Essay On Qualities Of A Good Leader

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Top Qualities That Make A Great Leader

Forbes contributor Tanya Prive lists ten qualities that make a great leader: honesty, delegate, communication, confidence, commitment, positive attitude, creativity, intuition, inspire, and approach (Prive, 2012). The greatest leaders exemplify most or all of these attributes, and Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, is no exception, although he particularly excels at "commitment" and "inspire." Zappos has made multiple appearances on "Best Places to Work" lists and is famous for its unique culture. Hsieh says that company culture is his primary focus as CEO, and he only hires those who fit into the culture. Hsieh is so committed to creating positive culture that Zappos offers new hires $2000 to leave after orientation if they do not feel like Zappos is for them (Reiss, 2010). Hsieh's commitment to building culture is nearly unrivaled in the business world, as is Zappos commitment to customer service. The number one "commandment" at Zappos is "deliver WOW through service" (O'Brien, 2009). For years, Zappos, led by Hsieh, has been committed to having the best customer service in the industry, and Hsieh is a master at inspiring the people who work for him to embrace this vision. The employees at Zappos have clearly bought into his vision (as did Amazon when they bought the company for over $800 million). Hsieh has said that having a vision is the first thing an entrepreneur needs to have and employees and customers will sense that vision and enthusiasm. He wrote in his book Get

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Qualities Of A Good Leader Essay

Throughout my life I have had the opportunity to experience being a leader. I have experienced democratic leadership through playing high school and college sports, being part of groups in college for class presentations, being a presenter for professional development, being a head varsity coach, and most recently being the winter coordinator, acting Athletic Director, for the high school I am employed. I have learned there are many important qualities in being a good leader. The dictionary defines leadership as "...The capacity or ability to lead" or "Guidance; Direction". Many people think it is simply about being successful, but it comes down to more than that. Leaders are those people that use their skills in leadership to make a difference. It is not a skill that can simply be picked up from reading a book; leadership skills are gained through experience.

I believe an effective leader should be motivational. "Leaders lift people to higher levels of motivation and morality, and continuously reinforce that they can make a difference in the world" (Kouzes, 2012, p. 152). Motivation is very important to people. We all have a physical, psychological, and spiritual dimension. Our physical side desires a safe and secure place (climate). Our psychological side wants to be valued for our efforts and hard work (value). And our spiritual side wants meaning and purpose to what we do (expectation). Tapping into these three key elements will certainly help motivate the Get more content

John Wooden was a visionary leader and undoubtedly one of the greatest coaches in history. Full of anecdotes from past experiences, Wooden on Leadership details the leadership strategies of Wooden. This personal account makes it clear that it wasn 't winning games that made him a model leader; it was ensuring that, regardless of the final score, his players grew and put forth their utmost effort. His philosophy regarding leadership not only applies to sports, but to life as well. Wooden viewed the concept of leadership as a learning experience that is constantly changing within the boundaries of a core set of values; and he displayed leadership techniques that modeled these views.

In Wooden's eyes, knowledge of material is not enough more content...

In order to attract those with unfaltering character Wooden made sure to advertise the values he stood for through his actions. By displaying a clear set of values Wooden believed that he would attract players with similar values. In simpler terms, he said, "good values are like a magnet–they attract good people" (68). Wooden believed that character and values were the key to successful leadership and to his teams accomplishments in basketball. Tying together woodens views on the concepts of teaching and values he said, " When it comes to character and values you don't need to become a preacher, just an effective teacher who understand the power of setting a good example, especially when it comes to standards and values" (74).

A few of the values that Wooden prized are team unity, discipline, and organization. Each of these values influenced his various leadership strategies. Relating to the importance of teamwork, Wooden said, "a leader must accomplish the difficult task of getting the team to believe that 'we' supersedes 'me'" (119). Although Wooden knew it was a difficult task to overcome a me–first mentality, he had a specific way of countering this natural instinct. He believed the only way to do so was to "teach each member of the group how she or he contribute to the organization" (120). Wooden made sure that each of his players felt equally valued and led them to comprehend how their individual skills and effort

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The Qualities Of A Good Leader

Qualities Of A Good Leader

Leadership: Qualities of a good leader

There are qualities that make a good leader these are being able to undertake the decision making processes; using various different types of techniques to help motivated them team; being able to give feedback to teammates or peers, without being specific using questions, such as "What angle should your feet be facing?"; a leader has to be able to establish relationships amongst the team, as these relationships are interpersonal; finally a leader needs to be able to confidentially direct a team or a group. However, there are two theories the trait theory and social learning theory which describes the qualities of a good leader. The trait theory suggests that leaders are born with the naturalleadership qualities, such as good communication skills and enthusiasm. Whereas, the social learning theory suggests that the leader learn to use their skills to meet the current situation. (, 2016) For example, Team GB may have some natural born leaders that are in charge, or leaders that have learnt how to become leaders by trial and improvement; a good leader will boost the team's performance as it means that they are able to motivate the team to improve and do better.

Emergent or Prescribed

Leaders can be prescribed or emergent; a prescribed leader is a leader that is appointed that position, such as if the team chose that specific person to become the captain or if someone in a higher position gives someone that necessary power.

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1 – What are the ideal knowledge, skills and attributes of a leader in my area of work?


Leadership is a topic that has been widely studied and worthy of great interest because of its impact on both individuals and society as a whole. Exactly what constitutes a strong leader is a topic of debate. The term may conjure images of victorious historical figureheads such as Julius Caesar or Genghis Khan, but more subtle examples are found in everyday life, wherever there is group activity. Studies have identified definite styles and theories which define good leadership in any capacity. In order to explore the attributes of a successful leader, it is first necessary to define leadership and discuss what makes an individual succeed in more content...

Rarely is leadership mentioned without management with a continuing controversy about the difference between leadership and management. It is evident that a person can be a leader without being a manager, and a person can be a manager without leading. Nobody has proposed that managing and leading are equivalent, but the degree of overlap is a point of debate (Yukl, 2010).

The difference between management and leadership may be subjective. Both involve deciding what needs to be done, developing the capacity to do it, and ensuring that it is done. However, while management is concerned with order and consistency, leadership is concerned with change. Therefore it could be added that management is doing things right whereas leadership is doing the right things (Hayes 2010a cited Kotter 1990).

What is good leadership?

It is within our nature to know a good leader when we come across one, as they appeal to our instincts. It is perhaps more difficult to define the elements that make them successful. The simplest measure of good leadership may be success. Where a good leader succeeds, a poor leader would fail. It is therefore possible to identify good traits of leadership by looking at examples of both successful and failed leadership. Most researchers evaluate leadership effectiveness in terms of the consequences of influence on a single

The Ideal Qualities of a Leader Essay
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Leadership Traits

As a growing debate, the question at hand is whether great leaders are born with specific leadership traits, or if one can be taught certain traits over time. According to ( the approach of listing leadership qualities, often termed "trait theory of leadership", assumes certain traits or characteristics will tend to lead to effective leadership. I believe that leadership traits such as honest, competent, initiative, inspiring, hardworking, intelligent, and the ability to lead the masses, are some of the leadership traits one should possess. Within this paper, I will examine the overall concept of leadership traits, while observing the traits that were, or can be associated with successful more content...

Leadership is an action not a position. With the proper personality, a leader can accomplish many things like knowledge of the organization. Being able to handle all type of situations shows great leadership traits. According to (Hughes, Ginnett, and Curphy) the adjustment dimension of the Five Factor Model of Personality "is concerned with how people react to stress, failure, or personal criticism" and it is important for leaders to develop their response to this dimension. Leader trait research examined the physical, mental, and social characteristics of individuals. In general, these studies simply looked for significant associations between individual traits and measures of leadership effectiveness. Physical traits such as height, mental traits such as intelligence, and social traits such as personality attributes were all subjects of empirical research.


When reflecting throughout America's history, two people in particular exemplified the essence of true leadership traits, Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela. While others displayed a vast variety of traits, Martin Luther King Jr. as well as Nelson Mandela displayed traits of leadership that stood the test of time, and while today, their traits still influence, as well as affect people in today's society. Throughout his time as political activist, as well as South Africa's first African President, Nelson Mandela's Get more

Leadership Traits Essay example

The Quality Of A Good Leader

Unit 5 performance task: The quality of a good leader Let's imagine a group of twenty people lost on an isolated island with no one to help them. They will have to work together and find a certain organization to survive. But who is going to lead everyone? Who will be the most capable of that? This issue is tearing men for centuries. Kings, generals, presidents, teachers, PDG... All are different, but have something in common: they are leaders. Trough history, many of famous one were born: Churchill, Hitler, Elizabeth I, and Gandhi.... All of them have influenced the world in a good or bad way. They role might differ according to the situations, but the qualities stay the same: responsibility, honesty, compassion, bravery, loyalty.... Many of literature works relate those indispensable skills. Shakespeare discussed some of them troughs the dialogue between Malcolm and Macduff in "Macbeth" (scene IV act 3): justice, verity, temperance, stableness, bounty, perseverance, mercy, lowliness, devotion, patience, courage, fortitude.... Those, Macbeth did not have, but a good leader should. It is well–known: team–work is important. But all teams need a chief, somebody who gives directions to work well. They have to be good at strategy and tactic as it was proved in many wars. But if no one wants to listen to them, then it is useless. And if a team cannot work without a good leader, the inverse is also true. The head and the body never can be separated. A good leader has to be attractive

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Throughout the last few weeks, we've discussed numerous ideas and concepts depicting various leadership qualities, and how they apply to a work center or organization. A good leader will be able to effectively use interchangeable combinations of these concepts. As NCOs we strive to be good leaders; authentic and honest leadership is hard to come by. We need to look at ourselves, put ego aside, and take the time to actively work on improving weaknesses. My vision statement is, "To create and promote good, sustainable leadership for our future, and strive to grow airman with the same integrity and followership traits emitted by those before them." In order to do this, you must truly know yourself. It's imperative that you are aware of your values, understand your tendencies and favorable leadership styles. I've learned that I favor MBE–A, prefer the creator role, and that I fit in the mildly adaptive category. Taking tests such as the ones we did in class will help identify strengths and weaknesses. No test will ever truly pinpoint the person you are, they are tools to point you in the right direction; although some are remarkably accurate. Understanding these roles will allow me to adapt to situations and alter my approach when necessary. Knowing yourself is the baseline to being an effective leader. It will open your eyes and allow you to take charge of your physical, emotional, spiritual and social health. You must start with yourself if you want to positively

Of A Good Leader Essay
Leadership Qualities
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A good leader needs to have many particular characteristics. Some of these are obvious, such as that they care about what you are doing and always puts you before themselves. Also another trait of a good leader is that they always keep promises they make. Some of the subtle attributes of a good leader are that they do not hide behind bad news. Moreover, they are easy people to talk to and they have a good if not excellent sense of humor.

In my opinion, the best leader would be one that enjoys being the leader, is anyways there when I need him or her, sets tangible milestones,always believes that I can do everything, is optimistic, gets everyone involved, wants everyone to be successful, and lastly is courageous and brave. All more content...

I do not think that there is a single person out there in the world like what I stated above because someone could be good in one area, but lack in another area and such.

I sincerely believe that I have characteristics of a good leader, although some of them could be different from the more conventional ones. For example, I am a team player and care about the well being of others, I try my best to help everyone in their time of need, I am generally patient about things, and I really celebrate success in a very enthusiastic way. I think that these qualities are good enough for me to be able to be some type of a good leader.

However, I am human so I am not perfect and lack certain traits of a good leader. For instance, I often do not use language that is easy to understand because I use many "big" words, I do not really give people second chances because I feel that one chance is all they need, and also I am not the best person to communicate. Most of the time I try not to do these things, but these bad things still happen once in a while because I am frustrated or aggravated at something. For the most part, I am a calm and reasonable person that helps people out.

Overall, I am a pretty good leader in some areas and like to help others in their time of need. However, I am only a good leader depending on the situation and that is the major thing

Essay about Characteristics of a Good Leader
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Qualities Of A Great Leader Essay


Today's society is shifting drastically especially in the business world the leadership plays a significant role in the business paradigm in scaling the progress of any organization. Our future of management is brighter than we could have expected years ago and it is these versatile leaders' on today's management platform who will help take businesses levels across all segments of the globe to higher realms. Every individual is born with a unique identity in this world and leadership differs from one individual to another. But there are certain skills which must be present in every leader in order that he creates a distinguishing figure for himself among his followers. Great leaders are made not born. In order in becoming an effective leader, an individual must be determined and have desire such as a lion. Great leaders develop through a never–ending process of self–study, education (books & audios), training (seminars'), and experience (mentors). To inspire your workers into higher levels of teamwork, there are certain things you must be, know, and, do. These virtues do not come naturally, but are acquired through hard work and study. Great leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills; they are not resting on their success. Leadership is defined as the ability to influence individuals or groups towards the achievement of goals. Leading, as a process, shapes the goals of a group or organization, motivates behavior toward the

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Qualities Of Being A Successful Leader Essay

Throughout my life, I have multiple opportunities to experience the qualities of being a successful, effective leader. These opportunities have originated throughout the experiences of my career in athletics, playing on both high school and college football teams, being a group leader in my church, and also being a part of a family. I have gained substantial qualities that constitute a good leader through these life experiences. Some of the most valuable leadership characteristics that I have obtained, and strengthened, on day–to–day basis, include knowing how to be an overall team player, how to be a healthier listener, how to have more patience and understanding, how to be not fearful of constructive criticism, how to be outspoken, and how to be an effective problem solver. Even though I have made countless strides in particular areas, I have additional room for growth, in an effort to become an even better, effective leader.

Leadership is a characteristic that we all strive for. However, not everyone possesses the skills required to be an effective leader. Nevertheless, while some individuals can become leaders, it is actually how effective they lead that is the most significant characteristic of a successful leader. The term effective public leadership pertains to not only how the leader leads, but to how effective that leadership actually is. Montgomery Van Wart writes in the article Public–Sector Leadership Theory: An Assessment that the importance of leadership is Get more content

Qualities Of A Great Leader

Leadership. There are many who find themselves in the position of leadership within their place of work, but that doesn't always mean that they are effective as a leader. The success of a company can rely on whether or not those in management know how to instruct and direct others on their team. What are the true characteristics of a great leader? Great leaders have the ability to empower others, which will influence other people (Maxwell, 1997). Being a mentor is one very important quality of being a successful leader. In his book Developing the Leaders Around You (1995), John C. Maxwell states "Great leaders share themselves and what they have learned" (Maxwell, 1995, p 34). These leaders help others grow in knowledge, whether it more content...

That was over 10 years ago, and that former manager left a lasting impression which has inspired me to come alongside others as he did for me. Another great quality of a leader is to be a mentor. This is not a new concept, but it is new to the company that I work for where they have now instituted a new mentorship program. Currently, I am being mentored by an Accounting Manager whom I chose for the following reasons.

First, he has been with the company for over 25 years and understands the business, which includes the politics of the corporation and how to handle certain situations. Second, my knowledge of accounting is limited and he takes time to explain the company's financials. He has been an asset in guiding me in my professional career. Because of these managers and mentors, past and present as mentioned above, I have developed skills to help me lead others both personally and professionally. Leaders also have the ability to motivate others to achieve greatness. Often, lofty goals are set that are difficult for one person to accomplish alone. A true leader understands that they cannot take on the task alone. Therefore they need other like–minded individuals on their team in order to obtain the goal. According to Glick–Smith (2015), leaders are able to instill significance in others because they know they cannot tackle their obstacle without help. Understanding what gives that person on Get

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Leadership, as u can easily know the meaning from the word. It is basically a process where a person influences others to ensure that they reach their goals, directs the organization towards success. However, it also depends on how effective the leader is and on the followers' interests. It can basically be termed as teamwork, where an individual (a leader) influences a group of people to make sure that they achieve the goal.

I did the assessment of myself from Keirsey personality temperament sorter chart to find out the leadership quality in me. Initially, I thought I am not a good leader and I don't have the great quality to be a leader. The chart helps me figure out and understand what leadership quality I have. I more content...

I believe by knowing my strengths and weaknesses, it will help me to improve the quality of my leadership style. I will try to overcome my weaknesses with the strengths I have.

Strengths and Weaknesses

I will identify few of the strengths and weaknesses, which I found out through the research I did about the ENFJs on the intranet. According to Keirsey & Bates, only 5% population in general has the ENFJ leadership style. ENFJs may find themselves feeling responsible for the feelings of others to an extent, which places a burden on the relationship (Keirsey & Bates, 1984).

I found some of the strengths in me, which is common for most of ENFJs. All the personalities are not same and it may vary person to person though. One of the common strengths I found is I am a very reliable and tolerant person and yes, this is very true of myself. People I know have trust on my decision. They found me reliable and they know I am a very tolerant person in any strange situations. I always listen to them, value their opinions and try to help and see it through. I am always ready to take a stand and avoid the contradiction. Most ENFJs are like that and they usually avoid contradictions. ENFJs are selfless and so am I. I didn't realize this quality in me before I did the assessment of myself. I am concerned more about others' wishes and needs than my own. I really care about what other thinks and I take the further Get

Of A Leader
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2The qualities and traits of leaders

A number of leadership traits almost come directly from within. These are the qualities that might be harder to train, but which make leading other people smoother.


A good leader has to show commitment. Fulfilling your vision won't happen overnight and you need to be able to convince everyone else that you won't disappear when things get tough. If you make a promise, you need to keep it. You can't just preach about achieving A, B and C, but you need to show that you are actually going to do it. Commitment matters for two reasons. First, when you show commitment you help build trust. The team and anyone involved with the project will be able to trust your word. Trust will keep work morale up and help you achieve objectives faster since people don't need to second–guess what your objectives are. But furthermore, the second aspect of commitment is about setting an example. As mentioned throughout the article, leadership is about setting an example and if you show commitment to your word, your subordinates will be inspired to stick to their promises. Using your own example of hard work, you will ensure the people around you feel motivated to do the same thing.


Passion should be at the heart of everything you do. It doesn't matter whether you are a leader of a multibillion company or a lumberjack, without passion, you won't achieve success. You can understand its importance when you view it as the fuel to your truck.

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The Qualities And Traits Of Leaders Essay

Qualities of a Good Leader

Monkey see monkey do; that is how people in a community follow their leader. They may not follow him or her action for action but in essence they do. If the leader is selfish and greedy then the people will grow selfish and greedy. If a leader is humble and has a mind and heart to serve the people instead of being served, the nature of the people will become more cordial. A leader is tasked with the governing and care of those under him/her, says a leader is " a guiding or directing head". A leader should lead by example; serving willingly, taking responsibility, and staying humble because the people under them will start to adopt and behave like their leader.

A good leader is humble, more content... This story shows us that one quality a leader needs is trust. A leader needs to be able to trust his people; in order for a leader to be able to trust his people he must get to know them. This is where king must be one with the people comes into the picture.

A leader who does not know his people will not be able to trust his people. It is also impossible to trust something you do not know or have a relationship with. Christians place their trust in God because we have a relationship with Him. Knowing your people can also be applied to making decisions for them. If a leader knows his people and knows their concerns, their needs, their desires, and their routines then he will be able to make choices that will benefit the lives of his people. God makes decisions that are for our good. We may not understand right away why it is a good thing but Jeremiah 29:11 assures us that it is for our prosperity.

Arthur provided and took care of his knights and people because he knew them. He ensured the people's security and peace; as for his knights, he took care of their needs in the field and supported them if they needed it. In battle and out of battle, Arthur would have made sure to take care of his knights and serve them. One way Arthur protected his Knights was training. Legend saysKing Arthurwas an expert swordsman and he was a force in battle. If he truly cared for the lives of his knights he would have taught them what he knows. He equipped his men Get

Essay on Qualities of a Good Leader
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Certain leaders stand out in our memories when thinking about leadership. We remember them for their charm and charisma or maybe we remember the way they presented themselves. We remember that important conversation we shared which was so important to us, and that speech that left the crowd speechless and inspired. We recall the leader who picked us up when we were down and the leader who had faith in us when no one else did. Those leaders were special and unique. They were great and had the ability to lead like no other. Great leaders possess many leadership traits that make them exceptional. A great leader has empathy. He will go the extra mile to gain a better understanding of you as a person. A great leader will strive more content...

An empathetic leader will not make snap decisions on information he hears for the first time. He will always gain knowledge of the parties involved and call upon them to gain a clarification of the situation. He will dig into the thoughts and feelings of those involved in order to gain an overall better understanding of the situation. The empathetic leader believes that the more information he has, the better his decision will be. He knows that by asking for your clarity in the topic, he is showing you that he cares about your opinion. Mahatma Gandhi, a political and spiritual leader during the movement for India's independence in the 20th century, is a person who clearly exemplified empathy towards his followers during his time. Communication is another leadership trait that a great leader must possess. A great leader will effectively communicate with his personnel. Communication is one the most vital traits he must have. Even if his message is not always positive, a great leader will know it is best to be upfront, truthful, and timely. A leader that communicates well will use several tools in which to interconnect with his personnel. He will always find a way to connect with his workforce through emails, meetings, speeches, phone calls, video teleconferences, and tweets. He will share his vision, plans, and goals. A great leader will always talk about and discuss the challenges and barriers ahead. His words of wisdom will always motivate his Get more content

A Great Leader. Essay

Leadership is a term on which no one can develop a mutual consensus as it carries a different meaning for ach individual. Some people may consider a person as their leader who is capable of taking them away from hardships, some people may consider the one as their leader who is quite charismatic and can show them dreams of a bright future or some people may consider that man as a leader who can make them progress by devising wise strategies for them etc. There is, somehow, something very common in all the perspectives that are the philosophy behind the definition, which is related to choosing a best of the best person as their leader. Nobody wants to have a person as his leader who doesn't have knowledge of the needs and aspirations of more content...

No one can get success without having the trust of people on his capabilities because without that he won't be able to gain enough confidence to take desired actions without the fear of being rejected. Lastly, he must take some steps in order to prove him a leader and also to make him realize his very own potential (Jim Murray). So, from the above definitions we may draw a difference between leaders and managers as leaders do have a vision, goal and objective, which he tries to make effective and purposeful. On the contrary, the managers only have to maintain their efficiency on day–to–day basis. In other words administration is the task of managers but innovation is the characteristic of leaders and there is a possibility of a manager becoming a leader by setting high standards and goals for his people. It is not the task of this paper to present a difference between both but it is important to present it only because of its being necessary to clear the concept of a leader. So, a good leader is a person who can look high into the horizons when the people are looking down in the bottom line. This makes other people follow their footsteps as everyone wants to move towards horizon to explore new dimensions of practicality. So, first and foremost quality of a leader is not only to see at high things but also make the people see and strive for the same thing. For this purpose, they have to monitor even minor things by making people feel valued and inspired. A good

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Being a Good Leader Essay

It is obvious that our society is organized according to some regularities. There are people who should make some serious decisions and rule our world and, at the same time, there are also people who accept these decisions, hoping that they will result in some benefits for them. It should be said that not always leaders, who are responsible for some important decisions, are respected by the rest of population. That is why, very often even right and needed solutions cannot be accepted because of the lack of trust which this person has. In coherent society this problem is usually connected with the leadership qualities which a person possesses. Under these conditions, the question of leadership obtains a great importance. Trustworthy leader can be more efficient as he/she can unite people only by the power of his/her words and persuade them to work in order to achieve some result. At the same time, a leader, who cannot be trusted, has pernicious influence on a collective and even destroys it. With this in mind, it is possible to analyze different types of leaders in order to understand the difference better. However, before the analysis, it should be said that in general, the image of a leader is very important nowadays. For centuries people with strong will and good leadership qualities inspired humanity to achieve some results. That is why, leaders are so important. If to speak not so globally, every organization or collective needs a leader for it to be able to

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Leadership Qualities Of A Good Leader

The Qualities Of A Nurse Leader Essay

In nursing, we grow every day; learning to be a strong professional takes many skills. Some people are born with, and some acquired through practice and research. It is important in being a good democratic leader to establish rules effectively with peers and subordinates. Leadership involves action, creativity, motivation, and visioning. It is viewing the possibilities and motivating others to make things happen (Kearney–Nunnery, 2016). Evidence based practice is a must to have a successful and a safe practice in your work environment, whether it is a hospital or nursing home. Leadership and evidence based practice are two parts of the coin that are very important in being a nurse leader.

Leadership is a critical part of the organization to apply evidence based practice. This paper identifies and defines these important nursing traits and discusses the traits that are significant to being proficient in these skills.

Leadership is a strong quality that can be possessed with some innate personality traits that consists of influencing others in beliefs, behaviors, or opinions to all reach a common goal. There are two forms of leadership, formal and informal. Formal leadership occurs when someone is appointed to a position of authority. Informal leadership may not have professional authority, but shows a significant amount of impact in the group influenced. (Cherry, Jacob, 2017) Joan Marques discusses mean leadership modules that are used throughout different facilities. When

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Qualities Of A Good Leader

As we continue to learn about leadership, we continue to see the importance of having certain qualities. There are differing opinions on what traits hold more importance than others, but in the end, each quality plays a specific role in forming an excellent leader. Three qualities that preform a role in the equation, and that needs strengthened in my own leadership skills, are enthusiasm, persistence and charisma. The first leadership quality that is extremely important to master is showing enthusiasm. In the text book, it emphasizes the significance of genuine enthusiasm and the persuasion power that comes with it. Employees become excited and willing to accept the direction of a leader when enthusiasm is displayed. This is such an important trait to incorporate into your leadership style because having a strong and positive morale in the atmosphere encourages employees to make great strides in the interest of the company. Having an enthusiastic leader beaming with pride and encouragement creates a contagious mood in the room. Certain situations can put a strain on the leader though, which makes it difficult to continually show enthusiasm. This is where I struggle when it comes to this trait. When you are a leader you have to be able to put your own emotions to the side, and lead with positivity. It is a ludicrous idea to assume that leaders do not experience bad days and have their own personal problems to deal with, but if they cannot put that aside when they

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