Fauquier, Rappahannock, Madison, and Orange counties. By modeling replacement and not just abstention, SDG helps clients find healthy replacements for their destructive addiction. In addition, SDG helps clients find and access community resources that are available to help them make this transition successfully. Most importantly, SDG has the only Mobile Addiction Recovery Coaching Office (MARCO) in the region. The MARCO allows SDG to bring its much-needed services to those struggling with addiction and/or recovery. This comfortable mobile lounge with air conditioning, heat, coffee machine, refrigerator, and other great amenities, allows those in need all the comforts of an office in their own neighborhood.

Trauma Recovery and Education Counseling Center

Spero Works LLC

Michelle Kelley, LCSW 540-316-6362 92 Main Street, Suite 202 #2, Warrenton

Ashlea Hopkins, LCSW 540-680-3150

www.speroworkstherapy.com, ashlea@speroworkstherapy.com Spero Works provides mental health and sports performance counseling, online counseling, coaching clinics, small groups, and has experience in providing treatment for trauma, chronic suicidal ideation, anxiety, school refusal, social anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, as well as family and couples issues.

Spiritual Care Support Ministries

Rev. Liz Danielsen, Founder, and Executive Director 540-349-5814 7179 New Hope Lane, Warrenton

Chaplainliz@scsm.tv, www.scsm.tv SCSM is a 501(c)(3) non-denominational organization. SCSM provides faith-based support for those who are ill, dying, grieving, and experiencing personal loss. Support is provided through individual counseling, support groups, spiritual retreats, inspirational studies, and various community events. We offer support for bereavement, child loss, spouse loss, divorce, teen support, chronic illness, caregivers, pet loss, and more. SCSM’s goal is not to “fix” people but to journey with them, strengthening them through hope and faith, and giving them the love, compassion, and value they deserve. All services are provided free of charge and are available to anyone in need.

Mary Beth Williams, Ph.D LCSW CTS 540-341-7339 17 S. Fifth Street, Suite K, Warrenton

mbethwms@infionline.net Dr. Williams specializes in the treatment of PTSD. She is the author of several books including The PTSD Workbook. She also works with veterans to assist them in obtaining PTSD related benefits. Dr. Williams works with persons from age 14 - 90.

Warrenton Women’s Counseling Center (AKA Girls Stand Strong)

www.warrentonwomenscounselingcenter.com We offer relief for stressed out, anxious, and overwhelmed girls, as well as support for anxious and depressed women, and those struggling with difficult relationships.

Youth for Tomorrow Behavioral Health Services* 703-659-9400 20 Rock Pointe Lane, Suite 201, Warrenton

www.youthfortomorrow.org, info@yftva.com Youth For Tomorrow’s Behavioral Health Services offers a broad scope of outpatient mental health counseling services for children ages five and up, adolescents, adults, families, and couples. We diagnose and treat children, adolescents, and adults with a wide variety of issues including depression, anxiety, and panic symptoms, post-traumatic stress, anger issues, obsessive-compulsive issues, grief and loss, self-harm, issues related to attachment, co-occurring disorders, aggression, attention

SpiritWorks Foundation*

Addiction Recovery 540-308-3729 30 John Marshall Street, Warrenton

Jan@spiritworksfoundation.org The mission of SpiritWorks Foundation is to educate, equip, empower, and celebrate individuals, families, and communities on the journey from addiction to recovery. SpirtWorks operates Recovery Community Centers in Williamsburg and Warrenton and peer-operated centers that provide community-based recovery support. Individuals and families do not live at the centers, but can access resources to help build recovery capital through advocacy training, recovery information and resource mobilization, mutual-help or peer-support organization meetings, social activities, and other community-based services. We believe recovery is a self-defined process with many possible pathways to achieving an improved quality of life.

Transitions Counseling Services LLC* Dan J. Thompson, LPC 540-272-4200

danjthompsonlpc@gmail.com Transitions Counseling Services, with its dedicated staff of highly skilled and seasoned therapists, provides a full array of services for children, youth, adults, and families. Specialties include substance abuse, adolescent/millennial issues, family conflict using varied treatment modalities (DBT, EMDR, play therapy) to address the needs of clients. Case management and care coordination are strong aspects of the support clients can expect. Staff clinicians include Heather Harper, LCSW; Allison Williams, Resident; LaVurne Williams, Resident; Jenni Newhard, LCP.

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deficits and other behavioral concerns, as well as familial and relational issues. Treatments include play therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, trauma-informed care, and behavioral intervention. In addition to face-to-face visits, we are also able to provide Tele-Behavioral Health Services.


Assisted living provides a special combination of residential housing, personalized support services, and healthcare. These services are designed for the individual needs of those who require help with activities of daily living (dressing, bathing, grooming, etc.), but do not require the skilled medical care provided in a nursing home. Various services and levels of care are available, but most locations provide assistance with daily activities, meals, laundry, and housekeeping.

English Meadows Senior Living Community 540-443-8615 239 Alexandria Pike, Warrenton

www.englishmeadowsslc.com, micaela@twenty20management.com English Meadows provides care options which include assisted living and memory care. The Warrenton campus provides 39 residential units. This beautiful campus offers 39 Resident Units, consisting of AL Studios & AL Apartments. Several Shared Studios are also available for lease. English Meadow’s mission is to provide quality, affordable senior living care for residents.

Auxiliary Grant for Assisted Living

Facility Assistance, Fauquier County Department of Social Services 540-422-8400 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 11, Warrenton An auxiliary grant from DSS is an income supplement for individuals who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and certain other aged, blind, or disabled individuals who reside in a licensed assisted living facility (ALF) or an approved adult foster care (AFC) home. Payments are issued to individuals monthly, to be used with a designated amount of their monthly income to pay an ALF or AFC maximum monthly rate. Eligibility: Prior to admission to an assisted living facility, an individual must be assessed by an adult services social worker at their local department of social services or another qualified assessor. The individual applying for an auxiliary grant, or the individual’s designated representative, should contact an assessor and request an assessment.

The Villa at Suffield Meadows 540-316-3800 6735 Suffield Lane, Warrenton

VirginiaVilla.org A 56-apartment assisted living facility designed for adults 55 and older. At the Villas, residents have direct access to a professionally trained and compassionate medical staff. For additional information about the Villas, please visit the website at VirginiaVilla.org.


Accessible Playgrounds Bright Spot Inclusive Playground

540-727-3412 16358 Competition Drive, Culpeper - located at the Culpeper Sports Complex

Fun For All Playground

540-349-2520 800 Waterloo Rd, Warrenton - located at the Warrenton Aquatic and Recreation Facility (WARF)


Advocacy Organizations The Arc of North Central Virginia (The Arc of NCV) 571-399-5390 P.O. Box 3186, Warrenton

http://www.arcofncv.org, info@arcofncv.org The Arc of North Central Virginia is a local chapter of the world’s largest community-based organization of and for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). We’re committed to supporting people with I/DD to reach their full potential through building community awareness, acceptance, and capacity for support--ensuring that they are valued as classmates, coworkers, neighbors, citizens, and friends. Services include consulting with families, hosting family programs and events, developing local informational resources, and partnering with local organizations to build awareness and capacity for support.

Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) 800-869-6782 / 703-923-0010 (Voice/TTY) 8003 Forbes Place, Suite 310, Springfield

www.peatc.org, partners@peatc.org The Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center builds positive futures for Virginia’s children by working collaboratively with families, schools, and communities in order to improve opportunities for excellence in education and success in school and community life. Our special focus is on children with disabilities. We do this by providing services and support for families and professionals, easy-tounderstand, research-based information and training, and opportunities for strategic partnerships and advocacy for systemic improvement.

Crisis Services Regional Education Assessment Crisis Habilitation (REACH) Program Adult REACH Hotline: 855-917-8278 Children’s REACH Hotline: 888-908-0486

http://www.dbhds.virginia.gov/developmental-services/Crisis-services The REACH Program serves children and adults with a developmental disability who also have significant behavioral and/or mental health issues. Through center and community-based support, it provides crisis prevention and intervention services. Referrals and requests for REACH services may be made by individuals, families or service providers. For individuals who utilize the DD waivers, REACH services are included in each waiver. Regardless of waiver status, any individual who meets qualifying eligibility criteria can access REACH services at no cost.

Education Decoding Dyslexia Virginia - Fauquier/ Haymarket Chapter Lynda Bruni, DecodingDyslexia

PWC.fauquier@gmail.com or lbruni18@gmail.com Decoding Dyslexia Virginia is a grassroots movement focused on linking families to resources, support, and educational interventions for dyslexia. We aim to raise dyslexia awareness, empower families to support their children, and inform policy-makers on best practices to identify, remediate, and support students with dyslexia in Virginia. Watch for scheduled meetings on the Decoding Dyslexia Virginia Facebook page.

Parent Resource Center

Fauquier County Public Schools 540-422-7116 430 E. Shirley Ave, Bldg A, Warrenton

https://www.fcps1.org/Page/1550, prc@fcps1.org Fauquier County Parent Resource Center (PRC) helps families of children with disabilities access available information and resources. PRC’s assist parents with questions and planning, as well as provide resources and training sessions, and are committed to a positive relationship between parents and schools for students’ sake.

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Smart Cookie Reading LLC

Academic Language Therapy for Reading and Writing (703) 855-8133

www.smartcookiereading.com, Liz Gordon, M.Ed at liz@smartcookiereading.com Smart Cookie Reading provides one-on-one, intensive, academic therapy to children diagnosed with dyslexia or language-based disorders. Multisensory Structured Language Therapy (MSLT) techniques founded on the Orton-Gillingham approach are used to teach reading, spelling, and writing. A multisensory approach is utilized to engage visual, auditory, and kinesthetic pathways in order to enhance memory and learning of written language. Session curriculum is research-based and follows MSLT training, accredited by the International Multisensory Structured Language Education Council (IMSLEC) for working with dyslexic and language based-learning disorders.

Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Fauquier County Public Schools

a very dedicated group of volunteers and specially selected horses help to meet the needs of this exceptional group of people. For more information, visit rainbowriding.org.

General Disibility Resources Ability Unlimited 800-511-9471

https://abilityunlimited.net/, Contact:info@abilityunlimited.net People on Medicaid Waivers have an annual budget of $5,000 for Assistive Technology and $5,000 for Home Modifications. Ability Unlimited (AU) assists people to understand how to access and utilize those funds to get for instance; speech or smart home or elopement devices, ramps, and/or bathroom renovations for example. AU also provides Durable Medical Equipment through Virginia Medicaid.

Autism Society of Northern Virginia 703-495-8444 10467 White Granite Drive, #324, Oakton

rcorpening@fcps1.org Virginia school divisions are required to have a special education advisory committee. The purpose of the committee is to provide an opportunity for parents and other school board appointees to have a voice in the way that school divisions provide services to students with disabilities. Local SEAC members are appointed by local school boards. The committees provide reports and recommendations to their school boards. Follow the Fauquier County SEAC on Facebook to obtain current information. Contact your local school district for more information or visit the VA Dept. of Education’s website: www.doe.virginia.gov.

https://www.asnv.org, info@asnv.org ASNV is one of more than 90 chapters of the Autism Society. We are one of the first chapters, formed in 1969. Our chapter is directed by a volunteer executive committee and board made up of parents, selfadvocates, educators, therapists, business owners, and military service members. We hold monthly board meetings on the third Thursday of every month that are open to the public. Our mission is to build a community for individuals and families affected by autism through education, advocacy, and support. As a chapter of the Autism Society of America, we work to improve the lives of all affected by autism. For more information, visit asnv.org.

Think College

Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired

https://thinkcollege.net/ Think College is the leader in research and dissemination in inclusive higher education. Search their college database for information on 265 college programs for students with intellectual disabilities. The Resource Library includes over 600 selected resources on a wide range of topics related to postsecondary education for people with intellectual disabilities, and they have many publications that provide concise relevant information on a variety of topics.

Equine Therapy Higgins Hills Farm

540-220-1305 27195 Old Office Road, Culpeper

thiggins@horseandsoulcounseling.com, https://www.horseandsoulcounseling.com/higgins-hills-farm/

North Star Stables

540-717-0121 4092 Rolling Hills Drive, Delaplane

https://www.northstarstablesnova.org Teresa Pilegaard, northstarstablesnova@gmail.com The mission of North Star Stables is to increase access to the therapeutic benefit of horses for people both able-bodied and differently-abled. We believe that everyone deserves a supportive and inclusive community that will aid the realization of a person’s full potential.

Rainbow Therapeutic Riding Center

703-754-6159 16198 Silver Lake Road, Haymarket (by appointment only) rainbow@rainbowriding.org Established in 1985, Rainbow is a non-profit organization that provides equine-assisted therapy to individuals with physical, educational, emotional, intellectual disabilities and other challenges. Our clients develop physical strength and better mobility, self-esteem, and self-confidence while receiving therapy through an equestrian activity that accommodates their specific needs. Under the guidance of certified riding instructors, therapeutic riding helps individuals experience physical and emotional rewards. In addition to our staff,


800-622-2155 401 Azalea Avenue, Richmond

www.vdbvi.org The Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired is a state agency serving Virginians of all ages who are blind or vision impaired. Our education coordinators work with blind or vision impaired children, their parents, teachers, and the community to ensure they have what they need to succeed. Vocational rehabilitation counselors assist in educational planning and employment placement. Orientation and mobility instructors train individuals on orientation techniques and how to navigate the environments safely. Vision rehabilitation teachers teach Braille and independent living skills.

Fauquier Adult Day Healthcare Center 540-347-2797 or 540-825-3100 ext. 3427 430 East Shirley Avenue, Warrenton https://www.rrcsb.org/senior-services/ See full listing under Senior Services.

Independence Empowerment Center 703-257-5400 8409 Dorsey Circle, Suite 101 Manassas

www.ieccil.org, info@ieccil.org IEC is one of 17 non-residential Centers for Independent Living in Virginia. We work with people with disabilities to ensure their civil rights are recognized and that they get the services they need to live as independently as they are able in their own communities. Our 5 core services are advocacy, independent living skills, information and referral, peer counseling, and transition services. We also help people get attendant care that they can self-direct, and help businesses to understand their obligations under the ADA. Our service area includes the Greater Prince William County and Fauquier County.

Jill’s House

703-639-5660 9011 Leesburg Pike, Vienna

https://www.jillshouse.org Jill’s House is a Christian nonprofit organization that provides families raising kids with intellectual disabilities, ages 6-17, with short-term

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overnight respite care in the DC metro area and around the country. Kids enjoy fun activities tailored to their interests and abilities for 24-48 hour stays, meanwhile their parents get a chance to rest and recharge. They offer care for the whole family through regularly scheduled typical sibling nights, parent support groups, and family retreats.

Moms in Motion 800-417-0908

www.momsinmotion.net, info@MomsInMotion.net Moms In Motion is a service facilitation provider for Medicaid CDPAS (EDCD CCC+, CL & FIS Waivers and EPSDT program) enrollees. Our mission is to enhance the outcome for all of our clients by using personal-centered practices while providing superior service, sharing resources, expanding knowledge and networking. Our primary areas of growth include advocating in the school systems for younger clients, assisting younger adults with the transition to independence, and helping aging clients be cared for by people who love them. Primary clients include children, young adults, and the aging population.

National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled 888-657-7323

https://www.loc.gov/nls, nls@loc.gov National Library Service (NLS) is a free braille and talking book library service for people with temporary or permanent low vision, blindness, or a physical disability that prevents them from reading or holding the printed page. Through a national network of libraries, NLS circulates books and magazines in Braille or audio formats, delivered by postagefree mail or instantly downloadable.

RRCS Community Support Services See full listings under RRCS

Support Coordination in Social Services 540-825-3100 Bridges Day Support Program 540-829-7628 Residential Programs 540-825-3100

Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (State Agency) 804-662- 9502 (Voice/TTY)

https://www.vddhh.org/, info@vddhh.virginia.gov The Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing works to reduce communication barriers between persons who are deaf or hard of hearing and those who are hearing. This is accomplished through three programs: Virginia Relay (Traditional Relay Service and CapTel Relay), Interpreter Services (Interpreter Coordination for Virginia Court System and state agencies, and VQAS Screening for Interpreters), and Outreach, who provide direct services to Virginians with hearing loss. The Technology Assistance Program is also available and may provide amplified and captioned telephone, personal amplifiers, signallers with flashing lights or very loud tones, or both. Contact us for more information.

Sports & Recreation Allegro Community School of the Arts 540-349-5088 39 Culpeper St, Warrenton

www.allegrocsa.org, lachelle@allegrocsa.org See full listing under Education.

A Place to Be

540-687-6740 8 North Jay St, Middleburg

http://www.aplacetobeva.org A Place To Be serves ALL ages with any challenges related to (but not limited to) Physical, Medical, Behavioral, Learning, Intellectual,

Developmental, Social, and Life. Through a wide variety of programming staff work daily to help people face, navigate, and overcome life’s challenges using clinically based practices of music therapy and expressive arts therapy.

Challenger Baseball (Culpeper) 571-762-4452

www.culpeperll.org, culpeperllinfo@gmail.com The Little League Challenger Division® is an adaptive baseball program for ages 4 to 18, or up to 22 if still enrolled in school.

Fauquier Special Olympics

Conact: fauquierspecialolympics@gmail.com On Facebook at @fauquierspecialolympics Fauquier Special Olympics provides recreational programs for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities who reside in Fauquier County. We have many competitive sports events which involve hundreds of athletes. Special Olympics has evolved into a global movement about empowering our athletes for everyday life. It’s all about all of us.

Ignite Fitness

Sharon Gregory: 540-718-0147

http://www.ignitefitnessllc.com, sgregory@ignitefitnessllc.org Inclusive fitness programs for all ages and abilities.


Coach John Schlenker

www.fcsc.org/TOPSoccer, piedmontTOPsoccer@gmail.com TOPSoccer (The Outreach Program for Soccer) is the official United States Youth Soccer program for enriching the lives of children with learning and/ or physical disabilities through the game of soccer. TOPSoccer provides an opportunity for children with special needs to learn about and have fun playing soccer while improving their self-esteem, physical fitness, and socialization skills. TOPSoccer is a free program; thanks to the generous support from the Fauquier County Soccer Club and the Virginia Soccer Association. We are always looking for volunteers to support our nearly 100 athletes. For more information on TOPSoccer, please email us.

Verdun Adventure Bound

540-937-4920 17044 Adventure Bound Trail, Rixeyville Verdunadventurebound.org See full listing in Children’s Services.

Transition Services BrightCare Center

703-330-5836 7845 Ashton Avenue, Manassas

info@brightcenter.org, www.brightcarecenter.org, www.facebook.com/ brightcarecenter At BrightCare our goal is to make everyday BRIGHTER by providing access and opportunities that promote engagement and foster independence in persons with developmental disabilities. Serving Fauquier and Prince William Counties. Transportation provided.


703-361-4195 or Toll-Free: 866-361-4195 Opal Office: 540-904-4207 ex. 2014 10164 Marsh Road, Bealeton

www.didlake.org Didlake is a non-profit, rehabilitative services organization with a mission to create opportunities that enrich the lives of people with disabilities. Founded in 1965, Didlake provides Day Support Services, Supported Employment Services, and employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Didlake operates throughout Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., serving more than 2,000 people with disabilities annually. Didlake is licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia, accredited by CARF, is CIMS-GB-certified, and proudly serves the nation through the AbilityOne® program.

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Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS)

Dental Services

www.vadars.org, Jackie.Kanupp@dars.virginia.gov or Tiffany.Jenkins@dars.virginia.gov The DARS offers vocational rehabilitation to assist people with disabilities to prepare for, secure, retain or regain employment. Comprehensive, integrated medical and vocational rehabilitation services are provided to enhance an individual’s independence and employability. Administers programs to support the significantly disabled maximize their independence, employment and inclusion into society. Oversees local programs that investigate reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation of older adults as well as incapacitated adults. Processes claims for federal benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Disability Programs. DARS also helps provide workforce services to persons with disabilities. DARS works with community partners to assist individuals in achieving their goals of employment and/or independence.


Disability Services 540-829-7360 19006 Crossroad Parkway, Culpeper

DARS Vocational Rehabilitation

The Consumer Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program helps people with disabilities get ready for, find, and keep a job. It helps to increase their ability to live independently in their communities. The Consumer VR program works with individuals with every type of disability. VR services include but are not limited to, vocational counseling, training, and job placement.

Pre-ETS and Transition Services - DARS Division of Rehabilitative Services

The Division of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) works together with students, youth, families, schools, and community agencies and organizations to provide services that promote successful transitions from school to work and adult life. DRS offers two sets of services to help students with disabilities move from school to post-school life: pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) transition services.

Social Security Administration 540-825-5781 or 877-531-4694 1014 South Main Street, Culpeper

This local office of the federal Social Security Administration is available to answer questions and help resolve problems concerning Social Security and the benefits available to people who are retired, people who are disabled, survivors of workers who have died, and dependents of Social Security beneficiaries.


540-347-0394 35 Rock Pointe Lane, Warrenton

www.fauquierfreeclinic.org, info@fauquierfreeclinic.com

Medical Services

The Free Clinic is just like a regular doctor’s office. It is the place to go when you have an earache, toothache, diabetes, hypertension, or the flu. It is the place to go when you need a mammogram, lab work, a flu shot diagnostic testing, medication, referral to a specialist, or a followup from a hospital visit or a trip to the ER. If we cannot help you, we will do our best to find someone who can. If you have any questions, please call 540-347-0394 and press 1 to reach the Front Desk.

Mental Health Services

The Free Clinic provides comprehensive mental health support to our patients. Please see listing under Addiction, Counseling, and Mental Health.


The Dental Clinic provides emergency and preventive care including comprehensive exams, fillings, extractions, X-rays, and cleanings. Oral surgery and assistance in obtaining dentures is offered on a limited basis. Any questions, please call 540-347-0394 and press 2 to reach the Dental Clinic.

When an individual is stricken with a debilitating disease such as dementia or cancer, families may need in-home assistance. In some cases, a doctor may write a prescription qualifying a patient for inhome medical visits. In other cases, families may turn to a non-medical personal care agency, or to a company that provides both. This section lists organizations working to meet the range of home health services.

Acti-Kare Responsive In-Home Care 540-727-0024, available 24/7

www.piedmont.actikare.com Acti-Kare Responsive In-Home Care is committed to providing compassionate caregivers for your loved one. We provide nonmedical personal and companion care. Our services include home companionship, light housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation, medication reminders, transportation, respite care, shopping, assistance with bathing, and live-in services. We excel with Alzheimer’s and dementia care. Our caregivers are screened, bonded, insured, and compassionate. We are a private pay service and accept long term care insurance.

AmeriCare Plus-Care

844-407-CARE (2273) 321 North Madison Road, Orange

www.americarepluspc.com Compassion and security in the comfort of your home. We are a family-owned agency providing personalized care for adults and children who wish to maintain their dignity and independence in the comfort and security of their homes. Our services are available short term, respite, long-term, 24 hours per day, and live-in; 365 days a year including holidays. Services include supervision, housekeeping, home-cooked meals, nutrition management, medication reminders, transportation, errands, mother’s helper, pet assistance, and assistance with all activities of daily living. Accepted forms of payment include private duty private pay, veterans aid and attendant, Commonwealth coordinated care, long term care policies, worker’s compensation, and all Medicaid waivers.

At Home Your Way Melissa Mellon 800-417-0908

https://athomeyourway.com, info@AtHomeYourWay.com At Home Your Way is a service facilitation provider, coordinating care for the elderly or for persons with disabilities. We cover the entire state of Virginia. If you or someone you care about requires help to remain at home due to a long-term illness, congenital issues, or diagnoses such as Autism, Down Syndrome, or Cerebral Palsy, there are programs that can help. Our service area includes Fauquier and surrounding areas.

Care Perfections Health Services LLC 540-228-1690 170 W Shirley Avenue, Suite 202, Warrenton

www.CarePerfections.com, info@careperfections.com Care Perfections is a nurse-owned company providing patients, clients and their families with compassionate and client-focused care in the comfort of their homes. We hire highly trained and dedicated caregivers to provide comprehensive services that range from personal, companionship, and non-medical services. Plus, Care Perfections gives you the option to choose a more affordable alternative that enables you or your loved one to receive the type of therapy, nursing treatment, care program, or support services that equals the same level of care offered in nursing homes, hospitals or medical institutions. The only difference

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Best Friends Animal Clinic,

Best Friends Animal Clinic, Best Friends OPEN FOR APPOINTMENTS! Animal Clinic, Best Friends Animal Clinic, Best Friends Best Friends Animal Clinic, Best Friends Animal Clinic, Best Friends Animal Clinic, Best Friends Animal Clinic, Best Friends Animal Clinic, Animal Clinic, LLC

Our Services Include: U Healthy Pet Care Pediatric • Adult • Geriatric LLC U Vaccination Protocols:Our Services Include: U Healthy Pet We are taking precautions to protect our staff & Care clients! prescribed individually based on LLC Pediatric • Adult • Geriatric Please callexposure the clinic for specifics. Our Services Include: lifestyle, potential and age. U Vaccination Protocols: U Healthy Pet Care U In-house Laboratory prescribed individually based on Pediatric • Adult • Geriatric SERVICES U Digital Radiography LLC lifestyle, exposure potential and age. U Vaccination Protocols: Services Include: U Surgical Procedures Our Healthy Pet Care U In-house Laboratory prescribed individually based on U Pet•Care U Healthy Digital Radiography U Digital Dental Radiography Pediatric Adult • Geriatric LLC lifestyle, exposure potential and age. Pediatric • Adult • Geriatric U Surgical Procedures Services Include: and dental cleaningOur Vaccination Protocols: U In-house Laboratory LLC U Vaccination Protocols: U Digital Dental Radiography U Pet Care U Healthy Digital Radiography U Blood Pressure Monitoring prescribed individually based onon Our Services Include: prescribed individually based LLC and dental cleaning Pediatric •Care Adult potential • Geriatric U Healthy Surgical Procedures lifetyle, exposure & age. U Pet lifestyle, exposure potential and age. Our Services Include: U Blood Pressure Monitoring LLC U Protocols: U Vaccination Digital Dental Radiography Pediatric •Care Adult • Geriatric In-house Laboratory U Healthy Pet Dental Services Our Services Include: prescribed individually based andRadiography dental cleaning LLCon Tender Loving Care U Protocols: U Vaccination Digital Pediatric •Care Adult •radiography Geriatric with digital dental U Healthy Pet lifestyle, exposure potential and age. Our Services Include: U Blood Pressure Monitoring prescribed individually based Tender Loving Care LLCon Surgical Procedures U Vaccination Protocols: Pediatric • Adult • Geriatric Surgery Laboratory U In-house U Healthy Petexposure Care lifestyle,

potential and age.

Services Include: U Digital Dental Radiographybased on prescribed individually U Protocols: Ebalinna M. Vaughn, Our DVM U Vaccination Digital Radiography Pediatric •Care Adult • Geriatric Digital U Laboratory U In-house Healthy Pet and Radiography dental cleaning lifestyle, exposure potential and Ebalinna M. Vaughn, DVM Loving Care prescribed individually based onage. U Vaccination Surgical Procedures U Protocols: 4197 A-3 Winchester Tender Road U Digital Radiography Pediatric • Adult • Geriatric In-house Laboratory U Blood Pressure Monitoring In-house Laboratory lifestyle, exposure potential and 4197 A-3Dental Winchester Road U Digital Radiography prescribed individually based onage. U Surgical Procedures U Vaccination Protocols: Radiography Marshall, Virginia 20115 Blood Monitoring U Digital In-house Laboratory andPressure dental cleaning Marshall, Virginia 20115 Ebalinna M. Vaughn, DVM lifestyle, exposure potential and U Surgical Digital Dental Radiography prescribed individually based onage. U Procedures U Digital Radiography 540-364-7855 U Monitoring In-house Ultrasonography Tender Loving Care U Blood In-house Laboratory 540-364-7855 4197 A-3Pressure Winchester Road and age. and dental cleaning lifestyle, exposure potential U Digital Dental Radiography U Surgical Procedures U Blood Digital Radiography U Monitoring www.bestfriendsanimalclinic.com www.bestfriendsanimalclinic.com Specialty Surgeries Marshall, Virginia 20115 U In-house Laboratory andPressure dental cleaning U Digital Dental Radiography




U Surgical Procedures Ebalinna M. Vaughn, DVM by Certified Specialists Digital Radiography U Blood Pressure Monitoring 540-364-7855 Tender Loving Care PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS andBoard dental cleaning U Digital Dental Radiography U Surgical Procedures 4197 A-3Pressure Winchester Road www.bestfriendsanimalclinic.com U Blood Monitoring Tender Loving Care and dental cleaning U Digital Dental Radiography Marshall, Virginia 20115 Ebalinna M. Vaughn, DVM GET A CATALOG! • REQUEST A QUOTE! • CREATE AN ORDER! U Blood Pressure Monitoring Tender Loving Care and dental cleaning 540-364-7855 4197 A-3Pressure Winchester Road Ebalinna M. Vaughn, DVM Tender Loving Care U Blood Monitoring Ebalinna M. Vaughn, DVM www.bestfriendsanimalclinic.com Marshall, Virginia 20115 4197 A-3 Winchester Road Ebalinna M. Vaughn, DVM 4197 A-3 Winchester RoadLoving Care Tender 540-364-7855 Marshall, Virginia 20115 4197 A-3 M. Winchester Road Ebalinna Vaughn, DVM Marshall, Virginia 20115 Tender Loving Care www.bestfriendsanimalclinic.com 540-364-7855

Marshall, Virginia 20115 540-364-7855 4197 A-3 M. Winchester Road Ebalinna Vaughn, DVM GET A CATALOG! www.bestfriendsanimalclinic.com www.bestfriendsanimalclinic.com 540-364-7855 Marshall, 20115 4197 A-3 Virginia Winchester Road Ebalinna M. Vaughn, DVM www.bestfriendsanimalclinic.com 540-364-7855 Marshall, 20115 4197 A-3 Virginia Winchester Road www.bestfriendsanimalclinic.com 540-364-7855 Marshall, Virginia 20115 www.bestfriendsanimalclinic.com 540-364-7855 www.bestfriendsanimalclinic.com




We are freedom help hope peace of mind { caregivers }. BEST We help hope peace of mind { caregivers }. Weare arefreedom freedom help hope peace of mind { caregivers }. At FirstLight, the care we provide goes beyond the basics of bathing and medication reminders. If you or your loved one wants to 20



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us today to schedule a Caring husband Call Call us today to schedule a Caring husband complimentary consultation. and wife team, Call us consultation. today to schedule a husband complimentary and Caring wife team, Mark &Stacey Stacey Markand & complimentary consultation. wife team, 540-579-7570 Harvey... toto Harvey... here Markhere & Stacey make a difference. Warrenton.FirstLightHomeCare.com Harvey... here to Warrenton.FirstLightHomeCare.com make a difference. Warrenton.FirstLightHomeCare.com make a difference.

540-579-7570 540-579-7570

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is we bring the service to you at home. It is a cost-friendly alternative with flexible scheduling and customizable services.

Home Instead Senior Care

Caring Angels Home Health

9309 Center Street, Suite 104, Manassas

540-450-8680 230 Costello Drive, #200, Winchester

www.caringangelshh.com, info@caringangelshh.com Caring Angels Home Health provides skilled care for people who are homebound. Services provided include skilled nursing, physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy, medical social work, and CNA if there is a skilled need. All services are ordered by a physician and covered 100% by Medicare. Service areas include Fauquier and surrounding areas.

Cleansing Water, Inc.

540-341-0212 Toll Free: 1-866-294-4665, Fax: 540-341-8477 30 Main Street, Suite 234, Warrenton

www.cleansingwater.com, info@cleansingwater.com Cleansing Water is a private home healthcare company with services including skilled nursing, certified nursing assistants, companion care and care management. Licensed by the Department of Health. Offers initial assessment at no charge. Offers 24/7 emergency on-call contact. In business for over 19 years; serving the counties of Fauquier and surrounding areas.

Doc At Your Door, PLC

833-362-8800 332 W. Lee Highway, #251, Warrenton

www.DocAtYourDoor.care, Dr.Simpson@DocAtYourDoor.care Doc At Your Door provides physician house calls anytime and anywhere, 24/7/365 -- serving teens, adults, and seniors in Fauquier and all surrounding counties. Dr. William Simpson (board-certified in Internal Medicine with 25 years of office, hospital, and nursing home experience) has left the office to bring mobile primary care -- acute, chronic, and preventive -- door to door throughout our community, whether at home, work, school, hotel, gym, assisted living facility, wherever preferred. Whether you need a physician to come to you (due to immobility) or simply prefer the convenience, privacy and personalization it offers. Concierge service without the fees.

FirstLight Home Care

Serving Fauquier and surrounding areas 540-579-7570 – FREE Consultations 37 Main Street, Suite 202, Warrenton, VA 20186

www.Warrenton.FirstLightHomeCare.com A premier homecare provider, licensed, bonded and insured, specializing in adult and senior care needs, supporting all activities of daily living, companionship, and transportation. Providing daily care, respite care, or for the one-day outpatient procedure. We can support you for the care challenges. Our professional caregivers are Personal Care Aides and Certified Nursing Assistants who pass a national background check and drug testing. They receive continuous Dementia/Alzheimer’s training with our Certified Dementia Practitioner and are all Specialized Dementia Care Providers, proficient in injury and illness recovery, and much more. We create a customized care plan to keep you at home using our team approach, including our Director of Nursing, your healthcare providers, a community case manager, your family, and YOU.

Heaven Sent, LLC

540-349-7772 6432 Lancaster Drive, Warrenton

www.heavensentpca.com, heavensent@heavensentpca.com A state-licensed, in-home personal care assistance service providing personal hygiene care, respite care, transportation to appointments, medication reminders, meal preparation, light housekeeping, laundry, errands, and companionship. Love the peace of mind with our professionally trained staff who are experienced in caring for those with Alzheimer’s/Dementia, Parkinson’s, Cancer, COPD, Multiple Sclerosis and more. Long-term care insurance and VA benefits will usually cover the cost of our services.




Serving all of Fauquier and Prince William Counties, Home Instead Senior Care provides non-medical in-home assisted living services to help family caregivers and support older adults who want to stay in their homes as long as possible. Assistance includes meal planning and preparation, laundry, light housekeeping, errands/transportation, companionship, assistance with personal care such as bathing, dressing and toileting, short-term recovery assistance, respite and Alzheimer’s/dementia care. Long-term care insurance and the Veterans Administration Aid & Attendance benefit will often pay for our services.

Mid-Atlantic Home Health

540-347-4774 or 800-989-0055 23 Winchester Street, Warrenton

Mid-Atlantic Home Health is a licensed Medicare and Medicaid certified home health agency. We also accept commercial insurance, private pay and workman’s compensation. We offer a complimentary evaluation by a registered nurse to determine the appropriate level of care for every patient, provide a customized plan of care and supervise each case. We have been bringing healthcare home since 1985 by providing skilled nursing care, rehabilitation services, personal care aides, and long-term care.


Hospice care focuses on maintaining the quality of life during the last chapter of a person’s life. In most cases, it is paid for by Medicare. A physician’s referral is required to start hospice care. There are many hospice organizations that serve Fauquier County; families can choose which they prefer. Hospice provides support to the patient and family by keeping the patient as comfortable as possible while maintaining his or her dignity and quality of life and allows the patient to remain at home as long as possible. Hospice also serves people living in institutions.

Blue Ridge Hospice 540-313-9200

www.brhospice.org, info@blueridgehospice.org Blue Ridge Hospice services northern Fauquier County and provides compassionate physical, emotional and spiritual care to people of all ages coping with end-of-life challenges. Additionally, we offer expert services to help loved ones manage the challenges that come along with advanced illnesses.

Capital Caring Health 800-869-2136

www.capitalcaring.org, mshumate@capitalcaring.org Capital Caring Health is among the nation’s oldest and largest nonprofit providers of advanced illness care including hospice, palliative care, children’s hospice and palliative care services, grief counseling, veteran’s health and support services, and patient pet services. We help families by providing pain relief, symptom management, emotional and spiritual support. As a nonprofit organization, Capital Caring Health accepts anyone regardless of their ability to pay. The Adler Center for Caring on the Van Metre Campus in Aldie, Virginia, is one of four available inpatient centers for short stay symptom management. Capital Caring Health services Fauquier and surrounding areas.

Heartland Hospice Serving Northern Virginia 703-273-8693 493 Blackwell Road, #319, Warrenton

Warrenton@Heartlandhospice.com www.heartlandhospice.com Heartland Hospice provides care wherever you call home: in your house, a skilled nursing center, an assisted living facility or independent living facility. Our caregivers help create individualized care plans, set personal goals, and manage pain and symptoms. Every patient is

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different. With different challenges, different needs, different family and friends. So the care we give each patient is different. Pain and symptom management is our primary focus. Our caring, interdisciplinary staff also provides psychosocial and spiritual support along with other comforting treatments and therapies. Heartland Hospice of Northern Virginia serves Fauquier and surrounding counties.

Hospice of the Piedmont

374 Waterloo St. Warrenton VA, 20186

540-825-4840 1200 Sunset Lane, Suite 2320, Culpeper

www.hopva.org, info@hopva.org Hospice of the Piedmont is the area’s oldest nonprofit, communitybased hospice, serving Fauquier and the surrounding area since 1980. We provide end-of-life care and grief support services at no cost to the patient or family. We help maintain a patient’s dignity, comfort, and quality of life. Our professional staff and volunteers address the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being of every patient and their lovedCall ones.540-347-7705 Grief support services available to any Please for anare interview today! member of the community – not just hospice patients. We care for patients in their home, a nursing home, assisted living facility, or hospital.

Hospice Support of Fauquier County 540-347-5922 42 N Fifth Street, Warrenton

www.hospicesupport.org, info@Hospicesupport.org Hospice Support of Fauquier County is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing non-medical supportive care to people with life-threatening or terminal illnesses. Hospice volunteers provide free compassionate care and respite for terminally ill patients and their families, grief counseling by certified therapists. We also provide a large medical equipment loan closet which is free and offers: wheelchairs, walkers, electric hospital beds, shower benches/chairs, lift chairs, and Hoyer lifts.

HOSPITAL SERVICES Fauquier Hospital/Fauquier Health

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Counseling, Life Coaching & Relationship Support Now offering Teletherapy Stress? Life? Relationships? Uncertainty? We know. We’re here. Michelle Kelley, LCSW | Bethany Oberg, LPC | Kenarda Bowe-Correia, MA | Jackie Elo, MS, Ed.S.

540.316.6362 | www.WarrentonWomensCounselingCenter.com

540-316-5000 500 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse

Cancer Care

Only doing telehealth at this time for your safety.


540-316-4360 210 W. Shirley Ave., Warrenton

Fauquier Hospital’s Infusion Center provides chemotherapy treatments, blood transfusions and other outpatient infusions and injections. Advanced technology, comfortable patient-centered design, and on-site supervision by a hematologist/oncologist and infusion nurses combine to make this the outstanding treatment facility in the region.

Cardiac Rehabilitation

540-316-2640 419 Holiday Court, Warrenton

Peggy Doyle PMHCNS-BC 70 Main Street, Suite 23 George Mason Enterprises Warrenton, Virginia 20186 540-229-7713 pegdoyle17@gmail.com

Fauquier Health Wellness Center assists those suffering from heart disease by providing post-heart attack and cardiac surgery rehabilitation on an outpatient basis.

Center for Weight Loss

540-316-2735 253 Veterans Drive, Suite 204, Warrenton

Fauquier Health offers a surgical weight loss program for individuals where traditional weight loss options have not been successful. If you’re ready to begin and commit to your journey toward surgical weight loss call 540-316-2735 or email weightloss@fauquierhealth.org to take the first step. Information sessions and support group sessions are available to the public and are complimentary.

800.919.FARM (3276) FarmCreditofVirginias.com NMLS # 456965

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Community Events & Education 540-316-2600

Fauquier Hospital offers classes, lectures, support groups and other opportunities open to the community. They are available on FauquierHealth.org under the Events & Education calendar and are also available on the Facebook Events calendar.

Diabetes Management, Education & Support 540-316-2640 419 Holiday Court, Warrenton

Fauquier Health offers a comprehensive approach to diabetes treatment including a Self-Management Education/Training program that teaches patients everything they need to know about diabetes, including Gestational Diabetes Management. Fauquier Health also hosts a variety of support groups on how to “live well” with diabetes.

Emergency Department 540-316-4900

Fauquier Hospital’s Emergency Department is staffed and equipped to provide general emergency services, trauma care, pediatric care, and radiography services. The Emergency Department is open 24/7, has 33 treatment rooms and provides services to more than 30,000 patients each year. The heliport allows for rapid transport of critically ill or injured patients to the nearby major Trauma Center.

Family Birthing Center 540-316-4000

The hospital’s dedicated staff of OB/GYN physicians, midwife and obstetrical nurses provide a rare degree of personal care. A variety of prenatal and postnatal classes are available to help expecting parents prepare for childbirth and newborn care. The Family Birthing Center also employs neonatal practitioners, who care for newborns who need special care. The Birthing Center also has an Intermediate Care Nursery for newborns who need special care.

Fauquier Health Rehabilitation & Nursing Center 540-316-5500 360 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

Fauquier Health Rehabilitation & Nursing Center (FHRNC) is a 113-bed center located on the Fauquier Hospital campus, offering both longterm care as well as short-term rehabilitation. Its proximity to and affiliation with the hospital allows for convenient continuity of care.

Heart & Vascular

540-316-5990 402 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

Fauquier Hospital offers patient care for an array of heart and vascular conditions through testing, monitoring and therapies. Guidance and resources are also provided to help educate patients on making healthy lifestyle choices.


540-316-4500 500 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

Fauquier Hospital offers a full range of screening, diagnostic and interventional imaging procedures using some of the most advanced technology available. Medical imaging services offered include x-ray, ultrasound, CT Scan, MRI (traditional and open), interventional radiology, mammography, bone density (DEXA), and nuclear medicine.

Laboratory & Pathology

540-316-5600 500 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

The laboratory provides consultation services in most areas of anatomic and clinical pathology and comprehensive laboratory services to patients and physician offices.



540-316-5940 550 Hospital Dr., Warrenton

Neurology is a medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the nervous system, which includes nerves, the brain and the spinal cord. Neurological injuries, illnesses, and issues may be relative to stroke, reflex issues, optic neuritis and multiple sclerosis.

Orthopedics & Spine 540-316-3588

Fauquier Health’s team of orthopedic physicians, anesthesiologists, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists and pain management physicians offers diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation services.

Surgical Services 540-316-3700

Whether you require inpatient or outpatient surgical services, Fauquier Health is able to provide high-quality care. We offer surgical services including General Surgery, Bariatric/Weight Loss Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Vascular Surgery and more. Fauquier Health offers minimally invasive surgical options, including Robotic-Assisted Surgery.

Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation 540-316-2680 253 Veterans Drive, Warrenton

From infants to older adults, Fauquier Health’s Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation department offers physical, occupational, and speech therapy.

Physician Referral Line 540-316-DOCS (3627)

Handling thousands of calls each year, this free service helps residents find a physician that is right for them. The service also takes registrations for the hospital’s upcoming classes and community events, offers price quotes for procedures completed at the hospital, provides support group information, and maintains the most recent information on which health care plans are accepted at Fauquier Health.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation 540-316-2650 419 Holiday Court, Warrenton

A medically prescribed program for those who have chronic obstructive or restrictive lung diseases, such as COPD, chronic asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, and pulmonary hypertension. The primary focus is to develop a specialized care plan and establish breathing techniques to help patients cope with a chronic lung condition.​

Sleep Center

540-316-2660 Warrenton Professional Building, 493 Blackwell Road, Warrenton

The Fauquier Health Sleep Center offers a variety of diagnostic sleep studies and physician consults for those suffering from sleep disorders.

The Care Boutique at Fauquier Health 540-316-4437 500 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

The Care Boutique shop is known as a shop for everyone. Featured in the shop, consumers will find a wide array of women’s care and fashion, home medical supplies, wound care supplies, and comfort care items. The full listing of items can be found on the Care Boutique website at TheCareBoutique.org.

The Villa at Suffield Meadows 540-316-3800 6735 Suffield Lane, Warrenton

A 56-apartment assisted living facility designed for adults 55 and older.

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At the Villas, residents have direct access to a professionally trained and compassionate medical staff. For additional information about the Villas, please visit the website at VirginiaVilla.org.

The Wound Healing Center 540-316-HEAL (4325) Warrenton Professional Building, 493 Blackwell Road, Warrenton

Multi-specialty physicians at the Wound Healing Center treat difficult or chronic wounds by offering advanced treatment options, including hyperbaric oxygen chambers.

Wellness Center

540-316-2640 419 Holiday Court, Suite 200, Warrenton

A full-service fitness facility, the Wellness Center offers up-to-date fitness equipment and classes. Cardio and pulmonary rehabilitation sessions are held at the Wellness Center, as well as extensive diabetes offerings and nutritional information. Massage is also available at the Wellness Center.

Women’s Health 540-316-3588

An array of women’s services are offered at Fauquier Health and include Emergency Department treatment, OB/GYN care, childbirth at the Family Birthing Center, physical therapy and rehabilitation, medical imaging and cancer care. For the full listing of additional women’s health services offered, please visit FauquierHealth.org.

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249 East Shirley Ave., Warrenton, Va 20186 | fauquierfoodbank.org FOOD BANK: 540.359.6053 | fauquiercommunityfoodbank@comcast.net THRIFT STORE: 540.359.6054 | fauquier_thrift@yahoo.com Fauquier Resource Guide FRG 2021 10.7.20.indd 29

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Volunteer Opportunities


Fauquier Health celebrated over 65 years of volunteer services. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact Volunteer Services or visit us online to complete an application.

Simple Comforts Home Medical

540-316-2910 500 Hospital Dr., Warrenton

Novant Health UVA Health System Hospital Services Novant Health UVA Health System Prince William Medical Center 703-369-8000 8700 Sudley Road, Manassas, VA 20110

NovantHealthUVA.org Novant Health UVA Health System Prince William Medical Center proudly serves the growing and diverse greater northern Virginia community to provide quality care through an integrated network of inpatient and outpatient services and programs. Our Manassas campus is home to our 130-bed, acute care hospital with 24/7 emergency room, Prince William Ambulatory Surgery Center, behavioral health facility and fitness center and is complemented by outpatient services in Gainesville, Haymarket, Culpeper and Woodbridge. With world-class technology, personal connections, and care that’s easier to access, we’ll be with you every step of the way on your journey to health and wellness.

Novant Health UVA Health System Culpeper Medical Center 540-829-4100 501 Sunset Lane, Culpeper, VA 22701

Novant Health UVA Health System Culpeper Medical Center provides the right care at the right time and in the right place. Our campus in Culpeper is home to our 70-bed community hospital, family birth center and 24/7 emergency department. With a medical staff of more than 150 physicians from nearly 30 specialties, we are committed to helping the community achieve and maintain optimal health. As an affiliate of the University of Virginia Health System, we have access to the expertise, technology and resources of a nationally recognized academic medical center, while maintaining the attentive, intimate setting of a community hospital.


The Care Boutique at Fauquier Health 540-316-4437 500 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

See full listing under Hospital Services.

Firstcare Orthopaedics

540-341-7758 493 Blackwell Road, #115, Warrenton

firstcareortho.com Firstcare Orthopaedics specializes in providing custom-created devices, such as orthotics and prosthetics, for patients of all ages. The accredited facility is located in Warrenton, and Firstcare Orthopaedics takes great pride in providing in-home appointments in order to better serve patients and their families. President Bill Truskey has put together a team of certified orthotists and prosthetists and support staff who create the various devices in-house, then personally delivers them to ensure fit and comfort. For more information, visit firstcareortho.com.

Hospice Support of Fauquier County 540-347-5922 42 N Fifth Street, Warrenton

www.hospicesupport.org, info@hospicesupport.org See full listing under Hospice Providers.


Medicaid will sometimes pay for wheelchairs and other necessary equipment for Medicaid-qualified low-income patients. Contact Fauquier Dept. of Social Services at 540-422-8400 regarding eligibility.

540-341-7135 41 W. Lee Highway, #61, Warrenton

www.SimpleComforts.com Sales@simplecomforts.com This home medical store in the Giant shopping center supplies a wide variety of products including wheelchairs, transport chairs, walkers, rollators, canes, compression garments, bath safety equipment, grab bars, therapy wraps, orthopedic braces and supports, pillows/wedges, magnifiers and more. Weekly & monthly mobility rentals. Private pay only. Monday through Friday 9:30 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Closed Sundays.

Warrenton Lions Club 727-236-0772

www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/warrento, Jan Cornelius, jcornelius_9@hotmail.com The Lions Club provides funding for service dogs for the blind, eye exams and glasses for those in need, and assistance towards the cost of hearing aids. They also test sight and hearing for Fauquier County students, recycle used eyeglasses for use around the world, and provide scholarships for high school students in the county. To learn more about eligibility, contact Jan Cornelius.


For the most up-to-date information on Medicaid, contact the Department of Social Services (DSS). Medicaid provides health coverage to low-income children and for some low-income adults, such as pregnant women, parents of dependent children, blind or disabled individuals, individuals under hospice care, individuals age 65 or older, or other medically identified criteria. In Virginia, the Governor’s Department of Medical Assistance Services’ (DMAS) is the agency which administers Medicaid as well as the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). In Virginia the children’s program is called FAMIS (www.famis. org). Call 1-800-772-9996, contact DSS, or visit https://www.medicaid. gov/.

Medicaid Waivers

For people with developmental disabilities, Medicaid Waivers are the key to accessing support and services in your home and community. There are different types of Medicaid Waivers and each waiver provides a different set of services. Medicaid waiver eligibility for children is NEVER impacted by parent income. When an individual is approved for a waiver, they also receive Medicaid health insurance. Contact The Arc of North Central Virginia (see Disabilities section) for assistance in applying.


Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people age 65 or older, or those younger than 65 with certain disabilities. To sign up for Medicare Part A and Part B, you must contact the Social Security Administration. Once you have enrolled in Medicare Part A and/ or Part B and have Medicare-related issues, including signing up for or changing your benefits (Part C or Part D), contact Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services at 540-825-3100. Certified VICAP counselors will provide you FREE and confidential assistance to help you understand all Medicare offerings including Part A (hospital insurance), B (medical insurance), C (private insurance options), D (prescription coverage), and supplemental plans. Open enrollment for your Part D and C plans is from October 15th through December 7th every year. With recent changes in healthcare regulations, it is important to know what, if any, parts of your coverage may be affected. For a free complete guide regarding Medicare options and coverage visit www.medicare.gov or call 1-800-633-4227.

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American Cancer Society

1-800-227-2345 or 703-938-5550 124 Park Street SE, Suite 100, Vienna

https://www.cancer.org The local chapter provides services to cancer patients and their families including patient transportation for treatment and 24-hour helpline at 800-ACS-2345. It also sponsors rehabilitation programs such as Reach to Recovery.

Enroll Virginia

540-741-2447 1301 Sam Perry Blvd Suite # 100, Fredericksburg

www.enrollva.org, melissa@enroll-virginia.com Enroll Virginia is a network of community-based organizations committed to helping Virginians access high quality, affordable health coverage. Our navigators and enrollment experts are trained and certified to provide free, unbiased assistance on health insurance options available through HealthCare.gov, Medicaid, and FAMIS. For assistance, visit enrollva.org and click on Get Help, then type in your zip code.

Fauquier Health Department

540-347-6400 330 Hospital Drive, Suite 101, Warrenton

www.rrhd.org, Askrrhd@vdh.virginia.gov Services include car seats, free immunizations, well-baby health exams (free except for sports or school), family planning, pregnancy testing and counseling, baby nursing supplies (breast pumps, bra), and WIC (Women, Infants and Children nutrition). Please call for an appointment. The Health Department’s Environmental Health Services division (540-347-6363) concentrates on protection from foodborne illness, waterborne diseases, and animal diseases.

Hearing Assessment Center

540-341-7112 493 Blackwell Road, #311, Warrenton

Hearingassessment.com Hearing Assessment Center, LLC, understands how important your sense of hearing is to your quality of life and your well-being. Better hearing equates to better living and we want to make sure you don’t miss a thing. With improved hearing, you’ll be ready for all of life’s best — and sometimes unexpected — sound effects. Don’t let hearing loss rule your life. Through our audiology services, we’ve helped individuals regain control of their lives. We can help you too. We can provide solutions to help make speech clearer through highly sophisticated hearing technology. We can also offer effective strategies to make communicating with family members, friends, and colleagues easier.

Lyme Disease Support Group - Fauquier Chapter 540-341-8245

phillipsgeo@comcast.net This group normally meets on the third Thursday of the month at the Fauquier Hospital, Sycamore Room, at 6:30 PM. We provide support, information, and education materials focused on Lyme, its associated co-infections and other tick-borne diseases, such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever - and the “red meat allergy” or Alpha-Gal. Occasionally, we have invited speakers, or a video presentation is offered. We also provide educational briefings to interested groups and we participate in town festivals and the County Fair. Please note that we do not meet in April, July and August. During COVID-19, we will be starting up ZOOM meetings. If you are interested in joining our ZOOM discussions, please contact Betsy Ussery at esussery2@gmail.com.

National Multiple Sclerosis Society 202-296-5363 Toll Free: 1-800-344-4867

www.MSandYOU.org Committed to providing vital personalized, support services to the many thousands of individuals living with MS, their families, friends

and colleagues. Offers a range of programs and services to help individuals cope with the everyday demands of living with multiple sclerosis, including emotional support, self-help groups, limited financial assistance and referrals to healthcare, referrals to healthcare and community professionals. The chapter offers education and wellness programs to clients and families, advocacy, and educational opportunities for professionals. Each of the chapter’s programs is designed to help individuals with MS maintain independence and continue participating at work, with family and in the community.

Parkinson’s Piedmont Support Group 540-222-6000 40 North Hill Drive, Warrenton

www.parkinsonspiedmont.org, Kendal Blaser, blaserx4@aol.com We are a Piedmont-based support group for people with Parkinson’s Disease and their support partners. The group meets on the third Monday of each month at the Chestnut Forks Tennis and Fitness Club. Parkinson’s Piedmont Support Group is a welcoming forum for the exchange of information about Parkinson’s and associated challenges. The location may change as the group grows, so please call first to confirm. Please visit the website or call for more information.

Remington Drug Co.

540-439-3247 207 E. Main Street, Remington

www.remingtondrug.com, Info@remingtondrug.com Remington Drug has combined high-quality, fast, and friendly service with the latest advances in medication technology within the town and surrounding areas since 1913. We offer a complement of services to better serve the healthcare needs of our community. Our staff prides themselves in knowing everyone who walks in our door. Remington Drug provides the following services: medication refill synchronization, medication delivery options, immunizations, Jobst stockings, point of care A1C testing, accredited diabetes self-management training, a diabetes support group, and pharmacogenomic testing. For more information call or visit the website or Facebook page.

Social Security Administration 877-531-4694 1014 South Main Street, Culpeper

www.socialsecurity.gov This local office of the federal Social Security Administration is there to answer questions and help resolve problems concerning Social Security and the benefits available to people who are retired, people who are disabled, survivors of workers who have died and dependents of Social Security beneficiaries.

Transitional Care Services, LLC Linda Lamb, CEO/Owner 540-522-5068

www.mytransitioncare.com, lindalamb009@gmail.com We provide valuable information with trust, compassion and support to families needing professional service providers. Transitional Care Services, LLC will help people of all ages to transition through life, whether you need physical, spiritual, emotional, or mental care. You are not alone. To the individual needing the care, we provide a free consultation to you. To businesses, we offer a service provider partnership agreement to help ensure our clientele obtain the proper care. Make your family’s care as seamless as possible. We can help guide you through the process.

Warrenton Dialysis Center/Fresenius Kidney Care 540-341-7547 170 W Shirley Avenue, Suite 100, Warrenton

Kidney dialysis services. Open Monday through Saturday. Call for more information.

Warrenton Pregnancy Center

540-779-0001, Text: 540-404-1760 400 Holiday Court, Suite 101, Warrenton

Warrentonpregnancycenter.org, admin@warrentonpregnancycenter.org

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Serving women from Fauquier and surrounding counties regardless of their circumstances. We are committed to providing a safe environment where you can explore all your options and make an informed choice. Trained staff provide medical care & mentoring: pregnancy tests, ultrasound, options counseling, prenatal vitamins, medical & social referrals, Medicaid Enrollment assistance, maternity and infant supplies.


A nursing home is a long-term care facility licensed by the state that offers 24-hour room and board and healthcare services, including basic and skilled nursing care, rehabilitation and a full range of other therapies, treatments and programs.

Brookside Nursing and Rehabilitation 540-347-4770 614 Hastings Lane, Warrenton www.brooksiderehabandnursing.com, info@brooksiderehabandnursing.com

Virginia-licensed, dually certified, Medicare/Medicaid skilled nursing and rehabilitation center. Brookside provides short-term inpatient rehab after hospitalization as well as long-term care. Respite care is also available. We provide one of the area’s only secured units for those who exhibit wandering or exit-seeking behaviors, common with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Inpatient rehab provided by Rehab Management Inc and includes physical therapy, occupational and speech therapy.

Fauquier Health Rehabilitation & Nursing Center 540-316-5500 360 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

See full listing under Hospital Services. See more under the “Our Services” section on the Fauquier Health website, FauquierHealth.org.

Nursing Home and Community-Based Care Screening 540-422-8400 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 11, Warrenton

Fauquier County Department of Social Services, in cooperation with the Fauquier Health Department, provides pre-screening services to assess the functioning of an individual to determine whether he or she meets the criteria for receiving care in an Assisted Living Facility, nursing home or in-home community-based services that will be funded by Medicaid. Call the adult services social worker for more information.

URGENT CARE SERVICES Fauquier Hospital Emergency Care Services 540-316-5000 500 Hospital Drive, Warrenton www.fauquierhealth.org

HELPLINES AND HOTLINES: 2-1-1 Virginia Dial 2-1-1; Hearing Impaired: Dial 7-1-1 for Virginia Relay then 1-800-230-6977 741-741 Crisis Text Line 24-Hour Toll Free textline: Text “Connect” to 741-741 Adult Protection Network 540-422-8400 AIDS/HIV Helpline - Virginia 800-533-4148 Alcoholism: National Council on Alcoholism 1-800-662-HELP (4357) Center for Disease Control 800-232-4636 Child Abuse and Neglect 800-552-7096 Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 800-787-3224 Fauquier County Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Advocacy Program 24-Hour Hotline: 540-422-8460 Mental Health-National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) 800-950-6264 Missing & Exploited Children Hotline 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) Narcotics Anonymous 800-777-1515 National Runaway Hotline 800-786-2929 Poison Control Center 800-222-1222 Peer2Peer Regional Warmline 833-626-1490 Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services Crisis Line 24-Hour Toll Free Hotline: 540-825-5656

Minute Clinic CVS 540-347-1621 510 Blackwell Road, Warrenton

Services to Abused Families, Inc. (SAFE) 24-Hour Toll Free Hotline: 800-825-8876 Office: 540-825-8891

Piedmont Urgent Care 540-347-5200 493 Blackwell Road, Suite 101B, Warrenton

Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24-Hour Toll Free Hotline: 800-273-TALK (8255)



GoWell Urgent Care (formerly Warrenton Urgent Care) 540-351-0662 75 W. Lee Highway, Warrenton gowellurgentcare@gmail.com, https://www.gowellurgentcare.com/


Substance Abuse Helpline 800-662-HELP (4357)

Veteran Crisis Line 800-273-8255 (press 1) Virginia Family Violence Sexual Assault Hotline 800-838-8238 Virginia State Police Terrorism Tip Hotline 866-488-8554

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LEGAL AND COURT SERVICES: Adult Probation & Parole, District 25 540-347-6354 30 Ashby Street, Warrenton

The District # 25 Probation and Parole Office serves the counties of Loudoun, Fauquier and Rappahannock. The main office is in Leesburg while the Warrenton sub-office covers Fauquier and Rappahannock. District #25 is part of the Community Corrections Division of the Virginia Department of Corrections. Our goal is to help instill internal change with individuals who have been placed directly on supervised probation by a Circuit Court, or have served a period of incarceration and have been released with a probation or parole obligation. We use evidence-based practices and contract with outside agencies to create specific treatment programs designed to assist clients in becoming successful citizens.

Juvenile Probation and Intake 540-422-8050 9 Court Street, Warrenton

http://www.djj.virginia.gov/ The 20W Court Services Unit (CSU) is governed by the Department of Juvenile Justice and covers Fauquier and Rappahannock Counties. The unit handles complaints concerning minors accused of violating a criminal statute, child support, custody, and protective order complaints. CSU supervises youth who are placed on probation or require monitoring supervision. CSU provides public protection in these areas. The goal is to target services to high-risk youth and identify the right interventions at the right amount. CSU partners with schools, mental health providers, law enforcement, social services, and the community to provide services and support to court-involved youth and families, to produce better outcomes for these youth and reduce recidivism.

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Legal Aid Works

540-825-3131 1200 Sunset Lane, Suite 2122, Culpeper

www.legalaidworks.org, LAWCulp@legalaidworks.org For low-income residents requiring legal assistance in civil matters. Services are free and available to anyone, of any immigration status, and bilingual staff is available. Legal Aid Works is normally open every Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and closed for only two occasions: on holidays and during our staff meetings.

Piedmont Dispute Resolution Center 540-347-6650 98 Alexandria Pike, Suite 53, Warrenton

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www.PiedmontDisputeResolution.org, pdrc@verizon.net PDRC provides mediation services such as custody, visitation, child support, parent-teen, landlord-tenant, consumer-merchant, elder care, divorce, education, neighborhood and business. Mediators do not take sides or tell people what to do. They are neutral and assist people in resolving issues. PDRC mediators are certified by the Supreme Court of Virginia. PDRC also offers training and workshops in conflict resolution, effective communications, and negotiations for children, youth and adults. PDRC’s Restorative Justice Program works with victims of crime and offenders, providing a safe place to meet face-to-face to talk about the harm caused and repairing the harm.

FAUQUIER COUNTY COURT SYSTEMS Adult Court Services 540-422-8080 70 Culpeper Street, Warrenton Adult Detention Center 540-422-8700 50 West Lee Street, Warrenton Animal Control Division 540-422-8750 78 West Lee Street #200, Warrenton Circuit Court 540-422-8100 29 Ashby Street, Warrenton Civil Process Division 540-422-8610

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Joint Communications Division (non-emergency) 540-347-6843 Criminal Investigations Division 540-422-8650

Fauquier County Commonwealth Attorney’s Office 540-422-8120 29 Ashby Street, Warrenton Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office 540-422-8600 78 West Lee Street, Warrenton General District Court 540-422-8035 6 Court Street, Warrenton Juvenile Court Services (Custody) 540-347-8623 Juvenile/Domestic Relations District Court 540-422-8040 14 Main Street, Warrenton Magistrate’s Office 540-422-8680 78 West Lee Street, Warrenton (Located in the trailer at the end of the parking lot behind Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office.)

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For more information please also see organizational listings in the Healthcare and Social Services sections of this guide.

Adult Protective Services at DSS Fauquier County Department of Social Services

Fauquier FISH Senior Supplemental Nutrition Program 540-347-FISH

540-422-8400 320 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

See full listing under Social Services. To report suspected adult abuse, neglect or exploitation, call the toll-free Adult Protective Services hotline at: (888) 832-3858.

Fauquierfish.org, foodpantry@fauquierfish.org In collaboration with the Warrenton Senior Center and Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services, senior-friendly groceries with small meal suggestions and mini-meal kits from Fauquier FISH’s Food Pantry are distributed through the Senior Center. Attention to special dietary needs, simple and healthy food. Delivery to Warrenton Senior Center in an effort to introduce seniors to the benefits of monthly food pantry visits. Call or visit the food pantry for more information.

Aging Together

Fauquier Senior Center


www.agingtogether.org, info@agingtogether.org Aging Together is a collaborative effort to help our region prepare for unprecedented growth in the older population. We seek to assure that local residents will have the services and support they need in the five counties of planning district 9. Partnerships are built on an alliance of organizations and work together across agencies to participate in our county teams which plan programs and events. County teams plan programs and events to support older adults, families, and caregivers. Our vision is for age-friendly communities that actively engage, value and support older adults.

Care Connections For Seniors, LLC 540-347-4181 PO Box 1153, Warrenton

PFSRN@msn.com Care Connections provides geriatric care management services in Fauquier and surrounding counties. Patty Simpson -- a registered nurse and geriatric care manager with decades of hospital, nursing home, and home care experience -- works closely with clients and their families to maintain as independent a living arrangement as possible for clients, whether that’s at home or in a facility. Patty will link client needs with community resources, including caregivers, schedule and supervise those caregivers if needed, schedule and accompany clients to appointments, arrange follow-ups, pick up and manage medications, help with hospital admission and discharge logistics, and so much more.

Caring Senior Service of Northern Virginia

Wayne Mitchell, Owner 571-222-5050 14540 John Marshall Highway, Suite 208, Gainesville

www.NovaSeniorCare.com Personalized Senior Home Care Services in Northern Virginia. Voted “The Best Senior Care Service” in multiple communities and counties in Northern Virginia. Our services are tailored to meet your unique needs. We provide one-on-one care on your schedule. Regardless of the senior services you may require, we charge one flat, hourly rate. With over 25 years’ experience in senior care, we are proud that many families have chosen us to care for their loved ones, and have referred us to their friends over the years. A sampling of the inclusive services we offer in your home or the senior community you live in are: Personal Care, Meal Transportation, Medication Reminders, Light Housekeeping, Transportation, Companionship, Respite Care, Errand Service, and more. Call today for a no-cost, no-obligation in-home assessment with one of our Registered Nurses.

Fauquier Adult Day Healthcare Center 540-347-2797 or 540-825-3100 ext. 3427 430 East Shirley Avenue, Warrenton

https://www.rrcsb.org/senior-services/ Warrenton Adult Day Health Care offers a safe, nurturing environment for adults who need daily help with health and personal care activities.

540-347-7729 430 E. Shirley Avenue, Warrenton

Fauquier Senior Center provides nutritious meals and fellowship for eligible seniors age 60 and over as well as educational and wellness programs, socialization, and recreation through many interesting and fun activities. Door-to-door transportation can be provided in most cases. The Fauquier Senior Center is open Monday through Thursday. Offered by Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services (RRCS).

Home Marketing Services for Seniors 540-687-8794 P.O. Box 918, Middleburg, VA 20118

www.hmss-usa.com, queenie@hmss-usa.com Home Marketing Services for Seniors (HMSS) provides advice on downsizing, decluttering and properly preparing the home for sale. An HMSS consultant works with each client before the engagement of a realtor to ensure a stress-free and on-time move to their chosen retirement communities. HMSS services are at no cost to seniors who are preparing to sell their homes.

Overwhelmed How Can I Help, LLC 703-508-3056

www.OverwhelmedHowCaniHelp.com, OverwhelmedHowCaniHelp@ yahoo.com Specializing in senior moves. Are you or a loved one going through a transition? Are you in need of downsizing, liquidating an estate, decluttering and/or moving? Asking yourself where are the valuables and what is valuable? As much or as little as you need to be done within your time frame. Free in-home consultation. Serving Fauquier and surrounding counties.

Young-At-Heart Seniors Group 540-347-5443 271 Winchester Street, Warrenton

metterguy@gmail.com Non-denominational social group (over 50+) who gather the first Friday of each month at St. John the Evangelist Mercy Hall at 9:15am for fun, refreshments, speakers and entertainment. We keep our members informed of local events and resources, take trips, play games, and do crafts. Young-At-Heart (YAH) friends are on a journey of faith, love, sharing, helping, praying for one another and having fun.

WEBSITES FOR FAMILY CAREGIVERS www.agingtogether.org www.alz.org/nca www.caregiver.com www.rosalynncarter.org www.seniornavigator.org www.caregiverstress.com www.medicare.gov

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CLOTHING & FURNITURE A Little Heart 703-628-3101

www.alittleheartcharity.org Tonya.Harmon@ALittleHeartCharity.org A Little Heart’s mission is to help children in the greater Fauquier County area who lack the resources they need to be successful. We provide funding directly to school principals, who use the funds to help underprivileged children have opportunities that would otherwise be out of their reach. Project Sweet Dreams provides comfort along with access to educational materials to children in crisis situations. Backpacks are distributed to children through existing social services such as foster care and homeless shelters. Project Healthy Snack, in partnership with Fauquier FISH, will ensure every growing child has a nutritious snack at snack time.

Fauquier Community Food Bank and Thrift Store 540-359-6054 249 East Shirley Avenue, Warrenton

www.fauquierfoodbank.org FAUQUIER_THRIFT@yahoo.com Our food bank provides USDA Commodities, senior commodity boxes, pantry services, some personal supplies, and firewood to registered clients only in Fauquier County. Bring the proper documentation as listed on the website. We serve clients based on income; your family does not need to receive public assistance to come to the Food Bank. You can pick up food twice per month (USDA commodities are only served once a month). Bread and produce can be picked up daily when available. Hours: Monday through Friday 12:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Donations of food are welcome Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

Fauquier Habitat for Humanity ReStore 540-216-3447 617 Frost Avenue, Warrenton

https://www.fauquierhabitat.org, Restore@FauquierHabitat.org The Fauquier Habitat for Humanity ReStore is the non-profit home improvement store and donation center that sells new and gently used furniture, home accessories, building materials and appliances to the public at a fraction of the retail price. Fauquier Habitat for Humanity ReStore is proudly owned and operated by Fauquier Habitat for Humanity. Proceeds are used to build homes and improve communities locally and around the world. Donations to the store affect the availability of certain items, and stock may change daily.

Hope Heals Community Freestore 606 Falmouth Street - Suite A

www.hopehealsfreestore.org hopehealsfreestore@gmail.com Our mission at Hope Heals is to provide our community with free clothing, shoes, and household linens. We believe that people matter most and our heart is to supply basic needs with compassion, dignity, and unconditional acceptance.

Noah’s Ark Outreach

By Community Touch Inc. 540-439-9300 10499 Jericho Road, Bealeton

www.communitytouchinc.org TyronneC@communitytouchinc.org Noah’s Ark helps those who lack household furnishings and provides free household furnishings to the underprivileged. Items include quality furniture, seasonal clothing, household items and appliances. Newer furniture is donated by housing developers and builders; Noah’s Ark also distributes these items to those in need and other nonprofits. Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; Sat 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.



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This national hotline is accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Advocates are available for victims and anyone calling on their behalf to provide crisis intervention, safety planning, information, and referrals to agencies. Assistance is available in English and Spanish with access to more than 170 languages through interpreter services.

Noah’s Ark Thrift Store

By Community Touch Inc 540-364-8007 4199-D Winchester Road, Marshall

www.communitytouchinc.org TyronneC@communitytouchinc.org Noah’s Ark Thrift Store was born out of a need to help those that lack household furnishings and to allow those that have the means to give a donation for low-cost, quality household items. Items available include quality furniture, clothes in season, household items and appliances, etc. All proceeds from the retail store go towards the mission and vision of Community Touch, Inc. See website for hours of operation.

The Salvation Army Family Store 540-341-8385 62 Waterloo Street, Warrenton

www.virginiasalvationarmy.org/warrentonva/ The Salvation Army Family Store sells clothing, household items and furniture at reasonable rates. Proceeds support local programs. Donations are accepted during business hours and donations may include clothing, household items, furniture, shoes, purses and kitchen items. Pick-up is available for furniture, please call 540-341-8385 to schedule an appointment. Call for hours of operation. The Salvation Army Social Services office, located behind the store, is open on Monday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE & ABUSE Child Abuse & Neglect Helpline 800-552-7096

Domestic Violence Hotline

800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 800-787-3224 www.thehotline.org

Domestic Violence Resource Specialist Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office 540-422-8656 78 West Lee Street, Warrenton

www.fauquiercounty.gov, michele.arft@fauquiercounty.gov Michele Arft has been the domestic violence resource specialist for 22 years. She provides advocacy and support to victims of domestic violence and stalking. She provides information and resources that are available to victims based on their particular situation (i.e. emergency shelter, transitional housing, support groups, legal aid, etc.) and handles issues pertaining to Protective Orders where victims are assisted with completing petitions and accompanying them to court for support. She assists victims with safety planning, explaining civil and criminal options to victims who have been through an abusive relationship, and assists with general legal information on divorce, child custody, support, and visitation.

Family Alliance Network of Fauquier (FAN) 571-469-1068

www.fanoffauquier.org, fanoffauquier@gmail.com FAN works with families in crisis for their specific concerns. Education, tools, and support prevent the destruction of a family. With opioids, trafficking, suicides, shootings, and violent abuses facing families, issues can be complex. Building collaborative teams address issues. FAN assists by supporting early identification and prevention to decrease stigma and raise awareness about trauma bonding, moral injury, coercive control abuses and trauma-informed interventions. FAN is a grassroots effort to identify early trauma; discuss issues/ options with families, legislature, and professionals; and supports early intervention and prevention. A strong community supports those in crisis.

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Fauquier County Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Advocacy Program

government agencies which enable them to prevent and stop human trafficking from occurring to themselves, their loved ones, employees, and citizens. For more information about what the Just Ask Prevention Foundation can do to help you, contact us.

The mission of FCDVSAP is to empower individuals and improve quality of life by breaking the cycle of domestic violence through side-by-side advocacy with the client. Advocates collaborate with the survivor to design an individualized service plan. FCDVA provides nondiscriminatory services to ALL participants, 24-hour confidential hotline services, medical appointment accompaniment (as related to FCDVSAP involvement), intervention & safety planning, emergency housing, court accompaniment, legal services (as directed by program guidelines), transportation, support group, connection to community resources/ referrals, advocacy and support, and ongoing case management. Please call the hotline to learn more.


24-Hour Hotline 540-422-8460

Services to Abused Families, Inc. (SAFE) 24-Hour Toll-Free Hotline: 800-825-8876 Office: 540-825-8891 501 E. Piedmont Street, PO Box 402, Culpeper

www.safejourneys.org info@safejourneys.org All SAFE services and support are free and confidential. Services to Abused Families, Inc. (SAFE) provides shelter, support and advocacy to victims and survivors of domestic violence and their children along with survivors of sexual violence. SAFE services include a 24-hour toll free Crisis Hotline, 24-hour emergency shelters, crisis intervention, safety planning, court advocacy and navigating of the criminal justice system, individual and group supportive counseling, services for youth, services for the Hispanic community, school-based awareness programs, public awareness programs, community partnerships and a volunteer program.

Virginia Family Violence Sexual Assault Hotline 800-838-8238

http://www.vsdvalliance.org/ This 24 hour/day trained staff offers free and confidential services: information and support for survivors, friends and family, and the general public; links to local crisis centers, shelters or other human resource agencies through referrals and by directly connecting callers to local agencies via a three-way calling system. It also offers resource packets on a variety of topics for callers seeking written information. Technical assistance to professionals working with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence and sexual assault; brochures and other resource materials in bulk for agencies seeking to distribute information about domestic violence and sexual assault is also available.

HUMAN TRAFFICKING Just Ask Trafficking Prevention Foundation 1751 Pinnacle Drive Suite 600, McLean







bill@justaskprevention.org The Just Ask Prevention Foundation is a Virginia-based international nonprofit organization focused on ending human trafficking in the U.S. and around the world, through education, prevention, and intervention. We offer a variety of services to individuals, groups, businesses, and










NPCF strengthens our communities through philanthropy, npcf.org


Fauquier Department of Social Services

540-422-8400 24-hour toll-free hotline 888-832-3858 Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 11, Alice Jane Childs Building, Warrenton

The mission of the Department of Social Services is people helping people overcome adversity to secure strong futures for themselves, their families and communities. The purpose is to assist families in maintaining or achieving self-sufficiency, protect vulnerable adults and children from abuse and neglect, provide benefits to meet basic needs and cooperate with other organizations in promoting the general welfare of the citizens of Fauquier County. New to the DSS: Fauquier County residents can now apply for Social Services benefits online. Visit https:// commonhelp.virginia.gov/ to apply for services.

Adult Protective Services (APS)

An Adult Services Worker, receiving a report or complaint about suspicion or a risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation of an adult, investigates the report, determines whether services are needed and helps find the necessary services to stop or prevent the abuse, neglect or exploitation from recurring. Anyone living in Fauquier County who is 60 years or older or who is incapacitated and 18 years of age or older may receive protective services if services are needed. Services are provided regardless of the person’s income or financial resources. Adult Protective Services include the receipt and investigation of reports that an adult is abused, neglected, or exploited or at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, and the provision of a wide variety of health, social, and legal services to stop the mistreatment and prevent further mistreatment. If you have questions about the situation of an elderly person or adult with disabilities, please call and talk to an Adult Services Worker at 540-422-8400. You may also call the 24-hour, toll-free hotline at 1-888-832-3858.

Adult Services

Adult Services coordinates and provides a range of services to maintain safe living conditions for incapacitated or elderly adults. These services include intake services including information and referral, initial screening and assessment, and assistance with emergencies, and homebased services, to the extent that local funds are available. Depending on the assessment of need, a trained companion provides a maximum of 20 hours per week of in-home assistance. Assistance with some activities of daily living and instrumental activity of daily living (housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation) is provided to income-eligible clients based on an assessment of the need for services. Periodic or one-time-only chore services are provided based on assessment. At times there may be a waiting list for these services. Adult Foster Care and Respite care are provided to the extent a matching foster care home can be located. Funding for this program comes through a combination of client income and the Auxiliary Grant program. Adult Services also provides nursing home pre-admission screening for impaired adults who currently receive Medicaid or anticipate receiving Medicaid within the next 180 days, Medicaid Community-based care screenings and subsequent arrangement of services, and assistance with assisted living facility placements and nursing facility placements. For more information and to apply visit http://www.dss.virginia.gov/family/as/servtoadult.cg.


Medicaid has several medical assistance programs that pay for health care visits for children and certain adults who are unable to pay for needed services. Covered individuals may be children, pregnant women, people with disabilities or elderly individuals. There are special provisions and several types of coverage for which you may qualify depending on

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your income, family size and circumstances. Individuals with severe mental illness may apply for Medicaid through Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services at 540-825-3100. Screening for financial eligibility may include an assessment of both income and resources depending on which of the many Medicaid programs for which you may qualify. To apply for Medicaid, go online to www.commonhelp.virginia.gov, call 855-2428282, or contact your local agency.

Child Care Assistance (CC)

The Child Care Assistance Program provides funding to enhance the quality, affordability, and supply of childcare available to Virginia’s families. Child Care services are child-centered, family-focused services that support the family goals of economic self-sufficiency and child development by providing for supervision, protection, and well-being of a child while the parent is participating in an approved activity. For more information and to apply, visit http://www.dss.virginia.gov/family/cc/ assistance.cgi.

Child Protective Services

24-hour Child Abuse Hotline: 800-552-7096

Virginia statute requires social services departments to investigate all reports of possible child abuse or neglect and to arrange protection for children when protection is needed. The purpose of child protective services intervention is to protect children, to preserve families whenever possible, and to prevent further abuse and neglect. DSS encourages anyone who is aware of possible child abuse or neglect to call the 24-hour child abuse hotline: 800-552-7096 at any time. To get more information about a situation you may be unsure meets the definition of abuse or neglect or to report suspicions of abuse or neglect, call the Fauquier office at 540-422-8400 during office hours. An abused or neglected child is any child under 18 whose parent, or any other person responsible for the care of the child causes or threatens to cause, a physical or mental injury (except for an accident), who fails to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or caring support, who abandons the child, who fails to provide the kind of supervision necessary for a child’s age or level of development, or who commits, or allows to be committed, any sexual act involving the child.

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Spiritual Care Support Ministries SCSM provides faith-based support for those who are ill, dying, grieving, and experiencing personal loss. Support is provided through individual Rev. Liz Danielsen, counseling, support groups, spiritual Founder and retreats, inspirational studies and various Executive Director community events.

Center Hours Mon - Fri 9 am - 2:30 pm Tues & Thurs 2:30 - 5 pm by appointment only

540-349-5814 7179 New Hope Lane, Warrenton, VA 20187 www.scsm.tv

SCSM is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry. Our services are free. Donations are appreciated.

Children’s Services (CSA)

Services under the CSA may be available to a child who meets at least one of the following descriptions: youth who require private placement for special education, youth who are in foster care or eligible for foster care services, youth who are eligible for services through a Child in Need of Services determination or youth who have significant emotional or behavioral problems and may require services not available from any single agency, require services of multiple agencies, or may be at risk of residential placement. While most of the children who qualify for CSA services are already under the purview of one of the member agencies (Juvenile Court Services, Social Services, Community Services, or the Public Schools) you may call the Children’s Services Coordinator at 540422-8400 to find out if you and your child are eligible for services. For more information, visit http://www.csa.virginia.gov/.

Fauquier County Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Advocacy Program

A resource to fun activities, community service projects and volunteer opportunities for families in Fauquier County and surrounding areas. families4fauquier.com /families4fauquier families4fauquier@gmail.com PO Box 373, Warrenton, VA 20188 Families4Fauquier is a non-profit organization

24-Hour Hotline 540-422-8460

See full listing under Domestic Violence & Abuse.

Family Services and Foster Care Prevention


Family Services are designed to assist children and families resolve crises, connect with necessary and appropriate services, and remain safely together in their own homes whenever possible. The goal is to prevent or eliminate the need for out-of-home placement of children, promote family strength and stability, enhance parental functioning and protect children. Call FCDSS and ask for the Family Services social worker on intake if you, your family or a friend are experiencing difficulties. Call 540-422-8400 during office hours.

Foster Care Services

DSS also provides services to foster children and their foster parents. Foster parents are professional parents who enjoy parenting and are willing to share their home, time, energy and love with children who

New Millennium

Janet Light REALTOR®


Serving Fauquier, Prince William and Surrounding Counties 559 Frost Ave #101, Warrenton, VA 20186 Phone: (540) 349-1221 8074 Crescent Park Dr, Gainesville, VA 20155 Phone: (703) 753-7910

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have special problems. The children range in age from newborn to 18 years. Some have been victimized by abuse or neglect. Some may be physically or mentally challenged; some may have emotional or behavioral problems. Sometimes, as a result of abuse, neglect, abandonment or a death in the family, courts decide that children must be temporarily separated from their families. A child’s stay in foster care may be as short as overnight or longer depending on the permanency plan for the child. The goal is to reunite the children with their own families. When this is not possible, parental rights may be terminated and adoption becomes the goal for the child. Often, foster parents are the first choice for the child’s adoptive home. In foster care, the department has legal custody of the child and assumes the ultimate responsibility for the child. A family will receive a maintenance payment on behalf of the child to help with expenses while a child is in their home. Children have medical and dental coverage while in foster care. To find out more about becoming a foster parent, visit http://www.dss.virginia.gov/family/fc/.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - (formerly Food Stamps)

The SNAP Program is administered by the US Department of Agriculture and is operated on a local level in Virginia.The program is designed to help prevent hunger and malnutrition by ensuring a better diet for low-income households. It is not designed to supply all food needs, only to supplement them. For more information and to apply, please visit http://www.dss.virginia.gov/.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families – (TANF)

TANF provides temporary financial assistance for eligible families with minor children in the home, who are financially needy and meet other requirements as well. An interview is required. TANF payments depend on the size of the family; a family may qualify while receiving income from other sources. Applicants must cooperate in naming the parents of all eligible children and help establish paternity. Some individuals who qualify for TANF may be required to participate in VIEW, the Virginia Initiative for Education and Work. VIEW participants can earn an income in addition to their TANF benefits but the total income may not exceed the federal poverty level for their family size. To apply for TANF go online to https://commonhelp.virginia.gov or call the Fauquier office.

Auxiliary Grants

AG is a financial assistance supplement for recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and certain other aged, blind or disabled individuals who are residing in a licensed Assisted Living Facility (ALF) or in an Adult Foster Care (AFC) home approved by Social Services. For more information and how to apply please visit the Virginia Department of Social Services website at http://www.dss.virginia.gov/.

General Relief

GR is a short-term assistance program to help with specific emergency situations related to housing and utilities. This is a local program and application must be made at our local office. You must be a Fauquier County resident and have an emergency need. For additional eligibility criteria, program information, income guidelines and to request an application, please call the Fauquier County Department of Social Services at 540-422-8400.

Medicaid: Family & Children; Aged, Blind & Disabled

Medicaid provides payment for health and medical care for people who meet the specified requirements for income and resource limits. All medical services must be provided by Medicaid enrolled providers who bill the program directly for their services. In some instances, a small co-payment is required. To apply for Medicaid, visit http://www. dss.virginia.gov/, call 855-635-4370 for assistance with completing an application, or call the Fauquier office.

Child Care Assistance

The Child Care Assistance Program provides funding to enhance the quality, affordability, and supply of childcare available to Virginia’s families. Child Care services are child-centered, family-focused services that support the family goals of economic self-sufficiency and child development by providing for supervision, protection, and well-being of a child while the


parent is participating in an approved activity. For more information and to apply, visit http://www.dss.virginia.gov/family/cc/assistance.cgi.

Energy Assistance

The Energy Assistance Program is made up of the following components: fuel assistance, which helps eligible households with costs of heating their homes; crisis assistance, which helps eligible households in heating emergency situations with primary heat security deposits, primary heating fuel/utility bills, and repair/replacement of heating equipment; and cooling assistance which helps eligible households with cooling equipment purchases or repairs and with electric bills. For more information and to apply, visit http://www.dss. virginia.gov/.

OTHER SERVICES Dominion EnergyShare

Dominion EnergyShare provides heating and cooling assistance to eligible families. The Department of Social Services administers the program for Fauquier County residents in need. For more information and to complete an application, please come to Social Services Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM. You are required to meet an income guideline, have a face to face interview, have a cutoff notice from your utility company and to bring your utility bill with you. There are two seasons: cooling season, which runs from June 1st until October 31st, and heating season, which runs from November 1st until May 31st. Funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are depleted. For more information, please call 540-422-8400.

EMPLOYMENT SERVICES The Work Place - Career Resource Center 540-422-8422 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 11, Warrenton

workplace320@gmail.com The Work Place is open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. and is available to all county residents to assist in finding employment. The Work Place is not an employment agency but encourages independent job search with multiple resources at your disposal. Staffed by the department and Literacy Volunteers of Fauquier it offers the following one-stop services free of charge: job postings direct from employers, various Web pages and local papers, assistance with establishing new email accounts and job search Web pages, computer and Internet access, fax and copy machine use. Resume and job preparation assistance by appointment; call 540-422-8422.

Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare – (VIEW)

Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) is a workforce program administered through local departments of social services. The VIEW Program provides employment and training services to TANF recipients who are required to participate in the program as a condition of eligibility and to TANF recipients who volunteer to participate. For more information and to apply, please visit http://www.dss.virginia.gov/.

FINANCIAL & TAX ASSISTANCE Community Touch 540-439-9300

Emergency assistance for the truly needy.

Fauquier Public Libraries

Annual tax assistance provided through a partnership with the Foundation for Tax Assistance. Call (540) 422-8465 to schedule an appointment.

People Helping People

540-349-9017 34 Beckham Street, Warrenton

www.fauquierphp.com, php.fauquier@verizon.net See full listing under Fuel and Utility Assistance.

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Mintbrook OPEN HOUSE OOt SEN I O R ro AHOUSE P A R T Mo E N T Sk M i n b NOPEN OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Mintbrook Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE M i n t b ro o k Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Mintbrook Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Mintbrook OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Wednesday, February 22 • p.m. Mintbrook Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. M i n t b ro o k Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Wednesday, February 22 p.m. Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Wednesday, February •2–5 2–5 p.m. M iWednesday, n t• b ro OPEN HOUSE February p.m. Wednesday, February 22 2–5 p.m. Wednesday, February 22o • 2–5 p.m.22 M ik n t•222–5•b ro o2–5k

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Wednesday, February 22 22 •22 p.m. Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Wednesday, February •2–5 2–5 p.m. February 22 2–5p.m. p.m Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Wednesday, February 22 •for 2–5 p.m. Wednesday, February 22 • Wednesday, 2–5 p.m. Wednesday, February ••2–5 Housing for Affordable Housing for Seniors Housing for Affordable Housing Seniors Affordable Housing Seniors February 22 •Seniors 2–5 Affordable Housing for Seniors Wednesday, 22 • 2–5 p.m. People, Inc. Wednesday, 22 • 2–5 p.m. SSeniors E55+ NSeniors I55+ OAffordable RHousing Ap.m. PAFebruary RT55+ M 55+ E55+ N55+ TS Housing for Seniors BFebruary ER55+ AHousing ,55+ VAffordable IHousing R GHousing I N I AWednesday, Housing for Seniors 55+ for 55+ BAffordable E55+ Afor L EWednesday, T OSeniors NAffordable ,55+ VAffordable IAffordable GL IENT OI Housing ANAffordable Affordable for Seniors for Seniors 55+ Housing for Seniors 55+ Affordable Housing for Affordable for Seniors 55+ Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ OPEN HOUSE Affordable Housing for Seniors Affordable for Seniors 55+ February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ S E N I O R A P A R T M E N T S HOUSE Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ BRoute Efor AoffOPEN L Route EOPEN T17 O55+ N17 ,55+ V I R GHOUSE I NHOUSE I A Housing Seniors 55+ Affordable for Seniors 55 AILRE Road) THousing O NHOUSE ,I A VConveniently I RHousing G IAffordable N IOPEN A Conveniently located (Marsh Road) HOUSE for Seniors 55+ Affordable Housing for Seniors for Seniors Conveniently located off17 Route 17 (Marsh Road) Conveniently off 17E B17E(Marsh AAffordable Llocated E Road) TAffordable ORoute NConveniently ,BOPEN V(Marsh G IN OPEN located off (Marsh Road) Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Conveniently located off Route 17I Housing (Marsh Road) Conveniently located off Route (Marsh Road)located off Route OPEN HOUSE Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Affordable Housing Seniors 55+ located offRoute Route (Marsh Road) Conveniently located off Route Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) Conveniently located off 17 Road) OPEN HOUSE Bfor A LRoute Efor T O N , (Marsh V R G17 IRoad) N I55+ 17 (Marsh Road) Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) Affordable Housing for Seniors Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) Conveniently located off 17E (Marsh Road) (833) 277-9330 Conveniently OPEN HOUSE Affordable Housing Seniors within the Ryan Homes subdivision. located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) Wednesday, February 22 •AConveniently 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 55+ (Marsh Road) Conveniently located off Route 17Road) (Marsh Road) Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Wednesday, February 22 •for 2–5 p.m. Affordable Housing Seniors 55+ within the Homes subdivision. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) OPEN HOUSE Conveniently off Route 17 (Marsh Road) Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Wednesday, February 22 •located 2–5 p.m. within the Ryan Homes subdivision. within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Wednesday, February 22 •located p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) Conveniently off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Wednesday, February 22 •2–5 2–5 Wednesday, February 22 •p.m. 2–5 p.m. within the Ryan Homes subdivision. within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Wednesday, February 22 •Ryan 2–5 p.m. within the Ryan Homes subdivision. BEALETON, VIRGINIA B E A L E T O N , V I R G I BNE IA A LETON, VIRGINIA



OPEN HOUSEOPEN HOUSE Mintbrook OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22OPEN • 2–5 p.m. p.m.HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 OPEN HOUSE Mintbrook February 22 • 2–5 p.m. p.m. Mintbrook Mintbrook M iWednesday, np.m. t55+ ro o M in t b ro o k OPEN M i2–5 n tHOUSE bb ro o kk Wednesday, February 22 • Wednesday, February 22 •t 2–5 Mintbrook Affordable Housing for Seniors Mintbrook M i n t b ro o k Mintbrook M n t b ro o k Mintbrook Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Mintbrook M i n bro ro okk M i nM tMintbrook b ro o k M i n t b o Mintbrook Mintbrook Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Mintbrook Mintbrook i n t b ro o k M i n t b ro o k M i n t b ro o k Mintbrook M n t b ro o k Mintbrook Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ M i n t b ro o k Mintbrook M in n t55+ bro ro M i Mintbrook nt b o k Affordable Housing for 55+ M io t bk ookk Mintbrook Mintbrook Affordable Housing fort Seniors M nro tSeniors b o Mintbrook M iro n t b ro o M ii n t b ro k M n b ro o55+ kk Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Affordable Housing for Seniors

within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Wednesday, February 22 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. within the Ryan Homes subdivision. within the Ryan Homes subdivision. l Income restricted apartments lHomes Washer/Dryer connections within the Ryan Homes subdivision. within the Ryan subdivision. within the Ryan Homes subdivision. the• Ryan Homes subdivision. the Ryan Homes subdivision. Wednesday, February 22within •within 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 135 South Main Street, Woodstock Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within theRyan Ryan Homes subdivision. Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Affordable for Seniors 55+ within the Ryan the Ryan Homes subdivision. within the Homes Affordable Housing for Seniors Wednesday, February 22 •within 2–5 p.m. the Ryan Homes subdivision. the Homes Housing for Seniors 55+ BAffordable E55+ AHomes L E Tsubdivision. OHousing NAffordable ,restricted Vsubdivision. I Housing R Gwithin I N I Asubdivision. Housing for Seniors 55+ Affordable for Seniors 55+ Affordable for Seniors 55+ lRyan Income apartments l Washer/Dryer connections within the Ryan Homes subdivision. forHousing seniors within 55+

• Supportive services program, including • Fully equipped fitness center • Supportive services program, including • Fully equipped fitness center • Supportive services program, including • Supportive services program, including • Housing Fully fitness center •equipped Fully equipped fitness center l Income restricted l Washer/Dryer connections the Ryan Homes subdivision. •within Supportive services program, including Affordable for Seniors 55+ •Resident Fully equipped fitness center • Supportive services program, including • Fully apartments equipped fitness center Bservices A L Eincluding T O Nmonitoring ,subdivision. VlI including R G IFully N IA business center • Supportive program, Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) •off Fully equipped fitness center within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ on-site health Conveniently located Route 17 (Marsh Road) Conveniently located off Route 17E(Marsh Road) • Supportive services program, www.peopleinc.net • equipped fitness center •for Supportive services program, including within the Ryan Homes • Fully equipped fitness center on-site health monitoring Conveniently located off Route 17center (Marsh Road) Supportive services program, including Conveniently located off Route 17Road) (Marsh Road) • Supportive services program, including • Fully fitness center ••services Supportive services program, including • Fully equipped fitness center Affordable Housing Seniors 55+ • Gazebo & Gardens on-site health monitoring • equipped Fully fitness on-site health monitoring Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) Conveniently off Route (Marsh •equipped Supportive services program, including • Gazebo & Gardens • Supportive services program, for seniors 55+ • Supportive services program, including on-site including health monitoring • Fully fitness center fitness cent • Fully equipped fitness center •equipped Fully equipped Conveniently located off17 Route 17 (Marsh Road) on-site health monitoring • Supportive program, including •with Supportive program, including •located Fully equipped fitness center •Resident Fully equipped fitness center • seniors Supportive services including •services Gazebo &access Gardens • Gazebo & Gardens on-site health monitoring • Fully equipped fitness center within the Ryan Homes subdivision. •program, Supportive services program, including l •Limited Availability computer for 55+ • Supportive services program, including • Fully equipped fitness center • Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo & Gardens Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) l business center within the Ryan Homes subdivision. • Supportive services program, including • Supportive services program, including • Fully equipped fitness • Gazebo & Gardens • Fully equipped fitness center on-site health monitoring • Supportive services program, including within the Ryan Homes subdivision. on-site health monitoring • Fully equipped fitness center on-site health monitoring • Gazebo & Gardens within the Ryan Homes subdivision. • Supportive services program, including within the Ryan Homes subdivision. A M E N I T I E S •E 80 1S & 2 Bedroom Apartments •center Fully equipped fitness centercenter info@peopleinc.net on-site health monitoring Conveniently off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. l Resident business center • Supportive services program, including A M E N I T I • 80Supportive 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments ••located Supportive services program, including • Fully equipped fitness • Fully equipped fitness centerS Gazebo & Gardens within the Ryan Homes subdivision. • Gazebo & Gardens on-site health monitoring • Gazebo & Gardens within the Ryan Homes subdivision. on-site health monitoring on-site health monitoring A M E N I T I E S on-site health monitoring A M E N I T I E S • Washer/Dryer connections • services program, including • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments A M E N I T I E • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments •& Fully equipped fitness center •Supportive Gazebo Gardens A M •Ehealth N I T• IWasher/Dryer E Sservices on-site health monitoring on-site monitoring connections A M E N I T I E S • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments on-site health monitoring • services program, including l Income restricted apartments l Washer/Dryer connections Supportive program, including within the Ryan Homes subdivision. • Fully equipped fitness center • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens A M E N I T I E S • Gazebo & Gardens A M E N I T I E S • Washer/Dryer connections A M E N I T I E S • Gazebo & Gardens A M E N I T I E S on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Washer/Dryer connections • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Gazebo & Gardens on-site health monitoring l Limited Availability with computer access on-site health monitoring A&M E services N I health T• IWasher/Dryer E S • • 80 connections l Centrally located elevator l Supportive services •E Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections Income restricted •Supportive Gazebo Gardens within the Ryan Homes subdivision. • Gazebo & Gardens health monitoringAction Agency•and on-site health monitoring A M E N I T I E S on-site monitoring A M E N I T I E S 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Washer/Dryer connections A M N I T I E S •A Supportive services program, including program, including on-site health monitoring People Inc. is on-site a non-profit Community Community • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Fully equipped fitness center M E N I T I E S • Fully equipped fitness center • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator A M E N I TN E S • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Gazebo & Gardens • Supportive services program, including • Gazebo & Gardens • Fully equipped fitness center on-site health monitoring • Centrally located elevator l Limited Availability with computer A M E N Ihealth T Iaccess E • •80 1program, &12& Bedroom M•E N services I IT E& Supportive services including ••IT Washer/Dryer connections Supportive services program, including A E N IN Iequipped E S •&Fully fitness center • Gazebo &on-site Gardens 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo & •equipped Fully equipped center • Gazebo & Gardens •program, Educational, social, •for Centrally located elevator A N IWasher/Dryer EM S •A Supportive program, including on-site health monitoring •Apartments Centrally located elevator A• M E fitness Nfitness IS T•center IWasher/Dryer EGardens S EM connections •Resident Fully equipped fitness center A M Nconnections TN ISIE • Supportive •E55+ Gazebo Gardens •M 80 1I & 2S Bedroom Apartments A • Fully equipped center •S 80 1A & 2 Bedroom Apartments on-site health monitoring •80 Educational, social, &1 &A located elevator M E Nseniors IM T IWasher/Dryer E S1fitness health monitoring • Gazebo & Gardens l business center •Supportive connections •for services program, including A M E N T IT E S A M E80 N Iprogram, T I• E S • 1 & 2services Bedroom Apartments program, including on-site •social, Fully E IT T IE • Washer/Dryer connections •including 80 2 Bedroom Apartments &services 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo • Educational, & on-site monitoring • Educational, & Centrally located • Supportive services including • Gazebo Gardens A M EE NE Icenter TE IWasher/Dryer E SIWasher/Dryer •social, Fully equipped fitness A M N T E apartments seniors 55+ •I& A M N I Sconnections T IIE E 80 1M &80 2 health Bedroom Gazebo A M E I IST •& 80 1located & Bedroom Apartments A E N IApartments T I S • connections on-siteApartments health monitoring • 80 12T & 2 Bedroom Apartments • •Centrally located elevator • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Educational, social, &elevator • Supportive program, including •TFully equipped fitness center l Gazebo Gardens A M E N Ielevator IWasher/Dryer EM S • & • connections l Centrally elevator l Supportive services •A Gazebo & Gardens •business Gazebo Gardens on-site monitoring Development Corporation committed to• Centrally providing opportunities for 80 1A & 2Gazebo Bedroom Apartments Gazebo on-site health monitoring 80 1T & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo on-site monitoring •E Centrally located Resident Community • Educational, social, & 1& 2•Apartments Bedroom Apartments E IRhealth IWasher/Dryer EGardens S•E N I80 OGazebo Aincluding P2 A RM T M ESN•E S• N I I S •social, connections •Bedroom 80& 1I & 280 Bedroom •Apartments Resident center wellness programs A M E N I T I E S Gazebo & Gardens •• 80 1wellness & 2 located health monitoring M E N I T I E S & Bedroom Gazebo A M E N I T I E S •N 1A & Bedroom Apartments •Center Washer/Dryer connections A M E N I T I E S on-site health monitoring Educational, social, & •l Supportive services program, • Washer/Dryer connections A M E 80 I 1 T•business IWasher/Dryer E2on-site Scenter Centrally elevator •N Resident A M E N I T programs Fully equipped fitness center • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator connections A M E N T I E S • Gazebo & Gardens • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Gazebo & Gardens on-site health monitoring 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo • Educational, & Limited Availability with computer access • Centrally located elevator • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center wellness programs 80 1 2& 2•programs Bedroom Gazebo • & Gardens Resident business center wellness programs • & Gardens health monitoring 1I & 2elevator Bedroom Apartments AEducational, M ET N I••Educational, E S A& M E N Iconnections T• S IT E•Gardens A M E I& T E S •S connections Gazebo &E Gardens A M N IA2A•&Psocial, T E Wednesday, 22 •T80Centrally 2–5 p.m. A M E N ISIWasher/Dryer IESGazebo E Washer/Dryer •located 8080 180 & Bedroom Apartments on-site health monitoring Washer/Dryer 80 1Apartments & 22elevator Bedroom Apartments Gazebo A N IS I EIG • 122& 2wellness Bedroom Apartments • 1 & 2Apartments Bedroom Apartments • Resident business center Educational, & E Nservices I• O R A A R M E• N T S on-site health monitoring Gazebo & •IE Educational, social, &T 80 1elevator & Apartments Gazebo •Apartments Centrally located M N IApartments EM S •T Centrally located elevator A M E N ITT Tconnections ST 80 1Gazebo & Bedroom Gazebo connections 80 1E &IWasher/Dryer 2February Bedroom located Gardens A M Etheir NwithIcomputer T IWasher/Dryer S •N social, Centrally located elevator Gardens • connections l Centrally located l ••Bedroom Resident business center •80 wellness programs A M E N IEGazebo Isocial, E S with computer access 11 Bedroom Apartments •E Centrally located elevator 1 Gardens & 2 80 Gazebo Gardens 80 1• Gazebo Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Gazebo & M I& T IWasher/Dryer EIGazebo S & program, including on-site • connections health monitoring A•2S M E NE IBedroom TN IWasher/Dryer EGardens S 80 1Centrally & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo A M N IE T INWasher/Dryer E A M N IIAlocated T I80Centrally E A E N IS E 1•M 2Services Bedroom Apartments •S connections •Bedroom 80wellness 1I&M 2 Bedroom Apartments Limited Availability ••80 80 & 2 Bedroom A M E IE •N Educational, social, & Esocial, •connections connections A M N I•80 T IE E people to reach their goals in order toelevator enhance lives, families, and •• 80 1A & 2S Apartments •IEducational, 1 & 2 Bedroom 1& elevator & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally elevator Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Centrally located Gardens •Supportive Washer/Dryer • Resident business center programs Centrally located elevator Gardens E N I T I E AApartments M E N I business T IWasher/Dryer EE • 80 1NCentrally &•access 2 Apartments •80 Centrally located elevator Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Centrally located elevator l Fully equipped fitness center Resident center wellness programs •on-site connections located elevator Gardens A M E N T E with computer access 80 1•with & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo 80Bedroom 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments with computer •Televator Centrally located elevator social, & Centrally located elevator Gardens B AS LGazebo E Apartments O N ,Centrally V IR GGardens Ielevator I Road) AI 80 1 & Bedroom Apartments Gazebo •S Supportive • Gazebo Gardens A M E N1 II T Ilocated E S • Centrally located Centrally located elevator A M E N T I2 E S l Gazebo & Gardens •I& Washer/Dryer connections A M E N I T I E with access A M E N IEducational, T IS SS & & Gaz •access & 2Gardens Bedroom Apartments Washer/Dryer connections 80 1Educational, & 2 Bedroom Apartments 1Centrally & 2S Bedroom Apartments Gazebo 80 1N & Bedroom Apartments Central laundry facility 80 & 2 Bedroom Resident business center A M E N I T I E •wellness located elevator •Apartments social, located Gardens 80 1elevator & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo B E computer ALETON, VIR G I 80 IA 1 A M E N I80 T IWasher/Dryer E S •1wellness Washer/Dryer connections • connections l Centrally located l services A M E N T I E S • Centrally Resident business center wellness programs • Resident business center programs • & 2 Bedroom Apartments ••Supportive Resident business center wellness programs computer access elevator Gardens Centrally located elevator Gardens • Educational, social, & 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo • Centrally located elevator A M E N I T I E S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo • located elevator • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & M E N I T I E S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo A M E I T I E S • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Washer/Dryer connections A M E N I T I E S • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center programs l Food Pantry Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) Washer/Dryer connections A M E N I T I E S B E A L E T O N , V I R G I N I A Centrally located elevator Gardens • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator B E A L E T O N , V I R G I N I A • Educational, social, & Centrally located elevator Gardens located elevator Gardens 80 1SIWasher/Dryer & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally elevator •N Educational, social, &E Central laundry facility Central facility Central laundry facility Gazebo 80 1Centrally & 2access Bedroom Gazebo Resident business center •Apartments Centrally located elevator computer access business center Resident business center • Centrallycenter locatedResident elevator 80 1with &with 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo computer •connections Resident business wellness programs 80 1elevator & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo A M N I& T IWasher/Dryer E •facility Resident business center wellness programs health monitoring A L E T O N , V I R GResident Icounties, NIA program, including on-site ABedroom M E80 N I1 IT E Centrally elevator Gardens Central laundry with computer access • •& Washer/Dryer connections A M E I Gardens T Ilaundry S Central laundry facility •E & 2 Bedroom Apartments 80 1located 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo business center •M Educational, social, & •center Educational, social, & •elevator Centrally located elevator 80 & 2Program Bedroom Apartments A M E N Ilocated EResident 80 1S & 2 Apartments Gazebo Educational, social, & 80located 1 & Fauquier, 2 Bedroom Gazebo • Centrally located • Centrally located elevator connections communities. In Culpeper, Rappahannock People • Resident business center wellness • Educational, social, & social, &with Centrally laundry facility •80 Educational, social, 1Tcall: 2located Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Central laundry f Centrally located elevator Gardens 80 and 1Apartments &B E2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo •Gardens Centrally located elevator Centrally Gardens B A L E Oelevator N ,business V I programs REducational, G I elevator N I• A Resident center Centrally located elevator Central laundry facility •Central Educational, social, & Centrally located elevator with computer access business center Central laundry facilityG Resident business center •business Centrally located elevator • Educational, social, & business •80 Centrally located A E N IGazebo T I• E SS For more information program, including on-site with access •elevator Resident business center wellness programs • Washer/Dryer connections Centrally elevator Gardens Central laundry facility 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments computer access 80 1Resident 2Centrally Bedroom Apartments Gazebo •computer Educational, social, &Gardens with computer access Resident business center elevator • center Educational, social, & lApartments Gazebo & Gardens • Centrally located elevator Centrally located Gardens with access B1 E80 A L& EGazebo TEducational, OResident Nlocated ,E V IR GGardens I&NT I located A Central laundry facility For more call: Resident business center 1O1within & Bedroom Apartments Gazebo 80 1with & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo with computer access 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo •Ielevator Centrally 80 1 & Bedroom Apartments •information Centrally located elevator social, & • Educational, social, & Central laundry fac the Homes subdivision. Educational, social, & 80 1computer & Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Educational, &Gazebo computer access Resident business center 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments l & Centrally located elevator • Resident center wellness programs • Resident business center wellness programs Central social, laundry facilityGard For more information call: located Centrally elevator Gardens wellness Blocated E equipped A Lbusiness E• Tlocated N , elevator V2 R G IRyan Nwith IA more information call: Resident business center 80 1programs &2 2& Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) Centrally located elevator Gardens l Fully equipped fitness center ••social, Resident business center 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments wellness programs • Centrally located elevator 80 1Centrally & 2located Bedroom Gazebo • Educational, social, &elevator computer access 80 1Gazebo & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo with computer access Educational, & located elevator Gardens with computer access •For Educational, social, & Fully fitness center Resident business center wellness programs 80 122 &Centrally 280 Bedroom Apartments with computer access For more information call: Centrally located elevator Gardens with computer access • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center wellness programs 80 1 & Bedroom Apartments Gazebo with computer access Central laundry facility •Gardens Educational, social, & located elevator Gardens •L Centrally located elevator •with Resident business center wellness programs with computer access Resident business center Educational, social, & Gazebo BBEElocated A E T Oelevator N ,Resident Iwith R G IHomes ICentrally A 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Educational, social, & •programs Educational, social, & Educational, social, & computer access Central laundry facility Central laundry facility For more information call: Central laundry facility 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments •health Educational, social, & Central • Centrally located elevator Resident business center laundry facility Centrally located elevator Resident center Resident business center •fitness Centrally located elevator computer access wellness programs •equipped Resident business center Resident business wellness programs with computer access wellness programs •center Resident business center wellness programs • business center wellness programs 80 1laundry & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo 80 1V & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo • Resident business center wellness programs within the subdivision. • Resident business center wellness programs • Resident business center wellness programs Educational, social, & monitoring health monitoring with computer access Educational, social, & Centrally Gardens Inc. Community and Centrally Economic Services provides business and personal ABedroom L E T O N , business V IRyan R G ICentrally N IN A Fully equipped center Fully equipped fitness center with computer access Central facility 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo with computer access Central laundry facility Resident business center •wellness Resident business center wellness wellness programs • Educational, social, & 80 1 & 2 Apartments Gazebo 540-642-3076 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Resident business center • Resident business center l Food Pantry programs Educational, social, & Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo • Educational, social, & For more information call: Educational, soci located elevator Gardens • Educational, social, & Centrally located elevator Gardens Educational, social, & Fully fitness center Centrally located elevator Gardens 540-642-3076 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Central laundry facility with computer access • Resident business center Centrally located elevator Gardens wellness programs Central laundry fac with computer access Central laundry facility C Resident business center Centrally located elevator Gardens Central laundry facility • Educational, social, & Centrally located elevator Gardens wellness programs Resident business center Educational, social, & Central laundry facility Centrally located elevator Gardens Resident business center Resident business center wellness programs with computer access Resident business center Resident business center • Food Pantry • Gazebo and with computer access For more information call: with computer access 540-402-6005 • Resident business center wellness programs withlaundry computer access Fully equipped fitnesscenter center Centrally located elevator Gardens with computer access 80 1wellness & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Fully equipped fitness 540-642-3076 Central facility with computer access 540-642-3076 For information call: 80 1business & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo wellness programs elevator Gardens with computer Resident business center Centrally located elevator Gardens • Resident center wellness programs Educational, social Central facility Centrally located elevator Gardens For more information call: 540-402-6005 Resident business center Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) Centrally located elevator Gardens Educational, social, & l Fully equipped fitness center •access Resident business center wellness programs with computer access with computer access Fully equipped fitness center 540-642-3076 with computer access with computer access Educational, social, &Gazebo 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator wellness located elevator Gardens Cen Educational, social, &laundry withCentrally computer accesslocated540-402-6005 wellness programs Centrally located elevator Resident business center 80 1business & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo 540-402-6005 with Centrally computer access with computer access Resident business center Centrally located elevator Gardens 540-402-6005 • Resident center programs Central laundry facility Centrally located elevator wellness programs For more information call: Central laundry facility 540-642-3076 with computer access For more information call: Resident business center Fully equipped fitness center Fully equipped fitness center Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) Resident business center with computer access Centrally located elevator Gardens Centrally located elevator Gardens l Fully equipped fitness center Educational, social, &programs •Centrally Resident business center wellness programs Central laundry facility with computer access with computer access Educational, social, &located • access Resident business center wellness programs • Resident business center wellness programs with computer access elevator Gardens Resident business center with computer with computer access with computer access with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Educational, social, & Gardens For more information call: Centrally located elevator Gardens with computer access wellness programs wellness loans. The Personal Lending program provides consumers access to l Food Pantry Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) wellness programs within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Educational, social, & program with computer access 540-402-6005 Resident business center 540-642-3076 Educational, social, &with Centrally located elevator Gardens Educational, social, &call: wellness programs Fully equipped fitness center Centrally located elevator Gardens Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Educational, social, & with computer access equipped fitness center Central laundry facility Central laundry facility Fully equipped fitness center For more information call: Central laundry facility Educational, social, &laund Resident business center wellness programs Ifbusiness you would likecenter to be Fully on our located WAITING LIST TO APPLY For more information Central laundry facility with computer access Resident business center Resident business center Centrally elevator Gardens business center with computer access with computer access computer access wellness programs Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9Resident a.m.–5 p.m. Central laundry facility • Resident business center with computer access wellness programs Fully equipped fitness center • Resident business center Fully equipped fitness center wellness programs wellness programs Community Garden Resident with computer access Educational, social, & For more information call: 540-402-6005 Fully equipped fitness center with computer access with computer access Central Educational, social, & 540-642-3076 Centrally located Gardens wellness programs Central laundry facility 540-642-3076 Resident business center wellness programs Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Central la Fully equipped fitness center Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Centrally located elevator Gardens Resident business center Educational, social El with computer access Resident business center l Food Pantry Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) Fully equipped fitness center For more information call: •elevator Fitness Center For more information call: Central If computer you would like to be with on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Educational, social, &subdivision. Fully equipped fitness center Office hours: computer access Central laundry facility with computer access wellness programs Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. wellness programs Centrally located elevator Gardens Resident business center with computer for an apartment, call: with computer access Resident business center Central laundry facility Centrally located elevator Gardens within the Ryan Homes Educational, social, & Central laundry facility Central laundry facility •access Supportive services program, including Resident business center For more information call: wellness programs Resident business center Fully equipped fitness center wellness programs 540-402-6005 • Fully equipped fitness center with access Resident business center 540-402-6005 Central lau within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Educational, social, &access with computer access Fully equipped fitness center with computer access Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. with computer access Resident business center 540-642-3076 540-642-3076 Fully equipped fitness center Resident business center Fully equipped fitness center For more information call: Central laundry facility with computer Edu wellness programs For more information call: For more information call: wellness programs Resident business center with computer access wellness programs Fully equipped fitness center 540-642-3076 with computer access low-cost financing forFully short-term needs as debt consolidation, car Educational, social, & For more information call: wellness programs for an apartment, call: equipped fitnesssuch center Educational, social, & with computer access Central laundry facility Resident business center Educational, social, & Centrally located elevator Gardens Resident business center Central laundry facility Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. For more information call: Fully equipped fitness center 540-402-6005 Central 540-402-6005 Educational, social, wellness programs Centrally located elevator Gardens Resident business center For more information call: 540-642-3076 Fully equipped fitness center Central laundry facility with computer Resident business center 540-642-30 For information call: •access Supportive services program, including with computer access wellness programs Resident business center with computer access within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Fully equipped fitness center with computer access For more information call: Educational, social, & For more information call: Fully equipped fitness center 540-402-6005 with computer access Central laundry facility Fully equipped fitness center with computer access 540-642-3076 with computer access Central laundry fa with computer access ResidentFor business center wellness programs w 540-642-3076 Resident business center social, & &laun Educational, social, & more information call: Office hours: Mon.–Sat., a.m.–5 p.m. For more information call: Education Flooring Specialists and More 540-402-6005 540-402-6005 540-642-3076 with computer access wellness programs Central For more information call: 540-642-3076 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9•9 a.m.–5 p.m. Central la Fully equipped fitness center Fully equipped fitness center wellness programs within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Educational, social, & Educational, social, & Educational, Resident business center Educational, with computer access Resident business center For more information call: 540-402-6005 540-402-6005 Fully equipped fitness center 540-642-3076 For more information call: 540-642-3076 with computer access For information call: wellness programs For more information call: Fully equipped fitness center well Educationa For more information call: 540-402-6005 with computer access with computer access 540-642-3076 Fully equipped fitness center on-site health monitoring wellness programs 540-402-6005 540-642-3076 For more information call: Educatiosp wellness programs Fully equipped fitness Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9center a.m.–5 p.m. Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 540-402-6005 Fully equipped fitness center loans and repairs, home improvement, foreclosure prevention, etc. Small with computer access 540-402-6005 Central laundry facility If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY wellness programs For more information call: 540-642-3076 Fully equipped fitness center programs Resident business center Educational, social, & social, with computer access with computer access Office Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 540-402-6005 Fully equipped fitness center Educational, with computer Fully equipped fitness center equipped fitness center For more information wellness programs Central laundry Ifhours: you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY wellness Ask about our Specials If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY with computer access 540-402-6005 wellness programs Resident business center with computer access 540-642-3076 540-402-6005 within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 540-642-3076 540-642-3076 Educational, social, & Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9fitness a.m.–5 p.m.facility Educational, social, && & Fully equipped fitness center wellness programs Fully equipped fitness center Office hours: Mon. -computer Sat., 9 a.m. -access 5call: p.m. Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9center a.m.–5 p.m. Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Fully equipped fitness center Ask about our Move-in Specials •wellness Gazebo &Move-in Gardens If you would like Fully to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Educational, socia If you wouldcomputer like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Fully equipped fitness center on-site health monitoring with access If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY with access Central laundry Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Fully equipped fitness center 540-642-3076 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. wellness prog wellness pr for an apartment, call: Resident business center Ask about our Move-in Specials If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Educational, social, Ask about our Move-in Specials • Supportive services program, including 540-402-6005 If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY For more information call: Educatio 540-642-3076 540-402-6005 540-642-3076 • Fully equipped 540-642-3076 If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 540-402-6005 Fully equipped fitness center Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY 540-642-3076 Fully equipped fitness center Educational, with computer access Ask about our Move-in Specials Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Central lau 540-642-3076 If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 Educational, social, Resident business center Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. wellness programs •an Supportive services program, including If you would like toapartment, be on our LIST APPLY For more information call: 540-402-6005 Ask about our Move-in Specials •call: Gazebo & Gardens 540-402-6005 •Shours: Fully equipped fitness center If you would to be on WAITING LIST TO APPLY 540-402-6005 for an call:WAITING 540-642-3076 wellness Fully equipped fitness for apartment, for an apartment, 540-642-3076 540-642-3076 Office hours: 9 a.m.–5 p.m. For information call: business development services provide training, business technical 540-642-3076 540-642 Scall: E ISpecials ITO RIFully AEPA RT MTO EMon.–Sat., N Tequipped Education For more information call: Office Mon.–Sat., 9& a.m.–5 p.m. 540-402-6005 Fully equipped fitness center forTO an apartment, call: If you like to becall: on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY wellness programs 540-642-3076 with computer access fitness center A11 M E540-402-6005 N S 540-642-3076 wellness programs •like Supportive services including for an apartment, call: wellness programs for would anFor apartment, Ask about our Move-in you like to be on our WAITING LIST APPLY Fully equipped fitness center and Sunday -M 5ENour Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Fully equipped fitness center 540-402-6005 for an apartment, call: for an apartment, call: 540-642540-402-6005 Fully equipped fitness center •apartment, Supportive services program, including 540-402-6005 wellness programs for an apartment, call:Fully equipped more information call: 540-642-3076 Fully equipped fitness center Fully equipped fitness center for an apartment, call: Educational, social, Office hours: Mon.–Sat., a.m.–5 p.m. with computer access ASIWasher/Dryer EShours: NITprogram, Ihours: Tcenter EITp.m. S540-642-3076 •If540-402-6005 80 1 an &WAITING 2would Bedroom Apartments pro If you like towould be on our LIST TO A M E N programs I& T I E Swellness 540-402-6005 A M N IN EP S E O RI LIST A R T MIETO N S Ask about our Specials Ifapartment, you like to be WAITING APPLY Office Mon.–Sat., 9•9a.m.–5 p.m. Office Mon.–Sat., a.m.–5 p.m. equipped fitness center with computer access fitness center for call: wellness for anwould call: wellness Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9A•9 a.m.–5 AAPPLY Mon EMove-in N Iour Thours: I Fully Fully equipped fitness center Educational, social, &TO wellness programs Fully equipped center Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Fully equipped fitness center A Educational, M EA N IM Tp.m. IEE N S I T I E on-site health monitoring soc S If like you like toour be on ouran WAITING LIST TO APPLY about our Move-in Specials for apartment, IfAsk you would like to be our LIST TO APPLY Acall: M Eon NEhours: I540-642-3076 TEfitness EIfWAITING on-site health monitoring 540-642-307 assistance, and loans to Fully create orOffice expand an existing business. Both Ifa.m.–5 you would to be WAITING LIST TO APPLY •540-642-3076 connections with computer access Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 A M E N T I E S •you 80 1on &would 2 Bedroom Apartments Office 9 a.m.–5 p.m. hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 p.m. forwould an apartment, call: equipped fitness center A M NOffice IWAITING T ISMon.–Sat., E S wellness 540-402-6005 Ask about our Move-in Specials A M E N I T I E S 540-642-3076 for an apartment, call: you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Ask about our Move-in Specials Fully equipped fitness center Ask about our Move-in Specials If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST APPLY p Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. If like to be on our LIST TO APPLY Educationa Office hours: Mon. Sat., 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 540-642-3076 Ask about our Move-in Specials •be Gazebo & Gardens IfSupportive you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Office hours: Mon. Sat., 9 a.m. 5 p.m. If you would like to be on services our WAITING LIST TO APPLY on-site health monitoring Ask about our Move-in Specials Gazebo &Hours: Gardens Ifcall: you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY A M E N I T I E S on-site health monitoring Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. wellness for an apartment, for an apartment, call: • Washer/Dryer connections Ask about our Move-in Specials If you would like to be on our WAITING TO • program, including Ask about our Move-in Specials If you would like to on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY A • MLIST E Non Iprograms TMove-in I APPLY E S WAITING 540-642-3076 Ask about our Move-in Specials 540-402-6005 • Fully equipped fitness center If you would like to be our LIST TO APPLY Ask about our Special If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO Ask about our Move-in Specials Fully equipped fitness center If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY 540-642-3076 for an apartment, call: Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 540-642-3076 540-642540-642-3076 Office about our Move-in Specials IfAsk you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO 540-642-3076 about our Move-in Specials •call: Gazebo Gardens IfAsk you would like to be on our WAITING LIST for an apartment, 540-642-3076 existing and start-up business clients are eligible forfor services. Credit wellness program 540 Slike EAPPLY N540-642-3076 I Oapartment, R LIST A PA& RT MTO E N T Sbe A• M E NI O R I AT ITO EE N STAPPLY wellness programs an apartment, call: Ask about our Move-in Specials Gazebo & Gardens you would to on WAITING LIST TO A 540-642-3076 for anfor apartment, call: 540-642-3076 540-642-3076 for an call: 5 • Centrally located elevator for an apartment, call: Office hours: 9 S540-642-307 E ISpecials Nour S APPLY Ask our Move-in Fully equipped fitness you to be on ourcall: WAITING APPLY and Sunday 11 -M 5Specials 540-642-3076 for an apartment, call: B E•If A80 Lfor E 1Ta.m.–5 O N2,would Vabout I R G apartment, Icenter NIf I like Ap.m. an 540Fully equipped fitness center an apartment, call: • Supportive services program, including AR11 I LIST EPASRT MTO Fully equipped Ask about our Move-in 80 1Mon.–Sat., &Ask 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo for anan apartment, call: If you would like to be our WAITING 540-642-3076 A E N I S and Sunday -NNE &• Bedroom Apartments for an apartment, call: Scenter E on NSpecials IOR A Pcall: AT TMMIE ETO T5 S TAPPLY about our Move-in for an apartment, If you would like to be on WAITING LIST wellness pr 540-642-3076 for an apartment, call: •Gabout Educational, social, &I ITfitness Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Centrally located elevator for apartment, call: 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments A M ENour N T IA Ebe S M 540-642-3076 A MIE9am-5pm N EP ASR S Office hours: Mon.–Sat., a.m.–5 p.m. S E INSpecials IT O RI LIST A T540-642 M ETO N T S APPLY Ask our Move-in equipped fitness B2 EA L E T you O9 N ,about V I Rwould I •Ncenter I Ato If like to on our WAITING Ask our Move-in Specials 540-6 for an apartment, call: If you would like be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY A M E I E S for an apartment, call: • Washer/Dryer connections A Incorporated M E N I T I Fully E S Mon.-Fri. E N T I E 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo counseling is available as part of both services. People also • 80 1 & Bedroom Apartments 540-642-3076 80 1 an &would 2about Bedroom Apartments Gazebo •you Educational, social, &be + Abe M EE N IM Tour IE ETN S WAITING forlocated apartment, call: health monitoring A IE T I E E Sour Ask our Move-in Specials If you like on LIST TOconnections APPLY for an apartment, call: Ifto would like to on WAITING LIST TO APPLY A M N I T I E S 540-642-3076 • Washer/Dryer Centrally elevator Gardens Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments A M N I I S A M E NOffice I T on-site I E Shours: • Washer/Dryer connections 540-642-3076 for an apartment, call: for an apartment, call: 80 1Mon. & 2elevator Bedroom Apartments Gazebo A M E N IA Tbe I EE SN If you would like to on our LIST540-6 TO APP you would to be on our WAITING LIST TO 540 540-642-3076 •IfResident business center Office hours: - like Sat., 9 a.m. -programs 5 O540-642-3076 p.m. Centrally located Gardens M I APPLY T540-642-3076 IWasher/Dryer E S •Mbe Gazebo &Iwellness Gardens If you like to be on during our WAITING LIST TO APPLY • WAITING connections on-site health 540-642-3076 provides Volunteer Income Tax would Assistance (VITA) the tax season. •ACentrally located elevator for an apartment, call: E 540-642-3076 Non E S B Eapartment, Alaundry L E T WAITING Nprograms , facility V I R G I N I LIST A 540-642-3076 Ifbusiness you would like to be our WAITING TO APPLY 540-642-3076 an call: Ifmonitoring would like to our TO APPLY Central Resident business center 540-642-307 80 1Ion &T 2for Bedroom Apartments Gazebo 540-642-3076 •you Resident center 540-642-3076 If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY 540-642-3076 •GEducational, social, &LIST •Centrally Centrally elevator 540-642-3076 ABedroom E N Iwellness I540-642-3076 E 540-642-3 • BCentrally •M Gazebo If you would like to on APPLY for apartment, call: EAT APA L& EWAITING TGardens O , TVlaundry Relevator I N I Afacility for an apartment, 540-642-3076 540 located Gardens Central 80located 1be &an Selevator E INour IApartments Mlocated EN&NS SI Apartments B EGazebo A L540-642-3076 E TLIST O N , Vsocial, I R G I N I ATO Resident business center with to computer access for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 1 2 Bedroom Gazebo 540-642-3076 80 1TO 2 Bedroom Apartments 540-642-307 withbe computer access A211 Mcall: E -80 N TO&REducational, I LIST E SRT • Educational, &Gazebo Appointments are required. If you would like on our WAITING APPLY Centrally located elevator Gardens and Sunday 5 for an apartment, call: social, & for an apartment, call: • Educational, social, & 540 • Centrally located elevator Centrally located 540-642-3076 for an apartment, call: E A LE E TT OS N ,APPLY V I R G I N I A Gardens computer access 80 1 business &80elevator 2E1elevator Bedroom Gazebo • 80 1 an & with 2 Bedroom Apartments Alocated M I LIST S with computer accessour S2 E IBedroom NEducational, IT O R80 AEP1Apartments AApartments T MBedroom N& If you would like to be on WAITING TO • Resident center programs &N Gazebo 540-642-3076 Centrally Gardens 540-642-3076 for apartment, call: 540-642-3076 social, &RBwellness 2wellness •One Educational, social, & Gazebo wellness programs Central laundryprograms facility Apartments 540-642-3076 located elevator Gardens Roof! Resident business center equipped for an apartment, •be center IfYour you would like toFully our LIST TO APPLY Acall: MResident EonNfitness Ibusiness Tcenter IWasher/Dryer EWAITING SCentrally 540-64 Hometown Store So Much Under •WAITING connections 80 1 an &would 2 apartment, Bedroom Apartments 80 1Centrally & 2programs Bedroom Apartments Central laundry facility Centrally located elevator Resident business center Central laundry facilityGardens Resident business center •S Resident business center wellness programs 540-642-3076 for call: with computer access located elevator Gardens Fully equipped fitness center If •you like to be on our LIST TO APPLY with computer accesswellness A M E N I T I E Educational, social, & • Washer/Dryer connections Central laundry facility Centrally located elevator Central laundryprograms facility Gardens 540-642-3076 Resident business center business center with computer access For information call: Resident •more Resident business center wellness with computer access 540-642-3076 for an apartment, call: Volunteer Income Tax Assistancefor Program Educational, social, & 540-642-3076 wellness programs 540-642-3076 located elevator CentralInventory laundry facilityGardens equipped with fitness center 540-642-3076 For information call: Resident business center • Centrally located elevator computer access computer access an apartment, call: The Largest In-Stock of Carpe withCentrally computer access 540-642-3076 B E Awith L EtoTbeOmore N ,our VWAITING I R Gequipped I N ILIST AFully Central laundry facility wellness programs Resident business center Educational, social, & 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Educational, social, & 540-642-3076 Fully fitness center Centrally located elevator If you would like on TO APPLY with computer access with access Educational, social, & access computer • Centrally elevator Central laundry business center 540-642-3076 540-642-3076 For more information call: BforEan Aapartment, L EonTour O , V I Resident R •GLIST I Ncomputer ITO Awith Educational, & Educational, social, &social, 703-324-7280; TTY 711 If you would like to be APPLY 80located 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo call:NWAITING wellness programs Fully equipped fitness center 540-642-3076 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo 540-642-3076 For more information call: • Educational, social, & with computer access Centrally located elevator Gardens wellness programs for an apartment, call:Fully equipped Central laun Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, wellness programs Resident business center Educational, social, &Hardwood IfApartments you would like to be onequipped our WAITING LIST TOArea APPLY center Fully fitness fitness center Flooring Specialists and More with computer access 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Gazebo https://www.irs.gov/individuals/free-tax-return-preparation-for-youwellness programs • Resident business center wellness programs 540-642-3076 540-642-3076 Centrally located elevator Educational, soc Resident business center If youhours: would like toapartment, be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Office Mon.–Sat., 9call:Gardens a.m.–5 p.m. Fully equipped fitness center For more540-642-3076 information call: for an Central laundry facility 540-642-3076 Resident business center • Resident business center wellness programs wellness programs Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9equipped a.m.–5 p.m. for an apartment, call: For more information call: by-volunteers with computer access FullyCentral fitness center Laminate, Ceramic &wellness Remnants! Centrally located elevator Gardens program laundry Resident business center Educational with computer access If you would like to be 9ona.m.–5 ourfacility WAITING LIST TO APPLY Office hours: Mon.–Sat., p.m. Fully equipped fitness center with computer access with computer access Educational, social, & 540-642-3076 The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax S E N I O R A PA RT M E N T S S E N I O R A PA RT M E N T S




TO 80 1 & 2 Bedroom S E N IApartments OBRE AALPEA R NT,MVEI RNGTI N SI A Gazebo S E N I O R A PA RT M E N T B AL ON V I,R GVI N A GGazebo SSE N I O R A P A R T M E N T S B EEA LEET T O, N I IR INIA 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments 80 1 & 280 Bedroom Apartments BEALETON, VIRGINIA EN I OGardens R A PGazebo A RET N M EI N S A PA RT M E S OTR 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo located elevator ON, VIRGS IN IA S EN N IT O RSA PS A RET N M EINO T SR A P A R T M E N T S S E N I O R A P A Gardens RTM ENTS 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Gazebo Centrally located elevator B ECentrally A L E T Apartments O NB ,E VA I RLGE I NTI A Centrally Gardens Blocated E A L E Tlocated O N , elevator V I Relevator G I N I A Gazebo S E Gardens N I O R A PA RT M E N T S 80 1 &Centrally 2 Bedroom Apartments E N I O R A PA RT M E N T S Centrally located elevator Gardens BBEElocated A LE TO ON N , VV IR I NAI A Central laundry facility EMTEO NS S E N I O RBAEPA AL RT NT S, V I R G I N I A center Gardens T GIG ION Central laundry S I OIA RRL A ANR N T,Sbusiness BCentrally EALETO NE, NV GPE IResident ITAM Eelevator Resident business center SI R E N RI A P AGazebo R T M E N T SCentral 80 1 & facility 2 Bedroom Apartments S E NB I Ofacility RE AA PS AL RE T MT EI N TR SN laundry facility N O AI,R PG A R T MG EI NN TS Central laundry Resident business center B A E T O N , V I N I A Resident business center E L E O V I R I A Centrally located elevator Gardens S E N I O R A P A R T M E N T S with computer access CentralBlaundry Resident business center E A LResident E Tfacility ON, V I R G I N I center A E social, N IOR P A R T facility MENT with computer access SSE EN OR AR TM S E NGardens I O R A P AEducational, R T M ESN T SA& Central laundry business Educational, social, &located BE A L TII A O NA, PV IR GEIN NTISA Centrally elevator with computer access with computer access BNEI OAR LA&E O I RA GIN S social, E P ATRE TN MNEI,NO TV SR Educational, RTMENTS Educational, social, with computer access Resident business center wellness programs Educational, social, & B E ASLE ES TO NR , VA IP RA GR I NP IA A& Fully equipped fitness Central center laundry facility with computer access wellness programs business N IGN O T MI ENT S Educational, social, & Fully equipped fitness center Central laundry facility B A E T O IR Resident center Ewellness A L EL TO , VO I Rprograms wellness programs 80 1 &social, 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo access Fully equipped fitnesscenter center equipped fitness BBE E A L ENT NI N, ,I AVV IR GG I N IN AI A B E A L E T Oprograms N , with V I R G computer I Fully N I A Gazebo wellness 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Educational, & Fully equipped fitness center B AL ON V I,Rprograms GVI N A GGazebo B EE A LEET T O, N I IR INIA wellness 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments 80 1 & 280 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo fitness center B with E A L E computer T O N , VFully I R Gaccess I Nequipped IA 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Educational, social, located elevator O N , V& I R G I N I A Gardens 80 1 & 2wellness Bedroom Gazebo Centrally located elevator Gardens B ECentrally Aprograms L E T Apartments O NB ,E VA I RLGE I NTI A Fully equipped fitness center Centrally Gardens Gardens B E A L E Tlocated O N , elevator V Iprograms Relevator G I N I A Gazebo located &Centrally 2our Bedroom Apartments wellness Centrally located elevator Fully equipped fitness center BEA L E TTO ON , V IRG INIA Central laundry facility IfGardens you would like to80 be1on WAITING LIST APPLY Resident business center

Centrally Gardens B Elocated A L E T O elevator N, VIRGINIA Central laundry If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Resident business center 80 1be & facility 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Central laundry facility Central laundry facility If you would like to beour on our WAITING TO APPLY Resident business center Resident business center If you would like toapartment, on WAITING LIST TO APPLY Centrally locatedLIST elevator for an call: with computer access Gardens Central laundry facility Resident business center If you would like toapartment, be on our LIST TO APPLY for an call:WAITING Educational, & with computer access If you would like Central social, laundry facility Resident business center toapartment, becall: on our WAITING LIST APPLY Educational, social, &located Centrally elevator GardensEducational, for an call: withTO computer access for an apartment, with computer access social, & Educational, social, & with computer access for an apartment, call: Resident business center wellness programs If you like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Educational, social, & Fully equipped fitness Central center laundry facility with computer access for anwould apartment, call: wellness programs Educational, social, & FullyIfequipped fitness center Central laundry facility programs Resident business center wellness programs wellness you would like toapartment, be on our LIST TO APPLY with computer access Fully equipped fitnesscenter center Fully equipped fitness for an call:WAITING wellness programs Educational, social, & wellness programs Fully equipped fitness center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: Educational, social, & If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY wellness programs Fully equipped fitness center would If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY If you like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: wellness programs If you would like toapartment, be on our TO APPLY for an call:WAITING LIST Fully equipped fitness center If you would like to belike on our WAITING LIST our TO APPLY If you would toapartment, becall: on WAITING LIST TO APPLY If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for call: for an apartment, If you like to be WAITING If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Aon Mour Ebe N on Ian Tour I LIST EWAITING S TO APPLY forwould an apartment, for an apartment, call: If you like toapartment, be onEcall: our LIST TO APPLY A M Ncall: I WAITING T I E S Ifwould you would like to LIST TO APPLY for an an apartment, If you like to be on our LIST TO Acall: M WAITING EA N IM T IEEcall: S I T for for an apartment, N I APPLY E S for would an apartment, call: for an apartment, call:A M E N I T I E S If you would to be A on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY If you like to be like onfor our WAITING LIST TO APPLY apartment, call: 80 1 an & 2 Bedroom Apartments for anwould apartment, call: M E N I TGazebo I E S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo If like you like be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY If you would to be onto WAITING TO APPLY forwould an apartment, call: 80 1N &1Centrally 2I&Bedroom Apartments Gazebo for an apartment, 80 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Aour M E T I call: Elocated SLIST elevator Gardens 80 1Centrally & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo located elevator Gardens If you like toapartment, be on our WAITING LIST forwould an apartment, call: for an call: 80 & Bedroom Apartments Gazebo A1Centrally M2 Resident Elocated Nlocated Ielevator T Ielevator ETO S APPLY Gardens Centrally Gardens Central laundry facility business center Centrally elevator Central laundryGardens facility Residentlocated business center 80 1call: & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo for an apartment, Centrally located elevator with computer access center Central laundryGardens facility Resident business center Central laundry facility Resident business Educational, social, & with computer access center Central laundry facility80 1Centrally Resident business Educational, social, & & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo located elevator Gardens with computer access with computer access Central Resident business center wellness programs M laundry E N I T facility Isocial, E S & Educational, social, &A Educational, Fully equipped fitness center withFully computer access A M E social, N I T I &E Centrally S 80 1 & 2located wellness programs Educational, equipped fitness center Bedroomcenter Apartments Gazebo elevator Gardens Central laundry facility withFully computer access Resident business A M EA N IM T Isocial, E N S I& T I E S wellness programs E wellness programs Educational, equipped fitness center Fully equipped fitness center M E N I T with I E S access wellness A programs Fully equipped fitness center 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments computer 80 1S & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo 80 1Centrally &2 Bedroom Apartments A M programs E N I TGazebo I E Central laundry facility Resident business center located elevator Gardens wellness Educational, social, & Gazebo 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Fully equipped fitness center 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Gazebo Apartments Gazebo 80 1N&1Centrally 2I&Bedroom Apartments 80 Bedroom ApartmentsGazebo Gazebo A M E T2social, I Elocated S &elevator withFully computer access Gardens 80 1 &1Centrally 2&Bedroom Apartments If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY wellness programs 80 2 Bedroom ApartmentsGazebo Gazebo located elevator Gardens Educational, 80 1Centrally & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo equipped fitness center Centrally located elevator Gardens located elevator Gardens Central laundry facility If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Resident business center 80 1Centrally & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo located elevator Gardens 80 & Bedroom Apartments Gazebo A1Centrally M2 Resident E N Ielevator T center Ielevator E S for an like apartment, located Gardens Centrally located Gardens If you would to beto on call: our TO APPLY Central laundry facility business If you like be WAITING on our LIST WAITING LIST TO APPLY wellness & 2 Resident Bedroom Apartments Gazebo for an apartment, Fullywith equipped fitness center Centrally elevator Gardens located elevator Gardens Centrally located elevator Gardens Central laundry facility Residentlocated business center computer access would If you would like to call: be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Central laundry facility business center A Central M Eprograms N I laundry T Gazebo I E S facility 80 1Centrally Resident business center 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments

Mintbrook Inc. Mintbrook Early’s Carpet, Mintbrook Mintbrook Mintbrook Mintbrook

540-402-6005 540-402-6005 AAM M E NEI TNI EI ST I E Ask about ourMove-in Move-in Specials Ask about our Specials Askabout about ourMove-in Move-in Specials Ask about ourMove-in Move-in Specials Ask our Specials Ask about our Move-in Specials Ask about our Specials Ask about ourA Move-in Specials Ask about our Move-in Specials E Specials NEI TNI EI ST I E S Ask Ask about our about ourMove-in Move-in Specials AM M Ask about our Move-in Specials540-642-3076 540540-402-6005 540-402-6005 Educational, social, &

for an apartment, Centrally located elevator Centrally elevator If you for an apartment, call: computer Central laundryGardens facility Resident business center Central laundry facility Central laundry facility Resident business center Apartments Residentlocated business center would like to call: be Gardens on our WAITING LIST TO with APPLY Educational, social, & 80 1access & 2 Bedroom Gazebo with computer access center Central laundry facility Resident business located elevator Educational, social, & with computer access center 80 1Centrally & 2 wellness Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Central laundryGardens facility with computer access Resident business center Central laundry facilit located programs elevator Gardens A M E access N I T I E Centrally S Resident business with computer with computer access apartment, call: Educational, social, & Central laundry facility Resident business center Educational, social, wellness programs Fully equipped fitness center If youcenter would like tofor be onan our WAITING LIST TO APPLY with computer access Educational, social, & Educational, social, & Central laundry facility Fully equipped center& Resident business withFully computer access Educational, & 1 & 2located wellness programs 80 1access & fitness 2Gazebo Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Educational, social, & social, equipped fitness center Centrally located elevator Gardens 80 Bedroomcenter Apartments Centrally elevator Gardens with computer access with computer access Central laundry facility with computer Central laundry facility for an apartment, call: Resident business business center wellness programs wellness programs wellness programs wellness programs Educational, social, & Educational, Educational, social, & If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Fully equipped fitness center social, & Fully equipped fitness center Fully fitness centerResident Fully equipped fitness center computer access wellness programs wellness programs Fully equipped with fitness center Educational, social, & equipped Fully equipped fitness center with computer access 80 1 Gardens & 2center Bedroom Apartments Gazebo 80 1Centrally &2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Centrally located elevator Central laundry facility Resident business center located elevator Central laundryGardens facility with computer access wellness programs for an apartment, call: Educational, social, & center Resident business Fully equipped fitness wellness social, programs Educational, & Fully equipped fitness center Fully equipped fitness center wellness programs wellness programs with computer access If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY wellness programs Fully equipped fitness center 80 Educational, social, & Fully equipped fitnesscenter center Centrally located elevator Gardens with computer access 80 1Centrally &2 Bedroom Apartments 1 WAITING & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo Central laundry facility Central laundry facility If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLYIf you would like to be on Resident business center Resident business our LIST TO APPLY located elevator Gardens wellness programs Educational, social, & Gazebo Fully equipped fitness center for an like apartment, If you would would to beto on call: our TO APPLY If you like be WAITING on our LIST WAITING LIST TO APPLY wellness programs for an apartment, call: Fully equipped fitness center for an apartment, call: with computer access

for an apartment, call:

80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments 80 1Centrally & 2 Bedroom Apartments located elevator Centrally elevator Residentlocated business center with computer access center Resident business withFully computer access equipped fitness center

Mintbrook Mintbrook


If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY with computer access Central facility Resident center youlaundry would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY wellness programs If you would like to be our WAITING LIST TObusiness Educational, social, & If 80 1& 2&Bedroom Apartments for anGazebo apartment, call: Educational, social, & 80 1on 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo for an apartment, call: Fully equipped fitness center Centrally located elevator Gardens Centrally located elevator Gardens IfAPPLY you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Central laundry facility to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Resident business center Gazebo for an apartment, call: If you would likefor for an like apartment, withFully computer access an apartment, call: wellness programs If you would would to be on call: our TO APPLYLIST apartment, call: If you like to be WAITING on WAITING TO APPLY Educational, social, & our LIST wellness programs equipped fitness center If you would like to for be onan our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, Fully equipped fitness center 80 1Centrally & 2LIST Bedroom Apartments Gazebo with computer access If you would like to call: be on our WAITING TO located APPLY located elevator Gardens Central laundry facility Centrally elevator Gardens Resident business Central laundry facility Educational,LIST social, & APPLY Resident business center for ancenter apartment, for an apartment, for an apartment, call: wellness If you would like to call: be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY If you would likeprograms to call: be on our WAITING TO Fully equipped fitness center Central laundryGardens facility for an apartment, 80 1 & 2call: Bedroom Apartments Gazebo with computer access for an apartment, call: Centrally located elevator Gardens for apartment, call: with computer access Central facility Educational, social, & Resident business center laundry facilitywellness programs Fully equipped fitness center Iflaundry you would like toCentral be onan our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Resident business center Educational, social, & Central laundry facility80 1Centrally Educational, social, & If you would likeGazebo to be on our WAITING LIST & 2 Bedroom Apartments forTO anAPPLY apartment, call: located elevator Gardens wellness programs with computer access If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY with computer access Central laundry facility Fully equipped fitness center Resident business center wellness programs Educational, social, Educational, social, & for an apartment, Fully equipped fitness center If you would like to call: be on our WAITING LIST TO& APPLY wellness programs for an apartment, call: Educational, social, & Centrally 80 1 & 2located Bedroomcenter Apartments Gazebo elevator Gardens Central laundry facility withFully computer access Resident business for an apartment, call: wellness programs wellness social, programs Educational, & equipped fitness center Fully equipped fitness center wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Fully equipped fitness center with computer access 80 1Centrally &2 Bedroom Apartments Central laundry facility Resident business center located elevator Gardens wellness programs Educational, social, & Gazebo Fully equipped fitness center for an apartment, If you would like to call: be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY with computer access If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY wellness programs Educational, social, & call: Fully equipped fitnesscenter center Centrally located elevator Gardens for an apartment, Central laundry facility If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Resident business for an like apartment, If you would to beto on call: our TO APPLYLIST If you like be WAITING on our LIST WAITING TO APPLY wellness programs for an apartment, call: Fullywith equipped center computerfitness access would


Central laundry facility

Resident business center

If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call:

Educational,LIST social, & APPLY for an apartment, apartment, for an call: If you would like to call: be on our WAITING TO withFully computer access wellness programs apartment, call: Educational, equipped fitness center If you would like to for be onan our WAITING LIST TO APPLY

social, & wellness programs

for an apartment, If you would to call: be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Fullylike equipped fitness center for an apartment, call:

540-402-6005 540-402-6005

If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, If you would like to call: be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call:

Early’s Carpet, Inc.

540-402-6005 Gardens 540-402-6005 Ask about ourMove-in Move-in Specials Ask about our Specials 540-642-3076 Ask about ourMove-in Move-in Specials 540-642-30 Ask about our Specials 540-642-3076 540-642 A SOPHISTICUT, LTD 540-402-6005 540-642-3076 about our Move-in Specials IfAsk youThe would like to beIn-Stock on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY wellness programs Serving Fauquier County for 20 years Family Haircare Largest Inventory of Carpet, 540-402-6005 Fully equipped fitness center about our Move-in Specials IfAsk you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO progra APPLY 540-6 wellness Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Fully equipped fitness center for an apartment, call: Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Flooring Specialists and More

elevator hours: 9 a.m.–5 If you would likeMon.–Sat., to be on our LISTp.m. TO APPLY with computer access call:WAITING withCentrally computer accesslocatedOffice A M E NforI an T Iapartment, ES

540-642-3076 Educational, social, & wellness for an apartment, call: preparation assistance to individuals and families who earned $56,000 or Fully equipped fitness center A Mprograms E N I TFully I E S equipped fitness center laundry facility wellness pro wellness programs Resident business center A hours: M APPLY E N I T I Mon.–Sat., E S Central If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO Office 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Fully equipped fitness center Fully equipped fitness center + less. IRS trained and certified volunteers are available at 15 sites throughout A M Mon.–Sat., E NTO I T I APPLY E S If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST Central laundry Resident business center Office hours: 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Foranmore information If you call: would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for apartment, call: Northern Virginia and will ensure you receive the maximum tax refund andfor with Ifinformation youcall: would likecall: to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Forapartment, more computer access an for an apartment, call: Educational, social, & If you wouldcomputer to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY with access help determine if you are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). for an apartment, A MRoof! ENITIES Your like Hometown Store Socall: Much Under One 540-642-3076 Educational, so 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments 80 1Centrally & 2 Bedroom Apartments located elevator Centrally elevator Residentlocated business center with computer access center Resident business withFully computer access equipped fitness center




80 1 & 2 Bedroom Gardens Central laundryApartments facility 80 1Centrally & 2 Bedroom Apartments located elevator


Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & Centrally locatedcenter elevator Central laundryGardens facility Resident wellnessbusiness programs Educational, social, & with computer access center Central laundry facility Resident business Educational, social, & wellness programs Fully equipped fitness center with computer access wellness programs Educational, social, & Fully equipped fitness center

If you would like toapartment, be on our for an call:WAITING LIST TO APPLY Fully equipped fitness center If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 for an apartment, call:


wellness programs 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments

540-642-3076 540-642-3076

If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY & 2 Bedroom Apartments located elevator If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO80 APPLY1Centrally for an apartment, call: for an apartment, call:

(540) 349-5888




with computer access center OfficeAmissville, hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Central laundry facility Resident business for an apartment, call: Family Haircare (540) 349-5888 14574 Lee Highway, VA 20106 Educational, social, & withFully computer access wellness programs Educational, social, & equipped fitness center Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! 540-937-5500 wellness programs Fully equipped fitness center Tues. - Fri. 9-5 • Sat. 8-2 Like us on Facebook AMENITIES If you494-B would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY Broadview Avenue 540-642-3076 M-F 9am to 5 pm ~ Sat Closed 10am toSunday 4pm & Monday for an apartment, A M E N I T I E S If you would like to call: be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY 540-642-3076 Tues. & be Thurs. evening by appt. only VA 20186 for an apartment,Warrenton, call: 80 1 &on 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo If you would like to our WAITING LIST TO APPLY EMERGENCY SERVICES 80 1Centrally & 2 Bedroom Apartments Gazebo located elevator Gardens If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY + Day, Night & Weekends Available Centrally elevator laundryGardens facility Residentlocated business center for an apartment, call: Specialists and More Central with computer access center Central laundry facility Resident business for anFlooring apartment, call: Educational, social, & If you would like to be on our WAITINGCentrally LIST Resident TO APPLY located elevator business center for an apartment, call:

Central laundryGardens facility 540-642-3076

Ask about ourMove-in Move-in Specials Early’s Carpet, Inc. Ask about our Specials540-642-3076 540-64 Early’s Carpet, Inc. Early’s Carpet, Inc. Early’s Early’s Carpet, Carpet, Inc. Inc. Early’s Carpet, Inc. Early’s Inc.Inc. Early’s Carpet, Inc. Early’sCarpet, Carpet,

Flooring Specialists andand MoreMore Flooring Specialists Flooring and More Flooring Specialists Flooring Specialists and Specialists More and More

with computer access

wellness programs Educational, social, & Fully equipped fitness center Flooring Specialists and and MoreYou already know we are your hometown carpet Flooring Fully equipped fitness center Store wellness Your Hometown Soprograms Much Flooring Specialists Specialists and More More 14574 Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 and vinyl experts. But did you know… + If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY + 540-937-5500 540-642-3076





+ + Your

The Largest In-Stock Inventory Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, H The Largest In-Stock Inventory of Carpet, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic & Rem

for an apartment, If you would like to call: be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY

for an apartment, call: M-F 9am to 5 pm ~Your Sat 10am to 4pm Hometown Your Hometown Store So Much Under One Roof! EMERGENCY SERVICES Day, Night & Weekends Available Hometown Your Store Hometown So Much Store Under SoOne Much Roof! Under One Roof! The Largest In-Stock Inventory of Carpet,


Under One Roof!


So Much Under One Roof!

Your Hometown Store So Much Under One Roof!

Your Store So Much Under One Roof! The Largest In-Stock Inventory Largest In-Stock of Carpet, Inventory of Carpet, YourHometown Hometown Store So Much Under One Roof! Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, TheThe Largest In-Stock Inventory of Carpet,

Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Your Store Much Under One Roof! YouSo already know we are your hometown carpet Your Hometown Hometown Store So Much Under One Roof! Area Rugs, Orientals, Area Vinyl, Rugs, Hardwood, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, The Largest In-Stock Inventory of Carpet, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! The Largest In-Stock Inventory of Carpet,

and vinyl experts. But did you know… The Largest In-Stock Inventory of Largest In-Stock Inventory of Carpet, The Largest Inventory of Carpet, Carpet, Laminate, Ceramic Laminate, &The Remnants! Ceramic & Remnants! Laminate, Ceramic &In-Stock Remnants! Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood,

Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Area Rugs, Vinyl, Hardwood, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, AreaLaminate, Rugs, Orientals, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Ceramic &Remnants! Remnants! Laminate, Ceramic & Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Laminate, Ceramic & Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Remnants! 14574 Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 540-937-5500 Visit Us Online: www.earlyscarpet.com

Mon - Fri 9 am to 5 pm ~ Sat 10 am to 4 pm 14574 LeeEMERGENCY Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 SERVICES 540-937-5500 Day, Night & Weekends Available

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© Carrera

Fauquier Resource Guide


© FRG 2021 10.7.20.indd 41

Carrera Visit Us Online:

10/7/20 2:55 PM

Fauquier County Food Distribution Coalition

FOOD ASSISTANCE 2 Fish Five Loaves of Bread - Mt. Olive Baptist Church 540-364-2380 2932 Atoka Rd, Marshall

Broad Run Baptist Church

540-347-1379 5143 Broad Run Church Road, New Baltimore

Broadrunchurch.org Office@Broadrunchurch.org Broad Run Baptist Church offers food assistance only on Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. until noon.

Child Nutrition, Inc.

540-347-3767 9 N 3rd Street, Suite 100, Warrenton

www.cni-usda.org, bethw@cni-usda.org Child Nutrition, Inc. is a private, nonprofit organization that serves family child care providers who are able to participate in the Child & Adult Care Food Program through our agency and receive partial reimbursement for serving nutritious meals/snacks to their daycare children. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Clara’s Faith House Food Pantry & Thrift Store By Community Touch Inc. 540-439-9300 10499 Jericho Road, Bealeton

www.communitytouchinc.org, feliciac@communitytouchinc.org Clara’s Faith House Food Pantry provides food recipients in the Virginia and Washington DC Metro area with quality food to sustain the family. Food is also purchased and distributed and delivered to the elderly. The hours of operation for Clara’s Faith House Food Pantry are: Monday and Wednesday 10am – 2pm, Saturday 10am – noon.

Fauquier Community Food Bank and Thrift Store Thrift Store 540-359-6054; Food Bank 540-359-6053 249 East Shirley Avenue, Warrenton

www.fauquierfoodbank.org fauquiercommunityfoodbank@comcast.net or Fauquier_thrift@yahoo.com The Food Bank is open Monday - Friday 12:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Food donations accepted Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. All proceeds from the Thrift Store help to purchase food for the Food Bank. The Thrift Store is open Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Donations accepted Tuesday - Friday 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. No donations accepted on Monday.

540-905-7227 (leave a message) c/o Fauquier County Extension Office 24 Pelham Street, Warrenton

fauquierfood.wixsite.com/fauquierfood, info@fauquierfood.org On the third Saturday of each month, the coalition distributes food and other necessary items from 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. (or until the food is gone) at the Warrenton United Methodist Church located at 341 Church Street.

Fauquier County Health Department 540-347-6400 330 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

The WIC Program offers food for women, infants, and children. By appointment only.

Fauquier FISH Food Pantry 540-347-FISH 24 Pelham Street, Warrenton

http://fauquierfish.org foodpantry@fauquierfish.org Fauquier FISH’s Food Pantry is a client choice program distributing wholesome quality foods with a view on health and nutrition. Menu selections include our signature DASH (Delicious, Affordable, Simple Healthy) complete meal kits, all the ingredients needed with instructions to prepare hearty meals at home. Current selections include 8 main meals, 4 side dishes and 3 hot lunches to choose from. Seasonally, POP Bucks are available to shop at the Warrenton Farmers Market. Visit our website for additional information. Summer: Tues & Sat 9:30 am – Noon, Thurs 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm. Winter: Tues & Sat 9:30 am – Noon, Thurs. 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm.

Fauquier County Public Schools

540-422-7000 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 40, Warrenton

www.fcps1.org Call your child’s school and ask for information on the Free and Reduced Meals Program for students.

Grace Episcopal Church

540-253-5177, ext 101 6507 Main Street, The Plains

www.gracetheplains.org, gracechurch@gracetheplains.org The Grace Church food pantry is open to the public on Sunday mornings from 8 a.m. to noon. You may also access the food pantry on weekdays when the church office is open: Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Please call ahead if you would like to come on a weekday.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

540-270-6774 271 Winchester Street, Warrenton


MICHAEL A. MAYS Warrenton, VA. 540-351-0211

Wills, Trusts, & Estates Prompt, reliable service. Reasonable rates.


The St. Vincent de Paul Society is part of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church and offers financial support to individuals and families. See full listing under the Fuel & Utility Assistance section.

The Salvation Army of Fauquier County 540-341-3396 62 Waterloo Street, Warrenton

www.virginiasalvationarmy.org/warrentonva/ The Salvation Army office of social services, located behind the store, is open Monday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The social service office also includes a food pantry, summer camp scholarships, emergency disaster services, and Angel Tree Christmas assistance of clothing, toys, and food. Additionally, Pathway of Hope is a long term, client-directed social service program designed to help motivated clients to permanently escape poverty. For information, call 540-341-3396.

Fauquier Resource Guide

FRG 2021 10.7.20.indd 42

10/7/20 2:55 PM

homelessness. We are funded by local businesses, local churches, private citizens, and other grants. All donations are tax-deductible. Hours: Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., by appointment only.

FUEL & UTILITY ASSISTANCE Fauquier Department of Social Services 540-422 8400 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 11, Warrenton

SafeLink Wireless

Energy Assistance programs help with the cost of home heating or cooling in certain circumstances. See the full Fauquier County Department of Social Services entry in a separate section for details. To apply for Energy Assistance, go online to https://commonhelp.virginia. gov or call the Fauquier office.


Grace Episcopal Church

St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church

540-253-5177 6507 Main Street, The Plains

www.safelinkwireless.com SafeLink Wireless is a government-supported program that provides a free cell phone and airtime on a monthly basis. For specifics of the program and to see if you qualify, please see the website.

540-270-6774 271 Winchester Street, Warrenton

Free firewood for those in need.

The St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVDP) helps all people in need who reside in Fauquier County and works closely with other charitable organizations in the county to help the poor. Group offers financial support which is sent directly to the creditor who is owed and a food pantry for those in need. The SVDP food pantry is located on the grounds of St. John’s Church and is available by appointment only.

Morrisville United Methodist Church 540-439-2594 4432 Morrisville Road, Bealeton

www.morrisvilleumc.org, morrisvilleumc@verizon.net Offers fuel and utility assistance to those in need.

The Salvation Army Warrenton Service Center

People Helping People

540-349-7205 62 Waterloo Street, Warrenton

540-349-9017 34 Beckham Street, Warrenton

www.fauquierphp.com, php.fauquier@verizon.net People Helping People (PHP) provides emergency financial assistance to Fauquier County residents undergoing hardship due to circumstances beyond their control, i.e. medical issues, loss of employment or a death in the family. We assist with paying utility bills to avoid disconnection of service; rent or mortgage to avoid eviction from home; preventing

www.virginiasalvationarmy.org/warrentonva/ The Salvation Army provides emergency assistance to Fauquier families and individuals to help maintain or restore utility services. A utility termination notice is required. Applicants must meet program criteria; a caseworker will determine eligibility. Please call to schedule an appointment. The Salvation Army Warrenton Service Center, located behind the store, is open Monday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Complicated Complicated taxes? taxes? Complicated taxes? Eagle rd o Complicated Complicated taxes? taxes? Complicated taxes? ff ta S Complicated Complicated taxes? taxes? Complicated taxes? Bring Bring itit on. on. Bring it on. ONE MORE TREAT



High school football players can buy their own helmet

Halloween events fill fun weekend




VOL. 7 | NUM. 44

Happy Birthday


Fort Belvoir’s Army Birthday Celebration and Flag has The celebration been moved to ThurmanDay Hall. is today from refreshment s will be served 10 to 11 a.m. Light after the ceremony.




June 13, 2019

2 0 2 0





OCTOBER 25-31, 2019

Changes in store for county board

Bring Bring it on. Bring Bringit it it on. on. on.

Bring Bring it it on. on. With several open seats and uncontested races, there will already be several new faces on the Prince William Board of County Supervisors after November’s elections. Here are the candidates on the ballot. (i) indicates an incumbent

Elections will result in at least four new supervisors EMILY SIDES



he Prince William Board of County Supervisors is guaranteed to have at least four new members following the Nov. 5 election. But the decision that voters make at the ballot box will still have major re» Dumfries voters percussions. to weigh region’s They’ll deterfirst gaming parlor mine whether PAGE 20 three incum» NOV. 1: Next week’s bents are able to paper will include a keep their seats. complete election They’ll decide guide whether Democrats flip a 6-2 Republican majority. And the decision at the ballot box could change the gender and racial makeup of the board, potentially ushering in a majority of women supervisors and a majority of minority members for a board that was all white and mostly men just nine months ago. Supervisors serve four-year terms, set

Photo by

Rick Musselman county policies, plan the county’s budgetBrig. Gen. Joseph D’costa, and serve on local and regional boards.vice director J7, Joint Force Reserve ment Office of DevelopHere’s a look at each race: the Joint Chiefs speaks during the ceremony. of Staff,


Recovery agenc posts UK flag y in ceremony

Supervisor Pete Candland, R-Gainesville, said he doesn’t support the road bond referendum, which will ask voters to approve or deny allowing the county to borrow up to $355 million for transportation projects, including $200 million for either a bypass or to widen Va. Route 28. By Margaret Candland said the process was politically Steele motivated, proposed without analysisCopy of Editor which projects would help the most peoUnited Kingdom ple and how the real estate property tax to flag the Joint Personnelwas added rate will be affected. Jeanine Lawson, Agency Headquarte Recovery “I’ve asked several times about what Republican (i) rs on Fort Belvoir, last week. Maggie Hansford, this will mean for tax bills,” Candland During the British Democrat flag posting ceresaid. mony, JPRA added MDW Colors The Prince William Board of County to countries that the United Kingdom Passed: Air Force tional Capital work with the Gen. Terrence personnel recovery Supervisors has a policy to not increase Region flag to U.S. for Yesli Vega, Republican Capital Region incoming Military O’Shaughnessy passes Photo by Jim around the world. its operating budget more than 3.5%Germany each Dresbach Raheel Sheikh, Democrat District of Washington the Joint Force was added Hall on Joint Commander Brig. Gen. Headquarters-NaOmar Jones Base Myer-Hende focuses on preventing last year. JPRA year while also planning revenue increasduring a change/Joint Force Headquarte rson Hall, June rs-National of command tion es for capital projects, such as the $43events; prepares warfighter isola4. ceremony at Douglas Taggart, Republican them for what Conmy Margaret if they become million for the expansion of thedo Adult to Andrea Bailey, Democrat isolated; Franklin, and responds, globally, to isolation events. Satisfaction Democrat SUPERVISORS PAGE 3 The first UK foreign Guatantee liaison officer Striving To Exceed Your for JPRA, Flight Lt. Stephen Licensed, Expectations! his wife, Reid, and Bonded Residential & Commercial earlier Harriet, arrived at Fort Belvoir & Insured this year. Cleaning Ser vices “This day is One time Deep Cleaning—Move important to strong show the By Jim Dresbach out Weekly • Bi-weekly EMILY SIDES the VRE and Amtrak station, said George rent tenants to see if they want to lease The county’s plan for Northin/Move Wood- relationship • Monthly...or as needed between the esides@insidenova.com and Pentagram Staff UK Boosalis, the president of Boosalis Prop- space in the new development or another MENTIONbridge calls for$35 increased density in the the U.S., in terms commander THIS AD FOR Writer OFF DEEP of the U.S. Northern of personnel CLEAING! CALL rehe FOR William Command and evelopers have plans for a large erties, which represented Grace Street shopping center the company owns, Boo- area near the VRE. The Prince covery,” saidDETAILS! before the ceremony. North American strong, Jones thanked 540-497-1537 “We’ve • rockiemaids.com salis said. Aerospace Defense change Board of County Supervisors voted 7-0made promises to mixed-use development on U.S. Properties in the purchase. one-time Army • rockiemaids@hotmail.c get our troops, our people, back. om Command, and command hosts O’Shaughne of spokes- one Boosalis said developing the site plan Grace Street Properties plans to build 2 on Oct. 8 to approve the North 1 with the $19.1 million purchase Woodperson and of the event’s It’s perfect timing and Lt. Gen. ssy rappnew world-class show how close-knit Walter Piatt, 142nd to Year • No. 43 of the Station Plaza shopping center at the will take anywhere from three to five years million square feet for a mixed-used de- bridge plan, which outlines future land out the importance hosts, pointed tor of the s.com marathon our countries runner is now Army Staff, and direcof how MDW/ charge of the in JFHQ-NCR with construction starting after that. The velopment, which will include retail space use and plans for a town center andBrig. corner with Va. 123 in Woodbridge. urbanGen. Joseph D’costa, the are.” Howard and his family. U.S. Army Military ’s mission overlaps vice directorculpepertimes.com T HUR SDAY • Vol 13,District at Joint Force reserve Earlier this month, Grace Street Prop- development will still have to go through for lease. The developer wants to work neighborhoods that will have walkability with the Northcom’s , O C TOBER 17, No. 25of Washington and During ment, DevelopPiatt’s 2019 Joint Force Headquart the ceremony erties bought the shopping center on the process of getting permits from the with the county to consider a pedestrian and access to mass transit, accordinghosted to “A safe capital mission. praised the incomingremarks, he marks the ers National is a represenmaturing of a and said it Capital Region. and outgoing 13 acres anchored by Food Lion and B- county. bridge from the development to the VRE tation of a safe close and ennation and what commanders, noting that relationship. WOODBRIDGE during PAGE 20 In a time-honore Thrifty and across the busy highway from The owners want to work with the cur- and Amtrak station across U.S. 1. you’ve been Jones’ “Working closely able to accomplish selection as the new d tradition, Brig. Gen. Omar MDW/JFHQ with our allies NCR chief was partner nations Jones assumed during this time you’ve and an excellent choice.is an essential command from been in in our national element “The Army got Maj. Gen. Michael command reflects the strategies,” D’costa Howard during this Voted Best funeral Home highest PRINCE WILLIAM TODAY SUBSCRIBE TODAY pick right putting Omar said. a change of com- credit upon your joint services mand at Joint and said. “Omar in command,” Piatt directly impacts Again for 2019 Base See Flag, page a safe and is an amazing son Hall’s Conmy Myer-Hender- home,” INSIDENOVA.COM/SUBSCRIBE A4 Soldier he said to Howard. secure who has excelled Hall, June 4. at Gen. Terrence every Now level, from West Point on watch and O’Shaughnessy, A4 ready to keep the Army’s SUBSCRIBE@INSIDENOVA.COMFather’s Day the spokesperso super cadet to MDW/JFHQ A6 FBES Bridging n for the United -NCR States State Ceremony CALL: 703-318-1386 figures released: Army.” 13318 Occoquan Rd., Woodbridge, VA 22191 4143 Dale Blvd., Dale City, VA 22193 www.mountcastle.net th th Very few RCPS A7 CYS Dance Recital (703) 494-2000 (703) 680-1234 B1 students CYS Color Run Sets Record are drop outs The most Pete Candland, Republican (i) Danny Funderburk, Democrat

Ruth Anderson, Republican (i) Kenny Allen Boddye, Democrat

Victor Angry, Democrat (i)



Taxes Taxesare arecomplicated. complicated.Getting Gettingyour yourtaxes taxesdone doneisn’t isn’tenough Taxes enough are- -you complicated. youneed need Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you ATER W Taxes Taxes are arecomplicated. complicated. Getting Getting your your taxes taxesdone done doneisn’t isn’t enough enough - you -- you need need Taxes are complicated. Getting taxes done done isn’t - you need Dyourtaxes Taxes Taxes are are complicated. complicated. Getting Getting your your taxes taxes done isn’t isn’t enough enough you you need need Taxes are complicated. Getting your isn’tenough enough - you DS right. That’s your your taxes taxes done done right. right. That’s That’s where where we we come come in. in.We Wehire your hire and and taxes train train done the the where we come in.need We hire and train t ORL Wright. your your taxes taxes done done right. right. That’s That’s where where we we come comein. We hire hire and and train train the the taxes done That’swhere wherewe wecome come in. We hire and train thethe your your taxes taxes done done right. right. That’s That’s where where we we come come in.in. in.We We We hire hire and and train train the theyour your taxes done right. That’s in. We hire and train premiere ! most most qualified qualified tax taxprofessionals professionals to toensure ensure you you claim claim every most credit qualified credit and tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit an issue most most qualified qualified tax tax professionals professionals ensure ensureyou you youclaim claim every every credit credit and and most qualified taxand professionals to ensure you you claim every and most most qualified qualified tax tax professionals professionals toto toto ensure ensure you claim claim every every credit credit and and mostevery qualified tax claim everycredit credit and ER professionals to ensure THE SUPyou ** * deduction deduction you you deserve deserve so so you you get get your your maximum maximum refund. refund. Guaranteed. Guaranteed. deduction so getyour your maximum refund. Guaranteed. *you * get *refund. *refund. *refund. Guarante KSdeserve Rdeserve deduction deduction you you deserve deserve soso you you get get your your maximum refund. refund. Guaranteed. Guaranteed. deduction you you maximum refund. Guaranteed. deduction deduction you you deserve deserve so somaximum you you get get your your maximum maximum deduction Guaranteed. Guaranteed. yousodeserve soBES you get your maximum PA T STONE TOWER WINERY; COME FOR THE VIEWS, STAY FOR THE WINE






Station Plaza to become mixed-use development after $19.1M sale

Military District of Washington welcomes new leader




Home nearly doubles since 2014


Local News. Regional Reach.

2 0 1 9

IL 2019

CRI hosts 3rd Thursday concert downtown tonight! 12





+ Complicated Complicated taxes? Complicated Complicated Complicated taxes? taxes? taxes? Complicated taxes? taxes? explore 10 great placesatosprin g weekend on



June 20 - 26 2019

widely distributed newspaper in


By John McCaslin


Call Calltoday todaytotomake makeyour yourappointment. appointment.

ARE Call today to make your appointment.

News staff Homeschooli ng in Rappahannoc County has nearly k to 2019 — from doubled from 2014 34 to 62 students, jump of 82 percent. a Meanwhile, of the students attend public who do schools in Rappahannock very few are to new figures. drop outs, according An estimated ty’s student-age 7 percent of the counpopulation are learning their now lessons in a home ting, according to new statistics setthe Virginia Department from Given the uniquenessof Education. of education in Rappahannoc k County, unlike much of Virginia the where population is declining, how student a concern is it to the school much of which relies district, heavily that more students on state funds, are being chooled? We put that questionhomescent days to in reDr. Shannon superintende Grimsley, nt of Rappahannoc County Public k Schools. “Am I concerned about declining enrollment? Of course,” she “We've come a long way with replied. ing services and increasdents and familiesprograms to our stuand that is very when you have hard to enrollment while make cuts based on the state funding formulas continuously hit rural districts at inequitable proportions.

MYSTERY OF CLOVER Child’s remains

found in attic

of historic home


Call today to make your Bring Bring itit on. on. Bring it on. Bring Bring itit on. on. Bring it appointment. on.

Call Calltoday todaytotomake makeyour yourappointment. appointment.

Call Calltoday todayto tomake makeyour yourappointment. appointment.


See the unique features planned for two sites . in our backyard

Call today to make your appointment. IN! The Ashburn Pub

540-347-7517 540-347-7517

Chalk It Up

Meet Trace orley McSDr. Tontra Lowe AND grad VOTED HAYMARKET Briar Woods BEST DENTIST GAINESVILLE’S football talks life outside



‘Your heart rate

News staff

typical family clutter. Some prove valuable historic. Then if not there are those the rafters and rare finds beneath cobwebs that are downright shocking and creepy. As was the past year in the musty attic of case this Sperryville Pike, Clover Hill on herdsman Rich where Eldon Farms’ longtime Bradley stumbled upon the See

MYSTERY, Page 12 goes up, and you immediately start why is this here? thinking What happened?’

540-347-7517 goes mobile 18

Haymarket Warrenton Where everybody knows your name


SCHOOLS, Page 9 See the ➤ SEE STORY BY JEFF SAY 2019 Best Of ON PAGE 4 Haymarket/ PHOTO BY JEFF SAY ➤ Health: June is HHT Awareness Gainesville month 2 | Results of Piedmont Area Soap Box Derby 6 | Lions Club honors Melvin Jones winners 10 | Martin's results inside

77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 Dusty work of an amazing local artist

By John McCaslin

ttics are like graveyards, where sentimental treasures are placed in boxes and plastic and shoved into bags of parting to be dark corners, allowing the pain postponed for Photo albums another day. and love letters, cowboy boots, comic books and tea forgotten for futuresets and violins — all better the dust and deal generations to brush aside with. Most attic stashes consist of the

7777WW LEE LEEHWY., HWY., WARRENTON, WARRENTON, VA VA20186 20186 540-347-7517 540-347-7517 77 WSHOPPING LEE HWY.,CENTER, WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 SHOPPING SHOPPING CENTER, CENTER, BEALETON, BEALETON, VA VA22712 22712 540-439-1270 540-439-1270 BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 Taxes Taxes are are complicated. complicated. Getting Getting your your taxes taxes done doneisn’t isn’tenough enough - you - you need need Taxes are complicated. Getting your -taxes done isn’t enough - you ne SHOPPING SHOPPING CENTER, CENTER, BEALETON, BEALETON, VA VA 22712 22712 540-439-1270 540-439-1270 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VAyour 22712 540-439-1270 15135 15135 MONTANUS MONTANUS DR, DR,CULPEPER, CULPEPER, VA VA 22701 22701 540-825-8700 540-825-8700 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 Taxes Taxes are are complicated. complicated. Getting Getting your your taxes taxes done done isn’t isn’t enough enough you you need need Taxes are complicated. Getting taxes done isn’t enough you need 77 77WWLEE LEEHWY., HWY.,WARRENTON, WARRENTON, VA VA20186 20186 77 540-347-7517 540-347-7517 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 unique, colorful your your taxes taxes done done right. right. That’s where where we come come in.in.We We hire hire and and train train the the your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train th 15135 15135 MONTANUS MONTANUS DR, DR, CULPEPER, CULPEPER, VA VA 22701 22701 540-825-8700 540-825-8700 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 your your taxes taxesdone done right. right. That’s That’s where where we we come come in.in.That’s We We hire hire and andwe train train the the your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the SIDE E TH thedall BEALETON, most most qualified qualified tax tax professionals professionals tocredit tocredit ensure ensure you youclaim claim every every credit credit and and qualified tax professionals ensure you claim every credit and SHOPPING SHOPPING CENTER, CENTER, BEALETON, BEALETON, VA VA 22712 22712 SHOPPING 540-439-1270 540-439-1270 CENTER, VA 22712 540-439-1270 Tynmost ING ily DISHES qualified qualified tax tax professionals professionals to to ensure ensure you claim claim every every and and qualified to you claim everytocredit and NTtax famreturn *most If*most you If you discover discover anan H&R H&R Block Block error error onon your your return return that that entitles entitles you *most If you discover anRE H&R Blockprofessionals error on your that ensure entitles PA ** deduction deduction you deserve deservesorefund. sorefund. you youget get your yourmaximum maximum refund. refund. Guaranteed. deduction refund. Guarantee you you to to a larger a larger refund refund forfor smaller smaller taxtax liability, liability, we’ll we’ll refund refundyou to a largerGuaranteed. refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund you deserve so you get your maximum * * you * ISSUE deduction deduction you you deserve deserve so so you you get get your your maximum maximum Guaranteed. Guaranteed. deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed. 15135 15135 MONTANUS MONTANUS DR, DR, CULPEPER, CULPEPER, VA VA 22701 22701 15135 540-825-8700 540-825-8700 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 * If* you If you discover discover anan H&R H&R Block Block error error onon your your return return that that entitles entitles * If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles N O V E M B E R


2 0 1 9

Celebrating 20 years, Kid Pan Alley looks to a bright future

Founder Paul Reisler has a plan: “We decided we wanted to keep it going past what I can do.” 6

This week

COURTHOUSE ROW ................8 EVENTS .......................... LETTERS ..................................16 .......14 MEETINGS & NOTICES SCHOOLS ................................ 17 ......10

2 0 1 9




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VISUAL ART: Contemporary Colorist Marci Nadler READING AND WRITING: The Open Book Bookstore

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540-347-7517 540-439-1270 540-825-8700

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HOUSING: EMERGENCY & TRANSITIONAL Culpeper Homeless Intervention Program 540-825-7434 602 S. Main Street, Culpeper

https://www.culpeperhousingandshelterservices.com This shelter accepts families only, no single men.

Fauquier Family Shelter

540-351-0130 or 540-341-0900 95 Keith Street, Warrenton

www.fauquierfamilyshelter.org This is the only emergency shelter in Fauquier County, and can accommodate up to 11 families and eight single adults at any one time. The ground level is accessible to persons with physical disabilities. A trained staff oversees operations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. An onsite case manager helps formulate and facilitate clients’ plans for stable housing after their shelter tenure. In-house support programs include budget management, employment-related programs, life-skills classes, nutrition classes, job search services, parenting classes and children’s programs. Referral services to local, state and federal resources are provided to all residents as appropriate.

Foothills Housing Corporation 540-341-2805 47 Garrett Street #205, Warrenton

Foothillshousing.org, jreid@fhcorp.org Foothills Housing Corp. is a local nonprofit committed to providing safe, decent and affordable housing. Contact us regarding The Oaks in Warrenton which is a Senior Living apartment community of 111 apartments leased affordably to seniors over 55 and income qualified. We also own, rent and manage 6 town homes in The Plains, 8 townhomes in Bealeton and 36 single family homes in Fletcherville just 3 miles north of Warrenton on Rt 17. All of our communities are rented affordably. We also fund repairs to home owners who, if they meet our income requirements, can receive funding for emergency home repairs through grants and zero interest loans.

Foothills Housing Network 540-724-6630

https://www.foothillshousing.org/, fhn@rrregion.org Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-5pm Our mission is to end homelessness in our community. We provide free information and referral on housing assistance and resources available in Culpeper, Orange, Madison, Fauquier and Rappahannock counties. For information, call Central Entry at 540-724-6630.

Hope Warming Center of Fauquier

Rev. Tyrone Green, Pastor of Hearts Delight Baptist Church 202-351-1001 P.O. Box 75, Catlett

Facebook: @HopeWarmingCenterFauquier The Hope Warming Center of Fauquier was established to offer shelter for those who need a place to stay overnight when temperatures are 30 degrees and below. Services are offered only from November through March, and the Warming Center works with DSS and the Sheriff’s Department to offer services to citizens identified with this particular need. Citizens should contact DSS or the Sheriff’s Department when they need shelter for the night.

Prince William Homeless Intervention Program 703-792-7648 7987 Ashton Avenue, Suite 200, Manassas www.pwcgov.org

Homeless Intervention Program (HIP), c/o Prince William County Department of Social Services, assists with rental payments, security deposits, and mortgage assistance. Must meet income eligibility, have an unavoidable crisis, and show prior self- sufficiency.


SAM’s Place Community Outreach Center 540-727-1055 Culpeper Career Resource Center 219 East Davis Street, Suite 300, Culpeper

https://www.ccrc-jobs.com/sams-place/ Sam’s Place is a one-stop hub where individuals and families can access information and referrals to other community partners. Assistance is offered for a variety of needs including, but not limited to, health, transportation, food, home repairs, and an avenue to apply for financial aid for housing. Also offered are vision services and hearing aids, clothing, and furniture vouchers. Referrals are made based upon personal needs, available funds, and program criteria.

Victory Transitional Housing By Community Touch Inc. 540-439-9300 or 540-439-4917 10499 Jericho Road, Bealeton

https://www.communitytouchinc.org feliciac@communitytouchinc.org The Victory Transitional Housing (VTH) offers transitional housing to the homeless. The VTH fulfills the needs of people affected by poverty, job loss, divorce, foreclosure and other unforeseen circumstances. VTH provides an opportunity for homeless individuals to stay in the forty-bed facility for one year at a very low program fee. They are also required to participate in a savings program and attend financial mentoring classes. Residents learn basic budgeting skills, file back taxes and clean up their credit reports. Each individual has a caseworker and assists them with life challenges and obtains permanent housing. Office hours: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Virginia Homeless Solution Program By Community Touch Inc. 540-439-9300

https://www.communitytouchinc.org, feliciac@communitytouchinc.org Provides services for homeless families by paying rental security deposits, rent and case management.

Vint Hill Transitional Housing (VHTH) 540-347-7374 4383 Hunsberger Drive, Unit H, Warrenton

http://www.fauquierfamilyshelter.org Our transitional housing program is an intensive, one to two-year program assisting families in the transition from being homeless to acquiring the skills necessary to maintain stable and independent living. The community provides a structured, safe environment for the nurturing of families and the growth and well-being of children.


540-937-4628 41 W. Lee Highway, Suite 59, Warrenton, PO Box 831, Warrenton

Fauquiercommunitycoalition.org, fauquiercommunitycoalition@gmail.com The Fauquier Community Coalition (FCC) provides assistance to those in need by connecting needs to resources for local families. The FCC recruits and mobilizes church groups and other volunteers to provide goods, services and information. We work with local agencies to address challenges confronted by citizens in need, including home repairs, clothing and furniture. We provide resource information to families who don’t know where to find assistance. The FCC seeks to share information and coordinate efforts between different agencies and individuals working to support folks in need in Fauquier County. Contact us for more information on assistance or to become involved.

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Fauquier Habitat for Humanity

540-341-4952 98 Alexandria Pike, Suite 43, Warrenton

www.fauquierhabitat.org, info@fauquierhabitat.org Fauquier Habitat for Humanity is dedicated to providing safe, decent, and affordable housing in partnership with qualifying families. Collaborating with volunteers, faith communities, businesses, service organizations, and our partners, Habitat builds hope and housing through three vital programs: Neighborhood Revitalization, New Home Construction, and Critical Home Repair. Each program begins with a fundamental investment in people – through educational programming, financial coaching, affordable loans, and post-purchase support ensuring long-term homeownership success. If you are interested in becoming a partner in a Habitat program or would like to volunteer to support the mission of Habitat, please call us or visit our website.


Low-income housing assists those with a limited income who need a place to call home. Several options are available for those who qualify financially.

Remington Group Home

540-825-2669 404 N Rappahannock Street, Remington

Remington Group Home is a disabled low-income housing apartment. It is subsidized by the federal government’s HUD (Housing and Urban Development Division). Contact Remington Group Home for complete details on the current vacancies and housing applications.

Section 8 Housing 540-439-8690

www.vhda.com Section 8 Housing is a government assistance program to help pay rent for low-income families. Contact Central Virginia Housing Coalition (Section 8) Fauquier County at 540-439-8690 about the Housing Choice Voucher Program. For a complete list of counties that have Section 8 Vouchers available and to check the HUD websites to find low-income housing for the needy, go to the website.

Mintbrook Senior Apartments

540-402-6005 4475 Bacon Street, Bealeton, VA 22712

www.mintbrookseniorcommunity.com, mintbrook@jdcmanagementco.com An affordable 55+ community within the Ryan Homes subdivision of Mintbrook. Conveniently located between Culpeper and Warrenton in the town of Bealeton, our community is amenity-filled. Bring your small furry friend to live with you and enjoy the trails around the neighborhood. Monthly resident events will be planned in our recreation room. We have a media center to help you keep in touch with all your computer needs. An outside food pantry will deliver supplemental food if necessary. Income restrictions apply. See guidelines before calling. Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Moffett Manor Apartments 540-341-8299 115 Manor Court, Warrenton

www.moffettmanorapartments.com Moffett Manor Apartments is a senior apartment community in Warrenton, professionally managed by Park Properties Management, Co. We offer one- and two-bedroom apartments, and rent includes water/sewer, trash, extermination & digital cable. Monthly activities. Security cameras and elevator. For more information about our Warrenton apartment homes, please call, email, or stop by.

The Oaks

540-349-9725 305 Oaks Springs Drive, Warrenton

www.oaksofwarrenton.com Senior Apartment Community for ages 55 and up. Maximum income

level: one bedroom, $49,260; two-bedroom, $56,280. All utilities included, except for cable and Internet. Daily activities. Library with computer access. Elevator access.

Warrenton Manor Apartments 540-349-1353 663 Hastings Lane, Warrenton

Senior Apartment Community for ages 62 or up and the disabled. Subsidized rents are income-based.

Windy Hill Foundation

540-687-3402 300 Windy Hill Road, Middleburg

www.windyhillfoundation.org, Windyhill@tmamgroup.com Windy Hill Foundation (WHF) provides safe, stable accessible affordable housing to individuals, children and families in The Plains and Marshall. Income requirements apply to all properties. In The Plains, WHF offers 2- and 3-bedroom apartments and one single-family home with rents that range from $963 to $1,300 a month. In Marshall, WHF offers 30 3-bedroom townhouses with rents that range from $944 to $1,250 a month. Water and electricity are not included in the rent. WHF provides residents with Resident Services programs which include afterschool, Spring and Summer Break activities for children, daily activities for older adults and adults with disabilities and monthly family fun nights and adult education programs. Please call Property Manager Rosalie Hollenbaugh at (540) 687-3402 for an application or more information.

RAPPAHANNOCK RAPIDAN COMMUNITY SERVICES (RRCS) 540-825-3100 15361 Bradford Road, Culpeper

www.rrcsb.org, rrcsb@rrcsb.org The mission of RRCS is to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Fauquier, Culpeper, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock counties by providing comprehensive behavioral health, developmental disability, substance use disorder, and aging services. RRCS offers a wide variety of programs to Fauquier residents of all ages, including transportation services (to RRCS facilities), volunteer transportation services (for medical and legal appointments), home-delivered meals, an adult daycare program, early intervention for infants and toddlers, services for developmentally/intellectually disabled individuals, behavioral health services for adolescents and adults, and substance abuse services. Services are available to citizens in each of the counties served by RRCS. For general information, please contact the administrative offices at 540-825-3100 and ask to speak to a support coordinator for the service you need or call the number listed in this guide with each service description.

AGING SERVICES (RRCS) Fauquier Senior Center

540-347-7729 430 E. Shirley Avenue, Warrenton

Fauquier Senior Center provides nutritious meals and fellowship for eligible seniors age 60 and over as well as educational and wellness programs, socialization, and recreation through many interesting and fun activities. Door-to-door transportation may be available. The Fauquier Senior Center is open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Warrenton Adult Day Healthcare Center 540-347-2797 430 E. Shirley Avenue, Warrenton

https://www.rrcsb.org/senior-services/ The Warrenton Adult Day Healthcare Center provides a nurturing, safe environment for adults who need assistance with daily health and personal care activities. Participants must have an identified need for services or be at risk for institutional placement (e.g., nursing

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home) without these supportive services, as defined by the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services and/or Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services standards. Open Monday through Friday.

Aging Support Coordinator Services 540-825-3100, extension 3427

The Fauquier County Support Coordinator can offer information, assistance, referral to services (such as home-delivered meals, senior center, etc.), and counseling options to persons age 60 and over, targeting especially those who are frail, have disabilities, or are at risk of institutional placement.

Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program (VICAP) 540-825-3100, extension 3427

Passionate Caregivers, Exceptional Care Around the clock care ranging from 4 hours to 24 hours per day wherever our clients call home. • Personal Hygiene Care • Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care • Medication Reminders • Exercise & Range of Motion Support

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We’re committed to finding individuals with the right heart posture. This innate sense and passion for caring for others defines the EverNest team. From personal care services to companionship services and beyond, our home care offerings are tailored to suit each of our client’s lifestyles and needs.

Please call us to arrange a free consultation! Licensed Home Care Agency through the Virginia Department of Health

571.483.8806 • evernestcare.com • 70 Main St. Suite 11, Warrenton

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Home Office in Marshall, Virginia 26 North 5th Street Warrenton, VA 20186 540-347-4663


Trained staff members educate, counsel, and assist older consumers on medical benefit programs, long-term care insurance, and problems or questions with Medicare and Medicaid. VICAP also helps by explaining and enrolling people in Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage plans.

CLINICAL SERVICES Infant and Toddler Connection (ITC) 540-829-7480

itc@rrcsb.org ITC provides early intervention support and services to infants and toddlers from birth through age two who are not developing as expected or who have a medical condition that can delay normal development. These supports and services are available for all eligible children and their families regardless of the family’s ability to pay. For more information about early intervention services, visit www.infantva.org.

Prevention Services 434-825-8913 540-825-3100

https://www.rrcsb.org/prevention-services/, prevention@rrcsb.org Prevention services promote healthy behaviors and lifestyles for youth development. The program addresses protective factors and major risk factors such as the dangers of a substance use disorder or teen suicide and other behavioral health concerns. This program provides Mental Health First Aid training as well as supporting local community groups in prevention programs.

BEHAVIORAL HEALTH OUTPATIENT SERVICES Fauquier Behavioral Health Clinic 540-347-7620 340 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

https://www.rrcsb.org/ Outpatient services consist of an array of center-based services designed to evaluate and treat the effects of behavioral health disorders that impair a person’s ability to function. Outpatient services are offered at both our Fauquier and Culpeper Behavioral Health Clinics. The Fauquier Clinic is open Monday through Friday. For an initial assessment, Rapid Access is provided Tuesday through Friday. Visit rrcsb.org and click on Services.

Children’s Behavioral Health Support Coordination Services 540-672-2990 ext. 108

https://www.rrcsb.org/ ChildServices@rrcsb.org Support coordination services for children (birth up to 18 years) help children and families learn about and access services to address behavioral, developmental, and social needs. These services focus on increasing the child’s or youth’s participation in family and community activities. There are different types of support coordination services to address a variety of needs.

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Crisis Services 540-825-5656

https://www.rrcsb.org Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services operates a crisis hotline that is available to residents of Fauquier 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. For individuals suffering from a mental health emergency, call 540-825-5656.

Young Adult Coordinated Care (YACC) 540-825-3100, extension 3469

yacc@rrcsb.org The Young Adult Coordinated Care (YACC) program provides comprehensive support to adolescents and young adults (15-25) experiencing a first episode of psychosis. This program, modeled from OnTrackNY, offers a team of professionals to support individuals in reducing symptoms and increasing community integration. Services integrate a recovery-based, strength-focused approach, which relies on shared decision making, with cognitive enhancement therapy and support. With an early intervention focus, services target individuals who have been experiencing symptoms for less than two years and provides up to two years of support. Insurance is accepted. Visit rrcsb. org and click on Services.

Substance Use Disorder Outpatient Services 540-347-7620

This service includes motivational enhancement therapy, individual psychotherapy, education groups, group therapy, and drug screening programs. Programs specific to young adults (age 15 – 25) providing Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA) are available at the Culpeper Clinic and are open to Fauquier residents. MedicationAssisted Treatment (MAT) Suboxone is provided on an outpatient basis to individuals engaged in weekly counseling services at either our Culpeper or Fauquier Clinics (MAT medication services are provided at the Culpeper Clinic).

Substance Use Disorder Support Coordination 540-347-7620

Support coordination provides support to individuals with substance use disorder issues. Support Coordinators assist clients in meeting their identified needs (e.g. housing, vocational, and medical) by working in collaboration with multiple service providers within the agency and in the community.

Boxwood Treatment Center – Residential and Detox Services 540-547-2760

Boxwood’s residential alcohol and other drug treatment program involves individual, family and group counseling, educational films, lectures, and relapse prevention. Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous (AA or NA) groups are held on a daily basis. Family programs and visitation is offered on Sundays. The program also provides co-occurring groups for those with behavioral health and substance use issues. Boxwood Detox Services is a six-bed medically-assisted detoxification from alcohol and other drugs for individuals who are not in need of hospitalbased detoxification. The detox program usually lasts four to seven days and includes medical monitoring, medication as appropriate, and education/groups. The Boxwood facility is located in Culpeper and serves residents from Fauquier County.

Peer2Peer Regional Warmline 1-833-626-1490

The Peer2Peer Regional Warmline is a free, consumer-run phone service providing peer support, resource referrals, and shared experiences of hope and recovery. An alternative to a crisis line, the Warmline is run by peers with lived experience with mental health and substance abuse issues. All calls are confidential and there is no charge to the caller. The Warmline is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Operated by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Disability Services, Northwestern Community Services Board, Rappahannock Area Community Services Board, and Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services.

COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES Support Coordination Services 540-825-3100

Support coordination services are the entry point for all RRCS residential and day support programs. Support Coordinators help coordinate services to meet medical, psychiatric, social, nutritional, educational, vocational, employment, housing, transportation, recreational, legal, and advocacy needs. Intellectual/Developmental Disability Support Coordination provides services to children or adults who have a diagnosis of developmental disabilities prior to age 18. Expanded or waiver services are offered through the Developmental Disability Waiver Program for those who meet the additional eligibility requirements of the waiver program. Behavioral Health Support Coordination provides services to adults 18 and older who have been diagnosed with a mental illness and need support to maintain stability in the community and work towards recovery.

Care Coordination/Care Transitions 540-825-3100 ext. 3464

This program supports members enrolled in the CCC Plus program by providing primary healthcare service coordination and ensuring safe and effective transitions across the healthcare continuum. These programs work closely with the client and their interdisciplinary healthcare team and provide information and guidance to improve self-management skills, enhance quality, improve outcomes, reduce hospital readmissions, and encourage appropriate health and medical service utilization.

Bridges Day Support Program 540-829-7628 13523 Beverly Ford Road, Elkwood

Bridges offers group day, community engagement, and some community coaching services for adults with developmental disabilities, including individuals with an intellectual disability. Program activities are offered at the program location, along with a heavy emphasis on being in the community to build and maintain community connections and relationships. Supports and skill-building opportunities are individualized. There are many opportunities for people to enhance their skills related to social interactions, communication, self-care, budgeting, physical and mental wellness, and safety, to name a few. The day program hours are typically Monday through Friday, excluding some holidays and in-service days. Offered by Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services (RRCS).

Visions Clubhouse

540-825-3366 710 US Avenue, Culpeper

Visions Clubhouse offers a structured day program of psychosocial rehabilitation services for adults diagnosed with a serious mental illness. The focus of this recovery-based program is to highlight and promote each person’s strengths and talents while managing their mental health disorders. There is an emphasis on building connections with the community for social interactions, as well as participating in volunteer work and looking for employment opportunities.

Residential Programs 540-825-3100

Residential programs work with individuals who have been diagnosed with a mental illness and/or developmental disability to promote independent living when applicable and increase a wide range of skills. An individualized support plan details the supports and skill-building activities that are important to the individual. Some examples include support and skillbuilding related to social interactions, medication management, household tasks, peer support, community connections, and physical and mental wellness. The hours and types of support provided are based on the individual’s assessed needs.

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Demand-Response Transportation Service

540-825-3100, ext. 3358

support@vatransit.org Demand Service is a curb-to-curb transportation service open to the general public by reservation. All equipment is lift-equipped and handicapped accessible. Rides can be booked up to two weeks in advance but with minimal notice of at least 24 hours. Scheduled riders should be prepared to leave 20 minutes before or after the scheduled time. Passengers unable to ride alone are permitted to bring a companion for free. Citizens may also inquire about an American with Disability Act application if they need American with Disability Act services. The Fauquier Demand program operates Monday-Friday 8-5. We have a midday break (for lunch) from 12-1, each day.


https://www.rrcsb.org/care-a-van/ Volunteer drivers transport seniors and individuals with disabilities to their health care or legal service providers. Reserve rides at least 48 hours in advance. Transportation is based upon the availability of volunteers. There is no charge for this service, but donations are accepted and are used to further the program. Volunteers are always needed; please give RRCS a call at the number above.

FAMS One Call Transportation Center 540-829-5300 710 US Avenue, Culpeper

www.fams.org, fams@rrregion.org The FAMS Call Center provides information about all available public, private, and volunteer transportation services in our region. Find out about availability, destinations, costs, and more. This service also includes free travel training and assistance with trip planning. Operated by Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services with the Rappahannock Rapidan Regional Commission.


Chronic Disease Self Management Education (CDSME) 540-547-4824

These free workshops are designed for individuals with any chronic health condition, plus their caregivers and family members. Learn better ways of coping and managing your health by taking part in a six-week workshop. Small groups meet in a casual, interactive atmosphere. Contact Bonnie Vermillion, Program Coordinator at bonnired@comcast.net. Provided through Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services.

Volunteer Services

540-825-3100, ext. 3358

Make a difference in Fauquier County. Join forces with many other dedicated volunteers to improve the lives of seniors. Share your interests, experience, and knowledge at a program of your choice. Volunteers are needed at our senior centers, for transit programs, for the Protective Money Management Program, and in other areas.


800-872-7245 111 South Commerce Street, Culpeper

www.amtrak.com Amtrak provides passenger rail service in Manassas, 20 miles north of Warrenton, and in Culpeper, 25 miles south.


540-825-3100, ext. 3358

https://www.rrcsb.org/care-a-van/ Volunteer drivers transport seniors and individuals with disabilities to their health care or legal service providers. For more information see Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services in the Social Services section of this guide.

Circuit Rider (Virginia Regional Transit) 540-825-2456

www.vatransit.org, support@vatransit.org Circuit Rider covers Fauquier County. The schedule repeats every hour. The first run starts at 7:30 a.m. and the last run starts at 4:30 p.m. Route starts and ends in the rear side lot of the Warrenton Post Office. When inclement weather or other circumstances cause an interruption of service, public service announcements will be broadcast on WKCW (1420 AM) and WPRZ (1250 AM).



Foothills Area Mobility System (FAMS) One-call/click Transportation Center 540-829-5300

www.fams.org fams@rrregion.org Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Foothills Area Mobility System (FAMS) Call Center is the one-stop transportation information referral source for the counties of Culpeper, Madison, Orange, Fauquier and Rappahannock. The FAMS call center gives out free information on public, private, and volunteer transportation options. Learn how to navigate through town and allow a mobility specialist to help plan your trip. They offer free travel training, where the mobility specialist will teach an individual or group of individuals how to navigate through the public transportation system.

Greyhound Bus Stations near Fauquier 703-971-7598 or 540-373-2103 6770 Frontier Drive, Springfield 1400 Jefferson Davis Highway, Fredericksburg

ifsr@greyhound.com For fares and schedules: 800-231-2222 or en Espanol 800-531-5332.



www.voltran.org, voltranrides@gmail.com VolTran’s volunteer drivers provide free rides to medical appointments and other critical errands for elderly and persons with disabilities who reside in Fauquier, Rappahannock, and northern Culpeper counties. Transportation may extend services into other local counties, depending on driver availability. VolTran partners with the Foothills Area Mobility System (FAMS) One-Call Transportation Center for ride scheduling. Calls to VolTran’s phone number are answered by the FAMS staff and ride requests are then forwarded to VolTran drivers. Ride requests should be made at least five days in advance but will be accepted up to two months prior to need. Volunteer drivers use their own vehicles and set their own schedules. New volunteers are always welcome.


703-369-4900 9950 Cockrell Road, Manassas

Contact:Alpost10@yahoo.com American Legion assists all veterans in the northern region of Virginia with accessing a full range of services available to them. This includes: Veterans Affairs claim compensation, healthcare, and other VA benefits and services.

Hero’s Bridge 540-341-5378

www.Herosbridge.org, info@herosbridge.org Hero’s Bridge is a nonprofit organization serving military veterans age 65 and older who are in need of assistance. This organization is one of only a few focusing on the special needs of older veterans. Hero’s

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Bridge provides friendly visits throughout the month, transportation to doctors’ appointments, facilitates the acquisition of needed benefits from the Veterans Administration (VA), and more through a variety of program offerings. Volunteers interested in ensuring these elderly soldiers don’t “just fade away,” are welcome. Services are provided at no cost to the veteran or their family.

Virginia Department of Veterans Services

703-479-7437 9300 West Courthouse Road, Suite 305, Manassas

https://www.dvs.virginia.gov/ The Virginia Department of Veterans Services advocates for Virginia veterans, connects them to benefits and services they have earned, and offers the Virginia Veteran and Family Support program (formerly known as the Wounded Warrior Program). Help with health benefits, disability compensation, VA pensions, survivor benefits, home loan guarantees, and education benefits is provided. All services are provided free of charge. The Manassas Benefits Office offers services in Fauquier County among other areas. Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Veterans are seen from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Veterans Service Representative: Pepper Burgess, Pepper.Burgess@dvs.virginia.gov.

IMPORTANT VETERAN SERVICES PHONE NUMBERS Bereavement Counseling 202-461-6530

National Cemetery Scheduling Office 866-900-6417

Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMP) 800-733-8387

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255

Federal Recovery Coordination Program 877-732-4456

Pension Management Center 877-294-6380

Education and Training Benefits 888-442-4551

Presidential Memorial Certificate Program 202-565-4964

Headstones and Markers 800-697-6947

Special Health Issues 800-749-8387

Health Care 877-222-8387

Spina Bifida Health Care Benefits Program (SBHCBP) 888-820-1756

Home Loans 877-827-3702

Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) 800-829-4833

Homeless Veterans 877-222-8387

Veterans Administration (VA) Benefits 800-827-1000

Life Insurance 800-669-8477

Women Veterans 202-461-1070

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Bienvenidos a la guía de recursos del condado de Fauquier. Hemos organizados los siguientes servicios locales con líneas de ayuda directa, comida, nutrición, educación, empleo, servicios legales, ropa, muebles, salud, servicios sociales, transporte y vivienda. Esperamos que este guía le sea útil en encontrar servicios sociales. Si usted necesita más información sobre estos u otros servicios, llame a Yesenia Reyes, PATH Community Link, al 888-495-5465.

LÍNEAS DE AYUDA DIRECTA: 2-1-1 Virginia 800-230-6977 Alcoholismo: Consejo Nacional Sobre Alcoholismo 800-662-HELP (4357) Centro de Prevención y Control de Enfermedad 800-232-4636 Centro de Control de Veneno 800-222-1222 Centro de Ayuda para Mujeres Embarazadas 703-330-1300; Fax 540-347-7770 8691 Stonewall Rd, Suite B, Manassas

Línea de Ayuda Contra el Abuso de Sustancias 800-662-HELP (4357) Línea de Ayuda Para el SIDA/VIH 800-533-4148 Línea de Crisis Para Veteranos 800-273-8255 (oprime 1) Línea Directa de Abuso y Negligencia Infantil 800-552-7096 Línea Directa Para Niños que Abandonan sus Hogares 800-786-2929 Línea Directa de Prevención del Suicidio 800-273-TALK (8255) Línea Directa Contra el Terrorismo 866-488-8554 Línea Directa Contra la Violencia Doméstica 800-799-SAFE (7233) Línea Directa Contra la Violencia Familiar en Virginia 800-838-8238


Línea Directa de Niños Desaparecidos y Explotados 800-THE-LOST (800-843-5678) Narcóticos Anónimos 800-777-1515 PATH Community Link (Recursos en la Comunidad) 855-495-LINK (5465) Se habla español Nuestra organización ayuda a personas necesitadas a encontrar recursos locales, incluyendo servicios gratuitos o de bajo costo.

Peer2Peer Regional Warmline 833-626-1490

Línea directa de ayuda dirigida por personas que han experimentado y superado problemas de salud mental y abuso de sustancias.

Prevenir el Abuso Infantil en Virginia 800-552-7096 Programa de Defensa Contra la Violencia Doméstica y el Asalto Sexual del Condado de Fauquier Línea Directa las 24 horas 540-422-8460 Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services Línea de Crisis Línea Directa las 24 horas: 540-825-5656 Red de Protección de Adultos 540-422-8400 SAFE, INC. Línea directa gratuita las 24 horas: 800-825-8876; Oficina: 540-825-8891 Servicios para familias víctimas de abuso. www.safejourneys.org

Salud Mental (NAMI) 800-950-6264

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Bibliotecas Públicas de Fauquier Asistencia con la preparación de impuestos. Llame al (540) 422-8465 para programar una cita. Community Touch 540-439-9300

Asistencia de emergencia para los verdaderamente necesitados.

El Ejército de Salvación del Condado de Fauquier 540-341-3396

www.virginiasalvationarmy.org/warrentonva/ 62 Waterloo Street, Warrenton

La oficina de servicios sociales del Ejército de Salvación, ubicada detrás de la tienda, está abierta de lunes a jueves de 9:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. La oficina de servicios sociales ofrece una despensa de alimentos, becas para el campamento de verano, servicios de emergencia en caso de desastre natural y asistencia navideña. Para más información, llame al 540-341-3396.

Iglesia Episcopal Grace 540-253-5177

emergencia a los residentes del condado de Fauquier que se encuentran en dificultades debido a circunstancias fuera de su control, es decir, problemas médicos, pérdida de empleo o muerte en la familia. Ayudamos a pagar las facturas de servicios públicos para evita la desconexión del servicio que incluye alquiler o hipoteca para evitar desalojo de vivienda. Estamos financiados por empresas locales, iglesias locales, y otras subvenciones. Horario: de lunes a jueves de 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m., se requiere cita.

SafeLink Wireless 800-SafeLink


SafeLink Wireless es un programa respaldado por el gobierno que brinda un teléfono celular y un plan gratis cada mes. Para conocer los detalles del programa y para ver si califica, visite el sitio web.


Banco de Alimentos y Tienda de Segunda Mano de Fauquier Tienda 540-359-6054; Banco de Alimentos 540-359-6053

www.fauquierfoodbank.org Contacto: fauquiercommunityfoodbank@comcast.net au Fauquier_ thrift@yahoo.com 249 East Shirley Ave, Warrenton


El banco de alimentos está abierto de lunes a viernes de 12:00 p.m. a 4:00 p.m. Se aceptan donaciones de alimentos de lunes a viernes, de 9:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. Todas las ganancias de la tienda ayudan a comprar alimentos para el banco de alimentos. La tienda de segunda mano está abierta de lunes a viernes de 9:00 a.m. hasta las 5:00 p.m.; sábado 9:00 a.m. hasta las 1:00 p.m.

Ofrece asistencia de combustible y servicios públicos a los necesitados.

Clara’s Faith House Despensa de Alimentos y Tienda de Segunda Mano

Sociedad San Vicente de Paul – Iglesia Católica San Juan Evangelista

www.communitytouchinc.org, Contacto: feliciac@communitytouchinc.org

6507 Main Street, The Plains

Leña gratis para los necesitados.

Iglesia Metodista Unida de Morrisville www.morrisvilleumc.org, Contacto: morrisvilleumc@verizon.net 4432 Morrisville Road, Bealeton


271 Winchester Street, Warrenton

La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul (SVDP) ayuda a todas las personas necesitadas que residen en el condado de Fauquier y trabaja en colaboración con otras organizaciones caritativas en el condado para ayudar a personas de bajo recursos. El grupo ofrece apoyo financiero que se envía directamente al acreedor a quien se le debe y una despensa de alimentos para los necesitados. La despensa de alimentos se encuentra en la iglesia de San Juan y está disponible solo con cita.

People Incorporated (833) 277-9330

www.peopleinc.net, Contacto: info@peopleinc.net 135 South Main Street, Woodstock

People Inc. es una Agencia de Acción Comunitaria y Corporación de Desarrollo Comunitario sin fines de lucro comprometida a brindar oportunidades para que las personas alcancen sus objetivos con el fin de mejorar sus vidas, familias y comunidades. En los condados de Culpeper, Fauquier y Rappahannock, People Inc. ofrece préstamos comerciales y personales. El programa de préstamos personales brinda a los consumidores acceso a financiamiento de bajo costo para necesidades a corto plazo, tales como consolidación de deudas, préstamos y reparaciones de automoviles y hogar, prevención de ejecuciones hipotecarias, etc. Los servicios de desarrollo de pequeñas empresas brindan capacitación, asistencia técnica comercial y préstamos para crear o expandir un negocio existente. Tanto los clientes comerciales existentes como los nuevos son elegibles para los servicios. El asesoramiento crediticio está disponible como parte de ambos servicios. People Incorporated también brinda Asistencia de Impuestos durante la temporada de impuestos. Se requieren citas.

By Community Touch Inc. 540-439-9300 10499 Jericho Road, Bealeton

La despensa proporciona alimentos de calidad. Los alimentos también se compran, distribuyen y se entregan a los ancianos. Las horas de operación son lunes y miércoles de 10 am – 2 pm, y sábado de 10 am – 12 pm.

Coalición de Distribución de Alimentos del Condado de Fauquier 540-905-7227 (deje mensaje) c/o Fauquier County Extension Office

fauquierfood.wixsite.com/fauquierfood, Contacto: info@fauquierfood.org 24 Pelham Street, Warrenton El tercer sábado de cada mes, la coalición distribuye alimentos y otros artículos necesarios desde las 9:00 a.m. hasta las 10:30 a.m. (o hasta que se acaben) en la Iglesia Metodista Unida de Warrenton ubicada en 341 Church Street (detrás de Pizza Hut).

El Ejército de Salvación del Condado de Fauquier 540-341-3396

62 Waterloo Street, Warrenton www.virginiasalvationarmy.org/warrentonva/

La oficina de servicios sociales del Ejército de Salvación, ubicada detrás de la tienda, está abierta de lunes a jueves de 9:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. La oficina de servicio social incluye una despensa de alimentos, becas para campamentos de verano, servicios de emergencia por desastre y asistencia de Navidad, ropa y juguetes. Además, Pathway of Hope, que es un programa de servicio social diseñado para ayudar a los clientes motivados a escapar de la pobreza de forma permanente. Para información, llame al 540-341-3396.

Personas Ayudando Personas

Fauquier FISH Dispense de Alimentos

34 Beckham Street, Warrenton www.fauquierphp.com, Contacto: php.fauquier@verizon.net

http://fauquierfish.org, Contacto: foodpantry@fauquierfish.org


Personas Ayudando Personas proporciona asistencia financiera de


Dispensa de Alimentos: 24 Pelham Street, Warrenton La Dispensa de Alimentos distribuye alimentos saludables. Las

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selecciones de menú incluyen nuestros exclusivos kits de comidas DASH, con todos los ingredientes necesarios y instrucciones para preparar comidas en el hogar. Las selecciones actuales incluye 8 comidas principales, 4 acompañantes y 3 almuerzos calientes. POP Bucks están disponibles para comprar en el Mercado de Agricultores de Warrenton. Visite nuestro sitio web para obtener información adicional. Horario: verano: martes y sábado de 9:30 a.m. a mediodía, jueves de 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.; Invierno: martes y sábados de 9:30 a.m. a mediodía, jueves de 4-6 p.m.

Iglesia Bautista Broad Run 540-347-1379

Broadrunchurch.org, Contacto: Office@Broadrunchurch.org 5143 Broad Run Church Road, New Baltimore Ofrece asistencia alimentaria los martes de 11 am a 12 pm.

Iglesia Episcopal Grace 540-253-5177, ext. 101

6507 Main Street, The Plains www.gracetheplains.org, Contacto: gracechurch@gracetheplains.org

La despensa de alimentos está abierta los domingos por la mañana de 8 am a mediodía. También puede acceder a la despensa de alimentos de lunes a viernes cuando la oficina de la iglesia está abierta: de lunes a viernes de 9 am a 5 pm.

DEPARTAMENTO DE SERVICIOS SOCIALES DE FAUQUIER (DSS) Departamento de Servicios Sociales de Fauquier

540-422-8400 Línea directa gratuita las 24 horas: 1-888-832-3858

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. https://www.fauquiercounty.gov/government/departments-h-z/socialservices

320 Hospital Drive, Ste 11, Alice Jane Childs Building, Warrenton

La misión del Departamento de Servicios Sociales es ayudar a las personas a superar la adversidad para asegurar un futuro sólido para ellos, sus familias y comunidades. El propósito es ayudar a las familias a mantener o lograr la autosuficiencia, proteger a adultos y niños vulnerables al abuso y la negligencia, proporciona beneficios para satisfacer necesidades básicas y cooperar con otras organizaciones para promover el bienestar general de los ciudadanos del Condado de Fauquier. Los residentes del Condado de Fauquier ahora pueden solicitar beneficios de servicios sociales en línea. Visite https://commonhelp. virginia.gov/toapplyforservices. El Departamento de Servicios Sociales Administra los siguientes programas (y más):

Alivio General

AG es un programa de asistencia a corto plazo para ayudar con situaciones de emergencia específicas relacionadas con la vivienda y los servicios públicos. Este es un programa local y la solicitud debe realizarse en nuestra oficina local. Debe ser residente del condado de Fauquier y tener una necesidad de emergencia. Para criterios de elegibilidad adicionales, información del programa, pautas de ingresos y para solicitar una solicitud, llame al Departamento de Servicios Sociales del Condado de Fauquier al 540-422-8400.

Asistencia Temporal para Familias Necesitadas – (TANF)

TANF proporciona asistencia financiera temporal para familias elegibles con hijos menores, que tienen necesidades económicas y también cumplen con otros requisitos. Se requiere una entrevista. Los pagos de TANF dependen del tamaño de la familia; una familia puede calificar mientras recibe ingresos de otras fuentes. Es posible que se requiera que algunas personas que califican para TANF participen en VIEW, La Iniciativa de Virginia para la Educación y el Trabajo. Los participantes de VIEW pueden obtener otros ingresos además de sus benéficos de TANF, pero el ingreso total no puede exceder el nivel de pobreza federal para el tamaño de su familia. Para solicitar TANF vaya a https://commonhelp. virginia.gov o llame a la oficina de Fauquier.

Asistencia Energética

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El Programa de Asistencia de Energía consta de los siguientes componentes: asistencia de combustible, que ayuda a los hogares elegibles a pagar los costos de calefacción; asistencia en caso de crisis que ayuda a hogares elegibles en situaciones de emergencia de calefacción; facturas de combustible y reparación/reemplazo de quipos de calefacción; asistencia de refrigeración que ayuda a los hogares elegibles con la compra o reparación de unidad de aire acondicionado, y con las facturas de electricidad. Para obtener más información y para presentar su solicitud, visite http://www.dss.virginia.gov/.

Sociales de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 4:30 p.m. Debe cumplir con una pauta de ingresos, tener una entrevista cara a cara, recibir un aviso de corte de servicio de su compañía y llevar su factura de servicios públicos con usted. Hay dos estaciones: la temporada de enfriamiento, que se extiende desde el 1 de junio hasta el 31 de octubre, y la temporada de calefacción, que se extiende desde el 1 de noviembre hasta el 31 de mayo. Los fondos están disponibles por orden de llegada hasta que se agoten los fondos. Para obtener más información, llame al 540-4228400.

Beneficios – Medicaid

Programa Contra la Violencia Domestica y Agresión Sexual del Condado de Fauquier Línea directa gratuita las 24 horas: 540-422-8460

Medicaid tiene varios programas de asistencia médica que pagan visitas médicas para niños y ciertos adultos que no pueden pagar por los servicios necesarios. Personas elegibles incluyen niños, mujeres embarazadas, personas con discapacidades o personas mayores. Existen disposiciones especiales y varios tipos de cobertura para los cuales puede calificar según sus ingresos, tamaño de la familia y circunstancias. Las personas con enfermedades mentales pueden solicitar Medicaid a través de Rappahannock Rapidan Servicios Comunitarios al 540-8253100. Para solicitar Medicaid, visite www.commonhelp.virginia.gov, llame al 855-242-8282 o comuníquese con su agencia local.

El Lugar de Trabajo – Centro de Recursos Para Buscar Empleo 540-422-8422 workplace320@gmail.com 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 11, Warrenton

El Lugar de Trabajo está abierto de lunes a viernes de 10 a.m. a 3 p.m. y está disponible para todos los residentes del condado de Fauquier para ayudar en la búsqueda de empleo. El Lugar de Trabajo no es una agencia de empleo, pero motiva la búsqueda de empleo independiente con múltiples recursos a su disposición. Ofrecemos los siguientes servicios gratis: ofertas de trabajo directamente de los empleadores, varias páginas web y periódicos locales, asistencia para establecer nuevas cuentas de correo electrónico, computadoras y acceso al internet, fax y fotocopiadora. También ofrecemos asesoramiento de trabajo y preparación de currículum, pero se requiere cita. Para hacer cita llame al 540-422-8422.

Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria (SNAP)

El programa SNAP es administrado por el Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos y se opera a nivel local en Virginia. El programa está diseñado para ayudar a prevenir el hambre y la desnutrición asegurando una dieta mejor para los hogares de bajos ingresos. No está diseñado para satisfacer todas las necesidades alimenticias, solo para complementarlas. Para obtener más información y para presentar su solicitud, visite http://www.dss.virginia.gov/.

Medicaid: Familia y Niños; Envejecido, Ciego y Discapacitado (ABD; Cuidado a Largo Plazo (LTC)

Medicaid proporciona el pago de la atención médica y de salud para las personas que cumplen con los requisitos especificados de límites de ingresos. Todos los servicios médicos deben ser proporcionados por proveedores inscritos en Medicaid que facturen directamente al programa por sus servicios. En algunos casos, se requiere un pequeño copago. Para solicitar Medicaid, visite http://www.dss.virginia.gov/, llame al 855-635-4370 para obtener ayuda para completar una solicitud, o llame a la oficina de Fauquier.

Asistencia de Cuidado Infantil (CC)

El programa de Asistencia para el Cuidado Infantil proporciona fondos para mejorar la calidad, la asequibilidad y el suministro de cuidado infantil disponible para las familias de Virginia. Los servicios de cuidado infantil son servicios centrados en el niño y enfocados en la familia que apoyan los objetivos familiares de autosuficiencia económica y desarrollo del niño al proporcionar supervisión, protección y bienestar al niño mientras el padre participa en una actividad aprobada. Para obtener más información y para presentar su solicitud, visite http://www.dss.virginia. gov/family/cc/assistance.cgi.

Otros Servicios Dominion EnergyShare

Dominion EnergyShare brinda asistencia de calefacción y refrigeración a familias elegibles. El Departamento de Servicios Sociales administra el programa para los residentes necesitados del Condado de Fauquier. Para obtener más información y completar una solicitud, visite los Servicios

Vea la descripción completa del programa en la sección Violencia Doméstica y Abuso.

Servicios de Protección Para Adultos (APS)

Cualquier persona viviendo en el condado de Fauquier que tenga 60 años o más o está incapacitado y tenga 18 años o más puede recibir servicios de protección. Los servicios se brindan independientemente de los ingresos financieros de la persona. Los servicios de protección para adultos incluyen la investigación de informes recibidos y provisiona servicios de salud, sociales y legales para detener el maltrato. Si tiene preguntas sobre la situación de una persona mayor o un adulto con discapacidades, llame y hable con un trabajador social a 540-422-8400. También puede llamar la línea directa gratuita las 24 horas al día al 1-888-832-3858.

Servicios de Protección Infantil Línea directa gratuita las 24 horas: 800-552-7096

El estatuto de Virginia exige que los departamentos de servicios sociales investiguen todos los informes de posible abuso o negligencia infantil y que organicen la protección de los niños cuando sea necesaria. El propósito de la intervención de los servicios de protección infantil es proteger a los niños, preservar a familias siempre que sea posible y prevenir más abusos y negligencias. Si tiene conocimiento de un posible abuso o negligencia infantil, llame a la línea directa de abuso infantil las 24 horas: 800-552-7096. Para obtener información sobre una situación o para reportar sospechas de abuso o negligencia, llame a la oficina de Fauquier al 540-422-8400 durante horas de oficina. Un niño maltratado o descuidado es cualquier niño menor de 18 años cuyo padre, o cualquier otra persona responsable del cuidado del niño, cause o amenace con causar una lesión física o mental (excepto por accidente), que no proporcione comida y ropa adecuadas, refugio, atención médica, que abandona al niño, que no proporciona el tipo de supervisión necesaria para la edad o el nivel de desarrollo del niño, o que comete o permite cometer cualquier acto sexual que involucre al niño.

Servicios Familiares y Servicios de Prevención de Orfanato

Los servicios familiares están diseñados para ayudar a los niños y las familias a resolver crisis, conectarse con los servicios necesarios, y permanecer seguros en sus propios hogares siempre que sea posible. El objetivo es prevenir o eliminar la necesidad de la colocación de niños fuera del hogar, promover la fortaleza y estabilidad de la familia, mejorar el funcionamiento de los padres y proteger a los niños. Llame al FCDSS y solicite la asistencia de un trabajador social de Servicios para Familias si usted, su familia o un amigo están experimentando dificultades. Llame al 540-422-8400.

Subvenciones Auxiliares

SA es un complemento de asistencia financiera para beneficiarios de Seguridad de Ingreso Suplementario (SSI) y otras personas mayores, ciegas o discapacitadas que viven en un Centro de Vivienda Asistida (ALF) con licencia o en un hogar de Cuidado Temporal para Adultos (AFC) aprobado por Servicios Sociales. Para obtener más información y cómo presentar una solicitud, visite el sitio web del Departamento de Servicios Sociales de Virginia en http://www.dss.virginia.gov/.

EDUCACIÓN, EMPLEO Y CAPACITACIÓN LABORAL Arc of North Central Virginia (Arc of NCV) 571-399-5390

http://www.arcofncv.org, info@arcofncv.org P.O. Box 3186, Warrenton

The Arc of North Central Virginia es un capítulo local de la organización

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comunitaria más grande del mundo para personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo. Nos comprometemos a apoyar a las personas con discapacidades intelectuales para que alcancen su máximo potencial a través de la creación de conciencia, aceptación y capacidad de apoyo de la comunidad, asegurando que sean valorados como compañeros de clase, compañeros de trabajo, vecinos, ciudadanos y amigos. Los servicios incluyen consultas con familias, organizar programas y eventos familiares, desarrollar recursos informativos locales y asociarse con organizaciones locales para crear conciencia y capacidad de apoyo.

Educación Para Adultos en la Región Piedmont (PRACEP) 540-718-8243

www.pracep.org 6368 Flat Run Road, Locust Grove

430 East Shirley Avenue, Building C, Warrenton

Programa preescolar financiado por el gobierno federal para niños elegibles, de 3 a 5 años de edad, que residen en el condado de Fauquier. Proporcionamos servicios integrales para niños inscritos y sus familias, que incluyen salud, nutrición, desarrollo social/emocional y educativo.

Virginia Career Works Piedmont Division/Culpeper Center 540-212-4570

https://vcwpiedmont.com, Contacto: smorton@vcwpiedmont.com 210 Stevens Street, Suite 200, Culpeper

VCW ofrece servicios para solicitantes de empleo, empleadores y jóvenes entre las edades de 16 y 24 años que necesitan asistencia con capacitación o para encontrar empleo. Horario: lunes de 8:30 a.m. a 4:30 p.m. Martes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 4:30 p.m.

PRACEP atiende a cualquier adulto que tenga al menos 18 años de edad en los condados de Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange y Rappahannock. Ofrecemos clases de preparación para GED® y clases de inglés.

Voluntarios de la Alfabetización de Fauquier (LVFC)

El Lugar de Trabajo – Centro de Recursos Para Buscar Empleo 540-422-8422

LVFC ofrece clases de educación básica para adultos (ABE) e inglés (ESL). Consulte nuestro sitio web para obtener más información sobre el registro.

Contacto: workplace320@gmail.com 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 11, Warrenton

El Lugar de Trabajo está abierto de lunes a viernes de 10 a.m. a 3 p.m. y está disponible para todos los residentes del condado de Fauquier para ayudar en la búsqueda de empleo. El Lugar de Trabajo no es una agencia de empleo, pero motiva la búsqueda de empleo independiente con múltiples recursos a su disposición. Ofrecemos los siguientes servicios gratis: ofertas de trabajo directamente de los empleadores, varias páginas web y periódicos locales, asistencia para establecer nuevas cuentas de correo electrónico, computadoras y acceso al internet, fax y fotocopiadora. También ofrecemos asesoramiento de trabajo y preparación de currículum, pero se requiere cita. Para hacer cita llame al 540-422-8422.

Escuelas Públicas de Fauquier (Fauquier County Schools) Información General 540-422-7000

www.fcps1.org 320 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

La Universidad Comunitaria Lord Fairfax (Lord Fairfax Community College) www.lfcc.edu, Contacto: Michelle Cribbs, mcribbs@lfcc.edu 6480 College Street, Warrenton

Lord Fairfax Community College es una institución de educación avanzada con 4 localidades: Middletown, Warrenton, Luray-Page County and Vint Hill, sirviendo 8 localidades en Virginia central. Ofrecen más de 75 programas y certificados para todo el público.

La Universidad Comunitaria Lord Fairfax Workforce Solutions Desarrollo Profesional y Educación Continua 540-868-7021

www.lfccworkforce.com, Contacto: lfccworkforce@lfcc.edu

Ofrece programas de instrucción durante todo el año en múltiples ubicaciones, en línea o incluso en el sitio de su organización a través de capacitación corporativa. Los programas ofrecidos incluyen desarrollo comercial y profesional, computadoras y tecnología, salud y bienestar, construcción, industria, manufactura, transporte y mucho más. Entrenamiento profesional acelerado, asistencia financiera, entrenamiento profesional y entrevistas de trabajo garantizadas disponibles para algunos programas.

Programa Preescolar (Fauquier Community Action Head Start Program) 540-347-7000

www.fcacheadstart.org, Contacto: pwashington@cwcap.org



http://www.lvfc.net/, Contacto: lvfc320@gmail.com 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 10, Warrenton


Hábitat para la Humanidad de Fauquier ReStore 540-216-3447

https://www.fauquierhabitat.org, Contacto: Restore@FauquierHabitat.org 617 Frost Ave, Warrenton

Hábitat para la Humanidad de Fauquier ReStore es una tienda de artículos del hogar y un centro de donaciones sin fines de lucro que vende muebles, accesorios y materiales de construcción, y electrodomésticos nuevos a bajo precio. La tienda se enorgullece de ser operado por Hábitat para la Humanidad de Fauquier. Los ingresos se utilizan para construir viviendas y mejorar las comunidades a nivel local y en todo el mundo. Las donaciones a la tienda afectan la disponibilidad de ciertos artículos, y las existencias pueden cambiar diariamente. Horario: martes a jueves de 10 a.m. a 6 p.m.; sábado 10 a.m. a 4 p.m. Cerrado los domingos y lunes. Horario de donaciones: de martes a viernes de 10 a.m. a 5 p.m.; sábado 10 a.m. a 3 p.m.

Hope Heals Community Freestore

www.hopehealsfreestore.org, Contacto: hopehealsfreestore@gmail.com 606 Falmouth Street - Suite A Nuestra misión en Hope Heals es proporcionar a nuestra comunidad ropa, zapatos, y ropa de cama gratis. Creemos que las personas son lo más importante y nos satisface proveer necesidades básicas con compasión, dignidad y aceptación incondicional.

La Arca de Noe

By Community Touch Inc. 540-439-9300

www.communitytouchinc.org, TyronneC@communitytouchinc.org 10499 Jericho Road, Bealeton

El Arca de Noé proporciona muebles caseros gratuitos para los menos privilegiados. Los artículos incluyen muebles, ropa, artículos para el hogar y electrodomésticos. Horario: lunes, miércoles, viernes 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.; sábado de 10 a.m. a 12 p.m.

La Tienda Familiar del Ejército de Salvación 540-341-8385

www.virginiasalvationarmy.org/warrentonva/ 62 Waterloo Street, Warrenton

La Tienda Familiar del Ejército de Salvación vende ropa, artículos para el hogar y muebles a precios razonables. Las ganancias apoyan los programas locales. Aceptamos donaciones de ropa, artículos para el hogar, muebles, zapatos, carteras y artículos de cocina. También, recogemos muebles al domicilio, llame al 540-341-8385 para programar una cita. El horario de la tienda es de lunes a viernes, de 10 a.m. a 5 p.m. y sábados de 10 a.m. a 2 p.m. La oficina de Servicios Sociales del Ejército de Salvación, ubicada detrás de la tienda, está abierta los lunes y jueves de 9 a.m. a 4 p.m.

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SALUD: CLINICAS MEDICAS GRATUITAS La Clínica Gratuita de Fauquier 540-347-0394

www.fauquierfreeclinic.org,info@fauquierfreeclinic.com 35 Rock Pointe Lane, Warrenton

Servicios Médicos

La clínica gratuita es como ir a pasar una consulta con un médico regular. Es un lugar al cual ir cuando tiene dolor de oído, dolor de muelas, diabetes, presión alta o gripe. Es el lugar al que debe ir cuando necesita una mamografía, análisis de laboratorio, pruebas de diagnóstico de la vacuna contra la gripe, medicamentos, referencia a un especialista o seguimiento de una visita al hospital o sala de emergencias. Si no podemos ayudarle, hacemos todo lo posible para encontrar a alguien que pueda hacerlo. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame al 540-347-0394 y presione 1 para comunicarse con la recepción.

Servicios de Salud Mental

La Clínica Gratuita brinda apoyo integral de salud mental a nuestros pacientes.

Servicios Dentales

Si tiene seguro de salud, incluyendo Medicaid, Medicare o ambos, pero no tiene seguro dental, puede ser atendido en nuestra clínica dental siempre que cumpla con nuestro requisito de residencia y financieros. La clínica dental brinda atención preventiva y de emergencia que incluye exámenes completos, empastes, extracciones, radiografías y limpiezas. La cirugía oral y la asistencia en la obtención de dentaduras postizas se ofrecen de forma limitada. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame al 540-3470394 y presione 2 para comunicarse con la clínica dental.

SERVICIOS DE CUIDADO URGENTE (URGENT CARE) Fauquier Hospital – Servicios de Atención de Emergencia 540-316-5000

www.fauquierhealth.org 500 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

Minute Clinic CVS 540-347-1621

Contacto: admin@warrentonpregnancycenter.org 400 Holiday Court, Suite 101, Warrenton

Sirviendo mujeres de Fauquier y los condados circundantes, independientemente de sus circunstancias. Estamos comprometidos a proporcionar un entorno seguro donde puede explorar todas sus opciones y tomar una decisión informada. Brindamos atención médica y asesoramiento: pruebas de embarazo, ultrasonido, vitaminas prenatales, referencias médicas y sociales, asistencia para la inscripción a Medicaid, suministros para maternidad y bebes.

SERVICIOS DE HOSPITAL Fauquier Health 540-316-5000

www.fauquierhealth.org, referral@fauquierhealth.org 500 Hospital Drive, Warrenton El único hospital en el condado con una variedad de servicios médicos:

Centro de Maternidad 540-316-4000

Centro de Rehabilitación y Enfermería de Salud de Fauquier

540-316-5500 360 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

Centro de Sueño – Para Estudiar Problemas de Sueño 540-316-2660

Warrenton Professional Building, 493 Blackwell Road, Warrenton

Centro para Bajar de Peso 540-316-2735

253 Veterans Drive, Suite 204, Warrenton

Corazon y Vascular 540-316-5990

402 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

Departamento de Emergencias 540-316-4900

Educación y Apoyo Para el Autocontrol de la Diabetes

www.cvs.com/minuteclinic 510 Blackwell Road, Warrenton


Piedmont Urgent Care

El Centro de Curación de Heridas

www.piedmont-urgent-care.com 493 Blackwell Road, Suite 101B, Warrenton

Warrenton Professional Building, 493 Blackwell Road, Warrenton


GoWell Urgent Care (antes llamado Warrenton Urgent Care) 540-351-0662

419 Holiday Court, Warrenton

540-316-HEAL (4325)

El Centro de Benestar

540-316-2640 419 Holiday Court, Warrenton

https://www.gowellurgentcare.com/ 75 W. Lee Highway, Warrenton

Eventos Comunitarios y Educativos


Imagenes Medicas

First Care Salud de la Mujer firstcarewomen.com

8691 Stonewall Road, Manassas / 703-330-1300 13189 Centerpointe Way Woodbridge / 703-670-5322

Personal capacitado proporciona pruebas de embarazo gratuitas y completamente confidenciales; ultrasonido limitado (para clientes que califican); También proveemos educación cobre el aborto, la adopción y el embarazo.

Centro de Embarazo de Warrenton 540-779-0001 Text: 540-404-1760 Warrentonpregnancycenter.org,



Laboratorio y Patología 540-316-5600

Medicina Física y Rehabilitación 540-316-2680 253 Veterans Dr., Warrenton 7915 Lake Manassas Drive, Gainesville



419 Holiday Court, Warrenton

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Oportunidades para Voluntarios

siguientes son los servicios ofrecidos por RRCS.

Ortopedia y Columna Vertebral




Centro para Personas Mayores de Fauquier 430 E. Shirley Avenue, Warrenton

Rehabilitación Pulmonar

El Centro ofrece comidas nutritivas y compañerismo para personas mayores elegibles de 60 años o más, así como programas educativos y de bienestar, socialización y recreación a través de muchas actividades interesantes y divertidas. Transporte de puerta a puerta puede estar disponible. El Centro está abierto de lunes a jueves de 10:00 a.m a 2:00 p.m.

419 Holiday Court, Warrenton

Centro de salud para adultos de Warrenton

Referencia a Médicos 540-316-DOCS (3627) 540-316-2650

Salud para Mujeres 540-316-3588

Servicios de Cancer

540-316-4360 210 W. Shirley Avenue, Warrenton

Servicios de Cirugía 540-316-3700

The Care Boutique 540-316-4437

500 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

The Villa at Suffield Meadows – Vivienda Asistida para Ancianos 540-316-3800

6735 Suffield Lane, Warrenton Virginiavilla.org


Departamento de Salud de Fauquier (Health Department) 540-347-6400 Rrhd.org, contacto: askrrhd@vdh.virginia.gov 330 Hospital Drive, Suite 101, Warrenton

Servicios gratis incluye: sillas infantiles, vacunas, cuidado dental, chequeo médico para niños (excluye chequeos para deportes o escuela), planificación familiar, pruebas y asesoramiento de embarazo, cuidado prenatal (excluye parto), artículos para la lactancia materna, y WIC (nutrición para mujeres, bebés, y niños). Por favor llámenos para una cita.


www.rrcsb.org, Contacto: rrcsb@rrcsb.org 15361 Bradford Road, Culpeper

La misión de RRCS es mejorar la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos de los condados de Fauquier, Culpeper, Madison, Orange y Rappahannock brindado servicios integrales de salud, discapacidad del desarrollo, trastorno por uso de sustancias y envejecimiento. RRCS ofrece una amplia variedad de programas para los residentes de Fauquier de todas las edades, incluidos los servicios de transporte (a instalaciones de RRCS), servicios de transporte voluntario (para citas médicas y legales), comidas a domicilio, un programa de cuidado diurno para adultos, intervención temprana para bebes y niños pequeños, servicios para personas con discapacidades de desarrollo/intelectuales, servicios de salud del comportamiento para adolescentes y adultos, y servicios para el abuso de sustancias. Los servicios están disponibles para los ciudadanos en cada uno de los condados atendidos por RRCS. Para obtener información general, comuníquese con las oficinas administrativas al 540-825-3100 y pida hablar con un coordinador de soporte para el servicio que necesita. Los



https://www.rrcsb.org/senior-services/ 430 E. Shirley Avenue, Warrenton

El Centro ofrece un entorno seguro y acogedor para adultos que necesitan ayuda con las actividades diarias de salud y cuidado personal. Los participantes deben tener una necesidad identificada de servicios o estar en riesgo de colocación institucional (por ejemplo, hogar de ancianos). Abierto de lunes a viernes.

Servicios de Coordinador de Apoyo al Envejecimiento 540-825-3100, extension 3427

Los servicios de coordinación de soporte son el punto de entrada para todos los programas de soporte residencial y diurno de RRCS. Los coordinadores de apoyo ayudan a coordinar los servicios para satisfacer las necesidades médicas, psiquiátricas, sociales, nutricionales, educativas, vocacionales, laborales, de vivienda, transporte, recreativas, legales y de defensa. La Coordinación de Apoyo para Discapacidades intelectuales / del desarrollo brinda servicios a niños o adultos que tienen un diagnóstico de discapacidad de desarrollo antes de los 18 años. La Coordinación de apoyo de salud conductual brinda servicios a adultos mayores de 18 años que han sido diagnosticados con una enfermedad mental y necesitan apoyo para mantener la estabilidad en la comunidad y trabajar hacia la recuperación.

Programa de Asesoramiento y Asistencia Sobre Seguros de Virginia (VICAP) 540-825-3100, extension 3427

Miembros capacitados del personal educan, aconsejan y ayudan a los consumidores mayores en programas de beneficios médicos, seguro de atención a largo plazo y problemas o preguntas con Medicare y Medicaid. VICAP también ayuda al explicar e inscribir a las personas en los planes Medicare Parte D o Medicare Advantage.


Conexión para Bebés y Niños Pequeños (ITC) 540-829-7480 itc@rrcsb.org

ITC brinda apoyo y servicios de intervención temprana a bebés y niños pequeños desde el nacimiento hasta los dos años que no se desarrollan como se esperaba o que tienen una condición médica que puede retrasar el desarrollo normal. Estos apoyos y servicios están disponibles para todos los niños elegibles y sus familias, independientemente de capacidad de pago de la familia. Para obtener más información sobre los servicios de intervención temprana, visite www.infantva.org.

Servicios de Prevención 434-825-8913 540-825-3100

https://www.rrcsb.org/prevention-services/, Contacto: prevention@rrcsb.org

Los servicios de prevención promueven comportamientos saludables y estilos de vida para el desarrollo juvenil. El programa aborda los factores de protección y de riesgo, como los peligros de un trastorno por uso de sustancias o el suicidio de adolescentes y otros problemas de salud del comportamiento. Este programa proporciona capacitación en primeros auxilios de salud mental, así como también apoya a grupos comunitarios locales en programas de prevención.

Servicios Ambulatorios para la Salud Conductual

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https://www.rrcsb.org/ 340 Hospital Drive, Warrenton

Los servicios ambulatorios consisten de servicios diseñados para evaluar y tratar los efectos de los trastornos de salud conductual que afectan la capacidad de funcionamiento de una persona. Los servicios ambulatorios se ofrecen en nuestras clínicas de salud en Fauquier y Culpeper. La Clínica de Fauquier está abierta de lunes a viernes. Para una evaluación inicial, se proporciona acceso rápido de martes a viernes. Visite rrcsb.org y haga clic en Servicios.

Servicios de Coordinación de Apoyo de Salud Conductual para Niños 540-672-2990 ext. 108 https://www.rrcsb.org/ ChildServices@rrcsb.org

Los servicios de coordinación de apoyo para niños (desde el nacimiento hasta los 18 años) ayudan a los niños y las familias a conocer y acceder a servicios para abordar las necesidades sociales, de desarrollo y de comportamiento. Estos servicios se centran en aumentar la participación del niño o joven en actividades familiares y comunitarias. Existen diferentes tipos de servicios de coordinación de soporte para abordar una variedad de necesidades.

Servicios de Crisis 540-825-5656


RRCS opera una línea directa de crisis que está disponible para los residentes de Fauquier las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, los 365 días del año. Para las personas que sufren una emergencia de salud mental, llame al 540-825-5656.

Atención Coordinada para Adultos Jóvenes (YACC) 540-825-3100, extension 3469 Contacto: yacc@rrcsb.org

El programa brinda apoyo integral a adolescentes y adultos jóvenes (15-25) que experimentan un primer episodio de psicosis. Este programa ofrece un equipo de profesionales para ayudar a las personas a reducir los síntomas y aumentar la integración comunitaria. Los servicios integran un enfoque basado en la recuperación y centrado en la fuerza, con terapia de mejora cognitiva y apoyo. Con un enfoque de intervención temprana, los servicios se dirigen a personas que han experimentado síntomas por menos de dos años y brindan hasta dos años de apoyo. Seguro médico es aceptado. Visite rrcsb.org y haga clic en Servicios.

Servicios Ambulatorios para el Trastorno por uso de Sustancias 540-347-7620

Este servicio incluye terapia de mejora motivacional, psicoterapia individual, grupos educativos, terapia grupal y programas de detección de drogas. Los programas para adultos jóvenes (de 15 a 25 años) están disponibles en la Clínica de Culpeper y están abiertos a los residentes de Fauquier. Tratamiento asistido con medicamentos (MAT) se proporciona de forma ambulatoria a personas que participan en servicios de asesoramiento semanal en nuestras clínicas de Culpeper o Fauquier.

Coordinación de Apoyo al Trastorno por uso de Sustancias 540-347-7620

La coordinación de apoyo brinda apoyo a personas con problemas de trastorno por uso de sustancias. Los coordinadores ayudan a los clientes a satisfacer necesidades identificadas (por ejemplo, vivienda) trabajando en colaboración con múltiples proveedores de servicios dentro de la agencia y en la comunidad.

Boxwood Treatment Center – Servicios Residenciales y de Desintoxicación 540-547-2760

El programa residencial de tratamiento de alcohol y otras drogas de Boxwood incluye asesoramiento individual, familiar y grupal, películas educativas, conferencias y prevención de recaídas. Los grupos de Alcohólicos / Narcóticos Anónimos (AA o NA) se llevan a cabo diariamente. Los domingos se ofrecen programas familiares y visitas. El programa también proporciona grupos concurrentes para personas con

problemas de salud del comportamiento y uso de sustancias. Boxwood Detox Services es una desintoxicación de alcohol y otras drogas con asistencia médica de seis camas para personas que no necesitan una desintoxicación hospitalaria. El programa de desintoxicación generalmente dura de cuatro a siete días e incluye monitoreo médico, medicamentos según corresponda y educación / grupos. La instalación de Boxwood se encuentra en Culpeper y sirve a los residentes del condado de Fauquier.

Peer2Peer Regional Warmline 833-626-1490

Peer2Peer Regional Warmline es un servicio telefónico gratuito administrado por el consumidor que brinda apoyo, referencias de recursos y experiencias compartidas de esperanza y recuperación. Una alternativa a una línea de crisis, Warmline está dirigida por personas con experiencia vivida con problemas de salud mental y abuso de sustancias. Todas las llamadas son confidenciales y no hay cargo para la persona que llama. Warmline está disponible los 7 días de la semana, las 24 horas del día, los 365 días del año. Operado por el Departamento de Servicios de Salud Mental y Discapacidad de Virginia, la Junta de Servicios Comunitarios del Noroeste, la Junta de Servicios Comunitarios del Área Rappahannock y los Servicios Comunitarios Rappahannock Rapidan.

SERVICIOS DE APOYO COMUNITARIO Servicios de Coordinación de Apoyo 540-825-3100

Los servicios de coordinación de soporte son el punto de entrada para todos los programas de soporte residencial y diurno de RRCS. Los coordinadores de apoyo ayudan a coordinar los servicios para satisfacer las necesidades médicas, psiquiátricas, sociales, nutricionales, educativas, vocacionales, laborales, de vivienda, transporte, recreativas, legales y de defensa. La Coordinación de Apoyo para Discapacidades intelectuales / del desarrollo brinda servicios a niños o adultos que tienen un diagnóstico de discapacidades del desarrollo antes de los 18 años. La Coordinación de apoyo de salud conductual brinda servicios a adultos mayores de 18 años que han sido diagnosticados con una enfermedad mental y necesitan apoyo para mantener la estabilidad en la comunidad y trabajar hacia la recuperación.

Coordinacion de Atencion/Transiciones de Atención 540-825-3100 ext. 3464

Este programa apoya a los miembros inscritos en el programa CCC Plus al proporcionar la coordinación del servicio de atención médica primaria y garantizar transiciones seguras y efectivas en todo el proceso de atención médica. Estos programas trabajan en colaboración con el cliente y su equipo interdisciplinario de atención médica y proporcionan información y orientación para mejorar las habilidades de autogestión, mejorar los resultados, reducir los reingresos hospitalarios y fomentar la utilización adecuada de servicios médicos y de salud.

Bridges Day Programa de Apoyo 540-829-7628

13523 Beverly Ford Road, Elkwood

Bridges ofrece servicios para adultos con discapacidades del desarrollo, incluidas las personas con discapacidad intelectual. Las actividades del programa se ofrecen en la ubicación del programa, junto con un fuerte énfasis en estar en la comunidad para construir y mantener conexiones y relaciones con la comunidad. Las oportunidades de apoyo y desarrollo de habilidades son individualizadas. Hay muchas oportunidades para que las personas mejoren sus habilidades relacionadas con las interacciones sociales, la comunicación, el cuidado personal, el presupuesto, el bienestar físico y mental y la seguridad, por nombrar algunos. El horario del programa suele ser de lunes a viernes, excluyendo algunos días festivos y días de servicio. Ofrecido por Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services (RRCS).

Visions Clubhouse 540-825-3366

710 US Avenue, Culpeper

Visions Clubhouse ofrece un programa estructurado de servicios de rehabilitación psicosocial para adultos diagnosticados con una enfermedad mental grave. El enfoque de este programa es resaltar y promover las fortalezas y talentos de cada persona mientras se manejan sus trastornos de salud mental. Se hace hincapié en crear conexiones con

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la comunidad para las interacciones sociales, así como participar en el trabajo voluntario y buscar oportunidades de empleo.

Programas Residenciales 540-825-3100

Los programas residenciales trabajan con personas que han sido diagnosticadas con una enfermedad mental y / o discapacidad de desarrollo para promover la vida independiente y aumentar una amplia gama de habilidades. Un plan de soporte individualizado que detalla las actividades de desarrollo que son importantes para el individuo. Algunos ejemplos incluyen apoyo y desarrollo de habilidades relacionadas con interacciones sociales, manejo de medicamentos, tareas domésticas, apoyo de pares, conexiones comunitarias y bienestar físico y mental. Las horas y los tipos de soporte proporcionados se basan en las necesidades evaluadas del individuo.


Centro de Resolución de Disputas de Piedmont (PDRC) 540-347-6650 www.PiedmontDisputeResolution.org, Contacto: pdrc@verizon.net 98 Alexandria Pike, Suite 53, Warrenton

Proporciona servicios de mediación para asuntos de custodia, visitas, manutención de niños, padres-adolescentes, arrendatario-inquilino, consumidor-comerciante, cuidado de ancianos, divorcio, educación, vecindario y negocios. Los mediadores no toman partido ni le dicen a la gente qué hacer. Son neutrales y ayudan a las personas a resolver problemas. Los mediadores del PDRC están certificados por la Corte Suprema de Virginia. PDRC también ofrece capacitación y talleres sobre resolución de conflictos, comunicaciones efectivas y negociaciones para niños, jóvenes y adultos. El Programa de Justicia Restaurativa del PDRC trabaja con víctimas de delitos y delincuentes, proporcionando un lugar seguro para reunirse cara a cara para hablar sobre el daño causado y reparar el daño.

Obras de Ayuda Legal (Legal Aid Works) 540-825-3131

www.legalaidworks.org, Contacto: LAWCulp@legalaidworks.org 1200 Sunset Lane, Suite 2122, Culpeper

Para residentes de bajos ingresos que requieren asistencia legal en asuntos civiles. Los servicios son gratuitos y están disponibles para cualquier persona sin importar su estatus legal, y hay personal bilingüe disponible. Obras de Ayuda Legal normalmente abre de lunes a viernes, de 9:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m., y cierra solo en dos ocasiones: en días feriados y durante las reuniones de nuestro personal.

Servicios de EEUU para Ciudadanía y Inmigración (US Citizenship & Immigration Services) 800-375-5283

SERVICIOS PARA NIÑOS: BrightCare Center 703-330-5836,

Contacto: info@brightcenter.org, www.brightcarecenter.org, www. facebook.com/brightcarecenter 7845 Ashton Avenue, Manassas

Programa para personas con necesidades especiales, programa después de la escuela y campamentos de verano para adultos mayores de 18 años. En BrightCare, nuestro objetivo es hacer que el día a día sea MÁS BRILLANTE al proporcionar acceso y oportunidades que promuevan el compromiso y fomenten la independencia de las personas con discapacidades de desarrollo. Sirviendo los condados de Fauquier y Prince William. Transporte proporcionado.

Club de Niños y Niñas de Fauquier Inc. 540-349-8890

www.bgcfauquier.org, Contacto: info@bgcfauquier.org 169 Keith Street, Warrenton

Un programa integral de desarrollo juvenil que atiende a niños de 5 a 18 años en tres ubicaciones durante el año escolar (casa club en la calle Keith en Warrenton y Cedar Lee Middle School). Programas de verano se ofrecen solamente en la Casa Club de Warrenton. Los resultados prioritarios son estilos de vida saludables, éxito profesional


y académico, buen carácter y liderazgo. Estos resultados se logran a través de un programa de alta calidad que incluye tutoría, y actividades de aprendizaje. También ofrecemos servicios como: exploración de carreras, servicio comunitario, educación para la salud, capacitación en habilidades para la vida y más.

Guardería Cuidando a los Ángeles 540-439-1244

https://www.communitytouchinc.org, Contacto: feliciac@ communitytouchinc.org 10499 Jericho Road, Bealeton

Cuidamos de tus angelitos y les enseñamos habilidades básicas para el futuro. Somos un lugar donde los niños aprenden, crecen y se divierten en un ambiente saludable, limpio y amoroso. Proporcionamos personal calificado que cuida a un grupo diverso de niños de todas las edades y antecedentes económicos con un aprecio por todas las razas y puntos de vista religiosos. Estamos comprometidos a proporcionar una experiencia educativa para cada niño.

Familias Saludables Fauquier and Rappahannock 540-948-3916 ext. 440

98 Alexandria Pike, Suite 43, Warrenton Contacto: HFSupervisor@skylinecap.org

Familias Saludables está disponible para cualquier persona que esté esperando un hijo o que tenga un recién nacido y esté interesado en recibir información sobre la crianza de los hijos y los recursos de la comunidad. Familias Saludables se complace en ofrecer servicios gratuitos a los padres en los condados de Fauquier y Rappahannock.

Fauquier Community Child Care (FCCC) - Guarderia 540-347-6970

Fcccva.org, Contacto: general@fcccva.org

FCCC es un programa licenciado, sin fines de lucro, para el cuidado de niños en edad escolar, que ha brindado cuidado continuo, de alta calidad, accesible y seguro para niños en el condado de Fauquier desde 1991. El programa con sede en las escuelas primarias del condado, opera antes y después de la escuela durante el año escolar, y también ofrecen varios programas de campamento de verano. Con tarifas accesibles, la matrícula a bajo costo está disponible para familias elegibles según sus ingresos y también se aceptan pagos subsidiados.

Fauquier FISH Programa de Mochila y Útiles Escolares 540-347-FISH

http://fauquierfish.org, Contacto: bookbags@fauquierfish.org

Para niños necesitados que asisten a las escuelas públicas del condado de Fauquier. Registre a sus hijos para recibir una mochila nueva y útiles escolares según el grado de su hijo. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles cada año a partir de mayo en el Departamento de Servicios Sociales, Fauquier Community Food Bank & Thrift Store y Fauquier FISH Dispensa de Alimentos. El formulario también está disponible para descargar desde nuestro sitio web.

Fauquier FISH Suministros Para Bebés 540-347-FISH

http://fauquierfish.org, Contacto: foodpantry@fauquierfish.org 24 PelhamStreet, Warrenton

Fauquier FISH almacena pañales y toallitas. Un suministro limitado de fórmula también está disponible. Traiga su envase de fórmula o etiqueta. Horario: verano, martes y sábado de 9:30 a.m. a mediodía, jueves de 6:30 p.m. a 7:30 p.m. Invierno, martes y sábados 9:30 am - mediodía, jueves 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm.


Coach John Schlenker

www.fcsc.org/TOPSoccer, Contacto: piedmontTOPsoccer@gmail.com TOPSoccer es el programa oficial de fútbol juvenil para enriquecer las vidas de los niños con discapacidades de aprendizaje y / o físicas a través del fútbol. TOPSoccer ofrece una oportunidad para que los niños con necesidades especiales aprendan y se diviertan jugando fútbol mientras mejoran su autoestima, estado físico y habilidades de socialización. TOPSoccer es un programa gratuito; gracias al generoso apoyo del Fauquier County Soccer Club y la Virginia Soccer Association. Siempre estamos buscando voluntarios para apoyar a nuestros casi 100

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atletas. Para obtener más información sobre TOPSoccer, envíenos un correo electrónico.



www.amtrak.com 111 South Commerce Street, Culpeper

Amtrak ofrece servicio de tren para pasajeros en Manassas, que esta 20 millas norte de Warrenton, y 40 millas sur de Culpeper.


540-825-3100, ext. 3358

Los conductores voluntarios transportan a personas mayores e individuos con discapacidades a sus citas médicas o servicios legales.

Circuit Rider 540-825-2456

www.vatransit.org , Contacto: support@vatransit.org

Circuit Rider es un autobús que cubre el condado de Fauquier. El horario se repite cada hora. La primera carrera de autobús comienza a las 7:30 a.m. y la última carrera a las 4:30 p.m. La ruta comienza y termina en el lote de la parte trasera de la oficina de correo de Warrenton.

Servicio de Transporte de Demanda-Respuesta 540-825-2456

Contacto: support@vatransit.org

El Servicio De Demanda es un servicio de transporte abierto al público con reservación. Todos los autos y autobuses están equipados con acceso para discapacitados. Los viajes se pueden reservar con hasta dos semanas de anticipación, pero con un aviso mínimo de al menos 24 horas. Los pasajeros deben estar preparados para salir 20 minutos antes o después de la hora programada. Los pasajeros que no pueden viajar solos pueden traer un acompañante gratis. El horario de servicio es de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Centro de Llamadas del Sistema de Movilidad del Área de Foothills (FAMS) 540-829-5300

www.fams.org, Contacto: fams@rrregion.org

El centro de llamadas es la fuente de referencia de información de transporte de los condados de Culpeper, Madison, Orange, Fauquier y Rappahannock. El centro de llamadas brinda información gratuita sobre opciones de transporte público, privado y voluntario. Aprenda a navegar por la ciudad y permita que un especialista en movilidad lo ayude a planificar su viaje. Horario: de lunes a viernes, de 8:30 a.m. a 4:30 p.m.

Greyhound Estación de Autobús Cerca de Fauquier 703-971-7598 o 540-373-2103

ifsr@greyhound.com 6770 Frontier Drive, Springfield 1400 Jefferson Davis Highway, Fredericksburg

Para tarifas y horarios: 800-231-2222 o en español 800-531-5332.



www.voltran.org, Contacto: voltranrides@gmail.com

Conductores voluntarios brindan transporte gratuito a citas médicas y otros mandados para ancianos, discapacitados y residentes de bajos ingresos en los condados de Fauquier, Rappahannock, y el norte de Culpeper. El transporte puede extenderse a localidades afuera del condado, pero depende de la disponibilidad del conductor. Las solicitudes de viaje deben hacerse con al menos 5 días de anticipación. Los conductores voluntarios utilizan sus propios vehículos y establecen sus propios horarios; nuevo voluntarios siempre son bienvenidos.


Especialista en Recursos de Violencia Domestica Oficina del Sheriff del condado de Fauquier 540-422-8656

www.fauquiercounty.gov, Contacto: michele.arft@fauquiercounty.gov

78 West Lee Street, Warrenton

Michele Arft ha sido especialista en recursos de violencia doméstica durante 22 años. Brinda defensa y apoyo a las víctimas de violencia doméstica y acoso. Brinda información y recursos disponibles para víctimas (refugio de emergencia, vivienda de transición, grupos de apoyo, asistencia legal, etc.) y maneja asuntos relacionados con las Órdenes de Protección donde las víctimas reciben asistencia para completar peticiones y acompañarlas a citas de corte. También ayuda con información legal general sobre el divorcio y la custodia de los hijos.

Programa Contra la Violencia Domestica y Agresión Sexual del Condado de Fauquier Línea directa gratuita las 24 horas: 540-422-8460

La misión del programa es capacitar a las personas y mejorar la calidad de vida rompiendo el ciclo de la violencia doméstica. Los defensores colaboran junto con el sobreviviente para diseñar un plan de servicio individualizado. Servicios incluyen línea directa de ayuda, apoyo legal, intervención, albergue de emergencia, transporte y recursos comunitarios. Por favor llame a la línea directa para obtener más información.

Servicios a Familias Abusadas, Inc. (SAFE) Línea directa gratuita las 24 horas: 800-825-8876 Oficina: 540-825-8891 www.safejourneys.org, Contacto: info@safejourneys.org 501 E. Piedmont Street, Culpeper

Todos los servicios y asistencias de SAFE son gratuitos y confidenciales. SAFE brinda refugio, apoyo, y defensa a las víctimas y sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica. Servicios incluyen albergue, línea directa de ayuda, intervención de crisis, plan de seguridad, apoyo, servicios para niños, programas de educación sobre el abuso doméstico, acompañamiento a citas de corte, y servicios para la comunidad Hispana.


Albergue Familiar de Fauquier 540-351-0130 o 540-341-0900 www.fauquierfamilyshelter.org 95 Keith Street, Warrenton

Este es el único refugio de emergencia en el condado de Fauquier, y puede alojar hasta 11 familias y 8 adultos solteros a la vez. Personal capacitado supervisa las operaciones las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Un administrador de casos ayuda a formular y facilitar los planes de los clientes para una vivienda estable. Los programas de apoyo incluyen: gestión de presupuestos, programas relacionados con el empleo, clases de nutrición, servicios de búsqueda de empleo, clases para padres, y programas para niños.

Foothills Housing Corporation 540-341-2805

47 Garrett Street #205, Warrenton www.Foothillshousing.org, Contacto: jreid@fhcorp.org

Foothills Housing Corp. es una organización local sin fines de lucro comprometida a proporcionar viviendas seguras, decentes y asequibles. Contáctanos con respecto a The Oaks en Warrenton, que es un complejo de apartamentos para personas de la tercera edad que cuenta con 111 apartamentos alquilados a personas mayores de 55 años y con ingresos calificados. También poseemos, alquilamos y administramos 6 casas en The Plains, 8 casas en Bealeton y 36 casas unifamiliares en Fletcherville, a solo 3 millas al norte de Warrenton en la ruta 17. Todas nuestras comunidades se alquilan a precios asequibles. También financiamos reparaciones a propietarios de viviendas que, sí cumplen con nuestros requisitos de ingresos, pueden recibir fondos para reparaciones de emergencia a través de subvenciones y préstamos sin intereses.

Foothills Housing Network 540-724-6630

https://www.foothillshousing.org/Contacto: fhn@rrregion.org Horario: lunes a viernes 9am-5pm

Nuestra misión es terminar con la falta de vivienda en nuestra comunidad. Brindamos información gratuita y referencias sobre asistencia de vivienda y recursos disponibles en los condados de Culpeper, Orange, Madison, Fauquier y Rappahannock. Para obtener información, llame a Central Entry al 540-724-6630.

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Hope Warming Center of Fauquier

Rev. Tyrone Green, Pastor of Hearts Delight Baptist Church 202-351-1001 P.O. Box 75, Catlett Facebook: @HopeWarmingCenterFauquier

El Centro de Calentamiento Hope de Fauquier se estableció para ofrecer refugio a aquellos que necesitan un lugar para pasar la noche cuando las temperaturas son de 30 grados o menos. Los servicios se ofrecen solo de noviembre a marzo, el Warming Center trabaja con DSS y el Departamento del Sheriff para ofrecer servicios a los ciudadanos identificados con esta necesidad particular. Los ciudadanos necesitados deben comunicarse con DSS o el Departamento del Sheriff cuando necesiten refugio para pasar la noche.

Programa de Intervención para Personas Sin Hogar de Culpeper 540-825-7434

https://www.culpeperhousingandshelterservices.com 602 S. Main Street, Culpeper

Este albergue solo acepta familias; no hombres solteros.

Programa de Intervención para Personas Sin Hogar de Prince William 703-792-7648

7987 Ashton Avenue, Suite 200, Manassas www.pwcgov.org

El Programa de Intervención para Personas sin Hogar (HIP), a cargo del Departamento de Servicios Sociales del Condado de Prince William, ayuda con los pagos de alquiler, depósitos de seguridad y asistencia hipotecaria. Debe cumplir con los requisitos de ingresos, tener una crisis inevitable y demostrar autosuficiencia previa.

incluyen, salud, transporte, alimentos, reparaciones de vivienda y una vía para solicitar ayuda financiera. También se ofrecen gafas, audífonos, ropa y cupones para muebles. Abierto de 8 a.m. a 12 del mediodía, de lunes a viernes. Por favor llame al 727-1055, ext. 409, para citas después de la 1 p.m.

Vivienda de Transición Victoria (VTH) By Community Touch Inc. 540-439-9300 or 540-439-4917

https://www.communitytouchinc.org, feliciac@communitytouchinc.org 10499 Jericho Road, Bealeton Vivienda de Transición Victoria ofrece viviendas de transición para personas sin hogar. VTH satisface las necesidades de las personas afectadas por la pobreza, pérdida de empleo, divorcio, y otras circunstancias imprevistas. Ofrecemos una oportunidad para que las personas sin hogar permanezcan en las instalaciones durante un año a un costo bajo. Beneficiaros están obligados a participar en un programa de ahorro y asistir a clases de tutoría financiera. Los residentes aprenden habilidades básicas de presupuesto, pagar impuestos atrasados y restaurar su crédito. Cada individuo tiene un trabajador de casos que los ayuda con los desafíos de la vida y obtener una vivienda permanente. Horario de oficina: lunes a viernes, de 10 a.m. a 5 p.m.

Vivienda de Transición de Vint Hill (VHTH) 540-347-7374

http://www.fauquierfamilyshelter.org 4383 Hunsberger Drive, Unit H, Warrenton

Nuestro programa de vivienda de transición es un programa intensivo de uno a dos años que ayuda a las familias en la transición de ser personas sin hogar a adquirir las habilidades necesarias para mantener una vida estable e independiente. La comunidad proporciona un entorno estructurado y seguro para la crianza de las familias, crecimiento y bienestar de los niños.

Programa de Soluciones para Personas Sin Hogar en Virginia

Windy Hill Foundation (WHF)

https://www.communitytouchinc.org, feliciac@communitytouchinc.org

Windy Hill Foundation (WHF) proporciona viviendas asequibles seguras, accesibles y estables a individuos, niños y familias en The Plains y Marshall. Los requisitos de ingresos se aplican a todas las propiedades. En The Plains, WHF ofrece apartamentos de 2 y 3 habitaciones y una casa unifamiliar con alquileres entre $963 y $ 1,300 por mes. En Marshall, WHF ofrece 30 casas de 3 habitaciones con alquileres entre $944 y $1,250 por mes. El agua y la electricidad no están incluidos en el alquiler. WHF ofrece programas de servicios para residentes que incluyen actividades después de la escuela, actividades diarias para adultos mayores y adultos con discapacidades, noches de diversión familiar y programas de educación para adultos. Llame a Rosalie Hollenbaugh, Gerente de la Propiedad, al 540-687-3402 para obtener una solicitud o para más información.

By Community Touch Inc. 540-439-9300

Brinda servicios a familias sin hogar con alquiler, depósito de alquiler y administración de casos.

SAM’s Place Community Outreach Center 540-727-1055

https://www.ccrc-jobs.com/sams-place/ Culpeper Career Resource Center 219 East Davis Street, Suite 300, Culpeper

Sam’s Place ofrece asistencia para una variedad de necesidades que



www.windyhillfoundation.org, Windyhill@tmamgroup.com 300 Windy Hill Road, Middleburg

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INDEX 2 Fish Five Loaves of Bread - Mt Olive Baptist Church ����������������������������� 42 4-H Clubs/Virginia Cooperative Extension ����������������������������������������������������6 Acti-Kare Responsive In-Home Care ������������������������������������������������������������ 24 Adult Probation & Parole, District 25 ������������������������������������������������������������ 33 Adult Protective Services/ Fauquier County Department of Social Services ��������������������������������� 35, 38 Ability Unlimited ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 22 Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse ������������������������������������������������������������14 Aging Together ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35 Allegro Community School of the Arts ���������������������������������������������������8, 23 A Little Heart ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36 American Cancer Society ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 American Legion �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48 American Red Cross (Central & Shenandoah Virginia) ���������������������������� 12 AmeriCare Plus-Care ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 Amtrak ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48 Anne Zewatsky, LCSW �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 Arc of North Central Virginia (Arc of NCV) �����������������������������������10, 20, 53 At Home Your Way �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 Autism Society of Northern Virginia ��������������������������������������������������������10,22 Auxiliary Grant for Assisted Living/ Be The Change Foundation �������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Blue Ridge Hospice �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 Blue Ridge Tutor ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Boys & Girls Club of Fauquier Inc. ���������������������������������������������������������������������6 BrightCare Center ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23, 58 Bright Spot Inclusive Playground ��������������������������������������������������������������������20 Broad Run Baptist Church, New Baltimore ������������������������������������������������� 42 Brookside Nursing and Rehabilitation ����������������������������������������������������������� 32 BWell Today for Tomorrow/ The Jacob Mark Blackwell and Andrea Saenz Memorial Fund ����������������14 Capital Caring Health ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 Care-A-Van ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48 Care Connections for Seniors, LLC ���������������������������������������������������������������� 35 Care Perfections Health Services LLC ����������������������������������������������������������� 24 Caring Angels Home Health ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 Caring for Angels Childcare and Preschool ����������������������������������������������������6 Caring Senior Service of Northern Virginia ������������������������������������������������� 35 Carol Hawker, LPC, MEd ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 15 Carole M. Hertz, LPC, EdD �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 Celebrate Recovery* ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16 Center for Holistic Psychotherapy ������������������������������������������������������������������ 16 Center for Nonprofit Excellence ����������������������������������������������������������������������14 Challenger Baseball (Culpeper) ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 Child Abuse & Neglect Helpline �������������������������������������������������������������������� 37 Child Find Fauquier County Public Schools ����������������������������������������������������6 Childhelp Village �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16 Child Nutrition, Inc. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42 Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) �����������������������48 Chrysalis Counseling Centers, Inc.* ���������������������������������������������������������������� 16 Circuit Rider ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48 Clara’s Faith House Food Pantry & Thrift Store ������������������������������������ 42, 51 Clarity Counseling, LLC �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16 Cleansing Water, Inc ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 Clifton Institute, Inc ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Come As You Are (CAYA)* ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 Community Touch ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40, 51 Counseling and Forensic Services* ���������������������������������������������������������������� 17 Culpeper Homeless Intervention Program ��������������������������������������������������44 Decoding Dyslexia Virginia - Fauquier/Haymarket Chapter ������������10, 20 Demand-Response Transportation Service �������������������������������������������������48 Denise Booth, LCSW ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 17 Department of the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI) ����������������������������� 22 Didlake ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11, 23 Doc at Your Door, PLC ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 Domestic Violence Hotline ������������������������������������������������������������������������32, 37 Domestic Violence Resource Specialist/ Dominion Electric EnergyShare Program ����������������������������������������������40, 53 Elaine Shea, LCSW ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17

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Elite Mentoring ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 Employment Services ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40 English Meadows Senior Living Community ����������������������������������������������20 Enroll Virginia ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 Families 4 Fauquier & Beyond ����������������������������������������������������������������������������6 Families Overcoming Drug Addiction (FODA)* ����������������������������������������� 17 Family Alliance Network of Fauquier (FAN) ������������������������������������������������ 37 Family Focus Counseling Services P.C.* ��������������������������������������������������������� 17 FAMS One Call Transportation Center ���������������������������������������������������������48 Fauquier Adult Day Healthcare Center �������������������������������������������������22, 35 Fauquier CADRE* ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 17 Fauquier Childcare Services ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 Fauquier Community Action Head Start Program �������������������������� 6, 10, 54 Fauquier Community Coalition �����������������������������������������������������������������������44 Fauquier Community Child Care (FCCC) �������������������������������������������������6, 58 Fauquier Community Food Bank and Thrift Store ������������������������������ 36, 42 Fauquier County Department of Social Services (DSS) �������������������� 38, 43 Fauquier County Food Distribution Coalition ���������������������������������������������� 42 Fauquier County Health Department ������������������������������������������������������������ 42 Fauquier County Office of Virginia Cooperative Extension ����������������������10 Fauquier County Public Schools (FCPS) ��������������������������������������������������������10 Fauquier County Public Libraries ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 Fauquier County Department of Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Management ��������������������������������������������������������������������12 Fauquier County Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Advocacy Program �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������38 Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office �������������������������������������������������������� 12, 34, 37 Fauquier Education Farm (FEF) ������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Fauquier Excellence in Education Foundation ����������������������������������������������10 Fauquier Family Shelter �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������44 Fauquier FISH Baby Supplies ������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 Fauquier FISH Book Bags & School Supplies Program ���������������������������������6 Fauquier FISH Food Pantry ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42 Fauquier FISH Kids in the Kitchen ���������������������������������������������������������������������8 Fauquier FISH Senior Supplemental Nutrition Program ��������������������������� 35 Fauquier FISH Weekend Power Pack Program �����������������������������������������������8 Fauquier Free Clinic ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17, 24 Fauquier Habitat for Humanity ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 Fauquier Habitat for Humanity ReStore ������������������������������������������������������� 36 Fauquier Health Birthing Center ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 Fauquier Health Cancer Care �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27 Fauquier Health Cardiac Rehabilitation �������������������������������������������������������� 27 Fauquier Health Center for Weightloss �������������������������������������������������������� 27 Fauquier Health Community Events and Education ���������������������������������� 28 Fauquier Health Diabetes Self-Management Education & Support �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 Fauquier Health Emergency Department ���������������������������������������������������� 28 Fauquier Health Heart and Vascular ������������������������������������������������������������� 29 Fauquier Health Imaging ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 Fauquier Health Laboratory & Pathology ����������������������������������������������������� 28 Fauquier Health Neurology ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 28 Fauquier Health Orthopedics & Spine ���������������������������������������������������������� 28 Fauquier Health Surgical Services ������������������������������������������������������������������ 28 Fauquier Health Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation ���������������������������������� 28 Fauquier Health Physician Referral & Program Registration ������������������� 28 Fauquier Health Rehabilitation & Nursing Center �������������������������������������� 28 Fauquier Health Pulmonary Rehabilitation �������������������������������������������������� 28 Fauquier Health Sleep Center ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 Fauquier Health The Care Boutique at Fauquier Health ��������������������������� 28 Fauquier Health Wellness Center ������������������������������������������������������������������ 29 Fauquier Health Women’s Health Services ������������������������������������������������� 29 Fauquier Health Wound Healing Center ������������������������������������������������������ 29 Fauquier Health Volunteer Opportunities ���������������������������������������������������� 30 Fauquier Hospital/Fauquier Health �������������������������������������������������� 27, 32, 55 Fauquier Senior Center ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 35, 45 Fauquier Special Olympics ���������������������������������������������������������������������������8, 23 Fauquier Youth Orchestra �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) ���������������������������� 12 Financial Assistance Programs �����������������������������������������������������������������������40

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Firstcare Orthopaedics ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30 First Care Women’s Health ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 55 FirstLight Home Care ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 Foothills Area Mobility System (FAMS)/One-call/ click Transportation Center ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 59 Foothills Housing Corporation ������������������������������������������������������������������������44 Foothills Housing Network ������������������������������������������������������������������������44, 59 Free To Be ADHD Coaching ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 17 Fun for All Playground ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20 Girls on the Run Piedmont ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 Grace Episcopal Church ����������������������������������������������������������������������������42, 43 Greyhound Bus Stations near Fauquier ��������������������������������������������������������48 Health Connect America* ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 Healthy Families Fauquier and Rappahannock ����������������������������������������������8 Hearing Assessment Center ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 Heartland Hospice Serving Northern Virginia �������������������������������������������� 26 Heaven Sent, LLC ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 26 Hero’s Bridge �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48 Higgins Hill Farm ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 22 Higher Public Relations & Wriiting �����������������������������������������������������������������14 Hope Warming Center of Fauquier �������������������������������������������������������� 44, 60 Home Instead Senior Care ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 Home Marketing Services for Seniors ���������������������������������������������������������� 35 H.O.P.E Counseling Services of Virginia �������������������������������������������������������� 17 Hope Heals Community Freestore ����������������������������������������������������������������� 36 Horse and Soul Counseling ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 Hospice Support of Fauquier County ������������������������������������������������������27, 30 Hospice of the Piedmont ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27 Ignite Fitness ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 In Luck Counseling LLC* ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 18 Independence Empowerment Center ����������������������������������������������������������� 22 Jamie Austin, LPC* ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Jane Probst, LCSW ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Jessica Jacobs, LCSW, LLC �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Jill’s House ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 22 Just Ask Trafficking Prevention Foundation ������������������������������������������������� 38 Juvenile Probation and Intake ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33 Key To Reading & Writing LLC �������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Learning Starts Early �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Legal Aid Works ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 34, 58 Life Line Counseling Center* ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Lions Club ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30 Literacy Volunteers of Fauquier County ���������������������������������������������������������11 Lord Fairfax Community College ���������������������������������������������������������������11, 54 Lord Fairfax Community College Workforce Solution ��������������������������11, 54 Lyme Disease Support Group - Fauquier Chapter �������������������������������������� 31 Mayflower Homeschoolers �������������������������������������������������������������������������������11 Medicaid �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30, 40, 53 Medicare ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30 Mental Health Association of Fauquier County* ���������������������������������������� 18 Mid-Atlantic Home Health ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 26 Mintbrook Senior Apartments ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 45 Moffett Manor Apartments ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 Moms in Motion ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 Morrisville United Methodist Church ����������������������������������������������������������� 43 National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Piedmont ���������������������18, 50 National Counseling Group, Inc.* �������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled ������������������ 12, 23 National Multiple Sclerosis Society ���������������������������������������������������������������� 31 Noah’s Ark Outreach ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36 Noah’s Ark Thrift Store ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37 North Star Stables ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22 Northern Piedmont Community Foundation ������������������������������������������������14 Northern Virginia Family Service: Immigration Legal Services ��������������� 58 Novant Health, Prince William and Haymarket* ���������������������������������������� 30 Novant Health UVA Health System Culpeper Medical Center �������������� 30 Nursing Home and Community-Based Care Screening ��������������������������� 32 Overwhelmed How Can I Help, LLC �������������������������������������������������������������� 35 Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) ���������������������11, 20 Parent Resource Center (FCPS) �����������������������������������������������������������������11, 20 Parkinson’s Piedmont Support Group ������������������������������������������������������������ 31

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PATH Community Link ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 PATH Foundation �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 PATH Resource Center ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 PATH Volunteer Hub ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 Pathways, Inc., Powering Your Path �����������������������������������������������������������������11 Patrick Lee Gibbons, LPC, MMFT* ������������������������������������������������������������������ 18 People Helping People �������������������������������������������������������������������������������40, 43 People Incorporated �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������41, 51 Piedmont Dispute Resolution Center ������������������������������������������������������������ 34 Piedmont Regional Adult and Career Education Programs �����������������������11 Prince William Homeless Intervention Program ����������������������������������������44 Quit Now Virginia ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 18 Rainbow Therapeutic Riding Center �������������������������������������������������������������� 22 Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services* ������������������������������������18, 45 ReEmerge Child Therapy ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Remington Drug Co. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 Remington Group Home ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 SafeLink Wireless ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43, 51 SAM’s Place Community Outreach Center ����������������������������������������� 44, 60 Section 8 Housing ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 Services to Abused Families, Inc. (SAFE) ���������������������������������������������� 38, 59 Sex, Drugs & God* ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Simple Comforts Home Medical �������������������������������������������������������������������� 30 Smart Cookie Reading LLC �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11, 22 Social Security Administration ����������������������������������������������������������������� 24, 31 Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) (FCPS) �������������������� 11, 22 Spero Works LLC ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 Spiritual Care Support Ministries �������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 SpiritWorks Foundation* ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������42, 43 The Oaks ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 The Salvation Army Family Store �������������������������������������������������������������� 11, 37 The Salvation Army of Fauquier County ������������������������������������������������������� 42 The Salvation Army Warrenton Service Center ����������������������������������������� 43 The Van Gils Law Firm, PLLC ����������������������������������������������������������������������������14 The Villa at Suffield Meadows ����������������������������������������������������������20, 28, 56 The Work Place - Career Resource Center ��������������������������������������������������40 Think College ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22 TOPSoccer ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8, 23, 58 Transitions Counseling Services LLC* ������������������������������������������������������������ 19 Transitional Care Services, LLC ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 31 Trauma Recovery and Education Counseling Center ��������������������������������� 19 Verdun Adventure Bound ������������������������������������������������������������������������8, 11, 23 Victory Transitional Housing ���������������������������������������������������������������������������44 Vint Hill Transitional Housing (VHTH) ���������������������������������������������������������44 Virginia Career Works Piedmont Division/ Culpeper Center �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12, 54 Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11,.24 Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (State Agency) ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 Virginia Department of Veterans Services �������������������������������������������������� 49 Virginia Homeless Solution Program ������������������������������������������������������������44 Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) Fauquier County Public Schools ������������������������������������������������������������������������8 Virginia Family Violence Sexual Assault Hotline �������������������������������� 32, 38 Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare – (VIEW) �����������������������40 VolTran �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48, 59 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program �������������������������������������������������� 41 Volunteer Services ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48 Warrenton Dialysis Center/Fresenius Kidney Care ����������������������������������� 31 Warrenton Manor Apartments ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 Warrenton Pregnancy Center �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 Warrenton Women’s Counseling Center (AKA Girls Stand Strong) ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 Windy Hill Foundation �������������������������������������������������������������������������������45, 60 Young-At-Heart Seniors Group ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 35 Young Life Fauquier County ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 Youth for Tomorrow Behavioral Health Services* ��������������������������������������� 19

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A one-stop shop for volunteering: connecting volunteers to opportunities, and helping organizations find the volunteers they need.

540-680-4148 letsvolunteer.org

A free, confidential call center, connecting community members in need with area organizations or services that can help. Se habla EspaĂąol.

855-495-LINK (5465) toll free communitylink@pathforyou.org

Offering education, technical assistance, tools, and resources to area nonprofits.



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If You or a Loved One is‌ Stressed, or havingOne trouble is‌ coping? Using drugs If Youoverwhelmed or a Loved

Founded by the legendary Washington Redskins Coach, Joe Gibbs, Youth For Tomorrow is a nonprofit organization that has Founded by the Redskins Coach, Joe been serving thelegendary Northern Washington Virginia community since 1986. Gibbs, Youth For Tomorrow is a nonprofit organization that has been serving the Northern Virginia community since 1986.

to escape, while using more or experimenting with more drugs? Stressed, overwhelmed or having trouble coping? Using drugs Showing drug seeking behaviors like continued drug use despite to escape, while using more or experimenting with more drugs? negative consequences, or using drugs in hazardous places & Showing drug seeking behaviors like continued drug use despite situations? Losing interest in things once cherished or enjoyed? negative consequences, or using drugs in hazardous places & If so, we can help! situations? Losing interest in things once cherished or enjoyed? If so, we can help!

Providing substance use services for assessments, treatment & insight, and genuine compassion. referrals with professional excellence, Christian integrity, expert insight, and genuine compassion.

We Can Help with Issues Like: Substance Use Disorders communication We Can Help withFamily Issues Like:and relationship issues

Who We Are

Our Focus Providing substance use services for assessments, treatment & Our Focus referrals with professional excellence, Christian integrity, expert What We Do We provide individual and family counseling services for What We Do children, teens and adults. We offer a wide range of supportive

We provide individual family counseling services for therapy, interventions, includingand play therapy, cognitive behavioral children, teens and adults. We offer a wide range of supportive trauma informed care and behavior management. interventions, including play therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, trauma care and behavior management. We alsoinformed provide substance use treatment for adolescents and adults including group treatment, individual, family counseling, We also provide substance treatment for adolescents and with urine drug screens anduse alcohol test strips. adults including group treatment, individual, family counseling, with urine drug screens and alcohol test strips.

Stress Substance Disorders DepressionUse & Anxiety Stress Anger Depression Anxiety Co-Occurring&Disorders Anger Relapse Prevention Co-Occurring Disorders Aftercare planning Relapse Prevention Assessment & Diagnosis Aftercare Referrals planning to higher levels of care Assessment & Diagnosis Referrals to higher levels of care

Family communication and Enabling, Co-Dependency relationship issues Behavioral problems in school Enabling, Co-Dependency Sober coping & living skills Behavioral problems in school Problem solving Sober coping & living skills Social Skills Problem solving Rising issues with the law Social Skills Rising issues with the law

Contact Us Location Call 703-659-9900 Contact Us or visit www.youthfortomorrow.org Our Warrenton office is located at 20 Rock Pointe Lane, Suite 201 Location CONVENIENT EVENING GROUP TIMES AVAILABLE. Warrenton, VA 20186. We accept private insurance and Medicaid. Our Warrenton office is located at 20 Rock Pointe Lane, Suite 201 Warrenton, VA 20186. We accept private insurance and Medicaid. FRG 2021 10.7.20.indd 64

Call 703-659-9900 or visit www.youthfortomorrow.org


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