2 3 4 5 AT W O O D AV
MADION, WI, 53704
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Open tudio with Panmela Castro
nerg Coworking and Galler Marzen are pleaed to preent thi Open tudio event, an evening with Rio aed artit and change-maker Panmela Catro. Catro i a world renowned creative entrepreneur and human right activit who' artwork potlight the female od in dialogue with the uran landcape and quetion of otherne and inar
Frida, June 9, 2017 5:00pm – 9:00pm
gender. Her powerful imager appear on exterior in ten countrie around the world, from right here in Madion (Will t Co-op at) to Pari, Irael, Autria, razil and more.
Galler Marzen 2345 Atwood Avenue, Madion, WI, 53704, United tate (map) Google Calendar · IC
Marzen will hot a communit live painting event and nerg Coworking will facilitate a ilent auction for the enefit of Rede NAMI, Catro' non-profit women'/human right organization. Mingle with local and artit in the communit and enter the ilent auction for a chance to take home one of Panmela Catro' original painting! Alo featuring the artwork of: Deanna Anton, Gwen Avant, Jennika atian, Jenie Gao and Jerr Jordan Guet will alo have the opportunit to partake in a themed live painting facilitated Marzen, which will e donated to DAI of Dane Count.
arlier vent: Ma 5 The oul of the Upper Midwet: Timetacking Mark Weller