What is Dark Tea Dark tea, also known as Hei Cha, is made of dark tea leaves. The dark color of the leaves is due to oxidation and fermentation. This tea is sold in various shapes including cakes and bricks. Dark tea should actually be called black tea. However, that name was already given by westerners to the tea that the Chinese call red tea. Compared to green tea, dark tea has a stronger flavor. Among the main varieties of tea, dark tea is the most similar to coffee when it comes to mouth feel and color. This is why it is the most preferred tea type by many coffee drinkers who have just switched to tea. Dark tea is popular in southern China, especially in Guangxi, Sichuan, and Yunnan provinces. It is also popular in other countries such as Mongolia and Tibet, where drinking dark tea has become a part of the lifestyle of the people in those countries.
History of Dark Tea Based on records, dark tea was first made around AD 1585. It is said on the record that the tea was traded for a horse. There is also a legend that says more than a hundred years ago, it rained hard while a caravan was transporting tea. Thinking that the rain ruined the tea, the merchants decided to leave the tea on the side of the road. When dysentery outbreak plagued a nearby village a year later, the poor and sick villagers who had nothing to eat took the abandoned tea. Like a miracle, the sick villagers who drank the tea got well.
How Dark Tea Is Made There is a little difference in how each province produces their dark tea. The basic steps, however, are the same. The first step in making dark tea is, of course, harvesting the tea leaves. After the leaves are harvested, they are pan fired to stop oxidation. Then, the leaves are rolled. The rolled leaves are then piled together. It is in this step that oxidation and fermentation occur. To complete the process, the leaves are dried, compressed, and shaped into cakes or bricks.
Dark Tea Varieties Several varieties of dark tea are produced in various provinces in southern China.
Pu-erh – This tea is the most popular dark tea variety. It is made in Yunnan and Sichuan provinces.
Fu Zhuan – Fu zhuan is the dark tea of Hunan province.
Liu Bian – This is another type of dark tea produced in Sichuan province.
Liu Dong – It is made in Guangxi province.
Wan Tian – It is made in Lingui, a county in Guangxi province.
Xiu Ren – This dark tea is a product of Lipu, Guangxi.
Lao Qing – It is the dark tea made in Hubei.
Health Benefits of Drinking Dark Tea Even though dark tea is oxidized and fermented, it still has many health benefits.
1. Rich in Nutrients Dark tea is a good source of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
2. Has Antioxidants and Anti-aging Properties Catechins and flavonoids that are found in this tea are powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants fight free radicals that cause diseases and speed up aging.
3. Has Antibacterial and Anti-inflammatory Properties Dark tea is abundant in thearubigins and theaflavin. Theaflavin has been proven to be antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It is known to effectively fight several types of bacteria including intestine bacillus, bacillus cereus, clostridium botulinum, and staphylococcus aureus. It also suppresses viruses such as rotavirus and influenza.
4. Promotes Weight Loss and Prevents Heart Diseases Drinking dark tea effectively lowers the amount of fats in the blood and regulates blood sugar. The effect of this is reduced weight. Moreover, dark tea also prevents heart diseases by softening the blood vessels and preventing blood clots from forming.
5. Helps Prevent Cancer Numerous tests and researches have proven that all types of tea made from Camellia sinensis leaves are effective in preventing several types of cancer. One of these researches was done in Hunan Agricultural University. The research done on a cancer cell model proved the capability of dark tea to restrain cancer cells.
6. Lowers Blood Pressure Dark tea contains theanine, an amino acid that is capable of regulating blood pressure. It works by making dopaminergic neuron active. The caffeine content of dark tea is also capable of lowering blood pressure. It does this by softening blood
vessels. Aside from theanine and caffeine, dark tea contains other components that reduce blood pressure.
7. Improves Digestion and Cleans Intestines Dark tea contains phospholipids, caffeine, and amino acid. These components improve digestion and speed up the elimination of grease. This has been proven by a research made in Japan. Because of these benefits, dark tea has become a favorite among people who love eating meat and other greasy food products. Dark tea is also capable of cleaning the intestines and it is still used in China as a treatment for dysentery.
8. Lowers Blood Sugar Level and Prevents Diabetes Regulating blood sugar level is important to prevent diabetes. Dark tea has polysaccharide which lowers blood sugar level. Based on tests done on all the major varieties of tea, dark tea has the highest amount of polysaccharide. The high polysaccharide content of dark tea is due to the protease, glycosidase, and hydrolase components of the tea. These components form short sugar chains which are easy to absorb.
9. Detoxifies and Eliminates Toxins from Alcohol and Cigarette Caffeine, a known diuretic, is a component of dark tea. Caffeine helps discharge toxins and alcohol by increasing the flow of urine. Dark tea also protects against the harmful effects of cigarette. Tea polyphenols help remove nicotine and fight free radicals in cigarette smoke. ****************************************************************** http://www.pandadungtea.com/what-is-dark-tea/ Panda Tea or Panda Dung Tea is a type of organic tea cultivated in the mountains of Ya'an, Sichuan and fertilized by the dung of pandas. Panda Dung Tea is grown without the use of any synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or herbicides. Green Tea
Scented Tea
Black Tea
Dark Tea