Sunday 4th May 2014 Issue 1
New up coming Desighers
Amazing Design by Obey
New Visual Language.
New Visual Language.
COntents modernism 4-5 postmodernism 6-7 street graphics 8-11 cabinet of curiosity 12-15 Earth artifacts 16-19 typography 20-23
Less is more.
Modernism is an art and design movement, which changed the world. Emerging from the aftermath of World War 1, artists wanted to create a new world free of greed, community inequality and conflict. Modernism isn’t a style but a cluster of ideas with diverse styles. Modernism was a development from modern industrial communities, which became a rapid development and swept through the cities of the world. A year later after World War 1 Bauhaus opened which was the first school to teach modernism. The modern movement changed everything around us for example music, society, architecture and technology. This forced artist’s to think about their surrounding and environment and how they were going to grasp, expose and contribute to the new world.
POST MODE MODER Postmodernism is a movement in the arts and design, which critique’s the departure of modernism. Postmodernist people believe that nothing is original that everything has been stolen and has been done for before for example paintings, music, movies and photography. Postmodernism, wants to achieve idea perfection as well as trying to realize harmony of form and function.
RNISM ERNISM Nothing is original
Street Graphics. The title street graphics brings a lot of different ideas to my mind of what it could be. At first I thought of graffiti straight away but I go to thinking that street graphic is all around us we can see it everywhere for example signs, buildings, construction, sounds and people. There are a lot more to do with street graphics than these but I decided to focus my project on these subjects and I want to apply this project to my hometown of Manchester. At first I didn’t know where to start with this project or even who to look at for research and inspiration. When I started to look for artist and designers I came across Oliver Kugler and Neil Dimelow who were the two biggest inspirations for this project. I wanted to emulate their work but do it in my own way. I started by going around Huddersfield and Manchester taking photos of everything what caught my attention, one of the biggest things what caught my attention in both cities was the old and new building where together side by side and I got to thinking about cities are always under construction to keep the city modern and every time you go to the city you always see a something new that you have never seen before. After I got all my pictures I started to layer them on top of each other to see what I go out of it. The outcomes were pretty good so I decided to experiment with them by drawing the buildings in the picture and layering them behind each other, this method didn’t really work out the way I wanted because my drawing weren’t the best but I came up with another to drawing the building which was to trace the buildings. After I finish the drawing something didn’t look right, it was like something was miss so I started by putting them on to Photoshop and started to add colour to the background so the building would stand out and catch peoples attention. After playing around in Photoshop for a while I started to experiment by adding a photo and the drawing together. I deiced to keep this style because it represented the city always being rebuilt and there’s always something new. If you look to the right you’ll see one of the four final pieces I created, to me this is the best one out of the four.
Cabinet of Curiosity.
The cabinet of curiosity project was a reflection on our lives. We have to choose a moment from our lives or something we enjoy in our lives and capture the emotion we had. I had many different memories from my life, which I could of, used for this project I decided to capture the emotion of my time in America. Let me tell you why I love America so much. I have had lots of great moments in my life during my time in America. From earlier on in my life I grew up playing American sports and watching American TV shows and movies. In 2011 I went to America for the first time so my brother could have life changing surgery so he could walk again. I spent six-seven weeks in St. Louis and a couple of days in New York and in that time changed my life, I lived the American dream. Over the years I went back I’ve been to Chicago, New York, Florida, Kansas and St. Louis, I’ve seen and done things I’ve never done and that’s the life I want to live and I’m hoping in the future I will live in America. I start of this project by gathering everything important to me, which I got from American and took picture of them for example baseball and concert tickets, photography’s and clothing. Plus at this time I was drawing ideas of what and where I can store these objects I was thinking about suitcases, boxes and bags this was to represent travel but it seemed too obvious. I started of my research looking at people like Peter Blake and Joseph Cornell. I especially liked Peter Blake’s work and I’ve liked the way he uses simply images. From his who it got me inspired to create a box in the style of his work. I even created the box prototype just by using paper but it was too obvious because an added the American stars and stripes to it so it made it too obvious. I decided to go in a completely other direction, because I had many photos from America I decided too create a college out of them for my finals. I know your looking at them now and thinking there quite plain but there that way for a reason, I want to viewer to get lost in the photos and I want them to figure out the mystery behind the photos.
Earth Artifacts.
The Earth Artifacts project is based around The Voyager and the Golden Records. The Voyager was a space shuttle send into deep space to try and contact alien life. On the shuttles were golden records, which explain the history and science of Earth. We have to create a new version of the golden records and it can be with any media we want. At first I didn’t know where to start so I started to think what humans use each day for example our bodies and communication, I also looked at religion, art and history which is a important of our existence. I also looked at different info graphics about the earth and the body, there wasn’t much to go on but I they were the best things to work on because that’s one of the first things aliens would look at in my opinion.
I decided to focus on the human body and how it works and what we need to survive this will be a in the form of a info graphics. Plus the other idea I have is an info graphic of the world and have interesting facts about the world. For the style of the info graphics I want to have a simply style so the alien species could understand what they are seeing. So for research I discover a French graphic designer who has created a book called Blexbolex Seasons which is just simply images and words and its easy to understand. The artist is called Maria Popova who is a illustrator. Instead of just having one info graphics about the body or the Earth I decided to stick with both ideas and stick with the same style. In my opinion I do prefer the human body info graphics just because there is more detail to it and shows more information about our lives.
Earth is almost five billion years old
The world is over 70% water. The length of time it takes for Earth to orbit the Sun is 365.
There are 7 billion people living on this plant.
Earth is named after a mythical God.
The brain is an organ that serves as the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals—only a few invertebrates such as sponges, jellyfish, adult sea squirts and starfish do not have a brain, even if diffuse neural tissue is present.
The lung is the essential respiration organ in many air-breathing animals, including most tetrapods, a few fish and a few snails. In mammals and the more complex life forms, the two lungs are located near the backbone on either side of the heart.
The stomach is a muscular, hollow, dilated part of the digestion system which functions as an important organ of the digestive tract in some animals, including vertebrates, echinoderms, insects and mollusks. It is involved in the second phase of digestion.
The progression of air through either the mouth or the nose travels through the oropharynx, larynx, and the windpipe. The heart is a hollow muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the blood vessels to various parts of the body by repeated, rhythmic contractions. It is found in all animals with a circulatory system, which includes the vertebrates.
The stomach is located between the esophagus and the small intestine. It secretes protein-digesting enzymes called proteases and strong acids to aid in food digestion.
The brain located in the head, usually close to the primary sensory organs for such senses as vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell.
Water dissolves nutrients and minerals, and it helps to move them around our bodies and it keeps us alive. Human blood is more than 80 percent water.
The average human heart, beating at 72 beats per minute, will beat approximately 2.5 billion times during an average 66 year lifespan, and pumps approximately 4.7-5.7 liters of blood per minute.
In the circulatory system, veins are blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart. Most veins carry deoxygenated blood from the tissues back to the heart.
Our body uses food as energy everyday, not only to walk or exercise but for everything, your body is still using up fuel when it’s asleep as your heart and other organs are still working hard.
Humans need air due to the oxygen that they require for breathing and bodily functions. Energy is responsible for changing food to the energy that we need to live.
The body functions optimally when warm, so keeping the body warm is extremely important. When the body is exposed to extremely cold temperatures, it actually begins to shut itself down to preserve itself.
Typography Project.
In this project we had to create are own typeface and understand the terminology for example baseline, cap height and meanline.
At the start of this project we got given different images from different artists and we had to create a typeface out of what we saw, I created four different typefaces out of the pictures from different images from Josef Muller Brockmann and Milton Glaser. I got a lot of inspiration from these two designers. As the weeks went on I kept up with building up the typeface to what it is now. Every week I had to stop development on one typeface so I can focus on the others. I ended up creating three fully drawn typefaces with a completely different style. The three typefaces I created were for different genres of films one was for comedy/kids movie, a Sci Fi movie and a action movie. It got to the time where I had to chose which one I was going to develop further on I decided to go for action movie type because I can create different variations of it.