Table of Contents
CIC National Newsletter Fall 1997
Editor-In-Chief Colonel JEG Cloutier, CD Director of Cadets CIC Branch Co-Advisor Managing Editor Lieutenant-Colonel RJR Guilbault, OMM, CD Director of Cadets Plans and Requirements CIC Branch Co-Advisor Editor Ms. Michele Boriel Editorial Board Lieutenant (N) PD Fraser (Sea) Captain BA Covington, CD (Army) Captain JBF Carpentier (Air)
Proofreader (French) Lieutenant-Commander Jacques Lecours, CD Translation Captain Arme Leveille Art Direction
Mr. Ron Lalonde CFSU(O) CS This news publication has been prepared on behalf of the 6000 Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) officers located in various corps and squadrons, training centres and headquarters across Canada. It is published twice yearly under the authority of DCdts. Views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect official opinion or policy. The CIC National Newsletter provides a venue through which all CIC officers can exchange new ideas, share experiences with other CIC Branch members, and stay informed of relevant issues, programmes and activities. The CIC National Newsletter welcomes any and all submissions. We reserve the right to edit all submissions for length and style.
Editor ofthe CIC National Newsletter c/o Director of Cadets Plans and Requirements ChiefofReserves and Cadets, National Defence Headquarters, 101 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON K1A 0K2 Phone: (613) 996-1204 Fax: (613) 992-8956 E-mail:
y the time you read this article you will be well into the training year and its associated challenges and requirements. I acknowledge that you are making sacrifices in your personal and professional lives as you dedicate time and energy to the Cadet Movement. On behalf on all Cadets across this country, I would like to thank you. Recently, some ofyou have asked about the latest information regarding the Reserve Force Retirement Gratuity (RFRG), the severance pay package recognizing long and continuous Reserve service. In a recent CANFORGEN, the Minister of National Defence announced that the RFRG had been approved by the Treasury Board. As indicated in the CANFORGEN, "In support of the Total Force, the RFRG will recognize the dedication of long serving reservists and encourage extended primary reserve service. The RFRG will also encourage former members of the regular force, or of other sub-components of the reserve force, to bring their training and experience to the primary reserve by recognizing prior full-time service". The RFRG is based on the principles of full employability and deployability. CIC officers with no previous Reg Force or Primary Reserve service are currently not eligible in the RFRG. This aspect was discussed at the RCOs Conference, 23-24 Oct 97, and it was decided that this Directorate with the participation of the RCOs would investigate what can be done. By now, each Corps/Sqn should have received two Canadian Cadet Movement (CCM) Vision posters. I would encourage you and your personnel to display this poster in highly visible locations and to discuss its content amongst all ofyou, including Cadets. I would like to highlight the values which are contained in our Vision Statement; i.e. Loyalty; Professionalism, Mutual Respect and Integrity. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of such values in an organization such as the CCM. A few words on the Way-Ahead Process. As you aware, the CCM Strategic Session in Cornwall, 24-27 March 1997, produced 113 recommendations which will be analyzed through the Way-Ahead Process. This Process calls for the formation of
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Concept Teams (CT) - made up ofvolunteers - whose mission will be to review and analyze each recommendation, and to present options and recommended course of action to the Strategic Team (ST). It is important to realize that all members of the CCM will have the opportunity to have input into the work of the CTs. The CTs will be led by CT Leaders who will facilitate the work of the team members, coordinate the required activities, and ensure that the best possible option is found. Once a CT has completed its analysis, the CT Leader will present the results to the ST which is composed of some members of DCdts staff, the RCOs, representatives of the Leagues, CIC officers and myself The ST will make decisions based on consensus, and implementation of various initiatives will be done by the appropriate partner, i.e., the CF or the Leagues. The entire Process will be coordinated by the Way-Ahead Coordinator - Major Dave Boudreau - who will ensure that there is open and effective communication between the various levels of the Way-Ahead Process. As such Maj Boudreau will issue a "call for volunteers" in NovlDec. Topics for analysis by the afore-mentioned volunteer groups will be outlined in this message. Watch for it. The key to the successful implementation of the Way-Ahead Process is the full participation of the members of the CCM, understanding, mutual respect, and a genuine desire to implement positive changes for the maximum benefit to the Cadets. Participation and input from all CIC officers is essential in ensuring that the best possible option is presented to the ST. r would encourage you to emphasize the above to fellow crc Officers, Cadets, members of the Leagues, parents, etc.
ofCTs. You have already seen some of these initiatives and fiscal year 98/99 will see implementation of additional ones. It is important to emphasize that not all of you will agree with what has been done so far or what is being planned. However, you can be sure that the Way-Ahead Process will ensure that whatever actions are taken are in the best interest of the Cadets. In conclusion, there are exciting and challenging times ahead for all the members of the CCM. The Way-Ahead Process will succeed through the full participation of the members of the CCM, mutual respect, cooperation and with the realization that the Cadets must remain the focus of our efforts, energy and resources.
As your Branch Co-Advisor, I am fully aware that the Way-Ahead Process has created much expectation "out in the field" and that you are looking forward to witnessing implementation of some of the Cornwall initiatives as soon as feasible. Consequently, with the full consultation of the Leagues, we have already commenced implementation of initiatives which, based on our collective judgement, could be implemented without the in-depth analysis
Dieppe: Veterans and Cadets Remember By Captain John Carroll
hroughout my military career, I have been involved in a number of parades and commemorative ceremonies in Canada, Europe and the Middle East. But this year presented a unique opportunity for myself and 10 cadets (two Sea, six Army and two Air cadets) to participate in the 55th Anniversary of the Raid on Dieppe, France.
first week the individual cadets came to know each other and began to work together as a team. The way they functioned as a team was evident in the way they conducted themselves at the various functions in Europe. They were active participants in all the ceremonies and assisted the veterans whenever needed.
As representatives of the youth of Canada, these As the Cadet Liaison Officer CaptJohn Carroll is curentfy involved in the 10 cadets had a first-hand for this venture, it was my re-write of the Army opportunity to bear witness task to prepare the cadets to the sacrifice of Canadian for flag parties as they accom- Cadet Programme. servicemen and women durpanied the Veterans Affairs ing the Second World War. Pilgrimage to memorial serThere were many occasions during the vices in England and France. The cadets 12 days for us to listen to the experiences were tasked as wreath bearers and asked of the veterans that we accompanied. to assist the less mobile veterans at various Memories were rekindled as we gathered functions on our hectic 12-day tour. at the various commemorative sites in The cadets came together in Ottawa England and France. only five days before their trip to Europe. Neither the cadets nor I will forget the Billeted at Connaught Army Cadet National deep emotion that was evident amongst Summer Training Center (ACNSTC), it the veterans as we approached the coast of was a time of intense training and preparaFrance and caught our first glimpse of the tions. Training consisted of, amongst other beaches that had seen so much bloodshed things, rifle and flag party drill, as well as and heroic acts. numerous trips to the tailor shop to ensure proper fitting of their uniforms. In that
The Canadian Cemetery at Dieppe was the site of the largest ceremonies of the 12 days. A vigil on the evening of August 18th involving Canadian, English and French veterans was held here to mark the departure of allied troops from England for the coast of France. The following day, veterans along with regular force contingents from the three countries, joined together with residents and municipal officials from Dieppe and the surrounding area in an emotional remembrance of the sacrifice made on that day 55 years ago.
It was a privilege to be involved with the cadets and to observe how professionally they discharged their duties. The interest they showed in the ceremonies and the veterans was touching. Many times during the 12 days those in the commemorative party spoke of how proud they were to have such excellent young people accompanythem. I can only say that I fully agree. I hope that cadets will continue to have the opportunity to participate in such ceremonies, in remembrance ofthose who gave their lives, as an affirmation of Canada's commitment to the memory of other young Canadians who served their country in time of war.
What Remembrance Day Means To This CIC Officer By Lieutenant (Navy) Paul Fraser
very year on or about November 11th, in cities and towns all across Canada, Cadets and CIC officers gather around the local cenotaph to participate in Remembrance Day ceremonies in order to pay tribute to those Canadians who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
than 100, 000 such telegrams arrived during the two World Wars.
On this day we reflect together on the early days of war when Canada declared the "Call to Arms." Young men and women from every community across Canada, many of whom were just 18 and 19 years of age - the same age as our senior cadets and junior officers of today - responded to this call. They left behind their families, jobs and schools to join the Navy, Army and Air Force or Merchant Marines. It is these young men and women, thousands of whom would never get the chance to grow old, whom we remember each year at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Upon moving to Ottawa, Ont.last year, I had my first opportunity to be present at the National Remembrance Day Ceremony. It was while standing on the side of the road with thousands of other people, both young and old, that the significance of Remembrance Day really hit home for me. As the military units marched up Elgin St., on-lookers jostled for a view, but it wasn't until the largest contingent arrived at the Cenotaph that the crowd was moved to loud, continuous clapping of their hands. The contingent we applauded consisted of the veterans, who with their heads held proudly high and backs ramrod stiff, marched towards the position of honour behind the Governor General. As I gazed into their faces, I wondered what could be going through their minds. I was reminded of an article I had read in Harper's Magazine called "The Glories and Fun ofWar." In this article a veteran by the name of Gerald W.Johnson spoke of his experiences during the war. He said, "I have experienced the delights of marching under a full pack with flu shaking my bones. I know what a merry jist it is to have your fingers frost-bitten until the flesh comes sloughing off, and how it is to go three months without a bath, while pests thrive and increase marvelously.
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I know how laughable it is to have shells land close enough to jar the ground under your feet ..." As I recalled the article, I wondered if these were the kinds ofthoughts going through the minds of the veterans, or were they just remembering their fellow servicemen and women who did riot make it back home. As the ceremony continued, I noticed two elderly women standing next to me, one of whom was holding a couple of military medals, the other of whom was clutching an old framed photograph of a young man in an army uniform. Both had tears running down their cheeks as they watched and listened to the ceremony. One of the women noticed me looking at her. She told me their brother had gone off to Europe in 1940 and had never returned home. She went on to say that each year she and her sister come to the Remembrance Day ceremony as a way of reminding him. that he is not forgotten. Speaking to them made me remember that one of the most awful parts ofwar is that no one is left unchanged, unscarred. The horrors Canadians faced at home were different from that of the servicemen and women fighting overseas. Here they waited at home; hoping the telegraph boy would not knock on their doors. Unfortunately the truth is that more
I observed all of this and knew that as a CIC officer I had to achieve this important goal of ensuring that cadets do not forget the sacrifices of these Canadians. I asked myself how could I accomplish this most important goal. For me, the most significant way I can do this is by encouraging cadet units to participate in poppy sales with their local Legions. Each year more than 13 million poppies sold by cadets and veterans alike blossom on jackets and hats. The poppy has become the unique symbol of our remembrance and thankfulness for the peace these Canadians brought us. It was during the First World War with the tremendous artillery bombardments that the chalk soil became rich in lime from the rubble, allowing the poppy to thrive and bloom on the battlefields each spring. The poppies flourished on the graves of the dead soldiers. When the war ended the lime was quickly absorbed by the earth, and the poppy disappeared again. These fields would later become known as Flanders Fields, after a Canadian Army doctor from Ontario by the name of LCol John McRae would write a famous . poem about them shortly before he himself was killed. The poppy was first distributed in Canada in November 1921. It has become our symbol, our way of remembering and honouring the 116, 031 Canadians who died in battle. This Remembrance Day please wear a poppy, and remember: They shallgrow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At th~ going down mornzng
ofthe sun and in the
We will remember them. Excerpt from the poem "For the Fallen" By Laurence Binyon (1869-1943)
WWVIf.. By Major Guy Peterson oW about this for a Christmas present The official launch date of the Canadian Cadets National Web Site is December 25th, just in time for you to try the new internet connection you asked Santa for!!! The Canadian Cadets National Web Site will offer pages and pages of information on Sea Cadets, Army Cadets, Air Cadets, CIC officers and the Leagues. In addition to a description of activities, our site will also offer the following: a download area, a national Honor Roll, billboards, tons of interesting links in support of cadet training; all of that. and more! One of the most important feature of the site will be its National Directory available to those who want to locate you. We need your input to keep it as current as possible. It would appreciate if you could provide me with the following: your unit training location, mailing address, phone number (where a teenager could call to get info about your activities), your e-mail address and web page address.
The main objective of the site page will be to inform you. However, since this is your Canadian Cadets National web site, we count on you to help us keep the information up-to-date, to inform us if something of interest is happening to your unit (whether we are talking about one of your cadets who has received a medal for bravery, that your unit is involved in extraordinary rescue efforts, that your CO retires after having served for 40 years in the CF, or that you are hosting a provincial competition, etc.), we want to know your story and we want to share it with the rest of the country! We also want to feature our famous Alumni, so if you know of an ex-member of the CCM (cadet, officer, etc.) who has accomplished extraordinary things, drop us a line or two. And Merry Surfing!
IN BRIEF - Items of interest to CIC officers Environmental Stewardship (TrEES)
ince April 1997, training in Environmental Stewardship for officers, civilian instructors and non-commissioned members has been implemented. trough the TrEES self-study package handed out in September 1997 and with the addition of periods on the Basic Officer Qgalification (BOQ2 and Commanding Officer Course (COC), the aim is to educate all our members. In fact, various ministerial policies mandate that all members of the Defence Team acquire basic Environmental Stewardship. The aim of the TrEES self-study package is to educate all members who have either already successfully completed their BOQ and/or COC as well as all those who do not have to follow such courses (CI and NCO's). As the package is divided into two parts, general awareness and leadership, it is important that members read the section pertaining to their responsibility. Furthermore, members will be paid for one (1) session (half-day) after completing the appropriate sections of the package. In order to be paid, you must fill out the form "Reserve Force - Attendance Register Unit Training - Class A Reserve serviceSHARP and TrEES. It is essential you send the register to your Regional Headquarters before March 1st 1998. Three'instruction periods have been added to the BOQand COC, enabling us to teach this subject matter to our new officers and COs. These two strategies will enable all of our members to receive training in Environmental Stewardship. We are presently in the process of developing teaching aids for the training of cadets. Meanwhile, we fully encourage units to promote healthy environmental stewardship by encouraging members to adopt a philosophy reflecting the 4R's (Reduce, Recycle, Re-use and Re-Think). Finally, in order to fully promote a positive approach to environmental stewardship, we encourage units to send us a list of means and ways they use to promote and/or protect the environment. Your ideas, projects and/or activities are a good source of inspiration for other units as well as being a good deed for the environment.
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Cadet Clothing Trial
y now everyone at the local unit level should be becoming familiar with the new way of ordering Cadet clothing. This past September marked the inauguration of the Cadet Clothing Trial which allows units to order directly from a contractor (Logistik Unicorp Inc.) rather than ordering from base supply. This trial was initiated due to cutbacks at CF bases and depots which made it difficult for them to maintain the same high level of support to which Cadet units had become accustomed. The new system of ordering supplies is more streamlined and efficient, as the third party intervention has been replaced with direct delivery to the unit.
raining has finally begun in the Standards for Harassment and Racism Prevention (SHARP) Programme. Last spring, Regional Cadet Instructor Schools (RCIS) increased the duration of both the Basic Officer Qyalification (BOQl and the Commanding Officers Course (COC) in order to accommodate the requirements of both the SHARP and TrEES (Training and Education for Environmental Stewardship) programmes. This fall, training has begun at the local headquarters (LHQ2level as self-study packages were distributed to every Cadet unit and training centre in the country. Every officer in the Cadet Instructors Cadre (eIC), as well as all Civilian Instructors (CI) must take this training. In fact, everyone will be paid one-day's pay for completing the package and signing the attendance register. However, due to the fiscal restraints of the programme, training (and payment) will take place over a three-year period.
Cadet Units are now responsible for the purchase and management of uniforms and badges for their Cadets. Each unit has received a line of credit based on its quota from which to purchase these items. As in the past, uniforms and badges remain free of charge for Cadets. CIC officers themselves and CSTC s are not part of this trial. The method of ordering their operational clothing remains the same. Normal support for Cadets continues to be the responsibility of Base Supply. As CIC officers learn to work within the new system of ordering supplies, including the administering of the clothing budget, potential problems and kinks will be ironed out. It is important that Officers verbalize their feedback during the trial period ending in June of 98. The success of the Cadet Clothing Trial is important not only to the Canadian Cadet Movement as a whole, but also to the Canadian Forces itself as it looks to offer this same service to others.
The package is a combination of video and workbook exercises. These videos are actually quite eye opening. They are intended to stimulate thought on subjects which have traditionally been known to be controversial. Subjects such as women's roles in the CF, prejudices against visible minorities, and stereotypes about sexual orientation, are covered. Since these problems are found not only within the military, but also within Canadian society in general, this training is extremely valuable. In accordance with the CF policy of zero tolerance, attitudes and behaviours vis-i-vis these issues are defined in the programme, in order to show members examples of both acceptable and unacceptable conduct. It is vital that members of the CIC accept and promote harassment and racism prevention training. In order to have a productive and healthy working environment for both officers and cadets, all members must be willing to accept these changes and work towards the well-being of everyone. So be SHARP and enjoy the training!
Overview of 2965 RCACC Newfoundland School for the Deaf (NSD) By Michele Boriel
ivals for the silent-drill team demonstration they are not, yet the cadets at 2965 NSD (Newfoundland School for the Deaf) RCACC perform their manoeuvres flawlessly without making a sound. Not a word is spoken as the cadets march about the parade square with their eyes clearly fIxed on the Cadet Chief Warrant OffIcer's hands and face. Mter the inspection is fInished, the cadets break into groups, gesturing excitedly to their families and friends. What at fIrst appears to be just another year-end parade turns out to mean so much more when you consider the fact that you have just witnessed an exciting fIrst in Canadian history. The year is 1979-80, and Canada's unique corps of deaf and hearing-impaired cadets has just completed its fIrst successful training year. What many people questioned as a pipe-dream has now become reality. 2965 NSD is indeed a cadet corps like no other. Located in St. John's, Newfoundland, 2965 NSD holds the distinction of being the only corps consisting of deaf cadets
Col Allston and CO Capt McCarthy reviewing the Cadets at Annual Inspection.
in North America. The corps offers deaf and hearing-impaired students of the Newfoundland School for the Deaf the opportunity to participate in a wide range of practical outdoor training like wilderness survival, swimming, snow-shoeing and
The year is 1979-80, and Canada's unique corps of deaf and hearingimpaired cadets has just completed its first successful training year.
Maj Macdonald was thefirst Reviewing Officer to use sign language with the cadets at 2965 NSD.
canoeing, as well as more military pursuits like fIrst aid training, the mandatory army cadet training programme (the Star Programme), and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Programme. AffIliated with 1st Battalion Royal Newfoundland Regiment, 2965 NSD has become an integral part of the curriculum at the residential school. With more than 270 graduates of the Cadet Programme, the corps has a history
of community involvement which is quite impressive. Former graduates have gone on to many different leadership roles, crediting their experiences at the corps as helping them to achieve their goals. Some of these cadets even choose to attend the regular army cadet summer training programme at ACSTC Argonaut in New Brunswick, though most prefer to go home to their parents after a long year living in residence at the school. Under the sponsorship of Stokers Group of Rotary, and with the support of the administration of the School for the Deaf, 2965 NSD has enjoyed many successes over the years. Its continued interest in the development of youth has allowed it to remain a leader in its own right. As it approaches its 20th anniversary, the corps continues to meet and surpass the needs of the deaf and hearing-impaired students it serves.
A Word From the CO of 2965 NSD By Captain Desmond McCarthy
he Newfoundland Schoolfor the DeafArmy Cadets Corps began in 1979. Thefirst Commanding Officer JackJardine along with Cyril Coffin and BillJardine completed this training year with 27 Cadets. LtJardine remained as Commanding Officerfor the next seven years. The first change ofcommandfor Corps 2965 occurred in 1987. At that time Lt Desmond McCarthy assumed theposition ofCommanding Officer. Shortly after assuming this role he was promoted to Captain, and he has remained CO for the past ten years. He recounts the story of2965 NSD below. I became an officer with the Newfoundland School for the Deaf Cadet Corps in September 1981. AB Commanding Officer of 2965 for the past ten years, I have seen many changes made and watched many milestones be set... Milestones In 1988-89 our corps had its first deaf Civilian Instructor, Thomas Wiseman. Tommy had been Cadet Commanding Officer the previous year at our corps. He remained in school for an extra year and offered his services to the corps. Later that year we also had our first female Cadet CO, Doreen Fowler.
Signed drill is done completely without voicing. Not only is it a tremendous spectacle, but most of the audience at the year-end inspections, report it as being a most moving display also.
In 1983 our cadets attended summer camp for the first time. During that momentous summer at ACSTC Argonaut, five cadets (three female, two male) completed the first two-weekJunior Cadet program. These young people were assisted at the camp by two interpreters, Lt Jack Jardine and myself Three of the five cadets obtained
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shadow ranks that summer, ranging from Master Corporal to Platoon Commander. Since then our cadets have attended six summer camps. Four of these have been the two-week Junior Leader program, and two six-week programmes. Over the years our corps strength has ranged from 13 to 27 cadets. Presently our strength is 15, which is a good ratio for four instructors. 1997 has seen another first for our cadet corps in that we have our first female Civilian Instructor, Joanne Dillion. Joanne was our Chief Warrant Officer last year. Corps Activities
NSD Remembers
During the past ten years our corps has seen some very positive changes under the direction of the CO. Our drill using sign language has evolved over time so that each year the corps becomes more efficient at using this method. Signed drill is done completely without voicing. Not only is it a tremendous spectacle, but most of the audience at the year-end inspections, report it as being a most moving display also. To watch these young men and women do this drill following signed commands is simply awe-inspiring.
In 1992 our corps sponsored a project known as NSD Remembers. It was such an overwhelming success that it has since become a yearly tradition. Each year we invite anywhere from eight to 15 war Veterans to visit our school during the week prior to Remembrance Day.
Our corps is always quite busy. We have offered several First Aid courses, canoeing courses and Sign Language courses to our hearing friends over the years. Our corps has competed in the All Newfoundland and Labrador Pellet Rifle Competition for the last five years as well. Thus far we have been able to boast a third or fourth place finish in this event. We have also participated in many cadet exchanges with other corps and social events which our cadets always enjoy. In 1997-98 one of our major undertakings is to repair six canoes and a trailer that will eventually become accessible to all cadets in the province. Activities such as these allow our cadets to experience a more wellrounded view of the Cadet Movement. In recent years we have promoted the Duke of Edinburgh Award Program. Participation in this programme is strictly optional for the cadets. But as a result of this programme, we have had several cadets receive the Bronze Award. This year we have cadets working towards both the bronze and silver levels of the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
These Veterans, along with a few invited guests, attend a special lunch served in their honor which is attended by the entire school. Mter lunch, the Veterans, guests, students and teachers assemble in the gym for a Cadet Mini Inspection. We are honored to have some of these war Veterans parade with our cadets as part of the color party. One of the Veterans is asked to inspect the corps, which is followed by a march pass. At this time members of our corps are given their promotions for the year. Following the inspection everyone assembles in the theatre where teachers and students in our senior Language Departments perform a drama depicting some aspect of the war years. Finally, the Veterans are invited to sit on the stage where they are given the opportunity to interact with the students in the form of a question and answer period. The entire school is afforded the opportunity to draw on the experiences of these guests, and to learn first-hand what the war years were really like. This Remembrance Day event is an enjoyable and informative session for all. Based on comments made by the Veterans themselves, they enjoy the day just as much as the students and staff
CIC at 2965 NSD - An Officer's Perspective By Michele Boriel
orming a "W' for Wanda with three fingers of her right hand, Capt Wanda Maynard reaches across her chest and taps her left shoulder. That, she says, is the sign the Cadets use at 2965 NSD to identify her by name. The option of finger-spelling it would take much too long, and the cadets and officers have more important things to accomplish. Things like lectures, parades, lessons and drills, and of course the cadets' favourite, physical recreation on games night. Although all is silent at 2965 NSD, the gym fairly hums with activity. And that's just the way Capt Maynard likes it.
functional in sign language by the time her first year at the corps was finished.
This opportunity presented itself much sooner than expected, as she was asked to become a Residence Assistant within the school itselÂŁ As Capt Maynard lived with two of her senior cadets in an apartment-style setting, helping them adjust to the independence of an adult. It was here in the Capt Wanda Maynard Honours Residence that counts her years at 2965 Capt Maynard learned her NSD as being among the sign language. With much most significant in her practice, Capt Maynard was career. soon able to receive opening parade on her own and to conduct a lecture with only one person standing at her side to ensure she used When Capt Maynard first arrived at the NSD Army Cadet Corps after 17 years in the right signs. She no longer needed to have the CO beside her interpreting, the CCM, she had plenty of useful expe"What Joanne (ChiefWarrant Officer) is rience to serve her. From being a cadet at saying is ..." Like the senior cadets them2588 Holland Memorial in Norris Point, selves, Capt Maynard was taking steps of Nfld, to summer camps in both Banff her own towards independence. That her and the North, work as an officer in Fort St. John, B.C. and in Corner Brook, Nfld, to acting CO at 1292 Lord Strathcona Army Cadet Corps in Calgary, Alta, Capt "Two of my female cadets Maynard is certainly well-travelled. But are afflicted with Cerebral none of this prepared her for the unique challenge and thrill of working with the Palsy and they might hit deaf and hearing-impaired cadets of 2965 NSD in St.John's, Nfld. step every 25 yards or so. Not knowing any sign language was a Some of the others have steep learning curve that Capt Maynard was forced to overcome before she could problems with their balance really feel at home at the corps. For obvious reason, commands aren't yelled and because of their hearing instructions are given completely in sign language. Although a couple of the senior impairment." cadets had slight speech capacity and could help translate for Capt Maynard, the majority of the cadets were completely position as Residence Assistant resulted hearing-impaired and had no speech at in closer relationships with some of her all. As a result, everything took twice as cadets was an unexpected bonus. Capt long. For someone used to conducting Maynard was well on her way. four half-hour lessons a night, the two 60 to 80 minute lectures seemed tedious. But even once she had learned to communicate with the cadets and was feeling And not being able to understand the more at ease, Capt Maynard still caught questions asked of her without the help herself on occasion comparing the corps of sign interpreters was very frustrating for Capt Maynard. She resolved to become . to previo,:!s ones she had worked with.
She would soon learn this was a fruitless exercise, as "2965 NSD is an exception to every rule there is." In drill for example, one would typically expect all the cadets to line up perfectly straight on the parade square. At 2965 NSD however, one's first reaction is that the cadets are "awfully crooked." But upon closer examination the reason why becomes obvious: "if all the cadets were to line up exactly where they are supposed to be, none would be able to see the commands being given." As a result the Chief is off on an angle, the Warrants don't stand right in front of their groups and everyone else is off on a slant. As the Chief gives a command to turn right for example, the cadets turn, then wait for her to march out in front again and give the ensuing command to turn back. Unlike other Cadet ChiefWarrant Officers, the Chief at 2965 NSD is never static on the parade square; she could be anywhere. Compound this with the fact that several of the cadets are also physically-challenged and you make for an interesting parade. Says Capt Maynard, "Two of my female cadets are afflicted with Cerebral Palsy and they might hit step every 25 yards or so. Some of the others have problems with their balance because of their hearing impairment." But this is what makes working at the cadet corps so rewarding for Capt Maynard. "They need me," she says. "Unlike other corps where anyone of 100 CIC officers could step in and take command, here the relationship is more of a teacher to student nature than officer to cadet. It's a real give-and-take experience." It's this close relationship which Capt Maynard will miss most as she leaves 2965 NSD this fall to take command of her own cadet corps in Norris Point, (Gros Morne National Park), Nfld. Although she looks forward to the unique challenges of running a small-town cadet corps, Capt Maynard can't help but feel sad about leaving the School for the Deaf Army Cadet Corps. "I cried like a baby at graduation," she says. "You can't help but feel proud of them. They work so hard to ,get where they are. They deserve all the respect there is."
he Regional Cadet Instructors School (Atlantic) conducted itsfirst ever Cold Weather Indoctrination Course (CMC) recently. Participant Lt Bob Eagle of2355 Church Lad's Brigade Army Cadet Corps presents us with an insider's view ofwhat CWIC really involves.
Exercise Cold Toes By Lieutenant Bob Eagle
Believe it or not, a couple of years have passed since Newfoundland weather has co-operated enough to allow a Cold Weather Indoctrination Course (CWIC) to be held in this Region. As candidates began to arrive for this year's course in March of 1997, warm weather again seemed to be teasing us with relatively balmy temperatures and driving rain. As the course begari., both staff and candidates were left wondering if there would be enough snow to pull toboggans, build snow shelters and use snowshoes.
Despite how it appears here, candidates CWIC-ly learnedjust how cold winter can be.
off until we were all back in the mess later that evening. Mer nightfall it got pretty nasty outside. Roads were closed, and timings were in jeopardy as 20 ems Eleven candidates came from all over of snow piled up in drifts all over central Atlantic Region, with all four provinces Newfoundland. (Little did we know at represented. All candidates were eager to the time, but it seems we got off pretty get started, but were made to endure several as compared to the rest of the lucky theory lessons before being cast out into . Atlantic provinces!) With a three-day the cold. Candidates were introduced to exercise ahead of us in order to complete cold weather clothing and equipment in the course we welcomed the snow, but the classroom, and instructed on how to hoped the worst of the storm would end dress properly for the cold. Mter having by morning. a good look at naphta stoves and lanterns, as well as snowshoes, it was time to brave Day four dawned clear and cold, with the cold for the first time. Completely another five to 10 ems of snow forecast bundled up, we stepped outside to practice to hit us that morning and with winds lighting stoves and lanterns, and to try to gusting at 80 km/h until lunchtime. We perform a "kick turn" with our snowshoes moved out to Jonathan's Pond Provincial on. No easy task! With no burns, explosions, Park to finish our long-term practical test serious falls or frostbites, the first day of the theory we had just covered. As we ended successfully. erected snow walls around the three arctic tents we had just raised, the winds rose The following two days were mostly and a short but fierce blizzard drove all spent in learning theory, but after some of us into our tents. It was definitely the testing on the morning of day three, we right weather for cold weather indoctrifinally set out. With our snowshoes firmly nation! The blizzard had barely cleared strapped on and pulling fully loaded after lunch, but our training continued toboggans, we spent the day practising despite the occasional gale force gusts of Arctic tent drills. The weather forecast wind that blinded us with flying snow. predicted a storm for that evening, and The candidates really began to undersure enough, as the day wore on the temstand the importance of their equipment perature dropped and the sky darkened. and clothing, as we alternated between Fortunately for us, the bad weather held
Number 4 '"' Fall 1997
exhausting snowshoe marches and slower periods of site maintenance and first aid assessment. By the end of the day, most of us were wondering how on earth a unit without properly trained instructors could conduct this level of cold weather training without having some kind of disaster! Day five was the second day of our exercise (which came to be known as Exercise Cold Toes), and proved to be the coldest one yet. But with snow shelter construction and a navigation exercise planned, no one had the chance to stop long enough to really get cold. Candidates gathered together in groups that morning to build "quinzhees" - a type of improvised snow shelter. If the shelters met a good enough standard, we would actually be able to sleep in them that night. Several high piles of snow appeared around our campsite, and everyone worked hard packing the snow so it could consolidate enough to be carved into a shelter. Mter another IMP (Individual Meal Pack) lunch, we performed a navigation exercise during which candidates practiced dead reckoning skills. Trudging through the deep snow brought everyone out onto Jonathan's Pond, where we examined the thickness of the ice, and practiced using our snow tools to cut ice Continued on page 12
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blocks. Later that afternoon we arrived back to the campsite and went back to work completing our snow shelters. As evening came, it became obvious that this was going to be the coldest night yet. We continued perfecting our snow shelters in the dark, but the idea of using them in the - 30C cold weather was intimidating to say the least. And that was before factoring in the -SOC wind-chill! In the end, most of the candidates decided not
to let all their hard work go to waste. With only our sleeping bags, a thin ground sheet and a single candle to keep us warm, we tucked in under the snow to tough out the freezing cold night. In the morning all candidates were in agreement that the night in the quinzhees had been warmer than those in the Arctic tents! Our reveille time on day six was at 0500 and the entire course pulled pole at 0630 in order to be back at the base by 0830. All of our timings were met, even though
flights had been delayed due to the inclimate weather. Better yet, although all candidates were thorougWy exhausted, we were also all well trained. Atlantic Region now has 11 more qualified Cold Weather instructors, but we need more in order to ensure safe cold weather training at the Local Headquarters (LHQ2level. Don't miss out on next year's course; get your application in CWICkly!
By Lieutenant Rob J-v. Gill
istorically the act ofgiving the keys to the city was a public acknowledgement of one's loyalty and service to the city. This honor, which was later extended to military units and called the Freedom of the City, allowed an individual thefreedom to enter and leave the city as desired Thefirst recorded Freedom ofthe City was awarded in 1748. When a regiment, through loyal and valiant service, earned the trust and respect of the citizens, City Council could award it with the Freedom ofthe City. This honor allowed the soldiers to march through the streets with drums beating, colors (flags, banners or guidons) flying and bayonnets fixed Once bequeathed, this honor was retainedfOrever. The Freedom of the City has typically been awarded to regiments within the Army, however it can be and has been awarded to units ofthe Navy andAir Force. The Freedom ofthe City is and always will be, a private matter between the city and the military unit. Once a city has decided that it willproclaim The Freedom of the City to a particular unit, no higher authority (military or civilian) may interfere.
Lt Rob Gill of3018 3rd Field Engineer Squadron Army Cadet Corps, describes how it came to be that the city of Cumberland, Onto recently awarded his unit with the Freedom of the City.
Over the past year I have found myself torn between developing my personal, peaceful life and soldiering on. 3018 3rd Field Engineer Squadron Army Cadet Corps had gone through some extremely rough times in October of 1996. Three Commanding Officers later, I found myself as the Deputy Commanding Officer and ChiefTraining Officer of 130 Cadets. Morale is low on all fronts; everyone is demanding something and no one has any answers to my questions. Qyestion: To be CIC or not to be? How do I transform a large group of demoralized individuals into the proud, team-oriented Army Cadet Corps I had envisioned? Answer: Go big, go hard! Hence Freedom of the City! When my Cadet Corps' original affiliated unit, Lan~ Engineering Test Establishment (LETE) was disbanded in 1994, our Cadet
Corps not only lost its identity, but its role in the community as well. September 1997 marked our corps 10th anniversary and in true military fashion we decided to have a parade. Now; 路Freedom of the City is a civil honour and it must be initiated by the municipality. Someone, somewhere, whispered something into the Mayor's ear, and in February 1997 I was contacted by the Mayor's Office to further explain the Freedom of the City. E-mails were exchanged, phone calls were made, and finally in June 1997, I met with the Mayor for the first time. Mayors are politicians, so I got advice from a friend at the Army Cadet League in Ottawa on how to approach such a high ranking civilian authority. Our meeting began with the usual who, what, where, why and how's. We discussed my Cadet Corps' significant role in the community; after all 1500 young adults had passed through the ranks of our corps in just 10 years. That's a lot of community involvement! Finally, we set the date and time of the parade: 5 October 1997 at 1100 hrs.
Co-ordinating and planning the parade was a full-time job. The pressure was on, with both the municipality's and our cadet corps' reputations on the line. Planning the parade was a nightmare! No one had kept any of the planning notes for any previous Freedom of the City parades. The most information I found was exerpts from the Army Cadet League of Canada Journal. Oh well! Adapt and overcome. Using these resources in combination with the CFP 201 and CATOs, the Mayor and I planned the parade. Being a civilian honor, The Freedom of the City parade was able to accomodate many of our joint requests. Finally after four months of hours spent on the phone, loss of sleep, headaches, my (civilian) job suffering, and me losing my voice on the parade square, everything fell into place. The parade went off with its normal jitters (the officers were the most nervous of all since as most of you know, parades are where the cadets show off. The only time I've ever been on parade as an officer is at RCISl) But everything turned ouf great. Our 20 senior cadets on parade were terrific, our 20 piece band was outstanding, the officers remembered all of their commands, and after two years of patiently waiting for them, 2Lt Paul
Number 4
Fall 1997
His Worship Brian Coburn, the Mayor of Cumberland, inspects 3018 3rd Field Engineer Squadron Army Cadet Corps at the Freedom ofthe City ceremony.
McKee and I finally received our commissioning scrolls. The media was present, our affiliated unit turned out, parents came, and most importantly of all, the whole community showed up. Everyone got together and had a wonderful time. The BBQafter the parade allowed everyone to mingle in a relaxed and informal manner. It was great!
It was a perfect day which ended in a perfect way. Thirty minutes after I got home, still dressed in my uniform, I fell asleep in front of the television. Mission accomplished! My question was answered: Be CIC!
Are You Worthy of Our HONOR ROLL?
n this new section
of our Newsletter we plan to profile not one, but six
officers. In other words, one individualfrom each Region per issue. Our hope is that this will allow more ofyou to see yourselves recognized on the pages ofyour nationalpublication. Send us three paragraphs or less explaining what makes this individual so special in terms ofthe GIG, and why he or she deserves to be recognized We willgladly publish your submission. Be sure to include all relevant details such as unit, position, full name and rank, as well as a recent photo.
We have decided to launch this new section with a couple of recent submissions. Hopefully reading this will trigger some thoughtsfrom you about yourfellow officers who are also enjoying successes. Think about this as your own personal Branch Brag Book! egional Cadet Instructors School (Pacific) can now boast an accomplished author among its ranks. Lt(N) Suzanne Anderson has recently published a history ofHMCS QUADRA, entitled Good Morning OUADRAl A long-time CIC officer, Lt(N) Anderson's book chronicles a personal look at the history of the establishment, using lots ofpersonal anecdotes, photos and historical footnotes. Lt(N) Anderson is a hobby genealogist with an undergraduate degree in Criminology. She conducted research over a three year period in order to complete this project, her first self-published book.
Good Morning OUADRAl has received positive reviews from past Cadets, Officers, members of the CCM and the general public alike. So much so in fact that Lt(N) Anderson is currently compiling anecdotes for a companion volume. Anderson, Suzanne. Good Morning QUADRAl The History of HMCS Quadra. Half Acre Publishing. Duncan, B.C. 1997
ome of you in Central Region may recognize the name Capt Ferguson A. Mobbs. Current CO of 140 Aurora Squadron in Ont., Capt Mobbs is also an accomplished video producer/director/writer.路His many credits include several air cadet training videos, as well as civilian videos such as "Bonte Gold Mine" which was shot on location in Ghana, West Africa.
Although Capt Mobbs works as a Claims Supervisor at Lumbermans Insurance Co in Toronto, Ont by profession, his heart belongs to the video medium. Capt Mobbs is quite good at what he does. This fact is underscored by recent invitation to travel to Haiti in order to videotape the CF peacekeeping activities. Capt Mobbs is presently producing and directing a video on the history of 400 Tactical Helicopter Squadron called "On Watch to Strike." He anticipates many more CCM-related projects in the near future.
Capt Ferguson A. Mobbs
CIC Cap Badge History
aving recently completed his Masters degree in War Studies at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ont., Capt Justin Schmidt-Clever is a historian by nurture. Capt Schmidt-Clever recently decided to use his research skills to see if he couldfurtherflesh out the history of the CIC cap ~adge. Although he would be thefirst to admit that available source documents are scarce and that there is a considerable lack of first-hand evidence regarding participants feelings or thoughts, Capt Schmidt-Clever's hope is that his narrative willprovide "a starting point to understanding this small yet prominent piece ofour history. "
By Captain Justin Schmidt-Clever The history of our present cap and collar badge begins in October of 1973, the Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff, Rear-Admiral Falls, wrote to the Assistant Deputy Minister (Personnel). The theme of his letter was his concern that Cadet Instructors working with the Royal Canadian Army Cadets were still wearing the cap badge of the Cadet Services of Canada, which had been disbanded six years previously with unification. In light of this, Rear-Admiral Falls suggested that a new badge be designed for those Cadet Instructors List (CIL) officers who worked with Army Cadets. Apparendy the Assistant Deputy Minister (Personnel) agreed with the Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff, and forwarded a request to the Director of Ceremonial to design a badge to fulfill the requirement identified by RearAdmiral Falls. When the draft design was produced in 1974, it included a set of insignia not only for army officers, but for navy and air force officers as well. Judging from official documents at the Directorate of Cadets, the staff could hardly believe its eyes. The design was seen as being perfect. One senior staff officer declared that in his opinion there was no need for additional consultation; another declared that the design should be immediately adopted. All that remained was some additional instructions to the Director of Ceremonial to ensure the item would be produced using the finest material and highest production standards possible.
Number 4 '" Fall 1997
Although the staff at the Directorate of Cadets liked the new design, the Executive Director of the Army Cadet League of Canada wrote that he considered the proposed design to be "ugly and lacking style". Despite this criticism however, the process of ordering and producing a new badge continued throughout 1975. Contracts and specifications were developed, and prototypes were requested. However the end product, initially issued for wear in 1976 or 1977, fell far short of expectations. Discussions with staff at William Scully Ltd in Montreal, Qye indicate that although it was originally named as prime contractor for the new badge, the company was later underbid by Breadner of Hull, Qye by a total of 71 cents. My discussions with members who can actually remember being issued with this badge, as well as my examination of the official records, reveal that the badge seemed to have a number of faults. First of all, it was poorly made of a zinc or tin pressing, and the badge fastener reputedly "fell off at the first use" or soon thereafter. It was impossible to shine or polish. Secondly, the badge was completely out of proportion to its intended use. One officer told me years later, the item was simply too large to fit on a beret. As a result, naval officers took to wearing only an anchor on their berets. These faults combined so that the only existing documentation I could find was as negative as the initial correspondence was positive. By 1978 two important things happened. First there was activity to obtain a new badge which would not share the faults of the initial issue, and secondly a decision was made to produce these new badges in the elemental versions we know today. The decision to produce a new batch of badges is wholly understandable given the numerous man-hours spent cataloguing its short-comings. The second decision is more difficult to trace; certainly no written evidence has come to light. The answer to this may lie in the culture of the National Defence Headquarters. By 1978 the novelty if not the lustre of unification had certainly worn off By 1975 Air Command had re-established itself in Winnipeg, and throughout the Canadian Armed Forces elements of the old sen;ces were reasserting
themselves. Furthermore, by this time Cadet Instructors were beginning to be issued the Canadian Forces Green Uniform. As a result it is not difficult to imagine that there would be a common desire for insignia which would identifjr the wearer as a member of Navy, Army or Air Force. In due course new badges were produced based on the design of the originally approved collar badges. These were accepted into service without record of serious problems. Interestingly enough however, the responsible agent at the Directorate of Cadets and Director of Ceremonial, never seemed to have officially sanctioned the changes. This fact would later become evident in the late 1980's when after a great deal of correspondence, the Director ofCeremonial chose to unreservedly endorse the decision for elemental cap badges, albeit in arrears. In addition to the scaled metal cap badge provided for wear, optional purchase embroidered cap badges were produced for Cadet Instructors. Ironically by the late 1970's these too were deemed unsatisfactory as they were too cosdy for continued production. As a result of these complaints it was decided to seek the approval for new embroidered badges. The staff at William Scully Ltd remember producing some.items for inspection, but were once again due to have its merchandise rejected on the basis of cost. The new synthetic metallic thread badges with the pin on elemental device began to appear at approximately the same time as the new distinctive environmental uniforms began to be issued to Cadet Instructors. Maj Francois Dornier's continuing saga on the CIC History will return in the next issue.
By Michele Boriel
his time around we are featuring a promising young upand-comer from Atlantic Region, Capt Liz-Ann Tucker. Capt Tucker currently enjoys the best of both worlds as an active corps officer in St. John's, Newfoundland., and as a course instructor at the Regional Cadet Instructor' School (RCIS). Capt Tuckers enthusiasm and dedication to the CIC and CCO is obvious as she discusses her past and future plans for the CCM in the profile which follows below. It is only fitting somehow that a CIC officer who spends so much time and energy offering support and encouragement to her female cadets and junior officers should belong to the army cadet corps that was originally chosen to enroll female cadets in Newfoundland on a trial basis 25 years ago, two years before female cadets were officially permitted to join the CCO. As a young child living in rural Markland, Newfoundland, Capt Liz-Ann Tucker couldn't imagine loving something enough for it to distract her from her dream of someday managing the family farm. But from the moment she first got involved with the CCM as a young cadet following in her two older sisters' footsteps at 2584 Whitbourne Army Cadet Corps, it captured her imagination. So much so that at the first opportunity she moved to St. John's, joined 2515 and enrolled in the Bachelor ofArts programme at Memorial University ofNewfoundland (MUN). She later joined the Regional Cadet Instructor' School (RCIS) as an instructor on the very courses she herself had mastered as a keen young officer. What began innocently enough as a fun, inexpensive way to travel and do interesting things, soon developed into a full-time passion for Capt Tucker. From summers spent climbing glaciers and whitewater canoeing as part of the National Army Cadet Camp in Banff, Alberta, to training courses taken in Greenwood, Nova Scotia, Ipperwash, Ontario, and camp Argonaut in New Brunswick, it seems Capt Tucker
has always managed to avail herself of the best the CCM has to offer. Now she wants to give some of that back. The shortage offemale officers in positions of authority bothers Capt Tucker, so she devotes herself to being the best female role model she can at 2515 St. John's Army Cadet Corps where she works as 2IC Training, and at the Regional Cadet Instructor' School (RCIS) where she instructs on the LTQcourse every second weekend. Although she herself does not plan to progress beyond CO of her local Cadet corps, Capt Tucker never misses an opportunity to encourage the young females cadets and officers around her to pursue their goals of breaking into the higher levels of authority. Nothing would please Capt Tucker more than to see one of her former female cadets or junior officers go on to excel at the senior level of the Cadet world or even in the Regular Force or Reserves. By always being ready to listen and to advise, Capt Tucker provides a fine example of what good leadership is all about, regardless of a person's gender. Never one to get caught up in the politics of the CCM, what Capt Tucker enjoys most about being an officer in the CIC is having the opportunity to really make a difference in people's lives, whether it be the cadets themselves or the officers she is responsible for training. As an instructor at camp Argonaut in Gagetown, New Brunswick, Capt Tucker gets to work with some of the best officers and cadets in the country. But even these fine individuals get frustrated at times, and it's Capt Tucker's job to bring them around again. Believing there's potential in each and every person she meets allows Capt Tucker to meet this challenge admirably, as she coaxes, persuades and explains in order to resolve their difficulties. Capt Tucker feels quite strongly that recruiting and retaining "new blood" is key to the success of the Cadet Movement. It stands to reason therefore, that she frequently goes beyond the call of duty in order to ensure these newcomers have
positive experiences "from the get-go." Capt Tucker's efforts never go unnoticed either, although at times the rewards might seem rather small. 2515 St. John's Army is an inner-city cadet corps so, it sees many teens from lower-income, disadvantaged families cross its doors. Many times these adolescents have experienced hard times and are slow to respond to the challenges and opportunities presented to them. But every now and again there's a success story that makes Capt Tucker renew her never-ending efforts and believe again. She offers as an example the story of one former cadet who when he first arrived at the corps, the officers immediately took exception to him saying, "He'll never make it." This cadet in particular was from a disadvantaged family, and had little experience in group situations. He was in excellent shape however, and always tried hard. All this cadet wanted from life was to be in the (Regular Force) Army. Anyhow as the story goes, this ex-cadet came back to 2515 St,John's Army the other day to tell his former officers that he'd just been accepted into the Army and that it was due entirely to their hard work and example that he was able to fulfill his dream. Perhaps there's something to her theory on participative leadership that rings true for the cadets and officers with whom she works. Certainly Capt Tucker is a firm believer in a less military-style leadership where discipline is the bottom line. "It doesn't work with these kids today. The days of being scared of your officer are gone. You have to make it fun for the cadets, really motivate them to succeed. They have to want to be there; you can't force them." Part of Capt Tucker's theory involves the belief that everyone has potential. Says Capt Tucker, "if someone is acting unruly there's a reason for it. You have to find out what's wrong and deal with it. You don't know as a person what they've been through. People don't always automatically fall into categories. You have to really get to know them. Every single person is different but you have to believe in them anyhow."
Capt Tucker knows this from personal experience. She recounts the story of how she attended cadet camp in Banff, positive she would never be able to do the things that seemed to come so naturally to the others, around her. As the days wore on she gained confidence in herself however, and by the end of the summer she had found a new identity. Capt Tucker still credits the camp with developing her unique sense of self-worth and ultimately with giving her the strength she needed to return home and join the CIC as an officer cadet. "Banffwas a phenomenal experience. I'll be heartbroken if it's gone (if the camp closes). It's by far the best
thing I've ever done. Going to Banff made me grow up." Now that she's all grown up, Capt Tucker has set new challenges and goals for herself Next in line to take over as CO at 2515 St.John's Army, Capt Tucker is determined to make it a special experience for the cadets and officers who belong to her corps. Although she confesses that the thought of taking command of such a large, historical corps (2515 St. John's Army parades more than 100 cadets regularly) makes her nervous, Capt Tucker knows she has the strength and presence of mind required to do so. She has come
a long way from the young cadet who waited at the end of the farm lane for the bus to come and take her away to the town of Whitbourne more than half an hour away. A full-time employee at the University Library, Capt Tucker is now engaged to be married to a fellow CIC officer (Capt John Ha1f)rard). They have recendy bought a house and Capt Tucker is actively remodelling it herself with the help of her three CIC officer tenants. There can be no doubt that Capt Tucker is a confident, determined young officer with a bright future in the CIC ahead of her.
WE'VE MOVED! BUT OUR MAILING ADDRESS REMAINS THE SAME. Editor, CIC National Newsletter Directorate of Cadets National Defence Headquarters 101 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa, ON KIA 0K2 Phone: (613) 996-1204 FAX: (613) 992-8956
Number 4 '" Fall 1997
ongratulations to Officer Cadet Erin Elaine Kjosness and Officer Cadet Tracey Ann Swance, this year's winners of the annual CIC National Citizen Scholarship. These two individuals were chosen for thi$ honor from a field of more than 19 applicants. Officer Cadet Kjosness is currently enrolled in the Elementary Education faculty of the University of Alberta, while Officer Cadet Swance is studying Architectural Technology at Sheridan College in Woodstock, Ontario. The award is open to CIC officers in pursuit of their first post-secondary degree/diploma. Certain conditions apply. Contact your local RCO for more information.
ongratulations to Capt Bertrand Ouellet of RCACC 221 Polyvalente Laure-Conan, Lt Simon Gasse of RCACC 1005 St-Raymond and Capt Pascal Tremblay of RCACC 2864 St-David-de-Falardeau for their outstanding performances at this year's CIOR (Confederation ofInterallied Reserve Officers) competitions in Aalborg, Denmark. Sixty teams representing 20 different nations competed in events such as shooting, orienteering, combat first aid, and obstacle courses on land and in the water this past July. With the help of these three CIC officers from Eastern Region, Canada placed fourth or better in each of the four categories entered. Established in 1948, the CIOR competition is open to all Reserve Officers.
ongratulations to LCol (Ret'd) W.]. Molnar, who was recently inducted to the CF Sports Hall of Fame for his achievements in the sport of shooting. LCol Molnar has been a shooting enthusiast for several decades now, and has been successful in both civilian and military competitions. His skill with a fullbore target rifle won him the Qyeen's Medal in 1964, as well as allowing him to travel to Bisley, England for international competitions on a number of different occasions. Military pistol shooting has also been kind to LCol Molnar, allowing him to attend world CISM (Conseil International du Sport Militaire) competitions in Chile, Nigeria, USA and Italy as a member of the Canadian contingent. Perhaps the highlight of his shooting career was winning the Silver Medal in Free Pistol at the 1975 Pan Am Games in Mexico City. LCal Molnar continues to be involved at the executive level of various shooting organizations, as well as being an avid participant, living not 15 minutes away from the Connaught Range, Onto
"Training the Youth
of Today to be Canada's Leaders Tomorrow"