L.H. Selman Ltd.'s Fall 2003 Paperweight Price Guide & Auction

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L. H. Selman Ltd

**////, D eta il o f Lot 3

Fall 2003


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October 17, 2003 at 5 pm B id s


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See “Conditions of Sale” on p. 64.

A uction N umber 31

L. H. Selman Ltd. 123 Locust Street, Santa Cruz, California 95060 • pwAuction.com • TheGlassGallery.com

Part I: Antique Paperweights & Related Objects

The fin est collectors look a t th eir possessions w ith the fe e lin g s o f an a rtist a n d relive, to som e extent, the sensuous a n d im a gin a tive experiences w hich lie behin d each work.

— from Great Private Collections by Douglas Cooper; introduction by Kenneth Clark; quote by Frank Mahheim author of A Garland o f Weights.


Back deta il o f Lot 1 1. Extremely rare, important antique Clichy moss ground paperweight, with a large central pink and green Clichy rose, in a moss ground, with a full signature cane. A wide assortment of colorful traditional Clichy complex and pastry-mold canes are arranged in an open concentric pattern around the central rose cane. The moss canes are evenly and masterfully distrib­ uted throughout, including a perfectly symmetrical ring of canes on the perimeter of the ground. The word CLICHY is spelled out in a signature cane composed of six individual rods in turquoise-on-white letters, surrounding a cobalt blue and white floret, closed with a pink bull’s-eye cane. The unique sig­ nature rests on the underside of the ground, behind the rose, surrounded by the moss canes. “[This] example... is quite exceptional and of beautiful make. The proof that the work­ man who built it realized the value of this work shown by the ‘CLICHY’ written in full in the middle of the back side of the ornament. The ground of green moss dotted with stars and flo­ rets recalls the most charming of French Touraine tapestries of the XVIth century. It does not seem possible to achieve a high­ er expression of art on the road of paperweight making; one can well understand that a factory capable of producing pieces of such quality should have been given countless praise and

endless admiration.” Les Presse-Papiers Francais d e Cristal, R. Imbert et Y. Amic, 1948, p.86. See also Paperweights: “Flowers w hich clothe the m eadow s”, plate 93, pp. 32, 136. Diameter 3 1/8". $180,000-250,000 — Provenance: Mr. Z. Djevahirdjian, A Garland o f Weights, p. 103. 2. Very rare antique Mount Washington magnum rose-col­ ored dahlia paperweight, having three layers of open petals around an upright center of unfurling petals, with green stem and five green leaves, on clear ground. Rough pontil. “Another Mt. Washington characteristic is the vertical bundling of petals seen in the dahlia... suggesting a flower not completely opened.” Glass Paperw eights o f the N ew York H istorical Society.; p. 122. See One H undred o f the M ost Im portant Paperweights, plate 87, pp. 194-195. Diameter 4 5/16". $50,000-60,000 — Provenance: The Edward Laurence Doheny and Estelle Doheny collection.

Fall 2003


3. Very rare antique New England Glass Company crown paperweight, with a central nosegay composed of three millefiori flowers and four serrated green leaves, centered on radiating red and cobalt blue twists, alternating with spiraling white latticinio ribbons over a clear center. Diameter 3 3/4". $20,000-30,000

4. Antique Clichy stylized flower paperweight, with ivory and green petals around a complex cog cane cen­ ter, and three green leaves, on a swirling white latticinio cushion. Diameter 2 3/4". $12,000-20,000


Fall 2003

5. Antique Clichy interlaced trefoil garlands paperweight, with one garland of green canes, the other of pale pink millefiori with red centers, surrounding a central arrangement of a pink and green rose cane, encircled by seven canes of mixed violet and green colors, on clear ground. Six and one faceting. Diameter 2 3/4�. $2000-2500 6. Antique Clichy scattered millefiori paperweight, with complex canes in shades of red, blue, green, pink, yellow, and white, on sodden snow ground. Includes several partial canes. Diameter 3 1/8". $2500-3000 7. Antique Clichy trefoil garland paperweight, composed of dark green, pink, and white florets, looped around seven large complex canes, spaced on clear ground. Diameter 2 1/2�. $2000-3000

Fall 2003


8. Antique Clichy concentric millefiori paperweight, with a ring of eight white and green roses circling a central red, black, and white cane, followed by a ring of purple and white cog canes. The outer ring is comprised of trios of green and white canes, alternating with red and white complex canes. Clear ground, with six and one faceting. Diameter 2 7/16". $2000-2500 9. Antique Clichy concentric millefiori paperweight, with a central white and green rose, surrounded by two concentric rings of canes in pink and white, and pink and green, with a border garland comprised of sets of three white canes with red centers, alternating with cobalt blue and white complex canes. Clear ground, with a top facet and three rows of side facets. Diameter 2 7/16�. $1000-1400 10. Antique Clichy concentric millefiori paperweight, with a ring of purple and gold canes surrounding a central pink and green Clichy rose cane. The other ring of canes is comprised of pairs of green and white canes, alternating with pink and white striped complex canes. Clear ground, with top facet and four rows of side facets. Diameter 2 3/16". $1600-2000


Fall 2003

11. Antique Clichy trefoil garlands on turquoise color ground paperweight, with a central white, green, and red complex cane, surrounded by a pair of entwined millefiori gar­ lands, one white and one pink, on opaque turquoise ground. Diameter 2 11/16". $ 1500-2500 12. Antique Clichy swirl paperweight, with alternating bands of pink and white, emanating from a central green, white, and pink complex cane. Diameter 3 1/8". $1800-2500 13. Antique Clichy patterned millefiori on color ground paperweight, with six spaced clusters of complex canes, on opaque pink ground. Diameter 2 3/4". $1800-2500

Fall 2003


14. Antique Clichy millefiori garlands paperweight, with a pair of five-point star garlands, one inside the other, surround­ ing a central pink and white pastry mold cane, on cobalt blue ground. Diameter 2 11/16". $1800-2500 15. Antique Clichy scattered millefiori paperweight, with assorted complex canes on translucent cobalt blue ground. Diameter 3 1/16". $3000-3250 16. Antique Clichy close packed millefiori paperweight, with assorted, colorful, complex canes, including four pink and green roses, and five white roses, in a pink and white stave basket. Diameter 2 5/8". $2750-3250


Fall 2003

17. Antique Clichy millefiori chequer paperweight, with a green, red, and white complex cane center, and one white and green rose at the border. Diameter 2 5/8". $2750-3500 18. Antique Clichy millefiori chequer paperweight, with a purple, green, and white complex cane center, surrounded by two spaced rings of canes, which are divided by short segments of white latticinio, over parallel strips of white latticinio. Diameter 3 1/8". $2500-3250 19. Antique Clichy circular millefiori garlands paper­ weight, with a central blue complex cane, encircled by a ring of edelweiss canes, surrounded by five circular garlands, each having a complex cane center, on clear ground. Includes a pink and green rose at the center of a ring of purple cog canes. Top facet and all-over geometric side facets. Diameter 2 3/4". $2000-3000

Fall 2003


20. Antique Clichy spaced millefiori paperweight, with a central pink and green rose, encircled by assorted complex canes, in pink, green, blue, purple, red, maroon, and white, on clear ground. Includes three border canes which contain tiny roses at their centers; two cobalt blue canes have white rose cen­ ters, and a red cane has a pink rose center. Diameter 2 3/4". $1800-2300 21. Antique Clichy cinquefoil garland paperweight, with blue, pink, and white cog canes, around a green, yellow, and white complex center cane, on clear ground. Border of five green canes, spaced between the outer loops of the garland. Diameter 3 1/16". $900-1400 22. Antique Clichy scrambled millefiori paperweight, with a large whole pink and green Clichy rose, and fragments of pink and green, and pink, white, and green roses. Diameter 2 15/16". $1000-1500


Fall 2003

Top view o f Lot 23 23. Antique Clichy millefiori newel post, of scattered canes in shades of pink, green, blue, purple, red, aqua, black, and white, including three rose canes, on clear ground. Diameter 3 5/8". $4500-6000

Top view o f Lot 2 4 24. Antique Clichy scattered millefiori newel post, with sev­ eral different rose canes, including pink and blue, white and green, and white, on clear ground. Metal base. Height 5 1/4", diameter 3 1/2". $4000-5000

Fall 2003


25. Antique Baccarat faceted pompon and garland paper­ weight, containing a yellow-centered white flower, on a stem with a white bud and green leaves, encircled by a complex millefiori garland, over clear, star-cut ground. Top facet and six side facets. Diameter 2 9/16". $3000-4000 26. Antique Baccarat double clematis and garland on upset muslin paperweight, containing a dark red clematis, with two tiers of petals around a pale yellow cane center, on a stem with a red bud and green leaves, on white upset muslin, encircled by a border garland of alternating green and white complex canes. Diameter 3". $2000-2750 27. Antique Baccarat clematis buds paperweight, with five pale blue buds, on stems with green leaves over clear star-cut ground. Diameter 2 7/8". $1500-2000


28. Antique Baccarat white pompon paperweight, with a large, three-dimensional flower, one bud, stem, and green leaves, surrounded by a ring of complex millefiori, alternating white, red, and gold with blue, green, white, and red on clear ground with star-cut base. Diameter 2 15/16". $2750-3000 29. Antique Baccarat white double clematis paperweight, with one white bud, stem, and six green leaves, surrounded by a ring of millefiori, alternating white and red star canes with green, white, and red complex canes. Clear ground with starcut base. Diameter 2 5/8". $1200-2000 30. Antique Baccarat dogrose paperweight, with whiteedged pink petals, stardust/bull’s-eye cane center, green leaves, and stem on clear, star-cut ground. Diameter 2 13/16". $1500-2000

Fall 2003

31. Antique Baccarat butterfly and clematis paperweight, containing a butterfly, with marbled millefiori wings, an amethyst latticinio body, and blue eyes, hovering above a mauve double clematis, on clear, star-cut ground. Diameter 2 1/4". $3000-4000 32. Antique Baccarat pansy paperweight, containing a large pansy, composed of two purple upper petals, and three yellow and blue lower petals, on a stem with a dark purple bud, and bright green leaves, over clear, star-cut ground. Diameter 3 1/8". $1700-2300 33. Antique Baccarat pansy paperweight, containing a dark purple and yellow pansy, having a stardust/bulls-eye cane cen­ ter, a purple and yellow bud, green leaves, and stems, on clear star-cut ground. Diameter 2 3/4". $700-900

34. Antique Saint Louis faceted upright bouquet paper­ weight, with lampwork and millefiori flowers of blue, yellow, and white, encircled by a white spiral torsade. All-over geomet­ ric facets. Diameter 2 9/16". $2500-3500 35. Antique Baccarat faceted double clematis paperweight, with a salmon-colored flower and two buds, encircled by a millefiori garland, on clear star-cut ground. Top facet and two rows of side facets. Diameter 2 1/2". $3000-3750 36. Antique Baccarat faceted flower and garland paper­ weight with a central flower, composed of six red petals, bor­ dered by six white petals, on a stem with green leaves, encircled by a ring of complex millefiori, on clear, star-cut ground. Six and one facets. Diameter 2 9/16". $3250-4000

Fall 2003


37. Antique Baccarat Dupont open concentric millefiori paperweight, with assorted complex canes in blue, yellow, red, green, and white, around a central pink, green, and white cog cane, on clear ground. Flat-cut top, and spiral-cut sides. Diameter 2 5/8". $400-500 38. Antique Baccarat macedoine paperweight, with short sections of twists and latticinio in red, blue, green, coral, yel­ low, and white. Diameter 2 15/16". $800-1000 39. Antique Baccarat interlaced trefoil garlands on upset muslin paperweight, with a central cross/arrow cane, encir­ cled by a ring of stardust/bull’s-eye canes, and surrounded by a pair of intertwined garlands, one green and one red, on white upset muslin. The outer loops of the garlands surround six large spaced complex canes. Diameter 3 1/16". $5000-6000


40. Antique Baccarat cinquefoil garland paperweight, with a millefiori garland surrounding a cluster of red and white cog canes, around a central white, blue, and red comlex cane; five outer red and white striped complex canes with green centers punctuate the cinquefoil curves. On clear ground. Diameter 3". $900-1200 41. Antique Baccarat dated close packed complex millefiori paperweight, with Gridel silhouette canes of a rooster, dog, pheasant, horse, deer, and lovebirds, picture canes of flowers, and five abstracted roses. aB 1848” signature/date cane. Diameter 2 13/16". $3500-4000 42. Antique Baccarat millefiori mushroom paperweight, with a tuft of close packed complex canes, encircled by a blue and white torsade, on clear star-cut ground. Diameter 2 3/4". $1400-2000

Fall 2003

43. Antique Baccarat snake paperweight, containing a brown-mottled dark red snake, coiled on sandy ground, flecked with green glass and mica. Diameter 3". $750-1000

46. Antique Baccarat close packed millefiori mushroom paperweight, with blue and white torsade on clear star-cut ground. Five-sided top facet and large side facets with common edges. Diameter 3 1/16". $1200-2000

44. Antique Baccarat scattered millefiori paperweight, with assorted complex canes, including cross and star canes, in blue, red, green, yellow, goldenrod, purple, lavender, brown, and white, on white upset muslin. Diameter 2 3/4". $1500-2000

47. Antique Baccarat interlaced trefoil garlands paper­ weight, with a garland of blue, white, and red complex canes, entwined with a garland of white, red, and green complex canes, on clear ground. The garlands surround a ring of white, green, and red star canes, which encircles a blue, red, and white cog cane center; six spaced canes rest in the outer loops of the garlands. Diameter 3 1/8". $700-1000

45. Antique Baccarat patterned millefiori on blue ground paperweight, with seven spaced complex canes, each sur­ rounded by a circular garland of complex canes, on translucent cobalt blue ground. The design includes three Clichy-style pink rose canes. Diameter 3". $3000-4000

48. Antique Baccarat Joan of Arc sulphide paperweight, with the maiden holding a sword, and framed by oak and lau­ rel branches, over clear ground. Top facet and geometric side facets. Diameter 3 1/2". $1300-1800

Fall 2003


49. Antique Saint Louis concentric millefiori mushroom paperweight, with a blue, green, and white complex center cane encircled by bold cog and six-pointed star canes and sur­ rounded by a blue and white torsade. Diameter 3". $1400-1800 50. Early antique Clichy concentric millefiori paperweight, containing six rows of multi-colored complex canes, on clear ground. Diameter 2 3/4". $1100-1200 51. Antique Saint Louis scrambled millefiori paperweight, containing fragments of bright, multi-colored twists, canes, and rods, and white latticinio on clear ground. Diameter 2 13/16". $550-800


52. Antique Bohemian concentric millefiori paperweight, circa 1875, with four rowsof canessurrounding a central com­ plex white, blue, andgreen cane, on light mica ground. Diameter 3 1/16". $550-800 53. Antique Bacchus spaced millefiori on sodden snow paperweight, with three rows of multi-colored individual canes, surrounding a central teal and white complex cane, in a teal green and white stave basket. Diameter 2 15/16". $5500-6500 54. Antique Saint Louis clematis on jasper ground paper­ weight with a white double clematis, green leaves, and stem, on green and white jasper ground. Diameter 2 1/2". $2000-3000

Fall 2003

55. Antique Saint Louis concentric millefiori mushroom paperweight, with three rows of canes in red, blue, and white, with star and cog motifs, surrounding a central complex cane in green, white, red, and blue. A red and white latticinio tor足 sade surrounds the mushroom, under an air ring inclusion. Star-cut base. Diameter 2 13/16". $1600-2500 56. Antique Saint Louis faceted upright bouquet paper足 weight, containing a golden-yellow clematis surrounded by lampwork and cane flowers, and green leaves, on clear ground. Six and one facets. Diameter 2 15/16". $2000-3000 57. Antique Saint Louis fruit bouquet paperweight, with two red cherries, two amber apples, a green pear, and green leaves, in a swirling white latticinio basket. Diameter 2 15/16". $1200-1500

58. Antique Saint Louis faceted cherries paperweight, with two red cherries, on a beige branch with green leaves, over clear ground. All-over circular facets. Diameter 2 3/4". $2750-3500 59. Antique Saint Louis faceted nosegay paperweight, with four complex cane flowers and green leaves, encircled by a millefiori garland, ondiamond-cut, amber-flash ground. Multiple facets. Diameter 2 1/2". $1200-1800 60. Antique Saint Louis pelaronium paperweight, com足 posed of a pink flower, with pale green leaves and stem, on dou足 ble-swirl white latticinio. Diameter 2 5/8". $3250-4000

Fall 2003


61. Antique Baccarat close packed miniature millefiori paperweight, including Gridel silhouette canes of a rooster, dog, goat, and pigeon, and a “B 1848” signature/date cane. Diameter 2 1/16". $2000-3000

65. Antique Saint Louis miniature crown paperweight, with twists of red and green alternating with white latticinio filigree, radiating from a central red, white, and blue complex cane. Diameter 2". $1600-2200

62. Antique Baccarat miniature dogrose paperweight, with red and white petals, a white and red central star cane, stem and five green leaves, over a star-cut base. Diameter 1 3/4". $1000-1500

66. Antique Baccarat miniature clematis paperweight, con­ taining a mauve double clematis, with bull’s-eye/stardust sta­ mens, green leaves, and stem, encircled by a complex millefiori garland, on clear, star-cut ground. Diameter 1 15/16". $2000-2500

63. Antique Saint Louis miniature patterned millefiori paperweight, with a central complex cross cane, encircled by a spaced ring of five, blue-rimmed, white star canes, and a bor­ der ring of alternating pink and chartreuse canes, on clear ground. Diameter 1 13/16". $400-600 64. Antique Baccarat miniature dogrose paperweight, with blue and white petals, a white and red center cane, green stem, and five green leaves, over a star-cut base. Diameter 1 13/16". $1100-1600


67. Antique Baccarat miniature wheatflower paperweight, with two tiers of pale yellow, black-spotted petals, surrounding a central white, green, and red complex cane, containing a bull’s-eye and two rings of stars. The flower grows on a stem with seven green leaves, over a star-cut ground. Diameter 2 1/4". $2000-3000 68. Antique Clichy miniature spaced millefiori paper­ weight, with a central pink and green rose, encircled by assort­ ed complex canes, including a white and green rose, on clear ground. Diameter 2". $1200-1600

Fall 2003

69. Antique Saint Louis wafer stand with scrambled mille足 fiori and latticinio in the base. Clear shallow bowl with scal足 loped rim, and a pink and white torsade. Height 3". $2300-3300

72. Antique American nosegay seal with three millefiori flo足 rets, dark green stem, and four dark green leaves. Four rows of faceting, including six vertical facets, on a waffle-cut ground. Diameter 1 1/4", height 2 1/2". $900-1200

70. Antique Saint Louis crystal perfume bottle, with an upright bouquet in the faceted stopper. The bouquet has five lampwork and millefiori flowers, in red, cobalt blue, yellow, and white, which are surrounded by green leaves. Stopper has all-over honeycomb facets on the top, and vertical flutes around the neck. The clear bottle is fancy cut. Height 5". $2000-3000

73. Antique Venetian scent bottle with eleven cupid por足 traits, twelve rose canes, and numerous blue and white striped flower canes, with green leaves and swirls of gold aventurine. Black bead stopper. Height 1 7/16", width 1 9/16". $1600-2000

71. Antique Saint Louis miniature shot glass, composed of pink and white spiraling threads in the grooved cup, and spaced complex canes in the base. Height 3 1/2". $2000-3000

74. Antique Venetian flattened round glass scent bottle, with portrait canes of four different men, two bridges, and a gondola, amidst swirls of gold aventurine and colored glass, in blue, green, and white. Cork stopper, with metal collar and attached chain. Height 2 3/8". $1600-2000 75. Antique Venetian narrow round glass scent bottle, with portrait canes of five different men and three gondolas, amidst swirls of gold aventurine and colored glass in shades of blue, green, red, and white. Engraved metal cap. Height 2 7/8". $1600-2000

Fall 2003


76. Antique Whitefriars dated 1848 concentric millefiori inkwell, containing canes in pastel pink, blue, and yellow, as well as red, white, blue, and green, with a row of unusual blue and white portrait canes containing the numbers 7 and 6. 1848 date canes. Bottom design is reflected in the ink bowl. The stopper contains a similar concentric design, with a row of the 7 and 6 canes. Rough pontil. Diameter 4 11/16”, height 6 1/16”. $800-1200

78. A & B. Antique Whitefriars dated millefiori pitcher and millefiori drinking glass. The pitcher base contains concentric millefiori in blue, pink, and white, and includes an 1848 date cane. The accompanying drinking glass contains multi­ colored concentric canes in the base, with unusual red and white 7 and 6 cane. Drinking glass diameter 2 15/16”, height 4 9/16”. Pitcher diameter 5 3/16”, height 6 1/4". $600-1000

77. Antique Whitefriars super magnum concentric mille­ fiori paperweight, with five rows of canes around a central cobalt blue and white cane. Rough pontil. Diameter 5". $600-1000


Fall 2003

79. Antique English Nailsea large high-domed green bottle paperweight, containing randomly scattered, elongated bub­ bles. Height 5 5/8". $300-400

82. Antique English green bottle paperweight, with a large flower centered over several layers of spaced bubbles. Height 4 3/4". $375-450

80. Antique English Nailsea round green bottle flower pot paperweight, with a large, petunia-type flower. Unfinished pontil. Diameter 3 3/8". $170-225

83. Antique English Nailsea large high-domed green bottle paperweight, with six, spaced, upright flowers, growing from a flower pot. Height 5". $375-450

81. Antique English Walsh-Walsh magnum doorstop, with five spaced clusters of concentric millefiori, including several “76” canes, in blue, pink, red, and white, on clear ground. Unfinished pontil. Height 5 1/4", diameter 4 1/8". $1000-1500

84. Antique English concentric millefiori inkwell, with a red, white, and blue cog cane center, encircled by six rings of canes in pink, red, blue, white, and green. Multi-faceted sides with clear footed base. The faceted stopper contains four con­ centric rings of canes, in blue, red, white, and green. Height 5 3/4", diameter 4 1/8". $1000-1500

Fall 2003


85. Antique Sandwich Glass Company cross-flower paper­ weight, with a green-tipped red cross, having a yellow-spotted blue cane at the crux, and small and large green leaves, on red, white, and blue jasper ground. Diameter 2 7/8". $900-1500

88. Antique Sandwich Glass Company poinsettia paper­ weight, with a double-tiered pale blue flower, having small bubbles placed between each of the five upper petals, on a stem with two green leaves, over clear ground. Diameter 2 3/4". $650-800

86. Antique New England Glass Company poinsettia paperweight, with a double-tiered pink poinsettia, having a complex cane center, three green leaves, and a curved stem, on double-swirl white latticinio. Diameter 3 3/16". $900-1500

89. Antique New England Glass Company poinsettia paperweight, with a double-tiered cobalt blue flower, three green leaves, and a stem, on double-swirl white latticinio. Diameter 2 7/8". $1000-1400

87. Antique Sandwich Glass Company pear paperweight, containing a dark pink pear, on a stem with two green leaves, over clear ground. Diameter 3". $800-1200


90. Antique Sandwich Glass Company poinsettia paper­ weight, with a double-tiered pink poinsettia, having a white and green “Lutz” rose cane center, five green leaves, and a short stem, on clear ground. Diameter 3". $1000-1500

Fall 2003

91. Antique New England Glass Company crown paper­ weight, with alternating twists in red and white, and cobalt blue and yellow, emanating from a central white complex cane. Diameter 2 1/8". $700-1000

94. Antique New England Glass Company bouquet of fruit paperweight, with four pears, four cherries, an apple, and dark green leaves, in a formal arrangement, on double-swirl white latticinio. Diameter 2 3/8". $300-630

92. Antique New England Glass Company faceted crown paperweight, with a clear-encased crown, composed of red and green twists, alternating with white latticinio twists, emanating from a cobalt blue, white, and red complex cane. Four and one quatrefoil facets. Diameter 2 3/16". $1200-1600

95. Antique New England Glass Company cherries paper­ weight, with red cherries and green leaves on a stem, over clear ground. Multiple circular facets. Diameter 2 11/16". $1500-2500

93. Antique New England Glass Company close packed complex millefiori paperweight, including three bee silhou­ ette canes. This piece has an unusual arrangement of side canes which curve down to the base on a clear cushion. Diameter 2 5/8". $1200-1600

96. Antique American scrambled millefiori paperweight, with whole and partial complex canes, latticinio, and filigree. Diameter 2 3/8". $200-250

Side d eta il o f Lot 93 Fall 2003


97. Antique Czechoslovakian, high-domed paperweight, with an upright cobalt blue flower, encircled by curved red and black ribbons, on multi-colored ground. All-over geometric facets. Diameter 2 7/8". $225-300

100. Antique Bohemian scattered complex millefiori paper­ weight with canes, in pink, blue, green, red, yellow, and white, and bits of colored filigree, on white upset muslin. Diameter 2 5/8". $1000-1500

98. Antique Czechoslovakian paperweight, with five, spaced, multi-colored flowers, growing from green, blue, red, pink, and white speckled ground. Concave top facet with side panel facets. Diameter 3 3/4". $250-350

101. Antique Venetian scramble paperweight, with colorful twists, white latticinio, and three pieces of gold aventurine. Unpolished base. Diameter 2 7/8". $400-500

99. Antique Czechoslovakianpaperweight, with three flow­ ers, two pink and one purple, on long green stems with two green leaves. All-over geometric facets. Diameter 3 5/8". $250-350


102. Antique, possibly Saint Mande, spaced concentric millefiori paperweight. The colors and ruffled canes are sug­ gestive of Clichy, the design is well centered, and the starcut ground adds sparkle. See “St. Mande, A Fifth French V ictory”, A nnual B ulletin oftheP C A (1991); and “Saint Mande Confirmed”, Annual Bulletin o f the PCA (1999). Diameter 2 3/4". $650-1000

Fall 2003

103. Antique Millville umbrella pedestal paperweight, with a red, pink, blue, and yellow-speckled white umbrella, or mushroom, over a clear, footed base. Height 3 3/8", diameter 3 1/8". $400-300

106. Antique Whitefriars concentric millefiori paper­ weight, containing canes in red, white, and blue, in a dark blue-over-white double overlay, with five and one facets. Diameter 2 3/4". $1500-2000

104. Antique Millville crystal ink bottle, the base containing two multi-colored leafy fronds, over an opaque white ground. (No stopper.) Height 4 13/16". $300-400

107. Antique Millville motto paperweight, with a pair of clasped hands, framed by the word, “Friendship”, in blue let­ ters, and by a two branches of green leaves, on white ground. Circular top facet. Diameter 3 1/2". $200-300

105. Antique American frit paperweight, with the inscrip­ tion, “To Mother Home Sweet Home”, over wavy, multi-col­ ored ground. Diameter 3 1/4". $200-250

108. Antique New England Glass Company Kossuth sul­ phide paperweight, with a likeness of Louis Kossuth, inscribed, “Ex-Governor of Hungaria set at liberty by the peo­ ple of the United States of America 1851”. Diameter 2 5/8". $250-300

Fall 2003


Part II: Modern Paperweights & Related Objects

109. Barry Sautner 2001 “Winter's Bough” circular plaque, with sand-carved white pine boughs and pine cones against a green background. Signed and dated. Diameter 8 3/4". $10,000-13,000


110. Rick Ayotte 1999 “Pansy Bouquet” large crystal bowl, with blue and yellow pansies, blue and yellow flowers, buds, and berries on translucent blue ground. Flared sides with mul­ tiple printies. Signed/dated. One of one. Diameter 8 3/4". $5000-6000

Fall 2003

111. Saint Louis large vase, with ruby-flash overlay and a white torsade around the rim. Contains a millefiori nosegay on upset muslin, in the base. “SL 1992” signature/date cane. LE of 75. Height 12". $4500-5500

112. Victor Trabucco crystal chalice, with a pink rose, bud, white flowers, and green leaves in the bottom section; translu­ cent blue bowl and clear, circular base. Signed. Height 8 3/4". $1500-2000

Fall 2003


113. Randall Grubb “Garden Wall” glass sculpture of encased flamework, with purple, pink, yellow, and white flow­ ers growing over a wall of brown and white speckled rocks. Signature cane. Height 9 1/2". $7500-9000


114. Lundberg Studios 2000 “Monterey Bay Sanctuary” magnum vase, with angelfish, shrimp, crabs, starfish, jellyfish, and shells, against an aqua-flash ground. Signed/dated by Daniel Salazar. Height 9". $1800-2250

Fall 2003

115. Paul Stankard “Paphiopedilum Orchid” cloistered upright botanical. Standing like a tall statue in a niche, sever­ al pink and white orchids are captured in various stages of growth, among green buds, pale with blooms potential, as they sprout from a verdant leafy center. More orchid buds hide in the wings below, awaiting their opportunity to star in the show. Curling tendrils descend into the tight suspension provided by the cloister of three emerald-colored sides. “During his career, Stankard has explored the limits of glass as an artistic medium. His extensive background in glass technology and his curiosity and drive as an artist have led him to create some of the finest and most original work being done in glass today. His works are represented in major private and public museum collections in the U.S., Europe and Japan.”—All About P aperweights, p. 96. Signed/dated 1988. Height 6 1/8". $9,000-15,000

116. Paul Stankard “Pink Environmental” cloistered botanical block. Several stalks of powder-smooth pink blos­ soms spring upward, accompanied by green-striped leaves, on branches of peeled bark, in a tranquil setting growing from a sandy ground. Below the surface, twisted spirals create a root system supported by the work of three “spirits”, while a translu­ cent bowl, shaded ash-white and brown, provides gravity at the block’s core. Three emerald green sides enshrine the floral sculpture, leading the viewer into a single, glorious perspective. “Legendary artist Paul Stankard inspired a whole generation of glassworkers when he began to draw inspiration for his work directly from nature. By conveying a love of wildflowers in his work, Stankard strikes a chord in all of us. This pioneer of the contemporary glass movement is renowned for the fascinating personal mythology included in his paperweights. Stankard records the anatomy of plants with uncanny accuracy.” — Lawrence Selman. Signed/dated 1994. Height 5 7/8". $9,000-13,000

Pall 2003


117. Paul Stankard “Nature's Splendor” bouquet paper­ weight, including pink wild roses, red St. Anthony’s fire, blue forget-me-nots, yellow cluster flowers, buds, and green leaves, on clear ground. “S” signature cane. Dated 1979. Diameter 3 1/4M. $3500-4300 118. Paul Stankard early, slumped, one-of-a-kind paper­ weight, with blue flowers, buds, green leaves, and roots on clear ground. Signature cane. Diameter 3 15/16", height 1 1/4". $1000-2000 119. Paul Stankard floral paperweight, with a pale yellow meadowreath flower, several closed buds, and pale green leaves, next to a separate sprouting seed, over clear ground. “S” signa­ ture cane. Diameter 3". $1300-2000


120. Paul Stankard faceted floral paperweight, with a pale blue-striped white flax blossom, two white buds, and green leaves, on dark green ground. Five and one facets. “S” signature cane. Diameter 2 3/4". $1300-2000 121. Paul Stankard 1975 orchid paperweight, with a single pink and white cattleya orchid, green leaves, and stem, on green ground. “PS” signature cane. Dated 1975. LE of 75. Diameter 2 1/2". $1300-2000 122. Paul Stankard faceted wild rose paperweight, contain­ ing a single pink wild rose, with green leaves and thorny stems, on clear ground. Five and one facets. “PS” signature cane. Diameter 2 3/4". $1300-2000

Fall 2003

123. Rick Ayotte 2001 “December Morning” paperweight, with a bouquet of red and white carnations, pine cones, red berries, white berries, buds, pine needles, and leaves on clear ground. Signed/dated. LE of 35. Diameter 3 1/2". $900-1200

126. Rick Ayotte 1986 paperweight, containing a Hebonia Leucippe butterfly, with yellow and reddish-brown wings, near a spray of white and yellow daffodils, buds, and green leaves, on clear ground. Signed/dated 1986. LE of 75. Diameter 3 1/2". $1200-1600

124. Rick Ayotte 2001 magnum paperweight, with a red dragonfly above an upright, multi-tiered, purple water lily, on translucent purple ground. Signed/dated. LE of 10. Diameter 4 1/4". $2250-3000

127. Rick Ayotte 2000 “Cactus Crossroads” block paper­ weight, containing a prickly green cactus, with pink flowers and buds, a cactus wren, red beetles, and a lizard. Signed/dated. Height 3 9/16". $2250-2750

125. Rick Ayotte 2001 rose bouquet paperweight, with a bouquet of yellow roses, rose buds, baby’s breath, and green leaves, on translucent cobalt blue ground. Signed/dated. LE of 10. Diameter 3 7/8". $1000-1400

128. Rick Ayotte 1985 paperweight, containing a blue, black, and red Pyrrhopyge Creon butterfly, hovering over branches with pale yellow blossoms and orange berries, on clear ground. Signed/dated 1985. LE of 75. Diameter 3 1/2". $1500-2500

Fall 2003


129. Rick Ayotte 2001 “Golden-eye” Ducks magnum paperweight, with a family of ducks swimming in a pond. A colorful male duck and yellow duckling swim across the top of the blue water, past upright pink water lilies, and green and yel­ low lily pads, one of which holds a green frog. A gray mother duck swims underwater with another yellow duckling. Signed/dated. LE of 25. Diameter 4 1/4". $2250-3000 130. Rick Ayotte 2000 “Magnum Frog” paperweight, con­ taining a three-dimensional green frog, with a black-spotted orange beetle and flowering plants, on earth ground. Signed/dated. LE of 10. Diameter 4". $2250-3000 131. Rick Ayotte 1999 “Marsh Friends” magnum com­ pound paperweight with a green frog on a lily pad, floating on a pond near a water lily, while another green frog sits on the shore, and a turtle swims underwater. Signed/dated. LE of 25. Diameter 4 1/8". $2250-3000


132. Rick Ayotte 1987 miniature paperweight with a gray and white titmouse andholly on snow-covered ground. Signed/dated. Diameter 21/8". $300-400 133. Rick Ayotte 1990 miniature paperweight, containing a red cardinal on a branch with white dogwood blossoms and green leaves over clear ground. Signed/dated. Diameter 2". $300-400 134. Rick Ayotte 2001 “Sunflower” miniature paperweight, with a golden-yellow sunflower, having a brown center and green leaves, on clear ground. Signed/dated. Diameter 2 1/8". $300-400 135. Rick Ayotte 1990 miniature rose paperweight, con­ taining an upright, multi-tiered, white rose, with several dark green leaves, on clear ground. Signed/dated. Diameter 2 1/8". $300-400

Fall 2003

136. Baccarat 1974 Gridel pelican paperweight, with a central pelican silhouette cane, encircled by concentric mille­ fiori, including one ring of the eighteen Gridel silhouettes, on white upset muslin. “B 1974”signature/date cane. LE of 240. Diameter 3 1/8". $600-700

139. Baccarat 1973 Gridel elephant paperweight, with an elephant silhouette cane centered on a yellow carpet ground containing scattered silhouette canes of the other seventeen Gridels. “B 1973” signature/date cane. LE of 350. Diameter 3 1/8". $600-700

137. Baccarat 1975 Gridel black monkey paperweight, with a black monkey silhouette cane, surrounded by the other sev­ enteen Gridel silhouettes, scattered on a blue millefiori carpet ground. “B 1975” signature/date cane. LE of 350. Diameter 3 1/8". $600-700

140. Baccarat 1978 Gridel goat paperweight, with a central goat silhouette cane, encircled by six square-shaped groups of red and white canes, and the other seventeen Gridel silhou­ ette canes, scattered on butterscotch ground. “B 1978” signa­ ture/date cane. LE of 350. Diameter 3 1/8". $600-700

138. Baccarat 1977 Gridel stork paperweight, with a central stork silhouette cane, surrounded by six circular millefiori gar­ lands, and the other seventeen Gridel silhouette canes, on cobalt blue ground. “B 1977”signature/date cane. LE of 350. Diameter 3 1/4". $600-700

141. Baccarat 1974 Gridel swan paperweight, with a large central swan silhouette cane, encircled by the other seventeen Gridel silhouettes, scattered on white upset muslin. “B 1974” signature/date cane. LE of 240. Diameter 3". $600-700

Fall 2003


142. Saint Louis 1953 double overlay millefiori mushroom paperweight, containing a close packed complex millefiori mushroom, on clear star-cut ground, within a green-over-white double overlay, with five and one facets. “SL 1953” signature/date cane. Diameter 3". $500-650

145. Saint Louis 1999 upright bouquet paperweight, with white marguerites, yellow poppies, buds, and green leaves, encircled by a ring of pink petals, on cobalt blue ground. Six and one facets. “SL 1999” signature/date cane. LE of 150. Diameter 3 1/4". $1000-1500

143. Saint Louis 1983 tricolor bouquet paperweight with a white double clematis, a red and white primrose, three blue flowers, and green leaves. Signature/date cane. LE of 250. Diameter 3". $400-600

146. James Kontes holly paperweight, with red holly berries and sharp-pointed green leaves over clear ground. Five and one facets. Signature cane. Diameter 2 7/8". $2000-3000

144. Saint Louis 1975 overlay bouquet paperweight, with a red double clematis and a blue double clematis, on clear ground, in a blue-over-white double overlay. Five and one facets. “SL 1975” signature/date cane. LE of 450. Diameter 3". $500-600


147. Baccarat 1974 strawberries paperweight, with three red strawberries, a white blossom, green leaves, and stems, on translucent cobalt blue ground. “B 1974” signature/date cane. LE of 240. Diameter 2 7/8". $450-600

Fall 2003

148. Paul Ysart butterfly paperweight, with a large butterfly, composed of pink and coral-colored millefiori wings, centered on radiating ribbons of white latticinio, over mottled light blue ground, and encircled by a pink and white millefiori garland. “PY” signature cane. Unfinished pondi. Diameter 3 9/16". $3000-4000 149. Early Paul Ysart butterfly paperweight, the butterfly, having millefiori wings and an aventurine body, hovering over a green base with two concentric circles of brightly colored complex canes. Diameter 3 3/8". $1100-2000 150. Paul Ysart spaced concentric millefiori paperweight, with three rings of well-arranged canes, encircling a central, complex, “PY” signature cane, on black ground. Diameter 3". $500-800

151. Paul Ysart bouquet paperweight, containing a red flower, with a “PY” signature cane center, surrounded by four smaller flowers, buds, and green leaves, their stems tied with a pink bow, on opaque lavender ground. Diameter 2 7/8". $ 1000-1500 152. Paul Ysart two-flower bouquet paperweight, having one flower with six, rounded, red-striped, white petals, and a millefiori center, the other flower with five, yellow-striped, red petals, and a millefiori center, on crossed stems with a white bud, a red bud, and green leaves, over opaque pink ground. “PY” signature cane. Diameter 2 3/4". $1000-1400 153. Paul Ysart six-flower bouquet paperweight, composed of blue, pink, red, purple, yellow, and white flowers, and long green leaves, on gathered stems, tied with a pink bow, and encircled by a pink and white millefiori garland, on black ground. “PY” signature cane. Diameter 3 1/8". $1100-1600

Fall 2003


154. Paul Ysart lampwork flower paperweight containing a lavender-striped pink double clematis, with a “PY” signature cane center and green leaves, centered over a white latticinio basket. Diameter 2 3/4". $1100-1600 155. Paul Ysart butterfly and millefiori paperweight, with a large butterfly, composed of pink and white complex millefiori wings and a gold aventurine body, centered on radiating rib­ bons of white latticinio, alternating with white and green lat­ ticinio, on translucent orange ground. Border ring of spaced pink and white complex canes, including a “PY” signature cane. Diameter 27/8". $1100-1600 156. Paul Ysart butterfly paperweight, with a central butter­ fly, composed of pink and white complex millefiori wings and a tan body, encircled by a spaced ring of six pink and white complex canes, on white upset muslin. “PY” signature cane. Diameter 2 3/4". $1000-1500


157. Paul Ysart paperweight, containing a central yellowstriped gold aventurine clematis, encircled by a spaced ring of six pink and white complex canes, on blue and white jasper ground. “PY” signature cane on underside. Diameter 3". $900-1200 158. Paul Ysart paperweight containing a gold aventurinestriped dark pink clematis, with a white stardust cane center and green aventurine leaves, centered on radiating strips of white latticinio, alternating with strips of white and orange lat­ ticinio, on translucent orange ground. “PY” signature cane. Diameter 2 7/8". $1100-1600 159. Paul Ysart double clematis paperweight, with a yellow and lavender striped flower, over blue and white jasper ground. “PY” signature cane. Diameter 3 ". $ 1100-1600

Fall 2003

160. Charles Kaziun pink flower paperweight contain­ ing an upright, cup-shaped, pastel pink flower, resting on three green leaves, and encir­ cled by a spaced garland of green, white, and pink pastry mold canes, on double-swirl white latticinio, over clear ground. Complex signature cane on underside of flower. Diameter 2 1/2". $2000-2500

165. Charles Kaziun yellow rope rose pedestal paper­ weight, with the flower encircled by a blue and white torsade, which is joined by a copper aventurine clasp. Opaque pink ground. Exhibited at the Jones Museum of Glass and Ceramics. Gold “K” signature on underside. Diameter 1 11/16", height 2 1/8". $550-900

161. Charles Kaziun crimp rose pedestal paperweight, with a full, red, crimp rose, having pink-tipped petals and four green leaves, positioned on one side of the piece, over a clear pedestal base. “K” signature cane. Height 3 5/8". $2000-2750

166. Charles Kaziun white flower pedestal paperweight with a white flower and green leaves on tomato-red ground, encircled by a blue and white torsade, joined by a copper aven­ turine clasp. Gold “K” signature on underside. Diameter 1 1/4", height 2 3/16". $450-600

162. Charles Kaziun blue crocus pedestal paperweight, with an upright, light blue crocus blossom, having whitetipped petals, long yellow stardust stamens, and three green leaves, over a clear, footed base. Complex signature cane on underside of flower. Height 2 7/8", diameter 2". $1100-2000

167. Charles Kaziun miniature pedestal paperweight with an upright white spider lily and green leaves, on tilted, goldflecked, cobalt blue ground. Gold “K” signature on underside. Height 1 7/8". $450-600

163. Charles Kaziun pansy paperweight, composed of two, large, purple upper petals, three pink-edged white lower petals, a chartreuse stardust cane center, three green leaves, and a short stem, on white ground. Gold “K” on underside of weight. Diameter 2 1/8". $850-1200

164. Charles Kaziun miniature paperweight, with a central black and white cameo of a woman, encircled by a spaced ring of six white canes, on opaque pink ground. Six and one facets. Signature cane on underside. Diameter 1 5/8". $750-1000

168. Charles Kaziun red rose pedestal paperweight, with a red rope rose on white upset muslin, over translucent turquoise ground. Gold “K” signature on underside. Diameter 1 3/16", height 2 1/8". $450-600

Fall 2003


169. Charles Kaziun miniature perfume bottle, with a con­ centric millefiori design, on red ground with copper aventurine flecks. The design is repeated in the stopper. Black-on-white “K” signature cane in both. Diameter 1 1/16", height 2 5/8". $900-1200 170. Charles Kaziun miniature perfume bottle, with an upright yellow spider lily, having red and yellow stardust sta­ mens, over gold-speckled amethyst ground, in both the base and the stopper. Motif in the stopper is tilted. Gold “K” on the underside of both flowers. Height 3 1/8". $1000-1500 171. Charles Kaziun miniature millefiori paperweight, con­ taining spaced complex millefiori, in pink and green, around a pink signature cane center, on gold-speckled blue ground, within a dark red-over-white double overlay, with five and one facets. Diameter 1 7/8". $2000-3000


172. Charles Kaziun miniature faceted perfume bottle, with a pink-centered, white spider lily and four slender green leaves, on gold-flecked cobalt blue ground, in both the base and the stopper; motif in stopper is tilted. The stopper has six and one facets, and the base of the bottle is encircled by a ring of six facets. Gold “K” signature on underside of both grounds. Height 3". $1000-1500 173. Francis Whittemore miniature perfume bottle, with a blue crimp rose and green leaves, in both the base and the stop­ per. “W ” signature cane under each flower. Height 4 3/8". $1000-1500 174. Francis Whittemore miniature perfume bottle, with a pink crimp rose and green leaves, in both the base and the stop­ per. “W ” signature cane under each flower. Flower in stopper is tilted. Height 4". $1000-1500

Fall 2003

175. Saint Louis 1973 looped millefiori garlands paper­ weight, with alternating loops of white and blue canes, around a complex cane center, on opaque red ground. “SL 1973” sig­ nature/ date cane. LE of 400. Diameter 3 1/8". $400-600

178. Saint Louis 1999 sunflower paperweight, containing a large yellow sunflower, with a central cluster of brown canes, over a green carpet ground encircled by three rings of complex canes. Signature/date cane. LE of 150. Diameter 3". $1100-1500

176. Saint Louis 2000 “Croisez Murine” millefiori paper­ weight, with a cross pattern of millefiori in aqua, red, and white, including the numerals “2000” in four spaced canes and a “SL 2000” signature/date cane. LE of 150. Diameter 3 1/4". $1300-1600

179. Saint Louis 1982 faceted lily-of-the-valley paper­ weight, with a stem of white flowers, buds, and green leaves, on an opaque garnet ground. Six and one facets. “SL 1982” sig­ nature/date cane. LE of 200. Diameter 3 1/8". $450-600

177. Saint Louis 1994 paperweight with a central sulphide of a paperweight maker, encircled by two rings of canes, and bor­ dered by six, spaced, circlets of canes, each with a central silhouette cane, on white ground. Six and one facets. “SL 1994”signature/date cane. LE of 25, exclusive for L. H. Selman Ltd. Diameter 3 1/4". $1100-1500

180. Saint Louis 1970 clematis paperweight, with a red dou­ ble clematis, bud, and green leaves, on cobalt blue ground. Six and one facets. “SL 1970” signature/date cane in center of flower. LE of 800. Diameter 3 1/4". $450-600

fall 2003


181. Saint Louis 2000 “Rondo Flora” paperweight, with a spiraling garland of complex canes, including the numerals “2000” in four canes, over a large upright white flower, on translucent greenground. “SL 2000” signature/date cane. LE of 100. Diameter 3 3/8". $1600-1900

184. Saint Louis overlay millefiori mushroom paperweight, containing a close packed complex millefiori mushroom, in a red-over-white double overlay, with five-and-one facets and clear star-cut ground. Diameter 3 1/8". $600-800

182. Saint Louis 1999 faceted dove paperweight, composed of a white millefiori dove, with an olive branch, on a blue and white carpet ground. Six and one facets. “SL 1999” signa­ ture/date cane. LE of 150. Diameter 3 1/4". $1400-1700

185. Saint Louis 1976 fuchsia paperweight, containing a dark pink and blue fuchsia blossom, with two buds and green leaves, on a double-swirl white latticinio cushion. Six and one facets. “SL 1976” signature/date cane. LE of 400. Diameter 3 1/8". $350-550

183. Saint Louis 1998 “Dragonfly” paperweight, with a dragonfly hovering above upright lilies and green leaves, on an opaque mauve ground. Six and one facets. “SL 1998” signa­ ture/date cane. LE of 150. Diameter 3 1/8". $1100-1400

186. Saint Louis 1977 overlay bouquet paperweight, con­ taining a five-flower bouquet on clear star-cut ground, within a red-over-white double overlay. Top facet and two rows of side facets. “SL 1977” signature cane. LE of 450. Diameter 3 1/8". $600-800


Fall 2003

187. Jim Donofrio 1998 paperweight, with two men on a raft of green bamboo, floating on a dark blue lake, near two large green lily pads. Signed/dated 1998. Diameter 3 3/8". $1100-1400

190. Jim Donofrio 1998 compound paperweight, with a gray, brown, and white eagle in flight above a lake with three pink and blue fish, swimming below the surface. Signed/dated. Diameter 3 3/8". $1200-1300

188. Jim Donofrio 1998 paperweight, with a camping scene depicting a skunk, near a woodpile and a bearded man in a red union suit, who is placing a log on a campfire, on sandy ground. Signed/dated 1998. Diameter 3 3/8". $1100-1400

191. Jim Donofrio 2000 paperweight, with a pair of threedimensional brown and black-spotted white basset hounds, resting on grass-covered ground. Signed/dated 2000. Diameter 3 1/2". $1200-1300

189. Jim Donofrio 1997 paperweight, with a brown-spotted white Jack Russell terrier on grass-covered ground. Signed/dated 1997. Diameter 3 3/8". $1100-1400

192. Jim Donofrio 2001 paperweight, depicting five brown mice, next to an apple core and a red apple, on sandy ground. Signed/dated 2001. Diameter 3 3/8". $ 1100-1400

Fall 2003


193. Gordon Smith 1998 tarantula paperweight, containing a brown tarantula, near two upright green succulent plants, and brown and white speckled rocks, on red earth ground. Signed/dated 1998. Diameter 3 3/8". $1200-1300 194. Gordon Smith 1999 mermaid paperweight, depicting a mermaid, with horns and a blue tail, resting on a sandy ocean floor near assorted shells, rocks, and two translucent iridescent orbs. Signed/dated 1999. Diameter 3 1/4". $1800-2230 195. Gordon Smith 2001 undersea paperweight, with a brown and purple trunk fish swimming around coral and shell fragments on a sandy ocean floor. Signed/dated 2001. Diameter 2 15/16". $1200-1500


196. John Gentile snake paperweight, with a partially coiled blue, orange, and green striped snake on a mottled green and sandy ground. One top facet. Diameter 3 1/4". $550-1000 197. Delmo Tarsitano snake paperweight, with a mottled brown snake near rocks and two upright flowers, one yellow and one blue, on sandy ground. “DT� signature cane. Diameter 3 7/16". $2500-3500 198. Victor Trabucco 2000 snake paperweight, containing a black snake, with green and white striped belly, coiled on dark earth ground near silver rocks and green leaves. Signature cane. Signed/dated. Diameter 3 1/4". $850-1100

Fall 2003

199. William Manson 1998 snake paperweight, with a red aventurine rattlesnake, slithering between two green plants, on gold aventurine-speckled green ground; uneven black surface with tilted window facet. Signed/dated 1998. LE of 25. Diameter 3 1/2". $800-1000 200. William Manson 1998 salamanders paperweight, with two yellow-spotted red aventurine salamanders and two flowers on speckled green and brown ground. Tilted top facet and five side facets. Signature cane. Signed/dated 1998. LE of one. Diameter 3 5/8". $1400-2000

201. Paul Ysart three-dimensional fish paperweight, with two opposite-facing fish in green, copper aventurine, and red, over a rocky ground. “PY” signature cane on the ground. Diameter 2 1/4". $1000-1500 202. John Gentile snake paperweight, with a green, yellow, and dark blue striped snake, encircled by a spaced ring of canes, on green aventurine-flecked sandy ground. “JG ” signature cane on the base. Diameter 3 5/8". $550-1000

Fall 2003


203. Debbie Tarsitano mixed flower bouquet paperweight, containing five types of flowers, green leaves, and baby’s breath, tied at the bottom with a pink bow, on clear ground. “DT” sig­ nature cane on underside. Diameter 3 3/4". $2000-3000 204. Debbie Tarsitano and Max Erlacher engraved lampwork paperweight, with a yellow butterfly near curved branches of blue flowers and green leaves, which frame an engraved branch, by Erlacher. Signed/dated 1984. Signature cane. Diameter 3 1/4". $1000-1800 205. Bob Banford flower and bee paperweight, containing a black and yellow bee with white latticinio wings, hovering above a pink five-petaled flower, with one closed and one par­ tially open bud, green leaves, and stems, on an opaque aqua ground. Traditional signature cane of a red B on white ground, encircled in blue. Diameter 2 3/16". $450-800


206. Ray Banford gingham-cut red-over-white double over­ lay basket paperweight, with purple iris blossoms, buds, and dark green leaves, on clear diamond-cut ground. Signature cane. Width 3". $2000-2500 207. Ray Banford floral bouquet paperweight, containing two lavender flowers, with upright tubular pale yellow stamens, two buds, stems, and leaves of variegated green, on clear ground. Signature cane. Diameter 3". $500-800 208. Bob Banford gingham-cut green-over-white double overlay paperweight, containing a bouquet of five pink flow­ ers, buds, green leaves, and gathered stems, which are tied with a white bow. Circular window facet. Signature cane. Diameter 2 15/16". $2500-3500

Fall 2003

209. Chris Buzzini 1996 “Ribbon Bouquet” paperweight, with lavender pickerelweed blossoms, arrowhead-shaped green leaves, and cobalt blue ribbons looped around the stems. Signed/dated. LE of one. Diameter 3 3/8". $2000-2500

212. Chris Buzzini 1986 bouquet paperweight, with three blue bellflowers, white buds, and green leaves on clear ground. Signature/date cane. Signed/dated 1986. Diameter 2 7/8". $750-1000

210. Chris Buzzini 1988 “Heavenly Blue” paperweight, with blue morning glories, buds, green leaves, and tendrils on a brown vine, over clear ground. Signature/date cane. Signed and dated 1988. Diameter 3 1/16". $800-1200

213. Baccarat “King Bird of Paradise” paperweight, with a red-headed, white-breasted bird, flying near a yellow butterfly and branches of green leaves, over blue ground. “B 1997” sig­ nature/date cane. LE of 100. Diameter 3 1/2". $1200-1600

211. Chris Buzzini 1987 orchid paperweight, containing a mauve-spotted white epiphytic orchid, with a red and yellow center, a closed bud, slender green leaves, and trailing roots, on clear ground. Signature/date cane. Signed/dated 1987. Diameter 3". $650-900

214. Victor Trabucco 2000 paperweight, containing a multi­ tiered pale lavender rose, with dark purple berries, purple knotweed, and green leaves, on dark earth ground. Signature cane. Signed/dated 2000. Diameter 3 1/4". $800-1000

Fall 2003


215. Ken Rosenfeld 1999 “Vegetable Garden” paperweight, with carrots, turnips, radishes, and asparagus, on clear ground. Signed/dated 1999. Signature cane. Diameter 3 1/4". $350-500 216. Ken Rosenfeld 2000 sunflower paperweight, contain­ ing a brown-centered, multi-tiered, yellow sunflower, with two buds and green leaves, growing from brown earth, on clear ground. Signed/dated 2000. Signature cane. Diameter 3 1/4". $500-800 217. Ken Rosenfeld 2001 “Red Pear and Grapes Bouquet” paperweight, with a red pear, dark purple grapes, blue flowers, bud and green leaves on clear ground. Signature cane. Signed/dated. Diameter 3 1/4". $650-800


218. Ken Rosenfeld 2000 miniature daisy footed paper­ weight, with a multi-tiered white daisy, a white bud, and green leaves, over a translucent blue base. Signature cane. Signed/dated 2000. Diameter 2 1/2". $250-350 219. Ken Rosenfeld 2000 miniature water lily footed paperweight, with a white water lily, bud, and green lily pads floating on a blue pond, over a translucent amber base. Signature cane. Signed/dated 2000. Diameter 2 1/2". $250-350 220. Ken Rosenfeld 2000 miniature dragonfly footed paperweight, with a dragonfly and an upright blue flower, on a translucent red footed base. Signature cane. Signed/dated 2000. Diameter 2 1/2". $250-350

Fall 2003

221. Yaffa Todd and Jeffrey Todd 2001 “New England” paperweight, with a golden sunrise over a blue ocean, in a translucent blue sky with wispy clouds. Signed/dated 2001. LE of 30. Diameter 3 1/8". $330-300 222. Yaffa Todd and Jeffrey Todd 1999 “Field of Flowers II” paperweight, with blue and white flowers scattered across a green field, under blue sky with white clouds. Signed/dated 1999. LE of 30. Diameter 3". $350-500 223. Yaffa Todd and Jeffrey Todd 1998 “Reflective Walk” paperweight, with a pebbly path across a green lawn, edged by nine tall trees. Signed/dated 1998. LE of 30. Diameter 3 1/8". $350-500

224. Randall Grubb 1986 floral paperweight, with one blue flower, a blue bud, two orange flowers, green leaves, and stems on clear ground. Signed/dated 1986. Diameter 3". $450-600 225. Randall Grubb 1986 floral paperweight, with one pur­ ple flower, one pink flower and bud, green leaves, and stems on clear ground. Signed/dated 1986. Diameter 3 1/16". $450-600 226. Randall Grubb 1986 floral paperweight, with a purple and white orchid, two yellow buds, green leaves, and stems on clear ground. Signed/dated 1986. Diameter 3 1/16". $450-600

Fall 2003


227. Perthshire Paperweights 1981 blue gentian paper­ weight, with a central cobalt blue flower, encircled by a com­ plex millefiori garland, on parallel white latticinio strips. “P 1981” signature/date cane. LE of 265. Diameter 2 3/4". $250-350

230. Perthshire Paperweights 1978 Scottish Heather paper­ weight, with three sprigs of pink heather, encircled by a gar­ land of complex millefiori, on translucent cobalt blue ground. “P 1978” signature/date cane on the base. LE of 452. Diameter 2 5/8". $300-400

228. Perthshire Paperweights 1974 dragonfly and bouquet paperweight, with a latticinio-winged dragonfly, hovering above three flowers, including a pansy and two clematis blos­ soms, their stems tied with a yellow bow, on clear grid-cut ground. Five and one facets. “P” signature cane. LE of 300. Diameter 3 1/4". $400-600

231. Perthshire Paperweights 1997 Princess Diana com­ memorative paperweight, with the inscription, “DIANA 1961 - 1997”, and a spray of blue forget-me-nots, on dark royal blue ground. Five and one facets. Signed. LE of 100 in 1997. Diameter 2 7/8". $300-500

229. Perthshire Paperweights 1996 paperweight, with a pink blossom, having upright yellow stamens, pink buds, and green leaves, on a translucent cobalt blue ground. Top facet and two rows of side facets. LE of 250. Diameter 2 3/4". $350-500


232. Perthshire Paperweights 2001 floral paperweight, with a pink and white striped flower, white star cane buds, and green leaves on green vines, over dark blue ground. “P 2001” signa­ ture/date cane. LE of 150. Diameter 3". $300-450

Fall 2003

233. Perthshire Paperweights 1999 millefiori paperweight, with a central cluster of nine complex canes on parallel strips of white latticinio, bordered by spaced cane clusters and a millefiori garland. “P 1999” signature/date cane. LE of 150. Diameter 2 1/2". $225-350

235. Perthshire Paperweights 2001 millefiori paperweight, composed of patterned millefiori in a woven design, with seg­ ments of fine lace twists and complex canes, on translucent blue ground. “P 2001” signature/date cane. LE of 175. Diameter 3". $300-400

234. Perthshire Paperweights 2001 millefiori ball paper­ weight, with hundreds of complex canes, including a “P” sig­ nature cane and Peter McDougall’s signature cane. LE of 30. Diameter 3 3/4". $2500-3500

236. Perthshire Paperweights 1997 faceted millefiori paper­ weight, with close packed complex millefiori, in shades of blue, green, yellow, pink, purple, and white, on black ground. Six and one facets. "P 1997" signature/date cane. LE of 50. Diameter 3 5/16". $250-350

Fall 2003


237. Perthshire Paperweights railway engine millefiori paperweight, with a central glass transfer of a railway engine, encircled by a star-shaped pattern of complex canes and twists, on white upset muslin. “P” signature cane on base. Circular top facet. Made 1983 - 1988. Diameter 3". $400-600 238. Perthshire Paperweights 1969 crown paperweight, with red and blue twists alternating with white latticinio rib­ bons, emanating from a complex center cane. aP 1969” signature/date cane. LE of 268. Diameter 3". $550-800 239. Perthshire Paperweights 1970 spaced millefiori paper­ weight, composed of assorted complex canes and a “P 1970” signature/date cane, on white upset muslin. Diameter 2 3/4". $200-400


240. Perthshire Paperweights golfer paperweight, with a central glass transfer of a golfer, on white upset muslin, encir­ cled by three rings of complex millefiori and short twists. Circular top facet. Signature cane on base. Made 1985 - 1991. Diameter 3". $300-400 241. Perthshire Paperweights 1997 soccer player paper­ weight, with a central portrait cane of a soccer player, encircled by two rings of complex millefiori and latticinio spokes, on translucent red ground. “P 1997” signature/date cane. LE of 200. Diameter 3". $250-400 242. Perthshire Paperweights fisherman paperweight, with a glass transfer of a fisherman on white upset muslin, encircled by three rings ofmillefiori and twists. Circular top facet. Signature cane. Diameter 3". $250-400

Fall 2003

243. Julie Scrutton Lewis 1998 concentric millefiori paperweight, with complex millefiori in pink, yellow, and white, including a ring of edelweiss canes, on translucent blue ground. Signed/dated 1998. Artist proof. Diameter 2 3/8". $225-350 244. Julie Scrutton Lewis 1998 millefiori paperweight, with concentric complex millefiori in amber, lavender, and white, including one ring of edelweiss canes, on green-flash ground. Signed/dated 1998. Artist proof. Diameter 2 l/4,f. $225-350 245. Julie Scrutton Lewis 1999 spaced concentric millefiori paperweight, with a turquoise primrose center cane, encircled by two rings of assorted canes on blue opal ground. Signed/dated 1999. LE of 15. Diameter 2 1/4". $250-350 246 Drew Ebelhare 1996 concentric millefiori paperweight, with canes in blue, pink, green, yellow, black, and white, around a central signature cane. Includes a ring of Clichy-type white roses, and a red and white stave basket. Signed/dated 1996. Diameter 2 1/8". $225-350

247. Julie Scrutton Lewis 1998 scattered complex millefiori paperweight, composed of canes in red, blue, green, purple, pink, turquoise, yellow, and white, on opaque pale pink ground. Signed/dated 1998. LE of 25. Diameter 2 3/8". $225-350 248. Julie Scrutton Lewis 1999 millefiori paperweight, with two concentric rings of canes around a white rose center, and bordered by a dark blue and white torsade, on white ground. Signed/dated 1999. LE of 10. Diameter 2 1/4". $225-350 249. Drew Ebelhare 1997 miniature close concentric mille­ fiori paperweight, with complex canes in blue, green, red, yel­ low, and white, encircling a central signature cane. White stave basket. Signed/dated 1997. Diameter 1 3/4". $200-250 250. Drew Ebelhare 1994 miniature millefiori paper­ weight, with a central signature cane, encircled by a ring of Clichy-style white roses, and surrounded by concentric mille­ fiori. Green and white stave basket. Signed/dated 1994. Diameter 1 3/4". $160-250 251. Drew Ebelhare 1996 miniature millefiori paper­ weight, with close concentric millefiori in blue, green, yellow, pink, and white. Includes a signature cane and several white rose canes. Blue and white stave basket. Signed/dated 1996. Diameter 1 5/8". $160-250

Fall 2003


252. Whitefriars Bicentennial commemorative paper­ weight, with a large U. S. flag, composed of blue and white stars, and red and white rods, on a white carpet ground, encir­ cled by a blue millefiori garland. 1776 - 1976 signature/date cane. Five and one facets. Diameter 3 3/16". $550-750 253. Whitefriars 1971 faceted paneled millefiori and spoke paperweight, with a central white and blue complex star cane, encircled by a ring of red and white canes, and surrounded by five white latticinio spokes, dividing triangular panels of canes, including heart and star silhouettes, on black ground. Five and one facets. Signature/date cane. Diameter 3". $325-450 254. Whitefriars 1977 paperweight with three, spaced, U.S. flag portrait canes, encircled by concentric rings of alternating red, white, and blue millefiori. Signature/date cane. Five and one facets. LE of 500. Diameter 3 1/8". $475-750


255. Whitefriars 1977 Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Jubilee paperweight, with complex canes forming E II R, a mosiac crown portrait cane, 1952 and 1977 date canes, and a signature cane, on black ground. Six and one facets. Diameter 3 1/4". $400-600 256. Whitefriars 1978 faceted millefiori paperweight, with close concentric millefiori in green, aqua, pink, teal, purple, and white, and a 1978 signature/date cane. Five and one facets. Diameter 3 1/16". $300-400 257. Whitefriars 1976 Olympics paperweight, with a torch portrait cane, five interlaced circular millefiori garlands, signa­ ture cane, and date canes on dark blue ground. Six and one facets. LE of 1000. Diameter 3 3/8". $225-350

Fall 2003


258. Baccarat Sam Rayburn sulphide paperweight, with the cameo in a red-overwhite double overlay, with five and one facets and a clear diamond-cut ground. LE of 93. Diameter 3 1/8". $325-650 259. Kennedy sulphide paper­ weight, with a white cameo on translucent blue grid-cut ground. Six and one facets. LE of 3572. Diameter 2 3/4". $275-450 260. Baccarat Pope John XXIII sulphide paperweight, with the cameo on sunburst-cut amber ground, within a single white overlay. Top facet and fancy side facets. Signed. LE of 153. Diameter 3 1/8". $275-450 261. Baccarat Adlai Stevenson sulphide paperweight, with clear star-cut ground and a purple flash overlay. Top facet and four side facets, alternating with pairs of starburst cuts. LE of 472. Diameter 3 1/8". $275-450

262. Baccarat experimental Dwight D. Eisenhower sul­ phide paperweight, with the cameo, based on his campaign medal, over clear diamond-cut ground. Six and one facets. Diameter 2 7/8". $225-400 263. Baccarat Pope Pius XII sulphide paperweight, with the cameo on translucent garnet ground. Six and one facets. LE of 2157. Diameter 2 3/4". $120-200 Baccarat1953 1963Coronation John E 264. Baccarat sulphide paperweight, with cameos of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, on translucent ruby ground. Six and one facets. LE of 1492. Diameter 2 5/8". $275-400 265. Baccarat Liberty Bell sulphide paperweight, with translucent blue sunburst-cut ground. Six and one facets. LE of 1000. Diameter 3". $100-200 266. Baccarat George Washington sulphide paperweight, with the cameo on translucent green ground. Six and one facets. LE of 1182 in 1954. Diameter 2 5/8". $275-400

Fall 2003


267. Perthshire Paperweights 1998 Holiday paperweight, with a boy pulling a sled over snowy ground, below a bird perched in a leafless tree. Five and one facets. Signature cane. LE of 200. Diameter 2 3/4". $400-300

270. Lundberg Studios 2001 “Christmas Candle” minia­ ture paperweight, with a red, green, and white striped candle, on powdery white ground. Signed/dated 2001, by Daniel Salazar. Diameter 2 3/8". $100-200

268. Whitefriars 1976 Christmas paperweight, depicting the three Wise Men and a star cane, on a blue carpet ground, encir­ cled by a millefiori border garland. Five and one facets. Signature/date cane. LE of 1000. Diameter 3 1/8". $600-800

271. Francis Whittemore 1968 holly paperweight, with red holly berries and dark green leaves on snow white ground. “W 68” signature/date canes. Diameter 2 3/4". $300-400

269. Perthshire Paperweights 2000 Christmas paperweight, with the profile of Santa Claus bordered by holly and mistletoe, on cobalt blue ground. Five and one facets. Signature/date cane. LE of 200. Diameter 2 3/4". $330-500


272. Perthshire Paperweights 1999 Christmas paperweight, with three red candles on a pine branch, over white upset muslin. Six and one facets. “P 1999” signature/date cane. LE of 200. Diameter 2 3/4". $350-500

Fall 2003

273. Lundberg Studios 1976 floral vase, with several redcentered white flowers, green leaves, and swirls of green and white, encircling the translucent amber sides. “LS 1976” signature/date cane. Height 3 1/2", width 4 1/4”. $273-400 274. Steven Lundberg and Bob Banford 1995 collaborative floral jewelry jar, with aqua and white swirling latticinio on the jar and the lid. Exposed lampwork bouquet on the lid. Signed/dated 1993. LE of 10. Height 4 1/8". $1000-1400

275. Lundberg Studios scrambled millefiori paperweight, with various complex canes and Clichy-type roses, in assorted colors. Signed/dated by Daniel Salazar. Diameter 3 5/8". $300-450 276. Steven Lundberg Glass Art “Bamboo Twilight” com­ pound paperweight, with stalks of leafy green bamboo against a pale blue full moon, in a cobalt blue sky. Window facet. Signed/dated by Steven Lundberg. Diameter 3 1/2". $375-550

Fall 2003


277. Lundberg Studios 1976 undersea paperweight, with a school of four blue fish and four pale green fish, swimming over green seaweed, on an iridescent cobalt blue ground. Signed/dated, Lundberg Studios 1976. Diameter 3 1/8". $300-430

280. Lundberg Studios 1978 butterfly paperweight, with a dark blue butterfly, hovering over pink cane flowers and green leaves, on brown vines, over translucent white ground. Signed/dated, Lundberg Studios 1978. Diameter 2 3/4". $225-350

278. Rare Lundberg Studios 1989 “Worldweight” paper­ weight, signed by James Lundberg. A clear-encased depiction of Earth, with wisps of translucent white clouds, over a white polar ice cap, brown continents, and dark blue oceans. Signed/dated 1989. Diameter 3 3/4". $323-300

281. Lundberg Studios 1976 miniature vase, with strands of glass wound around the iridescent blue surface. Signed/dated, Lundberg Studios 1976. Height 2 1/2", width 2 5/8". $150-250

279. Lundberg Studios 1978 surface design paperweight, with iridescent blue hearts and black vines, on an iridescent blue and pale yellow surface. Signed/dated. Diameter 3 3/8". $150-250


282. Lundberg Studios 1978 seahorse paperweight, with a dark brown seahorse, floating over pale blue and green vines, on translucent white ground. Signed/dated Lundberg Studios 1978. Diameter 2 11/16". $200-300

Fall 2003

283. Caithness Glass “New Horizons” high-domed paper­ weight, with blue, red, green, yellow, black, and white swirling ribbons. Frosted exterior with two tilted window facets, one having fancy cutting. Signed. LE of 100. Height 3 1/8". $373-500 284. Caithness Glass “Tablets from the Mount” highdomed paperweight, with a mountain and two stone tablets. Tilted front facet and star-cut translucent amber background. Signed. LE of 250. Height 3 3/4". $325-450 285. Caithness Glass “Spiders Web” paperweight, with a yellow and white blossom encircled by radiating flowers, buds, and leaves, over a white web on translucent blue ground. Faceted. LE of 50. Diameter 3 1/8". $400-500

286. Caithness Glass “Twilight Pool” paperweight, with a dragonfly above a lily pond with scattered millefiori flowers in an aqua-flash overlay with a top facet. Signed. LE of 350. Diameter 2 1/2". $275-400 287. William Manson “Pacific Angel” upright paperweight, with a green angelfish, coral, and seaweed. Aqua textured back­ ground with front window facet. Signed/dated. LE of 100. Diameter 2 1/2". $120-200 288. Caithness Glass “Heron” paperweight, with a white and black bird wading in a pond, near reeds and marsh lilies. Translucent amber ground with front and back facets. Signature cane. LE of 150. Diameter 2 1/2". $200-300

Fall 2003


289. Francis Whittemore white lily of the valley paper­ weight, with two striped green leaves, on translucent cranber­ ry ground. Signature cane on underside of weight. Diameter 2 1/2". $250-350 290. Ronald Hansen miniature bird paperweight, contain­ ing a tiny blue bird, with black wings, sitting on a branch with one red berry, over an opaque aqua-blue ground. Flat top facet, with eight angular side facets. Inscribed, “Ronald E. Hansen”. Diameter 2 3/16". $300-400 291. Ronald Hansen pansy paperweight, composed of a fivepetaled purple pansy, with millefiori center, stem, and four green leaves, on a white opaque ground. Seven small round facets encircle the piece. Diameter 2 1/2". $300-400


292. Carolyn Smith floral paperweight, containing a fivepetaled red flower, with an upright stamen, one bud, stem, and five green leaves on a green, white, and copper aventurine speckled ground. Circa 1970. “CS” signature cane. Inscribed, “Carolyn Marie Smith”. Diameter 2 1/4". $200-300 293. Ronald Hansen green snake with apple paperweight, the striped green and blue snake slithering with a red-orange apple in its mouth, over an opaque latte-colored ground. Diameter 2 3/8". $200-300 294. John Lotton 1992 dogwood paperweight, containing two pink dogwood blossoms, with heart-shaped green leaves and dark green vines, on a translucent mottled pink ground. Signed/dated 1992. Diameter 2 11/16". $200-300

Fall 2003

295. Andrew Fote paperweight containing a sculpture of a yellow and orange cat, entangled in a string of blue yarn, on pink ground. Signed. Diameter 3 1/8". $350-450 296. Andrew Fote clear-encased, heart-shaped, rose-colored paperweight, with a golden dancer on the surface. Signed. Width 2 1/4". $100-200 297. Auidrew Fote golden frog paperweight, with a golden frog swimming across the clear surface. Blue, aqua, black, and orange rocks on the interior. Signed. Diameter 3 1/8". $275-400

298. Early Orient & Flume “Flowers and Vines” surface design paperweight, with several purple iridescent flowers, on golden vines, over a midnight blue surface. Signed. Diameter 2 7/8". $275-400 299. Orient & Flume 1975 striped snake paperweight, with the three-dimensional snake, tongue protruding, coiled over the surface of the weight, which has an iridescent bumpy tex­ ture. Inscribed, “Orient & Flume 1975”. Diameter 2 3/4". $325-500 300. Early Orient & Flume “Flowers and Vines” early sur­ face design paperweight, with three blue iridescent flowers, on pale yellow vines, across an iridescent copper and tan striped surface. Signed. Diameter 2 5/8". $275-400

Fall 2003


301. Lost Coast Art Glass “Pink Lotus” paperweight, with a blue millefiori butter­ fly, over an upright multi­ tiered pink blossom, on translucent cobalt blue ground. Signed/dated by Jared DeLong and Jesse Taj. Diameter 3". $423-630

302. Lost Coast Art Glass “Secret Garden” miniature paper­ weight, with a gold and black butterfly, over a pink water lily, with a red ladybug on one petal. Blue and white mottled ground. Five and one facets. Signed by Jared DeLong and Jesse Taj. Diameter 2 3/8". $325-450 303. Lost Coast Art Glass paperweight, with an orange Garibaldi fish, swimming past green and brown seaweed, over cobalt blue ground. Top facet. Signed/dated by Jared DeLong and Jesse Taj. Diameter 3". $325-500 304. David Salazar miniature paperweight, with an upright, multi-tiered, lavender rose and green leaves on iridescent ground. Six and one facets. Signed/dated. Diameter 1 5/8". $200-300


305. David Salazar “Spooky Night” paperweight, with a ghost, bats, a skeleton, and a leafless tree against a full yellow moon. Iridescent cobalt blue ground. Signed/dated. Diameter 2 1/8". $200-300 306. David Salazar miniature parrot paperweight, with a blue parrot, perched on a tree branch, under a full moon, in an iridescent dark blue sky. Signed/dated. Diameter 1 3/4". $100-200 307. Lost Coast Art Glass miniature footed paperweight, with a yellow butterfly, encircled by a ring of assorted flowers and a ladybug, on white ground; blue latticinio torsade and a ring of flowers encircling the footed base. Six and one facets. Signed/dated by Jesse Taj and Jared DeLong. Diameter 1 3/16". $300-400 308. Lost Coast Art Glass miniature rounded pedestal paperweight, with a yellow butterfly on iridescent blue ground at the top, a ring of spaced white flowers encircling the sides, and a blue and white twist torsade at the base. Signed/dated by Jesse Taj. Height 1 5/8". $200-300 309. Lost Coast Art Glass medium marble with an orange tiger portrait cane on one side, surrounded by swirls of blue and olive green, and a spaced ring of monarch butterfly canes around the center. Signed/dated by Jesse Taj. Diameter 1 1/2". $200-300

Fall 2003

Paul Jokelson Scholarship Fund “So important was Paul Jokelson’s influence on the world of glass paperweights, many people wonder if the nineteenth-century art form would have ever been revived with­ out him.” In view of Pauls monumental contribution, his family and the International Paperweight Society Foundation have set up a scholarship fund in Jokelson’s memory to continue his lifelong legacy of promoting the art of the paperweight. Grants will be provided to emerging or established glass artists wishing to learn or further develop the art. 100% of the proceeds of lots 310-316 will go toward the Paul Jokelson Scholarship Fund. To learn more about the fund, please visit the Paul Jokelson Scholarship Fund link on the website: www.TheGlassGallery.com.

Paul Jokelson (1903-2002)

310. Caithness Glass 1997 “Auld Lang Syne” upright paperweight by Helen MacDonald, containing musical notes and the words “Should auld acquaintance be forgot” in embossed format on the back of the frosted exterior, so that the message can be viewed through a polished front window. The domed weight contains a blue, green, and white-striped flower, with clear bubbles above the flower, on a gold background. LE of 125; closed at 96. Diameter 3 1/4"; height 4". $120-250

als, visible through the polished front window. The frosted exterior is carved with images of gears and other clock parts. LE of 125; closed at 91. Diameter 3 1/8". $120-250 312. Saint Louis 1994 one-of-a-kind marbrie paperweight, in white, orange, and lilac, containing a central date/signature cane in red and green, with blue-on-white lettering. This piece was created for Paul Jokelson by the Saint Louis factory as a sample for a possible limited edition. The edition was never made. Diameter 3 3/16". $425-600

311. Caithness Glass 1997 “Tempus Fugit” paperweight by Helen MacDonald, containing a clock face in Roman numer­ Fall 2003


313. Saint Louis “Republique Française” paperweight, depicting a medalian in gold, green, white, and blue, hanging from a\ed ribbon, over clear, waffle-cut ground. Five and one facets. This piece was created for Paul Jokelson by the Saint Louis factory as a sample for a possible limited edition. The edition was never made. Diameter 3 1/16". $423-600

315. Whitefriars millefiori spoke paperweight, with six latticinio rods radiating from a central pale blue and white complex cane, with rows of pink and yellow complex canes between the spokes, over translucent green ground. Top facet and all-around side facets. Diameter 2 3/4". \ $250-350

314. Paul Ysart spotted snake paperweight, containing a coiled, green avenurine snake, with an upright head, and red and yellow spots, on a red-over-white ground. For many years, Paul Jokelson was the sole importer of Ysart weights for American dealers and collectors. Donated by the Jokelson fam­ ily for the Paul Jokelson Scholarship Fund. “PY” signature cane. Diameter 2 13/16". $900-1500

316. Saint Louis 1979 “Amour” paperweight, with a sul­ phide of Cupid encircled by a spaced garland of blue lampwork flowers on opaque rose-colored ground. Six and one facets. Signature/date cane. LE of 400. Diameter 3 1/8". $300-450


Fall 2003

Select Bibliography Art of the Paperweight: Challenging Tradition, (The). Exhibition catalogue. Santa Cruz, CA: Paperweight Press, 1993. Bergstrom, Evangeline H. Old Glass Paperweights. Chicago, IL: The Lakeside Press, 1940. Casper, Geraldine J. Glass Paperweights in The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL: The Art Institute of Chicago Pub., 1991. — Glass Paperweights of the Bergstrom-Mahler Museum. Richmond, VA: U. S. Historical Society Press, 1989. Dietz, Ulysses Grant. PaulJ. Stankard: Homage to Nature. NY: Harry N. Abrams, 1996. Dohan, Andrew H. The Dictionary ofPaperweight Signature Canes, Identification and Dating. Santa Cruz, CA: Paperweight Press, 1997. Drabeck, Bernard. Magic in the Glass: The Paperweight Artistry o f Charles Kaziun, Jr. Santa Cruz, CA: Paperweight Press, 2002 . Gaskill, William. “Patriotic Paperweights,” Glass Tidings

Newsletter, Northern California Paperweight Collectors Association. Vol. 7, No. 3, Dec. 2001. Green, Charlotte. Presse Papeirs de Cristal: Panorama des Collections Françaises. Paris: Editions Isabelle Boisgirard, 1989/ Hall, Robert G. Old English Paperweights. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1998. — Scottish Paperweights. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1999. Hawley, John D. The Art of the Paperweight: The Boston & Sandwich and New England Glass Companies. Santa Cruz, CA: Paperweight Press, 1997. — The Glass Menagerie: A Study ofSilhouette Canes in Antique Paperweights. Santa Cruz, CA: Paperweight Press, 1995. History ofBaccarat Modern Paperweights, (A), (pamphlet) Baccarat, Inc., December 1977. Hollister, Paul, Jr. The Encyclopedia of Glass Paperweights. NY: Clarkson N. Potter, Bramhall House, 1969. — Glass Paperweights of the New-York Historical Society. NY: Clarkson N. Potter, 1974. Hollister, Paul, Jr. and Dwight P. Lanmon. Paperweights: “Flowers which clothe the meadows. ” Corning, NY: The Corning Museum of Glass, 1978. Imbert, R. & Amie, Y. Les Presse-Papiers Français de Cristal. Art et Industrie, 1948. Ingold, Gérard. The Art of the Paperweight: Saint Louis [Revised edition]. Santa Cruz, CA: Paperweight Press, 1996.

Jargstorf, Sibylle. Paperweights. West Chester, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1991. Jokelson, Paul. Sulphides: The Art of Cameo Incrustation. NY: Thomas A. Nelson, 1968. Kordasiewicz, Marek. Glass Paperweights: The Heritage of the

19th Century Riesengehirge and Isergebirge Glassworks. Zabrze, Poland: AMKOR, 2002. (Bilingual Edition: Polish/English translation). Kulles, George N. Identifying Antique Paperweights: Lampwork. Santa Cruz, CA: Paperweight Press, 1987. — Identifying Antique Paperweights: The Less Familiar. Santa Cruz, CA: Paperweight Press, 2002. — Identifying Antique Paperweights: Millefiori. Santa Cruz, CA: Paperweight Press, 1985. Mackay, James. Glass Paperweights. NY: Viking Press, 1973. Mahoney, Colin & Debby, and Gary & Marge McClanahan. The Complete Guide to Perthshire Paperweights. Santa Cruz, CA: Paperweight Press, 1995. Manheim, Frank. A Garland of Weights. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1967. McCawley, Patricia K. Antique Glass Paperweightsfrom France. London, England: Spink & Son Ltd., 1968. Melvin, Jean S. American Glass Paperweights and Their Makers [Third edition]. NY: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1970. Rossi, Sarah. A Collectors Guide to Paperweights. Seacaucus, NJ: Wellfleet Press, 1990. PaulJ. Stankard: Poetry in Glass. Exhibition booklet. Neenah, WI: Bergstrom-Mahler Museum, 1990. Selman, Lawrence H. All About Paperweights. Santa Cruz, CA: Paperweight Press, 1992. — The Art of the Paperweight. Santa Cruz, CA: Paperweight Press, 1988. — Songs Without Words: TheArt ofthe Paperweight— RickAyotte. Santa Cruz, CA: Paperweight Press, 1997. Selman, Lawrence H. and Linda Pope-Selman. Paperweights for Collectors. Santa Cruz, CA: Paperweight Press, 1975. Tarshis, Dena. Objects ofFantasy: Glass Inclusions of the Nineteenth Century. Santa Cruz, CA: Paperweight Press,


Terris, Colin. The Charlton Standard Catalogue of Caithness Paperweights [First edition]. Toronto, Ontario: The Charlton Press, 1999.

Fall 200 3


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Fall 2 003

D etail o f Lot 6

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D eta il o f Lot 2

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