The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course

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“The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course”

Cyprus, November 2016

ISBN 978-9963-2215-2-3

Publisher: Panos Ioannides

Email: IoannidesΚίνηση

The legal responsibility for the authentic text lies with the publisher. This book is a translation of the original

IN CYPRUSΤο Θέμα της Κύπρου και η Ορθή Πορεία-The Cyprus Issue and the
“Το Θέμα της Κύπρου και η Ορθή Πορεία”,
published in

Convinced that we are doing our duty, the book is submitted to the People of Cyprus, to whom it belongs.

The book…

The book “The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course” constitutes of three signed texts, which the authors make available to the People of Cyprus as a whole.

The experience of the Referendum on 24th April 2004 showed that, despite the firm NO to the then disastrous “Annan Solution Plan”, the matter remained open to the new conspiracy, which was developed up until this day to a more disastrous perspective, the so called “Bizonal-Bicommunal Federation”, which inevitably leads to the complete Turkification of Cyprus and the annexation of the Island to Turkey.

Faced with such an imminent catastrophic settlement and to avoid the 2nd NO in the upcoming referendum to become the beginning of a new conspiratorial adventure for the Republic of Cyprus and its People, this book offers the alternative Proposal, which the People of Cyprus is called to elevate to an “Explicit Mandate” to the leadership of the State of Cyprus and make it an “Inviolable National Target”.

The legal responsibility for the authentic context of this book is undertaken by the signatory.

Cyprus, November 2016.


TEXT Ι Pages: 9-25

“Proposal for proper ending of the Cyprus Issue"

Panos Ioannides, Lawyer

TEXT ΙΙ Pages: 27-44

“EEZ strategy and resolution of the Cyprus Issue”

Nikos Lygeros, Strategy Consultant

TEXT ΙΙΙ Pages: 47-55

“The security factor on Cyprus Issue”

Phivos Klokkaris, Lieutenant General (Retired)

9 TEXT Ι “Proposal for proper ending of the Cyprus Issue” Panos Ioannides, Lawyer Page Preamble 10 Chapter 1 Brief historical documentation 11 Chapter 2 The Proposal 15 2.1 The concept of the Proposal 15 2.2 The Axiom of the Proposal 16 2.3 The main provisions of the Proposal 16 Chapter 3 Defense & Security 19 Chapter 4 Education & Culture 20 Chapter 5 Religion 21 Chapter 6 Economy 22 Chapter 7 The implementation of the Proposal 24 Epilogue 24


The Cyprus Issue is of a national nature, above any partisan, personal or other expediency.

Totally committed towards this principle, the Proposal is based on the historically documented developments and touches on the basic parameters of the State of Cyprus, with references in the book “Bloody truth, 2009” and the document “the Proposal of the correct YES, 2010”, both published by the Movement for Freedom and Justice in Cyprus, of which the undersigned presided (2008-2013).

The Proposal, updated, is filed before the legitimate citizens of the Republic of Cyprus, in order to contribute decisively to the correct course and conclusion of the national Cyprus Issue.

10 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»

1. Brief Historical Documentation

The proposal constitutes the natural sequel to the documented history of Cyprus events, as from 1945 until this day1, of which the development was briefly as follows:


The British deny the right of self-determination to the Cypriots.


The British persuade Turkey to claim Cyprus and, during the period 1955-1963, they incite and support Turks to develop a strong terrorist activity, while at the same time they design and enforce the Constitution-trap of 1960.


The British oblige the Cyprus people to assert in arms discharge from the colonial yoke. Greek Cypriots conduct the Liberation Struggle of EOKA '55 -'59 and the British were defeated. The period is completed with the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus in 1960, on the basis of the Constitution-trap that had been prepared in the meantime by the British, in collaboration with Turkey.


The British create the opportunity2 for Turkish armed rebellion and secession / selfisolation of Turkish Cypriots from the legitimate State, aiming to the collapse of the Republic of Cyprus. The rebellion was planned, prepared and carried out by Turkey, which put under its control the Turkish Cypriots.


The British, with the tolerance and/or the collaboration of the Americans, continue the machinations culminating with the junta coup on 15th July 1974 against the legitimate government of Cyprus and, on this occasion, the Turkish Invasion [Internationally unlawful Raid] against the State of Cyprus on 20th July 1974, the beginning of the ethnic cleansing against the Greek Cypriots and the illegal Military Occupancy of sovereign Cyprus territory since then, with all the consequences thereof.


Repeated efforts are done for the “settlement of the Cyprus problem”, the main characteristic being the enduring intransigence of Turkey, despite the increasing and painful concessions made by the Greek Cyprus side.


The planted representatives of Turkey in occupied Cyprus declare the illegal Turkish pseudo-state, so called "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) ", seeking

1 Movement for FREEDOM & JUSTICE IN CYPRUS «Bloody truth - 2009».

2 The British urged the then President, Archbishop Makarios, “to intent constitutional amendments”, a fact that they used immediately after as a causation to irritate the Turks.

TEXT Ι - “Proposal for proper ending of the Cyprus Issue” 11

since then international recognition and officially insisting to settle a Bizonal, Bicommunal Federation (BBF).

Namely, the dissolution of the Republic of Cyprus and its replacement with two politically equal and sovereign states [a Greek and a Turkish one, comprising 82% and 18% of the population respectively, on a 50%-50% partnership basis in every respect] under a loose Confederal umbrella.


The manipulations for dissolution of the Republic of Cyprus through BBF continue with the “Annan Solution Plan” that was conceived and promoted by the British3


Despite the rejection of Annan Plan on 24th April 2004, the coequal accession of the Republic of Cyprus in EU on 1st May 2004, and its official accession in Eurozone on 1st January 2008, the attempt by the devotees of the catalysis of the State of Cyprus to enforce BBF is redesigned, with the developments now leading towards a “deceptively good looking resurrection of the Annan Plan”, aiming to deconstruct the Republic of Cyprus, to construct an abortive Confederation of two equal states, the Turkification of Cyprus by default under British guardianship and, inevitably, the annexation of the Island to Turkey.

The three-pronged Strategy set in achieving this goal was “the challenge of Economic Hardship, the Social Deprivation and, then, the Enforcement of Bizonal Bicommunal Federation (BBF)”.


The presidency of Demetris Christofias initiated the implementation of this Strategy, with a series of devastating concessions, discounts and proposals5, so to achieve the BBF, which was alleged to be provided by the UN Resolutions as "the basis"

3 The “Annan Solution Plan”, the 1st Edition of which was handed to the then President Glafkos Clerides on 11th November 2002, was conceived and promoted by the British, in collaboration with Turkey, USA and specific political forces in Greece and Cyprus, was signed by the UN S.G. Kofi Annan and was submitted for acceptance by the Greek and Turkish Cypriots in two separate referendums (24th April 2004). The 64% of the Turkish voters, who’s significant majority consisted of Turkish soldiers and illegal settlers, accepted the Plan. The 76% of Greek Cypriots rejected it. The plan provided that, in case it was rejected by the Greeks and/or the Turks, would be deemed as non-existent. – See also footnote 20.

4 During the current period, the President of the Republic of Cyprus was Tassos Papadopoulos.

5 Joint Communiqué of Christofias-Talat (then ‘President’ of the Turkish pseudo-state) on 23rd May 2008, Memorandum of Understanding of Christofias-Gordon Brown (then British Prime Minister) on 5th June 2008 and plethora of underbidding that followed, so to implement whatever was agreed upon.

12 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»

in resolving the Cyprus Issue6. At the same time, the Christofias presidency implemented the necessary tactic towards the economic exhaustion of the People of Cyprus.

Especially with respect to the Cyprus Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ):

o 1982: The Republic of Cyprus signs the Montego Bay Agreement for the Law of the Sea.

o 1988: The Republic of Cyprus ratifies the Montego Bay Agreement.

o 2003: The Cyprus EEZ with Egypt is delimited.

o 2004: The Cyprus EEZ is enacted.

o 2007: The Cyprus EEZ with Lebanon is delimited.

o 2010: The Cyprus EEZ with Israel is delimited.

2013 until today

With the "convocations Christofias-Turks" recorded by Alexander Downer7, and considered by Turkey as a "binding starting point for further way talks”, the today Cyprus President Nikos Anastassiades gives continuity to the effort towards a "BBF Settlement”, pretending that he is supposedly insisting “on the basis of Principles”, such as a single Sovereignty, a single Citizenship and a single International Personality. Elements which are wrongly put under the approval of the illegal raider Turkey, since they constitute existing elements of the European and internationally legitimate state of the Republic of Cyprus.

Everything allegedly requested by the current President as “a prerequisite for the promotion of dialogue with the Turks” is absolutely incompatible with the term of “bizonality”, as interpreted by those aiming the dissolution of the Republic of Cyprus, but also as same was confirmed by the President himself8

In the course of two presidential terms, both the former President Demetris Christofias (2008-2013) as well as the current President Nikos Anastassiades (20132018), mutually supported by their respective political parties [AKEL AND DISI] and

6 The term “Bizonal, Bicommunal Federation” does not exist legally, nor is anywhere defined in International Law. It was never implemented and, when it was once proposed to the South-Africans during the ‘80s, it was rejected as synonym to the racist APARTHEID, which was condemned by the International Criminal Court as a Crime against Humanity. So to acquire “international legitimacy”, BBF crept -for the first time and without defining its term- into the UN Security Council’s resolution 649/1990, following the suggestion of the British government (Prime Minister the late Margaret Thatcher) with the approval of the then President of the Republic of Cyprus George Vassiliou.

This lawless provision of resolution 649/1990 is in absolute conflict with the legitimate and definitely favorable of the rights of the Republic of Cyprus provisions of all previous UN Resolutions, which the resolution 649/1990 reaffirms, thus self-extinguishing and making internationally insubstantial its own provision with respect to BBF.

7 Special representative at that time of the UN General Secretary in Cyprus.

8 Agreement between Anastassiades and Eroglou dated 11th February 2014, where was agreed that the establishment of the new, associate BBF state will be co-founded by two equal and sovereign states.

TEXT Ι - “Proposal for proper ending of the Cyprus Issue” 13

assisted further by some amphoteric politicians, do implement the conspiratorially agreed strategy as from 2004, despising the People’s Verdict at the Referendum held on 24th of April 2004 and faithfully following the arrangement that foreigners and locals co-decided, so to eliminate the “NO” of the Greek Hellenism to the dissolution of the Republic of Cyprus.

Furthermore, the current President accepted to bind the underwater wealth of the Republic of Cyprus and incorporating it in the context of "bizonal, bicommunal arrangement", by suspending the exploitation actions and recovery operations of the identified stocks of Natural Gas.

Already, as from the “Opening Ceremony of the Bi-communal Negotiations” on 11th May 2015, the image presented by Mr. Nikos Anastassiades and Mr. Mustafa Akintzi9 εis that of “two equal Presidents, of two equal States…”.

In conclusion, for six decades the British, the Turks and their respective associates gear the abolition of the Republic of Cyprus, the primary target being Cyprus to become a Turkish protectorate under permanent British trusteeships.

To date, this timeless approach failed over time, for two reasons:

1) Because, in ’63-’64 the sovereign state of the Republic of Cyprus did not collapse due to the Turkish rebellion, remaining internationally recognized exactly as it was civically formed by the Turkish rebellion itself10.

2) Because, with the Referendum on 24th April 2004, the People of Cyprus overwhelmingly rejected the Annan Plan and saved the state of the Republic of Cyprus, which immediately after -on 1st May 2004 and always as formed by the Turkish rebellion in 1963- formalized its accession in the EU, as an equal Member State, sovereign on the whole of the Cyprus territory, suspending the implementation of the Acquis communautaire on that part of (the European as from then on) Cyprus territory, on which the statutory State could not exercise sovereignty due to illegal Turkish occupation11.

3) Because, the very same State also joined the Eurozone on 1st January 2008.

As from the 1st May 2004, the Republic of Cyprus, as a full Member-state of the EU, has the inalienable right and the obvious obligation to strictly act pursuant to the fundamental European principles of Freedom, Justice, Democracy and Human Rights, utilizing every positive element resulting from EU membership, but also to promote as the only proper course in resolving the Cyprus Issue, that of smooth reintegration of the breakaway part of the legitimate People of Cyprus in official

9 As from April 2015, Mustafa Akintzi is the elected Pseudo-president of Occupied Cyprus.

10 The State formed in 1963, after the British-Turkish conspiracy, the division – isolation of Turkish Cypriots and the conclusion of the Guarantee Treaty, is the democratically governed by the 100% of the LEGAL Cyprus People state of the Republic of Cyprus (Resolution by S.C. UN 186/1964).

This is the State which, as equal state-member, sovereign on the whole Cyprus island, joined EU on 1st May 2004 and Eurozone on 1st January 2008.

11 European Council, Copenhagen, 12/13 December 2002.

14 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»

state, so to restore its sovereignty and implement the Acquis communautaire on the entire Cyprus territory.12

However, the course being followed is contrary and annulling to every European advantage.

Today the risk of dissolution of the State of Cyprus is bigger, since the manipulation for a “BBF settlement” is now developed within the framework of financial distress and serious social instability, in combination with the discussion on the negotiation table with Turkey of the exploitation of the underwater wealth of the Republic of Cyprus.

These are elements which were planned and are being implemented, so to strike catalytically the resistance and the morale of the people of Cyprus and ease the enforcement of the catastrophic settlement.

2. The Proposal

The Proposal’s objective is for the People of Cyprus to reaffirm the right course towards the just, viable and dignified conclusion of the Cyprus Issue, and to develop the required sound judgment prior of being called to accept any new “settlement” proposal.

2.1. The concept of the Proposal:

As evidenced, the Cyprus matter developed in its current form exclusively because of the British-Turkish conspiracy and Turkish rebellion in 1963, concluded with the illegal invasion of Turkey against the sovereign Republic of Cyprus in 1974 and the since then illegal occupation of Cyprus territory, which as from 2004 also consists an EU territory.

Aiming -at phase one- the ethnic cleansing and Turkification of the occupied Cyprus areas, Turkey proceeds to internationally illegal interventions13 and has established an illegal regime, for which it aims to establish “international recognition”.

In terms of “the BBF Settlement” Turkey seeks -inter alia- to establish “two states, two peoples, two sovereignties, two nationalities and civic equality 50%-50% between the two states, which will consist of two separate international entities, under a weak supposedly “federal umbrella”.

Also, it demands non-return of the majority of refugees and remain of all settlers, thus maintaining nearly the entire occupied territory, but also “separate relationship

12 The basic European advantage is the ability for a DEFINITIVE SIDELINING of the “trapping provisions” of the stillborn Constitution of 1960, of the anti-European provisions provided by the so-called “Agreements of 1977 and 1979”, of the internationally illegal provision included in resolution 649/1990 regarding BBF, of the “Annan Solution Plan” and of any other attempt to dissolve the Republic of Cyprus.

13 Examples of such illegal interventions are the import of hundreds of thousands Turkish settlers to alter the demographic map of the Island, the destruction of religious and cultural heritage of Greek Cypriots, the usurpation, sale and destruction of Greek property, the change of place names (even where they are enclaved Greek Cypriots, such as Rizokarpaso and Agia Triada) and much more.

TEXT Ι - “Proposal
for proper ending of the Cyprus Issue”

of the two states with the EU”, as well as this “settlement” to become Primary European Law, meaning “non-reversible European Acquis”.

If everything, or nearly everything, of what Turkey seeks are approved by the People of Cyprus, will consist an annulment of the Treaty of Accession of the Republic of Cyprus to the EU, because the State that joined the EU in 2004 will be catalyzed, and the particular provisions of “Foundation and Operation” of the new “BBF arrangement” will multifold and constantly violate the Fundamental EU Principles. Such a [Politically, Institutionally, Legally, Financially and anti EU] deliberately stillborn “arrangement”, will imminently lead to complete economic collapse14, absolute insecurity15, state chaos16 and conclusive de-criminalization of Turkey for the illegal invasion and occupation.

This situation will soon end with full Turkification of Cyprus under British trusteeships and -eventually- with the annexation of the island to Turkey.

2.2. The Axiom of the Proposal:

“Any development leading to direct or indirect abolishment of the internationally recognized and equally European Sovereign State of the Republic of Cyprus is out of discussion. Every other matter can be discussed, provided that the individual decisions will not affect the sovereignty of the State and will not harm the Human Rights of any legitimate Cyprus citizen”.

2.3. The main provisions of the Proposal:

The Proposal is solely governed by the Fundamental Principles of the European Union, the Principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the Resolutions of the United Nations on Cyprus17 and has as objective the reinforcement of the Republic of Cyprus in every respect, the pursuit of the orderly reintegration of the Greek Cypriots in the legitimate State and the harmonization of the whole Cyprus territory with the EU institutions, with which the free part of Cyprus complies.

On these grounds, the Proposal-

- Excludes any “settlement” with such a philosophy or content that the legitimate People of Cyprus already rejected;

- Rejects as British remnants with divisive expediency, the terms "two communities", "Helleno-Cypriots", "Turko-Cypriots" and "Turkish minority";

- Declares illegal and criminalizes any action, which tends to damage the

14 Exit from Eurozone and replacement of EURO with another currency of zero value.

15 Cyprus will be wholly overrun by Turkish Settlers, without having its own Armed Forces and reliable Police Force.

16 Stillborn governance of racist diarchy, with dual veto right through the “rotation presidency” etc

17 Apart from the unlawful provision regarding BBF in UN Security Council’s resolution 649/1990 (see footnote 6).

16 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»

sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus and the Human Rights of the legitimate Cyprus Citizens;

and provides:

• Withdrawal of the Occupation Forces, removal of the Settlers and exclusion of any Security System similar to the “Guarantees of 1960”.

• Reinstatement of the State to full normalcy, full restoration of human rights, and neutralization of the effects of the illegal Turkish occupation, to the benefit of all legitimate Cypriots.

• Upgrading and modernization of the existing Constitution, Legislation and Institutions, in a way that will consolidate the overall feeling of confidence and security.

• Positive approach to the geopolitical and geostrategic interests of other Countries in the region, always in the context of International Law and excluding any discount on the sovereignty and internationally legitimate interests of the Republic of Cyprus, including of course its sovereign rights over its own EEZ.

More specifically:

1) With respect to the Occupation Forces and Settlers the Proposal provides for "the direct determination of the minimum timetable required for the withdrawal of the occupying troops and removal of Turkish settlers, as well as of any other person who settles illegally in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus". The implementation of this provision is a prerequisite for any other step towards the implementation of the Proposal.

2) With respect to the Occupied territory the Proposal provides for “the immediate delivery of the territory to the United Nations Peacekeeping Force, for the minimum transitional period required until the completion of the remaining infrastructural provisions".

3) With respect to the Missing Persons the Proposal provides for “immediate lifting of any impediment, so to verify the destiny, as well as the circumstances under which the traces of all the Missing Persons got lost.

4) With respect to the Enclaved Person the Proposal provides for “the immediate and unconditional freedom of movement and full respect of human rights for all persons residing in the occupied territory, until the implementation of the remaining infrastructural provisions takes place”.

5) With respect to the Refugees and the Displaced Persons, as well as their descendants [without any limitation], the Proposal provides for “the direct determination of the minimum timetable required for full restoration of all their Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of return, habitation, recovery and exploitation of their property. The same are also provided for every legitimate citizen of the Republic of Cyprus”.

6) With respect to the property and compensations the Proposal provides that “the side responsible for the usurpation, alteration, destruction or loss of use of

TEXT Ι - “Proposal for proper ending of the Cyprus Issue” 17

property without the permission of the legitimate owner, will pay a proportionate and fair compensation to the rightful owner or rightful holder, for as long as the illegality lasted".

The provision does not exclude the possibility of “legal private settlement”, in a way that does not affect the sovereignty and the legitimate interests of the State.

The legitimacy of all "private settlement" cases will be judged by the competent, European Cyprus Courts, which will validate or annul the arrangement. Whenever the settlement is illegal or unattainable, the Law’s provisions will apply.

7) With respect to the Constitution and the Treaties of 1960, the Proposal provides for:

o Elimination of those provisions of the Constitution and of the accompanying treaties of 1960, of which either the power was inactive due to the consequences of the timeless British-Turkish conspiracy and/or Turkish rebellion in 1963 and/or the Turkish invasion in 1974, or their content violates the EU Fundamental Principles and/or the UN Charter.

o Overall upgrading of the Constitution, with any necessary addition or amendment, aiming its modernization and full harmonization with the European Acquis, in line with the principles of which the Republic of Cyprus joined the EU, namely the principles of Freedom, Justice, Democracy and Human Rights.

8) With respect to the Governance and Institutions, the Proposal provides for:

o Democratic governance, with full egalitarianism against the Law and the State for every legitimate Cyprus Citizen.

o Equitable social policy, on the basis of criteria for sufficient benefits to specific categories of citizens in recession, including similar provisions for the smooth integration of the legitimate Turkish Cypriots in the legitimate State and the harmonization of the occupied territories with the Acquis communautaire18

o Balanced development, through the real and objective foreseeable possibilities of the State, giving extra care to the matters of public security and health.

o Diligent protection of the environment and rapid development approach for environmentally friendly energy production processes.

o Essentially measures of affection and support of the New Generation.

o Moderate economic austerity policy, without affecting the properly conceived people's welfare.

«The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course» 18
18 See also “6 Economy”.

o Immediate exploitation of the natural wealth of the Republic of Cyprus, with emphasis on the subsea Gas reserves in the Cyprus EEZ, to the benefit of all legitimate Cypriots.

o Reliable ensuring of efficient and effective administration, in the context of a Just State.

3. Defense & Security

The Republic of Cyprus, like all states, must have a reliable Defense & Security System, to protect its citizens and their interests, to confront menaces and to exercise its sovereign rights.

Taking into consideration-

- that the creation of security conditions and the defensive capacity of the State against any threat is a prerequisite for its smooth operation and viability,

- that the geographical position of Cyprus in Eastern Mediterranean increases the safety requirements,

- that the experiences of the 1960 security system were traumatic19,

- that the provisions of the “Annan Plan” were devastating20,

- that since the ‘50s Turkey has the strategic goal for “political and military control of the whole Cyprus21,

- that the Republic of Cyprus is full and equal Member-state of the EU and the UN,

- and that the security environment has internationally changed,

the Proposal adopts a new Security System of European specifications, which covers the preservation of the acquired rights of the Republic of Cyprus as equal and sovereign Member-state of the EU and that -inter alia- provides for:

• Full ability of exercise the rights of self-defense and the issue of own Armed Forces, at the discretion of the State of Cyprus22

19 The “Treaties of Guarantees & Alliance of 1960” proved to be a permanent source of abnormality and guardianship and, with the British encouragement, they served Turkey’s strategic goal to control the whole of Cyprus (bombardment of Tylliria in 1964, invasion in 1974 and, since then, occupation, illegal settlement etc.). In addition, article IV of the Treaty of Guarantee on “unilateral intervention” violates the UN Constitutional Charter, the Article 2(4) of which defines that “All the Members in their international relations will abstain from threatening or using violence manifested against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or with any other action, incompatible with the UN Objectives”.

20 This is the 5th Edition of the “Annan Plan” (under the official title “The comprehensive Settlement of the Cyprus Issue by the United Nations, March 2004”, where Turkey seek to strengthen the interventional rights and guardianship in Cyprus, extension of sovereign rights on the Cyprus maritime and airspace, limitation of the sovereign rights and disarmament of the Republic of Cyprus and legalisation of the settlement, and Britain seek to legalize and make permanent its absolute sovereignty of the British Bases, on the Cyprus territory, sea and airspace.

21 “Bloody truth – 2009”, Cap. Β8, Β10 Nichat Erim’s Reports (1956), Plan «Recovery of Cyprus» by the Special War Office of the Turkish General Headquarters (1958) and Cap. Β30-Β32.

22 UN Constitutional Charter, article 51: “No provision of this Charter will prevent the natural right of individual or collective legal defense…”.

TEXT Ι - “Proposal for proper ending of the Cyprus Issue” 19

• Exclusion of the possibility of “full disarmament”23

• Abolition of the “Treaties of Guarantee & Alliance of 1960”24 and other colonial residues which are contrary to the Acquis communautaire and the participation of the Republic of Cyprus in the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)25

• No limitation on the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus on the entire Cyprus territory (land, sea and air).

• Withdrawal of the Occupation Forces and Settlers26.

• Participation and/or conclusion of Security Agreement and Cooperation also with other Organisations of Collective Security beyond OSCE27, such as the Partnership of Peace of the EU (PfP).

• Full implementations of the provisions of the Convention of the Law for the Sea (Montego Bay, 1982).

• Settlement of the financial outstanding issues and repealing of the illegal (since the accession of the Republic of Cyprus in the EU) of the British Military Bases, and blockage of such possibility in favour of any Country.

• Possibility of providing facilities, only in the interest of Countries and/or Collective Organisations to which the Republic of Cyprus will be participating and will enter to a security and cooperation agreement, without affecting the sovereign and other legitimate interests of the Republic of Cyprus.

• Exclusion of the interconnection of the solution of the Cyprus Issue with the European course of Turkey.

4. Education & Culture

EU accepts every European citizen with his own national identity and culture without reversing and flattening the traditions of its equal Member-States.

Respecting the language, the religion, the historical reserves, the culture and generally the education of all Nations, and given that the vast majority of the

23 Not only for reasons of dignity of the State, but also because of the high geostrategic significance and instability characterizing the area in which Cyprus is situated, the State’s weakness to exercise its sovereign rights, the Turkey’s expansionist aspirations and the British intentions on Cyprus.

24 Moreover, the treaties of 1960 were SELF DISCONTINUED by the British-Turkish conspiracy etc. in 1963 (see. "Bloody truth - 2009", Ch. B27 and C1), the Turkish bombardment in 1964 (See. "Bloody truth - 2009", Ch. C7-C9), and the illegal Turkish invasion in 1974 and everything that followed (see. "Bloody truth - 2009", Ch. D1-D5).

25 The CFSP was established and governed under title V of the Treaty for the European Union. It has replaced the European Political Cooperation (EPC) and provides the determination of a future, common defense policy, which at the right time could lead to a common, European defense.

26 The Colonization of Cyprus territory by Turkey is an international crime (Geneva Convention 1949). The illegal settlers were introduced to alter the demographic map of Cyprus, amount to 100s of thousands and are a strong majority against the legitimate Turks of the Republic of Cyprus, who have shrunk from 118,000 (1974) to 88,000 (Demographic Statistics Service Report of the Republic of Cyprus, 2006).See also “2.4. The main provisions of the Proposal”.

27 Organisation for the Security and Cooperation in Europe, in which the Republic of Cyprus participates.

20 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»

legitimate People of Cyprus is of Greek national descent, the Proposal considers Education as a fundamental chapter for the survival of the statutory State, so it provides:

• Rejection of any attempt that aims to remove the new generation of Cypriots from their national roots, language and history.

• Preservation of the tradition and cultural heritage.

• Hellenocentric Education for the Greek Cypriots and the corresponding option for all other legitimate citizens of the Republic of Cyprus of any other national descent.

• Doctrine of the real history and the protection of the historical awareness, equally respecting the true history of all nations.

• Dialogue development, use of technology, education of common psychological upgrading and balancing and exaltation of common ideals, so to shape a common course to the benefit of all legitimate Cyprus.

A value providing Education that will create decent citizens and real democrats, who will respect themselves, their fellowmen and their heritage, and will confidently selfdiscipline, in a well-governed state that will be providing egalitarianism and equal opportunities for progress.

5. Religion

The Proposal embraces the principle, that “the duty of every religion is to unite and not to separate people” and adopts the following:

• The majority of the People of Cyprus is Orthodox Christians and the Christianity accepts and respects every religion and every person, with his particularities and believes.

• The co-existence of Orthodoxy and Islam has not always been smooth, a fact that was never due to the different religion but to local political considerations and foreign powers' interests, which incited domestic conflicts, mobilizing also the religion factor so to achieve their purposes.

• Since the 16th century A.D. when Cyprus was conquered by the Turks, the coexistence of the believers of the two religions was benevolent, a fact evidenced by the coexistence in the same community, as well as in the very same church or mosque.

• The phenomena of oppression were the result of the brutality of the conqueror and they had nothing to do with the human relationships between Cypriots.

• The peaceful coexistence of all legitimate Cypriots is evidenced by their commonly shared respect towards the "Declaration of Human Rights" and, in particular, the freedom of conscience, free will and human dignity.

• Greek Cypriots do respect the Muslim mosques as sanctuaries. Therefore, the Greek Orthodox places of worship that have been illegally occupied in 1974 and altered, deserted or turned into mosques, should be returned to their rightful owners.

TEXT Ι - “Proposal for proper ending of the Cyprus Issue” 21

The coexistence in conditions of peace and justice does not mean downgrading of anyone's identity. Greek Cypriots do accept the legitimate Turkish Cypriots as their compatriots, with their culture, religion and peculiarities, as much as the Turkish Cypriots do accept the Greek Cypriots as their own compatriots.

6. Economy

Primarily, once the Republic of Cyprus is correctly relieved of the consequences occurred by the disastrous economic downturn, at which the country has been deliberately driven into, and taking into consideration-

- that the process of harmonization of the Cyprus economy with the European Acquis was long, arduous and expensive,

- that, under normal conditions and a proper internal policy through time, the European format and structure of the economy allows for a high quality, sustainable and upgradeable economic development for all the legitimate citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.

- and that the functionality and economic viability of the state affects in an absolute manner the political and civic viability of any settlement of the Cyprus Issue, the Proposal adopts the basic principle that the final developments on the Cyprus Issue is bounded and driven towards a correct ending, on the one hand by the fact that "the occupied territories belong to the Republic of Cyprus and are outside the control of the official government due to the Turkish occupation"28 and, on the other hand, by the fact that "the solution of the Cyprus Issue must be compatible with rational economic principles, particularly those guaranteed by the Acquis communautaire".

Hence, the Proposal provides the following economic principles, which work for the benefit of all the legitimate citizens and are fully compatible to a solution based on the existence of European Republic of Cyprus:

• Retaining of the “Mixed Economy System” with sensible state interventionism, based solely on economic and social criteria and not on political or racial ones.

• Overall economic policy, which will be implemented within the framework set by the EU, including the Treaty of Stability & Growth 29 and the Treaty of Lisbon30, which -under normal conditions- ensure the functionality of the economy and the improvement of conditions of employment, and strengthen the competitiveness of the entire economy.

28 Protocol 10 of the Act of the Accession of the Republic of Cyprus to the European Union.

29 It is the regulatory framework of coordination of national fiscal policies of the countries participating in the EU, so to ensure the soundness of public finances, which is a prerequisite for the smooth functioning of the single European economy.

30 It consists of a set of structural economic reforms, based on the cooperation between the Member States and the European Commission, aiming to accelerate the economic and employment growth in the EU.

22 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»

• Strengthening the social role of the state, so to support specific categories of citizens in recession and to assist the smooth reintegration of the legitimate Turkish Cypriots into the single economy31.

• Conservation of one single economy and market as a member of the EU and the Eurozone, free of and without basic restrictions for the movement of goods, services, labour and capital across the entire economy32.

• At the same time, reasonable and sensible state interventionism is provided, in matters affecting the overall public interest, mainly due to the small size of population.

• Ensure the proper functioning of the State Independent Institutions, so their structure to guarantee their own smooth operation. The proper functioning of the independent institutions (i.e. the Central Bank, the Courts, the Auditor General and the Attorney General) is of particular importance. Wherever the operational framework of the institutions is determined by the European Acquis, this will be inviolable.

• Ensure the sustainability of the state finance affairs through time, a fact of particular significance also because of the cost involved for the reintegration of the Turkish Cypriots into the single economy.

At least a significant proportion of the cost involved for the reintegration itself, as well as the harmonization the occupied areas with the European Acquis, will have to be funded by the State. Therefore, the funding administration of these developments must be done with particular diligence.

Towards the direction of the economically viable future of the Republic of Cyprus, the importance of exploiting the natural wealth of the Cyprus EEZ is undisputable. The above principles ensure the robustness and functionality of the single economy, are in absolute line with the continuance of the Republic of Cyprus as a full member of the EU and the Eurozone, and meet any concerns of the Turkish Cypriots, providing a rational participation and representation in the administration of the economy and the institutional structures, as well as adequate and well-targeted socio-economic aid, so to provide fast convergence of incomes of all the legitimate Cypriots, within the single European economy.

The warranty for the Cyprus economy is the European acquis, from which any exemptions would be disastrous for all the legitimate citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.

31 The assisting measures must take the form of aid (e.g. increased and targeted social benefits or educational and other programs etc.) and not the form of restrictions and distortions (such as favourable tax treatment), which encumber the functioning of the market, affect the overall interest and violate the European Acquis.

32 The system is safeguarded by the single currency (EURO) and the independent, single Central Bank of Cyprus (member of the Euro System). In this context, the Government may exercise an effective social policy and assist the currently occupied areas to improve their developmental infrastructure.

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7. The implementation of the Proposal

The Proposal can be implemented only by the President and the legitimate government of the Republic of Cyprus, having as exclusive guide the sovereign interests of the State and the rights of all the legitimate, European Cyprus citizens. To this end, the responsible Government should:

7.1. Adopt the Axiom and the Basic Provisions of the Proposal.

7.2. Develop and elaborate on all the parameters, resulting in a complete and formal "Proposal of the Republic of Cyprus".

7.3. Shape a multilateral Implementation Strategy.

7.4. Call upon all the legitimate Cyprus voters to approve the Proposal at a joint referendum.

7.5. Document indisputably the correctness of the Proposal to the equal partners of the Republic of Cyprus in the EU.

7.6. Submit the Proposal to the United Nations and support it, as the inviolable cruise line towards the correct course and outcome of the Cyprus Issue.

The strongest argument for the predominance of the Proposal is the fact that "whatever else happens in Cyprus is a result of the illegal invasion and occupation, therefore is by definition illegal and rejected at European and international level".


The implementation of the Proposal is foreseen laborious, with well expected political and other obstacles and pressures.

Special consideration should be given to the expected "Turkish denial", which should be addressed through multidimensional strategic alliances both within and outside the EU, and by making full use of the political arsenal available to the Republic of Cyprus as an EU Member State.

The leader, to whom the People of Cyprus will give the mandate to implement the Proposal, must have determination, patriotism, honesty and perseverance, above of any personal, partisan and other considerations.

The time needed for the Proposal to predominate is unknown, since no proposal has been tested until today, which is submitted responsibly by the official European state of the Republic of Cyprus and concerns the whole of the legitimate People of Cyprus. Since the accession of Cyprus to the EU time is on our side, therefore, no matter how long it will take, time will be for the first time an investment towards the correct direction. Given, that there will be no despondency, negligence and return to discounts.

If the People of Cyprus elevate the Proposal to an "Inviolable Mandate" to a suitable Leader, the Proposal will prove to be the only European and internationally legitimate, honest, decent, just and viable outcome to the Cyprus Issue.

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While our state is experiencing the effects of the devastating three-fold course �Economic hardship / Social and Moral squalor / Enforcement of a catastrophic "settlement"�, we have the duty to reverse the economic distress, to deny the human misery and to claim to end our rights, as a civilized and dignified society.

It is our ultimate duty towards our past and our ultimate duty towards the future of our children...

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“EEZ Strategy and Resolution of the Cyprus issue”

28 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»
The EEZ of Hellenism Sea plots of the Cyprus EEZ

EEZ of Hellenism

The developments on international level require strategic moves. The existing contacts between Cyprus, Israel and Greece are becoming even more stronger because of the definition of the Exclusive Economic Zone, as well as the discovery of the gas fields in the Eastern Mediterranean. Moreover, the delimitation of the Cyprus EEZ and Israel show the way we have to take in order to become more effective both strategic and financially.

EuroAsia Interconnector consists of a good start of the interconnections of the three states, that have to be enhanced also with the transferring of the natural gas, primarily under the form of CNG, and then LNG and in the future through gas pipeline. In other words, when Greece enters the final phase of the establishment of the Greek EEZ, at the same time, we have to be thinking also the delimitation of the Greek and the Cyprus EEZ.

This agreement, even though it concerns a really short length, is very important in order to enable the de facto and de jure allied framework. In order to implement all these movements, they must have the official position of the two states in this region which is the passage, necessary to supply the European Union with natural gas. The Leviathan, Tamar, Dalit and Aphrodite gas fields are of no importance if they are not accessible from the European market which will be increasingly in great need over time.

We also know, that the same applies for the gas fields that will be researched in the South Crete. It is therefore necessary, to proceed to an official and recognised by the UN agreement, in order for the implementations to have a permanent base, which will make them resistant. This essentially consists of a prerequisite for our future course.

This basis, is the impact of the topostrategy in the region, because the background in this case lies on cohesion. At a primary level, we can of course define separate boundaries that are compatible with the area and, in fact, they have identical points calculated with the Voronoi diagrams, but at the second stage we have to seek a standard agreement in the region.

We are aware that for Israel, the exit towards the European Union is of high importance. This does not consist of an artificial approach, as many of us who do not know anything about its history believe. We can rely upon this geopolitical framework, which is very positive for the agreement between Greece and Cyprus, so to found this agreement, as already envisioned by Tassos Papadopoulos under much more difficult conditions and without the discovery of these natural gas deposits.

With this agreement, we can set in practice the definition of the EEZ of Hellenism which will be representing the largest EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The EEZ of Hellenism is neither unconceivable nor utopian. Is a vision with practical effects which will play an important role. We can indeed, already from now, calculate the financial interest that consists of a region that will belong to the two EEZ of

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Greece and Cyprus, because there is already from now the candidacy of an Israeli company for joint venture, regarding the exploitation on a triple level basis in the specific area.

The Cyprus EEZ as spearhead

Even during difficult times, the Cyprus EEZ acts as a spearhead, for a very simple reason: It is a strategic investment, which is in several orders higher than any economic problem faced by the State. Hence, a single island with occupied territories can strategically cope under pressures via the sea and its hydrocarbons, which are only at the initial stage.

Cyprus demonstrates in practice that, even a small state, can have a high level strategy. Should basic and fundamental strategy clues be followed, Hellenism can find the strength to confront every enemy. For as long as there is the will to utilize its potentialities, and not to remain stagnant due to social conditions, which do not comply with solving serious problems.

Cyprus, after the explosion it has undergone, with respect to the limits and the toxic bonds it received, does not have the luxury to waste its time with local problems. For the sake of its people Cyprus is obliged to follow the steps of Kranidiotis and Papadopoulos, so not just to survive but also to develop and become an energy hub and geopolitical player in East Mediterranean and European Union. With its EEZ shows to everyone the value of exploiting its energy reserves. Cyprus does not stay still on top of its wealth and wait to receive others’ charity. Cyprus is capable to see the future and realize that this depends directly from its EEZ. Therefore, it is not a matter of dependence but a matter of necessity. An island, to live with dignity, cannot be isolated and has to act in combination with its sea, because there is where its power lies. So everyone that has not studied Thoukidides can at least look at the example of Cyprus.

New step in the Cyprus EEZ

The first steps regarding the Cyprus EEZ were made in 2003, with the delimitation agreement between Cyprus and Egypt. Then on, the EEZ was established in 2004, followed by the delimitation agreement between Cyprus and Lebanon in 2007, and completed with the delimitation agreement between Cyprus and Israel in 2010. In this way, Cyprus achieved the first Eastern Mediterranean Agreements, proceeding to the next phase with the performance of drillings in plot 12, in October 2011 and January 2013.

At the same time, Cyprus proceeded with the licensing rounds for plot 12 at first and then for the rest 12 plots. On the second round there were 33 companies that submitted their application under 15 joint ventures. Hence, Cyprus signed contracts with NOBLE (plot 12), with ENI-KOGAS (plots 2,3, and 9), with TOTAL (plots 10 and 11). These are strategic steps to the high strategy of Cyprus in relation with energy.

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The same applies regarding the decision for the construction of a liquefaction station on land.

Geopolitically, Cyprus relations have radically changed with these alliances, and the validation of the agreement with Egypt was another a political step of reinforcement of the entire framework. In spite that, at first, many said that Egypt was going to be influenced by Turkey.

Now, the new validation concerning the thickness of the delimitation line, which is of course the middle line, reinforces even more the framework of the co-exploitation of the two countries, should there be a deposit that is not located exactly on the midline but within its thickness.

In this way, we now have a durable alliance between Egypt and Cyprus that disarms even the most cautious analysts. This is the new step of the Cyprus EEZ.

The triple EEZ approach

The triple EEZ approach of Egypt, Greece and Cyprus that have a common triple point of contact because of their EEZ, is now is a reality. Because now we no longer talk only about the delimitation of the EEZ between Egypt and Cyprus of 2003. Now, there is an enhanced decision by both sides, practically provided by the presence of Greece, which has the second biggest EEZ in the Mediterranean Sea, being also the passage to the European Union. So we realize that in the Eastern Mediterranean there is not only the alliance of Greece, Israel and Cyprus but also the consent of Cyprus with Lebanon and now the triple approach. So if we examine all these facts with a topostrategic approach, we can understand that is a sequence of actions, which create a strategic mix on the spine of the horizontal everlasting strategy, which fights at a time-strategic level against the barbarism that tries to destroy the mental patterns of the Mediterranean Sea, because quite simply these are not of its own interest.

But it forgets that the sea is situated in a European framework for centuries and that now, since 2004, in the framework of the European Union that wants, because of energy security, the indigenous energy sources to develop within its area, so as to reduce dramatically all costs related to imports from third countries outside the European Union.

So, we can all now realize that the frightened experts are forced to admit that they do not master the EEZ object, because in a game with no zero sum the personal strategies that are individualistic do not apply, as what functions is collegiality and teamwork that are using other stratagems.

The delimitation of EEZ as triple vision

The delimitation of the Greek, Cyprus and Egypt EEZ is now in the joint programme of the three countries as a vision.

The Cairo Agreement opens the way for the official signatures of the delimitation between Greece and Cyprus, and of course the extension of the existing agreement

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between Cyprus and Egypt, so that the three EEZ to touch the triple point of contact with no exception.

In this way, the existence of Castellorizo is also ensured as a complex, since this ensures the triple point. Furthermore, within this context, the exploitation and utilization of the enormous strategic hydrocarbon reserves of the Herodotus Basin become practically possible.

Hence, the three countries now put in practice the Law of the Sea, in an indeed allied context, which reinforces their geo-economic relations through the topostrategic concept of the EEZ. This tool also supports the stability in the region together with its investment attractiveness, since the Oil Companies traditionally avoid disputed areas, so not bear the financial cost of any institutional delay.

This triple agreement makes things clearer for everyone and we no longer need to expect passively the developments, since they come from our own actions.

Cyprus is no longer by itself and, in spite the expected disputes, the Cyprus EEZ remains the link in this Euro-African scope.

The strength of the EEZ

The strength of the EEZ not only changes the economy, but also the strategy that allows you to answer rationally, in a plain and honest language, to those who are trapped within their misery and fear, supposedly for the national issues.

In fact, without the EEZ data, many say that the foreigners will arrange for us, others say that they will make us part of Turkey, that everything will be taken away from us, and they talk over and over again, without any perspective either for Greece or Cyprus.

On the contrary, when you talk to them about the EEZ and you evidence concretely the benefits at a geostrategic, topostrategic and time-strategic level, their style changes because of lack of arguments and because they learn that the EEZ value and tolerance suddenly give unsuspected possibilities, an approach which was completely unthinkable.

The EEZ of Cyprus and Greece is a pressure lever by the sea, the deep blue. Because the problems of the land can only be solved by the sea strategy.

The EEZ is not only high strategy, but also a power that allows you to step firmly on your feet, to assert and answer the questions of the frightened that are paralyzed by their fears.

With the EEZ we have a tool for negotiations and liberation. We cannot just accept the existence of the occupied area without doing anything.

Therefore, the EEZ for both Greece and Cyprus, is not only the activation of the Law of the Sea, but a whole field of action at national level and, in coordination with the European framework, we have alliances in the Eastern Mediterranean that we could not imagine of until few years ago. While, now we have started.

32 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»

The Cyprus EEZ belongs to the 5 communities

In Cyprus there are five communities: The Armenian, the Greek Cypriot, the Latin, the Maronite and the Turkish Cypriot. Consequently, Cyprus EEZ belongs to all five communities and not just to the two, as a few people would like, so a confrontation to exist. Therefore, this false basis should be terminated since we operate with only one state, which represents freely all the five communities and not just one.

The Republic of Cyprus does not infringe the rights of its citizens and the sovereign rights belong to all Cyprus citizens.

Therefore, is not a matter of confrontation between Cyprus and Turkey. The settlers are citizens of Turkey, so they have rights in the Turkish EEZ, and of course Turkey offers these rights to them. So there is no reason to speak illegally for the rights of the occupied area which does not exist as a recognized state entity according to the U.N. Hence, the discussions concerning the natural gas have an absolutely clear context.

Regarding the route of the natural gas pipeline there is no reason to discuss for a passage through Turkey, as we know that it does not provide security. The pipeline must have a horizontal axis that essentially joins the deposits with Europe via Crete and Cyprus. A timeless horizontal axis that operates over centuries, to join the Christian Europe to the Holy Land. So, the energy issue comes to reinforce the alliance framework that is exploited for centuries in our history.

The extraction of natural gas

The extraction of natural gas in Cyprus is not only symbolic. It is a necessary precondition so to solve the Cyprus problem.

All these years we hear that there are formal and informal negotiations but with no effect on what should be done. Now, we take advantage of the efforts that were made on 1983 in order to avoid recognition of the occupied area as a country. Namely, not to follow Turkey’s decision and give continuity to the two UN resolutions. Even today, we can realize how important these movements are.

When we started talking about the Cyprus EEZ, nobody gave great importance. Neither to the establishment, nor to the delimitation with Egypt, Lebanon and Israel. When we started the drillings no one believed that the Aphrodite gas field will prove tradable in 2015. But it happened and in concrete numbers. Then, no one was surprised by the fact that the natural gas began to exist as a reference in the negotiations. Also, no one has calculated that the liberation of the island has an economic cost, which can be covered by the Cyprus EEZ, so not to face what happened to Germany after the reunification, where it took 15 years of austerity in order to balance the economies of West and East Germany.

The Cyprus EEZ is a tool for liberation, but its activation will become practical only after the beginning of the first mining of the Cyprus natural gas. Actual negotiations must begin only then, so to take advantage of this evolution.

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The Cyprus problem has a European solution

Any attempts made to solve the Cyprus problem, must respect the European acquis. There should be no exception even temporary, since we very well know that exemptions do last. We have lived through this with the refuge issue. Therefore, there should be no deviation for any reason.

Cyprus joined the EU as a single state, with the exception of the occupied area from the European acquis, hence the solution should provide nothing more than the removal of this exception.

This has a direct impact on the property issue as well, for which we must be cautious, because it is expected that there will be the issue of compensation, which will be used in return and not only with respect to the property non enjoyment.

Moreover, we should pay attention to the so called “territorial issue”, since it will allow the display of a map that will remind us of older data, which we rationally and strategically avoided.

There is no solution of the Cyprus issue without EEZ

There is no solution of the Cyprus issue without EEZ. What we mean with this is simple.

Cyprus has established its EEZ in 2004 and has made delimitations with Egypt in 2003, Lebanon in 2007 and Israel in 2010. Since 2011 it has begun the research for natural gas in the Aphrodite, Onasagoras and Amathousa gas fields. In 2015 has proven that the Aphrodite gas field is tradable. However, it has not passed as yet into the stage of mining, which is the most important implementation part of the entire strategic planning, which was based on the accession to the European Union. So we realize, that those rushing for a solution of the Cyprus problem at this period, actually they do not want to take full advantage of the EEZ and the possibilities that it gives to Cyprus, as a tool of liberation from a trapped situation. This practically means that they see the EEZ benefit and strength, but they want to diplomatically avoid it. Yet, the EEZ belongs to all the communities of Cyprus without any exception, so what is their problem. The EEZ has a positive effect and should be reclaimed. Consequently, the solution of the Cyprus problem must be based on the European Union and the Cyprus EEZ, so not to be only artificially sustainable, but fair and strategically correct as well.

The Maronite occupied villages

The Maronite occupied villages are four, though they used to be a lot more in the past for historical reasons. Their names are: Kormakitis, Karpashia, Asomatos and Agia Marina. Nowadays, of course, the last two have no inhabitants any more. The important thing is that we rarely pay any attention to these enclaved persons, so as if they function differently. The Maronites have the same rights as any other citizen of Cyprus, but these rights are infringed in the occupied area, as it happens

34 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»

for any other enclaved person. The Maronites not only are embedded in the Cyprus affairs as a community with the institutional sense, but they belong to the history of Cyprus, and they are indeed desirous of a solution, but not of course with plans that divide their villages in two nor by duping them on the grounds of what they will vote that “they will make a special effort”.

The Maronites are Cyprus citizens and they do not need anything special, as if they are asking for a favour. So we need to stop this special treatment which is convenient each and every time something is being prepared. The Maronites, like every other citizen of Cyprus, have the right to live free in their villages. But let us not forget that these villages are in the occupied area and that in these villages live settlers who belong to the army. So the situation is not easy or representative, so as to talk freely. Their freedom will evolve with the liberation of Cyprus, thanks to energy and strategy.

The Cyprus EEZ does not belong to the settlers

The Cyprus EEZ belongs to the citizens of Cyprus as a sovereign right, and not to the settlers who have earnings from another EEZ. Also, for those who just look at their own pocket, they have to realize that the Cyprus EEZ worth a lot of money, much more than the value of the Aphrodite gas field, as the sea plot 12 already worth more. Hence, the Cyprus EEZ provides tremendous value and reliability for Cyprus, since is being prepared to play the role of an energy player in the Eastern Mediterranean and throughout the European Union. This strategic change has many implications and, of course, financial ones as well. Because, following the mining of the natural gas, the Cyprus EEZ will actively help not only the solution of the Cyprus issue, but also the liberation of Cyprus, the reason being simple for those who know the financial data of the reunification of the West and East Germany.

Therefore, the Cyprus EEZ has to be exploited in order to be substantively activated, and this can only be done with the mining of the natural gas in the Aphrodite gas field which will set the example for the others.

ENI remains in Cyprus

We have heard a lot from international experts about the departure of Total. Finally, nothing happened and Total remained normally at the sea plots 10 and 11.

The same story regarding ENI, following after the drillings in Onasagoras and Amathousa, while ENI had sent its drilling rig for maintenance in Marseille and had to make a drilling in the Egyptian EEZ. As a matter of fact, ENI continued with a second drilling, with the Saipem 1000 in the Egyptian sea plot.

Now we realize from the acceptance of the Cyprus government, that ENI had already requested since March 2015 to extend its investigations in the Cyprus EEZ. The point of interest is that rumours dominated for long that it was about to leave, due either to the Turkish seismic surveys, which never even worked in the second NAVTEX or because of the negotiations for the settlement of the Cyprus issue. At

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the end of the day, everybody know that all these were fiction scenarios and we no longer need to convince them for the reality we live in. Because now, it is formal that Cyprus was the one to give in August the extension for investigation until 2018, that was requested by ENI-KOGAS. A fact which, though it was not made widely known, is the best proof, first that ENI continues normally its program, second that for sure it has not lost its interest in the Cyprus EEZ especially for the sea plots 2, 3 and 9, and third that on the contrary ENI wants to be covered legally under the terms of the extension.

This information will support all those who believe that the Cyprus EEZ is a powerful tool for the liberation of Cyprus. What is required is to know how to manage it and to make it effective. Otherwise, defeatism and servility return to bury every effort, since a few years ago they were prepared to give everything away, so not to have any more fears, without realizing that such moves are merely consider as retreats that are always followed by the worse, because you no longer have any initiative moves, hence you can not materialize your vision.

Now, we overcame an obstacle and we continue with the mining of the EEZ for the liberation of Cyprus.

The ZOR deposit and the Cyprus strategy

Those who have tried for so long to degrade the overall value of the Cyprus sea plots, so to give exclusive priority to the Aphrodite gas field, have entered into the process of encouraging the creation of a pipeline that would connect the gas field with Egypt, rather than provisioning a liquefaction station in Cyprus. To justify this approach, which is highly conservative at the investment level, they have explained to us that Egypt is in need of the Cyprus natural gas. Of course, they did not even calculate the research, made by Italian company ENI in the sea plots of Egypt, though this company is known because of its presence in the sea plots 2, 3 and 9 of the Cyprus EEZ.

However, the discovery of the supergiant ZOR gas field comes to completely subvert this argument. This was expected due to ENI’s activity in Egypt for decades. Furthermore, the gas field ZOR proves that the Aphrodite gas field is not the only in the region. Of course, there are the Leviathan and Tamar gas fields. Simply, now everybody knows and none slicker can any longer claim that we should only bet on Aphrodite gas field and do nothing elsewhere. On the contrary, this discovery which will ensure self-sufficiency in Egypt, the liquefaction station at Vassiliko should become our priority. Because it follows all these new energy mental patterns, but also strengthens the geopolitical value of Cyprus and will actually become the platform for all the next Cyprus EEZ gas fields.

The Cyprus EEZ against servility

Some people, out of servility, want Cyprus to be unable to obtain strong geopolitics, so to be at others’ mercy for ever.

36 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»

A decade ago they did not even want to hear about EEZ and they did not applaud its establishment.

Subsequently, since they could not resist the momentum and the dynamic of delimitations, they tried to tell us that the natural gas is a bubble, even claiming that it was a political trick for the elections.

Then, being forced to accept the framework of the contest, they tried to stop the drilling, but did not come out to them either.

For several years they attempted to prove that the Aphrodite gas field is neither large nor of any value. But finally, in 2015, it proved to be tradable. So, again, they did not succeed and Cyprus began to acquire an objective value and, indeed, a strategy capable of hindering any peculiar bizarre movements against it.

So, they changed the theme and began to undermine the power electrical cable, the Euro-Asia Interconnector and the East Med pipeline, which however, both these programmes passed through the European Commission and have been incorporated as expected in the Projects of Common Interest.

Therefore, they are now attempting to degrade the value of the Liquefaction Station, which is able to bring tens of thousands of jobs and positions.

Of course, when you are servile, you do not want this kind of evolutions, as they can strengthen your country and are capable to liberate it. Hence, Cyprus continues its course relentlessly, without having any fears.

From the ZOR gas field to the Cyprus EEZ

Due to the size and distance of the ZOR gas field from the Cyprus EEZ, many factors are now being manifested, proving that something is being done.

So, with all the statements we heard for ENI and then for Total, we see that there is a phase change of large dimensions, at least for those who aimed to reduce the importance of the Cyprus EEZ and its gas fields, except for the Aphrodite gas field. Those knowing about energy strategy, do realize that actually nothing changes. Simply, some people are forced to change their position, so to coincide with the true facts.

ENI and Total remain in the Cyprus EEZ, even if some people wanted to deny it, so to degrade the overall research done in the sea plots. ENI and Total cooperate for decades on the issues of measurements and drilling results, as this suits both interests, especially when they operate in neighbouring regions. Moreover, with the supergiant ZOR sea field, there is even the case of playing a role in the Cyprus EEZ due to the small distance. Hence, as ENI operates in the Egyptian sea plot 9 and Total in the Cyprus sea plot 11, which are indeed side by side, the two Companies are expected to maintain a close relationship also and on this issue. Therefore, it is now important to see how the Cyprus authorities will take advantage of this fact. We already realize, that their style is being changed, so to adapt to the

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new data and, while attempting to focus on other discussions, the Cyprus EEZ is once again the epicentre, even if some rayahs do not like it.

[Note: "RAYAHS" is a word used by the Turks for a "non-Muslim". The meaning of the word was dismissive and had the concept of the slave. Most rayahs were Greeks, Armenians, Jews and Franks.]

Cyprus EEZ and Cyprus issue

With this new data in the hydrocarbons sector, Cyprus EEZ acquires αν increasingly greater importance as a geopolitical tool and, of course, trends to defuse all those hurrying to solve the Cyprus issue in every possible way, without taking advantage of this factor.

This is why the statements regarding the negotiations do change every now and then. So, while at the beginning everything was presented more positively, every time there is a new declaration proving that things are not as simple. We have witnessed this phaenomenon regarding the property issue and now we listen to a variety of statements regarding the territorial aspect, which remind of worse cases than those we have already rejected in 2004. At the same time, while they were attempting to neutralize the role of the Cyprus EEZ within the negotiations concept, every time it appears reinforced with renewed data.

Therefore, we realize that there is an asymmetry between the propaganda vocabulary and the truth of reality. So, every updated Cyprus citizen can now realize that pretence is not the reality and that reality appears sooner or later, whether we like it or not, to evidence the high strategy of Cyprus, that can no longer work without the European Union and the Cyprus EEZ. Also, when we hear of statements regarding the Cyprus EEZ with no scientific content, we realize that the politicians who make them have no idea about their value and they are completely outside the framework of their specialty, which all these years is based on the Green Line, without being aware of the Infinite Blue and its strategic value.

Negotiations and Statements

While they are presenting us the negotiations for the resolution of the Cyprus issue being smooth, statements are coming from the other side contradicting this approach.

By referring to the passage from Turkey of a natural gas pipeline, not only is not rational but it also proves ignorance on the developments in Eastern Mediterranean. The European Union is the largest consumer of natural gas, but not at all of its points. The specific pipeline, even if it passes from Turkey, it has to pass via Greece and Bulgaria and even Romania, in any case far away from Italy which is the biggest consumer.

Therefore, these statements are not related to the geopolitical and technical facts of the area, but demonstrate once more that the occupying regime is subject to

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Turkey, a fact that stands out from as from the beginning, even though some people want to artfully forget about it.

The timeless horizontal strategy is not in any way related to Turkey. Lebanon, Israel and Egypt, prefer the passage via Cyprus and Greece, since their reserves can enrich their own by using the same pipeline. In any case, what we realize is that the essence of the issue become the natural gas, which is no longer considered to be a detail within the Cyprus issue.

Therefore, we must realize that the Cyprus EEZ and the natural gas have to be exploited before there is any real effort to resolve the Cyprus issue, so to be favoured with an allied context, deriving from a strategic mixture of the national interests of the countries in the region.

The Cyprus victory through the ZOR deposit

Many people in Cyprus consider that there is no other deposit in the Cyprus EEZ, except of the Aphrodite deposit. Others, at high level, consider that with the ZOR deposit Cyprus lost an opportunity.

However, reality is radically different:

Within the sea plot 12 of the Cyprus EEZ there are at least two more natural gas deposits and at least four oil deposits, as we have proved with our analysis.

As for the ZOR deposit, facts are spectacular. Firstly, we must say that the gas field is by 99.9% within the Egyptian EEZ, but the 1/6 of its geological structure is situated within the Cyprus EEZ. No consideration was given to this important factor, not even by the officials.

By examining the section of the geological structure of the ZOR deposit, we will ascertain that there is an oilfield, well below the gas field, and that this is situated by half within the Cyprus EEZ. In other words, Cyprus will benefit the 50% of the extraction of this deposit.

ENI already foresees to materialize the next drilling for this deposit in the course of next year, thus supporting Cyprus from the side of the Egyptian EEZ as well.

So, Cyprus should definitely stop talking exclusively about the Aphrodite deposit, since there are so many deposits that indeed change the data. This practically means, that a new innovative change has to be done in the Cyprus model of exploitation of the Cyprus EEZ, or else these data cannot be included.

The discovery of the ZOR deposit, through its oil consists a victory for Cyprus and we must take strategic advantage of it.

Cyprus reinforced by the new data

Therefore, Cyprus is indeed reinforced by the new data from the ZOR oil field, since it directly concerns the Cyprus EEZ.

In other words, Egypt does not only play the role of the connecting link between Greece and Cyprus, as some people thought. Nor is dependent from the natural gas of Cyprus, but is a powerful player that helps both Cyprus and Greece.

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The tripartite agreement gains greater power and is no longer considered as just a diplomatic move, but as a strategic act for the three countries that have common interests between themselves in the region and widely in the Eastern Mediterranean. In addition, with the oil deposit the relation of Cyprus with Egypt will be practically reinforced in terms of co-exploitation. In this field of action there is ENI from the side of the Egyptian EEZ and Total from the side of the Cyprus EEZ. So, because of the delimitation and the concession contracts on both sides, the two companies can extract in cooperation, since they have to choose the best drilling location, which of course concerns both sides in a double, since both Cyprus and Egypt are concerned.

So, we realize that, on the grounds of the new data and a framework of alliances, Cyprus must proceed and follow its course, on the basis of the International Law and the Law of Sea, without abandoning by itself its own sovereign rights through binding texts and absurd agreements.

This high strategy concerns the freedom of Cyprus.

The Cyprus natural gas belongs to the People of Cypriots and only to the People of Cyprus

No matter how strongly Turkey protests, the Cyprus natural gas belongs to the People of Cyprus and only to the People of Cyprus, namely to the Armenian Cypriots, the Greek Cypriots, the Latin Cypriots. the Maronite Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots. It does not belong to the settlers, who benefit from the Turkish natural gas, nor to the Greek of Greece, who have that of Greece.

Every citizen in any country has the right on the earnings of his own country and not on those of another. It is simply the implementation of the Law of the Sea. According to the Cyprus Constitution of 1960, the five communities living in Cyprus have absolutely the same rights. Consequently, the issue of the natural gas and generally that of the Cyprus EEZ have already been solved.

The Turkish position is virtually absurd, as the Turkish Cypriots do not need to claim anything, since they have the same rights from the very beginning.

Regarding the existing deposits in Israel, Egypt, Cyprus and in Greece, the East Med natural gas pipeline will cover the need, with no reason to pass through elsewhere, because the key objective is Italy. Therefore, the most natural and rational route for the pipeline is from the deposits, then to Cyprus, then to Greece and finally to Italy. Namely, the exact route that the European Committee describes since October 2014. The official map refers to the Projects of Common Interest of the European Union.

So, we have to realize that things are crystal clear and if propaganda is not supported by evidence, it collapses as soon as it confronts reality.

40 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»

Cyprus will not kneel

This is not the time, when we can strategically and rationally exploit the Cyprus EEZ through the tripartite agreement with Greece and Egypt, and also the European Union that is seeking indigenous sources of energy, for Cyprus to kneel. There is no reason whatsoever to hasten and compromise in a solution that does not make any sense, since we did not manage to agree on any substantive issue.

However, the scenario of a meaningless referendum is already in the air, which will deal with generalities, so that the people of Cyprus not to have a say with respect to the provisions and regulations that will be decided by a parliament, which will not necessarily result from new elections.

So, we already have politicians that deal with the (presidential) elections instead of the substance is the issue, namely the referendum.

And yet, the question is simple:

Why do we not wait the mining of the natural gas prior initiating the actual negotiations for the resolution of the Cyprus issue? As then, we will be talking about the reintegration of Turkish Cypriots into the state of Cyprus and we will be preparing the liberation of Cyprus and, indeed, with the ability to meet the financial difficulty, which will inevitably be caused due to the reunification of the island, since the income of the Cyprus EEZ is of another magnitude. Also, we must terminate the propaganda that dominates and supports that we only have the Aphrodite deposit, while there are others in the sea plot 12 to convince us that we have to compromise with the reality. In other words, the truth is that we have future.

The Cyprus EEZ as a geopolitical chessboard

For Cyprus, EEZ is not just a financial entity and this is proved by history.

Since Cyprus has established the EEZ and signed three delimitations; its 13 sea plots have created a framework that constitutes a geopolitical chessboard, which, with the new contracts that are made by licensing, adds on it important pieces that will play an allied role with Cyprus.

The supply of the Cyprus EEZ with oil companies gives the opportunity to express itself differently at a geo-economic level and this, of course, also has geopolitical implications.

This becomes even more evident with respect to the resolution of the Cyprus issue, as we realize that the Cyprus EEZ operates catalytically in liberating Cyprus. The steps made for the Cyprus EEZ go together with the progress of this issue as well, without most of the Cypriots realizing that this high strategy practically changes their future life. Their problem is consequential to the fact that they are absorbed by their daily routine. A fact, which is even more obvious in Greece.

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However, the substance is that this action is the most effective as far as the issue of besieging is concerned.

With this geopolitical chessboard, Cyprus is being practically transformed into a geopolitical player of other dimensions and of longer range. So, Cyprus is given greater importance by other geopolitical players in the Eastern Mediterranean and the East.

Cyprus is no longer a supernumerary, but a player in both the European Union and the Mediterranean, and this is because of the EEZ. Therefore, let’s examine it more strategically, so to realize all the possibilities that is offering to us.

The geopolitical value of Euro-Asia Interconnector

The Euro-Asia Interconnector’s value does not solely derive from the technological characteristics of the project, but also from its geopolitical dimension, as three countries, namely Greece, Israel and Cyprus, are acting in cooperation within a European framework, and has been confirmed by the second evaluation as a Project of Common Interest with a high score. Since it is indeed following the regulations of this institution, it has the necessary social benefits.

By utilizing it in the long-term, it creates a stable relationship between the three countries, as well as with Italy, which will be responsible for a considerable part of the technical and technological implementation of the project. Thus, on the axis that follows a horizontal strategic shape, it creates a powerful alliance that stabilizes also the Eastern Mediterranean region, at least at the sea level.

The reinforcement of Cyprus and Crete as island areas is extremely important, since it sets them free from the energy isolation. In combination with the natural gas deposits that are found in the area and their future exploitation, we realize that the Euro-Asia Interconnector also supports the energy security of the European Union, since it gives the possibility to be less dependent on classical sources. Hence, it is not just a technological project that has, of course, a value by itself. It is a strategic infrastructure that supports energy, but also an act that has strategic benefits for our people.

Namely, this interconnection at an overall level, activates local entities, who can finally play a decisive role in implementing a vision of high strategy, that of the exploitation of the Mediterranean Exclusive Economic Zones.

The Cyprus problem and the property issue

While they are explaining to us that the negotiations on the Cyprus issue are progressing dynamically, suddenly they are forced to admit that there is a big problem on the property issue and that, actually, they are seeking money to compensate those who will officially be wronged. And as if this was not enough, they further want to ask for money from the European Union, so to be assisted in this unacceptable attempt for a resolution by hiding some of its deficiencies.

However, so to make it clear for everybody, there is only a way to minimize the cost

42 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»

of the compensation: By being fair. Then, you do not need anything else. Because, in this case, the refugees and the enclaved will feel justified, and same will apply also for the families of the missing people. If not, what do you need the money for?

Or, maybe, is it simply to buy votes to accommodate the referendum you are preparing, without warning the people that you are going to mock them and, then, to be considered responsible for their decision, as this will be taken with their own free will.

The problem for the Cypriots is that we have already lived through all these, when the despicable plan was submitted and was rejected in 2004. So, we do not need a lot of explanations to enter the framework of the discussions.

We also see that there are conscious efforts, so that Cyprus appears independent of any influence on the part of Greece, but of course nothing similar happens for Turkey.

This asymmetric approach is indicative of the whole situation and there is no reason to fall into a new trap. The property issue is crystal clear. No one has to be treated unfairly. However, the money to which the negotiations are referred is only payoff money. Therefore, do not expect for any money under these unacceptable conditions for the future of the Cyprus people.

Cyprus needs strategy and energy

Cyprus needs strategy and energy and not fake negotiations which lead to nowhere. The Cyprus EEZ is the correct, strategic and rational framework. Therefore, it has to be activated with the extraction of natural gas, so to take advantage of the agreements made with Noble-Delek-Avner and indirectly with British Group for the sea plot 12, with Total for the sea plot 11 and with the ENI-KOGAS consortium for the sea plots 2, 3 and 9, so to operate the third round of licensing.

The two tripartite agreements between Greece-Cyprus-Israel and Egypt-GreeceCyprus should enter in the implementation phase and at a practical level. Hence, there is no time to be wasted with fake negotiations without perspective, since they do not even have the financial infrastructure to be supported when it comes to a national implementation. So, it is not by projecting legal opinions, which are subverted at the end of the day, as we realize that these were made on special order and cannot possibly stand at international level.

Cyprus with European Union and the EEZ is a country that will have perspectives, because it will follow a high strategy, which has nothing to do with negotiations at a community level, as the whole essence of the Cyprus issue lies at national level. Fat words and frequently changing statements, combined with a liberated style from the guarantor powers, do not convince anybody.

The Cyprus EEZ has changed the data and now it should be used strategically for the future of Cyprus.

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Solution without the EEZ is not a solution, but a compromise

The Cyprus EEZ is an indisputable fact, which has changed the data at a national level and which we are about to exploit for hydrocarbons, through agreements and contracts.

However, while being at this phase and the issue is simple, there are some people telling us that we must find a solution in haste, because this is our last chance and, indeed, without involving the issue of the EEZ.

They follow the same mental scheme of propaganda as back in 2004. Then, just before joining the European Union, we had to hastily agree without taking any advantage of the accession fact, also telling us that this was our last chance otherwise, according to the scaremongering, we would no longer exist. In 2004 it was the European Union, now it is the EEZ.

Both cases concern Cyprus initiatives, which did not simply follow the developments of the Cyprus issue to take a position, usually in delay, but managed to approach more effectively the issue of resolving the Cyprus issue, in an indirect way and without using the simpleminded communal framework.

All of a sudden, when these successes do exist and we are at the phase of implementation, shortly before that they need to convince us that we have to hurry up and not to take any advantage of them.

Then, in 2004, solution without the European Union was not a solution, but a compromise. Finally, we overcame it effectively.

Now, in 2016, solution without the EEZ is not a solution, but a compromise.

We have to realize this, as the hasty steps doi stumble.

The EEZ has not yet been of service, because we are now entering the exploitation phase for hydrocarbons, and only through the EEZ we will solve the Cyprus issue.

44 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»
TEXT ΙΙ - “EEZ strategy and resolution of the Cyprus Issue” 45


security factor on Cyprus issue”

Phivos Klokkaris, Lieutenant General (Retired)


Security is a key factor in a state’s survival. Security is distinguished in political, military, economic, environmental, that of natural resources, of energy, and of cyber warfare. The military security is achieved by:

- The availability of reliable Armed Forces;

- the Alliances; and

- the participation in collective security organizations

A state without security is doomed to strategic collapse.

Turkish Targeting

The Cyprus issue is eminently a security issue, that consists of the effort of Turkey to put under its strategic control the whole of Cyprus and the Hellenism demand to restrain this effort.

Turkey has prepared and implements a long-term strategy for Cyprus, having a target, a way (plan) and means.

Target: The strategic control of the whole of Cyprus and its demographic deterioration, for security reasons related to the Asia Minor Peninsula, and extension of the influence of Turkey in Eastern Mediterranean and beyond.

The targeting was put since the 1950s (Nihat Erim’s report 1956).

Way (Plan): An implementation plan of the target was prepared by the Office of Special Warfare of the General Military Staff of Turkey (the Cyprus Repossessing Plan, 1958, with main author Ismail Tansu).

The necessary preparations were made: Transportation of weapons from Turkey before and after the declaration of the Republic of Cyprus, secret arrival of Turkish Officers, militarization of the illegal Turkish organization TMT, militants training, provocation acts, violent creation of exclaves etc.

Means: All means were utilized. Political, diplomatic, military, economic, psychological, demographic, even terrorist means.

Implementation of the Target: Turkey was indeed dedicated in following up with its targeting and implementing a good part of it, by gradually achieving the functional, geographical, and political division of Cyprus, the main stages being:

- The Treaties of Establishment, Guarantee and Alliance of 1960 (invasive rights and establishment of Turkish troops in Cyprus, excessive privileges to the Turkish Cypriots, functional division of the State);

- The military invasion in 1974, the occupation of the northern part of Cyprus (37%), the continued occupation by powerful military forces (43,000 soldiers, 300 tanks, 200 cannons, 650 military armored vehicles), the systematic colonization of the island with illegal settlers from Turkey, the uprooting of the Greek element, the grabbing of the properties, the destruction of religious and cultural heritage,

48 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»

the change of the Greek toponyms; and

- The establishment of a vassal administration, the so-called Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus “TRNC”. Αn illegal regime, not recognized by any other country except of Turkey. A pseudo-state (false state).

Current security situation in Cyprus

Today, the Republic of Cyprus, a member state of the European Union (EU), is semioccupied for 42 years by the candidate for EU membership Turkey, which maintains strong military forces on the island and hampers the return of the violently uprooted Greek Cypriots that constituted the overwhelming majority of the region before 1974. At the same time, Turkey continues the illegal colonization and proceeds systematically with actions of annexation of the occupied areas.

The moral of the Cyprus Hellenism is low and the politicians do not have the necessary strategic perception regarding security, thus devaluating the Turkish targeting for Cyprus.

Turkey currently utilizes as a means to complete its goal, the so-called Intercommunal Talks held between the Greek Cypriots and “TRNC”, which is a subordinate administration to Turkey supporting at the talks the Turkey’s interests at the expense of those of Cyprus. When there are no common interests between the two parties, a viable common state can never be established.

The talks are held under the threat of the Turkish Occupation Forces and the illegal settlers, that exercise psychological violence on Greek Cypriots in order to accept a solution according to the Turkish terms. A solution that will put the whole of Cyprus under the control of Turkey. This is the coercion strategy. This is the one that is followed today by Turkey on the Cyprus issue.

Towards the Turkish expansion strategy against Cyprus, Hellenism failed to offer a reliable containment strategy.

The main reason is the lack of a nationwide Hellenic strategy for the safety of the semi-occupied Cyprus, and the degradation of the national power factors of Greece and the Republic of Cyprus.

A big imbalance of powers was created, leading Hellenism to an ineffective appeasement and concessions policy towards the Turkish positions. A policy that, not only does not intercept but on the contrary increases Turkish aggressiveness, since it has no cost for its actions.

Turkey, along with the Intercommunal Talks, with which it succeeded its exculpation, as an international crime of invasion, occupation, colonisation, ethnic cleansing, has been transformed to a bicommunal difference, it continues with undiminished rates its aggressiveness against the Republic of Cyprus at a political, military, financial and psychological level. Its actions, aiming continuous upgrading of the pseudostate, so to consist in the future the founding state of a solution, based on a peculiar type of a Confederation under the strategic control of Turkey, which will be achieved

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through the permanent remaining of all settlers, through bilateral agreements between Turkey and the pseudo-state and through constitutional arrangements at the level of the Confederal umbrella. At the same time, Turkey proceeds with actions of degradation of the state entity of the Republic of Cyprus, and of amputation of its sovereign rights, aiming its abolition within the terms of a solution of the Cyprus issue.

Within the framework of upgrading the pseudo-state, the Turkish actions include the water transfer pipeline from Turkey, the delimitation of Turkey’s EEZ with the pseudo-state, the licensing for research for natural gas in sea plots of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Republic of Cyprus etc.

Within the framework of downgrading the Republic of Cyprus and amputating its sovereign rights, Turkey does not to recognize the State of Cyprus and to consider it as defunct since 1963, does not open its ports and airports to Cyprus vessels despite its obligation within its course of integration to EU, to dynamically claim a big part of the EEZ and FIR of the Republic of Cyprus, to threat the Republic of Cyprus so that it does not proceed with the exploitation of the Natural Gas in its own EEZ, in which Turkey invaded with its military navy and the research vessel BARBAROS in 2014.

Cyprus within the New Geopolitical Environment in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East


Rapid and significant developments in the Security of Energy Sectors and the bilateral relations between countries. Developments that have created instability, broader ignition risks and new correlations of powers.


- Conflicts within of the Arab Countries with particular tautness in Iraq and Syria, where the Jihadists have violently established an Islamic State.

- Military Action by Coalitions, under USA and under Russia, against the Islamic State, but also in conflict between themselves due to the conflict of interests, with US turning against Assad and with Russia supporting him.

- Collapse of the strategic Triangle USA - Israel - Turkey.

- Massive migrations, massacres of Christian communities, disasters of cultural heritage.

- Increase of the Turkish Aggression:

• Invasion against the Cyprus EEZ, for the exploitation of its Natural Gas.

• Military repression measures of the autonomist tendencies of the Kurds within Turkey, and beyond its borders, in Iraq and Syria.

50 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»

• Fomentation of the Islamic State, so to support its aggressive strategy against Kurds and Assad.

• Pressure on the West, so to accept the creation of a “Security Zone” south of its borders with Syria, aiming to prevent the autonomy of the Kurdish element in this region.


- Discovery of large reserves of Natural Gas in Eastern Mediterranean (Egypt, Israel, Cyprus and -potentially- Greece, Lebanon, Syria).

- New Partnerships opportunities and prospects regarding the security for energy for the regional countries and the EU.

- Geopolitical upgrading of the Eastern Mediterranean but also a new field for competitions.

Interstate relationships:

- Rupture in Turkey’s relations with its neighbouring countries due to its hegemonic trends: Israel, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran.

- Enhancement of the Cooperation between Greece - Cyprus - Israel - Egypt.

- Military action by Russia in the Middle East, supported by IRAN - CHINA.

Strategy of the Republic of Cyprus: Within this fluid and dangerous environment, the Republic of Cyprus must upgrade:

- Its role as a hearth of stability; and

- Its security conditions, at all levels, by strengthening all the internal and external power balancing factors towards Turkey.

Internal Factors:

- Defense, economy, diplomacy, intelligence, demographic and national consistency. Especially the Combat Power of the National Guard, on land, sea and air, which is degraded.

- Preparation of National Security Strategy and establishment of an authorised body, responsible for its preparation and follow up (e.g. National Security Council).

External factors:

- Doctrine of the United Defense Area with Greece.

- Integration into the Partnership for Peace (PfP).

- Strengthening of its Strategic Partnerships with:

• Its neighbouring countries, especially Israel and Egypt.

• Important countries of the Security Council, of the UN and of the EU, as well

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as with hydrocarbons companies of these countries.

- In the Energy sector, the Republic of Cyprus to aim in supporting of an energy axis: From the Eastern Mediterranean to the EU via Greece, and to exclude channelling of the Natural Gas via Turkey, so not to become Turkey’s hostage.

- In the sector of the Solution of the Cyprus Issue, to exclude any solution placing Cyprus under the control of Turkey. The Islamization of Cyprus, is directed also against the interests:

• Of the neighboring countries: Greece, Israel, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, as well as against the interests

• Of the EU, USA, and Russia.

This is what should be highlighted by the diplomacy of the Republic of Cyprus. By strategically controlling the whole of Cyprus, Turkey:

- Will strengthen its geopolitical weight, and increase the hegemonic role and arrogance.

- Will become an uncontrollable troublemaker in the region, with more independency from the USA and the EU.

- Will harden its position against Greece, in the Aegean, and against Israel, whose strategic depth and access to the sea and the airspace of Eastern Mediterranean will be dangerously reduced.

- Will put under its control the Cyprus Natural Gas and will impose its transfer to Turkey.

- Will overturn the energy planning in Eastern Mediterranean for its own benefit, and will cancel the strategic partnerships between the Republic of Cyprus and the countries that have differences with Turkey: Greece - Israel - Egypt.

The Solution, as specified in the joint statement of February 11th, 2014, serves the Turkish strategy of controlling Cyprus, and should be reviewed. It negatively affects the interests of the Eastern Mediterranean countries and the regional security and energy system of the region.

National Guard (NG)

The Armed Forces of a country, implement the right of self-defense and consist the cornerstone, on which the entire security system of a State is built. Today the National Guard today does not have the required level of fighting power, despite the fact that the Turkish threat, not only was not decreased, but it has also been extended to the sea area of Cyprus.

The main cause for the weakening of the National Guard, is the reduced MORAL and MATERIAL support by the State.

A big part of the political world does not believe in the value of the National Guard as an effective factor of security.

52 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»

The practice of the governments of the Republic of Cyprus is to make available only of a small part (approximately 20%) of the Defense Fund’s contributions for the armament of the National Guard, despite the provisions of the legislation. As a result, the National Guard has been neglected and its modernization has been grounded.

The effects on means, personnel, morale, training and weapon systems, are evident. They adversely affect the combat effectiveness and the performance of the NG’s mission, and they create operational gaps, especially regarding the naval area and the confrontation possibility of sudden aggressive actions of the Turkish Occupation Forces.

The degradation of the National Guard, emphasizes the unacceptable underestimation by the State:

- Of the Turkish threat;

- Of the role of the National Guard with respect to the security of the State and the strengthening of its negotiation capability; and

- Of the historical precepts out of the strategic defeats of Hellenism.

There is an imperative need for immediate enhancement of our military power, by disposing all the revenues of the Defense Fund in the National Guard.

The Sea and Air Force Powers must be strengthened, without reducing the importance that must be given to the land forces, due to the huge Turkish Bridgehead.

The strong Turkish Occupation Forces (43.000 men):

- With modern offensive weapons: 300 tanks, 200 cannons, 650 military armored vehicles;

- With advanced configuration in lowland ground; and

- Fully manned, do maintain the advantage of sudden aggressive action without mobilization, in combination with the proximity with the aeronautical Bases in Turkey.

Which should be the Positions of the Greek Cypriot side for Security at the Solution Talks

1) Abolishment of the Guarantee and Alliance Treaties of 1960.

• They are colonial residues that maintain Cyprus under the tutelage of foreign countries.

• They violate the existence of an independent and sovereign State, member of the EU.

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• They are essentially INVALID according to the International Law, because:

1) They violate principles and mandatory rules of the International Law (Article 53); and

2) Their provisions are constantly violated for 41 years by a contracting part (Turkey) of the Treaties (Article 60).

Note: The articles are of the Vienna Convention of 1969 on the “Law of International Treaties”.

2) Removal from Cyprus of the Turkish Occupation Forces and the Settlers, as well as the troops that are on the island under the Alliance Treaty of 1960.

3) Following the removal of foreign troops, the Cyprus forces (National GuardAdministration of Security Forces of Turkish Cypriots) to be gradually dissolved while creating the Cyprus Army, which will be the Armed Forces of the State of Cyprus. Its size, structure and organization, have to be decided from the Cypriot State, on the basis of its requirements for security, same as for all modern democracies.

4) Ensuring of an effective implementation system of the solution (removal of troops and settlers, return of land and refugees etc.). The removal of Turkish Occupation Forces and Settlers has to be a prerequisite to any other step of implementing the solution.

5) Not to impose limitations to the sovereign rights of the State, similar to those imposed by the Annan Plan, namely:

α) Not to have the right:

1) To maintain Armed Forces (right of self-defense in accordance with the article 51 of the Constitutional Charter of the UN).

2) To fully participate to the Common Foreign Policy and Security Policy (CFSP) of the EU, and to offer its land for international military operations in its own will, without interventions of foreign countries (Guarantor Powers).

3) To participate in organizations of collective security in its own will (e.g. Partnership for Peace).

β) To shrink its territory, in favour of Turkey in the sea and air (EEZ, Search & Rescue, FIR).

γ) Its autonomy, independence and security to be reduced by Turkey, by integrating into the solution plan bilateral agreements of Turkey with the “TRNC” that:

1) Were making the Turkish Cypriot “component state” a province of Turkey; and

54 «The Cyprus Issue and the Correct Course»

2) They were giving the right to Turkey for aeronautical presence at the territory of Cyprus, without requesting the approval of the central government of the State of Cyprus (Agreements for Coastal Security and Search & Rescue)

6) To review the position of the Greek-Cypriot side with respect to the security and withdraw the concession regarding demilitarization of the State of Cyprus. Demilitarization to be supported only as far as the “foreign troops” are concerned.

7) To review the status of the British Military Bases, aiming their eventual removal.


The semi-occupied Cyprus faces a serious security issue and danger regarding of the survival of Hellenism on the Island is in danger, because of the Turkish expansive strategy.

It is imperative to increase the national power factors of the Republic of Cyprus, particularly that of the defense, and reject any solution of the Cyprus issue that puts the Island under the control of Turkey.

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