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Panmela Catro Jun 9, 2017 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM Galler Marzen 2345 Atwood Ave., Madion, Wiconin 53704
Artit Panmela Catro
pre releae: Live painting and fundraiing event! FRIDAY, JUN 9, 6pm - 9pm Rio de Janeiro aed artit and change-maker Panmela Catro i a world renowned creative entrepreneur who' artwork potlight the female od in dialogue with the uran landcape and quetion of otherne and inar gender. Her powerful imager
uran landcape and quetion of otherne and inar gender. Her powerful imager appear on exterior in ten countrie around the world, from right here in Madion (Will t Co-op at) to Pari, Irael, Autria, razil and more. Watch Panmela Catro create a painting in houe and enter the ilent auction for a chance to take home an original painting, the proceed enefit Rede NAMI, Catro' non-profit women'/human right organization. Guet will have the opportunit to participate in a themed live painting facilitated Marzen, which will e donated to DAI of Dane Count. Featuring the artwork of local artit:
Deanna Anton • Gwen Avant • Jennika atian Jenie Gao • Jerr Jordan INFO LOCATION Galler Marzen 2345 Atwood Ave., Madion, Wiconin 53704 View Map VNT CATGORI Art xhiit & vent
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Jun 9, 2017 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
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