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Stretch D - Padikathukulam East colony
Stretch D - Padikathukulam East colony
Figure 64: Canal section near Padikathukulam East Colony (Image Credit: Weaving with Water team)
This stretch refers to the canal segment between TD Road and the Market Road. The Northern bank of the canal is lined up with private low-rise buildings and the Southern bank has the Padikathukulam East Colony, a few private buildings, and the vacant land of Govt. Law College. As the section of the canal in this stretch is fairly narrow and the building on the either side do not leave room for wideniting, it is proposed to recover the
encroached canal RoW on either side / utilise the private set back areas and provide a pedestrian + cycle link.
This shall densify the mobility network and also give opportunity to improve physical access to the canal edge for the public. In addition, necessary measures to tackle the discharge of sewage water and unfiltered surface run-off has been introduced. Based on the bed level of the canal near Fashion Street and the Lt: Karunakaran lane, the depth of the canal along this stretch could be deepened further in order to improve the carrying capacity.
Opportunities - To improve the liveability of the community around the canal edge and also make the canal edge as their front yard, a continuous NMT trail has been inserted. A liner strip of green filtration bed will also serve as a holding channel during cloudburst events and delay the storm-water discharge rate.
Constraints - While the widening of canal edge and integrating with the larger open space system is a possibility if the Law College vacant land is developed under the principles of water-driven integrated approach, under the current situation with settlements packed on either sides of the canal, the widening is not a possibility.