structure of the
evolving city blackwattle bay to broadway group - srishti sharma // 480517784 - himanshi taneja // 480473929 - pankhuri srivastava // 470519264 - tanvi varshney // 480310509 17.09.2019
1788: Blackwattle Bay located on the southern shore of Sydney Harbour, west of Darling harbour was named in 1788
1836 & before historic mapping
1789: 400 acres of land was granted to Anglican Church, named as glebe. 1803: Surgeon John Harris granted 135 acres between Pyrmont and Glebe, which was named as the Ultimo Estate. Ultimo house was built on the ridge to take advantage of the water views. 1820’S: Lots around the blackwattle bay were first bought for slaughterhouses and a distiller (Fine grain to larger industrial plots)
Figure 2 | walk towards the swamp
Figure 3 | glebe point road with toll road
Figure 1 | 1836 Map
Glebe Point road, earlier named Glebe point was created to access the shore edge.
Figure 4 | slaughter house in 1825
18 36
existing harbour line
the glebe road
the parramatta road
subdivision - large estates across glebe and ultimo blackwattle bay and creek cutting across site three primary roads - the glebe road, parramatta road and harris street
subdivision - large estates across glebe and ultimo blackwattle bay and creek cutting across site three primary roads - the glebe road, parramatta road and harris street
subdivision - large estates across glebe and ultimo blackwattle bay and creek cutting across site three primary roads - the glebe road, parramatta road and harris street
18 36
1837: City Iron Works opened on the northern edge of Blackwattle bay.
1836 - 1854 historic mapping
18 54
1838: Reserve was created in Ultimo estate, on the edge of peninsula, catered by the first street named as Harris street 1840: Subdivision of Pyrmont with access only from the Darling harbour side 1840’s: Financial difficulties forced the church to sell some of its land and the plots were subdivided to incorporate the initial two strata housing.
Figure 6 | glebe island
Figure 7 | blackwattle swamp 1848
1843: Subdivision of Glebe into 27 allotments and auctioned it.
Figure 5 | 1854 Map
Figure 8 | ultimo house
18 54 bay street fine subdivision in smaller blocks
glebe divided into smaller blocks with fine subdivision pattern harbour line maintained, no further development ‘bay street’ introduced as another primary road, secondary & tertiary roads introduced
roads follow topography secondary and tertiary streets
glebe divided into smaller blocks with fine subdivision pattern harbour line maintained, no further development ‘bay street’ introduced as another primary road, road network follows topography
glebe divided into smaller blocks with fine subdivision pattern harbour line maintained, no further development ‘bay street’ introduced as another primary road, secondary & tertiary roads introduced
1858: First educational premises to be opened in Glebe - The Glebe Public school
1854 - 1887 historic mapping
1860’s: The bay declined into a foul swamp until 1870’s & a Reclamation act of 1873 was passed. 1878: First industry the Colonial Sugar Refining Company opened on the edge of Pyrmont & Glebe Rowing club established 1885: Infilling the Blackwattle bay Swamp to construct Wentworth Park
Figure 9 | 1887 Map
1887: Norther portion of the B.bay was occupied by City iron works and the part between Pyrmont to the Bridge road was majorly vacant till the.
Figure 10 | CSR on the boundary of B.bay
Figure 11 | pyrmont decline in 1871
Figure 12 | wentworth park
18 87
harbour line in 1854 large plots for industrial use wentworth park
ultimo subdivided into comparatively large blocks for industrial use major change in harbour line, embankment created land reclaimed - wentworth park created from blackwattle swamp
ultimo subdivided into comparatively large blocks for industrial use major change in harbour line, embankment created land reclaimed - wentworth park created from blackwattle swamp
embankment created
ultimo subdivided into comparatively large blocks for industrial use major change in harbour line, embankment created land reclaimed - wentworth park created from blackwattle swamp
18 87
1890: First wharf (around fish market now) was built, promoting timber companies out around the bay. 1896: Glebe Island bridge was made with swing spans, operated from the Ultimo powerhouse.
1887 - 1910 historic mapping
Figure 14 | goods line came in picture
1900’s: Oil companies started to occupy the edge of the shore & Electric trams were introduced to Cook street, Glebe. 1902: Metropolitan Railway good line open, providing access to timber industry in Glebe from Darling harbour.
Figure 13 | 1910 Map
1909: Oval ground inside Wentworth Park was formed which led to the community events
Figure 15 | glebe island bridge
Figure 16 | industrial era - blackwattle bay edge
19 10
glebe island bridge connecting glebe island and pyrmont
land reclaimed around harbour
oval in wentworth park
further subdivision in glebe and ultimo oval introduced in wentworth park, ultimo and glebe further subdivided industries reclaimed land along harbour edge and built the first wharfs (present day - sydney fish market) glebe island bridge built, metropolitan goods line going to glebe from pyrmont, passing through wentworth park
19 10
goods line passing through wentworth park
oval introduced in wentworth park, ultimo and glebe further subdivided industries reclaimed land along harbour edge and built the first wharfs (present day - sydney fish market)
oval introduced in wentworth park, ultimo and glebe further subdivided
glebe island bridge built, metropolitan goods line going to glebe from pyrmont, passing through wentworth park
glebe island bridge built, metropolitan goods line going to glebe from pyrmont, passing through wentworth park
industries reclaimed land along harbour edge and built the first wharfs (present day - sydney fish market)
1914: Slums around Wentworth was converted to Wool stores due to proximity of Good line and water edge.
1910 - 1947 historic mapping
1924: Tafe technical college was built in the Ultimo 1950’s: Wentworth Park was used as encampment for American soldiers
Figure 18 | encampment in wentworth
1934: Kinder garden was introduced in the Wentworth Park 1940’s: Industrialisation era changed the harbour edge to heavy industrial zone, with major iron and timber factories.
Figure 17 | 1947 Map
Figure 19 | tafe building
Figure 20 | wool store - wattle street
19 47
industries impact on plots along harbour
industrial harbour edge
wool factories temporary encampment in wentworth park
tafe broadway
ultimo dominated by industrues, blocks further subdivided harbour acting as an industrial edge, presence of wool factories, first education building, encampment in wentworth park street network maintained
ultimo dominated by industries, blocks further subdivided harbour acting as an industrial edge, presence of wool factories, first education building, encampment in wentworth park street network maintained
ultimo dominated by industries, blocks further subdivided harbour acting as an industrial edge, presence of wool factories, first education builing, encampment in wentworth park street network maintained
19 47
1953-1958: Trams cease in Glebe and are replaced by buses.
1947 - 2000 historic mapping
1966: Sydney Fish market moved to Blackwattle bay shore, placing at the location of the first wharf. 1983: Industrial land converted to Black wattle Bay park for public access and recreation
Figure 22 | anzac bridge & glebe
1992: Industrial decline -CSR closes 1995: Glebe island bridge is made redundant and ANZAC bridge opened. Redevelopment of Wool factories (earlier slums) to residential
Figure 21 | 2000 Map
1998: Broadway Shopping Centre (former Grace Bros Dept Store) is opened
Figure 23 | blackwattle bay park
Figure 24 | broadway
20 00
pyrmont subdivision changes
glebe island bridge made redundant
sydney fish market docks accessible by public
anzac bridge constructed
blackwattle bay park
adaptive reuse and education area broadway constructed
subdivision changed to incorporate anzac bridge connection harbour edge reclaimed for public use, ultimo buildings used as adaptive reuse, broadway constructed anzac bridge constructed, glebe island bridge split
pyrmont subdivision changed to incorporate anzac bridge connection harbour edge reclaimed for public use, ultimo buildings used as adaptive reuse, broadway constructed
pyrmont subdivision changed to incorporate anzac bridge connection
anzac bridge constructed, glebe island bridge split
anzac bridge constructed, glebe island bridge split
harbour edge reclaimed for public use, ultimo buildings used as adaptive reuse, broadway constructed
20 00
structure map & development until 2014 pyrmont light rail line blackwattle bay shore line
connection from anzac bridge
link between glebe and pyrmont wentworth park
2009: Redevelopment of Glebe Point foreshore walk. 2010: Blackwattle Redevelopment Proposal passed 2014: Inner west Light rail- over goods line 2015: Transformation plan- Bays precinct
broadway major node connecting parramatta road and bay street
uts campus
20 14
block division pattern
typical block pattern current use type - 1 Small manufacturing, wool stores and large flour mills took advantage of rail and water access along the wattle street and hence retained plot sizes today, are large in nature
type - 2 Close proximity to the city, parramatta road and the central railway station made glebe the first intensive residential development. The concept of row houses led to linear formation of blocks
type - 3 The reclaimed land along glebe foreshore was not suitable for residential development and hence grew organically
mixed - use commercial educational open spaces
Glebe has retained its historical land use, i.e. residential. Ultimo and Pyrmont have experienced a change. Pyrmont is now high rise residential (large plots) and Ultimo, along with mid scale residential, has seen a significant rise in education buildings, with UTS as a major campus.
G - G+1 G+2 - G+5 G+6 - G+12
The left side of the site is low lying and gradually rises to the right. Glebe on the left, having retained its historical use of Victorian terrace houses, is a low lying area. Pyrmont and Ultimo (on the right) have taller buildings as they have relatively new apartments built on larger blocks.
building heights
land use - broader view
highway primary rd. secondary rd. tertiary rd. anzac bridge light rail
Wentworth Park was a swamp, and was reclaimed in 1875. Hence, the site slopes down towards its centre from all the sides (light to dark descends).
The street network in Glebe has been laid down with respect to the topography and hence has a gradual slope. Towards Ultimo, the streets are steep (wattle street) as they adopted the grid in the eastern side of Ultimo.
street hierarchy
conservation area adaptive reuse buildings
Glebe being the earliest suburb falls largely under heritage conservation area. In Ultimo, heritage buildings along wattle street have been re-adapted to residences while maintaining their industrial character
green areas surface parking
Wentworth Park is a central green space on the site, which is used a public open green and for Ultimo Public School. It was a swamp and was reclaimed in 1875. Blackwattle Park and Jublee Park were developed in 1990s. The harbour edge was given back to the public from private industrial use,
open areas & green
heritage & adaptive reuse
destinations services
blackwattle bay park
major destinations & services
major destinations current use
1| st. benedicts church
2| uts building
3| tafe building
4| unilodge
5| broadway
8| wentworth park
8| oval - wentworth
9| sydney fish market
10| anzac bridge
sydney secondary college
glebe police station
glebe fire station
all fire services
australian post glebe
glebe public school victoria park
Coles Express
summary block pattern
summary street network
summary shore line development
1990 present