Lifelong care for pets providing clinical excellence, knowledge and experience
Sam Holliday
(Veterinary Nurse)
During January and February we are offering FREE weight checks for all pets. It is easy to put on extra pounds over the festive season - and that’s true for our pets as well as ourselves! But now we are in the new year perhaps we should see if our pets need to lose a few inches. Animals carrying too much weight are at risk of developing diabetes, joint disease, heart disease and high blood pressure, breathing difficulties and decreased liver function. If you can’t feel your pet’s ribs and there is no obvious waist, why not make an appointment with one of our nurses. We can offer lots of tips and advice. A change of diet might be necessary to get back down to normal size, then we can look at controlling and maintaining that perfect weight. We will work with you to make it easier for you and your pet. So please book your pet in for a FREE weight check. One of our nurses will do a weight assessment and advise if your pet needs to lose weight.
Bo is a lovely Mastiff who gained weight partly because of sharing a bowl with another dog (so it was hard to know how much she was getting), plus treats such as dentastix and biscuits, and ham given to hide medication. I measured Bo’s neck, chest and abdomen to assess her size and together with her owners, came up with a weight loss programme to suit Bo. I suggested changing to a prescription weight loss diet initially and worked out the daily quantity of food Bo would need to lose weight. We also discussed cutting back treats.
January 2014
Contact us: PARAGON VETERINARY GROUP Carlisle House, Townhead Road, Dalston, Carlisle CA5 7JF Tel: 01228 710208 TOWNHEAD VETERINARY CENTRE Newbiggin, Stainton, Penrith, CA11 0HT Tel: 01768 483789 LONDON ROAD SURGERY 87 London Road Carlisle CA1 2LG Tel: 01228 591005
After three weeks Bo had gone from 63.1kg to 59.9kg, and had lost inches on all her measurements, which was a fantastic start on her weight loss programme. We are aiming for 52 – 54kg which Bo should reach no problem. This is all due to feeding the correct weight loss diet and brilliant owner compliance.
So well done Bo and family!
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Pet of the Month Ozzy is a great example of a fit, healthy and happy dog. I hope he covers many more miles with his owner Geoff over the next few years.
We are not suggesting that every dog should be out fell-running (most owners would not be too impressed with that exercise regimen!) but a good level of exercise combined with a well controlled diet can certainly make dogs happier and healthier.
GRAHAM LEWIS (Small Animal Vet)
Geoff has had dogs most of his life and has always taken them out on the fells. He has often wondered how many miles a dog would cover in its lifetime and when he got Ozzy he decided to start a logbook of all his fell-running with Ozzy.
Geoff says he suspected the tally would be high, but even he was amazed to discover just what his dog has achieved. Ozzy started running on the fells in Sept/Oct 2007 with short runs at first and over 2008 Geoff slowly increased the distance and the height climbed. He is at his happiest on the Lakeland fells north, west and east of Scafell Pikes and is out and about every single day. To date, Ozzy has covered 8500 miles on the fells and climbed 777,049 metres (over 480 miles!) and shows no signs of slowing up any time soon. At seven years old he is in fine health and clearly loves playing on the hills. Geoff also regularly takes him out on the Solway Plain nature reserves where Ozzy loves getting covered in mud. These excursions haven’t been recorded, so the 8500 miles on the fells don’t even tell the full story.
Acupuncture can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions and ailments in our animals. In the latest of our informative dvds, shown regularly on the screen in the Dalston surgery waiting room, Small Animal Vet Laura McKirdy explains what acupuncture is and how it works. She also demonstrates how easy and painless the process is, with the help of willing volunteer 11 year old crossbreed Dodger who suffers from chronic arthritis. You can also see the dvd on:
PARAGON VETERINARY GROUP Visit us at: and please ‘like’ us on FACEBOOK