Sustaining Impact A blog from the NYU Stern School of Business Social I mpact I nternship Fund Fellows
Art as Activism Posted on June 30, 2013 by brr257
Oi from Rio de Janeiro! My name is Rosie and I am an MBA2 at NYU Stern. I am working this summer with a non-governmental organization called NAMI Rede Feminista de Arte Urbana ( based in Brazil. I first learned about Panmela Castro and her innovative work to end violence against women through her all female art collective in Alyse Nelson’s book “Vital Voices: The Power of Women Leading Change Around the World.” Shortly after, I was introduced to her at a panel discussion in New York City co-hosted by NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service and Vital Voices Global Partnership. From there, Panmela invited me to join her team in Rio! For those readers who are not familiar with Brazil, the country ranks among one of the worst for women to live in, with 43.1% of women suffering some sort of domestic violence according to Brazil’s 2011 Annual Report on Women. In 2006, the Maria da Penha Law on Domestic and Family Violence was passed in Brazil. The law grants legal protection for victims of domestic violence. Panmela founded Rede Nami in 2006 to combine her artistic talent with her passion for women’s rights. The organization empowers women and girls through street art and graffiti while raising awareness about the Maria da Penha Law and addressing the issue of gender inequality among Brazilian youths living in the favelas of Rio. Rede Nami hosts workshops and paints murals in some of the most dangerous and poorest areas of Brazil. Last Saturday, I participated in my first workshop at Sesc Nova Iguaçu. It was exciting to hear Brazilians of all ages come together to discuss citizenship and human rights in light of the demonstrations taking place across the country right now. And then join the group in picking up spray cans to express their thoughts through a graffiti mural that will be displayed on campus for all to see. Some of the projects that I will be working on this summer include creating marketing materials, drafting grant proposals, and negotiating corporate sponsorships as well as making introductions to potential funders and collaborators based in Brazil and abroad. Follow
So far, one of the highlights of the internship was attending a Nike do Brasil party for Kobe Bryant. Panmela
Follow “Sustaining Impact” paint murals throughout Rio in the lead up to the World Cup in 2014.
and I had the opportunity to engage Nike executives in conversations regarding a potential partnership to Get every new post delivered to your Inbox.
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