2 minute read
Chris Stonecipher
from 20 Under 40
by Panta Graph

Occupation: Tatooer, Oakwood Tattoo. Family: Married to the beautiful Amanda Stonecipher. We have two children, Kobi, 16, and Cali, 6, with one naked cat named Hogan
Career highlights and/or accomplishments:
Feels weird to rattle o awards and what not. I guess my life’s goal is to be able to provide a comfortable life for my family doing something I enjoy. I want to set a example for my kids. They don’t have to have your typical 9-5 in this world. I want them to go to work everyday and enjoy it like I do. I go to work everyday and legit get to draw and hang out with my best friends. Life is rad if you want it to be! Community involvement: I get to tattoo our beautiful community fi ve days a week at Oakwood Tattoo. That’s pretty cool. We also host Toys for Tats the fi rst Thursday of December every year. If you bring in a new, unwrapped toy, we will give you a fee tattoo. That is always our favorite day of the year. It’s almost a party. It’s a blast.

eager people ready to step up.
What are three things most people don’t
know about you? Hopefully not much. I tend to stay pretty quiet. 1. I did three combat tours to Iraq with the Marine Corps. 2. I learned to tattoo from a 70-year-old biker dude who wore a top hat with sharks teeth and a long duster jacket everyday in San Diego, Ca. (He could have his own Netfl ix Doc) 3. Drawing doesn’t come easy to me, it’s just been the only consistent thing in my life since childhood. Well that and pro wrestling.
What is the best and worst piece of advice you have ever received?
What should the community do to attract
more young people to the area? If you want to attract younger people to the area then you have to have input from the younger generation. No disrespect to the generation before me, but if your goal is attract younger people, get younger people into our community leadership roles. Most of those positions are all held by people much older than me. There are plenty of young, smart,

Frank Whittington- “You can’t sell taste.”
Frank Whittington- “Smoking will make your babies born naked.”
Frank Whittington- “What you lack in talent, make up for in extremely high prices.”
All the best pieces of advice BTW! What are your three favorite movies? “Halloween,” “Platoon,” and “Akira.”
What would your perfect Saturday be like?
Slammed at the tat shack listening to some tunes with chill customers that tip really well and get cool tattoos!!!! Who inspires you to be better? My daughter! She is at that age where she is watching my every move like a hawk and often imitating those moves. So I have to show my daughter the best version of me.
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