City Lights

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Marvel NIFT BAD402GP : GRADUATION PROJECT by Pankhuri Kanwar 061074500017 Accessory Design Department (2010-2014)

Project work carried out at

Studio Abd, Bangalore



Marvel NIFT BAD402GP : GRADUATION PROJECT by Pankhuri Kanwar 061074500017 Accessory Design Department (2010-2014)

Project work carried out at

Studio Abd, Bangalore Submitted in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) degree programme




Mentor certificate This is to certify that the Project Work entitled ‘Marvel’ and submitted by Pankhuri Kanwar having Roll No. 061074500017 for the partial fulfillment of the requirements of Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) degree of NIFT, embodies the bonafide work done by her under my supervision.

______________________________ Signature of the Faculty Mentor

Place : ____________________

Date : ____________________

_____________________________________________ Name, Designation & Organization & Location


Jury certificate This to certify that Pankhuri Kanwar is a bonafide student of Accessory Design Department of National Institute of Fashion Technology, Bangalore and that she has the final Graduation Project and has been conferred the professional degree for successfully fulfilling the academic requirements and accomplishing the professional tasks entrusted by the Industry sponsor.

The Evaluation Jury NAME & DESIGNATION












Center Coordinator Accessory Design Department National Institute of Fashion Technology, Bangalore Date:


Preface Indian design has been modulated over the years following the zeitgeist and morphing itself with the changing eras. A blend of opulence, ostentation and

simplicity in design. The Indian design definition is building up keeping pace with the fast world that seems to merge borders making us more cosmopolitan than ever. As a part of the curriculum, all final year students at NIFT are required to undertake a Graduation Project with the industry. My academic learning at NIFT helped turn my passion into design skill which equipped me to deal with the challenging environment of the workplace. It was crucial to understand the materials, the nature of the products and the working and functions of the company in order to provide them the desired design solutions. It was important to understand their present product development strategy, product line and categories to present them with the required design counterparts. Studio Abd, a service design studio is keeping pace with the new market requirements. Understanding the importance of Indian design, Studio Abd caters to create solutions keeping the customer in mind. So it was decided for me to do a range of corporate trophies and collectible or gifting items.


Index iii ……. Graduation project completion certificate iv ……. Mentor certificate v ……. Jury certificate vi ……. Preface

Project I Torphy design (major) ……. 27 Existing trophies by studio Abd ……. 28 Surfin Gifts & Premiums trophy catalog …….30 Trend study for trophies ....... 32

14 ....... National Institute of Fashion Technology 15 ……. Graduation Project 17 ……. Studio Abd 19 ……. Abhijit Bansod & Amrita Bansod 20 ……. Work Hierarchy 21 ……. The team’s magic difference 22 …….. Design process 24 ……. Existing products by studio Abd

Mood board and design brief …….34

Concepts ……. 36 Acute – Trophy I ……. 42 Swoosh – trophy II …….44 Lean – Trophy III …….46 Harmony – Trophy IV …….48 Grace – Trophy V …….50 (minor) Plaque ……. 52

Project II Paper cities (major) ……. 57 Varanasi ……. 59 Inspiration and brief ……. 60 Concept I …….62 Concept II …….64 Glitterati …….71 Abracadabra …….73 Project III Graphics (minor) ……. 75 Vitame ……. 77 Morph ……. 79

Acknowledgment There were many people who helped and guided me in this endeavor and I would like to show my gratitude towards their support. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude towards the National Institute of Fashion Technology, Bangalore for giving me the opportunity to complete my Graduation Project and my mentor Mr. Yathidra L., Associate Professor, Faculty of F&LA Design for his guidance, encouragement and invaluable insights. Ms. Shipra Roy, Associate Professor, Coordinator of F&LA Design for being the greatest source of guidance and motivation throughout my course at NIFT. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Abhijit Bansod and Ms. Amrita Bansod, creative heads at Studio Abd for giving me the opportunity to pursue my Graduation Project at Studio Abd and also for their constant encouragement and without whose time, cooperation and effort this Graduation Project would not have been possible. I would like to extent my thanks to Mr. Shoubhik Dutta Roy, Mr, Sajan Rajagopalan and Rajashree, members of the Studio Abd design team for their constant support and encouragement. Adding on, Maddy, Indrani, Anoop and Badruddin for guiding me through the steps of product planning and also for the unlimited amount of fun and entertainment. Last but not the least I would like to thank my parents, my brother Palash for their unconditional love and their strong belief in me that always guided me in the right direction. And my friends Aparajita, Natasha, Agrani, Indraneel, and Uttara for listening to me and being supportive through all my ups and downs during this journey and guiding me through it.

National Institute of Fashion Technology National Institute of Fashion Technology was set up in

business education in the country through a network of

1986 under the aegis of the Ministry of Textiles,

fifteen professionally managed domestic centers at

Government of India. It has emerged as the premier


Institute of Design, Management and Technology,

Gandhinagar, Hyderabad, Jodhpur, Kangra, Kannur,

developing professionals for taking up leadership

Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Patna, Raebareli and

positions in fashion business in the emerging global






NIFT has set academic standards and excelled in

NIFT has been granted statutory status under the act of

thought leadership by providing a pool of creative

Parliament of India in 2006, empowering the Institute to

genius and technically competent professionals. The

award degrees and other academic distinctions. The

Institute provides a common platform for fashion

Institute is a pioneer in envisioning and evolving fashion

education, research and training.

Graduation Project As a part of the VIIIth Semester in National Institute of

exposure allows the student to grow in confidence and

Fashion Technology, students are required to do a

utilize all that has been taught in terms of practical

Graduation Project in an Industry or design studio. The

application, understanding, client brief, production

intended purpose of the graduation project is to get

constraints, cost considerations, market trends and

an on field experience of design.

buyers psychology.

The project is for a duration of 18 weeks where the

This industry exposure bucks up the students to venture

students are expected to have an exposure to real life

out and aim for their desires understanding the

situations in the industry with evident constraints, time

shortcomings, meeting deadlines and working in a

frames and methodology. We are required to exhibit

professional environment while utilizing

all that has

our skills, implement our education in the best way



possible as a design professional in the industry. This

understanding market trends and buyers psychology.







Emotion underlines the products, giving them poetic and inspired meaning. They connect deeply with the user by telling vivid stories, by overlaying the familiar with the new and surprising. Studio Abd believe in celebrating creativity that combines fragments of Indian tradition with cutting-edge technology, and fuse cultural motifs with new age thinking. This conjures up sophisticated products that resonate with India’s rich past. Propelled by humor, craft, rituals, people, situations and Indian heritage, they create products that speak a unique language - an Indian design vocabulary.

Studio Abd design from our heart It began in 2008 as Abhijit designs moving onto being a

As Creative Venture Capitalist or CVC, Studio Abd

corporate entity as Studio Abd in 2012. It is a corporate

helps to fund start-ups or small-scale organizations with


design and brand requirements.




company co-create

which tangible

partners designs

with which


seamlessly combine brand values, user’s cultural




design experience with the

influences and a sense of progressiveness (material,

society through the brand

form and technology). Studio Abd goes beyond just


profits and create wealth for their clients in terms of


adding to the brand value and experience.

‘Mubhi’. used

It’s to

a raise

awareness on good quality

Along with big business partners, Studio Abd has

of life through good design.

special programs for small and medium enterprises so

The regional characters are strongly developed which

that they too can use power of design to make their


businesses more competitive, and thus move from

constantly tapped to create new and relevant

being suppliers to brands.

contemporary products.








Amrita Bansod

Abhijit Bansod

Amrita’s work experiments with forms, extending into

Abhijit Bansod, a NID postgraduate, has been part of

visual poetry in the pursuit of a visionary aesthetics

the new age design movement in India. After decade

that encompasses varied product areas like watches,

long experience with Titan Design Studio, he founded


Studio Abd in 2008 to create an open platform to





products and even caricatures.

discover new facets of contemporary Indian design.

Her unique eye for detail and passion for her work is

Emotion underlines his products, giving them poetic and

reflected in her uncompromising work style. Each

inspired meaning. His designs connect deeply with the

product comes alive through her hand and possesses

user by telling vivid stories, by overlaying the familiar with

unique identity and character, with flawless lines and

the new and surprising.

harmonious proportions. Being a caricaturist she looks at products very differently.

His work has won many national and international design awards and his story has features in many books

Her understanding of Indian women has resulted into

and publications. He was on the panel of the

award winning design work for our clients.

international jury for many design awards including Cannes Lions Design in 2012.


Work Hierarchy Directors + Principal Designers + Creative Heads

Abhijit Bansod + Amrita Bansod

Graphic Design Team

Business Development

Accounts + HR

Strategies used for marketing along with getting newer customers and projects

All the photographs, the packaging projects and the movies are handeled by the graphic design team

Shipra Bhargava

Senior Graphic Designer

* On contract basis

Design Team

Innovation of newer products following the brief given

Shoubhik Dutt Roy Design Manager

Indrani Nandi Executive Head

Ajith Jose

New Product Development Team

Looks into the technical practicality and suggests engineering betterment for the product

Sajan Rajagopal

New Product Develpoment Manager

Rajashree Iyer Junior Designer

Madan K.

Assistant Manager + Administrator

Pankhuri Kanwar Design Intern

Badruddin Bedagotta Design engineer

The Team’s Magic Difference At ABD, the team combines tradition, trends and technology in design process to create truly outstanding and innovative designs for their clients.

Technology It impacts all of us in more and more ways in our


everyday lives. This makes it essential for us to

In order to truly be able to connect to the audience, it is

understand and align ourselves with technological

essential and equally important to understand where

advancements in different fields so as to deliver the best

they come from - their history, cultural background,

possible experience for the customers. They dive deep

belief systems and tradition (as a whole). For a country

into understanding and using material, process, tooling

like India, this becomes all the more imperative as

and integration technologies in the most optimal and

cultural influences play an important role in everyday

cost-effective ways possible.


The Magic Difference

Trends At ABD, they keep in mind the international trend

forecasting agencies apart from indulging in frequent trend-spotting exercises themselves. It is important to understand trends like material culture, fashion, movies, lifestyle, etc. and also larger socio-economic trends to be truly be able to make the most effective industrial design/communication decisions.

Although they follow the processes quite rigorously, The Magic Difference or Delta that creates the spark is something in-explainable. This comes from years of understanding materials, technology and design apart from






experiences along the way. In short Delta is their secret sauce.


Design Design Brief Project Understanding

Design Reference Book

Design Recipe


Telecom with client


Idea generation / innovation

Articulate brief, with clear


Concept design – quick ideation



Share internally and with client


Add to open book ppt

Get signoff from client on scope

Color finish

3D modeling

of work


Check 1:1

Get project go ahead

Manufacturing processes

Check basic manufacturability

Give project code and add to


3D rendering

dash board

Product analysis

Close up of special features

Add brief to open book ppt


Comparison of concepts

Inspiration story / mold board

Comparison with competition

List of possible names for

Concept penetration


Add to open book ppt

Share design ref book with team

Concept approval sheet

Get approval sheet

Print and file concept approval

/ 2D concepts


Process Design Detailing

Final Tech Submission

Design Development

Integrate internal components

Design review

Detail out of manufacturing

Technical brief understanding

Check 1:1 or foam block

Render revised design

Add to open book ppt

Spec sheets

Discussion with client and manufacturer

from client

Final 3D / 2D drawings

3D development A surfaces –

Print final 2D drawings


Update spec sheet

Prototype drawings release

Add to open book ppt

Signature of creator and checker

Proto spec sheet

Final design approval sheet

Get approval from client

Get approval from client

Get approved from client

Print and file spec sheet

Print and file proto spec sheet

Print and file final design approval

Upload spec sheet on Google

Proto QC check


Proto photography

Update project dashboard

Proto feedback sheet

Review closure meeting

Get approval / comments from

Project learning – design


Project learning – tech

Print and file proto feedback

Add to open book ppt


Upload open book ppt on Google

• •

Add to open book ppt




Existing Products by Studio Abd

At Studio ABD, each product has a story to tell because

mainly for an additional aesthetic appeal in the home

they believe that visual stories are remembered the

and hence are home accessories that complete a

most. All the products try to incorporate traditional

household. Strong colours and textures are used in order

Indian craft in a contemporary form such that it sits

to enhance the forms and lines.

perfectly well in any Indian home. The products are


Project I ( major)

Trophy Design ( minor ) Plaque Design

Existing trophies by Studio Abd Studio ABD has been working on trophy designs for

different angles.

over a decade, creating many iconic trophies for

Studio Abd had varied clients for trophies and they do

various important events. The studio specializes in

justice to the requirement from the client by giving

designing trophies (event identity) for various events

them beautifully crafted trophies.

from corporate, film to sports events. They support the clients from concept to manufacturing the trophies.

Surfin Gifts and Premiums with the help of Studio Abd has taken an active part in trying to redefine trophies

The trophies designed by Studio Abd are strong in

for the masses. It is a retailer and a distributor of mostly

concepts which are picked up after a thorough study

generic trophies such that they can be customized

of the story involved in the award ceremony. Each

according to the requirements of the client. They have

trophy is unique for its intended purpose and marks

an interesting catalogue of generic trophies that have

great taste from the selection of material till the look

variations in shapes and addition of external elements

and feel of the final product when light falls on it from

that act as the highlight of the trophy.

Surfin Gifts & Premiums Trophy Catalog My project was to work with Surfin Gifts and Premiums

These trophies have a wide variety of material usage:

in order to recreate their product catalog, by both


redesigning existing trophies and introducing newer

Birch Wood

designs that can serve any corporate occasion,


function or event.



These are images of the existing trophies at Surfin Gifts


and Premiums which were a part of the catalogue. I

Stainless Steel

had to understand and study the forms and elements so that I could build the catalogue to the next step

I had to experiment with the existing materials put

and have some design intervention in the direction of

across in different combinations as the machining units

generic corporate trophies.

were the same.


Trend Study for trophies These trophies were used as the first medium to derive certain basic elements that are required in trophies such that they can be used as generic corporate trophies across various departments.

Basic Elements used in corporate trophies Star

Framed outlines


Abstract crown

Olive branches




Crystal ball

Curtain drapes


Embellished cups

Diamonds / Facets

Shooting star

Ribbon (metallic)

Upward directed

Peak/ pyramid



Accent colors

Gold carat signage

Geometric structures:

Bird/ wings

Mobius strip


Mo od board & Design brief Design Brief given by client

The mood board is kept completely form oriented after a brain storming session on trophies and its implications. With a strict design brief considering that the trophies had to be generic, there couldn’t be too much of ostentation. Forms speak for the simplicity of design and a certain directions used.







corporate trophies which can fit into any specific





addition of elements and/or text. The mood board is a collection of images that are a stylized version of the elements specified earlier. The facets of the


sphere denote a crystal, whereas the curves of a ballerina


dancer signify a feather. Similarly, the waves denote a outwardly motion that signifies dynamism such as shooting stars leaving a trail behind and the curved wooden planks signify

Growth Continuous

stars. The glass blown bottle denotes an upwardly motion and


also somewhat like that of a ribbon when left loose.



Concepts Scoop out a certain edge and try metallic finishes

Bending single metal sheets in curves so that it can stand on its own and create nice curves

Try giving a feeling of changing the shapes. Molding one form into another


Certain directions for concepts Usage of hand gestures Dominoes philosophy: customization within a given set of choices Experiment with crystal cuts : wedge, olive, copper wheel Follow the forecast for the metallic colors in trend; such as rose gold Incorporate infinite geometric structures; such as Mobius strip Working with various outlines for the side view Transformation of form that denotes dynamic changes

Work with outlines to be imitated by metal sheets Using two sheets to add another dimension to the form


Sketches of the final trophies to be done


Acute – Trophy I 1. Render with a satin finish front and an anodized back with polished edges 2. Render with complete anodized both but polished edges 3. Front and side view of the trophy


4. Various Perspective views

5. Attached technical spec sheet for the trophy The trophy tries to imitate a blunt U curve that shows growth. The edges when looked from the front look like a fish eye with a crystal in the centre that signified vision and an ability to foresee growth.






Swo osh – Trophy II 1. Render with a satin finish front and back with a golden pin over which the crystal is placed 2. Perspective view showing the back look of the trophy 3. Render with a satin finish body, a bluish crystal and a silver pin 4. Render with a satin body, a clear crystal and a silver pin 5. Render with a clear crystal and a golden pin 6. Attached technical spec sheet for the trophy

1 The trophy is like a swoosh if a line from the side that denotes a climb to a peak. The crystal is an additional element that signifies grandeur .







Lean– Trophy III 1. Render with a satin finish back, a polished front and a gold coin 2. Render with a polished back, acrylic front and a coin in the middle 3. Side and front view of the trophy 4. Render with both front and back plate in satin finish 5. Attached technical spec sheet for the trophy This trophy is directed to new comers in the corporate sector, because it denotes growth with the help of a


senior. The gold plate emphasizes the award along with the centre cut lines that signifies that it is a long climb !






Harmony – Trophy IV 1. Perspective view to show the side profile 2. Perspective view to show the other side profile 3. Forms that played a role in the inspiration story 4. Render with anodized black plate and a rose gold metal element 5. Render with anodized black plate and a gold metal


element 6. Render with anodized black plate and a silver metal element 7. Attached technical spec sheet for the trophy This trophy is a stylized form of a curve. It denotes solidarity with precision.








Grace – Trophy V 1. Render in a black acrylic block with golden ribbon 2. Render in a clear acrylic with golden ribbon 3. Image that played a role in the inspiration story 4. Side view that says that the ribbon helps the trophy to stand 5. Back view 6. Front view with a silver coin


7. This could not get manufactured due to the joineries being a tedious process This trophy signifies a multifaceted growth that can also be seen with a direct depiction from the acrylic cut structure. A single accent ribbon adds as a feather on the hat.







( minor )

Plaque Design Certificates have an age old thing that need to be protected and laminated or framed. They undergo wear and tear and the paper gets yellow over the years. Along a general discussion on certificates we came up with an idea to create certificates made out of stronger material that have can stay longer and also look great. The conversation with the client made us realize if we could help in reducing the time taken in manufacturing these certificates. The materials discussed were, acrylic and Aluminium and we fixed with Aluminium, as the weight gives a feeling of strength and ownership. The finishes were to do with colors that can be anodized on Aluminium such as darker shades of green, blue and red. The manufacturing detailing was attained after a little brainstorming with respect to the mounting of the certificates on the wall and we came up with demarcations that can be engraved on the back side of the Aluminium plate such that it can be hung both horizontally as well as vertically after attaching hooks and rubber washers.

Brainstorming with what to be done for the mounting for a universal



both vertical and horizontal. It ended up being plus sighs across the back that act as guiding




mounting it and also looks attractive even if left empty.


Plaque 1. Perspective view of anodized black plate with a polished edge to make it look like a frame 2. Side view to show the thinness


3. Perspective back view to show the engraved plus sighs as markers 4. Perspective back view with a keyhole as well as rubber washers to show the mounting technique 5. Attached technical spec sheet for the trophy






Project II ( major)

Paper Cities 57

Varanasi Varanasi, or Benaras, (also known as Kashi) is one of

To be in Varanasi is an experience in itself an


world. Varanasi`s

experience in self–discover an eternal oneness of the

Prominence in Hindu mythology is virtually unrevealed.

body and soul. To every visitor; Varanasi offers a

Mark Twain, the English author and literature, who was

breathtaking experience. The rays of the dawn

enthralled by the legend and sanctity of Benaras,

shimmering across the Ganges, the high-banks, the

once wrote : "Benaras is older than history, older than

temples and shrines along the banks bathed in a

tradition, older even than legend and looks twice as

golden hue soul stirring hymns and mantras alongwith

old as all of them put together" . The point where the

the fragrance of incense filling the air and the

Varuna and the Assi rivers join into the Ganges is

refreshing dip in the holy waters gently splashing at the

believed to be ‘Varanasi’, the holiest of all pilgrimages.

Ghats. Varanasi – the land where experience and

The word ‘Kashi’ originated from the word ‘Kas’ which

discovery reach the ultimate bliss. Varanasi is also

means to shine. Steeped in tradition and mythological

renowned for its rich tapestry of music, arts, crafts and

legacy, Kashi is the ‘original ground ‘ created by Shiva

education. Some of the world renowned exponents

and Parvati, upon which they stood at the beginning

India has produced in these fields were schooled in

of time. Varanasi is the microcosm of Hinduism, a city

Varanasi’s cultural ethos. Luminaries apart, Varanasi

of traditional classical culture, glorified by myth and

abounds in the art of silk weaving, an exotic work of art

legend and sanctified by religion , it has always

which manifests itself in precious Banarasi Silk Sarees

attracted a large number of pilgrims and worshippers

and Silk brocades which are cherished as collector’s

from time immemorial.

items across the world today.



cities in



Inspiration and Brief Capture the essence of Varanasi as an Indian city by using paper as a basic medium. It is supposed to be either a collectible item or a home accessory which is a souvenir of the city, trying to give a feel of the place even at home. Varanasi is one of the most beautiful cities one can capture. It gives a pious feeling even thinking of the place. With the perfect concoction of aartis, ghats, sadhus and boats, the city stands apart. The brief led me to do a lot of experimentation with different concepts trying to understand the most viable process which is convenient for the user, keeping in mind the size and detailing that had to be offered in order to create the same feeling as the city. The forthcoming pages have descriptions and images for my concepts and experimentations.

This collection done by studio Abd that is a set of

capture the most beautiful experiences in cities,

collectibles of Indian monuments made by paper

places, monuments and holy voyages.

layering. It was the starting point of the project.

Varanasi was decided considering its rich cultural heritage and one of the holiest places in India with a

This collection inspired us to take the thought of

defined cityscape of temples, ghats, diyas, sadhus and

creating collectibles for the Indian market trying to

many visitors.


Concept I ‘Pious Solitaire’






Varanasi. They depict the pious journey that we all embark upon. They are used as an element to depict strength and conviction. The idea is that how a flat piece with a cut out of the sadhu and the water falling can fold into a 3 dimensional





pouring water


Concept II ‘How the city comes to life in the night’

Use light as a major source to bring

tried and tested to attain the final

the final output. Create a space


within a lampshade where the light

Creating a lampshade with paper

brings out the beauty of the city in

folding such that it is easier even for

the night. This is attained by using

packaging purposes.

paper layers and different things are


One of the first things tried were getting a back to back printing done on a bond paper such that when there is light on the back you can see the design. The back to back printing was too faint and the colored image on the front was getting overlapped which did not give a very good effect

The other thing tried was using two layers instead of one such that the back layer was printed a complete black except for where the light needed to pass. It was too dark to see the front face after the backlight.


The next thing tried was to have an image on the front with a laser cut sheet on the back such that when the sheet is lit from the back, the laser cutout will light up well and the remaining paper will be duller. This experiment suited perfectly with the needs and was took up.

Another thing tried was to give a feeling of depth. This was attained by using multiple laser cut sheets such that the thing that was to be the nearest in the perspective was kept cut throughout and the one that was further in perspective was made to cut through a few back sheet but not the front most. This effect was also interesting but too many papers made the light really faint.


Glitterati Panel paintings are a common sight‌ here's a lampshade to give an even better feel An indoor lampshade made with paper that has two layers. The outside with a printed image of

Varanasi and the inside with a laser cut image of the lights to be used. The sheets are stuck together and a light source is used to create the effect of the city in the night. The wooden base has cutouts in order to sustain the lampshade as well as the candles so that it is easier for the user.


Abracadabra A mini side table projector that gives an imprint of the stencil on the wall. To create an ambience of the city within the house. The box is made in wood with a slit on the top face so that the stencil can be easily inserted. Comes in a set with three stencils.


Project III ( minor)

Graphics 75

Vitame Vitamin as a verb, a noun, and also as an adjective

The image on the top left is a client study In order to

has been looked through. Its like a vision through a

depict the story well. The graphic is meant for an

kaleidoscope with overlapping images and colors to


imply the importance of each element and how they

throughout the day. There are many colors depicted.







create a whole. The graphic design is to be done for a vitamin water

The few ideas created were more to do with interesting

called ‘vitame’. The project was meant to be taken

lines that also give a feeling of motion and activity with

only till the conceptual stage with inspirational images.

repetitions in an active format.

I was required to relate to images using the word given

The project was taken forward by the senior graphic

and exploit the freedom.



Morph Morph signifies dynamism within forms. Continuous lines

The elements on the bottle depict motion. It signifies

that are mostly like rays. All the images have a

the motion of water and how its dynamic in itself. The

repetitive characteristic in order to denote motion of

water in the bottles is coloured which is why the print

the same element. The idea for both are on similar lines

needs to be such that the colour enhances the

with respect to repetition but it’s the elements that

graphic. Vacant space is required to be left along with

differ which is what defines each of the two main

the graphic for a better visual appeal.



Studio Abd left me much more aware about good design and its implications. It was a great time working with a humble team where everybody helped out one another with concepts. The multidisciplinary approach of the studio was much appreciated with an all round development of products. The design process followed by the studio was really strong in its application and I shall implement it in my future prospective projects.

Bibliography • ome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#q=varanasi+inspired+products • • • • • • • • • •

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