A New Era Begins. Lawrence Wong sworn in as Singapore's fourth PM.

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A New Era Begins

Lawrence Wong sworn in as Singapore’s fourth PM

10 highlights from PM Wong’s swearing-in speech

pg 2

Lawrence Wong and the next chapter of the Singapore story

transformed Singapore for the new millennium pg 8

SPECIAL ISSUE JUNE 2024 PM Wong’s Cabinet pg 6
Lee Hsien Loong: The man who

10 highlights from PM Wong’s swearing-in speech

Lawrence Wong was sworn in as Prime Minister on 15 May 2024 at the Istana.

and 40s — to join our team. So, I call out tonight to all my fellow citizens: Help me to provide Singaporeans with the government they deserve. Let us make a difference and serve our nation together.”

2. PM Wong’s team will "lead in our own way"

“My generation’s story is the story of independent Singapore. Our lives are testimony to the values that forged our nation: Incorruptibility, meritocracy, multiracialism, justice, and equality.”

“We ourselves are the beneficiaries of the imaginative policies of our founding fathers, pursued resolutely and patiently over decades.”

“Shaped by these experiences, our leadership style will differ from that of previous generations.”

“We will lead in our own way. We will continue to think boldly and to think far… and the best chapters of our Singapore story lie ahead.”

“When issues arise between communities — and from time

Instead, we accept them.”

“We seek pragmatic compromises and find as much common ground as possible. We do so always in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.”

4. Refreshing the Singapore dream

“We listened to and spoke with many of you; we distilled your aspirations into a shared vision for our future.”

“Forward Singapore represents the ambitions of our generation. It expresses our resolve to keep our society strong and united; to share the benefits of progress with all, not just some; to uplift all Singaporeans, and not just a few.”

5. Creating good jobs for Singaporeans

“With our tripartite partners, we will continue to build a vibrant economy and create good jobs for all. We will find new ways to be productive and innovative, and achieve a better balance where work is purposeful, and life is meaningful.”

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6. Fostering a fairer and more equal society

“We will look after our seniors, the vulnerable amongst us, and those with special needs. We will support all Singaporeans, regardless of their start points, age or ability — to uplift themselves and lead fulfilling lives.”

7. Building a society where Singaporeans matter

“We need your help too — to support our fellow citizens, and to renew our commitment to each other. Then we can build a Singapore where everyone succeeds in being the best possible versions of themselves.”

“We can be a people, who are more: inclusive, gracious, and big-hearted. We can be a society where every Singaporean matters. And a Singapore that matters to every Singaporean.”

8. Overcoming the challenges

“There are no easy formulas to apply, no available models to follow. We will have to experiment, discover fresh solutions, and blaze new paths.”

“When the going gets tough, we do not crumble. We press on, with faith in our fellow citizens and in Singapore’s future. We strive harder, reach further, and prove that with determination and hard work, there is no challenge we cannot overcome.”

9. Promise to Singaporeans

“I will serve you with all my heart. I will never settle for the status quo. I will always seek better ways to make tomorrow better than today.”

“Everyone will have a stake in our nation’s progress. Everyone will play a key role in shaping our future.”

“…I will also engage and maximise the combined energies, imaginations, and strengths of all Singaporeans. That is how we will take our nation forward in this dangerous and troubled world.”

10. PM Wong’s mission

“To continue defying the odds and to sustain this miracle called Singapore. So that we can reach even greater heights. So that we can be a beacon of hope and unity for ourselves and our children.”

Let us write the next chapter of our Singapore story. Let us take Singapore forward – together.

Lawrence Wong and the next chapter of the Singapore story

New leadership to take Singapore forward.

On 15 May 2024, Lawrence Wong became Singapore’s fourth Prime Minister. As the first Prime Minister born after independence, Mr Wong’s appointment is a testament to the strength and resilience of a nation nobody thought would make it.

In his first speech to Singaporeans as Prime Minister, Mr Wong spoke about how his generation benefitted from the imaginative policies that were pursued resolutely, and patiently over decades by Singapore’s founding fathers.

Looking back, Mr Wong’s story mirrors that of many Singaporeans. Like so many of us, Mr Wong grew up in an HDB flat and started school at a PCF kindergarten. It was a childhood spent playing capteh and football during recess, recalled Mr Wong. Subsequently, Mr Wong would continue his education at Tanjong Katong Secondary. The rationale was simple. It was near home and where many of his classmates were headed.

Thereafter, Mr Wong received a government scholarship to further his studies in America. Returning to Singapore to serve his bond, Mr Wong began his career as an economist

in the Ministry of Trade and Industry in 1997 — just as the Asian Financial Crisis struck. The experiences of that period deeply influenced Mr Wong’s way of thinking. There, he discovered the hard way the gap between theories and reality. “This lesson has stayed with me since, as I continually try to learn and relearn,” said Mr Wong.

Find out more about PM Wong’s childhood, lessons from his early career and why he launched Forward Singapore. Lawrence Wong: My story

Entering politics

During his 14 years in public service, including three years as the Principal Private Secretary to then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Mr Wong witnessed first-hand Mr Lee’s devotion to his country and people. “He inspired me to consider what more I could do to contribute to the Singapore story,” shared Mr Wong. Continuing his commitment to public service, Mr Wong joined politics.

Mr Wong has had a diverse portfolio since being elected as a Member of Parliament (MP) in the 2011 General Election. Over the next decade, he would helm various ministries, including culture, housing, education and finance. However, it was in 2020 when Mr Wong encountered one of the toughest challenges of his political career. As co-chair of the COVID-19 taskforce, Mr Wong had the mammoth task of directing the national response to Singapore’s gravest health crisis during a time when governments worldwide were caught unaware. But through it all, Mr Wong’s calm and open demeanour resonated with many Singaporeans.

The pandemic was a baptism of fire for Mr Wong. It also reinforced the importance of unity and trust within and between our communities. Recognising how these values would help Singapore face future challenges, Mr Wong launched Forward Singapore in 2022.

Forward Singapore

Launched in June 2022, more than 200,000 Singaporeans from different backgrounds participated in the Forward

Singapore exercise. The exercise culminated in a roadmap that seeks to refresh our social compact and build a fairer and more inclusive society.

“This is my deepest belief: I hope to see a society and system that benefits many, not a few; that rewards a wide variety of talents, not a conventional or narrow few; that values and celebrates all individuals for who they are and what they can achieve; and provides all with opportunities to do better throughout their lives,” said Mr Wong at the launch of the exercise.

As Singapore’s fourth leader, Mr Wong builds on the strong foundation laid by Singapore’s generations of leaders. However, Singapore is also at the crossroads of rapid technological change and sharper geopolitical tensions. In this more uncertain and dangerous world, our unity, our shared bonds, and our ability to work together will be our best chance to thrive. And as we embark on the journey ahead, every one of us will have a role to play, big or small.

“Let us write the next chapter of our Singapore story,” urged Mr Wong. “Let us take Singapore forward – together.”


PM Wong’s Cabinet

for Home Affairs; Minister for Law

The Cabinet comprises the following members with effect from 15 May 2024: Minister for Defence Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office; Second Minister for Education; Second Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian BALAKRISHNAN Minister for Foreign Affairs

Minister-in-charge of Social Services Integration

for Trade and Industry of Trade Relations

Information*; Second Minister for Home Affairs; Minister-in-charge of Smart Nation and Cybersecurity Second Minister for Finance; Second Minister for National Development

for Finance Minister for Education; Minister-in-charge of the Public Service


Ministers of State and Parliamentary Secretaries

Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and the Environment; Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Transport

Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Culture, Community and Youth; Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Social and Family Development

Source: Prime Minister’s Office
Manpower Affairs; Minister of State for Social and Family Development Mr BAEY Yam Keng
National Development Minister of State for Trade and Industry Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth; Minister of State for Trade and Industry Education; Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Finance Senior Minister of State for Health Prime Minister's Office Minister of State for Communications and Information*; Minister of State for Health
*The Ministry of Communications and Information will be renamed the Ministry of Digital Development and Information from 8 July 2024. ^Mr Murali Pillai will be appointed and sworn in on 1 July 2024 New appointment Promoted
Minister of State for Law; Minister of State for Transport^

Lee Hsien Loong: The man who transformed Singapore for the new millennium

In 20 years at the helm, he made our little red dot shine even brighter.

I did not try to run faster than everybody else. I tried to bring everybody to run with me.

Persuaded to enter politics by then-Deputy Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong, Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong was elected as an MP in the 1984 General Election. Driven by duty and love for his nation, Mr Lee would spend the next 40 years in public service. Twenty of these were in arguably the most challenging job possible in Singapore — leading our country as its Prime Minister.

Growing Singapore to new heights

On 12 August 2004, Mr Lee became our third Prime Minister. Determined to grow and diversify the economy, to ensure good jobs and higher standards of living for Singaporeans, Mr Lee positioned Singapore as a hub for innovation. As a result, Singapore is not just an important manufacturing hub, but also a global centre for service industries such as biomedical and financial services. It is also a prime location for start-ups, attracting a steady flow of high-tech

investments which cement its status as a global tech hub.

He also led Singapore through many economic challenges, in particular the Great Recession in 2008. Committed to averting a financial catastrophe and safeguarding livelihoods, Mr Lee made the bold decision to dip into the reserves. It was a first in Singapore’s history. While controversial at the time, the decisive action cushioned Singapore from the worst of the crisis.

By 2011, the economy had bounced back, with the money drawn returned to the reserves.

A little more than a decade later, under Mr Lee’s watch, an unprecedented eight budgets were passed to protect lives and livelihoods during COVID-19. It is telling that during both crises, the

Read the full tribute:

welfare of Singaporeans always came first for Mr Lee.

Besides navigating Singapore out of crises, Mr Lee set his sights on expanding tourism and business infrastructure. During his tenure, he initiated plans to expand Changi Airport and build a new Tuas Mega Port. Meanwhile, the addition of new attractions such as Marina Bay Sands and Gardens by the Bay turned Singapore into a must-see destination for all.

In the end, if success is measured by numbers, Mr Lee has certainly delivered. With him at the helm, Singapore’s GDP increased three-fold from S$194 billion in 2004 to over S$600 billion last year. But for many, it was Mr Lee’s efforts at building a more progressive and inclusive society that had the biggest impact on Singaporeans.

Strengthening the community

Looking back on his term as Prime Minister, Mr Lee said, “I did not try to run faster than everybody else. I tried to bring everybody to run with me.”

It was in this spirit that Mr Lee went about tackling inequality. Building upon the kinder and gentler Singapore Mr Goh had inspired, Mr Lee championed measures to uplift lower-wage workers. The Progressive Wage Model and the Workfare scheme, born out of this vision, are now an important part of our social security system.

Like his predecessors, Mr Lee saw education as an engine of opportunity. As such, he encouraged the expansion of education pathways and lifelong learning. In doing so, Mr Lee helped level the playing field, ensuring that every Singaporean has an equal opportunity to succeed at all stages of their lives.

During Mr Lee's leadership over two decades, Singapore’s Gini coefficient — a measure of inequality — decreased from 0.42 in 2004 to 0.37 in 2023.

Along the way, Mr Lee was not afraid to challenge the status quo in the name of fairness and equality. In 2013, Mr Lee delivered his National Day Rally speech at the new ITE College Central. The move shed a positive light on Singapore’s vocational education.

Throughout his term as Prime Minister, Mr Lee never shied away from difficult issues. Addressing them head-on, Mr Lee worked with and listened to different viewpoints and needs, guiding Singaporeans towards a common space of understanding and solidarity. As a result, Section 377A is no longer in the Penal Code. The institution of marriage has been strengthened in our legislation. Muslim healthcare workers can now wear their tudung at work.

Mr Lee's leadership demonstrated Singapore's resolve in engaging with issues concerning minority groups, despite many of these contentious issues dividing societies in other parts of the world.

A strong and selfless leader

During an interview, former Cabinet Minister Lim Boon Heng shared that Mr Lee “likely slept only around five hours each night”. It would not have come as a surprise to anyone else who knows Mr Lee.

As Prime Minister, Mr Lee raised Singapore’s international stature and brought the world to this little red dot — even while he brought this little red dot to the world stage. Through his unwavering dedication, he steered the nation through various economic and geopolitical turmoil, all while working tirelessly to improve the lives of Singaporeans.

And now that Mr Lee is Senior Minister, we are sure he will continue to serve, bringing his decades of wisdom to support the new generation of leaders.


Making this red dot even shinier: PM Lee Hsien Loong’s legacy


Grew Singapore’s GDP

 From S$194 billion in 2004 to over S$600 billion in 2023.

Guided Singapore through global recessions

 Preserved jobs and livelihoods of Singaporeans through the Asian Financial Crisis (as DPM), the Global Financial Crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic.


champion for workers

 Introduced a 5-day work week. Launched Workfare and the Progressive Wage model to uplift lowerincome workers and reduce societal inequality.


“Teach less, learn more”

 Expanded pathways for students with diverse learning styles and interests.

Honoured our seniors

 Launched the Pioneer, Merdeka and Majulah packages to appreciate those who had built our nation.

Launched ComCare

 Provided people with disabilities, the lower-income and vulnerable Singaporeans with a safety net and springboard for them to become self-reliant.

Launched Smart Nation

 Developed digital infrastructure and drove long-term digital transformation. Today, Singapore is 5th in the Global Innovation Index and the top Asian city in the Smart City Index.


Championed Singapore’s interests at key global events

 These include the G20 Leaders’ Forum, World Economic Forum, Boao Forum for Asia and the Aspen Security Forum.

Expanded Singapore’s economic network

 Increased Singapore’s Free Trade Agreements from 4 in 2004 to 27 in 2024.


A jubilant welcome back at Yew Tee

The new PM’s first stop.

Where’s the first place you would go once sworn in as Prime Minister?

The answer was simple for new PM Lawrence Wong: Back to the hardcourt next to Yew Tee MRT station.

The people he served for nearly a decade (2015-) as the MP for Limbang were there waiting.

“Rushed from the Istana tonight because I wanted my first event as Prime Minister of Singapore to be with all of you here!” said Mr Wong (15 May 2024) to the over 1,000-strong cheering crowd of grassroots supporters, Party branch activists and Limbang residents at the hardcourt.

“Thank you for your support. For your confidence and trust in me and my team, and for our chance to be able to serve all of you,” he added.

A cheering crowd and a long queue for photos

Mr Wong built up trust with Limbang’s residents over the years. Families there can tell you how he distributed food rations and haze protection masks to them when the haze reached unhealthy levels. He was also in the neighbourhood the previous week, celebrating Mother’s Day with residents.

So, the crowd waited for Mr Wong as early as 7.30 pm. They sat under a large events tent, watching on large screens the video of his swearing-in at the Istana. They sang along with emcees to Mandopop hits, perennial local favourites like “Chan Mali Chan”, and Taylor Swift’s “Love Story”. They waved red and white balloons and chatted with old friends.

“We want to see a Singapore where everyone can progress, everyone can do well, everyone can be the best possible version of themselves. And where we can continue to become ever more united as one people regardless of race, language or religion,” said Mr Wong, who was accompanied by his fellow Marsiling-Yew Tee MPs when he arrived.

“As Prime Minister, I will focus and work with my team and all Singaporeans to deliver on these promises,” continued Mr Wong. “Of course, I will also continue to serve as your MP — your Member of Parliament — together with my fellow MPs.”

More pictures here:

From Marine Parade boy to Prime Minister

Prime Minister Lawrence Wong (third from right) entered politics in the 2011 General Election. He served as MP for West Coast GRC from 2011 to 2015 before moving to Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC in 2015 as anchor Minister.

Mr Wong, an avid music enthusiast, has played the guitar for over four decades. His occasional jamming with the guitar has endeared him to many Singaporeans.

The PCF kindergarten student who went on to become Singapore’s fourth Prime Minister.

Mr Wong with PAP Secretary-General Lee Hsien Loong at the PAP Awards and Convention in November 2023. He was selected by the PAP 4G team to lead them in 2022. Since then, he has demonstrated steely resolve and statesmanship, launching the Forward Singapore exercise to refresh Singapore’s social compact.

For nearly a decade, Mr Wong has been recognised by Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC residents not just as a Minister but also as their indefatigable MP. No issue is too minor for Mr Wong, who puts residents at ease and listens attentively.

At the #refreshPAP event on 8 June 2024, Mr Wong, who serves as Deputy Secretary-General of the PAP, said that the PAP will always strive to make life better for all Singaporeans.

MCI (P) 060/12/2023 Editorial: Petir team Design: p;log Pte Ltd Printer: KHL Printing Co.Pte Ltd Source of images: Ministry of Communications and Information.Lawrence Wong / Facebook.Shin Min Daily News© SPH Media Limited.Permission requ ired for reproduction.The Straits Times © SPH Media Limited.Permission required for reproduction.Timbre Group. Petir is published by the People’s Action Party Central Executive Committee. Materials in this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior consent of the publisher. All rights reserved.This publication is printed on environmenta lly-friendly paper.

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