Panaga School Biweekly

160 8th November 2024

Dear Parents,
As always, there are so many fabulous learning experiences happening every day, in and outside of the classroom for your children. Please enjoy reading about them in this edition. It is particularly pleasing to see the levels of cooperation across the school, especially with our youngest children in the mud!
The Panaga School Sprint Race is now in full flow and we are not speaking about athletics, although being nimble and agile are important! Congratulations to our oldest footballers who did exhibit physical athleticism in the BSSL yesterday at JIS. It was great to see us fielding four teams (2 boys and 2 girls) and everyone competing, contributing and conducting themselves in such a sporting way.
There are a plethora of events and competitions for our children to participate in, whether they be organised by the school, Panaga Club or the BSRC - we are so fortunate to be part of such a vibrant and inclusive community. Of course, as we are now members of FOBISIA, the scope has become even wider. I will be writing to parents separately next week outlining what opportunities we have and will be taking with FOBISIA, including the opportunity for our children to compete and perform outside of Brunei. I am aware that with opportunity, there are also costs involved, including financial ones, so in the letter we will outline approximate costs, so families can make informed choices about what opportunities they may take.
We are in the final stages of planning for our Residentials, with meetings held this week for parents of children in Year 6, 7 and 8. Lots of work goes into planning these trips to ensure they are meaningful and enjoyable. The feedback we have received from parents has been very well received and will enable us to make amendments to ensure your children thrive.
As part of our Annual Development Plan, we have been conducting an internal review on our Languages provision this week in school. Thank you to the parents who attended last week's meeting which provided valuable feedback on what excellence and choice looks like with languages. Next Tuesday (8:30 am in Teraja), we will be having a Parents Information Meeting focusing on our 3 way partnership to ensure your children are safe, healthy and making progress in their learning. The session will include:
● Nurse Marie and Sheena sharing some ideas and advice so that your children are healthy and ready for learning each day.
● Opportunities for parents, in small groups, to share ideas and strategies they use, to ensure their children are healthy and ready for learning each day.
● How the school communicates with families and exploring ways we can do this better
Please RSVP to Ms. Yin ( by Next Monday 11th with any questions you have around these themes or areas you would like to be specifically covered.

Our Annual Development plan also includes the implementation of a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) scheme. This will start inAugust 2025 withYear 7 and 8 and further details will be provided to these parents next week.
Thank you to all of the parents that have ordered and collected their IDs both for themselves and their household helpers. Here is a link to the order form again. If you haven't done so already, please do so as soon as possible as we would like all adults on site to have passes by 18th November.
I would also like to inform you that there is a change to the name of Panaga's Standard Chartered Bank account in order to help parents more easily identify the correct school when making payments. The updated bank account name is now: Panaga School - JIS. This change should help minimize any confusion and ensure that parents can easily distinguish between Panaga School and JIS when processing payments..
Finally, Happy Diwali to our incredible Indian community, who do so much to support the school and international mindedness in the community. There was lots of impressive dancing this morning at the Teraja tent and we were treated to a wonderful whole school assembly at the end of the day. It was a beautiful celebration that featured stunning performances, including traditional dances and a captivating catwalk show. The children truly showcased their talents, from dancing to presenting and sharing information with us about the importance of the five days of Diwali, to joining together and singing a Diwali song. The assembly reinforced the values of unity and togetherness. Thank you to all who participated and contributed to making the assembly celebration truly memorable. Wishing our Indian community a joyful and prosperous Diwali.
Wishing everyone a lovely and safe weekend.
Best Wishes, Brian, SLTand all of our staff