PA Musician Magazine May 2014

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May, 2014





May, 2014

Pennsylvania Musician Magazine promoting the music industry since 1982... Check out our website for rates & info... Please promote your business through our pages...THANK YOU!



May, 2014

ACROSS THE DESK By Whitey & Robin Noll

April showers bring May flowers, all I have to say is that we are going to have plenty of May flowers. We have had some beautiful weather so I don’t mind the rain it is far better than the cold and snow. I’m lifting up in prayer all those that are being tormented by the tornadoes and floods happening to the south of us. I can’t even imagine how people cope with loosing all their earthly possessions and having to start over. With all the devastation there are many great people that come together to help people rebuild and it is heart warming to see how people work together to heal these devastated communities. Music is also a great way to heal and to help during crisis in life. Music is also a way for us to escape our troubles. There are a number of events coming up in May that will do just that. Musicians join together with clubs and promoters to bring people together to have a good time and raise funds for worthwhile causes. There is no short supply of people who need a helping hand. One such event is happening on Saturday, May 10th at Gullifty’s in Camp Hill as Pentagon performs a Benefit for Cindy Myerly. Cindy is Pentagon’s fan club president and has several debilitating illnesses not covered by insurance that have robbed her of her quality of life and have devastated her financial. Cost will be $15 per person. 100% of the proceeds go to Cindy. Tickets for the benefit are available by sending a check payable to Cindy Myerly to Vicki’s Angel Foundation, 511 Bridge St., P.O. Box 174, New Cumberland, PA 17070. Tickets also will be available at the door the night of the show but Pentagon would love for as

May, 2014

many to be sold in advance as possible. If you are unable to attend the performance you are still welcome to send a donation to the address listed before, just mark it donation in the for line. On May 17th A.R.M.E.D. has put together an event to support The Childrens Miracle Network. A Poker run during the day and awesome bands at night! It is the 1st Annual Halfway to Pay for Play!!! This is gonna be a long ROCKIN’ day! They start out with a Poker Run at 12:30 with a $15 donation you will get one awesome ride and get in to Tubby’s in Duncannon, PA to see some WICKED bands in the evening! Bikes will be leaving in groups of about 25 every 15 minutes as continued on pg 2 4 ...





May, 2014

OUT & ABOUT by RACHEL ROCKS! Yeehaw!!! The May issue.. that means that summer is right around the corner! It has been a long winter!! The recent sunshiney days have been amazing. Even the Spring rain is beautiful, it makes everything seem like it’s glowing! I never really write in a notebook like a true reporter should, so every month I’m sort of amazed at the amount of bands I saw. It’s not easy having a family, a new job, etc., and still find the time and the money to get out there and Support Local Music!! I love it so much tho, it’s hard to hold me back from doing something that makes me so happy! I just magically create more hours in my day, but don’t worry, that’s my little special secret! The first band of the month was Steel at Double K. I could see these guys every weekend and it wouldn’t be enough! Every time I get a chance to make it to a show, not only do a get a great workout with all the dancing and shenanigans, but my face gets a workout just from all the smiling. Every Steel show is filled with members of Steel Nation, or the Steel Army, or what I like to call, the Steel Family. This night was Dave Magarro’s birthday! Happy belated birthday Dave!! These guys don’t need a birthday to throw a party, but it definitely helps to have some delicious birthday cake to end your day. Steel plays some great covers of all of my favorite metal bands, and even a few originals from their “Hammered” CD. If you want to guarantee yourself a good night out on the town, check out their schedule and come party with them soon! My next night out was a super busy one, zooming all over the place. I started out back at Double K because Take 147 was playing there again. This was a last minute fill in night for them, and they still drew one heck of a crowd. With them being right in my backyard I couldn’t refuse to go over and at least say Hi and hear a song or two. I was glad to see the party was in full swing, and quickly zoomed to my next stop. I really wanted to go check out the 717 Music Awards. I stopped in and took a few quick pics, but that place was packed from wall to wall elbows to hiney holes! I couldn’t believe how many people were there. I heard the final count was over 500!! There are nights like these that I miss Gullifty’s 2nd tier. It was so hard shoving my way to the front. Windchill was taking control of the stage when I was there. Nick Myers puts on a great event. He’s been doing an amazing job supporting original artists from the 717 and beyond. Please keep an eye on Gullifty’s ad and get out there to support these amazing original shows. There aren’t many venues left in our area that let these bands play, but Gullifty’s has been supporting them for over 30 years! I tried to go see Fierce at The Fieldhouse next. When I got there I had to park up top in overflow parking which meant it was going to be crowded, but I wasn’t expecting it to be as crowded as it was! I couldn’t even walk inside to even get anywhere close to the band. I decided to leave and make them my last stop. I quickly zoomed across the highway over to The Alpine Inn for S.O.S. These guys always have a great crowd at The Alpine. They are definitely a local favorite. Even their security guy loves these guys and can’t refuse to come out and dance to a song or two! It’s awesome to see them getting crazier on stage. Stage presence is crucial in any party band, and these guys definitely have it going on. I’m also excited to see them doing a lot more harmonies, and back-up vocals. It’s great to see these guys back in the groove with a full band ready to rock the night away. Check out their ad in continued on page 1 2 ...

May, 2014



Out & About continued.... this issue and get out there and enjoy some great local music!! My final stop of the night I zoomed back over to The Fieldhouse for Fierce. I found out it was Mary’s birthday so the crowd was their in full force to help her celebrate! Fierce just got a new lead singer, Marti. I only heard a few songs, but from what I heard Marti is an amazing singer. Her voice was still going strong at the end of the night and Fierce sings some amazing songs that push anyone’s vocals to the limit. Even with a new singer Fierce didn’t miss a beat. Check out their schedule in this issue and get out there and give Marti a nice big Fierce welcome! My friends Sabrina and Patty were heading up to Tubby’s and asked if I wanted to go along for the ride, and I’m glad I did. I’ve heard a lot about 1 Echo 1 and I’m glad I finally got the chance to catch them Out and About at Tubby’s. 1 Echo 1 is all original rock band that have their own unique sound. Their lead vocalist has such nice clear vocals you can actually hear the very meaningful lyrics in their songs. Of course I’m also partial because they have a keyboard player too that ads in the extra sound you don’t hear too often in bands around here. Overall 1 Echo 1 quickly sucked you into their show and had you singing along to their very addictive hooks in every song. They’ve recently created their first official music video that’s on their Facebook page and worth checking out. Broken Fayth is one of our newer advertisers and is another band I’ve been trying to see live for quite a few years. They’ve come down to the MMC and played on our Acoustic Stage the past few years, but it was awesome to finally see them rockin’ out as a full band. Chuck is another lead singer with such clear vocals he



can quickly suck you in to his lyrics and pull you into the show. Broken Fayth is really working hard to promote their band and get their name out there to the masses. I was excited to see them debuting their first official Broken Fayth t-shirts. It’s not easy to get a full band organized enough to get them marketing themselves and pushing for that next step, but that’s exactly what Broken Fayth is doing. Check out their ad in this issue and get out there to support these guys so you can say “I knew them when”… The sky is the limit and these guys are just starting to fly! Again on a Friday night I saw a post that Save the City was back at Colonial Lounge so I stopped in. This time their cello player, Sam was there playing along. It seems that the cello has been making a come back to area stages. I’ve seen it quite a few times. It definitely provides a very cool added element to a lot of my favorite songs even from the 80’s to the most present favorites. I heard these guys and gal will be entertaining the Color Runners down in Hershey at the end of May. I’ll be running on May 31st, and I’m thrilled to know they will be there entertaining the masses! Hopefully soon these guys will get out there and promote themselves so they can be playing other cool venues that actually have a true dance floor. Smokin Gunnz was playing at Double K, and one thing you knew for sure is the locals would be happy. These guys are definitely a crowd favorite. It’s one of those shows that brings everyone out of the woodwork. There isn’t much of a dance floor at Double K, but the Smokin Gunnz fans take advantage of every square inch and then some. No matter how crowded Double K gets the fans are amazing. Every one just squeezes in and has a great night supporting live music! It’s another one of those feel good nights that I love going out to support every chance I get. Their show with their deep fried continued on page 1 3 ...

May, 2014

Out & About continued.... obviously too young to truly enjoy the Metron experience, even tho I did see The Inciters there and fell in love with Rej Troup when I was about 7! Ha! Shea and Swish were the main entertainers of the night and they always pack the Blue Moose, so I wasn’t too surprised by the crowd. All night it seemed like the people just kept streaming in. To end the night in full throwback mode Jeffrey Gaines took the stage too! Google Jeffrey Gaines and get to one of his shows or buy one of his many CDs! This guy is a one man band that is truly an amazing musician. He’s traveled the world with his music, and it was honor to have him play in our tiny town of Linglestown. To finish off my month I headed down to the Launch Music Festival in Lancaster. With my new job I unfortunately couldn’t attend the daily conference, but the music in the evening was crazy good, and I couldn’t help but get down there to support it. I mainly stayed at the Aussie & The Fox and enjoyed some solo artists and ended the night with Ashley Leone and her full band. When I got there Scott Peoples, one of our newer advertisers was on the stage. Man he can sing! And his fingers were like lightning over the frets of the guitar. I’m so glad he’s from right here in New Cumberland, I can guarantee you I will be checking out more of his shows! You can check out Scott for yourself on his website at He definitely does play the guitar and he plays it very well! You can also check out his ad in this issue and get him booked at your venue soon! I took a walk outside on this beautiful night and followed the music up to the plaza to listen to Dietrich Strause and his full band. Wow! These guys could play. It was a little chilly, but they didn’t let it stop them from sharing their music. As their set went on the crowd slowly grew. It was awesome to watch their music draw the people in. I was hoping to catch Marshmellow Overcoat after these guys, but unfortunately they were a no show, so I headed back to Aussie & The Fox. When I got back Jared Costa was on the stage. Jared came up from Philly to play the conference. I’ve seen his name around before and glad I finally got a chance to hear him. He not only plays the guitar, but also plays the harmonica. His songs were all unique and great to hear. I loved his little suitcase display of his merch and CDs so people knew who he was. Again at big events it’s hard to know who all the bands are. One little sign or even a Tshirt hanging from a mic stand lets people know who you are. Most bands play for free at these things, at least you can get some new friends or fans by promoting the name of your band. The last band of the month and of the night was Ashley Leone. I was lucky enough to hear her at the MMC and when I saw she was playing back in the area, I didn’t want to miss it! Every time I hear her I can’t believe she’s only 18! She’s been playing coffee shops and anyone that would allow her to play since she was 14. She is a natural singer and it shows. She has some amazing videos and recorded songs on her website, She’s playing all around the Philadelphia area throughout May. If you get the chance you really need to check this girl out! She’s heading down to Nashville in August to attend college and hopefully spend lots of time writing and playing and helping her get her music heard by the masses! Ashley is determined to make music her full-time career, and we all know a little determination goes a long way! Good luck Ashley!! [Editor note: Rachel Rocks reformatted her disc on her camera before retrieving her Launch hotshots, sorry] Well that’s all for this month. Time to get going so I can get to my day-time job. I sure wish you didn’t need money to survive in this world, but unfortunately it’s a necessary evil. I hope you all have a great warm, sunshiney month!! Please get out there and support some live music. The decks are opening and music will be everywhere!! When you see me Out and About please stop me and say Hi! If you have any questions or comments, e-mail me at 14


May, 2014

NATIONALS By Eric Hoffman

I’m back Rockers ‘N’ Rollers! Apologies for my article absent last month, I was amidst a yearly music vacation to Los Angeles. The music scene in southern California is always truly unbelievable. A great trip which included shows of Missing Persons and The Orwells. And visiting the rehearsal rooms of The Binges and Dave Krusen (Pearl Jam). A great experience to run into artists daily, like Tom Morello (Rage Against The Machine), Ryan Adams, Moby, Reverend Horton Heat, Jared and Caleb Followhill (Kings of Leon). A massive THANK YOU to former Harrisburg native Torr Pizzillo (La La La Birdtime) for making it possible and his hospitality in West Hollywood. Some other great shows the past month included Har Mar Superstar at Lancaster’s Chameleon —audiences are initially thrown off by his sexual prowess, but are true believers of this R&B artist by the end of the show. Genitorturers brought their extreme industrial metal show to Reverb in Reading. My thanks and appreciation to Reverb for the guest list. The Orwells at U Street Music Hall in Washington DC —I was fortunate to catch this band 3 times on two coasts in one month. NME Magazine recently claimed The Orwells “The best new live band in America.” Lady Gaga closed the doors of NYC famous Roseland Ballroom after 92 years of business, with 7 sold out shows. Gaga was extremely talented and uniquely entertaining. The Sounds brought their Swedish post-punk revival sound to Philadelphia’s Union Transfer and Joan Jett & The Blackhearts celebrated Rock 107’s Birthday Bash in Wilkes-Barre.


Joan Jett seemed extremely happy as she rocked the entire show with a huge noticeable smile. NATIONALS news: AC/DC issued a statement regarding the future of the band. There had been rumors of the band retiring due to guitarist and founding member Malcolm Young suffering a stroke. AC/DC stated “Malcolm is taking a break from the band due to ill health .. the band will continue to make music.” The band has seen 13 personnel changes over the years so one more change does not cause for retirement. Singer, Brian Johnson, says the band plans to start working on new music in May in Vancouver, “We’re going to pick up some guitars, have a plonk, and see if anybody has got any tunes or ideas. If anything happens, we’ll record it.” And added “One of the boys is a little sick, but he’s getting better.” AC/DC hinted a possible tour to mark the band’s 40th anniversary, playing 40 shows in 40 venues. The Rock ‘N’ Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony happened in New York on April 10th. KISS, Nirvana, Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band were also joined by Hall & Oates, Peter Gabriel, Cat Stevens and an absent Linda Ronstadt. Nirvana used four women rockers to sing Kurt Cobain’s songs, including Joan Jett, Lorde, Kim Gordon and St. Vincent. Michael Stipe of R.E.M. inducted the band saying “Nirvana tapped into a voice that was yearning to be heard.” KISS refused to play, due to original two members Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley opinion, that the replacements for ex-bandmates Ace Frehley and Peter Criss should perform at the ceremony instead of the original four. On stage the estranged band members spoke warmly of each other. Drummer Criss professed “You’ve got to forgive to live.” Nearly every surviving member of KISS was at the ceremony but felt unfair that Hall of Fame only inducted the original four members. Paul McCartney released 4 summer tour dates for his


“Out There” tour including a stop to Pittsburgh’s Consol Energy Center on July 7th. The former Beatle has already trekked 23 cities with this tour across South America, Europe, North America and Japan. Macca promises “more dates to be announced.” Aerosmith is bringing their “Let Rock Rule” tour to 20 cities this summer. Closest stops include August 31st – Atlantic City, NJ Boardwalk Hall and September 6th – Bristow, Va., Jiffy Lube Live. The tour will feature special guest Slash with Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators. Singer, Steven Tyler, joked that the band will play “a couple new songs … if we get some time to rehearse.” Foxy Shazam have recorded a new album and announced a 24 date spring/summer concert run with opening night in Harrisburg on May 27th at Fed Live. continued on page 1 8 ...

Caleb Followhill (Kings Of Leon)

May, 2014

May, 2014





“LIVE REVIEWS” By Jim Price Let the explosion begin! With temperatures warming up, the outdoor live music season starts to kick into high gear this month with several festivals, benefits and other events. It’s already starting to look like a busy warm weather season for live music! Indoor venues provided multiple highlights in recent weeks, including several at McGarvey’s (formerly Aldo’s) in Altoona. Gettysburg’s Ghost Of War headlined an epic heavy-rocking four-band blowout in late March. I arrived in time to see just half of openers Lies, Inc.’s final song; more on them later. Nanty Globased rockers One Adam 12 made their first McGarvey’s visit count, as they delivered a strong set of original hard rock with their own unique stamp. Singer/guitarist Lloyd Rummell, guitarist Bill Stiles, bassist Joe Stiles, keyboardist Tony Dostal and drummer Brandon Adams mixed tunes from their debut CD, “”Persistence Pays”, and newer songs. One Adam 12 set the tone with their new surf-toned, zombie apocalypse-themed rocker “Alive on Dead,” and played their radio song “Devil on My Back,” “Bates Motel,” “Bodysnatcher” and more. Johnstown’s Blood Union then welcomed the crowd to the “party of blood” as they cranked up a high-powered, action-packed set of original heavy rock. The Inside Out tandem of frontman Tim Frick and guitarist Jay Snyder, along with guitarist Darien Lux, bassist Ron Gallucci and drummer Nick Tercek fired off dark-toned, explosive originals such as “Wicked,” “Killing Me,” “In My Blood,” “Wake the Dead” and more. Their stage presentation was confident and forceful, with Tim rallying the crowd into an excited frenzy as the set moved along. This set the table for Ghost Of War, batting clean-up, to drive one out of the park. A group whose resumé includes serving as backing band for Anthrax singer Neil Turbin and Metal Church frontman Ronnie Munroe, Ghost Of War opened with two original songs, “No Redemption” and “Heaven’s Burning,” before launching into a succession of classic metal and hard rock gems, including a number of forgotten favorites. Displaying a powerful, highranging voice, singer Ronnie Peterson took control of the crowd from the start, firing them up into the spirit of the party; guitarist Thane Farace, bassist Gary Daniels and drummer Jim Mathis provided the thunderous, hard-driving backdrop. Ghost Of War built momentum as they pulled out such numbers as Dio’s “Holy Diver,” Judas Priest’s “Grinder,” Anthrax’s “Metal Thrashing Mad,” Ozzy Osbourne’s “Bark at the Moon,” Black Sabbath’s “Mob Rules,” Iron Maiden’s “Hallowed Be Thy Name,” Metal Church’s “Start the Fire,” Kiss’ “God of Thunder” and more. Sponsored by Jagermeister, Ghost Of War tossed out plentiful Jager swag and led the crowd on several jubilant toasts, turning their set into a happy-go-lucky metal celebration. The group then slammed the exclamation point on their set with their excellent rendering of Dream Theater’s “Pull Me Under.” Following this show, Ghost Of War headed to Jacksonville last month to perform at the Monster Energy Welcome to Rockville festival. Watch for Ghost Of War’s return to McGarvey’s later this year. Harrisburg’s StarChild came, saw and conquered during their first visit to McGarvey’s stage last month. Lies, Inc. launched the festivities with a strong set of their progressive-leaning brand of heavy modern rock. Singer Lily Taylor again displayed a fiery and powerful voice against the busy, sturdy backdrops generated by continued on page 2 0 ...

May, 2014



The Professor continued.... bassist Kent Tonkin, new guitarist Jarrett Bickel and drummer Ron Brode. Lies, Inc. mixed older and newer material, including the new “Crosshairs,” an updated edition of “Don’t Blink,” plus “Waking the Misery,” “Hypnotic” and more. StarChild then escalated the party with an all-out, enthusiastic, NONSTOP two-hourplus set! Led by the hearty, enthusiastic delivery of singer/guitarist Jerry Martin, StarChild quickly established the mood of a Kiss-styled rock-and-roll party and rocked the house like there was no tomorrow. Jerry, guitarist X Bomb, bassist/singer Sharon Starr and drummer Brandon Reece celebrated Kiss early and often, breaking out impressive takes on “I Love It Loud,” “Love Gun,” “Psycho Circus,” “Lick It Up,” “Do You Love Me,” “Firehouse,” “Deuce,” “Strutter,” “Cold Gin,” the night-ending “Rock and Roll All Night” and more. StarChild also did their own Kiss-toned original

tunes, including “One More for the Road,” “Forever Young,” “Change of Heart,” the new “Come Back for More” (from their forthcoming Volume III CD, expected out soon), “Her Amazing Grace” and more. Sharon also flexed her vocal cords on a version of Joan Jett’s “I Hate Myself for Loving You.” StarChild played at a high level of excitement that never let up for the entire two-hour duration; they gave it all on the stage! The crowd savored every minute of it, and a late-arriving group of partying women quickly graced the dance floor during StarChild’s homestretch. StarChild won a number of new fans this night, and they will return to McGarvey’s in the fall. Another group that gives all to their audiences is Chris Woodward & Shindiggin,’ and they demonstrated this again during their late March visit to McGarvey’s. The evening opened with solo sets from Brandon Rhibik and Rogan Allen. Embracing the popularity of today’s hit country music; namesake, singer and guitarist Chris,

guitarist/singer Mike Gambardella, bassist Paul Rainey and drummer/singer Zac Grace quickly packed McGarvey’s dance floor during both of their sets, as they celebrated favorites by Kip Moore, Florida Georgia Line, Luke Bryan, Jason Aldean, Big & Rich and more. The group provided many highlights along the way; welcoming both opening performers onstage to join in on the fun during their first set, leaving the stage to set up shop atop the pool table in the back of the room during “Folsom Prison Blues,” and bringing audience members onstage to help play the instruments during their ‘80s r They also morphed Wild Cherry’s “Play That Funky (Country) Music” into a catchy funkcountry hybrid, and led a hearty crowd singalong on Billy Ray Cyrus’ “Achy Breaky Heart.” Based on this night, it’s easy to see why Chris Woodward & Shindiggin’ is steadily becoming busier across the region, and even beyond the state’s borders. Watch for their return to McGarvey’s in the fall. Area musicians and the community converged on Pellegrine’s in late March to help out an area cancer patient. The Sue Kies (Myers) Cancer Benefit raised more than $7,500 raised for Sue, who is battling two forms of breast cancer. Music was constant throughout the evening, with four bands performing on the main stage, and the Backyard Rockers providing acoustic transitions between bands at a nearby side stage area. Root and the Fifths opened main stage activity and returned for a later set; singer/guitarist Jae Smith, guitarist/singer Kayla Feaster, bassist/singer Bethany Helsel and drummer Tyke Dodson played a blend of classic rocking favorites with a strong emphasis on the 1990s, doing numbers from Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Social Distortion, Collective Soul, Black Keys, Gin Blossoms, Cracker, Better Than Ezra, and even an original song, “Light the Fuse.” Johnstown’s Stone Bridge Blues Band then celebrated traditional electric blues as they tapped into the lexicons of B.B. King, Junior Wells, Bobby “Blue” Bland, Willie Dixon, Texas Slim and more. Singer/guitarist Mike Borstnar, singer/bassist Brian Moore, keyboardist Harold Hayford and drummer John Mundy offered sturdy renditions of blues canons like “Every Day I Have the Blues,” “Messin’ with the Kid,” “Hoochie Coochie Man,” “The Thrill Is Gone” and more; and they welcomed guest drummer Bill Hocherl to sit in on one number. Anchoring the benefit, The Sitch fired up the party with rock, country and funky favorites. Singer Dustin Reisling, guitarist Greg Larrimore, bassist/sax man Ryan McCracken, keyboardist/trumpet player Nate Beatty, bassist Art Martino and drummer Huck James triggered dance floor action with tunes from Finger Eleven, Luke Bryan, Beastie Boys, AC/DC, Black Keys and more; a big highlight was Nate and Ryan firing up the brass on Van Morrison’s “Brown Eyed Girl” and Wild Cherry’s “Play That Funky Music.” And Johnstown’s Lucky Lad Green capped the night with original Irish-flavored punk rock that got much of the remaining late crowd fired up and cheering. Singer Eric Smay, lead guitarist Ryan McDonald, guitarist Steve Boyle, bassist Jim Berkin and drummer Bret Berk introduced numbers from their forthcoming EP like “Tale of a Sailor,” “Lead Sled,” “Irish Pride,” “Bar Fight” and more. Hats off to the organizers, The Sitch and Bill Hocherl for their gear and production work, Pellegrine’s and their staff, the bands, Rocky 104.9, and everybody who attended and showed what community is all about! Monster Track Supergroup reconvened on stage with their latest shindig last month before a packed house at Montoursville’s Mill Tavern. This turned into a gala night that showcased a wide variety of music. Opening the evening was a rising talent to be on the lookout for in the months ahead, Williamsport-based singer and continued on page 2 1 ...



May, 2014

The Professor continued... songwriter Mallory Scoppa. Strumming acoustic guitar and demonstrating a potent, clear voice, Mallory exuded a bright singing style and personality as she performed pleasant-toned original songs and select covers; including her distinctive versions of the Rolling Stones’ “Wild Horses” and Fleetwood Mac’s “Landslide.” Next was Crossroads, who delivered a scorching set of classic and blues-infused rock. Lead guitarist Bob Regan, rhythm guitarist Ron Lee and bassist Tony Melfi all shared singing duties, with Bill Schamberg providing the drumbeats. Crossroads went for broke as they did excellent work on tunes from Lynyrd Skynyrd, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Santana, ZZ Top, Dire Straits, Aerosmith and more. This band had the crowd cheering, especially Bob’s blazing guitar solo work! Flipside then celebrated a milder brand of classic rock as they did numbers from Gordon Lightfoot, Rolling Stones, Bob Seger, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Stevie Wonder and more. For this night’s performance, the Flipside c o r e o f singer/keyboardist Shane Wittman, guitarist Rock Anello and guitarist Bob Lacerra was joined by bassist Jamie Moyer, singer/mandolinist Cindy Person and fill-in drummer Mike Mummey. Monster Track Supergroup brought the party with their celebration of 1970s era rock. Singer Jeff Pittinger quickly established that his voice was in fine form on the group’s second song, as he emulated Pat Benatar’s vocal range on “Hit Me with Your Best Shot.” Jeff, guitarists Bret Alexander and Tony Harlan, bassist Jim Lovcik, keyboardist Freeman White and drummer Jeremy Hummel also executed crisp renditions of classics from Badfinger, Blue Oyster Cult, Cat Stevens, Nick Gilder, ZZ Top, Free, the Doors and more. They capped the set with a great version of Thin Lizzy’s “The Boys Are Back in Town,” with Bret and Tony teaming for precision dual

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leads. Williamsport metalheads 44Mag slammed the lid on the evening with their thrash-geared metal sound, mixing originals and favorites. Lead howler Jared Mondell, guitarist Pat Cioffi, bassist Jason Miller and drummer Jesse Roedts drilled numbers from their Outlaw Psychosis CD such as “Brain Douche” and “D.U.I.,” and welcomed guest Tony Harlan to provide his guitar-shredding capabilities on numbers by Metallica, Slayer and more. When the crowd demanded more at set’s end, 44Mag sent them home with their popular original “50 Miles.” This excellent night again proved that when Jeff Pittinger and Monster Track Supergroup put together a party, they make it a memorable event! The new mach edition of Pittsburgh-based Rush tribute Distant Signals made their Happy Valley debut last month at The Arena in State College. Welcoming aboard new drummer Dave Normile, Distant Signals amazed as they fired off numbers from throughout the Rush catalog; not just the obvious hits, but a lot of deeper cuts as well! During their two sets, Distant Signals spanned the Rush timeline, from an audience request for “Working Man” off the first 1974 Rush album to several songs off the group’s most recent Clockwork Angels disc such as “Caravan” and “The Garden.” The group covered a lot of the Rush catalog between those two albums as well; playing radio staples like “Spirit of Radio,” “Tom Sawyer,” “Red Barchetta,” “The Trees,” “Subdivisions,” “Temples of Syrinx,” “Far Cry,” “Limelight” and the night-ending “Closer to the Heart,” plus deeper cuts like “The Enemy Within,” “Witch Hunt,” “YYZ,” “Animate” and more. Distant Signals’ musicianship was dead-on; singer Dave Smith’s voice closely paralleled Geddy Lee’s (and achieved some high ranges Geddy probably can no longer do), Mike Moscato’s guitar solos were amazing, Don Tomlinson’s keyboard fills added color and depth, and new drummer


Dave’s Neal Peart-like precision rudiments combined with tight bass lines from Matt Desantis to provide the busy rhythmic foundation. With their updated roster and stage show, Distant Signals brings the rush of Rush music to stages through western PA and Ohio; they perform at Pittsburgh’s Hard Rock Café May 3rd. Harrisburg’s Badd Seed brought their brand of hard modern rock back to The Arena in late March. Now comprised of singer Dusty Whitherspoons, guitarists Troy Wheland and Drew Simonian, bassist Dave Garry and drummer Ron Matinchek, Badd Seed sounded strong on heavy modern rock from Staind, Redlight King, System Of A Down, A Perfect Circle, Saving Abel, Seether, Pop Evil, Sixx A.M. and others, plus impressive original tunes like “Wide Open,” “Drift and Die,” “Let Me Run” and more. Dusty provided excitement up front as he stalked the front of the stage and brought the fury, and the rest of the group was sharp and powerful behind him. Badd Seed maintained an continued on page 2 2 ...

Ronnie Peterson and Gary Daniels of Ghost of War with Jim Price photo by Jennifer Farace


The Professor continued... airtight pace between songs and kept the musical action constant. Badd Seed continues to develop new original songs toward a possible full-length album later in the year. The last time I had seen Windber hometown favorites The Characters in action was when they helped open for Night Ranger’s concert at Windber Stadium in 1993 - more than two decades ago! The planets finally aligned enough for me to finally catch up with them last month at Crousey’s in Windber. The core of The Characters is still the brothers Spinelli: singer/guitarist Bob, lead guitarist Dan and bassist Jim (plus a fourth brother, Mike, running the sound board); along with Robert Moon behind the drum kit. The Characters mixed up an eclectic variety of vintage rock, blues, original songs and requests. I enjoyed their song selection; they were doing the Moody Blues’ “The Story in Your Eyes” as I first arrived, and they broke out tunes from the Beatles, Traveling Wilburys, Steve Earle, Pink Floyd, Neil Young, Bobby Blue Bland and more. Their original tunes were catchy; one showed off some nice Beatle-like harmonies, and another had a late ‘60s Buffalo Springfield vibe to it. The Characters had much of the large Crousey’s audience dancing and having fun, and honored multiple requests for “Mustang Sally” to close the night. I was glad to be reminded just how good this band is; and I promise it won’t be another two decades before I make the point to see The Characters again! The crew of Flight 19’s “Party Plane” saw another change recently as Rogan Allen replaced Denny Frank on bass. I caught up with the new-look Flight 19 during last month’s performance at Altoona’s 4D’s Lounge. Rogan brings a new shot of energy to the “Party Plane” as he joins singer Brian Thomas, guitarist John McKelvey, keyboardist Phil Steele and drummer Paul Caracciolo, Jr. Flight 19 kept the dance floor filled as they mixed up a wide variety of upbeat favorites; spanning such names as Audioslave, Toto, Volbeat, Theory Of A Deadman, Black Keys, Ace Freehley, Nickelback, White Zombie and more. Flight 19 broke out a few surprises this night, such as their rocking take on Madonna’s “Like a Prayer,” the Godsmack version of “Rocky Mountain Way,” and with Rogan’s country background, a rendition of Luke Bryan’s “Country Girl (Shake It for Me).” And by the third set, the “Party Plane” locked into its dance grooves with their funk/disco medley and an ‘80s new wave medley to keep the dance floor filled. Flight 19 next taxis down the runway at the 4D’s Lounge May 10th. More than a year after first debuting, This Albatross has emerged into a popular dance floor attraction on Altoona area stages. During last month’s appearance at the 4D’s Lounge, This Albatross kept the dance floor busy with a mixture of modern and classic rock, pop and countryfavorites. Singer Autumn Shiffler’s bright, strong voice has become this group’s centerpiece onstage; flanked by guitarist Phil Wagner, guitarist/keyboardist Paul Johnson, bassist Mike Stanley and drummer Les Beatty. This Albatross kept the dance floor busy with hits from Bonnie Raitt, Van Morrison, Gretchen Wilson, Pat Benatar, Blondie, Joan Jett, Cyndi Lauper, Bon Jovi and more. The group threw in some interesting surprises during the third set, such as their versions of Starship’s “We Built This City,” John Travolta and Olivia Newton John’s “You’re the One That I Want” from Grease, Triumph’s “Magic Power” and the Tiffany take on “I Think We’re Alone Now.” When the 4D’s crowd wanted more at the end of the night, This Albatross responded with Vixen’s ‘80s-rock chestnut “Edge of a Broken Heart.” This Albatross has become continued on page 2 3 ...



May, 2014

The Professor continued.... frequent flyers on Altoona area stages; they return to the 4D’s Lounge May 3rd. Continuing to get Fridays off to a hearty bluesy start in State College is the Triple A Blues Band, who plays early Friday evenings at Zeno’s. Singer/guitarist Andy Tolins, singer/keyboardist John “JT” Thompson, bassist Peter Jogo and drummer Stubby Stubbs fired up the crowd with their tasty variety of traditional blues, original songs and more. Among the highlights were versions of Curtis Mayfield & the Impressions’ “It’s Alright,” John’s original song “Cab Ride Boogie,” Andy crooning Robert Johnson’s “Come On In My Kitchen” and more. Since Triple A minus Peter also anchors Natascha & the Spy Boys, Natascha Hoffmeyer stepped up this night to belt out some premium soulful voice on three numbers during the last set. Triple A Blues Band frequently welcomes guests to sit in during their weekly Fridays at Zeno’s; see them on other Centre region stages as well. Northern Cambria’s City Hotel is again staging their fifth annual Battle of the Acoustics competition this spring. Staged over consecutive Thursday nights through the middle of this month, Battle of the Acoustics provides the opportunity for local and regional acoustic performers to display their talents in front of cheering crowds, with audience votes determining preliminary round winners, who advance to the semifinal and final rounds. During five preliminary rounds, some 31 different acoustic acts and performers took part; advancing to the semifinals on May 1st are Andy Lubert, Jae & Kayla (Root and the Fifths acoustic), Chelsie & Stevie Moses, Mike Jubas & Mike Kinley, Brian Nipps & Dave Mallin, G-Street, Ground Crew, Alex Clarke, Chandler Weaver & Kenzie Blake, Solegion Rock (Jarod Bartok) and Paul Hoover. One more wild-card entrant from the preliminary rounds will be added to the semifinal field. The winners at contest’s end will score a variety of prizes, and the top winner also wins a guest appearance later this summer on Rocky 104.9 and Rocky 99’s “Homegrown Rocker” local music program. Other performances I’ve seen recently included several Sunday visitations of The Hurricanes at Shaw’s Bar, and the musical fun and fireworks of Wednesday Open Mic/Jam Night at Pellegrine’s. News and notes…One of the state’s most celebrated bands, The Badlees, are closing the book after an illustrious career that spanned more than two decades, multiple albums and several hit singles; former members Bret Alexander and Paul Smith have formed a new project with former Breaking Benjamin guitarist Aaron Fink called Gentleman East, while singer Pete Palladino is exploring possibilities for new projects moving forward…Pittsburgh great Norman Nardini and Harrisburg blues harmonica master Nate Myers & the Aces will perform May 3rd at The Church in the

Middle of the Block in Altoona, with proceeds benefiting Monica’s Heart Greyhound Adoption, an organization that finds homes for retired racing greyhound dogs…The nationally-renowned Chris Duarte Group, featuring Altoona native, drummer and singer John McKnight, visits 30 Something in Altoona May 17th with Felix & the Hurricanes opening…Tree, Body & Soul, Locked and Loaded and Chris Vipond & the Stanley Street Band will perform during the sixth annual Pints for Pets Brewfest May 10th at Altoona’s People’s Natural Gas Field, with proceeds benefiting the Central PA Humane Society…Miss Melanie & the Valley Rats, Pure Cane Sugar, Jay Smar, Your Dad’s Friends, Mama Corn, Born and the Beanstalk, Project Blues Book and the Allegheny Bilge Rats Shanty Choir are among the musical entertainers at the 47th annual Blair County Arts Festival, happening May 17th-18th at Penn State Altoona…The Syrins, 7th Gear, Flight 19, Shallow Nine, Matt Wagner, Jackson Monsour and the Backyard Rockers are among acts performing at the third annual Striking Chords Against Cancer benefit for the American Cancer Society, happening May 31st at Altoona’s Railroaders

Museum…Singer/songwriter Matt Otis is organizing the first-ever May Daze Festival May 31st at the Wills Mountain Festival Site; the festival will feature performances from Matt Otis & the Sound, Painted By Millions, RyCo, Lies, Inc., The Nick Miller Project, Jud Bussard, Sally Starflower, Kenny Fetterman and others, along with visual arts presentations, films, games continued on page 3 4 ...

Ground Crew by Jim Price

Distant Signals (Rush Tribute) by Jim Price

May, 2014



The P rofe ssor continued... and recreation…Ten Million Devils guitarist/frontman Jason Straw has formed a new project with Mike Fahy called Damning Tree, focusing on original songs blending elements of punk, blues and outlaw country…Happy Birthdays to Bill Nusom (Left For Dead), Ron Dalansky (Half Tempted), John Charney (The Chi/Wine Of Nails), Beau Saller (R2B2), Paul Miller (Driving Sideways), Greg Larrimore (The Sitch), Pat McGinnis, Chris Silva (Ganister), Scott Bush (Naildriver), Jerry Carnicella and Harry Young (White Shadow), Chris Whitmer, Dave Skipper (The Insomniacs), Mitch Neuder (Shallow 9), Ray Buksa, Mike Gambardella (Chris Woodward & ShinDiggin’), Les Beatty (This Albatross), Jim Speese (Cloud Party), Stubby Stubbs (Triple A Blues Band/Natascha & the Spy Boys), Adam Rider (Big Bear Chase Me), K.C. Seidel, Frankie Lyxx (Sunset Strip), Mike Wise (Emily’s Toybox), Beth Helsel (Root and the Fifths), Randy Rutherford (Flood City Brass), Dan Vavrek (Yum), Erek Kapusta (Nightcrawlers), Denny Pompa, Priscilla the Tambourine Lady, Ronnie Sheirer (F.B.I.), Ty Ayers, Steve Leak, Deb Demko, Paul Patterson, Steve Arnold, Joe George, Scott Walk, Mike Kensinger, Jim Mosey and Steve Shutt. Please send correspondence and recordings to: Jim Price, 1104 S. Catherine St., Altoona, PA 16602. You can e-mail me at And if you’re into social networking, look me up on Facebook or Google+. SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC

Triple A Blues Band by Jim Price

SANE ADVICE By John Kerecz

Habits and attitudes can make you or break you. Many a hapless adventure has been broken by the habits and attitudes of its owners. Here is a compilation of the common habits and attitudes of successful entrepreneurs. They are good for any venture including your personal music business. Focus: This is the secret to getting things done. Think: Take a moment and think about your situation. Evaluate your options, weight them against their means. Opportunities: See the opportunities that are everywhere. They really are. It’s just that most people can’t see them. But you must. Develop good work habits and attitudes. Don’t let criticism crush you: Everyone is an expert on your problems. Realize that you’re probably the best person to evaluate your own problems. Never forget why you’re doing this: Sometimes, we lose sight of what we are working for. Be willing to take calculated risks: Evaluate the benefits of doing something and compare it to the benefits of not doing it. If you can afford the consequences of failing, then do it. Start even when you don’t have complete information: You will never know everything you wished you knew before undertaking anything. We just can’t know these things, so don’t make knowing all the answers a criteria for taking action. Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses: Most of us aren’t good at everything we try to do. Learn what you’re good at and let others do the rest. Focusing on the things you do well is the best use of your time. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes: You will learn more from your mistakes than you do from your successes. Try not to keep making the same mistakes over and over. View every disaster for what it is: an opportunity to learn and improve. Persist: It’s been said a thousand times and a thousand ways... persistence pays. Be open to changing the way you work: The way it’s always been done isn’t necessarily the best way to do things today. Keep pushing, even in good times: Just because you had a good week is no reason to sit back and relax. Determine your goal, then systematically overcome your obstacles. The tragedy of life isn’t failing to reach your goal. It’s in not having one to reach.

TEDD HAZARD’S CARTOON WORLD Find Tedd on Facebook... Teddy Hazard



A c ross the D e sk continued... to keep it easier on bartenders and keep your wait time at a minimum while at each establishment. (Registration is between 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. details will be printed out for locations and given out upon registration.) If you can’t make it for the Poker Run, a small $10 donation will get you in to see these AWESOME bands, starting at 5 p.m. including: ROCKET BRIGADE, A BEAUTIFUL MESS, BROKEN FAYTH, VOODOO, PENNTERA, and BIG JACK. Don’t miss this night to help some of the most beautiful people in this world... OUR CHILDREN! For details call Tubby’s at 717-834-4700 and they also have a facebook page with details Maria Wilson, a talented singer/songwriter has formed The Central Pennsylvania Guitar Workshop and Network nonprofit organization for guitarists and industry pros from all walks of life to get together on a monthly basis to network and learn from one another. They will meet the last Wednesday of each month at the Grace United Methodist Church at 433 East Main Street, Hummelstown at 7pm. They will feature professionals in the industry on different subject matter for the guitar whether acoustic, electric, classical, recording, singing, songwriting, and marketing for all different genres of music. They also will have concerts and social events. The next workshop will be Wednesday May 28th featuring Brian Howard Luthier and owner of Howard Guitars. He will talk about guitar maintenance and building. Reservations must be made by May 23rd. Cost for the workshop is $40 and includes the workshop and materials. Membership is free and you can sign up online at or Attention talented musicians of all genres there is a Battle of Bands happening and we want to make Pennsylvania bands aware of it so that you sign up so Buffalo Trace will know there is an over abundance of talent in PA. The battle of the bands began in January and runs through August. The band with the most shots at the end of each month (January-August) will be awarded a $500 prize and a spot in the September Finals. Each band can only win one month throughout the regular contest. Past Grand Prize winners are no longer eligible to win any monthly or grand prizes. Individuals must be members of the Buffalo Trace Saloon in order to be eligible to vote for a band and can vote once every 24 hours for per band. (You can become a member by signing up on line. In September, the 8 monthly finalists’ shot totals will be set to zero, and they will battle for a spot in the top 3. On October 1st, the top 3 bands from the September battle will be reviewed by a select panel of judges. The judges will choose which band will be awarded the grand prize of $10,000. The grand prize winner will be announced in mid-October after an audit of the votes is conducted. Submit your band at See the website for contest rules and instructions. Good Luck! There are many of us anxious for the warmth of summer to arrive, I know I am. Big Woody’s in Harrisburg is getting a jump on summer events with Big Woody’s Beach Week May 5th through the 10th. There will be prizes, giveaways, and entertainment every night. Monday will be the Coors Light Corn Hole Tournament on the deck from 5 to 7pm. Grand Prize this night is Harrisburg Senators Club Seats. On Tuesday is an all new Twisted Tea Lemonade sampling from 6-8pm with Karaoke with Reece & Rossi with prizes and giveaways continuing. On Wednesday it’s Blue Moon sampling and you keep the pint. Entertainment will be Jon Skiff and Friends. On Thursday is Troegs Tap takeover from 6-pm with Pint glass giveaway and Bret Alexander will perform on the deck from 6-8pm. Friday will be Redds Apple Ale pint glass giveaway from 5 to 7pm. Captian Morgan white rum ice luge sampling and a frozen t-shirt contest form 7-9pm. That’s What She Said will be performing in the lounge. Saturday on May 10th will be a Shiner Bock sampling from 4-6pm with prizes and giveaways and the famous Middleton Brothers Band will close the week off with their amazing talent and show. Big Woody’s has that awesome view of the Susquehanna River and Rockville Bridge so if you’re anxious for the summer activities to begin head to Big Woody’s in the merry month of May. I want to wish my grandson, Robert Greene a very Happy Birthday month. He turns 9 on May 3rd. The Noll household celebrates birthdays for a whole month. One day just isn’t enough. Have a great month and enjoy the music that is in abundance throughout the state of PA. Gotta run, as usual. May, 2014

PA Musician Magazine CD Reviews PROGMIUM - “PROJECT DIAGNOSIS” (The Project Diagnosis Foundation) Every so often, we are reminded that music can be a therapeutic and healing force. The band project Progmium is the culmination of Hollidaysburg-based lyricist Tim Surkovich’s therapeutic journey through the adversity of being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and the “Project Diagnosis” CD musically documents that journey. Seventy-five percent of proceeds from sales of the disc go to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Conceived during sleepless nights after learning he was stricken with MS, Surkovich wrote lyrics about his struggle, and assembled the cast of singer Randy Sciarrillo, lead guitarist/keyboardist J. Luis Morales, bassist Rob Cunningham and drummer/keyboardist Dave Shaffer to bring his song ideas to life. Surkovich and Progmium crafted a modern progressive rock opera over “Project Diagnosis’” dozen tracks, generating a style and sound often reminiscent of Dream Theater, Pink Floyd and Queensryche’s peak Operation: Mindcrime/Empire period. The arrangements vary from fullbodied rockers to sullen introspective journeys, often bridged together with mood-setting interludes. After the brief intro “Through My Eyes” sets the tone of one of Surkovich’s many middle-of-the-night lyric-writing sessions, the driving rocker “Invincible” describes what he thought he was prior to the diagnosis; a former high school football player and band member, an active “man made of steel.” But that reality changes with “Numb,” about awakening with one side of his body numb; the first attack of multiple sclerosis. “Diagnosis” documents Surkovich’s thoughts and emotions as he is informed of his debilitating condition, and “Denial” describes his struggles with coming to grips with his situation. Clocking in at more than nine minutes, “The Beast Within” reveals the double-edged sword that was Surkovich’s initial steroid treatments - and their undesirable side effects. The acousticdriven ballad “Glimmer of Hope” depicts how modern medicine can provide light at the end of the tunnel. The bruteforce “Rejected” boils over with Surkovich’s frustration over what MS has done to his life, before the somber “Alone” accepts that new life’s reality. The uplifting “As I Am” takes stock of loved ones’ support through the ordeal, before “Take Up the Fight” offers a message of hope to anybody else dealing with a chronic illness or other adversity. The songs are well-crafted and hook-laden, and Progmium delivers them with heart and soul; Sciarrillo packs emotion into his vocals, and the rest of the group tightly executes the detailed arrangements. Produced by the band and Shaffer, “Project Diagnosis” sounds full and powerful, with the band’s components sounding clear and distinct. “Project Diagnosis” is an engaging, electrifying listen; a well-compiled documentation of one man’s ordeal with multiple sclerosis. Hopefully, this CD will enlighten listeners to the realities of this chronic illness, while financially assisting in the quest to someday find a cure. (The CD can be purchased through the website INSIDE OUT - “UNBREAKABLE” (no label) Formed in 1990, Johnstown’s Inside Out released two impressive fulllength, hard-rocking CDs during their initial lineup’s run on regional stages; their self-titled 1993 debut album and the 1996 follow-up, “Seasons.” But while founding guitaristturned-singer Tim Frick has kept a version of Inside Out operational on area stages continuously since then, a succession of personnel moves (especially guitarists) and evolving recording technologies delayed a third album into an 18-year stretch, save for a 1990 cassette single and some teaser demos. But if you believe the adage that the best things in life are worth the wait, the long-awaited third Inside Out disc, “Unbreakable”, is a powerful, rewarding listen. Perhaps it was the lengthy distillation and stage-seasoning process for many of the disc’s 14 songs, coupled with Inside Out’s unwavering knack for hook-laden melodies, alluring dark-toned lyrics and May, 2014

tight and powerful execution; but “Unbreakable” stands tall as an impressive, cohesive set from start to end. The group’s style and sound have evolved from the 1980s-flavored melodic hard rock of the first two discs. The current line-up of Frick, bassist Larry Philip, drummer Mark Gindlesperger, and guitarists Kolt Green and Jay Snyder ride the borderline between classic-styled and modern heavy rock; the melodies are rooted in the classic 1980s and 1990s tradition, delivered with a contemporary abrasiveness and edge. Charging out the gate, “Demons Inside” gets down to business and announces the brute-force arrival of the current mach edition of Inside Out. It kicks off a succession of infectious, sturdy rockers including the regaining control ode “Taking My Life,” the give-it-allthemed “Sacrifice,” the introspective “Inside Of Me,” the eviltoned “Devil’s in Your Soul,” the disco beat-driven “Love/Hate” and the throw-caution-to-the-wind “Giving Myself Away.” Inside Out slows it down twice on the disc, both impressively; the darkly erotic “Vampire Eyes” (a hit at live shows and on regional radio) and the plea for forgiveness “Say.” The group throws in an acoustic-laced pop rocker in “Heaven,” and closes the disc with their stormy, nearly eightminute title song epic “Unbreakable.” Tim Frick has evolved into a masterful frontman, conveying emotional intensity in each song; and his surrounding cast packs power into the song arrangements with thundering rhythms and stinging guitar work. The production and mix sound full and balanced, giving the group’s attack full bite while serving the melodies. It took 18 years, but “Unbreakable” delivers the goods as a premium, hard-rocking set, as well as a statement of Inside Out’s undying resolve. Bottom line…”Unbreakable” was worth the wait. (The CD can be obtained through Inside Out’s website, NAILDRIVER - “THE WHITE DEVIL CHRONICLES VOLUME 1” (no label) Altoona’s Naildriver doesn’t mince words or riffs on their first official EP offering, “The White Devil Chronicles Volume 1”, as they loudly and proudly put pedal to the metal. Naildriver brings brute-force, modern thrash metal over the disc’s five tracks; paced by Kevin Siegel’s precision rapid fire drum thunder and Scott Bush’s quaking lowend bass rumble, both laying the foundation for the snarling twin-edged guitar attack of lead axe Scott Botteicher and rhythm guitarist Todd Dale. These backdrops serve as the launching pad for the Phil Anselmo-informed Doberman snarl of lead throat man Matt Watson. Watson’s over-the-top delivery drives home the intense rage of “Hypocrite’s Anthem,” an impassioned, high-velocity condemnation of the Westboro Baptist Church and its agenda-serving protests. Watson turns introspective with his anger on the bracing disc-opener “Enemy,” exploring how such internal anger should be channeled. Naildriver takes listeners inside the mixed martial arts octagon on the bold and volatile “Seal the Exits,” and the disc-closer “Executioner” unapologetically levies the final penalty. Naildriver shows a darker flavor on “Phoenix,” ushered in by a piano prelude by the disc’s engineer and coproducer Dave Villani; here Watson explores temptation and the struggle between good and evil, with Villani’s dark midsong organ interlude providing extra color and depth. Naildriver’s agitated performances attack from start to end. The guitars snarl, and Botteicher’s scorching guitar leads slice with surgical precision. Watson rages with savage abandon; his rapid fire bark shows no mercy. The mix and production enable Naildriver’s attack to authoritatively pound, rip and tear; the sound is clean and razor sharp. “The White Devil Chronicles Volume 1” offers power metal that connects with the jaw from the get-go; Naildriver’s heavy-hitting calling card will make fans of the metal arts eager for more where this came from. (The CD can be purchased through Naildriver’s website, RODGER DELANY - “MOMENT OF TRUTH” (no label) Simplicity can often be the best approach. On “Moment of Truth”, the first full-length solo CD by Philadelphia/South PENNSYLVANIA MUSICIAN MAGAZINE

Jersey-based singer/songwriter Rodger Delany, it’s often the songs with the simplest, stripped-down arrangements that yield the greatest impact. Through the disc’s 16 tracks, Delany utilizes mostly simple arrangements of acoustic guitar, piano, harmonica and voice to convey his myriad of thoughts and emotions. This enables Delany’s raw voice to directly communicate the emotion behind his compositions, and the intensity of his guitar picking and strumming to compliment that emotion. His bare-bones style frequently hints at Harvest/After the Gold Rush-era Neil Young, as well as the more stripped-down sides of Tom Petty and Bruce Springsteen. On the title track and album-opener, “Moment of Truth,” Delany shares his point of self-realization, while his sullen tone on “New” reveals his coming to grips with getting older. His gentle guitar and vocal tone express humble, heartfelt appreciation on “So Proud of You,” and his contrite tone admits vulnerability on “Catch Me When I Fall.” On the other end of the emotional spectrum, stormy relationship issues bare their fangs on Delany’s angrier rants, “Blind,” “Without You” and “Second Guessed.” Delany throws a twist into the presentation with three piano numbers; his ode of longing “Coming Home,” the remorseful “Mischief” and the appreciative “Still Love America,” which closes the disc. Delany’s presentation is honest and from the gut; his words are delivered like he would express if he were seated next to you at a bar or café. The production and mix are appropriately simple, letting Delany’s minimalist performances do the talking with few, if any, major studio enhancements. For fans of basic, heartfelt emotion and music that gets directly to the point, Rodger Delany bares his soul on “Moment of Truth”, a moment of true person-toperson musical power. (To obtain the CD, visit Rodger Delany’s website, LADY BEAST - “LADY BEAST” (Inferno Records) For those who long for the sound of classic ‘80s-styled heavy metal, Pittsburgh’s Lady Beast offers hope in the form of their selftitled debut CD. Formed five years ago, Lady Beast’s sound is entrenched heavily in the tradition of the early ‘80s New Wave of British Heavy Metal; informed by elements of Judas Priest, Iron Maiden and Saxon (and to this reviewer’s ears, an obscure ‘80s-era Belgian metal band called Acid, I digress). Rampaging, rapid fire rhythms from bassist Greg Colaizzi and drummer Adam Ramage anchor Lady Beast’s attack, topped with snarling power chords from rhythm guitarist Chris “Twiz” Tritschler and searing solo work from lead guitarist Tommy Kinnett. With a confident style reminiscent of the late Ronnie James Dio, Deborah Levine displays her own brand of power and might on the vocal front; boldly singing out odes to warriors, battles, ambitions and honor. Each of the disc’s eight tracks (plus bonus track) attacks from the get-go and hits quick, jarring the listener into full attention. Opening the disc, the group’s title track and mission statement “Lady Beast” sets the ground rules, with Levine proclaiming “I set the bar, the stakes are high.” Lady Beast genuflects to the metal gods with “Metal Rules,” proclaiming devotion to metal music, its majesty and imagery. Battle themes prevail on “Lost Boys” and “Armor,” while honor and ambition shape the words of “Birthrite” and “Hot Pursuit.” The closest thing to a love song here is “When Desire Is Stronger Than Fear,” a hard-hitting pledge of devotion. Lady Beast closes their official set with the hopeful “Go For the Bait,” before slamming an exclamation point on the disc with their charging bonus track “Ram It Down.” The performances are brisk and go-for-broke, as Lady Beast floors the accelerator and never looks back. Levine’s voice proudly rides atop the mix with strength and range, and the mix allows Lady Beast’s attack to bare full teeth with minimal studio polish. This is old-school-styled metal the way it felt in 1982; Lady Beast’s tenacity and enthusiasm makes it vibrant again in the current age, and this disc should provide an ideal soundtrack for “upping the irons” everywhere. (The digital album can be obtained through the group’s Bandcamp page, The CD can be obtained through

~ All CDs eviewed by Jim Price~ 25

CLASSIFIED NOTES BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT: Indoor spaces availabel for bands seeking places to practice. Located in Marysville. Call Earl at 717-379-2168.

WANTED: WE PAY CASH for used guitars, amps, effects, etc!!! Call Matt at Creter Guitar Shop, Jonestown at 717-8653677. We also do guitar repairs and have a variety of lessons available. WANTED: Vintage guitars, basses, amps, banjos, etc. Fender,

Gibson, Martin, Rickenbacker, Gretsch, etc. Top dollar paid! Call Player’s Exchange at 717-975-2385 or stop by and see us at 225 S. Third St. Lemoyne, PA. Email: THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR RECORDING DOLLAR: Celebrating our 29th year in business. Pro Tools, HD3/Accel, 192k Interface, 2 inch 24 track analog, 16 channels of API outboard mic pres, Yamaha Maple Custom Absolute kit, SWR 7 GK bass amps, Marshall half stack, Fender twin & Bassman guitar amps, Hammond B-3, Yamaha C7 grand piano.

Authorized Pro Tool dealers. CD/DVD duplication on site 3 CCC Video Services. 5.1 surround mixing. $300 per d a y., Altoona PA. Phone 814-944-2406. RIGHT COAST RECORDING: State of the art vintage recording environment with years of experience and a long list of satisfied customers. www.rightcoastrecording.c om Phone 717-560-1530. WANTED TO BUY: Piano sheet music. Call 717-250-4798. continued on next page ...


The Pennsylvania Musician Magazine is designed in format as a publicity magazine for musicians, agents, and clubs. The interest it will generate will spark the renaissance of Pennsylvania’s local entertainment scene. That in turn, will make the Pennsylvania Musician Magazine the most informative and entertaining magazine Pennsylvania has to offer — Mission Statement by Whitey Noll November, 1982 (founder/publisher/musician) And that my friends, is what has happened. —Editor Robin Noll 26


May, 2014

CLASSIFIED NOTES cla ssifieds continued...

BANDS: Want top-notch sound at your next show? Call Jerry Martin at Control Freak Sound! You’ll sound so good, you just may start your own fan club. 717-465-8120. DRUM LESSONS: with Jeremy Hummel now at 3 Locations: Selinsgrove Home Studio, Dale’s Drum Shop (Harrisburg), and The Perfect 5th (Mechanicsburg). Jeremy is the original drummer for platinum selling artist Breaking Benjamin. He has over 15 years experience as an educator, professional musician and is a regular contributor to “Modern Drummer” magazine. Call 570-8980800 to get started.

Will be coming to Pennsylvania & Ohio area Spring / Summer of 2014. Please visit: www.cartertransport.shutte, m/busmanagement or email: m for questions. (8/14) FOR SALE: Music Store, complete stock and displays.Moe’st Everything Muse 825 Ann Street, Stroudsburg,PA 18360.Call 570-223-6900 shop or 570350-2962 cell.

WANTED: ARTIST to sponsor. This deal includes one of my guitars as well as maintenance on your other instruments. To be considered for this sponsorship you must be a working musician (band) FOR LEASE: 5 bunk playing a minimum of 8 sleeper Mercedes-Benz gigs per month over the Sprinter available for lease. past year and have future

USE ‘the paper” that the Music Industry USES!








bookings showing this to be a continuing schedule. At least 50% of your show must be performed with an acoustic guitar. Musical genre is not important. Would prefer someone playing the northeast circuit but will consider artists playing in larger local markets. Anyone interested should contact me. Please post and share this anyplace you think would be appropriate. Brian Howard Guitars (717) 566-9883 www.brianhowardguitars.c om

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1958 Hammond organ M3. Percussion, drawbars, vibrato, bass pedals, bench. No issues what so ever. Video available. Excellent condition. $495. 717-7011177.

.F O R SALE: Two swingerland cymbal stands, one 22” bass gover, pearl bass drum pedal, 30”, duffle bag wheels, cowbell and mount, six Zildjin cymbals, cymbal bag. 717737-8443. FOR SALE: 1936 WEYMANN Style 85 resonator tenor banjo. Calf cla ssifieds continued...

Please say, “I saw your ad in the




What we Offer YOU for Your Marketing Investment: • 12,000 Copies distributed in Major Clubs, Music Stores and Malls throughout the state (that’s 12,000 FLYERS out there WITH YOUR NAME on them! People collect each issue)

• Link to

WE SCAN YOUR AD ONTO OUR SITE and place a link from your ad to your website or myspace (over 10,000 hits and more per month!) • When you advertise with us, Like us at Musiciaan Magazine and share your events and what is happening and we will share them on our Timeline as well.

• Lets Club Owners know you’re Serious about helping to PROMOTE YOUR GIGS and GET YOUR FANS and NEW FANS to the show. • Puts Your Phone Number & Website at the tips of club owners & fans.

You have the talent, you have the band, the equipment, the CD, now you just need to let people know.

Let us help you.... 717-444-2423 May, 2014




Cla ssifieds continued...

head, celluloid pickguard, Grover bridge, walnut arm rest, original case. pictures available. $444, 717-2581177. FOR SALE: Drums, Ludwig, Accent, Black 5piece with hardware and cymbals, great starter or

extra kit. Call 570-3280700. FOR SALE: Peavey LB1200 par 64 midi and dmx controled lights with gels, 2 bars with 4 lights each. work great $250. Phone 717-248-8739 email:

FOR SALE: Hammond Proline 860 Leslie, With foot pre-amp and leslie 11 pin cable, All in great condition! $600. Phone 717-248-8739 Email:

LXP-5 w/MRC. Leave message 610-488-0914

FOR SALE: Compressor /limiters. Aphex 720 Dominator II, DBX 266XL, Drawmer 241L. Leave message. 610-4880914.

FOR SALE: 1979 Gibson “The Paul”, signed by members of Kiss. Photo of Gene signing and 1995 Kiss Convention Program. With case, $1,000. DuBois area 814-290-6055.

FOR SALE:Microphones. (2) AKG C-391’s. (1) AKG D112. Mics include clips and cables. Leave message. 610-488-0914. FOR SALE: Multitrack recorders. Tascam. (3) DA88’s, (1) DA-38 and (1) RC-848. Includes sync cables w/balanced snakes, rack cases and remote control stand. Leave message. 610-488-0914. FOR SALE:Multi effects processors: t.c.electronics M5000 w/digital options. Ensoniq DP/4. Lexicon



FOR SALE:DI boxes. Countryman Type 85 and ProCo CB-1. Leave message 610-488-0914.

FOR SALE:Record video of your band from the stage or Front of House sound board. Attach any camera to these unique CAMERA M O U N T S . 610-488-0914. FOR S A L E : PA equipment alto sub’s, mid’s, high’s, all self powered. More than enough for home or club’s, small venues, etc. All cables and Yamaha board included. Call 717-3034211. cla ssifieds continued...

May, 2014

Cla ssifieds continued...

FOR SALE: Only eight Epiphone guitars left, flyingV, two Explorers, three traditional Pro’s, SG Goldtop. Models all have case’s, leather straps and strap locks installed. Package deals. Call 717303-4211.

FOR SALE: Marshall MA 100 watt tube valve state combination with four 12 cab $550. Also 2 MG 412 cabs $175 each or $300 for both. Call 717-303-4211.

FOR SALE: Peavy 100 tube Windsor model. 1960 Marshall top cab 1960 bottom cab, 1,200 or your equip. plus cash, call with FOR SALE: Vintage needs or wants, all Rogers drum set, three considered. 717-303-4211. rotos, six drums, one snare, three cymbals. All stands FOR SALE: Genz Benz and pedals seat. Call 717- Uber 15” bass pro speaker cab. New never used $625; 303-4211. Fender Blues deluxe 40w FOR SALE: Two tube EJ custom speaker, Marshall 100 watt half new condition, never out, stacks, Red limited edition. $525. 717-654-7308. Edition mint condition, $475 each or both for FOR SALE: Ampeg 8x10 $800. Footswiths for both speaker cabinet with and patch cables, other Hartke LH 1000 bass amplifier. Excellent cabs. Call 717-303-4211

May, 2014

condition, $800. Call Jeff at 814-585-0362 FOR SALE: 820XL Mixing board, 8 Channel, perfect for a band or an accoustical act. Comes with case. Lightweight. $125. Tom: 570-648-9615. FOR SALE: Black Mapex 5 piece drumset. All Zildjian cymbols, 22” ride, 2 crash, Hi-hat. Tama Cymbol stands, throne, extra Ludwig snare, Pedals, cowbell, etc: All Excellent condition $700. Call Tom: 570-648-9615. F O R S A L E : BASS GUITA R S : I b a n e z Soundgear SR 406 6 string , woodgrain body , black hardware , DX-6 pickups , very nice action , no fret cla ssifieds continued...



Classifieds continued...

@ 4 ohms / 1000 w 8 buzz , 2 octave neck , ohms bridged $150. Call or 717-386-0930 beautiful condition , new t e x t battery , gig bag $300; Fender BG-31-MTB 4 string Acoustic/Electric, FOR SALE: Recording Tascam Black, 3 band eq nice E q u i p m e n t : PortaStudio 424 mk II 4sound, crack in the finish track cassette recorder/ on the side, hardly $ 1 7 0 ; Alesis noticeable, gig bag, new m i x e r MultiMix 6-FX 4 channel battery $250. Call or text mixer with effects $60; 717-386-0930 or Gemini case for rack mount equipment 14” high F O R S A L E : BASS inside, 8 space ? Top EQUIPMENT: S W R opens, nice space for a Workingmans 300 Bass mixer, etc. $65; Head 160w@ 8 Ohms / Grundorf case for rack 270W @ 4 Ohms. 5 Band mount equipment, 14” high Eq, rack mount, $250. inside, 8 space? $65. 2 Sans Amp RBI Tech 21 Audix OM-2 vocal mics B a s s Amp Modeler, w/cables $75 each. Call rackmount, $250; Peavey or text 717-386-0930 TB Raxx Bass Pre Amp, rack mount $100; 2 Bass Cabs, home built, 1 12” EV Woofer in each, folded horn design $125/ea; Hartke VXL Tone Shaper/Pre Amp pedal, all metal case, really versatile unit $75; Boss CEB3 Bass Chorus pedal, all metal case $40. Call or text 717386-0930 or email: FOR SALE: RACK MOUNT EQUIPMENT: Furman Rack Rider RR15, 8 Outlets $50; Alesis CLX-440 Stereo Compressor/ Expander, never used $150; Yamaha GEP-50 Guitar Effects Processor $50; QSC USA 1300 Power Amp, 650 w

MUSICIANS AVAILABLE AVAILABLE: Gutarist for girl oldies band. Rock n roll original band, free to travel, recording artist 1972. Free mind, body, soul. Still look 45 years, live in Palmyra PA. Lead rhythm, some lead vocals, I live music. Ready to rock n roll. Any place. 717-6081690. AVAILABLE: Bass player with a wide range of experience available to accommodate. Contact

Robbie at 717-668-1543. AVA I L A B L E : Singer looking to join or start southern classic or country rock band. ABB to 22 Top. Lots of stage time and experience. Call if interested. 717-258-8719. AVAILABLE Experienced professional drummer, well versed in both modern and classic cock as well as metal and some progressive, seeks somewhat established band with an emphasis on melody, hooks and good songs be it cover or original. Please no time time is valuable and yours should be too. Pro gear, play to win attitude and can play to a click track for studio work if necessary. Serious inquiries should contact Don at 570 449-1933.

fill free time jammin with a talented group of musicians. I’m 41 with tons of experience and gear. Harrisburg area. Interested? Call Victor 717-903-3155. AVAILABLE: Professional /Experienced looking for band in York, Harrisburg, Lancaster area. Rock n Roll, Blues, Soul, Country. 717-659-2189 AVAILABLE Experienced professional drummer, well versed in both modern and classic cock as well as metal and some progressive, seeks somewhat established band with an emphasis on melody, hooks and good songs be it cover or original. Please no time time is valuable and yours is too. Pro gear, play to win attitude and can play to a click track for studio work if necessary. Serious inquiries should contact Don at 570 449-1933

AVAILABLE: Harrisburg area acoustic upright and electric bass player, singer/songwriter looking to add to a duo or other. Enjoy country, bluegrass, folk or acoustic rock. Enjoy what I’m doing but miss the really strong harmony. Looking to be your third part for covers and originals. Call Mike WANTED: Upright Bass 717 565-0539 or email Player wanted for Roots and Rockabilly Power Trio. Serious minded only. AVAILABLE: Metal/hard Vocals a plus. Gigs lined rock drummer looking to up. 570-668-0164.


WANTED: Lead vocalist inspired by The new Wave of British Metal for an established band in the Harrisburg area. Please contact Mike:717-5422998 or Rick:717-6149887. WANTED: Bass player and drummer wanted to form oldies/rockabilly trio with 61-year old guitarist/ vocalist in Mount Joy. Michael 717-435-2849. WA N T E D : Lancaster Keyboard/ piano player and drummer wanted to join female singer to form American Songbook/ Jazz duo or trio in style of Peggy Lee, etc 610-463-6614. WANTED: Bassist. Experienced guitarist drummer vocalists seeking bassist for ultimate blues rock funk trio. MUST SING. No baggage. Lehighton to Wilkes-barre area. Call John 570-3252182. WANTED: One of the areas premier acoustic duo, seeks a percussionist/ vocalist for continuing originals project and performance. Intuitive ability to provide that magic low harmony is essential. We have a shared background in rock, dead, folk & jam. It’s gonna sound good! Contact Jerry T. at 717-270-4012. WANTED: Musiciansactors for a new band forming in State College area. Need lead guitar, drummer, b a s s , a n d definitely a good singer. 1980’s style hard rock. Have original material to finish; plus many covers.

I’ll take care or rhythm and some leads. Must have own gear and transportation. I have location. Band support also may be needed. Late 30’s to early 40’s. Plan to have fun and possibly a web series. Get in on the ground level now. Call Mark at 814-342-9123. WANTED: Lead Vocalist, Lead Guitarist, Rhythm Guitarist , for 80’s themed band. Northern Cambria / Indiana county area. MUST BE DEDICATED. Own equipment, Own transportation. Email m WANTED: Lead Vocalist and bassist for a new project. Looking to do 70’s and 80’s guitar rock. Must have stage experience. Please send info, vid clips, audio samples to: WANTED: Musicians for an all in one cover, tribute, original band in Norristown, PA. Call Danny: 610-290-3492 or email: WA N T E D : Guitarist looking for a keyboardist and drummer for original music. Influences are Steven Wilson’s “Grace for Drowning” and Pink Floyd’s “Meddle”. Call or text 484-300-7693. WANTED: Hard-hitting drummer with good instinct wanted for working band. Must be willing to travel. Originals and mostly KISS covers. Full drum kit available. Call Jerry 717-761-5050 Tues-Sat. (Famous Cuts Hair Salon) StarChildBand.

DEADLINE for JUNE 2014 issue...

TUESDAY, MAY 20th.... email all classifeds to: or Send in the mail to: PA MUSICIAN, PO Box 362 Millerstown, PA 17062 30


May, 2014

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