In the modern America, there are many celebrities who are very popular of their own fame, but not famous for their skills on their industries. To list the famous celebrities: Paris Hilton, Justin Bieber, and Kim Kardashian. These three celebrities are very popular for being famous on TVs that fame could come from bad or good images. They are well known for their lack of personalities than their achievements in the celebrity lives. For an example, Justin Bieber has many male anti–fans who hates him for his personalities or lack of musical skills, and maybe some are just jealous of Justin's fame because he got popular so quickly on the internet. These ideas go same as the other two celebrities that I mentioned, yet, Kim and Paris are also well known for the leaked sex tapes that issued the whole world because they have the attractive physical bodies that everyone looks for when looking at a female more content...
For another example, Kim is like a spoiled child who would make a fuss over a little thing that she cannot obtain. Paris seems to be a woman with overly self–confidence, who objectifies the men as the sexual object to satisfy her lust. If these actions were occurred by the male celebrities, then they could have many down side of their lives, but, for Kim and Paris, there could be some bad consequences, rather yet, it would soon to be another step up for their fame. According to these issues, the modern America media focus on being the hot issues and being famous, but the media started to show the bad actions as just a comedy that will help the celebrities to get more attention; even when the actions sometimes would have some negative effects on the
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Vincent Van Gogh was born in 1853. He would grow to be one of the greatest artists of his era. Van Gogh utilized a variety of colors on the spectrum, giving his paintings life. He often used the art style of impressionists in that his paintings are depicted as he sees fit, and not how they are naturally viewed (Cliff). His paintings consisted of complex brush strokes that would vary in the amounts of paint used. He used colors in order to push emotion onto the audience through contrasting colors and his works often reflected his own mood and surroundings. Van Gogh continued to use impressionism until he mastered the use of color techniques and expressing emotion in order to bring life to his paintings, as shown in The Sower and The more content...
So I have tried to express, as it were, the powers of darkness in a low public house, by soft Louis XV green and malachite, contrasting with yellow–green and harsh blue–greens, and all this in an atmosphere like a devil's furnace, of pale sulphur" (Gogh). The Night CafГ© projects a feeling of distortion and unbalance through its asymmetrical design (Harding). There is a doorway in the back that is curtained halfway. Behind the doorway is what seems to be living spaces that are to be rented by travelers. There are five people, presumably customers, scattered across the cafГ©. There is a waiter next to the billiard table dressed in tan clothing. There are three walls lined with seating arrangements. There is a bar with a variety bottles with a flower vase centered near the curtained walkway. The walls are a very rich red. The lights project yellow rays of light that illuminate the room and cast a shadow onto the billiards table. The clock in the back of the room lets the viewers know that it is past midnight; therefore it is assumed that it is a rough crowd. The technique used in The Night CafГ© is unlike any Impressionist artwork of its time. Van Gogh used arbitrary to present his own emotions throughout the painting. Both the walls and ceiling consist of rich reds and greens that contrast in a violent nature. The light fixtures
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There have been many famous American authors; some better than others, but do we know who these people really are? In the case of F. Scott Fitzgerald we saw what he wanted us to see; for instance, a successful career, expensive jewelry and the nice cars. F. Scott Fitzgerald began to write at a young age and he is known for being a brilliant author and with a lavish lifestyle and great success, but his gilded life was often tarnished with alcoholism, overspending, and a sense of failure. "Frances Scott Key Fitzgerald was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, on September 24, 1896" (1 University of South Carolina). His parents were Edward Fitzgerald and Mollie McQuillan Fitzgerald (1 University of South Carolina). Fitzgerald more content...
"The publication of "This Side of Paradise" on march 26, 1920, made the twenty–four–year–old Fitzgerald famous almost overnight, and a week later he married Zelda Sayre in New York" (1 University of South Carolina). "After a riotous summer in Westport, Connecticut, the Fitzgeralds took an apartment in New York City; there he wrote his second novel, The Beautiful and Damned" (1 University of South Carolina). Then Zelda got pregnant with Frances Scott Fitzgerald. (1 University of South Carolina). "Seeking tranquility for his work the Fitzgeralds went to France in the spring of 1924" (1 University of South Carolina). "He wrote The Great Gatsby during the summer and fall in Valescure" (1 University of South Carolina). The stay at France was going well until he found out that his wife was cheating on him with a French naval aviator which impaired there marriage (1 University of South Carolina). "The Fitzgeralds spent the winter of 1924–1925 in Rome, where he revised The Great Gatsby (1 University of South Carolina). The Great Gatsby was finally published in April, and had great "critical praise" (1 Universaty of South Carolina). His drinking becomes a problem for him when he starts drinking excessively. "The distractions of Great Neck and New York prevented Fitzgerald from making progress on his third novel" (1 University of South Carolina). After that
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One of the hottest things that exploded in the recent years was the invention of reality shows. Magazines, TV and blogs do nothing else but talk about this celebrities, most praise how they dress and how the handle daily routines. It has come to the point that some celebrities seem to have certain immunity. Why does it seem that they can get away with things that an average person will not even dare to do. Are they better than the average American, or is their behavior reasonable. What drives acelebrity to act so irresponsible to themselves and those around them. Many celebrities have been involved in criminal acts, but the sentencing they receive is very light, it varies from traffic school, anger management or rehab. According more content...
There are no high profile lawyers, million dollar defense, or appeals for unfair trial. For the average person there is only the cold hard truth. It is common knowledge that the law is almost always forgiving to famous persons that commit a crime, most get a slap on the wrist leaving the attending officer an easy choice to give him or her a warning and send them on their way, but what happens when the offense is more severe, dangerous enough to endanger themselves and those around. Do celebrities do it because they know they can get away with it, or they do it because they are human like anybody else and bound to make mistakes like everyone else. Do they deserve a chance to explain themselves, or should they be treated like any average person in this country. When someone is driving under the influence and a police officer stops them, the officer start a series field sobriety tests to decide if the driver is under any kind of influence. After the officer finishes and declares that the driver is under the influence he is charged with DUI and placed under arrest. A DUI arrest can lead up to at least 6 months in county jail, $500 to $1000 dollars fine, 12 months of probation, vehicle impound and license revocation from 6 months up to a year. Sentencing gets tougher if there is a minor in the vehicle (Tager Law Firm). Now what happens when a celebrity is charged with DUI, same laws should apply but the truth is it does not. Many have been the cases that involve a Get more content

Are famous person treated unfairly by the media? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives?

We live in an era where every other person wants to be famous popular etc. They are so excited about letting the world know about their existence that they'll do anything to be popular, they want their pictures on the TV, they want to give autographs to little kids and become their role models. Most people will literally do anything to get the media's attention in any way.
What these people don't realize is that the media here can be a reason for their popularity as well as their downfall. Once a normal person gets on the top, any wrong move can become a controversy on the media and from being famous they'll straight away got to being flop.
The media sometimes makes a small thing into a big fuss which is the worst thing about them. They do not care about a celebrity's privacy they just want breaking news or any sort of news for their respective channel without the concern of the celebrity or about they'll feel about the news. And if the famous person blames the media for their downfall or if they say even something the media will again make a fuss about it. But before a person becomes famous they need to know that their privacy will be invaded but as a normal person I would more content... Being famous is just like giving up your private life. If a famous person goes out to eat with his/her family the media or the fans are there, if he/she goes to a shopping store the same condition is there. Everyone has the right to have a private as well as a relaxed life but if you're someone famous then that is kind of impossible for you. If someone is a teenager and they're famous they are basically having their teenage life being ruined by the Get more content
There are many advantages and disadvantages to a celebrity life. Some of the advantages that I will evince later on in the essay are: money, popularity, good press in magazines; however, some of the disadvantages that I, too, will evince later on are: privacy intrusions, harassment and childrens' privacy (children of the celebrities). This essay will also discuss the impact this has on us and will debate the luscious lives of celebrities – or, some may argue, the cruel, callous life of acelebrity.
There are many advantages of being a celebrity – we all know that – some of these are: the money, celebrities earn impressive amounts of money, for example, Tiger Woods has made over a billion dollars; the popularity, everyone wants to more content...
Examples of this can be things like: simply taking a picture, naming the children. One may think why is this is an issue, well it can be, because what if someone may go to an extreme and kidnaps the child! (This is a widely discussed issue and there are lots of different points of view).
Let us not prevaricate, celebrity culture affects us all. Whether we aspire to them or loath them: they will have an impact on us. Psychologists say some people aspire towards celebrities because they are made icons by the media around us. But some of us do not aspire – not even close –we think of them as futile flibbertigibbets and wish draconian punishments on them.
Furthermore, some people even put food on their table through celebrity culture. The most well–known form of this is the paparazzi, who try to catch celebrities doing wacky, weird and wonderful things. And they are even magazines entirely devoted to fuel our addiction of celebrity. Where ever you look people are trying to rope in some cash from celebrity culture.
Do not worry human rights freedom fighters; celebrities do have rights. The government body that enjoin these rights are the
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Personal Manifesto
Somebody once told me it is okay to be average as long as you are a good person. Life is short, do as many things as you can to live a happy life and do all the things you aspire to do before time runs out.
One evening while I was on vacation visiting my grandparents we were sitting around the dinner table eating a homemade meal made by my grandma. It was my mom, my sister, my foreign exchange student, two of my good friends, and I all eating dinner together. Dinner had come to an end and one of my friends and I were still sitting at the table with my grandpa. He has always been a very inspirational person in my life and most of the things he says mean a lot and really make me think. There was one thing my grandpa more content... Even being an average person can be very difficult. If you look at a large amount of people in this world, they are average or below average in most things they do. No one can be good at everything, so don't ever think you have to be. Feeling pressured to be great at everything is one thing no one should ever have to go through. All it seems to do is tear down people's' self esteem creating more reserved and quiet people. Life is hard, and if it were meant to be easy, everyone would be good at everything and the majority of things would be meaningless. So, what would be the point of living a meaningless life? Take every situation in life and live it with the intention that it will be the
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The Bad Side of Being Famous Imagine someone in their home minding their own business and someone else records them walking in their underwear. Instead of deleting the video the person uploads it to YouTube for millions to see. For the person in the underwear that would mean that they would get publicly humiliated, and there's no telling who could've seen that video. This is what Jessica Bennett is trying to get across to readers that sure some people would enjoy the same but there are some people that don't want to be famous, especially if it's because they've been humiliated. In this day and age almost everyone has a phone and that phone most likely has connection to the internet. It's due to that fact that just about anything a person can do could be on the internet at any given moment. According to (Bennett PG 597) "already dozens of websites exist solely to help those who would shame others." There are websites out there for shaming just about anything actually. For example, they have a site for: ex–lovers, bad tippers, lousy drivers, and images of public bad behavior. Bennett also says that such sites can be beneficial to someone or the complete opposite and make life a nightmare. The internet may be a great resource for some but it can ruin lives in a heartbeat. Like professor Daniel Solove of George more content...
The Romans punished people by branding them, cutting off their fingers, clamped to stocks in the public square, and all sorts of horrible things in order to get their point across. While in the present our methods are not as severe we still continue to shame those that we feel deserved it. Bennett said "More recently a U.S. judge forced a mail thief to wear a sign announcing his crime outside a San Francisco post office." The thief was shamed by having to stand in front of the post office with a sign that said he stole the

Oscar Wilde once said long time ago that most people are other people. Therefore their thoughts are someone else opinion, their lives are mimicry. Some might say that is true but I don't think so, yes there are some people who think the same or do the same thing as someone else especially when it comes to opinions. Nevertheless, some people do not like to be other people some people like to be different and unique in their on way.
Reason being is because people see other people being the same way, or thinking the same way because they think that would make them cooler if they thought the same way they did. However, some people do not see it that way being different and unique makes you cooler because you are your own person. For example, you see a famous person doing something on TV and you might think it is cool to do the exact same thing, but someone else can say no that's not I would do something totally different than that person to make it more unique. Sometimes people even think differently because they want to change the world to make a difference you cannot do that when you are thinking the same way as someone else. Since the reason being is that when you think, the same ways as someone else you want have your own opinion, and there opinion can be bad that want help nothing that is why people think differently because it is good to have your thoughts and opinions because your opinion might not be as bad as there's. For example, when you at a job and there
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Being famous and having money is every kid's dream. Throwing money around like it grows there is an endless amount is everyone's dream. As many may be the solution to numerous issues, it does not solve the problems of the heart. Since many people do not understand this concept, it is the worst pain, the aching of the heart. This lesson is what Jay Gatsby should learn, how his whole life he thought he could win over a girl with all his money and expensive shirts. In The Great Gatsby by Scott F. Fitzgerald, diction displays how money cannot buy happiness and is not the solution of the heart. Throughout the novel, Gatsby's life dream is to be with Daisy as they were once before. But even before he met Daisy, he wants to live a different life than he did with his parents. He would make schedules where he would follow strictly, it would make him into a more civilized person. Even his father knew, "Jimmy was bound to get ahead" (Fitzgerald 173). 'Jimmy' was bound to get rich because it was the love of money. With his plan to become wealthy, he changed his name from James Gatz to Jay Gatsby. Another inspiration for him to work for this money was the love of life, Daisy. He went through so many struggles just to impress Daisy. Gatsby bought a house across the waters from her, but it is a dream "that must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it" (149). Diction is used in this sentence because it expresses the feeling of want and need. Gatsby was so close yet so
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There is a famous singer that resides across this street. His house is several stories tall, and there are a plethora of luxury cars parked in the driveway. The singer discussed his struggles in life, in albums; and besides that, if no one else mentions his past conflicts, people keep perceiving him as one of the most arrogant and self–centered performers. About him there are fans and paparazzi and you may see the occasional crazed,attached admirer, one of the few hounding persons. On the surface is a man fazed and persuaded by fortunes, on a journey from the slums to manor houses; and past and within the facade, conflict after conflict;and past and within those, the true disposition of the vocalist. His actual nature is well concealed and
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