Pennsylvania Musician Magazine November 2015

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Friday, November 20th! Don’t delay call today 717.444.2423 or email your info to: November, 2015



November , 2015





November, 2015

VALE MEDIA INDUSTRY CONFERENCE.... Spend a day learning from professionals in the media industry during the annual student-run VALE Media (formerly Music) Conference at Lebanon Valley College on Saturday, November 21st. By expanding to include all media, this event offers educational opportunities beyond just music. Conference registration is $15 for the public, $5 for LVC students, and free for high school students. Panelists will represent video and film production, music recording, musicians, journalism, web design and development, and additional media areas. A full list of professionals scheduled to attend is available on the conference website at Since its inception in 2005, the conference has incorporated numerous improvements. As an annual student-run event, the class continually explores new ways to attract attendees. To begin a new decade, the 2015 conference will be presented in collaboration with LVC’s Digital Communications Department. The digital communications industries and music industries are deeply intertwined and serve as natural partners to host the conference. “A main takeaway of the 2015 VALE Conference will be the understanding of how these differing majors and backgrounds interact within the media industry,” says Katlyn Jumper — 16, conference president. Liz Allebach —17, president of the student-run advertising club DigiVal agrees. So what’s in it for students who attend? Professionals provide first-hand advice to students about the music and media industries, discuss how these types of businesses operate, and share valuable information about their careers. Past conferences have served as excellent networking opportunities for internships and jobs. “There are many aspects to the VALE Conference that make it memorable, but the personal relationships made during the day help create greatest memories. Those relationships make for connections that last a lifetime,” says Jumper. Registration is available at for current college students and members of the public. High school students should contact the LVC Admission Office at 717-867-6181.

November, 2015



ACROSS THE DESK By Whitey & Robin Noll So here I am on In Desgin. I do not know what I’m doing but here I go. I was on the last sentence when my faithful 10.4.11 died. It hung in there and if I had just been a few clicks quicker I would have made it. Sorry some of you don’t know my computer saga. I had it all typed out on the other computer but it crashed and won’t let me turn it back on. It all started about 3 weeks ago when I was having trouble connecting to the internet. I called Leading Electronics and described my problem and he said the one


board was going out and I would need to get a new computer but use the old one until it died. Well I was two strokes from being done and it died. Here I am taking a crash course on the In Design program so it will be far from perfect I want to thank Chad Cowder of Center Daily Times for talking me through my first page, it’s scary but I’m getting there. Also I need to thank Amy for working with me when I thought my old mac died on Wednesday but it revived long enough to get me almost to the end and if I hadn’t been on facebook I would have been done. I have to thank Rachel for helping me get the new IMac, that’s a whole other story but we don’t have time for all the crazy details. I do have to thank Andrew Justice for helping to confirm the mac I was looking at. Thank you to my neice Kate Lynch and my sister Ethel who came to my rescue when we couldn’t get the new IMac to hook up to the wireless. Kate had it going about 15 minutes after she sat down in front of the computer. What would I do with-


out people in my life who continually help me every day and help me every month get the PA Musician Magazine out to the public. So many people help get each issue out: Jim Price, Rachel Rocks, Deb Whitcomb, Jeff Kreitz Jr (who is sadly leaving us next month, thank you for your help this past year), Eric Hoffman, Keith Hummel who still delivers some papers for me to make sure faithful readers still can get their issue. Jeff Pittenger, Deanne Trio, Randy Wilson, Shawn Kurey, Jimi Jaymz, Imelda Reading, Meredith Kaminek who takes our awesome cover shots. The list goes on and on but I need to get this to the printer. This is our Anniversary issue. We are going into our 34th year of publishing the Pennsylvania Musician Magazine. Thank you to all of our wonderful clients who have been so faithful in placing ads. It’s the ad dollars that keep us going. I should raise my rates and I might have to this year so get in while the rates are low. I have to thank God for helping me the most. I am thankful for His guidance and continual provision. I am thankful that he let the old computer hang in there so I didn’t have to design all my ads a new. I have a lot o them saved but I will be learning new programs so I’m looking to change up the design in the near future. I also have to thank my husband and my soul mate, Whitey Noll for giving me the career I was designed to have. I love you Whitey. Love and Hugs to one and all and hopefully by next month I’ll know what I’m doing.

November, 2015

OUT & ABOUT by RACHEL ROCKS! Rocktober was rockin’ as usual! I love Fall! It is such an amazing time of year. As the cooler weather starts to make it’s way to the area and the leaves are all changing into their beautiful colors, I can’t help, but get out there and enjoy it! Plus I love wearing hoodies!! (obviously). Hopefully you’ve been able to get out there and enjoy it, but save enough energy to get out there and support local music too! Kudos to all of the bands that have donated their time and talent to many benefits throughout the area thru Fall Festivals and other outdoor fun! I know lots of events were happening all month long, and all of the entertainment was appreciated. I have to give the Happy Anniversary shout out to us, The Pennsylvania Musician Magazine! We’ve been going strong for lots of years, 33 to be exact. Mom and Dad started the mag back in 1982, right after my 4th birthday. They started the magazine in our house on Route 17, I remember a room with Mom on a typewriter, and I remember her desk was like a square. I can remember crawling under her desk with my cat, Sunshine while she worked, I also remember running out and meeting the neighbors while Mom was making her deadlines and all of my siblings were at school. I had some amazing neighbors who entertained me when I was bored. I remember in order to answer the phone I had to be able to say, “Hello, this is The Shopper’s Remedy and the Pennsylvania Musician, how can I help you?” I think I was about 7 or 8, then I would unpolitely scream, “Mooooommmm!!!!!” when it wasn’t one of my friends. So if you were one of the lucky ones that I screamed in your ear, I apologize, but it was just a nice way to realize how much of a small family business you were supporting. Mom’s office was once part of the kitchen in our Treaster House, then moved to the back half of the living room, and then when we relocated to The Witmer Farm, she at first thought she’d try renting “real” office space in the bottom of the old hardware store in town, that was downright miserable not having Mom at home, and that place was all dark and dingy, then at the Witmer Farm she decided the laundry room would be plenty big enough for her office, it’s tiny and extremely narrow, but Mom got out her tape measure and made it happen. The view from her office is amazing with windows all along one wall. It looks out to a beautiful lilac tree and another flowering tree that attracts hummingbirds, plus of course the cows are always fun to watch. We’ve truly been blessed at the Pennyslvania Musician Magazine. Mom and Dad have done some crazy amazing things to keep this business afloat. I honestly have NO idea how they have made it happen. To bring a family of 6 off of welfare to starting your very own business with no degree, and no college experience, just street smarts and great friends to help where the help was needed. Some of our advertisers have been with us since the beginning and I can’t thank you enough! You’ve seen me through life, and most of you don’t even realize it. It’s your ad dollars that have not only kept this magazine alive, but also our family. So from the very bottom of my heart I thank all of you for advertising, reading, and supporting the Pennsylvania Musician Magazine! I’m glad that Dad got this idea in his head and stuck to his guns, and made it happen, I’m also glad he had a wife who believed in him and has stuck by him and his crazy ideas. They make an amazing team! Sorry for all the nostalgic ramblings, now onto my month of amazing entertainment! The first show of the month was also Take 147’s first show back since their summer break. The “Takers” continued on pg. 1 2 ...

November, 2015



Out & About continued... were out in full force to support them taking the stage at the Tourist Inn. Take 147 decided to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness month by raising money for the Breast Cancer Coalition. They donated $1 for every bra thrown up on stage. Then they also had a contest to see which bra was the best decorated. It was a great way to add to the party already happening! Who doesn’t love bras flying through the air! I’m not sure of the final count, but bras were flying everywhere! Take 147 had a great show, and we all enjoyed hearing their new songs they were working on over the Summer. Shortly after this show Take 147 also announced they will be retiring at the end of November. They have too more shows to Tracey singing w / Steel end their 10 year run as a band. One show will be November 7th at Gullifty’s, and their FINAL show will be November 21st at Tubby’s. I’m personally extremely bummed to hear this news. I always had a blast rockin’ with all of these ladies and their fans, aka “The Takers”. It’s extremely sad the band is breaking up, but it’s even more sad to think I probably won’t see a lot of the “Takers.” They had quite the fan base and we’ve all become friends in the last few years. I will miss everyone. Hopefully they still get out there and support local music. Local music needs all of the support it can get! The next band I saw was End of Silence at The Eagle Hotel in Fredericksburg. These guys have been rockin’ area stages and I’ve heard a lot about them, and I’m very excited that I finally got a chance to catch them ‘Out and About’. When I was heading home from delivering the magazines in Reading I saw they were on the Eagle Hotel’s schedule and it worked out perfectly to stop by and rock out for a few minutes on my way home. What an amazing sound and off the chain stage presence! It was sooo refreshing!! This year they’ve also released their first EP, “Way of the World.” They’ve also had some amazing music videos made to go along with their EP release. Check them out on their Facebook page so you can see and hear these guys for yourself. I’m sure you’ll be seeing a lot more of these guys in the very near future! Even though I already had a very long day, it wasn’t quite over yet, I decided to take one more stop to catch the tail end of Halfway to Hell’s debut show at Double K. This amazing AC/DC Tribute band came down from the mountains of Northeast PA to entertain the masses. They had Double K packed and singing along to all of their AC/DC favorites. Halfway to Hell has a few familiar faces on the stage, and some new ones. One very familiar face is Dave, “Dazz”, Danishefsky, formerly of the Poptart Monkeys. It was great seeing him back on the stage rockin’ away! Halfway to Hell is hitting the highways and spreading their music throughout the state of PA. Keep an eye out for these guys in your area, you won’t be disappointed. I haven’t been to the Fredericksburg Eagle Hotel for months, and now I was there twice in one month, this time it was for the crazy, amazing, and talented, Mycenea Worley. I was excited when I saw her on the Eagle Hotel’s schedule and I knew it would be well worth my trip back to the “Hoootel”. Mycenea had the crowd dancing and singing along as usual. The Eagle Hotel is one of those venues that just makes you feel like you are home. Everyone is the salt of the Earth and welcomes you in with open arms, just like Mycenea. It truly is the perfect venue for her to perform at. It’s like one big family reunion. There were plenty of requests, a lot of which were for Mycenea’s originals from her latest album, “Siren”. If you want to add some amazing music to your song list, get this album! Mycenea’s voice is filled with so much soul even tho she has a rocky edge to her music as well. It’s definitely her own very well crafted genre of music that is like no other! Check it out for yourself at If you’ve never been out to the Fredericksburg Eagle Hotel, I highly suggest a visit soon. Their food is absolutely delicious, might I suggest their absolutely amazing wings on their Sunday Wing Days! Mmmm… GOOD! Check out the Eagle Hotel’s schedule in this issue and get more info on their amazing specials and entertainment! My next night out was another busy one. The night started out early at the Millerstown Moose for An Evening of Love to benefit Gracie Snyder. Gracie is a precious 5 month old baby girl who is fighting Leukemia. In order to survive Gracie will need a bone marrow transplant. After this night I learned how to become a possible donor with Be the Match Donor Registry. I completed my kit, but they say it takes anywhere from 2 to 6 months to get your kit processed to see if you are a match. I hope if I’m not a match for Gracie I will at least be a match to someone in need. It was a super simple cheek swab kit that was sent to me and I just swabbed my cheek 4 times and sent the kit back in a self-stamped envelope. I highly suggest checking it out at The night was filled with tons of fun thanks to the band Jughead, who donated their time and talent to this benefit. Jughead plays so many songs that make you scream, “I love this song!” as you’re running to the dance floor. Not only does Mike have an amazing voice on lead vocals, but all of the musicians are continued on next page ...



November, 2015

Out & About continued... equally amazing as well. Not only are they spot on with their instruments, but their harmonies are just amazing! I know I’ve been saying a lot about these guys, but trust me, they deserve it! Jughead has been trying their hardest to get more gigs in the Harrisburg area and beyond. Trust me when I say, if you are a club owner, you want to give these guys a chance! Chances are Mike has called you, but if not you can call him at 717-7954420 to get these guys booked before it’s too late! After the benefit I still had time to zoom down to Tubby’s on my way home for Penntera. Seeing them on the yacht was pretty darn amazing, but I have to admit I love seeing them on Tubby’s huge stage with amazing sound and lights even more! Their stage presence is absolutely amazing and they are always so much fun to watch and rock out with! By the time I arrived the crowd was in full rock mode after already hearing Rabid Assassin and Show No Mercy, which is a Slayer Tribute band. I heard great things about both of the opening bands, and Penntera kept the crowd rockin’ all night long! I can’t imagine ever having as much energy as Johnny has jumping and running all over the stage while singing and hitting those amazing notes! Space is back there banging away on those drums. I love watching his face, you can’t help but smile watching someone do what they love! Penntera has quite a few shows this month ranging from Maryland to New York, with of course Pennsylvania in between! Check out their ad in this issue and get out there and rock with them soon!! Last but not least is Steel, who was playing back at Double K. ‘The Steel Nation’ was there in full force partying, dancing, and singing along with the band we love! I have to give another shout out to one of their newer songs, “Fire,” which is one of my Bruce Springsteen favorites, and now one of my Steel favorites, although I’ve been missing “Black and Blue” at my last couple of shows… But anyway, in all honesty I love all of their music! All of their songs get us up dancing and having a great time. Our Fitbits were busy again trying to track all of our dancing feet. On their final song, “Hallowed Be Thy Name” I am thrilled to report all of the headbangers were lined up from one side of the stage to the other ready to headbang to the end of the night. It’s a Steel tradition and it’s how every show ends. At the very end of the show Trevis came running out with his very own Fitbit trying to beat us dancers with his thunderous double bass kick drums, unfortunately he only wears his on his hip, so I don’t think it counted as many steps as it should have. Next time he should wear it on his foot! All in all it was once again another amazing night of music and entertainment. Check out their schedule in this issue and get out there and support these guys soon. I guarantee you it will be a great night out on the town! Well there I go for another great month of amazing music! This marks 8 years of being “Out and About.” Thanks so much to everyone for reading my article, checking out my Hot Shots, and just for saying “Hi” when you see me Out and About. I absolutely love going out and supporting Local Music! Please come on out and support it with me! If you have any questions or concerns, you can e-mail me at Make sure and check out our website at and our Facebook Page:

November, 2015

NATIONALS By Eric Hoffman

Greetings Rockers and Rollers! Last month started with the return of Stephen Pearcy in Annapolis, Maryland on October 2nd. The former lead singer of Ratt played an intimate show at a small English pub called Union Jack’s. A great rocking show consisting of Ratt’s most popular songs, including “Slip Of The Lip,” “Way Cool Jr” and “Round and Round.” Pearcy and the band were great after the show, taking time to meet and hang out with fans. October 15th also marked the return of Barb Wire Dolls to Baltimore’s The Depot. A female fronted punk rock band from Greece who truly follow their punk roots and beliefs. The band travels non-stop by van, does everything DIY and work with select record distributors to release their albums. Barb Wire Dolls give an


Eric & Isis Queen of Barb Wire Dolls immensely energetic show in their pursuit of success as a band. Since forming in 2010, the band has played over 1,000 shows in over 22 countries including working with members of the Sex Pistols, Motorhead, Guns N Roses, Aerosmith and The Cult. continued on pg 1 4 ...


Nationals continued... Legendary punk rock band, Bouncing Souls, visited Lancaster’s Chameleon for a sold-out show on October 17th. The band formed in New Brunswick, New Jersey in 1988 and play fast light-hearted songs. Bouncing Souls have released a total of nine studio albums and are a staple in the punk rock scene. The band has only changed one member in its 27 year existence. Two years ago, George Rebelo of Hot Water Music and Against Me! fame joined the band as the new drummer. NATIONAL NEWS: After visiting the Bryce Jordan Center in State College on October 15th, Paul McCartney gave a private performance in Philadelphia on October 18th during the American Trucking Conference. McCartney changed the lyrics to the Beatles song “Drive My Car” to play to the crowd of about 1,000 and sang, “Baby you can drive my truck.” McCartney played the two-hour show at a customer appreciation dinner. McCartney’s wife, Nancy Shevell, is an executive at Elizabeth, New Jersey-based New England Motor Freight, a trucking firm owned by her father. Grateful Dead bassist Phil Lesh says he has been diagnosed with bladder cancer and is being treated in Arizona. The 75-year-old bassist announced his illness was diagnosed in early October and has been undergoing tests and will eventually have surgery to remove the tumors. He says he’s “very fortunate” to have the pathology reports show the tumors are all nonaggressive and that there is no indication that they have spread. Lesh says he will be able to return to normal activities two weeks after surgery. October 9th, Prince performed for Madonna at Paisley Park. About 30 Prince fans were summoned to Paisley Park late for something “extra special.” Madonna walked into the dance party late and disappeared, but then emerged later followed by Prince. He took the stage and played a funky set, as Madonna sat on the edge of the stage at his feet. Reports say that Madonna looked up at him adoringly as he sang. Willie Nelson recently canceled his October 17th concert in Reading, PA due to “Willie has been feeling under the weather.” Nelson is currently touring with Merle Haggard in support of their latest joint album, ‘Django & Jimmie’, which was released in June. The 82 year old icon also postponed shows in both Florence, South Carolina and Roanoke, Virginia last month. David Bowie is still active in the studio, but has retired from touring. John Giddings, managing director for Solo Agency stated, “David [Bowie] is one of the best artists I’ve ever worked with. But every time I see him now, before I even speak to him, he goes, I’m not touring and I say, I’m not asking.” Bowie recently composed the opening credits for the TV series “The Last Panthers.” And has also written four new songs for the musical “Lazarus,” in New York City. Philadelphia’s Electric Factory is on the limited club run for Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz (otherwise known as The Flaming Lips). Six intimate shows to celebrate the band’s album released for free this past August. The band also has announced a special naked concert in the name of quality music video-making. And the audience is going to be nude too. To up the weirdness factor, everyone is going to be covered in a substance that resembles milk. Cyrus announced October 7th that all shows on the (presumably clothed) tour were sold out. Janet Jackson, Steve Miller, Chicago, The Cars, Cheap Trick, Los Lobos, Chaka Khan and James Brown’s famed backup band The J.B.’s are among the first-time nominees being considered for induction next year in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. More than 800 artists and members of the music industry voted on the Continued on next page...



November, 2015

15 potential honorees. Artists back on the ballot for another try are Chic, Deep Purple, N.W.A., Nine Inch Nails, the Smiths, The Spinners and Yes. The Cleveland-based Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum generally inducts five performers a year. The induction ceremony will be in New York in April. Promising a 25-date run across North America, England’s The Cure has locked in 6 shows already for Los Angeles, Chicago and New York. It hasn’t been very long since Robert Smith & Co. last graced these shores. In 2014 the band hit a few festivals, including BottleRock Napa Valley in Northern California and Riot Fests in Toronto, Chicago and Denver. Tapping Scottish band The Twilight Sad will provide opening duties. Intrepid pilot/vocalist Bruce Dickinson says Iron Maiden is launching their “The Book Of Souls” world tour in Florida. Dickinson and his metal warriors have determined nine North America gigs. “We haven’t decided on the set list as yet and won’t until we start rehearsing but we really look forward to playing a number of new songs live,” Dickinson said. “However, as it’s been a while since we saw you all, I am sure we will include plenty of older fan favourites too. You

certainly deserve it for your patience.” Iron Maiden has tapped The Raven Age for support. Iron Maiden plays NYC Madison Square Garden on March 30. UPCOMING SHOWS: George Wesley Moon Dancer Winery Nov 7. Public Image Limited (PIL) Washington DC, U Street Music Hall Nov 10. Public Image Limited (PIL) Philadelphia Trocadero Nov 11. Insane Clown Posse Baltimore Soundstage Nov 12.

Buckcherry Reading Reverb Nov 17. George Wesley Harrisburg Abbey Nov 18. Tommy Conwell & Young Rumblers Ardmore Music Hall Nov 21. Jerry Joseph Harrisburg Abbey Nov 21. Ocean Blue Lancaster Chameleon Nov 22. KIX / Back In Black / Dirt Cheap Camp Hill Radisson Nov 27. The Sharks Lancaster Village Nov 28.

Eric & Stephen Pearcy

November, 2015



A few truths and myths about AC power. AC - alternating current electrical power is a necessity of every production, show or event in some way or another. Even if it is to recharge someone’s smart phone. As many of you know, the prevailing wisdom at smaller venues is “everybody has used this one outlet and it worked!” Ah - but did it really? There was an event where all the production gear ended up on one circuit breaker. The breaker actually held; it did not go out BUT nothing was working right. The reason is that there was too much stuff on one set of

wires which caused voltage variations, namely drops in the voltage. Some things do not work when they do not have the right voltage. In the words of Homer Simpson, - “duh!” At this particular event the audio would cut out whenever it came to a louder part. Something in the setup would stop working when the voltage got too low. Granted, quite a few international products can work within a range of 100V (Japan) to 240V (UK). But there are many things that work only within 110V to 120V range. When the power dropped to 104V at this event; goodbye! Simply put, the small wires have increased resistance which suck up the juice. Power is a function of voltage, current and resistance. Voltage = Current x Resistance (E=I x R). Picture yourself driving down a highway or a road. If it is a one lane road, there is a good chance you will get bogged down. But, put the same amount of traffic on a six lane highway, and everyone sails along smoothly. Of course it you live in LA, you’ll need an even bigger highway. The moral of the story? Use larger, heavier gauge cables whenever possible. Using multiple runs of cables helps also, especially if you do have heavy ones. Also use multiple circuits (for several reasons). Even if you have heavy cables, the wiring at the venue may not. There was a show down in South America I did (well actually it has happened a few times in various countries) where during the show a power company transformer blew; one of the ones on a pole. We could see it from the stage - it put on a nice light show with sparks flying and such. We happened to have a generator (genny to those of you in the business) on site so we were up & running in about 15 minutes luckily with no loss of gear. Another moral to a story; have your options ready to go!

Go to the website for updates and schedule of events...



November, 2015



“LIVE REVIEWS” By Jim Price November marks another anniversary for Pennsylvania Musician Magazine, supporting and reporting on the state’s music scene now going 33 years! Musicians, bands, fans, venues and music trends have come and gone during that span, and the music scene now is very different from what it was when Whitey Noll devised the idea of starting this publication back in 1982. But here we are in 2015, continuing to inform readers and the world about what Pennsylvania musicians have to offer. Congratulations and thanks again to Whitey and Robin for keeping the fire burning, and enabling Pennsylvania Musician to remain a valuable resource for this state’s music scene! Another outdoor live music season is in the books, and the season’s last festivals and outdoor events provided most of my recent live music highlights. Delgrosso’s Amusement Park in Tipton again celebrated Italian tradition with the 26th annual Italian Food and Heritage Festival in late September. Food was again in the spotlight as Delgrosso’s, other area businesses and organizations provided a wide smorgasbord of delicious Italian food. And Italian-themed music again accompanied the feast. This year marked the return of Pittsburgh’s Jimmy Sapienza & Five Guys Named Moe on the main stage. Jimmy was the skilled showman, displaying a great singing voice and witty sense of humor as he led his Five Guys Named Moe - this day sax player Kenny Blake, keyboardist Keith Stebler and drummer Louis Francini - on a variety of jazz and swing standards. These guys were entertaining and fun as they spotlighted hits from legends like Frank Sinatra (“My Way,” “New York New York”), Dean Martin (“That’s Amoré,” “Ain’t That a Kick in the Head”), Bobby Darin (“Beyond the Sea”), Louis Prima (“Angelina,” “Jump Jive an’ Wail”) and Louis Jordan (“Choo Ch’Boogie” and the group’s namesake song “Five Guys Named Moe,” which ended their performance). In between sets, the Faiella Father & Son duo father Benny on guitar and son Matthew on mandolin strolled the festival area to serenade festival-goers with Italian folk numbers. Ebensburg reconvened its celebration of the spud in late September with the 24th annual Potatofest, which featured organizations and food vendors with a wide variety of potatobased foods, arts and crafts vendors, wine-tasting, children’s activities, and live music on four stages spaced throughout downtown Ebensburg. I saw four of this year’s performers, starting with Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing at the Penn Eben Park gazebo stage. Singer Jason Gamble, guitarist Brendon Bassler, upright bassist Nick Adams and drummer Josh Williams showcased their acoustic, groove-driven mix of original songs and select covers. Jason demonstrated a soulful voice and personality as he led Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing on original songs like “Strange Future,” “The Bliss in This” and “Lucky,” as well as versions of the Beatles’ “Come Together,” Van Morrison’s “Moondance” and the Grateful Dead’s “Scarlet Begonias.” I then headed up High Street to its intersection with Center Street, where Pittsburgh’s Michael Christopher was wrapping up his performance. Flanked by guitarist Zach Reeder and Keith Kleinhampl on cajon, Michael strummed and sang country-flavored original songs like “Looks Like Rain” and “She Stood Out in the Crowd,” plus versions of Alabama’s “I’m in a Hurry,” Poison’s “Every Rose Has Its Thorn,” Don Henley’s “Boys of Summer” and more. Totem then commenced their performance at the tent stage near Memorial Park. Lead singer/guitarist Perry Sheesley, bassist Paul Lanzendorfer, keyboardist Gene Suto and drummer Tom Gajewsky sounded strong on classic rock favorites from Bob Seger, Tom Petty, Jimi Hendrix, the Allman Brothers, Sugarloaf, Bruce Springsteen and more. I then returned to the Penn Eben gazebo stage to catch some of Never Enough’s performance, as singer Stacy Feighner, guitarist/singer Tony Feighner, bassist Lou Nagy and drummer Christi Roddy blended a variety of hits from Jefferson Airplane, Queen, Aretha Franklin, K.T. Tunstall, Adele and more. After Potatofest, I then caught the part of the day-closing jam session that capped the inaugural Canal Jam at the Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site near Gallitzin. Following the theme “Party like it’s 1839,” Canal continued on pg. 2 0 ...

November , 2015



The Professor continued... Jam celebrated the music, stories and folklore performed and shared in the “port towns” along the Pennsylvania Main Line Canal from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh during the middle 1800s. Canal Jam featured presentations, readings and musical performances throughout the day; participants and performers included Pittsburgh folk group Up In The Batten House, Smithsonian Gold Medalist Dr. William Hullfish and the Golden Eagle String Band, Penn State Altoona representatives Dr. David Parry, Steve Sherrill and Dr. Jerry Zolten, Richard Sleigh, plus a lunchtime concert at the Lemon House by Dr. Bonnie Cutsforth-Huber and several Penn State Altoona students. This first Canal Jam was wellattended, and early word is that this event will return in 2016. During the first Friday of last month, Downtown State College again presented its First Friday event to showcase downtown businesses, art and music. Several musicians and group set up shop and performed at various locations throughout downtown State College. I first encountered Eric Ian Farmer as he performed outside The Tavern Restaurant (where he frequently entertains on Thursday nights). With his bold and soulful voice, Eric sang an eclectic variety of material, including his distinctive folk-geared arrangements on Sam Cooke’s “Having a Party,” Bob Marley’s “Three Little Birds,” and even a a cappella number. Meanwhile, The Big Coronas Band was demonstrating their jazz chops in front of First National Bank on Allen Street. Performing as a quintet this day, this group showed amazing instrumental skills as they entertained passers-by with a mixture of modern jazz favorites. And in front of the Student Book Store on College Avenue, I saw the last two songs of The Wreckers’ performance. Singer/guitarist Roy Long, singer Kasi Damiano, guitarist Alex Sterbenz, bassist Chris Michael and drummer Kirk Mountz closed out their set with spirited renditions of The Eagles’ “Take It Easy” and 4 Non Blondes’ “What’s Up.” I attended the first and last days of Bedford’s annual Fall Foliage Festival, held during the first two weekends of October. Rain and chilly temperatures graced the festival’s first day, but didn’t thwart Harrisburg’s Nate Myers & the Aces from providing the musical good time on the downtown


gazebo stage. Singing and wailing on harmonica, Nate led the Aces on a mixture of original tunes and select remakes. By request, Nate retold his humorous musical dog ode “Sparky Come Home,” and also did “Back Porch Swing” off his ‘It’s My Music’ CD, along with versions of Bill Withers’ “Ain’t No Sunshine,” Archie Bell’s “Tighten Up,” Bobby Bland’s “Turn On Your Lovelight” and more. I again saw Pittsburgh’s strolling Faiella Father & Son duo mix Italian folk songs and polkas, and caught a few songs from Pittsburgh-based jazz crooner Nick Fiasco on the gazebo stage as he spotlighted numbers from Frank Sinatra. I then headed to the festival’s River stage to see The Beatlemaniacs. An offshoot project from White Shadow, singer/drummer Jerry Carnicella, singers/guitarists Bob Helbig and Johann Von Schrenkel, and bassist/singer Andy Rhody almost needed a “Yellow Submarine” to transport their instruments past a sizable pond of rainwater in front of the stage! But Cambria County’s fab four persevered, doing nice work on hits from throughout the Beatles’ catalog. The weather vastly improved for the following weekend’s final day of the Fall Foliage Festival, with sunshine and temperatures in the low 70s. I arrived in time to see most of Lovebettie’s performance in front of a large audience at the gazebo stage. With guest Ray Kuchinka sitting in on harmonica, Lovebettie - singer/keyboardist Alexandra Naples, guitarist C.T. Fields, bassist Nick Quinn and drummer Larry Shotter - mixed original songs with their inventive takes on classics from Ben E. King, Blues Traveler, Tom Petty, Marvin Gaye, Dolly Parton and more. Lovebettie introduced a number of new songs, and before doing one of their established older originals, “Are You Out There,” Alexandra explained that the song was inspired by the passing of her grandmother. Devoid of yellow submarines or psychedelic-era 1960s attire this day, White Shadow then closed out the music on the gazebo stage with their celebration of good time rock’n’roll from the Beatles, Beach Boys, Everly Brothers and CCR, plus a little Elvis Presley thrown in for good measure. White Shadow instantly had people dancing, and kept the dance area in front of the stage busy for the duration of the afternoon. October also means Oktoberfest, and People’s Natural Gas Field in Altoona hosted its fifth annual Yuengling Oktoberfest


Ian Mellencamp

by JP

early last month. This year’s event featured German-styled food and refreshments, children’s activities and live music. Holding up the German music side of Oktoberfest was Pittsburgh’s Grammy-nominated Dick Tady Orchestra, who opened the evening. Featuring singer/namesake Dick Tady on sax and button box, Bob McBride on banjo and guitar, accordionist/keyboardist Tony Grandovic, bassist Ed Gould and drummer Joe Gill; the Dick Tady Orchestra mixed up a tasty variety of European polkas, waltzes, German oompah music and more. Capping Yuengling Oktoberfest were local country favorites Pistol Peg & the Beer Kegs. Singer Jill Renee, singer/guitarist Mark Simanski, guitarists Joe Scott and Brandon Kane, bassist Justin Brown and drummer Steve Holtz quickly fired up the party with their lively country mix, doing favorites from Alan Jackson, Shania Twain, Little Big Town, Zac Brown Band, Toby Keith, John Michael Montgomery, Gretchen Wilson, Rascal Flatts, Florida Georgia Line, Alabama and more. Their presentation was bright, upbeat and fun, and the group kept the energy constant throughout their entire set, never giving the party-hardy audience any reason to want to step away or sit down. During last month’s annual Apple Cider Festival at Prince Gallitzin State Park, I enjoyed bluegrass music courtesy of continued on page 2 1 ...

November, 2015

The Professor continued... Trains, Moonshine & Jesus (TMJ Bluegrass for short). Featuring Steve Shilling on dobro, Ron Schinkle on guitar, Tim Holtz on upright bass and Jeff Dodson on banjo, TMJ Bluegrass sounded strong on a variety of traditional folk and bluegrass songs from the catalogs of Ralph Stanley, Bill Monroe, Woody Guthrie, John Prine and more. The group included the occasional gospel number to fulfill the ‘Jesus’ part of their name, and honored requests for the ever-popular “Wagon Wheel.” TMJ Bluegrass’ instrumental skills were excellent, and their vocals and harmonies sounded clear and on target. Their brand of folk and bluegrass sounds was a perfect fit for a pleasant early October day surrounded by fall tree colors and a lake. Last month’s 40th annual Hartslog Day Festival filled Main Street in Alexandria with many visitors, who enjoyed arts, crafts and other vendors, yard sales, children’s activities, food and refreshments, and live music. Scholastic ensembles filled the morning schedule under the tent near Hartslog Museum, before Anita Roseborough and friends launched the afternoon music. Anita strummed and sang songs by the Eagles, Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, The Impressions, plus a stanza of her established crowd favorite, John Denver’s “Grandma’s Feather Bed.” Anita also welcomed some family and friends up to help sing, including retiring WTAJ-TV weather lady Regina Miller. Scent Of Water then entertained with a mixture of rock, country and Christian music favorites. Singer David Beck, guitarist Brett Rodkey, bassist Shane Walters and percussionist Luther Sprankle did numbers from Journey, Johnny Cash, Parmalee and more. Next was Lewistown’s Unusual Suspects String Band, performing traditional bluegrass and folk sounds. Five members strong and anchored by the husband and wife tandem of R.B. Powell on banjo and Bridget Allen on upright bass, Unusual Suspects had fun as they performed their bluegrass variations on “Wabash Cannonball,” Bill Monroe’s “Blue Ridge Mountain Blues,” Tanya Tucker’s “Delta Dawn,” Freddy Fender’s “Before the Next Teardrop Falls,” Ricky Nelson’s “Hello Mary Lou” and more. Raining Blue continued the music with their jazz-informed takes on rock and pop

November, 2015

favorites. Multi-instrumentalists Walt Yatta and Amy Williamson mixed up the instrumentation as they applied their distinctive flavor to numbers from the Classics IV, Fleetwood Mac, Bruce Springsteen, Dave Edmunds, Santana and more. And the Backyard Rockers closed out the day with their blend of acoustic rock, country, folk and blues spanning names like Neil Young, Tom Petty, Marshall Tucker Band, Steve Earle and more. R.B. Powell from Unusual Suspects joined in on banjo on the group’s versions of Johnny Cash’s “Folsom Prison Blues” and “Wagon Wheel.” The first visible snowflakes of the season fell upon Hollidaysburg’s 10th annual Pumpkin Festival last month. While the day’s weather was oppressive with cold, wind, rain, snowflakes and sleet, it didn’t thwart live music. As I arrived and started savoring pumpkin-based edibles (including pumpkin chili, a favorite at this event), I first spotted local continued on pg 2 2 ...

Joy Ike

by JP



The Professor continued... hand-drumming specialist Erro Gutshall leading a percussion group on a street corner. I then caught my first look at The Chrome Hearts. The husband and wife duo of guitarist Bob and Stephanie Onkst share singing duties, flanked by guitarist Chad Buterbaugh, bassist Brian Baum and drummer Doug Fetter. The Chrome Hearts’ primary flavor is country, with touches of rock and blues thrown in. During their two sets, the group did upbeat numbers from Johnny Cash, Don Williams, Jeannie C. Riley, the Eagles, Miranda Lambert, Elvis Presley, Albert King, Little Big Town, Linda Ronstadt, CCR and more. The Chrome Hearts also introduced two of their own original songs, “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is” and “Jealous You.” Indoors, State College’s Darkhorse Tavern hosted a special benefit evening to help out area singer Jackie Brown. Jackie, who fronts the Gill Street Band and has sung with Urban Fusion and other area groups, has been battling breast cancer since early last year. The benefit saw performances by Urban Fusion, Natascha and the Spy Boys and The Gill Street Band, before a jam night featuring a multitude of area musicians closed the night. Among the jam participants were Eric Ian Farmer, John “JT” Thompson, Natascha Hoffmeyer, Dave Skipper, Steve Christensen, Drew Jackson, Peter Jogo, Andy Tolins, Stubby Stubs, North Carolina’s Bill Kind, student musicians and more. And the night’s beneficiary, Jackie Brown, also stepped up to sing on a few numbers. Pittsburgh-based singer, songwriter and musician Joy Ike visited Penn State Altoona’s Slep Center in later September for a performance presented by the campus’ Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity. Accompanied by Jason Rafalak on upright bass and Ryan Socrates on drums, Joy sang, played guitar, ukulele and keys as she performed a selection of her original music. Her songs blended elements of folk, pop and jazz; and her words were thoughtful, as she explained the inspirations behind each song. She also talked about an organization she works with, Food for the Hungry (FH), and its initiative to sponsor and feed hungry children worldwide. New York’s Ian Mellencamp visited State College in late September, bringing his band to perform at the Phyrst and Happy Valley Brewing Company. The nephew of the infamous John Mellencamp, Ian blazes a musical trail totally different from his uncle, performing experimental, improvisational rock with unexpected twists and turns, spacey effects and more. During the Phyrst performance, Ian and his band took the crowd on an intriguing journey; singing, playing guitar and harmonica, he led his group through such songs as “Force Field,” “Dry Land,” “Sun Goes Down,” “Spells,” a space-reggae rendering of Steve Miller Band’s “Fly Like an Eagle” and more. Ian’s inventive takes on rock ultimately won the Phyrst crowd, and drew increasing cheers as he proceeded. As Ian Mellencamp’s Phyrst appearance happened on a Thursday night, I stuck around to catch the regular nightcap Thursday band at that venue, Maxwell Strait. This group quickly fired up the party, accelerating the number of fans in front of the stage from a handful to jam-packed in mere seconds! Maxwell Strait always delivers a fun and quality show; it’s always a treat to witness the talents of singer Molly Countermine, guitarist Ted McCloskey, keyboardist/singer John “JT Blues” Thompson, bassist Rene Witzke and drummer Jack Wilkinson. Maxwell Strait’s musical menu this night included fresh takes on Stevie Ray Vaughan’s “Cold Shot” (sung by Molly), a Stones-flavored send-up of Nirvana’s “All Apologies,” John belting out BobDylan’s “Serve Somebody” and Led Zeppelin’s “Good Times Bad Times,” the Beatles’ “Come Together,” Fine Young Cannibals’ forgotten chestnut “She Drives Me Crazy,” the Jackson 5ive double-shot of “I Want You Back” into “ABC” and more. This year’s Patched Together benefit concert takes place later this month, on November 21st, at Altoona’s Bavarian Hall, and will again feature a day-long slate of area bands and performers, raising money and awareness for Home Nursing’s Healing Patch program and its counseling services for young people who have lost loved ones. As a tune-up and teaser for the big event, the “A Patch of Bluegrass” Healing Patch fundraiser happened at Hollidaysburg’s U.S. Hotel early last month. Strait & Miller opened, before Mama Corn performed two sets that mixed traditional folk and bluegrass

Nick Fiasco

continued on pg 2 3 ..



November, 2015

The Professor continued... with their original tunes, including numerous songs off their latest CD ‘Hold That Crooked Line’. Singer/guitarist Bruce Forr, singer/banjo player Jeremy Nelson, singer/dobro player John Stevens and upright bassist/singer Bryan Homan triggered dance floor activity with songs such as their own “Shenandoah Mountaintops,” “Stoney Lonesome” and “Another Couple Days,” as well as versions of the spiritual “Working on a Building,” Leiber & Butler’s “Down Home Girl,” “Peggy-O” and more. Big Bear Chase Me wrapped up two years of good times on area stages at The Arena in State College last month, as they go their separate ways for family and other musical endeavors. The finale was a good time, as singer Brian Storm, guitarist Steve Shutt, bassist Adam Zimmer and drummer Adam Rider fired through plentiful rock favorites of the past three decades. They mixed up tunes from Breaking Benjamin, Seether, Bush, Velvet Revolver, Fuel, Rage Against the Machine, Smashing Pumpkins, Disturbed and more. Among the highlights for me were a rare cover update of Sponge’s “Molly (16 Candles),” bassist Adam belting out Danzig’s “Mother,” and a guest female singer from the audience trying to keep a straight face as the group took some liberties with the choruses of Joan Jett’s “I Love Rock and Roll.” An encore rendition of Rage Against the Machine’s “Killing in the Name” slammed the lid on Big Bear Chase Me’s career; good luck to these guys on their future endeavors! I checked out Dreadnot in late September as they provided the music during the Wine & Wellness Expo at Altoona’s Oak Spring Winery. The acoustic duo of Bobby Gates and John McKelvey did nice work on a variety of mostly classic rock favorites from the 1960s and 1970s, with an emphasis on the British Invasion, plus a few newer songs and original tunes from the pair’s band project with drummer Skip Fisher, MFG. Medleys from the Who, Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin all sounded strong, and it was also a treat to witness John breaking out the mandolin on a few numbers. I witnessed several multi-band bills at McGarvey’s in Altoona during recent weeks. Darkness On The Radio, Writing off Tomorrow and Ember’s Fall teamed up for a night of original modern metal in late September. It marked the first Altoona appearance for Ember’s Fall as they introduced songs from their just-released debut CD, ‘Cessation’. Also in late September, One Adam 12, Float and Fyre teamed up for a triple-bill. And 4 Days Dirty came out of retirement for a reunion show at McGarvey’s last month, with Naildriver opening. No Angels quietly continues to gather momentum on Altoona area stages with their powerful rock presentation. During their show at Altoona’s Belmar Hotel last month, No Angels - singer/guitarist Ross Hoover, his wife and bassist Beth Hoover, guitarist Todd Lane and drummer Todd Mallory - sounded strong as they mixed it up between old and new, doing classics from Bad Company, Badfinger, Cheap Trick, Tom Petty, Foo Fighters, Free, The Cult, Three Doors Down, Black Keys, Green Day and more. Backyard Rockers harmonica man Dave Baird joined the group to wail some harp on versions of Tom Petty’s “Mary Jane’s Last Dance” and the Doobie Brothers’ “Long Train Running.” Other highlights included No Angels’ inventive funky take on Buffalo Springfield’s “For What It’s Worth” and their night-ending edition of Angel City’s “Marseilles.” The group saw more dance floor action as the night continued, and had a strong party going by night’s end. Besides seeing him in action with the Beatlemaniacs and White Shadow at the Bedford Fall Foliage Festival, I also got to see Andy Rhody’s solo performance last month at the Park Avenue Pub in Patton. Andy alternated between acoustic guitar and electric bass, singing and playing along selfrecorded backing tracks as he did numbers from the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, Byrds, Billy Joel, Cars, David Bowie, Animals and more. Andy broke out versions of seldom-heard tunes such as the Kinks’ “Tired of Waiting for You,” the Human Beinz’s “Nobody But Me,” Every Mother’s Son’s “Come on Down to My Boat,” the Animals’ “It’s My Life” and more. His arrangements accurately captured the flavor of the original songs, and his presentation was hearty and enthusiastic. And I caught part of Born and the Beanstalk’s performance last month at Altoona’s Family Pizza & Pub. Singers/guitarists Sean Osborn and Ben Bower plus percussionist/singer Ed Hofer delivered an energetic acoustic November, 2015

show, packing gusto into their renditions of songs from Johnny Cash, the Clarks, Sublime, Mumford & Son, Tom Petty, Eve 6, the Beatles and more. The state’s music scene mourns the recent losses of two musicians. Chris “Buzz” Deardorff, a guitarist and founding member of popular Harrisburg-based jam band Quagmire Swim Team, passed away last month at age 39. And Tom Swovick, guitarist for several Altoona area bands in the late 1970s, also passed away last month. Our condolences go out to the families, friends and musical associates of both men. News & Notes: A former area singer will make her movie screen debut shortly; Crystal Cameron, who sang for area party band Fuse in the late 1990s, will star in the upcoming independent film ‘The Jesus Freak’, which will be released during Easter of next year. Chris Rattie has signed with northeastern PA-based independent recording label Prava Recordings; production will begin this month on a new fulllength album to follow up Chris’ 2013 solo debut, “All These Things”. The original members of 1970s-era Altoona hard rockers Piranha will reunite to perform a benefit concert at 30 Something in Altoona on Nov. 28; proceeds will benefit St. Jude’s Childrens Hospital. Harrisburg area-based Godsmack


tribute group Voodoo has announced their return with a new singer, former Blackjack and Back Alley Empire member John Yohe. Harrisburg lady rockers Take 147 have announced that they are retiring. The Chris Bell Band is recording a new CD; according to Chris, the working title of the new disc is “Moonshine High”. A Kickstarter fundraising effort is under way to bring the story of popular Lehigh Valley singer/songwriter Steve Brosky to the theatrical stage; funds are being raised to bring to life the musical “Living Here in Allentown”, which is a musical biography about Brosky’s life, set against the backgrop of Allentown and featuring his music. Please send correspondence and recordings to: Jim Price, 1104 S. Catherine St., Altoona, PA 16602. You can e-mail me at If you’re into social networking, look me up on Facebook or Google+. SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC!



‘JAKESWAY’ (no label) Northeastern PA-based rock group Jakesway continues to hone their mainstream rock sound and song crafting skills on their third, self-titled album. The roster of singer Gary Kaschak, electric guitarist Mark Sutorka, drummer Tom Herbert and bassist Steve Kuna blend catchy song hooks with arrangements that incorporate acoustic, rock, country and pop elements. This band’s strength continues to be its melodies; each of the disc’s eight songs presents an infectious hook, and Jakesway provides the vocal and instrumental chops to make each one work. Melody and harmonies highlight the mild and upbeat disc-opener (and acoustic disc-closer) “Beautiful Distraction.” “Broadcast” builds into an elaborate but alluring rocker, while “Alright That’s Right” rides a punchy, Black Crowes-like funk-rock vibe. The crunchy “Will I Be” examines the mindset of soldiers returning home after a tour of duty. The acoustic prelude “Liv’s Song” leads into “Lost Weekend,” addressing the frustration of wasted opportunities and time. “Broken” laments a love lost, while the acoustic rocker “Hydroplane” seeks forgiveness and a smooth path back to a heart. Gary Kaschak sings with grit and personality, and his consistency provides a thread that ties the whole set together. Instrumentally Jakesway executes solidly, providing hard-rocking punch where needed and subtlety on the disc’s more acoustic-geared moments. Recorded, mixed and mastered at SJ Studios in Old Forge, the disc sounds balanced and full, allowing the band and their music to do the talking with basic arrangements and no studio distractions. Their third outing shows that Jakesway knows their turf, and the group’s knack for strong melodies and tight performances makes their self-titled CD a strong listen well worth checking out. (The CD can be purchased through the group’s Reverbnation website,


‘JOHNNY SEARFOSS’ (no label) From northeastern PA, Johnny Searfoss first started playing guitar at age six, and later learned to play bass, drums, saxophone and clarinet during his teen years. When health issues sidelined his interest in pursuing sports, music became his primary passion, and ultimately has led to his first self-titled solo album. Through the disc’s ten tracks, Searfoss demonstrates his guitar, bass and drum talents, does a little singing, and shows his fluency in a number of musical styles. He flexes his capable vocal cords during three of the numbers; the jazzy disc-opener “Roll Me Over,” the hard and electric “Blindsided Blues” and the rowdy boogie rocker “She’s Got Something.” The instrumental numbers allow Searfoss to stretch out and exhibit his arranging and performing skills across several musical flavors. He demonstrates his acoustic chops on the lighter-toned “The Open Road,” crafts a southwestern sagebrush vibe on “The Renegade,” makes his guitar weep the blues on “Crying,” flashes funk on “Taking


Flight,” and exudes an ethereal melancholy on “A Love Lost.” Searfoss cuts loose and rocks out on “Cruisin,’” and salutes Santo and Johnny with his update of their hit “Sleepwalk” to end the album. The performances are solid, as Searfoss shows instrumental competence across his spectrum of styles; with drummer Nick Lauro, keyboardist Matt McGasko and harmonica player Joe Bogwist helping to flesh out the sound. The arrangements are effective and nicely frame each track, and the mix and production give the album clarity and consistency from start to end. His self-titled effort provides an impressive overview to Johnny Searfoss’ musical world and performance skills, and it enables listeners to appreciate his expanse of talents. (To obtain the CD, visit the website



From a small western PA farming town, Adam Ernst started singing and playing music when he was five years old. As he turned 20, he issued his first full-length CD, Asphalt Dreams, in 2012, and has now issued his second album, Dirt Road Memories. Modern-edged country is the prominent flavor over the disc’s 16 tracks, as Ernst sings and plays every instrument, and produced and engineered the set as well. He sings easy-to-digest words about common country topics such as small town life, love, the outdoors, the highway, good times and making music. Ernst packs a contemporary rocking backdrop behind his twang several times on the disc, setting the tone with the hard-driving disc-opener “Like a Bullet from a Gun,” and serving up more country crunch on such numbers as “Raised in a Farm Town,” “That’s Right,” “Drop It Down Low,” “Right on the Money” and “Country Boy Ride.” Women and love inform the themes of ballads like “Let’s Roll” and “Good Life,” as well as more upbeat numbers like “Bench Seat Kinda’ Thing” and “Tennessee Girl.” He reminisces on more traditional-geared country exercises as “Sunshine and Goodtimes” and the title track “Dirt Road Memories,” yearns for the highway on “Drivin’ Me Crazy,” and celebrates rural values on the disc-closer “Good Lord and John Deere.” Ernst demonstrates a knack for sturdy and catchy song hooks, and he shows a good grasp on song arrangements and how to fit his singing style to serve each number. The disc’s sound is balanced and clear, with Ernst’s vocals and the instruments sounding distinct in the mix. A cavernous bass thunder often underscores the mix, and modern studio touches and effects give seasoning to a few of the

tracks as well. With his eyes set on Nashville, Adam Ernst makes a strong case for advancing to that next level on Dirt Road Memories, as he establishes versatility, song hooks, songcrafting chops, and the voice and instrumental skills to pull it all off. (The CD can be obtained through the website AFTER THE FALL -

‘MY CONFESSION’ (no label)

Western PA’s After The Fall has been honing their brand of full-throttled hard rock since 2004, and deliver their strongest set yet with their latest CD, My Confession. Their sound borrows from the melodygeared crunch rock of the 1980s and 1990s, but caps it with a decisive contemporary edge and sharpness. The majority of the disc’s 10 tracks display an anthemic quality; defined by catchy hooks, meaty rhythms from the group’s veteran tandem of bassist Steve Craven and drummer Matt Ferrante, snarling guitar riffs from Brandon Cornish (who has since left the group, replaced by Zac Sheppard), and topped by the polecat howl of frontman/guitarist Doug Carnahan. The leadoff track, “Scream,” sets the disc’s tone with a sonic punch to the jaw that hooks the listener in and pays off with Carnahan’s feral, in-your-face chorus. “Call to Arms” is an infectious high-powered rallying cry, the rumbling “For Me” outruns inner demons, and the hard-driving “The Nameless” dresses down a drama queen. With its hip-hop-laced introduction, “You Would Know” takes on a slight Linkin Park flavor while addressing deceit; and the darker-toned title track “My Confession” comes to terms with past mistakes. After The Fall closes the album with the acoustic “Still Here,” a somber lament to a fallen friend inspired by the passing of Skell drummer Keith Kweder earlier this year. After The Fall sounds confident through all of the disc, and carries these tunes with a convincing swagger. Carnahan delivers his words with vigor and vinegar, and the group’s delivery is lean, mean and airtight. Recorded, engineered, mastered and co-produced by Sean Lee at URC Studios in Ohio, this album sounds cohesive, crisp and appropriately abrasive, allowing the band to bare their teeth and sharpness with minimal studio clutter. My Confession should further solidify After The Fall as one of western PA’s top hard rock contenders, as it offers powerful, bare-bones crunch to get pulses racing and fists pumping. (The CD can be obtained through the group’s R e v e r b n a t i o n p a g e ,

— All CDs Reviewed by Jim Price

Send your CDs to be Reviewed to Jim Price, 1104 S. Catherine St. Altoona, PA 16602 PA Musician Magazine PO Box 362, Millerstown, PA 17062 PENNSYLVANIA MUSICIAN MAGAZINE

November, 2015

November, 2015



SANE ADVICE By John Kerecz

Fall is beer and wine festival time and they are taking over the fall weekends. There’s no doubt about it, fall is the perfect time for these festivals. Weekends through the end of November are full of opportunities to get outside and sip a few seasonal beverages. There are celebrations with dozens of breweries across the country; others are outdoor parties with live music and a selection of hyperlocal breweries. This produces lots of opportunities for musicians to get gigs!


Our advice, skip the big names and take chances on ones you’ve never tried before. I can’t think of a better way to say so long to summer and welcome the coming months than by attending or playing at a beer or wine festival.

Looking for Musicians or want to join a band? Check the classifieds in the hard copy and on line at

Dozens of wineries will be pouring samples and you really can get an education if you spend some time working your way through the booths. I highly recommend a designated driver or a cab if you take that route, if you are not playing and maybe even if you are! There’s plenty to do in the fall, even with the temperatures getting a little chilly.

Deadline to place a FREE Classified for Musicians Wanted & Musicians Available is the 20th of each preceding month. Email your classified today...


November, 2015


WANTED: WE PAY CASH for used guitars, amps, effects, etc!!! Call Matt at Creter Guitar Shop, Jonestown at 717-865-3677. We also do guitar repairs and have a variety of lessons available.

DRUM LESSONS: Jeremy Hummel is welcoming adult and home-schooled students during morning and early afternoon hours.Choose your location - Carlisle Pike in Mechanicsburg or Selinsgrove, PA. (570) 8980800,

WANTED: Vintage guitars, basses, amps, banjos, etc. Fender, Gibson, Martin, Rickenbacker, Gretsch, etc. Top dollar paid! Call Player’s Exchange at 717-975-2385 or stop by and see us at 225 S. Third St. Lemoyne, PA. Email:

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE WANTED: Older Kay upright bass for bluegrass band. Good condition, reasonably priced. Call Jeff 814-585-0362. FOR SALE: Any concertina, accordion, or ukulele, affordable prices. Also I Buy in any condition Concertinas, accordions or ukuleles. . Top Dollar paid. From anywhere in PA Call Mike 610.620.8833. FOR SALE: Peavey Powered Mixer for sale. XR680E

8channel 300watts. $300. 717-433-2954 FOR SALE: Yamaha Mixer Board MX5000-20, 2 Yamaha S1 151V Speakers, 2 Speaker stands, 7 mic stands, 4 mics, cables and accessories. Excellent condition. Ron 717-2047603.

channel 3600 watt PA system, $699; Samson stereo compressor, $50; Crate 6 channel PA, $250; Epiphone “SG” electric guitar with amp $150. 717-379-8010.

FOR SALE: Ensoniq Mirage DSK-8 keyboard, full size keys, pressure weighted 61 keys, studio use only for short time. Stand, manual foot pedal, $350 or best offer 570-294-4795. continued on next page...

FOR SALE: Baby Grand 5’2” piano mfg. by Wm Knabe Baltimore 1926. Restored 1988, mahogany stained, light, very good condition, best reasonable offer. 610-388-2940. FOR SALE: Peavey 16

THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR RECORDING DOLLAR: Celebrating our 30th year in business. Pro Tools, HD3/Accel, 192k Interface, 2 inch 24 track analog, 16 channels of API outboard mic pres, Yamaha Maple Custom Absolute kit, SWR 7 GK bass amps, Marshall half stack, Fender twin & Bassman guitar amps, Hammond B-3, Yamaha C7 grand piano. Authorized Pro Tool dealers. CD/DVD duplication on site 3 CCC Video Services. 5.1 surround mixing. $300 per day.

November, 2015



CLASSIFIED NOTES continued... FOR SALE: Hammond Proline 860 Leslie, With foot pre-amp and Leslie 11 pin cable, All in great condition! $600 Phone 717-248-8739 Email: FOR SALE: Peavey LB1200 par 64 midi and dmx controlled lights with gels, 2 bars with 4 lights each. work great $250 Ph. 717-248-8739 email:


Morbid Angel Deicide, Slayer and older Metallica and Testament. (717) 7709621 WANTED; New metal guitar styling of “Electrified Steel� is looking for female with looks. Complete studios with all art, music, video. Send e m a i l t o m. WANTED: Classic rock Band needs drummer and

lead guitarist. Call Ken cell 717-817-7575. Home 570622-3964. WANTED: Experienced pianist for swing band est. 1983. Able to play big band charts, chords, and solos. Piano provided. Contact 610509-2520. Wanted. Lead singer. We do covers and originals, We have been together off and on since 1990. We do a mixture of 80s metal and 70 s rock . We have dates, lights, and PA. From the York and

Lancaster area. All we need is you! If interested contact or text Brian At 717 - 449 3503. WANTED: MUSICIANS Male or Female friends. Play by ear or music: Accordion, Concertina, Ukulele or any instruments. English, Spanish, Portuguese. Call from anywhere in PA. Mike, cell 610-620-8833.

Dedication a must. WilkesBarre area. Contact John: 570-287-3954 WANTED: Lead vocalist Yo r k c o u n t y. The Happenstance band is seeking a lead vocalist to

bring classic rock and pop music continually to the local and tri-state areas. Females encouraged to apply. Full sound and lights available. Free practice place. Call Rich 717-421-1095 continued on next pg..

WA N T E D : M u s i c i a n s . Guitarist/ Vocalist seeking musicians for original blues rock project. ALL MUST SING. No drugs. No drama.

WANTED: Seeking like minded musicians. Original metal project. Male and Female. Dedication and image conscious. Sabbath, Type O, Pantera, Devildriver influences.717-770-9621. WANTED: Singer/ Front person for Shamokin Area Classic Rock band. Full Rehearsal space & PA. Email - WA N T E D : M u s i c i a n s . Mostly original metal band looking for musicians. Male/Female Influences..

November, 2015



WANTED: Lancaster Band seeking lead guitarist/vocalist and keyboardist. 70’s Rock to Today. Age 35+. Mature and rehearsal dedicated. Contact Genie at 717-682-4987. WANTED: Extended range guitarist bassist singer djent progressive call text Bobby 570 -590 -7991 WANTED: Musicians for an all in one cover, tribute,

original band in Norristown, PA. Call Danny: 610-2903492 or email:

join established band. Are you out there??? 570-4541917.

many years of experience. Contact:


AVAILABLE: Guitar player looking for another guitarist to jam, record etc. State college area. Call Justice 410 353 3425

AVAILABLE: Bass player with 20 years experience and pro gear. Modern rock, hard rock preferred. No country. Covers or originals. 570-4127614.Williamsport area, willing to travel.

AVA I L A B L E : E l e c t r i c Bassist seeks band into Jazz Fusion standards. Funk free Jazz . Willing to form band or

AVAILABLE: Lead singer from Shamokin looking for classic rock / newer rock band. No egos please. Have

AVA I L A B L E : Instrumentalist;


Mandolin, Lapslide, Banjo, Bass, Dobro, Vocals into mellow country, blues? Do covers but prefer originals. Harrisburg, Perry County. 717-215-2730.

AVAILABLE: Mature guy (retired), experienced acoustic bass player looking for traditional bluegrass, classic country or Gospel band. 717-273-2833.

AVAILABLE: Bass player with 20 years experience and pro gear. Modern rock, hard rock preferred. No country. Covers or originals. 570-4127614. Williamsport area, willing to travel.

AVAILABLE: Guitar Player, some keyboards, strong vocals, top equipment available in Lehigh Valley / Pocono area. Can travel. Original classic rock. I have rehearsal space,. Experienced. 610-588-1640.

AVAILABLE: Established songwriter looking to get busy again. I’m looking for a songwriting/music community to be part of again; I have three songs in the new Sean Modica movie “all in time”, and a couple of tunes in catalog at pumpaudio. If you’d like to collaborate on songs for your next project, drop me a line at AVA I L A B L E : Former Drummer of Anhedonia, Suffer Channel, Divine Misery and current drummer for “ A Tribute to Thrash Metal” seeks second band opportunity. I have lots of extra time and want to play my drums more often than I do. Harrisburg area. Victor 717-903-3155



AVAILABLE: Bass Player, 30 Years experience looking for band or acoustic act that’s performing classic, modern rock variety. Have good strong vocals, equipment, transportation. Reading area. 610-451-3824. AVA I L A B L E : Rhythm Guitar into The Stones, Stooges, NY Dolls and The Clash. Looking to start mostly original band. Contact: 717-576-7082 AVAILABLE: Classic rock lead vocalist in Northumberland county available, many years of stage experience. I have live video available, contact: frontman_classic_rock@yaho

November, 2015

The Pennsylvania Musician Magazine is designed in format as a publicity magazine for musicians, agents, and clubs. The interest it will generate will spark the renaissance of Pennsylvania’s local entertainment scene. That in turn, will make the Pennsylvania Musician Magazine the most informative and entertaining magazine Pennsylvania has to offer — Mission Statement by Whitey Noll November, 1982 (founder/publisher/musician) And that my friends, is what has happened. —Editor Robin Noll

November, 2015



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