The Proposal of the correct YES

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Convinced that we are doing our duty, the Movement for FREEDOM & JUSTICE IN CYPRUS submits this document to the People of Cyprus...

The Movement is independent and above party politics. It was founded by Greeks of Cyprus on the 11th of May 2008 in Nicosia, their signatures witnessed by his Beatitude the Archbishop of Cyprus Chrysostomos B’, with the aim of promoting the Rights of the Republic of Cyprus by every legitimate means, so that the principles of Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights and Justice will prevail

As a first step, the Movement published in April 2009 the bilingual Book «Αιματηρή

αλήθεια - Bloody truth», which documents objectively the Cyprus events during the period 1950 until today. The Book was distributed globally, offsetting to a great extent the false British-Turkish propaganda against the rights of Cyprus.

As a second step, the Movement coordinated the drafting of the document «the Proposal of the correct YES», for the preparation of which a large number of scientists and technocrats contributed, convinced that the future of every law abiding State is determined by the free will of its legitimate Citizens, with the sole objective to frame a future for Cyprus and the New Generation of Cypriots and the belief that Freedom and Justice can and will prevail.


Cyprus, September 2009

THE STRUCTURE OF THE DOCUMENT Chapter Page Chapter 1: The documented History 6 Chapter 2: The accession to the EU and the erroneous course 7 Chapter 3: The intended «new solution plan» 7 Chapter 4: «The Proposal of the correct YES» 8 Chapter 5: The first actions 10 Chapter 6: The Constitution and the 1960 Treaties 11 Chapter 7: Governance and Institutions 11 Chapter 8: Religion 12 Chapter 9: Education and culture 13 Chapter 10: Security 14 Chapter 11: The Economy 16 Chapter 12: The materialization of the Proposal 17 Epilogue 18

Chapter 1: The documented History

The document «the Proposal of the correct YES» constitutes the natural sequel to the documented history of Cypriot events1, of which the development was briefly as follows:

• 1945: The British deny the right of self-determination to the Cypriots.

• 1950-1955: The British persuade Turkey to claim Cyprus.

• 1955-1963: The Turks, supported by the British, developed severe terrorism in Cyprus and, simultaneously, the British design the Constitution-trap of 1960.

• 1963: The British advise the President of the Republic of Cyprus «to pursue constitutional amendments» and, at the same time, they use this pretext to incite an armed Turkish insurgency and secession/self-isolation of the Turks of Cyprus from the legitimate State, aiming at the collapse of the Republic of Cyprus.

• 1964-1974: There follow various manipulations, culminating in the junta Coup of the 15th of July 1974 against the legitimate government of Cyprus and, on this excuse, the Turkish invasion against the state of Cyprus on the 20th of July 1974, and since then the occupation of Cypriot territory with all the consequences thereof.

• 1974-2004: Repeated attempts are made at «the solution of the Cyprus Issue», of which the main characteristic was the continued intransigence of the Turks, despite the painful concessions of the Greek Cypriot side. The end result was «the Annan solution plan»2

• 2004 until today: Despite the rejection of the «Annan Plan» on the 24th of April 2004 and the full accession of the Republic of Cyprus to the EU on the 1st of May 2004, the British and their collaborators redesign the attempt, driving the developments towards a «new solution plan», the objective always being the abolition of the Republic of Cyprus.

For six decades, the British and the Turks plan the abolition of the Republic of Cyprus, aiming «to turn Cyprus into Turkish protectorate, under permanent British guardianship».

So far, these plans have failed for two reasons:

1st: In 1963 the sovereign state of the Republic of Cyprus DID NOT COLLAPSE, but remained internationally recognized, as it evolved in 1963

2nd: In 2004 the sovereign state of the Republic of Cyprus WAS NOT ABOLISHED,

1 Movement for FREEDOM & JUSTICE IN CYPRUS «Bloody truth» - 2009.

2 The «Annan plan» (11 November 2002) was designed by the British and their collaborators, signed by the then Secretary General of the United Nations Koffi Annan and submitted for acceptance by the Greeks and the Turks of Cyprus in two different Referenda (24 April 2004). 64% of the Turkish voters, the vast majority of whom consisted of Turkish soldiers and illegal settlers, accepted the Plan. 76% of the Greeks of Cyprus rejected it.


but acceded to the EU, as it evolved in 19633

Chapter 2: The accession to the EU and the erroneous course

On the 1st of May 2004, the Republic of Cyprus became an equal member-State of the EU, with sovereignty over the whole of the Cypriot territory, attaining the SAME rights and the SAME obligations as all the other member-States, with suspension of the application of the European acquis on that part of the EUROPEAN Cypriot territory, on which the legitimate State could not exercise its sovereignty because of the Turkish occupation4.

As from the 1st of May 2004, the Republic of Cyprus has the inalienable right and the clear obligation:

1) To act strictly on the basis of the Fundamental Principles of Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights and Justice, on which the EU is based and functions, utilizing every positive element that resulted from joining the EU5.

2) To promote the only correct course for the solution of the Cyprus Issue, that of the smooth reintegration of the LEGITIMATE Turks of Cyprus into the official State.

As from the 1st of May 2004, time counts in favour of the rights of the Republic of Cyprus. However, the course that is being followed is erroneous.

Chapter 3: The intended «new solution plan»

From February 2008 to date, developments affirm both the contents of the Joint Statement of the two Cypriot «negotiators» of the 23rd of May 2008, as well as those of the Memorandum of Understanding between the President of the Republic of Cyprus and the British Prime Minister of the 5th of June 2008, which are summarized in the offsetting of every effort after the 1st of May 2004 for the drawing of a right course and the return of a worse version of the «Annan plan», namely the abolition of the Republic of Cyprus.

3 The State, as it evolved in 1963 due to the British-Turkish conspiracy, the secession/self-isolation of the Turks of Cyprus and the self-abolition of the Treaty of Guarantee, is the democratically governed by the natural majority of the 82% of the legitimate People of Cyprus state of the Republic of Cyprus. This is the State, which on the 1st of May 2004 joined the EU, as an equal member-State, sovereign over the whole of the island of Cyprus.

4 European Council, Copenhagen, 12/13 December 2002.

5 The basic positive element is the possibility for a CONCLUSIVE REMOVAL of the «trap provisions» of the still-born 1960 Constitution, of the anti-European provisions contained in the «agreements» of 1977 and 1979, of the incompatible, in the European sense, provisions included in the United Nations resolutions at various times, of the «Annan solution plan» and of any other attempt at the abolition of the Republic of Cyprus.


Chapter 4: «The Proposal of the correct YES»

The purpose of the Proposal is for the People of Cyprus to know IN TIME which is the correct course, so as to judge accordingly any «new solution plan» which they might be called upon to accept in the near future.

4.1. The basis of the Proposal

1) Any «solution plan», with a philosophy or content which has already been rejected, is excluded.

2) The definitions «two communities», «Greek Cypriots», «Turkish Cypriots» and «Turkish minority» are rejected and abolished, as British remnants with divisive expediency.

3) The Cyprus Issue started EXCLUSIVELY with the British-Turkish conspiracy of 1963 and resulted in the illegal invasion of Turkey against the sovereign Republic of Cyprus and the unlawful occupation of European Cypriot territory6.

4) Aiming at the ethnic cleansing and the Turkification of the occupied Cypriot territory, Turkey commits internationally illegal interventions7 and has established an illegal regime8, for which it seeks «international recognition».

5) The intended «Bizonal, Bicommunal Federation» will abolish the state of the Republic of Cyprus and will recognize the illegal Turkish regime, creating a «NEW state creature of two EQUAL states, which INTENTIONALLY will be economically and politically still-born», exonerating Turkey and creating the foundations for the total Turkification of Cyprus under the guardianship of the United Kingdom9

6) «The Proposal of the correct YES» can be undertaken and promoted SOLELY by the legitimate Government of the Republic of Cyprus10

4.2. The fundamental axiom of the Proposal

The Republic of Cyprus11 must NOT be abolished, because this would amount to the ABOLITION OF THE EXISTENCE of the member-State of the EU and EXPULSION of any «new creature» from the EU and the EUROZONE.

6 Movement for FREEDOM & JUSTICE IN CYPRUS «Bloody truth» - 2009, Ch. D.

7 Main examples of illegal interventions: The importation of hundreds of thousands of settlers from Turkey for the purpose of changing the demographic structure of the Republic of Cyprus, the usurpation, the disposal and the destruction of Greek properties, the elimination of the religious and cultural heritage of the Greeks of Cyprus, the change of place-names etc.

8 The so-called «Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus-TRNC».

9 See Ch. 1 «For six decades….».

10 See Ch. 12 «The materialization of the Proposal».

11 See Ch. 1 «footnote 3».


4.3. The documentation of the fundamental axiom

In the context of the «Bizonal, Bicommunal Federation», Turkey aims -inter alia- at 2 states, 2 peoples and 2 sovereignties under a weak «federal structure», political equality 50%-50% between the two «federal» states (namely between the 18% and the 82% of the legitimate population of Cyprus), no return of the majority of refugees and all the settlers to remain, THEREFORE preservation of most of the occupied territory, separate relations of the 2 states with the EU and the whole «arrangement» to become IRREVERSIBLE European acquis.

If what -or approximately what- Turkey seeks are included in the «new solution plan» and are approved by the People of Cyprus, it will constitute a HUGE VIOLATION of the Treaty of Accession of the Republic of Cyprus to the EU, because:

The State which joined the EU in 2004 will be abolished and the founding provisions of the new creature will be violating massively and continuously the Fundamental Principles of the EU.

This «arrangement» will not be refused by the EU, which HOWEVER will be obliged to protect itself, by freeing the European environment from the bad precedent and preserving a healthy European acquis.

In other words, the present European member-State, the Republic of Cyprus, will voluntarily place itself outside the EU, making useless at the same time the sole EFFECTIVE weapon that it now possesses:

The equality with 500 million Europeans, who are BOUND to consider the State of the Republic of Cyprus as SOVEREIGN over the whole of the Cyprus territory.

The immediate consequences of such a development, will be the FINANCIAL COLLAPSE12, the PHYSICAL INSECURITY13 and STATE CHAOS14, facts that will lead to the Turkification of Cyprus, under the guardianship of the United Kingdom15

The correct course is:

The preservation of the Republic of Cyprus, which will pursue the smooth reintegration of the Turks of Cyprus into the legitimate State and the harmonization of the entire State with the EU institutions, with which the free part of Cyprus has already been harmonized at a very high cost.

12 Exit from the EUROZONE and replacement of EURO by another currency of low value.

13 Cyprus will be inhabited from one end to the other by Turkish settlers.

14 A racist Government with dual authority and a double right of VETO, through the «presidency by rotation etc».

15 See Ch. 1 «For six decades….».


4.4. The main characteristics of the Proposal: Governed exclusively by the Fundamental Principles of the European Union, the Proposal:

• Provides for the withdrawal of the Occupation Forces, the departure of the Settlers and exclusion of any Security System similar to the “guarantees” of 1960.

• Provides for the restoration of the State to a situation of total normality and for the elimination of the consequences of the illegal Turkish Occupation, to the benefit of all the LEGITIMATE Cypriots.

• Provides for the upgrading and modernization of the existing Constitution, the Laws and Institutions, in a manner that will consolidate the general feeling of trust and security.

• While it approaches in a positive way the geopolitical and geostrategic interests of third countries in the area, it does not allow for any concessions to anyone in relation to the sovereignty and the legitimate interests of the Republic of Cyprus.

Chapter 5: The first actions

The Proposal provides:

5.1. Occupied territory: The immediate delivery of the territory to the United Nations Peace Forces, for the shortest transitional period required for the implementation of the remaining actions.

5.2. Missing Persons: The immediate lifting of every obstacle, so as to ascertain the fate and conditions, under which all Missing Persons of the 1974 invasion were lost.

5.3. Enclaved people: The immediate and total freedom of movement and the full respect for the human rights of all persons residing in the occupied territories.

5.4. Occupation forces and settlers: The immediate setting of the minimum timetable required for the withdrawal of the occupation forces and the departure of the Turkish settlers, as well as of any other person illegally residing in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus.

5.5. Refugees: The immediate setting of the minimum timetable required for the total restoration of all human rights and basic freedoms of return, settlement, recovery and exploitation of property for all legitimate citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.

5.6. Properties and compensation: Those responsible for the usurpation, alteration, destruction or loss of use of property without the consent of the legitimate owner or possessor, shall pay the appropriate and just compensation


to the legitimate owner or the legitimate possessor, for the duration of the illegality, without excluding the possibility of «a lawful private settlement, in such a way that the sovereignty and legitimate interests of the State are not affected. All cases of settlement will be judged by the competent, European Cypriot Courts, which will either ratify the cases of lawful settlement, or will apply the provisions of the Law, whenever the settlement is illegal or not feasible.

Chapter 6: The Constitution and the 1960 Treaties

With exclusive reference to the LEGITIMATE People of Cyprus, the Proposal provides for:

• The deletion of those provisions of the Constitution and the accompanying Treaties of 1960, of which either the validity has become inactive due to the British-Turkish conspiracy of 1963 or their content violates the Fundamental Principles of the EU and/or the UN Charter.

• The overall upgrading of the Constitution, with all necessary additions or amendments, aimed at the modernization and full harmonization with the European acquis, namely the principles of Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights and Justice.

Chapter 7: Governance and Institutions

Guided by the European principles and values, the Proposal provides for:

• Democratic Governance, with full equality of rights for every legitimate Cypriot before the Law and the State.

• Fair social policy, providing also for criteria of appropriate benefits for specific categories of citizens, including the provision for smooth reintegration of the Turks of Cyprus into the legitimate State and harmonization of the occupied territories with the European acquis16.

• Balanced development, within the real and objectively foreseeable possibilities of the State, with special attention to matters of public safety and health.

• Diligent protection of the environment and planning for fast development of friendly methods of production of energy.

• Substantial measures of care and support for the New Generation.

• Economic policy of frugality, without affecting the welfare of the People of Cyprus.

16 See Ch. 11 «Strengthening of the social role of the State».


• Credible securing of virtuous and effective governance, in the context of a Fair State.

Chapter 8: Religion

The Proposal embraces the principle, that «the duty of all religions is to unite and not to divide peoples» and adopts the following:

• The majority of the People of Cyprus are Christian Orthodox and Christianity accepts and respects every religion and every human being, with their particularities and their beliefs17

• The coexistence of Islam and Orthodoxy was not always smooth. However, the occasional conflicts were NOT due to the difference in religion, but were stirred up by a combination of local political expediencies and the interests of foreign powers, who considered that they would achieve their objectives through the incitement of local conflicts, implicating for this purpose religion as well.

• As from the 16th century A.D. when Cyprus was conquered by the Turks, coexistence relations at people level were always good. The phenomena of oppression were the result of the conquest and the attempt at perpetuating the occupation, and had nothing to do with the relations among people18.

• The peaceful coexistence of the faithful of the two religions is witnessed both by the coexistence in the same community, as well as in the church or the mosque19.

• The foundation of the reintegration and peaceful coexistence of all legitimate Cypriots can be based on the common respect of the «Declaration of Human Rights» and, in particular, of free conscience, free will and human dignity.

• Religious problems never existed in Cyprus and the different culture of persons living together never gave rise to any problems. The Greeks of Cyprus never raised the issue of the return of their sacred places, which since

17 St. Paul, Act 17 24-26 «God, who has created the world and everything on it… created all nations from one blood, to live on the entire face of the earth».

18 The good relations, away from political expedience, are also witnessed by Vassilis Michaelides: Even at the darkest moment of the Turkish occupation, the slaughter of the 9th of July 1821, a Moslem Turk, Kioroglou, desperately attempts, putting his life in danger, to help escape and save Archbishop Kyprianos.

19 An example to the present day is the community of Peristerona, Morfou. Also: The Archbishop and the Mufti exchanged visits and offered their felicitations during the celebration of the Bairam and Ramadan and, correspondingly, during the celebration of Christmas and Easter (official magazine of the Church of Cyprus «Apostolos Varnavas»). Both the priest and the muezzin were considered by everybody as equally respectable persons and were asked to act as mediators for the resolution of disputes among the inhabitants etc.


1570 were converted into Moslem temples20

• However, the Greek places of worship, which were seized in 1974 and were altered, devastated or converted into mosques, must be returned to their legitimate owners, even if «their adventure is attributed to war conditions…». The Christians of Cyprus were connected by strong experiences with these places and only their return will enable them to reconnect with the past.

Coexistence under conditions of peace and justice does not mean the undermining of anyone’s identity. The Greeks of Cyprus accept the legitimate Turks of Cyprus as their compatriots, with their culture, religion and particularities, and so do the Turks of Cyprus, who accept the Greeks of Cyprus as their own compatriots.

Today, when all the legitimate Cypriots are equal citizens of the EU and when people also seek a religious dimension in their life, the Republic of Cyprus must provide responsibly also for the smooth religious and cultural reintegration of the Turks of Cyprus into the legitimate State, on the basis of the relations which were developed and preserved throughout the past centuries.

Putting aside the prejudices that others accumulated in the course of recent decades, all legitimate Cypriots should set an example of cooperation, for the common benefit.

Chapter 9: Education and Culture

The EU accepts every European citizen with his national identity and culture, without upsetting and levelling off the traditions of its member-States. With absolute respect towards the language, the religion, the historic reserves, the culture and generally the Education of all Nations and given that the vast majority of the legitimate People of Cyprus is of Greek national descent, the Proposal considers Education as a fundamental prerequisite for the survival of the legitimate State and provides for:

• The rejection of any attempt, aimed at the distancing of the new generation of Cypriots from their national roots, language and history.

• The safeguarding of traditions and cultural heritage.

• Greek-centered Education for the Greeks of Cyprus and a corresponding possibility for every legitimate citizen of the Republic of Cyprus of any other national descent.

• The teaching of history and the safeguarding of historical conscience, with equal respect for the history of all nations.

20 The occupation/conversion was attributed to «the war circumstances», and this is the reason why the Greeks since 1974 respect and maintain these temples as Moslem sacred places.


• The development of dialogue and the utilization of technology for the shaping of a common course, beneficial to the entire People of Cyprus.

• The balancing and uplifting of common ideals.

• The instruction of common spiritual upgrading.

Education that will promote values, will create new upright, democratic, real, courageous and forthright citizens, who will respect themselves and their traditions, will be self-disciplined and self-confident and will hold in esteem their fellow human beings, in a fair state, which will ensure for them equality before the Law and equal opportunities for progress.

Chapter 10: Security

All States, for their survival, must possess a credible Security System, in order to protect their citizens and their interests, to cope with threats and to exercise their sovereign rights.

• Considering, that the creation of conditions of security and the defence capability of the State against all threats is a prerequisite for its smooth functioning and its viability, that the geographic position of Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean increases the security requirements, that the experiences from the security system of 1960 were traumatic21, that the experiences from the Annan plan were negative22, that from the 1950’s until the present time Turkey’s strategic target is «the political and military control of the entire Cyprus»23 and that the Republic of Cyprus joined the EU and the security environment has changed internationally, the proposal adopts a new Security System of European standards, which covers the safeguarding of the acquired rights of the Republic of Cyprus as an equal and sovereign member-State of the EU and which, among others, provides for the following:

21 The «Treaties of Guarantee and Alliance of 1960» proved a permanent source of anomaly and guardianship and, with the encouragement of the United Kingdom, they served Turkey’s strategic objective for control of the whole of Cyprus (bombardment of Tylliria-1964, invasion of Cyrus-1974, occupation, illegal settlers etc). Moreover, article IV of the Treaty of Guarantee regarding «unilateral intervention» violates the Charter of the United Nations, Article 2(4) of which specifies that « All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations».

22 It is «The comprehensive Settlement of the Cyprus Problem by the United Nations, March 2004 (5th edition)», through which Turkey aimed at strengthening its rights of intervention and its role of guardianship over Cyprus, extension of its sovereign rights to the sea and air space of Cyprus, limitation of the sovereign rights and disarmament of the Republic of Cyprus and legalization of the illegal settlers, while Britain sought the legalization and permanency of the status of sovereignty of its Bases, as well as greater access to the sea space of Cyprus.

23 Movement for FREEDOM & JUSTICE IN CYPRUS «Bloody truth» - 2009, Ch. B8, B10 Nihat Erim Reports (1956), «Plan for the Recovery of Cyprus» Special War Office of the Turkish Military Headquarters (1958) and Ch. B8, B30-B32.


• Full exercise of the right of self-defence and possession of its own Armed Forces, at the discretion of the State of Cyprus24

• Exclusion of the possibility of «total demilitarization»25.

• Exclusion of the «Treaties of Guarantee & Alliance of 1960»26 and of other colonial remnants, which contravene the European acquis and the participation of the Republic of Cyprus to the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)27

• No limitation to the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus over the whole territory of Cyprus (land, sea, air).

• Withdrawal of the occupation forces and of the settlers28.

• Participation and/or entering into treaties of security and cooperation with other Organizations of Collective Security in addition to OSCE29, such as the Partnership for Peace of the EU (PfP) and the North-Atlantic Treaty (NATO).

• Full enforcement of the provisions of the Treaty for the Law of the Sea (Montego Bay, 1982).

• Abolition of the British Military Bases and exclusion of such possibility for the benefit of any Country.

• Possibility of establishment of Bases ONLY for the benefit of Collective Organizations, in which the Republic of Cyprus will participate and/or will enter into a security and cooperation treaty, under the same terms that apply in the rest of the EU and without prejudice to the sovereignty and other legitimate interests of the Republic of Cyprus.

24 Charter of the United Nations, Article 51: «Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence...».

25 Not only for reasons of dignity of the State, but also because of the great geostrategic importance and the instability which characterize the area in which Cyprus lies, the inability to exercise the sovereign rights of the State, the expansionist pretensions of Turkey and the expediencies of the United Kingdom on Cyprus.

26 Besides, the 1960 Treaties were self-abolished as a result of the British-Turkish conspiracy etc of 1963 (see Movement for FREEDOM & JUSTICE IN CYPRUS «Bloody truth» - 2009, Ch. B27 and C1), the Turkish bombardment of Tylliria of 1964 (see Movement for FREEDOM & JUSTICE IN CYPRUS «Bloody truth» - 2009, Ch. C7-C9) and the illegal Turkish invasion of 1974 and all the consequences thereof (Movement for FREEDOM & JUSTICE IN CYPRUS «Bloody truth» - 2009, Ch. D1-D5).

27 CFSP was enacted and is governed by Title V of the Treaty for the European Union. It has replaced the European Political Cooperation (EPC) and provides for the determination of a future, common defence policy, which at the right time could lead to a common European defence.

28 The illegal settlement committed by Turkey is an international crime (Geneva Convention 1949). The settlers who were imported in order to change the demographic structure of Cyprus number at least 200.000 (statement by Dervis Eroglu, 1st July 2009) and constitute a strong majority compared to the legitimate Turks of the Republic of Cyprus, who have been reduced from 118.000 (1974) to 88.000 (Demographic Report of the Statistical Service of the Republic of Cyprus, 2006). See also Ch.5 «The first actions».

29 Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, in which Cyprus participates.


• Exclusion of the interconnection of the solution of the Cyprus Issue with Turkey’s process for accession to the EU.

Chapter 11: The Economy

Taking into account, that the process of harmonization of the Cyprus economy with the European acquis lasted for many years and was laborious, that the present European form and structure of the economy offers -with the right internal policythe possibility for qualitative and viable economic growth, which will contribute to the progress and welfare of all the legitimate citizens of the Republic of Cyprus and that the functionality and viability of the State absolutely affects the political viability of any solution of the Cyprus Issue, the Proposal adopts the fundamental principle, that:

The solution for the Cyprus Issue should be determined on the one hand by the fact that «the occupied areas belong to the Republic of Cyprus and are outside the control of the official Government as a result of the Turkish occupation»30, and on the other hand by the principle that «the solution must be compatible with rational economic rules, particularly those protected by the European acquis».

Therefore, the Proposal provides for the following economic principles, which operate to the benefit of all legitimate citizens, and are absolutely compatible with a solution based on the continuation of the European Republic of Cyprus:

• Preservation of the system of mixed economy with state intervention, solely based on economic and social and not on political or racial criteria.

• An overall economic policy, to be applied within the context defined by the EU, including the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP)31 and the Treaty of Lisbon32, which ensure the functionality of the economy, the improvement of the conditions of employment and the strengthening of competitiveness of the entire economy.

• Strengthening the social role of the state, so as to support the smooth reintegration of the Turks of Cyprus into the single economy33. It is considered

30 Protocol 10 of the Treaty of Accession of the Republic of Cyprus to the European Union.

31 This is the Regulatory Framework for the coordination of the national fiscal policies of the countries participating in the EU for the purpose of safeguarding the strength of the public finances, which is a vital prerequisite for the smooth functioning of the common European economy.

32 It consists of an aggregate of structural economic reforms, based on the cooperation among the member-States and the European Commission, aiming at the acceleration of the rate of economic growth and the increase of employment in the EU.

33 The support measures must take the form of transfers or support (e.g. increased social grants or educational and other programmes etc) and not the form of limitations or distortions (e.g. favourable tax treatment) which hinder the functioning of the market, are contrary to the common interests and violate the European acquis.


proper that at the centers of relevant decision making, the Turks of Cyprus should also be adequately represented.

• Preservation of a single economy and market, as member of the EU and the EUROZONE, with free and unrestricted movement of goods, services, labour and capital throughout the economy34.

• Safeguarding the smooth functioning of the state institutions, the structure of which must ensure their unhindered functioning. Of particular importance is the smooth operation of the independent institutions, such as the Central Bank, the Courts of Justice, the Auditor General and the Attorney General, in the structure of which the adequate representation of the Turks of Cyprus is also deemed appropriate. Where the framework of the operation of the institutions is defined by the European acquis, this is inviolable.

• Safeguarding the continued viability of public finances, a matter of particular significance during the first stages of the reintegration of the Turks of Cyprus into the single economy, because both the reintegration itself, as well as the harmonization of the occupied areas with the European acquis will have an economic cost, which the State will be called upon to finance to a large extent. Therefore, the management of the financing of the reintegration must be carried out with especial diligence.

The above principles secure the strength and functionality of the integrated economy, fully comply with the continuation of the Republic of Cyprus (as it joined the EU in 2004 and the EUROZONE in 2008) and satisfy any worries of the Turks of Cyprus, as they provide for adequate representation in the management of the economy and the institutional structures, as well as adequate socio-economic support, so that a rapid convergence of incomes of all legitimate Cypriots will be achieved, within the context of the unified European economy.

The European acquis is the shield for the economy of Cyprus. Any deviations will be catastrophic for all the legitimate citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.

Chapter 12: The materialization of «the Proposal of the correct YES»

Hoping that the danger from the intended «new solution plan» will be averted, the Proposal can be materialized ONLY by the legitimate government of the Republic of Cyprus, guided by the legitimate interests of the State and the rights of all the legitimate, European Cypriot citizens.

34 The system is guaranteed by the common currency (EURO) and the independent, common Central Bank of Cyprus (member of the Eurosystem). Within this framework, the Government will be able to apply an effective social policy and will be able to support the currently occupied areas to improve their growth infrastructure.


To this effect, the responsible Government must:

1) Adopt the Proposal

2) Elaborate in detail all the parameters, creating the complete document of the Solution Proposal.

3) Call upon all the legitimate Cypriot Voters to approve the Proposal in a SINGLE Referendum.

4) Persuade the equal partners of the Republic of Cyprus in the EU about the correctness of the Proposal.

5) Submit the Solution Proposal to the United Nations and support it as the CORRECT and INVIOLABLE course towards a solution of the Cyprus Issue.

The most powerful argument in favour of the Proposal is the fact that «any other course followed in Cyprus is BY DEFINITION THE RESULT of the illegal Invasion and Occupation, THEREFORE illegal and rejectable within the European and international context».


The process of adoption, elaboration, approval, promotion and prevalence of the Proposal as the correct solution for the Cyprus Issue is expected to be laborious, with predictable political and other obstacles and pressures.

Strong WILL, PATRIOTISM, HONESTY and PERSISTENCE, above personal, party and other expediencies and interests, especially by the leader to whom the People of Cyprus will give the mandate.

The time that will be required for the materialization of the Proposal is unknown, as so far NO other proposal has been tried, which emanates responsibly and exclusively from the President of the official European state of the Republic of Cyprus and which concerns the whole of the legitimate People of Cyprus.

What is certain is that, irrespective of how long it takes, it will be the FIRST TIME that time is invested towards the correct direction, provided that there will be NO faintness of spirits and return to concessions.

If the people of Cyprus believe in «the Proposal of the correct YES», elevate it to an INVIOLABLE MANDATE, deliver it to a worthy Leader and fight for its prevalence, the Proposal will prove to be the only legitimate, honourable, respectable, just and viable conclusion to the Cyprus Issue in the European context.


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