3 minute read
Lindsey Shelton
from 20 Under 40
by Panta Graph
Age: 37 Occupation: Assistant state’s attorney at the Macon County State’s Attorney’s Offi ce. Family: My husband Andrew, who works at Millikin University, daughter who will be 5 in June and son who will be 2 in June, and two Pug-mix dogs
Career highlights and/or accomplishments:
I have been a prosecutor for the past 11 ½ years. I have been with the Macon County State’s Attorney’s O ce for the past 5 ½ years and before that I worked in the Winnebago County State’s Attorney’s O ce for six years. During my career I have handled a large variety of cases and held numerous supervisory positions. In Macon County, I was the Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse Unit supervisor for two years, the Drug and Gang Prosecution Unit supervisor for two years, and am the current supervisor for the Sexual Crimes and Child Abuse Unit. My current caseload includes not only sexual assaults and severe child abuse cases, but also homicides. I have tried over 50 jury trials and 20 bench trials during the course of my career. Community involvement: I am the current treasurer for the Junior Welfare Association Board. I have been volunteering with JWA for about three years now. I am the secretary for the Macon County CASA Board, which I have been involved with for a year now. I am a member of the board of directors for the Decatur Bar Association and have been involved with the Decatur Bar Association for the past few years. I serve on the Child First Center Friends board and am the chairperson for the East Central Illinois Fatality Review Team. I am also actively involved with my church, Holy Cross Lutheran. I am currently the Education Committee chairperson and help teach Sunday School.
What should the community do to attract
more young people to the area? I think the community has already done a great job of attracting young people to our area with downtown’s local restaurants and shops; children’s activities by the Park District like the Scovill Zoo, Children’s Museum, Overlook Adventure Park, and the new Splash Cove Aquatic Complex; and the gorgeous waterfront of Lake Decatur as well as the Devon Lakeshore Amphitheater. I think something we could build on would be adding more young professionals organizations. The organizations I have been involved with in the community have been a great way to meet people who are interested and passionate about the same interests as myself. I have met some of my best friends volunteering with Junior Welfare Association. Also, the Decatur Bar Association has hosted social outings and is launching a lawyer-to-lawyer mentor program that I am leading this fall which I hope will be not only an invaluable learning experience but also foster a stronger connection to the Decatur area.
What is the best piece of advice you have
ever received? Starting at a very young age, my parents (my dad especially) always emphasized that I should do what I love because enjoying what I did was the key to success and happiness. As I got older this same advice translated into doing work that I love so that it didn’t feel like work. I have followed this great advice and truly enjoy practicing law and being able to help people in very impactful ways on such a large scale. I hope to continue to follow my parents’ advice and support our community on an even greater scale by aspiring to be a judge in Macon County. Who inspires you to be better? My husband, Andrew. He is extremely supportive, the kindest person I’ve ever met, and a true optimist. He sees the best in everyone, cares deeply for others, and would literally give a stranger the shirt o his back. He always pushes me to do my best and we make a great team navigating life together.