James brierley studio

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Contents Page 4-33 Conversation Project Page 34-79 Re-brand Project Page 80-135 YCN/J20 Project Page 136-159 Level Collective Project

Eye Contact

Technology Technology is a great way to communicate with your friends and f amily. You can s end t hem a m essage from anywhere in t he w orld. It’s a lso a great w ay t o ignore your f amily and friends by staring at your phone 24/7 so you don’t have to be apart of their conversations.

Speach Speech i s the most popular w ay t o communicate to another human being or your loving pet. Speech is a great, you can have m any conversations with people and you can t ell them anything you w ant e specially i f you want to insult them.

Eye contact i s a perfect w ay t o flirt and communicate to person of your dreams, j ust give t hem a little w ink and i f they g ive you a w ink back its happily ever after.

Different Ways To Communicate

Hand Gestures Hand gestures also known, a s sign language i s a great w ay f or people who are deaf t o communicate to people, but for the average person it is a g reat w ay t o annoy, i nsult and flirt with the person of your choosing.


Body Movement

Sound was great when you were kids, we all made different sounds to make each other laugh, plus it was the kids way to communicate to each o ther. Some adults still m ake t hese sounds today, they are called politician’s.

Body m ovement a lso known as reflexing or posing is a secret conversation between people who have t he perfect bodies. Its w ay f or t hem t o tell you l ook a t me I’m better than you in every way.

Guidelines Don始t use more than 3 colours (except t shirts) Make sure the colours work together Don始t over strech anything No serif typefaces Must have simple logo designs Logo must be on every product we made (t-shirts,shoes,bags) Always use the TEEBOY typeface in every product Only use red,white and black for the logo Logo must always be in a rounded square Logo and rounded square must be the similiar lengh and size

Tee Boy

Tee Boy


Business Cards The Teeboy concept was born in late 2013 and launched online March 2014. Having started as a designer with a strong background in retail founder Lucie Graham decided to focus her energies on creating a retail experience that would constantly push boundaries, be reactive and most importantly stock a range of brands that are both accessible and price conscious.

This is my final logo; I’ve kept to my guidelines by only using two colours and keeping the logo simply. There’s not really much changed from the ordinal logo, all I have done is create a new background and cleaned the type up. I think the logo suits the brand and what it stands for. The reason I have two final colours for the logo is because they both look great for the brand and can be used for different products but the red logo is the main logo.

The Teeboy concept was born in late 2013 and launched online March 2014. Having started as a designer with a strong background in retail founder Lucie Graham decided to focus her energies on creating a retail experience that would constantly push boundaries, be reactive and most importantly stock a range of brands that are both accessible and price conscious.


Store Layout Idea







Today we got a new, short live project. The project was given to us by a clothing brand called Level Collective and all we had to do was design T-shirts that will suit there brand. We had 2-3 weeks to design the t-shirts for Level Collective and t-shirts with a nature theme and simply theme to it so we could have animals, trees, beach’s and mountains just stuff like that. So here are some of my ideas I created.w

As I wanted something bigger and better and went back to the brief to see what Level Collective wanted from us and seeing as they wanted anything to do with nature, I decided to create t-shirts with animals on them so at first I started by design a simply deer head and I added different textures to it and played with the opacity.

Going on the animal theme I still wanted to have the idea bigger and better and I ended up creating this bear because it is the biggest animal in the forest plus I really like them. So I just started looking at designs people have done with bears and I found one which was similar design to mine but I’ve lost the image now and I cant find it but I really loved the design so I created my own. I did the same as I did to the deer were I just added textures and changed the opacity

Here I was still working on the bear but I just changed it a little but I prefer the other design so I went back to that to present it to Level Collective.

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