8th Pannonia Reflections 2021

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Pannonia Reflections

2021 8th International Salon of Photography • 8. mednarodni fotografski natečaj LENDAVA-LENDVA, SLOVENIA

Ce salon a reçu le Haut Patronage de la FIAP

This salon has received the High Patronage of FIAP 2021/506

Pannonia Reflections 2021

Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique

International Federation of Photographic Art

Fédérations et associations nationales, associations régionales et clubs affiliés sur les cinq continents. National federations and associations, regional associations and clubs affiliated on all five continents.

Distinctions photographiques mondialement reconnues. World-famed photographic distinctions.

Les acceptations obtenues à ce salon comptent pour l’attribution des distinctions FIAP.

Acceptances obtained in this salon are taken into account for FIAP distinctions.

Secrétariat général - Secretary general

70, Kolokotroni Street - GR-18531 Le Pirée (Grèce - Greece) www.fiap.net

8th International Salon of Photography • 8. mednarodni fotografski natečaj

Pannonia Reflections

2021 8th International Salon of Photography 8. mednarodni fotografski natečaj Sections: • Teme: OPEN COLOR • PROSTA BARVNA OPEN MONOCHROME • PROSTA ČRNO-BELA ARCHITECTURE • ARHITEKTURA LANDSCAPE • POKRAJINA WATER • VODA ORGANIZER • PRIREDITELJ: Fotografsko društvo Pannonia • Photographic Society Pannonia www.pannonia.si ORGANISING COMMITTEE • ORGANIZACIJSKI ODBOR: Davor Dolenčić, chairman of the organising committee • predsednik organizacijskega odbora, e-mail: dolencic.davor0@gmail.com MEMBERS • ČLANI: Nikolaj Bažika, Peter Orban, Klaudija Dolenčić LENDAVA-LENDVA, SLOVENIA FIAP 2021/506 PSA 2021-1585 FZS 2021/15 A C D E B

Photosalon Pannonia Reflections is one of the more recog nized international photography competitions with numerous high-profile participants; in 2021, the Salon reached its 8th anniversary in the organization of the Pannonia Photographic Society from Lenda va under the watchful eye of Davor Dolenčić and his team. A total of 6,000 photographs in five different themes contributed to the event: in genre of open color, open black and white, architecture, landscape and water.

While photography was once the domain of selected individual professionals, the development of digital technology now provides an enviable level of quality for amateur photographers, who surprise with their approach, free spirit, and way of thinking. Their messages go beyond the former level of a documentary or esthetic touch, towards a sharp, attuned, and conscious concern for fellow human beings and the environment.

Members of the jury were Nenad Martić (EFIAP/s) from Croatia, Borislav Milovanović (EFIAP/d1, EsFiap, EPSA, GPU CR3) from Serbia and Matjaž Čater (MFIAP) from Slovenia. All photographs were first evaluated individually by each jury member. Then, the top twenty photographs in each category were selected to receive awards.

Within each genre, we looked for originality, technical perfection, and most importantly, the message, inspiration, or challenge that such a selection would offer to both the casual visitor and the more discerning and critical expert of the light game.

The selection of the best was clear; it seems that we even stepped out of the conventional framework by discussing the way and the approach that allowed the author to identify the added value. In addi tion to the good organization and coherence of the jury, the common thread was maintained to recognize works that have the potential to create a connection between creator and object, viewer or association without words.

The photographs presented reflect numerous images of the illu sion called life. They show misery, vanity, and everyday life as well as in finite beauty in all its shades of light. Six thousand presented fragments of human perception of the inner and outer world were excellent in technique and content, but only a few were highlighted and awarded.

If our selection has made you pause and contemplate the chosen images for even a moment, our task is accomplished.

Fotografski salon Pannonia Reflections sodi med prepoznavnej še mednarodne fotografske natečaje s številčno in kakovostno udeležbo; v letu 2021 je doživel svojo osmo ponovitev v organizaciji Fotografskega društva Panonnia iz Lendave ter skrbnim organizacij skim očesom Davorja Dolenčića in ekipe. Na natečaj je prispelo 6000 fotografij v petih različnih temah: prosta barvna, prosta črno-bela, arhitektura, krajina in voda.

Če je v preteklosti predstavljala fotografija domeno izbranih posa meznikov, stopajo danes z razvojem digitalne tehnologije v ospredje ljubiteljski fotografi na zavidljivi kakovostni ravni, ki osupnejo s svojim pristopom, neobremenjenostjo in načinom razmišljanja. Sporočila pre segajo prvotno splošno dokumentarnost in zgolj estetsko noto v smeri izostrene, tenkočutne in ozaveščene sporočilne vrednosti.

V žiriji smo sodelovali Nenad Martić (EFIAP/s) iz Hrvaške, Borislav Milovanović (EFIAP/d1, EsFiap, EPSA, GPU CR3) iz Srbije in Matjaž Čater (MFIAP) iz Slovenije. Individualno smo ocenili vsa poslana dela in na koncu najboljšim v skupni razpravi izbrali in podelili odličja dvajset najboljšim znotraj vsake kategorije. V vsakem žanru smo iskali izvirnost, tehnično odličnost, predvsem pa sporočilo, navdih ali izziv, ki naj bi ga izbor najboljših ponudil tako naključnemu obiskovalcu kot tudi zahtev nemu in kritičnemu poznavalcu iger svetlobe in svetlopisov.

Izbor najboljših je bil soglasen; zdi se celo, da smo pri podeljevanju mnenj izstopili iz konvencionalnega okvirja in presojali o načinu izvedbe, ki je omogočil avtorju ustvariti dodano vrednost. Navkljub velikemu številu prispelih del je dobra organizacija in koherentnost žirije omo gočila ohranjanje rdeče niti in prepoznavo del, ki sodijo v ožji izbor zaradi stika, ki ga ustvari medij - bodisi med fotografom in objektom, med fotografom in opazovalcem ali skozi asociacijo, ki jo vzbudi dobra fotografija, brez odvečnih besed.

Fotografije odsevajo tisočere podobe privida, ki ga imenujemo živ ljenje. Dokazujejo bedo, ničevost, vsakdanjost in tudi neskončno lepoto v vseh svetlobnih odtenkih. Šest tisoč drobcev človekovega dojemanja notranjega in zunanjega sveta, ki smo si jih ogledali je bilo tehnično in vsebinsko odličnih; osvetlili smo lahko le nekaj presežkov.

Če smo z izborom dosegli, da ste se za trenutek ustavili in se zazrli v izbrane podobe, je naš namen dosežen.

Matjaž Čater, predsednik žirijeMatjaž Čater, president of the Jury


Digitalni Foto Klub (Slovenia)

The best Photo club/association of PANNONIA REFLECTIONS 2021 is Digitalni Foto Klub from Slovenia. 19 members of Digitalni foto klub participated in this year’s Pannonia Reflections and they have altogether 113 accepted photos.

The Digital Photo Club (DFK) was creat ed more than a decade ago under the auspices of the best Slovenian photography magazine, Digital Camera, with the intention of its members gaining many additional benefits. Over the years, the club’s mission and scope of work have expanded consid erably. Cooperation with Fotosalon has had excellent results. In 2018 DFK legally took over the Celje Photographic Society, which was founded immediately after World War II and has a long-standing tradition in Celje, as well as the wider Slovenian cultural field. Today, DFK continues the Celje Photographic Society’s mission and projects. The president and leader of the DFK is Igor Rosina. Currently, the association has over 500 members coming from all Slovenian regions. Many of the members are still active photog raphers. The DFK headquarters are in Celje, where the club hosts regular meetings for its members in the Celje Kulturnica. Additionally, it organizes photography workshops and exhi bitions; it associates with other photographic societies; constantly emphasizes working with young people; weaves international ties and strives for promotion of quality photography. For the past two years, the club has mostly been active online, which has largely proved to be a positive experience, as members from re mote parts of the country can easily participate.

Regular thematic meetings are held twice a month, where selected guests share their knowledge and experience with club mem bers. In addition to lectures, all members can participate in learning through photography commentary. Recently, due to current social conditions, there has been a lower emphasis on workshops and photo-travels abroad; how ever, these will surely continue to take place

once the circumstances are suitable. DFK is co-organizing projects with the Photographic Association of Slovenia aimed at educating the young and mentors. Several exhibition projects are carried out every year. In 2021, the DFK carried out two general Slovene exhi bitions, an exhibition for elementary and sec ondary schools called “Youth is not madness”, the traditional photography exhibition in Celje, the “Chess and sport” project in cooperation with the Chess Association of Slovenia, and, at the end of the year and in cooperation with Center Noordung, an international salon Drone & astrophotography.

Najboljši foto klub PANNONIA REFLECTIONS 2021 je Digitalni Foto Klub iz Slovenije. 19 članov Digitalnega foto kluba je sodelovalo na letošnjem natečaju Pannonia Reflections in skupno imajo 113 sprejetih fotografij.

Digitalni Foto Klub (DFK) je nastal pred dobrim desetletjem pod okriljem naj boljše slovenske fotografske revije, Digitalna Kamera, da bi lahko člani pridobili številne dodatne ugodnosti. Z leti se je poslanstvo in obseg dela precej razširil, odlične rezultate je imelo tudi sodelovanje s Fotosalonom, v letu 2018 pa je DFK pravno prevzel še Celjsko fotografsko društvo, ki je bilo ustanovljeno takoj po 2. svetovni vojni in ima na Celjskem in v širšem slovenskem kulturnem področju že dolgo tradicijo, DFK pa nadaljuje tudi njegovo poslanstvo in projekte. Predsednik in idejni vodja DFK je Igor Rosina.

Trenutno ima društvo več kot 500 članov iz vseh slovenskih regij, od tega jih je precej tudi fotografsko aktivnih. DFK ima svoj sedež v Celju, v Celjski Kulturnici organizira redna srečanja članov, fotografske delavnice in razstave, pove zuje se z drugimi društvi, velik poudarek daje na delo z mladimi, spleta mednarodne vezi in si prizadeva za kvaliteto in promocijo fotografije. Zadnji dve leti velik del aktivnosti poteka online,

kar se je v veliki meri izkazalo za pozitivno izkuš njo, saj na ta način lahko brez težav sodelujejo tudi člani iz najbolj odročnih predelov države.

Dvakrat mesečno so redna tematska sre čanja, svoje znanje in izkušnje članom podajajo izbrani sogovorniki in gostje, učenje pa poteka tudi skozi komentiranje fotografij, pri katerem lahko sodelujejo vsi člani. V zadnjem času je zaradi znanih družbenih razmer manjši pou darek na delavnicah in fotopotepih v tujini, a zagotovo bodo tudi ta del ponovno na polno zagnali, ko bodo razmere primerne. DFK je so organizator projektov, skozi katere Fotografska zveza Slovenije izobražuje mlade in mentorje, vsako leto pa izpelje številne razstavne projekte.

V letu 2021 so izpeljali obe pregledni slovenski razstavi, razstavo za osnovne in srednje šole "Mladost ni norost", tradicionalno Celjsko foto grafsko razstavo, projekt Šah in šport je stekel v sodelovanju s Šahovsko zvezo Slovenije, konec leta pa je bil v teku še mednarodni salon foto grafije Drone & astrophotography, ki poteka v sodelovanju s Centrom Noordung.

› www.digitalna-kamera.si › digitalnifotoklub@gmail.com F TO KLUB SI BEST CLUB • NAJUSPEŠNEJŠI KLUB EN

Matjaž Čater

He is from Celje and works as a re searcher and college lecturer in Ljub lja na and the Czech Republic. As a member of the SVIT photographers' association from Celje, he has contributed to international recognition with his aerial photographs.

M. Timer, pro fessor of art history, says: "Matjaž has achieved in a rel atively short time everything that an amateur Slovenian pho tographer can achieve; of course, like many other Slo venian artists, he is more appreciated and recognized outside our small country. His photographs are his signature; we recognize them among many because he takes them while flying. They are not just an average record of the flight over beauties of the local valley, but a narrative of the creator, a story that still respects technical perfection, classical proportions of painting, narrative of the shot and enthusiasm for the play of light and shadow. Despite digital photography, which allows computers to transform, alter and highlight, the author is so connected to nature that he uses the technical possibilities only to highlight its beauty."

He is a Master of Photography of the Photographic Association of Slovenia (MF FZS) and a Master (MFIAP) of the International Association of Photographic Art FIAP.

Matjaž Čater prihaja iz Celja, dela v Ljubljani in na Češkem kot raziskova lec in visokošolski predavatelj. Uveljavitev in

mednarodno prepoznavo je dosegel s svojimi zračnimi posnetki kot član društva fotografov

SVIT iz Celja.

M. Timer, prof. um. zgod. navaja:  "Matjaž je v razmeroma kratkem času dosegel vse, kar lahko doseže slovenski amaterski fotograf; seveda je kot mnogo drugih slovenskih ustvar jalcev bolj cenjen in prepoznaven zunaj naše male deželice. Njegove fotografije so njegov podpis; prepoznamo jih izmed mnogih, saj jih ustvarja med letenjem. Ne gre le za povprečen zapis letenja nad lepotami domače doline, temveč za pripoved ustvarjalca, zgodbo, ki še vedno spoštuje tehnično dovršenost, klasična slikarska razmerja, povednost posnetka in navdušenje nad igrami svetlobe in senc. Kljub digitalni fotografiji, ki omogoča računalniško preoblikovanje fotografij, spreminjanje in poudarjanje barv, je avtor tako povezan z naravo, da tehnične možnosti izkoristi le za poudarek njene lepote."

Je mojster fotografije Fotografske zveze Slovenije (MF FZS) in mojster (MFIAP) Med narodne zveze za fotografsko umetnost FIAP.

› https://www.fiap.net/en/portfolios/ mfiap/matjaz-cater

› https://1x.com/matjaz

Borislav Milovanović

EFIAP/d1, EsFiap, EPSA , GPU CR3 • Serbia

Holders of F1FSS, EFIAP / D1, ESFIAP, EPSA and GPU CR3 titles. On the list of the 10 most successful authors in the Pho to Association of Serbia for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019 and 2020. In the Photo Association of Serbia, he served as the FIAP LO for 3 years.

With NGO Village from Bor organized 5 Photo meetings Good and bad land.

In cooperation with the National Library in Bor, he formed an Exhibition Center within the National Library, where many collective exhibi tions of photo clubs Danube and Balkans have been held so far, as well as solo exhibitions of domestic and foreign renowned authors.

With NGO Bor030, he successfully or ganized a Photo School called Youth Photo Activism.

With the Danube Photo Club, organized 32 exhibitions under the patronage of FIAP and PSA. He has judged over 300 exhibitions in Serbia, China, Finland, Norway, Austria, Hun gary, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Bulgaria.

Founder and President of the Danube International Photo Association (DIPA).


By profession BSc in Mechanical Engi neering. Works at DDOR Novi Sad as a damage assessor. He started working in photography in 1977. So far, he has partici pated in over 500 collective exhibitions (300 under the auspices of FIAP) and won over 300 awards and commendations. He held five solo exhibitions, in Bor, Novi Sad (FIAP Exhibition center), Kragujevac, Lechang city China and Aknari, Turkey.

Member in: FSS – Photo Association Of Serbia, PSA – Photographic Society Of Ameri ca, GPU – Global Photographic Union,  NAPB – Bulgarian Academy of photography “Janka Kiurkchieva”, Sofia, Bulgaria, AAFR – Art Pho tographers Association Of Romania, SSS – Sille Sanat Sarayi, Turkey.

Borislav Milovanović je po poklicu dip lomiran inženir strojništva. Dela v DDOR Novi Sad kot cenilec škode. S fotografijo se je začel ukvarjati leta 1977. Doslej je sodeloval na več kot 500 skupinskih razstavah (300 pod okriljem FIAP) in prejel preko 300 nagrad in pohval. Imel je pet samostojnih razstav v Boru,



spent behind his computer screen in his studio, editing his photos, creatively using the photo montage technique. In 2014, a turning point in his life, Martić joined Photoclub Zagreb, where he would meet many friends, and whose active member he still remains today. In the same year, he would start to take part in local and international photo competitions. Awards and recognitions from both followed quickly. Many of his award-winning photographs are shot with the help of a drone. He took part in three solo exhibitions and in many group exhibitions.


Due to epidemic circumstances, we had to hold the jury meeting online. Despite that, the jury members were very constructive and hardworking. • Zaradi epidemioloških okoliščin smo žiriranje fotografij organizirali preko spleta. Kljub temu so bili člani žirije zelo konstruktivni in delavni.

Novem Sadu (razstavišče FIAP), Kragujevcu, mestu Lechang na Kitajskem in Aknari v Turčiji.

Je imetniki nazivov F1FSS, EFIAP / D1, ESFIAP, EPSA in GPU CR3. Prav tako pa je na seznamu 10 najuspešnejših avtorjev v Foto zvezi Srbije in sicer za leta 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019 in 2020. V Foto zvezi Srbije je 3 leta opravljal funkcijo FIAP LO.

Z NVO Village iz Bora je organiziral 5 foto srečanj pod nazivom; Dobra in slaba zemlja.

V sodelovanju z Narodno knjižnico Bor je v okviru Narodne knjižnice ustanovil Raz stavni center, kjer so doslej potekale številne skupinske razstave fotoklubov Donava in Balkan, ter samostojne razstave domačih in tujih priznanih avtorjev.

Z NVO Bor 030 je uspešno organiziral Foto šolo Mladinski foto aktivizem.

S Fotoklubom Donava je organiziral 32 razstav pod pokroviteljstvom FIAP in PSA. Kot član žirije je sodeloval v ocenjevanju več kot 300 razstav v Srbiji, na Kitajskem, Finskem, Norveškem, v Avstriji, na Madžarskem, Slova škem, Hrvaškem, v Bosni, Črni gori, Makedoniji in Bolgariji.

Je ustanovitelj in predsednik Donavskega med narodnega fotografskega združenja (DIPA).

› https://dipa-photo.com/ › http://fotobora.net/

Nenad Martić

Nenad Martić se je rodil

leta 1951 v Zagrebu, kjer je diplomiral na oddelku za likovno umetnost na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Zagrebu. Večino svoje poklicne kariere je posvetil gra fičnemu oblikovanju in ilustraciji, začevši v 80-ih letih z objavljan jem svojih del v revijah in na naslovnicah knjig. Drugo polovico Martićeve kariere zaznamuje počasno uvajanje grafičnega oblikovanja v njegovo delo in nagib k digitalni fotografiji, ki postaja pomemben del njegove preokupacije in umetniškega izraza. Obenem se je njegovo prvotno zanimanje za ulično fotografijo sča soma razvilo in razširilo.


Nenad Martić was born in Zagreb in 1951, where he graduated from the department of fine arts at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb. He devoted most of his professional career to graphic design and illustration, starting in the 1980s by publishing his work in magazines and on book covers. The slow introduction of graphic design into Martić’s work, and a nudge towards digital photography that increasingly preoccupied him, marked the second half of his career. His initial interest in street photography evolved and broadened.

He now engaged in so-called creative pho tography and produced magical results with the combination of fieldwork and long hours

Zdaj se ukvarja s kreativno fotografijo in ustvarja čarobne rezultate s kombinacijo terenskega dela in dolgih ur, preživetih za računalniškim zaslonom v svojem studiu, kjer svoje fotografije dovrši s pomočjo, kreativno uporabljene tehnike fotomontaže. Leta 2014, ki je bila prelomnica v njegovem življenju, ko se je pridružil Fotoklubu Zagreb, kjer je spoznal številne prijatelje, katerega aktivni član ostaja še danes. Istega leta se je začel udeleževati domačih in mednarodnih foto natečajev. Hitro so sledile nagrade in priznanja obeh. Veliko njegovih nagrajenih fotografij je po snetih s pomočjo drona. Sodeloval je na treh samostojnih razstavah in številnih skupinskih.




Matej Peljhan (Slovenia), EFIAP, MF FZS

Matej Peljhan was born in 1967 and spent his entire childhood in a small village Col above the Vipava Valley, Slovenia.

At the age of 10, while playing with his friends, he experienced a severe accident with some explosive devices, scattered around during the World War II. He suffered numer ous injuries, the most severe being the loss of his right arm and an eye. He finished elemen tary school in his home town and some years later the secondary school in Idrija; during all this period undergoing painful medical treat ment and rehabilitation.

He studied psychology at the University of Ljubljana and soon after decided to pro ceed with his studies in the field of clinical psychology, which helps him a lot in his daily work with children with special needs. He lives in Ljubljana with his wife and three children.

He has been a photographer since 2009. He takes photos in an unusual way – be cause he can only manage a camera with his left hand, the camera needs to be turned upside down.

He holds the title master of photography, which is the highest title you can obtain in Slo vene photography. He has presented his work at 18 independent exhibitions in Slovenia and abroad and has received over a hundred prizes. Two of his works are included in the photographic collection of the Museum and galleries of the city of Ljubljana.

He published his work in monograph tit led Fotografije/Photographies (2012) and he is the co-author of the book Za-govor podob –philosophy of photographic gaze (2011). His photos, interviews, and features about him have been published and presented in numer

ous media in Slovenia and across the world (Delo, Dnevnik, Digi talna kamera, 7 Dni, RTV SLO, POP TV, Reader’s Digest, Dig ital Photography, Schwartzweiss, Nikon Pro Magazine, 1x Ma gazine, Huffington Post, BBC, Daily Mail, Globo, Stern, El Diario Sur, Pro Sieben, Nip pon TV, Buzzfeed, Mashable, Petapixel, Bored Panda and others).

His biggest success was the 2013 series called The Little Prince, which went viral. The photos have been pronounced as some of the most touching photos ever taken. The following year he was as screenwriter and director for the short film with the same title and received the award Vesna at the main national film festival.

Due to his personal and professional ambitions, he strives to bring photography as close as possible to the people with special needs. He has co-founded The Institute of photographic therapy where he offers work shops, educates others in the field of the pho tographic therapy and publishes professional articles. In 2015 he was the editor of the book called Phototherapy – from Concepts to Prac tices, which was published in English as well.

In 2018 he was elected as a president in the artistic council of the Photographic Asso ciation of Slovenia.

1 Accepted in Open Color Cross

Accepted in Architecture Stairs and Stripes

Accepted in Open Monochrome Snap C(h)at

accepted photos sprejetih fotografij awards nagrade 1 2 3 4 4 Accepted in Landscape: Workers 316
Personal web page: www.matejpeljhan.com


Special PANNONIA REFLECTIONS 2021 Award for the photo selected by the President of the organizing committee is going to Urška Gradišnik (Slovenia) for photo Hope


Posebno PANNONIA REFLECTIONS 2021 nagrado za fotografijo po izboru predsednika organizacijskega odbora je osvojila Urška Gradišnik (Slovenija) s fotografijo Hope





DRŽAVA Number of authors Število avtorjev

Number of photos Število fotografij

Number of accepted photos Število sprejetih fotografij

Received photos: Open color Prispela dela: Prosta barvna

Accepted photos: Open color Sprejeta dela: Prosta barvna

Received photos: Open monochrome Prispela dela: Prosta ČB

Accepted photos: Open Monochrome Sprejeta dela: Prosta ČB

Received photos: Architec ture Prispela dela: Arhitektura

Accepted photos: Architec ture Sprejeta dela: Arhitektura

Received photos: Landscape Prispela dela: Pokrajina

Accepted photos: Landscape Sprejeta dela: Pokrajina

Received photos: Water Prispela dela: Voda

Accepted photosWater Sprejeta dela: Voda

Australia 10 164 47 36 12 32 9 32 7 32 5 32 3

Austria 8 156 42 32 13 32 7 28 5 32 9 32 5

Bangladesh 1 20 10 4 1 4 1 4 3 4 2 4 8

Belarus 2 28 8 8 0 8 3 4 2 4 0 4 1

Belgium 11 164 22 44 6 40 9 24 2 28 3 28 2

Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 40 8 8 3 8 3 8 1 8 1 8 0

Canada 1 8 0 4

Chile 1 8 0 0

China 2 28 12

Croatia 9 171 41 36

Cyprus 2 40 10 8

Czech Republic 1 8 0 4

Denmark 2 16 4 8

Egypt 1 8 1

England 9 152 31 32




Hong Kong








0 0 3

0 0 1

4 1 4 2

12 31 7 32 4

2 8 2 8 0

0 0 9

0 0 10

0 0 0 2

5 32 6 32 0

0 4 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 4 0 4
8 3 8 6 4 0
7 36 10 36
1 8 3 8
0 4 0 0 0 0
3 8 1 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 4 1
6 32 6 24
6 96 8 24 2 24 2 16 2 16 1 16 2
82 116 12 117 15 92 22 92 18 82 14
97 68 22 64 18 60 16 68 22 60 8 Greece 2 24 3 8 1 8 2 0 0 4 0 4 8
9 160 39 32 5 32 9 28 5 36 12 32 8
28 434 102 102 19 98 25 64 15 84 22 86 2 India 13 253 66 52 15 52 16 46 7 52 12 51 6
4 80 45 16 11 16 9 16 5 16 9 16 20
1 8 8 0 0 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 21 Iraq 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 134 44 36 17 31 8 12 4 20 4 35 10 Israel 6 107 14 24 3 24 6 19 2 20 1 20 2 Italy 15 268 99 60 22 56 26 52 19 52 18 48 1 Japan 1 8 8 0 0 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 10
1 20 7 4 1 4 0 4 3 4 3 4 3 Macau 1 8 4 4 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 4


DRŽAVA Number of authors Število avtorjev

Number of photos Število fotografij

Number of accepted photos Število sprejetih fotografij

Received photos: Open color Prispela dela: Prosta barvna

Accepted photos: Open color Sprejeta dela: Prosta barvna

Received photos: Open monochrome Prispela dela: Prosta ČB

Accepted photos: Open Monochrome Sprejeta dela: Prosta ČB

Received photos: Architec ture Prispela dela: Arhitektura

Accepted photos: Architec ture Sprejeta dela: Arhitektura

Received photos: Landscape Prispela dela: Pokrajina

Accepted photos: Landscape Sprejeta dela: Pokrajina

Received photos: Water Prispela dela: Voda

Accepted photosWater Sprejeta dela: Voda

Malaysia 1 20 8 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 4

Malta 2 39 12 8 2 8 2 8 5 8 3 7 0

Mexico 1 8 3 0 0 4 3 0 0 4 0 0 0

Moldova 2 28 11 8 5 8 4 4 0 4 1 4 1

Montenegro 1 8 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Netherlands 4 80 23 16 5 16 6 16 9 16 2 16 1

New Zealand 2 40 1

Northern Ireland 1 4 0

Norway 6 85 14

Poland 3 48 20

Portugal 1 8 4

Qatar 1 19 6

Romania 5 74 29 20

Russia 1 16 8

Scotland 1 20 6

Serbia 7









0 8 0

0 0

3 12 4

12 4 8 3

4 2

3 3 0

12 6 12 5

4 2 4 2

4 0 4 0

8 1 8 0 8 0 8
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 4 21 3 12 0 16
12 5 8 4 8 4
4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 4 1 4 2 4
10 20 8 10 0
4 3 4 1 0 0
4 2 4 1 4 3
128 27 28 8 28 6 24 6 24 3 24 4
1 20 5 4 0 4 2 4 0 4 1 4 2
75 1302 330 280 67 260 53 240 65 254 81 268 64
Africa 2 40 4 8 2 8 1 8 0 8 0 8 1 South Korea 1 17 0 4 0 4 0 2 0 3 0 4 0
3 52 15 12 5 8 1 8 1 12 2 12 6
3 56 21 12 5 12 4 8 4 12 3 12 5 Switzerland 3 60 17 12 3 12 4 12 4 12 5 12 1
4 48 9 16 4 16 3 4 0 8 0 4 2
1 20 5 4 1 4 2 4 0 4 0 4 2
2 17 7 6 4 7 1 2 1 0 0 2 1 Ukraine 1 8 2 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 United Arab Emirates 1 8 4 0 0 0 0 4 2 4 2 0 0 United States 12 212 16 48 3 44 3 40 4 40 4 40 2 Vietnam 2 28 14 8 4 8 4 4 1 4 1 4 4 Wales 3 44 12 12 5 12 4 4 1 8 1 8 1 TOTAL • SKUPAJ 359 5988 1496 1364 341 1307 326 1043 261 1144 286 1130 283 A B CD E


Awarded photos in section Open Color • Nagrajene fotografije v temi Prosta barvna

FIAP Gold medal › Istvan Kerekes (Hungary): Wild look

FIAP Silver medal › Lajos Nagy (Romania): Finally it s here

FIAP Bronze medal › Tomasz Rojek (Poland): Autumn

PSA Gold medal › Hengki Lee (Indonesia): Somewhere In Time

FZS Gold medal › Zsolt Szabo (Hungary): Bird of prehistory

FZS Silver medal › Matej Peljhan (Slovenia): Descent

FZS Bronze medal › Janez Kukec Mezek (Slovenia): Friends 02

Salon Gold medal › Ihsan Jezany (Germany): Race against time

Salon Silver medal › Michael Cohen (Israel): Red scurf

Salon Bronze medal › Antonella Tomassi (Italy): Striped shirt

FIAP Honorable mention › Dušan Mastnak (Slovenia): Lost in the Fog

FIAP Honorable mention › Ian Patterson (Australia): Sacred Ganges

FIAP Honorable mention › Manfred Pillik (Austria): Starke Frau

FIAP Honorable mention › Elisabeth Aemmer (Switzerland): Fork and Spoon

FIAP Honorable mention › Slobodan Krstic (Bosnia and Herzegovina): Sheperdess 12

FIAP Honorable mention › Igor Debevec (Slovenia): Leaf

PSA Honorable mention › Nenad Banjac (Croatia): Di Francisca attacks

Salon Honorable mention › Adrian Whear (Australia): Moo

Salon Honorable mention › Nagy Botond (Romania): Wine tasting

Salon Honorable mention › Oscar Saraiva (Portugal): Domingo na marginal


FIAP Gold medal

1 FIAP Gold medal › Istvan Kerekes (Hungary): Wild look

Silver medal

12 OPEN COLOR • PROSTA BARVNA 3 2 FIAP Silver medal Lajos Nagy (Romania): Finally it s here 3 FIAP Bronze medal Tomasz Rojek (Poland): Autumn FIAP
FIAP Bronze medal 2

PSA Gold medal

4 PSA Gold medal › Hengki Lee (Indonesia): Somewhere In Time

FZS Gold medal

Gold medal › Zsolt Szabo (Hungary): Bird of prehistory
15OPEN COLOR • PROSTA BARVNA 7 6 6 FZS Silver medal Matej Peljhan (Slovenia): Descent 7 Salon Gold medal Ihsan Jezany (Germany): Race against time FZS Silver medal Salon Gold medal
16 OPEN COLOR • PROSTA BARVNA 8 8 FZS Bronze medal › Janez Kukec Mezek (Slovenia): Friends 02

Salon Silver medal

9 Salon Silver medal › Michael Cohen (Israel): Red scurf 10 10 Salon Bronze medal Antonella Tomassi (Italy): Striped shirt 11 FIAP Honorable mention Slobodan Krstic (Bosnia and Herzegovina): Sheperdess 12 Salon Bronze medal
18 OPEN COLOR • PROSTA BARVNA 12 FIAP Honorable mention Ian Patterson (Australia): Sacred Ganges 13 FIAP Honorable mention Manfred Pillik (Austria): Starke Frau 15 FIAP Honorable mention Dušan Mastnak (Slovenia): Lost in the Fog 13 12 14 15 14 FIAP Honorable mention › Elisabeth Aemmer (Switzerland): Fork and Spoon
19OPEN COLOR • PROSTA BARVNA 16 PSA Honorable mention Nenad Banjac (Croatia): Di Francisca attacks 17 FIAP Honorable mention Adrian Whear (Australia): Moo 18 FIAP Honorable mention Igor Debevec (Slovenia): Leaf 16 17 18
20 OPEN COLOR • PROSTA BARVNA 19 2021 19 Salon Honorable mention Nagy Botond (Romania): Wine tasting 20 Salon Honorable mention Oscar Saraiva (Portugal): Domingo na marginal 21 Zaohua Luo (China): Stunning beauty 22 Beata Rosik (Ireland): Ariadnes Thread 23 Boglárka Soltész (Hungary): Ruber 24 Vincent Kohar (Indonesia): Which Way I Should Take
21OPEN COLOR • PROSTA BARVNA 22 23 2425 25 Fieni Eugenio (Italy): Il Boss 21
22 OPEN COLOR • PROSTA BARVNA 26 27 26 Helmut Resch (Austria): Musikerinnen 27 Janos Eifert (Hungary): Frieze 28 Vyacheslav Sarkisyan (Turkmenistan): Female students 29 Adrian Whear (Australia): Heat
23OPEN COLOR • PROSTA BARVNA 28 3029 30 Marcel van Balken (Netherlands): Phonehome
24 OPEN COLOR • PROSTA BARVNA 31 32 33 31 Luc Stalmans (Belgium): Colorful Culture 32 Barbara Gregurič Silič (Slovenia): Powerful Ania 33 Neda Racki (Croatia): Double
25OPEN COLOR • PROSTA BARVNA 34 34 Serhii Shchehlevatykh (Ukraine): Sleeping girl_01
26 OPEN COLOR • PROSTA BARVNA 35 Roald Synnevaag (Norway): Angel 36 Andreja Ravnak (Slovenia): Mixing realities 36 35
27OPEN COLOR • PROSTA BARVNA 37 Istvan Kerekes (Hungary): Roxana the shepherd girl 38 Milan Malovrh (Slovenia): Stampedo 38 37

Tema: Theme:


Awarded photos in section Open Monochrome • Nagrajene fotografije v temi Prosta črno-bela

FIAP Gold medal › Anatolie Poiata (Moldova): Winter trees

FIAP Silver medal › Luc Stalmans (Belgium): Obsessive light desire

FIAP Bronze medal › Daniel Bonte (Japan): Nori

PSA Gold medal › Ivan Sgobba (France): Rencontre du deuxieme type

FZS Gold medal › Ali Sabih Kadhim (Iraq): Memory

FZS Silver medal › Son Ngoc Ho (Vietnam): On the way home 10

FZS Bronze medal › Ali Zolghadri (Iran): The line of hope

Salon Gold medal › Saurabh Bhattacharyya (India): Little girl 19

Salon Silver medal › David Bray (England): The Lancaster Boys

Salon Bronze medal › Dusan Ignac (Slovakia): Refreshments

FIAP Honorable mention › Huib Limberg (Netherlands): Keep my fingers crossed

FIAP Honorable mention › Valentina D Alia (Italy): Spiral staircase

FIAP Honorable mention › Roald Synnevaag (Norway): Lonesome boat

FIAP Honorable mention › Martine Ryckelynck (France): Freedom

FIAP Honorable mention › Bela Bertok (Austria): Striping

FIAP Honorable mention › lokanath Muda (India): Morning mist

PSA Honorable mention › Ajar Setiadi (Indonesia): Wet fly

Salon Honorable mention › Holger Buecker (Germany): Nick Rossi of Combichrist

Salon Honorable mention › Igor Debevec (Slovenia): Street view XIII

Salon Honorable mention › Istvan Kerekes (Hungary): Silvia 105 year old


FIAP Gold medal

1 FIAP Gold medal › Anatolie Poiata (Moldova): Winter trees 1

FIAP Silver medal

FIAP Silver medal


Bronze medal

Luc Stalmans (Belgium): Obsessive light desire 3 FIAP
Daniel Bonte (Japan): Nori

PSA Gold medal

4 PSA Gold medal › Ivan Sgobba (France): Rencontre du deuxieme type

FZS Gold medal

FZS Gold medal › Ali Sabih Kadhim (Iraq): Memory
33OPEN MONOCHROME • PROSTA ČRNO-BELA 6 FZS Silver medal Son Ngoc Ho (Vietnam): On the way home 10 7 FZS Bronze medal Ali Zolghadri (Iran): The line of hope FZS Silver & Bronze medal 6 7

Salon Gold medal

Salon Gold medal › Saurabh Bhattacharyya (India): Little girl 19

Salon Silver &


9 Salon Gold medal David Bray (England): The Lancaster Boys 10 Salon Silver medal Dusan Ignac (Slovakia): Refreshments 9 11 Salon Honorable mention › Istvan Kerekes (Hungary): Silvia 105 year old


36 OPEN MONOCHROME • PROSTA ČRNO-BELA 13 12 13 FIAP Honorable mention Huib Limberg (Netherlands): Keep my fingers crossed 14 FIAP Honorable mention Roald Synnevaag (Norway): Lonesome boat 15 FIAP Honorable mention Martine
(France): Freedom 16 FIAP Honorable mention Bela Bertok (Austria): Striping 17 FIAP Honorable mention Lokanath Muda (India): Morning mist 12 FIAP Honorable mention Valentina D Alia (Italy): Spiral staircase 14
38 OPEN MONOCHROME • PROSTA ČRNO-BELA 18 20 19 18 PSA Honorable mention Ajar Setiadi (Indonesia): Wet fly 19 Salon Honorable mention Igor Debevec (Slovenia): Street view XIII 20 Salon Honorable mention Holger Buecker (Germany): Nick Rossi of Combichrist
39OPEN MONOCHROME • PROSTA ČRNO-BELA 22 23 21 21 Jovica Panic (Bosnia and Herzegovina): Old age 22 Yu Ling Ho (Taiwan): Family Love in the Rain4 23 Vasja Doberlet (Slovenia): Virtual Judge
40 OPEN MONOCHROME • PROSTA ČRNO-BELA 25 24 26 24 Klas Gustafsson (Sweden): Brunnsbo 25 Mirjana Jelavic (Croatia): Plum trees 2 26 Martin Zurmühle (Switzerland): Home is where the Heart is B&W
41OPEN MONOCHROME • PROSTA ČRNO-BELA 27 28 29 27 Elo Mihevc (Slovenia): Bale 28 Jean-Claude Bertin (France): Ascension du volcan 29 Nenad Banjac (Croatia): Grand Desert
42 OPEN MONOCHROME • PROSTA ČRNO-BELA 32 30 30 Gyula Both (Romania): The other side of the coin 31 Yichi Wang (China): Terrified 1 32 Agnes Olasz (Hungary): You remember 31
43OPEN MONOCHROME • PROSTA ČRNO-BELA 34 33 34 Vincenzo Di Panfilo (Italy): Occhi 33 Vanja Tajnšek (Slovenia): Pain
44 OPEN MONOCHROME • PROSTA ČRNO-BELA 35 37 36 35 Ali Zolghadri (Iran): Light of Hope 36 Hervé Wagner (France): Lignes2 37 Krisztian Kovacs (Hungary): Snake
45OPEN MONOCHROME • PROSTA ČRNO-BELA 3839 40 38 Hengki Lee (Indonesia): Shattered 39 Stane Vidmar (Slovenia): Round 3 40 Marcel van Balken (Netherlands): The Monastery1
46 OPEN MONOCHROME • PROSTA ČRNO-BELA 41 42 43 41 Szilárd Varga (Hungary): Princess of the Spring 42 Igor Debevec (Slovenia): Ladder and shadow 43 Eugene Buzuk (Belarus): Sisters
47OPEN MONOCHROME • PROSTA ČRNO-BELA 45 44 Janez Kukec Mezek (Slovenia): Study 17 45 Zsolt Ujhelyi (Hungary): Waiting 46 Michael Cohen (Israel): Black flowers 44 46

Tema: Theme: C


Awarded photos in section Architecture • Nagrajene fotografije v temi Arhitektura

FIAP Gold medal › Daniel Bonte (Japan): Qube

FIAP Silver medal › Ali Zolghadri (Iran): Darkness and lines

FIAP Bronze medal › Ihsan Jezany (Germany): Samarra

PSA Gold medal › Zoran Kolaric (Croatia): below the firmament

FZS Gold medal › Stephen Buhagiar (Malta): Walls of Manikata Church

FZS Silver medal › Jure Kravanja (Slovenia): Lego

FZS Bronze medal › Valentina D Alia (Italy): 352 windows

Salon Gold medal › Marcel van Balken (Netherlands): Gateway

Salon Silver medal › Yuen Yam Au (Hong Kong): Cabin 2

Salon Bronze medal › Dragoslav Mirkovic (Serbia): N.M.Oktobar 2009-0073

FIAP Honorable mention › Olle Robin (Sweden): Mirror windows

FIAP Honorable mention › Franco Rubini (Italy): Calatrava

FIAP Honorable mention › Klaus Salkola (Finland): Mosque in the Night

FIAP Honorable mention › Robert Strahinjić (Slovenia): Cukrarna

FIAP Honorable mention › Ivan Stojanović (Serbia): Promenade

FIAP Honorable mention › Nigel Dalton (England): Burton Agnes Hall

PSA Honorable mention › Belliard Bruno (France): Pont de Normandie

Salon Honorable mention › Nevenka Papic (Slovenia): Modern times 2 Salon Honorable mention › Biljana Knebl (Croatia): Black Grey White

Salon Honorable mention › Antonella Tomassi (Italy): House of prayer


FIAP Gold medal

1 FIAP Gold medal › Daniel Bonte (Japan): Qube

FIAP Silver medal

FIAP Silver medal › Ali Zolghadri (Iran): Darkness and lines

PSA Gold medal

Gold medal
Zoran Kolaric (Croatia): Below the firmament

FIAP Bronze medal

4 FIAP Bronze medal Ihsan Jezany (Germany): Samarra 5 Giuseppe Tomelleri (Italy): Monumental cemetery 4 5 6 6 Martine Ryckelynck (France): Cité du vin

FZS Gold medal

Gold medal › Stephen Buhagiar (Malta): Walls of Manikata Church
54 ARCHITECTURE • ARHITEKTURA 8 FZS Silver medal Jure Kravanja (Slovenia): Lego 9 FZS Bronze medal Valentina D Alia (Italy): 352 windows FZS Silver medal FZS Bronze medal 9 8

Salon Gold medal

10 Salon Gold medal › Marcel van Balken (Netherlands): Gateway

Salon Silver medal

Salon Bronze medal 11 Salon Silver medal Yuen Yam Au (Hong Kong): Cabin 2 12 Salon Bronze medal Dragoslav Mirkovic (Serbia): N.M.Oktobar 2009-0073
57ARCHITECTURE • ARHITEKTURA 13 14 15 16 13 FIAP Honorable mention Olle Robin (Sweden): Mirror windows 14 FIAP Honorable mention Franco Rubini (Italy): Calatrava 15 FIAP Honorable mention Klaus Salkola (Finland): Mosque in the Night 16 Salon Honorable mention Nevenka Papic (Slovenia): Modern times 2
58 ARCHITECTURE • ARHITEKTURA 17 19 18 17 Salon Honorable mention Biljana Knebl (Croatia): Black Grey White 18 Salon Honorable mention Antonella Tomassi (Italy): House of prayer 19 FIAP Honorable mention Robert Strahinjić (Slovenia): Cukrarna
59ARCHITECTURE • ARHITEKTURA 20 21 22 20 FIAP Honorable mention Ivan Stojanović (Serbia): Promenade 21 PSA Honorable mention Belliard Bruno (France): Pont de Normandie 22 FIAP Honorable mention Nigel Dalton (England): Burton Agnes Hall
60 ARCHITECTURE • ARHITEKTURA 23 24 25 26 23 Albert J. Pinkl (Germany): Bionik 24 Olle Robin (Sweden): Compact living 25 Nenad Banjac (Croatia): Top view 26 Ivo Borko (Slovenia): Curves of Soho
61ARCHITECTURE • ARHITEKTURA 28 29 27 27 Roy Smith (Scotland): Red Road Flats 28 Ali Zolghadri (Iran): Between the lines 29 Marcel van Balken (Netherlands): Colonnade
30 Giuseppe Tomelleri (Italy): The golden house
63ARCHITECTURE • ARHITEKTURA 31 32 31 Daniel Bonte (Japan): Blue Patrol 32 Daniel Bonte (Japan): Life In Complex
64 ARCHITECTURE • ARHITEKTURA 33 34 36 35 35 Virginie Le Carré (France): Concrete wings 36 Holger Goehler (Germany): Fundacio Joa Miro 33 Nenad Banjac (Croatia): Symmetry 34 Milan Markovic (Serbia): K-9
65ARCHITECTURE • ARHITEKTURA 37 Gary Loughran (Ireland): Tones 37
66 ARCHITECTURE • ARHITEKTURA 39 40 38 38 Simon Remec (Slovenia): In the future 39 Mark Taylor (Ireland): Samuel Beckett, Dublin 40 Andreja Ravnak (Slovenia): Crystal palace 1 41 Vyacheslav Sarkisyan (Turkmenistan): Architecture tm-4
67ARCHITECTURE • ARHITEKTURA 4142 43 42 Roberto Biggio (Italy): House lines 43 Dejan Kokol (Slovenia): Structure

Tema: Theme:


Awarded photos in section Landscape • Nagrajene fotografije v temi Pokrajina

FIAP Gold medal › Valerija Jenko (Slovenia): Hidden landscape

FIAP Silver medal › Matej Peljhan (Slovenia): First Flight

FIAP Bronze medal › Krishna Bhat (India): Molten Snow Path

PSA Gold medal › Lorenzo di Candia (Italy): Shadow the circular tree

FZS Gold medal › Helmut Resch (Austria): Lange Schatten

FZS Silver medal › Yichi Wang (China): Spring herding

FZS Bronze medal › Ngar Shun Victor Wong (Hong Kong): Floating Iceberg

Salon Gold medal › Andreja Ravnak (Slovenia): wonderful life 07

Salon Silver medal › Dare Jazbinsek (Slovenia): sonce in sence

Salon Bronze medal › Antti Seppala (Finland): Thunder threatens_01

FIAP Honorable mention › Jovica Panic (Bosnia and Herzegovina): Light and shadow

FIAP Honorable mention › Marian Plaino (Romania): Iceland

FIAP Honorable mention › Stane Vidmar (Slovenia): In the fog

FIAP Honorable mention › Benjamin Goričan (Slovenia): Med valovi

FIAP Honorable mention › Norbert Senser (Germany): Die Burg

FIAP Honorable mention › Jure Kravanja (Slovenia): Golden hill

PSA Honorable mention › Mohammed Arfan Asif (United Arab Emirates): Aura of the dunes

Salon Honorable mention › Nevenka Papic (Slovenia): Desert bouquet

Salon Honorable mention › Catherine Bailly Cazenave (France): Traces

Salon Honorable mention › Ivo Borko (Slovenia): Black&white glacier

68 D

FIAP Gold medal

1 FIAP Gold medal › Valerija Jenko (Slovenia): Hidden landscape
70 LANDSCAPE • POKRAJINA 2 FIAP Silver medal Matej Peljhan (Slovenia): First Flight FIAP Silver medal 3 FIAP Bronze medal Krishna Bhat (India): Molten Snow Path FIAP Bronze medal 2 3

PSA Gold medal

4 PSA Gold medal › Lorenzo di Candia (Italy): Shadow the circular tree

FZS Gold medal

Gold medal › Helmut Resch (Austria): Lange Schatten
73LANDSCAPE • POKRAJINA 6 7 6 FZS Silver medal Yichi Wang (China): Spring herding 7 FZS Bronze medal Ngar Shun Victor Wong (Hong Kong): Floating Iceberg FZS Silver medal FZS Bronze medal

Salon Gold medal

8 Salon Gold medal › Andreja Ravnak (Slovenia): wonderful life 07
75LANDSCAPE • POKRAJINA 10 9 9 Salon Silver medal Dare Jazbinsek (Slovenia): sonce in sence Salon Silver medal 10 Salon Bronze medal › Antti Seppala (Finland): Thunder threatens_01

FIAP Honorable mention

Jovica Panic (Bosnia and Herzegovina):

and shadow

FIAP Honorable mention

Marian Plaino (Romania):

76 LANDSCAPE • POKRAJINA 12 14 13 13 FIAP Honorable mention Stane Vidmar (Slovenia): In the fog 14 Salon Honorable mention Nevenka Papic (Slovenia): Desert bouquet 11
Iceland 11
77LANDSCAPE • POKRAJINA 15 16 17 18 15 FIAP Honorable mention Benjamin Goričan (Slovenia): Med valovi 16 FIAP Honorable mention Norbert Senser (Germany): Die Burg 17 Salon Honorable mention Catherine Bailly Cazenave (France): Traces 18 Salon Honorable mention Ivo Borko (Slovenia): Black&white glacier
78 LANDSCAPE • POKRAJINA 20 19 19 PSA Honorable mention Mohammed Arfan Asif (United Arab Emirates): Aura of the dunes 20 FIAP Honorable mention Jure Kravanja (Slovenia): Golden hill 21 Norbert Senser (Germany): Piano Alto
79LANDSCAPE • POKRAJINA 21 22 23 24 25 22 Lorenzo di Candia (Italy): Basilicata landscape 5 23 Abdulla AL-Mushaifri (Qatar): Desert Lines 24 Andreja Peklaj (Slovenia): Golden Morning 25 Vicki Moritz (Australia): Trees on a hill
80 LANDSCAPE • POKRAJINA 28 26 27 26 Stane Gortnar (Slovenia): Winter day 27 Vasja Doberlet (Slovenia): Alone I 28 Hengki Lee (Indonesia): Hermitage 29 Guy B Samoyault (France): Laguna colorada 30 Matej Rukavina (Slovenia): Empty hut 31 Giuseppe Tomelleri (Italy): Parpari nr 1
82 LANDSCAPE • POKRAJINA 33 34 32 34 Klemen Klemenc (Slovenia): Waves - Coyotte Bute
83LANDSCAPE • POKRAJINA 36 37 35 32 Jure Kravanja (Slovenia): Patched fields 33 Simon Kovačič (Slovenia): Tuscany 63 35 Tomaž Galič (Slovenia): Fiery sky 36 Lajos Nagy (Romania): In spring colors 37 Catherine Bailly Cazenave (France): Low tide

Tema: Theme:


Awarded photos in section Water • Nagrajene fotografije v temi Voda

FIAP Gold medal › Manh Cuong Vu (Vietnam): Summer on the lotus pond

FIAP Silver medal › Istvan Kerekes (Hungary): Finish to victory

FIAP Bronze medal › Judit Deri (Hungary): Snow-cannon

PSA Gold medal › Saurabh Bhattacharyya (India): Water 1

FZS Gold medal › Matej Peljhan (Slovenia): Superman

FZS Silver medal › Laszlo dr. Siman (Hungary): Mitosis

FZS Bronze medal › Huib Limberg (Netherlands): Pelican in rest

Salon Gold medal › Adrian Whear (Australia): Fountain of Life

Salon Silver medal › Teddy Sugrue (Ireland): Kinard Rough Waters

Salon Bronze medal › Laszlo Banoczi (Hungary): North Sea 65

FIAP Honorable mention › Jean-Claude Bertin (France): Nouvelle vague

FIAP Honorable mention › Neda Racki (Croatia): Witness from the past

FIAP Honorable mention › Ihsan Jezany (Germany): Marsh man

FIAP Honorable mention › Milan Markovic (Serbia): Boat

FIAP Honorable mention › Eugene Buzuk (Belarus): Baltic Breeze

FIAP Honorable mention › Anitha Mysore (India): Silken bath

PSA Honorable mention › Dusan Ignac (Slovakia): Waterpolo

Salon Honorable mention › Lorenzo di Candia (Italy): Boat 3

Salon Honorable mention › Hengki Lee (Indonesia): Dream Of Yesterday

Salon Honorable mention › Jose Maria Martin (Spain): Spinal cord


FIAP Gold medal

1 FIAP Gold medal › Manh Cuong Vu (Vietnam): Summer on
the lotus pond
86 WATER • VODA 2 FIAP Silver medal Istvan Kerekes (Hungary): Finish to victory 3 FIAP Bronze medal Judit Deri (Hungary): Snow-cannon FIAP Silver & Bronze medal 2 3

PSA Gold medal

4 PSA Gold medal › Saurabh Bhattacharyya (India): Water 1

FZS Gold medal

Gold medal › Matej Peljhan (Slovenia): Superman
89WATER • VODA 6 7 6 FZS Silver medal Laszlo dr. Siman (Hungary): Mitosis 7 FZS Bronze medal Huib Limberg (Netherlands): Pelican in rest FZS Silver medal FZS Bronze medal

Salon Gold medal

90 WATER • VODA 8 Salon Gold
Adrian Whear (Australia): Fountain of Life

Salon Silver medal

91WATER • VODA 9 10 9 Salon Silver medal Teddy
Sugrue (Ireland): Kinard
Rough Waters
10 Salon Bronze medal Laszlo Banoczi (Hungary): North Sea 65 Salon Bronze medal
92 WATER • VODA 11 12 13 14 11 FIAP Honorable mention Jean-Claude Bertin (France): Nouvelle vague 12 FIAP Honorable mention Neda Racki (Croatia): Witness from the past 13 FIAP Honorable mention Ihsan Jezany (Germany): Marsh man 14 FIAP Honorable mention Milan Markovic (Serbia): Boat
93WATER • VODA 15 16 17 15 FIAP Honorable mention Eugene Buzuk (Belarus): Baltic Breeze 16 Krisztian Kovacs (Hungary): Three brothers 17 PSA Honorable mention Dusan Ignac (Slovakia): Waterpolo

18 Salon Honorable mention Lorenzo di Candia (Italy): Boat 3

19 Salon Honorable mention Hengki Lee (Indonesia): Dream Of Yesterday

20 Salon Honorable mention Jose Maria Martin (Spain): Spinal cord


94 WATER • VODA 19
95WATER • VODA 21 22
21 FIAP Honorable mention Anitha Mysore (India): Silken bath
dr. Laszlo Siman (Hungary): Estuary
96 WATER • VODA 23 24 25 23 Jean-Claude Bertin (France): Rouleau de printemps 24 Oscar Saraiva (Portugal): Outubro chuviscoso 25 Vinyasa Ubaradka (India): Seaside Life
97WATER • VODA 2627 29 28 26 Gaber Kosir (Slovenia): Look into past 27 Adrian Whear (Australia): Dandelion 28 Kishan Harwalkar (India): River Crossing 29 Nagy Botond (Romania): You can run, but you cannot hide
98 WATER • VODA 33 30 31 32 34 30 Tanja Gorjan (Slovenia): Last stop 31 Saurabh Bhattacharyya (India): Boatman 32 Milan Malovrh (Slovenia): V brzicah 2 33 Marina Pavlin (Slovenia): Golden Beach 34 Vlasta Gorup (Slovenia): Floating ice
99WATER • VODA 35 36 37 38 35 Simon Krejan (Slovenia): Pearls 36 Anitha Mysore (India): The last heave 37 Ian Stanley (England): Tourists 38 Matej Peljhan (Slovenia): Rainy Day
100 WATER • VODA 39 41 40 42 39 Stojan Gorup (Slovenia): Ice cave 40 Mirjana Jelavic, Croatia): Behind the water 41 Norbert Senser (Germany): Kajak 42 Jure Kravanja (Slovenia): Delta




Chapman John Budgies At Hollow

Lin Cherry Liya Bullfight

Lin Cherry Liya Contest

Lin Cherry Liya Racing 3

Lin Cherry Liya Rough Sea

Patterson Ian Cruising

Patterson Ian Sacred Ganges FIAP HM

Smallegange Ann Squabbling Birds On Banksia

Whear Adrian Heat

Whear Adrian Moo Salon HM

Woodcock Jane WA Coastline

Wu Shizhen Throw of


Benkic Igor Sleepy Bella

Habringer Wolfgang Autumn Morning 16

Habringer Wolfgang Boat Trip 08

Habringer Wolfgang Rousanou 03

Habringer Wolfgang Schloss Orth 06

Knobel Ludwig Play-Actor

Knobel Ludwig Takeoff

Pillik Manfred Barbarosso

Pillik Manfred In Bereitschaft

Pillik Manfred Starke Frau FIAP HM

Pillik Manfred Vereint

Resch Helmut Cherry tree 1

Resch Helmut Musikerinnen


Nabi Dr Rashid Un Six Wheelers In Mist


Girboux Marylou Sauvetage

Simon Claude Young Widow

Stalmans Luc Colorful Culture

Stalmans Luc I Will leave my Hat on Stalmans Luc Saga of Sadness

Weytrens Eric Smoky


Krstic Slobodan Foto_0648

Krstic Slobodan Sheperdess 12 FIAP HM

Panic Jovica In front of the herd_1


Luo Zaohua Bright and beautiful

Luo Zaohua Stunning beauty

Wang Yichi Movies in the countryside


Banjac Nenad Di Francisca attacks PSA HM Knebl Biljana Walking the Dogs

Kolaric Zoran On the other hand it hurts

Racki Neda Blue silence

Racki Neda Double

Racki Neda In the corner

Zeman Mato Enchanted Woods


Kyprianou Klea Greek Honor Guard 02


Christiansen Tage Green leaf

Hammerstad Jan Nuller 1 Hammerstad Jan Outside In 2


Adcock Terri Hopping Mad

Bray David Apache Wall Of Fire Bray David Kingfisher Patience Bray David The Jaguar Boys Fryer Alison J Go Fetch Stanley Ian Beach


Mansson Markku Portrait of a Robin Seppala Antti Ear vase


Bailly Cazenave Catherine Gust of wind Bailly Cazenave Catherine United workers Beck Carpentier Pascale Retour de chasse Bertin Jean-Claude Benediction

Blij Jolanta Sur un nuage

Le Carré Virginie Le pianniste

Le Carré Virginie Murmures de fantomes

Le Carré Virginie Seul face à l'océan Lebrun Marc Dune 45 Ryckelynck Martine Le ballon rouge Samoyault Guy B Dana Mathewson 3 Samoyault Guy B Very closer


Graf Josef Beauty

Graf Josef The best Places Graf Josef Together Buecker Holger Class Grenayde Buecker Holger Fury Car Concert 9 Buesching Gunter Herbstmorgen Buesching Gunter Schneesturm Hochhaus Alexander Shoetime Jezany Ihsan Race against time Salon G Jezany Ihsan A look Jezany Ihsan Bamu Jezany Ihsan Desert man Kluger Manfred Peacock dance-10 Linnemann Markus Illuminated Linnemann Markus In the beginning Paul Helmut Adrenalin Paul Helmut Dune Walk

Pinkl Albert J. Cold as ice Pinkl Albert J. Early awakening Schmidt Kruno Ice view Schmidt Kruno The little Lighthouse Winkens Georg Relaxation bath


Skotiniotis Iannis Agonizing effort


Choi Chi Kun Badmouthing Choi Chi Kun Dancing in the dark light

Lam Chau Kei Checky Net Working Lam Chau Kei Checky Twins Mandrill Ng Chi Fun Fanny Running Horses on Water


Eifert Janos Fresh baking

Eifert Janos Frieze

Fekete Tamas Chairs with sea

Kerekes Istvan Roxana the shepherd girl

Kerekes Istvan Sandru and Titi

Kerekes Istvan Visage from Iza valley

Kerekes Istvan Wild look FIAP G

Magdo Istvan Beauty in simplicity

Magdo Istvan Dancing in the air

Rudolf Kovari Bird

Soltész Boglárka Ruber

Szabo Zsolt Bird of prehistory FZS G

Szabo Zsolt David and Goliat

Szabo Zsolt Get engaged

Szalai-Papp Csaba Comes from the Land of the Fog Szalai-Papp Csaba No more

Ujhelyi Zsolt Dawn of the Hesperides

Ujhelyi Zsolt Green

Varga Szilárd Ivett


Bhandari Subhasish Flower On Hair

Bhandari Subhasish Foldfinger

Bhandari Subhasish Gold On Black

Bhat Krishna Hike Towards Light

C R Sathyanarayana Double Attack

C R Sathyanarayana Humming Bird Drawing Nectar

C R Sathyanarayana Humming Bird Sucking Nectar

C R Sathyanarayana Returning Shepherd

Dasappa Bhagya Keeping It Pink

Harwalkar Kishan Magical Morning in Bagan Harwalkar Kishan Oia Sunset

Mysore Anitha Mesmerising dance

Mysore Anitha Red Munia 20

Ubaradka Vinyasa Hanging Jewels Ubaradka Vinyasa Mantis and Spider


Kohar Vincent Floating Ballerina Kohar Vincent Performer in Motion Kohar Vincent Remake of Leonardo Painting Kohar Vincent Which Way I Should Take Lee Hengki Sincerely Yours Lee Hengki Somewhere In Time PSA G Lee Hengki When The Twilight Sings

Setiadi Ajar Half body

Setiadi Ajar Yellow king fisher Somali-Chow David Fisherman in Fujian China Somali-Chow David Incredible view of Greenland


Bushe Catherine Olden Times

Bushe Catherine Radiance Bushe Catherine Red bridge in the rain Kelly Eddie Kingfisher in Rain Kelly Eddie Red Squirrel in Rain

Loughran Gary James in snow Loughran Gary Red

O Shaughnessy Gabriel A Wee Dram

Playdon Sigita Blue eyes 2

Playdon Sigita Just the 2 of us

Playdon Sigita Paper abstract

Rosik Beata Ariadnes Thread Rosik Beata Violinist

Sugrue Teddy Keeping Watch

Sugrue Teddy Protecting The Heard

Taylor Mark Ace of spades

Taylor Mark Returning kitesurfer


Cohen Michael Fisher woman (miyanmar)

Cohen Michael Looking outside

Cohen Michael Red Scurf

Salon S


Rubboli Veniero Young stoker

Biggio Roberto Bricks For Life 2 - Nepal

Bolognesi Laura Toward The Light

D Alia Valentina Eat

D Alia Valentina Focus

D Alia Valentina The stair of the Mudec

Di Candia Lorenzo Heros

Di Candia Lorenzo Holy 2

Di Candia Lorenzo The Queen's Gambit 2

Di Panfilo Vincenzo La figlia di Charlie

Di Panfilo Vincenzo Windows

Fieni Eugenio Il Boss 21.13

Fieni Eugenio Nenet Life 21.13

Sancandi Ivana Old Woman

Sancandi Ivana The ladder

Sancandi Ivana Water purification

Tomassi Antonella Quiet day

Tomassi Antonella Striped shirt Salon B

Tomelleri Giuseppe At the museum nr 1

Tomelleri Giuseppe Holiday residence nr 1

Zuffo Emanuele Airshow 4

Zuffo Emanuele Volley al tempo del covid


Marxer Peter A pigeon drinking water


Cheang Sherman Morning Sailing

Cheang Sherman My Forehand Attack

Cheang Sherman We Like Dancing


Tiong Chiong Soon Gondolas


Buhagiar Stephen Lines and curves

Buhagiar Stephen Three strawberries and a fork


Colos Vladimir Among heroes

Colos Vladimir Artist

Poiata Anatolie Girl with chicken

Poiata Anatolie Homemaker

Poiata Anatolie Portrait on blue wall


Limberg Huib Please ring before entering the house of Mondriaan van Balken Marcel Circus Decay van Balken Marcel Counterpoint van Balken Marcel Phonehome van Balken Marcel Skiing


Rae Andy Areobatics


Larssen Richard King fisher

Synnevaag Roald Angel

Upe-Vaage Sandra Portrait of Sofija 1 Westlie John Olav Party


Dumanski Jaroslaw Destruction

Rojek Tomasz Autumn FIAP B

Rojek Tomasz Bled

Rojek Tomasz Lago Limides

Rojek Tomasz Passo Erbe


Saraiva Oscar Chuva de Maio

Saraiva Oscar Domingo na marginal Salon HM


Both Gyula Goodbye

Both Gyula To the house

Botond Nagy start of the day Botond Nagy Wine tasting Salon HM Nagy Lajos Finally it s here FIAP S Nagy Lajos

Grey heron with fish Nagy Lajos I ll catch the fish Nagy Lajos Levitation Pakot Erno Anatoli expecting Plaino Marian Elena


Zelinskiy Alexander Dreamy Dunes Zelinskiy Alexander Fairy Glen Zelinskiy Alexander Magic Icicles II


Smith Roy Red Arrows Break Smith Roy Red Arrows Tornado


Dakovic Svajcer Kornelia Visiting the Queen Filipovic Marijana Descent Filipovic Marijana Pure fashion Filipovic Marijana The spirit of Belgrade streets Kojadinovic Goran Exploring Mirkovic Dragoslav Doboj 016 Stojanović Ivan Lines Zupunski Anica Victor


Avsenik Lojzi Okusno je Avsenik Lojzi Ulov Borko Ivo Clairvoyant Boznar Emil Aladin Cegner Aleksej Touch the Moon Culiberg Ursa We need more superheroes Čotar Suzana Autumn feeling Debevec Igor Crossroad Debevec Igor Leaf FIAP HM Glavač Janez Sharing is caring Gorjan Tanja Little snail 12 Gorjan Tanja Venice in snow 70 Gortnar Stane Engineman 1 Gortnar Stane To Follow Gregorc Irena A storm is coming Gregorc Irena Under the Tuscan sun Gregurič Silič Barbara Powerful Ania Jakopič Marko Rjavina zjutraj Jazbinsek Dare Samota Jenko Valerija Among the clouds Jenko Valerija At The Top Jenko Valerija Friendship Kacafura Mihael Dancing run Kacafura Mihael Grandmother 02 Kacafura Mihael Ten fingers Kobal Primož

The path Kokol Dejan Motion & Time Koprivc Mija Freedom Koprivc Mija Morning Venice Koprivc Mija Waiting for the Sun Kosir Gaber Dragon Kosir Gaber Toilet Act Kosmač Alan Industrial Revolution Košnjek Sandra

The only one Kovačič Simon European mantis 73 Kovačič Simon Quarrel 17 Kovačič Simon Tuscany 74 Krapez Miran Badger Krapez Miran Forest Hunter Krapez Miran Sharp Look Kravanja Jure Howling

Kravanja Jure Tree

Krejan Simon Autumn still life

Križaj Tomi Hard Life

Kukec Mezek Janez Friends 02 FZS B

Kurnik Špela Plezalka

Lavrinc Franjo In a blizzard

Lesjak Danilo Unusual end of the day

Lešnjak Alfred Frozen

Malovrh Milan Gallop

Malovrh Milan Playground

Malovrh Milan Stampedo

Mastnak Dušan Lost in the Fog FIAP HM

Mastnak Dušan Street life

Mihevc Elo Crossing

Mladovan Marko Chocolate kiss

Papic Nevenka Little monks collecting alms

Peljhan Matej Cross

Peljhan Matej Descent FZS S

Peljhan Matej Please Help

Ravnak Andreja Flying horses

Ravnak Andreja Mixing realities

Strahinjić Robert On the go

Šimic Joško Klic ljubezni

Šimic Joško Tricolori

Tajnšek Vanja Morning news

Tratnik Anton Dolga je še pot


Swart Pieter Scratching Wilson David Wreck of the Zeila


Estefania Flaño Jose Alfredo Colores Sobre La Rama Martin Jose Maria Marathon Solinis Camalich Carlos Durdle door Solinis Camalich Carlos Jump Solinis Camalich Carlos Mother earth


Gustafsson Klas Shepherd guard

Gustafsson Klas The circle

Gustafsson Klas Three Gustafsson Klas Tree Moravia Wennblom Monica Wennblom Fern curl


Aemmer Elisabeth Fork and Spoon FIAP HM Aemmer Elisabeth Spaziergang

Zurmühle Martin The Story of her Own


Ho Yu Ling Hurdle race

Ho Yu Ling Off-road competition

Hsiao Pi Heng Taiwan18

Weng Chin Tzu Tai Chi1243


Barlas Baris Santos_21212


Sarkisyan Vyacheslav Female students

Shikhliev Begench Eye

Shikhliev Begench It got colder

Shikhliev Begench Who is faster


Shchehlevatykh Serhii Evelina_02

Shchehlevatykh Serhii Sleeping girl_01



Chiu Bob Life in Ethiopia52

Salim Mohammad ali Snow Geese Migration

Zeng Jiahong Cloud over Mt. Shasta 05


Ngoc Ho Son Break out 2

Vu Manh Cuong Morning In Cappadocia

Vu Manh Cuong Plateau Color

Vu Manh Cuong Way Back 2


Dee Tom Gentleman Jim

Dee Tom Love Is In The Air

Edwards David L Lilac Breasted Roller pair

Edwards David L Puma in a pine tree

Ledgard Ian V of R Driver




Lin Cherry Liya Capture

Lin Cherry Liya Racing 2

Lin Cherry Liya Throw off

Sharples Jan Sheba

Smallegange Ann Agave BW

Whear Adrian Illusion

Whear Adrian Polar Opposites

Whear Adrian The Doors

Whear Adrian Walk this way


Bertok Bela Striping FIAP HM

Habringer Wolfgang Kolonnade 02

Pillik Manfred Ball im Blick

Pillik Manfred Naechster Schlag

Pillik Manfred Pandabaer

Pillik Manfred Seitenblick

Resch Helmut Past


Nabi Dr Rashid Un The Nun


Buzuk Eugene Shepherds

Buzuk Eugene Sisters

Titov Basil Olga


Crabeck Louis Le Pont

Meubis Jos Woman in maze

Nicoll Francis Laurence 6

Nicoll Francis Maspalomas 8

Ninanne Serge Le forgeron

Stalmans Luc Believing Is Seeing

Stalmans Luc It's all about Mindset

Stalmans Luc Obsessive light desire FIAP S

Weytrens Eric I See You


Panic Jovica A time to remember

Panic Jovica Old age

Panic Jovica Shepherds story


Luo Zaohua Girl who dances Ballet

Luo Zaohua Girl with earring

Luo Zaohua Smooth curve

Wang Yichi Childhood memory Wang Yichi Infinite space Wang Yichi Terrified 1


Banjac Nenad Grand Desert Banjac Nenad Snow tracks Jelavic Mirjana Plum trees 2 Jelavic Mirjana The deer Kolaric Zoran Magda Kolaric Zoran selfdiscovery

Racki Neda Captured

Racki Neda Lines circles and arrows Radicanin Zvonko Game of Domination Radicanin Zvonko Three Sisters


Kyprianou Klea Charm Kyprianou Klea Friends For Ever Kyprianou Klea Light and Shadows 3


Hammerstad Jan Nuller 2


Adcock Terri Number 11 Adcock Terri The Smokey Engine Shed Bray David Mustang Lady Bray David The Engine Arrangers Bray David The Lancaster Boys Salon S Bray David The Spiv


Korpela Antti Sprint Seppala Antti Pirouette


Beck Carpentier Pascale Duo Beck Carpentier Pascale Repos Bertin Jean-Claude Ascension du volcan Blij Jolanta Chevaux Camargue Bruno Belliard Course en ville Bruno Belliard Didier Bruno Belliard Symetrie Net B Cailletaud Georges A wink to JR Camus Thierry Reading Colin Pascal In the empty tube Ryckelynck Martine Freedom FIAP HM Samoyault Guy B Long jump handi woman 245 Sgobba Ivan Rencontre du deuxieme type

Tardy René Black beauty Wagner Hervé Lignes2


Graf Josef Zebra Buecker Holger Nick Rossi of Combichrist

Buecker Holger The Physics of Water Buesching Gunter Waldvogel Goehler Holger On the terrace Hochhaus Alexander Trial lesson

Jezany Ihsan Behind the bars Jezany Ihsan Buffalo shepherd Jezany Ihsan Shadow of a man Pinkl Albert J. Play the double bass Pinkl Albert J. Saarpolygon

Pinkl Albert J. Tradition and modernity

Senser Norbert Der Schuhmacher

Senser Norbert Toskana 5

Wildner Wolfram Kleine Schritte zum Glück

Wildner Wolfram Telefonica Tower

Winkens Georg Piston Engine Vestrahorn


Pantazis Chris Acrometopa servillea

Pantazis Chris Caterpillar of arctia caja


Au Yuen Yam Busy Road

Choi Chi Kun Hover in the sky

Lam Chau Kei Checky Farmhouse Beauty

Li Sau Hung High Working 2

Lin Wolfgang Ancient Princess 20

Lin Wolfgang spiral staircase 2

Ng Chi Fun Fanny Unpredictabe

Wong Ngar Shun Victor Camel Master

Wong Ngar Shun Victor Darkness Queen


Dudas Nandor Emil Morning rush 256

Eifert Janos Hard Life

Eifert Janos Magic eyes

Gajdos Gabor Devilish Rider

Gajdos Gabor Standing in the Light

Judik Alex Smile

Judik Alex Worker's hand

Kerekes Istvan Children of poverty

Kerekes Istvan Magic of moment

Kerekes Istvan Silvia 105 year old Salon HM Kerekes Istvan The ill dog

Kovacs Krisztian Snake

Kristó Annamária Black tulle

Mihály Lex Chess mat

Olasz Agnes Horses in the fog

Olasz Agnes You remember Rajkai Gyorgy Daydream

Rudolf Kovari Body of Christ

Sagi Agi Stand apart

Szabo Attila Corners

Szabo Attila Dancing in the light

Ujhelyi Zsolt Glittering

Ujhelyi Zsolt Waiting

Varga Szilárd Princess of the Spring Varga Szilárd This is not a Lamp


Athavale Bhaskar Cloud And Wind Show

Bhandari Subhasish White Painted Tribal Face

Bhat Krishna Cattle Herder

Bhattacharyya Saurabh Little girl 19 Salon G

C R Sathyanarayana Elephant with Calf

C R Sathyanarayana Returning Cattle Herd

Harwalkar Kishan Alpine White Walkers

Harwalkar Kishan Pulling the Strings

Muda Lokanath Morning Mist FIAP HM


Mysore Anitha Hey siri

Mysore Anitha Threatening spotted owlets

Pal Udayan Sankar A woman of many parts

Ramesh Goutham Cute Gaze

Ramesh Goutham Heron Scape

Ramesh Goutham Old Man

Ubaradka Vinyasa Life on Water


Kohar Vincent Climbing Slippery Pole Game

Kohar Vincent Sad and Happy


Lee Hengki Phantom

Lee Hengki Shattered

Lee Hengki

The Voyagers

Lee Hengki Venom

Setiadi Ajar Philosopher

Setiadi Ajar The flying spirit

Setiadi Ajar Wet fly


Zolghadri Ali In cage

Zolghadri Ali Light of Hope

Zolghadri Ali Save the Earth



Tiong Chiong Soon The Lone Rock


Buhagiar Stephen Going in circles

Catania Gottfried Canary Wharf Escalators


Aguilar Sibaja raul Blood ties

Aguilar Sibaja raul Duet Rasumofsky

Aguilar Sibaja raul When the music band arrived

Zolghadri Ali The line of hope FZS B


Sabih Kadhim Ali Memory


Kelly Eddie Aristobulus

Kelly Eddie Cassius

Kelly Eddie Wet Hawk

Kelly Eddie Withburga

O Shaughnessy Gabriel Grandpa's Bike

Rosik Beata Girl with a Sunflower

Rosik Beata In the Web

Taylor Mark Holliewood


Basha Rabia Gypsy and Spiral Staircase 1

Cohen Michael Black flowers

Goldin Leonid Can you hear me

Ravich Lev Abstract

Ravich Lev In the sky

Ravich Lev Rauny evning


Biggio Roberto Brick Kiln 12 - Nepal

Biggio Roberto Janna

D Alia Valentina Bike and street lamps

D Alia Valentina De Zwaan



Colos Vladimir Image creation

Colos Vladimir Traveler

Poiata Anatolie Fishing in the morning Poiata Anatolie Winter trees FIAP G


Limberg Huib Keep my fingers crossed

Limberg Huib Playing with my shadow Pomme May Voetstappen naar zee-160654 van Balken Marcel Blackcat van Balken Marcel Rainyday van Balken Marcel The Monastery1


Birkelund Hans A rainy day in Piran Slovenia Synnevaag Roald Lonesome boat FIAP HM Westlie John Olav Jan Tjerbo

POLAND Dumanski Jaroslaw In forest Przybyszowska Alicja A touch of silence Przybyszowska Alicja Bright valley Przybyszowska Alicja Snow trail


D Alia Valentina Spiral staircase FIAP HM

D Alia Valentina To the cloakroom

Di Candia Lorenzo Fencing Attack 12

Di Candia Lorenzo Giovanna album

Di Candia Lorenzo Hope 2

Di Panfilo Vincenzo Babe in red

Di Panfilo Vincenzo Biker on the road

Di Panfilo Vincenzo Occhi

Di Panfilo Vincenzo Warriors hill

Fieni Eugenio Maramures 21.16

Fieni Eugenio Nenet Children 21.31

Fieni Eugenio Uzbekistan 21.03

Rubini Franco Madonnari

Rubini Franco The monk

Rubini Franco Towards the unknown Sancandi Ivana Beyond the gaza Sancandi Ivana Old sage

Sancandi Ivana Ty Tao

Tomassi Antonella Fear of the tampon

Tomassi Antonella The boy asleep on the sidewalk

Tomelleri Giuseppe Venice underwater nr 1

Tomelleri Giuseppe Venice underwater nr 8


Bonte Daniel Nori FIAP B

Bonte Daniel Roots

Bonte Daniel Torpedo

Bonte Daniel Workers


Cheang Sherman Tango 1


Borko Ivo Oranta

Boznar Emil Torzos

Čotar Suzana Tango

Debevec Igor Ladder and shadow

Debevec Igor Revolution 6

Debevec Igor Street view XIII Salon HM

Doberlet Vasja Duet

Doberlet Vasja Virtual Judge

Galič Tomaž Wind

Gorjan Tanja Magic winter 26

Gortnar Stane Cross Rider

Gortnar Stane Randy

Gradišnik Urška Another world

Gradišnik Urška Eyes of the soul

Gradišnik Urška Hope PR2021

Jenko Valerija Musician

Jenko Valerija Winter morning

Kacafura Mihael Silhueta of girl 01

Koprivc Mija Complicated

Kosir Gaber Businessman

Košnjek Sandra Lost

Krapez Miran Autumn In Picture 01

Krapez Miran Morning Talk

Kravanja Jure Love

Kravanja Jure Waterfalls

Križaj Tomi Go-Go-Go

Kukec Mezek Janez Sofiya 04

Kukec Mezek Janez Study 17

Kurnik Špela Navzgor

Lavrinc Franjo Tracker

Lesjak Danilo Amon Amarth

Malovrh Milan Erupt

Malovrh Milan Pasage

Mastnak Dušan Touch

Metljak Drago Misty forest 1 Mihevc Elo Bale

Mladovan Marko Metaldays 2016 Mladovan Marko Wet Peljhan Matej Maestro

AL-Mushaifri Abdulla Shadow Cross Bw


Both Gyula Our Daily Bread Both Gyula The other side of the coin Botond Nagy Who knows what tomorrow holds Pakot Erno From the old town Pakot Erno Undecided way Plaino Marian Let me see Plaino Marian Nice to meet you Plaino Marian Up and down


Zelinskiy Alexander Reflections


Smith Roy Storm Force


Dakovic Svajcer Kornelia Choir Filipovic Marijana On the corner Markovic Milan On the dock Markovic Milan Play on the glade Stojanović Ivan Model 2021 Zupunski Anica On the Edge


Ignac Dusan Beekeper 1 Ignac Dusan

Peljhan Matej Snap C(h)at Peljhan Matej Stairs and Stripes

Peljhan Matej Tactic

Ravnak Andreja Masha and Monika Ravnak Andreja Young one Šfiligoj Zdenka Black and white Šimic Joško Divji galop

Šimic Joško Rdeči jelen Tajnšek Vanja Pain

Tratnik Anton Geometrija Tratnik Anton Zimska panorama

Vidmar Stane Round 3

Vidmar Stane The shadow of the invisible Vončina Anuška Morning meal


Wilson David Rhinos at Waterhole


Martin Jose Maria Pagoda


Gustafsson Klas Brunnsbo

Gustafsson Klas Dormant monk

Gustafsson Klas Evening work

Robin Olle Friend of gulls


Aemmer Elisabeth Hallo

Zurmühle Martin Home is where the Heart is B&W

Refreshments Salon B

Zurmühle Martin Lava Land B&W

Zurmühle Martin The Spa


Ho Yu Ling Family Love in the Rain4

Hsiao Pi Heng Canada3

Hsiao Pi Heng Winter on the dam


Barlas Baris Manhattan Bridge_02

Barlas Baris Santos_21553


Sarkisyan Vyacheslav Creator


Akhter Rowshan Ballerina Bow 4854

Kuebler Barbara Flying with a Big Stick

Sokolskaya Valentina Palouse Fields 8985


Ngoc Ho Son On the way home 10 FZS S

Ngoc Ho Son Waiting 9

Vu Manh Cuong Sunny On The Mountain 1

Vu Manh Cuong The Girl And The River 1


Dee Tom Its Tough on the Streets

Dee Tom Time For a Coffee

Edwards David L Bobcat posing on a branch

Edwards David L Sparring Stallions



Banjac Nenad

Black block

Banjac Nenad Mosque Rijeka

Banjac Nenad Symmetry

Banjac Nenad Top view

Knebl Biljana

Black Grey White Salon HM

Knebl Biljana Twisted Building

Senser Norbert Der Geiger

Senser Norbert Raisting

Wildner Wolfram Durchdacht

Winkens Georg Glasstower


Au Yuen Yam Cabin 2 Salon S


Stevens Mark Michigan Sails

Stevens Mark Oculus Reimagined2

Lin Cherry Liya Boston

Moritz Vicki Hosier lane looking up Whear Adrian Aria

Whear Adrian Eye Stair

Whear Adrian Tingles


Habringer Wolfgang Fassade 93

Pillik Manfred Alberobello

Pillik Manfred Die Bruecke

Spannbauer Nikolaus The right way Strohmeier Kurt Autowendel


Nabi Dr Rashid Un Ayasofia

Nabi Dr Rashid Un Blue Melody

Nabi Dr Rashid Un Miniaturk


Buzuk Eugene Gradient

Buzuk Eugene Sacre Coeur


Simon Claude Universal Time

Weytrens Eric Les Boules


Panic Jovica Spiral tube

Kolaric Zoran

Below the firmament PSA G Racki Neda

A little piece of the sunshne Radicanin Zvonko After the Earthquake Radicanin Zvonko Frames in the Frame Šebrek Vinko In the dome of the Reichstag Building

Zeman Mato Swan on the Danube


Christofini Anna Gothic mysticism Christofini Anna Guggenheim museo - Bilbao


Alaa Mobarak Yasser Baku Color


Adcock Terri

The Light in Gods House

Clifton Lorraine Balcony view Clifton Lorraine London Wall offices Dalton Nigel Burton Agnes Hall FIAP HM Hersom Andrew More Windows


Korpela Antti Sagrada Familia Salkola Klaus Mosque in the Night FIAP HM


Bailly Cazenave Catherine Guggenheim Bertin Jean-Claude Buildings Bertin Jean-Claude Skyscrapers Bruno Belliard Bir Hakeim Bruno Belliard Pont de Normandie PSA HM Camus Thierry Colored shapes Camus Thierry Red and white on blue Doz Marianne Keep smiling you are enlightened Doz Marianne Mille-feuilles Doz Marianne Yellow and blue Le Carré Virginie Concrete wings

Le Carré Virginie Le Warf Lebrun Marc Manhattan reflexions Martin Marc Henri Art nouveau Montaufier Jacques New York Roncaldier Edoarda Spirale Ryckelynck Martine Cité du vin Ryckelynck Martine Le passant Tardy René Lumière du soir Tardy René Red drying Tardy René Triangles Vorac Annie Distorsion


Csizmadia Tamas Books and stairs Csizmadia Tamas Grand circle gallery Goehler Holger Fundacio Joa Miro Goehler Holger Santinis staircase Heinrigs Wolfgang Half -tmbered Jezany Ihsan Samarra FIAP B Jezany Ihsan Snail Linnemann Markus Baltic sea pagoda 1 Paul Helmut Stairway 2 Paul Helmut Stairway to nowhere Pinkl Albert J. Bionik

Pinkl Albert J. Blackfriars-Tower

Au Yuen Yam Night In Bhutan Landcape

Chan Wing Ho Schloss Sanssouci-01

Lam Chau Kei Checky Dream Home 3

Lin Wolfgang Bounding Wall


Eifert Janos Holy Trinity Church in Velemer

Eifert Janos La Defense Paris

Eifert Janos Statue of Liberty in New York

Gajdos Gabor Open Stairway

Kerekes Istvan Budapest parliament

Magdo Istvan Cyberpunk

Mihály Lex Panel ruins

Mónika Lex At the way home

Rajkai Gyorgy Danube Tower

Rajkai Gyorgy Triangles

Rudolf Kovari Limit

Sagi Agi Sound-proofing

Sagi Agi Under construction

Szalai-Papp Csaba Celestial_office

Szalai-Papp Csaba Galleria_Vittorio_ Emanuele_ II


Bhattacharjee Hirak Reflective urbanscape

Harwalkar Kishan Amer Fort

Harwalkar Kishan The Memorial Mall

Mysore Anitha Hawa Mahal

Mysore Anitha Le Louvre

Pal Udayan Sankar Colourful Construct-1

Pal Udayan Sankar Indoor Runway-1


Kohar Vincent Louvre-03

Lee Hengki Mind Escape

Lee Hengki Mind Odyssey

Lee Hengki Solemn

Setiadi Ajar Semanggi bridge


Zolghadri Ali Azadi tower

Zolghadri Ali Between the lines

Zolghadri Ali Cycling in the city

Zolghadri Ali Darkness and lines FIAP S


Loughran Gary Tones

Taylor Mark Essence of Beckett Bridge

Taylor Mark Popes Cross, Dublin

Taylor Mark Samuel Beckett, Dublin


Basha Rabia Two blue windows acre 1

Cohen Michael Mikonos (Greece)


Biggio Roberto House Lines

Bolognesi Laura Hive

D Alia Valentina 352 windows FZS B

D Alia Valentina Overblaak 70

D Alia Valentina Striped porch

D Alia Valentina The shadow between the arches

Di Candia Lorenzo Matera 2017

Di Candia Lorenzo Siena

Di Candia Lorenzo Utopia


Fieni Eugenio Gum 2127

Rubini Franco Calatrava FIAP HM

Rubini Franco Calatrava's fan

Rubini Franco Vicenza

Tandelli Donatella Les docs, Marseille

Tomassi Antonella Child resolute

Tomassi Antonella House of prayer Salon HM

Tomelleri Giuseppe Holiday residence nr 3

Tomelleri Giuseppe Monumental cemetery

Tomelleri Giuseppe The golden house


Bonte Daniel Blue Patrol

Bonte Daniel Life In Complex

Bonte Daniel Life in Complex II

Bonte Daniel Qube FIAP G


Marxer Peter Cloud over Reggio Emilia AV station

Marxer Peter Frankfurt

Marxer Peter Opposite direction


Tiong Chiong Soon Tugu Negara


Buhagiar Stephen Blue Stairs

Buhagiar Stephen Textured Golden Wall

Buhagiar Stephen Walls of Manikata Church FZS G

Buhagiar Stephen Walls of Manikata Church 2 Catania Gottfried City of Arts and Sciences 6


Limberg Huib And how do you think to get down my boy?

Limberg Huib Morninglight over the office Limberg Huib Sunshine in Townhall The Hague Limberg Huib Willemswerf van Balken Marcel Colonnade van Balken Marcel Gateway Salon G van Balken Marcel Redspiralstaircase van Balken Marcel Spiralrun van Iterson Jim ZigZag


Dumanski Jaroslaw city geometry 09 Przybyszowska Alicja Bird in the city Przybyszowska Alicja Moment for a cigarette


AL-Mushaifri Abdulla Mosque Visit AL-Mushaifri Abdulla Museum Of Islamic Art


Smith Roy Levels

Smith Roy Red Road Flats

Smith Roy Skylight


Markovic Milan K - 9

Markovic Milan Windows

Mirkovic Dragoslav N.M.Oktobar 2009-0073 Salon B

Stojanović Ivan Large pipes 1 Stojanović Ivan Promenade FIAP HM Stojanović Ivan Pupin 8937


Borko Ivo Curves of Soho

Borko Ivo Fly of Icarus

Borko Ivo Out of brain trust

Boznar Emil Stairways To Cegner Aleksej The mess Čotar Suzana House among roofs Čotar Suzana Window Debevec Igor Family Debevec Igor Modern pyramid Doberlet Vasja Galaxy II Gorjan Tanja Oslavje ossuary 52 Gorup Stojan New mosque Gorup Stojan To the sky Gorup Stojan Wheel of progress Gorup Vlasta Home Gradišnik Urška A man Gradišnik Urška Spaceship Gradišnik Urška Windows27 Gregorc Irena Eye Gregurič Silič Barbara Cukrarna windows Gregurič Silič Barbara Red and dots Horvat Franci Manila Horvat Franci Staircase 3 Jenko Valerija Stairs Kacafura Mihael Mosque Ljubljana Kokol Dejan Structure Kosir Gaber Lines

Kosmač Alan Arabesque Košnjek Sandra Exit Košnjek Sandra The Tunnel Kovačič Simon Cathedral Kovačič Simon Naples 87 Kravanja Jure Contrast Kravanja Jure Lego FZS S Kuhar Gregor Roof Kuhar Gregor Wind of time Kurnik Špela Most Kurnik Špela Stopnice

Lesjak Danilo Cone in Valencia Mastnak Dušan Viaduct Črni kal Mauko Daniel Color blocks Mauko Daniel Windows 722 Metljak Drago Against the sky 2 Metljak Drago Three structures Papic Nevenka Colorful lines 5 Papic Nevenka Modern times 2 Salon HM Papic Nevenka Spider's web Pavlin Marina Aeropole Peljhan Matej 51 Peljhan Matej Echo Peljhan Matej Romeo and Juliet Ravnak Andreja Crystal palace 1 Ravnak Andreja Mirrored Remec Simon In the future Rojko Miran I have a window Rojko Miran Left and right Rojko Miran One Rainbow Strahinjić Robert Cukrarna FIAP HM Strahinjić Robert Home of salvation Strahinjić Robert In flight Tajnšek Vanja Cukrarna Tominac Andreja Cibona Tominac Andreja Drazen and Cibona Vidmar Stane For the net Vidmar Stane Interlacement


Estefania Flaño Jose Alfredo Flecha Al Cielo


Robin Olle Apartment house 2 Robin Olle Compact living Robin Olle Mirror windows FIAP HM Wennblom Monica Wennblom Construction area


Aemmer Elisabeth Church

Aemmer Peter Architecture in red

Aemmer Peter Red Sculpure

Zurmühle Martin Two Tower in Zurich


Sarkisyan Vyacheslav Architecture tm-4


Asif Mohammed Arfan Architectural landscapes9

Asif Mohammed Arfan The Maze3


Akhter Rowshan Lamppost On The Bridge

Duong Ban Day Into Night

Salim Mohammad ali Vessel Stairway NYC Zeng Jiahong Skyscrapers


Vu Manh Cuong The Houses On The Sea


Ledgard Ian Church roof Koruna



Stevens Mark Mandalay

Chapman John Dawn Annapurna South Lin Cherry Liya Machu Picchu 1 Moritz Vicki Trees on a hill Woodcock Jane Australian Outback


Benkic Igor Schiederweiher

Benkic Igor Sommeralm v zimski pravljici

Habringer Wolfgang Anapausas 90

Habringer Wolfgang Meteora 05

Habringer Wolfgang Rousanou 81

Pillik Manfred Klippen

Resch Helmut Lange Schatten FZS G Resch Helmut Wintersonne

Strohmeier Kurt Hamnoy


Nabi Dr Rashid Un Mount Everest

Nabi Dr Rashid Un Stone River


Jeannin Laurent Polychromie

Nicoll Francis Chinese Mountains 3

Simon Claude Antelopes Marienfluss valley


Panic Jovica Light and shadow FIAP HM


Wang Yichi Spring herding FZS S


Banjac Nenad Misty morning

Banjac Nenad Steyer

Racki Neda San Hubertus

Radicanin Zvonko Five past Twelve

Radicanin Zvonko Grandes Jorasses

Radicanin Zvonko Odyssey

Zeman Mato Coloured Fields



Christofini Anna Woman and the horses

Kyprianou Klea Edro III


Adcock Terri Kirkjufell

Bray David Aurora Over Bo

Fryer Alison J High Stacks

Mackay Helen Evening Light at Bow Fiddle Rock

Mackay Helen High Tide Cobbolds Point

Mackay Helen Sunrise at Bow Fiddle Rock


Seppala Antti Thunder threatens_01 Salon B


Bailly Cazenave Catherine Death valley

Bailly Cazenave Catherine Low tide

Bailly Cazenave Catherine Shifting sands

Bailly Cazenave Catherine Traces Salon HM

Bertin Jean-Claude Deadvlei

Bertin Jean-Claude End of season

Brun Thomas Swirls

Cailletaud Georges Alone in Kerlingarfjoll

Camus Thierry Yuanyang

Dorioz Annie Golden lake

Gueho Dany Glacier Grey Patagonie

Gueho Dany Parc Torres del Paine

Le Carré Virginie Petit matin correzien

Martin Jacky Light on left Mitten

Martin Jacky View thru Mesa Arch

Samoyault Guy B Granit rose

Samoyault Guy B Laguna colorada Soury Marc Hazeland


Goehler Holger Vigie beach

Hochhaus Alexander On volcanic rock

Jezany Ihsan Clean energy Jezany Ihsan Stuttgart

Kluger Manfred Dach der welt-2 Kluger Manfred Last light-1 Kluger Manfred Magic of the desert-11

Linnemann Markus Frozen sunrise 1 Linnemann Markus Sunrise over black triad

Paul Helmut Panorama Point

Paul Helmut The Sentinel

Paul Helmut Vestrahorn Dawn

Pinkl Albert J. Madeira Sunrise

Pinkl Albert J. Relaxation

Schmidt Kruno Call of the mountains Schmidt Kruno Cloud play on the mountain lake

Senser Norbert Arrone

Senser Norbert Die Burg FIAP HM

Senser Norbert Piano Alto

Senser Norbert Strandgut

Winkens Georg Horses in the field

Winkens Georg Kerlingarfjoell


Au Yuen Yam Foggy Farm 2

Chan Wing Ho Fa Shan 05

Choi Chi Kun Retreating Glacier

Choi Chi Kun Weather change unpredictably

Lam Chau Kei Checky Peaceful Wildebeest

Ng Chi Fun Fanny Anger of the Earth 2

Ng Chi Fun Fanny Cracks on Ice

Ng Chi Fun Fanny Dark Cloud Cover

Ng Chi Fun Fanny Lone Tree on Waikato Lake

Wong Ngar Shun Victor Floating Iceberg FZS B

Wong Ngar Shun Victor Ice Platform

Wong Ngar Shun Victor Mountain Ice


Deri Judit Cloudy mountains

dr. Siman Laszlo Weekend house

Dudas Nandor Emil Bled study 30

Eifert Janos Morning in the Berek Kerekes Istvan Alpen legend Kerekes Istvan Dachstein reflection Kerekes Istvan Mustard Kovacs Krisztian 5Torre Kovacs Krisztian Red tower Kovacs Krisztian Waves Kristó Annamária Hills

Petocz Tamas Autumn sheet music

Petocz Tamas Down in the silent valley Petocz Tamas Summer scent

Rajkai Gyorgy Light shadow

Rajkai Gyorgy Woman photographing women Szabo Zsolt Gate in the mountain

Szabo Zsolt Lava river

Szabo Zsolt Sunset Szalai-Papp Csaba Wadi_Rum

Zsirai Károly Bird's eye view Zsirai Károly Fire land


Athavale Bhaskar Sunset Behind Kirkjufell Bhat Krishna Molten Snow Path FIAP B Bhat Krishna Moods of Ladakh Bhattacharyya Saurabh Communication Harwalkar Kishan Morning Mist Muda Lokanath Night camp Mysore Anitha Caves unlimited Pal Udayan Sankar Ka Kshaid Sum Syiem Ramesh Goutham Lone Tree Ramesh Goutham Misty Canopy Ubaradka Vinyasa Camel Ride Ubaradka Vinyasa Sunrise at Ettina Bhuja


Kohar Vincent Bromo Eruption and Milkyway Kohar Vincent Milkyway Above Bromo Kohar Vincent Sunset at Elephant Rocks Lee Hengki Farmer's House Lee Hengki Hermitage Lee Hengki Paused

Setiadi Ajar Estuary

Setiadi Ajar The milkiway Somali-Chow David Startling Aurora of Norway


Kelly Eddie Eustorgius Loughran Gary House on lake Loughran Gary Winter in Prague Playdon Sigita Jurassic coast of Ireland


Basha Rabia Dead Sea Salt Arrow 3


Biggio Roberto Little Forest Biggio Roberto Tuscany Ground

D Alia Valentina Windmill

Di Candia Lorenzo Alba dorata 4

Di Candia Lorenzo Basilicata Landscape 5

Di Candia Lorenzo Shadow The Circular Tree PSA G

Di Candia Lorenzo Ururi 8

Di Panfilo Vincenzo Toward the summit

Di Panfilo Vincenzo Witch mountain Paletti Silvestro Daydream 23 Paletti Silvestro Winter 5

Rubini Franco The lonely tree

Sancandi Ivana Northern islands

Tomassi Antonella Ladakh 1

Tomassi Antonella Solitary house

Tomelleri Giuseppe Autumn in Toblino castle

Tomelleri Giuseppe Meteora monastry nr 1

Tomelleri Giuseppe Parpari nr 1


Marxer Peter Bodennebel im Maurer Riet 2

Marxer Peter Hilly landscape in Tuscany Marxer Peter Poggio Covili


Tiong Chiong Soon Bawana Beach 03


Buhagiar Stephen Lonely tree

Buhagiar Stephen Mist

Buhagiar Stephen Riviera beach


Poiata Anatolie Black lighthouse


van Balken Marcel Sunflowerlightning van Iterson Jim Skyhigh


Aune Olaf Kongsfjorden 3 Svalbard

Birkelund Hans Morning Dawn

Synnevaag Roald Nord Norsk sommer 2021-2


Przybyszowska Alicja Fifth plan

Rojek Tomasz Geisler Alm

Rojek Tomasz Seiser Alm Rojek Tomasz Stokksnes


AL-Mushaifri Abdulla After the Rain AL-Mushaifri Abdulla Desert Lines AL-Mushaifri Abdulla Sunset


Botond Nagy Moonskape on Earth Nagy Lajos Fog on the hilltop Nagy Lajos In spring colors

Plaino Marian Deadvlei 4

Plaino Marian Iceland FIAP HM Plaino Marian The fog


Zelinskiy Alexander Glacier Lagoon II Zelinskiy Alexander Neist Point II


Markovic Milan Landscape 70

Markovic Milan Winter landscape 60 Zupunski Anica Magnificently


Ignac Dusan Dark Autumn


Avsenik Lojzi Na oblakih

Borko Ivo Black&white glacier Salon HM Borko Ivo Death of the glacier Borko Ivo Salt.net

Boznar Emil Gulf

Boznar Emil On the Edge Cimperman Tomaž Snow faitry tale


Cimperman Tomaž Village

Debevec Igor Autumn mornings

Debevec Igor Red Lake VI

Doberlet Vasja Alone I

Doberlet Vasja Hope in the Fog Sea

Doberlet Vasja Meander

Doberlet Vasja Meteora II

Galič Tomaž

Fiery sky

Goričan Benjamin Caught in the sun's rays

Goričan Benjamin Med valovi FIAP HM

Gorjan Tanja Dolomites 967

Gortnar Stane Jamnik

Gortnar Stane Winter Day

Gorup Vlasta Glacial lake

Gregorc Irena Capadoccia

Gregorc Irena Provance

Gregurič Silič Barbara Cros and snow

Jazbinsek Dare Pred nevihto

Jazbinsek Dare Sonce in sence Salon S

Jazbinsek Dare Zimska idila

Jenko Valerija Foggy morning

Jenko Valerija Hidden landscape FIAP G

Jenko Valerija In the fog

Jenko Valerija Morning mists

Kacafura Mihael Vineyards heart

Kacafura Mihael Winter fence

Kacafura Mihael Winter foggy morning

Klemenc Klemen Messa Arch 1

Klemenc Klemen Waves- Coyotte Bute Klemenc Klemen Zasidran

Kobal Primož Mt. Stenar on fire

Kosmač Alan Cyclus

Kosmač Alan Golden Thread

Košnjek Sandra Couple

Košnjek Sandra So small

Kovačič Simon Dolomites 55

Kovačič Simon Tuscany 63

Krapez Miran Golden Mountain 01 Krapez Miran Ice Larch

Kravanja Jure Golden Hill FIAP HM Kravanja Jure Patched fields

Kravanja Jure Winter fairytale

Krejan Simon St. Thomas wakes up Lesjak Danilo Ski tour on Vogel Lešnjak Alfred In the morning

Malovrh Milan Biser Med Gorami Malovrh Milan Jutro Metljak Drago First glazed frost Metljak Drago Mountain views 4

Mladovan Marko Brda

Mladovan Marko Moravia10 Mladovan Marko Moravia2

Orlač Mirko Storm in Izola

Papic Nevenka Desert bouquet Salon HM

Papic Nevenka The moment of revelation

Pavlin Marina Dunes

Peklaj Andreja A Wakening

Peklaj Andreja Golden Morning

Peljhan Matej First Flight FIAP S

Peljhan Matej Life of Trees

Peljhan Matej Workers

Podlesnik Zdenko Fire

Ravnak Andreja Too early

Ravnak Andreja Wonderful life 07 Salon G

Rukavina Matej Empty hut

Rukavina Matej Watch tower

Strahinjić Robert Days of thunder IV

Strahinjić Robert Dolomitus romanticus XXII

Šimic Joško Blejska refleksija Tajnšek Vanja Full Moon

Tajnšek Vanja Golden Hill

Tominac Andreja Morning landscape in Slovenske Gorice

Vidmar Stane In the fog FIAP HM

Vončina Anuška Yellow pasture


Solinis Camalich Carlos Farallon on Fire Solinis Camalich Carlos Stokksnes Sunrise


Gustafsson Klas Bua

Gustafsson Klas MU Chang Chai Wennblom Monica Wennblom Black lava sand


Aemmer Elisabeth Gantrisch

Aemmer Elisabeth The Matterhorn

Aemmer Peter Cottongrass

Aemmer Peter Larch Forest

Zurmühle Martin Kloenthal


Asif Mohammed Arfan Aura Of The Dunes PSA HM Asif Mohammed Arfan Autumnal Hue44


Chiu Bob Wheat fields in Spokane11 Duong Ban Convict Lake Predawn Ho Hung Bad Land Death Valley Zeng Jiahong Milky Way over Shark Fin Cove


Vu Manh Cuong Afternoon On The Cat Ba Bay


Dee Tom Snow Light on Skye



Patterson Ian Ganges View Patterson Ian Steps to Nowhere Patterson Ian Whale Tale Sharples Jan Monkey Drinking Whear Adrian Dandelion Whear Adrian Fountain of Life Salon G Whear Adrian Remembrance Woodcock Jane Coastal Reef NT Woodcock Jane Receding Tide Woodcock Jane Water Trails

Wu Shizhen Butterfly spray

Wu Shizhen Challenger

Wu Shizhen Jump Out Of Water Wu Shizhen Play on the water


Benkic Igor Pastelno morje Bertok Bela Foggy horizon Habringer Wolfgang Idyllic Scene 55 Habringer Wolfgang Offensee 15 Pillik Manfred Geballte Kraft Pillik Manfred Zur Bestzeit Resch Helmut Im Regen Strohmeier Kurt Tauglfall


Nabi Dr Rashid Un Boating At Dawn Nabi Dr Rashid Un Seljalandsfoss Nabi Dr Rashid Un Water Collection


Buzuk Eugene Baltic Breeze FIAP HM

Buzuk Eugene Into dark water

Buzuk Eugene Lost in Nowhere


Jeannin Laurent Tree Island

Simon Claude Wreck Zeila in the storm


Wang Yichi Gallop

Wang Yichi Waverider


Jelavic Mirjana Behind the water

Jelavic Mirjana Priče s ribnjaka 3

Jelavic Mirjana Priče s ribnjaka 4

Racki Neda Witness from the past FIAP HM

Radicanin Zvonko Bird Island


Christofini Anna In the mist

Kyprianou Klea Playing With Mom


Adcock Terri Trailing Wing

Bray David Splashdown 1

Dalton Nigel Flat Out

Dalton Nigel Splash

Fryer Alison J Wet Sand

Lyon David Bowl spinning droplet

Lyon David Drainage ditch dawn

Stanley Ian Tourists


Korpela Antti Kaptan Ismail Hakki


Beck Carpentier Pascale Apesanteur

Bertin Jean-Claude Eclats

Bertin Jean-Claude Nouvelle vague FIAP HM

Bertin Jean-Claude Rouleau de printemps

Bruno Belliard Lampe boule rouge

Cailletaud Georges Icelandic hot water

Cailletaud Georges Offshore in Jokulsarlon

Cailletaud Georges Supercold water and birds

Dorioz Annie Silver lake

Le Carré Virginie Caresser les embruns

Lebrun Marc Niagara falls

Lebrun Marc Victoria falls danger point

Porée Marc Jetee Houlgate

Soury Marc Extreme

Soury Marc Timelaps


Graf Josef Leadership

Buecker Holger Above and Below

Buecker Holger Groynes and silky water

Buecker Holger Waterfun 2

Csizmadia Tamas The end of the floating houses

Jezany Ihsan Marsh man FIAP HM

Paul Helmut Early Morning

Paul Helmut Grand Prismatic

Pinkl Albert J. Mrs. Surf

Pinkl Albert J. Southcoast of Madeira

Schmidt Kruno Diamond Beach III

Senser Norbert Brügge

Senser Norbert Die Welle

Senser Norbert Kajak

Senser Norbert Wasserblase

Wildner Wolfram Seezunge

Wildner Wolfram Wasserlinien

Winkens Georg Bruarfoss

Winkens Georg Dettifoss



Au Yuen Yam Cave Sky

Au Yuen Yam

Washing in Sea

Choi Chi Kun Appeared in low tide

Choi Chi Kun Ice and water

Lam Chau Kei Checky Surfing team

Ng Chi Fun Fanny A Good Companion

Ng Chi Fun Fanny Lone Iceberg in the Light

Wong Ngar Shun Victor Waterfall Power


Banoczi Laszlo North Sea 65 Salon B

Deri Judit Snow-cannon FIAP B

dr. Siman Laszlo Estuary

dr. Siman Laszlo Ice star

dr. Siman Laszlo Mitosis FZS S

Kerekes Istvan Finish to victory FIAP S

Kerekes Istvan Splash

Kovacs Krisztian Icy beach

Kovacs Krisztian Three brothers

Magdo Istvan Copper delta

Petocz Tamas After fishing

Petocz Tamas Autumn river

Petocz Tamas In dreamy waters

Petocz Tamas Swan lake

Rajkai Gyorgy Kirkjufell

Rudolf Kovari Raining

Soltész Boglárka Overflowing

Szabo Zsolt Love

Szabo Zsolt Married couple

Szabo Zsolt Pipetta

Szabo Zsolt Reflection


Bhandari Subhasish Morning glory with boatman

Bhat Krishna Glacier Stream

Bhattacharyya Saurabh Boatman

Bhattacharyya Saurabh Chhath 7

Bhattacharyya Saurabh Water 1 PSA G

C R Sathyanarayana Bounty Collection

Harwalkar Kishan Encircling the Lake Harwalkar Kishan Goodbye Oia Harwalkar Kishan Intha Fisherman

Harwalkar Kishan River Crossing

Muda Lokanath Offering

Mysore Anitha Saltwater breeze

Mysore Anitha Silken bath FIAP HM

Mysore Anitha The last heave

Ubaradka Vinyasa Seaside Life

Ubaradka Vinyasa Water Droplets 1


Kohar Vincent Boat People

Kohar Vincent Foodchain

Kohar Vincent Jumping Together

Lee Hengki Beyond The Wind

Lee Hengki Dream Of Yesterday Salon HM

Lee Hengki Wave Play

Setiadi Ajar Tetes air

Setiadi Ajar Water drop

Setiadi Ajar Yellow dan white

Somali-Chow David Divers in Solomon Somali-Chow David Watching the Sweetlips


Kelly Eddie Aldate

Kelly Eddie Bounding Stag

Kelly Eddie Trach

O Shaughnessy Gabriel Donegal Sunset

O Shaughnessy Gabriel Fire Fighter

O Shaughnessy Gabriel Seastack 1

Playdon Sigita Kayaking down the river

Playdon Sigita Splash

Sugrue Teddy Kinard Rough Waters Salon S

Taylor Mark Collide

Taylor Mark Murmuration at Lough Ennel


Cohen Michael Waterski at sun shine

Ravich Lev Red skateboard


D Alia Valentina Drops in three glasses

D Alia Valentina Sunset on the Saline Di Candia Lorenzo Boat 3 Salon HM

Di Candia Lorenzo Fish farming

Di Candia Lorenzo Flamingos

Paletti Silvestro Action 1

Paletti Silvestro Free swimming 23 Paletti Silvestro Under the rain Tomassi Antonella Bathroom in the court Tomassi Antonella Sacred Immersion Tomassi Antonella Tombs between the field rice Tomelleri Giuseppe The big tide nr 11 Tomelleri Giuseppe The big tide nr 24 Tomelleri Giuseppe The big tide nr 6


Tiong Chiong Soon Branching Out 03 Tiong Chiong Soon Sumba Sunrise 01 Tiong Chiong Soon Sumba Sunrise 05 Tiong Chiong Soon Sumba Sunrise 10


Poiata Anatolie Fishing on the bank


Limberg Huib Pelican in rest FZS B


Aune Olaf Marble Castle in Mo i Rana Birkelund Hans River in Spring Birkelund Hans Stormy Weather 2 Larssen Richard Reflections


Przybyszowska Alicja Four boats Przybyszowska Alicja Green sea Przybyszowska Alicja Shipwreck


Saraiva Oscar Chuviscos Saraiva Oscar Outubro chuviscoso


Botond Nagy Blue Danube

Botond Nagy You can run, but you cannot hide Nagy Lajos While bathing Plaino Marian Dream Plaino Marian Silent waves


Zelinskiy Alexander Kirkjufellfoss Zelinskiy Alexander Rainy Coast


Markovic Milan Boat FIAP HM Markovic Milan Ivanovo 12 Stojanović Ivan Bonaccia Stojanović Ivan Reflection9078


Ignac Dusan Taming water Ignac Dusan Waterpolo PSA HM


Vončina Anuška Jump

Avsenik Lojzi Lake in winter

Avsenik Lojzi Zelenci

Borko Ivo Relaxing in hot water

Borko Ivo Water-ice

Boznar Emil Drifting

Boznar Emil Frozen In Time

Culiberg Ursa Morning action

Culiberg Ursa Silhouettes

Culiberg Ursa Sound of silence

Čotar Suzana Outflow

Debevec Igor Kirkjufellsfoss IV

Debevec Igor Ribeira da Janela IV

Doberlet Vasja Sink

Gorjan Tanja Dolomiti 892 bw

Gorjan Tanja Last stop

Gortnar Stane Fighting

Gorup Stojan Glacial lake

Gorup Stojan Ice cave

Gorup Vlasta Floating ice

Jakopič Marko Ljubljanica v Retovju Jenko Valerija In the rain

Jenko Valerija Lake Jasna Klemenc Klemen Rdeče jezero- Bor Klemenc Klemen Sinhrono plavanje Kobal Primož Waterfall

Kolarič Amina Sunset Kosir Gaber Dandelion Kosir Gaber Look into past Kosmač Alan Portrait Kovačič Simon Lake 15 Krapez Miran Big Bubble Krapez Miran Fish Death Kravanja Jure Delta Kravanja Jure Emerald River Kravanja Jure Recreation Krejan Simon Pearls

Lesjak Danilo Jesen na Sotočju Loc Pavel Smiley

Malovrh Milan Barcolana Malovrh Milan Barcolana 2 Malovrh Milan V Brzicah Malovrh Milan V Brzicah 2 Mauko Daniel Coast walk

Metljak Drago Evening serenity Metljak Drago White sails

Papic Nevenka Fishermen from Dagantou Papic Nevenka Silhouette on the water

Papic Nevenka Transport route

Papic Nevenka Two fishermen from the lake Pavlin Marina A kayaker Pavlin Marina A pond

Pavlin Marina Golden Beach

Peklaj Andreja Deep Into Ice

Peljhan Matej Rainy Day

Peljhan Matej Shelter

Peljhan Matej Superman FZS G Ravnak Andreja Poseidon

Šimic Joško Seahorses

Šimic Joško Slap

Tajnšek Vanja Colorful day

Tominac Andreja Drava colors

Vidmar Stane Ice and fire

Reflection 2


Wilson David Nyalas at waterhole


Estefania Flaño Jose Alfredo Como Una Rana

Estefania Flaño Jose Alfredo Espero Librar

Martin Jose Maria Spinal cord Salon HM


Solinis Camalich Carlos Eystrahorn

Solinis Camalich Carlos Kirkjufell falls

Solinis Camalich Carlos Kvernufoss


Gustafsson Klas Beasch walk

Gustafsson Klas Leaf

Robin Olle Wind power plant

Wennblom Monica Wennblom Water meeting cliffs

Wennblom Monica Wennblom Waterfront


Aemmer Elisabeth Tautropfen


Hsiao Pi Heng Hawaii2

Hsiao Pi Heng Hawaii4


Barlas Baris Triathlet_165

Barlas Baris Triathlet_1807


Sarkisyan Vyacheslav Collecting water


Akhter Rowshan Maid Of The Mist

Kuebler Barbara Boats on Cameron Lake


Vu Manh Cuong Colors Ocean Doors

Vu Manh Cuong Colors Of My Country Sea

Vu Manh Cuong Life On The Wave

Vu Manh Cuong Summer On The Lotus Pond


Dee Tom The Brisons at Cape Cornwall












FIAP Honorable Mention


Honorable Mention



FIAP = The International Federation of Photographic Art • Mednarodna zveza za fotografsko umetnost





the international competition, we give great importance to the

exhibition of awarded photos is placed in Gallery Museum Lendava.

Pannonia Reflections exhibition will be on display from 4th February to 10th May 2022

organizaciji mednarodnega fotografskega natečaja ogromno našega truda in pozornosti vložimo v izvedbo razstave nagrajenih fotografij. Razstava je postavljena v prostorih Galerije Muzeja Lendava in bo na ogled od 4. februarja do 10. maja 2022.


Fotóművészeti Kiállítás


= Photographic Society of America • Fotografska zveza ZDA • www.psa-photo.org
= Photographic Federation of Slovenia • Fotografska zveza Slovenije • www.fzs-zveza.si 5988 received photos • prejetih fotografij Accepted photos • sprejetih fotografij: 1496 101 awarded photos • nagrajenih fotografij Number of authors • število avtorjev: 359 BASIC STATISTICS • OSNOVNA STATISTIKA
author of 8th PANNONIA REFLECTIONS 2021 is Matej Peljhan from Slovenia. Najuspešnejši avtor 8. mednarodnega fotografskega natečaja PANNONIA REFLECTIONS 2021 je Matej Peljhan iz Slovenije.
S = FZS Silver FZS B = FZS Bronze Salon G = Salon Gold Salon S = Salon Silver Salon B = Salon Bronze Salon HM = Salon Honorable Mention PR2021 = Pannonia Reflections 2021 Special Award FIAP G In the
exhibition. Pannonia Reflections
8 th
. Pri
8. mednarodna fotografska
8. Nemzetközi
8th International Salon of Photography LENDAVSKI GRAD • LENDVAI VÁR • LENDAVA CASTLE www.gml.si • www.pannonia.si S PODPORO • TÁMOGATÓK SPONSORS: Fotografsko društvo Pannonia Fényképészeti Egyesület Pannónia Fodorjeva vrsta 152 9220 Lendava Lendva POD POKROVITELJSTVOM: A KIÁLLÍTÁS VÉDNŐKEI: UNDER PATRONAGE OF: 4. 2.–10. 5. 2022 2021
Občina Lendava | Lendva Község | Municipality of Lendava Glavna ulica/Fő utca 20, 9220 Lendava-Lendva | Slovenia (Europe) www.vinarium-lendava.si Razgledni stolp Vinarium Lendava Lendvai Vinarium kilátótorony Vinarium Lendava Observation Tower Lendava Obiščite nas tudi vi! Látogassanak meg bennünket! Come and visit us! www.lendava-lendva.siFoto/Fotó/Photo: Tomaž Galič, Miran Dominko, GML, ZTR Lendava/Funkit Marketing
Gallery-Museum Lendava Banffyjev trg 1/Bánffy tér 1., 9220 Lendava/Lendva Slovenija/Szlovénia/Slovenia (Europe) 00386 2 578 92 60 info@gml.si www.gml.si Pannonia Reflections 2020 exhibition setup Pannonia Reflections 2020 exhibition setup Lendava Castle • Photo: Sandi Baumgartner

Pannonia Reflections 2021

8th International Salon of Photography • 8. mednarodni fotografski natečaj


Editor • Urednik:

Publisher • Založnik: Design • Oblikovanje: Print • Tisk: Copies • Naklada:

Davor Dolenčić

Photographic Society Pannonia • Fotografsko društvo Pannonia

GRAFOP, Peter Orban, s.p., Lendava (SI)

DigiFot d.o.o., Lendava (SI) 400

February 2022 • Februar 2022



Občina Lendava Lendva Község Municipality of Lendava www.lendava.si

Galerija-muzej Lendava Lendvai Galéria és Múzeum Gallery-Museum Lendava www.gml.si

DIGIFOT, fotografija in tisk d.o.o. Industrijska ulica 2 9220 Lendava - Lendva, Slovenija www.digifot.com

Photographic Society Pannonia • Fotografsko društvo Pannonia Čentiba, Fodorjeva vrsta 152, 9220 Lendava-Lendva, Slovenia www.pannonia.si

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