Panaga School Biweekly Issue 166

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Dear Parents,

Superheroes, bugs and storytelling - what more could you want to inspire learning! There have been some amazing learning opportunities happening across the whole school during the past two weeks. We have also been fortunate to have a substantial amount of events to celebrate, whether that be the Brunei National Day Assembly, Ramadhan Assembly, International Women's Day Assembly, and our Reception childrens' (Turtles) wonderful 'Hungry Caterpillar'Assembly. We have had the Bird Race, the Dance Recital and the Big Sing at JIS, the FOBISIAphotography competition entries and of course, Book Week. Thank you to all of the teachers and parents that organised and participated in these wonderful events and inspired our children in the process. We also had our first ever team competing at the FOBISIA Under 13 Games in Thailand; congratulations to all the children for competing and representing our school so very well (and our coaches) and thank you to our parents who supported the school in this new endeavour. Thank you also to all parents that attended our Student Led Conferences; we hope you found it useful to have these three way conversations about your child's learning. We will be sending a form out next week to elicit your feedback.

We have received a number of reports of stray dogs being more prevalent around camp with a couple of distressing incidents where dogs have been very aggressive with children, including biting. I have been in contact with IFM since we were aware of the first incident, and as you will know, they wrote to all residents on the 17th February, providing advice and guidance, along with details of their actions.As a school we have been speaking with the children about how they can stay safe around dogs, monkeys and other forms of wildlife. In addition, our Student Council is working on a letter to send to BSP and the Bruneian Government, outlining the issues they are facing along with proposed ideas and solutions. If you have any other ideas as to how the school can contribute to ensuring the camp and local areas can be made safer for everyone, please do let us know.

There is another safety issue I would like to draw your attention to. The traffic lights at the Jalan Tengah pedestrian crossing between G4/G5 across to F4/F5 housing areas are currently not working - IFM are in the process of fixing them. We have been speaking with the children about this issue and providing general road safety rules and advice.

We are awaiting a report from the authorities re: the security threat (bomb hoax) on Monday 17th February. As part of our ongoing review of our emergency procedures, please do provide us with your feedback using the two questions on this form. When we have the report and amended our procedures, I will be able to provide a more detailed summary of the incident and how we will respond in the future.

Student photographs continue into next week. Thank you to those parents that attended our separate Information sessions (Maths and Anxiety) on Wednesday; next Thursday 13th March at 8:00 am on Teraja, we have another parent meeting focusing on 'Online Safety'. If you would like to attend, please RSVP with Miss Yin at: by next Tuesday please. Next Friday, we are all looking forward to seeing our 'Shining Lights' finalists perform.

Have a lovely weekend, stay safe and Ramadhan Kareem to all of our Muslim families.

Best Wishes, Brian, SLTand all of our staff.


SchoolAcademic Calendar 2024-2025

SchoolAcademic Calendar 2025-2025

Parent Events Calendar

Photographs Year 4 & 5 Photographs EY’s,Year 6, 7

Parent Information Meetings (Online Safety) Photographs Year 3 & 8 Panaga Shining LightsYear 2-8

Subject to change: Public

OnFriday21stFebruary,PanagaschoolcelebratedBrunei41stNational Day. Students and staff dressed up in Brunei flag colours and the traditional dress called “Baju Kurung” for the girls and “Baju Cara Melayu” for the boys respectively. The assembly began with a patriotic flag waving parade, followed by singing of the Brunei National Anthem, amazing traditional Bruneian dance, introduction about Brunei games and ended with short quiz. This was a fabulous opportunity for the students to gain more knowledge about their host country and understandthetraditionsbetter.HappyNationalDayBrunei.

United inAchieving The Nation's Aspirations

“Permainan Lompat Getah”
“Bit-Bit Ucing”
“Tarik Kelapa”
“Traditional Dance”

To The Rescue! Mendaram Entry Point

Mendaram children had a visit from a superhero who left a special box for us…but oh no! The Mighty Freeze paid us a visit and stole it away! The children used their superhero detective skills and found the box by following a trial of snowflakes. Their reward was lots of materials to transform themselves into superheroes. What a marvellous morning…watch out for the cheeky Mighty Freeze everyone!

In Drawing Club Pre-Nursery children talked about what a Superhero is and drew their own superheroes

Batman is a superhero

They fly

Asuperhero wears a cape

He saves The day

Helppeople fromthe monster.

What is a


Nursery Orangutan

To kick start ‘To the Rescue’ we asked the Nursery children a very big questionWhat is a Superhero?

The children brainstormed lots of ideas and then drew what they think a superhero looks like.

Great communication and creativity!

Receptionlaunched theirnewIEYCunit lastweekwitha BrilliantBug scavengerhunt

We also revealed our new Role Play Room, the Bu Lab! Here we can find out more about minibeasts by usin non fiction texts, in ormation posters and our specialist laboratory equipment.

Year 1 exit point - Let’s celebrate

Y1 ended off our IPC unit with a Brunei National Day celebration.

We learnt about why national day is celebrated in Brunei, linkin our new knowled e to our History learnin o bein able to identi y results o historical events.

We planned our celebration in roups, desi ned and made decorations and planned activities we wanted to do durin our celebration.

We tasted some delicious local ood, learnt how to weave and even completed a wordsearch about Brunei in Malay.

Year 2 Exit

Paired Reading with Teraja

Fabulous Costumes

Encourage everyone to dress up as a beloved character from a favorite book during Book Week.

We participated in the door challenge, where every door was transformed into a book. It was a great opportunity to use our curiosity. We needed to use our personal quality of enquiry!

Reading in the Dark: A New Way to Enjoy Stories - Year 3

"Read, Explore, Imagine: Book Week Celebration”Year 5

During Book Week, Y5 had paired reading with Y3, reading stories together. Miss Farizan also organized the 'Guess Who Is Reading' quiz and the bookmark colouring contest. Well done to those who participated, and congratulations to the winner!

Book Week visit from author and scientist

Also on Friday 28th February we were lucky to have 2 special visitors to Panaga School - Sarah Pye and Dr. Wong. Sarah is an author from Australia who has written a range of books about rainforest animals, inspired by the work Dr. Wong does in Sabah with the Sunbears. Sarah entertained our youngest children with her Orangutan puppet called Pongo and they learnt so much about different animals. With our older children Wong and Sarah talked about the conservation work which highlighted the importance of cooperation, resilience and the power of books and stories.

Book Week visit from author and scientist

Book Week visit from author and scientist

Sarah’s books can be bought from the BSBCC online shop and here is the link to the information on how to adopt a sunbear. Proceeds from the Bird Race event on Sunday will also be going to this charity.

Year 7 designed an experiment to compare the energy content of different foods and wrote it up as a scientific report.

Bird Race/ Bird Fair

On the 28th February, the Bird Race kicked off. 50 families/individuals signed up for the Panaga Bird Race. We organised the Bird Race so that people have the opportunity to appreciate the beautiful birds that we have living right on our doorstep. The Bird race lasted 48 hours and on Sunday, the participants had to bring in their pictures and show them to the experts.

Sooty-headed bulbul

The Bird Race was a huge success and many birds were captured. Joremy, one of the judges, was very excited as Nityaa (Year 1) and her mum managed to capture a bird that has never been spotted in Brunei before.

One of the winners of the Bird Race

We finished the Bird Race with a Bird Fair to celebrate the beautiful birds around Panaga. Our Wildlife Warriors and Language Leaders did an amazing job, organising activities for our visitors. The aim of the Bird Fair was to raise money for the Borneon Sun Bear Conservation Centre in Sabah. We also had vendors from Miri selling their crafts. Of course, a Bird Fair is not complete without Dr. Wong, the founder of BSBCC and Prof Ulmar Grafe from UBD. Their presentations were a hit with the audience.

We were fortunate to have experts visit our school and share insights from their field.

The students worked extremely hard to raise money for BSBCC and the school. The activities included:

-Hornbill magnet painting

-Decorate a hornbill biscuit

-Paint a piece of the mural

-Build a Lego car

-Fish for an egg

-Shoot at targets

-Make a hornbill using a toilet roll and more …

We managed to raise BND 1800. BND 1200 will be donated to BSBCC. We have decided to sponsor a Sun Bear for each year group at Panaga, plus one on behalf of the LL and one for the WW. We would like to thank everyone that participated.

A big thank you too to our special guests, including Joremy, and to our amazing students. We are so very, very proud of you all!

Panaga School hasbeenoperating for many decades.The school has accomplishedmuch,butlastweekit entered a new domain of international competition. Having been invited to join the FOBISIA Games (PinkGroup)inDecember, the PE team quickly sprung into action. Extra practices, games and activities ensued so that our U13s boys team had the best chance of being successful. Competing against established schools from Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Brunei and Myanmar, the stakes were incredibly high. Competing over 3 gruelling days in the Thai sun, in Athletics,Swimming,Basketballand Football, the boys did our communityproud.Everyparticipant returned home with at least one medal, which is an amazing feat consideringitwasourfirstgames.


Well done to the students who submitted their work for the FOBISIA Photography Competition! Each entry showcased such creativity, unique perspectives, and a deep understanding of the power of visual storytelling. It’s inspiring to see how you've captured moments, emotions, and scenes in your own distinctive ways.Your effort and passion are truly commendable, and no matter the outcome, your work is a testament to your artistic growth. Well done to all of you for embracing this opportunity and for making us proud!


Scan QR code to activate family discussion on Inspirational women throughout the ages.

Dancers: KLynn, Manasi, Iona, Vyshnave, Akanksha, Jules, Kai, Charlotte, KShwen, Lila, Ghina, Elena, Shikha and Navyaa with Ms. Sarah

Some of our talented and fearless dancers took the stage at the JIS Dance Recital—and let’s just say, they leapt to perfection! Parents, teachers, and the entire audience were bursting with pride. Even better, they carried themselves with true professionalism—hair buns tight, routines flawless, teamwork impeccable—and the cherry on top? They left their changing room spotless. We couldn’t be prouder! Here’s to more incredible opportunities ahead.

On Friday 28th February, our wonderful muslim community organised Ramadhan assembly. The children sang song, shared informations about Ramadhan and ended the assembly with enquiry monkey questions from the students. Children brought home treats given by the generous community members. We extend our thanks tothemuslimcommunityforbringingthisassemblytogether.

Invitation to Participate in Netball Funday 2025

An amazing opportunity has arisen for our budding netball starts to compete in the annual JIS Netball Funday on Sunday, 13th April 2025. This fun and engaging event is a fantastic chance for students to showcase their netball skills in a day of friendly competition.

If your child is interested in joining, click the link below to access the official invitation letter and entry form. To secure your child’s place, kindly complete and return the entry form with payment by3pmonMonday,7thApril2025.

Junior Invitation Letter

Seniors Invitation letter

Run around Borneo!

Each week, we will add up the total distance that was run by everyone who took part in Running Club. We will then see how long it takes us to run all the way around Borneo!

The total distance all the way around Borneo is 4,971km!



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