Pannonia Reflections 2015

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Pannonia Reflections 2015 • Lendava, Slovenia

Pannonia Reflections 2015 2. Mednarodni fotografski natečaj 2nd International Salon of Photography Photographic Society Pannonia – Fotografsko društvo Pannonia • Čentiba, Fodorjeva vrsta 152, 9220 Lendava, Slovenia, Europe •

Lendava • Slovenia (Europe)

Pokrovitelji razstave in dogodka • Sponsors of the Event and Exhibition:

Občina Lendava Lendva Község Municipality of Lendava

Galerija-muzej Lendava Lendvai Galéria és Múzeum Gallery-Museum Lendava

DIGIFOT, fotografija in tisk d.o.o. Industrijska ulica 2 9220 Lendava - Lendva, Slovenija

Urednik • Editor:

Davor Dolenčić

Založnik • Publisher:

Fotografsko društvo Pannonia – Photographic Society Pannonia

Prevod • Translation:

Mozeg d.o.o., Lendava (SLO)

Oblikovanje • Design:

Peter Orban, Lendava (SLO)

Tisk • Print:

Printex d.o.o., Čakovec (CRO)

Naklada • Copies: 400

Kulturno društvo Foto-video klub Lendava Fotó-videó klub Lendva Kultúregyesület

Leto izdaje • Year of publishing:

Januar 2016 • January 2016

FIAP 2015/398

PSA 2015-314

FZS 2015/09

Pannonia Reflections 2015 2. mednarodni fotografski natečaj 2nd International Salon of Photography

Teme • Sections: Prosta barvna • Open Color Prosta črno-bela • Open Monochrome Pokrajina • Landscape Voda • Water

PRIREDITELJ • ORGANIZER: Fotografsko društvo Pannonia • Photographic Society Pannonia

Lendava-Lendva, Slovenia

ORGANIZACIJSKI ODBOR • ORGANISING COMMITTEE Davor Dolenčić, predsednik organizacijskega odbora Chairman of the organising committee, Člani • Members: Nikolaj Bažika, Peter Orban, Klaudija Dolenčić

O ŽIRIJI • ABOUT THE JURY Stojan KERBLER MF FZS, EFIAP SI: Stojan Kerbler se je s foto­grafijo začel ukvarjati leta 1953 v Foto klubu Ptuj. V času študija v Ljubljani je s prijatelji ustanovil študentsko Fotogrupo ŠOLT. Po končanem študiju se je včlanil v mariborski Foto­ klub, ki je bil v tistem času ena vodilnih jugoslovanskih fotografskih organizacij. Nekaj ustvarjalno izstopajočih članov mariborskega kluba, med njimi tudi Kerbler, je leta 1971 z inovativnim pristopom povzročilo pravi preobrat v takratni jugoslovanski in slovenski fotografiji. Kerbler je izstopal prav s svojo drugačnostjo. Leta 1969 je bil prvič proglašen za najboljšega razstavljalca v Sloveniji in 1970 v Jugoslaviji, nakar je ta prestižni naslov uspel obdržati kar dvanajst let. Od leta 1960 do danes je razstavljal na 1411 razstavah, in sicer na 662 razstavah v 136 krajih nekdanje Jugoslavije in na 749 mednarodnih razstavah v 52 državah sveta. Doslej je imel 150 samostojnih razstav v Sloveniji, Avstriji, Bolgariji, Jugoslaviji, Nemčiji, Poljski, Španiji, Sovjetski zvezi, ZDA, Hrvaški in Italiji. Prejel je 543 nagrad in priznanj, od teh 128 na mednarodnih razstavah. V zgodovini Kerblerjevih častitljivih nagrad omenimo le nagrado Prešernovega sklada (1979), državno odlikovanje z redom za zasluge za vrhunske umetniške fotografske dosežke in velik prispevek pri uveljavljanju slovenske fotografije v svetu (2010) ter nagrado Trend za življenjsko delo (2013). Za mlade fotografe in raziskovalce slovenske fotografije, ki jih mika umetniška pot, je potrpežljiv mentor in učitelj. Kerbler velja za enega najuspešnejših slovenskih fotografov. Takšen sloves si je pridobil z neverjetno dolgim seznamom nagrad in priznanj.


S svojim ustvarjalnim delom je ogromno prispeval k prepoznavnosti slovenske fotografije in slovenske države v svetu. EN: Kerbler started doing photography at the Ptuj Photo Club in 1953. During his college years he and his friends established the Fotogrupa ŠOLT student photo group in Ljubljana. After college he became a member of the Maribor Photo Club, which was known as one of the leading Yugoslav photography organizations. With their modern approach some of the creative and outstanding members of the Maribor Photo Club, among them Kerbler, changed the Yugoslav and Slovenian photography scene. Kerbler stood out because he was different. In 1969 he was announced the best exhibitor in Slovenia and in 1970 the best exhibitor in all of Yugoslavia; he managed to preserve this prestigious title for the next 20 years. Since 1960 he has presented his work in 1411 exhibitions, 662 of which were hosted in 136 different places located on the territory of the Former Yugoslav Republic, while the remaining 749 were international exhibitions hosted in 52 different world countries. Up until now he has had 150 independent exhibitions in Slovenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Ex-Yugoslavia, Germany, Poland, Spain, The Soviet Union, the USA, Croatia and Italy. He received 543 prices and awards, 128 of which he obtained at international exhibitions. In the series of Kerbler’s venerable awards we should point out the Prešeren Fund award (1979), the State Order for artistic and photographic achievements and his contribution to better recognition of Slovenian photography in the world (2010) as well as the Trend award he received for his lifetime achievements (2013). Among young photographers and researchers of Slovenian photography, who are truly inspired by his artistic path, he is considered as a patient mentor and teacher.

Žirija • The Jury

Kerbler is known as one of the most successful Slovenian photographers. He gained this reputation thanks to his incredibly long list of prices and awards. With his creative work he made great contribution to the recognition of Slovenian photography and promotion of Slovenia across the globe.

Neda RAČKI EFIAP/g SI: Diplomirana ekonomistka, rojena 1949 v Zagrebu. S fotografijo se aktivno ukvar­ja od leta 2007. Od takrat naprej tudi uspešno sodeluje na domačih in mednarodnih natečajih in salonih fotografije, v več kot 50 državah sveta. Za svoje fotografije je prejela 86 nagrad in 2 Grand Prix-a. Je dobitnica letne nacionalne nagrade za fotografijo Tošo Dabac za leto 2013. Poleg 6 samostojnih razstav v Zagrebu in Reki, sodeluje tudi na številnih skupnih razstavah v državi in tujini. Čeprav uporablja digitalni fotoaparat, svoje fotografsko ustvarjanje temelji na klasični črno beli fotografiji. Po začetnem iskanju lastnega fotografskega izraza, se je precej hitro jasno definiral interes za črno belo ulično fotografijo. Kot nekakšen odmik od vsakdanjega življenja in ulične fotografije, se občasno poda v svet eksperimentalne fotografije, kjer pusti, da se na krilih domišljije, pomešata resničnost in fikcija. Je članica Fotokluba »Zagreb« in fotografskega društva »Fotogard«. EN: Born in 1949 in Zagreb, graduated in Economics. Neda Rački has been active in the field of photography since 2007, when she started successfully participating in domestic and for-

eign competitions and photo exhibitions in over 50 world countries. She won 86 awards, was a double Grand Prix winner and received the Tošo Dobac – Croatian national photography award in 2013. Besides 6 independent exhibitions in Zagreb and Rijeka, she participated in a number of joint exhibitions at home and abroad. Even though she uses a digital camera, her work is based on classical black and white photography. It didn’t take long before she defined her own photographic expression known as black and white street photography. Occasionally she retreats from everyday life and street photography to enter the world of experimental photography, which lets her imagination fly and allows her to mix reality with fiction. She is also a member of the Zagreb Fotoclub and the »Fotogard« photographers association.

Jure KRAVANJA MF FZS, EFIAP SI: Jure Kravanja je bil rojen pred triinpetdesetimi leti v Celju, kjer je obiskoval gimnazijo, v Ljubljani pa je na Filozofski fakulteti končal študij sociologije in pedagogike. Od malih nog ljubitelj filmov, je verjetno prav iz njih črpal neusahljivo zanimanje za podobe, ki so ga vodile k fotografski umetnosti s katero se ukvarja deset let. V letu 2006 in 2007 je bil drugi najuspešnejši razstavljalec v okviru FZS, v letu 2008 in 2009 pa najuspešnejši. Istega leta mu je Umetnostni svet Fotografske zveze Slovenije podelil razstavljalski naslov »mojster fotografije«. Imel je dvaindvajset samostojnih razstav in več deset skupinskih razstavah doma in po svetu. Kot fotograf je sodeloval pri ustvarjanju nove monografije o Celju ter pri ustvarjanju posebnega celjskega koledarja, kakor tudi pri monografiji psihiatrične bolnice Vojnik ter monografiji Rogaške Slatine. Kot soavtor je izdal knjigo Za-govor podob. Svoje

fotografije je imel objavljene v več domačih in tujih revijah. V svojem fotografskem delovanju poizkuša združiti narativno in sporočilno razsežnost podob, kot tudi njihove čisto likovne dimenzije. Motive fotografiranja išče v naravi, arhitekturi in urbani pokrajini, neusahljiv izziv pa so mu podobe človeka, vpetega v urbano okolje. Je eden izmed ustanovnih članov Društva fotografov Svit. Od leta 2008-2012 je bil član Izvršilnega odbora FZS, zadnje leto pa je član njegovega Umet­ niškega sveta. Pred štirimi leti je v praksi udejanil idejo o fotografiji kot diagnostičnem, terapevtskem in izraznem sredstvu in jo izvajal kot kreativni terapevt v Kliničnem psihiatričnem centru Polje, Ljubljana. Je soustanovitelj Zavoda za fotografsko terapijo. Sedaj se posveča temu delu v Zavodu za usposabljanje invalidne mladine Kamnik. EN: Jure Kravanja was born fifty-three years ago in Celje, where he stayed until he finished grammar school. Later he went to Ljubljana, where he studied at the Faculty of Arts and graduated in sociology and pedagogy. Since he was a child he loved movies, which were probably the source of his inexhaustible interest in figures that eventually lead him to photographic art he has been so passionate about for the last decade. In 2006 and 2007 he was the second most successful and in 2008 and 2009 the most successful exhibitor of the Photographic Association of Slovenia. In that same period the Art Council of the Photographic Association of Slovenia has given him the »Master of Photography« title. He had twenty-two independent exhibitions and over more than ten group exhibitions at home and abroad. As a photographer he contributed to the creation of the new monograph on Celje and

Žirija • The Jury

was the co-creator of a unique Celje calendar and the Vojnik psychiatric hospital and the Rogaška Slatina monographs. As a co-author he issued the book with the title Defending Figures (Za-govor podob). His photographs were published in numerous domestic and foreign magazines. As a photographer he tried to combine the narrative and informative dimension of figures as well as their clean fine-art dimensions. He looked for motives in the nature, architecture and urban landscape, while his constant challenge were the human figures embedded in the urban environment. He was one of the founding members of the Svit Photographers’ Association. Between 2008 and 2012 he was also a member of the Executive Board of the Photographic Association of Slovenia and in 2012 became a member of the Association’s Art Council. Four years ago he introduced his idea of using photography for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes and expression and started executing this idea as a creative therapist in the Polje Clinical Psychiatric Centre in Ljubljana. He is the co-founder of the Photographic Therapy Institute and is currently working at the Kamnik Institute for Training of Disabled Youth.


NA JBOLJŠI AVTOR • BEST AUTHOR Jose Beut Duato (Spain) I took up photography in 1980. The first steps I took in learning the photographic technique were made possible by the Photographic Association of Valencia. Simultaneously, I was experimenting with processing black and white photographs and studio lighting. I was mainly interested in still life, portrait and landscapes. Jose Beut Duato

After a long hiatus from photography, and with the advent of digital cameras, I returned in 2006, when the most intense and dedicated period for me began. My preferred themes are currently long exposure landscapes, architecture, urban situations (street-photo) and travel photography. I have also won numerous medals and awards granted in international salons under the patronage of FIAP (Federation Internationale de L`art Photographique), PSA (Photographic Society of America), UPI (United Photographers International), ISF (Image Sans Frontiere) and HPAI (International Association of Art Photographers)

Jose Beut Duato (Spain): Soledad

In October 2015 I was awarded the title AFIAP (Artist of the International Federation of Photographic Art) and ECEF (Excellence of the Spanish Confederation of Photography). This is my eleventh award for best author on Fiap competitions.

Jose Beut Duato (Spain): Carrasqueira


Najboljši avtor • Best author

Special PANNONIA REFLECTIONS 2015 award for the photo selected by the President of the organising committee is going to

Trond M. Skaret from Norway for photo: Anne Black Lake II in section Water



Država Country

Število avtorjev Number of authors

Argentina Australia Austria Bahrain Bangladesh Belarus Belgium BiH Bulgaria Canada China Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Egypt England Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong S.A.R. Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kazakhstan Lithuania Luxembourg Macau S.A.R. Macedonia Malaysia Netherlands Norway Oman Pakistan Poland


2 12 3 1 1 2 6 3 1 3 5 21 5 3 1 2 26 9 3 15 3 6 15 9 1 11 1 15 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 11 14 1 4

Število fotografij Number of photos

Število sprejetih fotografij Number of accepted photos

Prispela dela: Prosta barvna Received photos: Open Color

Sprejeta dela: Prosta barvna Accepted photos: Open Color

Prispela dela: Prosta Č/B Received photos: Open Monochrome

Sprejeta dela: Prosta Č/B Accepted photos: Open Monochrome

Prispela dela: Pokrajina Received photos: Landscape

Sprejeta dela: Pokrajina Accepted photos: Landscape

22 156 48 16 8 24 71 48 8 40 58 255 64 40 8 24 357 128 44 240 48 72 211 132 16 172 8 178 16 16 32 24 32 16 12 48 136 174 16 56

10 31 18 11 4 8 10 17 0 18 9 73 15 13 2 13 89 20 12 56 5 27 53 25 2 55 5 52 0 0 7 3 13 4 6 31 45 85 0 22

8 45 12 4 0 8 20 12 4 12 20 75 20 8 4 8 101 36 12 60 12 24 60 36 4 40 4 48 4 4 8 8 8 4 8 12 44 56 4 16

4 7 4 3 0 2 2 2 0 5 3 19 7 2 0 4 31 4 3 10 0 6 16 9 1 13 2 11 0 0 1 1 5 0 3 6 16 31 0 6

4 45 12 4 4 8 19 12 0 12 16 76 20 12 4 8 100 36 8 60 12 16 52 32 4 44 4 41 4 4 8 8 8 4 0 12 44 52 4 16

2 6 3 4 3 4 3 7 0 6 2 24 5 5 2 4 25 6 4 11 0 7 14 5 1 15 3 14 0 0 2 2 5 2 0 8 10 24 0 7

6 33 12 4 0 4 12 12 0 8 10 54 12 12 0 4 76 28 12 60 12 12 48 32 4 44 0 44 4 4 8 4 8 4 4 12 24 35 4 12

3 5 5 2 0 1 2 4 0 1 2 15 0 5 0 2 12 4 3 18 2 5 11 2 0 12 0 15 0 0 3 0 1 2 3 12 8 17 0 6

Statistika • Statistics

Prispela dela: Voda Received photos: Water 4 33 12 4 4 4 20 12 4 8 12 50 12 8 0 4 80 28 12 60 12 20 51 32 4 44 0 45 4 4 8 4 8 4 0 12 24 31 4 12

Sprejeta dela: Voda Accepted photos: Water 1 13 6 2 1 1 3 4 0 6 2 15 3 1 0 3 21 6 2 17 3 9 12 9 0 15 0 12 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 5 11 13 0 3

Država Country

Število avtorjev Number of authors

Število fotografij Number of photos

Število sprejetih fotografij Number of accepted photos

Prispela dela: Prosta barvna Received photos: Open Color

Sprejeta dela: Prosta barvna Accepted photos: Open Color

Prispela dela: Prosta Č/B Received photos: Open Monochrome

Sprejeta dela: Prosta Č/B Accepted photos: Open Monochrome

Prispela dela: Pokrajina Received photos: Landscape

Sprejeta dela: Pokrajina Accepted photos: Landscape

Prispela dela: Voda Received photos: Water

Sprejeta dela: Voda Accepted photos: Water

Portugal 3 28 11 12 3 8 5 4 2 4 1 Qatar 1 15 5 4 1 4 2 4 2 3 0 Romania 7 96 34 24 7 28 8 20 7 24 12 Russia 4 64 13 16 2 16 2 16 3 16 6 Saudi Arabia 2 16 7 8 2 4 4 0 0 4 1 Scotland 3 48 5 12 0 12 1 12 2 12 2 Serbia 5 80 30 20 3 20 9 20 8 20 10 Singapore 3 48 15 12 5 12 4 12 2 12 4 Slovenia 75 1.049 258 280 53 267 62 254 62 248 81 South Korea 2 24 5 8 2 4 1 4 0 8 2 Spain 7 84 45 16 10 20 9 24 9 24 17 Sri Lanka 1 8 1 4 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 Sweden 2 20 0 8 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 Switzerland 1 16 3 4 0 4 1 4 1 4 1 Taiwan 1 16 8 4 4 4 1 4 0 4 3 Turkey 7 90 31 28 10 28 13 16 2 18 6 Ukraine 3 39 11 12 7 12 3 8 1 7 0 United Arab Emirates 2 20 8 6 2 8 2 4 2 2 2 USA 7 82 21 25 8 25 4 16 6 16 3 Vietnam 1 12 7 4 2 4 3 0 0 4 2 Wales 2 32 12 8 3 8 3 8 5 8 1 Skupaj/Total: 368 4961 1399 1388 363 1325 383 1112 297 1136 356

Najuspešnejši avtor 2. mednarodnega natečaja PANNONIA REFLECTIONS je Jose Beut Duato iz Španije. Best author of 2nd PANNONIA REFLECTIONS is Jose Beut Duato from Spain.

NA JUSPEŠNE JŠI KLUB • BEST CLUB Photographic Society of Oman This year we decided to introduce a new award for the best photo club/association, determined by the total number of accepted photos. Best Photo club/association of PANNONIA REFLECTIONS 2015 is the PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF OMAN with 85 accepted photos from 14 authors: Hamed AlGhanboosi, Majid Alamri, Zahir Alsiyabi, Salim Mohammed Al Hajri, Jokha Alharthi, Sultan ALrawahi, Naif Al-Ruqaishi, Moosa AlRezaiqi, Khalid Al Abri, Said AL Badi, Haitham AL Farsi, Bashair Alazry, Hani Alsuleimani, Almaha Alnadabi. We would like to thank to members of the Photographic society of Oman for confidence and a high number of participants. Statistika • Statistics


Open Color Prosta barvna Awarded photos in section Open Color / Nagrajene fotografije v temi Prosta barvna FIAP Gold medal › Ivo Borko (Slovenia): Tha Fates 1 FIAP Silver medal › Jose Beut Duato (Spain): Hospitality FIAP Bronze medal › Stefi P. Borko (Slovenia): Grandmothers companion PSA Gold medal › Huib Limberg (Netherlands): Enjoying ART in Groningen FZS Gold medal › Serhii Shchehlevatyh (Ukraine): Seduction FZS Silver medal › Robert Jones (Wales): Honey I'm Home FZS Bronze medal › Mamdooh Alsaleh (Bahrain): Pushkar Barber Salon Gold medal › Goran Kojadinovic (Serbia): Beauty from the plains Salon Silver medal › Nenad Martić (Croatia): lego 3 Salon Bronze medal › Hamed AlGhanboosi (Oman): Turtuk_Girl-1 FIAP Honorable mention › Marjan Artnak (Slovenia): White Death FIAP Honorable mention › Istvan Magdo (Romania): Jigsaw FIAP Honorable mention › Robert Strahinjić (Slovenia): Jutranje essence na Solinah II FIAP Honorable mention › Roberto Tagliani (Italy): For ten dollars daily FIAP Honorable mention › Zlatko Fišer (Slovenia): ONE THREAD FIAP Honorable mention › Dika Vranc (Slovenia): BIG BOOTS PSA Honorable mention › Haitham Al Farsi (Oman): Souq Nizwa


FIAP FIAP Gold medal

Ivo Borko (Slovenia): Tha Fates 1

Open Color • Prosta barvna › FIAP GOLD


FIAP Silver medal


Jose Beut Duato (Spain): Hospitality

Open Color • Prosta barvna › FIAP SILVER

FIAP Bronze medal

Stefi P. Borko (Slovenia): Grandmothers companion

Open Color • Prosta barvna › FIAP BRONZE



PSA Gold medal


Huib Limberg (Netherlands): Enjoying ART in Groningen

Open Color • Prosta barvna › PSA GOLD

FZS FZS Gold medal

Serhii Shchehlevatyh (Ukraine): Seduction

Open Color • Prosta barvna › FZS GOLD


FZS Silver medal Robert Jones (Wales): Honey I'm Home


Open Color • Prosta barvna › FZS SILVER & BRONZE

FZS Bronze medal Mamdooh Alsaleh (Bahrain): Pushkar Barber


Salon Silver medal Nenad Martić (Croatia): lego 3

Salon Gold medal Goran Kojadinovic (Serbia): Beauty from the plains

Salon Bronze medal Hamed AlGhanboosi (Oman): Turtuk_Girl-1

Open Color • Prosta barvna › SALON GOLD, SILVER & BRONZE






PSA Honorable mention Haitham Al Farsi (Oman): Souq Nizwa

Open Color • Prosta barvna › FIAP & PSA MENTION

FIAP Honorable mention Marjan Artnak (Slovenia): White Death

FIAP Honorable mention Robert Strahinjić (Slovenia): Jutranje essence na Solinah II

Open Color • Prosta barvna › FIAP MENTION

FIAP Honorable mention Roberto Tagliani (Italy): For ten dollars daily



FIAP Honorable mention Dika Vranc (Slovenia): Big Boots

Open Color • Prosta barvna › FIAP MENTION

FIAP Honorable mention Zlatko Fišer (Slovenia): One Thread

FIAP Honorable mention

Istvan Magdo (Romania): Jigsaw

Open Color • Prosta barvna › FIAP MENTION


Matej Skubic (Slovenia): After human

Brian Hopper (Ireland): Aingeal


Open Color • Prosta barvna

Leonid Goldin (Israel): Autumm behind a window

Nikola Hrzenjak (Croatia): Diamond

Open Color • Prosta barvna


Mamdooh Alsaleh (Bahrain): Feeding time

Sultan ALrawahi (Oman): Focus

Serhii Shchehlevatyh (Ukraine): girl-with-flowers_2


Open Color • Prosta barvna

Zahir Alsiyabi (Oman): Green eyes

Atle Sveen (Norway): Ivory Flame in ivy

Moosa AlRezaiqi (Oman): Reading

Open Color • Prosta barvna


David Poey Cher Tay (Singapore): Incense offering

Anatoliy Volokh (Ukraine): Reincarnation


Open Color • Prosta barvna

Man-kui, Wisely Ng (Hong Kong S.A.R.): Three women in desert

Open Color • Prosta barvna


Eduard Gutescu (Romania): Romania - Land of Fairytales


Open Color • Prosta barvna

Hamed AlGhanboosi (Oman): Woman_in_the_Field-1

Milan Malovrh (Slovenia): Seata equina

Open Color • Prosta barvna


Graham Kelly (Ireland): The Captain


Open Color • Prosta barvna

Henning Frode Dispen (Norway): Two directions

Istvan Kerekes (Hungary): Maramuresan beauty

Open Color • Prosta barvna


Open Monochrome Prosta črno-bela Awarded photos in section Open Monochrome/Nagrajene fotografije v temi Prosta črno-bela


FIAP Gold medal

Jordi Egea Torrent (Spain): pastora

FIAP Silver medal

Huib Limberg (Netherlands): Following my shadow

FIAP Bronze medal

Istvan Virag (Serbia): Old woman with cat

PSA Gold medal

Istvan Magdo (Romania): Going home

FZS Gold medal

Basil Titov (Belarus): Hats

FZS Silver medal

Jose Beut Duato (Spain): Radio news

FZS Bronze medal

Ahmed Abdulazim (Egypt): Circles of Catch

Salon Gold medal

Ivo Borko (Slovenia): Old farmer with fork

Salon Silver medal

Janusz Morawski (Germany): Sadness

Salon Bronze medal

Sanda Ž. Fajfarič (Slovenia): Trapped in their own world

FIAP Honorable mention

Josef Kastner (Austria): Duell

FIAP Honorable mention

Rashid Un Nabi (Bangladesh): Make up

FIAP Honorable mention

Sigita Playdon (Ireland): Little dreamer 2

FIAP Honorable mention

Antonin Valek (Czech Republic): Old village 2

FIAP Honorable mention

Ivo Vucetic (Croatia): Crossing bridge

FIAP Honorable mention

Tomasz Okoniewski (Poland): little miss

PSA Honorable mention

Rafael Podobnik (Slovenia): Man with Scythe

FIAP FIAP Gold medal

Jordi Egea Torrent (Spain): pastora

Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FIAP GOLD


FIAP Silver medal 32

Huib Limberg (Netherlands): Following my shadow

Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FIAP SILVER

FIAP Bronze medal

Istvan Virag (Serbia): Old woman with cat

Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FIAP BRONZE



PSA Gold medal


Istvan Magdo (Romania): Going home

Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › PSA GOLD


FZS Gold medal

Basil Titov (Belarus): Hats

Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FZS GOLD


FZS Silver medal Jose Beut Duato (Spain): Radio news


Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FZS SILVER & BRONZE

FZS Bronze medal Ahmed Abdulazim (Egypt): Circles of Catch


Salon Gold medal

Ivo Borko (Slovenia): Old farmer with fork

Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › SALON GOLD



Salon Silver medal Janusz Morawski (Germany): Sadness

Salon Bronze medal Sanda Ž. Fajfarič (Slovenia): Trapped in their own world

Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › SALON SILVER & BRONZE


FIAP Honorable mention Ivo Vucetic (Croatia): Crossing bridge

FIAP Honorable mention Josef Kastner (Austria): Duell

Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FIAP MENTION


FIAP Honorable mention Sigita Playdon (Ireland): Little dreamer 2

FIAP Honorable mention Tomasz Okoniewski (Poland): little miss

FIAP Honorable mention Rashid Un Nabi (Bangladesh): Make up


Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FIAP MENTION

FIAP Honorable mention

Antonin Valek (Czech Republic): Old village 2

Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FIAP MENTION




PSA Honorable mention 42

Rafael Podobnik (Slovenia): Man with Scythe

Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › PSA MENTION

Mamdooh Alsaleh (Bahrain): Brecelets

Serhii Shchehlevatyh (Ukraine): Essence

Open Monochrome • Prosta Ä?rno-bela


Trond M. Skaret (Norway): Ilva Hands On Box

Zsolt Ujhelyi (Hungary): Hairtwist

Atle Sveen (Norway): Fredau XIII


Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela

Stefi P. Borko (Slovenia): Shepherd with pig

Gustavo Herman Schneider (Argentina): Menonita 219

Open Monochrome • Prosta Ä?rno-bela


Marcel van Balken (Netherlands): Tunnel

Zoran Djordjevic (Serbia): Zagreb, december 31 2012

Andy Polakowski (Wales): Travelling Hopefully


Open Monochrome • Prosta Ä?rno-bela

Sandra Požun (Slovenia): Petras

Rodica Tanase (Romania): Swallow's feet

Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela


Jose Beut Duato (Spain): Country life XIII

Alfred Mikus (Belarus): Love through the years


Open Monochrome • Prosta Ä?rno-bela

Boštjan Banfi (Slovenia): Suspicion

Gorazd Golob (Slovenia): Šola

Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela


Landscape Pokrajina

Awarded photos in section Nature/Nagrajene fotografije v temi Narava FIAP Gold medal › Giuseppe TOMELLERI (Italy): Sunshine FIAP Silver medal › Jordi Egea Torrent (Spain): cala cap roig FIAP Bronze medal › Janez Ribnikar (Slovenia): Tree PSA Gold medal › Albert Peer (Austria): forbidding coastline FZS Gold medal › Slobodan Krstic (Bosnia and Herzegovina): Bilecko jezero 5 FZS Silver medal › Jose Beut Duato (Spain): Blue silence FZS Bronze medal › Samuele Parentella (Italy): The awakening of the lake Salon Gold medal › Rafael Podobnik (Slovenia): Rime Salon Silver medal › Petar Sabol (Croatia): First light Salon Bronze medal › Peter Rees (England): First Snow FIAP Honorable mention › Zdenka Šfiligoj (Slovenia): Fields FIAP Honorable mention › Daniel LYBAERT (Netherlands): Scherpenheuvel FIAP Honorable mention › Marcel van Balken (Netherlands): Stumps FIAP Honorable mention › Vesna Đukić (Croatia): Far away FIAP Honorable mention › Jose Carlos Costa (Portugal): Somewhere Over Europe FIAP Honorable mention › Dainius Dirgela (Lithuania): to the date PSA Honorable mention › Sigita Playdon (Ireland): green rocks



FIAP Gold medal

Giuseppe TOMELLERI (Italy): Sunshine

Landscape • Pokrajina › FIAP GOLD


FIAP Silver medal 52

Jordi Egea Torrent (Spain): cala cap roig

Landscape • Pokrajina › FIAP SILVER

FIAP Bronze medal

Janez Ribnikar (Slovenia): Tree

Landscape • Pokrajina › FIAP BRONZE



PSA Gold medal


Albert Peer (Austria): forbidding coastline

Landscape • Pokrajina › PSA GOLD


FZS Gold medal

Slobodan Krstic (Bosnia and Herzegovina): Bilecko jezero 5

Landscape • Pokrajina › FZS GOLD



FZS Silver medal Jose Beut Duato (Spain): Blue silence

FZS Bronze medal Samuele Parentella (Italy): The awakening of the lake

Landscape • Pokrajina › FZS SILVER & BRONZE

SALON Salon Gold medal

Rafael Podobnik (Slovenia): Rime

Landscape • Pokrajina › SALON GOLD


Salon Silver medal Petar Sabol (Croatia): First light


Salon Bronze medal Peter Rees (England): First Snow

Landscape • Pokrajina › SALON SILVER & BRONZE


FIAP Honorable mention Zdenka Šfiligoj (Slovenia): Fields

FIAP Honorable mention Vesna Đukić (Croatia): Far away

Landscape • Pokrajina › FIAP MENTION



FIAP Honorable mention Marcel van Balken (Netherlands): Stumps

Landscape • Pokrajina › FIAP MENTION

FIAP Honorable mention Daniel Lybaert (Netherlands): Scherpenheuvel

FIAP Honorable mention Dainius Dirgela (Lithuania): to the date

Landscape • Pokrajina › FIAP MENTION

FIAP Honorable mention Jose Carlos Costa (Portugal): Somewhere Over Europe




PSA Honorable mention


Sigita Playdon (Ireland): green rocks

Landscape • Pokrajina › PSA MENTION

Peter Zajfrid (Slovenia): Green carpet

Giuseppe Tomelleri (Italy): Early morning

Landscape • Pokrajina


Wenyuan Li (United States of America): Horseshoe Bend

Peter Hammer (Australia): Mt Fitzroy


Landscape • Pokrajina

Graham Kelly (Ireland): The Chasim

Marcel van Balken (Netherlands): Stripes Toscane

Moosa AlRezaiqi (Oman): Tide lines

Landscape • Pokrajina


Zlatko FiĹĄer (Slovenia): Madeira Mist 2

Ivo Borko (Slovenia): Dead guard


Landscape • Pokrajina

Trond M. Skaret (Norway): Kinderdijk

Huib Limberg (Netherlands): Autumnmorning

Landscape • Pokrajina


Water Voda

Awarded photos in section Water/Nagrajene fotografije v temi Voda FIAP Gold medal › Rodica Tanase (Romania): Little islands are large prisons FIAP Silver medal › Tho Dao (Vietnam): D4-Dray Fishing Nets FIAP Bronze medal › Henning Frode Dispen (Norway): The Uterus 2 PSA Gold medal › Jordi Egea Torrent (Spain): Fustes i boies FZS Gold medal › Petar Sabol (Croatia): Fish hunter FZS Silver medal › Rosalie Wang (United States): Morning Fishing FZS Bronze medal › Lakatos Krisztian (Hungary): Tale island Salon Gold medal › Ahmet Yenmez (Turkey): Estetiksel Doga Salon Silver medal › Man-kui, Wisely Ng (Hong Kong S.A.R.): Working in field Salon Bronze medal › Vlado Bucalo (Slovenia): Lack of wind FIAP Honorable mention › Josef Kastner (Austria): Eisbär FIAP Honorable mention › Flavian Savescu (Romania): Diamond canvas FIAP Honorable mention › Oscar Simon (Spain): Foggy river FIAP Honorable mention › Eduard Gutescu (Romania): Falling Dreams FIAP Honorable mention › Lajos Nagy (Romania): Escape FIAP Honorable mention › Haitham Al Farsi (Oman): Sugar Man


FIAP FIAP Gold medal

Rodica Tanase (Romania): Little islands are large prisons Water • Voda › FIAP GOLD


FIAP Silver medal 70

Tho Dao (Vietnam): D4-Dray Fishing Nets

Water • Voda › FIAP SILVER

FIAP Bronze medal

Henning Frode Dispen (Norway): The Uterus 2 Water • Voda › FIAP BRONZE



PSA Gold medal 72

Jordi Egea Torrent (Spain): Fustes i boies Water • Voda › PSA GOLD


FZS Gold medal

Petar Sabol (Croatia): Fish hunter

Water • Voda › FZS GOLD



FZS Bronze medal Lakatos Krisztian (Hungary): Tale island

Water • Voda › FZS SILVER & BRONZE

FZS Silver medal Rosalie Wang (United States): Morning Fishing


Salon Gold medal

Ahmet Yenmez (Turkey): Estetiksel Doga

Water • Voda › SALON GOLD


Salon Silver medal Man-kui, Wisely Ng (Hong Kong S.A.R.): Working in field



Salon Bronze medal Vlado Bucalo (Slovenia): Lack of wind


FIAP Honorable mention Josef Kastner (Austria): Eisbär

FIAP Honorable mention Flavian Savescu (Romania): Diamond canvas

Water • Voda › FIAP MENTION



FIAP Honorable mention Eduard Gutescu (Romania): Falling Dreams

Water • Voda

FIAP Honorable mention Lajos Nagy (Romania): Escape

FIAP Honorable mention Haitham Al Farsi (Oman): Sugar man

Water • Voda

FIAP Honorable mention Oscar Simon (Spain): Foggy river


Goran Kojadinovic (Serbia): Ice circles

Guy Schotte (Belgium): Elegance

Lakatos Krisztian (Hungary): Fisherman


Water • Voda

Olaf Aune (Norway): Lighthouse 7

Nikola Hrzenjak (Croatia): Life under the stars

Man-kui, Wisely Ng (Hong Kong S.A.R.): Triangle

Water • Voda


Levent Meric (Turkey): Balikli Kiz

Zvonko Kucelin (Croatia): bora 12


Water • Voda

Miran KrapeĹž (Slovenia): Love jump

Peter Hammer (Australia): Lone Tree Water • Voda


Rafael Podobnik (Slovenia): Spring 07

Eduard Gutescu (Romania): United Color Of Nature


Water • Voda

John McNairn (Scotland): Self Sacrifice to the Sea

Marcel van Balken (Netherlands): Waterfall

Water • Voda


Sprejeta dela Accepted works Theme: OPEN COLOR Tema: PROSTA BARVNA ARGENTINA Rapagnani Marcelo Schneider Gustavo Herman Schneider Gustavo Herman Schneider Gustavo Herman

The death tunnel Friends Nueva York 957B Barber shop

AUSTRALIA Boynton Mieke Boynton Mieke Hammer Peter Horsnell Jenni Huxtable Marg Huxtable Marg Huxtable Marg

Three Wise Boys Marshland Boab Five Ways Damselfly and Frost Henna Hands Hydrotherapy in the Snow The Old Man’s Companion

AUSTRIA Bernkopf Dr. Alois Kastner Josef Kastner Josef Kastner Josef

Iranian Potter Hochsprung Inle Fischer mein Harem

BAHRAIN Alsaleh Mamdooh Alsaleh Mamdooh Alsaleh Mamdooh

Direction Feeding time Pushkar Barber

BELARUS Titov Basil Titov Basil

Happy Day Marusia

BELGIUM Cuppens Jos Cuppens Jos

Drie Kijkers Hoofddoek

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (BiH) Elez Radoje Flock and herd Krstic Slobodan Akvarel1 CANADA Gore Tom Gore Tom Kwan Phillip Tam Kam Chiu Tam Kam Chiu

Night and Day in Brooklyn Moira No 10 Falling Down Catching the steer Cowgirl falling

CHINA Guo Bingsheng Guo Bingsheng Wu Jinrong

Boy in the train Chatting Butterfly Love

C R O AT I A Butković Dren Đukić Vesna Đukić Vesna Hrzenjak Nikola Kasal Božidar Makarovic Zoran Makarovic Zoran

Morning Distillation Passenger Diamond Sweet Smoke of a Cigar Baranya dance 7 Old forester


Marotti Miljenko Marotti Miljenko Marotti Miljenko Martić Nenad Martić Nenad Martić Nenad Martić Nenad Miletic Ivana Rendeli Zvonimir Rendeli Zvonimir Sabol Petar Sabol Petar

Bakery II Craftsman Winter bike Colours of Jadrija Rose hip lego 3 framed Glamorous Woman I Khan Queen of Lace Pastel colors Long winter

CYPRUS Andreou Andreas L Andreou Andreas L Gokyigit Mehmet Gokyigit Mehmet Ozyol Ismail Theophanous Andreas Theophanous Andreas

White Harmony Motion In The Street best friend workers Deniz 1 Matching front door Basket scoring

CZECH REPUBLIC Klimek Mojmir Farmer Zahornacky Jan People on street-London 1


EGYPT Abdulazim Ahmed Abdulazim Ahmed Khalil Ayman Khalil Ayman

Like Mother Like Daughter Traditional Tailor The Cave No Life

ENGLAND Bishop Bob Bishop Bob Daffin Stuart Daffin Stuart Daffin Stuart Fry Martin Fry Martin Fry Martin Fryer Alison Jane Fryer Andy Fryer Andy Fryer Andy Hill Tony Hill Tony Hoffman Paul Hoffman Paul Jenkin Barbara Keane Diana Keene Paul Keene Paul Newark Quentin Radden Paul Radden Paul Rapier Malcolm Rees Peter Richardson Tom Saxby Val Saxby Val Thomson Ian Watson Douglas Watson Douglas

Unforgiving Watching Every Move Ellie The Counts Daughter Elleanor Homeward Bound Gloucester Child The Journey Winter Wlakies Alfred Girl with Parasol Emily Shattered Heavy Makeup Lady in Red Looking For Grace Contemplating Yoga Dancer in a pink tutu Natalie and Badger The White Hart Conrad, Lord Azurahm of Draconia Anguloram Puffin wiuth Sandeels Vunerable Train Driver Sleeping Dog Burning the Heather The Deer and the Jackdaw And Jump Pebble Dreamy Pause That Look

FINLAND Helimaki Jussi Jyvalahti Jussi Peltonen Seppo Putti Elisa

Essex skipper and Cicadas Fear of the Dark October Morning Evil look

Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works


FRANCE Martin Jean-Paul Robin Anthony Samoyault Guy B.

Evolution Let poetry be. For the win

GERMANY Bruder Ursula Hankel Martin Morawski Janusz Nuernberger Richard Nuernberger Richard Nuernberger Richard Pfeiff Bernhard Schmitt Joachim Schmitt Joachim Wolf Martina

Viehscheid Cattle Drive III Stairs 1 Foggy Morning Bee-eaters Lady slippers Mating Red house 100 Meter Startschuss 2 Hunderennen Landstuhl 30 Foundry Spells

HONG KONG S.A.R. Chan H. W. Shiofumi 15 (Japan) Cheung Koon Nam Arctic Fox 02 Fong Hoi Yan Misty Lake in Wunam Ng Man-kui, Wisely Running Ng Man-kui, Wisely Three women in desert Ng Man-kui, Wisely Snow Monkeys in hot spring HUNGARY Hencz Judit Kerekes Istvan Kerekes Istvan Kerekes Istvan Kerekes Istvan Kiss Imre Kiss Imre Koloszar Jeno Krisztian Lakatos Szabo Irma Szakolczai Krisztina Toth Brigitta Toth Brigitta Ujhelyi Zsolt Ujhelyi Zsolt Ujhelyi Zsolt

Winter tale Katryna Sentiments Maramuresan beauty Kasi Charcoal-burner Generations ballerina in the castle eye ball Window Dissolved II Angel Lights Popcorn Red Sepia 01

INDIA Athavale Bhaskar Athavale Bhaskar Bhattacharyya Suman Bhattacharyya Suman Bhattacharyya Suman C R Sathyanarayana C R Sathyanarayana Das Sharmali De Gargi

Sole spectetor Storm Clouds Light Me Up Moichara Old Mate The Flock Returns Pot Maker Friendship 3 Reflection

INDONESIA Adijuwono Slamet

Traditional Kitchen 9

IRELAND Condra Frank Condra Frank Condra Frank Conroy Derville Conroy Derville Hopper Brian Hopper Brian Hopper Brian Kelly Graham Kelly Graham Kelly Graham Kelly Graham Playdon Sigita

Ballinasloe Horse Fair I Shouldn’t be Here The Engine Driver Optimism The Banner Fredau in Head Shawl Aingeal Holding The Reins Firestarter I Got Ya... One Eyed Jim The Captain Dinner time

ISRAEL Goldin Leonid Goldin Leonid

Autumm behind a window Junk Shop

I TA L Y Giulio Montini Giulio Montini Giulio Montini Mancini Roberto Manetti Angiolo Manetti Angiolo Reggio Almando Salice Francesca Salice Francesca Simaz Mario Tagliani Roberto

Indonesian school Turchia N°6 Cappadocia baloon Motion 01 Cafe’ in Istanbul Walking in Chefchaouen Balance beam Cambodian monks Masai dance white and color For ten dollars daily

LITHUANIA Ribokaite Normante



Estelle - Dinner in the Grand Chef

MACAU S.A.R. Tang Chan Seng Tang Chan Seng Tang Kai Lon Tang Kai Lon Tang Kai Lon

Fancy Ballet Dancer Kid Rugby 4 Nature In Cage Mysterious Chinese Dance Working Women

M A L AY S I A Tan Min Tan Min Tan Sek Hwee

Watching me Xingping Sunset Lantern Maker

NETHERLANDS Limberg Huib Limberg Huib Lybaert Daniel Lybaert Daniel van Balken Marcel van Balken Marcel

Enjoying ART in Groningen Unexpected visitor Wat kom je doen Groep kuifmakaken Lastview Dogfaith



N O R WAY Dispen Henning Frode Daydreaming 2 with Elle Beth Dispen Henning Frode Daydreaming 4 with Elle Beth Dispen Henning Frode Two directions Dragland Walter N Yellow Pants Hamre Tove Girl with hat Nedreboe Bente In the main office Sebjørnsen Sverre Olav Summer in Norway Skaret Trond M. ArAr Red Box I Skaret Trond M. Julia Table Top V Skaret Trond M. Roarie On The Sill Skaret Trond M. White table and lace Sveen Atle Holly III Sveen Atle Ivory Flame in ivy Sveen Atle Raphaella III Synnevaag Roald Locomotiv conductor III Synnevaag Roald Locomotiv conductor IV OMAN Al Abri Khalid Al Abri Khalid AL Badi Said AL Badi Said AL Badi Said Al Farsi Haitham Al Farsi Haitham Al Farsi Haitham Al Farsi Haitham

Scare Sarab Boy Downfall man and camel in desert 1 Oxen Bus Girl Souq Nizwa Face And Lights 2 We Are Togather


Birds on a branch Polar bear and walruses 11

Banfi Boštjan Benedičič Simon Borko Ivo Cigoj Marjan Cigoj Marjan Čufar Aleksander Čufar Aleksander Čufar Aleksander Debevec Igor Doberlet Vasja Fišer Zlatko Fišer Zlatko Golob Gorazd Kokol Dejan Kokol Dejan Kovacic Simon Kramar Janez Krapež Miran Krapež Miran Krapež Miran Lanišek Tomaž Lipicer Tomaž Lipicer Tomaž Malovrh Milan Malovrh Milan Margon Vuga Katuša Margon Vuga Katuša Mladovan Marko Mladovan Marko Novak Jani Novak Jani Oblak Aleksander Oblak Aleksander P. Borko Stefi P. Borko Stefi P. Borko Stefi Predalič Silva Prinčič Miloš Ribnikar Janez Ribnikar Janez Ribnikar Janez Rojnik Bor Skubic Matej Skubic Matej Strahinjić Robert Strahinjić Robert Šfiligoj Zdenka Vidic Grah Anita Vidic Grah Anita Vranc Dika

Inconceivable beauty Forrest X Tha Fates 1 FIAP G Daily work routine The impossible conditions W-700 Minka -11 Pater Branko-10 Modern pyramid Relax One thread FIAP HM Two generations Medo Geometry Joy of my life Accept 01 Drawing Coal Power I can not stand more Railwajman 2 Fellows Passing by Siesta on the beach In gallop Seata equina School trip Dead end Kristi Ladybird Morocco A 0108 Morocco A 0423p Firewood Temple Grandmothers companion FIAP B Endless love Reflection of life 3 The path to infinity Stretching Bouquet I go to their Lines Bohinj’s january morning After human Follow your heart Dolomitus romanticus II Jutranje essence FIAP HM na Solinah II Red and blue Clockwork Orange Between the lines Big boots FIAP HM

SAUDI ARABIA Alibrahim Ahmed Alibrahim Ahmed

Sadu 6 Sadu with MAC 2

SOUTH KOREA Ryu Shin Woo Ryu Shin Woo

A Gleam of Hope Am I Pretty

SERBIA Kojadinovic Goran Milojević Raša Zupunski Anica

Beauty from the plains SAL. G Masters of their craft In the desert

SINGAPORE Heng Zee Kek Tay David Poey Cher Tay David Poey Cher Tay David Poey Cher Tay David Poey Cher

My butterflies Gaze Fantasy land Incense offering Elderly worker

SLOVENIA Artnak Marjan Artnak Marjan Avsenik Lojzi

S PA I N Beut Duato Jose Beut Duato Jose Beut Duato Jose Beut Duato Jose Escofet Sala Jose Remola Pages Lluis Remola Pages Lluis Remola Pages Lluis Remola Pages Lluis Watson Margaret

Carrasqueira Hospitality Requiem 2 Rural portrait taberna Ballerina-1 Castellers-1 Elsa-2 Human tower-1 Gee Up Cowboy

Children White Death My dinner

TA I WA N Huang Chih Sheng Huang Chih Sheng

Confused Pottery Making

Al Hajri Salim Mohammed Al Hajri Salim Mohammed Alamri Majid Alamri Majid Alamri Majid AlGhanboosi Hamed AlGhanboosi Hamed AlGhanboosi Hamed AlGhanboosi Hamed Alharthi Jokha Alharthi Jokha Alnadabi Almaha Alnadabi Almaha Alnadabi Almaha ALrawahi Sultan ALrawahi Sultan ALrawahi Sultan AlRezaiqi Moosa AlRezaiqi Moosa Alsiyabi Zahir Alsiyabi Zahir Alsiyabi Zahir

My Life Al Shmook2 Latest news2 Mating the great escape Turtuk_Girl-1 Turtuk_Girl-3 wiselook Woman_in_the_Field-1 Old house Puzzled baby in door waiting Focus shadow and light Strong start sea of sand Reading arms of safety family green eyes

POLAND Lipinski Roman Lipinski Roman Mazur Mariusz Pawel Okoniewski Tomasz Okoniewski Tomasz Stós Krzysztof

Scarlet Symbiosis Thoughtful Elan higher and higher no matter how Bride

PORTUGAL Taborda Joao Taborda Joao Taborda Joao

The Blue Bar The Portugueses Lovers Young Festival

Q U ATA R AL-Mushaifri Abdulla

The Engineer

ROMANIA Dancoglu Constantin Dancoglu Constantin Gutescu Eduard Magdo Istvan Magdo Istvan Savescu Flavian Savescu Flavian

Little red riding hood Pensively Romania - Land of Fairytales Frozen family Jigsaw FIAP HM Late thoughts1 Sience fiction domestic

RUSSIA Anisimov Sergey Anisimov Sergey

Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works





Huang Chih Sheng Huang Chih Sheng

Cooking Hours Sharing 02

TURKEY Gedik Hasan Meric Levent Meric Levent Meric Levent Saral Onur Saral Onur Saral Onur Yenmez Ahmet Yenmez Ahmet Yucelt Ozcan

Alsaleh Mamdooh Alsaleh Mamdooh Alsaleh Mamdooh

Kangaroo Style Little Sister Turmi

Flamenko and women Ah birde sakt olmasam Buyurun Gulumse Gulumset A man walking Geometric structure Pepper man Mevlana 1 Tras My brother

BANGLADESH Nabi Rashid Un Nabi Rashid Un Nabi Rashid Un

Shy Meditation Make Up

BELARUS Mikus Alfred Mikus Alfred Mikus Alfred Titov Basil

After the storm Love through the years Lonely old age Hats

UKRAINE Shchehlevatyh Serhii Shchehlevatyh Serhii Shchehlevatyh Serhii Shchehlevatyh Serhii Volokh Anatoliy Volokh Anatoliy Volokh Anatoliy

girt-with-flowers girt-with-flowers_2 modern-Mona-Lisa Seduction Iguana at sunset Look there she Reincarnation

BELGIUM Schotte Guy Simon Claude Vermaelen Willy

Relax Dorze baby Coal trader


U N I T E D A R A B E M I R AT E S Allouz Ola Alkasaba Allouz Ola The Blue Pearl U N I T E D S TAT E S O F A M E R I C A ( U S A ) Dotson Robert Moon Over Wharariki Li Wenyuan Lights in Morning Li Wenyuan Red Girl Stair Li Wenyuan Yes Nemeroff Ira Three Sea Nettles 16 Wang Rosalie Morning Dance Wang Rosalie On the Inle Lake Wang Rosalie Sand Dune 40 VIETNAM Dao Tho Dao Tho


WALES Jones Robert Jones Robert Jones Robert

Honey I’m Home In Detention Again The Necromancer


Theme: OPEN MONOCHROME Tema: PROSTA ČRNO-BELA ARGENTINA Schneider Gustavo Herman Menonita 219 Schneider Gustavo Herman Menonita AUSTRALIA Hammer Peter Hammer Peter Horsnell Jenni Huxtable Marg Huxtable Marg Jones Tracey

Beggar with Dog Feeling the Music Preening Pelicans Mono Me & My Mates Please Mister Light and Shade

AUSTRIA Bernkopf Dr. Alois Kastner Josef Peer Albert

Fascinating TT Duell FIAP HM Compagnie Antipodes

BAHRAIN Alsaleh Mamdooh





BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (BiH) Elez Radoje Gladiators Krstic Slobodan Coming down from the mountain Lebrsnik 2 Krstic Slobodan Shepherdess 8 Selakovic Dejan Wild horses 1 Selakovic Dejan Friends 1 Selakovic Dejan Grandmother Milena Selakovic Dejan Jana FP4 CANADA Gore Tom Gore Tom Kwan Phillip Tam Kam Chiu Tam Kam Chiu Tam Kam Chiu

On the Shores of Lake Bafa A New Arch of Titus Inca Woman at Machu Picchu A red Indian girl Bull in air Paris Rodeo show

CHINA Guo Bingsheng Guo Bingsheng

Children 2 Hope

C R O AT I A Butković Dren Butković Dren Đukić Vesna Knebl Biljana Kolaric Zoran Makarovic Zoran Makarovic Zoran Makarovic Zoran Martić Nenad Martić Nenad Martić Nenad Miletic Ivana Miletic Ivana Novaković Željko Rendeli Zvonimir Rendeli Zvonimir Rendeli Zvonimir Sabol Petar Sabol Petar Sabol Petar Špoljar Vesna Špoljar Vesna Trstenjak Davor Vucetic Ivo

Lines Framed sea Look at this Dad Corner life in the shadow His cross Her love Ivan Lingering Siren Abbay road Forever young I Time portal I Follow your dreams Box Man Adrian Stout Family Tree Crows Baka First pet play Happiness Friends the model Crossing bridge

CYPRUS Andreou Andreas L Gokyigit Mehmet

World News blessing


Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works

Gokyigit Mehmet Gokyigit Mehmet Gokyigit Mehmet

copper master deep in heart spiritual union

CZECH REPUBLIC klimek mojmir klimek mojmir klimek mojmir Valek Antonin Valek Antonin

old women my room cafetaria Porto Old village 1 Old village 2

DENMARK Suszkiewicz Ole Suszkiewicz Ole

Evening Thoughts On that Time

EGYPT Abdulazim Ahmed Abdulazim Ahmed Khalil Ayman Khalil Ayman

Circles of Catch I Just Told You Hide Dead or Alive

ENGLAND Bishop Bob Daffin Stuart Daffin Stuart Daffin Stuart Daffin Stuart Fryer Andy Fryer Andy Harrison Colin Hill Tony Hill Tony Hill Tony Hoffman Paul Hoffman Paul Keane Diana Keene Paul Keene Paul Keene Paul Martin Kylie-Ann Martin Kylie-Ann Martin Kylie-Ann Mellor Robin Radden Paul Radden Paul Rees Peter Saxby Val

Discussing the Luggage His Masters Voice Runing with the Ball The Night Shift The Night Watchman Chainmaker West Stonesdale Barn Dangerous fishing Wise Old Man Well Heeled Window Light Judith Thoughtful Moment A new experience Tibetan Student Puning Prayer Despair Charlotte 3 Graffiti Girl Please Come Home Im Looking For You Setting Off Alone Conducting Donna Banjo Pier

FINLAND Helimaki Jussi Jyvalahti Jussi Jyvalahti Jussi Tuomaala seppo Tuomaala seppo Tuomaala seppo

Foggy winter day 2 Grange Bridge Pain Shoeshiners office Life passing Lonely man

FRANCE Martin Jean-Paul Robin Anthony Robin Anthony Robin Anthony

Le passant Center of the world. Making your own choices. Resting on the bench.

GERMANY Baumann Christina Baumann Werner Hankel Martin Hausdoerfer Frank Morawski Janusz Morawski Janusz Nuernberger Richard

Drought Alte Buhnen Stairs 4 Lights BW Walk Sadness Bernd




Schmitt Joachim Strehlke Klaus Wolf Martina Zernig Eva Maria

Spiegelbrille Ti. & Tu. - 2430 Tanja Between Lion and Lighthouse

HONG KONG S.A.R. Cheung Koon Nam Osprey and Fish 2 BW Cheung Koon Nam Osprey Caught a Fish 2 BW Fong Hoi Yan Start to work Fong Hoi Yan Time to work Ng Man-kui, Wisely Working 2 Ng Man-kui, Wisely Wishing Ng Man-kui, Wisely Punch HUNGARY Barakonyi Karoly Barakonyi Karoly Csaki Lajos Hencz Judit Koloszar Jeno Krisztian Lakatos Krisztian Lakatos Toth Brigitta Toth Brigitta Toth Brigitta Ujhelyi Zsolt Ujhelyi Zsolt Ujhelyi Zsolt Varga Szilárd

Snow-wave Sunset Black Lady Coast lines Fanny 1 Balance I am thinking Interlocking Dragonfly Flying Control Habitus Hairtwist Master of Puppets

INDIA Bhattacharyya Suman Bysack Subrata C R Sathyanarayana De Gargi Dolui Kaushik

Apocalypse now Blessing Old Man Desert safari After death

INDONESIA Adijuwono Slamet

Morning Activity Two

IRELAND Bushe Catherine Condra Frank Condra Frank Condra Frank Condra Frank Conroy Derville Hopper Brian Hopper Brian Hopper Brian Kelly Graham KellyGraham Kelly Graham Ni Dheaghaidh Christina Playdon Sigita Playdon Sigita

Grand entrance Xiao Wang Shellfish Market Street Chef Watering the Horse Alice 1 Nude by Window Light Fredau’s Dream Longing Alone The Birth Whos Next Alone Bedtime story Little dreamer 2 FIAP HM

ISRAEL Goldin Leonid Goldin Leonid Goldin Leonid

Off - time Warm Rain Every second

I TA L Y Giulio Montini Giulio Montini Manetti Angiolo Manetti Angiolo Reggio Almando Reggio Almando Reggio Almando Salice Francesca

Indian woman N°2 Indonesian woman N°2 Inside the geometry The cyclist Fencing Fencing 2 Fencing 3 Berlin Underground

Salice Francesca Tagliani Roberto Tagliani Roberto Tagliani Roberto TOMELLERI Giuseppe TOMELLERI Giuseppe

Under The Bridge The elements table The Korano reader The challange Early morning nr 1 Early morning nr 2

LITHUANIA Dirgela Dainius Ribokaite Normante

Exit Old fellows


De Chef Playground

MACAU S.A.R. Tang Chan Seng Tang Chan Seng Tang Chan Seng Tang Kai Lon Tang Kai Lon

Dont Go Away 5 Loser Scrum Ballet Dancing 8 Western Horror

MACEDONIA Gavrovski Cvetan Gavrovski Cvetan

Street Prayer 14 Children from Schutka

NETHERLANDS Limberg Huib Limberg Huib Limberg Huib LYBAERT Daniel LYBAERT Daniel LYBAERT Daniel van Balken Marcel van Balken Marcel

The young performer And then there was light Following my shadow Isendica Experiment 2 Treinmachinist Mono Contpiep Tunnel Spacetrip

N O R WAY Andersen Harald K Aune Olaf Dispen Henning Frode Nedreboe Bente Nedreboe Bente Skaret Trond M. Sveen Atle Sveen Atle Sveen Atle Synnevaag Roald

In The Dark Waiting for school Extending in the same direction Dancing together Two face Ilva Hands On Box Fredau XII Fredau XIII Ilvy silouette The Bookseller

OMAN Al Farsi Haitham Al Farsi Haitham Al Hajri Salim Mohammed Alamri Majid Alamri Majid Alamri Majid AlGhanboosi Hamed AlGhanboosi Hamed AlGhanboosi Hamed alharthi jokha Alnadabi Almaha Alnadabi Almaha Alnadabi Almaha ALrawahi Sultan ALrawahi Sultan AlRezaiqi Moosa AlRezaiqi Moosa AlRezaiqi Moosa Al-Ruqaishi Naif Al-Ruqaishi Naif Alsiyabi Zahir Alsiyabi Zahir

Indian Look Story Of Class Bin Ali Children Martabouri Lion Sad look2 Innocent-4 Sequence Zahra-2 girl and apple Black mask profession in my house at home Look Eye behind the lens my soul 2 my soul Amazement Prisoner of Silence Ladakh Dress Old Woman

Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works

Alsiyabi Zahir Alsuleimani Hani

train brothers bullfighting2

POLAND Lipinski Roman Mazur Mariusz Pawel Okoniewski Tomasz Okoniewski Tomasz Okoniewski Tomasz Okoniewski Tomasz Stós Krzysztof

Exit from the shadow Maternity brotherhood passing time children rodeo little miss Form

PORTUGAL Costa Jose Carlos Costa Jose Carlos Taborda Joao Taborda Joao Taborda Joao

Games of Light and Shadow Into Another Dimension Climb the Mountain Learning The New World


Q ATA R AL-Mushaifri Abdulla Take Me Home Bw AL-Mushaifri Abdulla Classical Portrait


ROMANIA Dancoglu Constantin Gutescu Eduard Gutescu Eduard Magdo Istvan Nagy Lajos Tanase Rodica Tanase Rodica Tanase Rodica

Living statue(III) Memories of the past The Guardians Going home Concentration 03 A breathless point of time Swallow’s feet Black knight chess attack

RUSSIA Anisimov Sergey Chastikov Dmitry

Children of Chukotka 1 Triptych

SAUDI ARABIA Alibrahim Ahmed Alibrahim Ahmed Alibrahim Ahmed Alibrahim Ahmed

Sick child Sadu 2 Sadu 3 Sad child


Lulu Drapes

SERBIA Djordjevic Zoran Djordjevic Zoran Kojadinovic Goran Kojadinovic Goran Milojević Raša Virag Istvan Virag Istvan Virag Istvan Zupunski Anica

3 rooms of sorrow Zagreb, december 31 2012 Mira The string theory fish market in Venice In fog06 Old woman with cat Pogled Thousands of words

SINGAPORE Lim Leong Kiat Lim Leong Kiat Tay David Poey Cher Tay David Poey Cher

Xia Pu_BW Xia Pu_Two_BW Old friends bw Someone is here bw



SLOVENIA Banfi Boštjan Benedičič Simon Borko Ivo Borko Ivo Bricelj Bogdan Bricelj Bogdan

Suspicion Can You Read My Mind BW Fisherman with broaken net Old farmer with fork SAL. G Two Trees in the lake bw Heaps of Hay before a storm SEP


Cigoj Marjan Cigoj Marjan Cigoj Marjan Čufar Aleksander Debevec Igor Debevec Igor Doberlet Vasja Doberlet Vasja Dominko Miran Fišer Zlatko Fišer Zlatko Fišer Zlatko Golob Gorazd Kofol Anica Kokol Dejan Kovacic Simon Krapež Miran Krejan Simon Lipicer Tomaž Lipicer Tomaž Lipicer Tomaž Malovrh Milan Mauko Daniel Metljak Drago Mladovan Marko Mladovan Marko Mladovan Marko Morič Pia Morič Pia P. Borko Stefi P. Borko Stefi Podobnik Rafael Podobnik Rafael Požun Sandra Predalič Silva Prinčič Miloš Skubic Matej Slogovič Andrej Strahinjić Robert Strahinjić Robert Suljanovic Jasim Suljanovic Jasim Šfiligoj Zdenka Štok Jana Ternar Igor Ternar Igor Tolar Janez Tolar Janez Vidic Grah Anita Vidmar Stanko Vranc Dika Vrzel Janez Vrzel Janez Ž. Fajfarič Sanda Ž. Fajfarič Sanda Žiberna Aleš

God’s sign Just a little Night walk Image-XBW Family La Vie a L’amor Hopeless Teacher Pokončno Field 1 Foggy field Race Šola Com’n in Memories Staircase Portrait 301 Alone in a blizzard Part of me Entangled Drive me crazy Fild gallop Solitary tree Love in Venice Between angels Fear Tutu Houses Morning in the pans Shepherd with pig In concrete jungle Man with Scythe PSA HM Mother-s Return Petras Are they looking for her Arcade In the limelight Last Look Nezadoščeni Zamrznjen čas I Lady and mirror Feliks Moving stairs Imaginary People Years traces In barber Below the mountains Lady with a suitcase Street Art Diagonal 2 Broken Memory Danger High Voltage Fellow Traveller Other side Trapped in their own world SAL. B Rainy day



S PA I N Beut Duato Jose Beut Duato Jose Beut Duato Jose Beut Duato Jose Egea Torrent Jordi Egea Torrent Jordi Egea Torrent Jordi Egea Torrent Jordi Remola Pages Lluis

Country life V Country life XIII Radio news Vidas rurales II Munyint Dones Pastora Dona i radio After dance-2




SRI LANKA Ratnayake R. M. Samara Bandara


SWITZERLAND Crauwels Thomas


TA I WA N Huang Chih Sheng

Pig traders

TURKEY Gedik Hasan Gedik Hasan Koc Zafer Koc Zafer Meric Levent Meric Levent Saral Onur Tugcu Bekir Tugcu Bekir Tugcu Bekir Yenmez Ahmet Yenmez Ahmet Yucelt Ozcan

Blacksmith Kadin ve cocuk Grannie Pasta Anma Osmannn Lines Angry Ballerina Hope Kara Cadirda Ana-Cocuk Motivasyon Nomad

UKRAINE Shchehlevatyh Serhii Volokh Anatoliy Volokh Anatoliy

Essence Dance of the soul Girl with poppies

U N I T E D A R A B E M I R AT E S Allouz Ola Al Ayala Dance Malek Nasser The Cook 2 U N I T E D S TAT E S O F A M E R I C A ( U S A ) Clemons Lynn Elk Statue Clemons Lynn Man Camp Wang Rosalie Blessing Wang Rosalie Have a Drink VIETNAM Dao Tho Dao Tho Dao Tho

B1-Innocenco-3 B2-Mother And Grand Son B4-Way Back Home

WALES Jones Robert Jones Robert Polakowski Andy

HM Prison Pentonville The Young Widow Travelling Hopefully

Theme: LANDSCAPE Tema: POKRAJINA ARGENTINA Schneider Gustavo Herman Schneider Gustavo Herman Schneider Gustavo Herman

The sounds of wind Salt and silence 2 Salt and silence

AUSTRALIA Hammer Peter Hammer Peter Moritz Vicki Tsim Wai Man Tsim Wai Man

Lupin Time at Lake Tekapo Mt Fitzroy Hamersley gorge waterfall Green Field Table Land

AUSTRIA Bernkopf Dr. Alois


Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works

Bernkopf Dr. Alois Bernkopf Dr. Alois Peer Albert Peer Albert

Fishing Herrensee Forbidding coastline Lighthouse

BAHRAIN Alsaleh Mamdooh Alsaleh Mamdooh

Ice From Crystal Warm Ice

BELARUS Mikus Alfred

Music dawn


Deadvlei 1 Deadvlei evening

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (BiH) Krstic Slobodan Bilecko jezero 5 Krstic Slobodan LAKE XY Krstic Slobodan Semberija 122 Krstic Slobodan Semberija XY



CANADA Kwan Phillip

Stone Forrest

CHINA Ouyang Xiangshan Wu Jinrong

Thatcher mountains cloud sea

C R O AT I A Đukić Vesna Đukić Vesna Kasal Božidar Knebl Biljana Kolaric Zoran Makarovic Zoran Makarovic Zoran Marotti Miljenko Marotti Miljenko Pavlinović Daniel Pavlinović Daniel Sabol Petar Sabol Petar Toth Pavao Trstenjak Davor

Lighthouse Far away FIAP HM The Green World City Through Clouds autumn Picture of Baranya 7 Snow line Amu Daria Dry and green Grebeni in the storm In the middle of the Adriatic Lines First light SAL. S Country life three trees

CZECH REPUBLIC Klimek Mojmir Colour montaine Klimek Mojmir Moravien field Zahornacky Jan Furrows Zahornacky Jan Fields - spring1 Zahornacky Jan Landscape 3 EGYPT Abdulazim Ahmed Abdulazim Ahmed

Layers of Earth Stand By Me

ENGLAND Bishop Bob Fry Martin Hoffman Paul Keene Paul Lally Dave Lally Dave Rapier Malcolm Rees Peter Richardson Tom Richardson Tom Thomson Ian Thomson Ian Helimaki Jussi

Sunset on the Pier Lakeland Fells Glen Etive Seven Sisters (5005) One In A Million Where Giants Roamed Trekking Down First Snow SAL. B Cottage under Eaval Ribblehead Barn Blue Dawn Early Light on Winskill Stones Moon in the autumn evening

Jyvalahti Jussi Peltonen Seppo Peltonen Seppo

Crummock Water February Morning 14 January Morning 3

FRANCE Martin Jean-Paul Robin Anthony Samoyault Guy B.

Les oliviers Alone in the dark. Val d Orcia sunrise

GERMANY Baumann Christina Baumann Christina Baumann Werner Bruder Ursula Bruder Ursula Hankel Martin Hausdoerfer Frank Hausdoerfer Frank Hausdoerfer Frank Morawski Janusz Morawski Janusz Nuernberger Richard Pfeiff Bernhard Pfeiff Bernhard Strehlke Klaus Strehlke Klaus Wolf Martina Zernig Eva Maria

Black Forest Nebelbank Schwanensee 1 Lofoten by night Lofoten in winter Iceland 23 Throne of Stone Bora Bora Valley of Sandrocks Living Daylights One Tree Hill Jasmund blue hour Greenland 12 Toskana 2 Brand Alm Crete - 072 Colorado-River Autumn Triad

GREECE Pantazis Chris Pantazis Chris

Crossing the forest The forest of legends

HONG KONG S.A.R. Fong Wai-tak Curves Ng Man-kui, Wisely Desert travel Ng Man-kui, Wisely Warship rock sunrise Ng Man-kui, Wisely Going home Ng Man-kui, Wisely Pine trees in mist HUNGARY Kiss Imre Kovacs Krisztian Kovacs Krisztian Krisztian Lakatos Magyar Krisztina Magyar Krisztina Szabo Irma Szakolczai Krisztina Toth Brigitta Varga Szilárd Varga Szilárd

Evening Alone Cloud cover dawn vision Castle In The Fog Sunny Morning in Tuscany Plow Morning at belvedere Chapel Green Flames Tre Cime di Lavaredo

INDIA Athavale Bhaskar Bhattacharjee Arup

Sand Storm Path To Heaven

IRELAND Condra Frank Condra Frank Conroy Derville Doyle Dick Gleeson william Hopper Brian Hopper Brian Kelly Graham Kelly Graham Playdon Sigita Playdon Sigita Playdon Sigita

Boyne Navigation Keep Bay Achill Island Evening Falls Morning Light Copper Coast Waterford Copper Coast Evening Fairy Tree at Sunset Storm Clouds Over Lone Tree Gold Divers The Chasim Before the storm Green rocks PSA HM The Skogafoss

I TA L Y Candolini Andrea Dadone Marco Dadone Marco Di Candia Lorenzo Di Candia Lorenzo Falco Giuseppe Giulio Montini Giulio Montini Parentella Samuele Simaz Mario Tagliani Roberto Tagliani Roberto Tomelleri Giuseppe Tomelleri Giuseppe Tomelleri Giuseppe

Tre Cime di Lavaredo and Croda dei Toni - from Mt. Cuarnan Baile Na Cille, island of Lewis Callanish, dawnlights dance III Once upon a time 2 Shadows The House on the Borderland 2 Vulcano Bromo N_2 Toscana N_1 The awakening of the lake FZS B the lost church Sunrise at Bromo vulcan Towers Early morning Sunshine FIAP G Val d Orcia nr 1

LITHUANIA Dirgela Dainius Dirgela Dainius Ribokaite Normante

Fly To the date The first snow

MACAU S.A.R. Tang Kai Lon

Morning in blue

MACEDONIA Gavrovski Cvetan Gavrovski Cvetan

Winter in Amsterdam Winter in Pobozhie 2

M A L AY S I A Tan Min Tan Min Tan Min

Mountain Heaven Guilin Sunset Bromo in Heaven

NETHERLANDS Limberg Huib Limberg Huib Limberg Huib Limberg Huib Lybaert Daniel Lybaert Daniel Lybaert Daniel Lybaert Daniel van Balken Marcel van Balken Marcel van Balken Marcel van Balken Marcel

Springmorning Summermorning Autumnmorning Wintermorning Winterochtend Glooiend landschap Boerenlandschap Scherpenheuvel Five tree Toscane Pillarrock Stripes Toscane Stumps

N O R WAY Andersen Harald K Dispen Henning Frode Dispen Henning Frode Dispen Henning Frode Skaret Trond M. Skaret Trond M. Sveen Atle Sveen Atle

Sunrise A man left the light on for his sheeps Kanesteinen Into the light Kinderdijk Seaweed Beetles in the forest Blue hour sunset

OMAN Al Abri Khalid AL Badi Said Al Farsi Haitham Al Hajri Salim Mohammed Al Hajri Salim Mohammed Alamri Majid Alamri Majid Alazry Bashair AlGhanboosi Hamed AlGhanboosi Hamed

Hope Tabty Sunrise1 Rowais21 Deith Layers desert Lines Volcano Khadah-4 Lines




Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works

AlGhanboosi Hamed AlRezaiqi Moosa AlRezaiqi Moosa Al-Ruqaishi Naif Al-Ruqaishi Naif Al-Ruqaishi Naif Alsiyabi Zahir

Ras_Ruwais-6 On the rocky sides Tide lines Where I Live Ras Rwais 2 The Survivor Yellow flow

POLAND Lipinski Roman Lipinski Roman Lipinski Roman Stós Krzysztof Stós Krzysztof Stós Krzysztof

Golden seconds Bridgehead Heavenly pasture Desert One human Sand

PORTUGAL Costa Jose Carlos Costa Jose Carlos

Somewhere Over Europe FIAP HM Gateway to the Sea

Q ATA R AL-Mushaifri Abdulla Tree Of Life AL-Mushaifri Abdulla The Quite Desert ROMANIA Dancoglu Constantin Gutescu Eduard Gutescu Eduard Magdo Istvan Nagy Lajos Nagy Lajos Savescu Flavian

The birds Dead Nature Morning Mist Winter stillness Breithorn Forms in Secret Canyon 01 Pastel

RUSSIA Anisimov Sergey Kanunnikov Viktor Peremezhko Vasily

Glacier Autumn in Yellowstone 2 The road over the pass

SCOTLAND Bingham Richard Black James

Lake Myvatn November, Loch Tummel

SERBIA Djordjevic Zoran Kojadinovic Goran Kojadinovic Goran Kojadinovic Goran Milojević Raša Virag Istvan Virag Istvan Zupunski Anica

Vojvodina’s paysage Kadinjaca Stone rings The house on the lake Ladies in white Fields04 Durmitor19 Magnificently

SINGAPORE Tay David Poey Cher Tay David Poey Cher

Toscano delight Green green grass

SLOVENIA Artnak Marjan Artnak Marjan Banfi Boštjan Banfi Boštjan Baumgartner Sandi Baumgartner Sandi Beguš Janez Benedičič Simon Borko Ivo Borko Ivo Bricelj Danila Bucalo Vlado Cigoj Marjan Čufar Aleksander

Waiting for the Lives Early Sun Rays Solitude Perfect morning Harvest Curves of life Over the fog That is the way it was Dead guard Dry salt-field Dreamy Evening on a Reef Ajajaj Cerknica bridge Wood-E44


Debevec Igor Debevec Igor Fabjan Igor Fabjan Igor Fišer Zlatko Fišer Zlatko Golob Gorazd Janežič Blaž Kokol Dejan Kovacic Simon Kramar Janez Krapež Miran Krejan Simon Lanišek Tomaž Margon Vuga Katuša Morič Pia Morič Pia Oblak Aleksander P. Borko Stefi P. Borko Stefi P. Borko Stefi Papič Nevenka Papič Nevenka Papič Nevenka Papič Nevenka Pavlin Marina Pavlin Marina Podobnik Rafael Podobnik Rafael Predalič Silva Ribnikar Janez Ribnikar Janez Ribnikar Janez Ribnikar Janez Rojko Miran Skubic Matej Strahinjić Robert Strahinjić Robert Strahinjić Robert Suljanovic Jasim Šfiligoj Zdenka Šfiligoj Zdenka Šmitek Janez Šmitek Janez Vranc Dika Zajfrid Peter Zajfrid Peter Ž. Fajfarič Sanda

Black church Field in summer Alone Barrier Laguna Colorada Madeira mist 2 Pramen Seaside 2 In the woods IV. Winter morning Glacier river PIRAN Rute Capillary Red train Evening mist The flood1 Karst 01 Glen canyon In dead valley Vineyard in winter Golden fields Lonely island Olive trees The peak Fields in bloom Vinyard in autmn Barrier in Ruins Rime SAL. G Tuscany mists 1 Cold morning Monks Solar lake Tree FIAP B An empty field Fog maker Bella toscana III Dolomitus romanticus I Jutro na Slemenovi špici Terraces Fields FIAP HM Colorful Rock Waterfall Wave - Masterpice of Nature Rock N Roll Evening in Tuscany Green carpet Aurora

S PA I N Beut Duato Jose Beut Duato Jose Beut Duato Jose Egea Torrent Jordi Egea Torrent Jordi Egea Torrent Jordi Marín Amatller Antoni Remola Pages Lluis Simon Oscar

Blue silence FZS S Delta Dragon nets Cala cap roig FIAP S a Bages Cala es Frares Autumn in the Pedraforca Cala Frares Ayuos

SWITZERLAND Crauwels Thomas

Burning Eye

TURKEY Meric Levent Yenmez Ahmet

Asiklar Kapadokya

UKRAINE Lander Igor


Air attack

U N I T E D A R A B E M I R AT E S Allouz Ola Jemal Allouz Ola Patron U N I T E D S TAT E S O F A M E R I C A ( U S A ) Li Wenyuan New York Night Lights Li Wenyuan Boat Aurora Li Wenyuan Horseshoe Bend Li Wenyuan Wheat Field Wang Rosalie Green Wang Rosalie Petrified Trees WALES Jones Robert Jones Robert Polakowski Andy Polakowski Andy Polakowski Andy

Deganwy Sunset Sunset at Cappagh Cross Newborough Beach Moving Sheep to Lower Ground Late Afternoon

Theme: WATER Tema: VODA ARGENTINA Schneider Gustavo Herman

Epecuen 040

AUSTRALIA Boynton Mieke Chapman John Chapman John Gilligan Glenn Hammer Peter Hammer Peter Huxtable Marg Huxtable Marg Jones Tracey Kodela Elizabeth Moritz Vicki Moritz Vicki Tsim Wai Man

Late Afternoon Light Maria Lake Dawn Boothe Rocks Rainforest Stream Lone Tree Transplanting Rice Clean Tap Water Diving to Meet You Storm over the Bay Dickie Beach 4 Eildon morning reflections Kinloch jetty sunset Water Falls

AUSTRIA Bernkopf Dr. Alois Kastner Josef Kastner Josef Kastner Josef Kastner Josef Peer Albert

Almsee_5 Dynamic Eisbär Weg von hier Am Weiher Salto

BAHRAIN Alsaleh Mamdooh Alsaleh Mamdooh

Lowland Water Family


Water Crisis

BELARUS Mikus Alfred

End of season

BELGIUM Schotte Guy Schotte Guy Schotte Guy

Pierrot Elegance Sunshine


BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (BiH) Elez Radoje Morning on the lake Elez Radoje Refresher Krstic Slobodan Green eye Selakovic Dejan Waiting

Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works

CANADA Kwan Phillip Kwan Phillip Kwan Phillip Tam Kam Chiu Tam Kam Chiu Tam Kam Chiu

Aurora Reflection Bear Swim with Fish 1 River Reflection Heading South Seashore Struggling with wave

CHINA Wang Li Zhang Hui

Xiapu Tideland-1203 Lotus In The Rain2

C R O AT I A Đukić Vesna Hrzenjak Nikola Hrzenjak Nikola Kasal Božidar Knebl Biljana Kucelin Zvonko Kucelin Zvonko Makarovic Zoran Makarovic Zoran Martić Nenad Miletic Ivana Pavlinović Daniel Pavlinović Daniel Sabol Petar Sabol Petar

Diving board Life under the stars Escape The Lace of Water Pacific Seascape bora 12 vrana-12 Water fountain Winter drive Landing Meeting Frozen Rage of the sea Fish hunter The kingfisher

CYPRUS Anastasis Despina Gokyigit Mehmet Theophanous Andreas

Serene ghost ship5 Monemvasia Rock



EGYPT Abdulazim Ahmed Abdulazim Ahmed Abdulazim Ahmed

Against The Flow Xiapu Fisherman Return Xiapu Fisherman

ENGLAND Bishop Bob Daffin Stuart Fry Martin Fry Martin Fry Martin Fryer Alison Jane Fryer Andy Fryer Andy Hill Tony Hill Tony Jenkin Malcolm Keene Paul Keene Paul Lally Dave Rapier Malcolm Rapier Marion Rees Peter Rees Peter Richardson Tom Thomson Ian Thomson Ian

Access Denied Spray gets in your eyes Storm Force Storm Tide Dancing Waves Hartland Rock and Tide Poole Docks at Night St Cuthberts Way Evening Predicament Siren Oxbow Bend Yellowstone Surf Riders (0095) Water and Ice (0927) Durdle Door Greenland Waters Off the Wave Morning Light,Inch Strand Crossing the Lagoon East Gill Force Autumn Falls Bamburgh Seascape

FINLAND Hagg Jan Hagg Jan Helimaki Jussi

Dew Drop Icy In the middle of winter


Helimaki Jussi Jyvalahti Jussi Lehtonen Kauko

Windy journey Ship Approaching Frozen Pond

FRANCE Robin Anthony Robin Anthony

Cotton sea. The elements.

GERMANY Baumann Christina Baumann Christina Baumann Werner Baumann Werner Baumann Werner Bruder Ursula Hausdoerfer Frank Morawski Janusz Nuernberger Richard Pfeiff Bernhard Pfeiff Bernhard Strehlke Klaus Strehlke Klaus Wolf Alfons Zernig Eva Maria Zernig Eva Maria Zernig Eva Maria

Foggy Day Hafen Nordstrand Seaview Seeartefakte 2 Wilde See Icy Reflection Moraine Lake Streamer 1 Taugl Greenland 2 Pamukkale Irland Bay - 2167 On the beach - 6966 Idylle in Blau Magic of Mangfall Lonely with Morning Colours Wild Water

GREECE Pantazis Chris Pantazis Chris Pantazis Chris

Autumn melody 2 Full moon The realm of sirens 2

HONG KONG S.A.R. Fong Hoi Yan Leaving soon Fong Hoi Yan Hardworking men Fong Wai-tak A misty evening Lin Wolfgang Color of the Lights Lin Wolfgang Reflection at Corner Ng Man-kui, Wisely Maze Ng Man-kui, Wisely Working in field Ng Man-kui, Wisely fishing in sunset Ng Man-kui, Wisely triangle HUNGARY Hencz Judit Kerekes Istvan Kiss Imre Kovacs Krisztian Krisztian Lakatos Krisztian Lakatos Krisztian Lakatos Magyar Krisztina Szabo Irma Szabo Irma Ujhelyi Zsolt Varga Szilárd

Just one kiss Prying for life Leaves Waves Tale island Fisherman autumn warming Floating Icebergs Ice on the beach Sea Raindrops Skagsanden Beach

INDIA Athavale Bhaskar Bhattacharjee Arup Bhattacharjee Arup Bhattacharjee Arup Bhattacharyya Suman Bysack Subrata Bysack Subrata Bysack Subrata Paul Abani

Mirror Flow Reflection Tajpur Beach Football Action The Fire Fighter The Sprint Thirst Water Force

IRELAND Conroy Derville Conroy Derville

Tabular By Hook



Doyle Dick Doyle Dick Doyle Dick Gleeson William Gleeson William Gleeson William Kelly Graham Kelly Graham Kelly Graham Playdon Sigita Rosik Beata Taylor Mark Taylor Mark

Cliff Top Light Lonely Seagull Watercolour Lumen Wexford Harbour 2 Ghost tide Pilmore Waterford Suspended Bridge Mists Of Time Lone Boat The Wash rush hour Opposite Between sea and sky Edge of a wave

I TA L Y Candolini Andrea Candolini Andrea Di Candia Lorenzo Di Candia Lorenzo Giulio Montini Giulio Montini Manetti Angiolo Manetti Angiolo Manetti Angiolo Tagliani Roberto Tagliani Roberto Tomelleri Giuseppe

Water drop collision 1 Water drop collision 2 Another World 2 Trabucco Rock point 2 Monsoon N_5 Play water N_1 A day at the museum Blue ice Waterfalls in Iceland Teamwork Puri fishermen Venice underwater nr 1

LITHUANIA Ribokaite Normante

Passers By

MACAU S.A.R. Tang Kai Lon Tang Kai Lon

Drunken Dragon Performers 4 Fishing in blue Morning

NETHERLANDS Limberg Huib Lybaert Daniel van Balken Marcel van Balken Marcel van Balken Marcel

Libel_2843 Het grote gat Redwalk Slowrock Waterfall

N O R WAY Andersen Harald K Andersen Harald K Aune Olaf Aune Olaf Dispen Henning Frode Dispen Henning Frode Skaret Trond M. Sveen Atle Sveen Atle Sveen Atle Vadet Stein Jarle

Into The Sea Laagen Lighthouse 7 Lighthouses Reynisfjara Iceland cold and windy The Uterus 2 Anne Black Lake II Funky bluetit Goosehawk drinking Heron at sunrise Hemsedal

OMAN Al Farsi Haitham Al Farsi Haitham Al Farsi Haitham Alamri Majid Alamri Majid AlGhanboosi Hamed AlRezaiqi Moosa AlRezaiqi Moosa AlRezaiqi Moosa AlRezaiqi Moosa Al-Ruqaishi Naif Al-Ruqaishi Naif Alsuleimani Hani

In The Rain Bullfighting 6 Sugar Man FIAP HM Above the river Fisher12 Ganga-3 Sunrise from the East 5 Sunrise from the East 4 Sunrise from the East 6 serdeen 3 Ras Rwais Breaking weather Crying Behind Glass

Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works


POLAND Lipinski Roman Stós Krzysztof Stós Krzysztof

Relaxation Water line Well

PORTUGAL Costa Jose Carlos

Signs of Aging

ROMANIA Gutescu Eduard Gutescu Eduard Gutescu Eduard Magdo Istvan Nagy Lajos Nagy Lajos Nagy Lajos Savescu Flavian Savescu Flavian Tanase Rodica Tanase Rodica Tanase Rodica

United Color Of Nature Falling Dreams Trapped Jogging Escape Night in the water The big catch 07 Diamond canvas Sweet whispers ...into the light... Little islands are large prisons The giant

RUSSIA Anisimov Sergey Anisimov Sergey Anisimov Sergey Anisimov Sergey Chastikov Dmitry Kanunnikov Viktor

Summer in Greenland 1 Summer in Greenland 6 Summer in Greenland 8 Summer in Greenland 10 Moon over Black Sea Venice in reflections 2



SAUDI ARABIA Alryhan Mishal Drops SCOTLAND McNairn John McNairn John

In Flight Self Sacrifice to the Sea

SERBIA Djordjevic Zoran Djordjevic Zoran Djordjevic Zoran Kojadinovic Goran Milojević Raša Virag Istvan Virag Istvan Virag Istvan Zupunski Anica Zupunski Anica

Fisherman Trio Elba and Seaguls Ice circles Water Ballet - China Boat On the river bank05 On the river bank08 BlueRed Tapestry

SINGAPORE Heng Zee Kek Heng Zee Kek Tay David Poey Cher Tay David Poey Cher

Jump down Mudflat Morning of life Challenging run

SLOVENIA Artnak Marjan Artnak Marjan Artnak Marjan Banfi Boštjan Benedičič Simon Benedičič Simon Borko Ivo Bricelj Bogdan Bricelj Bogdan Bucalo Vlado Bucalo Vlado Canzutti Leon Canzutti Leon Cigoj Marjan

Water, Sourse of Life Warm Love Last Drops The living sea Swirl X Odsev Emerald eye Rain Drops on the Grass Medusa with Double Reflexion Thirst Lack of wind SAL. B Birds Barrier Water droplets 4


Čufar Aleksander Čufar Aleksander Debevec Igor Debevec Igor Doberlet Vasja Doberlet Vasja Fišer Zlatko Fišer Zlatko Janežič Blaž Kokol Dejan Košir Gaber Košir Gaber Kovacic Simon Kovacic Simon Kramar Janez Kramar Janez Krapež Miran Krapež Miran Kunst Tomaž Lanišek Tomaž Lanišek Tomaž Lanišek Tomaž Lanišek Tomaž Lesjak Danilo Lesjak Miljko Malovrh Milan Malovrh Milan Malovrh Milan Metljak Drago Mladovan Marko Mladovan Marko Novak Jani Oblak Aleksander P. Borko Stefi Papič Nevenka Pavlin Marina Podobnik Rafael Predalič Silva Predalič Silva Prinčič Miloš Prinčič Miloš Ravnič Kristian Ravnič Kristian Ribnikar Janez Rojko Miran Rojko Miran Rojnik Bor Rojnik Bor Rojnik Bor Skubic Matej Strahinjić Robert Suljanovic Jasim Suljanovic Jasim Šfiligoj Zdenka Šmitek Janez Ternar Igor Ternar Igor Tolar Janez Tolar Janez Tolar Janez Tolar Janez Trstenjak Jožica Tušar Sašo Vidic Grah Anita Vranc Dika Vranc Dika Vrzel Janez

Tree-PP10 Blue frog-2 On the Pier Seljalandsfoss After Shower 1 Faist Long west coast 1 SIKHS Salina 8B Nowhere to go 1 Orange Sun and the Planets Cerknisko lake 220 Foggy morning Flood Ice Fields Love Jump Ou Shit Kropa Meander 4 Meander 5 Old Saltpans Cottage Pilgrimage to Saint Michel Waterfall Kozjak Dvojica Hitrost Ob jezeru On the Coast Rocks Venice Norge 3045H Beauty Colourful pool 1 The waterfall 2 Dam reflections Spring 07 Jokulsarlon Glacier Kirkjufellsfoss 2 Morning mist Winter fairytale Mill Jaws Heaven lake A nice pair Near and Far New day is born Frozen beauty Tranquility Reflection Mistično jutro pti gradu Boccale Morning on the lake Bled Reflection Reflections - Bohinj Lake Blue and white torso Hello Autumn Flight in blue Mura mill Pearl Above water Time passes by as water do River Soča Stromatolites Menage A 3 Sopotnica Creek

SOUTH KOREA Ryu Shin Woo Suh Joung Hi

Morning of the Lake Mist over River


S PA I N Beut Duato Jose Soustons Beut Duato Jose Jailed seascape Beut Duato Jose Soledad Beut Duato Jose Sunken blue Egea Torrent Jordi Camí dins el Delta Egea Torrent Jordi Fustes i boies PSA G Egea Torrent Jordi 1 Egea Torrent Jordi fustes i cordes a Leucate Marín Amatller Antoni Fisherman in the Inle lake-03 Remola Pages Lluis Illa de mar-2 Remola Pages Lluis Illa de mar-3 Remola Pages Lluis Marquesa-4 Remola Pages Lluis Pont del petroli-2 Simon Oscar Cold morning Simon Oscar Foggy river FIAP HM Simon Oscar Green water Simon Oscar Enchanted SWITZERLAND Crauwels Thomas

One of a thousand

TA I WA N Huang Chih Sheng Huang Chih Sheng Huang Chih Sheng

Morning at Dong River 02 Sand Digger Rainy day in Lijiang


= FIAP Gold = FIAP Silver = FIAP Bronze = FIAP Honorable Mention = PSA Gold = PSA Honorable Mention

TURKEY Koc Zafer Meric Levent Tugcu Bekir Yenmez Ahmet Yenmez Ahmet Yenmez Ahmet

The Water 3 Balikli kiz To look for Estetiksel Doga Suda oynayan cocuklar Xitang


U N I T E D A R A B E M I R AT E S Allouz Ola The Palm Allouz Ola travel in time U N I T E D S TAT E S Li Wenyuan Wang Rosalie Wang Rosalie

OF AMERICA (USA) Althabasca Fall Fishermen Meeting Morning Fishing

VIETNAM Dao Tho Dao Tho

D1-particles D4-dray fishing nets



W A L E S Polakowski Andy Perch Rock Lighthouse


= = = = = = =

FZS Gold FZS Silver FZS Bronze Salon Gold Salon Silver Salon Bronze Special Pannonia Reflections award

FIAP = Mednarodna zveza za fotografsko umetnost • The International Federation of Photographic Art • PSA = Fotografska zveza ZDA • Photographic Society of America • FZS = Fotografska zveza Slovenije • Photographic Federation of Slovenia •

Jose Beut Duato (Spain): Soustons

4961 prejetih del • received works

Sprejetih del • accepted works: 1399

68 nagrajenih del • awarded works

Št. avtorjev • No. of authors: 368

61 različnih držav • different countries Best author of 2nd PANNONIA REFLECTIONS is Jose Beut Duato from Spain. Najuspešnejši avtor 2. mednarodnega natečaja PANNONIA REFLECTIONS je Jose Beut Duato iz Španije.

Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works

Lendava • Lendva Obščite nas tudi vi! • Come and visit us! Občina Lendava/Lendva Község Municipality of Lendava Glavna ulica 20, 9220 Lendava-Lendva Slovenia (Europe) •

Galerija-Muzej Lendava/Galéria-Múzeum Lendva/Gallery-Museum Lendava Banffyjev trg 1/Bánffy tér 1, 9220 Lendava/Lendva, Slovenija/Szlovénia/Slovenia (Europe) Telefon/Phone: 00386 (0)2 578 92 60 • E-mail: •

Pokrovitelji razstave in dogodka • Sponsors of the Event and Exhibition:

Občina Lendava Lendva Község Municipality of Lendava

Galerija-muzej Lendava Lendvai Galéria és Múzeum Gallery-Museum Lendava

DIGIFOT, fotografija in tisk d.o.o. Industrijska ulica 2 9220 Lendava - Lendva, Slovenija

Urednik • Editor:

Davor Dolenčić

Založnik • Publisher:

Fotografsko društvo Pannonia – Photographic Society Pannonia

Prevod • Translation:

Mozeg d.o.o., Lendava (SLO)

Oblikovanje • Design:

Peter Orban, Lendava (SLO)

Tisk • Print:

Printex d.o.o., Čakovec (CRO)

Naklada • Copies: 400

Kulturno društvo Foto-video klub Lendava Fotó-videó klub Lendva Kultúregyesület

Leto izdaje • Year of publishing:

Januar 2016 • January 2016

Pannonia Reflections 2015 • Lendava, Slovenia

Pannonia Reflections 2015 2. Mednarodni fotografski natečaj 2nd International Salon of Photography Photographic Society Pannonia – Fotografsko društvo Pannonia • Čentiba, Fodorjeva vrsta 152, 9220 Lendava, Slovenia, Europe •

Lendava • Slovenia (Europe)

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